The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
Allentown woman reflects on past Federation missions in preparation for spring trip
Federation offers exciting new opportunity for Jews ages 27-35
Eva Levitt, center, during a stop in Budapest on a 2011 Jewish Federation mission. Levitt has traveled to Israel on eight missions and is getting ready for her ninth.
Lewis and Roberta Gaines, pictured with their family in Israel, are generously sponsoring a new program that will include a trip to Israel for young Jewish professionals.
By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor
By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing
Eva Levitt, a longtime resident of Allentown who has been involved with the Jewish community in many different ways, has enjoyed deepening her connections to Israel over the course of eight Jewish Federation missions. Now she’s getting ready for mission number nine this April. “First of all, I love going to Israel,” Levitt said when asked why she keeps going back. “Second of all, each mission has its own uniqueness,” she added, recalling
The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is pleased to announce a new leadership program for young adults that will include a heavily subsidized nine-day trip to Israel. The program is made possible by the generous underwriting of donors committed to engaging the next generation in Jewish life and leadership. It is an expansion of current Young Adult Division leadership programs and will be known as Israel Next Dor. “Cultivating the next generation of Jewish leaders is nothing short of essential for the future of the Lehigh Valley
Past missions Continues on page 4
Israel Next Dor Continues on page 13
Find out how 2016 election results will affect the Jewish community on page 3.
Learn about the impact your November donations are creating on page 6.
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Pennsylvania governor signs anti-BDS legislation into law By Aaron Gorodzinsky JFLV Director of Outreach and Community Relations On Nov. 6, surrounded by other Jewish community professionals from across the state and the vice consul general in New York, I had the privilege of witnessNon-Profit Organization
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ing Gov. Tom Wolf sign House Bill 2107, the anti-BDS bill, into law. With Gov. Wolf’s signature, Pennsylvania became the 14th state to enact anti-BDS legislation. HB 2107, introduced by Rep. Matthew Baker (R-Tioga), prohibits the state of Pennsylvania from signing into a procurement contract with any company that performs a boycott, divestment, or sanction (BDS) against Israel and recognizes the importance of the relationship between the United States and Israel. Before signing the bill, both Wolf and Baker spoke about the deep-rooted friendship that exists between our commonwealth and the state of Israel and how important it is to seek solutions that build bridges for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict instead of looking for economic sanctions that unfairly target Israel. Baker also made mention of the business opportunities
taking place between our state and Israel, “where in 2015, over $212 million in exports activity to Israel transpired, which is a 21 percent increase from the previous year, and since 1996 total exports to Israel from Pennsylvania totaled $3.1 billion,” Baker said. The bipartisan bill passed in the state House of Representatives by a vote of 181-9 and 47-1 in the Senate. The bill follows last year’s passage of House Resolution 370 Condemning Economic, Social, Cultural and Other Boycotts of Israel and Growing Incidents of AntiSemitism. The resolution, passed unanimously in the house, was co-sponsored by Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D-Lehigh).
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Pat Browne (R-Lehigh) helped to move the bill quickly out of committee and onto the floor, making it possible for the governor to sign the bill before the end of the year. “Israel is an important ally of the United States and it is imperative that Pennsylvania does its part in supporting this great nation,” Browne said. “This legislation prohibits the commonwealth from entering into contracts with businesses that support boycotts and other disruptive activities against Israel. I was pleased to help move this important bill quickly through the legislative process.”