2 minute read
Jerusalem Children’s Fund
This has been a year of praying and giving in the secret place as never before. We weren’t able to do all the outreaches we did in the past but we can see the pruning and preparatory hand of the Lord for what lies ahead.
We have completed 3 new coloring books with 2 more on the way!
We have continued encouraging our Israeli children’s harp program, including at the Hadassah hospital, and trainings at Jhopfan with individuals and groups. On my birthday, God led us to proclaim peace and play harps at the Damascus gate and hand out 500 Arabic "Creation” coloring books. His love is shed abroad in our hearts and love always reaches out to others! The Lord put it in my heart to bless an orphanage, with Jewish and Arab children, close to where we live. I didn’t know how this would happen without the funds to give. We prayed that God

As you give, may these children live!
would fill our hands with something to give. Not a week later, a dear friend contacted me and said that God had spoken to a ministry she was connected with to give specifically for an orphanage in Israel. God provided for the desire of His heart - the God of orphans and widows!
God is moving on our hearts to intercede more deeply for the children of Jerusalem and that greater doors of opportunity will open. We have already begun to see that happen! We various outreaches planned for the Holiday season.
The vision of Jerusalem Children’s Fund is that every child in Jerusalem (Jewish, Arab, international) will be blessed by their Heavenly Father and know that they are truly the children of God. Please ask God what He would have you give to bless the children living in the city of the Great King - that they will be a significant part of Jerusalem becoming a praise in all the earth. Isaiah 62:7

Please prayerfully and generously invest in Jerusalem Children's Fund
Receive Kate's Books: fora minimum donation of $20 to Jerusalem Children's Fund See in the Watchmen's Arsenal
Support the Following Causes: • Operation Moses - $1800 or as you can give, goes towards saving a baby that would have been aborted and the costs of supporting the baby for 1 year. • General needs: health, education, outreach • support a harp for $1250
To Give: http://jhopfan.org/give
Progressive Vision International P.O. Box 31393, Jerusalem 91313, Israel Account#: 548001255134 Swift: BOFAUS3N ABA#: 026009593, Bank of America, One City Center Portland, ME 04101, USA