April 2014

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B&W the black and white March, 2014

Embracing Ink Insight into tattoos in the workplace pg. 3

Also in this issue: Bilingual students Students share their challenges of learning a new language

pg. 5

Save money, decriminalize

How decriminalizing marijuana has positive effects

pg. 8&9

Preseason for softball and baseball Teams fundraise for inddor batting cages to practice

pg. 17


theb&w p.2 layout | Carmen Vajgrt


3 tattoos & jobs 4 teaching evolution 5 bilingual students 6 new superintendent 7 anti-bullying club decriminalizing 8/9 marijuana 10/11 health things: earth days 12 5back2besic 13 tanning 14 changing ILA make-up 15 no Monday of 16 perks yoga & 17 baseball softball 18/19 coaches spotlight faces of 20 JHS b&w philosophy


Head Editor in Chief Laura Scieszinski Print Editor in Chief Mollie Greenwood Online Editors in Chief Jeremy Caracci Mallorie Goodale Sports Editor Anne Rogers Design Editor Kenzie Foldes Sub Design Editor Zoe Wilson Photo Editor Daisha McAvaddy Sub Editors Carly Kinning Clare Farrell Staff Writers Ellen Bennett Senad Besic Carly Campbell Sarah Caporelli Meredith Gwennap Eileen Lagerblade Natalie Larimer Katherine Lichter Anna Larson Kitarrah Mangra-Dutcher Sarah Margolin Courtney Mithelman Elizabeth Schraeger Bryce Schulte Elizabeth Orr Carmen Vajgrt Olivia White

The Black and White is published solely by the Johnston High School newspaper staff. Its goal is to inform, enlighten and entertain Johnston students. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law and board policy, students assign and edit material and make all decisions of content. The paper is published ten times per school year. The paper will avoid material that is libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. The law does not require parental permission to use student quotes. Ethically, we believe students can speak for themselves. Staff editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the advisor, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. Bring letters to room 413 within one week after publication to be considered for the next issue. The Black and White strives to report accurate and timely information. If you believe that an error has been printed, please contact the editors at jhsblackandwhite@gmail.com The Black and White is a member of CSPA, NSPA, Quil & Scroll, and IHSPA. Recent issues of the paper earned these honors: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist, National Scholastic Press Association First Class rating, Quill & Scroll Gallup Award, IHSPA state placings and sixth in the National Best of Show.


the b&w p.3

Generation ink


Students, a teacher, and a tattoo artist share their stories with their tattoos and how it has affected or could affect their job search words & layout Kenzie Foldes

When senior Calvin Kimrey mentioned how he want- stereotyped because historically people with tattoos

ed to get an arm sleeve to his mom one day, she had may be a bit more rebellious or you could put them into another idea. “I was talking about getting an arm sleeve a lot of different categories like emo or goth or biker.” and my mom said she wouldn’t pay for my college if I

An individual with tattoos looking to be hired by

got an arm sleeve,” Kimrey said. “She thinks that getting someone may not make the cut. “There are just certain

a tattoo will affect working and people will judge me. jobs where they won’t even do an interview with you or



She just doesn’t like them in general.” Tattoos have had anything like that if you have visible tattoos,” Charles

a negative reputation, but as this generation begins to Smith, a tattoo artist at Five Point Studios, said. “No take a stand on new morals and begin to accept social matter how qualified you are or what kind of person you change, attitudes towards tattoos are also beginning to are. You can be more qualified than anyone else and take a turn. As this generation begins to take on the have more experience in the field and not be able to

workforce, landing a job with a tattoo may not be as dif- get a job.” Smith has been turned down for a job on ficult as it once was.


few occasions due to any visible tattoos, but by being in

Science teacher Kyla Burns has had first hand ex- the tattoo industry he has witnessed many people with

perience with tattoo policies being changed in the work- more experience in that situation. force. “[At Johnston High School], we don’t have a writ-

Senior Addy Evans is a part of the growing majority

ten in stone tattoo policy about visible tattoos,” Burns of young adults getting tattoos and got a tattoo saying

said, “But I work at the [Blank Park Zoo] and when I got ‘Be Bold’ on her wrist this past summer. She believes hired the zoo had a no-tattoo policy.” Burns, who has that although many younger generations are becoming

four tattoos, wore bracelets to cover the only visible tat- more accepting of tattoos, older generations still are retoo on her wrist while working at the zoo.

sistant to the idea. “I think it depends on the generation

This policy recently changed at the Blank Park Zoo that I am being interviewed by (for a job) because I know

and is now more accepting of tattoos. “We don’t really that my grandparents’ generation, they frown upon it,” care for tattoos because we are a family-friendly en- Evans said. “My grandma doesn’t like my tattoo.” vironment,” Director of Accounting at Blank Park Zoo

Particular business may also be less likely to change

Gwen Parks said. “We changed the policy because we tattoo policies due to face-to-face interactions with cuswere having trouble finding people that did not have tat- tomers. Evans currently takes a DMACC course for toos, so if has to do with the available workforce and nursing and must cover tattoos while working in nursing

their prevalence towards the desire to have tattoos.” homes or hospitals. She does so by wearing a sweatThe policy was changed and now allows small tattoos band around her wrist. Senior Ally Shoeman who also with ‘good taste’. “If they are excessive they must be has a tattoo on her wrist covers it when needed. “I don’t covered,” Parks said.

think my tattoo will affect my chances of getting a job

According to a Fox News Poll, a younger person is because mine is so small and it’s in a place where I can

more likely to have a tattoo. The poll was conducted cover it with a watch,” Shoeman said. The placement of

March 2-4, 2014 with a random sample of 1,002 Ameri- the tattoo is an important factor when it comes to certain cans interviewed via landlines and cell phones to inves- careers and businesses. tigate the population of tattoos. According to the survey,

No matter what age or generation, stereotypes on

36% of all individuals under the age of 35 had one or tattoos will always exist. “It’s sad that some people stemore tattoos. Out of the individuals ages 35-54, 24% reotype about it,” Burns said, “but at the same time if

have one or more tattoos, and out of the individuals you are getting a tattoo you need to be open with the ages 55 and above only 16% had one or more tattoos. “I fact that some people are going to judge you…If you get think [people] are way more open with tattoos because your haircut a certain way or dye your hair a certain way

so many people have them and it’s just becoming more it’s going to be the same thing but tattoos are just more mainstream that it’s just kind of a given,” Burns said.

stuck on you.” Burn recommends planning out a tattoo

Despite the increasing popularity of tattoos, ste- and incorporating meaning. “That’s why it’s kind of scary

reotypes about them are still prevalent. “Anytime you for 18-year-olds to get a tattoo right away because you

do something different to your body that’s not normal want one but you never know where you are going to go you’re always going to be looked at stereotypically,” or what you’re going to do or how your mind is going to Burns said. “And people with tattoos unfortunately get change as you get older,” Burns said.

1 2 3 4 5 4.

JHSInk Students share their stories behind their tattoos.

Drew Grill


“When my mom died my oldest brother, Kyle, got a tattoo on his left shoulder blade and it just kind of became a family tradition so we all have one now.”

Casey Briere

Seth Hammer

“Every country that I go to after I will get it’s flag trailing behind the plane… It means a lot to me because traveling and the ability to go places I really value that.”

“[My tattoo] means way of the warrior. It’s like the saying for the samurai culture. I treat life like it’s a battle and I take things head on. I’m also a history nerd so it fits me.”

Addy Evans

Ally Shoeman



“My faith is a huge part of who I am and the phrase that I got “Be Bold” my dad wrote on a sticky note the day after I accepted Christ when I was in tenth grade. I wanted to be bold with my faith.”



“At the end of my freshman year I realized that I was not happy with who I was as a person...I started going to church more and trying to be more kind and loving and I found this verse. It stuck with me.”


the b&w p.4

Conflicting curriculum

A possible conflict between science teachings and religious beliefs words & layout | Bryce Schulte In Lisa Horsch’s ninth grade biology class,

students observe fossils from Earth’s ancient

history. Students look at evidence of prehistoric plants and even a body fossil containing several small fish.

For the past week or two, Horsch’s class

has been looking at the history of the planet.

Part of that was watching a video by genealogist Spenser Wells. In it, he talks about the origin of humans, and the theory that they originate from Africa and migrated out due to the Ice Age.

In biology, the science class that focuses on

life, the main focus is those living things and where they came from, understanding them in general. Part of learning that is learning about the theory of evolution, an idea proposed in

Charles Darwin’s 1859 book “The Origin of Species.”

Not everyone agrees with this idea that hu-

mans evolved from earlier humans into who

we are today. “In my religion, God created the world in seven days. On the sixth day, he created man and all was good,” freshman Kristen

Witt said. “I can’t say which is right, but that’s just what I think.”

By definition, science is the study of the

structure and behavior of the physical and

natural world through observation and experiment. Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power.

“I believe in the theory of creation,” senior

Natalie VanderPloeg said. “I say it like that be-

Bryce Schulte/BW

Freshman Jadyn Lovelady observes a fossil in Lisa Horsch’s Biology class. The class observed and talked about several kinds of fossils, and the time periods they might have come from.

cause I think the word ‘story’ has a negative

Now, the theory of evolution proposes that

some types of marine life.

“Religion on the other hand is questions

and naive.”

erations through what is known as natural

were created the way they are today, while

pose of life?’ Those aren’t things testable

“There is plenty of evidence that sup-

came to be who they are today due to gen-

connotation and that makes it sound childish

Horsch, along with high school biology

teachers Jennifer Rollings and Sara Kate

all the living populations evolved over genselection.

Howe, do not believe that science and religion

ports the theory of creation, but it simply

tertwines the two.

nature are what science is all about, trying to

the theory of evolution states humans

like, ‘Why are we here?’ ‘What’s the puror rejectable.”

Although some students may dis-

erations of change.

agree with the curriculum learned in class,

“It’s very difficult for students to draw ac-

hypotheses we have tested, which ones

standpoint. “This is a science class, and

scientific field when they aren’t presented

tions,” Rollings said. “Those are what we

have to conflict in teaching. Horsch’s idea in-

isn’t taught in school,” VanderPloeg said.

