March 2011

Page 1

BW the black and white

the black and white. March. 2011. volume 19 issue 7. 5152780449. 6501 NW 62nd ave. johnston. iowa one copy free

in this issue march four Read about a new $1000

ten-eleven Read about school board’s

scholarship in Sheri Walling’s

recent vote on calendar chang-



name, available for swim team

es and the “Mega-School” dis-

fourteen Well dressed guys of John-

seventeen Three students tell about

ston are featured on the fashion

the experiences that they’ve

and how they came about.

their hobby or job.

page. Learn about their styles,

gone through with modeling as


rc a M


1 1 0 2


News 3 4

Relive the past month through photos Mandsager family establishes new scholarship in Shari Walling’s Name News briefs

Opinion 5 6 7

School board discusses time change That’s what Shi said: present and future School board approves new start date Life without Facebook Freshman feel left The Megaschool

OPINION Kristine Hayes

in this issue...

Is No Child Left Behind really helping?

Review 9 The B&W figured out how long gum actually keeps its flavor

Doubletruck Entertainment

FEATURE Lauren Coffey

12 Men’s roller derby in Des Moines


13 Guys who really know how to dress


Health 14 Make sacked lunch fun and delicious

SPORTS Ryan Smaha


Don’t make Mr. Yenger angry! Student’s videos go viral


16 Andrew Tubbs 17 Students that model



18 Dungeon: The Scanlan brothers 19 Behind the Interlude Full Court Press: March Madness


20 Photo art students showcase their work





Want the B&W online? Send us an e-mail, to and we’ll send you a PDF of the paper every month


10-11 School board makes changes


PHOTO EDITOR Michael Knoedel NEWS Mike Shi

Editorial 8




STAFF WRITERS Isabella Engblom, Wes Monroe, Alexa Anderson, Sarah Margolin, Mallorie Goodale, Ashley Enger, Elisabeth Lowe, Mirza Besic, Chris Coble, Hannah Soyer, Paige Cramer, Taylor Mithelman & Ashley Shay Illustrators Rosemarie Freymark, Trevor Fisch & Austin Smoldt-Saenz PHILOSOPHY The Black and White is published solely by the Johnston High School newspaper staff. Its goal is to inform, enlighten and entertain Johnston students. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law and board policy, students assign and edit material. The paper is published nine times per school year. The paper will avoid material that is libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. The law does not require parental permission to use student quotes. Ethically, we believe students can speak for themselves. Staff editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the adviser, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. Bring letters to room 413 within one week after publication to be considered for the next issue. The Black and White strives to report accurate and timely information. If you believe that an error has been printed, please contact the editors at The Black and White is a member of CSPA, NSPA, Quill & Scroll, and IHSPA. Recent issues of the paper earned these honors: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist, National Scholastic Press Association First Class rating, Quill & Scroll Gallup Award, IHSPA state placings and sixth in the National Best of Show.

on the cover: An art study done in Photo Art II photo credit: Mason Johnson


march 2011

the b&w p.3

1 2 4


March in photos Mike Shi/BW

layout Kelly McGowan


Senior Geneva Mongar from French Club makes

a flower out of tissue paper at the Cultural Party held

on Feb. 21. The party had the Asian Cultures Club, the

Spanish Club and the French Club all join together to

share food, talk about their culture and have fun. The Spanish Club taught the other students how to make Spanish-esque “flowers� out of paper tissue


Junior Chase Wallace, Senior Greg Schultz, Senior

Jacob Bennett, Karim Hodzic and Senior Joel Wittman

Kristine Hayes/BW

play hockey in Track 3. Track 3 plays hockey as part of

the team sports curriculum. The students play hockey for the first few weeks of March until Spring Break.

Lauren Coffey/BW


Sophomore Josh Boeshen auditions for the Music

Man musical on March 1. Auditions were from Feb. 28 to March 4. This is the first time in 35 years that Johnston is

having a musical. Opening night will be on May 12 and will run until May 14. Boeshen was cast as the farmer.

4 Paige Plaskitt/BW

Senior Dellanie Couture creates art in Drawing 1

class. Drawing 1 is a class taught 4th and 5th period taught by Mr. Weiss. Right now they are learning to draw

with charcoal. Students learn about how to make a composition by using different types of methods.

the b&w p.4


march 2011

Family establishes scholarship in Walling’s name words & layout Elisabeth Lowe When senior Hank Mandsager climbed out of the Mar-

shaltown pool at State Swimming in February after racing

in the 400 free relay, 18 years of coach Shari Walling having a Mandsager on her swim team ended.

The Mandsagers, a family of seven, decided to estab-

lish a scholarship in Walling’s name. The $1000 scholarship will be awarded annually until year 2030. It will be presented at class day to a male or female swimmer chosen by the Dollars for Scholars Foundation who demonstrates excellence in both character and school.

Walling was taken by surprise when it was announced

at the Swim Team Banquet that the Mandsager family had created a scholarship in her honor.

Athletic director Gary Ross, opened up the banquet with

the words, “Swimming is very much a family sport.” And after having coached girls’ and boys’ swim team for more than 24 years, Walling has seen her fair share of siblings. She has not, however, seen another Mandsager family.

Hank is the last of the five Mandsager children to swim

for Walling. “I felt a lot of pressure to be a swimmer,” Hank said. Once resentful of the sport, he soon found himself

wanting to join the swim team. He stayed on the swim team for five years.

Meghan Mandsager, the eldest of the Mandsager chil-

dren, said, “I also swam for Shari my junior and senior

years. Unlike the rest of my family, I am not a very fast swimmer but, Shari didn’t mind. I worked really hard and

managed to earn a varsity letter both years. I am still really proud of those letters.”

Very few coaches get to know their athletes the way

Walling does. Nearly every morning from 5:30 am to 7 am,

she stands at the sidelines while JV1 and Varsity swim laps. Then once more in the evening.

The Mandsagers only represent five of the hundreds of

students that have swam for Walling, but the positive influ-

ence she has had on all of her athletes is clear. “(Walling) has had a big impact on my life,” junior Joe Farrell said, “She definitely earns your respect.”

The impact she has made can also be seen in all that

the swim team has accomplished. The boys and girls swim-

ming teams were regional team champions for the years 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009. They were district champions for the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

The establishment of the scholarship was bitter-sweet.

“I’m not gonna have anymore Mandsagers,” Walling chuckles, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m going to have to hangout a long time to see their kids.”

Revised professional development day

news briefs


Photo by Neil Mandsager

The Mandsager family with swimming coach Shari Walling. From left to right; Kyle, Maddie, Shari Walling, Meghan, Grant and Hank (behind)

words & layout Lauren Coffey

Contracts for prom

On March 6, the

out of school before memorial day.

when buying prom tick-

fic is commuters. Bike,

pretty much entails you

carpool to school if you

One-third of all traf-

will not dance inappro-

can; use alternative

cil member Cal Greuning

possible. If you have to drive, keep your

can’t do anything you wouldn’t do in

gas mileage out of your car. Drive slower.

ceive a warning after the first violation,

and lives. During March 23-28, there is a

second time.

enviornmental club.


priately,” student coun-

April 11, into a school day. This will make

this because this will allow students to get

March: Commuting Green

use public transit or

a former professional

this year. The school board decided to do

There is now a con-

ets. “It’s a contract that

bers decided to make

up for the snow day the school had earlier

Tip of the month

tract all students receive

school board mem-


The Mandsagers

Years swam and preferred stroke 1994-1996 Meghan Breast stroke 1996-2000 Grant Distance Freestyle 2000-2004 Kyle Sprinter 2007-2009 Maddie Sprinter 2006-2011 Hank Sprinter



said. “The way I see it, you basically

tires properly inflated so you get the best

front of your parents.” Students will re-

It lowers emissions, and saves fuel, tires,

and will be removed from the dance the

Carpool to School Week being held by the

opinion Proposal poses

the b&w p.5

march 2011


School board discusses new start times words & layout Evan Culbert As the bell rings at 2:50 p.m., junior Zach Vander Ploeg

heads to his part-time job at First Assembly of God daycare. Vander Ploeg and other working students may lose an hour of work after school each day if a proposal passes.

