UCCS Ethics Initiative Newsletter August 2011

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College of Business

Ethics Initiative Co l l ege o f Business

Contents Small Business Day ............... 1 Student Activities.................. 2 The UCCS Business Ethics Case Competition ................ 2 Ethics Grants in Action ....... 3 Ethics Website Access ........ 3 Ethics in Golf Industry ......... 3 Bill Daniels Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series ....................... 4

Upcoming Events September 16 Junior Achievement Teaching Business Ethics Program at UCCS October 6 Fall Alumni Community Outreach Event at UCCS October 20 2011 Eller Collegiate Ethics Case Competition at the University of Arizona Please visit the Events Page on the UCCS Ethics Initiative website to stay abreast of all our upcoming events.




2011 Small Business Day

June 9, 2011 Ms. Sherron Watkins, former Vice President at Enron Corporation, spoke on the importance of ethical corporate leadership to highlight the importance of ethics within businesses small and large at the 2011 Small Business Day Awards Luncheon. The UCCS Ethics Initiative teamed with the Small Business Development Center in order to bring this important keynote speaker to Colorado Springs. Sherron Watkins was the key whistleblower at Enron when she alerted then-CEO Ken Lay to accounting irregularities within Enron in August of 2001, warning him that the company "might implode in a wave of accounting scandals." She testified before Congressional committees from the United States House and Senate investigating Enron's demise. Over 64 attendees were at the Ethics Workshop prior to her luncheon address. The interactive workshop format with Ms. Watkins and local business owner Mr. Wendel Torres allowed attendees to ask a variety of business ethics questions, as well as hear about the unique business ethical dilemmas they have experienced.

S Wa herro tkin n t h wh e k s was ist ey dur leblo Enr ing t wer on h sca e nda l.

Selected Ethics Quote "It is curious - curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare." Mark Twain [Mark Twain Biography link]

Student Activities Bulletin Ongoing Summer/Fall 2011: Student Video Summary: Spring 2011 Business Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series at UCCS

Working in cooperation with the College of Business Education Technology personnel, the Ethics Initiative has produced a short video clip highlighting the recent Business Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series featuring Rhonda Miller of Eaton Corporation. More videos of this type are planned for future events, as a way to preserve the essence of events while informing students of ongoing Ethics Initiative activities in an interesting and entertaining way. Please look for future videos in the Faculty Resources section of the UCCS Ethics Initiative

website. Fall 2011: Ethics Testimonials at UCCS

In an attempt to raise

A UCCS student deep in thought at a recent Ethics Initiative event.

awareness of the ethical challenges within our local community, the UCCS Ethics Initiative has begun a local video series highlighting members of the Colorado Springs community. These community members speak frankly about what happened within their lives, and lessons learned from ethical shortcomings and/or violations. The first in the series, Mr. Wendel Torres, will be featured on the Ethics Initiative website. Check out the Faculty Resources section on the UCCS Ethics Initiative website for upcoming Student Video Summaries and Ethics Testimonials.

The UCCS Business Ethics Case Competition April 8, 2011

The UCCS Business Ethics Case Competition was an opportunity for students to compete and win prizes while learning about the implementation of ethical ideas. Each team was asked to identify the stakeholders in the case, as well as the financial, legal, and philosophical considerations that had to be taken into account. Teams then offered recommendations on how to proceed. Teams were asked to assume a particular identity (e.g., company employees and/or consultants) and present to a particular audience (e.g., company executives and/or a board of directors). Presentations of no more than 20 minutes were followed by 0 minutes of questioning from the judges. Teams were judged on criteria such as

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The three winning teams were: 1st Place — $400 Catherine Rautenkranz & Catherine Jekel 2nd place — $300 Kyle Wilson and Ben Cornella 3rd place — $200 Mindy Gidan and Sam Henry

Catherine Rautenkranz & Catherine Jekel, first place winners of the inaugural UCCS Business Ethics Case Competition.

delivery, depth of analysis, persuasiveness, and whether recommendations were both ethical and practical in a business context. Mr. Randy Dziendziel, Ethics Officer from Lockheed Martin, was the keynote speaker at the awards ceremony.