“God set up nature and that the rules of

curate conclusions, or contribute to the

figure out those rules,” Horsch said. “God is

with all of the facts.”

part of the natural plan He created.”

features are consistent with a world-wide

heavens and the earth. Over the course of

esis. Evidence for that is scientists finding

skies, dry land, vegetation, the moon, the sun,

should’ve been. Most of the rock layers

working on Earth through evolution. It’s just

The religious aspect is saying humans

Geologic landforms and sedimentary

“We look at what science says, what

have stood up to testing and observatest in science class. If you don’t think of

it that way, that’s okay, but it’s not science.

Horsch still must teach the evolutionary

so we are going to learn science’s story,” Horsch said. “They (the students) still need to learn the story that science has.”

According to Howe, there is no need

It’s not saying it’s wrong, but it’s not sci-

for conflict. “Science is based on testing

Rollings emphasizes the difference be-

deny or confirm the work of any religious

According to the Bible, God created the

flood as described in the book of Gen-


six days, He created light, darkness, oceans,

sea creatures way above the level they

tween science and religion as well. “Test-

the stars, living creatures, and finally, humans.

in the walls of the Grand Canyon contain

collecting observations,” Rollings said.

ing and rejection has to be done through

hypotheses, and by design, science can’t being,” Howe said. “Science isn’t better

than religion and religion isn’t better than science. They’re just different.”


the b&w p.5

Bilingual students adapt to English Bilingual and multilingual students at JHS share their experiences as well as the challenges of learning a brand new language

words & layout Clare Farrell


Hello ciao Hola Alo



to learn.”

you feel.”

Junior Alysa Cheng was only 5-years-

old when she moved to America from China, but she does not remember learning English to be all that challenging.

“I thought English was pretty easy to

learn rather than Chinese because in Chi-

easier to learn and faster, but at first it can be hard,” Ana said.

Most multilingual and bilingual students do not find the

transition difficult when speaking their native language at

home and then coming to school to speak English. Rather, they find it beneficial.

“Speaking Chinese at home and English at school is

nese you have a separate character for

not very challenging, it’s just what we’re used to and have

not know the word you can try and sound

speak English too, I feel like it is kind of weird if I speak to

every word,” Cheng said. “Even if you do it out because you know what each of the letters are because there are only 26 of

them, but in Chinese and some other languages there are thousands of characters

There are many challenges related to learning Eng-

lish. For example, it has many homonyms and irregular

always done,” Cheng said. “Even though my parents them in English rather than Chinese.”

Butoto speaks four languages; Kinyamulenge, Swa-

hili, French, and English.

“We speak Kinyamulenge at home because that is our

native language,” Butoto said. “I speak English with my brothers, but my parents do not speak very much English so we always switch back and forth between languages.

When junior Eric Butoto moved to Iowa from The Re-

verbs and it requires learning a new alphabet. Some lan-

gle word of English. Sitting at school as a fourth grader,

Many students learning English have to retrain their eyes

transition from speaking Portuguese and Spanish at

family members know his language was very challenging

and sometimes students are not completely literate in

“You get used to it, but it is still hard because every-

“We went to summer school and I didn’t have a teach-

write, speak, and understand a language for the first time.

because no one else really knew our language,” Butoto

English can be the third or fourth language they have

In 2007 there were 15 students in the ESL (English

my students, regardless of English proficiency, have to

tiple languages because you have more knowledge and

year, there are 28 students. Burmese languages (Mizo

derstanding textbooks difficult.”

stand things better, but it comes handy when you meet

guages spoken by students in the ESL classroom.

difficult to learn. After going to summer school and prac-

a sophomore, have an experience similar to Butoto’s.

lish within a year of being in America.

moved to Mexico for five years and then moved to Amer-

country and try to learn it there, but if you live in the Unit-

they did not begin fully learning the language until they

because you can pick up little pieces of it everyday and

“I had some basic English classes when I was younger

Ana believes that learning English is not as hard as

public of Congo in March of 2007, he did not know a sin-

guages have gender markers, however English does not.

not knowing English and not having anyone except his

to read left to right instead of top to bottom or right to left,

for him.

any language, therefore they have to learn how to read,

er who spoke my language, but they just taught (English)

“I have students that speak several languages, so

said. “We went there and we kind of just picked it up.”

been exposed to,” ESL teacher Emily Kenny said. “All of

as a Second Language) program at the high school. This

learn academic English. This makes taking tests and un-

and Chin) and Vietnamese are the most common lanSenior Ana Duarte and her younger brother Bernardo,

They were born in Brazil, lived there for about 10 years,

Like Cheng, Butoto did not find English to be all that

ticing his English all the time, he quickly picked up Eng“I think it’s hard (to learn English) if you live in another

It’s not too complicated.”

Portuguese being her first language, Ana finds the

home to speaking English at school a little difficult.

thing is not in your language so you have to adjust and learn that it’s not going to be in either Portuguese or Spanish,” Ana said.

Acquiring multiple languages can be beneficial.

“I think it’s good to speak another language or mul-

you’re able to communicate with other people and undersomeone new and they may not speak English,” Butoto said.

Ana agrees. “I think it is beneficial because it opens

so many doors for your education and your cultural view on the world so you can have an open mind,” she said.

Kenny finds it rewarding to see her former students

ica in the summer of 2011. They knew basic English, but

ed States while trying to learn it, it’s much easier to learn

working, having conversations with customers, or taking

moved to America.

you start to catch on pretty easily,” Butoto said.

room when they first learned the alphabet. She always

but not enough to get me the foundation, so it was kind of

other languages, but speaking it or reading it out loud can

hard,” Ana said. “I kind of had to just start from scratch.”

Starting from scratch proved to be difficult some of

the time. “The challenges (of learning a new language)

are communicating, obviously,” Bernardo said. “It’s pretty stressful to not be able to express your opinions and how

be challenging due to the fact that everywhere in America people pronounce things differently.

“I guess it was kind of hard (to learn English), like ev-

ery language it is kind of hard but you come to an environment where you speak English all the time and it’s

orders and thinking back to the first days in her classhas three goals for her students. Master the English lan-

guage, succeed in the classroom and receive a diploma and learn life skills so they can be a productive members of society.

"This year I helped several students with college ap-

plications. It was so enjoyable when they received their acceptance letters,” Kenny said. “We celebrated.”


theb&w p.6

Welcoming the new superintendent A look at our new superintendent and what might change when he comes The school district announced Corey Lunn as John-

ston’s new superintendent on March 20.

Flipped Math

Area Public Schools in Minnesota. Unlike Johnston,

at Stillwater’s elementary and

Lunn is currently the superintendent at Stillwater

Stillwater’s community is decreasing.

“Where I am now, they are in the position where

they really have to look at their resources and the en-

rollment has been decreasing, and when you have less kids you have less money,” he said. “Our buildings are

structured for more kids than we have now,” Lunn said. In Minnesota, schools must use levies to receive

more money, which requires a community vote. If the majority vote is no, the school district will not receive the money, and will have to find it another way.

“We have to go to the community for more money

than you do in Iowa,” he said. “Iowa appears to do a better job funding the schools,” Lunn said.

Flipped Math is a program

middle school level, that might be

brought into our schools by Lunn. Unlike like a normal math

class where the teachers gives

a lesson, and then the students go home and do homework.

The teacher makes a video that the students then go home and

watch. This video gives the main

words & layout Eileen Lagerblade concept of the lesson for the next day. That way when they go to class the next day the teacher

can go over it briefly, and then be there to answer their questions and help them with the homework.

There is a possible chance

something like this could be

brought into the school district. New superintendent Corey Lunn

A week in the life of a superintendent “I might go out to a school

Lunn specifically likes Johnston because of the

building and start my day there

“[Since Johnston is] growing you have opportuni-

Typical things that happen dur-

programs, so you can address your budget issues that

meetings with his administrative

growing student population.

[around seven],” Guthmiller said.

ties to respond to that growth by what you do with

ing the week for Guthmiller are

cabinet. He also has meeting with the city, administrators, and business owners.

He also is involved with the

Chamber of Commerce, and the

Johnston Economic Development

Corporation. After that he heads home and it is normally ten.

His main goal everyday is to

accomplish the strategic plan that is set by the district, and that is

what truly dictates his schedule.

way,” Lunn said.

An issue Lunn will have to address are the budget

cuts that need to be made. Lunn will have to cut a $1.2 million from the Johnston school district budget.

Lunn has experienced budget issues at Stillwater.

“If you’re going to make budget cuts you can’t think

about now,” Lunn said. “Everybody wants to think about now, the staff, the parents, and the kids. In my role I

also need to think down the road three, five, ten years from now and what the implications might be then.”

One of Lunn’s hopes for the Johnston School Dis-

trict is to implement a more flexible learning schedule. “This plan that he help put in place is really about

trying to change the school system to be more relevant to what kids need now verses 20-30 years ago,” Caris-

sa Keister, Stillwater’s communication coordinator said. “[This program] is much more like a college schedule.” Another idea that might be brought to Johnston is

the idea of a more flexible schedule.

“The idea of being a little more flexible with the

schedule where its not where you have to sit in class [45] minutes a day [eight] times a day,” she said. “It

gives us the opportunity to make the school day look

a little different, where maybe you only have a couple

classes a day in a lecture style, and then the next day it’s individual study time or maybe group work.”

Lunn also wants to implement a program known as

STEM, which stands for science, technology, engi-

neering, and math. Unlike most schools which only

seven final candidates. One of the last three candi-

brought it into all their schools kindergarten through

Dr. Corey Lunn.

implement the program into one of their schools Lunn 12th grade.

“The curriculum is hands-on activities that blend

math and science and sometimes art design,” Keister said.

This upcoming year Lunn will have a salary of

$250,000, which is close to $40,000 more than Clay Guthmiller’s, superintendent, salary.

“There are no annuities and financial incentives, it’s

a much more transparent contract,” Johnston’s com-

munications and marketing coordinator Laura Dillavou said. “In [Guthmiller’s] contract there were annuities

dates dropped out which left Dr. Michael Houselog and These two went through a day of extensive inter-

views with focus groups that consisted of students,

teachers, parents, associates and business leaders.

