j i a h u i
g u o
Landscape Architecture Portfolio
T h e f lo at i n g mo o n Sustainable tsunami-resistant landscape
A Cr y s ta lli n e
F un eral
Landmarker for a waste isolation site
t h e s to r y o f wat er Commercial Landscape Design for Hua Lian Supermarket
t h e plat e s B I M Design Contest | Rebuilding Suburban Texture of Paris
r e d e f i n e h o r i zo n tal lands cape Landscape proposal for Dunn Ranch Prairie, Missouri
T h e la n d s ca pe o f was t e Ecological solution from quarry to landfill
T H E F O LD I N G I N F O R MALIT y Rebuild the Tian'an Men Square, Beijing
R e pr e s e n tat i o n a n d v is u alizat ion Visualizing ecological process, Models, Play with art, Wall section model, Mapping, Photographs
THE FLOATING MOON Sustainable Tsunami Resilient Landscape
IFLA Design Competition | 2016 | Spring Teammate with Hui Yang, Bin Yan, Yue Yu, Siying Wang
This project is an investigation of new prototypes of disaster-resistant landscape in Solomon Islands, which is under the risk of tsunami and sea level rise. This project proposes a floating intervention to mitigate the tsunami waves while provides self-sufficient agricultural land and mangrove habitat. The design’s form derives from the acoustic wedges, which can significantly absorb the sound waves because of their shapes. By calculating the ability to resist shock waves among different methods of connection, the moon shape was chosen with additional contribution to fishing, farming, disaster protection and ecology.
Shallow (0-50 km) earthquakes
Shallow earthquakes
Intermediate depth (70-300 km) earthquakes
Deep (>300 km) earthquakes The Auki City of the Solomon Islands locates at the northern end of Langa Langa Lagoon on the north-west coast of Malaita Island. It is on the PaciďŹ c Earthquake Belt which suffered from serious risks of earthquake and tsunami attacks.
Auki city is under serious risk of hurricanes as well because of the location near the equator where wind and ocean current change their directions.
Auki Wind Ocean Current
Solomon Islands Coastal Habitat
Pre-settlement: - 1800
Early Development:
there used to be mangrove belts which worked as a buffer against hurricanes and tsunamis.
as building materials for housing and firewood.
b e n e f i t s
Sea Level Rise destroyed the mangrove habitats by the increasing water depth.
1800 Farming occupied the- 1950 nature habitat land for Before human settlements,mangrove forest. Mangrove trees were cut
Timeline of mangrove habitat
Tsunami and hurricanes:
Sea Level Rise: 1950 - 2016
habitats made the city vulnerable to natural disasters such as tsunami and hurricanes.
offshore habitat water depth no longer suitable for the growth of mangrove trees.
Urban Development destroyed the mangrove habitat by over-cutting.
b e n e f i t s
Mangrove Forest
Contamination impaired the habitats’ energy of growth.
Fishing can provided food and income for native residents.
Biodiversity is maintained by the complex ecosystem created D i m i n i s h i n g m a n g robyv ethe mangroveSea level rise made the forest.
r i s k s
a a t f
r i s k s
Ecological Functions of Mangrove Forest
Birds and Animals cannot survive without the mangrove habitat.
Tsunami Barriers by mangrove trees can provide protections from disasters
Current Condition of Mangrove Habitat Arecaceae Tree forest
Cocos nucifera, Archontophoenix alexandrae ...
Mangrove Forest
Bruguiera parviora, Avicennia alba...
Endangered Mangrove Habitat
Current condition of mangrove habitat
Plan of floating island system
Since Auki has always been suffering from lacking of land, edges also act as boundary, defining four different functions of floating islands: Intertidal area that recreates Mangrove habitat, farmland, marine aquaculture and offshore temporal refuge. Sea water desalinated at the bottom of each wedge and transferred to the island to serve irrigation or human activities. Fallen leaves and stems from farm and mangrove habitat are ideal fish feed, while organic waste from fish farm and refugee can be decomposed and used as fertilizer for farmland and mangrove habitat. These four functions together create a selfsufficient unit of floating island system.
Farm Land
Fish feed
Desalted sea water used for irrigation in farm lands.
Stems and leaves from farm lands can be used as ďŹ sh feed.
Manure Decomposed waste of ďŹ sh used as manure to fertilize the farm land.
Sea water desalination Use the reverse osmosis membrance and bacterias to desalt sea water.