The proposal being discussed by the school board

Michael Knoedel/BW

would flip the secondary and elementary school hours so

Girls track members huddle up during practice on March 4. Practices usually last until about 5:00. If the recent start-time proposal gets passed, all after school activities would end later.

and would be released nearly an hour before secondary

in extra-curricular activities, many taking place after school.

not sound like much but over time it adds up to a signifi-

it is very possible that it will become a reality in the next few

would start an hour later. If after-school activities get out

each day after school, he would lose about $1,440 if the

In theory, the start time changes are aimed at reduc-

homework gets done an hour later, students end up in bed

been quite a bit of research that has been done,” school

and even though they get to sleep in that extra hour, that

teens on average need about eight-and-a-half to even nine

Let’s say productivity increases substantially among

that elementary schools would begin the school day first

cant amount. If a student who makes $8 an hour works

students. At this point the topic is just a discussion item, but

If students get released an hour later, after-school activities

years. If it does, a number of problems would arise.

an hour later, homework gets pushed back an hour later. If

ing stress and increasing productivity in students. “There’s

an hour later than they would with the current schedule,

board member Mike Farrell said. “Research shows that

adds up to the same amount they’re getting now.

later it progresses into this year, the less likely the proposal

plus hours of sleep at night to run at optimal performance.”

students, and they get more of their homework done dur-

isn’t anything up for approval this upcoming meeting or the

into research done by two school districts in Minnesota, no-

the evening, especially for those in sports and other after

start time back to 8:40, and found positive results, most

by 7:00, taking away from family meals and time spent to-

the school day. Don’t get me wrong, I love sleeping, and

for athletes. If teams leave at 1:30 for a game, that means

The school board and administration have been looking

ing the day. Getting out an hour later takes a chunk out of

tably Minneapolis and Edina. Edina moved the high school

school activities. Many athletes would not make it home

notably in attentiveness and productivity of students during

gether. Traveling to away competitions is another negative

the results of the study speak for themselves.

missing over two hours of school.

is an active community with hundreds of students involved

hour of work each day if the proposal took effect. That may

The biggest problem with the proposal is that Johnston



Students who hold part-time jobs would also lose an

What about the here and now?

schedule is changed. That’s a big chunk of cash. Even if he worked an hour later at night to make up the difference, that’s back to the problem again.

Although this proposal is a possibility for next year, the

will be voted on. “This is purely just a discussion item, this

following at this particular time,” Farrell said. “Administra-

tion is going to continue to look into the research to see if the change is something we want to consider making within our district.”

The school board is aware of the problems the proposal

presents, and is looking at ways it could possibly work.

An extra hour of sleep would be beneficial for growing

students, but unless the negatives that accompany the benefits could be resolved, the change is not worth it.

in college it’ll be ~. That may be all fine and dandy, but what about the present?

say things will happen, but they never actu-

sans JHS, but in the time we have now,

my history teachers always talked about

why can’t we just focus on that? Now. By focusing so much on preparing us for life

after high school, we’ve neglected life during high school. Every policy and guideline

is written like it’s for the real world, which high school obviously is not. No late work

said words Mike Shi

Illustration/Rosemarie Freymark

dle School. JHS. During my time at these

schools, they’ve always preached the same

thing: we’re preparing you for your future. In elementary school, it was X. In middle

school, it was Y. In high school, it’s Z. And

Of course, it doesn’t help when teachers

The future is important, I get that, in

fact, I can’t wait until I can get to a future

Wallace. Beaver Creek. Summit. Mid-

in our bubble, and what’s wrong with that?

ever, you can never be late for class, etc. If any of this happens in the real world they

ally do. I remember back in middle school

dates. I personally won’t make you memorize dates, they said, but in the high school

you’ll have to. Well hey, what do you know, I’m in high school and I’ve never had to remember a date. With so much emphasis on

the future, you’d think they’d at least point us in the right direction.

I know what the teachers must be think-

say, you’ll never survive. But, get this, we’re

ing, ‘who does this kid think he is? he’ll just

we may wish so. We’re still growing and

of high school.’ Well, that may be so, but

teenagers, not adults, no matter how much learning, the real world is something we

face when we get there, for now, we’re still

fall on his face the moment he gets out I’d rather fall on my face than be worrying about retirement at the ripe age of 22.


march 2011

the b&w p.6

Save the date New start date begins school earlier than ever before

cause the second semester to start while Central Campus will still be wrapping up its first semester. The problems with that are pretty blatant.

Not to mention school will now overlap with the Iowa

State Fair. The fair takes place Aug. 12-22 and is

words & layout Mirza Besic It’s official. Come August, if you feel like your summer

break was shorter than usual, check the calendar. School starts about a week-and-a-half sooner next year: Aug. 15.

The main reason for the date change is to get finals

in before winter break. There have been complaints from

parents and students about having to study during winter break for finals, usually held the second week of January.

The board issued a survey to parents to determine if

they would prefer having their students’ finals before or af-

ter winter break. The majority expressed the opinion that they wanted finals before the break. Here’s the kicker; the

parents had no idea that in order to squeeze finals in before the break, school would be started that much earlier.

I don’t mind having a holiday break before finals. As if I

actually lug 3,000 pages of textbook home to study during my week off. Get real. We have an entire week of school before finals to actually start to study, and I use that to my full advantage. No way I’m going to study over my break from school.

If you have a Central Campus class in the afternoon of

next semester, get down to the guidance office and change your schedule as soon as you can. The new start date will

popular among students. The new start date will give students three

weekdays to hit up the fair be-

fore school starts, besides the

two weekends. Junior Catherina

Ochoa spends those middle days

of August working at the fair with

her family at a food stand. “Work-

ing at the stand is a big deal for my

family,” Ochoa said. “The plan right

now is for me to work 4 to 11 on the

days I’ll have school where I usually wouldn’t.”

Kaitlyn Aldrich, a politically ac-

tive junior, spoke at the board meet-

ing where the board voted 6-1 to start

school earlier. “Everyone’s schedule is

going to get messed up,” Aldrich said.

“Seniors are going to have to come back

after they graduate just to take their AP

tests. Fall sports and marching band

camps are going to be messed up. It’s all just ridiculous.”

Illustration/Rosemarie Freymark

Avoiding the disconnect: Facebook words & layout Ethan Meng

The one thing I find a little funny is even

a society, we are getting closer to the day

conversation where I could easily explain

it is just hidden from everyone else. All one

more prominent than those done in person.

teenagers having to talk to someone in per-

though I deleted my account, it is still there; needs to do to reactivate an account is type in the old username and password they used before.

