!e Last Dance
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Print Editor Online Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor
Marandah Mangra-Dutcher* Savannah Dennis* Kylie Emery* Joel Kellar* Noah Gilbert
When Jay Rice ‘94 brainstormed the name of our paper in 1991, it was not because of the ink color. For the last 28 years, our mission has been to bring our audience stories from the school, community and nation, told clearly and without exaggeration--in black and white.
STAFF WRITERS Nolan Akins *Parker Anderson Nathan Anderson *Addison Etnier Laila Hasanovic London Heim Marley Jenkins Renee Johnson *Tate Larsen Abby Lehan Theron Luett
Ayden Lyon *Levi Manley *Jay Marren Sabrina McGuire Alyssa Minear *Charles Pruett-Shillak *Tyler Roberts *Tarun Srikaran Edina Suljic Aidan Topolinski *Ahren Young
Illustration by Marandah Mangra-Dutcher
11 7 8 2 9 5 2 2 4 5 3
* indicates all graduating staff members. We thank them for all the work they have put into this program and wish them well!
77889 9 1111 243 2 243 52 5 2
RETIREES Tamara Andrews Jackie Sapp Christine Beguhn Leslie Shipp Mitch Eagles
After many years at this district, some teachers are deciding to retire. So along with our seniors, we would like to bid them goodbye and say thank you!
11 7 8 9 2 52 243 5
Illustration by Marandah Mangra-Dutcher
52 5
CONTENT Cover Staff 4 Open Letter to the Seniors 6 Remeber When... 10 Childhood Trends 11 What we wanted to be... 12 Senior Spolight 16 Caps of Individuality 18 The Senior Class in Numbers 20 Division-1 Athletes 22 Senior List 28 Thanks Shipp
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FINE PRINT Black & White is published solely by the Johnston High School newspaper staff. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law, students assign, edit material and make all decisions of content. Editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the advisor, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. To write a letter to the editor, or report an error in the issue, please contact the editors at jhsblackandwhite@gmail.com.
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4| Senior Issue
Open Le!" to
#e Seniors Words and layout | Maradah Mangra-Dutcher
To the seniors, I have written this multiple times and I still do not know how to say what needs to be said. How do I write a piece summing up a year that I can’t believe I even lived? So let's begin with a question; would we go back? If we had the chance to go back to a time pre-COVID and live out a normal senior year, would we? Would we want to go back and be ordinary? The pandemic sucks. There is no doubt about it. We lost the chance to do a lot of things like Rock Around the Clock and homecoming. We lost the ability to have normal senior nights and final shows and games. We lost things that are rites of passage in high school. However, if we truly think this through, there are lots of things we would not have gotten if the pandemic had not happened. Our summer was quite literally longer than Phineas and Ferb’s. We got to have our senior challenge at a trampoline park. We even got longer open periods because of the block scheduling. If we go even further than the obvious surface level stuff, we also grew more connected as a class. It is wild and weird to think that, like how can we have a stronger connection as a class when the majority of our time here we only saw people through screens? I’ll be brutally honest. When putting together this issue I had to create a list of all the students in the graduating class and when I looked through the list I didn’t recognize over half the names. Some of the ones I did recognize, I did not even realize they still went to this school. Even though I might not know all 588 names of my classmates there is still an understanding between all of us. We are all connected through this shared experience that caused such a big disruption in our lives. It caused a lot of grief and heartache over the things we lost, and we were able to share those emotions as a class. The connection our class formed over the pandemic is not one that will be easy to let go. We may not consistently talk with each other, but the constant awareness that someone else went through the same life altering experience we did will push us farther than those who will face things alone. We learned how to stay in touch with each other even though we were not face to face, using the power of social media that we have at our fingertips. We became more self reliant and overcame challenges we were met with. We grew more as people before graduation unlike those before us. The class of 2021 didn’t get what we expected. We were dealt an impossible hand that we had to take in stride and yet here we are. We made it. We are finally graduating. Thanks for everything,
6 | Senior Issue
Remember When... Words | Marandah Mangra-Dutcher Research Assistant | Charles Pruett-Shillak Layout | Savannah Dennis
ver the curse of the next few
to a snow storm. Boys track hosted a great
wrestling, the musical was Once Upon a
pages there are highlights of our
season and one of the athletes was the Drake
Mattress and we got to experience online
past few years at the high school.
Athlete of the year.
From the memories we made here, we have
Next, is junior year. Or at least what we
Over the course of these four years we
some good and some bad but we are going
had of junior year. Before the virus, we got
gained a lot and lost some. A lot of teachers
back to take a look.
to experience Rock Around the Clock and the
who made a lot of impact with their students
Freshman year is a little hard to remember
entirety of homecoming week. All the fall
chose to move on with their next chapter in
but the one thing that comes to mind is the
and winter activities had relatively normal
their lives like Andrew McCormick, Dave
musical, the Beauty and the Beast and how
seasons with girls cross country placing
Oldham, Justin Lewis, Mark Schillerstrum,
Nic Zimmerman got to play the lead due to
well at state. This was the first year that the
the Robilliards and more. We lost a lot of
some unforeseen circumstances. This was the
marching band used a new sound system.
clubs like Rugby and fishing club. But we
year that the new high school was open for
We also had that fire drill that happened
also in these four years we have faced lots of
business and that is definitely a landmark we
in a thunderstorm, that was definitely an
positives like girls basketball making it Wells
should remember.
experience. Then COVID struck, essentially
Fargo every year. Or the football team almost
cancelling everything else.
making it to the Dome.
