Potential issue 1

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COVER STORY In 1954, a small group of parents began a structured effort to meet the needs of their children with disabilities. Today, 60 years later, that small group has led P.G. Chambers School to become a leader in special education and therapies for over 800 children each year. That’s the Powerof60.

P.G. Chambers School 15 Halko Drive Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927-1380 973.829.8484 www.chambersschool.org Development Staff Andrea C. Quigley Director of Development Renee Gitto Assistant Director of Development Michael J. Thunell Development Coordinator Erin Martin Development Assistant

potential Credits Managing Editor Andrea C. Quigley Assistant Managing Editor Renee Gitto Executive Editor Susan Seamans Contributors Terri Brennen Heather Gilliland Julie Haggerty Laura Jaarsma Joyce Lewis Susan Seamans Maria Smith Carolyn Young Kristin Young Graphic Design Joanne Hemerlein Photography JoEllen Kelly Photography Veroluce Photography Erin Martin Printing Professional Printing Center



We are setting the standards for early childhood education – providing children with a safe, nurturing environment where they grow, learn, communicate, and develop friendships.

inside 2

Executive Director’s Memo Susan Seamans recognizes promotions, appointments


PGCS Strategic Plan A dynamic road map takes us into the world of expanding technology and cutting-edge initiatives


Celebrating 60 Years PGCS history is fascinating when chronicled next to the history of special education in the U.S.


Halko Drive Happenings New hires, certifications, promotions, awards


Walk.Run.Fun 5K It was a perfect day at Ginty Field

issue 1/fall 2014


Volunteers An inspiration to our students every day


Technology Update Breaking down barriers to learning with the assistive technology program


Legacies Special retirement tribute


Graduation Appreciation Nine PGCS graduates look to the future


Plan. Do. Review. HighScope – the highest quality education begins in preschool


A Decade on the Green Golf Classic anniversary


E.S.T.E.A.M. A social skills-based approach to learning creates a foundation for future academic success


Casino The night shines bright for the children


PGCS Auxiliary Taking care of “our kids” for over 35 years


Contract Services Expanding beyond our doors to provide therapy services in the community


Menus for the Mind Tim Gunn comes to PGCS


PGCS Donors


School Calendar

Executive Director’s Memo

Promotions and New Appointments

Please join me in congratulating Jenna Campagna on her promotion to director of nursing at P.G. Chambers School, effective July 1, 2014. As many of you know, Jenna joined our school in 2008 as a teacher assistant and subsequently left to pursue her degree in nursing. We were just delighted to have Jenna re-join our staff in 2012 as a school nurse. And now, I am confident that Jenna’s professional skills, can-do attitude, and enthusiasm will contribute to her success as a director. We are just delighted to congratulate Amber Hummer on her promotion to director of early intervention. With her strong leadership skills, extensive clinical background, and five years working on our staff, I’m confident that Amber will make a great director of this very important program. Amber worked closely with Valerie Bialous during the summer, ensuring a successful transition into her new job. We all look forward to working with Amber in her position and wish her much success as our newest director! I am so happy to tell you that Heather Gilliland has accepted the position of principal of P.G. Chambers School, effective September 1, 2014. With an impressive background in education and nine years working on our staff, I’m confident that Heather will make a significant contribution to the future of our organization. We all look forward to working with her in this new capacity and wish her much success as our new principal. And, if that is not enough great news, there’s more… Please join me in congratulating Judy Gallante-Hooper on her promotion to assistant principal, effective September 1, 2014. As many of you may know, Judy is just finishing her program to gain her principal’s certification, and lucky for us, it will come just in time. Judy’s experience and dedication to students with multiple disabilities make her the perfect candidate for the position. We wish her all the best in her new role.

So proud of all that is happening at PGCS,

Susan Seamans Executive Director 2 potential fall 2014

Discovering potential. Aiming for endless possibilities.

STRATEGIC PLAN The 2014-2016 Strategic Plan

is a dynamic road map, taking us into the world of expanding technology and exciting cutting-edge initiatives, and strengthening our relationships with families and other professionals – all with the goal of improving educational and therapeutic outcomes for children with disabilities. At P.G. Chambers School, the strategic plan is infused into all we do, and we live it each day. In order to accomplish the many objectives identified in the plan, we have established a variety of work groups: task forces for time-limited tasks, committees for ongoing initiatives that strengthen the organization, and think tanks for problem-solving and further defining the plan. Throughout this edition of potential, we have placed key questions* to include you, our valued constituents, in our strategic planning. If you would like additional information, or would like to share your special talents with a work group, please contact Susan Seamans, Executive Director, at seamans@chambersschool.org, or call Susan at 973.829.8484. *answers on page 47


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feature story

CELE BRATE! 60 YEARS OF EXCEL LENCE RIGHT Susan Seamans at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new addition of the school; 2004 Patti Chambers at the event, An Evening of Magic; 1994

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P.G. Chambers School, “discovering potential” is at the core of our mission, inspiring us to provide the best, most comprehensive educational and therapy programs for children with disabilities. The history of our school is fascinating when chronicled next to the history of special education in the United States. Special education law – the right of all children to receive a free, appropriate education – is grounded in civil rights legislation, specifically Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. It ruled that all children – regardless of race – had the right to an equal education. As we begin a year-long celebration for our 60th anniversary, this pivotal moment in history, Brown v. Board of Education, is

also celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. In 1954, legislation for educating children with disabilities was non-existent and, very often, children were kept at home, sometimes institutionalized, and generally kept away from their communities. It was not until the mid-sixties that children with disabilities – referred to as handicapped, mentally retarded, deaf, mute, crippled – were able to attend public schools, and this was largely without the benefit of any specialized approach to their education, and so they usually only attended until Kindergarten or first grade. As soon as academics were introduced, families would typically have to find other placements for their children in cerebral palsy centers, Easter Seals Centers, ARC programs, and other rehabilitation-focused organizations. “Handicapped” children were not considered children who could learn; and so the approach was to provide rehabilitation, custodial care, or as one gentle physician advised a parent, “Just take him home and love him.”

THE BEGINNING How extraordinary that in the very same year, a small group of parents who believed in the potential of their children with disabilities, came together with a vision – to provide brighter futures for their children – and The Morris County Easter Seals Center, now P.G. Chambers School, was established. At that time, the Center was located in a rented, two-story building on Ann Street in Morristown, and served 19 children with three employees. In 1965, the Morris County Easter Seals Center moved to our first facility in Morris Plains,

on land graciously donated by Warner Lambert, a pharmaceutical company. The new facility provided the necessary classroom and therapy space needed for a growing organization. In 1975, Congress passed Public Law 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children Act), now codified as IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). In order to receive federal funds, states must develop and implement policies that assure a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all children with disabilities. In those 20 years between Brown v. Board of Education and P.L. 94-142, our school grew from three staff serving 19 children, to a regional center serving 225 children with disabilities each year. The advent of P.L. 94-142 began a new era in public education. However, this was a difficult time. Teachers were not equipped to work with children with disabilities, particularly children with significant and multiple disabilities. As in the educational system of the 1950’s and 60’s, physical and mental challenges translated into “this child will not be able to learn” to read, to write, or to do mathematics. After disaffiliating from Easter Seals in 1975, we later became Children’s Center for Therapy and Learning and, like others, focused primarily on therapies and rehabilitation, and only secondarily on an educational program. However, as we learned more about disabilities, across the nation and here in Morris County, we discovered that, in fact, children with disabilities had a great capacity for learning. The question became, not, “should we teach?” But, “how we should we teach?” This was paralleled in the laws, which were recognizing that rehabilitation was not enough, that children chambersschool.org 5

were entitled to be taught academics. And we, as a society, must afford them this education. The growth of the organization would not have been nearly as successful without the help and perseverance of dedicated parents. A longtime friend of the school and parent became a vital influence in financially supporting the school. She introduced several caring people, who not only became major financial supporters, but also advocates for the school and its mission. The need for financial support became evident in the early 1990’s, when the board and staff recognized once again the need for a larger and improved facility to provide the necessary services for the ever growing population of students.

PROGRESS & GROWTH In 1991, Children’s Center launched the first capital campaign to raise funds for a new building, and nearly two years later, the organization advanced once again. The campaign enabled Children’s Center for Therapy and Learning to move into the 22,000 sq. ft. building at our current location in Cedar Knolls in 1993. The Center was now a regional facility serving 500 children from nine counties. With the shift to the larger space, also came an important philosophical transition – the change from therapy-focused to an educational focus incorporating an academic curriculum into the service model for children with disabilities. Less than ten years later, the ever-increasing waiting lists for services once again resulted in critical need for expansion. In 2001, a second capital campaign was launched. Two years later, additional space was added, the original building nearly doubling its size. The school was changing, and the name of the organization was soon to follow. In 2004, given the opportunity to honor long-time board member and generous benefactor, Patti Chambers, the organization changed its name to P.G. Chambers School. With our new name, we created an expectation for academic excellence.

The history of P.G. Chambers School tells a story of reinvention and perseverance of board, staff, community members, and, most importantly, the strength of families who essentially paved the way for educating children with disabilities. Now, after 60 years, P.G. Chambers School is a leader in the field of special education and rehabilitative services. Beginning with a staff of three to the current 170, which includes special educators, therapists, paraprofessionals, and administrators, the school is now providing services to over 800 children each year from ten counties in Northern New Jersey. Join us in celebrating 60 years of services that have changed the lives of children with disabilities by helping them to love to learn, to strive for independence, and most importantly, to develop unshakable self-confidence. The PGCS family: the innovative staff, dedicated community members, and supportive families, will continue to combine the wisdom of the past with the creativity and innovation that will ensure the future of P.G. Chambers School. ABOVE Supporters and members of the board of trustees at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new addition of the school; 2004


6 potential fall 2014

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to grow, so does the need for quality teachers, therapists, and support staff. Over the past few

haLko dRive

school news As P.G. Chambers School continues

Happenings years, we have hired a great number

Congratulations and thank you to all who have worked hard to improve yourselves and our organization!

of highly qualified and talented individuals who are using their skills


to provide quality services to our students. Below are the new hires from the past few years: Business Office Jenny Puzia Nancy Sniffen Child Care Brittany Bascuro Ami Byra Anna Iwashko Laurie Mellea Rachel Miller Michelle Wheeler Development Erin Martin Michael J. Thunell Education Shannon Abbot Montero Nicole Annunziato Caile Brennan Teresa Brennan Sue-Ann Campbell Katherine Ciliberti Mary Lynn Cooke Lisa Corliss 8 potential fall 2014

Alison Cullen Colleen Dalrymple Michela Dolak Patricia Dunne Gabriela Evals Colette Fraenkel Gloria Giraldo Joanna Grzywna Daniel Patrick Helmstetter Linda Krupp Christina Macasieb Christine Malkinski Sandra Marrero Carey Mirenda Erin Murray-Alberque Margaret Neary Eryn Porcelli Keyana Proctor Lorraine Quansah Summitra Rajah Amanda Sabino Nicole Santoloci Diane Smith

Patricia Stenzel Danielle Sumereau Sarodka Tofte Anna Torrens Courtney Turner Kristina Yatskiv Maintenance Harold Evans Occupational Therapy Sarah Clark Catilin Cullen Vanessa Demarmels Elisa Grossbard Carly Hasseler Linda Hogoboom Martine Kelly Caitlin Rienzi Dominique Scacciaferro Jessica Simao Physical Education Orla Slattery

Physical Therapy Mary Carroll Ashley Chardoussin Annemarie Clayton Deena Fried Evelyn Hall Tracie Murray Deborah Petitjean Holli Wright Jenna Zielinski Nursing Jenna Campagna Michelle Catalioto Kathleen Ranft Social Worker Erica Von Borstel Speech Therapy Donna Barral Kristin Geraghty Elizabeth Thornton Laura Valerio Sarah Vitale

