Hakol - April 2025

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Jewish Greece together.

Though the early-spring weather is still iffy here and in Israel, Passover is just around the corner. See what’s happening. Pullout section





Israeli ‘Idol’ winner tells 10/7 survival story at Beth El

Hagit Yaso woke up early on October 7, 2023, in her home in Sderot, Israel, near the Gaza border. The weather was perfect and she headed out for a run. It was Shabbat and, as a Jew who keeps Shabbat, she didn’t take her phone.

Yaso, a daughter of Ethiopian Jews who were evacuated by airlift out of Sudan to Israel 40 years ago and a former winner of the Israeli version of “American Idol,” happened to be performing in Washington, D.C., in February. It came up there that her next stop was Allentown, Pennsylvania, to visit relatives. Word of that spread to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. It was fate, and the efforts of the Federation and Temple Beth El, that brought Yaso to TBE to tell her survival story

to the Lehigh Valley community. And it was the desire to hear that story (and her singing!) that brought over 100 people to TBE’s sanctuary on Thursday night, February 27, on short notice.

Not long into Yaso’s morning run on October 7, air raid sirens started screaming. There were gunshots, explosions. Yaso headed for the nearest bomb shelter. “I turned to God,” she said, “Why did you put me in this situation?”

Missile launches from Gaza were not unusual in Sderot, even as the current situation was proving much worse. Yaso knew well the frequent routine of hearing sirens and running to safety. She and her siblings were raised in Sderot, born to parents who’d met for the first time on their wedding day in Ethiopia and endured a difficult aliyah via mass air evacuation. They lived for a

while outside Sderot and then moved into the city.

As Yaso fled from Hamas to the bomb shelter, she saw two friends passing on bikes. “Wait for me!” she yelled. She heard gunfire. “I have to go,” one friend responded and took off.

More shooting. Yaso changed course. “Something inside me said take a left and go to another bomb shelter,” she said. Hearing terrorists coming closer, she ducked into some bushes to hide. They shot and killed her one friend on the bike.

They didn’t see Yaso. She made it to the shelter and entered. The doors were bolted behind her. The terrorists were not far behind. “All the time there,” she recalled, “terrorists are coming and waiting.”

Eventually the terrorists left and Yaso fled. Out on the street, she found a man run-

ning, “in shock,” who invited her to follow him. They reached a gas station where 11 Israelis were hiding and joined them inside. Before long: “There are terrorists outside,” she said. “I pray and I cry and I say God will save us.” She and the other Israelis remained hidden there for seven hours before security arrived and took them to safety. She was able to talk with a psychologist about the traumatic experience.

As the situation remained unpredictable, Yaso went to stay temporarily in a Jerusalem hotel. “During that time, I was focused on my mourning for friends and others killed,” she said. She met a woman and some others who had been through similar ordeals on October 7. “We ran together to help deal with the trauma.”

Lauren Rabin to become Women’s Philanthropy president

Lauren Rabin understands what it’s like to be a young mom with young kids and still want to volunteer in the community.

Fifteen years ago she moved to the Lehigh Valley with her husband, Doron, and two young children. With no local family to help out with the kids, she discovered fast that there’s not much time left for volunteering. Yet she also knows that there’s a place for philanthropy-minded

community members with responsibilities at home and elsewhere to get involved at a level of commitment they can handle.

Lauren will soon be bringing this personal experience to her new role as president of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Women’s Philanthropy. She says a particular focus of hers will be to bring in young women and mothers who may not currently have a lot of time to devote to community work but who can get started now and grow into roles as dedicated volunteers and leaders.

“I hope that other women will see my path and want to do the same,” she says. “But it took time, and that’s OK. You can get more involved as your family evolves.”

A grandchild of Holocaust survivors, Lauren grew up in Toronto and lived there with her husband, Dr. Doron Rabin, also a grandchild of Holocaust survivors, and two young kids in the 2000s. Doron, a neurosurgeon raised in Ottawa, got recruited by

St. Luke’s Hospital. He and Laruen came here for a visit to see how the Lehigh Valley Jewish community compared to the strong communities they had known all their lives.

The hosts for their visit were Robby and Laurie Wax, president of the Jewish Federation board and outgoing president of Women’s Philanthropy, respectively. “We got a beautiful tour by Laurie and Robby,” Lauren says. They saw the JCC, the Jewish Day School, and other important places and were impressed. “It made our decision easier.”

The decision was for Doron to accept the St. Luke’s position. The family moved here in 2010 and right away got involved in the Jewish community, to the extent that they were able at that time.

Lauren has become very involved since those days. She has volunteered at the JCC and the Jewish Day School. She and Doron soon became philanthropists at the “major donor” level to the Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. Next, Lauren

got her Pomegranate pin, a Women’s Philanthropy recognition for philanthropic work and giving $1,800 or more to the campaign. After that came her Lion of Judah pin (gifts of $5,000 and above).

Her and Doron’s kids, Aron and Golda, are involved too. They had their bar and bat mitzvahs at Chabad of the Lehigh Valley. They both attend Parkland High School and remain involved in things Jewish in and out of school.

“They have very strong connection to their religion in their community,” Lauren says.

As Lauren prepares to take over as Women’s Philanthropy president, she says she’s going into the job with the goal of continuing to expand the group as her recent predecessors—Laurie Wax, Beth Kushnick, Carol Bub Fromer, and Iris Epstein—have done. “My ideal would be for every woman in the Lehigh Valley who’s Jewish to be part of

Purim, pi, and pie

Occurring on Pi Day, the PJ Library Purim celebration at Congregation Bnai Shalom simply had to be named to Purim and Pi. Rabbi Adrienne Rubin and Cantor Jill Pakman made it a sing-a-long event. Here’s a list covering how you can experience a lovely Purim (and maybe Pi day) celebration yourself next year:

1. Costumes are a must. When celebrating Purim, you want to show your spirit by dressing up!

Rabbi Rubin opted for a queenly outfit with a cape and crown. Ariel, an event attendee, went as Lighting McQueen of the Disney “Cars” franchise. Her son was a jack-o’-lantern. Should Purim fall on Pi Day, consider dressing up as a pie (whatever flavor you prefer!).

2. Crafts, crafts, crafts! Putting dry macaroni noodles in a lidded plastic container makes for an excellent noisy party favor. Providing some stickers for folks to customize their party favor adds some fun flair! Guests at the Purim and Pi celebration greatly enjoyed that activity.

3. Hamantaschen (and pie). Rabbi Rubin was a gracious host and made us delicious hamantaschen that parents and kids alike enjoyed. Storebought would also work (in case Rabbi Rubin isn’t available to cater for you that day!). Of course, if you’re also celebrating Pi Day, you can lay out an assortment of pies, as Rabbi Rubin did. A delicious variety of snacks goes a long way toward pleasing guests.

4. Story time. If your cel-

PJ Library welcomes Purim, spring with handful of events

ebration features youngsters, as ours did, there’s no better way to wind down Purim fun than by reading a story aloud. Abby Trachtman, PJ Library coordinator, provided an on-theme story.

Hungry for hamantaschen?

Congregation Sons of Israel hosted a Make, Bake, and Take Hamantaschen Purim celebration in collaboration with PJ Library. Adorning PJ Library-branded aprons, Sons of Israel’s Sisterhood members produced lots of hamantaschen dough. A good thing, too, because between the marketing efforts of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the synagogue, a mass of participants attended! As young families gathered at the synagogue, trays of dough cut into circles were laid across a long row of tables for folks to begin their work. Once they finished with the hamantaschen dough, Sisterhood members took the trays into the kitchen for baking. This gave the kids time to listen to a PJ Library Purim story, winding down the high energy and sending the families off with gift-wrapped

hamantaschen. While hamantaschen is often made in celebration of Purim, there’s no reason you and your fam-

Tot Shabbat series starts strong

Singing, dancing, and dinosaurs? Rabbi Michael Singer of Congregation Brith Sholom brought all that and more to the first in a series of four Tot Shabbat events cosponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s PJ Library.

Rabbi Singer brought a charismatic energy to the Shabbat celebration that

carried on well after his compelling performances, encouraging strong audience participation. Being coaxed onto the stage to sing “I’ve Got the Shabbat Feeling” with Rabbi Singer is an experience I won’t forget!

The kids were shown the elements of Shabbat— candle lighting, kiddush, and more. What they

ily couldn’t enjoy baking them together now. Follow the instructions that appear on this page to begin.

could not have seen coming was a visit from the Brachasaurus, the Shabbat dinosaur! Student helper Lilly Shapiro brought the dino around to give little kisses to the kids who wanted them. After the service, Brith Sholom served a delicious Shabbat dinner, and families got to know one another over their meals.

Join PJ Library for its next two Tot Shabbats, on Fridays, April 4 and May 9, 4-5:30 p.m. at Congregation Brith Sholom in Bethlehem. You and your kids can prepare by singing along to the playlist linked to the QR code here.

Spring 2025

The Jewish calendar marks this as a season of great significance, from Passover to the Season of Independence, encompassing Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day), and Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day). During this time, we come together with family and friends, reflecting on our shared celebrations and memories.

Passover, the Festival of Freedom, represents more than the liberation of the Jews from Egyptian slavery thousands of years ago. It symbolizes the enduring freedom of every Jew, in all times and places.

This year, the situation in Israel is different from what the country has previously faced. As Israel grapples with an unprecedented crisis, we stand with her.

Our hearts are with Israel and with our Partnership 2Gether community, Yoav, during this difficult time. Many seder tables will have empty seats in memory of the victims

of October 7, the hostages, and the soldiers who cannot return home for the holiday. As we observe Passover, we pray for the safe return of all hostages and the end of their cruel captivity under Hamas. Passover teaches us to work toward making the world a more compassionate place. Thanks to people like you, we have been able to provide meaningful connections and involvement through innovative programs during this season. While doing so, we continue to strengthen our bonds with our extended family and assist our brothers and sisters in need, both locally and globally.

Passover transitions into the Season of Independence, beginning with Yom HaShoah. The Holocaust played a pivotal role in the creation of the modern Jewish State of Israel. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the State of Israel, stating: “The Nazi Holocaust, which engulfed millions of Jews in Europe,

proved anew the urgency of the reestablishment of the Jewish State, which would solve the problem of Jewish homelessness by opening the gates to all Jews and lifting the Jewish people to equality in the family of nations.”

A week later, on Wednesday, April 30, at 7 p.m., we will observe Yom HaZikaron, Israel Memorial Day. The existence of the modern State of Israel owes itself to the sacrifices and heroism of those who died in war and from unimaginable terrorism. This year, we will especially remember those killed in the October 7 massacre.

As Rabbi Professor David Hartman z”l of the Shalom Hartman Institute observed, the juxtaposition of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) reveals the Israeli value system: moving from mourning to celebration reflects the deep connection between memory, history, and the hope for a better future. This year, however, the

celebration of Israel’s Independence Day feels uncertain, as the focus remains on securing the release of hostages. It’s hard to imagine a celebratory mood in Israel.

Our tradition teaches that tzedek (justice) and mishpat (divine justice) require the protection of all. As American Jews, we pray for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing war and encourage a stable resolution, one that remains true to the democratic ideals on which the State of Israel was founded.

The events in Israel today serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of global Jewry and the interconnectedness of the Jewish world. It is also a reminder to us within our own community that our strength lies in our unity. We are at our most vulnerable when we are divided.

HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS

Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Quotes may be edited for grammar and clarity. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions.


702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104

Phone: (610) 821-5500

Fax: (610) 821-8946

E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

Let the celebration of Israel at 77 be a day of thanksgiving and hope.

Wishing you and your families a zissen Pesach and a meaningful Chag Ha’Atzmaut! We look forward to seeing you at our community events. #bringthemhomenow



CHARLENE RIEGGER Director of Marketing

BILLY THOMPSON Digital Marketing and Graphic Design Associate

DIANE McKEE Account Representative hakolads@jflv.org


JERI ZIMMERMAN Executive Director

AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Development

DENISE AHNER Director of Finance & Administration

LEE KESTECHER SOLOMON Director of Community Engagement

CONNOR HAYES Director of Community Programming


WENDY EDWARDS Office Manager

GINGER HORSFORD Donor Services Associate

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.




In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values:

• Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland.

• Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families.

• Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs.

To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines:

• Raising and distributing funds to support the core values.

• Developing Jewish leaders. Building endowments to support implementation of core values.

• Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building.

• Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility.

• Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started.

• Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises.

• Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds.

Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole.

Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000


Continued from page 1

She soon returned to Sderot. “It wasn’t really a city like it was when I left,” she said. “It was dark and scary. I just couldn’t leave my house.” Not wanting to be alone, she went to stay with her sister for a while. “Slowly I was able to get back to my routine.”