Once this is done, everything including

Illustration/Austin Smoltz-saenz

posts, pictures and pokes that were there from the beginning pop up like you never

Hello, my name is Ethan, and it has

even left. I understand it is set up this way

withdrawals have all disappeared and my

come back, but why not just make a new

can say that I am free.

for months now, I am still forever tied down

where Internet conversations will become “Long term socialization is going to suffer,”

psychology teacher Jason Jauron said.

ready gone.” Jauron himself does not have

once, everyone needs to go without their

tact or manners, in fact, manners have alan account and believes Facebook takes

away the important communication that

life is back to the way it was before. Now I

account? Even being away from Facebook

are much more willing to talk over the In-

in some way to the site.

Without having a Facebook, I have been

Concerns that some people have an

my ankle that is Facebook. Without it I feel

addiction with this site seem to show up

the compulsive need to check my phone or

to sacrifice face-to-face conversations for

a sense of freedom knowing I don’t have

in our daily lives. More people are willing

computer for updates on my friends’ lives.

those that can be held over Facebook. As

Even though Facebook is a useful tool

that is integrated in what both adults and

so if people change their minds they can

For the last few months it has been nice

son is almost scary and unnerving.

“There’s not going to be any more eye con-

been four months since I last used. The

not having the constant cyber chain around

what I needed. It seems in most cases for

people will actually remember.

One thing I have noticed is that people

ternet and seem to be more shy in person.

teenagers do today, but I think for at least

account for at least a week. However, I don’t honestly think that people will do this because Facebook seems to be a way of fitting in with others, but I suggest the idea

in hopes that people will realize they rely on the site too much.

“Facebook is a status symbol kind of

forced to do all of my socializations with

like Under Armour, you’ve got to have that

Even getting permission to use a photo for

ingly to be a teen you need to wear your

friends in either person or over the phone. another story went from what would have been a message on Facebook to a phone

brand on everyday,” Jauron said. “Seembrand names and Facebook is one of those things that you have to drag with you.”


march 2011

the b&w p.7

Freshmen feel forgotten words & layout Sarah Margolin Phoebe Cooper walks to the GSA (gay

When freshmen sign up for classes in

straight alliance) club meeting after school.

eighth grade they look at all the things that

sophomores to seniors. But no freshmen.

for sophomores and older. It’s not hard for

The club has a range of students from

“(Freshmen) are included, but they aren’t

informed,” junior Phoebe Cooper said. “It’s hard when you don’t have classes together or the same announcements.”

seem like fun and then realize that it says

freshmen to walk over to the high school

for journalism, so why aren’t there more classes like that?

But, the classes aren’t the only prob-

Freshmen are excluded from clubs, ad-

lem, it can sometimes be the teachers. In

homecoming, a variety of elective classes,

you pass everything forward to turn in, or

vanced classes, fundraisers, pep rallies, and student council.

There are 26 high school clubs in all.

Twenty of those clubs are offered to freshmen. Upper classmen don’t make a conscious effort to include freshmen. They

high-school, teachers don’t usually have give you make-ups on every test you take.

High school is pretty much a one-shot deal.

Junior Brandi Bolken has first hand experience with this.

“I failed a test and asked for a retake,”

may be allowed to join, but a freshmen isn’t

Bolken said. Her history teacher Jessie

knowing the invitation is there. It may be as

pared. “I thought I was,” Bolken said.

going to come to the high school without simple as posting signs at both schools.

Dowell told her she should have been preIt may only be a parking lot away, but

After eighth grade most people are look-

from the middle school to the high school

What they don’t realize, is that they will

for the transition seems to be lacking. Soph-

ing forward to finally being in high school.

have to wait until the next summer to finally

have that title. Sure, they may be a “freshman” but really they are tenth graders still in the middle school. To most it doesn’t

even feel any different than last year, until they try to sign up for classes.

is a world of difference, and the preparation

omore Sarah Lewis doesn’t think being a freshmen in the middle school prepares one for high school at all. “They baby you, they

hold your hand through everything, and ev-

eryone says it,” Lewis said, “Get ready for next year, that’s all I can say.”

Mega-school makes sense Picture yourself walking down a hallway in the middle

to greater learning and an upgrade in the high school expe-

brown doors onto pavement and into the parking lot, but

First and foremost, the freshmen would be a part of the

proach the place where you would normally walk out of the

rience as well as performance for all students.

instead the hallway continues on. Perhaps there’s a media

high school, a much needed change. When students fin-

Suddenly, you realize you’re no longer in the middle school,

starting high school. A whole year of high school seems to

center to your left, or a performing arts facility to your right.

ish eighth grade, most are ready for and looking forward to

but the high school; where a real freshmen belongs.

be misplaced amongst all of the middle school nonsense.

to say the least. The proposal has been discussed by a

tractions and a learning environment lacking individualized

It can be argued that a large school would create dis-

committee of faculty, parents, students and administration.

attention. However, a larger school increases competition

create a 9-12 comprehensive high school,” superintendent

Some have brought up the idea of two high schools,

“The proposal is to utilize the JMS and JHS buildings to

for that top GPA, therefore students will perform better.

Clay Guthmiller said.

due to the projected growth of the district. Although we are

is that the middle school and high school could be formed

don’t have endless amounts of land for continued growth.

Although no final decisions have been made, the idea

words & layout Wes Monroe

into a campus containing grades 9-12. This idea could lead

school, and just for fun let’s say you’re a freshman. You ap-

The thought of a 9-12 “mega-school” is an exciting one

Mike Shi/BW

Senior Mary Feng participates in asian culture club, one of the many clubs that accepts freshmen but does not post signs in places where freshmen can see them.

growing, the growth will end and eventually cap off. We

Above is one possible plan for combining the schools. This plan would include a new preforming arts center and a sky walk. Other plans involve things such as larger walkways between the buildings.


What We


America’s schools are falling behind, but

how is the government dealing with it?

With Extended Learning Programs few and

far between, schools seem to be more interested in graduating as many students as possible than promoting higher learning.

The editorial board votes on the opinion behind the editorial. A simple majority is needed to pass. This month’s vote was 11-1

es those students which in turn causes a dip in


less, the school would be placed on NCLB’s

them done, then the student will never learn

Everyone scores on standardized tests later on. Regardwatch list which cuts funding for the school and ultimately hurts the students.

“As a teacher, I feel that I make sure every

Blame should not be placed on the schools,

opportunity for help is there for any student to

flawed drive to stop America’s apparent edu-

it.” Nearly every teacher in the school is open

however. The problem stems from the nation’s

cational decent with the Act of Congress No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

Is it the teacher’s fault or is it the student’s

fault if a student fails a class? According to

march 2011

take,” Cline said. “The student just has to take for, and often recommends, students to come in after class-time if they need extra help.

However, there is a group who do not take ad-

ing. If a teacher has to constantly baby a student to get them to do what is expected of

work strategies. They will never learn the stratand failing or any trial-and-error learning all

other students must experience to learn. Essentially, If these students are being treated

differently than all other students, the school

This flawed law creates grade inflation,

time and effort teachers put in to helping the

combat the dip in average national test scores,

setting standards and establishing measur-

Jesse Dowell said. “I spend about one to two

able goals can improve individual outcomes in education. The Act rewards schools who meet

these standards with funding but punishes the schools who do not with reduced funding and

are placed on a “watch list.” The two major

failing students pass,” social studies teacher hours a day on these ten students out of my total 150 students.” Teachers must spend an

inordinate amount of time helping some students who simply do not deserve to pass.