This past year has been a special one at P.G. Chambers School. As a staff, we place an emphasis on developing our skills to become the best teachers, therapists, and professionals that we can be. In the past year, there have been six staff members who have completed certifications in various disciplines, listed below. Jenna Campagna, New Jersey Nursing Certification

Judy Gallante-Hooper, Principal Certification in New Jersey

Annie Clayton, Pediatrics Clinical Specialist Certification from the American Physical Therapy Association

Julie Haggerty, Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) Certification from the Rehabilitation and Engineering Society of North America (RESNA)

Dawn Hearne, Certification in Assistive Technology (CAT) from Richard Stockton University Lynne Pinto, Certification in Assistive Technology (CAT) from Richard Stockton University


As the staff continues to improve upon their skills, there are opportunities within the organization to showcase those skills. P.G. Chambers School rewards staff members who have put in the time and energy into improving themselves, through increased responsibility and impact on the organization. Listed below are staff members who have received a promotion. Dana Barral, Speech Therapist Jenna Campagna, Director of Nursing Michelle Catalioto, School Nurse Christine Cayero, Senior Therapist Sarah Clark, Senior Therapist

Julie Haggerty, Program Coordinator, Assistive Technology Program Amber Hummer, Director of Early Intervention Martine Kelly, Occupational Therapist Lindsay Kramer, Teacher of the Handicapped Christine Malkinski, Teacher of the Handicapped

Orla Slattery, Teacher of Physical Education Pat Stoddard, Senior Teacher Michael J. Thunell, Development Coordinator Margaux Urciuoli, Teacher of the Handicapped Michelle Wheeler, Child Care Teacher Assistant

Linda Cook, Senior Teacher

Kelly Myerson, Coordinator of Outcomes Measurement

Holli Wright, Physical Therapy Clinical Coordinator

Judy Gallante-Hooper, Vice Principal

Lynn Nalupta, Senior Therapist

Kristin Young, Director of Contract Services

Heather Gilliland, Principal

Erin Natoli, Senior Teacher

Renee Gitto, Assistant Director of Development

Arlene Sklow, Senior Therapist

Annie Berry Clayton, Senior Physical Therapist

The hard work of our staff is not only recognized inside our organization, but outside as well. Many of our staff have been nominated and received awards for their exceptional achievements as teachers, therapists, and paraprofessionals by ASAH, an organization “serving the private special education community� in New Jersey. Below are members of the PGCS staff who have been nominated for ASAH awards:

Amber Hummer Related Service Provider of the Year Erin Natoli Educator of the Year Deborah Fresco Paraprofessional of the Year

2014: Lisa Grau Related Service Provider of the Year (Winner of Region II) Laura Jaarsma Educator of the Year Justyna Ratajczyk Paraprofessional of the Year (Winner of Region II)

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P.G. Chambers School Second Annual 5K held at Ginty Field BY MICHAEL J. THUNELL

10 potential fall 2014


hile some may not enjoy walking, and fewer of us may enjoy running, it is fair to say that we all enjoy having fun. On a beautiful Sunday morning this past June, one could find all three at the Second Annual P.G. Chambers School Walk.Run.Fun 5K held at Ginty Field in Morristown, NJ. Ginty Field, a beautiful park on the outskirts of Morristown, is also home to the local fire department, whose members welcomed the P.G. Chambers School 5K, graciously providing pre-event storage and pulling out their enormous fire truck for the Children’s Run. The Walk.Run.Fun 5K committee led by event chair, Erin Budwick, worked tirelessly on logistics and promoting the event to the community. New this year, the committee created the Walk.Run.FUNDraising Challenge. Participants were encouraged to create fundraising teams to sponsor them in the race. This proved to be very successful – over 40 fundraising team leaders raised over $10,000 and brought almost 200 people to the 5K. The crowd was abuzz during registration and checkin, enjoying breakfast, courtesy of the Park Avenue Club, the gorgeous weather, the great turn-out, and the vendors’ tents. During the race, those who crossed the finish line included seasoned runners, first-timers, teens, children, parents with children in strollers, and one dog with his owner.

After the 5K finished and the winners were recognized, the event DJ asked the nearly 100 Children’s Run participants to make their way to the starting line. The great benefit of Ginty Field for the event was the completely paved course, allowing anyone of any ability, and most importantly, PGCS students, to participate. As the children gathered behind the teal and white crepe paper starting line, parents, friends, and members of the local community stood on either side of the pavement and cheered on the runners. Two four-year-old friends were standing on the sidelines, Spencer and Ella, both P.G. Chambers School Kids Count students. Spencer cried convincingly, “Ella, let’s run the race; if you will, I will.” So Spencer and Ella took off as the siren sounded, Spencer using his walker and Ella alongside him. All of the children were off, sprinting along the course, up and around the fire truck, and back down to cross the finish line and receive their medals. Most children had finished by the time Spencer and Ella were approaching the finish line. Clearly, it was taking Spencer a little longer to get around the course. When the spectators realized that Spencer was approaching the finish line, the cheers began. “You can do it Spencer!” and “You’re almost there!” could be heard throughout the crowd, and with a smile on his face, Spencer was nearing the finish. Ella, who could have easily sprinted ahead, ran alongside Spencer the entire race. In her best “slow-mo” Chariots of Fire stride, she held Spencer’s hand, and finished the race with him. As they crossed the finish line together, everyone smiled, cheering with joy at this very special moment. There were very few dry eyes, and it was the perfect ending to a great day. The Walk.Run.Fun 5K was an incredible event that impacted PGCS on a number of levels. First, nearly $50,000 was raised for PGCS; and second, it provided an opportunity for members of the community who may not otherwise know our school to interact with our students and learn what PGCS is all about. “We are looking forward to next year’s 5K,” exclaimed Erin Budwick, parent and event chair, “where we will make an even greater impact on PGCS and the local community.”

LEFT Ella & Spencer stay together throughout the race. A perfect day for a run – or a walk! They’re off! The start of the Children’s Run.

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Sue and Greg’s dedication to the school, and their volunteer hours, are supported by Exxon Corporation with matching gifts. Exxon has and will continue to support their philanthropic efforts. The Sherowskis are influential in both the classroom and in their significant role financially in supporting our mission. The volunteer program, V.I.N.E.S. (Volunteers Inspiring New Experiences for Students) at P.G. Chambers School provides opportunities for special projects that enrich the student’s school experience, while raising community awareness of services for children with disabilities. We welcome individuals as well as community, school, and corporate groups to get involved. If you are interested in joining V.I.N.E.S., please visit our website and complete a volunteer form today!

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P.G. Chambers School, volunteers make a significant difference for our students, staff, families, and the community. Sunny O’Toole, and Sue and Greg Sherowski are three of the longest serving volunteers, with a combined total of 30 years in Class 2 at P.G. Chambers School. Sunny O’Toole, mother of five, and a self-proclaimed “latebloomer”, pursued her education at Seton Hall University after her children had grown. She became interested in volunteering, particularly with children, at Saint Barnabas Medical Center and The Valerie Fund Children’s Center in Morristown. Sunny tells us, “I feel such enjoyment when I am able to spend time with children. I found PGCS on a Sunday in 2002 leaving church, and being the inquisitive person I am, it wasn’t long before I walked through the doors of PGCS.” Sunny reflects, “I thought I was a wonderful person because I was helping children who needed it.” Only a month later, she realized that she was receiving more than she was giving. After two years of helping in the library and music classes, she found herself in Linda Cook’s class – and the rest was history! The friendly banter between teacher and volunteer marks their great relationship. Each Tuesday, Sunny’s charismatic energy signals a welcome from the class reminiscent of Norm’s entrances on the TV series, Cheers. Sunny enjoys reading classic novels to the class, a chapter each week, and is amazed at how the students know exactly where they left off, bursting with excitement to read on. During one session, Natalie, one of the students, playfully pokes Sunny and says, “Sunny! Come on!” It is apparent that Sunny is a beloved volunteer, not only by the students, but by the staff and families as well. Sunny quotes Father Jude, of Notre Dame Church, “You make a life

by what you give, and what I give here … it makes my life.” Sue and Greg Sherowski have been volunteering in Class 2 for ten fulfilling years. Sue was introduced to the school by her good friend, Sunny O’Toole. Recently retired, Sue wanted to do volunteer work. She thought “why not” when Sunny suggested joining her at PGCS for a half day and, in Sue’s words, “A half day turned into ten years.” Sue reflects, “The moment I stepped into the classroom, the warmth, joy, and overall positive atmosphere surrounded me and I did not want to leave – I realized that I was exactly where I needed to be.” When Sue began her volunteering here, her husband, Greg, was working at Exxon. Soon after Greg retired from Exxon, and aware of Sue’s passion for the school, he naturally followed. Greg began acting as an extra pair of hands, painting, writing, playing ball outside … doing whatever was needed in Class 2. He also brought his love for chess to the class. One student, Patrick, took a strong liking to chess … and Greg. Soon Patrick became a pro. “Patrick loves to win,” Greg observed, “and chess proved to be the perfect outlet for his competitive spirit.” Patrick began to take chess outside the walls of PGCS, and won several trophies in state, regional, and national tournaments. Patrick, now in high school, and Greg plan to continue spending time together – and of course fit in some chess. Sue and Greg both enjoy watching how Linda teaches. The students in her class are very diverse and Linda is able to create lessons and hands-on activities for each of them. Greg marvels at the children’s remarkable learning and seeing their daily improvements. Linda is just as thankful to her volunteers, as they are appreciative for the experience. “The classroom wouldn’t run as smoothly without their help. When I plan for my day or my week, they are a part of that, and I am so thankful,” states Linda Cook. RIGHT Patrick shows one of his chess tournament trophies to his chess mentor, Greg. In the spirit of Halloween, Sue(l) and Greg show the children how to carve a pumpkin. Sunny reads to her beloved students. Sue in the classroom with Victoria, in 2005. Sunny and Victoria (same student in picture above) in 2012. Victoria came back as an alumnus to watch the next year’s class graduate from PGCS. chambersschool.org 13

technology update

It’s not about the equipment, it’s about the world of opportunities that the equipment brings to a child

breaking down barriers with the assistive technology program

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very week, the large therapy gym at P.G. Chambers School is filled with the energy of innovation, animated discussion, problemsolving, trialing and adapting, when the space is transformed into the Assistive Technology Program (AT Program), a new initiative at the school. P.G. Chambers School has offered clinics for orthotics, mobility, communication, and functional skills for many years, however, now we have gathered all the clinics under one umbrella, the Assistive Technology (AT) Program. The program provides a 360-degree view of what a child needs to access the curriculum, move, learn, play, and participate at school and at home. Participation is key – if the technology does not facilitate participation; it is not doing its job.

Tablets can be used as a touchscreen computer or used with a switch. A switch is used by connecting the switch to a switch interface which then connects to the USB port. On this AT Program day, Brandon was getting his first wheelchair, a crucial step to independence. It is important to understand, reminds his physical therapist, that the chair is not

meant to be Brandon’s only way of moving (he can walk using a walker), but will be one important way for him to navigate school and home. After a thorough look at his seating, modifications were made for proper posture for Brandon to push his wheelchair. With mom, dad, and the vendor looking on, Brandon’s therapists helped him make his first tentative movements in the chair. His smile said everything. In an adjacent section of the room, a child walked in her stocking feet. The AT Program physical therapy team watched, along with her parents, an orthotist, and her physical therapist. Foremost in their minds was, “What support does she need to fully participate in walking at school and at home?” They were closely

a variety of situations, throughout her day, at school, and at home. The amazing and dynamic process began… Teacher: In the classroom, the chair is fine for working independently, but Olivia is isolated during a group lesson, when other students are seated around a table or in front of the SMART Board™. At these times, Olivia is not physically a member of the group. Can the tablet be mounted and the switches positioned so that Olivia can use them when she is seated at the table or standing in the stander, and when at home? Solution: Mounting the tablet and switches on a tray will allow Olivia to use them in a consistent position, either seated or standing in her different equipment throughout the day.

