JFK Times Fall Edition 2018

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pgs. 42 - 47

pgs. 50 - 52

pgs. 70- 73 2

pgs. 15 - 24

pgs. 37 - 38

pgs. 13 - 14

arte de alumnos y exalumnos pgs. 58 - 61

pgs. 53 - 57 3

pgs. 07 - 09

pgs. 31 - 34

pgs. 62 - 65

General Director´s Letter Dear friends and colleagues, Already halfway through our first semester, Halloween and the Day of the Dead already been and gone, and here we are with our fall edition of JFK Times again! Fall is always such a lovely time for me, with memories back home in London of the trees and nature turning from greens to reds, and the promise of the warm house on cold evenings as Christmas approaches! Like me, a great many in our community will be thinking of home and families in any one of the 32 countries represented on campus. While we do this, let’s also delight in reading JFK Times and reflecting on this great community and school! In the pages of this edition, you will find reflections, comments, and ideas echoed through the words of so many contributors that really bring to life this wonderful school. In August we introduced our new Guiding Statements with our new Mission that the community has eagerly embraced: To lead, serve and create beauty. Sadly, the preparation of this edition has been too early to bring to life this Mission in its pages, but please look forward to our next edition when we will begin explaining and celebrating our community’s efforts to bring this Mission to life! Have a wonderful winter, and please let us know your thoughts and ideas to keep JFK Times alive for you! Best wishes, Adrian Leece 4


What’s new in Assessment? with. Parents classified their perspectives and saw that the skills they collectively hoped for most were social skills. Parents By: Christine Scharf also highly valued critical PYP Coordinator and creative thinking, and On September 18th and problem solving skills, and 19th JFK offered PYP parthey hope their children ents a morning workshop, enjoy learning, know how which was repeated in the to learn, as well as, deevening, about the chang- velop research and coming face of assessment. munication skills. It was interesting to observe that The interactive workshop none of the JFK parents in began with a powerful attendance prioritized stuvideo, that we invite JFK dents’ abilities in recalling Times readers to review, information and memorizcalled: “Austin’s Butterfly,” ing. Prior to attending the in which we witnessed the workshop, it was clear JFK power of feedback in sup- parents had already adporting a student’s growth. justed their values to what We continued with JFK the world is expecting parents individually refrom students and adults flecting on what skills they in our world. This is one hope their children will of the reasons why assessleave Elementary School ment is changing. 6

It was interesting to observe that none of the JFK parents in attendance prioritized students’ abilities in recalling information and memorizing. Prior to attending the workshop, it was clear JFK parents had already adjusted their values to what the world is expecting from students and adults in our world. This is one of the reasons why assessment is changing.




Education in the past was leading the list. designed to develop factory workers. People needed to be precise, respect Today the world authority, make few errors and memorize informarequires so much tion. Today the world more of adults. requires so much more Employed or not, of adults. Employed or people today need not, people today need to be able to critically anato be able to critlyze the information that ically analyze the bombards us in this inforinformation that mation age. According to the Washington Post, “the bombards us in this seven top characteristics information age. of success at Google are all soft skills: being a good coach; communicating and listening well; possessing insights into others (including others different values and points of view); having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues; being a good critical thinker and problem solver; and being able to make connections across complex ideas.” We also reviewed a list of attributes employers seek in job candidates from the National Association of Colleges and Employers in 2016 with leadership skills, ability to work in a team, communication and problem solving skills 8

As the world is requiring a different skills set than was needed in the past, we therefore need to offer students the opportunity to learn those skills, practice them, receive feedback on their development, and have new opportunities to improve and apply those skills in a variety of situations. Hence, old fashioned exams of memorization aren’t enough to help our students develop all the skills they need to be suc-



cessful. More and more, students will be experiencing performance based assessments, knowing the criteria beforehand and have multiple opportunities to perform in order to support them in their growth. This feedback cycle keeps assessment at the heart of teaching and learning.

More and more, students will be experiencing performance based assessments, knowing the criteria beforehand and have multiple opportunities to perform in order to support them in their growth. This feedback cycle keeps assessment at the heart of teaching and learning.

In PYP, we embrace giving feedback on the development of the essential elements of knowledge, conceptual understanding, skills, attitudes, and action in order to support our learners as they grow in the attributes of the learner profile. We hope all of our community members - students, parents, teachers, ,and leaders, will strive to grow as knowledgeable, inquirers, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective as lifelong learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Learn more at www. ibo.org. Sources: Austin’s Butterfly. (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2018, from https://eleducation.org/resources/austins-butterfly McTighe, J. (2018, February). Three Key Questions 9

on Measuring Learning. Educational Leadership, 75(5), 14-20. Strauss, V. (2017, December 20). The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students. The Washington Post. Retrieved September 5, 2018, from https:// www.washingtonpost. com/news/answer-sheet/ wp/2017/12/20/the-surprising-thing-googlelearned-about-its-employees-and-what-it-meansfor-todays-students/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3984d0e16a89


Futbol 7 M U N DIAL


Celebramos con gran éxito nuestro primer torneo de fútbol 7 con exalumnos JFK. El torneo se realizó del 22 al 30 de octubre, conformado por 10 equipos y 110 participantes en total. Los partidos se realizaron en la noche en las instalaciones de la escuela.

Por: Marlene Cruz Institutional Development

El torneo se realizó del 22 al 30 de octubre, conformado por 10 equipos y 110 participantes en total.



COMMUNITY Además de la emoción y gusto por ver a nuestros exalumnos nuevamente en su antigua escuela recordando viejos tiempos, este gran encuentro generacional tuvo como finalidad convivir con los excompañeros, pasar momentos agradables, por supuesto, practicar deporte, pero también reconocer los diferentes cambios que ha tenido la escuela que los vio crecer, a través de los años desde la última vez que estuvieron en ella.

La final fue ganada por el equipo de Jamaica conformado por los siguientes jugadores: Marco Alejandro Anaya Carlos Alberto Anaya Rodrigo Valdovinos Palacios Andoni Barrinagamentería Iñaki Barrinagamentería Francisco Cano Nájera Miguel Fernández García Carlos Cano Nájera Arturo Silva Gamba Rodolfo Cruz López Rodrigo Ruiz Ballesteros

Agradecemos a todos Algunos exalumnos tenían los exalumnos su particmuchos años de no regre- ipación en este evento, sar y para ellos fue muy esperamos que hayan disemotivo recordar y pisar frutado este reencuentro. los lugares en donde se desarrollaron y formaron como estudiantes.


ยกNos vemos en el prรณximo torneo! 12


Por: Sergio Chávez Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación JFK

Me siento muy satisfecho y a la vez agradecido por haber tenido la oportunidad de llevar a cabo un extraordinario y divertido evento innovador, de principio a fin, en todas sus etapas: La gran noche de casino, para la fundación JFK School Foundation, así como para La Escuela John F. Kennedy,

The American School of Querétaro. Complacido, porque después de las presiones y el trabajo que implican realizar un evento de esta naturaleza, finalmente llegó el día, se alinearon los astros y celebramos el evento, ¡y se hizo bien!


Agradecido, con todo el equipo de trabajo de La Escuela John F. Kennedy, que contribuyó desde la planeación, hasta la organización y ejecución de este evento, con la participación por supuesto, del consejo de la Fundación, la Asamblea y el Consejo de directores de la escuela, quienes también crey-

eron, incidieron y apoyaron la realización de este evento para emprender así, una nueva manera de hacer las cosas, de crear y buscar a través de nuevas ideas, rompiendo paradigmas y viejos estereotipos, el logro de nuestros objetivos como fundación y escuela. Quiero agradecer especialmente a la comunidad JFK que creyó en nosotros y acudió al evento, haciendo que este fuera

posible y logrando conseguir nuestros objetivos; a nuestros patrocinadores que aportaron su tiempo y recursos para la concreción de esta gran noche en la cual pudieron promocionar sus productos o servicios. Muchas felicidades a todos los ganadores de los premios que se entregaron a través de las rifas y subastas, en especial a los grandes ganadores de:


1 inscripción escolar (para 1 persona) al 100% para el próximo ciclo escolar (2019-2020): Mónica Franco. 1 inscripción escolar (para 1 persona) al 50% para el próximo ciclo escolar (2019-2020): Luis Arend.

