HAKOL - April 2015

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HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community


Takeaways from the Israeli election


Yom HaShoah speaker to share parents’ story By Shari Spark Holocaust Resource Center Coordinator

AIPAC POLICY CONFERENCE An intense and inspirational event. See page 3.

By Uriel Heilman Jewish Telegraphic Agency In the United States, the magic number on Election Day is 270, the number of Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency. In Israel, it’s 61, the

CELEBRATING PURIM Valley residents celebrate Purim. See pages 16-17.

number of seats needed to capture a majority in the 120-seat Knesset — and with it, the premiership. With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Israeli election Continues on page 10

Allentown eruv sees major expansion By Rabbi David Wilensky Congregation Sons of Israel

APRIL SHOWERS Will bring may flowers! See our special section.

No. 375 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 LVJF Tributes


Jewish Day School


Jewish Family Service


Jewish Community Center 18-19 Jewish Senior Life Connection 28-29 Community Calendar


Often, as I stand quietly staring at random telephone poles alongside Tilghman Street, Cedar Crest Boulevard and Walbert Avenue, for no apparent reason and for lengthy periods of time, onlookers will stop to ask me what I’m doing. “Allow me to explain,” I answer. “My name is David Wilensky, Rabbi at Congregation Sons of Israel on Tilghman Street here in Allentown. Our community has many Sabbathobservant members who do not perform acts of labor on the Sabbath. Included in these acts of labor is the carrying of items from inside one’s home to another location outside the home. In order for our Sabbath observant families to be able to push strollers or carry personal belongings outside of their homes, we need to turn Allentown into one large family. The way we do this is by constructing a string that

Non-Profit Organization 702 North 22nd Street Allentown, PA 18104

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surrounds the entirety of the city, uniting us as one family celebrating the Sabbath. Our community is growing and we need to expand the string westward to Route 309.” I cannot begin to recount the number of times those words rolled off my lips over these last four years, and now I am pleased to say that with God’s help, the expansion is complete. You can view a map of the eruv at sonsofisrael.net/jewishallentown/the-allentown-eruv. Over the years that the expansion took to finish, many congregants and members of our broader Jewish community would stop and say, “Rabbi, are you all right? Can I give you a lift?” There were onlookers who were unsatisfied with my brief explanation, and probed deeper into this peculiar religious phenomenon that seemed to tickle their interests. “So, are you actually affixing your wire on these very telephone poles?” “No,” I explained. “The majority of the wires are simply pre-existing telephone wires. You see, the reason that this entity called the ‘eruv’ allows us to carry is that we are surrounding the city of Allentown with doorways. A doorway is defined as a lintel on top of two doorposts. The telephone wires are the lintel on top. However, the doorposts on the sides present a problem because telephone wires usually run alongside the telephone pole and not above the telephone pole. What we are doing is placing half-inch plastic moldings up the side of the telephone pole to serve as the doorposts over which the

telephone wires pass. By doing so, we ensure that our doorposts have a lintel that runs directly above its two doorposts.” By this point, most of the onlookers were either more than satisfied or overly confused, and went on their way either curious to learn more or just as confused as before they had asked. However, even this more involved answer did not suffice for Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. “Doesn’t it seem like a loophole getting around a religious prohibition?” he asked. “Now it’s getting serious! It’s time to reveal the fundamental Talmudic reasoning that truly explains the eruv,” I thought. “Well, Mayor, the rationale is as follows. Biblically, a Jew is prohibited from carrying only from inside their home (a private domain) to an authentic ‘public domain’ (reshut harabim). In order for any area to be considered an authentic public domain it must fit certain Talmudic criteria, among which is the need for 600,000 residents to be residing within the city. Since Allentown does not have that number of residents, our city is not a genuine ‘public domain,’ and thus carrying from one’s home to the street is Biblically permitted. However, our rabbis were concerned that if people who live in a place like Allentown would in fact be allowed to carry outside their homes on Shabbat, they would unwittingly do so in a bona fide ‘public domain’ as well, such as Manhattan. (The construction of the Eruv in places

Eruv Continues on page 9

Seventy years ago, World War II ended, and the few Jewish survivors of Hitler’s terrible experiment went forward to begin lives anew. From camps, hiding places, underground places – wherever they had been, these survivors took on the task of picking up the pieces that had been shattered years before. Hanna and Walter Kohners’ lives were indelibly shaped by the events of the Holocaust. In 1935, they met as teens in Czechoslovakia and fell in love. When the shade of Nazi terror drew down upon their lives, Walter was able to immigrate to the U.S., eventually joining the U.S. Army. Hanna moved to Amsterdam; there she was rounded up by the Nazis and managed to survive four camps including Thereisenstadt and Auschwitz. Despite losing touch with one another, their love and concern for one another never foundered. Incredibly, soon after the war they made contact, were married and moved to Los Angeles. Their story does not end here: In 1953, Hanna’s life was featured on Ralph Edward’s “This Is Your Life.” This program normally featured celebrities whose lives were recapped with surprise guests who had played important roles in the person’s life. Hanna Kohner was the first noncelebrity on the program, but more importantly, the first Holocaust survivor Yom Hashoah Continues on page 10

Yom HaShoah commemoration WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15

7 p.m., JCC of Allentown

A reading of names will take place before the formal program, beginning at 6 p.m. The entire evening is free and open to the community.

com.UNITY Unlike Mordechai Hope and the ability to see a better future and create it have been the underlying strength of Judaism for centuries. Hatikvah, “The Hope,” is the title of Israel’s national anthem. It references thousands of years of Jewish history and a contemporary list of wars and hatred that are transcended by one value that overcomes all others: hope. Twice a year I speak at the Institute for JewishChristian Understanding Youth and Prejudice Workshop, co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation. I tell of my father’s stories as a youth in Poland, his years in the Mauthaussen concentration camp and his life in America. I relay one of his favorite sayings, perhaps one that enabled him to survive each day to the next: “We are a people who believe that tomorrow will be better than today.” But central to the stories are his actions that, even in the face of unmeasurable hatred and existential threats, brought about his tomorrow being better. He knew he had personal responsibility, and that responsibility would benefit him and others. To be Jewish means to believe that whatever circumstances befall us, we will endure and as a result grow stronger. So sure are we that we will survive that Mordechai tells Queen Esther at a time of Persian persecution, “…if you keep

silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from elsewhere.” Mordechai has no doubt in Jewish relief, deliverance and future. His only question is whether Esther wants to be part of the story or not. I presume that the author(s) and redactor(s) of the Book of Esther completed their work many years later, perhaps at a time when Jewish life had clearly survived the threats of historical (or allegorical) Persia. From the safety of hindsight and history, they could look back and write a parable of hope and confidence, certain that if Queen Esther had decided otherwise, the ultimate story of the Jews would turn out fine due to the actions of others. But when you are living through the trying and difficult times, it is unrealistic to believe as Mordechai. Certainly we in the Lehigh Valley do not have that luxury. While we are a vibrant Jewish community with great depth, we know that we are not a Jewish community with a significantly growing population. Therefore, we must rely on ourselves and not, as Mordechai noted, that help will come from “elsewhere.” We have had remarkably positive response to our 2015 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, which ends in 90 days. Increases are


Executive Director | Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley markg@jflv.org

coming in at all levels, from $50 donors and from $50,000 donors, and from everything in between and beyond. We are being told the same thing over and over: we know increasing our gift is important because we know the Federation singularly cares for and maintains our Jewish community. A Federation past president is fond of saying that he places a priority on giving to Jewish causes because “no one else will step forward to support the Jewish community.” There is no “elsewhere” and there is no one else. It will be our actions that will determine the quality of our tomorrow. Now is a critical time. We are entering our annual allocations and fund distribution process. We decide how to divide up our resources to meet Jewish needs. Having your contribution in now (or your pledge and you will be billed later for the payment) will enable us to allocate wisely. Our Federation is attempting to implement its strategic plan to create important change for our community. All of our agencies make strategic decisions on their programs and activities. But the ability for us to grow senior services, enroll more students at the Jewish Day School or JCC early childhood programs, provide additional counseling to teens dealing with divorce or depression, send more

Meet the new editor We are pleased to welcome Laura Rigge as the new editor of HAKOL. A recent graduate of Wellesley College with majors in Russian and cognitive linguistic sciences, Laura served for three years as an assistant in the Russian Department where she helped find new ways to market the program, including through creative uses of social media. She was also a teaching assistant and assisted a professor in editing a new textbook.

Among Laura’s unique experiences is her effort to visit homes for every U.S. president. During the summer of 2012, Laura drove thousands and thousands of miles and catalogued her experience in a daily blog, presidentialhouses.blogspot. com; her large number of followers is attributed to her creative social media marketing efforts. You may also recognize Laura from the 2013 Jeopardy! College Tournament. Please join us in giving

HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

your contribution, or you can increase a previously made contribution, by calling our office at 610-821-5500 or contributing online at www. jewishlehighvalley.org. Let us not look around and wait for others to help our Jewish community. They are not there. But we are here right now, ready to act.


HAKOL Editor

Stephanie Smartschan

JFLV Director of Marketing

Allison Meyers

Graphic Designer

Diane McKee

Advertising Representative TEL: 610-515-1391 hakolads@jflv.org

COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www. jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions.

Mail, fax, or e-mail to: JFLV ATTN: HAKOL 702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: (610) 821-5500 Fax: (610) 821-8946 E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

JFLV EXECUTIVE STAFF Mark L. Goldstein Executive Director

Judy Diamondstein

Assistant Executive Director

Temple Coldren

Director of Finance & Administration

Jim Mueth

Director of Planned Giving & Endowments

Aaron Gorodzinsky

Director of Outreach & Community Relations

Mark H. Scoblionko JFLV President


Monica Friess, Acting Chair Barbara Reisner Judith Rodwin Sara Vigneri

Member American Jewish Press Association

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/ or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.

JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY MISSION STATEMENT In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values:

Laura a warm welcome. She can be reached at 610-8215500 x326 or laura@jflv.org.

JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship by requesting that trees be planted in the Yoav--Lehigh Valley Partnership Park. IN MEMORY MILDRED KOSSTRIN (Grandmother of Nicole Rosenthal) Stefanie and Darren Traub

TO ORDER TREES, call the JFLV at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org. 2 APRIL 2015 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

young adults to Israel or expand support services to adults dealing with their aging parents rests with each of us taking individual responsibility for improving our community. And that can be done through an increased contribution to the Federation’s Annual Campaign. While my father spoke of believing that tomorrow will be better than today, he concluded this saying with, “and that belief inspires us in our actions today.” Unlike Mordechai, he never would condone someone’s inaction based on the hope that someone else would respond. Please join me in working to make tomorrow better than today. You can make

• Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. • Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland. • Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families. • Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs. To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines: • Raising and distributing funds to support the core values. • Developing Jewish leaders. • Building endowments to support implementation of core values. • Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. • Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building. • Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility. • Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started. • Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises. • Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds. • Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole. Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000

Valley residents attend AIPAC Policy Conference By Laura Rigge HAKOL Editor A group of more than 40 people from the Lehigh Valley traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the AIPAC Policy Conference on March 1- 3. They joined 16,000 other people of diverse backgrounds who attended the conference. The conference was under more intense media scrutiny than usual because of the controversy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Iran policy. Despite the conflict in Congress, at AIPAC “people from all walks including Republicans and Democrats were cheering, crying, learning and lobbying together,” said Marc Diamondstein, one of the attendees. Valley residents described the conference as a rousing success. “I came eager to learn about the many challenges and opportunities facing the United States and Israel, and to hear from inspirational speakers. My expectations were exceeded by my experiences,” said Wendy Born, who traveled to AIPAC this year. Beth Kushnick, another Valley resident in attendance at this year’s conference, also commended the speakers. “The speakers were captivating and so interesting, that you could only be in awe of what you were hearing,” Kushnick said. Besides the well-known figures like National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Prime Minister Netanyahu, attendees were impressed by the less recognizable names and speakers at smaller “breakout” sessions. Amy Morse, an Allentown resident, cited Mosab Hassan Yousef, who worked undercover for Israel's security service Shin Bet, as one of her favorite speakers of the event. Rabbi Ed Feinstein, a California-based rabbi, gave a speech about the difference a single person can make, using Edward Jacobson’s role in convincing his former business partner Harry Truman to recognize the fledgling nation of Israel as an example. Vicki Wax called Rabbi Feinstein’s speech “inspirational,” and saw his message of hope as a welcome counterpoint. Because of continuing negotiations for a nuclear deal with Iran, Iran policy was without a doubt the greatest focus of the conference. “There was almost no mention of Palestinians, territories, two-state solutions or settlements, which was disconcerting considering that Israel was at war just a few short months ago,” Diamondstein said. While Iran policy dominated the conference, political matters were not the sole focus of AIPAC this year. Conference attendees were also impressed by the technology spotlighted at AIPAC, including an injured personnel carrier, a lightweight but strong backpack that can be kept in one’s pocket until it is needed to carry a wounded soldier to safety, and a ring-like accessory that turns a room into a 3D interactive work space. A talk about advisors from the Israel Water Authority, who called local government officials in Charleston, West Virginia, to offer their assistance when Charleston’s water supply was contaminated by a chemical spill in 2014, demonstrated the special nature of the relationship between the United States and Israel. Local residents who attended the conference this year agreed that, despite the intense atmosphere, it was inspiring to see so many people gathering to support the U.S.-Israel relationship. They believed that the success of the conference demonstrated the strength of the community and of the U.S.-Israel relationship. This year, as Morse said, “Delegates to the conference knew they were witnessing history unfold.”