Yaso had a talk with her father about their home, the current predicament, and the future. “Why do we need to live here?” she asked.

“I went through this long and tough way to get to Israel,” he told her, “and nothing will break my spirit. We’re here to stay.”

Conditions have begun to improve in Sderot over the year and a half since the Hamas attacks. “The city is coming back to life,” Yaso said. “Because there is a ceasefire, it’s pretty much quiet. Soon it will probably go back to the rockets and everything.”

Yaso said she’ll continue to speak to interested communities and other groups about her experience as long as she can make a positive impact.

“It helps to talk about it so we won’t forget, so there won’t be another October 7,” she said, “and to be united no matter where we are around the world.”

Spice Detective to share seasoning secrets at women’s event

Just what are those spices that you taste in certain cuisines but can’t quite identify? And how do you combine them to flavor a dish authentically?

An Israeli-style dish?

The Jewish Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy will get answers to these questions straight from the expert—the Spice Detective, Yaniv Cohen—at their annual Dollar-aDay Spring Event on Thursday evening, May 15. They’ll also learn how to buy spices, how to store them, and how spices can improve health. Top all that off with a tasting session and the opportunity for each participant to create a unique spice blend to take home and use in their own kitchen.

Food and cooking have always been part of Cohen’s

life, growing up in a Sephardic Jewish family with North African and Middle Eastern roots. “As the oldest, I was in charge of helping my mother cook and set the table,” the Israeli-born Cohen recalls. “Food is an important part of our culture, and I was always fascinated with spices. As a chef, I have continued delving further into the world of culinary herbs and spices and their fascinating health properties.”

Cohen is chef and owner of the restaurant Jaffa in Miami, where he lives. He opened a first location in 2018 in trendy Mia Market in the city’s Design District. He now has two locations serving his spicecentric, Israeli-influenced cuisine.

His popular blog “The Spice Detective” explores the uses and medicinal benefits of spices. Some more recent

entries covered “Top Cooling Spices for Summer” (timely!), “The Miracle Tree” (no spoiler here—you’ll have to visit the blog site), and “7 Ways to Eat (and Drink!) Turmeric.”

His resume touts that he won the Netflix competition series “Best Leftovers Ever.” He was a natural. In the episode “Bland to Flavor Bomb,” for example, he bested the other contestants at injecting life into notoriously neutral foods like rice and toast.

The Dollar-a-Day event will begin with a dessert and wine reception at 6:45 p.m. in the JCC. Cohen will speak at 7:15. Afterward, at 8:15, he’ll sign copies of his book “My Spiced Kitchen: A Middle Eastern Cookbook.”

The book serves in part as a reference guide to the spices of the Middle East, with each chapter focusing on a single spice. It includes over 70

recipes incorporating turmeric, cumin, sumac, dukkah, nigella seed, and more. Some intriguing highlights: allspice coconut breakfast muffins; duck leg braised with anise, orange, and prunes; sumac and sesame-crusted tuna loin with burned salad; za’atar coconut popcorn.

Couvert for the event,

cochaired by Gia Jones, Marilyn Claire, Ellen Sosis, and Amy Sams, is $36. RSVP and purchase a copy of the book at a discount at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/dollar-a-dayspring-event-2025 by May 1. A minimum gift of $365 to the Federation’s 2025 Campaign for Jewish Needs is required to attend.

Let’s see your smile in the June HAKOL! Scan the QR code or visit jewishlehighvalley.org/high-school-seniors to complete the form.

Rendezvous in Jewish Greece

LV and Yoav, Israel, liaisons bond during week in Athens, Thessaloniki

Members of the Lehigh Valley and Yoav, Israel, Partnership2Gether committees left their homes for a March 16-23 trip to Greece with several goals in mind. These were not only to hold the annual joint steering committee meeting, at which community programs on both sides of the partnership are decided, but also to explore the past and present of Jewish Greece in the cities of Athens and Thessaloniki, and build bridges for collaborating with those communities, if possible.

While a successful steering committee meeting was held March 19, and a meeting with the board of directors of the Athens Jewish community convened later that night at a Romaniote synagogue, the most impactful experiences were what Partnership2Gether is about at its core: person-to-person connections.

For Lehigh Valley resident and committee member Margie Strauss, connecting (and reconnecting) was the most important part of her experience. “Aside from leaving with the history of what happened to the Jewish Greek community in the Holocaust,” she said, “I realized that Jews are Jews. We may be different in some ways, observe differently, but (our connection) makes me very sentimental. I also value the time and commitment of the steering committees, and while I knew many of the Israelis, I got to know a lot of the Lehigh Valley community members much better.”

Lehigh Valley steering committee chair Miriam Zager agreed. “For me, to see (and meet) the Jews in Athens and Thessaloniki just gives me the feeling of such a strong bond with them,” she said. “We need to learn from this and know that we have to stand together, whether you live in Israel or in the Diaspora. We have this common bond, and the team we have (in the Lehigh Valley and Yoav) is really amazing. Thessaloniki’s response, their hospitality, and their kindness, just blew me away…. The community members we met were incredible.”

Liat Efraim of the Yoav committee shared, “I think about the future, and I really hope that we can work together to bring all of the great project ideas (to fruition). It’s been a wonderful week, to be able to get together and get to know each other and feel closer to everyone.”

A common theme among the trip participants’ dis-

coveries was the revival of the community of presentday Jewish Greece. Lehigh Valley committee member Alicia Zahn said, “What was surprising to me was, despite the destruction of the community in the Holocaust, meeting the Jewish Greek community now. It’s not dark and it’s not focused on the past, and they are a vital, joyful community.”

Lehigh Valley committee member Ellen Sosis said much the same. “I did some studying before the trip about the community (in Greece),” she said, “and I’m touched by the people we’ve met here and how unified they are. I use the word ‘unified’ because it’s absolutely crucial for our people, and we should focus on that, for us in the partnership, but also with the Jewish Greeks of Thessaloniki and Athens.”

Margie’s husband, Jay Strauss, commented that despite his having visited many other Jewish sites around the world, this experience was very different. “My wife and I have visited a lot of different countries,” he said, “and we’ve visited synagogues and Jewish places, but they are always empty. I was just amazed and didn’t appreciate that there were communities like this.”

For others, their hope was not only in fostering the connection between the Lehigh Valley and Yoav, but also in nurturing the bonds formed with the Jewish communities of Greece. Yoav committee chair Hana Bachar said, “I feel from everyone that there is a large commitment, and we accomplished all the objectives of the trip, like the joint steering committee. I am asking myself how we build on the connection to the Jewish Greek community and not let (the momentum) go.”

Likewise, Yoav committee member Mazal Malka commented on the potential for the future. “Between the two communities (Yoav and Lehigh Valley),” he said, “I feel we are more connected, more familiar. I feel here (in Greece) we have planted some seeds in the ground, and we hope that something will grow.”

Houman Ahdieh, who, along with his wife Lori, is a member of the Lehigh Valley committee, exemplified the feelings of how deeply Jewish Greece resonated with the trip’s participants. “It’s very impactful, significant, and touching what happened to the Jews in Greece,” he said. “I’m going to take that as a lesson and take it home and talk about it with as many people as I see. I want to keep the history of Jews in Greece alive.”

Tami Kedmi, Jay Strauss, Riki Chryzler, Mazal Malka, Amit Yaniv-Zehavi, Miriam Zager, Margie Strauss, Zerach Shlomo. Back row: Alicia Zahn, Lori Ahdieh, Ellen Sosis, Tali Hayoun, Houman Ahdieh, Samuel Nachmias (of the Thessaloniki community, in front of Ahdieh), Connor Hayes.

Partnership2Gether committee members Tali

Bachar, Alicia Zahn, Margie Strauss, Lori Ahdieh, and Houman Ahdieh participate in a cooking class at the JCC in Athens.

The Partnership2Gether committees at the Acropolis in Athens. Front four: Yael Feller Malka (sitting), Amit Yaniv-Zehavi, Miriam Zager, and Carly Zager. Back row: local tour guide Christina, Riki Chryzler, Alicia Zahn, Richard Shecory (rear), Lori Ahdieh, Mazal Malka, Houman Ahdieh, Margie Strauss, Jay Strauss, Connor Hayes, Ellen Sosis, Liat Efraim, Tali Hayoun, and Hana Bachar.
The Partnership2Gether committees at the Monasteriotes Synagogue in Thessaloniki. Front four: Yael Feller Malka, Liat Efraim, Carly Zager, Richard Shecory. Middle row: Hana Bachar,
Lehigh Valley committee members Miriam Zager, Jay Strauss, and Margie Strauss meet with members of the Athens Jewish community after a cooking class.
Hayoun, Hana

Closing our annual campaign, strengthening the Jewish future

As we reach the final stretch of the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, we take a moment to reflect on the generosity, dedication, and commitment of our incredible community. Each year, this campaign serves as the backbone of our efforts to strengthen Jewish life in the Lehigh Valley, support Israel, and assist those in need both locally and globally. With deep gratitude, I want to acknowledge every donor, volunteer, and advocate who has played a role in making the campaign a success. Your contributions do more than provide financial support—they sustain the very fabric of Jewish life, ensuring that future generations can thrive in the same strong and vibrant community that we have today.

The power of collective giving

What makes our annual campaign so impactful is the collective nature of our giving. Each gift, regardless of size, combines with the generosity of the rest of our community to create meaningful change. Together, we provide critical resources for Jewish education, social services, security initiatives, senior care, and programs that foster Jewish identity and continuity. We help individuals and families facing financial hardship, ensuring that no member of our community is left behind. From Shalom Baby to our older adult programs, every aspect of Jewish life is touched by your generosity. Our campaign also reaches beyond the Lehigh Valley, offering vital assistance to our global Jewish family. Because of your generosity, we are building meaningful people-to-people connections with our Partnership2Gether

region, Yoav, Israel; supporting vulnerable communities in Israel after October 7; and aiding the most vulnerable Jews around the world. It is your generosity that ensures that our people are cared for wherever they may be.

A year of impact

This year, we have witnessed firsthand how campaign dollars change lives. We have provided more scholarship funds to send children to Jewish summer camps, providing them with transformative experiences that strengthen their Jewish identities. We have funded security enhancements at our synagogues and institutions, giving peace of mind to families as they gather to celebrate and pray. We have provided food, housing, and mental health support to those in our community facing unexpected crises.

The success of this campaign is not just measured

in dollars raised but in the lives touched and the futures secured. It is measured in the student who receives a scholarship for a life-changing Jewish education, the Holocaust survivor who finds community and care, and the young family that finds its Jewish home through our programs and services.

The final push

As we approach the campaign’s conclusion, we urge those who have not yet participated to join us in this mission. There is still time to make a difference. If you’ve already given, consider an additional gift to help us reach our goal and maximize our impact. Every contribution strengthens our Jewish community and ensures that we can continue providing essential support.

To those who have given their time and energy to this effort, we extend our deepest appreciation. From our dedi-

cated campaign chairs and volunteers to our professional team, you are the reason this work is possible. Your passion and commitment embody the very essence of what it means to be Jewish.

Looking ahead As this campaign comes to a close, our work does not end. The needs of our community persist, and our commitment to strengthening Jewish life remains unwavering. With your continued support, we will build on our successes, adapt to new challenges, and create a future where Jewish life flourishes for generations to come.

Thank you for your generosity, your partnership, and your belief in our mission. Together, we are securing a strong and vibrant Jewish future in the Lehigh Valley and beyond.

ADL rep to speak about antisemitism at Bnai Shalom


THURSDAY, MAY 8, 2025 at 6:45 PM


Triple-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox




*A Glatt Kosher meat meal under the supervision of the Lehigh Valley Kashrut Commission



To purchase tickets online, scan the QR code or visit jewishlehighvalley.org/ironpigs. You may also contact JFLV at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org AT COCA-COLA PARK!

TO PURCHASE DISCOUNTED TICKET PACKAGES, CONTACT THE FOLLOWING INSTITUTIONS: Chabad of the Lehigh Valley, Congregation Am Haskalah, Congregation Bnai Shalom, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley, Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley, Temple Beth El, Temple Shirat Shalom

JFLV Champion Sponsor

A representative from the Anti-Defamation League will make a presentation about antisemitism after Shabbat services at Congregation Bnai Shalom Friday evening, April 4.

Abbey Krain, ADL Philadelphia’s senior associate regional director, will talk at the Easton synagogue about the ADL and its history, the current state of antisemitism, how we are personally impacted by it, and what we can do to combat it.

“Antisemitic incidents are at an all-time high, and hatred against Jews is being experienced in every area of our lives,” said Krain, who spent most of her career as a synagogue executive director. “From our schools to our places of work, in health care, on college campuses, and in every area of popular culture, the Jewish community is having to grapple with the proliferation of this oldest

and harmful form of hate.”