ON THE MOVE Muchas gracias y muchas felicidades a todos. ¡Nos vemos pronto para la 2ª edición de la Gran noche de casino! Y recuerden que...

“El éxito de la fundación JFK SCHOOL FOUNDATION, reside en el involucramiento y participación de todos, partiendo del ejemplo y de los hechos de todos nosotros los que conformamos la gran comunidad JFK”. 15

Benefits of


Expands the imagination by using the body to tell a story.

Reduces and an increa child self con Stimulates blood circulation and the respiratory system.

By: Patricia Serment Head of the ballet workshop

Ballet is an art expression that creates beauty. Ballet is also a physical activity that provides benefits to mind and body:

It’s an aid for correcting bad postures. Develops strength and elasticity of muscles.

Evolves body coordination. 16

Provides multiple physical benefits, but also generates positive physiologic skills.

Builds body muscles and spine.

s stress nxiety, asing dren nfidence.

Develops memory, attentive hearing and corporal expression.

Helps to correct flat feet.

Improves psychomotor skills. Provides skills for balance and reflexes.

Improves the sensibility for arts and provides the feelings expression with total liberty.

Gives their students the tools to shape their personalities, through the physical and mental discipline.

Gives their students the tools to shape their personalities, through the physical and mental discipline. 17

Relaxes and liberate adrenaline. Improves self esteem. Grows sociability skills, stimulating shy kids to express themselves, and be a part of the team.

Cover Story JFK Mission and Vision 2.0 (principals, teachers, parents, staff, students, etc.), to pour their thoughts and ideas, and tune them into what would speak to our community while reflecting our identity as a multiBy: JFK Times Staff cultural school responsible for educating citizens of On the eve of our 55th an- the world in this twenniversary, last year we de- ty-first century. cided to review our guiding statements, our school The outpouring of support vision and mission. It took was overwhelming, as well as the ideas that came some hard introspective from everybody involved. work, many meetings, It was truly a collaborative surveys and interviews performed by expert con- and outspoken work. The result portrays without a sultants, the involvement of members from different doubt who we are as an educational institution in parts of the community 18

this moment in time, it shows our purpose and reiterates our commitment to our students through research and best practice.

We are proud to see how every school section, and everyone in our beloved JFK community is embracing our new vision and mission, and we couldn’t be happier!

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JFK Mission and Vision in the Early Years

By: Debra Cortney Preschool Principal

“Live a balanced life - learn some and drink some and draw some and paint some and sing and dance and play and work everyday some.” Robert Fulghum, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”.

When you first hear the JFK mission statement, it sounds like a lofty goal to think of it in terms of Preschool students: To lead, serve and create beauty. Some might say, “How could tiny humans who are not even able to tie their own shoes or read a book be able to do any of these things?” However, when you look more closely you can see that, as human beings, we are hard wired to do these

three things, it’s just that growing up can either amplify or diminish our capabilities in these areas.

We are hard wired to do these three things, it’s just that growing up can either amplify or diminish our capabilities in these areas. 20

Cover Story

Our students are being leaders in their homes, forcing parents to practice recycling habits and teaching others how to care for even the smallest creatures around us. 21

5 year-olds as leaders I have rarely seen people as passionate as 5 yearolds when it comes to sharing new knowledge. One area where young people are proving to be the catalysts for a change in society is in environmental issues. Thanks to a strong, hands-on science program headed by Miss Antares Hernรกndez, our students are being leaders in their homes, forcing parents to practice recycling habits and teaching others how to care for even the smallest creatures around us.


Cover Story

5 year-olds in service The basic trait that leads to service is empathy. Young people are naturally inclusive, only through observing the behavior of adults do they learn to exclude or isolate others because of their observed differences. In our social-emotional program headed by Miss Yesica Gómez, students take part in role- playing activities in order to help our natural human tendencies of empathy grow and thrive throughout childhood and into adulthood.

5 year-olds creating beauty There is little in life more beautiful that watching young people play and imagine. If you tell even a seven or eight year-old to go play, chances are they might say, “What should I play with?” 5 year-olds can spend they’re whole recess imaging a twig is a magic wand, or the piñas from the trees as magic 23

beans that will grow into a giant plant. Imagination comes natural to young children, but it is systematically encouraged and enhanced through our Arts Program headed by the teachers Mónica Díaz and Blanca Alvarado. After reflecting on the thoughts of Robert Fulghrum in his book, “All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” as well as my experiences living and playing with 240 three to five year-olds daily, it has become evident to me that we are not teaching students to lead, serve and create beauty. Instead, we are working hard to conserve their natural ability to do so.

Imagination comes natural to young children, but it is systematically encouraged and enhanced through our Arts Program.

y r a t n leme ents:



d u t s l o ho

By: Mark Dunn Elementary School Principal

leaders who serve and create beauty

Elementary school children are natural leaders, they serve others as well as our planet Earth, and they create beauty in many interesting ways as you could possibly imagine. LEAD:

with ease and confidence, they do. as well as with their emoJFK elementary school tional intelligence when students emerge as leadsolving conflicts and manAs the natural iners in collaborative, team aging their feelings. They quirers they are, JFK projects when they are persist to reach their goals, students look for soluworking towards a comand do not make excuses. tions in their work on mon goal. CommunicatAs the natural inquirers ing clearly and effectively they are, JFK students look projects, in their relais also a sign of leadership for solutions in their work tionships with others, and a strength of our chil- on projects, in their relaand in showing for dren. They communicate tionships with others, and everything they do. in English and Spanish in showing for everything 24

Cover Story SERVE: Above and beyond anything else, our students serve others by listening and respecting them. This includes their classmates, family members, teachers, and even themselves! Serving also means taking part in meaningful service learning experiences. Some schoolwide efforts where students serve others are organized by our Student Council to support children with cancer (AMANC), assist in Green School efforts, and even simple things like to listen to each other’s ideas.

Serving also means taking part in meaningful service learning experiences. 25

CREATE BEAUTY: Everytime we ask elementary school students their opinions about their school experience at the JFK, they overwhelmingly tell us that they love their school. This is because they are creating beauty in all that they do. But what does this mean? I was not sure, so I asked some of our students and I discovered that it means something different to each and every one of the 600+ students in this school section. One kid told me for him, it was doing projects he was proud of. Another one told me it meant talking to her family about what she learned during the school day. Finally, another student told me it was scoring a “golazo� to win the soccer game for the Jaguars.


Cover Story

We are learning to lead, to serve, and create beauty in our school every day. What an amazing journey we are on! 27

A DAY IN THE LIFE Of Krista Bass

Por: Krista Bass Alumna JFK 11ยบ


Students´ Voices


A DAY IN THE LIFE Of Jongeun Kim

Por: Jongeun Kim Alumno JFK 9ยบ


Students´ Voices


Is Still Alive in the Minds of Many By: Diego Belmont JFK Student 9th

We as humans, are very afraid of change, of what is different from ourselves and of what we tend to deem “normal”. We fear that which we don’t know, this is a natural response for human beings. One is not capable of analyzing a situation correctly when we don’t know all the facts. So instead, when we feel threatened by change

or an unknown situation, we base our actions on fear, which is the main emotion we tend to feel in these circumstances. Even if we could think of this as a weakness, we can assess the condition we are in, as it happens and take the course of action we see fit. Fear can also be shown as hate and hostility, such as that of antisemitism, racism, elitism, and intolerance, to name a few.

that it reminds us of the horrors and monstrosities that we as humans are capable of doing to one another, as society was led solely by one man, while the Nazis massacred thousands of people with one motive, the search for the perfect race as well as the elimination of those considered inferior, in a nutshell: World War II. The war in which the word inhumane was once again understood and lived by It is well-known what hap- the people at that mopened over 70 years ago, ment in time all around a very delicate topic, one the world. As the German that is not very common- army, the Nazis and their ly addressed nowadays, allies wreaked havoc in 31

the whole of Europe with maniacal plans for the rest of the world with jews being dragged out of their houses and cruelly cheated into their own deaths. The sheer thought of it can submerge anyone in the deepest sorrow and misery. Ever since that time, the Jewish community has always faced the effects of antisemitism. Every day, a piece of our past is left behind in our memory of this world’s history. People begin to forget all that happened all those years ago,

making this part of our history to be a doubtful event for some, a fictional story. This phenomena, doesn’t only hurt the Jewish community but also the future of humanity, as we are not learning from our mistakes and are bound to repeat them. We begin to believe that all is well and nothing like what happened before can happen again, even going to the extent of not believing the previous human actions, and outright denying them. Some of us were rather compelled to believe that actions such as those made by our ancestors would not be repeated, making it quite disappointing to admit that even after all what


humankind has gone through, some of us still have learned nothing.