Lehigh Valley AIPAC delegates meet with Rep. Charlie Dent at the annual Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.

Wendy Born, Rabbi Michael Singer and Federation Executive Director Mark L. Goldstein watch Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in Dent’s office.

Federation Assistant Executive Director Judy Diamondstein and Vicki Wax also watch the speech.

Bringing AIPAC to you The policy conference may be over, but there’s more where that came from. Join Congregation Sons of Israel and the Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Council for a SPECIAL SHABBATON on SATURDAY, APRIL 17, beginning at 9 a.m. A speaker from AIPAC will deliver a sermon exploring the U.S.-Israel relationship in the wake of the Israeli elections. Services will be followed by a Kiddush lunch and two breakout sessions: one will explore the question of the U.S.-Israel relationship more in-depth, while the other will focus on AIPAC 101. Free and open to everyone.



A STAR AMONG STARS: Lion of Judah & Pomegranate Women trip to new york city monday, june

1, 2015

8:00 am departure from the JCC | 5:30 pm expected return Take a guided tour of the special exhibition “Revolution of the Eye: Modern Art and the Birth of American Television” and explore all that the Jewish Museum has to offer. Transportation, museum admission, breakfast and snacks included. Group lunch at an NYC kosher restaurant available for purchase. Space limited to first 40 registrants. Cost: $75 RSVP by Monday, May 18 | 610-821-5500 or www.jewishlehighvalley.org Women who make Pomegranate Level ($1,800+) or Lion of Judah Level ($5,000+) commitments to the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs.

Women’s Division Dollar-A-Day Spring Event

open to

Walking The Talk with Jane Weitzman

Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:30 pm | Congregation Keneseth Israel $40 per person for dinner and program Dietary laws observed

Please RSVP by Thursday, May 7, 2015 Register online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org Minimum gift of $365 to the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs required to attend. Merry Landis, Spring Event Chair | Carol Wilson, Women’s Division President


welcoming new babies to the Lehigh Valley If you’re expecting, know someone who is, or have a new baby, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact Abby Trachtman, 610-821-5500 | abbyt@jflv.org 4 APRIL 2015 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Early Women’s Division leader recalls ‘giants’ of fundraising

By Jennifer Lader Special to HAKOL Jane Friedberg is used to being in the presence of stars. The longtime Allentonian got her start studying astronomy and worked at Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute before moving to the Lehigh Valley and becoming close with two stars of Jewish fundraising. Born Jane Kauffman, she was at the Franklin Institute at the time the well-known heart display – a four-chamber heart with ramps allowing visitors to walk through – was first put on exhibit. Although she was the assistant to the head of the astronomy department, she occasionally received a call from a Mr. Hollingsworth in PR, asking her to help out. “I knew what that meant,” she said in a recent interview. “They wanted to take my picture.” She was posed in the heart and her full name given when the photo appeared in print, portraying her as a visitor to the Institute. “We were always trying to get people to come there,” she explained. Meanwhile, M. J. “Mickey” Friedberg, the youngest of four sons, had grown up as best he could in Philadelphia. His father had been a maker of stained glass “like Tiffany’s” before the deleterious effects of the necessary components were well-known. He died at the age of 34. His widow, until that time “a comfortable housewife,” built on the skills she had developed on a toy sewing machine her husband had once given her. She got a job with Empire Dressmaker. Social services came to see about taking the children into adoptive homes, but were told, “You are not taking my children.” The response: “That’s fine, but we’ll check back with you from time to time.” The situation was critical, so the oldest child, a tall boy of 12, got a job on the Philadelphia docks, unloading goods. Mickey alone graduated high school. He went on to college and studied medicine at Temple University. He had gotten high marks in the military’s intelligence testing and went straight into the U.S. Air Force during World War II. Later, as a doctor, he worked long hours as a surgeon for malignant diseases. When his cousin saw Jane Kauffman’s photo, she picked up the phone and called her. “Don’t hang up,” she said, “I’m not crazy. I’d like you to meet my cousin. He works long hours and doesn’t have time to socialize. You won’t be sorry!” After some informal background checking, Jane and Mickey went out on a date. They married in September of 1956. Mickey was soon accepted onto the staff of Allentown General Hospital with surgery privileges as well at Sacred Heart Hospital. In addition, he was “a happy member of the JCC,” his wife recalled.

When the couple first moved to Allentown, Friedberg immediately met Lena Senderowitz and Rose Leonard. The two were very different, she said, “but they became my two best friends.” Leonard was a personal friend of Golda Mier, Friedberg said, “and Rose would take me with her to New York in her limousine.” Both women were incredible fundraisers. “The men would have a meeting and make their donations, then the women would get on the phone and call people to solicit more donations,” Friedberg said. She refers to her two friends as “giants” in Jewish fundraising and said, “It was my privilege to work with them.” Friedberg became very active in Jewish life. She was the first president of what is now known as Women’s Division, the hallmark of which is independent women’s philanthropy. She still has fond memories of the hard work and dedication of the women with whom she associated. Jane and Mickey’s son, Joseph Stewart, went through the school system in the Lehigh Valley and on to medical school. He is internationally-recognized for his work as a leader in the area of lung cancer research. He recently joined the University of Maryland School of Medicine as head of its division of thoracic surgery. So Jane Friedberg is no stranger to stars and, in the contributions of her lifetime, she has become one herself.

Handmade Afghans BY EVA LEVITT

All proceeds benefit projects in Israel:

Food Banks in Israel Neve Michael Youth Village

For prices or to place an order, call Eva 610-398-1376.

All payments are made payable to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Daroff to share domestic policy Lehigh Valley delegation to travel to Harrisburg agenda at Men’s Night Out By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Protecting Medicaid and Medicare, safeguarding the Jewish community from terrorism and advocating on behalf of individuals with disabilities are just a few of the priorities for William Daroff and the Jewish Federations’ Washington Office this year. Daroff, named by the Forward newspaper as one of the 50 most influential Jews in America, will bring his unique insight into the inner workings of Capitol Hill to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s annual Men’s Night Out on April 27. As the senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington Office, Daroff is a leading advocate for the American Jewish community’s agenda in the nation’s capital. He is also a social networking pioneer and evangelist. He has twice been named by JTA as being among the top five most influential Jewish Twitterers in the world, and was named by the National Jewish Outreach Program as one of the top 10 Jewish influencers in social media. “The Jewish community should stand up and speak out on issues that are important to make sure our elected officials know who we are and what we believe,” Daroff recently told the Cleveland Jewish News. Some of the other topics Daroff and the Washington Office have identified as priorities this year include: • Empowering older adults to age well with dignity and an enhanced quality of life through the funding of tax credits, partnerships and volunteer opportunities to support Holocaust Survivors; creating new pathways to Baby Boomer retirement and reducing barriers to senior employment; and provid-

ing funding to research Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. • Promoting the international interests of the Jewish Federations by combating the assault on Israel’s legitimacy and sovereignty; strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship and safeguarding Israel’s defenses, particularly the Iron Dome; and opposing Iran’s development of a nuclear weapons capability.

The Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Council is partnering with the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition to organize a Lehigh Valley mission to Harrisburg on May 5. During the visit, participants will meet with representatives from Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration and with legislators who are deciding on issues that affect not only our community, but also the ability for our community institutions to function in the future. Issues at stake include Holocaust education, nonprofit taxation, Pennsylvania’s relationship with Israel and senior services. In the past year, the state government authorized the Holocaust Education Bill, which “strongly encourages” but does not require schools to teach Holocaust curriculum. Additional sanctions have been imposed on Pennsylvania companies doing business with Iran. New legislation is being discussed to combat hate crimes and there has been some movement on the Memorandum of Understanding between Israel and the state of Pennsylvania that can open a doors to additional Israeli companies in the Lehigh Valley. All of these efforts happen because our community, in coordination with the Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition, has been very active in ensuring that our communal needs are being heard at the legislative level. If you are interested in joining this mission, please contact Aaron Gorodzinsky by Friday, April 17, at 610-821-5500 or aaron@jflv. org. Space is limited.

• Assisting immigrants and refugees by supporting refugees, particularly those fleeing from Iran; securing funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement; and promoting fair and compassionate immigration reform. Men’s Night Out is open to men who have pledged a minimum of $365 to the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs. The event on April 27 will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the JCC and is $40 for dinner and the program. Register or learn more at www.jewishlehighvalley.org.


Lehigh Valley Jewish professionals carb-load before Passover The Lehigh Valley Jewish Professionals came together on March 18 at The Pub by Wegmans for an evening of food, drink and networking. Attendees loaded up on carbs before Passover, including pretzels, mac and cheese and beer as they met new people and chatted with old friends. The raffle prize of two tickets to the IronPig’s Jewish Heritage Night was won by Noah Kirshner.





4. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL MISSION TO HARRISBURG TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 Meet with representatives from the governor's office and with Lehigh Valley legislators on both sides of the aisle. Talk about the issues that are important to us: • • • •

Holocaust education Property tax exemption for non-profits Pennsylvania/Israel relationship Issues facing seniors

To sign up, contact Aaron Gorodzinsky at 610-821-5500 or aaron@jflv.org. Limited space available.


PHOTO CAPTIONS: 1. Monica Friess, Amy Sams, Gary Lader and Andrew Pestcoe. 2. Daniel Russakow and Gary Lader. 3. Aaron Alkasov, Lisa Kaplan, Erin Corsa and Justin Corsa. 4. Rabbi Melissa Simon, Jennifer Gottlieb and Tali Ramo 5. Alan Raisman and Aaron Alkasov.

Prejudice reduction packages up for auction at golf tournament

Vera Schiff presents the Rev. Dan Gambit with the Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction at the golf tournament in 2012. By Jenny Oswald JFLV Development Intern The Jewish Federation’s annual golf tournament honors the theme of prejudice reduction in the spirit of Mortimer S. Schiff, who cared deeply about bringing together people of all backgrounds. This year the tournament will add a new element to further allow participants to demonstrate their caring and commitment to prejudice reduction efforts and other important causes that the Federation supports. In addition to the annual reverse raffle that participants have come to look forward to at the tournament, new live auction items will be interspersed throughout, offering participants the opportunity to purchase charitable service packages. Packages will include sponsoring a prejudice reduction workshop for Lehigh Valley students, sending food packages to vulnerable people in war-torn Ukraine and securing funding to provide expert speakers to local public schools. “The addition of these service packages promises to widen the already significant impact that the golf tournament is able to make toward prejudice reduction,” tournament co-chairman Barnet Fraenkel said. Now in its fourth year, the Schiff tournament brings together a diverse array of players for a first-class day at Lehigh Country Club. “Players have come to recognize the tournament as a topnotch event that provides great value as it indulges participants in delicious food from a sumptuous breakfast buffet, on-course snacks and a delectable dinner alongside great prizes and gifts – not to mention playing one of the best courses in Pennsylvania,” said Richard Schiff, tournament co-chairman. Proceeds from the tournament support the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, which helps feed the hungry, comfort the elderly, inspire Jewish life and learning in the Lehigh Valley and rescue the vulnerable in Israel and all over the world. Some of the most vulnerable, survivors of the Holocaust, are suffering a double indignity as they once again are the victims of war and prejudice in places like Ukraine. With the help of the Federation’s overseas partners, life-saving services are delivered to elderly and infirm Jews. Local students receive tolerance education through Federation-funded prejudice reduction workshops. The 4th Annual Mortimer S. Schiff Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, June 15, 2015, at Lehigh Country Club. To register, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/golf. All registrations must be postmarked by Friday, May 22. To learn more about the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/campaign.