ADL is the leading antihate organization in the world, founded in 1913 with the timeless mission to stop defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment for all. Today, the ADL employs innovation and partnerships in its fight against all forms of antisemitism and bias. It’s a global leader in combating antisemitism, countering extremism, and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens.

sponsored by Dr. Stanley and Judy Walker, will follow. The entire Jewish community is invited to attend. For security reasons, registration is required by calling the synagogue office at 610-258-5343.

The Shabbat services begin that evening at 7:15, and Krain’s presentation,

Abbey Krain

Axe throwing, bowling, hamantaschen? Together? Ask NextGen

What do axe throwing, bowling, costumes, and hamantaschen have in common?

The NextGen Purim Fest, of course! The event on March 8 included all that and more at the newly opened B Social on Route 378 in Lower Saucon Township.

Chaired by Chelsea Busch (dressed as Rosie the Riveter), Aviva Marlin (a Peleton workout queen), and Lyell Scherline (a cat—while his wife, Tracey, was a mouse), Purim Fest kicked off with a costume contest. It was a tough decision for the chairs, considering all the creative and fun costumes such as Shania Twain, a medieval wench, Mr. and Mrs. Smith (from the movie), the parents from “Schitt’s Creek,” Harry Potter characters, and more. Marielle Messing Miner won as most creative with her “Spring” costume. Lynn Wilson and husband Michael Alterman won the best couple award with their Sheldon and Amy costumes from “The Big Bang Theory.”

After the winners were announced, the group moved

to the bowling lanes. Bowling shoes were not required, and it was interesting to see some of the women bowling in heels. Now, that takes balance! The group schmoozed, bowled, and even danced a little while enjoying light refreshments.

Axe throwing was up next. Instructions were not provided, so it required some bravery for the group, armed with real axes, to start throwing. Much to the delight of the crowd, Evan Marlin threw quite a few bull’s-eyes. There were a lot of bounce throws, so everyone had to stay on their toes.

NextGen events are always fun and interesting. If you’re between the ages of 30 and 45, be sure to sign up for the family-friendly NextGen Shabbat End-of-Year Celebration on June 6 at the Muhlenberg Hillel. The cost is $18 for individuals, $36 for couples, and $54 for families. You can register at jewishlehighvalley. org/calendar.

For more information about NextGen, contact Lee Kestecher Solomon, the Jewish Federation’s director of community engagement, at lee@jflv.org or 610-821-5500.

Leave a lasting legacy: Make your annual campaign gift permanent

Every year, the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs provides essential funding to sustain and strengthen our community. Your generosity fuels Jewish education, social services, security initiatives, and global support for our people. But what if your annual contribution could continue forever, making a lasting impact for generations to come?

By establishing an endowment through the Lehigh Valley Jewish Endowment, you can ensure that your commitment to Jewish life and continuity in the Lehigh Valley never ends. With that legacy gift, your support becomes permanent, providing a stable and enduring source of funding for the organizations in the community you

Continued from page 1

Women’s Philanthropy,” she says. She also wants some of the most popular and poignant speakers and performers to come to the Valley for events that encourage big turnouts.

“I follow a ton of amazing influencers on social media that have made their rounds globally within the Jewish community,” she says. “I’m hoping we can bring some of them here”

However close Lauren comes to her ideal of full women’s participation in the community, she wants all the women here to know that

care about most.

A gift that keeps on giving Creating an endowment ensures that your impact extends beyond your lifetime, safeguarding the future of our community. Whether supporting Jewish education, social services, or Israel advocacy, an endowment allows you to sustain the causes that matter most to you.

When you establish an endowment fund, your contribution is invested, and a portion of the earnings is used annually to support our Jewish community. This means that with a single gift, your generosity continues to make a difference forever.

How endowments work

Establishing an endowment is easier than you may think. You can create a fund in your name or in honor of a loved

one, ensuring that your family’s commitment to Jewish values is remembered in perpetuity. Options for funding an endowment include:

• Gift of cash

• Gifts of appreciated securities

• Bequests—Designating a portion of your estate to the Federation in your will

• Life insurance—Naming the Federation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy

• Retirement assets—Donating from an IRA or other retirement plan

• Donor-Advised funds— Bringing over an existing charitable fund to create a permanent endowment

Each of these options provides an opportunity to leave a meaningful legacy while also offering potential tax benefits, depending on how you decide to fund your endowment.

she’s available to talk. “I want them to feel like they can call me and maybe talk about what they’d like to do,” she says. “I have an open door. So pick up the phone, text me, meet me for coffee.”

“I know it can be very daunting,” she continues, “but if I can do it, anyone can do it. We’re here to support

and be nonjudgmental and to get young women involved.”

For more information about getting started in Women’s Philanthropy—at any level of commitment of time and giving—contact Lee Solomon, the Federation’s director of community engagement, at lee@jflv.com. Or invite Lauren out for coffee.

The impact of your legacy

When you endow your annual gift, you ensure that the programs and services you support today remain strong for future generations because of your foresight and generosity. Your endowment becomes part of a collective effort to strengthen Jewish life, ensuring that our community remains vibrant and resilient in the years to come. So, if you’ve been a dedicated supporter of the annual campaign, consider taking the next step by making your gifting permanent. The process is simple and we

can help guide you in creating a legacy that reflects your values and vision.

The next step

Your generosity has already made a difference. Now, you have the opportunity to ensure that your impact never fades. To learn more about how you can establish an endowment and become a lasting part of our Jewish community’s future, contact me today at aaron@jflv.org or visit lvjfgiving.org.

Together, we can build a future where Jewish life thrives for generations to come.

Laurie Wax, outgoing Women’s Philanthropy president, Lauren Rabin, and Jeri Zimmerman, Federation’s executive director.


How to recognize suspicious or potentially dangerous behavior and threats, and what to do. Designed for every member of the community, no background in security is required. The course will cover the basics of situational awareness.

Training Dates (choose one):

Monday, June 16, 2025, at 7:00 PM Monday, Nov. 17, 2025, at 2:00 PM


A comprehensive training program to counter an active threat event developed for faithbased institutions and houses of worship.

Training Dates (choose one):

Monday, July 21, 2025, at 2:00 PM Monday, Dec. 22, 2025, at 7:00 PM


This training provides community members with the skills to save lives by applying emergency first aid to control bleeding.

Training Dates:

Monday, Aug. 18, 2025, at 7:00 PM

In honor of you and your artistic

Carole and Michael Langsam


In celebration of your grandson Mason’s Bar Mitzvah

Diane and Gary Miller


In celebration of your engagement

Jeanette and Eduardo



In celebration of your 50th wedding anniversary

Elaine and Leon Papir


In celebration of your grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald


(Father of Craig Bloch, Wayne Bloch and Carole LeBlanc)

Sheila Berg

Beth and Wesley Kozinn

Eileen Ufberg


(Mother of John Botzum)

Jeanette and Eduardo



(Mother of Keith, Jimmy and Jon Cherney)

Sheila Berg





In celebration of your Special Birthday

Susan Engelson Friefeld and Seth Phillips



(Father of Marissa, Michael and Scott Tuffiash)

Susan Engelson Friefeld

We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your support.


Have you ever visited the Secure Community Network website? If it’s been a while, you may want to check it out again, because it recently received a major facelift!



Guardians take responsibility for the safety and security of themselves, families, and community. Learn skillsets that help you identify, protect, and respond to all hazards, enabling you to become an Active Bystander in your community.

Guardians take responsibility for the safety and security of themselves, families, and community. Learn skillsets that help you identify, protect, and respond to all hazards, enabling you to become an Active Bystander in your community.

One excellent feature of the site is the Resource Library. You can access it at securecommunitynetwork.org/resources. You can listen to previous Nonprofit Security Grant Program webinars (or any of our other webinars), view one-pagers on many different safety and security topics, and find templates for various emergency and other operations plans. There are over 110 resources available at your fingertips.

Tim Brooks, SCN Regional Security Advisor tbrooks@securecommunitynetwork.org | 872-400-0239

Training Dates (choose one):

Training Dates (choose one):

Monday, April 21, 2025, at 7:00 PM Monday, Sept. 22, 2025, at 9:00 AM

Monday, April 21, 2025, at 7:00 PM Monday, Sept. 22, 2025, at 9:00 AM



De-escalation Training equips people with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to defuse or reduce tension, hostility, or conflict in a situation.

De-escalation Training equips people with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to defuse or reduce tension, hostility, or conflict in a situation.

Training Dates (choose one):

Training Dates (choose one):

Monday, May 19, 2025, at 2:00 PM Monday, Oct. 20, 2025, at 7:00 PM

Monday, May 19, 2025, at 2:00 PM Monday, Oct. 20, 2025, at 7:00 PM

All training sessions are located at the Jewish Community Center. Registration is required.

To register, scan the QR code or visit jewishlehighvalley.org/security-training-schedule or call 610.821.5500. of the Lehigh Valley of

All training sessions are located at the Jewish Community Center. Registration is required. To register, scan the QR code or visit jewishlehighvalley.org/security-training-schedule or call 610.821.5500. of the Lehigh Valley of

Doc: New weight-loss drugs work, but they’re not ‘magical’

Weight-loss drugs are all the rage. The Jewish Federation’s Maimonides Society decided to have an expert on GLP-1 agonist medications separate fact from myth.

Dr. Marc Vengrove, an endocrinologist who just retired from practice with the Lehigh Valley Health Network in January, made the presentation “GLP-1 Agonist Therapy” at the Maimonides Society of healthcare professionals Brunch and Learn at Congregation Keneseth Israel on March 23. Specializing in diabetes and metabolism, Vengrove is well-versed in this class of medication and prescribing the varieties of it currently available for treating patients.

Medications of this class, like Ozempic and Trulicity, were developed and originally approved to treat type 2 diabetes. They control the disease primarily by triggering insulin release from the pancreas, reducing glucose production in the liver, and making the patient feel full by slowing the stomach from emptying.

Once in use, it became clear that the drugs had other positive effects besides controlling diabetes. The most obvious in the short term was

that they usually reduced the weight of patients who needed to lose it.

In the longer term, diabetic patients with a history of heart trouble, particularly coronary artery disease, tended to experience fewer cardiovascular incidents. Later studies showed that this applied also to patients without diabetes. “If you add these medications for people with normal A1c (level of glucose in the blood),” Vengrove said, “there are still cardiovascular benefits.”

Kidney problems also were effected in a positive way. “There were reductions in progression of kidney disease,” he said.

All these additional benefits eventually led to the GLP-1 agonist drug class being approved specifically for use to treat obesity and diseases other than diabetes. Newer versions of the medicine have been developed to improve results targeted to specific ends.

Another side benefit for some may be a decreased taste for wine, beer, and liquor. “Not an insignificant number of patients have told me they just don’t have the desire to drink alcohol,” Vengrove said. One of them told him about having a glass of wine with dinner that tasted spoiled. Her husband opened

another bottle, but different wine, different winery, same result.

Of course, GLP-1 agonists are medications, drugs being put into the human body, so there can be side effects, and longterm possibilities are not yet known. Doctors have to be especially careful putting patients on and taking them off these drugs—ramping up and down the dosage. “This is not a magical treatment,” Vengrove said.

Finishing his presentation, Vengrove called up a computer screenshot on his large screen. It was a Google search results page with one item highlighted: “Ozempic Online—Scripts frilled from your couch (Ad).” Vengrove remarked, “If you’re on your couch and you’re looking for a weight-loss drug, there’s something wrong. Get off the couch!”

The next Maimonides Brunch and Learn will feature Dr. Michael Greenberg, who works in vaccine development, leading “A Conversation on Vaccines” at 10 a.m. on May 4 in the JCC Kline Auditorium.


JEWISHLEHIGHVALLEY.REGFOX.COM/ MAIMONIDES-BRUNCH-AND-LEARN-VACCINES Register by scanning the QR code or by visiting the link below.

I was always healthy, I never expected that I’d have a heart attack. Thankfully when I was at my worst, St. Luke’s was at their best – They saved my life. I’m so grateful for the incredible care from my doctors and nurses at St. Luke’s.”— Sherry Haas

When it comes to your heart, you deserve exceptional care, no matter how complex or routine the issue. That’s why Sherry chose St. Luke’s – an eight-time 50 Top Heart Hospital. St. Luke’s consistently leads the region in adopting innovative technologies, ensuring every patient receives the highest quality care and outcomes. With St. Luke’s, Sherry knew her heart was in the best hands every step of the way. Discover the excellence of St. Luke’s, scan the QR code or visit sluhn.org/heart to learn more.

