December 2010

Page 1

BW the black and white

SNOW SPORTS p.13 the black and white. Dec. 2010. volume 19 issue 5. 5152780449. 6501 NW 62nd ave. johnston. iowa one copy free

in this issue december six Multitasking has become

seven Take a look at the Black and

an epedemic. Read the Black

White Awards. Find out what

it is ruining students’ ability to

this past year and why.

and White’s opinion about how stay focused.

we voted as our favorites from

eight-nine Thirteen Johnston gradu-

twelve As winter approaches, the

ates share their insights about

weather becomes rather chilly.

need to know before you get

the warmest product for every

college life and things you there.

Turn to this page to discover part of your body.

0 1 0 r2


b m e c



News 3


Proposed 1:1 student laptop plan

Opinion 4 5

Iowa: fields of opportunities, fields of awesome. Appreciate Advisory, it’s not that bad Guest Opinion: Elissa Lowe confronts commercial food production That’s what Shi said: Character Counts


in this issue...


Could excessive multitasking be ruining our nation’s youth?

NEWS Mike Shi OPINION Kristine Hayes

Entertainment 7

PHOTO EDITOR Michael Knoedel

The Black and White’s best of the year awards





8-9 JHS grads give their top 13 pre-college tips 10 Timed lunches: Ever wonder where you can go in one lunch period? Smaha has. Roku Box is revolutionizing television


FEATURE Lauren Coffey




SPORTS Ryan Smaha

11 Tips and tricks to cure dry skin caused by winter weather 12 Keep yourself nice and toasty this winter with fashionable cold weather apparel 13 Snow lovers! 14 JHS students express themselves through art


Sports 15 Athletes get drafted to college teams Smaha sounds off with “Full court press”



16 The low-down on JHS Girl Scouts





Want the B&W online? Send us an e-mail, to and we’ll send you a PDF of the paper every month



STAFF WRITERS Isabella Engblom, Wes Monroe, Alexa Anderson, Rachael Meyer Illustrators Rosemarie Freymark, Trevor Fisch, Austin Smoldt-Saenz PHILOSOPHY

The Black and White is published solely by the Johnston High School newspaper staff. Its goal is to inform, enlighten and entertain Johnston students. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law and board policy, students assign and edit material. The paper is published nine times per school year. The paper will avoid material that is libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. The law does not require parental permission to use student quotes. Ethically, we believe students can speak for themselves. Staff editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the adviser, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. Bring letters to room 413 within one week after publication to be considered for the next issue. The Black and White strives to report accurate and timely information. If you believe that an error has been printed, please contact the editors at The Black and White is a member of CSPA, NSPA, Quill & Scroll, and IHSPA. Recent issues of the paper earned these honors: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist, National Scholastic Press Association First Class rating, Quill & Scroll Gallup Award, IHSPA state placings and sixth in the National Best of Show.

on the cover: Junior Tyler Moriarty snowboards down a hill in his backyard. photo credit: Kelly McGowan


dec 2010

One to one Discussing the possibility of have one laptop for every student words & layout Alexa Anderson Looking at schools with laptops Recently, director of technology Tony

Sparks, Instructional Technology Coordi-

nator Ann Wiley, Associate Principal Jerry Stratton and Superintendent Clay Guthmiller went to Westside High School in Omaha

to see what it is like for a school with lap-

tops. “Our district is continually looking for

what is best for learning for our kids and 1:1 laptops would be a tool,” Stratton said.

that the textbooks would be updated yearly instead of waiting ten years to get the next one with updates.

Another advantage of having laptops

is that computer labs wouldn’t be needed which would open extra classroom space.

“Knowing that every student in our build-

ing would have access to an educational tool to unlimited

The group decided to look at the

Omaha school because they wanted

to observe a larger school that would be

more like Johnston. “Small schools in Iowa

have laptops but larger schools have different needs,” Sparks said.

When they walked into Westside high

school, they noticed several differences. “Westside is a school with a significantly

different day structure called a module system,” Stratton said.

While there, Wiley noticed that there

were a lot of things happening. “Kids were

sitting in the hallways with their laptops open,” Wiley said.

Advantages and Disadvantages “Having laptops really would level out

the playing field. It would allow students that can’t afford computers to have access

to one and make it easier for research,” Sparks said.

Eventually classes may start to use on-

line textbooks. The advantage would be



of information

is an advantage,” Stratton said.

However, Sparks said that there

isn’t a lot of research out there that proves

getting laptops for each student would improve test scores.

“We would also have to be careful of po-

tential dangers to students on the internet,” Stratton said.

What’s next? The committee has already presented

students would most likely be issued them

structure, hardware, community support,

in a year and a half.

tees will need to be formed, (like finance,

Cost? Apple has a combined price of many dif-

ferent unknown factors until the district de-

If the district chooses to adopt laptops

in front of the school board. More commit-

curriculum, ect.) much like Westside.

in two to four years. The earliest would be

“This is really just a work in progress right

Along with the committees, several new

now,” Sparks said. The committee does not

that all areas and aspects of getting lap-

“The reality is that it could happen two

cides to take laptops into action.

staff members would need to be hired so

know if getting laptops is possible.

exactly how much laptops would cost. “At

tops would get covered. “If you are going

years from now,” Guthmiller said. “It’s only

needed like desks, tables, or places for in-

teacher but I think it prepares our kids bet-

Right now the committee does not know

Westside [laptops] cost about $1.3 million

per year so it would probably cost a little less here,” Guthmiller said.

to have a tool, you have to look at what’s

a tool and it will probably never replace the

dependent work,” Stratton said.

ter for the future.”