MEET THE PRESIDENTS By Monica Friess Special to HAKOL As co-presidents of Congregation Am Haskalah, Scott Berman and Rachel Zane are passionate about the all-inclusive nature and do-ityourself feel of their synagogue. Unique in the Lehigh Valley, Am Haskalah does not employ a full-time rabbi, but rather annually hires a fifth-year student from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Philadelphia. Zane, a science teacher at William Allen High School who serves as advisor to the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, loves that this approach gives the congregation a fresh perspective on Judaism each year. “And,” she says, “I love that we’re giving back to the Jewish community by training the next generation of rabbinic leadership.” Berman, who is a retired geriatric psychiatrist and now consults for JFS on geriatric assessment, praises the egalitarian nature and non-hierarchal structure of the synagogue. “Part of the reason for having a part-time rabbi,” he says, “is that it increases

the role of lay leadership.” Because of this format, Berman and Zane assume many more of the responsibilities; but, says Zane, this is also a benefit, because they solicit input from the synagogue community and make decisions on their own behalf, and involving more of the congregation in service leadership means exposure to varied styles and new perspectives. One of their goals is finding creative ways to keep congregants engaged in activities without over-scheduling. “A challenge of any religious organization,” says Berman, “is that it must almost compete with secular activities.” He feels that whether someone comes once a year or every week, the important thing is that they’re always welcome and will always be encouraged to participate. Berman also says that he and Zane have increased their outreach endeavors. Last year, for example, with resources from the National Jewish Outreach Program, Am Haskalah created “Matzah in the Aisle,” wherein shoppers at Weis supermarket in Bethlehem were given tastes of Passover foods. “It’s a creative,

Scott Berman

Rachel Zane non-proselytizing way to reach out to the unaffiliated and to the general community,” he says. The Jewish Outreach Institute is another organization that has provided materials for programs which aim to foster inclusion in the Jewish community. Berman and Zane both cite the openness of the synagogue as a major strength. “We are very open to diversity,” says Zane. “Interfaith families, the LGBT community – all are welcome.”


free three-part lecture series ON TUESDAYS THIS SPRING

TAUGHT BY PROFESSOR BEN WRIGHT OF LEHIGH UNIVERSITY TUESDAY, APRIL 14 There’s No Place Like Home: Jews in Judea (with the Galilee and the Eastern Diaspora) TUESDAY, APRIL 28 It’s All Greek to Me: Jews in Alexandria and the Greek World TUESDAY, MAY 12 Sects and the Single Jew: The Judaism of the Dead Sea Scrolls Co-sponsored by the Berman Center for Jewish Studies and the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 9:30 a.m. Congregation Brith Sholom 1190 W. Macada Rd. Bethlehem, PA Free and open to everyone. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | APRIL 2015 7

Speaker sheds light on local Muslim community By Michele Salomon Congregation Keneseth Israel Relations between the Muslim community and the Jewish community may appear strained if your point of reference is international or national news. However, here at home in the Lehigh Valley, there is greater hope. Leaders of both the local Jewish and Muslim communities are engaged in efforts to help their communities develop a deeper understanding and awareness of each other. The goal is not simply making new acquaintances, but to develop relationships, friendships, collaborations and a real sense of community. On March 16, Brother Rizwan Butt of the Muslim Association of the Lehigh Valley spoke at Congregation Keneseth Israel at an event co-sponsored by the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. Some Jewish members of the audience had visited the Muslim Association on prior occasions, and similarly the audience at KI included Muslims and Jews sitting together, sharing pastries and learning about the Muslim religion. Everyone learned something new, including about the many similarities between these two faith communities, which share a common heritage. Both religions encourage charitable acts, discourage gossip and use fasting as religious ritual. Like Jews, Muslims are not homogenous in the make-up of what their community looks like or how they behave. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, just 20 percent are of Arabic descent, while a majority of Muslims are from East Asia. In terms of actions, Butt had the following to say: “Do not judge Islam based on the actions of Muslims; judge the actions of Muslims based on the teachings of Islam.” There were many questions that were unable to be answered in this one evening, and future events are being planned. Stay tuned and please join the conversation.

IN MEMORY SISTER-IN-LAW (of Joel and Muriel Glickman) Roberta and Robert Kritzer MARY T. CHADWICK (Mother of Mary Beth Weinstein) Robert and Jeff Epstein EDWARD H. COLEMAN (Husband of Natalie Coleman) Leonard Abrams Wendy and Ross Born Sandy and Sam Braverman The Dickerman Family Roberta and Jeff Epstein Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Lisa and Barnet Fraenkel Stewart and Carol Furmansky Sandra and Harold Goldfarb Taffi Ney Adam and Penny Roth Selma Roth and Family Renee Schwartz Donald and Randi Senderowitz Barbara and Fred Sussman David and Deborah Wiener DICK COWEN (Husband of Connie Cowen) Selma Roth and Family ARNOLD DELIN (Father of Scott Delin) Stan and Vicki Wax ADELE LESAVOY GORELICK (Mother of Fred Lesavoy) Robert and Jeff Epstein Donald and Randi Senderowitz LIBBIE GUSSOW (Mother of Susan Vengrove) Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein MILDRED KOSSTRIN (Grandmother of Nicole Rosenthal) Wendy and Ross Born Judy and Marc Diamondstein Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Iris, Jonathan, Harry, and Charlie Epstein Lisa and Barnet Fraenkel Gary and Carol Bub Fromer Tracy and Robert Grob Lauren, Doron, Aron, and Golda Rabin Stan and Vicki Wax HENRY KURLANSIK (Husband of Nancy Kurlansik)

Sybil and Barry Baiman Wendy and Ross Born Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Arthur and Audrey Sosis Stan and Vicki Wax J. STANLEY LANDAU (Father of Sheila Saunders and Aimee Stewart) Robert and Jeff Epstein Sandra and Harold Goldfarb Ann and David Packman Arthur and Barbara Weinrach SOL SCHECHTER (Husband of Anne Schechter) Gladys Yass GERT WEISBROD (Mother of Len Davison) Wendy and Ross Born (Mother of Irwin Davison) Stan and Vicki Wax IN HONOR RITA AND MICHAEL BLOOM Marriage of Michele to Eric Roberta and Robert Kritzer WENDY AND ROSS BORN Birth of their grandson, Benjamin Roberta and Robert Kritzer JERRY FARRIS Happy 70th Birthday Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald STEWART AND CAROL FURMANSKY Birth of their granddaughter, Adina Raya Stuart and Susan Shmookler HAROLD GOLDFARB Happy ‘Special’ Birthday Neil and Christy Boderman Arthur and Audrey Sosis Gail Wolson BOBBY HAMMEL Speedy Recovery Lisa and Ellis Block Judy and Marc Diamondstein Stewart and Carol Furmansky Karl and Sara Glassman Donald and Randi Senderowitz BETH AND WESLEY KOZINN Happy 40th Anniversary Stan and Vicki Wax KAREN KUHN Marriage of her son Jason to Courtney Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Roberta and Robert Kritzer

JEAN MANDEL Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald ELAINE AND LEON PAPIR Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Cameron Roberta and Robert Kritzer ABE ROSS In honor of his retirement Roberta and Robert Kritzer ARTHUR AND AUDREY SOSIS Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Eliel Stan and Vicki Wax MICKEY AND EILEEN UFBERG Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Sylvia and Sam Bub HELEN & SOL KRAWITZ HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY ARLENE BARON Lynda and Stuart Krawitz MARY T. CHADWICK (Mother of Mary Beth Weinstein) Lynda and Stuart Krawitz EDWARD H. COLEMAN (Husband of Natalie Coleman) Joan Lesavoy and Sid Greenberg ADELE LESAVOY GORELICK (Mother of Fred Lesavoy and Paige Bluth) Lynda and Stuart Krawitz CARL HARDIGG (Husband of Joyce Hardigg) Lynda and Stuart Krawitz SONDRA KLINE (Mother of Wendy and Amy Chercass) Lynda and Stuart Krawitz IN HONOR BOBBY HAMMEL Speedy Recovery Lynda and Stuart Krawitz BONNIE AND BOBBY HAMMEL Birth of their grandson Lynda and Stuart Krawitz PHYLLIE AND STEVEN SPLERER Birth of their grandson Lynda and Stuart Krawitz HOLOCAUST RESOURCE CENTER IN MEMORY NORMAN GENOY Ann and Gene Ginsberg We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your continued support.

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Hillel students to be honored at annual brunch



By Julie Taffet JFLV Marketing Intern Join the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley in honoring the recipients of the 2015 Levy Hillel Leadership Award. The Levy Hillel Award recognizes young leaders in the Lehigh Valley’s Hillel chapters. The award was founded by Mort and Myra Levy, z"l, and endowed through the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation so that it could live on in perpetuity. The program and brunch will be held on April 19 at 10:30 a.m. at the JCC of Allentown and is free and open to the community. ALYSSA BRAVER Alyssa Braver is a junior at Lafayette College double majoring in government/law and philosophy. Braver has been involved in the Lafayette Hillel Society since 2012, and currently holds the position of vice president of social actions, where she plans various philanthropic events and Holocaust Remembrance Week. This past year, Braver was a semifinalist at the Emerson Rose and New England Regionals, a debate speech tournament. Braver is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the government/law honor society, as well as Pi Kappa Delta, the forensics honorary society. JONATHAN COHEN Jonathan Cohen is a senior at Lehigh University double majoring in mechanical engineering and finance. In 2012, Cohen co-founded the Tamid Israel Investment Group, which is a consulting group for Israeli start-up companies. Addition-


Continues from page 1 like Manhattan is beyond the scope of this article). Therefore, our rabbis prohibited us from carrying even in places such as Allentown. However, since the prohibition of carrying in Allentown is only Rabbinic in nature, the rabbis relaxed their stringency provided that a nominal edifice known as the eruv be constructed.” With this more-detailed explanation, the mayor was satisfied. There were a great number of individuals involved in this project, many of whom helped me get through the so-called “red tape,” and without whom this four-year project could never have taken place. I would like to thank Mayor Ed Pawlowski, Allentown Solicitor Susan Wild, State Sen. Pat Browne, PP&L, Verizon Pole and Conduit Administration, Sunoco Logistics, GC Electric, Jewish Federation past president Barry Halper and our Allentown eruv halachik overseer Rabbi Chaim Jachter. I would also like to thank my esteemed colleague Rabbi Yaakov Halperin, whose advice and help greatly aided this cause. I would like most notably to thank the people who make the eruv a reality each and every Shabbat – our eruv checkers; Rabbi Yehoshua Mizrachi, Ira Robbins, Mark Notis and especially our eruv



ally, Cohen is the vice president of membership engagement for the Friends of Israel Club, which promotes Birthright and other Israel trip options, and serves as a liaison to AIPAC. Cohen serves as the president of Alpha Epsilon Pi, an international Jewish fraternity, where he organizes Shabbat dinners and informs his members about various Jewish opportunities at Lehigh. EMILY MUDD Emily Mudd is a senior at Moravian College double majoring in neuroscience and psychology. Mudd serves as the president of the Moravian College Hillel Society, where she helps organize events that engage Jewish students on campus. This past summer, she worked as a camp counselor at the Jewish Community Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, where she served as a mentor to young children. Mudd is a member of Gamma Sigma Alpha, Greek Honor Society and in 2015 she received the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges award. ETHAN WEG Ethan Weg is a senior at Muhlenberg College majoring in Jewish studies and media and communications. He has held various positions in United Synagogue Youth, from regional advisor to co-advisor, since 2011. Weg has been a part of the Jewish National Fund since 2014, and serves as a JNF Campus Fellow. Weg is the executive vice president of Israel affairs at Muhlenberg College’s Hillel, and had helped shape the Conservative minyan.

president Jonathan Powers. We look forward to welcoming our new checkers, David Bach and Kevin Danna, and wish them great success in joining the team. As many know, eruvs can often lead to political struggles within the Jewish community. I am so proud to be part of a community where this endeavor was greatly supported and encouraged by all of the

Lehigh Valley clergy – a true embodiment of Hinei mah tov u’ma naim shevet achim gam yachad; how beautiful and sweet it is when brothers dwell together. May our Lehigh Valley Jewish community continue to grow and may our observance of the holiest day of the week – the Sabbath – continue to refresh and strengthen our evergrowing spiritual lives.