Every day, a piece of our past is left behind in our memory of this world’s history. People begin to forget all that happened all those years ago, making this part of our history to be a doubtful event for some, a fictional story.

Students´ Voices October 27, 2018, Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting. The massacre that took place in one of the several synagogues placed in Pittsburgh, suffered by the Jewish community and the citizens of the United States of America. An unexpected event for sure, making it the greatest antisimetic slaughter ever to take place in the USA, where eleven people died and many others were injured. The person responsible, is part of many who believe in the antisemitism philosophy, which has never gone away. This seed of hate which has grown in crooked paths, has been planted in new and innocent naive human beings, who have grown into that of a measleaded and empty abhorrence of those who merely practice a different religion, with different beliefs and traditions.

create a better world we must begin with the elimination of hate and of our negative view of ourselves and one another.

Personally, I find it is unbelievable to think that, we as humans have not evolved into more tolerant and respectful souls. I ask, if your neighbor has a different way of thinking and practices a different religion, is this a motive for hate? What could excuse a human being to have such hate against others and plant it into a toddler’s heart? Is there a reason to take away a life with your own hands? I firmly believe there is no such reason. Our evolution as humans, as peers, and as equals in this world is greatly needed, and to 33

más que una experiencia de actuación bre su experiencia en esta producción. 1. ¿Qué significó para ti participar en esta obra? Por: Mónica Duarte Coordinadora de Comunicación

Sin duda, una de las mejores obras producidas por la escuela JFK es “The Greatest Showman”, que se llevó a cabo el ciclo escolar pasado. La coreografía, vestuario y escenarios, así como el entusiasmo de los actores y bailarines, fueron de primera calidad. Entrevistamos a Alejandra Rosado, de 12º grado, quien participó en esta obra, para que nos contara so-

= Para mí, esta obra terminó siendo una experiencia inolvidable que voy a tener siempre con mis compañeros de generación. Al principio, fue muy pesado porque teníamos que ir a muchos ensayos. Mi personaje era trapecista, entonces también tenía que ir a ensayar en mi tiempo libre el aro para poder incluirlo en la obra. Me acuerdo una semana en particular, que los ensayos se juntaron con la semana de exámenes y en realidad fue un reto muy grande para todos. Sin embargo, al final 34

Students´ Voices me siento completamente orgullosa de todo nuestro trabajo y lo que logramos hacer. El día de la función fue una experiencia increíble y más cuando nos enteramos cuantos boletos se habían vendido en la función. La pasé súper padre con mis amigos y gracias a este trabajo me siento mucho más unida a mi generación.

El día de la función fue una experiencia increíble y más cuando nos enteramos cuantos boletos se habían vendido en la función. La pasé súper padre con mis amigos y gracias a este trabajo me siento mucho más unida a mi generación.


2. ¿Qué aprendizajes fueron los más relevantes? = Creo que en todo ese tiempo, todos aprendimos a organizar nuestro tiempo porque si no, de verdad no habríamos podido sacar la obra adelante y seguir con la escuela. Todos aprendimos a trabajar en equipo para poder ayudarnos

el uno al otro. También, aprendimos a ser comprometidos pues hasta en fin de semana ensayábamos; era un compromiso que todos aceptamos desde un principio. 3. ¿Habías participado en otras obras en la escuela? ¿Qué fue diferente? = Me acuerdo que participé en una obra cuando estaba en 4º de primaria,

pero la verdad no me acuerdo mucho. Obviamente, cambia mucho la experiencia cuando lo haces más grande, ya que estás consciente de lo que haces; siento que es muy diferente por tener más responsabilidades. El compromiso que haces con la obra es mucho mayor, pero también la satisfacción al terminarla, es mucho más grande.


El compromiso que haces con la obra es mucho mayor, pero también la satisfacción al terminarla, es mucho más grande.

Students´ Voices

4. ¿Cuál fue tu sensación al final de todo el trabajo? = A pesar de todos los obstáculos (sobre todo físicos para mí, por ser trapecista) que pasaron durante el proceso para sacar una obra de este tipo, en verdad que el tamaño de satisfacción y orgullo que me

quedó al terminar la obra, fue muy grande. Todos nos quedamos con ganas de hacer más, pero sobre todo, con un recuerdo increíble que se va a quedar con nosotros para siempre. Gracias a todos los que hicieron que esta obra fuera posible, en especial, ¡gracias a mi generación 2019! 37


Teachers´ & staff´s

Voices Why did you decide to become a teacher, what motivated you? Becoming a mother made me realize I had a passion for teaching. That’s when I made the decision to start a career in teaching.

What do you like of the JFK school?

What motivates you to continue to be a teacher? The kids! I love them and how much I learn from them everyday. They help me grow as a person and be happy.

What do you admire the most and why? I admire the miracle and the beauty of life and how everyday comes with a new surprise.

What would you advice your 6 grade students for this year? Do your best and enjoy life! Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be thankful for the little joys of life. Choose wisely. Nourish your body, mind and soul with the best and always share. 39

Center stage: JFK Staff By: Fernanda Garfias

Everyday, when you come to school, you see someone that you don’t know anything about, particularly if it is someone from the staff. We spend more than 185 days together and we don’t really know each other. Maybe if we greet them and talk to them, and give ourselves the chance to learn a little more about each other, we can see that we actually may have a lot in common and why not, maybe even start a new friendship! In order to spark this con-

versation, and to know more about the people “behind the curtains”, who lead, serve and create the beauty and magic in our school, we talked to some of them:

César Cruz Science lab assistant, (26 years now) Best thing that happened to me so far in 2018: My nephew had a baby; I am a grandfather now. Where do you see yourself one year from now: I see myself here, still happily working. Favorite food: Cactus salad and quesadillas. 40

What do you like to do the most: I like to work with the children. I also give Catechism in a church on weekends. Responsibility is: To do the work in a good manner. Being on time, and to be present.

Teachers´ & staff´s


Arturo Security Chief

Amparo Zamorano

Best thing that happened to me so far in 2018: My twins (18 years old) finished middle school and started high school.

Cafeteria Best thing that happened to me so far in 2018: My 25 year-old son graduated with a Bachelor’s degree on International Commerce. Where do you see yourself one year from now: Here, working at JFK. Favorite food: Fried meat with onions. What do you like to do the most: To serve. Responsibility is: Being on time at work.

Where do you see yourself one year from now: Still working in JFK, joyful and optimistic.

Ana Ruelas Communications Webmaster Best thing that happened to me so far in 2018: I traveled with my parents to Canada. Where do you see yourself one year from now: Having my original music project finished. Favorite food: Enchiladas and rice. What do you like to do the most: Singing and listening to music. Responsibility is: Being coherent with your actions, accept the consequences of those actions.


Favorite food: I love fried eggs with mashed beans and handmade tortillas. What do you like to do the most: I like to work. I like very much to see everyday differently. Responsibility is: To make things right, overseeing that everything goes well.

I don´t want to go to school

Is school failing our children on a national scale? Imagine your child comes to you and declares: I don’t want to go to school anymore. What would your reaction be?