“I think that laptops are beneficial, however, I am against getting them because to me it’s going to be an additional distraction.” -science teacher Matt Jaschen

“I think they would be a great resource instead of teachers needing to checkout the labs for use everytime. ” -Junior Malia Meyer

“At my old school we had laptops and it worked out well.” -Senior Caylan Cordaro

“I think we should get laptops because we wouldn’t have to buy books, teachers can utilize websites and it’s eco- friendly.” -Sophomore Erik Rasmussen

“We should have laptops in school because it would take out the weight issue for books, but it would be a bad idea because of the eyestrain.” -Sophomore Megan Albers

“I think that it’d be a good idea because there would be no excuse not to get homework done.” -Senior Victoria Orrante

“I don’t like it, because (the seniors) survived without them. It causes more issues with innappropriate sties.” -Senior Trevor Fisch

“The laptops would be portable, less expensive than books, more sercure and lessens the strain on your back.” -Sophomore Andrew Schwaderer

the b&w p.4


dec 2010

Landlocked and lovin’ it words & layout

Zach Winjum

Many times, the benefits of living in the Hawkeye state

coasts, due to the fact that Iowa has a lot more to offer

the last time you heard someone say, “I am so glad to live

best in the country, we have a low living cost compared to

are more than overlooked, they are despised. When was

in Iowa”? For me, that is about as rare as finding a four-leaf clover in the desert. Not only is it that Iowa is looked down

upon, but the same people that diminish its greatness seem

besides corn and hogs. Our public education is one of the the coastal regions, and we also are able to experience all four seasons to the fullest, just to name a few.

As Iowans, we also have little to worry about. For ex-

to glamorize the East and West Coast in a way that makes

ample, a stolen iPod is about as malicious of a crime we

Perhaps the coasts sound so amazing because of the

disasters we face are tornados and thunderstorms. Com-

the rest of the country appear to be substandard.

dense population or the attractions that the Mid-west seems to lack, but since when are large crowds a good thing? Human nature tells us that people enjoy being around other

will ever encounter, and the only real threatening natural pared to the rest of the country’s problems, these are rather minuscule.

One of the unnoticed benefits of living in Iowa is the

people. It does not mean that behemoth-sized cities are

quality of meat that makes it to our dinner table. No matter

is a nightmare and people are practically breathing down

impossible to find a better cut of beef or pork than in the

ideal conditions. Living where parking is impossible, traffic your neck constantly sounds all but enjoyable.

Civilians are not the only ones that put the coastal life-

style on a pedestal; media is also notorious for it. When was the last time a network TV hit took place in Middle-

where one would travel to in the entire country, it is nearly great state of Iowa. Having these delicacies produced so

close to home not only fuels our stomachs, but our economy as well.

Don’t get me wrong, the cities of the East and West

America? If there are any, it is a rare occurrence. Almost

Coast are great places to visit, but living in such places

or California. It is as if there is a lack of creativity in the

say goodbye to any dreams of a backyard if you wish liv-

everything we see on television has a setting in New York

television planning. Although it may sound cheesy to con-

duct a television show from Des Moines, Iowa, it makes a little more sense than all the rest that take place on the

would be unbearable. The cost of living is outrageous, and

ing the “luxurious” city life. Football games, concerts and

Black Friday probably only scratch the surface of the large crowds that New Yorkers face on a daily basis.


Advisory attitudes need adjusting The school came up with an inge-

how hard your teacher tries or what you

nally a place and a group of people that

week. Not to mention they managed to

matter that the skills you are learning

not ever associate with that you can get

nious way to help students survive the make it useful time for the staff as well.

Wednesday late starts make the mid-

week slump turn into a weekly highlight. Another issue comes with every Wednesday too: Advisory.

do, Advisory will be dumb. It does not will be useful in the future or that the

Dollars for Scholars portfolios will eventually get you money for college, if you expect it to be boring or bad, it will be.

The biggest problem is the mind-set of

you will gain some insight or friendships

from this experience so you should at least give it a try.

Contrary to popular belief, Advisory is

students and teachers.

not just about bonding, it is about build-

set that it will be dumb, then no matter

at the school that you can talk to and fi-

If you go to Advisory with the mind-

Did you know that just six people are

The curriculum has been a work in prog-

However, there is the possibility that

things go wrong.” It is a learning curve.

work put into Advisory to just let it go.

to ensure that everyone will be happy.

and member of the Advisory board Aubrand new program and not have some

if you do not try. There was too much

in charge of everything we do in Advi-

sonalities randomly makes it impossible

drey Bell said, “It is impossible to start a

to know. Either way you will never know

I like Advisory. Mixing that many per-

It is a new program so naturally there

will be problems. Guidance counselor

you, under normal circumstances, may

ing skills useful in life, having an adult

sory? Or that they volunteered to do it? ress since 2008 to make the most of the

23 minutes we spend in Advisory. They have spent many hours on this. I think that deserves some appreciation. If not appreciation then at least respect.

Students could try to participate in

the activities and who knows, maybe they will get something useful out of it.

words & layout

Kristine Hayes

Goals of Advisory Advocacy

Giving each student a staff member to connect with. Improving relationships between students and teachers.


Making everyone in the school feel more like they are a community with a stong atmosphere of equality.

Skill Development Building 21st Century Skills (i.e. critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation.)