Scanning is an access mode for individuals with limited motor control. Scanning is used with switches that are appropriate to the students. Scanning may be visual, auditory, or a combination of both. Scanning can also be used as row/column, quadrant, step, and linear. www.Asha.org observing her leg position, foot alignment, and gait patterns for speed, efficiency, and quality. They would use this information to make a decision for casting the most appropriate type of ankle-foot orthosis or AFO (an AFO provides stability and helps develop a normal walking pattern). In another corner of the room, the AT Team was gathered around Olivia. They were engaged in advanced problem-solving to address Olivia’s team’s concerns about providing the supports that Olivia needs to use a tablet with corresponding switches for scanning and making choices. In the classroom, Olivia often sits in a special chair that supports her with a tray attached to the chair. The chair is fine for working alone, but Olivia is isolated during a

Speech-language pathologist: Which mount can be placed in a variety of positions? Occupational therapist: Olivia uses broad sweeping swipes to access the tablet. When the switch is very close to her, she will hit it repetitively and not purposefully, interfering with her learning. The current position of the mount is interfering with Olivia’s access to the tablet. Solution: Move the switch further away from Olivia. Problem: When the switch is too close to the mounted tablet, Olivia is touching the tablet and turning it off or opening up other programs. Solution 1: Try the Daisy Mount™, which another student who has similar challenges in isolating finger movements uses successfully.

Switches are at the core of access technology. What can appear to some as simply a “button” can — properly selected and installed — open worlds of access to communication devices, environmental controls, computer software, and mobile devices. A consistent point of access is determined by the team. Types of switches include head, finger, hand, grip, etc. www.ablenetinc.com group lesson around the table or in front of a SMART Board™. Her teacher wanted Olivia to use the tablet while in her stander or sitting at the table. Each professional on the team was considering one objective: to position and mount a tablet so that Olivia can access the switch in

Instantly, the mount was tried on Olivia’s chair, but immediately another problem arose. The mount was too heavy. Solution 2: Try the Variable Friction Mount™, a mount that can be attached to a variety of surfaces and easily positioned and re-positioned for best access. This mount was

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retrieved from the AT Tool Kit, placed directly on the tray, and trialed. Olivia’s speechlanguage pathologist moved in and began working on the lesson with the tablet. Olivia was able to scan the material on the tablet and use her switch to make a choice. Success! Solution 3: The following week the team created an overlay for the tray (with tri-wall and Velcro) that can be transported and

An Orthotist is a person who designs, fabricates, and fits braces or other orthopedic appliances prescribed by physicians. transferred to different positions for use in the stander or at home. And so it went… The final outcome to this incredible collaboration was developed two months later. After trialing overlay (described above) with success, the team gathered thermoplastic and power tools. They heated the switch mounts to bend the plastic, and drilled the plastic to securely mount the switches to a tray overlay. This was the solution to all of the issues identified. One was created for home use as well! There are many challenges for the therapists: emotional as well as intellectual or clinical. Thinking foremost of the child’s unique needs, there is no simple or single solution. There is the consideration of “technology abandonment” – if the technology is too cumbersome or difficult to use, it will defeat its purpose and not be used. Recommendations are very serious decisions; a student may need to use a particular piece of equipment for three to five years and it may be quite costly. The team must think future, as well as now. What will the future challenges be? And will this “now” solution work over time? “Often we try to trial equipment and technology for a student before recommending

a purchase,” says Julie Haggerty, DPT and AT Program Coordinator. “In the past years, through our Menus for the Mind wish list we were able to assemble an extensive AT Tool Kit that gives us the opportunity to use and trial the most cutting-edge technology available.” The continuing gifts and the assistive technology expertise of our staff have resulted in very exciting innovations for using technology at P.G. Chambers School. “It is these kinds of innovations that we must continually research and implement at P.G. Chambers School, if we are to maintain our state-of-the-art level of education and services for children with disabilities,” concludes executive director, Susan Seamans.


For the therapists, the challenge is thinking foremost of the child’s unique needs, and typically there is no single or simple solution.

The key to assistive technology in the classroom and at home is participation — if the technology does not facilitate participation; it is not doing its job.

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If you would like to honor Edee, Dawn, or Valerie with a gift to Legacies, please visit chambersschool.org/make-a-gift.html and click “Legacies Retiree Campaign�, or call Andrea C. Quigley, Director of Development at 973.829.8484.

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A Retirement Tribute for Edee Levey, Dawn Fontana, and Valerie Bialous BY ANDREA C. QUIGLEY


ith congratulations and much appreciation, P.G. Chambers School announced the retirement of three long-time, outstanding school leaders – Edee Levey, Dawn Fontana, and Valerie Bialous. Edee Levey, Assistant Director and Principal, has seen the school through an incredible expansion and transition, becoming the highly acclaimed academic program that it is today for children with multiple disabilities. Edee’s vision has been to serve children significantly challenged both physically and cognitively in a comprehensive educational and therapeutic setting that supports the school’s unique approach to learning. When parents come to visit, it is Edee who opens the doors, and her heart, to them. “At the end of our tour,” a parent commented, “we knew that we wanted our child at this school. Edee’s warm welcome, confidence, and genuine empathy, made our decision.” Edee’s most recent accomplishment has been establishing a collaborative high school program for students with significant disabilities, housed in a local high school. “For so many years,” Edee reflected, “I heard our families say, please – why don’t we have a high school? So, when the time was right, we worked with a community partner to make it happen. It was a joy to bring our philosophy to the high school environment.”

Dawn Fontana, Director of Nursing, made it her life’s work to know and care for thousands of children with disabilities in her 27 years at P.G. Chambers School. Her leadership as a health care provider was infused into the fabric of the school. The health and safety of each child at the school was foremost for Dawn, and as she said, “It was a joy to come to work every day, knowing that we were making a difference.” Dawn was not only a heath care provider, but also a true confidant, supporting each family in their unique journey. An almost impossible task, Dawn established the essential trust that each family must feel to entrust their child to our care. As a colleague, Dawn consistently helped the staff see things from the family perspective. Her insights made an incredible contribution to the quality of education that our school is recognized for throughout the state. Valerie Bialous, Director of Early Intervention, has spent her career advocating for infants and toddlers with disabilities. She was instrumental in working on legislation for infants and toddlers with disabilities in the state, years prior to the passage of the federal legislation supporting early intervention. Early intervention begins with the first phone call and it is Valerie who establishes the relationship with the young parents who have just heard the news that their child has a disability, or with the mother, worried that her child is not doing things like his older brother. And with the father, who is managing his feelings, while at the same time being the strength for his family. Valerie has honed this unique talent to perfection in the 30 years that she has led our early intervention program. Valerie’s vision to provide support as early as possible sets the stage for all that we do as a child grows and develops at the school. She is a master collaborator, working with state systems, colleagues in the field, and programs at the school, to develop the very best in intervention services for this highly vulnerable population. To honor the many years of service, dedication, and accomplishments of these extraordinary women, P.G. Chambers School has established Legacies, a fund restricted to our endowment that will secure the future of our programs for children with disabilities for many years to come. Legacies will continue the lifetime work of Edee, Dawn, and Valerie, creating groundbreaking initiatives in special education, health, and early intervention. Gifts from individuals, corporate donors, and foundations will ensure the continuation of our school’s excellence in special education, something our honorees worked so hard to achieve.

ABOVE Edee Levey, Dawn Fontana, Valerie Bialous

The New Jersey Chapter of DEC (Division of Early Childhood, Council of Exceptional Children), has selected Valerie Bialous to be the recipient of the Lucille Weistuch Award to honor her extraordinary work in early intervention for the state of New Jersey. This award includes a donation in Valerie’s name to P.G. Chambers School Legacies Fund. Congratulations, Valerie.

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Kids Count Child Care

20 potential fall 2014

Setting Standards for Early Childhood Education BY RENEE GITTO WITH CAROLYN YOUNG

Kids Count

Child Care at P.G. Chambers School is a communitybased child care center for infant, toddler, preschool, and pre-K children, six weeks to five years of age. Our mission is to provide children with a safe, nurturing environment where they will grow, learn, communicate, develop friendships, and be happy. This year, Kids Count Child Care was invited to participate in a groundbreaking pilot project called Grow New Jersey Kids. The plan will build higher quality care and provide public information about individual programs through a statewide quality rating improvement system (QRIS). Fifty-six sites in Middlesex, Somerset, Morris, and Essex counties are piloting Grow New Jersey Kids. Results, in the form of quality ratings, will serve as a basis for professional development and other program improvements. The standards established through Grow NJ Kids will provide a road map for improving the quality of child care programs. Grow NJ Kids will expand from the pilot of 56 programs to 1,790 early learning and development programs over four years. The pilot and related QRIS are part of the New Jersey Early Learning Plan, funded by the $44.3 million Race To The Top (RTTT) Early Learning Challenge Grant, helping improve access to high-quality early learning and development programs for thousands of children throughout the state. “We are extremely proud to be asked to participate in the pilot study,” states Carolyn Young, Director, Kids Count. “The funding will set standards to guide the quality of programming, broaden training, and affords parents with a Consumer Reports-like rating system for early learning providers.”

The New Jersey Early Learning Plan contains other initiatives to be implemented by 2018, including: • A self-sustaining Training Academy to coordinate professional development for programs that serve high-needs children. Academy staff and specialists will provide training to approximately 20,000 early childhood educators and related staff. • An aligned set of early learning standards from birth to grade three. For information about fees, enrollment, or to visit Kids Count Child Care, contact director, Carolyn Young at young@ chambersschool.org

• T he NJ Kindergarten Entry Assessment (NJKEA) to help teachers determine a starting point for each child’s instruction. • A wareness activities for families about Grow NJ Kids, especially culturally and linguistically diverse families, through the use of multilingual documents, video clips, and online resources. • A lignment of data systems among the four state agencies involved with early learning, improving communication and evaluation of initiatives. chambersschool.org 21

feature story


Chambers School prides itself on helping our students advocate for themselves and preparing them to transition to the next step on their journey. This past year, nine students worked hard and were ready to move from PGCS on to high school. Below are excerpts from each student’s graduation speech where they eloquently express the impact PGCS has had on their lives. “Everyone at P.G. Chambers School made me confident enough to move on to high school. You helped me do what I didn’t think possible. You helped me grow up. You helped me see my life and talk through my problems if something was bothering me. Talking through my problems makes me feel like a better person. You encouraged me to speak up and advocate for myself.” – Sarah



“I loved coming to this school for so many years and I wish I didn’t have to leave. I have had so much fun here. All my memories are happy ones. Today, I will graduate from one of my most favorite places and I will be moving on to high school. P.G. Chambers School will be in my heart forever.” – Summer “My name is Elise and I feel sad about leaving P.G. Chambers School. I will miss my teachers Laura, Mary, Lynn, Wendy, and Cheryl. I look forward to attending ECLC (Early Childhood Learning Center) where I will have a locker.” – Elise “I feel sad to leave all my friends at P.G. Chambers School. I enjoyed listening to CNN student news to learn what is happening in the world. This was my favorite activity because I liked answering the shout out questions. I want to thank Miss Laura for helping me be my best. She made learning fun.” – Grace “I want to thank Miss Wendy for helping me make green choices and staying green all day. I will miss assisting Miss Cheryl to get the calendar and schedule ready for the next day. I give a special thank you to Miss Sasha for being an amazing reading teacher. I want to thank all my teachers for helping me be the best I can be.” – Justin “I will miss the good friends I made at P.G. Chambers School. I was happy participating in Dancing Wheels with the music teacher Margey. I will miss my teachers Laura, Wendy, Cheryl, Miss Lynne, Mary Lynn, and Betsy.” – Raffi “I feel sad to leave P.G. Chambers School. I will miss all my friends, especially Derek, Raffi, Joshua, Justin, and Matthew. I love using my communication device to learn new vocabulary words. Thank you to Betsy and Mary Lynn for programming my talker and giving me a voice at school to participate in academics and to tell my family what I did at school.” – Owen

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“I have been a student at P.G. Chambers School for a long time. I participated in the Dance Movement Group for the past three years and the vocal group for two years. I will miss making announcements to let our staff know the Middle School Café is open and reading the recipe directions for me friends during cooking class. I would like to thank all my teachers and therapists for all of their help.” – Matthew “P.G. Chambers School has prepared me well and I am so excited for high school. With all of the knowledge that I have gained here, I feel that I am ready. I will miss all of the wonderful people here, but I will take all of the happy memories and the lessons I have learned with me. Thank you again to my parents and all of the teachers, therapists, and staff that have made me ready to take this next step in my life.” – Patrick Patrick has transitioned to Roxbury High School where, through a collaborative effort, P.G. Chambers School has partnered with Roxbury to implement a high school program entitled VISTA. It is in this program, that students are able to participate in a typical high school setting while still receiving the proper educational assistance and therapy that they need. While it is always a sad time to see our friends leaving us, we know that they are ready to move on and take that next step, literally and figuratively, towards discovering their unique potential. Congratulations and good luck to the graduating class of 2014 in their freshman school year.

