JFK Times for The JFK Community

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For the JFK Community

Becoming Global Citizens

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Mensaje de la Editora

Directorio EDITOR IN CHIEF Mónica Duarte Balcárcel COPY EDITOR Hannah Infante Lagarda MANAGING EDITOR Jensena Fernández Buendía EDITORIAL DESIGN Violeta García Díaz WRITERS AND CONTRIBUTORS Christine Scharf, Alejandra Alcalá, Jen Fernández Radia Si Youcef, Patricia Betancourt, Maribel Hernández, Ana Janet, Adeel Shaikh, Héctor Barragán, Dra. Sandra Barragán, Yazmín Verduzco, Su Bin Kang Lee, Mercedes Lorenzo Toussaint, Felipe Reyes, Karla Amezcua, Carlo Mariscotti, Diana Cárcamo, Olimpia Cervantes GENERAL DIRECTOR Adrian Leece MA, BSc, FRMtS ASSISTANT GENERAL DIRECTOR Debra Giles MSc, BSc PRESCHOOL PRINCIPAL Debra Cortney MA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mark Dunn M. Ed.,MA MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Camille Casses HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Robert Callahan M.Ed, MA PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIRECTOR Arturo Bustamante BSc FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Dra. Josefina Morgan OPERATIONS AND SERVICES DIRECTOR Jeffrey Lewis MIM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ing. Francisco Javier Lafuente González Ing. Sylvia Rivas Cobo Ing.José Antonio Blanco Carrillo CP Fernando Besoy Lloreda Arq. Jesús René González Palacios Lic. Nuria Pérez Landín Martín Lic.Jean Soupart PUBLICITY Marlene Cruz López m.cruz@jfk.edu.mx EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Christine Scharf Felipe Reyes Inge De Rosenzweig Myriam Álvarez Gabriela Madrid

Pag. 4

Queridos amigos y colegas: El ciclo escolar continúa su curso y llegamos a la primavera, muy entusiasmados de publicar la colorida y recientemente renovada edición de JFK Times. En las primeras páginas (Welcome to JFK Times) encontrarán un sencillo diagrama que explica, a través de iconos, la forma más fácil de navegar la revista en los distintos dispositivos móviles.

Para esta edición, la gran variedad de temas refleja la riqueza de nuestra comunidad, así como el extenso universo de intereses, actividades, experiencias y programas que vivimos día con día. Compartimos la fascinante historia de Alejandra Alcalá, exalumna graduada en 2010, quien junto con su papá emprendió un proyecto sin fines de lucro, llamado Home Storytellers, enfocado en conseguir recursos y apoyo para personas refugiadas.

Ahora que ya somos oficialmente una Escuela IB, desde K1 hasta doceavo, a través del artículo escrito por Christine Scharf, recordamos lo que este importante logro significa para el JFK. La creativa pluma de nuestros alumnos Héctor Barragán, Adeel Shaik y Ana Janet nos invita a la reflexión y a admirar su sensibilidad y el dominio del idioma inglés y español. Todos nuestros colaboradores, maestros, staff, padres de familia, alumnos y exalumnos hacen de esta edición una revista para disfrutar y compartir con la familia y amigos del JFK.

Invito a todos nuestros lectores a descargar esta edición en nuestro perfil de issuu: https://issuu.com/jfkschool/docs

Orgullosos de nuestra comunidad multicultural y gracias a la iniciativa y al apoyo de más de 250 mamás voluntarias de distintas nacionalidades, se llevó a cabo la Feria Internacional, un evento que esperamos se convierta en una tradición y el cual reseñamos en este número.

Mónica Duarte Editor in chief

Pag. 5

Achieving the Extraordinary The Knowledge Tree

JFK Attributes by Christine Scharf PYP Coordinator

Student Minds

Home Storytellers by Alejandra Alcalรก Alumni 2010

Achieving the Extraordinary

The Knowledge Tree


JFK Attributes

Pag. 6

By Christine Scharf PYP Coordinator

Attributes We are so thrilled about being an authorized IB World School from K112th grade! We are now fully accredited in PYP - Primary Years Program (K1-5th grade of Elementary), MYP - Middle Years Program (6th-10th grade), and the DP - Diploma Program (11th-12th grade).

At the heart of an IB education is that all members of the community develop as internationally-minded, life-long learners, who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Achieving the Extraordinary

The Knowledge Tree

JFK Attributes

What does this mean at JFK? Every day you will hear students, teachers, leaders, parents and nonacademic staff striving to grow through inquiring to become more knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, while being principled. We are always reflecting about how to be open-minded, risk-takers, while still remaining balanced and caring. These attributes of the IB Learner Profile support us in understanding that other people, with their differences, can also be right. In preschool, you can witness our students being good communicators as they learn to express their ideas, and inquirers as they ask questions to guide their learning. In our new class in Elementary School - Creative

Expression Lab, students are focused on being risk-takers, open-minded, and caring as they work together to play games while developing their self management and social skills as well as their creative thinking and problem solving. In Middle School, students are practicing being caring while collaborating from 6th-8th grade in challenges as they work together with their houses. In High School students are demonstrating being principled and caring as they participate in initiatives including the QuerĂŠtaro River Cleanup through CAS Creativity, Activity, and Service. During our October and November PD Days, our non-Academic staff collaborated with open-minds as they reflected on how each one of us - from Chef to Security Guard, has a role and can model and support as we all grow in the attributes.