Eventually the school board decided to go with Lunn.

Lunn has always had the characteristics to go into

the educational field, however did not recognize these characteristics until later in his high school career.

“I spent my whole life serving young people,” Lunn

said. Both of his parents were teachers, and also his

grandfather who eventually became a superintendent.

Lunn use to teach swimming lessons as a teen and

there were things built in that may not have been

found the love he had for teaching kids there.

him,” Dillavou said.

teacher but as I had those experiences and realized

tendent Clay Guthmiller announced his retirement in

and see them grow and develop I fell in love with it and

presented in that up front salary, but were a benefit to Lunn’s salary was decided after current superin-

Oct., the school board decided that they would use the

search firm Ray and Associates Inc. to find his replacement. It gave the school board the opportunity of a nationwide search.

A pool of candidates were picked out of the appli-

cants and the board started screening the applicants and eventually narrowed it down to 12 applicants.

They had video phone calls with those 12 and selected

“When I was [16] I said I was not going to be a

that it is really rewarding to work with young people just kept going with it,” Lunn said.

Lunn has a lot to bring to the table these up coming

years, and is looking forward to the change.

“[Johnston] is looking at new programs that really

match my skills and my passions, so it looked like a job that matched what I liked to do and what I’m good at,”

Lunn said. “It felt like a great fit and wonderful opportunity for both the district and myself.”


the b&w p.7

Anti-bullying club reaches schools throughout metro Iowa Freshman Tara Djukanovic sits on the floor

during the discussion at the April 5 meeting for the nonprofit organization Stand for the Silent

(SFTS). “If I do something that devastates myself, I cannot laugh it off after being made fun of,” Djukanovic said in the discussion.

Seventh grader Brandon Berger agrees. “If

people laugh and you fail a test, it will affect you in someway,” Berger said.

East High School sophomore Tiffany Con-

treas responds with some positive feedback. “Let it affect you positively, and turn around

and get a better grade next time,” Contreas said.

Stand for the Silent (SFTS) was founded by

Kirk and Laura Smalley in Perkins, Oklahoma,

beginning and is making a stand against bullies. “There are bullies in our school as there are in every school,” Djukanovic said. “I’ve been known to tell someone to stop a few times.”

The group also puts an emphasis on sui-

cide prevention. Discussion often leads to the

feelings people experience when facing a hard time. “Life is not tomorrow, it’s five weeks from

now, it’s five years from now,” Mangra-Dutcher said. She tries to convey to the students that the feelings they experience are not wrong. “Sad is a feeling you’re going to have,” she

said. “When you are sad, surround yourself with people who love you.”

SFTS meets twice a month to gather, eat

after their bullied son, Ty, committed suicide.

dinner and discuss issues. The group plays

told their story and shared their organization

Members are blindfolded with a paper bag

In the 2011 documentary “Bully” the Smalleys with others. After taking her family to see the documentary, Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher cre-

ated the SFTS central Iowa chapter in April of 2013. “The whole reason is that we want to

try to help others get through things,” Mangra-

words & layout Sarah Caporelli

Sarah Caporelli/BW Co-advisor Matt Gannaway jokes with East High School sophomore Tiffany Contreas while the group eats dinner. Gannaway sponsored a race car with the Stand for the Silent logo and other advertising and fundraising for the group.

games, including one called Triple Blindfold. over their heads as they move around the

room. The goal is to have the members feel like they will not be judged when answering questions.

The activity helped Mangra-Dutcher know

Dutcher said.

whether people answered yes or no to ques-

out more information on the Smalleys. “We

good support system?’. “This is your support

Mangra-Dutcher said. Kirk Smalley travels

don’t feel like you have a support system

After seeing “Bully,” Mangra-Dutcher sought tions such as ‘Do you feel the you have a

really identified with their story the most,”

across the nation speaking to schools telling his story and focusing on the prevention of

bullying. When Smalley came to the DMACC

campus in August, Mangra-Dutcher attended. “I didn’t want my kids to be treated that

way,” Mangra-Dutcher said. “Or anyone’s.” The Smalley’s story fueled the passion to

start the central Iowa chapter. “It’s all about

group in us and in your friends, and if you

maybe we should talk,” Mangra-Dutcher said. The main goal of the central Iowa SFTS

chapter is about empowering the students. “I want us to have already discussed ways to

handle different situations so that if you get

Sarah Caporelli/BW Sisters seventh grader Tess and freshman Mattie Kern play a game after dinner while waiting for the discussion to start. There are four sets of siblings that are part of the group.

in a situation you have a way to deal with it,” Mangra-Dutcher said.

At the close of the April 5 meeting, Mangra-

kids helping kids,” Mangra-Dutcher said. The

Dutcher addressed the 19 students. “Whatev-

and Waukee schools with ages ranging from

your life,” Mangra-Dutcher said. “The person

chapter includes students from Johnston, East, er it is, right at this moment, it’s not the end of elementary to sophomore students.

Djukanovic has been a member from the

that’s judging you is not on you, it’s on them.”

Stand for the Silent pledge: From this day forward, I promise to respect those around me as well as respect myself. I am somebody, and I can make a difference. I can make another feel loved. I can be the helping hand that leads another back to a path of hope and aspiration. I will not stand silent as others try to spread hatred through my community. Instead, I pledge to lift up these victims, and show them that their life matters. I will be the change, because I am somebody.

Sarah Caporelli/BW Seventh grader Tess Kern and Matt Ganaway load their plates for the pasta dinner. Mangra-Dutcher always provides dinner, drinks, and dessert for the meetings.


the b&w p.8

Support decriminalization Changing marijuana laws will save money from the $276 million Department of Corrections budget

Casual marijuana users in Iowa should have a lot on

their minds when caught with drugs, mostly about the future consequences they could face. The offenders are not

the only ones who pay when they get caught. The state can end up paying thousands of dollars per offender.

Decriminalizing marijuana would not legalize the use.

In fact, they are quite different ideas. With this idea in action, it would change the criminal charge for at least the

first-time possession of a small amount of marijuana to

a monetary fine or penalty similar to a traffic ticket. This would not apply to the distribution or the possession of other drugs, hash or of large quantities of marijuana.

This is not a pro or anti-marijuana campaign tactic. This

is strictly a money and business idea based on numbers

that could help Iowa thrive and potentially reduce drug

use. Since 1973 when California decriminalized (prior to

With the marijuanana laws today, Iowa locks down on the casual user, which costs thousands of dollars. Decriminalization would allow Iowa to save money and focus more on the real problem, dealers and growers. of the six months already spent. This would leave the state

tion) and a civil penalty of $315. Marijuana charges are

in fines.

to lower-income and minority families.

to pay $49,387.50 and offenders to only pay $2,850 of that Here’s the problem with the way things are in Iowa and

dealt case-by-case, which could be unfair and prejudicial

Decriminalizing marijuana would make a blanket pen-

legalization), the total cost of marijuana law enforcement

33 other states today. We spend so much time, money and

alty for all offenders who are not cultivating or distributing.

A first time offender can spend up to six months in jail,

should be spending it going after the distributors and culti-

it could be a standard fine for anyone holding any amount

dropped from $17 million to $4.4 million.

which would cost the state $16,462.50 not including the time and pay of the employees and jailers that would be re-

resources prosecuting casual marijuana users when we vators (people who grow or improve growth of marijuana).

Senior Cheyenne Church does not use marijuana and

quired to watch and interact with the offender. The offender

still supports decriminalization in Iowa.

a first offense charge. This would leave the state to pay

would earn money from the tickets instead of paying to put

Second offenders would be subject to two years on top

spending money on keeping them there and probation on

would only be subject to a $1,000 fine and court fees on $15,462.50 to “crack down” on each offender.

r o m Ru sters Bu

“I think it would help the state save money because we

The Food and Drug Administration reported

in 2006 that it had definitively established that marijuana has no medical use or value. The FDA did

acknowledge that marijuana use could potentially be beneficial in few conditions. The reasoning for saying

that it is not beneficial medically is because of the potential for abuse, and it has been categorized with the most dangerous drugs (Schedule l). The FDA also

concluded that a collection of federal agencies have also found that marijuana is valueless medically.

for outside circumstances such as income, background or race to play a role in the offenders punishments.

Church believes blanket penalties would be best.

“I feel like the price of the ticket should probably be

based off how much the street value is, so you would

something that’s really not that big of a deal,” Church said.

would be five times that or something,” Church said.

“deferred judgments” (lower sentencing such as proba-

The FDA has not recognized Medical Marijuana

under one ounce. Having a blanket penalty does not allow

(marijuana) dealers and users in jail for periods of time and

Today marijuana possession cases frequently result in


Tickets could be based off the weight of the marijuana, or

take the street value of the gram or ounce, then the ticket Past offender senior Johnny Walsh feels that marijua-

na fines should be affordable. “They need to be payable,


Marijuana is addictive.


chronic users. A study, which ABC News reported

It takes a month for marijuana to get out of one’s system.

journal PLOS ONE found withdrawal symptoms

your system. Multiple factors come into play such

mildly elevated pulse, irritability,

loss of appetite,

liquids and the amount of exercise a smoker does.

who attempt to quit smoking often report feeling

rid of the THC toxins is frequency of use and the

addiction to it but yeah it’s mentally addictive, I don’t

you smoke the longer it will be present in your

Marijuana is not physically addictive but it has

been found to be psychologically addictive for was released in September 2012 by the Australian

Marijuana can take days to months to get out of

that could interfere with life functioning such as:

as body weight, metabolism rate, consumption of

difficulty sitting still and insomnia. Marijuana users

Other factors of the rate in which your body gets

tense, anxious and nervous. “I don’t have a physical

duration of use. Meaning the longer and heavier

like not using it,” Walsh said.



the b&w p.9 as Maine. Maine considers personal use any amount up

hash•ish (hash)


amount held, can range from $350-$1,000. Subsequent



not too extreme,” Walsh said.

Other states are already using blanket penalties, such


to 2.5 ounces, a civil violation. The fine, depending on the offenses within six months are punishable by a $550 fine.


an illegal drug that comes from the hemp plant and that is usually smoked or chewed

Iowa should adopt a similar law, except we would keep

Iowa’s one ounce maximum as a limit set for personal use. Having above this one ounce threshold, the state would

to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of

label you a “cultivator or distributor” and you would still qualify for fines, probation/parole and jail/prison time.