Now sophomore year, it gets a little easier. We have more members of our class apart
Now we have hit senior year where we
To say the least we have had an
of record breaking seasons like boys track
have gotten an unusual year. We got to have
extraordinary high school experience, was it
or even show choir. The top show choir,
prom and after prom, we even got to have a
good? Was it bad? We can’t say for certain but
Innovation, placed first at four out of five
senior challenge at a trampoline park. But
the question is will you remember it?
competitions they attended. That year the
we did lose out of a few spring sports, and
choir department did get to travel a lot as
homecoming week.
well, they even got stranded in newton due
This year Caleb Helegesen won state
Photos by Sophia Blondino, Ethan Burgett, Jordyn Cimmiyotti, Savannah Dennis, Cameron Deroos, Noah Gilbert, Maddie Judas, Sierrah Mangra-Dutcher, Kitarrah Mangra-Dutcher, Julia Merritt, Eric Mitchell, Galaxie Pendleton, Shay Polson, Hanna Tanner, Victoria Verde, & Abby Watkins
Sophomore Year
9 | Senior Issue
Senior Year Junior Year
10 | Senior Issue
What we wanted to be...
Childhood Trends
11 | Senior Issue
Words and Layout l Parker Anderson
Words and Photos| London Heim Layout | Jay Marren and London Heim
So when I was younger I wanted to be either a doctor or a nurse and now I’m going to DMACC for nursing school. Erin Shortell
When I was younger I wanted to be a chef or baker and have my own restaurant. Now I want to be involved in health sciences and be a PA. Maddie Loggins
When I was younger, I actually wanted to be a neurosurgeon and as of now
Barbie Movies: A staple in the early 2000’s, still a great binge.
I am pursuing dentistry in hopes of
My Little Pony: These colorful ponies were loved by many, and are multigenerational.
becoming an oral surgeon. Phoenix Khongmaly
I wanted to play in the NBA. Turns out I’m going to Iowa State and majoring in supply chain management. Carter Borwick
When I was younger I really wanted to be a doctor. Now as a senior I found that I actually really am passionate about environmental science. Legos: Childrens imaginations ran wild while parents went crazy over the little pieces scattered on the ground.
Littlest Pet Shop: These little animals with big eyes and bobble heads captured hearts.
Nerf: The toy every kid had or wanted. It gave us great memories of messing with our siblings and friends.
Kristen Hoss It’s pretty funny, when I was younger I wanted to be a lawyer. I still intend to become a lawyer after undergrad and law school. Chase McLaren
12 | Senior issue
Words | Noah Gilbert & Staff Layout | Noah Gilbert Research Assistants| Kylie Emery Tarun Srikaran
Peter Erickson ‘21
Cale Charlet ‘21
Zoey Kloewer ‘21
Dustie Brown ‘21
Wrestling was a sport Peter Erickson ‘21 has enjoyed since his sixth grade year. “It started from sixth grade when I had
Zoey Kloewer '21 has kept busy during her years at the high
Mr. Teck [social studies teacher and wrestling coach Aaron
school. Kloewer has participated in marching band, show band,
Tecklenburg),” Erickson said. “When I got there, he just said that
All-State, dance team and many other activities. In those activities she held leadership positions like the drum
I was the kind of person they needed on the wrestling team.” Erickson said he was not the best wrestler on the team
major of the marching band and a captain on the dance team,
starting off. “I learned that no matter how hard it gets, you just
not just because of the thrill of competition but because she cares
keep trying, and hopefully you get better as you get older,” he
about the people. “The best part of my activities are the people,"
said. Staying on the team produced life-long memories. We will
she said. Kloewer valued the people around her and the overall well
always remember going to team camp in Wisconsin. Although a lot of his memories through high school
being of the community. She worked with the anti-bullying and
consisted of wrestling, there were also a few other notable
suicide prevention group Project Silence No More. Klower joined
experiences. “My favorite memory is probably the Rock Around
the summer of her junior year because she liked the work they
the Clock stuff that we do,” Erickson said. Erickson had a strong support system throughout the years and they have helped him reach success. “I would say it helped, and I enjoyed having them there to support me,” Erickson said.
Photo by: Noah Gilbert
were doing. "Mental health issues are very close to my heart," she said. "I think what they are doing is really important."
Dragon TV, yearbook and Michael Jackson sum up Cale
Photo by: Noah Gilbert
Dustie Brown ‘21 was the co-head of the Junior-Senior Board.
Charlet ‘21 and the constant joy he brings to many students.
The board plans Senior Night, a celebration of the classes’
“My mom always says I am [a happy and enjoyable person]
accolades. Despite the unique challenges this school year
because I’m always nice to people and they like me,” Charlet
brought, she helped lead the board through successful projects.
said. “Hoping they will be my friend and if not, that’s okay
“We just finished the senior superlatives, which is the most
too.” His friendly demeanor and variety of activities allow him
likely toos,” Brown said. “People who don’t really have a good
to be a friendly face in a crowd of many.
self esteem kinda get a self esteem boost that feels good for me
“I like Dragon TV, EBCE [Education Based Career
and I’m sure it feels good for them.”
