HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
Young families prepare Thanksgiving packages for those in need
Federation celebrates Day 60 at Israeli cabaret By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing
RUBINA TAREEN Speaks about being a Muslim woman. See page 5.
Amy and Ted Douglass get ready to deliver their Thanksgiving meal packages. More than 20 families met on Nov. 15 to package and deliver food for families in need. While the adults packaged, the kids enjoyed a PJ Library story and games and activities with Coach T from the JCC and decorated coffee mugs to give to Meals on Wheels recipients. The Food Drive was co-sponsored by Federation's Young Adult Division and Jewish Family Service. See more photos on pages 16-17.
SHABBATON Congregations bond during retreat. See page 20.
200 gather at Paris synagogue, under tight security, to pray for terror victims Jewish Telegraphic Agency
LET THERE BE LIGHT Get ready for Chanukah! See our special section.
No. 382 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division
LVJF Tributes
Jewish Day School
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Community Center 18-19 Community Calendar
Some 200 people gathered under heavy guard at a Paris synagogue to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks in the French capital on Nov. 13. Led by the chief rabbi of France, Haim Korsia, leaders of French Jewry and Israel's ambassador to France were among those who assembled at the Synagogue de la Victoire on the evening of Nov. 15. “Our people, which has been tested more than others, knows the healing power of solidarity and unity in the face of the pain of torn families, broken couples and orphaned children,” said Michel Gugenheim, the chief rabbi of Paris, of the 132 fatalities and more than 350 wounded in multiple attacks. The event included a prayer for the souls of the dead and a separate prayer, led by Rabbi Non-Profit Organization
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French Jews gather after the attacks in Paris. Moche Lewin, director of the Conference of European Rabbis, for the speedy recovery of the wounded. Korsia said that French Jews “feel with all intensity the pain of the families touched by the tragedy and the pain of the nation in general.” He added that “the act of gathering here is perhaps more significant than the speeches.” French society, he said, “will rise up from its grief like American society rose up from the tragedy of 9/11 and like Israeli society, which never lay down for attacks.” Streets around the synagogue were cordoned off by police and army for the duration of the ceremony, where congregants underwent patdowns and bag inspections. The ceremony was held as many other activities of Jewish institutions in France were
suspended for security reasons and out of respect for the victims of the attacks that rocked Paris in what French President Francois Hollande said was an “act of war” by the Islamic State terror group. “Now ordinary French people are beginning to understand how us Jews have been living in recent years, and the reality in Israel,” Samuel Sandler, the father of Jonathan Sandler, who was killed in 2012 with two of his sons and another child during an Islamist attack at a Jewish school in Toulouse, said at the gathering. On hand for the ceremony were the president of the CRIF umbrella group, Roger Cukierman, and Sacha Reingewirtz, head of the Union of Jewish Students of France, as well as the ambassador, Aliza Bin-Nun. To read a local resident’s account of the attacks in Paris, go to page 6.
As a thank you to donors and volunteers who have taken the 60 Day Challenge, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley will host a free cabaret on Dec. 1 featuring Israeli singer Hadar. Hadar (Hadar McNeill) is an R&B, soul and pop singer and songwriter and will perform both familiar Israeli classics and her own material. She will be accompanied by her husband on the acoustic guitar. Hadar was born and raised in Jerusalem, Israel, and first revealed her natural talent as a soloist in the Ankor Choir of the Jerusalem Rubin Conservatory of Music and Dance. She has graced many stages in Spain, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Japan, and Turkey with the Ankor Choir and as a soloist. She takes inspiration from Stevie Wonder, Etta James and Alicia Keys. In 2011 Hadar released her first EP, “I’m More”, under the Power Broker Music Group LLC. It received wonderful reviews and was featured in Philadelphia Weekly’s Music issue in August 2011. Ever since, Hadar has been performing at many venues including Philadelphia's Clef Club of Jazz, Time & Underground Arts. She was showcased in the PA Solo Artist Awards, as well as chosen to be in the top ten finalists competing for Jill Scott’s opening act sponsored by MySpace and Budweiser, in which she was a featured performer on Power 99 FM at Clear Channel Radio. The Jewish community is important to Hadar and she is continually giving back. In 2009 Hadar volunteered to teach music and Israeli culture at the Jewish Community Center of West Palm Beach, Florida, on behalf of the Jewish Agency for Israel. In 2011 Hadar held two showcases celebrating her home country at the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Washington and Fairfax, Virginia. She toured in May of 2012 with the Jewish group “The Fountainheads” throughout the Northeast United States. Hadar has performed at the Israeli Jazz Phest in Philapelphia, opening for Israeli-Ethiopian sensation, Ayala Indegeshet. She also opened for the hip-hop Israeli Group, Hadag Nahash, at their December 2013 concert in Philadelphia. The performance will begin at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley and is free and open to all donors and volunteers who have taken the 60 Day Challenge. For those who haven’t yet pledged to the 2016 Campaign for Jewish Needs, there will be an opportunity to do so that evening. Visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/60 to learn more.