There are some objections to this money saving plan

including the idea of increased drug use.

“I imagine people who are already smoking will con-

tinue smoking and maybe some law-abiding citizens who

are interested in trying it will give it a shot, but I think for

the most part its just going to make people be more open about [marijuana],” Walsh said.

Despite this fear, multiple studies have shown that de-

criminalization does not increase use or frequency in us-

exert a strong influence on decisions about cannabis con-

smoking unless it’s like a personal life decision.”

frequent cannabis users, but there is no evidence, as of yet,

lion dollar Department of Corrections budget and use this

sumption... Those factors may limit cannabis use among to support this conjecture.”

Another objection to decriminalizing small amounts of

marijuana would be the idea that jail and probation are re-

rate they need it, without being discouraged by having to

Punishments, however, may not change offenders’

cause half the time [probation officers] tell [offenders] when

Another study published by “D. Weatherburn and C.

Jones” in 2001 found similar results. It stated, “Fear of apprehension, fear of being imprisoned, the cost of cannabis or the difficulty in obtaining cannabis do not appear to

Decriminalization what we have now: penalty offense

The required classes offered now are not effective in

they’re [taking a drug test] and so [offenders] just smoke up

had to go to a 16-hour drug class about what’s wrong with

to a month before they have to [take a drug test],” senior Elizabeth Warnell said.

Walsh agrees.“They just prepare in advance, its not gon-

na stop them from smoking,” he said. “I don’t think there is any brainwashing you can do to a person to stop them from


max. fine


6 months


second offense


1 year


misdemeanor third offense 2 years $6,250 offenders who are chronic abusers of marijuana may be sent to rehab.

cultivation or distribution

me well, not what wrong with me but what happens to your body, the class wasn’t even about marijuana it was mostly about alcohol and drunk driving.”

Iowa’s marijuana laws need to change.


possesion (any amount) 28.5 grams or less

max. fine




28.5 grams or less, over 18, on school grounds


10 days


28.5 grams or less, under 18


10 days*



2-4 years






3-7 years



16 months3 years


sale or delivery


5 years


50-100 kg


10 years


100-1,000 kg


25 years


28.5 grams or less


over 18 years to a 14-17 year old

5*-25 years

they need to make it all about marijuana,” Warnell said. “I

what California has: penalty offense

50 kg or less

to a minor within 1,000 feet of a park, elementary or middle school, or school bus.


treating marijuana addiction. “If they’re going to have a class

first offense


these classes would allow people the help they need at the

“I know lots of people on probation that still smoke be-

possesion (any amount)

involving a minor

Free classes could be offered by the state for people

them to not smoke.

to stop smoking for an amount of time could later influence

try” in February 2001 stated, “The available evidence sugitself (decriminalization) does not increase cannabis use.”

directly impacting the drug culture in Iowa.

looking for marijuana treatment. The primary function of

choices to smoke.

gests that removal of the prohibition against possession

money to have more prevention and rehabilitation classes

habilitation tactics. Some people believe forcing offenders


One study published in the “British Journal of Psychia-

With these plans in motion we can cut our $276 mil-

any amount

cultivation felony

10* years


any amount

* mandatory minimum sentence The editorial is an opinion held by the editorial board of the newspaper. It needs a simple majority to pass. This month’s vote was 9-2.

the b&w p.10&11 april 2014

A guide to good health Learn how to choose healthier foods with help from Hy-Vee dietician Heather Illg words Laura Scieszinski layout Kenzie Foldes

Hy-Vee dietician Heather Illg encour-

ages small steps to a better diet. “You’re

not going to make perfect choices all the time,” she said. “Nobody’s perfect. But

be a point where you can’t fix it, you can’t go back. Or it’s much, much harder to fix it later.”

Illg believes people can start by

if you are focusing on fruits and veg-

eating more vegetables, raw or not. “I

about the ingredients that you are eating

problems and diseases are because of

etables and making conscious choices that can be a big help.”

She encourages students and their

families to choose healthier lifestyles. “You only get one body and one brain. You don’t get to do it over; we don’t have

multiple lives. And if your food choices

negatively affect your health there can

think the majority of our chronic health

inflammation because we’re eating too many processed food and too many added sugars.”

She believes these problems can be

solved with vegetables. “I think everyone, including myself, could eat more non-starchy vegetables.”


Illg believes artificial and

natural sugars are causing

a problem for Americans’ health a disease states.

Calculations made by obesity re-

Good fats and bad

fats are real. Good fats

consist of monosaturated and polysatu-

rated fats. “Think of good

fats as coming from plants and sea-

food,” Illg said. “So if you’re fat is coming

from those two sources you’re getting

good fats- nuts and seeds, oils, olives, avocados, salmon and tuna- all plants or seafood.”

Illg does not want people to worry

about fat in any turkey, chicken or beef.

“I don’t want people to be worried about the fat in their meat,” she said. “As long as you’re choosing a leaner meat, you’re

not frying it and breading it, you’re still

cutting off the visible fat and draining it when you can- you’re fine.”

ways foe. “Fat is an essential nutrient,” she said. “We need it to serve many

functions. For one is brain function.

Our brains are highly composed of fat tissues. Every cell in your body is composed of some fat. We need fat to help

absorb certain vitamins and minerals. It serves functions like insulating our organs, a whole variety of things.”

Studies from the Journal of the Amer-

ican Medical Association found a low-fat diet did not result in weight loss or lower

risk for cardiovascular disease, at least for postmenopausal women.

Illg stresses that eating fat with con-

sideration will not essentially make you fat, especially if it is coming from plants or seafood.

There is conflicting research sup-

porting artificial sugars as beneficial or harmful.


sonal preference is, if there’s a question,

consumed the equivalent of a 12-ounce

I’m being told the truth about it, then I’m

Americans consumed about 17 times

Illg said.

soda every seven hours.

of sugar in everything they eat, but not

many calories,” she said. “There are a

fruit. “Not that we want to eat those with-

sugar to fructose to artificial sugars and I

a freebie you can have as much as you

ways. I think even an artificial, non-cal-

to worry about those natural sugars.”

Guynet show how much sugar American

Illg chooses to be cautious. “My per-

He concluded that in 1822 Americans

if we don’t know for sure if I’m not sure

can of soda every five days. In 2005

going to avoid it as much as possible,”

that- the equivalent of a 12-ounce can of

She encourages people to be aware

“Sugar obviously can create too

obsess about natural sugar in milk and

lot of different sugars from your table

out consideration of portions; they’re not

think our bodies handle them in different

want,” Illg said. “But I don’t want people

Organic and All-Natural Organic is a choice. “Organic can help

is a non-profit environmental health re-

pop-tart is still a pop-tart and it doesn’t

has created a Shopper’s Guide to Pes-

you make good choices but an organic

make it more nutritious,” Illg said. “With

an organic pop-tart the benefit to that is

that you’re not getting the herbicide and

search and advocacy organization that

ticides in Produce™ that can be found online.

Organic and healthier foods can run

pesticide residues and you’re not getting

more expensive. “Look at your health as

could be filtered down. But it’s not more

She suggests looking at sale ads to

an investment,” Illg said.

nutritious in general.”

find more affordable healthy food.

supports the idea that organic does not

so that can help with [lowering costs].”

study examined 50 years of scientific

bels. “You want to be careful when

of organic and conventionally grown (us-

‘natural’, ‘all natural’,” she said. “There’s

Mayo Clinic points to a study that

Illg reminds people that fat is not al-

metabolic reactions in our body.”

searcher and neurobiologist Dr. Stephan

any genetically modified ingredients that


orie sweetener like Splenda, it causes

necessarily mean more nutrition. The articles addressing the nutrient content

ing herbicides and pesticides). The researchers concluded that conventionally growing food does not change nutrient content, although research in the area is ongoing.

If one is still looking to lower pesticide

and herbicide intake, however, Illg recommends avoiding the most contaminated produce.

“The Environmental Working [Group

“Some organic foods do go on sale Illg warns people of “all natural” la-

looking at labels and packages that say no standardized definition of that so

just disregard that. For organic there is.

There are really good definitions and rigorous standards that organic producers need to comply with and they get

inspected with and they have to pay to be certified and it’s that much more labo-

rious process to produce organic food, that’s why it costs more.”

She prefers to choose organic.

has] looked at how different fruits and

“Choosing organic is not going to make

bicides and some of them retain more

said. “I do believe there is a benefit.

vegetables retain pesticides and herthan others,” Illg said.

The Environmental Working Group

a difference as far as the calories,” she Again, it’s really a personal preference.”


How to read nutrition facts

Calories are humans’ fuel.

“The one thing to remember is- calories

are not something to be afraid of; they’re not evil or bad,” Illg said. “Our body runs

(on), it has to have calories. Calories are energy.”

Illg encourages people to focus more

on nutrients than solely calorie intake. “Nutrients are protein and carbohydrate



A nutrient dense food is full of these

nutrients, rather than just empty calories. “We eat food to fuel our body and to help us to do the tasks of our everyday needs,” Illg said. “So, if you’re drinking

a pop, you’re getting calories but you’re

getting no nutrients versus a piece of She suggests not to obsess. “I think if

people paid more attention to the nutrients and less on the calories we would

Amount Per Serving

spoons to check your serving sizes*.”

4. 5.

Vitamin A 0% Calcium 0%

220 140 % Daily Value**


How one student changed his lifestyle Drew Cubit walked to his classes the first

day of junior year with unexpected compliments. “I came back junior year and they’re

like, ‘Holy you-know-what, dude, you lost a ton of weight’,” Cubit said. “And I’m just like,

‘Really?’ Like I don’t notice. I’m used to seeing my body.”

Cubit, now a senior, started to change

his lifestyle about a year earlier. “I just really

didn’t like the way I looked so I needed to

change something,” he said. “I’ve built it up to

where I’m eating all the time but I’m getting a balanced meal at all times.”

