Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Johann Garimort (916192) Samuel Lalo Studio 12
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
In Kolerevic’s writing he describes three types of fabrication techniques; subtractive fabrication, additive fabrication and formative fabrication. Subtractive fabrication takes existing material and then uses machinery to subtract parts of this material until the final design is left, such as a milling machine. Additive fabrication adds new material to existing material to derive the design such as with a 3D printer. Whilst formative fabrication utilises external forces such as heat or steam to reshape or mould material into the design.
Computer numeric controlled fabrication increases the possibilities within architectural design to previously non developable surfaces. Designs created within modelling software, combined with the technology used within these three fabrication techniques allows new structural forms to be developed, albeit currently at a higher cost. It also increases greater flexibility in the wider design industry with variations and customisable products available to consumers with this technology.
Week Three
Surface Creation
Surface 1
Surface 2
Surface 3
Surface 4
Using a fixed 150mm by 150mm bounding box as the extend of the structure, grasshopper was used to model a number of surfaces within Rhino. The written script allowed me to explore the positioning of each corner of both four sided surfaces by adjusting the inputs, and review a number of design iterations. From this a number of options were explored as seen in the four images above, which from left to right I felt surface 1 was to simplistic, surface 2 and 3 were interesting but would prove too difficult to physically develop while surface 4 proved to be interesting whist also being a more achievable challenge to develop.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
The panels chosen for each surface is tied to the same basic theme, that of an octagonal panel. This panel can be used as a flat 2D surface or extruded to be made 3D and hollowed out. With panels placed on either surface offset by a “push and pull� notion.
The waffle structure creates a much larger opening at the base, providing support for the structure and then narrowing towards its top to enclose the space below.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
In order to physically develop this model rhino software was used in conjunction with panelling tools to develop a number of developable surfaces.
Waffle Structure: 1mm mount board
Surface Panels: 260GSM Mounting Board
Horizontal waffle pieces Top surface panels bottom left to top right
Once determined, these panels and waffle structure were laser cut on 260gsm ivory card and 1mm mounting board respectively. Careful planning was required to ensure that once cut the panels could be correctly assembled. Unfortunately I doubled my hatch lines on the flat 2D panels and what had been planned as 3 large panels ended up being cut as individuals panels... a lesson for next time. However the panels were sufficient to enable to construction of the model.
Bottom surface panels; three large flat panel sections and each 3D panel from top to bottom Vertical waffle pieces
Week Five
Boolean extraction 1
Boolean extraction 2
Boolean extraction 3
As was the case with the waffle and panel structure a 150mm by 150mm bounding box would be the extend of this design. From this solid cube, script was written to create a number of objects within it to be eventually removed through the boolean difference command. A number of iterations were explored with spacing of objects, size of objects, magnitude of their position based on attractor points and ultimately their shape were explored, with two examples of the boolean extraction shapes in image 1 and 2 above. Once extracted the cube needed to be reduced in size through further boolean difference extractions, as seen in image 3, however this particular design would prove too troublesome to 3D print so was rejected and another iteration explored.
Week Five
In choosing which structure to develop a number of things needed to be considered. I wanted to maximise the voids created within the structure whilst also creating some differences in the size of the polygons and develop if possible some hidden spaces. I also needed to ensure that the final model could be effectively printed using 3D printing technology which meant that any small or thin components had to be avoided as they may not be printed as envisaged. With this approach in mind I selected polygons which removed large volumes of internal space as well as the edges of the cube. This created a large internal space supported by a series of columns created by the meeting points of the polygons. This also created entrance ways into the internal spaces creating thresholds between the internal and external as well as windows or passages into the smaller polygons behind the main voids.