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LEFT Sarah, Summer, Elise, Grace RIGHT Justin, Raffi, Owen, Matthew, Patrick

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cover story BY ANDREA C. QUIGLEY

60 the power of

“Happiness is the joy you feel on the journey to discovering your potential.” At P.G. Chambers School, each child is on this journey of discovering his or her potential. And the first emotion you perceive upon entering P.G. Chambers School is happiness. “This is a happy place.” You see it in the smiles of the students, you experience it in the kindness of the staff, you know it through the confidence of families who entrust their children to us. And there is great power in this happiness! In 1954, the power of a small group of parents began a structured effort to meet the needs of their children with disabilities. Today, 60 years later, the power of that small group has made P.G. Chambers School a leader in special education and therapies for over 800 children each year… and one of the happiest places to be! As we have learned from our history, all it takes is small group of dedicated people to make a difference. Building on the legacy of our founders, the Powerof60 Campaign was envisioned. The Campaign is focused on three objectives: (1) to help reach the development goal of $1,049,000 in the 2014-2015 school year; (2) to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the school through raising awareness of the impact of PGCS on children with disabilities; and (3) to bring new friends and donors who will continue and expand the support of our current donors.

the possibilities are limitless

24 potential fall 2014


PLAN. DO. REVIEW. At P.G. Chambers School, our goal is to provide the highest quality education. For our preschool students, this begins with the HighScope curriculum.

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The HighScope curriculum has five key objectives. These are: • to develop children’s abilities to use a variety of skills in creative arts and physical movement • to develop children’s knowledge of objects as a base for educational concepts • to develop children’s abilities to speak, dramatize, and graphically represent their experiences and communicate these experiences to other children and adults • to develop children’s abilities to work with others, make decisions about what to do and how to do it, and plan their use of time and energy • to develop children’s abilities to apply their newly acquired reasoning capacities in a wide range of naturally occurring situations and with a variety of materials


P.G. Chambers School (PGCS), our goal is to provide the highest quality education for our students and this begins for our preschool students with the HighScope curriculum. “Three years ago, we chose this curriculum as the best fit for our students with multiple disabilities,” states Heather Gilliland, Principal. “In HighScope,” she continues, “the teacher designs a classroom program that reflects the expressed needs and interests of the children in the class.” This is reflective of the PGCS philosophy, where we begin with learning about a student’s strengths and skills, then design learning activities to match those skills. In HighScope, the teacher identifies the child’s developmental age and abilities by examining his or her strengths and accomplishments. The HighScope curriculum is also a good choice for the PGCS preschool program because it reflects best practice in special education, particularly with very young students. At PGCS, the consistent use of adaptive and assistive technology for communication and movement supports the program. The teams of teachers and therapists work to provide developmentally appropriate experiences in the classroom that reflect key goals for preschool education. In HighScope classrooms, every day there is scheduled time when the students are given the opportunity to choose which activity they would like to do and how they would like to participate. One of our students, Connor, spends most of his day in a wheelchair and cannot move independently. However, within the HighScope classroom, he was able to make a choice and access the curriculum. A teacher’s assistant in Connor’s classroom, Luz, shared, “Through his communication device, Connor told us that he wanted to play with blocks in the classroom. However, Connor does not have the fine motor skills to manipulate the blocks with his hands. Therefore, I needed to figure out a way for him to play with the blocks. Children of his developmental age typically build a tower and knock it down. So I laid him on his back and stacked the blocks on his stomach. He then

let out a large breath, moving his stomach and knocking the blocks over.” With the help of an assistant, Connor was able to act on his decision to play with blocks and was able to accomplish what he set out to do. During another free choice session, student, Junior, who is not able to read words and rarely communicates verbally, wanted to play with

CONSISTENT USE OF ADAPTIVE AND ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR COMMUNICATION AND MOVEMENT SUPPORTS THE HIGHSCOPE PROGRAM magnetic letters. However, instead of placing the letters on the magnetic board, Junior decided to match the letters to those that are woven into the fabric of the floor rug. Junior’s therapists observed his matching skills and realized that he was able to recognize letters. The teacher worked with Junior to expand this matching skill to recognize letters and eventually recognize words within books. Through an environment set up to stimulate choices and unstructured play, Junior demonstrated his strengths and skills that were eventually used for improving his recognition of words. HighScope’s “plan-do-review” sequence involves children in decision-making and problem-solving situations throughout the day. The education team’s role is to support the children’s decisions and encourage them to extend learning beyond the original plan. The team also relies on a basic room arrangement and daily routine designed to stimulate and support active learning. In Classroom 5, the students were learning about the concept of air. To teach this concept, teacher, Joyce Lewis, showed the students bubbles, demonstrating that the bubble was filled with air. During the HighScope lesson, Jayden pointed to a bucket in the classroom saying he wanted to go to the “air” station. Jayden wanted to create bubbles with air inside

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mOve to LeArN


early August, we were thrilled to receive a grant from the Margaret and Peter Chang Foundation to expand our work with the HighScope curriculum in our preschool classrooms. The project, called Move to Learn, combines cutting-edge research on the importance of movement, with the HighScope curriculum. “The Move to Learn Project will have a significant impact on early childhood education for children with disabilities,” remarks executive director, Susan Seamans. “With this project, we are making a bold move, changing the way children traditionally learn in a classroom, and bringing a new perspective to learning based on the factors related to a child’s physical condition and health.” Maria Smith, Director of Physical Therapy, goes on to explain, “We often observe students expending so much energy just to hold their heads up, that they have very little energy left for learning. Observations like this have led us to hypothesize: ‘If we remove the physical stress of certain traditional learning positions, can we free a child’s mind to attend, be motivated, and learn?’ ” Preliminary results from our Move to Learn pilot study in the 20132014 school year say that we can. This is extremely exciting in that it is breaching the, sometime unconscious, gap between educational objectives and therapeutic objectives, bringing the disciplines together for the best outcomes for children. We are extremely grateful to the Margaret and Peter Chang Foundation for helping us bring this project further. It is our intention to expand Move to Learn across the entire school as we develop a greater understanding of the connections between movement and learning.

them using the bucket and communicated this plan effectively. In the next 30 minutes, most of the class had moved to the “air” station, having fun creating and popping bubbles. “Every student went home that day understanding the concept that air was inside a bubble,” said Joyce. “As a teacher, it is so rewarding to know that they understood.” Because of Jayden’s desire to learn more about “air”, and the physical environment of the classroom that allowed him access to what he wanted, not only Jayden, but the entire class went home having learned something new. While we believe strongly that HighScope is improving learning, it is not without its challenges. As described above, in a HighScope classroom, children move through various learning

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stations throughout their day, making choices, exploring ideas and materials, and learning in a very self-initiated way. We know that, by the very nature of their disabilities, our students are often in a reactive state, waiting for tasks, activities, and interventions to be presented; rather than making choices and discovering their individual preferences, learning styles, and what motivates them to learn. This has been a challenge for the 50+ years since education became a right for all children, regardless of their abilities. Therefore, to implement HighScope we have needed to create environments and provide supports that will help our students actively and independently engage in learning in a way that, for those with physical disabilities, is often unavailable.


Every day there is scheduled time when the students are given the opportunity to choose what activity they would like to do and how they would like to participate. HighScope engages children in decision-making and problem-solving situations throughout the day.

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on the Green



Susan Seamans; Bill Haskel, trustee; Danielle Strazza, PGCS parent; and PGCS students at the Golf Classic at Canoe Brook Country Club.


Essex Fells Country Club was home to the Golf Classic from 2006 – 2008.


P.G. Chambers School celebrates the ten year anniversary of the Golf Classic, one of the school’s most successful fundraising events, and honors chair Eric Monsen.

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behaviors and use “green” skills. Earning points generates rewards, such as pushing a friend in her wheelchair, or leading the E.S.T.E.A.M. lesson for the day.


hen traveling through the halls of P.G. Chambers School, one may hear, “Jessica, pushing your friends is a red choice.” Making choices and understanding what choices mean is a critically important life skill that students at PGCS are learning through the E.S.T.E.A.M. Program (Empowering Students Through Environment, Ability, and Motivation). Originally modified in 2009 by its developer, Rachel Kendall, for use at P.G. Chambers School, the program is a social skills-based approach used to set a positive, independent, and empowering tone for behavioral support and social development in the classroom and create a consistent, solid foundation for students’ academic readiness. Over the past five years, the program has grown and is now infused into the day-to-day curriculum at PGCS. The purpose of having a social skills-based program built into the classroom is to give students the ability to clearly learn, use, and, eventually, retain, specific social skills that will improve their social, behavioral, and academic progress both in school and beyond. E.S.T.E.A.M. provides students with a positive, concrete, and consistent way to monitor their own social-emotional choices. Laura Jaarsma, a PGCS middle school teacher who uses the program daily, tells us, “There is a very strong emphasis on the term choice, because, throughout the school day, the students’ choices will either gain or limit the options they have in the classroom. All of these choices revolve around whether or not they are showing the appropriate social skills that are taught directly and practiced concretely every day.” There are several classroom activities and strategies designed for the program. Basic to all, is that students’ choices are linked to a color, something easily understood. Students make and judge choices with the help of teachers and friends. These choices are red choices, yellow choices, and green choices. Red choices take points away, and green choices earn points. Yellow choices generate opportunities to change 32 potential fall 2014


The program instills the idea of independence and making choices as an empowering set of skills that students can own within their classroom. This sends the message that their CHOICES are in fact theirs and that they can control their OWN behavior. This system negates the feeling of punishment, blame, or shame in the student-teacher relationship. When students are taught the social skills to use in their classroom, they can demonstrate the behaviors that are necessary in an effective academic environment. Also, when a student does not make an appropriate choice and the teacher redirects her by telling her to move herself to a different color, the student realizes that this is not about the teacher being “mad” at her, but instead it’s simply about not making the appropriate choice.