Education]. I go out to job sites,” Charlet said. Charlet also
Brown joined the Junior-Senior board last year just before
enjoys his time in the Journalism Lab with yearbook, tracking
the outbreak of the novel COVID-19 lock down. Senior Night
down information the names of people in group shots and
was cancelled last spring. Brown and other board members had
researching information for infographs.
no idea how to plan for this year’s event.
Charlet made memories. “I’m going to miss classes and
“Now that I’m senior it’s cool because I kinda get to lead the
teachers,” he said. “[And] to be in yearbook and see Shipp.”
club,” Brown said. “Show the juniors the ropes because I never
He has advice for underclassmen to take classes like
got taught that.”
yearbook and Dragon TV. ”I can make videos on iPads and put
The ceremony this year will not be in person. “Now we are
them on the computer,” Charlet said.
doing an Imovie presentation,” she said. Browns main goal was to assure that seniors got the
Photo Provided by: Jeannine Blackorby
recognition they deserve, trying to include every student. Photo by: Jordyn Cimmiyotti
14 | Senior issue
Words | Noah Gilbert & Staff Layout | Noah Gilbert Research Assistants| Kylie Emery Tarun Srikaran
Christopher Jordan ‘21
Nevada Voss ‘21
Nick Launderville ‘21
Christopher Jordan ‘21 is well known for being involved in
Like many high school athletes, Nicholas Launderville ‘21, has
many preforming art shows and groups. From show choir to
spent many hours practicing and working hard to be successful in
the school’s acapella group, he has a great reputation for his
tennis and baseball.
stage presence.
Basketball and tennis have been big parts of Launderville’s life
Jordan has had many roles in the fall play and musical. most
for the last four years. “During my freshman and sophomore years, I
notably as the Mute King in the show ‘Once Upon a Mattress’
played either one of them every day of the week,” he said.
this spring. “It was kinda challenging to not talk the whole
Then, he decided to focus on tennis. His sophomore year,
time,” he said.
Launderville lost in the second round of districts to Ian Ferree of
Being the Mute King brought its own challenges, one of
Ankeny, a notorious usher, or player who consistently gets every
many being coming up with nonverbal actions to represent the
ball back. “This was a match I should’ve won,” Launderville said. “I
emotion and communicate with the audience. “I think it was
was just really angry and frustrated with myself.”
fun to come up with my own actions,” Jordan said.
Over the two year period because of the cancelled season, he
Besides his passion for being cast as the comic relief in most
gained experience by playing on his own and working with his coach
of his roles, he also likes the family aspect of these activities. “I really enjoyed being the comic relief,” Jordan said. “We get really close with everybody because it’s like two weeks for preparing and then show night comes and you are like. I really enjoy the people I’m doing this with.” The best advice Jordan could give is to stick with it, and ride it out. “It’s a scary atmosphere to start in,” Jordan said. “But then you get used to it. You gotta go with the ride. It may suck here and there, but the family will always help you get through it.”
Rachel Chen ‘21
personal coach Gary Scholl. Launderville’s time for redemption Photo by: Jordyn Cimmiyotti
Time is a concept that is not fully grasped by many teenagers. However, Nevada Voss ‘21, has found value in it and has made an impact in positive ways. Voss entered high school with the objective of achieving a memorable experience and she was not going to waste any time. “You’re in high school for four years and there is
finally came this season. “I played the same kid again two years later and easily beat him this time. My attitude had become better and I had gained more experience.”
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many students have opted to do fully online schooling. Rachel Chen ‘21 selected
In this year's district meet, he had the pressure of being seeded
the online option to help with her mental health. “I chose
#1. After a first round bye, he struggled with two opponents, both
to go online because it’s just a lot more peace and quiet at
consistent players. In the end he overpowered both and beat a third
home,” Chen said. “I don’t think I have the mental capacity to
to advance to state.
deal with people at school.” Before quarantine Chen described herself as a very sociable
nothing you can do about it,” Voss said “The reason I am so
person. “I think in a sense it affected my priorities,” Chen said.
involved is so that I could make the high school experience
“I used to make socializing one of my main priorities and now
better for myself and others.”
it’s school, work, and then friends.”
Starting her sophomore year, Voss organized one of
Chen’s senior year was unorthodox compared to years past.
the most memorable events of the year, Rock Around the
“It is nothing like how I pictured my senior year to be,” Chen
Clock, in which sophomores through seniors participate.
said. Over-romanticizing was one of the things Chen said she
“You get to look around and think about how you put it
was guilty of when it came to thinking of her last year of high
together and that’s really cool,” she said. Then, she was
school as an underclassman. “In a way, it’s much better than I
asked to organize the event her junior year as well.
expected it to be.” Chen said. “I am still a very social person,”
After getting elected president of the Student Council
she said. “I’m going to the University of Iowa and I would like
for the 2020 school year, she helped create a sense of
the change to make more friends and meet different people.”
normalcy amidst a time that was completely the opposite.