Invigorating Expierences Doing group activities like door decorating, canned food drives and games during Advisory.


dec 2010

Mindful eating

the b&w p.5

guest opinion Elisabeth Lowe

Reusable bags, refillable water bottles, efficient light bulbs — these are all

ways that many young Americans are choosing to go green. But for a nation that is becoming more environmentally aware, is it possible that we’re overlooking

one of the most environmentally destructive factors? Is it possible that the standard American diet is responsible for universal terrors like water scarcity, world hunger and deforestation? While it’s hard to imagine that something as simple

as food could have such an extreme impact on the world around us, the production of some of these foods is quite complex and damaging. The culprit is hardly

innocent, yet the majority of the American population unknowingly contributes to

the 2.7 billion tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere each year (United States Humane Society, 2008).

But what exactly are we eating that is so destructive? According to a study

conducted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the live-

stock industry harms the climate more than all cars and SUVs put together. A study by the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Japan

found that 2.2 pounds of beef is responsible for the equivalent amount of carbon

dioxide generated by a standard car every 155 miles. In simple terms, the excessive consumption of meat is affecting our planet. If you take into account that

30 percent of our planet’s ice-free land is involved in livestock production, it’s no wonder that this industry has had such a devastating impact on our world.

However, it is not hopeless. The livestock industry, like any other industry, will

respond to consumer demands. By supporting and purchasing from local, family

operated farms, you will significantly reduce your carbon footprint while increasing the likelihood of humane treatment to the animals you consume. Luckily,

money talks and you can encourage eco-friendly practices throughout the livestock industry without ever having to say a word. Everything from the light bulbs

you use to the food you eat makes an impact on the environment. Whether that impact is good or bad is entirely up to you.



Whatever happened to Character Counts?

Kristine Hayes/BW

Senior Elisabeth Lowe poses with sophomore Paige Cramer’s chicken. Cramer does not use animals for consumption, she shows them through 4H. According to VIva!USA, a non-profit organization against commercial livestock production, an estimated 23 million chickens are killed in the U.S. for food each day.

cow. Character Counts.

Character Counts did. Sure, I may have

lace and Beaver Creek being taught about

was taught Character Counts, but it sure

I remember in elementary school at Wal-

Character Counts. Those six pillars and the golden rule were everywhere. In every

lines for Character Counts. I still even have

something; it’s just that seeing that rubric

Seeing that application makes me wonder,

said words Mike Shi

what happened to Character Counts?

application, everything looks simple, just the basic extracurriculars and volunteer

stuff, with the occasional essay. As I get to the last page, I stop. What’s this? Citizenship? Responsibility? Respect? Trustworthiness? Fairness? Caring? In Bold?! Holy

A part of me misses Character Counts.

I’m not saying we should start teaching

a magnet on my fridge with all of the pillars.

Looking through the Dollars for Scholars

beat that stuff we did in middle school.

classroom and in all of the halls there were

six different colored posters with the guide-

Illustration/Rosemarie Freymark

been a naïve, impressionable kid when I

For some reason, when we got to the 8/9

building, we never saw or heard of Charac-

Character Counts again in advisory or on Character Counts made me a little nostalgic. I mean, what’s not to like about Character Counts? It’s that little piece that connects you to those early elementary years.

To think, some of the first things we were

ter Counts again, at least that’s what I can

taught in elementary school are now being

misremember. Gone were the days of color

It’s like we’ve gone full circle or something.

recall, it might have changed or maybe I coded codes of conduct. Instead, we had seminar and workbooks to teach us how

to be good citizens. Those worksheets in

seminar never really clicked for me like

used at the very end of our school careers. Only this time, instead of using Character

Counts to better ourselves and our community, we’re using it to get cold hard cash. Funny how that all ends up.

the b&w p.6


dec 2010

A Lot on Your Mind How technology and multitasking are destroying students’ ability to focus.

Pencil, paper, history book, page 105, title, “The

Fall of the Roman Empire,” first paragraph, phone

Gatsby” for more than just surface level value.

Multitaskers say that they just need something to

rings, read text, send text back, back to book, second

calm them down so they can pay attention to what

finish conversation, back to book, third paragraph,

things,” senior Megan Curtis said. “I can’t work with-

paragraph, new text, new return, phone call, answer, use computer to play music, check e-mail, check

Facebook, check Twitter, back to book, paragraph three or four? Oh well, start over.

Sound familiar? Students have lost their ability to

focus and thus have succumb to the allures of multitasking. Trapped in a bubble, multitaskers do not realize that they are only hurting themselves.

they are doing. “I think silence is one of the loudest out noise. I get distracted by the silence and think

about a million other things.” Unfortunately, things

like music and Social networking have become almost entirely fluid. This means that students can

switch their attention to the distractions without noticing and waste large amounts of time and energy.

“Because of all the sensory overload, we have

It is easy to see why so many people buy into the

a generation of children who are almost scared of

discovered, time feels wasted when only one task

deprived.” Without the constant stimulation that mu-

idea of multitasking. Honestly, once multitasking is

is being completed. In theory, with the same amount

of time, someone could complete two or more tasks. Unfortunately, people need to wake up and face the

facts. Multitasking not only doesn’t work, it takes more time.

The human brain operates linearly, which is to say

that the human brain can only focus on one task at a

time. This means that, in reality, the modern view of multitasking is a myth. On the other hand, what can

silence,” Jesse Dowell said. “They can’t be sensory

sic or a cellphone brings, students can’t function. Multitasking has almost become a drug. When students are pulled away from their social media, their minds become scattered. All they can think about is

what they are missing. Multitasking obsessed stu-

dents spend their free time searching to get their

next social media fix while in the mean time, their schoolwork suffers.