In establishing empowerment, students realize that their social skills can help them become a better classroom team, and work together to help their friends. This sense of mastery, combined with generosity, creates an ultimate sense of joy and independence for students. With linking the concrete colors to the choices they are making, students will begin to understand that their social skills play a positive part in their day, and it gives THEM the control they ultimately want and deserve as independent, developing young adults. Conversely, they will also begin to understand that when they make “yellow” or “red” choices, they have far less control over what they can do and fewer options they like. These are the natural consequences of displaying a lack of social skills in the real world, where making poor choices interferes with independence, thereby not earning fun and enjoyable or desired rewards. E.S.T.E.A.M. is written in three modules that cover the necessary components for proactive and empowering social-emotional learning. The three modules are:

ENVIRONMENT, ABILITY & MOTIVATION The first module of E.S.T.E.A.M. is Environment, the foundation or “solid ground” that provides the motivation for developing the social skills that will follow. Environment helps create a classroom climate that is both verbally and

This is a program that Empowering provides students with a positive, concrete, Students Through and consistent way to monitor their own socialEnvironment, emotional choices Ability, and Motivation BY ANDREA C. QUIGLEY WITH LAURA JAARSMA

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physically conducive to positive social-emotional learning. In Laura’s classroom, she has a designated “rebuilding area” where students can sit quietly, and work with a teacher, assistant, or friend to come up with a solution to a “red” behavior, and emerge ready to put her plan in place to change red to green. The second module of E.S.T.E.A.M. is Ability, creating the energy or “fire” to ignite positive student choices. Through this module students are taught concrete social skills that they can use not only to curb negative behavioral habits, but also to learn new, dynamic, and most of all REAL skills that they can master as their own. Laura introduces a new social skill to her students each week, and students practice these new skills daily. The third module of E.S.T.E.A.M. is Motivation, the sustaining, cyclical feature that will help students to be motivated to keep up positive choice-making, and also to motivate each other. This last aspect allows students to come “full circle” and it re-connects them to their innate ability to be leaders, motivators, and possess true ownership of their successes by sharing them with a larger community (their classroom or beyond!). Students take turns leading the E.S.T.E.A.M. social skills lesson, and begin generalizing these skills to their home and community. Laura often customizes E.S.T.E.A.M. materials for parents to use at home to help their students manage behaviors at home, that they have mastered in school. This ability to generalize behaviors to new places and situations is the ultimate goal of the program.

The program’s social skills-based approach is used to set a positive, independent, and empowering tone for behavioral support and social development in the classroom and create a consistent, solid foundation for students’ academic readiness.

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Julia leads the class in the E.S.T.E.A.M. lesson.


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special events

P.G. Chambers School


Thank you to our sponsors









R O YA L F L U S H Chambers School, along with many longtime supporters and new friends, D&B R

S hosted CASINO An Evening to Experience on Saturday March 1, 2014. P O N S O This year’s gala event exceeded all expectations. With more gaming tables, a grand cocktail hour, a continuous buffet, and an open bar, matched with the comfortable JACKPOT CKPO A everyone elegance of the Park Avenue Club, a uniquely philanthropic organization, J The Christie Family Foundation enjoyed a fabulous evening. The gala included one-of-a kind silent auction experiences, the always popular Tony Esposito Jr. Foundation Texas Hold ‘Em tournament, and a grand cocktail reception, all toS support and MCJ Amelior Foundation P O N S O maintain excellence in programs and services for children with disabilities at P.G. P.G. Chambers School Board of Trustees Chambers School. OF A Technology arrived at this year’s casino night, and guests were greeted by staff R volunteers with iPads, making registration a breeze. This year also featured the F O U R O F A K I N D return of the Social Media Lounge sponsored by D&B, where guests posted to Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D. and Larry Thompson S Facebook and Tweeted about the evening in a relaxed atmosphere away from the P O N S O excitement of the gaming rooms. “When people tell you ‘we don’t want to leave – can you stay open another hour?’, you know you have had a successful event,” L HOU L FULL HOUSE said Michele Bonanno and Danielle Strazza, event co-chairs. An elegant fundraiser, CASINO An Evening to Experience invited guests to Michele and Anthony Bonanno dress their best, try their luck, and enjoy friends and family. The highlight of the Breakaway Technologies, Inc. S evening was a short video “Champion”, featuring still photos and video P of PGCS Danielle and William Strazza O N S O students at their best, followed by a spirited “Sponsor a Child Auction” led by development committee member, Wendy Tait, Managing Director, Park Avenue OF A K Club. This year the special auction raised over $25,000. “In total the 2014 casino T W O O F A K I N D night raised over $130,000, making it our most successful ever,” said Andrea C. Patti and Ray Chambers • Glenmede Quigley, Director of Development. “All proceeds will bridge the gap in services The Haverford Trust Company • The Tarpey Gro Save the Date S for the more than 800 children with disabilities served by our school.” P O N S O CathyCASINO and Jeff Walsh Thank you to all our sponsors: D&B, The Christie Family Foundation, Tony Esposito, Jr. Foundation, MCJ Amelior Foundation, P.G. Bond for the Children CE ABOVE Chambers School Board of Trustees, Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D. and A S A C EAvenue S Park Club Event co-chairs, Larry Thompson, Michele and Anthony Bonanno, Breakaway Technologies, Balady Promotions, Inc. • Dianne and Ray Bonan Michele Bonanno and Inc., Danielle and William Strazza, Patti and Ray Chambers, Glenmede, The Michele M. and Jerry A. Bruno S Danielle Strazza Haverford Trust Company, The Tarpey Group, Cathy and Jeff Walsh, Balady P O CMC Adaptive Seating & Home • Maggie Neary S O Promotions, Inc., Dianne and Ray Bonanno, Michele M. and Jerry A.N Bruno, It was a fabulous evening CMC Adaptive Seating and Home, and Maggie Neary, and all our supporters, for friends and supporters for making the night... shine bright for the children! of PGCS. K

















March 7, 2015

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To all the dedicated members of the Auxiliary, we thank you for your devotion to and advocacy for P.G. Chambers School. Shirley Balch, Joyce Blackford, Harriet Broadwin, Nancy Cooper, Lisa D’Amico, Ruth Dickinson, Janet Engelmann, Ann Fawcett, Barbara Fernot, Elaine Gebel, Jill Gillette, Renee Gitto, Dee Goldstein, Flora Grossman, Patricia Healy, Kathleen Hoch, Doris Huyler, Barbara Jacobus, Lonia Kaletkowski, Ruth Kalish, Ruth Kantrowitz, Barbara Kimpland, Anny Korn, Marion Kump, Janet Lentz, Dorothy Lind, Elizabeth Maginness, Sonya Messer, Jeanne Nichols, Nancy Perkalis, Andrea C. Quigley, Judith Richards, Barbara Scheckman, Helen Schuyler, Francine P. Schwartz, Margaret Siegmund, Doris Smith, Irene Solondz, Verna Sullivan, Helen Szeeley, Mitzi Szerlip, Janet Tamburini, Carolyn Trapold, Dot Walek, Theresa Walsh, and Joan Zarnick


In Loving Memory With great sadness, the Auxiliary remembers two members who have passed this year. Tribute gifts were made in memory of Toby Messer and Frances “Buddy” Hollander. Both women were long-time members of the Auxiliary and played influential roles in the support of the school and the community.

Toby Messer


“ The Auxiliary was so saddened to report the loss of Toby Messer. Toby was a staunch supporter of our school from the beginning. She participated in every fundraiser and went on all our theatre trips – she was our go-to gal. When Notre Dame Church built the original school building that now houses P.G. Chambers School, it was Toby’s husband, Sol’s, construction company that did the building. Toby was loved and will be terribly missed by her family of four generations. Also by us, who knew her all these years as our dear friend. Godspeed Toby.”

Frances F.“Buddy” Hollander


“ With great sadness we announce the passing of Frances “Buddy” Hollander. A native of Morristown, Buddy lived here all of her life, and was married to her childhood sweetheart, Samuel. Together they helped form Temple B’nai Or, owned and operated Stonybrook Day Camp for 27 years, loved the arts, baking, traveling, walked daily, played golf, and loved their large family. Buddy was a long-time member and a loyal supporter of “our kids” and we thank her. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her family.”

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the 2012-13 school year, physical therapist, Kristin Young, was promoted to Director of Contract Services. With the growing need to respond to schools with physical, occupational, and speech therapy services, it was a natural step in P.G. Chambers School’s organizational development to create a Contract Services Department to better support the services we provide in the community. This year we have established 15 separate school contracts, providing therapy to over 650 children. We have also launched an effort, within the contract services department, to identify a second school district and establish a high school class modeled on the VISTA program, our collaborative class at Roxbury High School. Kristin, having worked in contracts for PGCS for many years, is building strong relationships with school personnel, allowing PGCS to respond to the needs of classroom teachers. “This is having an enormous impact on inclusive placement for children with disabilities in the community,” states Kristin. “I am thrilled to have PGCS in this role.”


Kristin with PGCS student Patrick; the Aquatics Program is part of the physical therapy program at our school.

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Learn more about Kristin by reading five questions with Kristin Young, PT, DPT, PGCS Director of Contract Services.

1. What part of your job as Director of Contract Services are you most proud of? I am honored to be the first PGCS employee to hold this position and proud to be able to bring our cutting-edge services to students in the community through Contract Services. In this role, my major responsibility is to be an ambassador in other schools and agencies, bringing our message and approach to children with disabilities to the community. I provide supervision and guidance to the therapists, allowing them to focus on delivering the best treatment possible for students in the community, as well as at PGCS. 2. What brought you to P.G. Chambers School? In 2004, I attended a continuing education class at PGCS and was drawn to the school, its mission, and dedication to children with disabilities. I was impressed with the knowledge and enthusiasm of the therapists. Also, walking around the school, the students and staff happiness and love for learning was contagious. I wanted to be a part of creating possibilities for the students at PGCS and reached out to the former director of physical therapy, Cathy Pope, to inquire about openings. The rest, as they say, is history! 3. As a physical therapist, what is your greatest accomplishment in working with children with disabilities? Seeing students become more independent and participating with other children their age is so rewarding. To know that

through our therapeutic relationships, students participate in sports, engage in recess activities, and navigate the school with confidence, are the best gifts of this position. 4. Why did you want to be a physical therapist for children with disabilities? When I was a teenager, I had a swimming injury and was helped enormously by my physical therapist. The help that I received made me want to do the same. Upon entering physical therapy school, I focused on sports therapy, and saw myself working with athletes after graduation. While in school, my final clinical placement was at Penn State, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, where I was assigned to providing physical therapy to children with disabilities. This was life changing for me. During that placement, I learned that through physical therapy for children with disabilities I could make a real difference, and from there my career path was set. 5. What motivates you? Our mission, discovering the unique potential within every child, motivates me to see that each one of them reaches his or her full potential through the therapies needed to be successful, both in school and in life. This propels me to extend our reach and implement our mission in the community, and serve a greater number of students through our Contract Services program. Oh and yes, vanilla lattes too!


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ontinuing a nineteen-year tradition of excellence, P.G. Chambers School welcomed guests to the spring Menus for the Mind Lecture Luncheon at P.G. Chambers School on May 1, 2014, featuring the fashionable and fabulous Tim Gunn. Providing appetizing and satisfying “food” for your intellect and your palate, the series continues to offer the variety and content that the Menus audience expects. On the heels of his latest season of Project Runway, Tim Gunn treated our guests to an open conversation and lecture about fashion: feeling and looking your best. Tim was introduced by Peter Crimi, PGCS technology assistant and former PGCS student. Peter shared his personal journey, growing up as child with a disability, how this has shaped his life, and what he is now able to provide as a teacher, mentor, and friend to our students. In addition to hearing Mr. Gunn and Peter’s extraordinary story, our guests met with students, visited classrooms, and participated in interactive discussions with the staff about our exciting “Beyond the Tuition” initiatives and special projects. The lobby and public areas of the school were hung with the amazing art from the Solo(s) Project House Mentorship Program: (IM)POSSIBILITIES II, and guests enjoyed sweet treats from Nicole Friday, of

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Menus for the Mind The Cupcake Craze, in our newly renovated accessible kitchen. “Tim Gunn really embraced our school – he was so very interested and kind to our students

and he was genuinely touched by Peter’s words. He has become a true friend of our school. The Menus guests have supported many cutting-edge initiatives, and our students have benefitted from the generosity of our sponsors. We are so grateful for the continuing success of Menus for the Mind,” expressed Susan Seamans, Executive Director of PGCS.