Most parents I know would go straight into full investigation mode. Suspects would be rounded up. Inquiries would be made. Heads would roll! Whether instinctive or learned (although a lot of research points towards primal responses hardwired into our brains), our first response as a parent 42

By: Felipe Reyes High School World History

when our child expresses radical despondency is usually protective. Our children are smart, talented and full of potential, right? They learned that YouTube shark song after hearing it only once, didn’t they? They can finish the new videogame in a single afternoon! They can argue their way out of any pre-

Teachers´ & staff´s


dicament and they’re not even in law school yet! Because we love our children, we tend to be overly optimistic about even the most dubious behaviours. If a student is frustrated with the school, our first instinct is to see what the school did.

Because we love our children, we tend to be overly optimistic about even the most dubious behaviours. If a student is frustrated with the school, our first instinct is to see what the school did. Now, there is a whole debate about how our reactions might be enabling less than stellar behaviour in our children, such as making excuses for them or refusing to believe our prince or princess is anything but an angel. This debate is necessary and

ongoing, however, it will have to wait for another day. This conversation is not about parenting in the individual sense, but rather in a more public scope. Protecting our child from harm is an appropriate parental response, at least in principle. This is why we work ourselves to the bone, trying to give them better things than we had. We want the best health care, the best bike helmet and, definitely, the best education to insure our child’s opportunities multiply. Evolutionarily speaking, we don’t merely want our offspring to survive, we want them to thrive.

Protecting our child from harm is an appropriate parental response, at least in principle. This is why we work ourselves to the bone, trying to give them better things than we had. 43

Even when we have children who are not the best when it comes to academics, or maybe especially then, even the most traditional ‘whatcha-dothis-time’ parent would at least be curious about the school. What could possibly be going so wrong to the point of convincing our child that it’s just not worth it? One of the biggest complains from educators is that a lot of parents these days are way too quick and willing to blame the school when they feel their children are underperforming. Instead of, say, take an honest look at the student’s school habits and ethics both at home and at school. Current protocol at Kennedy relies on a more holistic approach based on collaboration among all parties involved. Student, parents and school come to the agreement that they are all working toward a common good: the student’s academic success and

well-being. Something clicks in most students when they realise their authority figures want them to succeed. A child’s entire worldview can change when they realise that school is not ‘out to get them’. A student with a long history of disruptive behaviour and academic struggles once looked at me, square in the eye and told me: ‘I know every teacher in this school hates me.’

Something clicks in most students when they realise their authority figures want them to succeed. A child’s entire worldview can change when they realise that school is not ‘out to get them’.


Teachers´ & staff´s


much needed attention to a socio-economic Naturally, every individual trend he perceived as a national problem, afcase is a challenge, and the road towards a student ter almost a decade, the term has caught on like gaining back their faith wildfire as fodder for polin school is a long and thorny one, but most par- iticians, preachers and ents in my experience are meme-makers who are willing to give children the happy to throw young benefit of the doubt upon people under the bus in order to further other hearing those dreaded agendas without neceswords: I don’t want to go sarily providing opportunito school anymore. ties for our children. What happens, though, A similar thing has hapwhen it’s not our child pened on the international who’s declaring to be done with the school sys- scene. By most accounts, tem? What happens when the term originally apan entire generation’s faith peared in a report on economic activity ‘Bridging in the world we built for the Gap’ by Britain’s Social them starts to falter? Exclusion Unit back in In 2010, then head of Mex- 1999, which identified a subgroup of people beico’s National University, tween the ages of 16-34 UNAM, José Narro made who were ‘Not in Eduheadlines by using (and helping to popularise) the cation, Employment or Training’. Originally, the term ‘nini’, adding that 7 term pointed to a growing million young people in social trend where people Mexico had hit a wall in were growing increasingly their aspirations to the frustrated after failing or point where they didn’t dropping out of the school want to go to school and system only to find an they didn’t want to work. even more disappointing While Dr. Narro was prejob market. sumably trying to bring 45

This is nothing new, of course. Generations X-ers will remember how similar accusations of entitlement, apathy and/or laziness were constantly launched at them (only they were called ‘slackers’ back then) by the establishment. Much was made of the term ‘McJob’, which was used to describe low-paying, dead-end service industry jobs while ‘all the other jobs were being sent to China’. Twenty years later, socalled Millennials face an even more adverse job market with aggravating factors, like the gig economy and unprecedented economic inequality. These are all things that it would be ill-advised to talk about in these wildly uninformed words. What we can do, however, as parents and, therefore, stewards of this world that our children will inherit is grant all children the same compassion that we would our own offspring if they came to us in their hour of need.

Before we aim for our dropouts and condemn them for their lack of effort, enthusiasm, or their deficient study habits, we should look at the schools as well. Are our children failing school or are our schools failing children? For those fortunate enough to attend private institutions, the solution is to pay your way to better opportunities and better education. In reality, after graduation, our children will be sharing the same country as those whose school was allowed to fail them.

Are our children failing school or are our schools failing children? For those fortunate enough to attend private institutions, the solution is to pay your way to better opportunities and better education. In reality, after graduation, our children will be sharing the same country as those whose school was allowed to fail them.


When this happens to one of our own children, the protocol of parent-student-school collaboration has proven successful. It’s a win-win-win when a student is happy at school and the school knows how to address a student’s learning needs and style. Maybe it’s time for us to take this conversation to a national level and see what impression young people have of the schools we have provided for them on a national level. And we can start by not falling into the trap of blaming only young people without considering

Teachers´ & staff´s


whether they have a legitimate reason for their disenchantment. We can start by making sure our own children appreciate the great opportunities we are working so hard to give them while thinking of those who inherited a different set of circumstances as fellow humans deserving of the same dignity as everyone else. Finally, we can afford the younger generation the same compassion we would our own children in their time of need. Fixing education in Mexico is a gigantic undertaking, but maybe it all starts by showing our leaders that we want schools where our children want to study.

With information from: Rodríguez, Darinka. 2018, febrero 3. “‘Ninis’ en México: una radiografía de los jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan.” Blog Verne, El Paísversión global. Obtenido de: https://verne.elpais.com/ verne/2018/02/02/mexico/1517594700_019834.html Maguire, Sue & Thompson, Jo. 2017, enero. “Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) – where is Government policy taking us now?”. University of Warwick. Obtenido de: http://www.nya. org.uk/informa tion/100576/100578/109411/ 109730/archive/ Redacción. 2010, agosto 23. “Sí son 7 millones de ninis: Narro”. El Economista. Obtenido de: https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/politica/ Si-son-7-millones-de-ninisNarro-20100824-0051.html




or can they grow into or adopt an alien culture? = I’m originally from Texas where my whole family is, but I have a son born 1. Do you consider your- in MÊxico. I was fortunate self a bilingual foreigner to have studied a shared living in an alien counhistory as well as having try, or do you consider a passing knowledge of yourself bicultural? Spanish and a taste for = I would classify myself Mexican food. as bicultural. I feel I’ve totally adopted this beautiful 3. In your opinion, what culture. I came for a two is the difference beweek vacation, that has tween bilingual alien in lasted 55 years! a foreign country and being bicultural? 2. Does someone have = In order to be biculturto be born into two cul- al, it is important to blend tures to be bicultural, into your newly chosen JFK community, and this is what she told us about what biculturalism means to her:

By: JFK Times Staff

Living in a foreign country sometimes can be challenging when it comes to adapting. It is not only about living with new people, but also getting used to a new food, climate, culture, and sometimes language. This time, we interviewed Kay Farrer, who has lived in Mexico for 55 years. She is a grandmother in our


Parents´& Grandparents´ voices

new or different culture to them? = It is necessary to make a sincere effort to learn the target language, and be adventurous in accepting, and being respectful of, the newly adopted culture. Also, I think after all surroundings, but on the these years, I have learned other hand, I feel that it is to understand the pace of important to share typical things in Mexico, which is traditions from your native different from the U.S., but country. An example of that doesn’t mean either this is that I always have option is better or worse, two separate areas for the it’s just different. Day of the Dead and Halloween in my home. I also celebrate Thanksgiving It is necessary to Day in Mexico. I guess biculturalism means it’s immake a sincere effort portant to incorporate to to learn the target your life the best of both language, and be adworlds in harmony.