Aaron Gorodzinsky, Dr. Marc Vengrove, and Dr. William Markson

Welcome Jen Moyer, Early Childhood Education Assistant Director

Chag Pesach, Wishing You a Meaningful Passover

The phrase, “It takes a village”

Early Childhood Education. With a passion for fostering young minds and a wealth of experience in early childhood development, Jen brings a

Most people would likely not guess that Passover is the most widely celebrated holiday amongst Jews in the United States. According to a Pew Research Center survey, 70% of all Jewish Americans attended a seder in the prior year. That’s over 30% more than the number of people who reported fasting for some or all of Yom Kippur! It also surpasses the number of people who light Hanukkah candles or who typically celebrate Shabbat.

fresh perspective to our team. She holds a degree in English Language and Literature and is currently working towards a Masters in Early Childhood Education (with a focus in administration, management and leadership). Jen has worked in various early childhood settings, demonstrating a deep commitment to creating nurturing, inclusive environments that support both children and educators. As Assistant Director, Jen will work closely with staff and families to ensure the continued success and growth of our programs, with a focus on enhancing

The observance of Passover has been constructed primarily as a family event. Indeed, an important element is the retelling of the story of the exodus from Egypt, with children of all ages as a central part of this ritual. In modern times, many may not believe in the historical accuracy of the story of the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, or manna from heaven, yet the repetition of this annual tradition succeeds in developing a historical memory in successive generations of Jewish children, as it has for thousands of years.

Stories and traditions like these bind us together as a community. They create a shared history, a shared narrative, and shared traditions. They remind us of where we came from, who we are, and who we aspire to be. It should thus be no surprise that Jewish people around the world, despite our geographic, ethnic and religious differences, have always felt a kinship to one

curriculum, professional development, and family engagement. We look forward to the positive impact she will make in our community!

another. This Jewish concept of communal responsibility is highlighted by the wellknown saying kol yisrael arevim zeh ba’zeh, an Aramaic phrase meaning that all Jews are responsible for one another. The Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley on the Hammel Campus was founded on this idea of communal responsibility. While our members and program participants all come from different walks of life, we still sit at the same proverbial table with the goal of understanding what we have in common. We tell stories, learn about our shared values and intersecting histories, and work together to build a stronger future together. We understand that educating the next generation is critically important if we want to build a better world. This education happens intentionally in our early childhood, summer camp, cultural arts and Jewish education programs, and also organically in our daily

interactions throughout our facility.

ECE registration for the 20252026 school year will open on February 1, 2025. And with that, we are excited to announce the opening of a new preschool classroom this upcoming fall! As with all our classrooms, this classroom will provide a nurturing and enriching environment where young learners can grow, explore, and develop essential skills. Our goal is to foster a love for learning from an early age,

offering a curriculum designed to engage children through play, creativity, and hands-on experiences. We are excited about all of these positive additions and changes for our ECE program!

This Passover, remember that regardless of whether you are reading the Five Minute Seder haggadah or planning an all-night affair, you are part of a great and important tradition. One that spans not only thousands of years, but that continues to include millions of people here in the United States, to say nothing of the millions more in Israel and other Diaspora communities. When we teach our children, and remind one another, about the values of leadership, perseverance, faith and freedom, we strengthen them as individuals, and strengthen our Jewish community past, present and future.

From all of us at the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley, we wish you and your family a chag Pesach kasher v’sameach—a happy and kosher Passover holiday!

ECE Expands Access to Education With New Classrooms, Sensory Room

The JCC is excited to announce the completion of its newly remodeled and expanded classrooms, marking a significant step forward in enhancing early childhood education. The expansion includes an additional classroom, an updated Media Center, an outdoor pavilion, and the creation of a Sensory Room which is designed to support a diverse range of learning and neurodivergent needs. With these additions, the JCC will be able to serve 20% more children in the upcoming school year, offering greater access to toptier early education for families in the region.

This expansion project began in 2022 with generous funding from the Kline Foundation, Trexler Trust, Post Foundation, ESSA Bank and Trust, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh

Valley, and several local private donors. The project reflects the JCC’s ongoing commitment to providing an exceptional educational environment for young children that fosters academic achievement and emotional well-being.

The newly expanded classrooms are designed to accommodate children from infant care through prekindergarten. Each classroom features age-appropriate furniture, learning materials, and play spaces specifically crafted to stimulate creativity, curiosity, and social engagement. The spaces aim to create a nurturing, inclusive, and safe environment for children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

“We are thrilled to welcome more children into our stateof-the-art renovated and new classrooms,” said Eric Lightman, Executive Director of the JCC. “The early years are absolutely critical to a

child’s overall development. By providing high-quality early education, we are setting our children up for lifelong success, both in school and in life.”

In addition to the classrooms, the new Sensory Room, made possible by a generous donation from Lehigh Valley Health Network, provides a controlled, safe environment for children who may benefit from sensory stimulation. The room is designed to help children self-regulate, relax, focus, and engage their senses in a therapeutic way. The addition of the Sensory Room underscores the JCC’s commitment to inclusivity and to meeting the unique needs of all children in their care.

“Creating spaces where every child can succeed is a central part of our mission,” said Lightman. “The Sensory Room is a great addition to our program and will serve children who may need additional support to regulate their

emotions or focus during the school day.”

The JCC is dedicated to empowering children to become confident, curious, and compassionate learners. With a team of skilled educators and a focus on individualized care, the center provides a comprehensive, well-rounded educational experience.

Enrollment for the upcoming school year is now open. For more information, parents and guardians interested in securing a spot for their child can visit www.lvjcc.org or contact 610435-3571.

Camp JCC Welcomes Maya and Moran, Israeli Emissaries

Camp JCC Welcomes Maya and Moran, Israeli Emissaries

We are thrilled to announce that this summer, Camp JCC will have two Israeli shlichot this summer. We welcome back Maya Katzab and introduce a new member from Israel, Moran Pikris. Continuing our tradition of cultural exchange, they arrive with enthusiasm and a wealth of Israeli music, dance, and stories to share.

We are thrilled to announce that this summer, Camp JCC will have two Israeli shlichot this summer. We welcome back Maya Katzab and introduce a new member from Israel, Moran Pikris. Continuing our tradition of cultural exchange, they arrive with enthusiasm and a wealth of Israeli music, dance, and stories to share.

Welcoming Back Maya Katzab

Welcoming Back Maya Katzab

We are delighted to welcome back Maya Katzab from Yoav, Israel as the Israeli Adventure Specialist. Maya previously spent a summer with us, sharing her vibrant Israeli culture through music, dance, and storytelling. Her infectious

We are delighted to welcome back Maya Katzab from Yoav, Israel as the Israeli Adventure Specialist. Maya previously spent a summer with us, sharing her vibrant Israeli culture through music, dance, and storytelling. Her infectious

enthusiasm and genuine love for her heritage made her a favorite among our campers. We are thrilled to have her back, as she continues to foster cultural exchange and lasting bonds within our community and through her Isreali Adventure camp programming.

enthusiasm and genuine love for her heritage made her a favorite among our campers. We are thrilled to have her back, as she continues to foster cultural exchange and lasting bonds within our community and through her Isreali Adventure camp programming.

Meet Moran Pikris

Meet Moran Pikris

Moran is a 20-year-old from Rishon Leziyyon, Israel and will be Camp JCC’s Music Specialist. She is an experienced song leader who can play guitar and loves to rock climb. Moran volunteered as a scout leader for two years and also at “Tzaad Kadima” for adults with special needs. She has been playing electric and acoustic guitar for 7 years and studied music at a conservatory.

Moran is a 20-year-old from Rishon Leziyyon, Israel and will be Camp JCC’s Music Specialist. She is an experienced song leader who can play guitar and loves to rock climb. Moran volunteered as a scout leader for two years and also at “Tzaad Kadima” for adults with special needs. She has been playing electric and acoustic guitar for 7 years and studied music at a conservatory.

A Summer of Cultural Exchange

A Summer of Cultural Exchange

At Camp JCC, we prioritize fun for our campers and staff while embracing the responsibility of educating our community about Israel. Moran and Maya are excited to engage in this cultural exchange, teaching campers about Israeli holidays, food, and daily life, fostering bonds that will last for years to come. Their interactions will enrich our campers’ understanding of a

At Camp JCC, we prioritize fun for our campers and staff while embracing the responsibility of educating our community about Israel. Moran and Maya are excited to engage in this cultural exchange, teaching campers about Israeli holidays, food, and daily life, fostering bonds that will last for years to come. Their interactions will enrich our campers’ understanding of a

different culture and strengthen their roles as young ambassadors representing Israel. By summer’s end, Moran and Maya will have left lasting memories and a legacy of cultural appreciation that will resonate beyond camp, embodying the hope and joy that cultural sharing brings.

different culture and strengthen their roles as young ambassadors representing Israel. By summer’s end, Moran and Maya will have left lasting memories and a legacy of cultural appreciation that will resonate beyond camp, embodying the hope and joy that cultural sharing brings.

Please join us in welcoming these two remarkable young women to the Lehigh Valley this year. Summer is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see them!

Please join us in welcoming these two remarkable young women to the Lehigh Valley this year. Summer is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see them!

Maya Katzab, Israeli Adventure Specialist Moran Pikris, Music Specialist
Maya Katzab, Israeli Adventure Specialist Moran Pikris, Music Specialist

we’d be here only a few weeks at most. As the pandemic continued, we made decision after decision to establish roots and

JDS is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Why JDS?

Why JDS?

Teaching the history of the Jewish holidays to young children can be tricky. While the celebrations and traditions can be special, enjoyable times with family and friends and a chance to make treasured memories both at home and in school, the reasons why we are celebrating are not usually G-rated (for scariness).

As we close out the few weeks between Purim and Pesach, we can reflect on what our JDS students

are learning about the way things were, the way things are, and the hope for the way things will be. Despite the time periods and specific details, children often see similarities between the Purim and Pesach stories, as well as Chanukah. The common thread is as follows: A bad, evil person wanted to hurt (or kill, depending on the age group) the Jewish people. The Jewish people fought back, or broke free in some way, against all odds, and were victorious. The heroes of the story were celebrated and G-d was praised for His mercy. As the joke says, almost all Jewish holidays go the same way: They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat! The details that differentiate these holidays are where teachers need to be

Thedecision parents make about where to send their children for school is often one of the most stressful and difficult. Will the school strike the right balance between quality of education and overall child development? How will our child fit in? Luckily for our family, in a period of great uncertainty, the decision to choose the Jewish Day School of Lehigh Valley was the easiest “yes!” we’ve ever said.

We arrived in Allentown in late March 2020 with a 2-year-old son, Joseph and 4-month-old daughter, Evelyn. Having flown in from Dallas, Texas to be closer to family (Adam’s parents, Dr. David and Mrs. Susan Hyman who have lived in Allentown for nearly 50 years), we assumed

an early childhood education program, the welcoming, intimate, and warm environment at JDS was an obvious place for us to turn. The administration and staff worked tirelessly to adhere to everchanging guidelines from the CDC and still make the magic of school very real for its students. Joseph FLOURISHED in this environment, and now that he’s in his third year as a student (kindergarten!) he loves the dynamic and joyful learning experience he’s had there. I’ll never forget when he came home to recite the full Pledge of Allegiance and knew all the words to the Hatikvah at three years old!

demic as built-in playmates and friends. The JDS has enabled that relationship to strengthen – they check in on each other on the playground and love to see each other in the hallways. It’s a joy to see the older children care for the younger ones. Evelyn is always so proud when one of the “big kids” helps her with her backpack at the end of the day, and Joseph talks about his “reading buddy” constantly!

demic as built-in playmates

we’d be here only the pandemic sion after decision build a life here

Battle and victory, yesterday, today, and tomorrow

Why JDS?

The decision parents make about where to send their children for school is often one of the most stressful and difficult. Will the school strike the right balance between quality of education and overall child development? How will our child fit in? Luckily for our family, in a period of great uncertainty, the decision to choose the Jewish Day School of Lehigh Valley was the easiest “yes!” we’ve ever said.

appropriately aware of the situation in Israel and locally: the war, the hostage crisis, and the increased antisemitism.

When it came time for Joseph, our now five-year-old son, to get back into an early childhood education program, the welcoming, intimate, and warm environment at JDS was an obvious place for us to turn. The administration and staff worked tirelessly to adhere to everchanging guidelines from the CDC and still make the magic of school very real for its students. Joseph FLOURISHED in this environment, and now that he’s in his third year as a student (kindergarten!) he loves the dynamic and joyful learn ing experience he’s had there. I’ll never forget when he came home to recite the full Pledge of Allegiance and knew all the words to the Hatikvah at three years old!