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Israeli election Continues from page 1

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party at 30 seats, far ahead of Isaac Herzog’s Zionist Union (24 seats), the question now is who will join Netanyahu in the coalition? There are a few things to consider as the next Israeli government takes shape. Netanyahu is in a stronger position than before. The prime minister acquired several advantages in the election. First, he can extend his premiership for another four years, possibly to become Israel’s longestserving prime minister: David Ben-Gurion served for a total of 13 years; Netanyahu has nine. Second, by soundly defeating Herzog and significantly improving Likud’s position in the Knesset from 18 to 30, Netanyahu can claim a fresh mandate. Third, the prime minister can build a more stable coalition than last time. With just the Orthodox and right-wing parties — Jewish Home (8), Shas (7), Yisrael Beiteinu (6) and United Torah Judaism (6) — Netanyahu gets to 57 seats. Kulanu, the center-right party led by exLikudnik Moshe Kachlon and the winner of 10 seats, easily could complete the coalition. Netanyahu no longer needs Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid, with whom friction ultimately prompted the prime minister to

dissolve his government and call for new elections. Yesh Atid slipped to 11 seats from 19. The left wing failed to gain ground. Herzog has emerged to become the face of the left, but the left wing isn’t really in a better position than before. The left’s share of Knesset seats remains relatively unchanged — 28 compared to 29 in the current Knesset — but the party labels have changed. Now Zionist Union has 24 seats and Meretz four, whereas before the left wing’s 29 seats were distributed among Labor, Hatnuah, Kadima and Meretz. If you throw the Joint Arab List (14) in with the left-wingers (Netanyahu does), that brings the left to 42 seats in the new Knesset, up from 40 last time around. The kingmakers will be the centrists. The Knesset’s two centrist parties together won 21 seats on Election Day — 11 for Yesh Atid and 10 for Kulanu. Barring the unlikely event of a unity government, one or both of them will be a must-have to reach the magic number of 61. Given Netanyahu’s problems with Yesh Atid and the composition of Kulanu’s list, Kulanu is the clear favorite. The party boasts a number of veterans of

Yom Hashoah Continues from page 1

whose story had been shared with a wide American audience. She was young, smiling and animated – not unlike the audience who watched. In 1953, not even 10 years since the war ended, there was no structured context in which to place the Shoah. There was no formal way to understand the vast scope of the tragedy. While many Holocaust survivors in those early days were discouraged from sharing their experiences, Hanna made a connection with television viewers. Her openness was real and powerful, and was a significant beginning in memorializing the Holocaust. On Wednesday, April 15, the Holocaust Resource Center will once again host a community-wide Yom HaShoah evening of commemoration. We will have the privilege of hearing the story of Hanna and Walter, presented by their daughter, Julie Kohner. Julie’s mission to teach lessons of the Holocaust through her parents is brought to life by sharing stories and viewing the episode of “This Is Your Life” 10 APRIL 2015 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

right-wing parties, including Kachlon (ex-Likud), Michael Oren (served as Israel’s ambassador to Washington under Netanyahu) and Tali Floskob (mayor of Arad and a former Yisrael Beiteinu member). Two deputies to Jerusalem’s right-wing mayor, Nir Barkat, also are on the Kulanu list. The enduring strength of the centrist parties — even though much of it came at Yesh Atid’s expense — also demonstrates the seriousness with which Israeli voters consider the socioeconomic issues that Kulanu and Yesh Atid made the centerpiece of their campaigns. Israeli elections are no longer just about security, particularly at a time when few Israelis see a viable way to overcome the morass with the Palestinians and the threats posed by upheaval in the Arab world. The Arabs are a force to be reckoned with. The forced combination of the Knesset’s Arab parties into the Joint Arab List — prompted by a new rule raising the minimum threshold for entry into the Knesset to 3.5 percent of votes cast — has strengthened their hand. Even though Arab-Israeli turnout was lower than Jewish-Israeli turnout, it was still higher than usual. Now the Arabs control three additional Knesset seats and have a more unified voice.

featuring her mother. On Thursday, April 16, Kohner will share more about Hanna’s life through the voices of the people who knew her best at a brunch and learn program. Time moves swiftly. In its wake, we lose precious memories and even the ability to hold onto the memories we still have. It is incumbent upon us to create meaningful and powerful moments of commemoration. With the milestone of 70 years since the Liberation, we take time to recall and honor those who were lost, and to reflect how memory of the Shoah has been shaped and continues to grow over the years. The annual Yom HaShoah commemoration on April 15 will begin at 7 p.m. at the JCC of Allentown. A reading of names will take place before the formal program, beginning at 6 p.m. The entire evening is free and open to the community. The Brunch & Learn on April 16 will begin at 10 a.m. at the JCC and is sponsored by the Jewish Federation’s Women’s Division, PrimeTime at the J and Jewish Family Service. $5 for brunch and program. To learn more about transportation from Bethlehem and Easton through Groups on the GO, contact Wendy Edwards at 610821-5500 or wendy@jflv.org.

Med night at Muhlenberg

A letter of love and devotion


chardonnay at the Yarden Winery to the flavorful, sixcourse meal lovingly prepared by a Bedouin mother and daughter. My love for you is unbreakable. Those who love you will toast to you on Yom Ha'atzmaut (April 22-23) and celebrate you as a true miracle in our lives. We will celebrate you by continuing to educate ourselves and others about your charm and complexity, by purchasing your products, learning your language, praying for you, giving tzedakah and visiting you. On your birthday, dear Israel, may you be blessed with shalom – wholeness and peace.


Congregation Keneseth Israel

If you weren't born, my sons would not be alive and for this I owe you my world. I wonder if you felt my heart beat fast when I first laid eyes on you. You held me near when I cried for you in your times of sadness and again when I sobbed happy tears in your times of joy. While you are far from perfect, you are perfect for me. You have shown me incredible views, with vibrant colors: the lush, green of the Golan; the white slopes of the Hermon; the blue of the Dead Sea; the bright red of the kalaniot flowers and the gold of Jerusalem. You have wined and dined me from the sips of a most perfect

Members of the Maimonides Society present at Muhlenberg College during an information night for pre-medical students in February. The physicians hope to be able to share their expertise with local college students on an annual basis.

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Museum exhibit looks at ‘ordinary people’ of the Holocaust By Joshua Goldin Teen Correspondent Imagine waking up every morning hoping your best friend, a classmate from childhood or a business colleague whom you’ve known for most of your life, doesn’t turn you in. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., has a special temporary exhibit until January 31, 2017, called “Some Were Neighbors: Collaboration and Complicity in the Holocaust,” which focuses on the role ordinary people played in the Shoah. While the museum’s permanent exhibits focus on how Nazi Party leaders gained control and planned the mass murders, this exhibit shows how their strategies were dependent upon ordinary people betraying their Jewish neighbors. The exhibit is emotionally compelling as it reveals flaws and fortitude in the human moral fiber. The stories show how ordinary citizens acted in polar ways. All faced the same motives – greed, fear, nationalism and personal advancement – and some succumbed, while others resisted the temptation to turn against former friends, and fewer endured extra risks by hiding Jews. The focus on relationships between individuals who knew each other adds a layer of understanding – which neighbor chose to blackmail Jews for silence, who turned them in to gain their property and who hid and fed their Jewish friends. This exhibit is as balanced as the numbers would allow. Not everyone in Europe had their moral compass pointed in the wrong direction. A priest prevented soldiers from killing a group of Jews, as he shouted out to them “these Jews aren’t Communists, save your bullets for the real enemy,” at which point the young Nazis let the Jews pass down the street. Another story in the exhibit showed a Nazi soldier who felt conflicted

by his orders. He put his gun down and asked for another assignment – which his officers granted – with no punishment for his refusing to shoot. Photos of barns where families hid remind visitors that brave, ordinary people had to bring Jews daily sustenance or their death would have been eminent. This exhibit is about choice, the simple decisions ordinary people made as they lived their daily lives. The museum’s permanent exhibit begins on the 4th floor. Even if you have been to the museum before, returning to the main exhibit after being immersed in the Ordinary People stories gives you a fresh lens. I was startled by the misconceptions of visitors. Riding up the elevator with a group of ordinary people, I was shocked by their misunderstanding of the victims, the number murdered, the horrendous conditions throughout Europe and the seriousness of this historic period. My fresh insight after experiencing the “Ordinary People” exhibit was that Hitler and the SS could not have accomplished the horrors they inflicted alone. It was ordinary people like those around me that were either heroes, complacent or collaborative, making choices about their Jewish neighbors. Considering that the visitors I was observing were even less indifferent than most people, since they were taking a day to visit this museum, I wonder what they would have done, if given these choices. As we ended our tour of the exhibit, our tour guide said, “It isn’t what you would have done, but what you will do, since we as ordinary people face moral challenges and see genocide today.” Her closing comment leads to another area of focus in this museum – confronting genocide today. The Center for the Prevention of Genocide asks each individual to articulate what he or she will do to respond to current atrocities so that we can avoid repeating the horrors of the past.

Lehigh professor to dig up ancient history at the JCC By Laura Rigge HAKOL Editor

Dr. Ben Wright is used to people calling his work interesting. “Usually when I tell people I’m a college professor, they’ll say, ‘That’s interesting,’ and that’s where the discussion ends. But earlier today, I told someone ‘I spend a lot of my time reading 2,000-year-old manuscripts.’ And he got really excited and said, ‘That’s so interesting!’” Professor Wright, a world renown scholar, will be bringing his

expertise to the JCC for a series of lectures on the Second Temple Period (530 BCE - 70 CE), cosponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the Berman Center for Jewish Studies at Lehigh University. On April 14, he will focus on Jews in Judea; on April 28, he will discuss Jews in Alexandria and the Greek World; and his final lecture on May 12 will delve into the Judaism of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It’s only fitting that the lecture series will end with the Dead Sea Scrolls, since they were

the starting point of his career. Although they were discovered in 1947, scholars were still sifting through their contents 30 years later when Wright started his graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Although he had initially planned on studying early Christianity, his first year in graduate school he joined a project focusing on translating Second Temple texts. Wright eventually wrote his dissertation on translation in Second Temple History. Since then he has focused primarily on Second Temple texts, especially “The Wisdom of Ben Sira,” the work of a Jew in Alexandria during the 2nd century BCE. Wright isn’t surprised when people aren’t familiar with his particular area of study. “Most people are familiar with the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament, but people don’t realize there’s a whole different period,” he said. Wright hopes that the three topics will reflect the diversity of Jewish thought in the ancient world, from Alexandria to Judea. “Ancient Judaism had a wide range, and almost nobody knows it,” he said. “What holds them together?” Above all, Wright wants people to leave his lectures with a greater appreciation of “how diverse and dynamic it was, and how really, really interesting it was during that time period.” Each lecture will begin at 6 p.m. at the JCC and is free and open to the public. To learn more, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.


Holocaust survivors honored at Purim gala

Rep. Charlie Dent presents Holocaust Resource Center Coordinator Shari Spark with set of books commemorating destroyed Jewish synagogues in Germany at the Congregation Sons of Israel Purim Gala on March 15.