LEFT Peter Crimi shares his extraordinary testimony with Menus guests.

ABOVE Tim Gunn pays a visit to PGCS students, Connor and Ella.


Cynthia Nixon

Ted Allen

November 13, 2014 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Park Avenue Club

April 30, 2015 11:00 am – 2:00 pm P.G. Chambers School

Emmy, Tony, and Grammy Award-winner Cynthia Nixon is an actress whose prolific career spans three and a half decades. Appearing in over 40 plays – 10 on Broadway – she also starred as Miranda in HBO’s celebrated series Sex and the City. Cynthia is a vocal champion for public school education and equal rights for all.

Acclaimed chef and author, and host of the hit Food Network series Chopped, Ted has also been involved in several other successful TV productions, including Top Chef, Iron Chef America, and Queer Eye. Reserve your seat for this event by contacting Renee Gitto at 973.829.8484 or register online at chambersschool.org/events.


The series, chaired by longtime PGCS friends and development committee members, Joanne Balady and Gwen Packard, brought new and returning sponsors, including The MCJ Amelior Foundation, Park Avenue Club, Mr. & Mrs. A. Michael Lipper, Atlantic Health Foundation, Carroll, McNulty & Kull, LLC, Jill Farris, Mary Beth Flanagan, Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D., Rose Nakamura, Lynn Robbins, P.G. Chambers School Auxiliary, Glenmede, Mary Kay and John Strangfeld, Cathy and Jeff Walsh, Kim and Finn Wentworth, and Katye Stanzak. The luncheon series helps to support key programs in the school, including early intervention, Kids Count Child Care, and our private school for children with disabilities providing education and therapies for more than 800 children in the past year. In addition, special projects and initiatives, that set PGCS apart from other schools for children with disabilities, receive enormous support from our Menus guests. ABOVE Menus co-chairs, Joanne Balady & Gwen Packard, share a moment with Tim.

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42 potential fall 2014

DREAM MAKER F. M. Kirby Foundation

VISIONARY Patti and Ray Chambers The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Suzan Gordon James and Ann Haskel Hyde and Watson Foundation Daniel and Addie Kanter Park Avenue Foundation Unjeria Jackson, M.D. and Larry Thompson United Way of Northern New Jersey Morris County Office

INNOVATOR Yvonne and George Alkemade Balady Promotions, Inc. Bayer HealthCare The Christie Family Foundation Inc. Commodore Construction County of Morris – Board of Chosen Freeholders Adrianna and Anthony Esposito Timothy Gunn Carol and James Longley Jupiter Capital Management The MCJ Amelior Foundation Monsen Family Foundation Seton Hall University – Health and Medical Sciences Lucy Chen, M.D. and Calvin T. Shen, M.D. Law Office of Willam Strazza Laurie and Steve Vittorio Karen and Ted Walsh

LEADER Atlantic Health Michele and Anthony Bonanno Breakaway Technologies, Inc. Michael and Lisa Brennan Jill and David Farris Bill Freed The Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. Thomas Graham Margaret and Thomas Healey Joyce and Steven Kwasney Cynthia and Paul McNutt Rose and David Nakamura P.G. Chambers School Auxiliary Anabela and Kirk Rossi Lori and Jerry Solomon Elizabeth Tarantino Virginia and Thomas J. Walsh

BENEFACTOR Joan and Frank Adubato Carolyn and James Badenhausen BCS Interactive Jennifer and Steven Bedell John J. Cali & Rose Cali Family Foundation Inc. Calypso St. Barth, Short Hills Chit Chat Diner County Concrete Corp. Ralph Dawson and Leslie Demus Thomas Dean Ajay Desai Gloria and William Dodd Stephanie and Chris Donato Karen and John Dubel Mary Beth and Kieran Flanagan Kathie and Joseph Gazdalski Michael Golabek Anthony Haskel Maria and Jon Jimenez Lori and Richard Kariss Cynthia K. & Peter R. Kellogg Foundation Jennifer and Anastasios Konidaris Edee Levey and Jon Nichols Danielle and Steven Lindner Frances and James McCarthy Alison and J. Murray Mutual of America Sandra and Gregory Niccolai The Linda Sue Pfarrer Nortillo Charitable Foundation P.G. Chambers School Students Peak Performance Partnership Pfizer Inc. Barbara and Michael Phillips Joseph and Christine Prestifilippo Alison and Brett Skapinetz Tiffany and Pavel Srnensky The Tarpey Group, LLC The Haverford Trust Company Joseph Trunfio Cathy and Jeff Walsh Thomas Walsh

SUPPORTER Carl Ahlquist Dana and Peter Andolino Elaine Balady Judy Banks, M.D. Janet and Ernest Biondolillo Dianne and Raymond Bonanno Marie and Anthony Brain Linda Bruno and Marco Bruno, D.C. Michele and Jerry Bruno Sabina and Jerry Bruno Erin and Jeffrey Budwick CMC Adaptive Seating & Homecare, LLC Peter Crimi

Lois Ann and Rich Czermak Rose A. DeLuca Boyle and Rev. Frederick Boyle Eric and Sarah Elbell Environmental Waste Management Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gamanche Christine and Michael Gilfillan Rosa and Franklyn Greenwaldt Andrea Grom Kimberly and Daniel Honeker Kathy Jachera Karen and Thomas Kalaris Heather and John Kerner Kohl’s Lindsay and Christopher Kramer Carrie and Scott Leshin Susan and Matthew Lodge Sharmin and Aftab Malik Pavan and Julia Mehta Virginia Moriarty Bernadette and John R. Mulhearn Maggie Neary Nancy and Michael Neary Lindsay and Andrew Orak Mindy and Arthur Papetti Parents Guild Christopher Paserchia Eryn Porcelli Preferred Business Systems Andrea C. Quigley Christine Rios Susan and Swift Seamans Anita Spivey-Dent and Dean Dent, M.D. Christine and William Stoffel Surestep LLC Patricia and Gary Thunell Stephanie and Stephen Trapp Peiti Tung Mary and Jonathan Van Cleef Melissa and Vincent Weiss Giulua and Martin Welzmuller Betsy and Mark Zindel

PARTNER Advanced Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy Center, LLC Advocare Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists of Morristown Marshall and Margaret Bartlett Nicole and James Beale Benevity Community Impact Fund Betsy and Kurt Borowsky Alison and James Breault Bernadette and Alphonse Briand Samantha Bruno Kathleen and Bret Budenbender Darlene and Thomas Canete Kristen and Antonio Celii Krista and Philip Cerasoli Children’s Specialized Hospital Guiseppina and Giuseppe Ciccone Katherine and John Ciliberti

Kelly and Scott Consentino Michelle and Brian Cox Tiffany and Brian Crosby Viola and William DeLuca Kristen DiPasquale Frances and John Downing Lesley Draper Gwen Packard and Elias Eid Lisa Evans Bryant Fields Amanda Forsthoffer Claire Giambattista Rena Glynos Christine and Michael Golabek Colleen and Steven Goodyear GIVING LEVELS Dream Maker.............. $25,000+ Visionary........$10,000-$24,999 Innovator........... $5,000-$9,999 Leader................ $2,500-$4,999 Benefactor......... $1,000-$2,499 Supporter................. $500-$999 Partner...................... $250-$499 Advocate................... $100-$249 Friend...........................up to $99

Lisa and Carl Grau Joanna and Michael Hanrahan Margaret Hinchcliffe Marleen and Lennox Holder Richard Hufnagle Kelli and Charles Hutchinson Christa Iamiceli and Mark Anderson Deborah Ingersoll Gary Kadi Ursula Khoshaba Susan Kloss Judy A. Koepff Sandra Lascari Mary Ann LoFrumento, M.D. and John J. Hallacy Michele Logan Donna and Dick Lohmeyer Meghan and Richard Lyon Joanne and Anthony Maceroli Suzanne and Michael Maguire Lacey and Matthew Malloy Jeremy Manjorin Donna and Richard McAdam Caroline and Richard McMahon Jennifer and Brad Melvin Robert Miller Modern Athlete Jen and James Morrison Melinda Morrissey Morristown Medical Group Jennifer and Frederick Moss Multipet International Inc. Kathleen Murphy New Jersey State Elks NW District Jeanne Nichols chambersschool.org 43

Partner (cont.) Pediatric Dental Associates Eleanor Enriquez and Robert Peter Tara and Sean Powers Radiology Management Corporation Tara and Paul Randazzo Carrie Reinhart and Sarah Reinhart Dawn and Keith Richardson Tara and Brian Roach Amy and William Robb Lynn and Steven Robbins Belinda and Lee Rosenbaum Annaliese and R. Rush Gabriel Sasso Ellen Seidman and David Smokler Selective Insurance Krysta and Sheldon Senek Robert Shannon Janet and Peter Simon Carla Skodinski Amy Snouffer and Joseph Roccesano Debbie Spicehandler Mercedes and Sean Stevens MaryAnn and Brian Storms Sherri and Michael Strauss Danielle and William Strazza Sue Ellen Strong Bryan and Stacey Supran Erin and David Sussman Terzako Furs Christine and Frank Urgo Ronnie and Tommy Vlahapoulos Nadine and Douglas Vogel Veronica Yankowski

ADVOCATE Ryan Ahern Steven Alderson Tina Alessi Kitty and Arthur Angulo Annette Joubert Massage Therapy LLC Cristina Antunes Eric Arnold Donna Astiz Atlantic Health System Jade Attieh Cricket and Bruce Barkhorn Barbara and Ronald Barkley Law Office of Drew J. Bauman Dominic Bavaro Janice and Robert Beck Megan and Joel Bernstien Eileen and Richard Bevan Nancy and George Birdsall Mary and Clifford Blanchard Matthew Bolton Stephanie Bonn Sarah and Marc Bonnefoi Ted Bragg 44 potential fall 2014

Theodore and Betty Bragg Lauri Brennan Massaree Brown-Marshall Dan Budwick Marisa and Matthew Budwick Budwick-Bonavita Foundation Maya and Paul Buono Julia and Andrew Buteux Frank Calabrese Patricia and Anthony Calandra Meghan Calichman Annette Cartaxo Carter Inc. Alessandra Catania Emma Chavarria Christine and David Clark Sabrina and Thomas Claro Michele and Simon Codrington Gary Coe Julie and Robert Corman Christina Cortese Nicole Covart Kirsten Cvetkovski Kim Czachor Amara and Michael D’Aquanni Nicole DeCaito Kathleen Decaro Regina and Gerald DeFrancisco Edmund and Janice DeNoia Fran Drigun Patty and Bill Dunne Lisa Earl-Sperry Dara Ely Thomas and Ann Ewig Dan Fern April Fey Donna Fidel Kathleen Fischer Desiree and Patrick Flaherty Brian Fleisig Dawn Fontana Colette Fraenkel Susan Fredel Frances and Richard Frigerio Brittany Gaetano Dawn and Kahli Gaita Christine Garrett Linda and Martin Garry James Germain Ann Marie Giambattista Elizabeth Gilfillan Heather and James Gilliland Alicia and Arthur Gilroy Michael Giusto Sofia Giusto A. and Peter Goodwin Michele and Donroy Gounaud Stacey Grippa Madeline Grob Eileen Guijarro Megan and John Hagerty D. M. Hamilton Ellen Hansen Ruth and William Hardin