Senior Luke McDermott recognized a

change in his friend’s habits. “He started working out more and then I noticed that his eating habits had changed like at lunch he

wouldn’t get what he used to get,” McDermott

said. “I didn’t really think of it until I noticed that he started losing weight.”

The first change for Cubit was joining

Planet Fitness. “I didn’t really know what I was doing there, but I was burning calories,”

he said. “So was I getting my maximum potential muscle building and fat burning-wise? No, but I was doing more than I was (before).”

Cubit had not investigated health much the

first year. “Everyone started to ask to work out


“That was kind of back in the day, to-

carbohydrates so you’ll feel satis-

fied with a smaller amount of food;

it’ll also keep blood sugars stabilized to help your brain function more ef-


“The reason those are required is be-

cause when they were making these

Honestly I don’t even really recom-

United States population was most

isn’t even relevant. I’ve never given

other labels listing other ones if the

fat-phobic 30 years ago or whatever.

labels, those are the ones that the

mend people look at that because it

likely to be deficient in. You might see

people a calorie goal for fat*.”

food is a good source of it, if it helps

“The current goal is 2,300 mg... I think

can help make sure you’re choosing

choosing more fruits and vegetables, less processed foods, you’re probably

promote that food. [Looking at those]


naturally going to lower your sodium intake some*.”

* According to Hy-Vee dietician Heather Illg

with me and what I was doing,” Cubit said.


tal calories from fat, when we were all

if you’re choosing more whole foods,

Vitamin C 0% Iron 0%

** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

all feel better and be healthier.”

focused. Protein digests slower than

actually get out measuring cups and


“Include some protein at each meal and snack to help you feel full and

listed. Compare the serving size

eat. You might be surprised if you




as it dictates all the other numbers

Serving Size: 1/2 cup Servings Per Container: about 4

Total Fat 15 g 23% Saturated Fat 7 g 35% Trans Fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 370 mg 15% Potassium 75 mg 2% Total Carbohydrate 21 g 7% Dietary Fiber 4 g Protein 3 g


“This should be the first number you look at on the Nutrition Facts Panel

Nutrition Facts


all those vitamins and minerals,” she


listed to the amount your typically

Calories Calories from Fat

and fat, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C,


more nutrient dense foods*.”

“Look for labels of ingredients that can be easily found in a kitchen. “(Look

for) shorter ingredient lists and words that you can pronounce and know what they are*.”

“Sometimes when you’re on meal plans

“And I’m like, ‘Crap I need to get on my A-

because you want to lose weight so you get

Cubit started to research exercise and

‘Oh I need to look good’ but your body is like

game because I don’t know what I’m doing’.”

nutrition and became very passionate about

health. “It just became a huge part of my life,” he said. “Like I still find myself, my mom

will walk in and be like, ‘Drew, you need to

go to bed’ and I’ll be like ‘But mom, I’m not

hungry during the day so you ignore it like,

‘Hey, we need to hang onto this fat because we’re going to die because we’re not getting

fed’,” he said. “So it’s going to hang on to that fat and you’re going to lose your muscle.”

He also helps McDermott reach his own

done watching Jay Cutler leg press like 900

health goals. “You have to be determined to


the same habits that you have,” McDermott

pounds, it’s not time to go to bed yet, trust Cubit’s mom, Kelly Lee, supports his

health direction. “He does a very good job

of calibrating all of his protein and all of his nutrition so therefore I have to make multiple

meals. I will buy different foods to supplement

do it otherwise you’re just going to go back to said. “You have to exercise and you have to

have a good diet otherwise exercising, it will

get you part of the way but your diet has to be really good (too).”

ferent for everyone. “It’s all just about know-


look like,” Cubit said. “It’s pretty much just

She recommends to parents do the re-

search with children who want to become

ing your own body and what you want it to wanting it for yourself.”

Lee admires her son for his personal drive.

healthier. “I think everybody learns from it and

“I just think that sometimes he has incredible

can’t say that I am not more aware of what I

him for that because it’s easier to eat bad

it obviously affects everybody,” Lee said. “I

put in my body due to the fact that Drew talks about it and he’s doing such a good job.”

Cubit plans his exercise beforehand with

the help of resources like bodybuilding.com. He tries to stick to a strict diet but is not afraid to eat unhealthy once or twice a week.


Cubit understands that being healthy is dif-

and make sure that his nutritional needs are

set so we’ll eat as a family more protein, more


will power,” she said. “And I’m very proud of than it is to eat healthy.”

Cubit plans on studying kineseology at

Iowa State University next fall. “I’d love to own

my own business (such as a gym), run it, and then also be a trainer,” he said.

Check out jhsblackandwhite.com to learn how Austen Knowlton lost 85 pounds!


the b&w p.12


Elders 2.0

words & layout

Senad Besic

Remember when melliferous was a word? Me neither.

Remember when black and white silent films were the ‘bee’s knees’? I sure don’t. All these things are either obsolete or we find no use for them now in the modern world.

Sadly, it seems as if the older generation can’t keep up

with these changing times. Sure there are some elders that certainly can, but most of our elderly just don’t understand

recent trends, jokes or technology. Because of this, most grown-ups and kids tend to butt heads often over different

viewpoints. My parents, for example, blow the most minis-

cule things way out of proportion. This doesn’t just apply to my parents. Asking around the third period newspaper

staff, I found out 11 out of 16 staff member’s parents make mountains out of molehills.

The large gap between what my parents find funny and

what I find funny creates some grounds for not only confusion, but conflict as well. Once, on the news, the anchors were talking about some guy that was arrested for some felony and I made the joke “Oh wow, I want to just be like

him when I grow up.” My parents then freaked out and told me how my life long dream of becoming a criminal was

not going to happen. There was also

After we got there, we were unpacking his stuff and taking

I made would result in a lecture.

“Alright thanks guys, there’s the door, you can leave now.”

about a 90% chance that the comment I don’t know if my parents just grew

up in households with no humor (well,

they were raised in civil war time Bosnia so actually this

makes sense), or maybe they just don’t understand the concept of sarcasm. They need to realize that there is al-

ways a difference between what grown-ups think and what

it to his room. When we finished that, he made the joke

When he said this, my parents told him what he said wasn’t funny at all. As we set out on the two hour drive back home,

my dad spent an hour and half ranting over my brother’s

comment. I just thought Mirza was making a casual joke, playfully telling us to get out of his hair.

Throughout this car ride my father and I exchanged our

teenagers think. Also, they should be more accepting of

opinions, and it just showed how much of a difference there

just new things in general come out, us kids will adapt to

think. He was talking about how rude Mirza’s comment was

change. As new technologies, different styles of humor or them, but our elders will probably struggle with it, since

they’ve grown accustomed with things from the past. It’s important that they, figuratively, grow with us.

It makes sense that grown-ups and teens are so differ-

ent. According to the National Geographic article “Beautiful Brains”, written by David Dobbs, as teenagers, we take

is about what grown ups would think and what teens would

and how he should be more respectful since we went out of our way to take him back to college. But to me, his comment wasn’t rude, he was just making a joke based on the situation, and it made more sense to drop him off at college since he had a morning class the next day.

Don’t take this piece as me bashing on my parents

more risks and we seek more natural highs because we

about all the little things they do that irritate me. I’m just

that this is actually very true. Crawling through 50 meters

changes, the most recent generations tend to follow along,

value rewards much higher than the risk. I’ve found out of pure filth to get to a show where robots fight wrestlers is totally worth it to me. But to my dad? Well, he’d rather just drive home and watch soccer.

On our way back from our spring break vacation, my

family stopped in Iowa City to drop off my brother, Mirza.

5 things

using my parents as examples. This is about how as time

while the older ones cling to their customs. People stick to

what they find comfortable. But the thing is, the 20th century isn’t coming back. It’s already passed. There’s no more parachute pants. No more Model T cars. From this point on it’s spaceships and robots and bread that will toast itself.

you can do to help the environment words & layout Courtney Mithelman

Take shorter showers

Water bottle stations

make a huge difference in the long run.

reusable water bottles quick and con-

taking a two minute shorter shower

of plastic water bottles going to land-


water than she used to because of the

Limiting the time of your shower can

Use them! These stations make filling

According to www.50waystohelp.com,

venient. They can reduce the number

can save more than 10 gallons of

fills. Junior Kaitlin Pranger drinks more water stations.




possible. Things like taking shorter

silverware, napkins, cups and gro-

day habit. Recycle things like plastic,

Students should reduce as much as showers, not running water while

brushing teeth, carpooling and bik-

ing with others, or minimizing use of

electrical items helps the environment. Reducing various things throughout

the day can help reduce the Carbon Dioxide output, save trees and can also reduce the use of natural resources.

Reuse items like water bottles, plates, cery bags instead of using disposable

items. “Plastic is something that takes

Make recycling a part of your everypaper, and cardboard. “Polk County

makes it easy with it’s sort free recy-

thousands of years to naturally decom- cling programs so everything can be pose so these are continuously build-

put in the same bin,” Mead said. You

ecosystems, especially in the ocean,”

ances, clothes, CD’s, batteries and ink

ing up in our landfills and destroying Dustin Mead, Environmentalist Club Adviser said.

can also recycle items such as applicartridges.*

*information found at http://www. greenamerica.org

Earth Day is April 22


the b&w p.13

The dangerous dark age words Mollie Greenwood

Society may say tan is beautiful but being artificially dark is expensive-- it could cost you your life

rself Make you l! beautifu

Tanning L


layout Kenzie Foldes

Skin cancer runs in my family. My uncle had melanoma

nicely. Don’t be that guy.

than wearing no sunscreen.

being tested, were pre-cancerous and countless moles

vention (CDC), a tan itself is actually an injury to the DNA

posed to the light boosts you vitamin D levels. This is true,

lightly pigmented blue eyes, moles and freckles and his-

you that you have damaged it. Also, according to skincan-

a vitamin D pill and you’re good to go. Also, most people

two times and my dad had two moles removed that, after removed that were of concern. My fair skin, blonde hair, tory of skin cancer put me at a much greater risk of being

susceptible to getting skin cancer than someone with naturally darker skin with no history of skin cancer.

Some girls think that they look ugly if they aren’t tan, but

that is largely due to society telling us that tan is beautiful.

