HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
Major Gifts set to meet community needs The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley hosted its annual major gifts reception at the DaVinci Center in Allentown on September 20. It often happens that those involved with allocating Federation funds find the needs in the Jewish community here and elsewhere are so great that the annual allocations seem to be “never enough” and, not surprisingly, that happened again this year. But one of the most compelling aspects of the evening was that the donors themselves, in speaking of what they donate to the Federation and, through it, to the Jewish community, also used these words. Many made clear that they feel their own contributions are “never enough.” They spoke warmly of what it means to them to share what they have and of how much they themselves have received in so many ways from the community – of longtime friendships and involvement in the community, of building something for future generations. Some spoke of the hardship their parents faced, but that their parents started giving as soon as they were able, building up the vibrant Lehigh Valley Jewish community of today. Vicki Wax recalled how she at first cried when she came to the Lehigh Valley and now after years of meaningful involvement, said, “I would cry ten times more if I ever had to leave.” The individuals who gathered from the Jewish community were among those committed to making large
ART SPIEGELMAN The Pulitzer Prize- winning creator of “Maus” visits the Lehigh Valley in November. See page 15.
JEWISH SOUTH AFRICA Gordon and Rose Lee Goldberg provide a glimpse of this vibrant destination. See pages 28-29.
BRONZE MEDAL WINNER Israeli-born local swimmer Noga Nir-Kistler medals in the 2012 Paralympics in London. See page 32. No. 349 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division
LVJF Tributes
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Day School
Jewish Community Center
Community Calendar
Members of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community gathered at the DaVinci Center on September 20 for a Major Gifts reception.
Major Gifts Continues on page 3
Sukkah stirs memories Whether homemade or pre-fabricated, most sukkahs can be assembled within an hour. However, the decorations, the memories, the nefesh -- spirit -- take much longer to develop. The Garber family of Allentown started out with a homemade wooden sukkah. “We actually built it ourselves when Todd was an intern in Rochester,” Laura Garber said. “It had a lot of sentimental value, but it also had beams of wood on top.” After 10 years, it got so the slightest wind could make the whole thing feel like it was going to collapse. The year that a beam fell and hit Laura’s shoulder was the last for that sukkah. “Now we have a prefabricated sukkah,” she said. “It’s forest green, easy to assemble and feels safer.” That was just for starters. “Last year, we put lights up and every year we add something new. We have friends over – it’s a beautiful experience,” Garber said. The sukkah structure itself can evolve over time as well. Cheryl Figlin-Brenner said of the Brenner family sukkah, “After the bar mitzvah of our
son Benjamin, who is now almost 17, we got more panels and expanded the sukkah so we’d have room for whatever family members wanted to stay.” Now the Brenners get to invite more than the usual number of guests during Sukkot and the Garber sukkah is one of several stops on Temple Beth El’s annual sukkah-hop. At each stop, Shari Spark offers programming. “It’s fun to see the different sukkahs,” Garber said. “Everyone’s got different ideas of how to decorate. It’s personal in the same way that your house is personal.”
Mikaela Garber in the family sukkah
Israel’s Six Day War
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This year marks the 45th anniversary of Israel’s Six Day War. This photo shows Defense Minister Moshe Dayan (right) and O.C. Central Command Aluf Uzi Narkis at the entrance to Bethlehem in the West Bank. See iconic photos direct from Israel to HAKOL and learn what the Lehigh Valley community did to support Israel in its war effort in our special four-page pullout section, beginning on page 17.
Photo by MOSHE MILNER & courtesy of the Government Press Office of Israel
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