Each member of the community’s participation is important as we work together to lead, serve, and create beauty as we strive to achieve the extraordinary!

Pag. 7

Achieving the Extraordinary

Student Minds

Home Storytellers

Pag. 8

Not long after I graduated from John F. Kennedy I decided to travel the world as an au pair. It was that, and my childhood experience as an expat that constantly triggered me to learn about new cultures and to integrate new ways of thinking and doing into my life. I ended up studying graphic design in Barcelona, a city that conquered my soul. At the same time I was very lucky because during my studies, we were given the opportunity to explore all sorts of creative disciplines within visual communication. Thanks to that, I developed a multidisciplinary profile, but most of all, I fell in love with video production and storytelling. Upon graduation, I began working in the design department of a Communication and Events Company. While it was a great experience at first, after a few years working for big fish tech companies I began having an ethical and existential crisis. I was devoting all my working hours, knowledge and passion to companies organizing multimillion dollar events that were ephemeral. I really believed that my skill, passion and all the money spent could contribute to a better and longlasting use in the world.

Home llers e Storyt

By Alejandra Alcalรก Alumni 2010

Achieving the Extraordinary

Student Minds

Home Storytellers

Luckily, at that point, my father approached me with a unique idea for a social project. Dad discovered his love for documentary photography well into his late forties and after thirty years of service with the Kellogg’s Company, he decided to retire from his role as Vice President of Latin America Supply Chain so that he could complete an MFA in photography and finally dedicate his full time to humanitarian photography. A little over a year ago, we embarked on a new venture driven by the excitement of contributing to create a better future for refugees through our joint passion for visual storytelling.

We founded a nonprofit called HOME Storytellers that inspire people, philanthropic organizations, businesses and governments to support proven solutions that enable refugees’ self-reliance. We do this through communication campaigns powered by artful, character-driven short documentary films. So far, HOME Storytellers has produced one film and two more are underway. Our first documentary “Hot Dogs on a Tricycle” proved our concept’s success. Within seven months we gifted it to Asylum Access (our grassroots organization for that film) who raised $118k for refugee legal empowerment. Eight new partners joined their Hospitality Route Program in Mexico after watching the film. These numbers continue to rise. Watch Hot Dogs on a Tricycle: www.homestorytellers.org/hotdogsonatricycle

Pag. 9



4K 25FPS


Currently, we are fundraising for the production of our upcoming film project SAWDUST, in partnership with the Malawian based organization There is Hope, led by a former refugee selected as one of African Leaders by the Obama Foundation. Once this documentary is produced, it aims to raise $300,000 to scale vocational training education at Malawi’s largest refugee camp “Dzaleka”, home to more than 42,000 people living in poor and unthinkable conditions. With a vision that refugees and the local community escape poverty together by becoming self-reliant, There is Hope is doing incredible work and refugees lives are being positively transformed by the opportunity. Our hope is that SAWDUST will contribute to There is Hope’s work so that they can continue providing education and enabling refugees to take control and ownership of their future. Watch the pitch for SAWDUST documentary (3min.): www.homestorytellers.org/ thereishopemalawi Donate to SAWDUST here: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ help-refugees-become-self-reliant-inmalawi/



Pag. 10

Something New School Spirit

Welcome to our Community by Jen Fernández Mkt & Communications

Babel’s Tower International Fair by Radia Si Youcef JFK Parent

Something New

School Spirit

Welcome to our Community

Pag. 11

to our


community! By Jen Fernรกndez Mkt & Communications

As you may know, our Plaza de las Banderas always gets a new flag upon the arrival of new people from different countries into our school. This has become a very symbolic ceremony in which we welcome them into our multicultural family. As of today, we have 35 different flags that represent the nationalities of staff and students. The latest four are the following countries. Here are some basic and curious facts about them:.

AUSTRALIA Capital: Canberrtraalian Dollar Currency: A us ania Continent: Oce million P opulation: 25glish L anguage: En Barbecued snags ( sausages) Typical food:ns (cakes) . and lamingto garoos and w ombats Animals: Kan he Great Barrier Reef is Cool Facts: T osystem in the w orld and the largest ec the cleanest air in the Tasmania has f its animals are unique to globe; 80 % o A ustralia.

School Spirit

Something New

Welcome to our Community

Pag. 12


ap proved 12345 l air mai

ayaguela Capital: Tegucigalpaa and Com Currency: Lempirica ( Central America) Continent: Amer illion P opulation: 9.2 m L anguage: Spanishjadas and olla soup. Typical food: Ta macaw and basilisk Animals: Scarlet lizard has the second Cool facts: Honduras ter A ustralia’s largest coral reefefaf Great Barrier Re .



23 5 4


Capital: Moscow Currency: Russian ruble Continent: Europe and A sia P opulation: 144.7 million L anguage: Russian Typical food: Borscht and blinis. Animals: Siberian tiger and brown bears. Cool facts: Russia is the larg country in the w orld; 99.7 %estof Russians know how to read, this is a very high literacy rate. The tran siberian railroad is the longest ins-the w orld.

r iva r a



n o i t a r g i m m

Capital: Manilailippine peso Currency: Ph sia (Southeast A sia) Continent: A104.9 million P opulation: ilipino and english L anguage: F : Chicken adobo and talo Typical food ) talo (dessert ppine eagle and philippine Animals: Phili tarsier t its name e go es in pp ili Ph s: ct fa Cool om Spain. It is th from King PhyailipanIIdfrcoconut exporter. biggest papa es is home to the w orld’s The Philippin e, the Reticulated Python. longest snak

Something New

Babel’s Tower

International Fair

“The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.”