This is robbing not only the students who

standards NCLB sets for a school to be profi-

are actually trying to do well of valuable one-

test goal.

robbing the failing students of their own learn-

cient are a graduation rate and a standardized

One major principle behind NCLB is the

idea that teachers do not care enough to help students who are struggling, so they need to give the teachers an incentive to “care more.”

“The law itself doesn’t motivate us teach-

ers to care more, we have always cared,” ELP teacher Sue Cline said. “It just seems that students have come into classes less prepared.”

The law creates a lose-lose scenario for

schools. Either the school holds back the students who need extra help or the school pass-

on-one attention from teachers, but it is also

The graph below shows the concentracommon GPA was 3.75. The graph on the right shows the trend that students in 2003 with higher GPA’s got the same ACT composite scores as the students in 1991 with lower GPA’s. The only explanation for the grade in-

High School Grade Distribution

creases is wide-spread grade inflation.

# of Students

800 600

schools could focus more on improving the top


The average GPA in the high school last year.


the students who do not turn in their homework

this Act is not promoting higher learning, it is promoting measurable learning. NCLB needs

to be either repealed or amended. Some students simply do not want to work. The government needs to accept that fact.

Average GPA for Students at Various ACT Composite Score Levels

The number of students who failed Health last semester out of 393.


students instead of devoting all of this effort to

on time or do not study for tests. Either way,

The number of years Johnston has been on the No Child Left Behind watchlist.


The most common GPA in the high school last year.

The number of students who dropped out in the 05-06 year.


The number of students who dropped out in the 09-10 year.


Out of all grades given last year, 45.4 percent were A’s.


Out of all grades given last year, only 5.7 percent were F’s.

400 200 0

active teaching for the bottom 5%. Maybe to

Grade Inflation tions of student GPA’s. Last year, the most


rest of their learning career.

NCLB supports standards-based educa-

tion reform, which is based on the belief that


is sealing their fate to need a guiding hand the

grade handouts, cupcake classes and overly-

“It’s a shame that no one sees how much


egies to deal with stress, to deal with trying

vantage of this opportunity.

NCLB, the fault is on the teacher.

the b&w p.8

0.00 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 Student GPA


march 2011

the b&w p.9

Long-lasting flavor put to the test words & layout Kelsey Kruse

Icebreakers Ice Cubes have a texture unlike any other gum. The thick cube

is soft and smushes in your mouth with ease. The flavor is the definition of

A lot of gum brands advertise flavor that lasts forever, but how long is forever really? The Black and White went to find out by timing how many minutes it takes before the urge to spit the gum out is way too strong and the flavor is gone.

long-lasting with the winning time of 1 hour and 18 minutes.

Trident has a plethora of options for chewing gum. Trident Vitality is Trident’s

new line of gum, and focuses on being beneficiary for the body. Trident Vitality Vigorate is a burst of citrus with strawberry and provides a healthy dose of Vitamin C. Also in the Vitality line are Rejuve and Awaken.

Piña Colada gum doesn’t sound appetizing, but surprisingly the flavor is fruity and refreshing. Orbit Mist Peppermint is juicy all the way through. Orbit White is your average gum, nothing special, but not bad either.

Best Pick

Five gum came out with a new flavor called Vortex (green apple). Usually green apple has too strong of a taste, but this green apple is done right.

Stride commercials make an obvious exaggeration about how long their flavor lasts. Compared to other gums, they do pretty well, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

Trident layers packs a delicious burst of fruity flavor, and lasts for nearly an hour. Layers are clearly our favorite, giving you the most bang for your buck.

Dessert itself is delicious, right? Dessert gum, not so much. Strawberry shortcake is way too much cake and not enough strawberry. Mint Chocolate Chip has an unpleasant smell but once the overwhelming sour-chocolate

taste calms down, it’s bearable. Key Lime Pie starts with a burst of lime that is alright, but once the pie taste kicks in it’s hard to keep chewing.

The gift of gift cards words Mike Shi Don’t you just love gift cards? I mean, who doesn’t love unwrapping a present and seeing a hunk of plastic? Just think of all the thought that went into

that gift card. It’s like getting cash, but instead of getting to spend it however you choose, you can only do so at a specific store! For those of us who’d rather get the cash for the gift cards we’ll never use, who want to save a little

If you have a bunch of gift cards to stores that you’ll never go to, why not

sell them? At Plastic Jungle, you can get paid by check or electronically, an gift card. Type in the card info, it has to be worth more than $25, print off a prepaid mailing label and ship your cards. A few days later

you get paid. Cards can be bought for up to 92% of the balance. More popular stores will get you a better deal than unknown ones. But honestly,

is it worth it? Is there not one thing you can buy at the store? Plus, gift cards are gifts, it’s not like you lose anything by using it.

Provided/Kristin Donelson Provided/Tammy Robertson



bit when shopping, is the site to visit.

Planning on splurging and want to save a few bucks? Consider Plastic

Jungle, that is, if you can handle the hassle. Cards can be discounted up to 35%, but only for obscure stores. For places you’d actually want to go to, the discounts are much smaller, for example, 3% off a Target gift card. Is it worth it to save $3 off a $100 purchase? Even more frustrating is the wait. It takes about two business days to process a payment and then 5-7 days for a card to arrive. For only a few dollars more, you could’ve already bought what you wanted and have enjoyed it for a week.

school board

the b&w p.10&11 march 2011

School Board Changes Policies

How the board works: Board Votes to Change Calendar Year

Growth Spurs “Mega-School” Discussion

Staff, Students and Parents

Give an idea to

As the growth of class sizes increase, so does the

On Feb. 28, the school board voted to change

start and end dates for the 2011-2012 school year.

need for more space. Currently there are proposals

summer break May 18 the following year. Finals

which would serve as a 9-12 high school. Another

Class will begin on Aug. 15, and be released for

to combine the high school and the middle school,

will be held after winter break, and seniors will most

option is building an entirely new high school.


Idea is then discussed with who suggested it. If it has merit, it goes on to a policy committee.

A board of about 20 members researched the

likely have AP tests after graduation.

Before the board voted, Five parents and one stu-

possibilities. Questions were brought up, and ideas

changing the start date. No one community member

that the most feasible idea would be to renovate

dent took the opportunity to speak on behalf of not

were proposed. The committee voted and found

spoke in favor of this change. Junior Kaitlyn Aldrich

and combine the high school and middle school.

vote down the start date of Aug. 15. “I think a major-

2015/2016, however the planning must begin soon

Policy committee

These are specified groups of board members who work in conjunction with the administration, then introduce the idea as a recommendation to the school board.

As of now, we have enough space until

expressed her belief that the school board should

in order for the district to be adequately prepared.

ity of the board members went into the meeting with

The estimated cost of the “mega-school” is $47

their mind already made up,” Aldrich said.

Board member Jackie Heiser asked her fellow

million. This would also cover the construction of a

considering how to vote. However, board member

$44 million from the state-wide one cent sales tax.

already given the opportunity to express its views

lion that would have to be voted on. If passed, the

board members to listen to their constituents when

new middle school. The district would receive up to

Mike Farrell, suggested that the community was

The district is also eligible for an additional $55 mil-

through a survey that was offered online regard-

end result would be increased taxes.

