HAKOL - November 2012

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HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community


Specter remembered as a senator who First ordained enjoyed going toe to toe with tyrants Ugandan rabbi to visit

During his 30 years in the U.S. Senate, Arlen Specter never lost his prosecutorial zeal. His commitment to independence made the longtime senator for Pennsylvania a critical player in recent U.S. history, but ultimately crippled his career. In his 2010 bid for a sixth term, Specter lost the support of both Democrats and Republicans. Specter, who had been the longest-serving U.S. senator from his state, died October 14 of complications from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He was 82. His iconoclasm was his brand from the outset of his career, when he made a name for himself as the young Philadelphia assistant district attorney on the Warren Commission who first postulated that a single bullet hit both President John F. Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally. “Arlen was a statesman and a problem solver who was able to work with Democrats and Republicans in the best interest of our Commonwealth and our country,” Sen. Bob Casey (D-

ISRAEL AND SYRIA The two neighbors have connections as far back as 244 C.E. See page 7.

JOAN NATHAN The award-winning cookbook author visits the Lehigh Valley in November. See pages 16-17.


By Ron Kampeas and Kathleen Mory Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Interim JFLV Marketing Associate

Arlen Specter represented Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate for 30 years.

Pa.) said of Specter. The pro-choice Republican helped fell Robert Bork’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, and then ensured Clarence Thomas’ ascension by leading what many liberal groups saw as the smearing of Anita Hill, a one-time aide to Thomas who had accused him of sexually harassing her. Specter also enjoyed his one-onones with some of the Middle East’s most bloodstained tyrants. “A tough, fierce competitor,” Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) said of Specter. “Arlen

Specter courageously and tenaciously battled cancer as passionately as he advocated for the causes in which he believed.” Running for district attorney in Philadelphia in 1965, he left the Democratic Party, but returned in 2009. Specter the Democrat helped pass President Obama’s health care reforms. Specter, who represented Pennsylvania in the Senate from 1981 to 2011, was shaped by his

Arlen Specter Continues on page 6

Lehigh Valley group travels to Israel TEENS SPEAK UP Lehigh Valley Jewish teens respond to survey, attend programs this year. See page 32. No. 350 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division


LVJF Tributes


Jewish Family Service


Jewish Day School


Jewish Community Center


Community Calendar


Dr. Jeff Blinder plants a tree in Israel at Neot Kedumim. Blinder traveled to Israel this October as part of the Lehigh Valley community mission to Israel, taking in visits to Tel Aviv and partnership community Yoav among other destinations, and exploring Israeli culture and the country's economy. Complete photo coverage of the mission will appear in the December edition of HAKOL. Mission trips include stops that are not part of most tours and opportunities to experience Israel with others infrom the community. To learn more about the group’s activities, visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org and click on programs and mission.

Non-Profit Organization 702 North 22nd Street Allentown, PA 18104

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By Judith Rodwin Special to HAKOL In 1919, the Bagandan warrior, Semei Kakungulu, completed a complex spiritual and practical journey. He brought his followers and their families to the religion that most resonated with their lives: They became the Abayudaya, the Jews of Uganda. “Western Jews do not always imagine that people of different skin colors and from distant cultures could be Jewish, but the truth is that there are currently indigenous communities observing traditional Jewish rituals all over the continent of Africa,” said Jay Sand, Univeristy of Pennsylvania graduate and African researcher. The Abayudaya practiced traditional Judaism, enduring discrimination and attempted genocide at the hands of Idi Amin. They had not communicated with the outside Jewish world until the 1960s when the elders recognized that their isolation needed to end. They began dialogue with Israel. In 1992, Matthew Meyer, a Brown University student, spent Shabbat with the Abayudaya community of Mbale. He returned to the U.S. with photos and recordings of the community choir singing Hebrew prayers to traditional African melodies. Interest in the Abayudaya grew from that time on. Gershom Sizomu, son and grandson of Abayuda rabbis, became the first ordained Conservative Ugandan rabbi in history. He studied at the American Jewish University’s Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles. Rabbi Seth Goren, Lehigh University’s director of Jewish student life and associate chaplain, and Rabbi Allen Juda have arranged for Sizomu to speak in scholar-in-residence programs in Bethlehem. Sizomu will speak in Room 85 of Rauch Hall at Lehigh University at 4:15 on Thurs., Nov. 8, and will attend Shabbat dinner and Shabbat services at Brith Sholom on Fri. and Sat., Nov. 9 and 10. More information is available at the Brith Sholom office at 610-866-8009.

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