Pag. 13

Checking out locations

IB 2020 Programme Standards and Practices

This year, the JFK school’s SWAS department worked closely with Kennedy families to organize the school’s first International Fair. The goal of the Fair is to strengthen the school’s international mindedness, a key tenant of the IB program. The SWAS coordinator, Jessica Woll, explained that the idea for the fair came from her students’ families who requested a platform to showcase their diversity and share it with the rest of the school. She said, “This fair is an opportunity to take advantage of the global community that we have and give students and families, both local and international, the opportunity to share with and learn from each other.” The International Fair is the result of a lot of hard work and many dedicated volunteers. The planning started in October but the first volunteers meeting didn’t happen until January. Jessica Woll was pleasantly surprised by the level of participation and enthusiasm shown by the expat families of the school. She reported that she was hoping for between eight and thirteen countries to participate and ended up with twenty five signed up. Jessica said, “Families have been so communicative and so kind in expressing their appreciation. They seem really excited to have the opportunity to share their cultures with the Kennedy community.” During the first meeting, Jessica shared guidelines with the volunteers to make the exhibits a fun and educational experience for the students.



By Radia Si Youcef JFK Parent

Babel’s Tower

Something New

International Fair

Pag. 14

Japan getting organized

It also helped connect families from the same countries. When asked, most of the volunteers expressed that their main goal was to share with fellow Kennedy families their cultures that go well beyond the language and food differences. Manola Isopi, in charge of the Italian booth, explained that the love of her country is what drives her. She states that “the Italian Volunteers are sharing their country’s culture so that everybody can find out more about it and enjoy it” Ayako Saito, who leads the Japanese team, claims that she wished her children gained a better understanding of their friends different cultures. Isabel Grimsel, representing Germany, shared that “the most challenging was to come up with an interactive cultural display that will interest the students of all ages.” For the USA, a country that doesn’t need much introduction, the team of volunteers want to go beyond famous landmarks and stereotypes of big cities and skyscrapers. Shelley Burleson, who leads the group, states that “the United States are so big and so diverse with such a variety of cultures and religions that we need to find something to unify us and often in the States we do it through sports” which is highlighted in their booth. Ultimately, the fair was for students to learn invaluable lessons. It gave them a chance to share who they are with their classmates, while learning from each other. To be able to achieve just that, the students from the variety of countries represented had the opportunity to volunteer in their own booths. Christine Scharf, JFK’s PYP coordinator adds that: “This fair offers our community members the opportunity to interact, meet people, and learn wonderful things such as how people greet each other in different countries - something that isn’t easy to learn from a book. It is an opportunity to celebrate our rich collection of cultures right here on campus and invite students to expand their knowledge and understanding of cultures around the world.” And, as Jessica concluded poignantly, “I hope that this is just a first step for the school in promoting international mindedness and taking advantage of the international community we have. There is so much more we can do!” Volunteer meeting

Pag. 15

Creating Beauty ExpresARTE

Cuando lleguen los tordos: Reseña by Patricia Betancourt Former Teacher

Travel Q&A

by Maribel Hernández SWAS Teacher

Creative Pens

by Ana Janet (HS), Adeel Shaikh (ES), Héctor Barragán (MS)

Creating Beauty

Es una narración donde los intérpretes, descendientes de esta familia, interactúan con los personajes reales y con los momentos históricos más relevantes de México,


By Patricia Betancourt Former Teacher

familiares que también tendrán conexiones de vida con sucesos primordiales acaecidos en el Viejo Mundo. Es un relato escrito bajo la técnica llamada analepsis (flashback), en la cual se altera la secuencia cronológica de la historia para que en un punto culminante de la novela, por aquellas coincidencias de la vida, se una el pasado con el presente de los protagonistas. Como en toda novela, hay amores y desamores, mentiras y secretos, rencores y generosidad, alegrías y tristezas; en suma,

Pag. 16

se muestra la condición humana en su diario convivir y la que va en busca de la armonía, la paz y la felicidad. Tiene atisbos de diversos géneros literarios tales de una novela costumbrista, ya que reseña las características habituales de coexistencia de las personas en cada época diferente. En otro momento tiene un toque de realismo mágico donde se incluyen elementos fantásticos para describirlos como reales para así realzar dos momentos claves en la vida humana, como son el amor entre una pareja y la muerte. Se puede decir que es geográfica porque ensalza los paisajes naturales, la flora y la fauna de México y, asimismo, describe la cultura, las lenguas, las tradiciones, los grupos étnicos y los cambios políticos sufridos en nuestro país a través del tiempo. Todos estos conceptos son el marco perfecto que sirve de escenografía donde se desenvuelven los personajes de la narración y que nos muestra un paseo por México a través de sus aromas y sabores, de sus paisajes y colores, y de su cultura y tradiciones. En concreto, el objetivo principal de la novela es guardar la memoria de nuestro México, esa memoria que nos da raíces y pertenencia, e identidad, cohesión y anhelos como sociedad para no olvidarnos de este México único, cuna del puma y del jaguar, del maguey y del águila real.