School Board

A vote is taken at the meeting following the discussion. These meetings are open to the public (unless they involve purchase of land or expulsion). A simple majority of 4 votes wins, and the idea becomes a policy.

ing the calendar change. The results of the survey

were 462 in favor of beginning school on Aug. 15,

181 in favor of starting Aug. 18, and 382 in favor of starting Aug. 22. The policy passed, Heiser being

the only one against the change, and some community members booed.

The board members, as well as Clay Guthmiller,

said the reason for the change is to increase stuKofi Manteaw/The Dragon

1 2

Race to the Top GrantFederal funding was available to states that met certain educational benchmarks, but would have required federal education mandates. People for Animal WelfareA club whose goal is to promote ethical treatment of animals.


Series 500 Policy ChangeBoard voted on removing language that helped protect students from self-censorship.


Changing High School Science ClassesThe board voted on eliminating blocked science classes for the 2011-12 school year.


Senior Rachael Meyer pets a calf at the Iowa State Fair last summer. The fair will begin on Aug. 11 and end on the 25. School has always started without conflicting with the fair. This year, however, class begins Aug. 15. Zach Winjum/BW

Jill Morrill, Jackie Heiser, and Julie Walter

academically and with activities,” Guthmiller said.

Race to the Top Grant PAW Club Series 500 Policy Change Changing High School Science Classes

An agenda is posted prior to each meeting, in which a parent or student can sign up for a four minute slot to be able to speak about any issue, directly to the board.

Jordin Robinson/The Dragon

the greater purpose to provide students success

e e e e vot vot vot vot

School Board Voting Records

School Board President Tracey Orman speaks during a board meeting which took place on Feb. 28.

dent achievement. “The calendar was adopted for

*Meeting Agendas

Tracey Orman President

Julie Walter Vice President

Marci Cordaro Board Member

John Dutcher Board Member

Mike Farrell Board Member

Jackie Heiser Board Member

Jill Morrill Board Member



































Yes Compiled by Zach Winjum and Kelly McGowan

the b&w p.12

march 2011


Derby Boys

words & layout Ian Dunshee Unless you happen to be the few and the proud

of the social outcast elite, chances are you’ve come across the latest issue of “Juice.” It will fill you in on

the original women’s Roller Derby in Iowa, how the game works, and the latest on what’s next for the

derby girls of Des Moines. But what could the professionals possibly have missed? Not much other than the blatant gender bias in the sport. Think

Roller Derby wouldn’t give off the same vibe if

the girls in fishnets were replaced by sweaty guys? Think again.

Des Moines’ men’s roller derby was

conceived as many great things and people are; by accident. “I have a bunch of friends that I play dodge ball with here at the rink every week,” Dante Muse, one of the

founding members said. His team, Your Mom, practices at Skate North, which

Muse also owns. “The Des Moines Derby


practice here (Skate North) and so we heard from them

from the stereotypes,” player Jason McDaniel said. He

so we researched and started it up,” he said.

time comes around. A women’s derby coach for four

ple as finding a group of guys that can skate around

the derby world, from foul play to fights breaking out

and at women’s tournaments that guys were playing,

is also known as “Sea Horses Forever” when game

Of course, starting a roller derby team isn’t as sim-

years in Missouri, McDaniel knows the ins and outs of

a rink. “Every team starting out has their problems,”

on the rink.

“There is always something you must overcome to be

knuckles and tattoos. Everyone had names like

want to know how the others skate so I can know what

these days, everyone is just trying to have fun with it.

to have as much fun on with the Roller Derby team

one is very happy with the new direction of the sport.”

task when playing on a team consisting of your closest

have to know someone to get involved with the top

Knowing they are new to the sport, Your Mom com-

roots sport, and anyone can be a part of it. The people

to some may seem like a silly sport very seriously. “We

hour of fame once a month and they let it all go. They

it’s a serious sport,” Muse said. This attitude is not

and then they go back to their job at the steel mill.”

emerging trend along with the rising popularity of the

changing all the time just because of the wide vari-

Sporting players with names such as “Sugarboots”

througout the country,” McDaniel says. “We are doing

teams throughout the nation to pioneer a new way of

be there to watch the transformation and the growth

James Olson, known as “Lilypad” in the rink said.

“In the beginning, it was leaning toward brass

better. For us, that’s getting to act as more of a team. I

‘Crusher’ and ‘Destroyer’,” explains McDaniel. “But

to do to be better when skating with them. We want

That’s why we chose frou-frou names instead. Every-

as we do with dodge-ball.” This may not be a difficult

“It isn’t like basketball or football where you really


players,” McDaniel said. “It’s a non-commercial, grass-

pensates by holding regular practice and taking what

that do it do it because they love it. They have their

have funny names, we have a funny team name, but

get all their anger and emotion out and just let it fly,

isolated to Iowa Roller Derby either, but is rather an

“The sport is constantly evolving every day. Its

sport both in the state and throughout the country.

ety of skill and knowledge of all the different players

and “Mr. Bubbles”, Your Mom is just one of the many

something that has yet to be fully defined and you can

living the derby life. “Derby is trying to get away

as a sport evolves knowing you are a part of it.”

How You Can Get Involved For further information on the offical rules and regulations of Roller Derby visit: For information on one of Des Moines’ three roller derby teams, including try-out and practice information, visit: - Des Moines Derby Dames - Mid Iowa Rollers - Your Mom


the b&w p.13

march 2011

Cold lunch

Sick of having the same hot lunch options every week? Try bringing a cold lunch to change things up a bit. Here are some tasty and quick options to pack up for lunch. words & layout Taylor Mithelman

BLT wrap:


Spread mayonnaise and salsa down the

center of a tortilla. Sprinkle with garlic powder, salt and pep-

per. Layer with bacon strips, lettuce, tomato and avocado;

Why cold lunch?

roll up tightly.

Chicken Bacon Ranch:

Take shredded chicken,

bacon, ranch and lettuce and place on a tortilla. Add extra

junior Emma Henry

“I’ve always brought it so it’s just turned into a habit.

vegetables of your choice.

BBQ Roast Beef:

I never even think about getting lunch at school. Plus

cold lunch is healthier and it’s a good option for me

Fill a tortilla with roast beef, pro-

volone cheese and coleslaw. Top with barbecue sauce and

since I’m a vegetarian.”

wrap it up for a filling main dish.

Change it Up: The grocery store has many varieties

senior Melinda Busch

“The lunch mob is crazy, and who wants to get caught

of wraps. Find a new flavor such as sun-dried tomato to

up in that? Plus, I only like pasta day so I would rather

change up your lunch.

bring my sack lunch the rest of the week.”

junior Kristen Gifford

“I like cold lunch because you can decide what you


want and how much you want to eat everyday.”

Turkey and Hummus:

junior Richard Schraeger

“I bring it so it cuts down on costs of everyday lunch.

For those that take their

lunch regularly and are sick of turkey sandwiches, this is a

It costs my parents a lot less money for me to bring,

nice variation. Just spread your favorite hummus on pita

rather than buying it at school.”

bread and add turkey and vegetables of your choice. Hummus can be purchased at the grocery store and can also be made at home.

