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Global All Nations Great Commission Ascension Day

GLOBAL ALL NATIONS May 13, 2021 Great Commission ASCENSION DAY

CONVENED FROM JHOPFAN WHERE THE GREAT COMMISSION WAS GIVEN But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8


PRAYER POINTS 1. Rejoice and thank God for the harvest over the last year. 2. Pray for more laborers for the harvest. 3. Pray for the fullness of the Gentiles in your nation to receive the Lord and for the salvation of Israel. 4. Pray that we will reach every nation, tribe, people, and language. 5. Pray for the multiplication of disciples and congregations.

For more info, contact tel: +972-2-626-1518 fax: +972-2-626-4239 email: jhopfan@jhopfan.org

Global All Nations Great Commission Ascension Day is a day of passionate prayer on the Mt. of Olives in Jerusalem, where the Great Commission was originally given. Convene a meeting in and for your own nation on the 13th of May, and join us and 10,000 leaders and groups worldwide in praying for Israel, the Isaiah 19 Highway, and the nations.

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