HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
JUNE 2015 | SIVAN/TAMUZ 5775
Delivering Relief in Manikhel, Nepal By Sam Amiel American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
MISSION TO HARRISBURG Advocating for Jewish causes. See page 3.
Editor’s Note: On April 25, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal. Over 8,000 people have died with many thousands more injured. JDC, a partner of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, is providing relief to the hardest hit areas in the wake of this disaster. What follows is one volunteer’s account of his time in Nepal on May 5. Today's visit to a very tight-knit community that lost a daughter was heart-wrenching. We brought our condolences, visited with each family to understand how they are surviving and delivered critically needed aid. The village of Manikhel, located south of Kathmandu, lost one person, a 16-year-old girl named Muna, crushed under a bed as she sought cover. Manoj Pahari, a fellow with our partner organization Sarvodaya - Teach for Nepal (TFN) who was embedded in Manikhel for two years, told me he remembered Muna's 16th birthday party,
PASTOR CHRIS HARRIS speaks at Muhlenberg. See page 6.
We visited six villages where more than 90 percent of homes were affected, destroyed and uninhabitable. The need for shelter is great, especially given the monsoon season set to strike in five to six weeks. Because of the difficult terrain and landslides caused by the earthquake, it is taking even longer to deliver critical aid to the periphery than what JDC has experienced in some previous disasters.
We are hard at work with our partners to identify the best solutions that will solve short- and long-term housing needs while still providing critical first-line aid, including food and medicine. Sam Amiel is a senior member of JDC's disaster response team. See Page 9 to learn more about the aid efforts in Nepal and what you can do to help.
Federation to honor awardees, long-time givers at Annual Meeting
HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Meet the class of 2015! See pages 16-18.
George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership
Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence
Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence
Lifetime Achievement Award
years will be recognized at this year’s Community Celebration & Annual Meeting on June 16. There they will be formally inducted into the Silver Circle Society for their unwavering commitment. “It’s not about the level of giving, it’s about their dedication to helping Jews however they can,” said Judy Diamondstein, assistant executive director of the Federation. “It’s these wonderful people who have set us on the path to the future, and will hopefully inspire the next generation to do the same.” In addition to celebrating Silver Circle members, the Federation will honor its committed volunteers and leaders. Tama Tamarkin, current president of the Jewish Day School and a Wax Family Fund Leadership Fellow, will receive the George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership. “Tama has the heart and soul of the type of leader that makes our Jewish community continue
to grow in strength,” one of the many nominations for Tamarkin read. “She's devoted to so many aspects of our community and leads by example.” Sheila Berg and Harvey Hakim will both be honored with the Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence for their dedication to the 2015 Campaign for Jewish Needs. “Sheila takes her campaign volunteer role seriously and applies her skills as a social worker to add depth and meaning to conversations with donors,” said Iris Epstein, campaign chairperson. “Harvey has been a standout volunteer at Super Sunday for many years. His gentle and engaging personality easily connects with people and that has translated to campaign success.” For an impressive 40-year career, including 28 years at the Federation, Taffi Ney will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. The first such award was given to Rabbi Allen Juda last year upon his retirement.
Ney officially retired in the fall, but her impact on the many people she touched over the years in her varied roles at Federation continues to be felt. Jaccii Farris of WFMZ and Julian Farris Films will receive the Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction for her documentary, “Letters to Frieda,” about a local Holocaust survivor. Outgoing leaders will also be honored, including Rance Block for hisi term as chair of the Allocations Committee, Frank Tamarkin for his years as Maimonides Society president and Carol Wilson for her term as Women’s Division president, and a new board of directors will be elected.
By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing
No. 377 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 LVJF Tributes
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celebrated in her home -- now a ruined, flattened pile of rubble. The girl's uncle told me he had high hopes for Muna, the eldest of three daughters. "She showed great promise, and I always spoke to her about doing well in school," he said. "My heart hurts." The village school in Manikhel, 8,500 feet above sea level, served hundreds of children walking two hours each way from across the hilly region. The school is closed for a month, serving as a relief distribution point for 1,500 people across 10 villages. When I visited, 15 families were living in the school, with many others forming makeshift structures from tarp, tin, stones and wood salvaged from the piles of the rubble. I saw wide-scale destruction in some of the hardest-hit districts in Nepal. It is extremely encouraging to know our partners at Tevel B'Tzedek and TFN take the same community-based approach as all of us at JDC when providing relief and assistance. We all fully believe in long-term sustainable impact for those most in need.
Some give like their parents before them, or because it’s just the “right thing to do.” Others say they have a responsibility as a Jewish person, or they believe in the cause. Whatever the reason, the 432 plus people who have given to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley for 25 or more consecutive Non-Profit Organization
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The Jewish Federation’s Community Celebration & Annual Meeting is free and open to the whole community. The program will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the JCC with heavy hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. Please RSVP to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org. Visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org to learn more.