Cuando lleguen los tordos

Cuando lleguen los tordos es una novela histórica escrita por Patricia Betancourt, (exprofesora de Geografía de México y Ciencias de la Tierra en el JFK), publicada en 2017 por Par Tres Editores. Esta novela narra la historia de una familia mexicana que abarca seis generaciones y cuyo origen data del siglo XIX, a partir de la unión matrimonial del general José del Refugio Fernández Tello con la linda señorita de la nobleza capitalina, María Cristina Marguerite Catherine De la LLata y D’Autrey, para culminar hasta nuestros días.

Cuando lleguen los tordos: Reseña


Creating Beauty

Travel Q & A

Travel By Maribel Hernández SWAS Teacher

My name is Maribel Hernández

Country with the best food: I really

camera (or phone) because I love to catch every moment of my travels.

love the food in the different places I’ve visited, but I obviously love Mexican food (especially pozole and enchiladas). In Korea I love the Tteokbokki, in Japan the Monjayaki and in Italy the pizza. I can’t think about any place without thinking about food.

Country I’m dying to visit: Denmark

Country with the best weather:

Countries I’ve visited: 7

Mexico!!! Mexico has the perfect combination.

My favorite city in the world: Well I have

Country with the friendliest people:

three favorite cities: Seoul (South Korea), Tokyo (Japan) and Rome (Italy).

Japan! I felt very secure traveling in Japan, I remember a couple who helped me at the airport, they were incredibly kind!

I was born in... Guanajuato, México. First country I visited: Guatemala My must- have travel item: Definitely my

Last country-city I visited: Greece,

specifically Athens and three amazing Greek islands. Next country I want to visit: I would like

to visit Rome and Italy again. And if I have time, I will visit Denmark too. Destination I’ve found overrated: My hometown, Guanajuato City… I know it is a beautiful place but now I think it is overrated.

Most interesting culture so far:

Korea and Greece have the most interesting cultures. However, I have had the opportunity to work with many different cultures and each of them has a part that seems incredible and interesting to me. Beach or mountain: Beach!!!

Pag. 17

Creating Beauty

Travel Q & A

City or countryside: City Airplane, train or car: Any of these three

because I just want to travel hehehe… Foreign language you’d like to learn: Hotel or Airbnb: Hotel.

Japanese or retake German lessons.

Sightseeing or shopping: I think both at the same time is the perfect combination.

and Europe (I can’t decide!!!)

Solo or group travel: It depends, I like

Strict schedule or go with the flow: It

both options, but sometimes I travel alone. Traveling by day or night: If it is a long trip I prefer night, but if I’m traveling in a place with awesome landscapes, I prefer traveling by day.

depends, If I’m traveling and I don’t have too much time to visit the place where I am, I follow a strict schedule also when I’m working on a project in my job. But If I’m having a relaxing trip, I just go with the flow.

Favorite Holiday: I don’t have a favorite

Best souvenir you’ve bought: A ring

holiday, I celebrate every day because I really appreciate the gift of life.

with the infinity sign and some t-shirts for my family.

Favorite music: I really love music but I

Your best travel tip: Try new food

don’t have a favorite musical genre.

in every place you visit! It is not possible to live, to know or to experiment any place or culture without trying the place’s food (be careful but try! hehe)

Favorite reading: I love literature

classics, especially Greek like The Iliad and The Odyssey. Salty or sweet: Both, when you’re

Mexican it exists another: “agridulce” (bittersweet) because we love tamarindo con chile candies.

Europe, Asia, Africa or America: Asia

Describe yourself in three words: I am committed, loyal and dreamy. Who I nominate to complete this:

Aaron Menzel.

Pag. 18

Creating Beauty

Creative Pens

creative pens

Every day I work like a non stopping train No matter how hard it storms or how hard it rains Meanwhile the king is sitting in his throne, whilst he comfortably reigns Ignores my work and it feels as if it was in vain I don’t understand how the king can be there Doing nothing but still thinking it’s fair Meanwhile I’m working here loosing my hair And not even God can help me get up a stair At least I’m happy for being alive And thank the lord for the challenges of life As I know he will help me to be the best, And I will finally be able to rest.

By Adeel Shaik ES Student

Pag. 19

By Héctor Barragán MS Student

In the Upside Down World **** They told me that in the upside-down world, if you fall it doesn’t hurt and if you were a short you were a skirt. They also told me that in the upside-down world, the animals can talk and the trees can walk. They also told me that in the upside-down world, the turtle’s are tall and the giraffe’s are small. They also told me my friend, that in the upside-down world the start was the end.

Creating Beauty

By Ana Janet HS Student

Los Labios del Diablo El color rosado Nunca me ha encantado, Pero desde que Vi tus labios Moviéndose como piruetas, El rosa se volvió Mi color favorito. Hay algo diferente De tus labios, Algo que hace que Cuando hablas, Tu voz se escuche Como una melodía. Imaginarme besando Tus labios, Hace sentirme como Si estuviera flotando En el espacio, Viendo el timpo y Las estrellas pasar. Pero aun así, Hay algo que le falta a tus labios, Y esos son los míos.

Creative Pens

Si mis lágrimas fueran de chocolate Si mis lágrimas fueran de chocolate, lloraría a todas horas. Me comería mis llantos y desahogos. Si mis lágrimas fueran de chocolate, me rompería mi propio corazón todos los días. Pensaría en mis amores pasados y leería todos sus mensajes de “te amo”. Si mis lágrimas fueran de chocolate, la muerte sería mi mejor amiga. Me daría razones y personas para llorar cada día. Si mis lágrimas fueran de chocolate, diría que serían amargas. Para poder combinarlas con mi corazón sin tener que llorar el agua salada.

