The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
MAY 2017 | IYYAR/SIVAN 5777
Pigs prepare for kosher night at the ballpark Are you ready for some baseball and a fun-filled night for the whole family? Jewish Heritage Night at the Lehigh Valley IronPigs is back for its fourth year. This year’s game will take place on Tuesday, May 23, at 7:05 p.m. Kosher food will be available, and attendees who purchase tickets as part of a group will receive an IronPigs golf towel created just for the occasion. The event is sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and brings the whole community together. “This is definitely one of my favorite nights of the year,” said Aaron Gorodzinsky, director of outreach and community relations for the Federation. “How often can you enjoy a kosher hot dog in the stands of a beautiful ballpark
Explore AIPAC with the Fels family on page 9.
Find answers to your questions about the new communitywide LIFE & LEGACY program on pages 16-17.
surrounded by tons of people you know?” Many Jewish organizations have purchased group tickets to allow community members to take advantage of two exciting ticket packages. $20 tickets include the golf towel plus a voucher for the kosher food stand including a kosher hot dog or knish, chips and soda or bottled water, all LVKC supervised. $15 tickets include the towel and $2 in ballpark credit. To purchase tickets, contact Bnai Abraham Synagogue, Chabad of the Lehigh Valley, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Day School, the Jewish Federation, Temple Beth El, Temple Covenant of Peace or Temple Shirat Shalom or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org/ironpigs.
Seder brings women together for meaningful discussion
By Chelsea Karp Temple Beth El Dive into a local Jewish author’s new project on page 22.
No. 398 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division
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IronPigs mascots FeFe and FeRROUS studying up on “Baxter, the Pig Who Wanted to be Kosher.”
I was delighted to be a part of the committee that put together the L’Dor V’Dor Women’s Seder hosted by the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El on March 30. This community event was designed to be an evening for women to come together to celebrate Passover in the spirit of sisterhood. Women from Beth El, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the JCC of the Lehigh Valley joined together and were engaged for a few hours by inspiring female educators and leaders of our community. The program began with “Hine Ma-Tov” led by Shari Spark and concluded with her leading us in “Oseh Shalom.” We were treated to teachings by featured speakers
like Jeanette Eichenwald, Devorah Halperin, Rachel Wilensky and Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr. Our guest presenters spoke to different themes of Passover such as women of the exodus, the four daughters, making Passover relevant and memory. They shared their personal stories and thoughts on these themes which were both inspiring and educational. Everyone had something new to learn, whether it was a new tradition to start, a different melody to bring back to their seder table or a fresh outlook on Passover. So many women from different parts of the community attended that it was a great opportunity to make new friends and reacquaint with old ones. The evening featured a beautifully designed haggadah that highlighted the women of the Passover story. Participants had the opportunity to individually read a part, lead a prayer or sing along to songs. There
was indeed an orange on the seder plate and much of the haggadah highlighted the prophet Miriam. During the Shulchan Orech, women were encouraged to share their personal stories of Pesach and enjoy a traditional Passover meal. We enjoyed chicken soup with matzah balls, kugels and delectable desserts made by Temple Beth El’s Sisterhood members. As I looked around the room, I saw how the participants were engaged, moved and really, truly grateful to be amongst so many women who share the same beliefs and values. Our community was brought a little closer by making connections, practicing seder rituals and promoting Jewish education. I must thank the committee and the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El for putting together this incredible evening. I would urge anyone who was not able to make it to join us next year. This event is one not be missed.
Non-Profit Organization 702 North 22nd Street Allentown, PA 18104
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