If someone tells you that you are not beautiful because of

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-

of skin cells. In other words, it’s your skin’s way of telling

cer.org, if you significantly increase your sun exposure

within a short amount of time, with or without a sunburn,

your house. There’s also something called a light box that

Senior Megan Bradley, a relatively fair-skinned red-

actually can be for you,” Bradley said. “Just doing it once

sunscreen on. However, the best solution is to love your

I’ve always wondered what the real reason is that girls

more attractive. Junior Jaxson Lovelady believes that tan

have to ask yourself if the risk of getting cancer outweighs

the worth having a tan. To me, it’s a no brainer; being the pale outcast trumps being the ever-popular high-risk tan

male counterparts because guys say that tan girls are

girls are more attractive than pale girls, to an extent. “I find them more attractive but I find them less attractive if they

FACTS Use these facts to inform yourself about the warning signs of skin cancer Statistics provided by: http://www.cdc.gov/ cancer/skin/basic_info/indoor_tanning.htm, http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/tanning/ quick-facts-about-teen-tanning

time. Pale people: if it makes you feel any better, you will look much more youthful than your classmates when you come back together for class reunions.

I called three different tanning salons in hopes that they

salon mentioned that they legally weren’t able to tell me

Harvard Health newsletter, having a tan is the equiva-


accept you due to your skin color, they are not worth your

Some people also say that they tan so that they ‘don’t

10 years older than they really are? Definitely not me. Evand wrinkled that her appearance is frightening, to put it

skin tone the way that you are. If someone isn’t going to

would explain to me what they think are the benefits of

tive than girls who are overly tan.”

burn’ when they go on vacation over the winter or begin-

eryone has seen that one old lady whose skin is so dark

And, for the love of Pete, when you go out into the sun, put

tan too much,” Lovelady said. “I find pale girls more attrac-

person. Also, tanning causes premature aging of the skin,

which, to me, seems quite unpleasant. Who wants to look

If you must be tan, at least do your skin, and more im-

increases your risk a ton for skin cancer.”

developing melanoma also increases by 75% if you start

Putting on sunscreen may seem like a hassle but you

even being exposed to it boosts your mood.

portantly your life, a favor and use tanning spray or lotion.

tan, and then I realized: a lot of girls tan to appeal to their

tanning indoors before the age of 30.

mood. Go outside and take a walk or sit in a sunny room in

for you and I don’t think people really realize how bad it

young more than doubles your chance of developing

melanoma, the most deadly skin cancer. Your chance of

A lot of regular tanners do report feeling happier af-

scare me into being very cautious while I’m out in the sun.

Bad genes and fair skin and eye color aren’t the only

cer.org, getting one, bad, blistering sunburn when you’re

get enough sunlight in the winter to get by just fine.

ter tanning. However, there are safer ways to boost your

greatly increase. For me, hearing things like that alone

head, is also opposed to tanning. “It’s definitely very bad

things that put you at risk for cancer. According to skincan-

but if you’re truly worried about a vitamin D deficiency, take

your pigmented mole growth and risk of skin cancer can

you skin tone then shame on them. They don’t deserve you anyway.

Another attempt at justifying tanning is that being ex-

ning of summer. This also is, in part true. According to the lent of wearing sunscreen- a whopping SPF four or less

strength of sunscreen. So, in reality, its really no better

tanning. To my dismay, I had no such luck. One tanning anything and one employee from another tanning salon did

not want to disclose her name after I asked the question. This just goes to show that the awareness of the harmful

effects of tanning is spreading and that there really is no good reason to tan.

The health risks associated with UV radiation are even more likely with smoking, the use of birth control pills, anti-depressants, acne medication, ingredients found in anti-dandruff shampoos, lime oil, and some cosmetics. Risk factors for skin cancer: -fair skin that’s freckled or burns easily -blue or green eyes -blonde or red hair -family history includes skin cancer

One blistering sunburn in childhood

more than doubles a person’s chanc-

es of developing the deadliest form of skin cancer later in life.

The risk of melanoma is higher for people who start tanning indoors before the age of 30.


Warning signs of cancerous moles: -Asymmetrical moles -Uneven borders -Moles with multiple colors -Moles larger than 1/4 inch -Changes in size, shape, or color


theb&w p.14

ILA must emphasize grammar Integrated Language Arts needs to incorporate grammar into every unit that is discussed throughout the year words & layout Courtney Mithelman Integrated Language Arts. It is a class that we have all

taken, or are in the process of taking. It is a class that all of us, for the most part, hate.

ILA needs to be a class that teaches more standard

information, and not so much about analyzing pieces

of writing and other topics that can be covered in other

is because we assume students are being exposed to that when they’re younger,” ILA teacher, Kristi Mundy said. “By the time they get to us, we should just be

reviewing their application of it, which is why we correct it in essays.”

This is a problem. Clearly, students are having issues

English classes. For example, instead of watching a

with grammar and other related topics. This shows that

you think the underlying meaning is, students should be

never learn how to fix the problems that they are having.

video, interpreting it, and then writing a paper about what learning certain things such as grammar, different parts of sentences, direct objects, sentence structure and ways to structure different types of papers.

While I sat in French class last semester, listening to

my teacher talk about direct objects (when and how to

replace them), I was thoroughly confused. I was embar-

rassed that I did not know what it was, but I slowly raised my hand and asked her what a direct object was. Once

students do not know how to write properly, but they

Because this is obviously a concern for most students,

we need to cover grammar and other issues that we are encountering at some point in our high school language arts classes. Covering it in ILA seems like the most rea-

sonable solution. It is a class that everyone must take, so everyone would be able to review their knowledge of the basic information of English.

ILA is more focused on analyzing different types of

I asked her that, a few of my classmates looked relieved

writing and not as focused on using proper punctuation

that I could not remember the last time that I learned

dents would be able to understand correct grammar and

because they did not know what it was either. I realized proper grammar in my language arts classes. This is

when I came to the conclusion that grammar needs to

be something that is taught to all high schoolers at some

point in an English class, and the solution I came up with is that it should be taught in the required Integrated Lan-

or grammar. If the structure of ILA would change, stu-

other topics that would help with students’ writing. “We

spend too much time trying to analyze text,” sophomore

Carter Spurgin said. “A lot of the time it’s the same thing over and over again.”

Students would also have a higher understanding of

guage Arts class, which everyone takes as a sophomore.

the English language. After this knowledge is acquired,

abstract than they should be, we need ILA to be the core

classes. Students would excel even more after they

Because our current English classes seem to be more

class that revisits the basics of English. Honestly, we’re

high school teenagers. We do not always have the best grammar. Even though grammar and sentence struc-

ture are things that are taught to students at a younger

students would be allowed to take higher level English

know how to correctly write a paper and complete other projects with grammar, sentence structure and various other types of writing.

ing and Debate that go along with the classes that we

it for days on end. In order to refrain from completely

said. “I guess it’s just something our teachers expect us

to know, but when it comes to writing essays I find myself making grammatical errors.”

While I was taking the ACT, I had a hard time figuring

changing the system of ILA, teachers should continue

to teach about different types of writing, such as persua-

“The reason there isn’t [any grammar taught in ILA],

Instead of completely changing the way ILA runs now,

grammar would be too overwhelming for students and

After students take the required ILA course and learn

the next two years of high school. For example, once

chance to talk about it in my recent English classes.


phasized throughout all of these units during the year.

but grammar should be something that is taught and em-

probably the most frustrating part of the ACT. I knew

could not remember anything because I have not had a

currently have, such as AP Literature, and Advanced

sive, or informational, as well as the other units in ILA,

the standard information that they need to go over, they

that I should have easily known these simple rules, but I

needs to offer more classes such as Public Speak-

small grammar lessons need to be taught throughout

out what was wrong in the passages that were given to

me, which needed to be corrected. Personally, this was

These other English classes would also cover and

should just emphasize grammar and not just teach about

students are no longer as familiar with them as well as

talked much about grammar,” sophomore Brenna Yeutsy

as speeches, writing papers and stories.

No one is going to want to sit in class and listen to a

teacher talk about boring grammar, and that is why ILA

they should be. “During my experience of ILA we haven’t

Because there is a lack of reviewing simple parts of grammar such as direct objects and sentence structure, students are struggling while taking standardized tests.

explore more core, but advanced, learning. The school

age, this knowledge is easily forgotten. Because these basic topics are not reinforced throughout high school,

Clare Farrell/BW

would be able to take any other English classes for

a student finishes their required one year of Integrated

Language Arts, they have four semesters to take other,

more advanced, English classes. This is an opportunity to apply the skills learned in ILA in different areas such

the whole year. Doing a huge unit on the use of correct they would not pay attention. If teachers fix students’ mistakes while correcting papers, and then teach-

ing about how to correct use grammar the next time, students would eventually regain their knowledge of

what they have learned in the past. Teaching grammar

throughout the year in ILA would be the most beneficial solution to students and their success through high school.


the b&wp.15

Wipe away artificial beauty

Summit Middle School must allow a week-long program to take place that will help young girls through their struggles with self-image Sixth and seventh grade were two of the most dif-

ficult years of school I’ve ever had. My friends I had all

through elementary school told me that they couldn’t be

friends with me anymore. One of them said it was be-

cause I was too fat. I got bullied on the bus for being fat and weird and was called the (b-word) everyday until the point where I made my dad drive me himself.

I went through those years thinking that I wasn’t good

enough; I even bullied others because I thought it was

the cool thing to do, and to make me feel better. I struggled with my self-image through those years, but looking

back on it all now, it has made me stronger, and more skeptical of who I trust and become close with.

I am no longer bitter about the situation that hap-

words Carly Kinning layout Zoe Wilson & Carly Kinning

Theme days of Beauty Week No Makeup Monday:

True Beauty Thursday:

Tangle Tuesday:

XOXO Friday:

Don’t wear any makeup.

Don’t do anything to your hair.

Put frames around bathroom mirrors. Wear pink and red to school.

Worry-Free Wednesday:

Put up positive sticky notes around the school.