The JDS has enabled strengthen – they check on the playground and other in the hallways. older children care for Evelyn is always so proud the “big kids” helps pack at the end of the talks about his “reading stantly!

creative in their delivery, especially to our younger kids, whose parents need them to sleep at night. The gallows in the Purim story and the ten plagues, especially the rivers of blood and the killing of the firstborn, not to mention the murder of Jewish babies, are hard to process even for elementary students. The destruction of the Temple is frightening. The life and death risks that Esther, Moshe, and the Maccabees took make the retelling disturbing. We want the holidays to be a joyous time for our students, and every effort is made to ramp up the festivities. But history still needs to be taught.

We arrived in Allentown in late March 2020 with a 2-year-old son, Joseph and 4-month-old daughter, Evelyn. Having flown in from Dallas, Texas to be closer to family (Adam’s parents, Dr. David and Mrs. Susan Hyman who have lived in Allentown for nearly 50 years), we assumed

The next thought goes naturally to what lies in front of us. Will the strife continue? Will there be more or new catastrophes? What kind of adulthood are the children facing as Jews and as involved global citizens?

The decision parents make about where to send their children for school is often one of the most stressful and difficult. Will the school strike the right balance between quality of educa tion and overall child development? How will our child fit in? Luckily for our fam ily, in a period of great uncertainty, the decision to choose the Jewish Day School of Lehigh Valley was the easiest “yes!” we’ve ever said.

This year, his sister Evelyn was able to join the three-year-old program with the same teachers and several younger siblings of her brother’s class. She was very shy at first, but quickly overcame that and truly gets ready for school with enthusiasm. The school has supported her love of art, singing, and she’s made the sweetest friends. We LOVE getting updates and photos on the Class Dojo app throughout the day.

This year, his sister Evelyn was able to join the three-year-old program with the same teachers and several younger siblings of her brother’s class. She was very shy at first, but quickly overcame that and truly gets ready for school with enthusiasm. The school has supported her love of art, singing, and she’s made the sweetest friends. We LOVE getting updates and photos on the Class Dojo app throughout the day.

When it came now five-year-old an early childhood the welcoming, vironment at for us to turn. staff worked tirelessly changing guidelines still make the for its students. in this environment, his third year as he loves the dynamic ing experience forget when he full Pledge of Allegiance words to the Hatikvah

One of the major tenets a devotion to the development confident students who to meet the world. This representative of our Sadly, our chapter in ing to a close. For professional are moving back to Texas sion of the school year. community that Amy and volunteers have created us forever. The friendships a family through the and we know these memories will bring us joy for years

One of the major tenets of the JDS is a devotion to the development of bright, confident students who are well prepared to meet the world. This couldn’t be more representative of our experience.ing to a close. For professional reasons, we are moving back to Texas at the conclusion of the school year. Our love for the community that Amy Golding, her staff, and volunteers have created will stay with us forever. The friendships we’ve made as a family through the school will remain and we know these memories made here will bring us joy for years to come.

Our kids became extremely close during the quarantine stage of the pan-

Adults are worried. One can imagine how a fifth grader might feel while catching a newscast online.

Our kids became extremely close during the quarantine stage of the pan-

Editor’s note: On Saturday, February 4, JDS parent Anastasiia Zavodnyk, was invited to be a guest speaker at Refugee Shabbat at Temple Beth El. Here are her remarks.

Editor’s note: On Saturday, February 4, JDS par ent Anastasiia Zavodnyk, was invited to be a guest speaker at Refugee Shabbat at Temple Beth El. Here are her remarks.

So, who is the refugee? It’s me. I can’t speak for every one, only for myself and my family. But let my story be something that can show the general picture.

I had a beautiful house near Kyiv, capital of Ukraine. I had a garden full of fruit trees and berry bushes. I had great plans – I was opening my own cafe and bakery store, I was setting up a big greenhouse to plant many vegetables there. My children went to great preschool and afterschool smart classes. My daughter started to go to ballroom classes at the best dance school in the area. My husband had a very important role with great career opportunities in the biggest energy company in Ukraine. We used to invite our friends to our little par ties at home, used to see our parents when we wanted to. It was really a very great period of life; I was truly happy.

For any parent grappling sion of where to send in the Lehigh Valley, an extremely supportive from the uncertainties our daily lives, and the ment to instill a love of ish values.

We arrived in Allentown in late March 2020 with a 2-year-old son, Joseph and 4-month-old daughter, Evelyn. Having flown in from Dallas, Texas to be closer to family (Adam’s parents, Dr. David and Mrs. Susan Hyman who have lived in Allentown for nearly 50 years), we assumed

This year, his to join the three-year-old the same teachers siblings of her very shy at first, that and truly enthusiasm. her love of art, the sweetest friends. updates and photos app throughout

For any parent grappling with the decision of where to send your child to school in the Lehigh Valley, we found the JDS an extremely supportive place, a refuge from the uncertainties that we all face in our daily lives, and the perfect environment to instill a love of learning and Jewish values.

Added to this educational challenge is the world our kids live in today. The students are age-

So, who is the refugee? It’s me. I can’t speak for everyone, only for myself and my family. But let my story be something that can show the general picture.

war started. And what did we know about war? Only history WW2 from books and movies…and some hor rible stories from our grandparents. We decided to stay, because it was our home. We thought that our village was now a target for the enemy and even if they would come. We heard stories from our grandparents who remembered a time when their homes were under oc cupation during WW2 so we kind of could guess how it could be in our case. But we were wrong, very very wrong. Because in village aren’t many people – it’s dif ficult to feel panic. We heard sounds of missile strikes, the house was shaking every time, but personally I really felt it on the second week, end of February. I needed to take my youngest daughter to doctor. So, we were going by car there. It wasn’t far but we needed to go through a checkpoint which was created as a part of country protection actions. There I saw real soldiers, guns, bul lets laying on the ground, tanks for the first time in my life. And it wasn’t museum exhibition, it was real life situation. But worst was that something just fly above my head and then I heard and felt shot near me. It was enemy drone. It scared me to death, I never ever felt like this before. Next weeks were very scary for me. The enemy soldiers were closer and closer to our village. At

Who is the refugee? It’s me.

Who is the refugee? It’s me.

The beginning of 2022 It was a happy time for me. I had a beautiful house near Kyiv, capital of Ukraine. I had a garden full of fruit trees and berry bushes. I had great plans – I was opening my own cafe and bakery store, I was setting up a big greenhouse to plant many vegetables there. My children went to great preschool and afterschool smart classes. My daughter started to go to ballroom classes at the best dance school in the area. My husband had a very important role with great career opportunities in the biggest energy company inties at home, used to see our parents when we wanted to. It was really a very great period of life; I was truly

Our kids became ing the quarantine

guage that my kids have – only because very important because we have the with their roots, which I hadn’t in my help and support made us confident here, in the US!

Who is the refugee?

Editor’s note: On Saturday, February 4, JDS parent Anastasiia Zavodnyk, was invited to be a guest speaker at Refugee Shabbat at Temple Beth El. Here are her remarks.

guage that my kids have – only because of you. It is very important because we have the ability to reconnect with their roots, which I hadn’t in my childhood. Your help and support made us confident in our presence here, in the US!

So, who is the refugee? It’s me. I can’t speak for everyone, only for myself and my family. But let my story be something that can show the general picture.

The beginning of 2022 It was a happy time for me.

And then, on 24th of February, all was ruined. The war started. And what did we know about war? Onlyrible stories from our grandparents. We decided to stay, because it was our home. We thought that our village was now a target for the enemy and even if they would come. We heard stories from our grandparents who cupation during WW2 so we kind of could guess how it could be in our case. But we were wrong, very veryficult to feel panic. We heard sounds of missile strikes, the house was shaking every time, but personally I really felt it on the second week, end of February. I needed to take my youngest daughter to doctor. So, we were going by car there. It wasn’t far but we needed to go through a checkpoint which was created as a part of country

There is an answer for our students regarding the past, the present, and the future. As has often been quoted during difficult times, Fred Rogers would say to his young viewers, “Look for the helpers.” Esther, Moshe, and the Maccabees were “celebrity” heroes. But it is our job to teach the children about our current heroes: the Israel Defense Forces soldiers and their families, the volunteers, the emergency response teams, organizations that fight our battles tirelessly, and every Jewish person who contributes in any way to our survival. Many students can find heroes like that in their very own homes, synagogues, and communities. Many of them are heroes themselves.

I had a beautiful house near Kyiv, capital of Ukraine. I had a garden full of fruit trees and berry bushes. I had great plans – I was opening my own cafe and bakery store, I was setting up a big greenhouse to plant many vegetables there. My children went to great preschool and afterschool smart classes. My daughter started to go to ballroom classes at the best dance school in the area. My husband had a very important role with great career opportunities in the biggest energy company in Ukraine. We used to invite our friends to our little parties at home, used to see our parents when we wanted to. It was really a very great period of life; I was truly

evening we needed to shut all lights, because our territorial defense was looking for hiding russian soldiers. I realized that I couldn’t stand any more. I couldn’t pretend as nothing serious was happening and it was safe enough for kids. The worse for me was to let then feel fear, to feel war. It’s not what children should feel, not until they are enough old to understand everything and not be hurt by it. I want my children to be happy, to be confident and have strong and healthy mental health. So, I asked my husband to leave our home.

evening we needed to shut all lights, because our territorial defense was looking for hiding russian soldiers. I realized that I couldn’t stand any more. I couldn’t pretend as nothing serious was happening and it was safe enough for kids. The worse for me was to let then feel fear, to feel war. It’s not what children should feel, not until they are enough old to understand everything and not be hurt by it. I want my children to be happy, to be confident and have strong and healthy mental health.

lets laying on the ground, tanks for the first time in my life. And it wasn’t museum exhibition, it was real life situation. But worst was that something just fly above my head and then I heard and felt shot near me. It was enemy drone. It scared me to death, I never ever felt like this before. Next weeks were very scary for me. The enemy soldiers were closer and closer to our village. At

who doesn’t like singing “Dayenu” (“It Would Have Been Enough”) or receiving an afikoman (matzah) prize? The warmth and comfort of lighting the Chanukah candles with loved ones is one of my favorite times of the year and was always special for my boys. Presents don’t hurt the process either! How can the JDS students apply these ideas to the world now and to what lies ahead? Without assurances or guarantees, they, and we, are left with one certainty: Our belief in G-d will keep us afloat. Knowing that G-d watches us, cares for us, is running the show now, and will continue to do so helps to calm stress and anxiety about the unknown. Children and adults will always ask why bad things happen, and we may never understand the answer. But knowing that G-d has a plan and that we have seen His hand in our victories before can soothe our worries.

So, what is the difference between me as a refugee and other people who came here as immigrants? Reasons why we came. I love Ukraine, it’s my home, home of my children and many past generations of my and my husband’s family. We miss our home a lot. And before February 2022 we never thought about emigrating abroad, we simply didn’t want to, because we were satisfied with our lives and happy in Ukraine. We chose the US because it was the best option of all, but also the most difficult. It was hard, and it is hard. Not only because of usual immigrant’s difficulties such as different language, different culture, finding job, getting all local documents, impossible life without a car, almost impossible life without a credit score, but the real difficulty is not being allowed to go out of the US. Maybe for people, who decide to come here, who has it like big goal, who choose to live here and can stand everything to make this “American dream” came true, but it is very hard for us, refugees, forced migrants, who’s heart is still at our home with our friends, neighbors, parents, houses and gardens. And only your help made our life here more like at home (through relations, conversations, care and support). Because at the end of the day most important things are not material things, they will never ever fill your heart and soul with love, kindness and happiness.

So, what is the difference between and other people who came here as sons why we came. I love Ukraine, it’s of my children and many past generations my husband’s family. We miss our home fore February 2022 we never thought ing abroad, we simply didn’t want to, satisfied with our lives and happy in the US because it was the best option the most difficult. It was hard, and because of usual immigrant’s difficulties ent language, different culture, finding local documents, impossible life without impossible life without a credit score, ficulty is not being allowed to go out for people, who decide to come here, big goal, who choose to live here and thing to make this “American dream” it is very hard for us, refugees, forced heart is still at our home with our parents, houses and gardens. And only our life here more like at home (through versations, care and support). Because day most important things are not material will never ever fill your heart and soul ness and happiness.

We left on 7th of March and on 8th of March russians* came to our house. They occupied all village, killed men, raped women, stole a lot of things, ruin our houses… it lasted 4 weeks. So, it was nothing like occupation during WW2… it was worse, much worse. And it is still.