Kathy and Scott Hartner William and Amy Haskel Helene and Charles Havers Patricia Hegarty Dallas and Lesley Hetherington Alison and Mark Hicinbothem Nancy and Hale Holden Janet and William Holsten Geraldine and Michael Horn Amber and Gregory Hummer Patricia Hutchinson Eileen and Roger Huth Kevin Iamiceli Lisa Iamiceli Robert and Karen Iannaccone Kelly Iorillo Margot Jackler and Paul Flowerman Herbert Johnson Namita Joshi Pamela Kariotis Konstantina Katsanos Rina Katsanos Elizabeth Keil Gail Kent Geraldine and Kevin Kilgore Eugene King Edna and George Knudsen Joanne Kohler Karen Kollins Carolyn Kovach and Frank Kovach Lynne and Michael Krajkovich Carol Kraus Lydia and Paul Krueger David Kuo Karen and Richard Kuran Carrie Kurtzman Cynthia and Garett LaBar Despina and Peter Lagis Wendy Lam and Aaron Shea Lisa Marie Latino Terriann and David Lawrence Kevin Lenahan Anna Wetzel and Rafael Leonardo Karen Lerner Elizabeth and Paige L’Hommedieu Maria Liapis Lizanne Lodge Mary Loughran Carmela and Michael Luzzi Maureen and Kevin Mack Alison Magnotti-Nagel Jessica Manella Chrissy Manouselakis Eiler Marcher Thomas Marshall Elizabeth and Martin Martinez Amyn and Nitza Maskati Susan L. Massengill Anne McDonald Ashley McEnroe Stephen Meloni Kayla Meny Janet and Richard Michalowski Miroslaw Michalski

Sandra Miller Anastasia Mondelli Morristown Medical Center Gregory Mulford Martin Murphy Kimberly and Kevin Myler Lydia Nadeau Michael Nittolo Norman Dean Home for Services, Inc. Lee Ann Nugent Joan and David Ortland Renee Pagan Lynne and Jeffrey Pagano Alexandra Panagiotopoulos Paradigm Pioneers Phyllis and Daniel Patyk Christine and James Petrat Veronica and Charles Philip Rosanne Pignio David and Mari Plotkin Frances and Daniel Powell Ryan Prevost Carol and Thomas Pugsley Doug Pullan Maria and Luis Quinones R&R Marketing, L.L.C Geraldine and Joseph Ramieri Linda Ranck Carole Reifsnyder Mary and James Riccio Wendy Tait and Christopher Richards Tammy and Chad Richmond Bette Rieger and Mark Rieger, M.D. Patricia Robinson, M.D. Lorraine and Robert Rodriguez Steven Roesel Joan and Ronald Rosania Gayle Rossi Thomas Roughneen Julie and Christopher Royse Steven Rubin Linda and Gerald Russell Robert and Nora Ryan Marianne and Jerome Saladino Paul Salaterski Michael Saliter Maria and Andrew Sapol Anthony Saporito Roger Schafer Laura Schneider Brendan Scully Patricia Senek Demitra Sifakis Cheryl Silverman Hermine Silverstein Jessica Simao Jodi Simmons Bethanne and Joseph Sipper Elizabeth and Joseph Sipper Maria and Stephen Smith Nancy Sniffen Deann and Randolph Snook

Patricia Snouffer Jody Stamatos Katye Stanzak Starcom Fiber, LLC Judith and Eliot Steinberg Curtis Steinhorst Cathleen Stipek Patricia and William Stoddard Dawn and James Switlyk Carl Symecko Mitzi Szerlip Elizabeth and Taranto Taranto Karen and Jerry Tarnoff Rebecca and Christopher Tate Jonathan Taylor Janet Thompson Antonios Tsompanidis Jenna Turiano Aaron Turner Eric Tynan United Way of Hunterdon County Julie and Kevin Valentine Lisa and Kenneth Vanderhoof Irene Vasilopoulos Vision Construction Services LLC Caryn Vitolo Julia Walborn Marybeth and Joseph Walsh Janel Weaver Mindy Weinstock Michael Wittenberg Carolyn Young Lear Zaborowski J. Zanias Jinette and David Ziering Karen and Christopher Zipp

FRIEND Allyson Agathis Christine and Thomas Ahern Lola Akiwowo Denisse Alfaro Janice Allen Margaret Alviggi American Vending and Coffee Service Gerry Ane Barbara Arenson Aaron Arias AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign J. Roger Bailey Sandra Bailey Jenny Ballestero Cynthia Barbire Michelle and Michael Barkemeyer Cynthia and Dennis Barrett Jillane and Jose Bastarrika Constance and Marvin Baumer Kristen Beam Rachel Becker Lisa and Ted Berzak Beth Ann and Robert Betrus

Eileen Klok Bevan, D.C. Glen Bicica Dorothy Bicking Yahaira Blanco Joan Blandine Lisa Blume Thomas Bohan Jennifer Borroel Monica and Joseph Boswell Jacquelynn Brodt Bethany Buccino Lori Buck Diana Buckley Michele Bunnion Naomi and Richard Byank Jenna Campagna Antoinette and Mark Cardone Karen Cardone Jennifer Caroleo LeeAnn Carrero Kelly Carroll Carol Casale Rose Marie Casale Juan Castillo Patricia Challan Amanda Chapman Rich Chiv Lisa and Dominick Ciacciarelli Margarita and Paul Cirigliano Randi and Howard Cohen Annette and Francesco Colbertaldo Catherine and James Connelly Oriana Contreros Nancy Conzola Joshua Coren Susan Corrado Lauren Costa Mark Crowder Michael Curcio Nicole and Paul Czekaj Maria D’Amico Don Davis Brian Decina Jennifer Defilippis Patricia and Arthur Delmonico A. DeRose Bob DeRose Gregory DiBenedetto Janet Dieser Albert DiGiovanni and Denise DiGiovanni Michael DiGnagi Dana DiPietro Mary Doherty Gwen Dombowsky Diana Doyle Jerrine and Jim Drew Kimberly and Ryan Drew Margey Dwyre-Daily and John Daily Jocelyn Elia Cheryl and Bill Elmiger Joanne Evans Domenica and Ernest Fantini

Carol and Mario Fastiggi Gail Feinberg William Felegi Phyllis and Knox Felter Nicole Fenske Kristina Ferriero Jennifer Ferris Felicia Fiore Carla and Thomas Fisher Malinda Fisher Evan Fitch John Fitzgerald Nancy Fitzgerlad Kelly and David Fleidner Jennifer Flynn Kerra Forster Nicole and James Fox-Beadle Franklin Pediatrics Keith Frohnhoefer Patricia and Lawrence Frohnhoefer Maria Gaglioti Judy Gallante-Hooper and Douglas Hooper Joann and J.J. Garwood Jennifer and Alan Gates Marla and Morris Geffen Susan Geiger Nafia Gerbeshi Siobhan and John Gilfillan Beth and James Gillespie Renee and Anthony Gitto Wayne Gooding Christine Goppel Carol A. Granato Abbie and David Greenberg Lori and John Grissom Mandee and Jeff Gruen Cristina Guarneri Becky Gutierrez Christa Haberstock Suzanne and Brian Hamilton Eileen Hanna Jennifer Hannan Jane and Richard Haskel Anders Hasseler Loretta and William Hauser Bradley Hays Dawn Hearne Laraine and Richard Heck Karen and David Heflin Leigh Hermey George Hesse David Higgins Ximena Higgins Kenetha Holsey Rob Hooper Liz and Stephen Horvath Kevin Houghtaling Pam Hroblak Emery Hughes Janet Hughes Danielle Iacona Beatrice and Saverio Iannaccone

IGive.com Dana and Michael Ingoglia James Ingram Kathryn and W.P. Jankowski Kathy Jankowski Audrey Jankucic Soraya Jara Donna Jenkins Amy Jillard Diane Judge Joseph M. Juliano, D.C. Joseph Kaiser Pamela and Tony Karais Fran Kashanian Rose and Seymour Kaufman Amy Keelzow Lori Kelley Leigh Kelly Peter Kenez Sauzanne Khaliieh Amy Kim Jamie Kitt Julie Koepff Michael Korell Carol and Lou Kotsinis Emily Kovac Mary Kovalsky Suzanne and Stephen Kovalsky Elizabeth and Jonathan Kraft Jeanne Kraft Regina Krauth Janette Kreinberg Susan and Albert Kroll Xiomara Laboy Kathleen and William Lamia Terri Laurens Barbara Leaf Claudio Ledesma Phillip Lee Jennifer Lehotay-Taylor Marc Lembo Mario Lemongello Christy Leonardi Rose Losey David Luke Jenya Lyuwinov Linda Macario and Jackie Lepow Roland Maechel Gerusa Maettini Dawn and Drew Majewski Darcy Mantone Amy and Clifford Marini Susan Markowitz Beth Marshall Melissa and Brian Martin Lori and Stephen Matuszek Clare and Daniel McAloon Jean McCarty Denise McDonald Lisa Mclnerney Andrea and Thomas McNamara Elham Mehdizadeh Phyllis Melko

chambersschool.org 45

Friend (cont.) Luisa Melo Mario Melchor and Maria Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Ted Metzler Maria and Anthony Miele Elizabeth Millet Julie and Michael Moran James Morris Lisa Morris Jeff Morrison Gilbert E. Moscatello Sophia Mpouroudis Maureen Mulvaney Darlene Murphy Pat and George Murphy-Fyfe Bonnie-Lynn Nadzeika Marie Nardiello Ann Nash Erin Natoli Amy Nicholls Nielsen Dodge Nicole Nilan Anna Nunez Ijeoma Nwafili Cheryl Oakes Dina and Ali Obaidi Maureen and Robert Ogden Ibiola Ogun Raquel Olaya Sheila Oliver Rachel Olivier-Trotman and Lennox Trotman Rebecca Ord Mary Osterman Ilene and John Pachter Kathleen and Peter Palmer Mildred and Daniel Paolucci Lora Pekarek Matthew Pellerito Kathryn Perlman Laura Perrin Brian D. Peterson Harriet Petrat Melissa Philkill Kathleen and Michael Piero Lynne B. Pinto Senada Pjetrovic Frances and Richard Pogorzelski Roslyn and Joseph Polachek Hilary Porteous Linda and Ed Purcell Megan Purcell Marissa and Michael Purdy BettyAnn and Steven Rasczyk Steven Rastatter Kevin Readie Jacqueline Reilly Adriana and Fernando Ribeiro Lopes Jorge Eloise and Jack Rice Nicki and Jose Rionda Jackie Ritschel Tarlin Rlon Julie Rodgers 46 potential fall 2014

Victor Rodriguez Margaret and Carmen Romano Sharon and Tommy Romano Martin Rosenberg Matthew and Karen Rosenthal Kathy Rossi Judith and Wayne Roth Lori Roth Ann Rubin Franco Rubino Paul Ryneski Emily Sahuto Margaret Sakasitz Julie Saltman Janine Sampong Hector Samuel Soraya Sanchez Marrrero Sandra Marta Santiuste Jennifer Santori Lauren and Cari Schenkel Kevin Schessler Bill Schlosser Mary Schnerer Diane and Robert Schultheis Jacquelyn Scorza Jason Seyler Megan Seyler Allison Shwartz William Siebert Angelica and Marc Simone Cindy and David Sims Christine Slattery Georgie Smith Mary Ann and Henry Smith Carol Solomine Debra and Peter Spera Patricia Stenzel Dana Stolzer Collene and Larry Stout Donald Stout Thomas Strazza Melissa Suarez Cindy and Kevin Sullivan Melissa Sullivan Katy Sumxow Lisa and Ronald Swanson Shannon Tambini Steven Taranto Janice Taunton Stacey Taylor Diane and Vincent Thomas Michael J. Thunell Brie Anne and Christopher Tierney Darren Tom Rita and John Toohey Joyce Toran Jason Torres Larissa Torres Patricia Townsend Carol Trachtenberg Truist Susan Unger Union Municipal Court Julie and John Vales