Chicken Salad Sandwich: For those who prefer

If you want even more options, you can always look into buying a thermos to bring soups and hot items in. If a microwave is available, heat up leftover pasta or soup.

to pack their lunch ahead of time this is an easy option

because chicken salad can be made a couple days ahead

of time. Start by mixing canned chicken, mayonnaise and

ranch powder. Add tomatoes or grapes for more flavor. Eat as a sandwich or with crackers


Pasta Salad:

Change it Up: Sick of the same sandwiches? Try adding a new topping or a different bread like pita pockets.

This is an easy option that allows you

to change your lunch depending on what you put in it. Mix together penne pasta, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, ranch dressing and Italian dressing. Add vegetables such as red peppers for more flavor.

Simple sides

Fruit Salad: Cut up grapes, apples, pineapple and ba-


add yogurt to the mix.

to mention fresh and sweet tasting

mesan cheese and Ceasar dressing.

tables such as carrots, broccoli, celery and peppers. These

which keeps you full longer. Keep fully cooked chicken in


Peanut butter is a good alternative for those who do not eat

cake or a small candy bar for something quick and sweet!

nanas. Exchange one fruit for another of your favorites or

Caesar Salad: Mix romaine, chicken, croutons, ParStay Full:

Cut up an apple and soak in pineapple juice the

night before. This will keep the pieces from browning, not

Veggies: Cut up ahead of time a variety of fresh vege-

Adding meat to your meal adds protein

are easy to grab in the morning. A dip adds some new

the refrigerator which allows for easy prep in the morning.

Dessert: Don’t forget to throw in some cookies, a cup-

meat. Eat with apples or on a classic PB&J sandwich.

Leftovers are always an easy option for lunch. Find a way to package up last night’s dinner or turn it into something new. Have leftover chicken? Make a chef salad with chicken on top. Make pasta salad out of extra noodles, fresh vegetables and Italian dressing.

the b&w p.14


march 2011

Sharp dressed men Three male students share what individual style means to them

words & layout Spencer Vasey As senior Mitch Campbell walked the streets of

France last summer, he felt right at home among

the trendy styles of the French men. Before departing for his trip, he had purchased a new wardrobe and reinvented his individual style. “I wanted to look good in France,” Campbell said. “I was awed by the French style.”

Campbell has continued to create and individu-

alize his style in the past year. He describes his

style as a culmination of formal, casual, baggy and loose fitting clothes and he shops at stores

such as Mr. B’s and Heritage. “I dress how I feel

people should dress,” he said. “There’s something to be said about first impressions.”

Campbell likes to be creative with what he

wears. He observes what looks good on others and tries to put his own spin on it. A flannel shirt

junkie, Campbell owns over 50 button-up flannel shirts. He tries to dress up everyday, and never

wears sweats to school. “I wore sweats to school

once this year,” Campbell said. “I ended up using my lunch break to go home and change.”

Mitch Campbell Andy Jensen

Casey Halder Sophomore Casey Halder’s style can

be summed up in four words: “Flannels, hats, Adidas, unique.”

“That’s how people know me,” he

When most people look at senior Andy Jensen, they assume he has

always been the put-together, well-dressed person he is today, but noth-

ing could be farther from the truth. “I used to wear swimming T-shirts everyday,” Jensen said. “I didn’t really start caring about the way I looked until the beginning of my junior year.”

Jensen has now developed a style all his own. Most days, he can be

seen in dark-wash jeans, a solid-colored shirt and several layers of hoodies and jackets. “I just like simple things,” he said.

He has made a point of refraining from wearing sweatpants to school.

“I just realized that dressing well isn’t hard,” Jensen said. “I kind of started to get embarrassed when I didn’t like what I was wearing.”

Jensen orders most of his clothes online from stores such as Urban

Outfitters and H&M, but also shops at local stores including GAP. “Clothes are a good way to reflect your individual style,” he said.

said. “Everybody knows me because of the hats, nobody else does it.”

Halder plans his outfits around his

shoes. He selects a pair to wear in the

morning and works his way up, next selecting his jeans, then his shirt, and finally his hat. “I wear a hat everyday,” he said. “I feel naked without my hat.”

He can rarely be seen in an outfit that

does not completely match. “I feel weird

(when I don’t match),” Halder said. “It’s out of my comfort zone.”


Get Yengry words & layout Chris Coble When students come to the door of Jeremy Yenger’s

government class they are greeted by a duck and an angry face staring back at them. Below the duck are the words

“This duck just completed Yenger Management” and to the left of the face reads “You won’t like me when I’m Yengry.”

Inside that very room among all the pictures of past

presidents and political maps hangs a sign that goes unnoticed. “Quae Nocent Docent” reads the sign, Latin for “What hurts, teaches.”

Yenger, affectionately called “Yengry” by his many stu-

dents, uses anger for a unique purpose. He knows his

students probably are not overly excited, if at all, about government class, so to “get the fires lit,” Yenger engages students by kicking over desks and throwing things around his room.

“There is no enjoyment in this class,” Yenger said in a

fake southern accent, “That just ain’t the kind of dog and pony show I run around here.”

Yenger gets excited by government, so much so that

voices get raised and tempers fly. This attitude is what he Chris Coble/BW

Jeremy Yenger lectures about the powers given to the president. Yenger believes this to be his favorite topic to teach in class.

the b&w p.15

march 2011

thinks gets students involved with the curriculum.

“Kicking over desks gets people’s attention,” Yenger

said. “You call it anger, I call it excitement.” By doing this he

tries to get students into government class. “You’re cynical and jaded,” he said, “and that’s why I like teaching you.”

Yenger believes that if he doesn’t get into government

then students won’t either. “I love the material,” he said, “but the students don’t.”

He likes to think that kids love his sarcasm because it

helps keep things interesting. But Yenger believes that in order to get a student to learn, some effort has to be put

forth. There has to be pain on both the side of the student as well as the side of the teacher.

Yenger’s favorite quote sums up his beliefs quite well. It

comes from the book The Dumbest Generation written by

Mark Bauerlein. The quote reads, “In other words, enjoyment and achievement have no necessary relation…American Infatuation with the happiness factor in education may

be displaced. Confidence and enjoyment don’t guarantee better students.” This, Yenger believes, is his motivation for teaching the way he does.

So the last time you walk out that door after passing

Yenger’s government class, turn to that duck and put a

smile on your face because you just completed Yenger Management.

Most quotes from Jeremy Yenger were too graphic in

nature to be put into this article. For more great quotes check out the “Yengerisms” page on Facebook.

One million views and counting words & layout Ashley Enger Mike & Josh Shorts, otherwise known as the SaintJimmey channel on YouTube, goes viral.

script, they act out all original ideas.

“Whenever we make a video we always

do it on the spot,” Metzler said. “Like it will be randomly ‘Hey I feel like making a video now, do you?’”

De Lanoit creates the concepts for these

iting zone’ where I lose track of time. Before I know it, a few hours have gone by.”

The main goal is to get feedback on

their creations while keeping viewers enter-

tained. The only limitations with posting the videos on Facebook is that they are only

With 35 videos and over 1 million views,

videos, and Metzler is in charge of editing

bigger. Camera buff seniors Mike Metzler

By creating an actual story line, this

makers is their first video titled Stakeout

random videos sometimes seen on the site.

a few years ago, it is shot in the point of

these amateurs are forming into something

and Josh De Lanoit film seniors Matt Probst,

Ed Hepplewhite and Collin Ward, producing Youtube-worthy videos. Using Metzler’s camera, an HDR-CX110, they whimsically

brainstorm ideas to create under five minutes of pure entertainment for viewers.