Randy Dziendziel and Dean Reddy .


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Ethics Initiative Updates Grants in Action! Peggy Knock received a Curriculum Development Grant for incorporating ethics, sustainability concepts, and cases studies into the Quantitative Methods course "QUAN 2020."

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Case studies now ready for your use are:  Football Stadium Case Study  Green Stocks vs. Traditional Stocks Case Study  Mystery Shopper Case Study John Brock, Director of the Center for Economic Education at UCCS, received a Curriculum Development Grant for use in conducting two ethics and economics teacher workshops.  The first workshop, taught by Mike Lucchesi (instructor at UCCS and part of the economics faculty at the USAFA), was the Air Academy School District 20 In-Service Workshop held on June 9, 2011.  The second workshop, an Ethics and Economics Teacher Workshop held on July 12, 2011, was created through the cooperation of the Center for Economic Education, the Colorado Council for Economic Education, and the Colorado Humanities Council. Teachers at the workshops were provided with the book "Experience in Teaching Business Ethics" courtesy of the Ethics Initiative.

Attention Faculty! You are invited to register at the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative website. Registration will grant you access to the ethics resources of all the Bill Daniels Ethics Consortium partner universities.

The Bill Daniels Ethics Workshop: Ethics in the Golf Industry March 15, 2011

The Bill Daniels Business Ethics Workshop: Ethics in the Golf Industry workshop, presented by Eaton Corporation in the University Center, was specifically targeted for PGA Golf Management students. Eaton representatives Rhonda Miller and Lissa Putnam interacted with workshop participants in order to enable

them to better understand the ethics inherent in working in the golf industry. With the success of the Golf Pride® brand, Eaton is the world's largest producer of golf club grips, with research, design, manufacturing, sales and distribution facilities strategically placed on five continents. This event was co-sponsored by UCCS COB Ethics Initiative and UCCS PGA Golf Management.

Dwire Hall on the UCCS Campus

Rhonda Miller and Lissa Putnam from Golf Pride.

The Bill Daniels Business Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series Good Ethics is Good Business

ethics@uccs.edu University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO USA 80918–3733

Ethics Initiative Website UCCS Ethics Initiative Staff Dean Venkat Reddy, Team Lead vreddy@uccs.edu, 719.255.3113 Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, Ph.D. Director Ethics Initiative tgonzale@uccs.edu, 719.255.3794

March 15, 2011 The Bill Daniels Business Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series, held in the Upper Lodge, brought students, business leaders, educators and the community together in order to engage in dialogue on business ethics. The luncheon keynote featured Eaton Corporation's Rhonda Miller, Manager Global Ethics Education and Training. Ms. Miller spoke about the ethical challenges individuals face as part of a large multi-national corporation, as well as the importance of a corporate culture that makes doing business right a priority. Eaton CEO Sandy Cutler, in a message about global ethics and compliance available on the Eaton website, outlined the importance of ethical conduct of corporations by stating that "Nothing is more important to Eaton's overall success as an enterprise than our ethical values. Our shared regard for the highest standards of honesty and integrity Rhonda Miller from Eaton Corporation speaking is our biggest strength." The event at the Bill Daniels Ethics Luncheon. was co-sponsored by UCCS COB Ethics Initiative and UCCS PGA Golf Management.

Elisabeth Moore, Program Coordinator emoore@uccs.edu, 719.255.5168

College of Business Dean Venkat Reddy and Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, Ph.D. speak with Dr. O.C. Ferrell at the Bill Daniels Business Ethics Luncheon Speaker Series.

Jeff Hourihan, Student Assistant jhouriha@uccs.edu, 719.255.5215

Established Collaborations On Campus Net Impact Daniels Scholars

Community Junior Achievement

Bill Daniels Consortium Partner Universities University of Colorado Colorado Springs University of Wyoming Daniels College of Business, University of Denver Colorado State University, Fort Collins University of New Mexico New Mexico State University University of Utah University of Northern Colorado, Greeley

Barb Danbom and Linda Childears of the Daniels Fund.

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