Harry and Dorothy Vannatta Jessica Varunes Lynn Vega Ronald and Mary Anne Verleur Vivienne Vicens Loretta and Vincent Viglione Ella Visakay Laura and Shane Wagner Elaine Weinman Mary Wells Denise and Matthew Wendorff Paul Whiteman Lindsey Wicklow Mary and Christopher Wolf Amy and Thomas Woodard Jane and Robert Wowk Jayme Yeskel Anthony Young Irmgard Young Kristin Young Chris Zeliff Karl and Carol Ann Zeliff Lori Ziliotto Tara Zinna

TRIBUTE GIFTS HONOR Serena Bonanno Dianne and Raymond Bonanno Rose A. DeLuca Boyle and Rev. Frederick Boyle Michela Bruno Mary and James Riccio Patti and Ray Chambers Joan and Frank Adubato Stephanie and Chris Donato Jamie Kitt Frances and James McCarthy Josephine Corso Lisa and Ronald Swanson Peter Crimi Rita and John Toohey Ryan DeCaro Kathleen Decaro Patti Delmonico Lorraine and Robert Rodriguez James S. Drew Selective Insurance Henry Dyson Carolyn Young Leah Enriquez Rose DeLuca Boyle and Frederick Boyle Patrick Falco Regina Krauth Dawn Fontana Ann Nash Frances Frigerio Pamela Kariotis Laura Gallagher Loretta and William Hauser Christine Gilfillan Elizabeth Gilfillan

Siobhan Gilfillan Elizabeth Gilfillan Suzan Gordon Edee Levey and Jon Nichols Lori and John Grissom Julia Walborn Catherine Holden-Pope Nancy and Hale Holden Bette Rieger and Mark Rieger, M.D. Marleen Holder Lennox Holder Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D. Susan Fredel Geraldine and Michael Horn Barbara and Michael Phillips Andrea C. Quigley Janet Thompson Deena Keren Randi and Howard Cohen Gregory Komeshok Lorraine and Robert Rodriguez Alexandra Konidaris Edna and George Knudsen Carol Larsen Lisa and Ronald Swanson Edee R. Levey Suzan Gordon Aidan Lodge Monica and Joseph Boswell Matthew Lodge Carol A. Granato Pavan and Julie Mehta Joseph M. Juliano, D.C. James Novak Darcy Mantone Nathaniel Petrat Theodore and Betty Bragg Ted Bragg Nicole and Paul Czekaj John Fitzgerald Harriet Petrat Kevin Schessler Brandon Powers Kelly and Scott Consentino Edmund and Janice DeNoia Matthew Rossi Patricia and Arthur Delmonico Kirk and Anabela Rossi Victoria Rossi Anabela and Kirk Rossi Scott Schlosser Bill Schlosser Francine Schwartz Megan and Joel Bernstien Donald Siebert William Siebert Lori Solomon Hermine Silverstein Hannah Solomon Cindy and David Sims Susan Unger Nina Lee Srnensky Kim Czachor

Tribute Gifts – Honor (cont.)

John Palermo Sabina and Jerry Bruno

Emma Strazza Ann Marie Giambattista Herbert Johnson Jeremy Manjorin Michael Nittolo Tara and Paul Randazzo

Amy Russell Jeanne Nichols Elmer Russell Jeanne Nichols

Sylvia Swanson Lisa and Ronald Swanson

Emily Shen Lucy Chen, M.D. and Calvin T. Shen, M.D.

Larry Thompson Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D.

Katherine Anne Sooy P.G. Chambers School

Madeline Urgo Mildred and Daniel Paolucci

Cheryl Strazza Law Office of Drew J. Bauman Union Municipal Court

Barbara Vail Collene and Larry Stout GiannaWallace Anthony Saporito Virginia Walsh Thomas J. Walsh, P.E. Sarah Zeliff Karl and Carol Ann Zeliff

TRIBUTE GIFTS MEMORY Delores Bellina Joan Blandine Robert Frank MaryAnn and Brian Storms Angelo Frodella Maria D’Amico Renee and Anthony Gitto Kathy Jachera Michele Logan Andrea C. Quigley Jake Haskel Anthony Haskel Jane and Richard Haskel Frances “Buddy” Hollander Constance and Marvin Baumer Dorothy V. Bicking Cheryl and Bill Elmiger Marla and Morris Geffen Laraine and Richard Heck Angela Hux Lorraine and Robert Rodriguez Rudy Jaffe Nancy Conzola Estelle Kanter Daniel and Addie Kanter Jules Kanter Daniel and Addie Kanter Noel Lamster Rose and Seymour Kaufman June Lattig P.G. Chambers School Barbara Leaf Ilene and John Pachter Marvin Levey Edee Levey and Jon Nichols Jeanne Nichols Susan and Swift Seamans David Myeroff P.G. Chambers School

Robert Wahl P.G. Chambers School Ella Zipp Steven Alderson Janice Allen Donna Astiz Atlantic Health System Jacquelynn Brodt Michele Bunnion Meghan Calichman Joshua Coren Jennifer Defilippis Ajay Desai Janet Dieser Albert DiGiovanni and Denise DiGiovanni Fran Drigun Domenica and Ernest Fantini Gail Feinberg William Felegi Kathleen Fischer Malinda Fisher Joann Garwood Mandee and Jeff Gruen D. M. Hamilton Kathy and Scott Hartner Janet and William Holsten Pam Hroblak Kelly Iorillo Kathryn and W.P. Jankowski Soraya Jara Namita Joshi Lydia and Paul Krueger David Kuo Kevin Lenahan Jessica Manella Ashley McEnroe Morristown Medical Center Morristown Medical Group Gregory Mulford Lydia Nadeau Franklin Pediatrics Roslyn and Joseph Polachek Doug Pullan Gerladine and Joseph Ramieri Linda Ranck Eloise and Jack Rice Tammy and Chad Richmond Steven Rubin Lauren and Cari Schenkel Jody Stamatos Melissa Suarez Karen and Jerry Tarnoff Joseph Trunfio Antonios Tsompanidis Julie and John Vales Amy and Thomas Woodard Irmgard Young Lear Zaborowski

GIFTS IN-KIND Advanced Theraputic Massage Studio Michelle and Michael Barkemeyer Jennifer Bedell Beth Ann and Robert Betrus Bloomingdales, at Short Hills Michele and Anthony Bonanno Diane and Ray Bonanno Nadia and Stephen Bongo Bottle King Morris Plains Bradford World Renowned Portraiture Michaela Brownstein Calypso St. Barth, Short Hills Catherine and James Connelly Crystal Springs Resort Depasquale The Spa Equinox: Summit Lisa Evans Jeanmarie and Kenneth Falco Fleet Feet Sports Renee and Anthony Gitto The Golden Pineapple Donna Gonabe Colleen and Steven R. Goodyear Michele and Donroy Gounaud Hand Blown Glass by Arnie Hanover Supply, Co. Henri Bendel Unjeria C. Jackson, M.D. and Larry Thompson Jumpstart Heather and John Kerner Lisa Marie Latino Pui and Stephen Lee Maureen and John Lynch New York Giants Meital and Shimon Nissel Nola Rose Jewelry NRDC One Source Communications Panico Salon & Spa Maria and Jeffery Parisi Park Avenue Club Maria and Karl Petti-Weber Pink Bungalow Premier Office Supply Carmen and Henry Ramirez Adriana Ribeiro Lopes Jorge Khari Ricks Jerry Rose Floral & Event Design Anabela and Kirk Rossi Runner’s Haven Runway Boutique Ronnie Sue and Barry Schub Ellen and David Seidman Susan and Greg Sherowski Shoprite of Greater Morristown Alison and Brett Skapinetz Sue Ellen Strong Diane and Vincent Thomas Anna and Javier Torrens

Trader Joe’s Laura and Shane Wagner Mindy Weinstock Sarah Zeliff

Strategic Plan Answers: 1. The Strategic Plan is operational right now. 2. PGCS plans to help a student’s transition between programs by developing a Student Transition standard operating procedure and by designing a home-school program. 3. PGCS plans to engage parents in the upcoming school year through Back to School Night, hosting quarterly roundtable discussions, arranging Family Participation Days, having bilingual staff assist families who speak languages other than English, and developing opportunities for parents to volunteer at the school. 4. PGCS plans to improve the technology by creating a Regional Technology Center by 2018, improving our assistive technology program, and increasing staff knowledge of Microsoft products. 5. PGCS is going to build a stronger organization by developing the leadership skills of all staff members, developing project management skills of director-level staff, and enhancing the current staff performance evaluation process. PGCS strives for accuracy in recognizing donors. If your name was omitted or listed in error, please accept our apologies and contact Andrea C. Quigley at 973.829.8484 or quigleya@ chambersschool.org so that the error may be corrected. On request, PGCS Form 990, and related information is available for public inspection at PGCS in Cedar Knolls, NJ. Copies of this information will be provided at cost within five days of the request by calling 973.829.8484. P.G. Chambers School is a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Tax Id# 22-1551480. Information concerning charitable solicitations may be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling 609.292.4925. Registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement.

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p.g. chambers school

vision At P.G. Chambers School, we believe in our mission with a passion beyond all others; we see limitless possibilities for the children and families we serve, for ourselves, and for our organization; and we promise to keep the needs of the children and their families foremost, as we help them achieve all that is important to them.

mission The P.G. Chambers School mission is to help children lead full, productive lives; develop confidence in their own abilities; and engage fully and frequently in the community.

core values By working cooperatively, diligently, and thoughtfully, we hope to maintain an organizational culture that values: •

S eeking quality in everything we do by providing the very best services for children with disabilities;

S howing respect for the children and families we serve, and for our colleagues with whom we work and grow;

Supporting creativity in our thinking, and innovation in our solutions;

ursuing professional and personal growth every day, rewarding excellence and P celebrating accomplishments;

Taking pride in our organization, its uniqueness, flexibility and capacity for change;

Knowing the children and families we serve and what is truly important to them;

S howing ambition first and foremost for the cause, the organization, the work— not for ourselves, and;

eing accountable for delivering results, disciplined in our thinking and actions, B and responsible to the community that supports us.

RIGHT Mentoring Artist, Jamie Bruno, and student artist, Mackenzie, create self-portraits through self-discovery. Sessions start with drawing different parts of each other’s body onto square panels. Student and mentoring artist then work together to arrange the squares, creating a reflective silhouette. 48 potential fall 2014

P.G. CHAMBERS SCHOOL 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR OCTOBER 1 9 11 24 NOVEMBER 8 13 13 DECEMBER 11 JANUARY 8 15 FEBRUARY 12 12 MARCH 7 12 APRIL 16 30 MAY 14 29-30 JUNE 6 11 18 19 JULY 3 AUGUST 24-28

Back to School Night Parent Table Pumpkin Day at Crimi Farm Trick or Suites at Embassy Suites Parent Resource Fair at PGCS Menus for the Mind, Park Avenue Club Parent Table Parent Table Parent Table Parent Wellness Night at PGCS Parent Table Valentine Dance at PGCS Casino Night at Park Avenue Club Parent Table Parent Table Menus for the Mind, P.G. Chambers School Parent Table Red Carpet Market Rummage Sale Walk.Run.Fun 5K at Ginty Field, Morristown Parent Table Kids Count Family Picnic/Graduation Celebration Last Day of School* Kids Count Closed in Observance of Independence Day Kids Count Closed for Summer Break

* Note: There are 4- 5 days of emergency closings in the school calendar. If there are more than 4 closings, the calendar will be adjusted to make up excess days. Unused emergency closing days will be deducted from the school calendar at the end of the year.

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P.G. Chambers School 15 Halko Drive Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 www.chambersschool.org





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