Week Six Task 01
{105,105,150} {45,150,150}
Selected Loft {135,150,150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) - Rear Panel
{0,135,150} {150,135,150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) - Front Panel
{150,0,150} {60,150,0} {60,150,0}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
2.4 Selected Panelling Grid
Attractor Point Grid Points - Front Panel Grid Points - Rear Panel
{Attractor Point Location 150,150,0} Magnitude 1
{Attractor Point Location 75,75,75} Magnitude 0.35
{Attractor Point Location 0,135,150,} Magnitude 0.75
{Attractor Point Location 150,0,150} Magnitude 0.35
3.4 Selected Panel Layout Flat Panel Closed 3D Panel Hallow 3D Panel
Task 01 Matrix When exploring iterations for task 1 I wanted to ensure that both surfaces were unique, as such I explored different lofts for each surface combined with placing the attractor point at extremes within the bounding box. However I also wanted the two surfaces to interact with each other and so was drawn to having the two surface move closer together towards their top. Once two difference surface and their interaction was determined I explored a combination of flat, 3D and hollow panels before deciding on focussing on flat panels on one surface and hollow 3D on the other. To ensure a connection between both surface and to better attach them to the waffle I chose to include 5 flat panels on the main 3D surface and 5 3D surfaces on the main flat panel surface, which were placed opposite each other to create a “push and pull� between them.
Week Six Task 02
Grid Manipulation
Selected Manipulation
Attractor Points (X,Y,Z)
Attractor Curve (X,Y,Z) {150,150,75} {150,150,50} {100,0,100}
Grid Central Points
{Attractor Point} Magnitude 1
{Attractor Point} Magnitude 0.75
{Attractor Curve} Magnitude 0.75
{Attractor Curve} S-Curve Magnitude 0.75
Selected Manipulation
Attractor Point Central Points
Grid Shape Manipulation
{Attractor Point Location 150,150,0} Magnitude 1
{Attractor Point Location 150,70,115} Magnitude 3.5
{Attractor Point Location 0,50,50,} Magnitude 3.5
{Attractor Point Location 130,50,75} Magnitude 1.5
Selected Manipulation
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 0.35
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 1.5 - Sphere
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 1.8 - Diamond
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 1.8 - Polygon
Design Matrix 1:5
Task 02 Matrix
This side was removed to create an entrance to the opened space, with a slight overhang creating a threshold between the outside space and internal.
Through the grasshopper script I explored a number of iterations of design, utilsiing artractor points and curves to alter the internal space within the cube. I settled on a rounded curve attractor point, which I then used another attractor point to change the central location point of spheres within this structure, first with the attractors in the cube and then with the attractor on the surface which I though created a more interesting design with larger spheres on one side of the structure. Finally I tried different shapes around these points and at different sizes, deciding on polygons which I enlarged to ensure they overlapped and extended beyond the cube which would create entrances to the structure. The removal of the polygons creates a series of voids or cells within the structure.
The enlarged polygons intersect to create openings where the two shapes collide. These openings create entrances or windows into the spaces beyond.
The polygons intersect to completely remove this middle column creating a much larger opening in this space.
Smaller polygon voids are created with openings into the internal space and outside.
{Attractor Point Location 75,75,75} Magnitude 0.35
{Attractor Point Location 0,135,150,} Magnitude 0.75
{Attractor Point Location 150,0,150} Magnitude 0.35
3.4 Selected Panel Layout
Week Six
Grid Shape Manipulation
{Attractor Point Location 150,150,0} Magnitude 1
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 1.5 - Sphere
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 1.8 - Diamond
{Attractor Point Location
Selected Manipu
Flat Panel Closed 3D Panel Hallow 3D Panel
Final Isometric Views
{Attractor Point Location 150,75,75} Magnitude 0.35
Task 1 Isometric
Task 2 Isometric
Grasshopper script being used with Rhino to explore different surface iterations, different variables were selected in grasshopper which were then visible in Rhino. Suitable designs could then be baked in grasshopper and further explored in Rhino and bakes surface iterations
Appendix Process
Exploring different surface panel ideas in Rhino, both 2D and 3D, with a variety of shapes, openness and closed panels.
For the second model boolean differences were used to extract shapes from within a larger cube. For printing only a smaller section was needed and so further boolean difference commands were used in Rhino to reduce the size of the model. Care was needed to ensure a suitable model was printed that showed the detail of the design whilst also being comparable with the 3D printer technology available.
Applying some of the concept panel designs to the surfaces in Rhino.
Assembling the waffle structure
Cleaning the 3D printed model
Assembling the panel surface