These guys have been making videos

together for roughly five years. Their prime

movie making time is on Friday nights and Saturdays, often spending more than two

hours shooting. Along with their impromptu

the video after it has been filmed.

group sets themselves apart from other By doing so they enhance the quality of the

videos because of the developed ideas. Even after filming, more work is put into the

video. Before the videos are shown, they go through an editing stage done by Metzler.

“I’m never sure of the exact amount of

time it takes me to edit,” Metzler said, “because once I begin editing, I go into this ‘ed-

viewable by ‘friends.’

One memorable video to these movie

Man, which still remains on Youtube. Made

Provided/Mike Metzler

better since then, “every movie we make,

Seniors Matt Probst and Josh De Lanoit set up for their scene to make a video.

Some changes to improve the quality

have had are emotionally rewarding. “It’s a

view of a gun. Their movies have gotten we get better at it,” De Lanoit said.

of videos are being made like the scripting

and the planning of the direction of each movie. This will also save time while shooting and editing, enabling the group to en-

hance productivity. The experiences they

calling and a passion.” De Lanoit said.

Want to watch the videos sometime?

Viewers can find all posted videos on their

Youtube channel, SaintJimmey. New videos are made posted monthly.

the b&w p.16

march 2011


feature Andrew Tubbs makes a comeback after surgery

words Taylor Mithelman layout Paige Cramer Junior Andrew Tubbs is planning on making a neck-

choir, jazz band and mock trial. While in the hospital Tubbs

that turned his bones. On this necklace will be one word,

“I really wanted to get out of that hospital. I knew that I

lace. A necklace made out of the melted metal of a fixator sieg, the German word for victory.

Tubbs has Thrombocytopenia with Absent Radius

(T.A.R. Syndrome.) This causes the absence of the radius

was already thinking about getting back into his activities.

needed to get into rehab as soon as possible if there was any chance of being able to participate (in the activities).”

Tubbs found alternative ways to keep his spirits up

bone and usually some deformities in the legs. This past

through rehab. “The music definitely helps me cope,”

formation, hopefully leaving him more mobile than before.

the type of person that gets lost in the music so when I’m

summer Tubbs had surgery on his leg and foot to fix the de“I basically had a week of summer,” Tubbs said. He

spent 36 days in the hospital and a month and a half at Child Serve. While in the hospital he had a total of three surgeries. The surgery consisted of breaking seven bones in his leg and foot and inserting pins into the holes. The

pins were attached to the fixator device and each day they turned the pins in order to straighten out his leg and foot.

“It was a roller coaster, there were times when I was

Tubbs said. “Music has definitely relieved a lot of stress. I’m listening or singing, everything else goes away.” Friends along the way helped inspire and encourage Tubbs. “I met the most amazing person I know in the hospital bed next to me. His name is Michael Dosdel, he is 16 and has had 40 surgeries. He taught me that no matter how hard your life

is there is always someone that has a tougher one and I’m very grateful I have a relatively easy life.”

Tubbs was able to participate in Mock Trial from De-

hopeful and very optimistic and other times when I would

cember to February, as well as a member of the Synergy

said. “Whenever someone talks about the surgery or I’m

song, “The Distance You Have Come,” as well as sing a

have rather cut off my leg than go through that pain,” Tubbs

asked about it I always have to use comedy to kinda laugh

it off otherwise I become pretty depressed. That’s why

show choir to some extent. He was able to be part of one solo at the S.E. Polk competition.

Tubbs is still working towards complete recovery. “I have

whenever someone comments on how much that would

to be close to 100 percent for senior year. There is no way

were a lot of drugs.”

do love Shepard (Synergy’s director),” Tubbs said. “When I

have hurt or something to that extent I always answer there When school started back up again Tubbs was able to

go for partial days. “I was just insanely tired,” Tubbs said.

His heel was not completely healed correctly after the sur-

I can handle being in Synergy another year, even though I

saw my first Innovation performance eight years ago I was in love with show choir and I wanted to be in that choir.”

“The necklace will have a three-thorn looking pattern.

gery so the doctors have been slowly working it into place

The three represents the trinity. During the surgery I always

St. Paul, MN taking even more time away from school.

a plan and I must follow,” Tubbs said. “The thorns just re-

through serial casts. To get each cast Tubbs has to go up to Beyond the academics though, Tubbs is still highly in-

volved in school. He participates in marching band, show

had faith. I knew that there was a reason for this. God has

mind me of how everyone wears a crown of thorns and the surgery and syndrome are mine.”.

Right, Tubbs introduces himself at the Variety Show, a children’s charity that raises money for different children organizations, on March 6. He sang the song, “The Impossible Dream,” from Man of Lamancha. Tubbs was accompanied by Tony Hatch, the composer of the famous rollerskating song, “Downtown. “Hatch came all the way from Spain to help support Variety. “He’s kind of taken Andrew under his wing,” Tubb’s mom Beth Tubbs said. Tubbs first began singing for the Variety show 3 years ago and has done it ever since because he loves the experience of it.

Ashley Shay/BW


In front of the camera Three students explore the world of modeling to discover new and unusual experiences

Senior Kennady Loffredo’s modeling ca-

reer began when she was young. “My mom

is the one who started me in modeling, she just entered me in a pageant when I was

Morgan Coffey

words Isabella Engblom layout Kelsey Kruse

the b&w p.17

march 2010

a baby and ever since I have been interested,” Loffredo said.

Getting paid well is Loffredo’s favorite

part about modeling. She said it isn’t too

serious in high school but with anything, it can lead to something bigger.

So far, Loffredo has done an ad for Iowa

State University which was displayed in Jordan Creek mall. “I have also been in two Mediacom commercials,” Loffredo said.

It started as a runway show in Merle Hay mall

as a fifth grader, and little did she know it would

turn out to be such a big part of her life. Freshman Morgan Coffey has taken up modeling as a serious hobby and enjoys meeting all sorts of new and interesting people.

Along with modeling comes unusual and

unique experiences. “I did a photo shoot in a warehouse once, it was a round robin kind of

thing with about ten other girls, and we just modeled a bunch of different dresses,” Coffey said.

Models need to be versatile and able to wear

whatever is needed to get the job done. “I have

modeled things from swim suits to parkas,” Cof-

Kennady Loffredo

Provided/Morgan Coffey

fey said. “I have also done a photo shoot downtown when I was doing my composition card with

Peak Agency and he had me walking down the street barefoot.”

Victoria Horstman

Provided/Kennady Loffredo

Foreign body movements and uncomfortable stretches to form the perfect

pose all for a picture; is it really worth it? “After one of my (photo) shoots I

was sore and couldn’t figure out why. I finally realized that I was sore from

modeling,” senior Victoria Horstman said. “I had used and stretched muscles I never normally use, but I had a great time, so it was worth it.”

When modeling, comfort zones can be breached because of different

styles of clothing and movements. Horstman said it’s even more uncomfortable with others watching. “One time I was in a shoot and there were tons

of parents and friends of the other girls all in the room watching every move I made as I was getting my pictures taken,” Horstman said. “It didn’t help that I was wearing high heels and standing on a furry rug. I kept loosing my

balance and was about to fall. I probably looked like I was 12 and had never worn high heels before.”