The best advice Chen had for underclassman was to care
School is not the only thing that Voss has worked on over
for their mental health. “School is important, but it’s not
the years. Being a part of varsity soccer, being a captain her
important enough to sacrifice your mental health over it,”
senior year was also important to her. Voss participated and
Chen said.
organized many activities within her team to build a sense of camaraderie.
Photo by: Rylie Reets
Photo by: Jordyn Cimmiyotti
16 | Senior Issue
Graduation Cap Decorating
quick scroll on Pinterest can lead to a rabbit hole of creative and imaginative examples of
graduation caps. A trip to Michaels taunts with its graduation display filled with crafts to decorate a cap. For a senior, decorating our graduation cap with a meaningful quote, a witty pun or an expressive piece of art is an iconic landmark in the last steps of graduating from high school. Yet, it is one that we do not get to engage in. Principal Ryan Woods explained the school’s policy on decorating graduation caps. “Graduation ceremony [is] meant to be a formal thing, a celebration of the students and their achievements,” Woods said. “There are certain things that do adorn their graduation apparel. There’s chords, there’s some medals, but just to put your favorite rock bands’ emblem on your graduation cap, we’d be like ‘no, that’s not appropriate for the occasion.’” The district does tend to be extremely formal for its events, but maybe gradation should be more about the students than the adults. The administration wants the graduation ceremony to celebrate the students, yet the students themselves do not get the option to express themselves in a creative way without special permission. Everyone is boringly uniform. Those of us who have not achieved any awards or recognition do not get to stand out
The editorial is an opinion held by the editorial board of the newspaper and is a collaboration of the board. It needs a simple majority to pass. This month’s vote was 5-0.
even through creative expression. Not all of us participate in extracurricular activities, but that does not make our personal achievements or accomplishments less than just because the school does not officially acknowledge them. Decorating our graduation caps could be the one opportunity we have in high school to show who we are and what we are about. Graduation is a celebration of all that a student has accomplished in the last four years of their lives. All of the memories and friendships made, sports and activities attended and hours of hard work and study dedicated to the moment when they take their diploma and are released into the world as individuals. Graduation is the time for us to celebrate, so let us. The Class of 2021’s junior year was cut short. Letting those of us who want to decorate our cap would be a simple gesture that would give us one last parting gift of our rocky high school career. Students (or our parents or guardians at least) purchase the graduation cap and gown to keep. Free speech is a right, and graduation cap decorations are not typically used to push a political view or say something hurtful. They are used to express gratitude, share inspiration and demonstrate what that person feels is important to them. Let us enjoy our graduation and be teenagers before we go off to adulthood. It is a simple request, with a lot of meaning.
Senior Class in Layout | Savannah Dennis
5 school to 2 work students
24 2 senior student athletes 7
national merit scholarship semifinalists
23 early graduates
2 sets of 12 twins sets of triplets
most common boys name JACK (9)
most common last name ANDERSON (5) SMITH (5)
most common girls name
19 | Senior Issue
ABBY (8)
longest names
20|Senior Issue
Division-1 Athletes
Words | Joel Kellar Layout | Joel Kellar
Iowa St
Ben Wilmes Baseball
Bella Heikes Cross Country
Jared Bowser-Golf Purdue Fort Wayne
Sam Strauss Cross Country
Tyler Moore Football Yohana Yual Cross Country
Caleb Helgeson Wrestling
Reid Grant- Basketball North Dakota Gabe Swanson- Baseball Nebraska
he Senior class has exceled
in academic and athletic levels during their high school career. There are 11 senior athletes this year that are continuing their career at the highest stage of collegiate athletics. There are three athletes going to Iowa State Universtiy; Caleb Helgeson, Tyler Moore, and Bella Heikes. Three more athletes are going to University of Iowa; Yohana Yual, Sam Strauss, and Ben Wilmes. Five athletes are going to a division-1 school out of state; Gabe Swansen- University of Nebraska-Omaha, Avery Carnahan- Northern Illinois University, Ciara Wheeler- Diving, Reid Grant- North Dakota University, and Jared Bowser- University of Purdue Fort Wayne. These athletes will continue Johnston’s tradition of success at the next level.
