HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
Takeaways from the Israeli election
Yom HaShoah speaker to share parents’ story By Shari Spark Holocaust Resource Center Coordinator
AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE An intense and inspirational event. See page 3.
By Uriel Heilman Jewish Telegraphic Agency In the United States, the magic number on Election Day is 270, the number of Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency. In Israel, it’s 61, the
CELEBRATING PURIM Valley residents celebrate Purim. See pages 16-17.
number of seats needed to capture a majority in the 120-seat Knesset — and with it, the premiership. With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Israeli election Continues on page 10
Allentown eruv sees major expansion By Rabbi David Wilensky Congregation Sons of Israel
APRIL SHOWERS Will bring may flowers! See our special section.
No. 375 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 LVJF Tributes
Jewish Day School
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Community Center 18-19 Jewish Senior Life Connection 28-29 Community Calendar
Often, as I stand quietly staring at random telephone poles alongside Tilghman Street, Cedar Crest Boulevard and Walbert Avenue, for no apparent reason and for lengthy periods of time, onlookers will stop to ask me what I’m doing. “Allow me to explain,” I answer. “My name is David Wilensky, Rabbi at Congregation Sons of Israel on Tilghman Street here in Allentown. Our community has many Sabbathobservant members who do not perform acts of labor on the Sabbath. Included in these acts of labor is the carrying of items from inside one’s home to another location outside the home. In order for our Sabbath observant families to be able to push strollers or carry personal belongings outside of their homes, we need to turn Allentown into one large family. The way we do this is by constructing a string that
Non-Profit Organization 702 North 22nd Street Allentown, PA 18104
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surrounds the entirety of the city, uniting us as one family celebrating the Sabbath. Our community is growing and we need to expand the string westward to Route 309.” I cannot begin to recount the number of times those words rolled off my lips over these last four years, and now I am pleased to say that with God’s help, the expansion is complete. You can view a map of the eruv at sonsofisrael.net/jewishallentown/the-allentown-eruv. Over the years that the expansion took to finish, many congregants and members of our broader Jewish community would stop and say, “Rabbi, are you all right? Can I give you a lift?” There were onlookers who were unsatisfied with my brief explanation, and probed deeper into this peculiar religious phenomenon that seemed to tickle their interests. “So, are you actually affixing your wire on these very telephone poles?” “No,” I explained. “The majority of the wires are simply pre-existing telephone wires. You see, the reason that this entity called the ‘eruv’ allows us to carry is that we are surrounding the city of Allentown with doorways. A doorway is defined as a lintel on top of two doorposts. The telephone wires are the lintel on top. However, the doorposts on the sides present a problem because telephone wires usually run alongside the telephone pole and not above the telephone pole. What we are doing is placing half-inch plastic moldings up the side of the telephone pole to serve as the doorposts over which the
telephone wires pass. By doing so, we ensure that our doorposts have a lintel that runs directly above its two doorposts.” By this point, most of the onlookers were either more than satisfied or overly confused, and went on their way either curious to learn more or just as confused as before they had asked. However, even this more involved answer did not suffice for Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. “Doesn’t it seem like a loophole getting around a religious prohibition?” he asked. “Now it’s getting serious! It’s time to reveal the fundamental Talmudic reasoning that truly explains the eruv,” I thought. “Well, Mayor, the rationale is as follows. Biblically, a Jew is prohibited from carrying only from inside their home (a private domain) to an authentic ‘public domain’ (reshut harabim). In order for any area to be considered an authentic public domain it must fit certain Talmudic criteria, among which is the need for 600,000 residents to be residing within the city. Since Allentown does not have that number of residents, our city is not a genuine ‘public domain,’ and thus carrying from one’s home to the street is Biblically permitted. However, our rabbis were concerned that if people who live in a place like Allentown would in fact be allowed to carry outside their homes on Shabbat, they would unwittingly do so in a bona fide ‘public domain’ as well, such as Manhattan. (The construction of the Eruv in places
Eruv Continues on page 9
Seventy years ago, World War II ended, and the few Jewish survivors of Hitler’s terrible experiment went forward to begin lives anew. From camps, hiding places, underground places – wherever they had been, these survivors took on the task of picking up the pieces that had been shattered years before. Hanna and Walter Kohners’ lives were indelibly shaped by the events of the Holocaust. In 1935, they met as teens in Czechoslovakia and fell in love. When the shade of Nazi terror drew down upon their lives, Walter was able to immigrate to the U.S., eventually joining the U.S. Army. Hanna moved to Amsterdam; there she was rounded up by the Nazis and managed to survive four camps including Thereisenstadt and Auschwitz. Despite losing touch with one another, their love and concern for one another never foundered. Incredibly, soon after the war they made contact, were married and moved to Los Angeles. Their story does not end here: In 1953, Hanna’s life was featured on Ralph Edward’s “This Is Your Life.” This program normally featured celebrities whose lives were recapped with surprise guests who had played important roles in the person’s life. Hanna Kohner was the first noncelebrity on the program, but more importantly, the first Holocaust survivor Yom Hashoah Continues on page 10
Yom HaShoah commemoration WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15
7 p.m., JCC of Allentown
A reading of names will take place before the formal program, beginning at 6 p.m. The entire evening is free and open to the community.