This program would be beneficial for sixth and sev-

Junior Sam Wilkinson is willing to be a part of this

pened in middle school, but now I want to do what I can

enth grade girls because they are at the age where they

committee and share what she has seen younger girls

grade girls. My goal is to help them get through similar

ing high school girls speak out about when they tried

start to wear makeup and do their hair, and most, if not

message to girls that they don’t need to wear makeup to

son said. “It’s so important for young girls to know that

style your hair every day.


Johnston. During this Beauty Week in Texas, they held

ham is on board with the idea for a Beauty Week at

grade won’t listen to us high school girls talking to them

Tuesday to promote self confidence and inner beauty.

(struggles with) self-esteem, and they’re really figuring

body to participate in something, such as this or even

coming from high schoolers and people that they look

her opinion of herself for the better, however, then I have

to make a difference in the lives of sixth and seventh situations they deal with like mine and have a positive self-image.

After hearing from photographer Deena Byrd about

the Beauty Week that took place at a high school in Texas, I thought this would be a great thing to bring to

start to experiment with makeup and their hair. By hav-

go through. “Middle school is a time when most girls

makeup and why they felt the need to, it will send the

all, struggle with having a positive self-image,” Wilkin-

be pretty or presentable. It’s okay to not wear makeup or

beauty is so much more than how much makeup you

Sixth grade guidance counselor Brittney Cunning-

People may say that some girls in sixth and seventh

Summit. “This is a good time because of kids and their

about our experiences. It is always hard to get every-

out who they are,” Cunningham said. “It’s more powerful

Homecoming Week. If I can get just one girl to change

up to than if the counselors and I were to do it.”

achieved what I have set out to do.

ies and relationships with others. I have been spending

some cruel thoughts girls have about themselves when

Week happens and be one of many movements taking

to work in the most effective way.

they hear that a high school girl went through the same

around the country, Aerie, and Dove have all done cam-

minds and make them feel like they are not alone, as

their own ways, and Johnston should be one of them.

when they are figuring out who they truly are.

in middle school, I would never wish this upon some-

would give advice to sixth and seventh grade girls that

needs to be put together to make this week possible.

of these younger girls and the reason they stay positive

They would speak to girls and meet in groups to

plan what we would say and talk about, how would we

I would be proud to go to a school district where we

themed days such as No Makeup Monday, or Tangle Beauty Week at Johnston would take place at Sum-

mit Middle School and have themed days like at the high school in Texas. It would also tackle some big issues

and insecurities pre-teen girls have involving their bodthe past few weeks of my time thinking of a plan for this I have modified this idea to involve high school girls,

and they would be on a committee in charge of running the week. The high school girls would also be speaking

out about issues that they have been through in sixth

and seventh grade similar to my situation, and they relates to the struggles the younger girls have.

cover three topics. The topics they would cover would be bullying and friendships, becoming comfortable with their bodies, and even dating in middle school.

By having Beauty Week at Summit, it will diffuse

Summit administrators should make sure Beauty

they are having troubles with their self-esteem. When

place around the nation. The Today show, schools all

thing that they might be going through, it will open their

paigns or promoted inner beauty and self confidence in

well as ease their thoughts. It will keep them positive A committee of high school girls willing to speak out

After the way I felt from being bullied and rejected

one else. I would love to be the difference in the lives

We would have to meet periodically up until the event to

about themselves.

approach each situation, and work with guidance coun-

promote young girls to feel beautiful in their own skin,


of their natural beauty.

selors to be the most effective when talking about our

and to not be pressured to cover, hide, or be ashamed


theb&w p.16

Sparking a healthy lifestyle Yoga opens up new opportunities to get fit There has been lots of talk about how people

words & layout | Carmen Vajgrt

more than 5,000 years. It is said that the original

“don’t believe in yoga,” or think that it is some jedi-

purpose was to connect the mind and body through

mind-trick that is full of smoke and mirrors, but those

movements that demanded focus and a heightened

who actually practice yoga tell a different story. “At

body awareness. Through the different motions and

the end you do final relaxation and you realize that

positions, the body is forced to use a large variety

the whole time you were working hard but it’s still

of muscles. Pauline Tan is the owner of Spark Barre

calming,” senior Kelsey Acheson said. “She (the yoga

Pilates and Yoga in Urbandale. “Yoga relieves muscle

instructor) reminds you to think about everything

tension and assists in the balance between joint

that’s happened in the last week, the last day, the

mobility and stability,” she said.

last hour, and to just let it go. It sounds weird, but it

As yoga continues to be one of the most beneficial


ways to keep your body mobile, it is also something

benefits for the body. Doctors have recommended it

California at Irvine, unmanaged stress can lead to an

Yoga is not only good for the mind, it has many

that wards off stress. According to the University of

to athletes to prevent and recover from injury. “A lot of

increased risk of both mental & physical problems.

the other exercises and activities we like to do can be a little harder on the joints themselves,” Dr. Braxton Pulley of East Village Chiropractic said. “So going

from a fairly sedentary lifestyle to, let’s say, running, you can do that, but there are some consequences that come with that.”

The benefits of yoga for athletes is huge. “One of

the biggest challenges athletes face is that they don’t

stretch,” Dr. Pulley said. “They do some basic stretching because their coach tells them to. I recommend it

(yoga) to any athlete going forward. It should become a part of a daily routine, where you keep your joints and your back and your muscles healthy.”

Senior David Rice and some other runners of the

cross country team have started doing yoga as an

addition to their training. “Becoming more flexible is

These include infection, illness, diabetes, obesity,

and heart disease, as well as depressive and anxiety

Carmen Vajgrt/BW

Members of Spark Barre Pilates & Yoga work on flexibility during a yoga class geared towards athletes. Paulina Tan leads the class and works on core strength and flexibility. always a good thing in running because it helps you

avoid injury,” Rice said. “We tried to get a yoga trainer

to come on some Saturdays in the winter, Coach (Matt)

Jaschen tried to set it up, but apparently we didn’t have enough people even though 12 people signed up.”

According to the American Yoga Association, yoga

is one of the oldest forms of exercise. Stone carvings

disorders. “The heightened awareness of the mind-

body connection can be a great mechanism to manage stress-induced chronic pain,” Tan said. “When

you’re feeling stressed, the body is more likely to be injured.”

Acheson has practiced yoga shy of a year and

practices yoga at Climb Iowa as well as at home. “I

run and I climb and I do Farrell’s,” Acheson said. “It’s beneficial in a different way. Those are good stress

relievers in a way of just getting it out but yoga is like getting it out with your breath, not just your actions.”

depicting figures in yoga positions have been found

in archaeological sites in the Indus Valley dating back

full of myth


-It’s only for lean, flexible people. One of the main purposes for yoga is to improve flexibility. Because some forms of yoga can be slower paced, they have all different ways to modify movements for people who are very flexible and for people who are not flexible at all. -Dr. Pulley -Those people tend to be rich, white girls. Many different races taking classes and some of the greatest yoga teachers over the past 2,000 years have been men. I have been in classes where I was literally the only girl. -Kelsey Acheson

-Yoga is full of weird, Buddhist religious stuff, I think. Yoga has no religious connection. A common practice is to connect your body with your mind but no god is worshipped. It’s kind of a belief. The core of it is letting things go. ‘Act don’t react.’ -Kelsey Acheson -It’s for vegetarians or vegans. Vegetarians and vegans do other things like go to school with you. I do see a strong correlation between people who practice yoga...they tend to be in a healthier condition over all. -Dr. Pulley


the b&w p.17

Softball and baseball prepare for the season words & layout Carly Campbell

Teams fundraise for indoor batting cages to practice Batting Cage Fundraisers

The softball and baseball programs are working with

local businesses trying to raise money for the purchase of batting cages which have been installed in the middle

school gym. Johnston is the only school in the area without indoor cages. Other teams are able to practice hitting all winter which gives them a head start to the season.

During the summer indoor cages play a key role as well. If it rains, most teams go inside. Johnston teams were

not given that option. For years the coaches have been

Meredith Gwennap/BW

pushing for them but the money has never been available.

Last year, both teams struggled because of rain. Many

practiced were rained out forcing coaches to cancel prac-

tice. “When ever it rained we had to cancel which was really annoying,” junior Andrew Heuss said. “It really affected the offense because we couldn’t practice hitting.”

Baseball head coach Michael Barta and softball head

coach Todd Merical decided to take it upon themselves to raise the money.

The Johnston Softball Program participated in two fun-

draisers which will be held in April. “We didn’t have a lot

of time to come up with the money for the cages,” Se-

nior Lauren Thilges said. “We were fortunate enough to have parents on the team talk to their employers and find

ways to earn us money.” The first is the Lincoln Test Drive Event. Stivers Ford Lincoln and Lincoln Motor Company

are hosting a one day test drive fundraising event. This will give the school the opportunity to earn up to $8,000.

For each test drive completed, the softball team earns

$20, up to a maximum of $6,000 or 300 test drive. In addi-

tion, the school could earn an additional $2,000 if 100 test drive participants complete a second test drive. The drivea-thon will take place on Saturday April 19th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Johnston High School parking lot. The

cars will be provided by Stivers a Lincoln dealership. A test drive took no more than five minutes and participants

will be asked to complete a short survey before and after the test drive. Test drivers must be 18-years-old.

The second event is a dining for dollars event at Fa-

mous Dave’s on Merle Hay and will be held on Tuesday,

April 22. Famous Dave’s will donate 10% of their net sales

for that day the softball program. Net sales will include

dine-in and carry out but exclude catering. The hours of operation are 11 a.m.-10 p.m. “I think that the dinner will

Junior Zach Grenell throws a pitch in a 2013 season game. Grenell is one of few returning pitchers to the varsity team and is expected to get more playing time at the pitchers mound.

“I’m looking forward to trying to get back to state. We have high expectations, and we got a good bunch of guys and I think we can do it again.” -junior Logan Ryan “Our team’s chemistry on and off the field is great. We’ve been putting in a lot of work and time into off-season workouts and it will show on the field.” -sophomore Haylee Towers “The batting cages have really helped us out. They’ve given us a lot of off season hitting practice that we otherwise wouldn’t have.” -sophomore Colton Mills go over great,” Thilges said.” “We have so many supporters to help us out in the process.”