Waste collection Waste of ďŹ shes are collected and then decomposed by bacterias in the wedge.
Fish fe
Fallen leaves o can be used a
Refuge / Activity Space
of mangrove as ďŹ sh feed.
Soil improvement
Wedge construction
Fallen leaves of mangroves fertilizes the soil, give better soil for plants.
Timbers produced by mangrove can be used for buidling new wedges.
Timeline of mangrove habitat
Test of acoustic wedge
Tsunami Imitation
When there are no barriers or protections on the surface, the amplitude of waves tends to be higher by natural forces such as earthquake waves and hurricanes.
Wedge Protection
Because of the damping effects by the wedge structures floating on the surface and the elastic connections, the amplitude is suppressed and chaotic thus less subversive.
Acoustic Wedge
Vibration and Energy Absorbing When two wedges are putting besides each other, the concave shape will absorb the waves which are mitigated by the movement of the wedges and water.
When there are no barriers or protections on the surface, the amplitude of waves tends to be higher by natural forces such as earthquake waves and hurricanes. 08
Bird eye view of floating island system
Momentum Offset The mutual movement of the wedges will be offset because of the irregular placement of wedges which will vibrate in different directions when hit by waves.
Dumping Connections The seaweed will connect the wedges with the shallow sea beds and will works as flexible dumping connections to mitigate the shock waves and wedges’ movement.
A CRYSTALLINE FUNERAL A 10,000 year maker system for nuclear waste isolation pilot plant in Carlsbad, NM
Landscape Architecture Studio | 2017 | Teammate with Bin Yan Runner-up (Second Award) of International Idea Competition organized by Arch Out Loud
How can an isolated landmark reveal itself as a coffin to seal the radioactive nuclear wastes, and how can the crystalline funeral, reveal and warn the considerable influence of human power to the future generation throughout the 10,000 duration of decay of nuclear substance, and probably, the human being as well? Salt crystal, which constantly seals the nuclear substance underground, will be regarded as a metaphoric connection between the funerals on the ground and the ones under it. Extra salt crystals in or around the site will be collected to build series of crystalline coffins, to seal the extinct species, one for each year, an ongoing funeral which lasts for 10,000 years, when the central church seals the last human being‌
Year 2017 YAK
Year 3200 REINDEER
Year 4500 COYOTE
Bos grunniens
Rangifer tarandus
Canis latrans
Felis catus
Central Church
Year 6900 ANTELOPE
Year 12017 HUMAN
Antilocapra americana
Alligator mississippiensis
Ochotona illensis
Homo sapiens
Plan of floating island system The central church, which is also the last coffin, is left for the last human being. 10,000 years later, the crystallization process will start in this coffin, witnessing probably the end of both nuclear radiation and human power.
Timeline of mangrove habitat After the extinct species sealed into the coffin, the crystallization process start. The coffins make the whole process visible for human beings, revealing how each creature gradually covered by salt crystals, just like nuclear waste isolated over 2000 ft blow the ground.
THE STORY OF WATER Commercial Landscape Design for Hua Lian Supermarket
Landscape Architecture Studio | 2014 | Fall Design with Yue Yu, Le Dong | Include individual revised part only Site Location: Wu Dao Kou, Beijing, China
This is a busy site next to a subway station, with a large retail center defining its north boundary. This project is exploring how to maximize activity space while solving the stormwater problem. Our solotion is to fit different activities into an undulating topography. The form of activity spaces came from the drop. Following the slope, rain water enter the bioswale and finally go into the retention basin —— the central lawn, which is the low point of the site.
Render of event space
Phragmites australis
Typha orientalis
Lythrum salicaria
Phragmites australis
Typha orientalis
Section perspective of bioswale and retention basin
Lythrum salicaria
THE PLATES Rebuilding Suburban Texture of Paris
International BIM Design Contest | 2017 | Spring Teammate with Bin Yan | Site Location: Saint Prix, Paris, France
This design is trying to explore a prevailing but significant question: how can we change a suburban segregated and monotonous area to an open and comfortable, nature-closed living environment? Considering the loose subruban texture, we designed a lifted platform for an open first floor space. Meanwhile, its roof gardens provide the residents with relatively private green space—— much-needed distance from the activities in the first floor. The curved form of the buildings is meant to preserve the existing canopy trees to the greatest extent on the one hand, and to create a new suburban texture with fluent and flexible form language and space quality on the other. The staggered floors generate fluent and diverse communicating space for residences.
Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Second floor plan
REDEFINE HORIZONTAL LANDSCAPE Landscape proposal for Dunn Ranch Prairie, Missouri
Landscape Architecture Studio | 2017 | Spring Part I individual, Part II Teammate with Nona Davitaia, Rui Zou, Shuailin Wu Site Location: Dunn Ranch Prairie, Missouri, U.S.
The Nature Conservancy is expanding their research program in Dunn Ranch Prairie, Missouri. The goal of this studio was to propose a new research station for about 20 researchers' accommodation, together with some on site structures for observation. Impressed by the undulant landscape of the prairie, I expected proposing anything vertical would be apprealling in such a horizontal background. Started from the constitution, a single pole can be understand as a marker, a row of poles in close distance act as a wall, taking some poles out from the row would get a gate... By understanding pole as the basic component of different landscape elements, different space and experience was defined.
Horizontal Landscape
People VS Bison
People VS Prairie Chicken
Add Vertical Elements
Add Bison Fence
Add Fence Between People and Prairie Chicken
Poles in certain distance can act both as vertical landscape and fences
Detail Detail design design forfor Prairie Prairie View View area area Plan Plan
Spacial Study The Landscape and Space Function of Pole(s)
Fence + entrance/gate + wall
Bison observation protection
Proposed visitors’ Trail
Pole: Grassland
Pole Diameter: Pole Diameter: 3 inch3 inch Distance Distance vary from vary1from ft to 13 ftft to 6 inch 3 ft 6 inch
Plan of typical observation unit
This station is designed for people to understand the beauty of tall grass prairie. Section Section 1-1observation 1-1
Poles are the abstraction of prairie grass, sitting in short distance, almost act like walls that defining the central space, trapping people and force them to focus on everything around them. In the endless horizontal background, people walk into the small structure, for one moment feeling lost the scale, listening to the sound of strong wind blowing between the sorrounding enormous "grasses".
Pole: Prairie chicken observation
Fence + entrance/gate + wall
Bison observation protection
Bird Eye BirdView Eye View Pole: Bison observation
airie chicken observation
Bison observation protection
on observation
Perspective Perspective
Bird eye view of typical observation unit 23
Stormwater flow and soil erosion analysis LEGEND Slightly eroded Eroded Seriously eroded Low point/sediment gathering place Water ow direction Dunn Ranch Boundary Dunn Ranch Watershed
Functions of mobile observation lab
TALL GRASS PRAIRIE Mobile lab should try to get as close as possible to the Prairie Chickens.
FARMLAND Wood cover the surface of
Seeds collection
mobile research center in
happens every winter, when The Nature
order to get closer to Prairie Chicken (also other prairie birds) without scaring them.
Conservancy have to bring several volunteers to help collecting seeds. After harvesting, there is no residue left in farmlands to degrade and compensate the soil fetile loss.
Animals such as bison, elk, deer, and rabbits added nitrogen to the soil through urine and feces.
Eroded Area
Eroded Area
Perennial prairie grasses degraded in the soil yearly as a compensation of soil fertelity.
> 7’
observation in mobile lab frequently happens for researchers.
Tall grass prairie enjoys a thick layer of topsoil formed by wind-dropped loess and organic matters.
Plants grow in farmlands have much shallow roots than prairie plants, which are not good at holding soil particles.
observation for prairie grass growing condition each
vide enough space for 2 researchers do overnight observation of Prairie Chicken.
year by units.
Different size and height of windows in-
Solar panel on top of the lab
of mobile lab should at least be 7’ to proThe deep root system of prairie
grasses hold the soil and prevent soil erosion.
Topsoil layer of farmlands are not as thick as tall grass prairies’.
Retreating glaciers deposited the parent material for soil in the form of till, i.e. unsorted sediment, about 10,000 years ago.
Apertures should left for researchers to observe Prairie Chicken from a long distance.
stead of a whole big window gives researchers observation apertures with less glass area to keep the lab warm.
collect solar power during the day, serving the energy consumption for overnight observation.
Electricity diagram of Main research station
Mobile Lab Section
Perspective of the main research station Located at the center of the prairie, the main research station is designed to be a self-sufficient building to avoid further disturbance to the prairie ecosystem. The poles in the first part of the proposal now act as vortex wind turbines, generating electricity for the building. Rain water is collected and purified by wetland systems, roof garden provides seasonal vegetables and fruits as basic food resources.
