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獲獎紀錄 全國高中職工科技藝競賽建築繪圖組第三名 教育部學海飛颺獎助學金

證書 TOEIC 775 丙級建築繪圖證照 丙級技術測量證照

台中市立高級工業學校 建築科


全國高中職技藝競賽 建築繪圖組第三名金手獎,比賽包含電腦與手繪,每個競賽三個 小時完成一張A0,考驗讀題目的理解速度與時間分配,在手繪方 面需要有美術能力。

國立台灣科技大學 建築學系學士


參與國際學生交流社,協助外籍生在台灣的生活,舉辦活動與語 言交換,我克服對英語的恐懼,彌補高職的英文程度不足,過程 中產生學習西班牙文的興趣。

大四畢業製作,我參與場佈組,與松山文創園區接洽,幫助創 作同學協調戶外大型設計作品的位置。

西班牙加泰隆尼亞理工大學 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Proficient Level High

Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB) 2019 Sep -2020 Jan


Auto CAD Sketchup Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Enscape lumion Grasshopper ProCreat Blender Adobe Dimension



Mandarin Taiwanese English Spanish France

Native Native

參與建築修復課程,與來自義大利與墨西哥的組員執行舊屋翻新計 畫,研究高地建築與西班牙建築形式,選修西班牙語授課課程,了 解歐盟與西班牙房屋耗能相關規定,另外選修strategies and innovations ,對企業經營與策略有基本認識,透過這堂課,我對商 學領域的有初步的認識

廣懋材料科技有限公司 2020 April - July Intern

在實習期間,學到工程方面的實務經驗,也在公司體系下認識到不 同部門如何分工與合作,我在工程部門擔任實習生,工作內容為協 助主管繪製工程圖,除了熟悉的繪圖工作外,我覺得最重要的是在 公司裡學到了很多溝通技巧。

接案工作者 2020 Sep- 2021 Feb 在離開實習後,我想嘗試我的插畫受不受到市場青睞,我建立了我 的插畫專頁,也透過朋友介紹有幸可以承接演唱會的投影視覺呈現 ,但是因為不了解接案該認識的契約。當時畫完了圖卻收不到費用 ,最後決定找一份正職,單依然保持對插畫的興趣。

建築設計助理 2021 Mar -

在我所任職的事務所,主要做建商案,因為業主要求,因此案件幾 乎沒有可以設計與思考的成分。加上員工不多與事務繁瑣,許多法 規問題無法即時解決,因此在這份工作上,我無法真正發揮所長與 幫助到公司。幾經考慮後決定辭職。希望可以在下一份工作上,我 可以學到更多團隊作業與有效率的工作表現。


Wining Record National High School Skill Competition 3rd place, Architectural Drawing Scholarship of National Ministry of Education

Certifications TOEIC 775 Class C Technician of Architectural Drawing Class C Technician of Civil Measuring Taichung Municipal Industrial High School Department of Architecture 2012-2015 I was representing my school to participate in the competition of

skill, eventually winning third place in the architectural drawing field. It was challenging to complete the perspective sketch in A1 size within 3 hours.

National Taiwan University of Science & Technology Department of Architecture 2015-2021

Joining the international student club in university, meeting exchange students from the whole world motivated me to improve my English level. In the end, I’ve got a scholarship studying in Barcelona. In charge of senior design exhibition, working with a group of design display billboards, visiting lines, and visual concepts.

Skills of Software Auto CAD Sketchup Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop lumion Grasshopper ProCreat Enscape Blender Adobe Dimension Adobe Premiere Languages Mandarin Taiwanese English Spanish France


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona School of Building Construction (EPSEB) 2019 Sep -2020 Jan I chose various courses, studied how the restoration of historical buildings works, with teammates from Italy and Mexico. My chosen curriculum was restoration of historical buildings. Also I studied architectural regulations of Spain and the EU.

Gomore Building Envelope Technology 廣懋材料科技有限公司


2020 April - July

After finishing the exchange program, I decided to stay in Taipei, for gaining more different working experience as my first internship. During the intern, I’ve learned the actual cooperation with my co-workers in different departments. I realize the transformation from the idea to the real work.

After Graduation Native Native

During the internship and the exchange program, I realized that I am inclined more towards drawing, graphic design, and visual expression, not just architectural drawing. Now I am working for architect studio in Taichung. Due to the scale of the studio and work content, I can’t smoothly expertise my passion on the work. I like illustration and brainstorm with teammate which I can’t do for my current job. Therefore, I look forward to receiving your message.

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