Avery Carnahan Softball Northern Illinois Ciara Wheeler Diving Eastern Michigan
22| Senior Issue
Roba Abbajabal Iowa State University for computer science Rakan Abu-Assaf DMACC Kenan Alagic Jonathan Albin Iowa State University Jonathan Allemagne college and work Grant Allen University of Iowa for business analytics Nathan Aller gap year Lauren Altier Northern Iowa University for education Daniel Altman Leslie Alvidrez Luke Amspaugh University of Iowa Abagail Andersen Devin Anderson Marcus Anderson Parker Anderson Iowa State University for education and Spanish Riley Anderson DMACC for architectural technology George Anguey Trevor Anthony Trade School Wendy Avalos DMACC for psychology Michael Avendt DMACC for psychology Jeremiah Avery College Nathaniel Axtell Working a job full time
Olivia Babel Undecided Ayden Baccam Marian Bailey DMACC for video production Kimberly Ballard Grand Canyon University Aaliyah Barbee DMACC Kaeden Bash Iowa State University Hunter Bass Javian Bates Kyle Battani Drake University for actuarial science Cedric Beh Jacob Bennett Jackson Benson Chelsea Berber
Trevin Bergmann Gap year to DMACC Alexander Bergquist Kristen Berstler Emily Bertlshofer University of Northern Iowa Subham Bhattacharya Iowa State University Kamren Billings Kyle Bishop Payton Blahut Drake for graphic design and public relations Catherine Blair DMACC Joshua Blakely Trade School Jack Blanchard Iowa State University Sophia Blondino Taking a gap year to nanny full time and eventually nursing school Grant Boeschen Iowa State University for computer engineering Jerry Bohall Undecided Alexis Bohn Aveda Institute for cosmetology Matthew Borgmeier University of St. Thomas Carter Borwick Iowa State University Jarred Bowser Purdue University Fort Wayne Cael Boysen DMACC or University of Iowa Nicholas Braun Kylie Bremner University of Iowa for biology Spenser Brende Jeannie Brichetto Studying nursing and criminology Bodie Brown Dustie Brown College Anna Bruck Iowa State University for elementary education Hannah Bruene University of Arizona Nicholas Bruggemann DMACC for construction management Robert Buckley Taren Buckner Kathy Bui Iowa State University for business Catherine Burch University of Missouri Kaliyon Burkett University of Iowa for health and human physiology Ella Bussanmas Iowa State University Anna Bustad University of Iowa Conner Bustamante Kendal Butin Seattle to study musical theater Amarui Butts Gap year and travel
Anne Culbert University of Missouri Jamison Cunningham Kira Currier Jenna Curry Iowa State University for music education Jaedyn Cale Iowa State University for veterinary medicine Connor Canny Grand View University to play baseball Caroline CarmichaelI Iowa State University Avery Carnahan Northern Illinois University Ross Casey DMACC Fabiola Castaneda Santiago University of Iowa for biology Armin Cehic Joshua Chapman Cale Charlet Ada Chen Amherst College Julia Chen Notre Dame for finance Rachel Chen University of Iowa for psychology and marketing Vivian Chen University of Washington for conservation biology Samuel Childers Working construction Mairead Chowanec College of Charleston for pre-dental route Ella Christensen Gabriel Christofferson Iowa State University Katina Christofferson Iowa State University Kathryn Christy Wartburg University for elementary education and Leadership Elise Churchill University of Missouri for psychology Zachary Cihota DMACC for business Jordyn Cimmiyotti Iowa State University for journalism and mass communication Kelsey Clark DMACC transferring to University of Iowa for nursing Caleb Clarkson 11 Lucas Clayton Studying to be a mechanical engineer Jackson Coleman Undecided Kory Collins Marines Abigail Coon Dordt College for general engineering Carson Cooper Traveling Cassandra Copeland DMACC for Psychology and then transferring to Iowa State University Bria Cox Iowa State University for design and mandarin Andrew Cramer Vincent Cresta College
Hannah Daley Iowa State University Michael Davey Oliver Dayton DMACC for diesel technician Damira Delilovic Savannah Dennis University of Iowa for statistics while managing the baseball team Jacob Denniston Nothing Faith Derkenne Hillsong College in Arizona Adela Devedzic Adna Devedzic Nikita Deymich University of Iowa for biochemistry and pre-med Aidan Dhawan Studying computer science and getting a commercial pilot license Luke Dieleman Iowa State University for engineering John Dina DMACC Kaiden Dinh Emrah Djozic Seila Dolic Iowa State University for accounting Quinn Donaldson DMACC Madylena Doser DMACC for human resources Oma Doyo Briah Drewry University of Iowa for Marketing Jordan Duckett DMACC Dae’Jordan Dudley Morgan Dunn Colorado State University for ecosystem science and Sustainability Amar Dupanovic St. Cloud State University for business and soccer Tailey Dweh Priscilla Dyett DMACC Braden Dykhuis Brock Dykhuis Izet Dzinic
Bernadette Ebambi DMACC for accounting and business administration Richaila Edmonds Sydnie Ehm Northwest Missouri State University Ian Ehredt college Mohamed Eisa Ines Elkaz Kylie Emery Gap year Lauren England Emma Erdoes Georgetown University for international politics and economy Peter Erickson DMACC for welding Addison Etnier Minneapolis College of Art & Design for animation