I guess biculturalism means it’s important to incorporate to your life the best of both worlds in harmony. 4. What do you believe are the main challenges foreigners encounter when immersing into a

venturous in accepting, and being respectful of, the newly adopted culture.

have a close relation, and also the people I meet on a more casual level. The warmness of people in Mexico is amazing, the generalized service spirit is awesome.

I love the generosity and loving spirit of the people with whom I have a close relation, and also the people I meet on a more casual level. The warmness of people in Mexico is amazing, the generalized service spirit is awesome.

6. What is the best advice you could give a newcomer that is string into Mexican culture? = Enjoy the outstanding 5. What are the benefits characteristics in this rich of being bicultural in and amazing country. ExMexico? pect surprises and be pa= I feel that it has enriched tient when you see things my life well beyond all ex- that might seem taxing or pectations. I love the gen- strange to you. After all, erosity and loving spirit of we are the guests!!! the people with whom I 49




Por: Claudia Elena Valencia Mamá JFK

¿Planeas hacer un viaje intercontinental?… ¡Fabuloso! Pero no te olvides antes que nada poner entre tus planes, tu salud. Llegan las vacaciones y tienes el privilegio de viajar a otro continente. Sin embargo, lo último que nos pasa por la mente es

pensar en nuestra salud, ya que lo primero que nos preocupa es buscar con anticipación los boletos de avión, el hotel, los recorridos, la ropa, etc., planeamos toda la logística de nuestro viaje para pasar las mejores vacaciones, sin tomar en cuenta que el tema de nuestra salud es lo más importante.

nacional de Trombosis y Hemostasia (ISTH, por sus siglas en inglés), inició una campaña sobre la trombosis en el año 2014, para concientizar a la población sobre la importancia de realizarse una valoración de riesgo de trombosis antes de una cirugía o antes de hacer una viaje intercontinental, sobretodo si ya somos adultos El pasado 13 de octubre, mayores de 50 años o con se celebró el día munantecedentes de trastordial de la trombosis. nos de coagulación, tab¿Sabías que se dan 3 casos aquismo, sobrepeso y, en de trombosis por cada las mujeres, el uso prolonmil viajeros y que a nivel gado de anticonceptivos. mundial, una de cada cuatro personas muere por causas relacionadas con algún tipo de trombosis? Es debido a estas cifras, que la Sociedad Inter50

Parents´& Grandparents´ voices

¿Sabías que se dan 3 casos de trombosis por cada mil viajeros y que a nivel mundial, una de cada cuatro personas muere por causas relacionadas con algún tipo de trombosis? Por todo lo anterior, debemos de tomar en cuenta que la llamada trombosis viajera, se puede prevenir a pesar de que en ocasiones, puede llegar a ser mortal. ¿Por qué se desarrolla una trombosis venosa profunda en los viajeros? La TVP (trombosis venosa profunda) se forma cuando hay una reducción importante en el movimiento

del cuerpo, por ejemplo, cuando un turista viaja de 8 a 12 horas sentado en una misma posición, tiene la posibilidad de que la sangre se coagule y se forme un tapón (coágulo) en las venas de la musculatura profunda de las piernas o de la pelvis e impida el retorno de la sangre al corazón, ocasionando una embolia pulmonar; y si ese coágulo viaja a los pulmones o si viaja al cerebro, un infarto cerebral.

Cuando un turista viaja de 8 a 12 horas sentado en una misma posición, tiene la posibilidad de que la sangre se coagule y se forme un tapón (coágulo) en las venas de la musculatura profunda de las piernas o de la pelvis e impida el retorno de la sangre al corazón. 51

Los síntomas que puede presentar un pasajero en caso de iniciar una trombosis pueden ser: dolor leve que comienza en la pantorrilla, entumecimiento e inflamación de las piernas, tobillos o pies, eritema, calor, mareo, dolor de cabeza y parálisis de la cara o extremidades. Durante una entrevista de radio, realizada precisamente el pasado Día mundial de la trombosis, el Director de Servicios Médicos del Aeropuerto Internacional de la Cd. de México, Terminal 2, el Dr. Jorge Busch, aseguró que diferentes estudios señalan, que los pasajeros de viajes intercontinentales de la clase turista son más propensos a sufrir una trombosis en comparación con los pasajeros de la primera clase, ya que en esta sección los asientos se extienden como cama y hay mas espacio para moverse entre un asiento y otro. Señaló también, que para reducir el riesgo de sufrir una trombosis viajera, es necesario tomar las sigui-

entes medidas de prevención: • Evaluar nuestro estado de salud antes de un vuelo internacional. • Conocer si tenemos antecedentes de trombosis o algún trastorno de coagulación. • Pararse constantemente durante el vuelo. • Tomar mucha agua para mantenernos bien hidratados, consumir refresco o alcohol, ya que debido a los cambios de presión nuestro abdomen se inflama más. • Activar una alarma para levantarnos cada 4 hrs. y hacer algún tipo de movimiento durante viajes largos.

ceptivos. Hizo énfasis en la práctica común de tomar una aspirina Protec 100 justo antes del vuelo, diciendo que muchas veces no es lo más recomendable pues no surte efecto alguno como método de prevención, ya que está ampliamente investigado que hay que tomar 400 mg. de Enoxaparina (Heparina de bajo peso muscular), que es un antitrombótico anticuagulante, por lo menos 12 horas antes del vuelo y tres días después para un efecto más benéfico, esto por supuesto, bajo la previa recomendación y supervisión de su médico particular.

Así que ya lo sabes, no hay razones para dejar de viajar, al contrario, hay que disfrutar al máximo nuestras próximas vaca• Tener una actividad ciones a otro continente, física durante nuestra ¡solo no olvides checarte vida diaria, evitar el tay cuidar tu salud! ¡Haz tus baquismo, el consumo maletas y que empiece la de alcohol frecuente así diversión! como, en el caso de las mujeres evitar el uso frecuente de anticon52

Parents´& Grandparents´ voices

Celebrando la vida de VALENTINO A veces damos la vida por hecho. La salud y el bienestar se vuelven cotidianos. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando la vida se detiene y te das cuenta de que tu hijo está enfermo? ¿Qué pasa cuando te das cuenta de que su vida está en peligro?

Georgina Lanza, también conocida como Gigi, madre de Valentino de 7 años, pasó por esta amarga experiencia el año pasado cuando este fue diagnosticado con un tumor cerebral. La vida para la familia Depaula, procedente de Bue53

Por: JFK Times Staff

nos Aires, Argentina, dio un giro inesperado. ¿Cuál sería el siguiente paso? ¿Quién iba a ser el médico elegido para atenderlo? ¿Por qué estaba pasando eso? ¿Por qué Querétaro? Entendiendo que todas las experiencias tienen un lado positivo, y nos dejan

un aprendizaje, y ahora que podemos celebrar que Valentino se encuentra perfectamente sano, ya que la pesadilla ha terminado, quisimos entrevistar a Gigi, para que ella nos contara sobre lo ocurrido desde su óptica como madre, a manera de semblanza, y compartir con ustedes la experiencia y los aprendizajes obtenidos. 1.- Gigi, ¿cuál fue el mayor reto de esta experiencia tan dolorosa? = Cuando te enteras de una noticia así lo único que piensas es en cómo ayudarlo. Primero, a sanar; y segundo, a que el tiempo que dure el tratamiento, él lo pase lo mejor posible . Sí, pasarla bien (dentro de los malestares típicos). Es lo único en lo que podía ayudarlo yo. Ese fue nuestro reto. El resto estaba en manos de la medicina, y de Dios. Durante el tratamiento de nueve meses, Valentino estudió varios instrumentos musicales -como la batería, que ahora le encanta-, hizo homes-

