How to prevent childhood obesity and future diseases?
• More than 10 million children are the victims of obesity in India and the number is only hitting horrific figures. When it comes to their food demands, you eventually have to give in due to that soft spot of yours. But, there should be drawn a line when it comes to health and overall fitness so we could prevent childhood obesity. Childhood obesity makes the path for future diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure and what not. As parents, you need to introduce some degree of discipline to make sure your child eats healthy, plays on a regular basis, and learn to have selfcontrol. Teach your children the right way so that they follow it during their adulthood
Limit the screen time and encourage outdoor sports • You should set a limit to watching TV and playing video games and utilize that time for outdoor sports. 1-2 hours of playing will burn e ough alories, a d your hild’s eight ill stay managed. You can get a qriyo martial arts trainer at your home for your kid. It is a great way to involve them in physical activities as well as learning something new
Make them drink a lot of water • It always seems trivial, but staying hydrated has a tonne of benefits, and burning stubborn fat and prevent childhood obesity is one of them. All the toxins and oxidants are removed by drinking adequate water. Average adults should dri k at least 4 liters of ater e ery day, that’s a out 20 glasses. Children between 5-8 years of age should drink at least 5-7 glasses of water. Those between 9-12 years of age should drink at least 7-9 glasses of water. And those who cross 13 should start drinking 10 glasses of water and gradually increase their intake year by year. A lot of water does ’t ea dri ki g 40 glasses, it a flush out the essential minerals from the body. So you can drink 4 liters to 6 liters of water every day.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day • When I was little, my mother used to feed me a parantha with milk for breakfast, then I would head to the school. When I entered teenage, I resisted parantha and just drank milk for breakfast. With time I noticed weight gain, and I also started feeling nauseous in school until I had lunch. I think a lot of readers can relate to this. Our bodies get deprived of energy during the ight, a d if e do ’t reple ish that e ergy first thing in the morning, we are only surviving on borrowed time. From morning 7 AM till lunch, children barely make it and some even pass out during the assembl
Keep them away from simple carbohydrates • Pizza, pasta, burgers, white bread, sugar are some of the examples of simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs mean those carbs which get absorbed by your body quickly, spiking the blood sugar levels (insulin) and then making them crash. Repeated spikes in insulin make you susceptible to diabetes in future. You should feed your children complex carbohydrates (oats, muesli, whole wheat chapatti, brown rice, whole wheat bread). They contain fiber which slows down the absorption rate and prevents insulin spikes