Ashley Faber University of Iowa Gina Fadelelmawla Kade Farver University of Northern Iowa Julia Fergus University of Iowa Avery Ferguson Gap year Joshua Finer Sophia Fleming University of San Juan for vet-tech certification Ellen Flint Iowa State University Michael Foldes Air Force Dylan Forman Music Renea Foster Chloe Fox Jayden Fox Scout Fox Ashley Franke Iowa State for teaching Addyson Franklin Carson Frazier Iowa State University for animal science Ryan Freidhoff Kayla Frickenstein Iowa State University for marketing Jack Fritz Luther College Logan Fritz Luther College Abbigayle Funk
Rachel Gabby Adisa Ganic DMACC for design Victor Garcia-Sanchez Angeline Gaylah Jacob Gearhar Iowa State University for psychology Regbeselomon Gebreyohanes College Emily Geers University of Kansas Sara Gilbreath Iowa State University for dietetics Evan Gjoraas Serenity Gladney Benjamin Glass DMACC for auto body collision Mia Glenn Luther College for swim Logan Glidewell DMACC Noah Goche Iowa State University for computer engineering Cedrina Goldman Alexis Gootee University of Northern Iowa for accounting Jack Gorsche Alexis Gorsh University of Northern Iowa Melanie Gradeler University of Iowa for physical therapy Tiffany Gradeler University of Iowa for microbiology and pre-dental Mackenzie Graham Reid Grant University of North Dakota committed to basketball Olivia Graving University of Northern Iowa Jacob Green James Grimm University of Iowa for pre-med neuroscience Theodotius Guah University of Iowa for physical therapy Joash Guera University of Iowa for business Nitin Gupta Grinnell College Jaiden Gutierrez Aveda for cosmetology Amanda Guzman
Pacifique Habanabashaka Katherine Hanson
24| Senior Issue John Harrington Gap year Prince Harrison Gap year Allison Hart University of Iowa elementary education Zachary Harvey Iowa State University Ajdin Hasanic DMACC for business Rania Hashim Jacob Haugen Olivia Hayes Emma Haynes Iowa State University for environmental engineering Jacqueline Heggen University of Northern Iowa for biochemistry Kyle Hegwood DMACC Isabella Heikes Iowa State University for english education and cross country Elisabet Heiser University of Northern Iowa Caleb Helgeson Iowa State University for wrestling Kiah Henderson Elijah Hill Spencer Hintz University of Iowa Amir Hodzic Samuel Hoffman University of Northern Iowa for construction management Sarah Hoffman University of Iowa Andrew Holm Iowa State University Karson Holm Lilly Holton Kristen Hoss Iowa State University Brady Hovey University of Northern Iowa Roberto Huaracha Ramirez DMACC 2 years Jeremy Hull DMACC Nicholas Hull DMACC Kaitlyn Hushagen Iowa State University Abby Hutchins University of Northern Iowa
Amra Ibrahimovic DMACC Jackson Illg Lineman school Ajwad Iqbal University of Iowa on a pre-med track
Olivia Jackovin Iowa State University Zion Jackson Getting realtor’s license and wants to be a physical trainer Jillian James University of Iowa for environmental science Easton Jeno Iowa State University Teja Jetty University of Iowa Kinsey Jilek North Iowa Area Community College for Basketball Demartae Johnson Hannah Johnson University of Iowa Kathryn Johnson DMACC for nursing and child development Rebecca Johnson Bodee Jones trade School Austin Jordan Christopher Jordan DMACC Amer Jusic DMACC and then Iowa State University
Natalie Kahre University of Iowa for business Anish Kalimireddy University of Iowa for biomedical Sciences and premed Karshana Kalyanaraman University of Pittsburgh for emergency medicine Addison Kamienski Iowa State University studying diet and exercise Garrett Karazija Iowa State University Griffin Karazija Iowa State University Ramayana Kazazic University of Iowa Joel Kellar University of Iowa for journalism Nathan Kellar Wartburg University Jayden Keller Sean Keller Tanner Kenin University of California- Berkeley Din Keserovic Iowa State University Phoenix Khongmaly University of Iowa Zach Kinney
Northwestern University Connor Kinnick DMACC for Automotive Technology Emacule Kirenga University of Northern Iowa for social work Zoey Kloewer Belmont University for music business Samuel Knapp Kailey Knowlton DMACC Amogh Koratpallikar University of Iowa for Business Analytics Kaitlyn Kraber Tyler Krahn DMACC for culinary arts Karter Kriegel Iowa State University studying agricultural mannagment Tyler Kronlage University of Northern Iowa Hunter Krumrey Working and move to Florida Rachel Kruse Iowa State University Cade Kuennen Iowa State University to study ag business
Neil Lagerblade Oklahoma City University for dance Bryan Lamb Zachary Lammers Carter Lane DMACC Tate Larsen Electric apprenticship Grace Larson Iowa State University for public relations Jennifer Larson Central College studying biochemistry Jacob Lass Kyle Lastine University of Iowa Nicholas Launderville Iowa State University Thayne Lavender Kaitlyn Le DMACC Brandon Lee DMACC Jeffrey Lee Morgan Lee University of Colorado Colorado Springs Alexander Lehman University of Iowa for computer science Jamie Lenaghan Fiona Lewis Madison Lewis University of Platteville for forensic investigation Isai Leyva Mikayla Lies Wartburg University Madeline Loggins
University of Missouri Sophia Longo Iowa State University Luke Lowery Trade School CAD modeling Will Lucas Iowa State University Thomas Ludwig Working Padeat Lul DMACC