When doing homework, or any type of work for

happen is the brain can switch back and forth from

that matter, students need to be able to sit down and

job done in most cases. Only if even one of those

tracted by their phone, they need to turn it off. If a

one subject to another extremely fast, which gets the tasks requires more than surface level thought, multitasking drastically slows down the pace of both activities, and is inevitably detrimental to the final result. A person can listen to music and brush their teeth,

but they can not listen to music and read “The Great

work until the job gets done. If a student gets disstudent gets distracted by the Internet, they need to

unplug it. They will find that they will have much more free time and that their stress levels will drop. Focus

is now a skill that needs work. It’s time to separate work and pleasure; sit down and get it done.


dec 2010


Black &White

the b&w p.7

awards 2 0 1 0

layout Evan Culbert & Kelly McGowan

Best of 2010. The Black & White has voted to bring you the best of the best in entertainment, from month long obsessions, to best video game. Here’s the second annual Black and White awards. So you can run and tell that homeboy.

Best month-long obsession

World Cup

Season seven’s first 2 minutes and 24 seconds

were spent on the hilarious lip dub video featuring all my beloved office characters lip syncing and dancing around the office to the song “Nobody But

Me,” (if you missed it, look it up. It’s fantastic...I mean, Kevin in shades and a fedora with Meredith

strapped to his back exposing “nobody” written

across her stomach. lolz.) And so far we’ve seen Pam get herself stuck in an elevator with Dwight, result of a failed prank. We saw Dwight try being classy for an episode, then return to his regular “I

AM A BEET FARMER” self. Michael’s love for the

Provided/RCA Music Group


unavailable Holly grows. This is clearly the best

Best Album-Animal Ke$ha

show of 2010, best show ever, actually. Sadly,

In the 365 days of 2010, the most popular album came

Michael Scott (Steve Carell) will not be there next

out the first day. Hit singles like “Blah Blah Blah,” “Your

season. “It doesn’t mean the end of the show,”

Love is My Drug” and “Take it Off” helped keep Ke$ha

Carell told E! News in June. “It’s jut a dynamic

in the spotlight throughout 2010. Animal brought in fans

change to the show.”

with its catchy hooks and party-girl vibe. It did not go without criticism, though. Heavy use of Auto-Tune left some

Best Movie-Inception

the masses, and our staff, fell in love with Animal.

Inception is an epic science fiction adventure that

people wondering if she could actually sing. Either way,

throws the audience into an infinite world of dreams.

Runner up best movie-TS3

From tangled layers of dreams to distorted views of

reality, Inception keeps its viewers heads spinning for

Which animated Disney Pixar movie’s

hours after the ending. There’s no competition, Incep-

sentimental ending made millions of soon-

tion is the movie of the year.

to-graduate teens pretend they weren’t crytrilogy spanned 15 years, becoming a memorable

part of the childhoods of its main character’s age

group. It was Toy Story 3, and It. Was. Phenomenal. TS3 is the best movie of the year because it has always been a part of our lives, so watching it brings out such a feeling of nostalgia towards

the simplicity of childhood before we, like Andy, drive off into the cloudy wallpapered horizon that is the future.

Provided/Warner Bros.

BP Biggest “Uh-Oh” Oil Spill

ing in the theater? The same movie whose

Best Artist-Taylor Swift

It’s no wonder why T-Swizzle is on the

B&W Awards for the second year in a

row. Her third album, Speak Now, sold over 1 million copies in the first week

alone. Look out for Swifty in the awards

next year she shouldn’t be going anywhere soon! Provided/Mila Zinkova

Last minute gift? Buy “Cannibal” Location: Best Buy Cost: $19.99

Last minute gift? Buy “Inception” Location:Best Buy Cost: $16.99

Last minute gift? Buy “Toy Story 3” Location: Best Buy Cost: $14.49

David Shankbone

the b&w p.8&9

college prep

dec 2010


s g n i h t 3 1 n r a e l y l b a b o r p d l you shou e g e l l o c before


of Northern ‘10 University n oe C n Jo S SE y habits. More REDIT COUR still better stud in to er COLLEGE C ’re a lot rd ha h I studied it courses, they is ed w cr ly al ge re lle ‘“I co Iowa n more ck classes if wish I had take t when you pi I lis , ly y nt rit io rta pr po e im on th put you higher cheaper and short of it.” ry ve or e or om you are a soph



rend View “Take ’Keefe ‘10 Gra O ble for ly si ar on C sp Y re IT PONSIBIL bills and be S y E R pa G to IN ve K ha t TA you you bu you’re r yourself, like n the loan with ig -s co like a s nt sponsibility fo re re. It’s not just . Yeah, your pa e for your futu bl si on loans you have sp re u have to be still signing. Yo your future.” s it’ math class,


wa “I think that niversity of Io U 0 ‘1 a ne kind gg hu D school everyo NATION Preet study. In high to ays w w al PROCRASTI ho d as ul w h, you co ish I learned t just passed throug n’ ill st do something I w d u yo an y ge ud I didn’t st but in colle f. it, of re d fo ke be s ac sl ke ht ta of s rig that ork in the clas e page paper do your homew ve to write a fiv friends to ha u ur yo yo , et ith w he t orks ce going ou ifi cr have some w sa semester.” to st ve far in the fir es you ha y im ad et re om al S s. I’m hour it, and struggling with study. I’m still


wish I thern Iowa “I versity of Nor ni U have 0 or ‘1 t s ou er ow ly hang S 101 Amy B r, we don’t real end. tte fri be a e ROOMMATE at ith m w g n my room to roomin ow ns kn co d ve an ha ds ld os wou frien are pr e even better mmon. There u could becom s at yo that much in co om en ro th s ge m an le ch ve prob it’s hard to en th em If you don’t ha th ith t if you fight w with them, bu se a friend.” lo d ul co u yo semester and