Unrest in Argentina as new details emerge about 1994 bombing By Laura Rigge HAKOL Editor The Argentine Jewish community is in a state of unrest, as new revelations have come to light regarding the circumstances of the bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994. Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was in charge of the investigation, was found dead under mysterious circumstances Jan. 18, the day before he was set to testify about the Argentine government’s protection of Iran, which many believe to be responsible for the bombing. Investigators believe that not only was Hezbollah responsible for the attack, which killed 84 people, but that Argentina made a deal with Iran that ensured that the Hezbollah agents responsible would never be prosecuted in return for a trade deal. Michael Salberg, director of international affairs at the Anti-Defamation

League, described it as “a saga of 20 years of unresolved murders.” In the wake of Nisman’s murder and the subsequent dismissal of the case he had built, the Argentine Jewish community, which at 150,000 people is the largest in South America, has become increasingly on edge. Although 400,000 people marched in Buenos Aires protesting Nisman’s murder and the continued defiance of the Argentine government, recent polls revealed that a quarter of the population of Argentina harbors anti-Semitic views. Meanwhile, the victims of the 1994 bombing and their families continue to lack closure, and few have confidence that they ever will, Salberg said. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, an overseas partner of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, continues to serve the Jewish community of Argentina and is closely monitoring the situation.

Scholarship program assists Jewish students with college costs Congregations Sons of Israel is currently accepting applications for college scholarships. The Frank and Ada Segel Family Student Scholarship Program was established through a philanthropic bequest by Frank and Ada Segel's daughter, Helen Segel. Helen recognized the importance of higher education and the need for financial assistance to students in the Jewish

Community. Frank and Ada Segel were members and friends of Congregation Sons of Israel, and Helen wanted to honor her parents with this wonderful act of tzedakah. Jewish students of the Lehigh Valley who have been accepted or are currently attending college are encouraged to apply for the scholarship, which is meant for those who can demonstrate

financial need. The Frank and Ada Segel family student scholarship program committee will decide who will receive the scholarship, which can be awarded on an annual basis for up to $5,000. Applications should be submitted by May 29, 2015. Please call Congregation Sons of Israel at 610-433-6089 for more information and to obtain an application.

Lehigh Valley congregants find unity in song By Yehoshua Mizrachi Congregation Sons of Israel On the Shabbat of Feb. 20-21, the Lehigh Valley was privileged to host the worldrenowned chazzan, Yaakov Lemmer, as chazzan-in-residence at Congregation Sons of Israel. Many people brought their young children to hear the musical prodigy. (Lemmer himself relates that he first discovered his musical gifts when he was 18!) Lemmer’s remarkable range and repertoire exposed a whole new generation to the richness and beauty of chazzanut. The wintry weekend was warmed not only by his marvelous voice, but by the unprecedented Jewish unity that he fostered in our community. Sons of Israel was honored to host many members of Temple Shirat Shalom, Temple Beth El, Congregation Keneseth Israel and others. Jews from across the entire spectrum of observance joined together to pray under one roof and in one voice, united by the bonds of music, amity and goodwill. For those who experienced it, it was a very moving moment indeed. Cantor Ellen Sussman, spiritual leader of Shirat Shalom, said, “It was a treat for the Valley to hear the strains of traditional chazzanut chanted by Cantor Lemmer at the Sons of Israel Shabbaton. We rarely experience the music of our ancestors. Kol hakavod to all who planned this wonderful event.” Cantor Kevin Wartell added, “As the old American folk song states, sometimes … ’music speaks louder than words.’ The artistry of Cantor Lemmer brought us all together to celebrate Shabbat as one … truly a blessed moment in time.”

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In Hungary, anti-Semitism ‘far from absent’

Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation. By Noah Diamondstein Special to HAKOL Editor’s Note: This story is the last in a four-part series by Noah, who recently studied in Europe and who seeks “to see the world become a place where all can live together in peace.” My program brought me to Budapest, Hungary, the site of the largest synagogue in Europe and the former site of one of the world’s largest Jewish communities. The Jewry of Hungary was decimated by the Holocaust, but Nazism was not the only cause of strife in this community. The Arrow Cross, a fascist Catholic political party that was in power in Hungary through most of the 1930s and the early 1940s, had been putting Nazi-esque laws into place for years. Our guide for the Jewish museum taught us about the inhuman manner in which the Arrow Cross essentially outlawed Judaism in the city under pain of death. So many thousands of innocent souls were silenced – shot into the River Danube. When the Nazis finally did occupy Hungary, they were swift and efficient in ways even the Arrow Cross could not have imagined. In only one year of occupation nearly all of the Jews of Budapest and greater Hungary were gassed in Auschwitz. Since those dark days, the Jewish community has revived itself to an extent, and there remain 15 active synagogues in Budapest today. Though physical safety is not as much an issue for Jews in Hungary anymore, anti-Semitism is far from absent from Hungarian society. Initially, due to the Communist repression, education on anything other than the “Hungarian” story of WWII was censored. It was not until the fall of communism in 1989 that Hungarians could begin an honest discourse on what had happened to the Jews, Roma and all those communities affected by Hitler’s regime. Textbooks were filled with either a complete lack of information about Hungarian Jews or often misinformation about the conditions under which they lived. This is slowly changing, and I was lucky enough to be able to meet and talk with a woman who is making that change happen. We met with the chairwoman of the Zachor foundation, an NGO founded in 2007 with the goal of transforming Hungar-

ian Holocaust education, as well as education on genocide in the country in general. Zachor runs workshops with teachers – providing updated texts and other materials for their use – and its programs target high school and college-aged students. Some of their teachers are actually students themselves and work as guides giving classes tours of the Jewish areas of Budapest. The work that they are doing thus far has been largely successful and is critical to the remembrance of Hungarian Jewish history. Although Zachor is doing great work with its teachers and students, not everyone in Hungary is so open-minded – particularly not in the government. After conversations with our tour guide in the Jewish quarter, some Jewish studies students working toward their masters’ degrees at Central European University, and a professor of Jewish history, we learned of some troubling developments in Hungary with regard to anti-Semitism. The current regime in Hungary is very rightwing, and the prime minister, Viktor Orban, is set on the revival of strong Hungarian nationalism. My sources all corroborated each other’s stories: anti-Semitism, sometimes wearing the garb of anti-Zionism but often not hiding itself at all, has once again become a tool for legitimate political discourse. Though often referred to in euphemistic terms such as “foreigners,” the Jews of Hungary are in many ways being disregarded and disrespected by the Hungarian Parliament. The most obvious and glaring example is not a quotation or legal declaration but a work of art. In one of the main squares of Budapest, just behind the largest Catholic church in the country, St. Stephen’s Basilica, is the Memorial to the Victims of the German Occupation. The memorial depicts Gabriel the Archangel, one of the most commonly used symbols for the Hungarian people, holding the golden orb which represents Hungarian political power. Above the angel is perched the huge and imposing Nazi eagle, claws outstretched to snatch the orb out of Gabriel’s hand. The purpose of this sculpture is simple: to remove the burden of guilt from Hungarians, leaving all of the responsibility for what happened to minority communities in Hungary with the German military machine.

The blatant disregard for the true history of the era and the atrocities committed by the Hungarian government all fall perfectly into Orban’s political ideology. Even though many urged him not to, he ordered the memorial’s construction as one of his very first acts as prime minister. In front of the memorial there stand dozens of pictures, flyers and posters in protest, and there are regular demonstrations against it which take place in the square. Personally, I found it to be one of the most viscerally outrageous things I have ever seen. I was affected by this memorial to the point of feeling almost personally insulted. This article is only one small documentation of a larger conversation which needs to be shared throughout Diasporic Jewish communities. Growing anti-Semitism is a real threat, and though not everyone in the world hates Jews, to paraphrase Dr. King, hatred anywhere is a threat to co-existence everywhere. Though what I have learned is certainly troubling, I will try to stay focused on the optimism I met in Krakow, and can rest easy knowing that all that I have learned has only served to strengthen both my connection to my Jewish identity and my resolve to see the world become a place where all can live together in peace. Noah Diamondstein is a religious studies major at the University of Pittsburgh with a concentration in Jewish studies. He just completed his fall semester abroad in Prague, Czech Republic, attending the CET Academic Program with a focus on Judaic studies and will graduate in April. Noah will begin his studies at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion pursuing a career in the rabbinate.


Lafayette professor delves into future of French Jewish community By Monica Friess Special to HAKOL Robert Weiner’s interest in the Jewish community of Dijon, France, was kindled in 1993 when he led a group of Lafayette College students on a semester abroad program. Over the past two decades, he has returned numerous times, immersing himself in the culture and daily life of the region and its Jewish community. Weiner, who for the past 46 years has been a history professor at Lafayette College as well as the school’s Jewish chaplain and Hillel director (now co-director with Professor Ethan Berkove), recently co-published a book with retired Lafayette professor Richard Sharpless entitled, “An Uncertain Future: Voices of a French Jewish Commu-

nity, 1940-2012.” He spoke earlier this year at Bnai Abraham Synagogue about the climate for Jews in France and Europe amid escalations of anti-Semitic activity. Although half of France’s Jews live in Paris, in Dijon, Jewish culture thrives, Weiner said. Françoise Tenenbaum has been the city’s assistant mayor for the past 15 years. Widely respected, she has implemented social welfare programs for many of the area’s underprivileged citizens, including those of Muslim backgrounds. In the summer of 2014 during the conflict in Gaza, a contingent comprised mainly of Muslims marched on Rue de la Liberté – Freedom Street – crying, “Death to Jews, Death to Israel.” “If this can occur in a city with strong social programs led by a respected Jew,” Weiner said,

“it can happen anywhere.” In truth, Weiner said he saw the writing on the wall with the Second Intifada in 2000 and the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. “I knew it would get much worse,” he said. “You could feel it; you could smell it.” He knew it was only a matter of time before something drastic would force France to confront terrorism head-on. The attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the kosher deli confirmed his fear. In the recent past, perpetrators of anti-Semitic acts received soft penalties with little to no jail time. After the torture and murder in 2006 of Ilan Halimi, a French Jew, as well as the Toulouse murders in 2012, stiffer penalties began to be imposed. The Hebdo case, he said, may be a turning point toward substantial change.

“Since the 1990s,” Weiner said, “there have been increased apologies about France’s mistreatment of Jews during WWII.” As president François Hollande said recently, “France without Jews will no longer be France.” Weiner noted that France has a universalist vision of itself wherein every citizen is equally valid and protected by law regardless of race religion, gender or ethnicity. French Jews play a major, invaluable role in all aspects of society, and the fact that so many are leaving for Israel is viewed as a failure. “Where Jews can no longer live,” he said, “others cannot live comfortably afterward.” If there’s hope to be found, Weiner said it lies in sustained European economic expansion (eco-recovery seems to finally be beginning) combined with

an affirmative action program for Muslim youth, who have a 40 percent unemployment rate in France. He points to incidents such as a gathering at a French synagogue after the recent attacks that Muslim Imams attended, as well as a “human chain” by members of Norway’s Muslim community to protect Jews as they entered Sabbath services as sources of optimism. But this must be combined with more awareness of the threat, vigilant monitoring of French Muslims who travel to Syria to engage in Jihad then return to France and greater punishment for hate crimes. Each year since 1975, Weiner has led an interfaith seder at Lafayette’s Hillel, whose events are multi-cultural and interfaith. It’s a well-attended, popular event and participants include some Muslim faculty and students. At this year’s seder, Weiner said he will talk about the world’s hot spots and try to find an opportunity for personal and communal growth. “As Jews we must take risks,” said Weiner. “We must show love and be open to others. But we must also be prepared for harsh realities. We’re fortunate that we live in the United States, and that there is a strong, beautiful state of Israel. “As Jews,” he said, “we have a choice.”

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Lehigh students of different backgrounds explore Rome together

By Rabbi Danielle Stillman Lehigh University A rabbi, a priest and a minister walk onto an airplane. No, this is not the beginning of a bad joke, but rather the start of an interreligious dialogue trip that the Chaplain’s Office at Lehigh University recently sponsored. The Rev. Dr. Lloyd Steffen, university chaplain and professor of religion, Father Allen Hoffa, Catholic Student Center priest, and myself, a rabbi and the director of Jewish student life at Lehigh, took 24 students to Rome over spring break at the beginning of March. With support from a grant from the Russell Berrie Foundation, we spent a week together exploring the religious and interreligious history of this amazing city.