Pag. 20

Pag. 21

A JJ’s Lifestyle Wellness

Estrés by Dra. Sandra Barragán Health Department

Health Corner

La importancia de un lunch saludable: by Yazmín Verduzco JFK Parent


A JJ’s Lifestyle


Pag. 22

El estrés es un estado corporal desarrollado hace miles de años para reaccionar ante la adversidad. Estos procesos corporales deterioran varios sistemas y nos hacen susceptibles a enfermedades y a estados físicos y mentales. Los siguientes son cinco puntos a seguir para afrontar y reducir el estrés.


causa. Identifica la nes mentales y

fluctuacio ntifica Analiza tus del día e ide o rg la lo a s mientos emocionale ntos o pensa ie m ti n se sa blema qué te cau ente del pro fu la o d n ie c ado ono esde un est d negativos. C s e n io c lu ear so as veces podrás plan ctiva. Much e p rs e p r o y uno ma ctativas de e mental con p x e r a d o de acom tes por es cuestión nar pendien e rd o y s o tr o rlos. mismo o de ra completa a p a d u y a o pedir prioridades

s é r t s E by Sandra Barragán Health Department


A JJ’s Lifestyle


Construye buenas relaciones.

Las malas relaciones causan mucho estrés, mientras que las buenas ayudan a manejarlo si uno se apoya en ellas.


Pag. 23


o te lema cuand b o r p l e d te Aléja enoje. ntar hasta

y co de respirar ta a tr se lo na nueva No so realmente u r ra g lo e d para 10, sino r actividad jo e m y a h o .N e además perspectiva ejercicio, qu l e e u q s ré ral del liberar est van el umb le e e u q s ia nc libera susta enojo.


Descansa tu mente. Esto incluye cualquier actividad que relaje, con énfasis en dormir bien. El estrés quita sueño. Reduce tu aporte de cafeína diario, saca televisiones y computadoras de tu cuarto, y vete a dormir a la misma hora todos los días. La higiene del sueño es imperativa para una vida sin estrés.


Busca ayuda.

Si consideras que tu nivel de estrés es preocupante y no logras atacarlo adecuadamente, consulta a un psicólogo u otro profesional en salud mental. Ellos identificarán situaciones o comportamientos que contribuyen a tu estrés e idearán estrategias para resolverlos.

Health Corner

A JJ’s Lifestyle

La importancia de un lunch saludable

La importancia

de un lunch saludable Uno de los grandes responsables de la obesidad y el sobrepeso infantil es la falta de una alimentación sana y adecuada durante el horario escolar. Por ello, enfatizamos la importancia de mandar a nuestros hijos un lunch saludable que aporte la energía necesaria para que tengan un desempeño escolar adecuado y que prevenga futuros padecimientos nutricionales.

Un buen lunch aporta la energía necesaria a tu hijo para que realice sus actividades en la escuela, además de favorecer su concentración en las tareas. Algunos


ácti r p s o j e ons


us hijos t a a r c Involu ntes. noche a

n una

paració en la pre

by Yazmín Verduzco JFK Parent

Pag. 24

A JJ’s Lifestyle

Health Corner

La importancia de un lunch saludable

Pag. 25

rvir los e s a r u c ro ueños, piva, colorida y q e p s o ñ ni act Si tienesos de forma atr aliment a. divertid e nuecesuir d s e d a d t las varie able para susti y s o c e s s ud Los fruto alternativa sal son unasinas. las golo nido en e t n o c o t l tos con aefrescos y jugos n e m i l a or luir Evita inc colorantes (com azúcar yles). artificia : algo n s o t n me s (e de ali s integrale s de s o p u res gr de cereale ral, galletal o t s o l r o inclui rdura. Alg anola integeína animatera). a r u c e r Pro ta y/o v tas de g y de prot ras, etcé de fru ich, barri , etcétera) ur, almend sándw, de avena anela, yog arroz al (queso p veget l ntos a e m i l a de losguardarlo. e n e i la hig lunch y al a d i u C ar el r a p e pr niños s o l ; l el ia esenc ocura que cada s e d nte, o, pr rieda La va san rápid eriódicame se can cambie p menúna o dos. sema

ue lvidar q ena o o n , o bu tim Y, por úlrtantísima una r en las es impo ción para rendi s incluir hidrata scolares; puede ños jugos tareas e n cuando peque de su de vez e e coco, además o agua dtural. agua na

Pag. 26

To Lead Think Bilingual Su Bin Kang Linguistic Profile by Su Bin Kang Lee 11° grade student

Leaders to Know

Marie Curie by Mercedes Lorenzo Toussaint

Road to the Top

On Humility by Felipe Reyes HS Teacher

To Lead

Think Bilingual

Su Bin Kang Linguistic Profile

Pag. 27

Su Bin Kang Linguistic Profile By Su Bin Kang Lee 11° grade student

Edad Years

한 국 어



Nací en Querétaro, pero mi primer lenguaje es el coreano.

I was born in Queretaro, México. However, the first language I learned was corean.

4살때 유치원을 다니기 시작 했다. 멕시칸 친구들이 생기 다보니까 자연스럽게 스페인 어도 늘었다.