Anna Madson DMACC for nursing Abigail Maitre University of Iowa Siri Mandava University of Melbourne for business and law Milos Mandic DMACC Marandah Mangra-Dutcher University of Iowa for journalism and mass communication Levi Manley DMACC for airplane maintenance Kireen Manuel Alexandria Marin Iowa State University for civil engineering Daniel Marren University of Iowa Jay Marren University of Northern Iowa for theater and communications teaching Lauren Marren Creighton University for neurology on the pre med track Ashley Marsh University of Northern Iowa for psychology Brooklyn Marston Iowa State University Cade Martin Quinn Martin DMACC for nursing Abby Martindale University of Iowa Patrice Maseruka College bound Thomas Mathes Aron Mawia Lal Ram Mawia DMACC for Nursing Austin Mazza Katheryn McAlister University of Northern Iowa for marketing and psychology Olivia McBee DMACC Keenan McCann University of Northern Iowa Gavin McClure Nathan McClure Samuel McDaniel
Iowa State University for musical theatre and composition Nolan McElligott Bryce McGuire DMACC for chiropractic Mia McIntire Abbie McLaren University of Iowa for mathematics and cinema Chase McLaren University of Iowa ancient history Dylan McLaren University of Iowa Emily McLaughlin University of Iowa for political science Paige Mentzer Iowa State University Hugh Mertes Alexandra Meuer North Iowa Area Community College for elementary education Rachel Mialo Eduardo Milach Teixeira Iowa State University for aerospace engineering Fernando Milach Teixeira Iowa State University for engineering Benjamin Millang Alexa Miller Iowa State University Carley Miller Gap year Sneh Mistry Iowa State University for mechanical engineering Taryn Mock Cosmetology School Maryam Mohammed University of Iowa Grant Mollendor Electric apprenticeship Perla Montes Aidan Moore Ironworker Tyler Moore Iowa State University for football Nicholas Mosquera Cole Moss Iowa State University for agriculture business Jacquelyn Moss Landon Moyer DMACC Daniel Muhamedagic DMACC Cole Murphy
Samuel Nadler Iowa State University Noah Ness Iowa State University Alyssa Newell DMACC for Dental Hygiene Joshua Newhall DMACC Ryan Ngo
Huynh Nguyen Gap Year and DMACC for business Cael Nichols Espoire Nkomezi Simpson College for academics and soccer Abdirahman Noor Isaiah Norville Glorie Ntalindwa University of Iowa for pre-med Kalonji Ntambwe Liena Nyama Binetha Nyamuco Nicholas Nyren Iowa State University for business
Ava O’Brien Iowa State University Megan O’Brien Gap Year Matthew O’Connell working Sidney Ochan Reece Officer Anders Okesson Jenna Olson Wartburg University Spencer Olson University of Nebraska Omaha TJ Olson Work and Air National Guard Erna Omeragic Armin Oric Grand View University for kinesiology and exercise science London Orosco Iowa State University for biology Alvie Osburn Working Rylann Ouverson Grace Overton
Adna Palic Cornish College of Fine Arts for musical theatre Cole Palmisano Noah Pals DMACC for real estate Meredith Parker Iowa State University Jesse Parrish University of Iowa Zachary Parrish DMACC Vir Patel Iowa State University for biochemistry Lohith Pathur DMACC for finance and business management Niharika Pathuri Tanner Patterson
26| Senior Issue DMACC Tyler Patterson Gap year Alison Paucar Makenna Paule DMACC Jacob Paustian Iowa State University Alena Pavlinovic Alison Peralta Kevin Perez Iowa Central Community College for automotive and playing soccer Diego Perez Celeste Iowa State University for computer science Trenton Perkins DMACC Leven Petersen Isaac Peterson Jelena Petrusic Trung Phu DMACC Truong Phu DMACC for electrical engineering Jordan Pilcher Emma Podlich Iowa State University Adam Poe William and Mary College Molly Poock Creighton University for pre-pharmacy studies and dance Seth Pouliot Macieo Pritchard Charles Pruett-Shillak University of Iowa for business management and cinema LaKendra Punteney
Dhatchayani Rajkumar University of Iowa for biomedical science Marquez Ramsey Trey Randall Abigail Rastetter Iowa State University Hannah Rea College for social work Kayla Reents Selena Reese DMACC for Paramedic Pray Reh DMACC for electric Ethan Rehmann Belmont Abbey College for volleyball Jacen Ren Marielys Reyes Makaela Riggs Taylor Rippey Tyler Roberts Robert Land Studio Academy for music production Emma Roethler Sudying nursing
Andrew Romero Sydney Ronkar University of Arizona Isabella Root University of Iowa for journalism and mass communication and sports media Max Roquet Lewis University for volleyball Owen Rosenmeyer DMACC Alexis Ross Jarrett Rotter Iowa State University Rachel Ruisch Cornell College for biochemistry and molecular Biology
Melisa Sabic Iowa State University for business management Allina Sadowsky University of Northern Iowa Jimena Sanchez Working Lalmuan Sanga Van Sanga Fernanda Santana-Reyes Hawkeye Community College for dental hygiene Aidan Santiago Iowa State University Augustus Sayon Working Devin Scarff DMACC for culinary Erin Schilb Maggie Schiller Iowa State University Joshua Schumacher Alaina Schwartz Iowa State University for mechanical engineering Sydney Scothorn Iowa State University for management Irma Sehic Mary Sellers Caleb Sellner DMACC and studying digital marketing Samuel Shanks DMACC Fathi Sharif College Elyse Shaw University of Northern Iowa Zoey Shepherd Ethan Sherwood DMACC Erin Shortell DMACC for nursing Alexis Simmons Washburn University for biology Tiana Simpson DMACC Alayna Sinko Ilda Sivac Grand View University
