HAKOL - February 2016

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HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community

FEBRUARY 2016 | SH’VAT/ADAR 1 5776

Lehigh Valley synagogues to celebrate Shabbat as one By Rabbi David Wilensky Congregation Sons of Israel

HAMENTASHEN MAKE & TAKE Women’s Division event to use special recipe. See page 5.

MACCABI GAMES Local teens represent the U.S. See page 12.

On Feb. 12 and 13, our community will experience a celebration of unity that is infrequently experienced today in Jewish communities throughout the world. All of the Lehigh Valley synagogues-- Temple Beth El, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Temple Shirat Shalom, Chabad, Congregation Brith Sholom, Bnai Abraham Synagogue, Congregation Am Haskalah, Temple Covenant of Peace, and Congregation Sons of Israel-- will celebrate Shabbat together. Featured as part of this event are two world renowned Chazanim, Yanky and Shulem Lemmer. Yanky is the cantor at the Lincoln Square Synagogue and Shulem is a lead member of the Shira Choir. Both have performed separately at Congregation Sons of Israel during the past year, and are brought back by strong demand. They are a well-known part of the international music and Jewish community scene. From concerts in the United States to events and performances throughout Europe and Israel, including performances at the White House, the War-

saw Ghetto 70th Anniversary Commemoration and the Barclay center in Brooklyn, the Lemmers are known as two of the greatest up-andcoming young chazzanim in the Jewish world. There will be a community–wide Friday Night Shabbat dinner on Feb. 12 held at Congregation Sons of Israel at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be preceded by Friday night services led by the Lemmer brothers at 5:15 p.m. Exciting youth programming for children of all ages will entertain our children throughout the evening. Shabbat morning services (again led by the Lemmer brothers) will take place Saturday morning Feb. 13, beginning at 9 a.m., and a Seudah Shlishit and Havdallah service will take place at 5:15 p.m. on Saturday. The entire weekend program is held in memory of Dr. Steven Weiner and graciously funded in part by the Dr. Steven Weiner Memorial Fund. Growing up in New York and enjoying the myriad benefits and luxuries that Jewish life in the New York metropolitan area had to offer, the thought of any substantive aspect of Jewish life that had escaped my Jewish experiences seemed entirely absurd.

Yanky and Shulem Lemmer are coming to the Lehigh Valley for a special community Shabbat. However, in the relatively short amount of time that I have spent in the Lehigh Valley, I have experienced something that often proves elusive to even the greatest of Jewish communities. The Jewish quality to which I refer is achdut, or Jewish unity. Frankly, while both a congregant and as a rabbi in the New York area, I encountered the Jewish world outside my own religious environment as

Community Shabbat Continues on page 22

COMMUNITY SHABBAT Congregation Sons of Israel February 12 & 13

The cost is $30 for adults and $10 for children under 12, with a family maximum of $108. If you desire, you can just come for services. Please call April Daugherty at the Sons of Israel office at 610-433-6089 for dinner reservations for you and your family, or if you are in need of Shabbat accommodations.

Stanley Wax remembered as pillar of Lehigh Valley Jewish community By Laura Rigge HAKOL Editor

GETTING READY FOR CAMP Get ready for a summer of fun. See pages 15-18.

No. 384 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division


LVJF Tributes


Jewish Family Service 14 Jewish Day School


Jewish Community Center 20-21 Community Calendar


It is with great sadness that we mourn the recent passing of Stanley H. Wax, a distinguished Lehigh Valley Jewish community leader and honorary vice president and past president of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Wax had a long and impressive career in the apparel industry starting in 1966 when he joined Country Miss, Inc., the first women’s apparel company in America to be publicly held, which was

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located in Forks Township. He eventually became its President and CEO, establishing it as a force in the apparel industry and growing the company to 2,500 employees. After leaving Country Miss in 1989, he served as president of the Leslie Fay Retail division from 1993 to 1995, and he was responsible for the most outlet centers in the country. His remarkable professional achievements were honored by the outlet industry when he received its Founders Award in 1990. Wax was a pillar of the Jewish community in the Lehigh Valley. As a president of the Federation, he believed strongly in creating and maintaining a united community. “Stan’s longstanding involvement as a leader in the Jewish community was staggering,” said Rabbi Moshe Re’em. “He was a member and supporter of TBE, KI, Sons of Israel, and the Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas. It didn’t matter your denomination – community and unity of community were important values for both Stan and Vicki. One of the aspects that Stan loved about this community was the lack of infighting and the way in which the various denominations all got along and

Stan and Vicki Wax in Israel during the Wax Family Fellows Mission in July. were united.” His other Jewish Federation leadership included past chairman of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation and, for over 20 years, he served as chairman of the Foundation's Investment Committee. In 1992, he received the Endowment Achievement Award from the Council of Jewish Federations for establishing supporting foundations of the Federation's constituent agencies. Fellow Foundation Board member Sandra Goldfarb remembered Wax as “a huge force and wonderful influence on the community. He gave a lot to our whole community, and he will be missed by everyone,” she said. He

also served on the boards of directors of Congregation Keneseth Israel and the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley. He held leadership roles at the Jewish Day School, the Jewish Day School Endowment Foundations, and the local chapters for State of Israel Bonds and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Eva Levitt, who served with Wax on the board of the Jewish Day School, also organized missions to Israel alongside him for many years. “He was so enthusiastic about going to Israel that it was really

Stanley Wax Continues on page 22

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