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0 DMAAC Thompson ‘1 on rd Jo LD R RK WO I applied for a ING THE WO nce because rie pe ex so b jo EXPERIENC e or r my parents have gotten m ck. I worked fo ba e m “I wish I would ng lli d no one is ca couple jobs an good.” nce would be rie more job expe


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YOU DID BOOK LIKE URSE HAND O ve to C ha R U ly O al Y “You re ING AWAY ‘10 Iowa State In high an NOT THROW it. em by ho S tly ta ac OOL Kris ve to go ex ha u ur yo d an al IN HIGH SCH s’ re it has l yo You get syllabu it away, but he w e. re th ar s be organized. en st th te d hen ually got it an are due and w e.” school you us n assignments your time mor he g w lin , ts du en he m sc gn si on k as or g w in d ad re nized an ve to be orga You really ha



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Compiled by


an, layout by

ly McGow Coffey & Kel


Kelly McGow

the b&w p.10


dec 2010

Point of no return... NW 62nd Ave

NW 62nd Ave

NW Beaver Dr

Senior year brings privileges, one being the option to eat out. But how do you know how far is too far to venture? The B&W set out to discover how long it took to drive, order and get back; eating time not included. The clock started when the car did and stopped when the car was shut off back at the school parking lot. Johnston High School

HyVee Food styles: Chinese, deli, traditional lunch Time to drive/order: 17:34

Wallace Elementary

NW 86th St

NW 54th Ave

Johnston Little League Baseball/Softball fields

Culver’s Food styles: Burgers, traditional lunch Time to drive/order: 23:55 *Point of no return

NW Johnston Dr

Interstate 80-3


McDonald’s Food styles: Fast food Time to drive/order: 23:55 *Point of no return

Meridith Dr


72nd St

Merle Hay Rd



Interstate 80-35

NW 55th Ave


ry ba am Ch

Panchero’s Food styles: Mexican Time to drive/order: 19:58

NW 57th Ave





Horizon Elementary

Panera Food styles: Sandwiches, breakfast, soup Time to drive/order: 18:05

Merle Hay Rd

oR bor

NW 86th St


Summit Middle School

Meridith Dr

words & layout Ryan Smaha with the website, Hulu is a way to stream thousands of TV shows to your computer

anytime. Hulu Plus on Roku allows you to

watch any episode from any season of your

the end of cable? satellite?

favorite shows, without the buffering of a slow computer. For just $12.99 a month

words & layout Evan Culbert

you have access to Hulu Plus, half the price of DIRECTV’s cheapest plan.

For movie-lovers and sports fans look-

Many of us have heard the “back in the

ing for a more cost efficient and easy way

day” rants of our parents and grandpar-

to watch the game, or rent that movie, Netf-

ents many times, and are well aware that their “television sets” only had four black

The Roku box streams channels like hulu plus to your T.V. delivers Netflix movies instantly. Roku boxes start at $60.

lix and channels like MLB.TV have you cov-

today, but in 50 years what will we be say-

newest tech that is rising in popularity is the

for. This is where Roku saves you the big

them instantly, or watch any game live in

only had thousands of high definition chan-

Today many American families sub-

up to any TV and instantly streams media

to customize your own Roku box.

Hulu Plus, MLB.TV and amazon video just

anytime soon, but it certainly won’t blow

of these is Hulu Plus. For those unfamiliar


and white channels. It seems crazy to us ing to our grand kids? “Back in my day we

Roku box.

nels on our 72-inch flat-screens!” For now,

scribe to either cable or satellite TV. Fami-

developments transforming the way we

and usually end up watching a handful of

technology continues to improve, with new

lies spend hundreds of dollars for service

entertain ourselves each day. Perhaps the

channels out of the hundreds that they pay

bucks. Starting at just $59.99, Roku hooks anytime. Roku is compatible with Netflix, to name a few. Perhaps the most popular

ered. Rent movies using Netflix and watch

HD. Choose from multiple channel options Roku won’t replace satellite or cable

over as a trend either because of its con-


dec 2010

the b&w p.11

Lips can be moisturized with

Vaseline. Before applying, take a

toothbrush and brush your lips in a circular motion to remove dry skin.

A 3.75 ounce jar of Vaseline can be purchased from Target for $1.82,

and a 13-ounce jar for $3.24. Doc-

tor Stefania Gatica, Advanced Reg-


istered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), also recommended vitamin E to

Invest in a humidifier. Air full of moisture is good for the skin, and in the winter, the air

outside is dry and so is the heat that comes

from furnaces. According to, your skin needs at least 30 percent moisture and a room heated by a furnace can have as

little as 10 percent. So, buy a humidifier from any supermarket (Target sells the one above

for $26.99) and keep it on in your room while you sleep. Make sure you keep your door closed to keep moisture locked in.

ways to keep away

keep lips healthy.

To keep hands from cracking, instead of

always washing your hands with water, try using hand sanitizer. According to Gatica, unless hands are visibly dirty, hand sani-

tizer is better to keep skin from drying out. If the hand sanitizer stations around the

school aren’t enough, 2.7 ounces of Gold Bond sanitizer and moisturizer can be

purchased from Target for $3.54, or an 8

ounce bottle of Germ-X Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer is $1.84 at Walmart.

Dry Skin

words and layout Rachael Meyer & Kelsey Kruse

Avoid using tap water to wash your face. Use mineral water instead. A

33.8 ounce bottle can be purchased at Target for $1.39. Also, avoid hot water when washing your face or taking a

shower, because it drys out the skin. Think lukewarm instead.

info from unless otherwise stated

the b&w p.12


dec 2010

Warm Wear for W i



Cableknit Trapper Hat

A soft fleece lining and thick knit


exterior covers your ears and head to

North Face Men’s

keep you warm.

