College of Business
College of Busines s
Ethics Initiative Newsletter
Contents JA Achievement Teaching Business Ethics Program. ...... 1 Ethics Testimonials................. 2 2011 Eller Collegiate Ethics Case Competition. .................. 2 Student Workshop & Community Ethics Business ...................... 2 Ethics Initiative Milestones. .... 3 Annual Report ........................ 3 UCCS Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Fellows. .................... 3 GVV Workshop ...................... 3 Upcoming Events ................... 4
Events & Dates November 17-18 Colorado Sustainability Conference
November 18 Deadline for students to apply for the USAFA National Character and Leadership Symposium
November 21 Deadline for University of Denver Race and Case Competition sign-up
November 30 Daniels Fund Consortium Meeting
December 1 Lockheed Martin/ GVV Ethics Workshop
December 2 Randolph Dziendziel, Lockheed Martin: Classroom Ethics Discussion Please visit the Events Page on the UCCS Ethics Initiative website to stay abreast of all our upcoming events.
Junior Achievement Teaching Business Ethics Program at UCCS September 16, 2011
November 2011
tion. ul presenta A “wonderf rovoking.” Thought pgram Attendee -JA Ethics
More than 500 high school students will learn business ethics this school year thanks to a joint effort of the UCCS College of Business Ethics Initiative and Junior Achievement’s Teaching Business Ethics Program. More than 14 teachers and business people attended the program, which trains them to teach high school students and local businesses about business ethics in the workforce and marketplace. “We are thrilled to be partnering again with our regional Junior Achievement office,” Ethics Initiative director Tracy Gonzalez-Padron said. “This year we will more than double the number of high school students learning about business ethics.” The virtually seamless UCCS Ethics Initiative Junior Achievement partnership of the last two years is set to continue into the future, exposing increasing numbers of students in Southern Colorado with ethics training at a young age. This integration of ethics training at the K-12 level, in addition to the training students will receive as they continue their studies at the university level, is certain to have a positive effect on the practices of Colorado’s future business leaders and therefore on our community as a whole. At this years event, guest speaker Louie Larimer drew on his more than thirty years’ experience as an attorney, licensed real estate broker and corporate educator to help volunteers and teachers think critically and strengthen ethical decision-making skills in students. “This program is so relevant and the exchange between volunteers, teachers, and students provides a much needed dialogue that benefits all involved,” said one attendee.
JA and UCCS Ethics Initiative staff, together with local teachers and business people.
Selected Ethics Quote "Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.” - Immanuel Kant Kant’s Ethical Theory
Atte Sust ntion! T aina he C b Nove ility Co olorado nfer mb Fo infor r details er 17-18 ence a m n a Cata d mou tion, plea content nt In stitut se visit t h e we bsite e Louie Larimer, Founder HER E. and President of Focused
Student Engagement Activities FALL 2011: Ethics Testimonials at UCCS The student ethics testimonial project is in full swing at in the College of Business; two local businessmen have already participated with a handful more currently in the works. Wendel Torres, former owner of the contracting firm found guilty of providing illegal gratuities, gave a heart felt testimonial about the dangers young business people can fall victim to. Louie Larimer an ethics instructor, real estate professional, and lawyer, addressed a number of ethical
Strategies, Inc.
questions such as, “please describe some instances of unethical conduct you encountered and the effect it had on you personally” and “as a real estate investor, can you describe what kind of unethical tactics you have observed in the real estate arena?” Mr. Larimer offers his insight on ethics education, answering questions like “Do you think that business school graduates in the last 5-10 years view the ethics education they received in school as relevant?”
2011 Eller Collegiate Ethics Case Competition October 21, 2011 UCCS was the only Colorado university at the International Eller Ethics Case Competition at the University of Arizona. The team went to compete against business schools from throughout the U.S. and abroad at the University of Arizona Eller College of Management. Our team, which consisted of undergraduates Ben The UCCS Eller Case Competition team: (left to right) Kyle Wilson, Ben Cornella, Cornella and Kyle Wilson, Leighna Hubbard, and Scott Griffee. along with Leighna Hubbard and Scott Griffee as observers, performed well and are excited to take the lessons learned from this competition into next year's event. All four team members were publically acknowledge for their efforts by UCCS College of Business Dean Reddy, the Southern Colorado Leadership Institute, and the El Pomar Foundation.
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These videos and coming testimonials offer valuable insights to students and faculty about the ethical dangers in today’s business world. Look to the Faculty Resources section on the UCCS Ethics Initiative website to access these and future Student Video Summaries and Ethics Testimonials.