We left on 7th of March and on 8th of March russians* came to our house. They occupied all village, killed men, raped women, stole a lot of things, ruin our houses… it lasted 4 weeks. So, it was nothing like occupation during WW2… it was worse, much worse. And

Now we are here. And we are very lucky, because we met people with very big open hearts full of love and kindness, people who helped us with so many things. People from Jewish Day School, Jewish Community of Lehigh Valley, Jewish Community Center. Not enough words to describe how grateful we are for it. And this great opportunity to know Jewish traditions and lan-

Can we assure them a happy ending? If one looks carefully, the holiday stories are not quite “happily ever after.” Even after Haman was hung, the Jews of Persia still had to fight a war. Even after Bnei Yisrael (the Sons of Israel) escaped Egypt and slavery, they had to travel through the desert for decades. Even after the Temple was reclaimed, it had to be cleaned and repaired from top to bottom before any rededication could happen. Nothing worth fighting for is easy. But these examples show our children that challenging times can still lead to joy. Purim has become a childcentered day of fun and excitement. The Pesach Seder is a little long, but

And then, on 24th of February, all was ruined. The war started. And what did we know about war? Only history WW2 from books and movies…and some horrible stories from our grandparents. We decided to stay, because it was our home. We thought that our village was now a target for the enemy and even if they would come. We heard stories from our grandparents who remembered a time when their homes were under occupation during WW2 so we kind of could guess how it could be in our case. But we were wrong, very very wrong. Because in village aren’t many people – it’s difficult to feel panic. We heard sounds of missile strikes, the house was shaking every time, but personally I really felt it on the second week, end of February. I needed to take my youngest daughter to doctor. So, we were going by car there. It wasn’t far but we needed to go through a checkpoint which was created as a part of country protection actions. There I saw real soldiers, guns, bullets laying on the ground, tanks for the first time in my life. And it wasn’t museum exhibition, it was real life situation. But worst was that something just fly above my head and then I heard and felt shot near me. It was enemy drone. It scared me to death, I never ever felt like this before. Next weeks were very scary for me. The enemy soldiers were closer and closer to our village. At

Now we are here. And we are very lucky, because we met people with very big open hearts full of love and kindness, people who helped us with so many things. People from Jewish Day School, Jewish Community of Lehigh Valley, Jewish Community Center. Not enough words to describe how grateful we are for it. And this great opportunity to know Jewish traditions and lan-

In all of Megillat Esther, G-d is not mentioned once. There is a theme throughout this text about hidden identities and actions. But Esther prayed and fasted because she knew that G-d was listening even if it seemed that He was not. We teach our students at the Jewish Day School that G-d is by their side and is there for the Jewish nation even in the hardest times. The heroes will emerge. We will make it through the battles. Every time a Jewish child learns Torah, sings a Seder song, or participates in a Shabbat party, we are closer to victory.

So, I want to say a big, huge thank to all of you! I am grateful for the ability day, in a safe, beautiful and ambitious grateful to all of you, for listening to porting my family and Ukraine. I believe end soon, that I can finally see my home friends and neighbors. But I, as all Ukrainians, in that fatal February, in pre-war days, our land, in our home; happy, confident days, full of ambitious plans.

So, I want to say a big, huge thank you one more time to all of you! I am grateful for the ability to be here today, in a safe, beautiful and ambitious place, the US. I’m grateful to all of you, for listening to my story, for supporting my family and Ukraine. I believe that war will end soon, that I can finally see my home and hug all my friends and neighbors. But I, as all Ukrainians, still stay in that fatal February, in pre-war days, when we were on our land, in our home; happy, confident in the coming days, full of ambitious plans.

*I use little letter instead of capital on purpose. this people anymore and it’s even hard for because what they have done and are still they are humans at all to me. And because it highlight it as my relation to them.

evening we needed to shut all lights, because ritorial defense was looking for hiding russian realized that I couldn’t stand any more. I couldn’t tend as nothing serious was happening and enough for kids. The worse for me was to fear, to feel war. It’s not what children should until they are enough old to understand everything not be hurt by it. I want my children to be confident and have strong and healthy mental So, I asked my husband to leave our home. We left on 7th of March and on 8th of sians* came to our house. They occupied killed men, raped women, stole a lot of things, houses… it lasted 4 weeks. So, it was nothing pation during WW2… it was worse, much it is still.

*I use little letter instead of capital on purpose. I don’t respect this people anymore and it’s even hard for me to call them people, because what they have done and are still doing doesn’t look like they are humans at all to me. And because it is my story, I want to highlight it as my relation to them.

Wishing you a peaceful Pesach and a heart full of hope and joy.

Now we are here. And we are very lucky, met people with very big open hearts full kindness, people who helped us with so many People from Jewish Day School, Jewish Community Lehigh Valley, Jewish Community Center. words to describe how grateful we are for great opportunity to know Jewish traditions

JDS is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley
JDS is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Thank you JFS Volunteers!

Oscar Wilde said, “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”

National Volunteer Recognition Month is observed in April. With a weeklong celebration on April 20-26. Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley is truly grateful for the 80 volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to the meaningful work of our agency. JFS has two dozen volunteer opportunities from teen stocking, to helping in the Community Food Pantry, to being a ShareCare driver who brings older adults to medical and various


Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Oxfeld works with each volunteer to discuss their interests and find the right fit that will ensure their time with JFS feels worthwhile. Jen recognizes, “Volunteers give over 2000 hours per year collectively, which means the seeds of kindness planted by volunteers are truly helping our programs grow.”

JFS recognized Pi Day with delicious Pastel De Natas from Jay’s Local for the volunteer drivers of our Mazel Meal program.



Maria and Richard Ain


JFS will be hosting an ice cream social to celebrate the volunteers who are truly the community at heart. Email volunteer@ jfslv.org to start your journey as a JFS volunteer.

The Gaines Family Foundation Prize in

Visit jfslv.org/scholarships

We thank those individuals who have graciously supported Jewish Family Service with tributes:

Lauren and Marc Berson

JANIE COHEN (Cheers honoree)

Rita and Michael Bloom


Linda and Harold Kreithen


Jonathan Wallace


(JFS holiday programs)

Linda and Michael Rosenfeld


(Officiating wedding ceremony for Maggie and Peter)

Susan Higgins



(Father of Craig and Wayne Bloch and Carole LeBlanc)

Arbor Insurance Group


(Mother of Jon and James Cherney)

Alice and Mark Notis

Phyllis and Henry Perkin


(Mother of Wendy Ashby and Melanie Kenney, sister of Priscilla Radick)

Jason, Lauren, Elan, and Alex Radick

HARRY GREEN (Father of Cantor David Green)

Rabbi Allen and Toby Juda


(Husband of Sheila Auspitz, father of Darryl and Robert Harris, Leslie Outten, Robin Wolin, Jonathon and Aron Auspitz, grandfather of Chelsea Karp.)

Audrey and Richard Nolte


(Husband of Dorothy Joseph, father of Michael, Paul, David, and Mark Joseph and Debra McCall)

Michael and Denise Glovas

Helaine Sigal


(Yahrzeit of mother)

Shari Salkin

LV Jewish advocates visit with DC officials

A delegation from the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley traveled to Washington, D.C., on March 25 to meet with lawmakers and members of the administration on issues critical to our community.

During our visit, we held a productive meeting with U.S. Congressman Ryan Mackenzie, whose district includes the Lehigh Valley, to discuss three urgent priorities: combating antisemitism, strengthening human services, and securing increased funding for nonprofit security grants. We also emphasized the importance of bringing all the Israeli hostages home.

While on Capitol Hill on a tour guided by Mackenzie, we had an unexpected, meaningful encounter with U.S. Congressman Brian

Mast, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in which we discussed the urgent need to bring all the hostages home. He shared his commitment to supporting these efforts.

During our meetings with Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, he made a strong case for his unwavering support of Israel and to bring the hostages home.

Our visit concluded with an informative and meaningful conversation with Vinay Chawla, office director and counselor for U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff.

This visit by representatives of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and our Jewish agencies and synagogues was a part of a statewide excursion that also included the Jewish Federations of greater Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. It reinforced the importance of advocacy in ensuring the safety, well-being, and resilience of our Jewish community. We appreciate the engagement of our elected officials and remain committed to making our voices heard.

Security training session teaches how to Stop the Bleed

Bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death after an injury. With that in mind, along with the prevalence of antisemitic attacks, Tim Brooks, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s regional security advisor, gave a Stop the Bleed presentation on March 17 as part of the ongoing effort to keep Jewish facilities safe and prepare community members in case of an attack.

The presentation boiled down guidance for responding after someone is wounded in an attack to the acronym ABC: alert, bleeding, control. That is, alert emergency responders by calling 911, locate the bleeding, and if the bleeding is bad, compress at the wound site to stop or slow it.

If there’s an attack, and people are wounded, first make sure that you’re safe before trying to aid someone else. “If you’re injured,” Brooks said, “you can’t help others.”

Then you can proceed to ABC. First, alert emergency responders by dialing 911. “If you’re alone,” Brooks said, “make that call first. Then you can help someone who

Happy Passover.

needs it.”

Next is finding the source of bleeding. Check under clothing, as it may be concealing a wound. There may be multiple wounds. “You’ll have to asses which is the worst,” Brooks said, and treat that location first. Then move to compress. The first consideration is whether to use direct pressure or apply a tourniquet. Since serious hemorrhaging can kill a person in minutes, go directly to using a tourniquet if blood is flowing freely or spurting. If you decide to use direct pressure, start by piling up a thick wad of material like a T-shirt, but preferably sterilized gauze that may be found in a first aid kit in the facility, on top of the wound. Then press down hard.

open, such as a deep slash, pack the material inside as much as possible, piling extra on top so you can then apply pressure as above. Stuffing material into the wound may cause the injured person to scream. “Yes, you’re causing them pain,” Brooks said, “but you’re trying to save their life.”

Keep an eye on the wound

If the wound is large and

Stop the Bleed Continues on page 15

Left alone in the spotlight

Community hears story of pianist’s rebirth after stroke silenced his

John Bayless was not Liberace (for those who remember Liberace and his scintillating rhinestone suits and polished candelabra atop his grand piano—and his performance prowess). But Bayless was heavily inspired by Liberace, working incessantly to amass showmanship and piano skills by the shiny silver champagne bucketful.

The young Bayless could play seemingly anything, both hands flying up and down the keyboard, and jumping up for appearance’ sake to arm’slength height above the keys. Bach, Rachmaninoff. Also Ellington, the Beatles. The crowd stood on cue in enthusiastic admiration. Then came a massive stroke.

On March 16, an audience at the Frank Banko Alehouse Cinemas at Bethlehem’s ArtsQuest watched a documentary about Bayless’s life before and after the stroke that shut down his right side in 2008. Director Stewart Schulman’s documentary “Left Hand Rhapsody: The Musical Memoir of Pianist John Bayless” showed Bayless touring the world to play to packed houses, struggling through physical therapy after the stroke, practicing full piano pieces left-handonly, converting to Judaism, and eventually returning to touring to perform and to spread his inspirational story. After the film screening at this afternoon event cosponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, Bayless and Schulman answered questions from the audience. Then came an inspiring live performance.

As the film explains, Bayless grew up in Texas, living a childhood filled with medical problems and surgeries. “I couldn’t run or play or roughhouse like other kids did,” he says, “and the piano became my friend…. I could play pretty much everything I heard by ear.” He didn’t mean “Twinkle, Twinkle” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” More like Gershwin and Chopin.

After playing piano in Baptist churches throughout his teenage years—“At 15, I was the youngest church pianist in the state of Texas”—he met

the composer and director Leonard Bernstein. Bernstein became his mentor. Bayless shared Bernstein’s belief that an artist always has to keep his audience in mind: “A composer today needs to compose in the vernacular of the people.” Bernstein did that to famous effect with his musical “West Side Story.”

With Bernstein’s tutelage and musical studies at New York University, Bayless became a composer. He visited the influential William Morris Agency to secure top-notch management for turning music into a career. Soon he was traveling farther and farther from his home base to perform.

By the mid-1980s, Bayless was big. While Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Phil Collins were all over the hit charts, Bayless had hits of his own in his own genre, rooted in classical music but crossing over into pop. He was traveling all over the world, playing to packed houses, with an orchestra or solo.

Then lightning struck. Literally a stroke. His partner, the TV director and producer Bruce Franchini, found him having trouble breathing. His right side was limp. Franchini saved his life.

In an instant Bayless’s

high-flying performance career was halted—make that paused—as his ability to play the flashy piano parts he’d become famous for were rendered as limp as his right hand. “It was like God took a light switch and turned it off,” Bayless says. “It was an incredibly dark period.”

But he moved forward. “I want to get back in the saddle,” he says. He started physical therapy and reclaimed some of the motor abilities he’d lost. That eventually included piano-playing, but with a single hand, the left. As Bayless worked to strengthen that hand, he came to realize that music is less a matter of technical prowess than it is a deeply felt expression of and intimate connection with the sound and everything around it.

Along the way of his recuperation path, Bayless discovered that he had Jewish heritage. That made sense to him—even as he’d played so many Baptist churches in his youth, he felt most comfortable at his rare synagogue appearances. “I knew it inside me deep somewhere,” he says.