Field Station Electricity Demand and Production
Perspective of Vortex Wind Turbines 289 vortex wind turbines together with 255 solar panels attached to mobile research labs can generate energy for 20 researchers's work and the operation of the main research station. It's windy from late Spring to early Summer and late Autumn to early Winter, so the extra energy of these months will be stored for those months that don't have enough wind.
THE LANDSCAPE OF WASTE Ecological solution from quarry to landfill for I & M canal towns Landscape Architecture Studio | 2016 | Fall Teammate with Yuhan Zhang, include individual part only Site Location: Lockport, Illinois, U.S. St Louis ASLA Chapter student Honor Award
The project focus on the excavated quarries in hinterlands of Chicago —— canal towns, which are now the common sites for landflls. Although these quarries have been flled with waste, the wound caused by human disturbance can never be healed, as a landfll can cause several kinds of environmental pollution. To move in a more just direction, this project come up with two projections: making Chicagoans more aware of garbage production and proposing a new form and process of landfll to reduce pollution. Facing the problem of landfll and waste, we cannot resolve the consequences of consumption, but we can show how our consumption has permanent consequences to these overlapped landscapes.
Historical land use analysis
Natural landscape - Gravel pit - LandďŹ ll LandComp - Ottawa
1946 Original landform
1991 Landdll
1970 Excavation in surrounding places
2016 Landdll and brownneld
Morris City - Morris
1892 Original landform
1953 Excavation start in surrounding places
1993 Landdll
2016 Landdll and brownneld
1954 Excavation start in surrounding places
1999 Gravel pits
2016 Landdll and brownneld
Laraway - Joliet
1892 Original landform
Proposed Proposed Landfill Landfill ProcessProcess Landfill conditions Landfill conditions Proposed Landfill and Purification Process
Landscape Landscape
PurificationPurification processes processes 00 Original00 pit Original pit
01 Make slope 01 Make & leachate slope & liners leachate liners02 First layer 02 of First lan Site PlanSite Pla scrubber
Proposed Proposed Landfill Landfill ProcessProcess Landfill conditions Landfill conditions
PurificationPurification processes processes
chate slope liners & leachate liners 02 First layer 02layer of First & ofalgea landfill & algea 03 Forth Second 03 layer Second of landfill layer &landfill ofsurlandfill & sur04 Third 04landfill Third oflayer landfill layer &of turf landfill & turf 05 layer 05 Forth of landfill layer &ofaerobic & aerobic 06 Fifth layer 06 of Fifth lan 00 Original 00 pit Original pit 01 Make slope 01 Make & leachate slope liners leachate 02 of First lan scrubber set scrubber inset face wetland set wetland in & set in liners02 First layer subsurface subsurface wetland wetland in set inset in pond setface in pond set in bic pond scrubber
Site Plan Site Pla
Environmental Environmental Problems Problems Caused Caused by Landfills by Landfills
setTop in, seeds soil set of in, seeds of fill yer&ofaerobic landfill & aerobic 06 Fifth layer 06 of Fifth landfill layer&ofanaerolandfill & anaero- 07 Top soil 07 04 Third 04 Third of &ofset landfill & 05 Forth layer 05 Forth of landfill layer &of aerobic landfill & planted aerobic 06 Fifth layer 06 of Fifth lan mathane tolerant mathane species tolerant planted species pond set in bic layer pond setlandfill bic inlayer pond in lope hate & liners leachate liners02 First layer 02 of First landfill layer&set ofalgea landfill algea 03 Second 03 layer Second of landfill layer&set ofsurlandfill & sursubsurface subsurface wetland wetland in turf&set in turf pond set inpond in bic pond scrubber set scrubber in set in face wetland face setwetland in set in
Environmental Environmental Problems Problems Caused Caused by Landfills by Landfills
setTop in, seeds soil setofin, seeds of fill yer&ofaerobic landfill & aerobic 06 Fifth layer 06 of Fifth landfill layer&ofanaerolandfill & anaero- 07 Top soil07 mathane tolerant mathane species tolerant planted species planted pond set in bic pond setbic inpond set in
Site Plan
4 3
9 11
Legend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Algae turf scrubber pond Surface flow wetland Subface flow wetland Aerobic pond Anaerobic pond Slop covered by turf grass Landfill tolerant plant community Native plant community Time scale path Outlet pond Quarry tolerant plant community
LandďŹ ll gas tolerant plant community
Brome Grass Bromus
Perspective of finished landfill
Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica
Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba
White Pine Pinus strobus
Bayberry Myrica
Norway Spruce Picea abies
Native plant community
4’’ diameter PVC pipe 2’ soil cover 3’ topsoil 1’‘ plastic sheeting landdll 1’ gravel
