1 minute read
From the Neighborhood Awareness and Safety Committee (NASC)
from CB Times
Ruth Mooney, NASC Member
Bike Saftey– National Bike Month is in May
Check Your Equipment:
• Always inspect your bike prior to riding. • Plan to Be Seen. Wear neon, fluorescent or other bright clothing. • If you must ride at night, wear reflective clothing, and use flashing lights. Wear a Helmet:
Why? Because a helmet can prevent serious injury to your brain. Although helmets are not required by law statewide, most bicycle organizations and clubs agree bicyclists should always wear helmets.
• Ride predictably - Obey traffic
control devices (signs, signals, and lane markings).
• Enter streets and intersections
cautiously - Always check for oncoming traffic.
• Don’t ride on the sidewalk -
Many people consider sidewalks a safe place to ride. Unfortunately, sidewalks aren’t safe. Stay off them, except where you have no choice.
And, never pass a pedestrian until you have his or her attention. • Be visible and be seen - Wear bright colors to increase your visibility and make eye contact with drivers.
Stay Safe by following these Rules:
• Arizona Law requires motorist to give cyclist at least 3 feet of space when passing. • Ride single-file in the direction of traffic.
• Remain alert, keep your head up and look around; watch for opening car doors and other hazards.

• Use hand signals when turning and use extra care at intersections.
• If You Ride at Night: Arizona Law requires those riding a bike to have: a white headlight visible from at least 500 feet; a red rear reflector visible from 50 to 300 feet.
Be Safe, Bike Smart:
• When Biking always carry identification in case of an emergency. • Ride on the right - Always ride with the flow of traffic.
Rightsizing THE ART OF
Join us for presentation on simplifying. Robin Adrihan from Smooth Transitions of the Valley will provide tips for navigating the decluttering process and offer a wealth of information on rightsizing your home. To make a reservation, please call 623.552.7858.
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