Nathaniel Skinner University of Nebraska-Lincoln for microbiology Lauren Slagle Iowa State University Garrick Slings Meho Smajlovic Cheyenne Smallwood Working Ashley Smith College for mortuary and crime scene investigation Jaison Smith DMACC Timothy Smith DMACC Tristin Smith Working Kaya Smlatic University of Iowa for psychology Amanda Soards DMACC Alexander Spear KaZaya Spears Joseph Spielbauer University of Iowa Cole Spurbeck HVAC Apprenticeship James Srail University of Notre Dame Tarun Srikaran Iowa state University Rheiner Stahlbaum Central College for wrestling Ethan Stahr DMACC Carson Stanley Iowa State University Cael Stenger DMACC for marketing Kellie Stiles Coe College to study film Nicholas Stiles Iowa State University Jack Stoye Grand View University Logan Strahorn University of Iowa Samantha Strauss University of Iowa Cheyenne Stroeber Edgar Suarez Ochoa Fikreta Subasic Gabriel Swansen University of Nebraska-Omaha for baseball Rylee Swartzel Up in the air Ryan Sweeney Claire Swindler DMACC for pre-nursing Ethan Symmonds University of Iowa
Angelina Ta DMACC
Tyler Tallman University of Iowa Nouvem Stanford Tangayan Leighton Tanke Iowa State University Ireland Terrill University of Iowa Mason Thies University of Iowa Erica Thomas Kirkwood Community College for nursing Marian Thompson Matthew Thompson Kirkwood Community College Sofia Thompson Nova Thornton Iowa State University Ann Thuku Moving to Houston Cynthia Tody DMACC for nursing Cory Tracy University of Iowa Jaida Tran Elijah Turner
Chloe Uitenbroek
Ameen Vahdat Change da world Madison VanMeter John Vaux DMACC Nevada Voss Iowa State University Carter Vriezelaar Iowa State University for software development
Mark Wagner Ryan Walker Iowa State Trey Walker Kirkwood Community College for business and real estate Alex Walton DMACC Catreena Wang Tufts University Mya Warrior DMACC Dillon Warwick Iowa State University for agricultural science
Trenton Waterbeck College Allen Waterman Nathan Waters South Dakota School of Mines for civil and chemical engineering Averi Watson University of Iowa Kolbi Watson University of Iowa for biology Hadia Weah Prince Weah Jordan Webber Marines Andrew Wedemeyer Connor West Jason Weuve Aidan Weyer University of Iowa for political science Ciara Wheeler Eastern Michigan University Kahrlee White Iowa State University for psychology Madelyn Whitehead University of Iowa for communications Malana Whiting Jack Wicker DMACC Jake Wicks University of Iowa Gracie Wilcox Iowa State University for business Sarah Wiles Coe College Jack Wilkinson University of Iowa Taylor Wilkinson Mercy Medical School Cate Williams Jordyn Williams Scott Williams College and Work Caleb Williamson Firefighter and EMT courses Brady Willis DMACC Benjamin Wilmes University of Iowa for Baseball Tristen Wilson Rachel Winkler University of Iowa Emma Winterboer Simpson College Autumn Wolter Iowa State University for kinesiology and health Paxton Wolter Airforce Jacob Wolver Grand View University to play baseball Connor Womacks DMACC Maya Wright Iowa State University for kinesiology Vivian Wu Chase Wuebker Fairleigh Dickson University for basketball and business Lauren Wunn DMACC
Isabel Yates Iowa State University Elly Yeast Iowa State University Ahren Young DMACC John Young Yohana Yual University of Iowa for cross country and track
Anita Zayeneh College Brandon Zimmer Working at Mohel Millwork Elizabeth Zimmerman Iowa State University Nicolas Zimmerman Iowa State University Boston Zuck Simon Zuffa DMACC
Research Assistants | Catherine Reiher, Brady Willis, Renee Johnson, Nolan Akins, Marley Jenkins, Charles Pruett-Shillak, Marandah Mangra-Dutcher, Kylie Emery, Noah Gilbert Layout | Marandah MangraDutcher Disclaimer: All the information was collected through many sources. We did our best and we apologize if something is not entirely accurate.
!anks Shi" Shipp, We’ve reached the end. You are finally done with us. After 32 years of dealing with things like high school drama to ground breaking stories, you’ve finally decided to take a break. A much deserved break. Our journalism program is one of the best in the state. We are constantly winning awards, both individually and as a staff, however we owe all of this to you. We would not be where we are today without you. Despite all of the great products and content you have helped us create, you have shaped every student that has come out of this room. Whether they like you or not they leave this class better. You teach not just journalism but life. You have given us skills that we can use outside of high school, and help us face the real world. There have been times when we have been frustrated with you, maybe it’s because of a grade or a scolding but by doing that you make it known that you care about us. We can tell you genuinely care about what we do and what is going on in our lives. You’re understanding and easy to talk to, which has helped create the joke among the newspaper staff that you’re our emotional support teacher. Now while this ending is a bit cheesy it has to be said. You will be missed, there is no doubt about it. The journalism department wishes you well in your next crazy adventures but before you leave take a look at everything you’ve accomplished. Look at the awards. Look at the products. Look at the room. But most of all look at us. Look at how we have changed since we met. Look at where past graduates are. You made that happen. Thank you.