The students, from a range of religious backgrounds, got to know one another as we explored the city together. We bounced from the Great Synagogue and Jewish Ghetto, to the Vatican and a public audience with the Pope, to the Grand Mosque of Rome. We met with religious leaders and institutes from all over the city who are explicitly involved in interreligious dialogue. We ate gelato and pizza at every chance along the way, gawked at ruins of ancient Rome, and took in amazing works of art. The students and trip leaders asked constant questions of each other, observing and learning about how a Catholic mass works, what the flow of a Kabbalat Shabbat service is and how people pray at a mosque. We learned

the history of anti-Judaism in Rome, which so often blurred on the part of the church with anti-Semitism. We also learned about the Catholic church’s groundbreaking response to that age-old hatred in the form of Nostra Aetate, a Vatican II document that was published in 1965 and charged every Catholic with putting aside antiSemitism and no longer blaming Jews for the death of Christ. This document called for dialogue with Jews, and it will reach its 50th anniversary next year. The dialogue is alive and well in Rome, and it has grown beyond its original Jewish-Christian focus to encompass other religions, including Islam. Throughout it all, I was reminded for myself and for the students of the magic of an encounter with another tradition, which allows us to learn about each other and ourselves. The Jewish students were guides to their non-Jewish friends at the synagogue, the Christian students saw the roots of their liturgy in Judaism and everyone gained knowledge about what we have in common with each other and what is distinctly our own. We also saw that interreligious dialogue is serious business and hard work with real and important consequences for the peace we all seek in this world.

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Bimah Broadway From

{Part 2}

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and Friends singing songs by your favorite Jewish composers Followed by a Dessert Reception

Rabbi Michael Singer named Jewish associate chaplain at Moravian

By Julie Taffet JFLV Marketing Intern Rabbi Michael Singer, the Rabbi at Congregation Brith Sholom in Bethlehem, was recently appointed as the new Jewish associate chaplain for Moravian College. Rabbi Singer is a Conservative rabbi who has served the spiritual and religious needs of U.S. Marines, police

officers and firefighters. “It’s really an honor,” Singer said. “I’m there as a resource to any of the students and faculty.” Singer plans to direct and teach students on how to lead a seder, teach mini courses on ethics and Jewish texts and add his Rabbinic expertise to Moravian. “It is fun to be with the students and see how they are crafting their Jewish identity,” he said. Recently, Singer led a dinner and discussion about if it is moral and consistent with Jewish values to participate in or be spectators at sporting events that involve physical harm. “I am really grateful that he has agreed to serve in this role for us,” said Professor Jason Radine, the faculty advisor for Hillel at Moravian. “Rabbi Singer has graciously agreed to pick up the baton and continue Moravian’s relationship with Brith Sholom.” HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | APRIL 2015 23

Historian to discuss Israeli art at TBE Temple Beth El As the educator Maxine Greene once noted, the artist “is always an artist-in-society; what he or she is presenting is presented against the social meaning system of the group to which he or she belongs.” For Jews, the visual representation holds a key to unlocking the treasure chest of Jewish history in a way in which written texts cannot. Temple Beth El is hosting Jewish art historian Shira Friedman on May 7-9. Friedman is the curator at Neve Schechter, a community education and Jewish art center in Israel in Tel Aviv's Neve

Zedek neighborhood. She frequently lectures on the topics of contemporary Jewish art, Israeli art, Jewish ceremonial art and folklore. Friedman previously worked as the art curator at Bet Hatefutsot (the Museum of the Jewish People) in Tel Aviv, and at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. On Thursday, May 7, at 7 p.m., Friedman will be speaking on “Contemporary Israeli Art and Artists.” The lecture will discuss the most prominent contemporary Israeli artists, whose work is displayed in museums and galleries in Israel and throughout the world. On Friday night, May 8,

at 6 p.m., her topic will be “Contemporary Jewish Ceremonial Objects.” This lecture will examine the creation of new ceremonial objects that have developed over the last few years, expanding Jewish ritual and the ways in which holidays are celebrated. The lecture will include an examination of art and objects such as Esther/Vashti flags for Purim, Miriam’s Cup for the Passover Seder, the use of a mikvah and Kaddish Stones. She will also address what artists try to communicate in creating new ritual works of art, and to what extent those objects have been accepted and incorporated into main-

stream Jewish practice. Finally, on Shabbat morning, May 9, at 9 a.m., Friedman will explore “The Image of Ruth in Israeli Art.” Ruth was viewed by Israeli pioneers (halutzim) as the original, real Israeli woman who worked in the fields and stood in stark contrast to the Diaspora Jew. The lecture will explore representations

of Ruth by the Bezalel artists, and how their representations reflected their ideas about Judaism, Israel and the Bible. All of the talks will take place at Temple Beth El, 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown. The lecture series is made possible through the generous support of the Sylvia Perkin Charitable Trust.

KI hosts religious school open house By Stacey Delcau Congregation Keneseth Israel Director of Education Congregation Keneseth Israel is hosting an open house for its religious school on Sunday, April 19, from 10 to 11 a.m. If you are interested in learning more about enrolling your child for a Jewish educational experience, check us out! During the open house, you will have a chance to check out the classroom experience, speak to current parents in the religious school

and get a taste for some of the fun and interactive activities we plan at KI on a weekly basis. KI Religious School is open to students of congregation members ages Pre-K through 10th grade. Online registration takes place in late spring and you will receive a discount on religious school registration if you attend the open house. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Stacey Delcau, director of education, at sdelcau@kilv. org.

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Night of music and dancing at Sam Glaser concert


Above, Sam Glaser and his band perform on Mar. 14. Below left, The concert ends with joyous dancing. Below right, Sam Glaser leads everyone in Havdallah at the beginning of the concert.

There’s no place like home:

KI celebrates 60 years on Chew Street By Michele Salomon Congregation Keneseth Israel Congregation Keneseth Israel is celebrating another milestone in its history – the anniversary of its building on Chew Street in the West End of Allentown. While KI’s existence dates back to 1903, the building dates to 1955, 60 years ago. Generations of members have celebrated births, weddings, bnei mitzvahs and holidays and have mourned for those they have lost. In all that time, the congregation has been a strong and vital Allentown presence, providing a home where mem-

bers can embrace and explore their Judaism, to worship, to socialize, to learn and to laugh. The KI family still includes many from KI’s founding families as well as those whose family members were instrumental in making the building on Chew Street a reality. Rabbi Youngerman, who served as rabbi from 1950-60, helped usher KI into 2227 W. Chew Street; Rabbi Seth Phillips has helped to reimagine the congregation’s role, both with members and in the community, constantly encouraging members to share their lives with other KI families and to demonstrate

an open and welcoming spirit to the broader Jewish and Lehigh Valley communities. Help celebrate this milestone in KI’s history at the congregation’s annual fundraiser and gala on May 16. Cantor Jennifer Duretz Peled and her fellow musicians will pick up where they left off after last year’s event with “From Bimah to Broadway – Part II.” The enlivening musical revue will be preceded by an elegant cocktail reception. The evening will be topped off with a dessert reception. Contact the KI office at 610435-9074 for more information or to purchase tickets.

Bnai Abraham to host gala celebrating building’s 50th anniversary By Rabbi Daniel Stein Bnai Abraham Synagogue In November of 1964, Bnai Abraham’s congregants gathered at 16th and Bushkill streets to lay the cornerstone for their new building. The congregants who came out to sing, pray and build on that autumn day had endured the Second World War and bore witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust. In America, they were architects of a new prosperity – unknown in Jewish history, and certainly unrecognizable to their immediate ancestors who had left the poverty of Europe in search of a better life in America. Their new sanctuary sought to express the values that informed their daily life: built to emulate the tents of Abraham, the building at 16th and Bushkill recalls the value of hospitality shown by Judaism’s founder. At the same time, it expresses gratitude to God for the hospitality shown to Jews in America. The building also demonstrates the priorities of the

Jewish community: the tranquil sanctuary connects to a warm social hall, which acts as both a spiritual and communal center. Over the past 50 years, the building has been the center of a thriving, dynamic Jewish community. It has served as a gathering place for family celebrations, and served as a source of comfort during periods of loss. Above all, the synagogue’s home in Easton has helped us to learn what it means to be a Jew: families have joined there in prayer, study and service. It has helped to fulfill what is perhaps the greatest Jewish value: at 16th and Bushkill, congregants have learned what it means to be a mensch. On April 26, congregants and friends will gather again in this space to commemorate a significant anniversary. They will pay tribute to 50 years of strength and joy and prepare to pass on these values to the next generation of Jews. We hope you’ll join us for this celebration. For more information, please contact the synagogue or visit www.bnaiabraham.org.

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Local teens are ‘stronger together’ at BBYO’s International Convention By Sarah Holtz BBYO Thousands of people, loud music and excited cheers filled the air as teens from BBYO participated in the organization’s 2015 International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. From Feb. 12 to 16, representatives from 20 different countries attended IC, creating an incredible experience. BBYO, an international youth organization that works to provide Jewish teens with more meaningful Jewish experiences, holds International Convention each year to bring the members from all over the world together. Eighteen members from the Lehigh Valley’s local chapter, Allentown BBYO, attended. IC gave teens the chance to learn independence, meet hundreds of new people and bond with their

friends. The International Convention’s theme this year was “Stronger Together,” and all attendees felt this message throughout the weekend. Through motivational speakers and teen-led programs, each member had incredible opportunities at their fingertips. Teens also had the chance to partake in community service projects, such as packaging food at a local shelter and working with disabled adults. Teens were able to appreciate a wide variety of Jewish learning and understand the ability they have to affect their own neighborhoods, eventually interconnecting and impacting the global community. Allentown senior Dan Toland said of his pre-convention summit, “I also learned about how my voice is both unique and harmonious among the Jewish

“In order to show my love, I had to risk losing a little bit of hers.”

people.” The Reform Movement’s youth organization NFTY also held its International Convention in Atlanta that weekend. As sophomore Hannah Tamarkin said, “We were able to come together with NFTY and realize that no matter what youth group we come from, we all have the same goal of securing a future for the Jewish people.” On the first night at the opening ceremonies, members of each region dressed to show regional spirit. The Allentown teens, as members of Liberty Region – the region covering eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and parts of New York – were dressed head to toe in red, white and blue. Speeches at the opening ceremonies discussed how the teens in attendance were leaders of the Jewish community around the world and were already working to create a bright, safe and collaborative future. Through the rest of the weekend, teens were able to explore the Atlanta community and experience a fusion of cultures. Carly Zager, a sophomore, pointed out that being able to attend a Southern Baptist Church helped her to appreciate numerous religions and traditions. The weekend concluded in celebration with a concert that featured performers such as Flo Rida. International Convention 2015 only proved that Jewish teens are stronger together when pushing their movement forward and living their motto, “Together as one, forever united as one crew.”

JDS and JCC partner for afterschool programs By Amy Holtz JCC Interim Executive Director The Jewish Day School and the Jewish Community Center are excited to announce a partnership in program offerings at the Shalom Afterschool Academy. Through collaborative efforts, we have designed a program open to all students of the JDS and children of the JCC to enable participation in programs offered at both locations. At the JDS, children can engage in academic interventions including math, Spanish, Hebrew, reading and writing. The JCC is providing the opportunity to enjoy Squash Junior League, gaga/pickleball, tennis, swim and theater. This is our first joint afterschool initiative and we look forward to future growth of our partnership.

Do you want to build a (Jewish) snowman?

On a cold day in February, members of the Congregation Keneseth Israel youth group head outside to create their very own unique snowman.

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PMS 119

PMS 3435

DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO DESERVES THIS SPECIAL RECOGNITION? Please submit names of nominees, along with a short statement indicating the reasons for consideration for this award. Nominations should be sent to the attention of GFAA, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, 702 North 22nd Street, Allentown, PA 18104 or by e-mail to judy@jflv.org with GFAA in the subject line. Nominations must be received no later than April 17, 2015.