chooling (educación en el hogar), y con miles de cuidados, veía a algunos de sus mejores amigos. Su alimentación se volvió estrictamente sana. Todo este tiempo, jugábamos, leíamos, comíamos en casa, veíamos películas, hacíamos palomitas, inventábamos mil cosas para pasar el tiempo. Parece divertido, ¿no? Y la verdad, así lo vivió él. Y yo, con eso, me siento satisfecha. 2.- ¿Cuál crees que sea el aprendizaje de lo ocurrido? = En medio del problema uno piensa que no puede aprender nada, pero al final no es así. Se aprende y mucho: a valorar la vida (aunque suene trillado), a no dar por hecho nada, a disfrutar cada minuto con mis hijos, a vivir la vida con mayor intensidad, por que al final, uno no sabe qué le depara el destino. 3.- En general, ¿qué le recomendarías a una madre que pase por una situación similar? = Le diría que tiene que 54

ser fuerte, que es el pilar de la familia. Que aunque por dentro estemos en mil pedacitos, hay que mostrar nuestra mejor cara para el niño que nos necesita, y estar bien para sus hermanos. Siempre hay que intentar, y nunca hay que darse por vencido, porque todo vale la pena al final... sí hay recompensa. Solo queda acompañar con amor. Estar cerca de la familia por si necesitan algo y tener un hombro listo, ¡por si acaso!

En medio del problema uno piensa que no puede aprender nada, pero al final no es así. Se aprende y mucho: a valorar la vida (aunque suene trillado), a no dar por hecho nada. 4.- ¿Cómo fue para Valentino reincorporarse a la escuela? = Con respecto a la escuela, no tengo más que palabras de agradecimiento .

Parents´& Grandparents´ voices

El JFK es una gran escuela con un gran capital humano que estuvo siempre apoyándonos y al pendiente de mi hijo. La directora y subdirectora de kínder nos facilitaron todo el material necesario para eso, una maestra lo apoyó durante el verano y luego en casa al inicio del año escolar. Siempre con mucho amor y paciencia para que Valen se sintiera bien, y respetando sus tiempos. Al reincorporarse la escuela todo el mundo lo recibió de una manera soñada, globos, dulces, porras... ¡Él estaba feliz con tantas cosas! Mi hijo estaba sano, de regreso y rodeado de gente hermosa... ¡Qué más podía pedir! Siempre estaré agradecida a la escuela por tanto apoyo y sobre todo por tanto amor. 55

No cualquier escuela hubiera hecho lo mismo.

El JFK es una gran escuela con un gran capital humano que estuvo siempre apoyándonos y al pendiente de mi hijo. 5.- ¿Cuál es el punto de vista de Valen? = Valen vivió el proceso realmente con mucha madurez. Me sorprendió, pero yo siempre supe que era un niño especial y muy valiente. Una vez le pregunté si podía contarme cómo se sentía y me dijo: “¡Feliz mamá! Estoy todo el día contigo y mi hermanita, jugamos juntos, me preparas comida que me gusta, me ayudas con mis cosas, vemos pelis, comemos palomitas, toco la batería...” También le pregunté: “¿si pudieras cambiar algo que sería?”, y me dijo: “nada mamá, así me siento muy feliz”.

6.- En conclusión, ¿qué rescatas de toda esta experiencia? El apoyo de mi familia fue fundamental durante este proceso. Además de Valen, tengo dos hijos más chiquitos, Benjamín y Emilia, que necesitaban mucha atención y cuidados, y si bien no pude estar al 100 con ellos, mi familia fue el gran soporte para que no fuera tan duro para ellos. Mi papá, mi suegra, mi hermana y mi cuñado viajaban todos los meses para acompañarnos. Estaremos eternamente agradecidos, sin ellos todo hubiese sido muchísimo más difícil. Mis amigas, aquí, fueron el otro gran pilar para ayudarme con Benjamín y hacer sus días más divertidos. Siempre estuvieron al pendiente de nosotros y listos con una palabra de apoyo, o simplemente con un hombro para llorar o hacer berrinche. Creo que tener tanta gente buena alrededor fue el mejor regalo en medio de tan terrible momento. Como 56

siempre digo, mi trabajo en paralelo era hacerlo feliz, que recuerde esta etapa como algo positivo a pesar de todo, y con la respuesta de Valentino, me doy cuenta que hicimos lo mejor que pudimos . Y como dice la película de Roberto Benigni: “La vida es bella”

Creo que tener tanta gente buena alrededor fue el mejor regalo en medio de tan terrible momento. Valentino recibió tratamiento médico en el Hospital Infantil Teletón de Oncología de Querétaro. Gigi y Nicolás estarán siempre agradecidos por darle una segunda oportunidad a su hijo, Valentino.

Parents´& Grandparents´ voices

Platicamos con amigos muy cercanos de la familia Depaula:

“Este último año que vivimos junto a Valen, podría resumirlo con que incluso en los caminos más difíciles siempre hay alegrías a lo largo del trayecto. Ver que mi hijo descubriera el valor de la amistad y encontrará un amigo inseparable, o hasta que yo conociera una hermana argentina de la cual mis papás no me habían platicado…” Karen Noroña, amiga de Gigi y mamá de Mikel.

“Para mí era muy triste ver a Valen enfermo, me daba tristeza que no podía venir a la escuela y que no sabía si lo íbamos a volver a ver. Pero ahora me da mucha alegría poder jugar con él y verlo en la escuela, porque es mi amigo”. Max, amigo de Valentino.


“What art offers is space, a certain breathing room for the spirit.�-John Updike

By: Chelsea Lynn Wedwick Head of Arts Department

What the Diploma Program (DP) art program offers is the space and time for the students to explore beauty in the arts. While not all works contain the deliberate beautiful image, there is something to be said for the growths, struggles and accomplishments that are developed in the process. The works can be interesting, irritating, or intriguing but often, the beauty lies in the jour-

ney of art. The artwork displayed in these images are the result of the student artists taking the space and time to develop their techniques and share their most cherished works. There were trials and tribulations but in the end the artworks displayed love, curiosity and even pain. As you look at the images produced by last year DP art students, take in the space, breathe in and experience their work. It is in the silence and the focus on each work where the art whispers back, so be still, be present, and be beautiful.

Marisol Sibaja

Sabrina Beckwith

Andrea Cervantes 58

CULTURE & ARTS Sofía Sánchez

Abigail Rejopachi

Arantza Ituarte

Maya Ortiz

Verónica Carballo

Stephanie Carbajal

Mauricio del Valle

Manuel Rábago 59

Alejandra Beltrán

Alejandra Berges

Dongyu Lee

Diego Pesqueira

Sofía Bonfigli

Jimena Urquiza 60

Jimena Urquiza


Jimena Urquiza

Ana Sofía García

Andrea Beatriz Contel

Renata Ortiz

Ana Paula Bottle 61




Entrevistamos a Cristina Quintanilla alumna de 11º grado, quien nos compartió parte de su obra fotográfica. ¿Qué fue lo que te inspiró a dedicar tiempo a la fotografía? = El darme cuenta cómo una foto, por más simple que sea, puede transmitir cosas increíbles. Además, todo el tiempo que lleva de producción una sola fotografía, vale la pena cuando ves los resultados. ¿Te gustaría dedicarte profesionalmente a la foto? = Me gustaría dedicarme a algo relacionado con la fotografía pero no como base. Me interesa mucho la carrera de co-

otros fotógrafos, me imagino las cosas en la cabeza, y las llevo a cabo, transmiPor: Mónica Duarte tiendo algún sentimiento Coordinadora de detrás de esa fotografía. Comunicaciones Es una combinación de muchas cosas, desde la ubicación hasta los aretes municación, ya que aparte que se pondrá la modelo. de la fotografía, me gusta que lleva muchas cosas Para mí la fotografía es digitales, relaciones públi- algo irreemplazable, ya cas, etc., algo que a mí me que captura el momenencanta. to preciso de algún sentimiento o circunstancia, ¿En qué universidad te un momento único e gustaría estudiar? irrepetible. Es necesario = Todavía no tengo una conseguir ese preciso idea clara; me gustaría ángulo, esa profundidad irme a la Ciudad de Méxabismal en una mirada, y ico para poder llevar a concentrarme en que la cabo varios proyectos que fotografía sea luminosa, tengo en mente. Me llacolorida, equilibrada, alma mucho la atención la gunas veces tierna y otras universidad Anáhuac del más audaz, pero siempre Norte o la Iberoamericana. profunda: rescatando del olvido todo ¿Cómo te inspiras para aquello que merece la elegir los temas que fo- pena ser mirado. tografías? = Me inspiro con todo lo que veo en la televisión, en las redes sociales, la sociedad o el trabajo de 63