Horstman’s favorite part of modeling is being able to show her creative

side and serious side that most people never get to see. “When you are modeling you are on cloud ten and nothing else in the world matters,” Horstman

said. “All your energy is focused on getting that perfect shot and using your Provided/Victoria Horstman

body and face to convey a message.”

the b&w p.18

march 2011

Family Affair JOE

On wrestling 215 instead of heavyweight like last year: “It was fun being at my own weight this year and making weight. It was fun not being the smallest guy in the weight class.”

dungeon Inside Johnston’s premier wrestling family, the Scanlans words & layout Ryan Smaha


On wrestling heavyweight:

“I love it. I have been wrestling a lot longer than most of the guys and I’m faster. It’s not too much different than wrestling another class.”

On making state as a freshman: On being the smallest heavyweight to place last year: “It was funny to look at the podium picture and stuff. I was a lot smaller than the rest of the guys. I almost got pushed off the podium.”

Favorite style: “Freestyle, because the pace of the match is faster. The scoring system is a lot different so you have more opportunities to score a lot of points. Plus it is a more aggressive style.”

On working out with Montell Marion (national finalist for Iowa wrestling team): “It was one of those experiences where you are thinking ‘wow he is a national finalist.’ It was pretty cool.”

On making state, twice: “It’s a great experience. There is a lot of pressure to place higher than the year before and hopefully win it.”

“It felt good because a lot of my friends from a lot of the state made it too. I was one of the only freshman in the tournament so that was really cool.”

Funniest moment this year: “Joe and I got in a fight in practice this year because he was working on my arm too hard and it started to get to me, so I started swinging at him. Coach Tecklenburg picked me up and carried me to the other part of the room.”

On wrestling Joe: “We wrestle each other all through the offseason, so we know each other’s styles really well. It gets old because we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses completely.”

On wrestling all year long: “I like it because you never get out of it and are always in a wrestling mode. You always have a practice to go to so you always have something to do.”


march 2011

the b&w p.19

Inside the Interlude words & layout Ethan Meng The buzzer rings. It’s half-time and the

student section looks to senior Matt DeFrancisco as the music starts. Everyone

so I made a Facebook page and posted the video telling people to watch it.”

The group grew on Facebook until more

has been anxiously waiting for the last two

than 200 students were signed up to partic-

cisco jumps onto the court to lead the stu-

team’s Senior Night.

quarters; the crowd goes crazy as DeFrandent section in the ‘Interlude Dance.’

ipate in the dance for the boys’ basketball Before being able to dance at the game

The Interlude Dance was origionally cre-

however, DeFrancisco needed to go to Ac-

the University of Northern Iowa: junior Ian

“It was really a positive thing,” Ross said. “It

ated last summer by three students from Goldsmith, junior Tyler Wright and senior Scott Connerley.

Originally called the ‘Gruff Dance,’ the

Interlude made its first appearance at a women’s basketball game at UNI. The

tivities Director Gary Ross for permission.

really showed a great deal of school spirit, which excites me and I think it excites the

community to see students having a fun time and being very school-minded.”

Because of the large interest in the In-

three boys were challenged by UNI’s Ath-

terlude, many students have attempted to

many students to the women’s game as

the show choir competition at S.E. Polk

letic Marketing Department to bring as

possible. If they got enough students to

come, they would be allowed to perform

bring the dance to other events, such as High School on Feb. 26.

Students played the song through S.E.

the ‘Interlude.’

Polk’s intercom system. Those from John-

its way to Johnston’s own “Superfan” sec-

eryone else watched in amazement. “It was

It wasn’t long before the dance made

tion. “A friend who graduated last year sent

me a link on Youtube and I thought that it

wasn’t something that we could do,” DeFrancisco said. “[But then] I showed it to a couple of friends and they thought we could

ston who knew how began to dance as evreally funny because all of the old people

looked at us like we were crazy and it was

fun because a lot of people came up to us and said that they wish they did stuff like that,” junior Morgan Riessen said.

Kara Ganzer/The Dragon

Full-court Press x

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By: Ryan SMAHA

Top sleepers and potential busts for March Madness As we approach spring break, the sports

world anxiously awaits the culmination of college basketball, March Madness. As you are filling out your brackets for your fam-

ily pool, ESPN, etc, here are my picks for some potential bracket busters and busts. Bracket Busters

Michigan - Am I talking about the same

team that needed overtime to beat Iowa in only two weeks ago? Absolutely. The Wol-

verines are 8-4 in their last 12 games after starting 1-5 in Big Ten play. Get used to this team challenging for Big Ten titles for the

next two or three years as well. There is not a single senior on the squad. Led by their

The Bears have a record of 30-4, and put

classic trap of becoming a jump-shooting

championship game last Sunday. This is a

Illinois-Chicago at the United Center (where

up a 41-point victory in the conference

team that drove Tennessee to the brink before losing in Knoxville by one. A team that can not only shoot outside, but also inside.

The Bears are 12th in the country in scoring

at 80.4 ppg, and will be a tough first round matchup for anyone. Bracket Busts

Illinois - The Fighting Illini came into the

sophomore guard Darius Morris, the youth

season with high expectations, returning all

possibly as far as the Sweet Sixteen.

ing class coming into Champaign. Unfortu-

of this team can lead them deep into March, Belmont - Who has ever heard of Bel-

mont? Well you will come tourney-time.

five starters and a highly regarded recruitnately, for the Illini, the seniors have made freshman mistakes, and have fallen into the

team in the Big Ten. With bad losses against

the Illini usually dominate) and Indiana, the Illini have a good enough resume to make the dance, but won’t make it out of the second round unless a big change occurs.

Kentucky - The Wildcats, a year removed

from an elite eight birth at the hands of super-freshman John Wall, have struggled

away from Rupp Arena this season. This could translate badly for the team, since

they will not be able to ride the wave of the

crowd. A very formidable 12 or 13 seed op-

ponent first round could be the team to take down the Wildcats.

the b&w p.20


march 2011

Photo Art ll

words Mallorie Goodale & Hannah Soyer layout Ethan Meng There are six students who are currently in Photo Art ll. The class

This photo is of logs used

is instructed by teacher Daniel Weiss. Students work towards creat-

as steps in Jester Park. “I

ing unique and insightful photos that are seen on this page.

took this photo to capture something unusual that you might not recognize out of context. It reminded me of a


sort of balance between the



seeing an egg outside,

natural and the man-made,”

would pass it by without

Grapp said.

a second thought. But for

Elli Grapp ‘12

photographer Haley Thiel,

this was just another opportunity to express her creativity.

Haley Thiel ‘12

A unique angle

and contrasting colors are what make

this photo of splattered paint so cap-

This photo was created for a surrealism project. Hid inspira-

tivating. “The thing I

tion was when he caught himself wondering what it would be

art is that it is one of

completed this project by switching the mouth and the eyes. “I

like most about photo

like if people could talk out of two mouths at the same time. He

the few classes I ac-

like it because it looks freaky,” Johnson said.

tually enjoy,” DeBolt said.

Kenzie DeBolt ‘13 While at first glance this may seem like an image

from a twisted version of Nightmare on Elm Street, at

a closer look you can see that this is merely a combination of the photographer and something he loves: woodworking. This photo was taken and developed for a surrealist project.

Jacob Henderson ‘12

A fork and a toothbrush:

two things that enter your

mouth on a regular ba-

sis. As for what they are sticking out of, Giudicessi

said, “It’s of water droplets

flipped upside down on cellophane.”

Cole Giudicessi ‘12

Bryan Johnson ‘12

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