He started embracing Jewish customs and then studied studying in earnest to convert to Judaism, in-

right hand

cluding learning Hebrew. In a moving act of acceptance and support, his mother, a devout Baptist, crocheted several yarmulkes for him. He and Bruce eventually got married, with a rabbi participating.

Sadly, the partner who took care of Bayless after his stroke was suffering his own serious health crisis: cancer. This time it was Bayless in the support role. But just five years after Bayless’s stroke, and shortly after the wedding, Franchini died.

It was another dark time for Bayless. But just as he’d survived the previous one, he got “back in the saddle” for the trail to recovery from this latest tragedy.

Bayless reached the point where he was able to consider touring again, not as in the past, but in a new way, relying on his hard-won ability to cover both melody and accompaniment with a single hand. He headed back out on the road, putting his reclaimed talent for music together with his knack for showmanship and his storytelling ability— and having a very compelling story of rebirth and reinvention to tell the audiences on his tour stops.

These days, Bayless continues to tour, screening the documentary about his life of early growth, fame, and rebirth; adding some personal thoughts and recollections afterward; and then performing. Most of his crowds no doubt leaves as the Lehigh Valley audience did: moved, enlightened, and inspired.

Stop the Bleed

Continued from page 14

area for continued excessive bleeding. If pressure isn’t working, consider using a tourniquet—if the wound is in a location, such as an arm or leg, where a tourniquet can be applied. (A tourniquet isn’t possible for a head, neck, torso, or groin wound.)

If you’re in a public facility, there should be an emergency tourniquet available on site. Brooks cautioned against using a belt, an electrical cord, or the like. If those are all that’s available, stick with the direct-pressure option.

Wrap the tourniquet around the limb two or three inches above the wound, in a muscular area rather than at a joint (where bone would keep the tourniquet from tightening enough). Insert the provided stick through the loop on the wrap and turn to tighten. The tourniquet should be very tight and will hurt the injured person. Participants had the opportunity to practice putting a tourniquet on Brooks.

If there’s an object like a knife impaled in the wound, leave it in place. “You’re going to do your best to use direct pressure (around the item) but not take the item out,” Brooks said.

You can find the Secure Community Network presentation that Brooks showed by Googling “secure community network stop the bleed.” “The only thing more tragic than a death is a death that could have been prevented,” Brooks concluded.

Brooks will present security training programs throughout the year. Visit jewishlehighvalley.org/ security-training-schedule for the full list and to register for sessions. All are free.

Kelsey Paciotti, O D

Magi Labib, O D

Amanda Hadeed, O D

Houman Ahdieh, M D

Daniel Ross, M.D.

Irena Cherfas, M.D.

Mark Krakauer, M.D., M.Phil

The many comforts of quilting

Everyone benefits when crafters like those at Sons of Israel donate their work

The textiles craft has been around for somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 years. Viewed from the perspective of the crafters, doing crafts like textiles, pottery, and calligraphy can boost a

person’s mood, according to a 2018 BBC study.

Seventy-six percent of almost 50,000 participants in the study said they got involved in creative pursuits to block out stress and anxiety, and 53% say they “use crafts as a ‘contemplation tool,’ to

on problems and emotions.” Sewing and crocheting has a storied history of bringing peace to the minds of crafters.

Lehigh Valley resident Jodi Frost knows this from personal experience. A textile crafter herself, she introduced the art form to her coworkers earlier in her career as a Sit and Sew

instructor. She found that textile crafts promoted mindfulness and reduced anxiety among her peers.

unteers combine the collected rectangles into blankets or clothes that are distributed to people in need.

Since then, Frost became president of Congregation Sons of Israel’s Sisterhood, and recently she hosted a crocheting workshop for the Sisterhood. She and her sisters asked themselves what their newfound interest could do for the greater community. Just how can one use this skill to contribute to a larger cause, the women wondered?

The Jewish value of tikkun olam (healing the world) encourages everyone to participate in charity work. Enter the Warm Up America Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks volunteer textile crafters to create and submit 7-by-9-inch rectangles of crocheted or knitted material. Other vol-

The Sons of Israel Sisterhood finds it emotionally beneficial to participate in this project. Taking their crafts wherever they go gives them the ability to practice mindfulness everywhere. Bringing textiles work along on the bus is a way to feel good while doing good.

To date, Frost and her Sisterhood members are responsible for donating over 35 square feet of cozy blanket squares. Congregation Sons of Israel invites you to join them. Reach out to Jodi Frost at jifrost0512@gmail.com or 845-642-4885 to find out how you can help keep America warm.

March 7, 2025

4:00-5:30 p.m.

April 4, 2025 4:00-5:30 p.m.

May 9, 2025 4:00-5:30 p.m.

The Bill Mutimer Summer Theatre Series Presents at Northampton Community College
We’ll learn about Shabbat and celebrate with songs and PJ Library stories. Light dinner provided. Participants will receive everything they need to celebrate Shabbat at home. Register for one date or all! Registration required.

80 Years Later: Stories of Liberation

Yom HaShoah


Wednesday, April 23, 2025 JCC Kline Auditorium

6:00 p.m.

Reading of the Names 7:00 p.m. Program

To register, scan the QR code or visit jewishlehighvalley.org/yoms or email mailbox@jflv.org or call 610.821.5500

To enter the JCC, please bring a valid government ID for security purposes.

YEAR 5785

Please join us for Israel Remembrance Day to honor and commemorate fallen soldiers, the victims of terror attacks, and the victims of the October 7th massacre. We encourage you to wear a white shirt to show our unity as a community.

Register by scanning the QR code or by visiting the link jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/ yom-hazikaron-2025

Jewish student outreach visit piques interest at Dieruff HS

Lehigh Valley students Eric

Zager and Zach Tamarkin gave a presentation to two AP world history classes at Louis E. Dieruff High School in Allentown on March 25 as part of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Student to Student program.

Student to Student is a peer outreach program originating with the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis, Missouri, that tasks Jewish high school students with teaching their non-Jewish peers about Jewish holidays, life cycle events, and beliefs. Despite the early morning hour, Dieruff students remained engaged and asked many questions of Zager and Tamarkin.

The program is especially useful for dispelling misconceptions about the Jewish community among non-Jews, and this presentation was no exception. When Zager

and Tamarkin prompted to guess the percentage of Jews among the U.S. population, for example, answers ranged widely. One student said 33%, while another chimed in 13%. Audible gasps were heard from the audience when Zager and Tamarkin said that Jews make up just 2% of the national population.

While the American Jewish community is weary of seeing campus disturbances in the news, Dieruff students were incredibly mature and respectful. The majority of questions students had concerned not geopolitics but Shabbat observance and kosher laws.

One student asked, “What qualifies as using technology when it comes to Shabbat.”

Zager responded with an anecdote about Shabbat elevators (which run automatically on Shabbat so Jews don’t have to use the electrical buttons).

Another student asked about kosher dietary laws and what is allowed and not allowed. Both Zager and Tamarkin explained at length the

process of kosher certification.

Afterward, Zager and Tamarkin passed out Oreos and asked the Dieruff audience if they could identify the hechsher (kosher certification) on the package. Two students even volunteered to stand under the chuppah (canopy) that Zager and Tamarkin recreated with a tallis (prayer shawl), which the rest of the Dieruff students found amusing. Zager and Tamarkin further entertained the audience by writing and explaining students’ names in Hebrew.

At the end, Dieruff students participated in a short survey. Some of the responses were “more words in Hebrew,” “more about Jewish Literature and the alphabet,” and “Jewish artists and figures.” Others asked for “more in depth bat mitzvah traditions” and “what the daily life of a Jewish person is like.”

One respondent was very vocal about the challah that was passed around: “I really liked the bread!” The majority of student respondents had never

Join us for our annual fundraiser to honor exceptional individuals who have gone above and beyond for Jewish Family Service and the greater Lehigh Valley Jewish community.

Join us for our annual fundraiser to honor exceptional individuals who have gone above and beyond for Jewish Family Service and the greater Lehigh Valley Jewish community.

Sunday, April 27, 2025, at 10 a.m. at Temple Beth El

Sunday, April 27, 2025, at 10 a.m. at Temple Beth El

Tickets & Sponsorship opportunities are available. All proceeds support JFS programs and services.

Tickets & Sponsorship opportunities are available. All proceeds support JFS programs and services.

Visit www.jfslv.org/cheers for details.

Visit www.jfslv.org/cheers for details.

Scan QR code to purchase online.

Scan QR code to purchase online.

met someone Jewish before. Student to Student Lehigh Valley is in the process of scheduling more presenta-
tions at Dieruff and is in talks for presentations to the students of Roberto Clemente Charter School.

As summertime and camp time get closer and closer, Pinemere family members weigh in about their summer sleepaway camp of choice.

“I like going to Pinemere because I like meeting new people from all over the world. And I love the Shabbat grills and doing outdoor activities.” - Liav

“It has a lot of activities. I like it very much (but the bad thing about it is you always have to clean up every day). My favorite things are rock climbing and probably the ninja warrior course.” -Max

“We sent Liav to Pinemere for their Jewish values and warm, community feel. We love knowing that he is building lifelong relationships, growing his Jewish identity, and doing the activities he loves, all while fostering his independence.” -Chelsea Busch (Liav’s mom)

“I love Pinemere because it doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone at Pinemere is nice to you and makes you feel welcome.” -Eitan

“I like the fun activities and getting to spend time with my friends. I also like singing songs during Shabbat at camp.” -Ariana

“What we truly cherish about Pinemere is the incred- ible friendships we have built. There is something amazing about creating bonds with people who share your interests and values, and we wouldn’t trade these friendships for anything.” -Michaela and Sienna

‘What I love about Pinemere Camp’ Mitzvah Project

THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2025 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Help us put a smile on our neighbor’s faces by sponsoring and assembling plant packages that will be added to the Jewish Family Service Mazel Meals before Passover!

• Decorate plant packages

• Write letters to our neighbors

• Brighten someones day

Please consider sponsoring a plant package!

RSVP by scanning the QR code or by visiting the link below.



Join us to celebrate Israel’s independence with Israeli music, food, Mitzvah stations, and more!

Thurs day, May 15, 2 025 6:45 p.m.


Scan the QR code or visit http://bit.ly/41hB2Rp to register and/or purchase your discounted book!

Liav Busch and Max Lightman
Eitan Shimon (wearing hat)
Michaela and Sienna Bub
Ariana Bub (center)

Nathanson shares Purim story with Phoebe residents

Residents at Phoebe Allentown gathered on Monday, March 3, to learn about the holiday of Purim.

Howard Nathanson, a volunteer with Jewish Family Service, told the audience the Purim story and gave out hand clappers for the residents to use as groggers—noisemakers to drown out the name of the villain Haman whenever it’s mentioned. Following Nathanson’s presentation, residents

sang the Purim song “A Wicked Man.”

Nathanson has been visiting Phoebe Allentown and other Lehigh Valley retirement communities for JFS for several years to bring the holidays to Jewish residents. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are among those on his annual tour calendar. He was scheduled to return to Phoebe Allentown to share the Passover story.


Uncomfortable, but necessary, conversations

“Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew,” by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby, Simon and Schuster, 2024, 320 pages.

What happens when two well-known hacktivists, both members of the literati, coauthor an informative intense look into antisemitism today? A not uncontroversial, yet effective approach to understanding what got us into the current complex mess.

Acho, known for his YouTube videos, previously authored “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,” in the post-George Floyd era, when tensions were high in every segment of society. He begins the book by allowing us to see himself as a person unafraid of confrontation and controversy, as long as he’s on the right side of the struggle.

Ashby, an ardent and very vocal supporter of Israel, is not averse to using her charm and wit to lure us in. Wit-

ness the first sentence of her intro: “A few things make me uncomfortable: Cilantro. Clothes with heavy prints. Hamas supporters on US college campuses.” If that doesn’t pull you in, I lowkey guess this book is not for you.

Each of the book’s chapters has an enticing chapter title, like an appetizer that beckons the entrée to follow. Who can resist Part I and its contents, including “The Jewish . . . Race?” and “The Math Ain’t Mathing.” Part II follows with “Did the Jews Kill Jesus?” and “The Z Word” (spoiler alert: Zionism).

I wondered whether the book’s back-and-forth interview style would detract from the feel, but it doesn’t. The two authors are friends, and both excel at questions that may have made a typical interviewer squirm and thus avoid. Nothing is off the table as they explore roots, contemplate the present, and suggest routes for a positive future.

Near the end, Tishby offers “An Antisemitic Appendix”

to help those concerned with unknowingly perpetuating and promoting future problems.

If you want to be au courant about antisemitism and its causes so you can help prevent the spread, this is the book for you. Highly recommended.

Sandi Teplitz regularly reviews books and provides recipes for Hakol.