Giving joy and hope for sick children Julia Singer will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Keneseth Israel on May 30, 2015. The Springhouse Middle School seventh grader likes to sing, dance and most of all, she likes to help others. When Julia was thinking of a mitzvah project, she needed to look no farther than to her older sister Lana. “I saw the joy it gave to Lana and to the children she helped, “she said, “so I wanted to follow in her footsteps and continue the tradition. These are big shoes, but I can fill them.” Julia’s eyes light up whenever she talks about helping children. Her dream is to become a teacher someday and she especially hopes to care for children with special needs. Like her sister Lana before

her, Julia will be collecting items to donate to Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Children’s Hospital, a modern, specialized center in our region that focuses on everything from a dedicated children’s emergency room, to pediatric surgery, to treating kids with cancer. The Children’s Hospital at LVHN is our region’s only institution recognized by the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), the organization that certifies children’s hospitals in the United States. Coloring books, crayons, arts and crafts projects, toys and board games are some of the items Julia will collect. Items that are easy to hold and play with and not too messy are most appreciated. “I love helping and teaching young

HavDino Havdallah

children. It makes me sad to think of children who have become ill and who need to be in a hospital,” Julia said.“I hope it will brighten their day to get a gift that they can enjoy while they are recovering and maybe even take home when they leave the hospital.” “Children’s DVD movies and learning programs are also useful to the parents and nurses,” said Bonnie Singer, Julia’s mother. “We’re making flyers and sending them to family and friends to let them know about Julia’s mitzvah project. We want to reach as many people as possible.” If you’d like to make a donation to help Julia with her effort, please bring new items only to either the Jewish Community Center or Congre-

gation Keneseth Israel where collection boxes will be located. If you would like to help with a monetary donation or are donating a large quantity of items, please contact Bonnie at juliaproject@outlook.com. Monetary donations will be used to purchase additional toys and games for the Children’s Hospital. “Julia’s dad, Ray and I are so proud of her,” Bonnie added. “She sets a goal and sticks to it.” As Julia’s dad knows from his work as a doctor, “Being in the hospital can be a confusing and scary time for a child and their parents. Julia’s wish to bring the children movies, books and toys will help them feel more at ease so they can heal.”

In addition to her mitzvah project, Julia has made her first adult gift of tzedakah to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs.

For help developing your mitzvah project, contact Abby Trachtman, program coordinator, at abbyt@jflv.org or 610-821-5500.

Graduati n g seniors

LET’S SEE YOUR SMILE! Fill out the High School Seniors profile form at www.jewishlehighvalley.org or call the JFLV office at 610-821-5500

PJ Library kids are treated to a special dinosaur-themed program at Temple Beth El on Feb. 28.

DEADLINE: Send your senior photo to the JFLV office or hakol@jflv.org by APRIL 24, 2015 to be included in June’s graduating seniors special issue of HAKOL.

PJ LIBRARY Family of the Month: THE BERGERS


10:30 a.m. JCC of Allentown | 702. North 22nd St., Allentown, PA Join PJ Library for a special reading of “Bagels from Benny” to celebrate Shavuot. Benny loves to help out at his grandpa’s bakery in the morning, and the customers love the crusty bagels with their soft insides. When Grandpa explains to Benny that God, not him, should be thanked for the wonderful bagels, Benny sets out to do just that. He decides to leave God a bagful of bagels in the synagogue at the end of each week. And each week God eats the bagels – or so Benny thinks? Lovingly told, “Bagels from Benny” explores the values of caring and sharing, building a strong sense of community and finding joy in giving thanks. After the story, kids can show that they care by creating get-well cards for people in the hospital and using bagels to make bird feeders.

PJ Library encourages our daughter’s love of reading and gives her an opportunity to see her culture/religion in books. Hannah also loves getting mail and opening her book each month. - NISSA GOSSOM

$5 per child, open to everyone. Families are asked to please bring a canned good for the Jewish Family Service food pantry. Please RSVP to abbyt@jflv.org. PJ Library is brought to you by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, the Jewish Community Center of Allentown and the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.

To learn more about PJ Library and register to receive free Jewish-themed books for children from 6 months through 8 years, visit www.pjlibrary.org.




Community Calendar To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu. All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.

THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Thirsty Thursdays 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown TV Lounge (outside the board room). Happy hour at the JCC! Stop by the J at the end of the day. Join other adults, sit back, relax and chat with others. Enjoy light refreshments including adult beverages. Free for JCC members, $5 for community members. Reserve your space by calling 610-435-3571 or stopping by the JCC Welcome Desk or register online at www.allentownjcc.org. Contact Amy Sams at asams@lvjcc.org to learn more about Adults at the J events and programs. THURSDAY, APRIL 2 TBE Healing Service 7 p.m., Temple Beth El. We will be creating a safe space to bring our pain, our questions and our yearning. This onehour service will be held in the Hammel Family Chapel. The service will include music, silent meditation, traditional prayers and Torah study. The entire community is invited to participate. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 Brunch and Lecture with David Mickenberg 9:30 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. David Mickenberg has lectured nationally and abroad on art history and museum leadership. He has been a museum director for over 30 years for museums such as the Oklahoma Museum of Art, Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, Davis Museum and Cultural Center at Wellesley College and the Taubman Museum of Art. He is currently the president and CEO of the Allentown Art Museum. While at the Block Museum of Art, Mr. Mickenberg co-curated the exhibition and edited the associated book “The Last Expression: Art and Auschwitz.” Brunch at 9:30 a.m., $5 with RSVP, $7.50 at the door. Presentation at 10:15 a.m., free. RSVP by April 8 to 610-435-9074 or www.kilv.org. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 2015 Polar Bear Plunge 1 p.m., Dutch Springs. Pledge to freeze for friends with the JCC! Our first Polar Bear Plunge will consist of a brazen romp into the chilly waters at Dutch Springs. Plunge for a purpose. Help support the Aquatics Department at the JCC of Allentown. Love at first swim! Cost: $36 to plunge, $5 spectator price. Contact the JCC of Allentown at 610-4353571 or visit www.allentownjcc.org to learn more. SUNDAY, APRIL 12 JCC Film Festival: ‘Under the Same Sun’ 7:30 p.m., Muhlenberg College, Moyer Hall. The IJCU will co-present “Under the Same Sun,” a film which takes place in the near future and explores what could happen when two businessmen – one Palestinian and one Israeli – launch a Facebook campaign, set up a solar energy company and set the peace process in motion. The Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit will introduce the film and moderate a panel discussion following the film. Tickets: $8 general community/$5 JCC or IJCU members. TUESDAY, APRIL 14 There’s No Place Like Home: Jews in Judea Berman Center Lecture Series 6 p.m., JCC of Allentown. The first in a free three-part lecture series presented by the Berman Center for Jewish Studies at Lehigh University. Facilitated by Professor Ben Wright. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Voices of the Generations: Yom HaShoah Holocaust Memorial Commemoration 7 p.m. (reading of names at 6 p.m.), JCC of Allentown Julie Kohner, daughter of a Holocaust survivor, will present her program “Voices of the Generations” at the community’s annual Yom HaShoah commemoration, which is free and open to the public. A reading of names will commence at 6 p.m. prior to the memorial program. Julie is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor and a trained educator. She has been a teacher in public, private and Jewish religious schools in Los Angeles for 30 years. Julie’s mother, Hanna, was the first Holocaust survivor living in the U.S. whose story became widely known in this country after being featured on an episode of Ralph Edwards’s “This is Your Life.” In 1990, after the passing of her mother, Julie became compelled to share her mother’s Holocaust story with a new generation in the hope that many could learn from this story of love overcoming hardship, racism, deprivation and the pain of war. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Brunch & Learn: Echoes of the Past with Holocaust Speaker Julie Kohner 10 a.m., JCC of Allentown Julie Kohner, founder of Voices of the Generations, Inc., explores the war experience of her mother, Hanna, a Holocaust survivor, through interviews with those who knew her best. In a visual presentation,


you will meet Eva, Hanna’s friend through four concentration camps; Magda, who Hanna lived with after the war; and Friedl, Hanna’s brother. Hanna was the first Holocaust survivor living in the U.S. whose story became widely known in this country after being featured on an episode of Ralph Edwards’s “This is Your Life.” Julie’s presentation will also include clips from that episode. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation’s Women’s Division, PrimeTime at the J and Jewish Family Service. $5 for brunch & program. RSVP to mailbox@jflv.org. Transportation available: 610-821-5500 or wendy@jflv.org. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Bethlehem Easton Hadassah Book Review 1:30 p.m., 4503 Harriet Ln., Bethlehem. We will review the book “A Guide for the Perplexed” by Dara Horn. Contact Reba Marblestone, 610-419-3163, for information. Sponsored by the Bethlehem Group of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of Hadassah. SATURDAY, APRIL 18 CBS Hadassah Sabbath 9 a.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. The Bethlehem/ Easton Hadassah group will sponsor Hadassah Sabbath at Congregation Brith Sholom. Services begin at 9 a.m. and are led by Rabbi Michael Singer. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Melissa Simon, Hillel director and Jewish chaplain at Muhlenberg College. She will discuss her recent Birthright trip to Israel as well as the status of Jewish students on college campuses. Hadassah will sponsor a Kiddish luncheon following the service. All are welcome. Contact tammy@ brithsholom.net. SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Post Pesach Pasta Dinner 6 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. Join us at Congregation Brith Sholom for a Shabbat dinner and Friday night services. All are welcome to enjoy this kosher dairy dinner which will feature “homemade” pasta with an assortment of fresh sauces from which to choose. Make your reservations by 12 p.m. on April 10 (reservations are required). The price is $15 per adult; $5 per child between the ages of 5 - 13; no charge for children under 5 with maximum family charge of $45. Please pay in advance. Make out checks to “CBS – Shabbat Dinners.” Call Tammy at 610-866-8009 for reservations and more information. For those that need transportation, please contact Tammy. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 KI Religious School Open House 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Check out the classroom experience, speak to current parents in the religious school and get a taste for some of the fun and interactive activities we plan at KI on a weekly basis. KI Religious School is open to students of congregation members ages Pre-K through 10th grade. Online registration takes place in late spring and you will receive a discount on religious school registration if you attend the open house. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Stacey Delcau, director of education, at sdelcau@kilv.org. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 HEALTHY U @ 55+ Spring Program: As Time Goes By 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. Dealing with grief, loss and end-of-life issues. Program speakers will be CBS Rabbi Emeritus Allen Juda and Cantor Kathi Gohr, a member of the pastoral care department of Lehigh Valley Health Network. Program is open to the community. Healthy breakfast served. CBS members: FREE. Guests: $4. No reservations required. For further information, contact tammy@brithsholom.net. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Levy Hillel Leadership Awards Brunch 10:30 a.m., JCC of Allentown. Join the Jewish Federation for a brunch and ceremony to honor outstanding students from area Hillels with the Levy Hillel Leadership Award. The award was established by Mort and Myra Levy, of blessed memory, as a way to recognize young leaders. Free and open to the public. Please RSVP to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Interactive Murder Mystery at the J! 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown. Adults at the J is hosting an intriguing evening of entertainment, cocktails, mingling, hearty appetizers and prizes. Help solve the mystery of “Law & Murder” at the JCC. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for cocktails, dinner buffet, mingling and music. Act 1 of the murder mystery will begin at 6:30 p.m. An intermission will follow with time for more mingling and dessert. Act