나는 멕시코 께레따로 에서 태어났다. 하지만 먼저 배운 언어는 한국어이다.

En mi segundo año de kinder aprendí el español por mis amigas. Todas las personas a mi alrededor lo hablaban; por eso, sin que alguien me enseñara, pude aprender.

초등학교 다니기 시작하면서 스페인어가 많이 늘었다. 그 걸 본 우리 엄마는 저에게 한 글 학교를 다니라는 말도 했 었다. 한글학교도 다니고 엄 마가 한글 공부도 시킨 덕분 에 이렇게 한국어도 유창하게 할 수 있었다.

En primaria fue cuando empecé a aprender el español gramaticalmente. Aprendí los verbos, sustantivos, conjunciones, artículos, determinantes, etcétera. Me cambié a la escuela JFK en tercero de primaria. Empecé a hablar más español con mis compañeros de clase.

I started learning english when I was in 3rd grade in JFK. It was pretty hard since I had already been practicing two other languages, however, I remember it was fun because I could communicate in more than one language.

To Lead

Think Bilingual

Su Bin Kang Linguistic Profile

Edad Years

한 국 어




Pag. 28

한국 친구들을 사귀기 시작했다. 한국 친구들 덕분에 학교에서 스페인어, 영어, 한국어를 썼다. 세 언어를 같이 쓸때도 있었다. 헷갈려서 어쩔땐 멕시칸 친구에게 한국어로 인사를 할때가 있었다.

Cuando tenía 14 años, un desconocido me preguntó de dónde había venido porque no parecía mexicana, pero hablaba el español como si lo fuera.

A los 15 años empecé a juntarme con muchas personas, quienes hablaban español, especialmente cuando fui a celebrar los XV de mis amigas.

I started to feel a lot more comfortable with english. It was my first time where I met an american friend and she became one of my best friends. She and I talked in both spanish and english, which made me feel a little strange.


A los 17 años decidí estudiar el español más a profundidad. Quería saber cómo hablar y escribir formalmente en español, ya que en muchas de las presentaciones en preparatoria era necesario hacerlo.

When I was 17, I wanted to speak and write more formal in english. When I started to write the Personal Project, I noticed that I needed to practice my english vocabulary and expand it.

한국 친구들과 친한 동생들이 많이 생기고 난 후 학교에서 한국어를 더욱더 많이 쓰게 됐다. 역시 한국어가 제일 편하다. 말하는것도 글씨를 쓰는것도 다른 언어보다 훨씬 빠르고 편하다. 한국어로는 장난도 잘 나오고 친구들 드립도 잘 쳐줄 수 있다.


Hace poco cumplí los 18 años. Comparando los años pasados, he conocido a mucha gente que habla el español de Argentina, España y Chile. Puedo distinguir los diferentes acentos que existen en el español e interpretar cuál es cada uno.

I am writing my extended essay in english. I hope to learn more about how to write in english, since it is the language in which I write the least. Through the extended essay, I hope to write much better in essays and projects or presentations in english.

18살이 된 난 아직도 한국어가 편하다. 특히 한국 친구가 몇 개의 수업을 같이 듣기 때문에 수다를 떨면 그 친구랑 한국어로 말한다. 그럼 옆에 있는 멕시칸 친구들이 못 알아들을때 조금 눈치보일때도 있지만. 어쩔땐 멕시칸들이 우리 둘이 한국어로 대화하지 말라고 얘기한적도 있다.

To Lead

Hoy en día estamos viviendo una lucha por la equidad de género en la cual vemos por todo el mundo miles de mujeres manifestándose, a veces de forma pacífica, pero otras haciendo muchos desastres, y las opiniones de las personas son muy diversas; algunas critican los destrozos, otras tantas los defienden. Yo en lo personal, después de leer un meme en el que se leía: “En un mundo lleno de Kardashians, sea una Curie”, me di cuenta de que es con

Leaders to Know

Marie Curie

Pag. 29

Marie Curie By Mercedes Lorenzo

esta gran mujer con la que me identifico, no solo porque también soy química y porque la he admirado desde que recuerdo, sino porque en verdad necesitamos más mujeres en el planeta que como ella hagan la diferencia. Quiero platicarles un poco de María Salomea Sklodwska “Curie” (por el apellido de su marido, Pierre Curie), como normalmente la conocemos, una gran científica, líder y pionera de la química y física modernas.

Se abrió paso en un ámbito en el que la figura de la mujer no era concebida, era inalcanzable.

To Lead

Leaders to Know

Marie Curie

A base de esfuerzo y de mucho trabajo logró entrar en las altas esferas de catedráticos de la Sorbona en París. Sus experimentos no tienen precedente pues descubre dos elementos: el polonio y el radio, pero no solo eso, descubre la radioactividad y, tristemente, sus efectos al trabajar con ella sin ninguna protección.

Se convierte en la primera profesora de la Sorbona y su liderazgo no acaba aquí; en 1903 es la primera mujer en obtener un premio Nobel de Física, junto con su marido, y no solo eso, sino la primera persona en obtenerlo dos veces, ya que en 1911 ganó el de Química, en esa ocasión ella sola.