Chromium Thermal

Get it: American Eagle Outfiters,



The North Face designs

Pictured: Shae Atterberg

jackets specifically for

only one purpose: to keep wearers warm,

and this jacket is no


Nike Light-

Get it: Scheels,

weight Running



Designed for run-

ners, these gloves are

lightweight and close-fitting

to keep your hands warm on


the go.

Cableknit Con-

Get it:, $18

vertible Glove

Classic gloves with a

twist. These gloves can

oonvert into a mitten for

days when it is extra chilly. Get it: American Eagle Outfitters,




nature Pant

Finding sweats that

are both warm and good

looking is difficult, but Victoria’s

Secret signature pants feel like your

favorite sweats and look fashionable.

Get it: Victoria’s Secret, $39.50


Medium Crew Sock

Smartwool socks are

made from the thick wool of

alpine sheep and are designed to

UGG Australia Classic

Short Boot

Real sheepskin lining makes

all UGG boots soft and warm

while the thick soles prevent any

snow from getting inside.

Get it: Dillard’s, $140

words & layout Spencer Vasey

keep feet warm in cold temperatures. They come in all heights and styles so they can be worn for all occasions.

Get it:, $17.95


dec 2010

the b&w p.13

snowboarders He can Method, Indie, 180 and 360. The lack of snow caused him to

wake up every morning and pretty much cry. He is obsessed with snowboarding, and so is his best friend.

“Around here I go to Boone, which is Seven Oaks,” junior Tyler Mori-

arty said. Moriarty and junior Sam Wendell snowboarded for the first time this winter on Dec. 10, opening day at Seven Oaks. Until then, they had to find another way to quench their thirst for snowboarding.

“We went the whole summer longboarding,” Wendell said. Wendell

said he heard that longboarding had a snowboarding feel, so they de-

cided to give it a try. “That’s what kinda kept me sane during the summer,” Wendell said.

While longboarding, Moriarty and Wendell were about to practice

carving and sliding, two things they can do while snowboarding as well. “(Carving) is like being able to turn really sharply,” Wendell said. He described sliding as kicking out your back foot so your board goes perpendicular to the street so you’re literally sliding on the street.

One thing you can’t do while longboarding is go off jumps, Wendell’s

favorite. “You can’t really go off jumps because you’re not strapped into a longboard,” Wendell said. The best jump Wendell has ever gone off is

in Dubuque, Iowa. “It was literally like a 40-foot jump,” Wendell said. He makes an annual trip there between Christmas and New Year’s.

Every spring break, Lutheran Church of Hope goes on a mission trip

to Denver, Colorado. Moriarty attended last year and plans to bring WenKelly McGowan/BW

Junior Tyler Moriarty jumps over junior Sam Wendell on his snowboard.

dell with him this year, who has never been to Colorado. There are two

days of actual missions, and then they hit the slopes. “I’m expecting a lot

Kelly McGowan/BW

Top: Juniors Tyler Moriarty and Sam Wendell pose with a “Do Not Sled Here” sign. Bottom: Moriarty and Wendell build a ramp.

Let it Snowsnowmobilers of fun and a lot of snowboarders that are better than me,” Wendell said.

words & layout Kelsey Kruse

Riding on an intertube connected to a snowmobile driv-

broken. “One of the snowmobiles doesn’t have brakes,”

his gazebo when Bisenius turned too fast. “I was dizzy af-

and forth really quick and let go of the accelerator. But,

However, Kraber said if he hadn’t been wearing a helmet,

took the other (to stop),” Kraber said.

en by senior Collin Bisenius, senior Joe Kraber ran into

Kraber said. So if you want to stop you have to turn back

terward but I got back on and kept going,” Kraber said.

“We could stop the snowmobile about the same distance it

he could have cracked his head open.

Kraber’s brother didn’t realize the snowmobile didn’t

Kraber and his family purchased three snowmobiles five

have brakes the first time he drove it and he ran into a

ment up until recently when Kraber sold two of the three

right over, and drove through without a scratch. “That was

years ago and have been using them for winter entertain-

fence. The fence was made of wood and he knocked it

due to new housing developments.

kinda funny cause I watched it happen,” Kraber said.

swered two weeks later. He got $1,000, making a profit

ber hit a deer. “The deer broke my hood, my windshield

fix the third snowmobile instead of selling it. “We wanted

and (the deer) got back up and ran off.” The damage: the

He advertised them on Craigslist and the ad was an-

However, snowmobiling can be dangerous. Once, Kra-

since he bought them for $800. They decided to keep and

and knocked me off,” Kraber said. “When I got up I looked

to keep at least one so we have something to do when it’s

deer had a little limp and Kraber had whiplash.

snowy,” Kraber said.

As for staying safe when riding a snowmobile, Kraber

It takes three to four inches of snow at the minimum to

recommends that you should always tell someone where

and above is ideal. However, Kraber said, “If there’s a lot of

where you are snowmobiling so you can avoid holes and

snowmobile, but it can only be run over once, so six inches

you are going in case of an accident, and to know the area

snow it’s too thick and you fall in.”

poles. His last piece of advice was, “Wear a helmet, and

The snowmobile they kept wasn’t the only one that’s

always use the buddy system, of course.”