November 8, 2011
Student Workshop and Community Ethics Business The UCCS College of Presentation Business Ethics Initiative sponsored a student workshop with Sherron Watkins, celebrated whistle-blower of Enron fame. Over 80 students attended the workshop, enabling them to interact on a personal level with Ms. Watkins, a businesswoman who faced and overcame a series of complicated and difficult ethical dilemmas in the course of her career. Ms. Watkins discussed ethics and corporate governance with the College of Business students, faculty and staff. In addition, Ms. Watkins delivered the keynote speech at an event on Business Ethics at the El Pomar Center in Colorado Springs in support of awareness of the UCCS Ethics Initiative. More than 220 faculty, students, local business members, city officials, and members of the nonprofit community attended.
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Ethics Initiative Milestones Ethics Perception Survey
2011 Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Annual Report Released The 2011 Annual Report details the accomplishments from September 2010 through August 2011. The report provides specifics of the integration of principal based ethics learning throughout the College of Business, student outcomes and accomplishments, faculty participation in ethics instructional training, alumni involvement, business community ethics development, and outreach to other educational institutions and non-business disciplines on campus and off campus. To request a copy contact:
The Ethics Perception Survey’s examines differences in ethical perceptions among various segments of the current student population in the College of Business The survey measures the perceptions of individual students to various statements of academic and business ethical conduct and misconduct. The results will determine a benchmark to gauge the ethical perception of the UCCS student population now and in the future. Subsequent data will allow for the compilation of longitudinal data that will track changes in student perception over time and provide feedback for ethics instruction. Plans are to survey other colleges in UCCS.
Presenting the 2011-2012 Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Fellows! The following UCCS faculty were selected as Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Fellows for the 2011-2012 Academic Year: Cathy Claiborne, Ph.D. Finance & Accounting Fellow Peggy Beranek, Ph.D. Information Tech. & Operations Fellow Robert Hirschfeld, Ph.D. Management Fellow Peggy Knock, M.B.A. Marketing Fellow These fellowships are awarded to those who demonstrate excellence in pedagogical activities related to business and organizational ethics. Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Fellows are expected to champion ethics in their academic team and promulgate the outcomes of their project(s) through publication, teaching and public discussion.
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“I ha case ve used pres s in my my ethic rese ented th classes s conf arch cas e marke and men erence. e at a nat I and toring th am also tional have PR Club e Market the e them h and hop ing e to thics elp pr o initia tives mote -Peg .” gy K nock , M .B .A.
2011 Giving Voice to Values Workshop at Babson “The workshop provided2011 us with great ideCollege June 12-14, as regarding the implementation of GVV in
our2011 curriculum.” The Giving Voice to Values Workshop at Babson College Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, Ph.D. of UCCS faculty. The event, held in was attended by a number Boston, featured Mary Gentile, the author of Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right. UCCS faculty Cathy Claiborne Ph.D., Robert Hirschfeld Ph.D., and Tracy Gonzalez-Padron Ph.D. attended the event, along with intellectuals and educators from around the country. Currently available Giving Voice to Values curriculum is available online HERE; more information about Mary Gentile and her work can be found HERE on the Babson College website.
Upcoming Events Race and Case
Good Ethics is Good Business University of Colorado at Colorado Springs 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO USA 80918–3733
Ethics Initiative Website
UCCS Ethics Initiative Staff Dean Venkat Reddy, Team Lead, 719.255.3113 Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, Ph.D. Director Ethics Initiative, 719.255.3794 Elisabeth Moore, Program Coordinator, 719.255.5168 Jeff Hourihan, Student Assistant, 719.255.5168
Established Collaborations On Campus Net Impact Daniels Scholars
Community Junior Achievement
Bill Daniels Consortium Partner Universities University of Colorado Colorado Springs University of Wyoming Daniels College of Business, University of Denver Colorado State University, Fort Collins University of New Mexico New Mexico State University University of Utah University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
2011 Race and Case Team
The UCCS College of Business Ethics Initiative is selecting a case competition team of four to six MBA students of two women, two men, and one international student for the Daniels College of Business Case Competition. Students will be selected based on experience with case competitions, classroom experience of case presentations, and ethical decision-making training (either in class or through work). Deadline to apply November 21, 2011.
December 1 & 2 Lockheed Martin Ethics Officer Presents Ethics Training The UCCS College of Business Ethics Initiative is sponsoring an ethics workshop featuring Randolph Dziendziel, Ethics Officer for Lockheed Martin. He will be speaking to students for one session and to faculty and instructors in a second session. Lockheed Martin has recently integrated Giving Voice to Values curriculum into their ethics program, and will be speaking about the ways in which GVV has improved the ethical climate and policies of the company.
Randolph Dziendziel, Ethics Officer for Lockheed Martin
February 23 & 24, 2012 UCCS students to attend the United States Air Force Academy Leadership The annual National Character and Leadership Symposium (NCLS), one of the premier national symposiums in the area of character development, brings together distinguished scholars, armed forces leaders, corporate presidents and others to explore various dimensions of character and leadership. Selected undergraduate students will attend and participate as a visiting student. Visiting students are assigned a cadet escort and will room with their assigned cadet in the cadet dormitories.
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