HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community
Annual Campaign answers urgent needs By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Let’s face it, it’s been a challenging summer. As rockets rained down in Israel, we turned to the community for help raising immediate emergency funds, and you more than answered the call, contributing nearly a quarter of a million dollars to this effort. Now here we are, not even two months later, asking for your help again. Here’s why: Without the Annual Campaign
YAD FAMILIES gather for fun and food. See page 3.
Annual Campaign Continues on page 3
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UNMASKING Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions. See pages 16 - 18.
shared meaning, family traditions By Sarah Chimino JFLV Marketing Intern
PJ LIBRARY EVENT engages and delights. See page 27.
No. 369 com.UNITY with Mark Goldstein 2 Women’s Division
LVJF Tributes
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Community Center 20-21 Jewish Day School
Community Calendar
As the leaves begin to change and the harvest season is in full swing, it is time to build the sukkah. Sukkot is the Jewish holiday known as the feast of tabernacles. In honor of the ancestors, the Torah instructs every Jew to dwell in a temporary shelter, the sukkah. Traditionally, this is accomplished by eating, sleeping or having gatherings in the sukkah. The Wilson family of Allentown uses a sukkah kit that is typically assembled by their son, Ben, 14, and his teenage friends. Daughter Rebecca, who is 10 years old and very “crafty,” spearheads the decorating of the sukkah, said her mother Carol. Non-Profit Organization
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The Tamarkins, the Wilsons and many other families are set to enjoy Sukkot in the Valley. Sukkot begins the evening of October 8. Many of the decorations used for the sukkah are the artwork that the Wilson children have created over the years. Sukkot is a time to bring together family, friends and neighbors, whether or not they are Jewish. Carol recalled a time when Rebecca came home from school one day and said, “I have a new friend from Washington, D.C., who loves Jewish holidays, loves going to the Passover seder, and has never been to a sukkah. Can she come to ours?” Of course the family was delighted to welcome her. The Wilsons also celebrate the holiday and showing their hospitality, inviting 25 or more people to their sukkah, even though it supposedly holds only 12. Carol said that, for her, Sukkot “is a holiday that connects us with friends – we have no family in Allentown – that have become family who come to our
house through the ‘revolving door.’” She added, “The holiday connects us to the land and the harvest and gets us thinking about where our food comes from.” The Tamarkin family builds a wooden sukkah with bamboo window shades and birch tree trimmings on the top. They like to build their sukkah with family and friends because, as Tama Tamarkin said, “It’s not a oneman job.” The Tamarkin family also has a tradition of “Soup in the Sukkah,” for which they invite friends to enjoy four or five types of warm fall soups that Tama herself cooks. When asked what the holiday means to her, Tama replied, “For me, it is about the tradition of putting up the sukkah, the kids getting to have friends eat in the sukkah and being together with family and friends.”
175 years at Temple Covenant of Peace By Eleanor Bobrow Temple Covenant of Peace This year marks the 175th anniversary of the founding of Temple Covenant of Peace in Easton. In 1752, 11 Jewish families left the ghetto life in Germany and travelled to a place called Easton with the hope of making a place to live, work, worship and be free. By 1839, the Reform congregation Temple Covenant of Peace was established. The Temple is honored to have Elaine (nee Malkin) Berk as the one member of the congregation who was born into and named in the congregation, attended religious school, was bat mitzvahed, and attended confirmation and postconfirmation classes. She was also married by Rabbi Joshua Trachtenberg, of blessed memory. One day while being driven by Rabbi Jerald Bobrow, of blessed memory, to Philadelphia to visit her sick mother, the rabbi suggested that Elaine consider reading from the Torah on Yom Kippur. She accepted the idea and read so beautifully that he sent her a thank you note inviting her to consider making this an annual event and to this day, Elaine reads from Leviticus at the afternoon Torah service on Yom Kippur. We are indeed blessed to have her as a loyal member of Temple Covenant of Peace as we celebrate our 175th anniversary. Temple Covenant of Peace has traveled a long way to become the congregation it is today – where all are welcomed whether they are members of the congregation or visitors from Phillipsburg, Bethlehem, Brooklyn or India. If you attend services at Covenant of Peace and are new to the community or are visiting family or friends, you are welcomed as “a member of the family,” for indeed, once you enter the walls of Covenant of Peace, we are all God’s children and welcomed as family. After the lighting of the Shabbat candles, Rabbi Melody Davis invites all in attendance to “get up out of their seats and find a face that they do not know and introduce yourself and wish them Shabbat Shalom.” There is a sense of joy and shalom as we participate in services, singing and sometimes dancing. This sense of joy and commitment is also experienced by the children of the religious school who have formed a junior choir from grades one through high school replete
Temple Covenant of Peace Continues on page 29