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Muy pocas cosas puede llamar la atención de la gente y capturarla como si se tratara de magia. Una de las fechas en las que la magia se vive latente en nuestra comunidad JFK, es el día de Halloween, y el Día de Muertos.

el segundo, abrimos un portal entre los vivos y los muertos, permitiéndoles a nuestros antepasados visitarnos por una noche para que sientan nuestro calor, lo mucho que los queremos y recordamos, y la manera en la que los honramos. Así, sumergiéndonos en el mundo de los espíritus, podemos encontrar una inmensa cantidad de maravillosos escritores que aman explorar estos temas, y presentarlos de manera literaria al público lector.

Mientras que en el primero los niños tienen la oportunidad de fantasear con la capacidad de convertirse en cualquier personaje que los lleve a cualquier mundo que los llene de emoción, en

Así, sumergiéndonos en el mundo de los espíritus, podemos encontrar una inmensa cantidad de maravillosos escritores que aman explorar estos temas, y presentarlos de manera literaria al público lector.

Este es el caso de Anne Rice, quien basándose en una pequeña historia que había escrito, escribe una magnífica novela de género terror-gótico. La novela se centra en la entrevista que le hace un reporte66


regalos que despiertan cuestiones profundas en nosotros como seres huro al vampiro conocido manos, por ejemplo “la como, Louis de Pointe inmortalidad”, a cambio de du Lac, quien empieza su terribles maldiciones de vida inmortal en el mundo las cuales los vampiros no de los vampiros en 1791, pueden huir, como la sed cuando es abordado por insaciable de sangre huun poderoso vampiro llamana, y lo que conlleva el mado, Lestat de Lioncourt, obtenerla. quien voluntariosamente lo convierte en vampiro Esta obra de Anne Rice, es solo por el capricho de sin duda una las novelas tenerlo como compañero. más celebradas, admiraA partir de este evento, das, amadas y leídas por quienes muchos al prinlos amantes del terror cipio ven como una desgótico y los vampiros, gracia, otros como una dándole una extraordifortuna: naria batalla a “Drácu“But Death we are, and la”, del escritor irlandés, Death we’ve always been” Bram Stoker, con ningún (“Pero la muerte somos, y otro trabajo literario que siempre lo seremos”). aborde un tema de forma Es así como se desenvuelve la historia de la magnífica vida de uno de los personajes más interesantes de nuestra historia literaria, en donde participarán vampiros poderosos, crueles, compasivos, e incluso extremadamente jóvenes, que parecen no crecer ni madurar a pesar del paso del tiempo… Un relato lleno de grandes

similar. Llegará el momento en el que alguien más escriba una historia de vampiros y nos levante del suelo. Mientras tanto, me atrevo a decir que Anne Rice se mantiene con esta novela como la mejor escritora de terror gótico, y que “Entrevista con el Vampiro” no solo es una novela fascinante, con una narrativa extraordinaria y personajes exóticos pre67

sentados de una manera profunda que atrapan al lector, logrando encontrar en cada uno de ellos algún punto de interés que nos llega a cautivar e incluso a enamorar. Sin duda es una novela “obligada” de la literatura en general, que recomiendo leer a todos nosotros. Recomendado por Sandra Cisneros, Philip Pullman, Leonardo Dicaprio, Eva Green, y el mismísimo Tom Cruise, quien hiciera el papel del vampiro icónico, Lestat, y por su servidora quien lo considera uno de los cien libros que debes de leer antes de los treinta años, seas o no fanático de este género. Así que, ¡a leer!



By: JFK Times Staff

Who does not love traveling? Are you a careful planner or perhaps an open-minded adventurer?

On our last issue, we got to learn some interesting details about Bob Callahan, our new high school principal (congratulations, Bob!) and we gave him the chance to nominate someone else to continue this Q&A, so that we can get to know a little better some of the people in our JFK community. Bob nominated our Services and Operations Director, Jeffrey Lewis, and you will be surprised to learn a few facts about him as an expert traveler, I will let his answers speak for them68


Q&A 1. I was born in: the Philippines. 2. First country I visited: Hong Kong, China. 3. My must-have travel item: A good book for long flights. 4. Country I’m dying to visit: Two actually‌ Australia and New Zealand. 5. How many countries I have visited: 20+ and counting.

CULTURE & ARTS 6. My favorite city in the world: London. 7. My least favorite place so far: Port Huron, Michigan. 8. Last country/city I visited: San Luis Obispo, California, USA. 9. Next country I will/want to visit: Canada. 10. Destination I have found overrated: Disneyland. 11. Country with the best food: Mexico, followed closely by Italy. 12. Country with the best weather: Mexico. 13. Country with the friendliest people: Mexico. 14. Most interesting culture so far: Philippines. 15. Beach or mountain:

Beach definitely. 16. City or countryside: Countryside. 17. Airplane, train or car: Train. 18. Hotel on Airbnb: Airbnb. 19. Sightseeing or shopping: Sightseeing. 20. Solo or group travel: Solo with family, small group foodie tours are great. 21. Traveling by day or night: Day. 22. Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving. 23. Favorite music for traveling: Classic rock. 24. Favorite reading material for vacationing: Historical fiction novels. 25. Salty or sweet: Both,


especially combined. 26. Foreign language you’d like to learn: Italian. 27. Europe, Asia, Africa or America: Europe. 28. Strict schedule or go with the flow: Go with the flow. 29. Best souvenir you’ve bought: Actually one I received from my Dad, a Buddha statue he bought in Hong Kong. 30. Your best travel tip: Stay in a place for a few days and ask locals where they go for eating and entertainment. 31. Describe yourself in three words: Compassionate, happy and blessed. 32. Who I nominate to share next: Rossy Cajiga.

Pediculosis alojan muy cerca del cuero cabelludo. Los huevos de los piojos se denominan liendres. Un ¿Qué son las piojo hembra pone entre liendres? 50 y 300 huevos, a razón de 10/día. Están hechas de Los huevos de los piojos una sustancia pegajosa e se denominan liendres. Un insoluble en agua, lo que piojo hembra pone entre dificulta su eliminación. La 50 y 300 huevos, a razón liendre se abre al cabo de de 10/día. Están hechas de 7-10 días y la larva madura una sustancia pegajosa e en un par de semanas. Se insoluble en agua, lo que alojan muy cerca del cuedificulta su eliminación. La ro cabelludo. liendre se abre al cabo de 7-10 días y la larva madura en un par de semanas. Se alojarse en la nuca y detrás de las orejas.

Por: Dra. Sandra Ba rr agán Enfermería

¿Qué son los piojos de la cabeza? Son pequeños insectos que se alimentan de sangre, y viven solo en la cabeza humana. Suelen


Ciclo de la vida de un piojo: piojo macho

liendre día 1 - 7


Cada hembra pone durante su vida unas 110 liendres

día 8 - 17

piojo hembra día 18 - 35

¿Cómo se contagian? Los piojos no vuelan ni saltan de una cabeza a otra, pero trepan bastante rápido por el pelo y pueden pasar de una cabeza a otra si hay un contacto directo (“pelo con pelo”). Se pueden transmitir a

través de gorros, cascos, o ropa de casa, (toallas, reposacabezas, sábanas…), u objetos, (peines u horquillas), si ha existido contacto directo con el cabello.