‘Nunca se dio por vencida y jamás dejó de luchar pacíficamente por la equidad de género’

Pag. 30





Nunca se dio por vencida y jamás dejó de luchar pacíficamente por la equidad de género, obteniendo muchos logros de los que nosotros los químicos, y creo que mayormente las mujeres, estamos súper orgullosas. Ella es a mi parecer un ejemplo a seguir, sobre todo hoy cuando a veces la violencia nos está ganando. Por último, me gustaría recomendarles una novela corta llamada “La ridícula idea de no volver a verte” de Rosa Montero, en la que la autora narra cómo luchó Marie Curie para llegar hasta donde lo hizo en contra de la marea y las costumbres de la época.

To Lead

Road to the Top

On Humility

Pag. 31

Global popstar Justin Bieber published a surprisingly candid confessional on his Instagram account. In the atypically long post, Bieber looked back on the events of his life and opened up about his past drug-abuse. Since the aforementioned post, Bieber has been featured in the YouTube Originals docuseries ‘Seasons’, which premiered on January 27th. In newlyfound self-awareness interviews,

Bieber admits to some of the darkest episodes of his drug use and talks extensively about trying to turn his life around. He credits a religious awakening, his therapist and his spouse, all recent additions to his life, for helping him on his way to sobriety and he seems sincerely devoted to taking control of his life.

On Humility What it takes to change One specific phrase in the Instagram confessional seemed particularly relevant. Bieber claims that he is a different person now since ‘Humility comes with age’. Regardless of what you think about him as an entertainer (as an oldie, I would be hard-pressed to hum one of his tunes), it is easy to empathize with many of the problems plaguing Bieber’s life. Drug use has reached worrisome levels in the last decade among young people and the types of drugs gaining popularity happen to be some of the most addictive ones. So when a young person, especially one who has grown up in the public eye, claims humility

By Felipe Reyes HS Teacher

Justin Bieber

“Humility h comes wit age”

ility 20.451 views h age #onhum mility comes wit justinBieber Hu ments

View all 245 com 2 DAYS AGO

and wants to change their ways, we owe them the benefit of the doubt. After all, the education system is greatly based on the notion that it is possible to help people take control of their destiny through change. As long as one is willing to admit that change is necessary. Humility is, apparently an important word when it comes to learning from past mistakes.

To Lead

Marie Curie

Road to the Top

The Twelve-Steps Program, perhaps the most widely recurrent addiction recovery program in the world, famously posits that one must first admit that they have a problem. Socrates, whose name is one of the most recognizable in educator circles, is usually remembered for his aphorism of willful admission of ignorance (one thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing). The need for humility in learning is familiar to us. So where does humility fit in in a world where celebrities are constantly instagramming their professionally and exceptionally attractive physiques, cars or homes for teenagers of the world to see? ‘Give them a sense of pride’, the song goes, but how do we balance pride and humility when it comes to

Pag. 32

teenagers? How do we keep teens grounded without cutting off their wings? Maybe humility can make a difference. When knowledge is power and our kids have so much access so easily, it’s more important to have a humble heart than a good head on their shoulders. Since ‘online’ is a constant in our children’s lives, maybe it’s the teen that’s going out into that world that we have to watch more so than the world that is out there. After all, there are millions of teens using the power of the Internet for good.

How do we keep teens grounded without cutting off their wings?

Teaching teens that mistakes are ok, that effort is a virtue and, perhaps most important of all, modeling a humble behavior can make a difference in how they approach the world and what they perceive to be their role in it. Being the center of attention constantly or, even worse, acting out in order to be noticed is something that we need to discourage.

Confidence should not come from a sense of self-importance, but from the reliance on the unconditional support of friends, family and school in helping them succeed.

Because when a child goes out to the world, wishing to subdue it, it is very likely they will have to take a few tumbles, but when they face the world knowing they have to share it and respect it, well, obstacles are more easily overcome with the help of others. As the old Jedi saying goes, ‘you’ll only find what you take with you’.

Pag. 33

To Serve Students in Action

Cambiando al mundo by Karla Amezcua Alumni

Making the Difference

La importancia de adoptar una mascota by Carlo Mariscotti 1° Student

Students in Action

To Serve

Cambiando al mundo

Pag. 34

Entre muchas de mis ocupaciones, lo que más me apasiona es llevar a las personas a sacar lo mejor de ellas mismas y acompañarlas en su proceso de avanzar hacia su mejor versión.

By Karla Amezcua Alumni

Cambiando al mundo

Hace algunos viví en Colombia, un país bello pero estigmatizado por el narcotráfico y la mafia de la prostitución infantil. Allí me lancé a formar un grupo de diez adolescentes que estuvieran dispuestos a servir a su comunidad de una manera real y profunda.

Se encargarían de organizar un evento de un día llamado Navidarte. Convocarían a 200 habitantes de la calle y se comprometerían a conseguir a un voluntario por cada habitante de la calle para atenderlos a lo largo del día. Conseguirían donativos y patrocinios, tres comidas completas para las más de 400 personas, comediantes y conferencistas famosos, amenos y capaces de interpelar tanto a los pobres sin techo como a los jóvenes voluntarios de los más altos estratos sociales. Tenía que ser un evento de profundidad y envergadura.

To Serve

Llegó el día tan esperado. Fue un espectáculo ver a más de 400 personas divirtiéndose juntas, como una gran familia. Podías ver al señor chimuelo y desfigurado por el consumo de tanta droga brincando y echando porras con el chavo más fresita de Medellín, todos vestidos con la camiseta de Navidarte, sin distinción de clases sociales, creencias o estilos de vida. Todos eran iguales, todos valían lo mismo.

