Fod portfolio johann garimort final

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Foundations of Design : Representation Semester 1, 2017 Johann Garimort 916192 Studio 08 - Nina Tory-Henderson


Photo of Elevaton

How to measure a Croissant? By photographing my croissant and documenting it in various views; plan, section and elevation I was able to get an understanding of it’s structure. This allowed me to include its various folds, raised sections and outline when representing its shape in a hand drawing shape. I then explored a number of different shading styles to provide depth to my croissant drawing before deciding on a simple hatching technique.

Photocopied Plan

Photocopied Sections

Photocopied Plan

Photo of Elevation

Photo of Plan View




MODULE 2: FLATNESS VS PROJECTION The making of Mario World To connect my existing Mario worlds, I introduced a previously hidden waterway system with streams, waterfalls and tunnels. In addition I placed the mountains in the centre of the world giving the impression of a shared mountain range. I added characters to the hidden spaces, not visible in the provided 2D images, to show life and animation in these previously unseen spaces.

Mario World 1

Illustrator Drawing Mario World brought to life in Adobe Illustrator.

Mario World 2



Planning Structuring the Mario World layout based on provided images.

Drawing Using the layout and drawing instruments to construct Isometric image.

Isometric Drawing Hand drawn Isometric Mario World using T-square and set square. Final Completed and drawn Isometric with starting images.



The making of new landscape After exploring numerous panelling designs I opted for a simple square based pyramid, but then introduced cuts at various heights to create five panels with different sized openings. As my terrain had a natural higher ridge and lower section, I introduced the same change in height to my panels, and openings, so the closed high panels started from top left and got smaller and more open towards the bottom right. I introduced a mirrored pattern to my 2D and 3D panels, visible across a central axis.

Detailed Lanscape




Basic Surface: Original surface provided showing ridge running from top right to bottom left with a lower expanse to the bottom right.

Basic Surface

3D Rhino Model: The final landscape as displayed in Rhino software in the same position as the image above.

3D Rhino Model

Constructed Model: The final landscape constructed in paper with all the different panels combined and shoeing the mirrored pattern of 2D and 3D panels

Constructed Model



Trading cities 2: Chloe Chloe is the most chaste of cities, her various inhabitants share the city but never interact, instead glances between them take place as they imagine what might be if they were able to live out their fantasizes. I wanted to show this distance between the people by placing them apart and never looking at each other, with Marco Polo exploring this world of people and hidden glances. I also wanted to show what might be if the people were able to live out their desires behind drawn curtains.



Story: The city of Chloe has many different people living within it including a blind man with a leopard, twins, a lady with a fan, a lady with a parasol, an epehbe and a fat lady, all of whom have gathered in the darkness of the quad as a storm passes, with the occasional flash of lightening. The characters don’t look at each other, they are all looking in different directions, although they occasionally glance at each other and wonder what fantasies could play out if they are given the opportunity. Field vs Frame: The blind man is not visible, although a hand holding the leopards leash can be seen - is this the blind man?



Story: With the curtains drawn the citizens of Chloe are free to live out their many fantasies, the leopard is free and on the hunt for pigeons, the pigeon is looking dapper in a top hat, the fat lady can dance, the parasol is open, the blind man can see and kiss he’s lover, the ephebe is now a strong boxer and the lady is no longer hiding behind her fan. Field vs Frame: Who is the boxer fighting behind the pillar? What is the lady with the parasol doing, all we can see is her parasol? The fat lady is not visible but is this her leg dancing between the pillars, or one of the twins now grown up?



Completing these projects and viewing the work of my peers introduced me to a new way of visually representing information and conveying my own ideas. With each project I built on the skills id developed and tried to produce higher quality work. Module 1: My croissant drawings were simple and I found it hard to convey the image of the croissant through the medium of hand drawing. Although I got a an appreciation for the need to convey drawings accurately and consistency. I have subsequently updated the labelling of these original drawings. Module 2: The more controlled and formulaic approach of constructing an Isometric drawing in module 2 of the Mario world appealed to me and I enjoyed adding some creative inputs to its design and colouring. Module 3: The use of computer aided design for developing a panelled surface allowed me to follow the creative process from design to physical implementation. I particularly enjoyed constructing the final model ad trying to represent my pattern in the design process. I have used Photoshop to enhance some of the final images of my constructed model. Module 4: The final Isometric and Perspective drawings allowed me to be creative within constraints and I tried to produce images that were more lively and abstract then my previous work. I enjoyed the concept of fame raised in the lectures on this topic and used this to place characters within my perspective out of the image to allude to what might be occurring. I felt that my first perspective was too dark when printed so have adjusted the levels of this drawing in Photoshop. I feel that after this course I have a much better understanding of different ways of presenting drawings, ideas and concepts visually. I also feel that I am slowing adapting my mind-set to no longer focus solely on the logical and add some creativity and ambiguity when suitable.


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