HAKOL - January 2015

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HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community


Mitzvah mashup on Super Sunday By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing The Jewish Federation’s annual Super Sunday on Jan. 25 will this year be a community day of service. In addition to making calls to raise funds for the Jewish community, volunteers will have the opportunity to use their super powers to participate in meaningful mitzvah opportunities. Beginning at 1 p.m., when the morning calling shift concludes, projects will focus on two of the Federation’s major beneficiary agencies — the Jewish Community Center and Jewish Family Service. At Camp JCC in Center Valley, volunteers will be able to use their super strength to prepare buildings for next summer. By clearing out space, they will make room for more Israeli programming and also for the Easter Seals program, which will be using the Center Valley grounds. “Having this day of caring for camp is a great way to get ready for the spring so we can get in there and start getting things done,” said Brenda Finberg, Camp JCC director. “This is phenomenal. I’m very excited.” Through Jewish Family Service, volunteers will be superheroes to Jewish seniors living in residential facilities. Groups will be assigned to the Bnai Brith House and Country Meadows to bring “bagels and schmear” and some friendly faces. “Even if it is just for 15 minutes, its letting

LEADERSHIP School for girls focus of Women’s Division. See page 4.

PRIMETIME Senior programs to debut. See pages 16-17.

Super Sunday Continues on page 3

Helping others for a century – and counting! EVENTS SECTION Art reflects meaning of special moments.

By Monica Friess Special to HAKOL

No. 372 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division


LVJF Tributes


Jewish Family Service Jewish Day School

15 18-19

Jewish Community Center Community Calendar

21 30-31

Henriette Engelson has seen and done a lot in her 100 years. She’s lived through two world wars, earned several degrees, survived the Depression, taught and instituted programs at multiple universities and hospitals, and welcomed and taught English to Russian emigrés. She volunteers

Non-Profit Organization 702 North 22nd Street Allentown, PA 18104

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twice a week at the Jewish Community Center’s Nearly New, is a current JCC board member, was on a housing board for the handicapped as well as a board for autistic children, attends Friendship Circle and was its president three times, and plays mahjong at the JCC. One might think this is enough for someone who was born a few months after World War I began, yet her seemingly boundless energy and youthful spirit make it clear that she will continue to play a vibrant role in the community around her. Born in Manhattan to Austro-Hungarian parents, Engelson always had a strong work ethic. She received degrees from New York University in speech therapy and dramatic arts, and remembers having the opportunity to go on the road with a traveling show. But this was during the

Depression, she said in a recent interview, and “my wise mother advised against it, urging me to find work that would pay better.” She accepted a job as a speech therapist and found her true calling. Engelson established herself as a formidable figure in the field. She married Jay Boxer in 1935. “It was the Depression,” she recalled, “and we had nothing, so

I worked at several jobs.” They lived in Long Island, and Engelson worked both there and in New York City. She taught speech in elementary schools as well as at C.W. Post College and Hunter College; she worked with the hearing impaired at the New York League for the Hard of Hearing, and with stroke patients at Bellevue Henriette Engelson Continues on page 3

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