The baseball team took a different approach to rais-

ing their share of the money. The team started by selling raffle tickets for $20 per person to friends and family with the goal of 10 tickets per person. The tickets will be raffled off periodically throughout the season and the winners receive $100. Also with help from a local Casey’s General Store the boys pumped gas and washed windows for tips raising about $1,200. Barta also received donations from

local restaurants like Jethros Barbeque. Barta feels that

the cages are necessary for a successful season. “They

will be important during both the regular season and dur-

ing the off season,” Barta said.” “We hope they will get our offense of to a running start when the season begins.”

Upcoming Season

After a state championship title last year, the baseball

team feels the pressure to fill the shoes of the 15 graduated seniors. “Every team needs an individual or group

of individuals to step up and lead the team,” senior Tyler Steuber said. “I think the seniors recognize that it’s our responsibility to lead.” Although the loss of so many players

will be difficult to replace, the team is optimistic about the upcoming season.

The overall goal would be a repeat at state but Barta

likes to think of state as a result not a goal. Barta tells his team that state is an expectation and does not believe in long term goals. “Long term goals are dumb,” Barta said.

“We set daily goals like playing hard which will lead to

results like winning games and making the state tournament.” With the loss of so many seniors, Barta is looking

for younger players to play varsity earlier than originally

planned. “I need the young guys to play big and play big soon,” Barta said.

The biggest hole in the squad is at pitching. The team

lost all of its pitchers last season and is looking for replacements on the younger teams.

The softball team is also looking at the upcoming sea-

son positively. The team is looking to improve their offense.

“We really want to work on coming out on top in the

tight situations when we need to,” senior Sara Knee said. “Sometimes we would leave people on base and as far as our offense goes we need to work on hitting so we can get

those people in.” The batting cages will play a large role in improving multiple things for the softball team, including

their RBI (runs batted in) average and their reaction time during a game.


the b&w p.18

JHS COACHES HALL OF words Anne Rogers

layout Zoe Wilson & Mallorie Goodale

Patrick Mattingly

Pat Hennes

4A boys track and field coach of the year

4A girls cross country coach of the year

Girls cross country

Boys track and field Provided/JHS Athletics

Advice: “Be flexible, be willing to listen, enjoy working with the kids and have fun. I try to teach them and understand what issues they have and meet them in the middle to work with them.”

Memorable moment: “LJ Liscomb winning the 2011 state track title in the 800. We knew he was more than physically prepared, but we were worried about him being mentally

prepared. At the end of the first lap he was sixth or seventh place, but by the time he got around to the last 100 he was in first place and it was incredible.”

An athletes point of view Cooper Maahs, junior “Mattingly has taught us teamwork. That’s his main goal for the

whole team. He wants the team to be more connected and keep us closer together.”

Advice: “Keep it fun. It’s not all about just one season or one meet, it’s about how we always do things the right way.”

Memorable moment: “We had made it our goal for a lot of years to make it on the podium at state, to get in the top three. So last year at state, when we did that, and the

way we did that, was very memorable. They messed up the scoring because our first runner Bailey Eppard, who got 18th, they had her as last. So when they figured that out we went from seventh place to third place and that was an awesome feeling.”

An athletes point of view Sarah Kromminga, junior

“Don’t over-ice or else you’ll get frostbite. He’s told me that numerous times. I think he’s learned that from experience.”

Aaron Tecklenburg

Todd Merical

Central District Class Coach 3A Coach of the Year

Softball coach of the year, all classes



Provided/JHS Athletics

Advice: “Listen. Be open to new ideas from coaches and kids. Then trust your decision

Advice: “A former coach of mine told me that it was vital that I be myself and not try to

‘You are never as good as you think you are, and you are never as bad as some people

He also told me that if a coach worries too much about making everybody happy, then

making and believe in your system. There’s a good quote I like about being a coach may think.”

Memorable moment: “I think in general a memorable moment is seeing these guys go from a perennial loser to a 14-6 dual team this year. After the Dowling meet this year

we looked at each other as a staff and said ‘wow I never thought this day would come.’ What stands out the most is getting to do something where you knew coming in that there’s a lot of work to do here. And now seeing the little kids club working with the high school guys- that community effort- is incredible.”

An athletes point of view

Alec Ksiazek, sophomore

“Tecklenburg has just taught us to work hard everyday, no matter what you’re dealing with, just push through. He’s taught us to work well as a team and has brought all the wrestlers closer together and he’s built a good relationship with us as well.”

emulate anybody else. He said that the players would be able to see right through it. they are unrealistic and it will lead to a short coaching career.”

Memorable moment: When our field was unplayable due to excess rain, the girls,

parents, Mr. Ross and coaches met at the field once it quit raining to help get the water off of the field and in the cages. Everybody helped out by removing bucket after bucket

of water off of the field, spreading field dry, and raking for hours until the field was playable. Many of the players were covered with mud, but they didn’t complain and took pride in getting the field ready so the tournament could be played.”

An athletes point of view

Ellen Espeland, senior

“Merical is super committed to us, that’s one big thing he focuses on. He pushes us to give everything we have and he has demonstrated that to us every season I have played for him.”

the b&w p.19

Fame Shari Walling Swimming

IGHSAU Golden Plaque of Distinction Provided/JHS Athletics

Advice: “The best piece of advice I’ve learned is always love what you do so much that everyone knows you love it.”

Memorable moment: “The first meet in the pool was the Johnston/Dowling dual meet. We won the inaugural event 101-69. It was great to beat them and win the conference

dual meet season. On a Sunday afternoon my boys and girls teams met and we all jumped in together to be the first to christen the pool.”

An athletes point of view

sports Seven coaches from a variety of sports received awards and recognition for their outstanding coaching ability and season. “Typically if you receive coach of the year that means the team has done well, and obviously if the team has done well it’s a combination of the coach and the athletes binding together,” Athletic Director Gary Ross said. “All of these awards tell me that the state and our district feel positively toward our programs. The type of coaches we have in our program are first rate, I think they care about kids first, they treat kids right, and they work hard, and they’re constantly finding ways to become the best they can be in their program.”

Gary Ross

Athletic Director

Iowa High School Athletic Director of the year Advice: “I think you need to be involved in athletics and our organizations. I think sometimes people also recognize your school and your program as very strong and successful, not just in terms of winning but in terms of participation and how they represent themselves. Be a positive role model, work hard, and treat people respectfully.”

Nicole Davis, senior

” Memorable moment: “It was at the state boys bowling tournament in 2008. They have

and telling me that I could do it and she kept encouraging me. She’s

bowler bowls the first frame and so on-- so our boys were playing and they rolled a

amazing swimmers come through and she’s coached so well. She

petitors from other schools just fall silent as they watch our boys, and after each strike

“This year I had a rough swimming season and she kept pushing me

what they call a Baker Game-- where there are five people on your team, and the first

an amazing coach and she deserves this award because she’s had

perfect 300 at the state meet. It was packed inside Plaza Lanes, and to see all the com-

pushes you farther than what you think your limit is.”

you see kids high fiving each other, and to me that was really cool.”

Matt Jaschen

Michael Barta

4A boys cross country coach of the year

4A boys baseball coach of the year

Boys cross country

Advice: “Listen to your athletes. Usually every day I ask how they’re feeling and that

kind of gauges what we do that day. You want to push them but at the same time you don’t want to over train them and make them have a bad taste about running. I always have a motto, which is love more and hate less. We can compete against teams and try


Advice: “A couple of coaches I always talk to tell me to remember what your real purpose as a coach is, and I think if I teach how to properly play the game of baseball, that reflects life skills like adversity, handle failures, and other little things like that.”

to beat them, but when all is said and done, they’re still people too.”

Memorable moment: “It’s got to be the state title. There’s a lot that goes into the coach-

Memorable moment: “It would have to be standing on the podium at state holding up

for the final game. And when that last pitch was thrown and McCune struck the last kid

that runner up trophy. Knowing where we were three years ago, and looking where we are now, it’s basically a perfect example of if you want to work hard you’ll get somewhere. These guys work so hard in the off season, and they’ve grown on each other and we’re like a family now which is exactly what you want as a coach.”

An athletes point of view

ing side of sports, and we worked really hard as a coaching staff to get our kids prepared

out, I just leaned back in the dugout and watched the kids dogpile for a couple of seconds because I was just thinking that it was really nice for everything to pay off. And then of course the coaching staff ran out and dogpiled on the kids.”

An athletes point of view Reid Sinnett, junior

Connor Westlake, senior

“He talks about explosiveness in everything you do and to always

“He says we’re born to run a lot, so that gives people a reason to go

college, he decided to do everything explosively, so he got out of

out for cross country or track. I continue cross country because I enjoy the team and Jaschen is a big part of that.”

do your best in everything you do. He told me that when he was in bed explosively, brushed his teeth explosively, stuff like that. We play explosively, and that’s why we win.”


the b&w p.20

The FACES of JHS words Kenzie Foldes and Mollie Greenwood

layout Kenzie Foldes

Modeled after Humans of New York, the B&W took a glimpse into the lives of JHS students

Kaitlyn Hammer senior -What is your biggest fear? “Falling. I won’t go on rollercosters and I can barely stay on ski lifts... I’m just afraid of falling and hitting the ground.”

Max Culbert

Kate Irwin sophomore

What is the most fun thing that happened to you this past summer? “I met Lance Armstrong on RAGBRAI. He was just golfing right behind the house that we were camping out at and so we just went over to the golf course and he was there.” Did you get an autograph or a picture with him? “Not an autograph. A picture is worth a thousand words.”

What is the best dare you’ve ever dared someone to do or you dared someone else to do? “I was in sixth grade and I had friends over for a sleepover and one of the dares was to have one friend go outside and yell ‘there’s a fire, help!’ and my mom got so mad. That was the most extreme dare I have ever seen.”

Riley Deutsch senior What do you think is the hardest thing about growing up and why? “I think you’re expected to act in a more confined set of rules. There’s a lot less you can actually do that’s considered okay.”


Jeremy Lilly


What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? “I was grocery shopping with my mom once when I was 10 and this lady thought I was her kid and she tried to take me home. My mom comes walking over and she’s really mad about it. The whole store was confused about it.”

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