Provided/Joe Kraber

Senior Joe Kraber poses on his snowmobile at age 15.

the b&w p.14

dec 2010


Behind the brush words Isabella Engblom layout Ethan Meng

Tawny Walker-King ‘11 Not many students can say that they

have been to an art exhibit, let alone have their work displayed at one. Senior

Tawny Walker-King has her own art exhibit at the Polk County Art Gallery in the Polk County Office Building. Visual arts

teacher Dan Weiss suggested that she enter some of her best work in their gallery. She submitted three of her pieces, and one was selected.

In art classes at the high school,

taught by Weiss and Teresa Francois,

students can study drawing, painting, sculpture, video making, music and photography. “Art education is now about how art

functions within the

social context and is no longer presented

in the way of materi-

als, processes and product outcomes,” Weiss said. Walker-King paints, draws and makes her own jewelry.

Walker-King’s parents signed her up

for classes at the Des Moines Art Cen-

ter when she was seven. At the high

school, she has taken Essentials of Art, Drawing and Painting, which she says

is her favorite class. “I like to paint be-

cause it is healing. It is therapeutic for me. To be able to express yourself is

very important to me, and this is how I do it,” Walker-King said.

Weiss has been an inspiration to

Walker-King. “I’ve learned a lot from Mr. Weiss within the past two years and

that has allowed me to be proud of my

work and feel as if its a finished piece,” Walker-King said. “You can learn a lot

about painting within art history, which I have, you can always rely on history for a good lesson,” Walker-King said. “It

took me a long time to get to this point in my life; where I am satisfied with mostly

everything. I’m generally content, doing my work and going public. When you’ve found something to strive for, you need nothing else.”

Mason Johnson ‘11

Senior Mason Johnson spends his time painting and doing

photography. “Outside of school when I’m not working, I’m usually painting or trying to get something [artwork] done,” he said.

Johnson says that his art classes are what he tries hardest in

at school. “For me, it is a lot easier to express myself visually,” he said. “I like putting everything I know into a photograph I make.”

Johnson has different places from where he gets his inspira-

Senior Mason Johnson holds up one of his pieces of negative photography art work.

tion from and also bases it off his own ideas. “A lot of my photography derives from the idea that as humans, we are fake, and

wear masks,” he said. “The masks are what we want people to want people to see us as, not as who we actually are, so it’s a lot

of portrait studies, and somehow I distort the face.” He has done this with paint, on one project where he put paint on a photo of junior Zach Vander Ploeg’s face.

Art has always been an important part in Johnson’s life. “My

mom is really big into carving and my brother is a film dude,” he said. “And my sister got me into coloring, so [art has] always kind

of been there.” He plans to keep art in his future as well, and he has thought about going to an art school.

Kayla Sullivan ‘13

Senior Tawny Walker-King’s artwork appeared at the exhibit at the Polk County Heritage Art Gallery. The title of her exhibit is “Fire” and the display is made of acrylic and tempera paint on a canvas.

Sophomore Kayla Sullivan is new this year and moved from

Dowling Catholic High School. Sullivan is not currently in any art

classes, but definitely wants to get involved. “I like to draw all different things, people are the most challenging, but I love it. I main-

ly stick to drawing, but when it comes to glass jewelry, sculptures, and painting I like to be creative,” Sullivan said. “I have been in art classes at the Des Moines Art Center and throughout elementary

and middle school.” Sullivan said. “We had hobby shows [at the Art Center] to display our work, and people thought I was pretty

good, so it motivated me to keep drawing.” Sullivan wishes she was in a drawing class here at the high school, and is attempting to fit a drawing class into her schedule for junior year.

Noelle Liljedahl ‘11

Sophomore Kayla Sullivan displays her favorite drawing.

Senior Noelle Liljedahl has been drawing throughout her whole

school career. “I started off with just drawing stick figures with crayons,” Liljedahl said. “I started looking at people’s drawings to try to make my drawings more realistic.”

Liljedahl is planning to graduate at semester, which will give

her more free time for art. “After I graduate I’m just going to go to Hobby Lobby and just buy everything there.” Liljedahl’s favorite type of art is portraits. “This is kind of weird, but I like to watch

people and draw them. I think that it’s so amazing the way the

body works, I like to study that.” Although Liljedahl has a passion for art she plans to pursue film. She wants to continue drawing in

her free time at college. “I like to draw because it is a form of expression. There is something completely amazing about people

being able to capture a specific moment, person, or emotion, almost like taking a picture, except you can be the camera.”

Emily Welch/The Dragon

Senior Noelle Liljedahl paints a still life picture of her “perfect meal.”


the b&w p.15

dec 2010



Emily Parker Basketball

Fresh off a rigorous summer of scrimmages and college visits,

Holy Cross

senior guard Corey Schaefer signed his letter of intent to play at

“This was a totally dif-

Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. “I was relieved once

ferent experience, I was

I picked,” Schaefer said. He had scholarship offers from North Da-

introduced to so many

kota, South Dakota, Northeastern, and more but decided to continue

different people.”

his basketball career at Lehigh. “There was an overall comfort level (there),” Schaefer said.

His recruiting process began by sending out information to

schools he was interested in playing for. Over the summer he played

on an AAU team that traveled the country. Coaches are only permitted to scout the recruits during the month of July, so Schaefer’s AAU

team took part in a 15 day spread of three tournaments that month.

Dahlia Gordon

Coaches from schools he was interested in came and watched him


play during these tournaments. “There might be 15-75 there at once,

La Salle

if they like your game they will contact you during the contact pe-

“When I visited La Salle I

riod,” Schaefer said.

just knew it was the right

Once all schools had contacted him and offers were on the table,

school, it just felt right.”

he narrowed his list to three, Nebraska-Omaha, North Dakota and Lehigh. He then visited each campus to see which was the best

fit. During these visits much was accomplished. “I looked around campus, met with advisors, scrimmaged, met with coaches and ate

a ton,” Schaefer said. “When I got off my plane to land in Allendown for my visit to Lehigh they had ordered me Applebee’s and it was waiting for me.”