Students in Action

Cambiando al mundo

Pag. 35

Durante todo el evento yo me dediqué a contemplar. Observaba preguntándome si realmente estaríamos cambiando el mundo.

Nunca me imaginé que, mientras yo los veía, uno de los pobres me contemplaba con esa mirada profunda e intuitiva que tienen los que han sufrido lo indecible en las calles. Al final del evento me tomó por los brazos y, mirándome fijamente a los ojos, me dijo: “Usted está cambiando vidas. ¿Sabe una cosa? Este es el único día del año en que recuerdo que soy una persona digna, amada. Es el único día del año en que no soy tratado como un animal, sino como un rey. Yo la he observado y he visto en sus ojos que duda si vale la pena tanto esfuerzo, si realmente está cambiando el mundo. Mire bien: yo vengo a este evento, estoy siete horas sin consumir drogas. Mi mente se despeja y la esperanza renace en mi corazón; brotan deseos de cambio y salgo con la fuerza para dejarlas y empezar una vida nueva. No sé si realmente dejaré las drogas, pero lo que sí sé es que aquí he experimentado que tengo una dignidad y ya nadie me puede convencer de lo contrario, porque usted y sus jóvenes no me han tenido miedo.” Cada una de las jóvenes organizadoras contó historias

parecidas en nuestra reunión de evaluación. Sus vidas también habían cambiado y ahora tenían que dar a conocer este gran éxito. Viajaron a México para concursar en el PIBA (Premio Internacional Bachillerato Anáhuac) y ganaron el primer lugar en el área de Obras sociales, con mención honorífica por parte de los jueces. Esta es una de las muchas historias que me inspiraron a escribir y publicar un libro llamado El poder de la mirada (se encuentra en Amazon). Cuando buscas cambiar vidas, la vida te cambia y no puedes callarlo. Creo firmemente que los ex alumnos del Kennedy ya estamos cambiando el mundo.

To Serve

Hoy quiero compartir mi historia: siempre quise tener un perro y, después de una cena familiar, decidimos adoptar uno.

La importancia de adoptar un perro es que haces algo bueno por ese animalito que jamás tuvo una buena familia o amor.

Making the Difference

La importancia de adoptar una mascota

atacando y, como es un animalito, te puede morder porque no entiende que solo estás jugando con él a rugir y, también, como no puedes hablar en idioma de perros, él va a querer jugar brusco contigo; si lo piensas sería algo así como si tu propia mascota te estuviera atacando, pero él no sabe que eso está mal. ¿Cómo lograr que haga sus necesidades en el lugar

Pag. 36

correcto? Debes sacarlo muchas veces y darle premios cuando hace pi o po. También tienes que darle muchos paseos y con los premios entenderá que el baño es afuera y que está bien.

Es normal que algunos días no quiera jugar y también debes buscar un buen lugar para su camita; que él piense que es bueno y que es su refugio. Nunca le rujas a tu cachorro porque si lo haces él pensará que tú lo estás

*Bailly 2 años Adoptado por Carlo


Por favor, nunca lo dejes encerrado en un jardín porque va a creer que tú lo estás abandonando o castigando. Solo debes darle amor, paseos, croquetas y agua. By Carlo Mariscotti 1° Student

Pag. 37

Miscellaneous Fun Facts

Reciclaje by Diana Cárcamo JFK Parent

Top of the Top

Los 5 pueblos mágicos de Querétaro by Diana Cárcamo JFK Parent Reading Tips for Parents by Olimpia Cervantes JFK Librarian

Fun Facts




de reciclaje en la escuela

Pag. 38

En el JFK reciclamos aproximadamente 1 tonelada de papel al año.

By Diana Cárcamo JFK Parent

Estamos salvando:

17 árboles


de energía

227,000 litros de agua

¿Qué podemos hacer para utilizar menos papel en el salón y en la casa?


Top of the Top

Los 5 pueblos mágicos de Querétaro

Pag. 39


yta Cadere

Los 5 pueblos mágicos de Querétaro

By Diana Cárcamo JFK Parent

Para ser considerado como pueblo mágico, el lugar tiene que tener historia, tradiciones (fiestas, gastronomía, etcétera), conservar su arquitectura original y tener personalidad única y auténtica.

Jalpanade Serr Tequisquiapa n

¡Lánzate un fin de semana a conocerlos! Toma algunas fotos durante tu visita y luego mándalas a la revista para que las publiquemos.

San Joaquín


Top of the Top

Reading Tips for Parents

Reading tips for parents

Pag. 40

By Olimpia Cervantes JFK Librarian

Children want books about real or fantasy characters with whom they can identify. They want stories that make them laugh. Parents can fight the television or internet habit. Turn it off and read. Let your children see you enjoying books. Children need to see adults reading. Read aloud to your children. Model good oral reading.

Encourage them to read aloud to you. Take your children to the library. Ask the children’s librarian to show them the library and point out the section where they can find books for themselves. Let the children choose their own favorite books. Our taste is not necessarily theirs. Read their favorite books over and over again. Keep books and magazines within the reach of children. Books cost no more than toys, last longer and give more pleasure.


World Kitchen

Thank you for reading See you soon!

We are looking for writers! If you want your work to be published by JFK Times, send an email to: jfernandez@jfk.edu.mx

Pag. 41

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