Annual Community Purim Carnival draws 500 to the JCC

Five hundred people turned out for the JCC Community Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 9.

The JCC was abuzz with families. Kids played games, won prizes, and generally

had fun. Most importantly, they ate hamantaschen! Many kids brought their Purim costume A game. Highlights included a perfectly portrayed piñata, a classically colorful clown, and three brilliantly bedazzling Bo Peeps along with their flock of two strikingly

sensational sheep. It almost wasn’t unreasonable to think you’d stepped into Arendelle (from Disney’s “Frozen”), with all the Elsa and Anna costumes about!

Even though it was still early March, this was a bright day for the community.

Thursday, June 12, 2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM JCC Kline Auditorium


Women’s Philanthropy Mitzvah

Project 10:30 a.m.-noon, JCC Board Room

Help us put a smile on our neighbor’s faces by sponsoring and assembling plant packages that will be added to the Jewish Family Service Mazel Meals before Passover! We’ll be decorating the pots and attaching handwritten letters. Register and/or sponsor at jewishlehighvalley.regfox. com/passover-2025-mitzvah-project.


Tzedakah: The Jewish Approach to Giving

7:30-8:30 p.m., via Zoom

Why do you give? How does your Judaism affect your giving habits? Congregation Bnai Shalom will examine what Judaism has to say about the need to give charity: Who needs to give? How much should we give and to whom? As a group and in chavruta (paired learning), participants will explore these questions and more through traditional sources and modern answers. Sign up by calling the Bnai Shalom office at 610-2585343.


PJ Library Monthly Tot Shabbat 4-5:30 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom

Kids and their families will learn about Shabbat and celebrate with songs and PJ Library stories. A light dinner will be provided. Participants will receive everything they need to celebrate Shabbat at home. Registration required at jewishlehighvalley. regfox.com/pj-library-monthly-totshabbat. Register for one date or all.


ADL Program on Antisemitism

After 7:15 p.m. Shabbat services, Congregation Bnai Shalom Join Bnai Shalom for Shabbat services, and afterward, Abbey Krain of the Anti-Defamation League will talk about the current state of antisemitism, how we are impacted by it, and

Community Calendar

what we can do to combat it. The entire community is invited to attend. For security reasons, register in advance by calling the synagogue office at 610-258-5343.


Bread before Passover! Baking with Martina 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

Become a star baker! Make star bread, a soft and fluffy treat infused with your favorite filling. It’s perfect for holidays, brunches, or dessert, and it’s surprisingly easy to make. Due to the process of using yeast, a light lunch will be served. RVSP at kilv.org/event/bread-beforepassover-baking-with-martina.html by March 30. Space is limited.by March 30. Space is limited.


Dollar-a-Day Spring Event

6:45 p.m., JCC

Guest speaker Yaniv Cohen, the Spice Detective, will discuss the origins and health benefits of spices, and provide tips on using spices. Enjoy a tasting session and also create a unique spice blend to take home. Cohen’s book “My Spiced Kitchen” is available for at a discounted rate at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/ dollar-a-day-spring-event-2025. Event is open to women who pledge a minimum of $365 to the 2025 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. RSVP at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/dollara-day-spring-event-2025 by May 1.


Bridge of Hope Israeli Folk Band

8:30 p.m., Temple Beth El

From Kibbutz Get in southern Israel, Bridge of Hope brings the sound and soul of Hebrew musical heritage, blended with melodies of American and traditional folk. $36 per ticket includes the concert and a dessert reception. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Emergency Appeal for Kibbutzim Near Gaza. Buy tickets at bethelallentown.org/.


Basya Schechter and Pharoah’s Daughter Concert

7:30 p.m., Lehigh University Zoellner Arts Center

Basya Schechter and Pharoah’s Daughter will perform as part of the Philip and Muriel Berman Center for Jewish Studies’ year-long 40th anniversary celebration. A reception will follow the concert. Tickets are $10, $9 for seniors, and $8 for students. For tickets, visit zoellner.cas.lehigh. edu/content/pharaohs-daughter and click on Get Tickets.


KI 12th Annual Super Shabbat


5:45-9 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

Eat, drink, sing, and learn together as the age-old tale of our escape from Egypt is told. With Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg, Student Rabbi Alex Malanych. Traditional foods by Chef Eric Rappaport. Come by yourself or with a group; sit with friends or make new ones. BYOB to share with your table. Be prepared to show member ID or photo ID to enter. RSVP at kilv.org/ event/super-shabbat-seder3.html by April 11.


Unite for the Yoms

Yom HaShoah, April 23, 7 p.m., JCC Kline Auditorium

Commemorate the Holocaust at this community gathering with the theme “80 Years Later: Stories from Liberation.” Photos will be on display in the board room. The reading of names of Holocaust victims with local connections will begin at 6.

Yom HaZikaron, April 30, 6:30 p.m., JCC Kline Auditorium

Commemorate Israel’s Memorial Day, honoring fallen soldiers and those killed in terrorist attacks.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut, May 1, 5-6:30 p.m., JCC

Celebrate Israeli Independence Day with Israeli food, mitzvah stations,

and more.

Registration links to come.

MONDAY, APRIL 28, THURSDAY, MAY 15, JDS Mental Health Matters

8:30 a.m., Jewish Day School

Join JDS for this series of intimate monthly talks on mental health topics such as mindfulness, digital wellness, and parenting support. Free and open to the entire community. Registration required at jdslv.org/ mhm.


Sing for Your Supper, Take 2

5-8 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

This Havdalah service, sing-along, and putluck dinner with Donna Fisher, Alan Salinger, and Jan Herzog is back by popular demand. All are welcome--bring family and friends. No singing experience necessary. Register at kilv.org and submit your potluck offering.


Maimonides: “A Conversation on Vaccines”

10 a.m., JCC Kline Auditorium

This Maimonides Society of healthcare professionals Brunch and Learn will feature Dr. Michael Greenberg, who works in vaccine development for Sanofi Pasteur in France. A bagel breakfast will be served. Attendance is free. Registration required at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/maimonides-brunch-and-learn-vaccines.


Jewish Heritage Night at the IronPigs

6:45 p.m., Coca-Cola Park, Allentown

Save the date for the annual Jewish community gathering at the ballpark, with the Lehigh Valley IronPigs playing the Worcester Red Sox. $24 tickets include a field-level seat, a special Jewish Heritage Night cap, and a voucher for a glatt kosher meal prepared under LVKC supervision.

Community Calendar

To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu. All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.

$18 tickets include the above minus the food voucher. Buy tickets at jewishlehighvalley.ticketspice.com/ jewish-heritage-night-may-8.


Torah in Motion: Exploring the Weekly Parashah through Dance 10:30 p.m.-noon, Congregation Keneseth Israel

Join Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg to explore the Torah through body movement. Participants of all physical abilities are welcome. Registration required at kilv.org by May 8.


Dollar-a-Day Spring Event

6:45 p.m., JCC

Guest speaker Yaniv Cohen, the Spice Detective, will discuss the origins and health benefits of spices, and provide tips on using spices. Enjoy a tasting session and also create a unique spice blend to take home. Cohen’s book “My Spiced Kitchen” is available for at a discounted rate at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/ dollar-a-day-spring-event-2025. Event is open to women who pledge a minimum of $365 to the 2025 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. RSVP at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/dollara-day-spring-event-2025 by May 1.


TBE Anniversary Celebration Honoring Lori Wiener

4 p.m., Temple Beth El The community is invited to the TBE’s 96th anniversary celebration honoring Lori Wiener. Cocktail attire. Register or sponsor at bethelallentown.org/form/tbe-96th-anniversarycelebration-2025.html



Bnai Shalom Cash Bingo

1 p.m., Congregation Bnai Shalom

Join Bnai Shalom for its monthly bingo game fundraiser, the first Sunday of every month (except October, when there’s no game). For more information call 610-258-5343.


Yiddish Club

2-3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley via Zoom

Experience the joys of Yiddish via Zoom as part of Adults at the J. The group meets weekly to discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. All are welcome to join this lively, weekly discussion. There is something for everyone no matter if you know a few words or are a fluent speaker. Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories

and more. Participants Zoom in from 5 states. No cost. Call 610-4353571, ext. 501.


The Importance of Tefilah/Prayer

8 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel via Zoom

Join Rabbi Michael Belgrade of Congregation Sons of Israel for an online class about the importance of tefilah/prayer. The class draws from all Jewish sources: Tanach (Bible), Talmud (Gemara), law (halacha), hashgafa (philosophy), ethics (pirkei avot), and introspection (mussar). This class is free and open to the entire community. For Zoom information, email office@sonsofisrael.net or call 610-433-6089.


Yoga with Miriam Sandler: ChairSupported Yoga

1-2 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom in person and via Zoom

Be seated in a comfortable chair, preferably armless (folding works well). Some standing poses holding onto the chair are offered, though students may choose to remain seated. Modifications are given. Open to the public in person and live stream available to all via Zoom. *$10 dropin fee payable to Congregation Brith Sholom. For more information email mbserow@gmail.com.


Torah Studies: A Weekly Journey into the Soul of Torah

7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley and via Zoom

Torah Studies by the Jewish Learning Institute presents Season Two 5785, a 12-part series offered in person and via Zoom. Cost is $54 for the course, including textbook. For more information, call 610-351-6511 or email rabbi@chabadlehighvalley. com.


Hadassah Study Group

12:30 p.m., via Zoom

We discuss short stories from an anthology. Always welcoming new participants! Contact mjclaire@gmail. com or 610-972-7054 to sign up.


JDS Little Learners Class

9:30 a.m., Jewish Day School

Jewish Day School is offering a free Little Learners class for caregivers with children ages 3 and under. Storytime, movement, and music with a Jewish twist. Register at jdslv.org/ little-learners.


Basic Yiddish Class

4-5:30 p.m., JCC via Zoom

Learn to read, write, speak and comprehend Yiddish. Textbooks from Yiddish Book Center available for purchase. Contact 610-435-3571, ext. 501.


Kol HaEmek

9-10 a.m., WMUH 91.7

“The Voice of the Valley” radio show. For information go to muhlenberg. edu/wmuh.


KI Shabbat Friends

5 or 5:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

If you attend Shabbat services alone and feel awkward, you can join this enthusiastic group for pre-Shabbat dinner and conversation. Bring your own food, drink, and topics for discussion. Call 610-435-9074 for more information or to register. Shabbat Friends will not gather in October.


KI Torah Study

9:30-11 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

Join Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg for a study session making sense of the week’s Torah portion. Enter the building through the 23rd Street door. For more information, contact Rabbi Tornberg using the form at kilv.org/ form/contact-rabbicall.


Wisdom of the Talmud Class

After Shabbat Lunch and Schmooze, Congregation Brith Sholom

Join Rabbi Michael Singer in a discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history as found in the pages of the Talmud. Any necessary books are available in the synagogue office. No previous Talmud study required. For information email tammy@brithsholom.net or call 610866-8009.


10 a.m., Keneseth Israel

Celebrating the sixth year of creative and interesting activities to inspire your Shabbat experience. Monthly programs and locations vary. Outdoor activities are weather permitting. Everyone is welcome so feel free to bring friends and family. All events are free. Registration is required at kilv.org/shabbat-out-of-the-box. html. Click on the particular date to register.


LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Shabbat Yoga 10:30-11:30 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

Jett Ulaner Saracheck and Ann Friedenheim lead this experience of Shabbat through movement. Bring a mat, blocks, or anything else that will bring you comfort in the practice. All are welcome. For questions, call Ann at 610-462-2549 or Jett at 610762-1450. Register at kilv.org/event/ shabbat-yoga1.html.


Jewish Broadcasting Service

JBS is a Jewish television channel featuring daily news from Israel; leading Jewish figures, issues and events of Jewish importance; call-in programs; Jewish studies; 92nd Street Y; live Friday and holiday services for those at home; children’s programs; films; music; books; and entertainment. jbstv.org.


Congregation Sons of Israel Minyanim

Shacharit on Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 a.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:45 a.m.; Sundays 8:30 a.m.

Congregation Sons of Israel welcomes all to the daily Shacharis and Mincha/Maariv services, which are conducted in the main sanctuary of the synagogue. Please check the synagogue at sonsofisrael.net for the weekly listing of the starting time for Mincha/Maariv. If you have any questions, call the synagogue office at 610-433-6089.


Daily Online Meditation

12:30 p.m., Institute for Jewish Spirituality

One of their master teachers will lead a live daily guided meditation. Join with people from around the world to share 30 minutes of Jewish mindfulness. Open to all, no experience needed. Sign up at jewishspirituality. org/get-started.

Please bring a valid government ID for all events at the Jewish Community Center.


FRIDAY, MAY 9 7:48 PM FRIDAY, MAY 16 7:55 PM

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