After a lot of deliberation, Schaefer decided that Lehigh was the

best fit. “I like the players, coaches and they have a good basketball program,” Schaefer said.

fer e a h y Sc e r o C

Tory Knuth Volleyball Iowa State “I didn’t have a hard choice, I have always wanted to go to Iowa State and play there.”

layout layout Ryan RyanSmaha Smaha words Wes Monroe

Full-court Press x

x o

o x

o o

o x


By: Ryan SMAHA

College, pro coaching expectations unrealistic

Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez is

one of the most polarizing figures in the his-

tory of Michigan football. His team will be playing in the Gator Bowl on Jan. 1 against

the Florida Gators, but there are indications

This newfound trend in college football,

from scratch is one that used to be enticing

work miracles, is dangerous to the sports

state’s highest paid employee. Kirk Ferentz

that this will also be his last game as the

that new head coaches should be able to

Rodriguez came in three years ago to

that we as Americans have grown to love.

head coach for the Maize and Blue.

replace the retiring Lloyd Carr, promising to take Michigan football back into the national

spotlight with a high-tempo, spread offense. At the time, the players in the program were

physical, pro-style athletes whose specialties were to play tough Big Ten football.

Now, after experiencing a couple of

If coaches aren’t given time to install their own system and get their own players into

the program, the chances of success in that program are very slim. In fact, new coaches in automatic qualifier conferences, plus Notre Dame, are a combined 69-77.

This growing trend isn’t only affecting

down years and installing his offense, Ro-

college football though, this epidemic has

up the most yards in the Big Ten. Come

this month, Denver Broncos coach Josh

driguez is in charge of the offense that puts

Jan. 1, that still may not be enough to save his job.

affected almost every major sport. Earlier McDaniels was fired after two seasons.

The challenge of rebuilding a program

for up-and-coming coaches. Just ask our went 4-19 in his first two seasons, since

then he is 84-38. But now, with job security not guaranteed and quick turnarounds

expected, young coaches are less motivated to take lower-tier power conference

jobs. Look at Utah football coach Kyle Willingham, who has been offered countless jobs at the major conference level, but has turned them all down.

In order to save the sports that Ameri-

cans love, we need to become more patient as fans. Give new coaches some time and be patient, and teams will recover.

the b&w p.16


dec 2010

Tagal ng with the Girl Scouts In our younger years, we tend to believe that anything is possible. There were endless opportunities; you


could be a firefighter, an astronaut, a rock star. We try everything, believe everything and want to do everything.

girls to work towards their Gold award. The Girl

to the good will of their childhood, and they strive to make the community a better place. Some might call them

Continuing with Girl Scouts has motivated the

Scouts’ Gold award is the equivalent to becoming

an Eagle Scout. Once the program is complete the

Unfortunately, the downside of this is simply stated: people change. However, a lucky few are able to hang on passionate do-gooders. We call them girl scouts.


members of the troop will forever be ambassadors


to the Girl Scouts of the USA. “The Gold award requires 50 hours of work, including planning and actually carrying out the project,” junior Kaitlyn Aldrich

said. “So it’s a big time commitment, and I think that

that is why a lot of girls end up quitting.” Working towards their Gold award the girls plan to do things


such as planting trees or flowers at a church, make

care packages for children’s hospitals, and volunteering at ChildServe.


As busy as the girl scouts find themselves to be,

Do-Si-Dos or

they are still able to spend time with each other in

Peanut Butter

and outside of school. School events and teams


such as marching band are the only opportunities the girls have to spend time with each other outside

of Girl Scouts. Though they spend numerous hours on their Gold Award, they still manage to find time to

spend together as friends. Every other Monday the group gets together at one of the girl’s homes. While

at meetings the girls accomplish things to get projects planned in a relaxed environment. “We really

try to get planning done,” junior Elizabeth Mills said.

“We have a lot of badges we still need to get up to the Gold award because there are prerequisites.”


From a young age, the girls have been continual-

Provided/Kaitlyn Aldrich

Juniors Kaitlyn Aldrich, Elizabeth Mills, Anne Dieseth, and Aly Vukelich pose for a photo after recieving their Silver award. The girls of troop 1132 are currently working towards their Gold award which they will need to complete before they graduate.

Tagalongs or

Peanut Butter Patties


FAVORITES Samoas 35%


Tagalongs 15%

ly passionate about volunteering. “We started in the third grade with 12 girls in the troop,” Aldrich said.

Do-Si-Dos 5%

“Now there’s only four.” Their lack in numbers has

not affected the amount of charitable work they do

Trefoils 5%

throughout the community and the year.

Even though they put so much time into their

work, it does not seem to bother them. Being with

Daisy Go Rounds 1%

their good friends and doing something positive for

Lemon Chalet

when you’re helping an organization that helps other

Cremes 3%

people,” Aldrich said.

Thank U Berry Much 1%

“For our Bronze award, we made craft kits for a

Dulce de Leche 1%

children’s hospital in 2006. This year, my sister was in the children’s ward and overheard the nurses


Lemonades 5%

still talking about how much the kids love them. It just goes to show that what goes around comes

compiled by Ian Dunshee and Ethan Meng


Thanks-A-Lot 3%

the community is all they seem to need. “It’s easy


Trefoils or

Thin Mints 27% provided/Girl Scouts of the USA

Thin Mints

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