FRIDAYS 8 - 9:30 AM WMUH 91.7 Featuring Cantor Wartell muhlenberg.edu/wmuh

II will begin at 7:15 p.m. and at approximately 8:15 p.m., the murderer will be revealed and winner announced. All adults 18 years and up are welcome. $60 per person, $54 for JCC members. Adult discount price for a group of eight is $392, (all eight tickets must be purchased at one time). Student (high school/college age) discount group price is $352 (all eight tickets must be purchased at one time). To register, contact the JCC at 610-435-3571, stop by the Welcome Desk or visit www.allentownjcc.org. Limited spaces available. Register by April 10. TUESDAY, APRIL 21 JDines: Hampton Winds Restaurant at Northampton Community College 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hampton Winds Restaurant at Northampton Community College, 3835 Green Pond Rd., Bethlehem. A unique dining experience at Hampton Winds Restaurant, training ground for NCC’s highly regarded Culinary Arts program. Hampton Winds is a student-run facility under the guidance of skilled executive chefs. This special dining event will include a three-course meal plus breads and beverages; cooking demonstration and tasting; open forum; and a behind-the-scenes tour. Price of the event includes gratuity and tax. $40 per person, $30 JCC members. To register, contact the JCC at 610-435-3571, stop by the Welcome Desk or visit www.allentownjcc.org. Register early, limited spaces available. TUESDAY, APRIL 21 Yom Hazikaron Observance 7:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown. A ceremony will be held in the JCC Auxiliary Auditorium to observe Israel’s Memorial Day and remember the IDF’s fallen soldiers and those who have died in terror attacks. Hear the stories of immigrant soldiers who made aliyah to defend Israel. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley and the Jewish Community Center of Allentown. The public is welcome to attend. THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Israel’s 67th Birthday Picnic 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown. Join the community for a Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration! Bring your own kosher-style dinner or falafel available for purchase. Moon bounce, Gaga, festive music, Israeli pride march, Israelithemed activities, visit the western wall. Free and open to the community. Rain or shine. Contact the Jewish Federation at 610-821-5500, mailbox@jflv.org, for more information. Sponsored by the Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group, the Jewish Community Center of Allentown, the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley and the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley in partnership with congregations throughout the Lehigh Valley. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 TBE Shira Chadasha Service 7:30 p.m., Temple Beth El. Temple Beth El invites you to share in our Shira Chadasha service. Come celebrate a musical Shabbat service with contemporary American and Israeli music. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Bnai Abraham Gala Celebration 5 p.m., Bnai Abraham Synagogue. Celebrate 50 years since the building of the synagogue. Join Bnai Abraham for great food, music and a trip down memory lane. If you are now connected to Bnai Abraham, or experienced special moments there in the past, you will enjoy sharing in this fun event. $50 per person. RSVP to 610-258-5343. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 JCC Film Festival: ‘The Green Prince’ 7 p.m., JCC of Allentown. Congregation Keneseth Israel will partner to present “The Green Prince.” This is an amazing work based on the book “Son of Hamas” about the relationship and friendship between a Palestinian informant and his Mossad handler. This film exposes a complex world of terror, betrayal and impossible choices. Rabbi Seth Phillips will introduce the film and lead a post-presentation discussion. Tickets: $9 general community/$6 JCC members. MONDAY, APRIL 27 Little Failure: A Reading & Conversation with Gary Shteyngart 6 p.m., Wood Dining Room, Iacocca Tower at Lehigh University. New York Times best-selling author Gary Shteyngart will talk about his satirical memoir. With moderator Professor Sasha Senderovich, University of Colorado Boulder. Book signing and reception to follow. Sponsored by the Berman Center for Jewish Studies at Lehigh University. Free and open to the public.

Celebrate the beauty of Shabbat

Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, Apr. 3

7:11 pm

Friday, Apr. 24

7:33 pm

Friday, Apr. 10

7:18 pm

Friday, May 1

7:40 pm

Friday, Apr. 17

7:25 pm

Friday, May 8

7:47 pm

Community Calendar MONDAY, APRIL 27 JFLV Men’s Night Out with William Daroff 6:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown. William Daroff, named by the Forward newspaper as one of the 50 most influential Jews in America, will be the featured speaker at the Jewish Federation’s annual Men’s Night Out. Daroff is the senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington office of The Jewish Federations of North America. Daroff ensures that the voice of Jewish Federations is a prominent force on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch. Open to men who have made a minimum pledge of $365 to the Jewish Federation’s 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs. $40 for dinner and program. To register, call 610-8215500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.

SATURDAY, MAY 2 JFLV Young Adult Division Karaoke Night 8 p.m., private residence. Sing your heart out with the Young Adult Division with the karaoke stylings of DJ Brad Finberg. Bring your own beverages and a dairy or vegetarian potluck dish. Generously hosted by Jessica and Nick Volchko. RSVP by Wednesday, April 29, to aaron@jflv.org.

7 p.m., JCC of Allentown. Linda and Jim Wimmer are co-sponsoring the presentation of “Ida.” A 2015 Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Film and Achievement in Cinematography, this movie tells the story of a woman who learns she is Jewish as she prepares to take her vows as a nun. Tickets: $9 general community/$6 JCC members.

SUNDAY, MAY 3 Phyllis Ringel Memorial Lecture: How to Successfully Age in the Lehigh Valley 3 p.m., Kassych Pavillion, Room 6, Lehigh Valley Hospital. Dr. Scott Berman will lead a discussion about local resources that can help people age in place with safety and comfort. For more information, contact Jewish Family Service, 610-821-8722.

TUESDAY, APRIL 28 It’s All Greek to Me: Jews in Alexandria and the Greek World Berman Center Lecture Series 6 p.m., JCC of Allentown. The second in a free three-part lecture series presented by the Berman Center for Jewish Studies at Lehigh University. Facilitated by Professor Ben Wright. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

MONDAY, MAY 4 TBE Sisterhood Mah Jongg 6:30 p.m., Temple Beth El. We will begin to play promptly at 6:45 p.m. Please be there by 6:30 p.m. to register. We play for about three hours. If you are a Mah Jongg player, please come and join us for sisterhood, laughter and a great bunch of fun. $10 per player donation to TBE Sisterhood. New faces always welcome to play. For questions or to RSVP, contact Ilene Rubel, 610-776-1577 or IRUBEL@aol.com.

THURSDAY, MAY 7 Thirsty Thursdays 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown TV Lounge (outside the board room). Happy Hour at the JCC! Stop by the J at the end of the day. Join other adults, sit back, relax and chat with others. Enjoy light refreshments including adult beverages. FREE for JCC members, $5 for community members. Reserve your space by calling 610-435-3571 or stopping by the JCC Welcome Desk or register online at www. allentownjcc.org. Contact Amy Sams at asams@lvjcc.org to learn more about Adults at the J events and programs.

SATURDAY, MAY 2 Bethlehem Federation Shabbat 9:30 a.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. The community is invited to join the Jewish Federation for a special Shabbat.

Ongoing Events

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 JCC Film Festival: ‘Ida’

TUESDAYS TORAH STUDY 12 p.m., Temple Covenant of Peace

For more information about these events, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/hakol/ ongoing-events.

PIRKEI AVOT (THE ETHICS OF THE FATHERS) 1:15 p.m., Temple Covenant of Peace


YACHAD TORAH STUDY GROUP 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., JCC of Allentown

DAF YOMI 7:30 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel SUNDAYS

100,000 MILES/YR FOR KOSHER! First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham

JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 239 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., JCC of Allentown

LATTE & LEARN 8 to 9 p.m., Starbucks, Schoenersville Road, Bethlehem

TEFILLIN CLUB & ADULT HEBREW SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Tefillin; 10 to 11 a.m. Adult Hebrew, Chabad TSS HEBREW & ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES 10 a.m., JCC of Allentown TALMUD CLASS FOR BEGINNERS! 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Beth Avraham of Bethlehem-Easton


WEDNESDAYS 101 JUDAISM CLASS 10 a.m., Temple Covenant of Peace THE BEGINNINGS OF JUDAISM 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Every other Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Temple Beth El

THURSDAY, MAY 7 TBE Healing Service 7 p.m., Temple Beth El. We will be creating a safe space to bring our pain, our questions and our yearning. This one-hour service will be held in the Hammel Family Chapel. The service will include music, silent meditation, traditional prayers and Torah study. The entire community is invited to participate.


THURSDAYS ADULT EDUCATION CLASS 10:15 to 11:15 a.m., Bnai Abraham Synagogue MOMMY & ME 10:30 to 11:15 a.m., Chabad TORAH ON TILGHMAN 12:15 p.m., Allentown Wegmans

FRIDAYS KINDERLIGHTS 2:45 p.m., Jewish Day School and Congregation Sons of Israel SIMCHA SHABBAT 1st Friday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Bnai Abraham Synagogue

SHABBAT BEGINNER’S GEMARA 8 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel

FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., JCC of Allentown

BETH AVRAHAM TORAH STUDY 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham

JAVA AND JEANS 4th Saturday of the month, 10 a.m., Bnai Abraham Synagogue

SOUL MATES: JEWISH SECRETS TO MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS Once a month, 7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley

HUSBANDS ANONYMOUS First Wednesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., location upon signup

CHAVURAT TORAH STUDY Each Shabbat following kiddush lunch, Temple Beth El


ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY HALACHAH 12 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel

THE RHYTHM OF JEWISH LIVING 8 to 9 p.m., Temple Beth El

BNEI AKIVA 5:45 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel

The Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group present the

17th Annual Community Passover Seders There is a place for you at the table.

Find a community seder or learn more about home hospitality opportunities at www.jewishlehighvalley.org/passover-seders. The Jewish Community Seder Project is partially funded by a grant from the JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY

Congregations BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE 1545 Bushkill St., Easton – 610.258.5343 Rabbi Daniel Stein, Conservative MORNING MINYAN services are Thursday mornings at 7:25 a.m., SHABBAT EVENING services are Fridays at 8 p.m., SHABBAT MORNING services are Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m.. CHABAD OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 4457 Crackersport Rd., Allentown – 610.336.6603 Rabbi Yaacov Halperin, Chabad Lubavitch SHABBAT EVENING services are held once a month seasonally, SHABBAT MORNING services are held Saturdays at 10 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. CONGREGATION AM HASKALAH 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.435.3775 Student Rabbi Leiah Moser, Reconstructionist Weekly Shabbat services and a monthly family service with potluck dinner. Religious school meets Sunday mornings. Email am.haskalah.office@gmail.com to learn more. CONGREGATION BETH AVRAHAM 439 South Nulton Ave., Palmer Township – 610.905.2166 | Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod, Orthodox SHABBAT EVENING starts half an hour after candle lighting. SHABBAT MORNING starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by a hot kiddish. CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.866.8009 Rabbi Michael Singer, Conservative MINYAN is at 7:45 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. on Saturdays and holidays. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at Brith Sholom and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at Bnai Abraham Synagogue. CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL 2227 Chew St., Allentown – 610.435.9074 Rabbi Seth D. Phillips Cantor Jennifer Duretz Peled, Reform Services begin at 7:30 p.m. every Friday night. The first Friday of the month is a FAMILY SERVICE and celebration of birthdays and anniversaries. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL 2715 Tilghman St., Allentown – 610.433.6089 Rabbi David Wilensky, Orthodox SHACHARIT: Sundays at 8:30 a.m., Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m. MINCHAH/MAARIV: 20 minutes before sunset. FRIDAY EVENING: 20 minutes before sunset, 7 p.m. in the summer. SHABBAT MORNING: 9 a.m. SHABBAT AFTERNOON: 90 minutes before dark. TEMPLE BETH EL 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown – 610.435.3521 Rabbi Moshe Re’em | Cantor Kevin Wartell Conservative Weekday morning minyan services at 7:45 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Shabbat evening services at 7:30 p.m. with the last Friday evening of the month featuring our Shira Chadasha Service . Shabbat morning services at 9 a.m. followed by Kiddush. Religious school classes every Tuesday/ Thursday at 4 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. Midrasha school classes Monday at 7 p.m. Shalshelet — Temple Beth El’s new innovative high school program — meets bi-monthly on Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. Shalshelet (the chain) is open to ALL 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students in the Lehigh Valley. For more information contact Alicia Zahn, religlious school director, at bethelallentown.org. TEMPLE COVENANT OF PEACE 1451 Northampton St., Easton – 610.253.2031 Tcp@rcn.com; tcopeace.org Rabbi Melody Davis | Cantor Jill Pakman Reform TCP holds Shabbat evening services every Friday night at 7:30 p.m. and a Renewal Style Shabbat morning service on the 4th Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. A family Shabbat service is held on the second Friday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. Our services reflect a diverse culture of traditional, innovative and musical experiences with a Reform Jewish context. Religious school meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. We have a Family Game / Movie night on the first Saturday of every month at 6 p.m. For more information about our Temple and activities, see our website at www.tcopeace.org or look us up on Facebook. TEMPLE SHIRAT SHALOM 610.820.7666 Cantor Ellen Sussman Friday night SHABBAT WORSHIP SERVICES held at 7 p.m. at The Swain School, 1100 South 24th St., Allentown. For more information, Contact Us at templeshiratshalom.org or 610-820-7666.


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