¿Pueden los animales transportar piojos? No. Los tipos de piojos 71

que infectan a los humanos no viven en las mascotas u otros animales. Hay otros tipos de piojos que viven en los animales, pero no infestan a los humanos.

Los pediculicidas se presentan en distintas formas: aerosol, champú, espumas, lociones, etc. En general, se aplica el producto sin lavado previo del cabello, puesto que la grasa facilita la fijación del principio activo del producto, y se deja actuar el tiempo indicado por el fabricante, (desde algunos minutos a varias horas), cubrir con un gorro de plástico de un sólo uso mejora el resultado de la pediculicida en los tratamientos.


Síntomas que necesitan tratamiento pediculicida: • Picor y presencia de piojos. • Sin picor y presencia de • Picor, sin presencia de piojos. liendres, ni piojos. Debe • Picor y presencia de lienacudirse a un médico. dres. Síntomas que NO necesitan tratamiento pediculicida:

¿Cuándo y cómo realizar el tratamiento?

ducto, y se dejará actuar el tiempo indicado por el fabricante, (desde algunos minutos a varias horas), cubrir con un gorro de plástico de un solo uso mejora el resultado en los tratamientos.

• Presencia de liendres, pero sin picor. Deben extraerse con una lendrera y examinar a diario la cabeza.

En general, se aplicará el producto previo al lavado del cabello, puesto que la grasa facilita la fijación del principio activo del pro-

Por otro lado, no es suficiente con solo destruir a los piojos. Hay que eliminar las liendres y eso solo


se hace con las manos, y sobre cabello húmedo, con la ayuda de un peine o lendrera. Se deben seguir las instrucciones que recomiendan cada producto y repetir un nuevo ciclo de tratamiento a los 7 ó 10 días y peinar diariamente con una lendrera de púas metálicas largas y finas durante dos semanas para eliminar los huevos, pues ningún producto mata el 100 por ciento de los huevos.

¿Cómo se pueden se mueran los posibles eliminar los piojos piojos o sus huevos). Los animales domésticos (perde los gorros, ros, gatos, pájaros, etc.) no cascos, sombreros adquieren los piojos huo demás ropa que manos y no son fuente de contagio. ha estado en contacto con el pelo? Un plan para derrotar a los piojos: Los cepillos, peines y adornos del cabello se desparasitan sumergiéndolos, durante 10 minutos, en agua con producto pediculicida. La ropa debe lavarse agua caliente. Lo que no se pueda lavar se encerrará en una bolsa de plástico hermética durante 2 semanas, (tiempo para que


1. Revisar la cabeza. 2. Aplicar una buena loción antipiojos. 3. Pasar bien el peine especial para remover las liendres. 4. No compartir peines, cepillos, toallas ni gorros. 5. Repetir el tratamiento a los 8 días.


By: MĂłnica Duarte Communications Coordinator

This is Ricardo Ramos, Class of 2007. He’s 32 and lives in New York City. He currently works in Barrows Global, as Shopper Marketing. Ricardo is achieving the extraordinary, melting the braveness of being a foreigner in the United States with his leadership and talent in the professional field. 74

ALUMNI Which career did you choose and why? = I have a Bachelor’s in Business Communication and a Master’s Degree in Brand Management. The reason why I chose this career is simple, they allow me to be all at once: a creative, a strategist and a client partner. In the marketing profession, it is easier to be able to use your creativity with a business-strategic approach.

at JFK, hard to choose from, but I’ll give you my top two.

1. I was responsible for the launch of the school’s magazine! Back in elementary school I had the crazy idea to pitch the creation of a magazine to our school’s principal were the students would be the writers, it was called LINK. It makes me happy to know the magazine is still here and is in constant What has been your big- evolution. gest professional challenge? 2. I became both middle = Having to coordinate school and high school not only the interior destudent council presisign, but also the full pro- dent, which nurtured my duction project of one of project management and my top client’s headquar- leadership skills. It was ters. I’m having to learn very fulfilling at the time the complicated producto have the full support tion and logistics as I go, a and responsibility of enworld I’ve never encountire generations and grade tered before. It has proven levels who looked to me to be a big push on my for guidance and problem capabilities as a strategist solving. and project manager. What memories do you have of the JFK? = I have several great memories from my times 75

It was very fulfilling at the time to have the full support and responsibility of entire generations and grade levels who looked to me for guidance and problem solving.

How did the John F. Kennedy School prepare you to have the life you have today? = As a JFK graduate, you enter the world with what I’ve experienced is one of the highest level of English in Mexico. Not to be taken lightly, since more often than not, it will be the make-it or break-it decision on your next job interview. Another key factor is the IB Diploma opportunity, a worth-it pain to go through. Not only does it give you class credits for your University, but it also

prepares you for the long hours of work and project structure mentality you will need in the future. It is basically a test run for what’s to come after graduating high school. Finally, being a Kennedy student gives you the opportunity to study in a multicultural school which prepares you and teaches you to embrace diversity in every sense of the word. A much needed value in today’s conflicting world.


The IB Diploma is basically a test run for what’s to come after graduating high school.

ALUMNI Any advice for future alumni? = Do not be afraid to be different, it’s today’s most looked for professional value. There is a quote I love from Adam Grant, TED Speaker and novelist, “To come up with something original, we need to begin from an unfamiliar

place.” Being different is the key component for creating ideas that drive change. What do these words mean to you? = I will reply with the first word that comes to my mind.


Challenge: A necessity. Family: My life. Mexico: Home away from home. Triumph: The end goal. Happiness: We choose it. Balance: Inner peace.

DIANA OSTOS RANGEL Class of 2007 She studied Biotechnology at the Tec de Monterrey, and started her career as a researcher, working on projects related to bioprocess engineering, recombinant protein expression in bacteria, and genetic assembly in yeast. After completing a Masters in Synthetic Biology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Basel, she moved back to Mexico. While in the Graduate Development Program in a flavor and ingredients company in San Juan del Río, she specialized in Operations Finance. In 2018, she joined McKinsey & Company, one of the most prestigious management consulting firms in the world, where she has been involved in projects ranging from card payments to lean manufacturing. “I love adventure sports; especially paragliding. I also practice ultimate frisbee - which, incidentally, I played for the very first time at JFK... back when we had to keep a written journal for sports class!”

Congratulations Diana! 78 90


santiago taracena Class of 2012 After graduating from JFK in 2012, he went on to study Economics at ITAM in Mexico City. Pursuing his interest in an energy finance-oriented career, as a student at ITAM, he worked as a gas and power market research and analysis intern at IHSMarkit. Then, a year later, he joined the Equity Research team at Credit Suisse as an intern in Mexico City and upon graduating from college, got promoted to a full-time analyst with coverage of the Latin America cement and energy & petrochemicals sectors. Today, he is responsible for researching public companies, project earnings, follow market trends, and producing reports and recommendations for international institutional investors. “I am very thankful for all the years I spent at JFK. I would not be where I am today were it not for the mentors, professors, and friends who supported my work and believed in me. It’s amazing how I’m still reaping the benefits from my JFK education.”

Keep on excelling! 79 91


roberta madrazo Class of 2012 While on 12th grade, she discovered her passion for education. It was during one of her CAS projects, where she felt inspired to do something about the enormous inequality of educational opportunities in our country. However, it was not easy knowing which path would lead her to work towards making a positive impact for everyone. Her teacher, Ana Julia, who introduced her to the field of Pedagogy, helped her follow the right track. After graduating in 2012, she studied Education & Human Development (Pedagogy) at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City, earning a Bachelor’s degree with a focus on Educational Innovation. Throughout her professional development, she had the chance to collaborate in both public and private sectors. She is currently the Educational Technology Specialist at a school in the southern part of Mexico City, working alongside with teachers and staff, to transform education in the classroom through the use of technology and pedagogical innovation. “JFK was the place where I found my passion; it was the place where I was inspired by the most incredible teachers, and where I met the most amazing people I call my friends.”

Awesome, Roberta! Helping one child at a time! 80

Enjoy the

break, See you in

January! 81

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