Artiicial planting island detail 35
THE FOLDING INFORMALITY Rebuild the Tian'an Men Square ELOVO Skyscraper Design Competition | 2017 | Teammate with Bin Yan
We believe that people will live alternatively in future cities to maximize the spatial capacity and efficiency to sustain the vast population. Therefore, the question for us, the designers and builders of the future city, is to think about the new architecture prototypes which contribute to the alternation while maintain the quality and humanity of life, especially for the minority who reverse days and nights working for us. Infilled with the concept of folding, both spatially and chronologically, the new skyscraper will be a compensation for the losing shanty houses and informal neighborhoods in Beijing. We choose the Tiananmen Square as our site not only because of its political and symbolic particularity, but also for the adjacency to the working place of most night workers. These units are landed into the underground space during the day time, retaining the political function of the square while providing green space with rooftop gardens for the bare ground. During the night time, these units adjust their position and unfold themselves into a highsense informal city. This strategy of spatial alternation and transformation, retain the multi-functional quality, both public space and high-density housing in this project, and protect those groups of people from being disturbed in the urbanization and gentrification process.
The Folding Informal City The folding and unfolding process of the architecture enables the alternative use of urban space, or even the dimensional transition between different users. It is enabled by a movable structure system and modular spacing strategy which synthesizes high density housing, expandable circulation system and necessary open space. We do not value segregation, no matter as a political square, an informal city, or underground green space, by integrating them together, we want to make them visible, functional, and interactive, this is also how the concept of “folding� is interpreted in this project. 38
The ground glass panels make the underground roof garden visible, and can be rolled down for the movement of the building units and the transformation of the vertical informal city during the night time. 39
Waterrow Direction
VISUALIZING ECOLOGICAL PROCESS Precedent study and analysis of Alumnae Valley, MVVA
Composite Plan
Reservior Bioswale & Marsh Water Path Lake Waban
100 ft
Plan and flow analysis of Alumnae Valley
Jiahui Guo A48 LAND 520: Landscape Representation II Ecological Process & Analytics Instructor: Christine Abbott
VVA, 2006
Soil Treatment
Landscape Architecture Representation II | 2016 | Spring
Tree Canopy
Trails & Pavement
Toxic Soil Capped Toxic Soil Removed
Water Treatment
The analysis about Alumnae Valley project by MVVA focused on the topography and stormwater c o l l e c t i o n . T h e v a l l e y w a s a b ro w n f i e l d contaminated by physical plant and natural gas pumping, The solution proposed by MVVA was to remove toxic soil and cap with clean topsoil, the contamination remained on site would be slowly removed by underground pipe through capillary process. Stormwater is designed run into the cattail marsh and filtered by the roots before running into Lake Waban.
MODELS Study model for Landscape Architecture Studio | 2018 | Spring
P L AY W I T H T H E A R T About fishing: the tragedy of common Landscape Architecture Studio | 2018 Spring
Rules of the first round - 10 of you are invited to “fish” in the “sea”. You can fish 15 times in total. Please have one piece of paper and a pencil in your hand. - Each time, use your finger to pick one of the squares to select your “fish”. Then flip it and see the points on the back. You write down the points, at the end of the game you will have 15 numbers (or less, see 3) and sum them up, that would be your final grade. People who get the highest grade will win the game. - If during the game, all of the squares were taken and there’s no more left, the game will end. - Remember to put a √ on the “fish” you have taken so you won’t select it again.
Rules of the second round - 10 of you are invited to “fish” in the “sea”. You can fish 15 times in total. Please have one piece of paper and a pencil in your hand. - Each time, use your finger to pick one of the squares to select your “fish”. Then flip it and see the points on the back. You write down the points, at the end of the game you will have 15 numbers and sum them up, that would be your final grade. People who get the highest grade will win the game. - When you flip your fish, if you see the red paint below, put a 0 on your paper. That’s a reserved fish. You can not take any fish from the red reserved area. - Fish as much as you can, if there’s no more fish outside of the red reserved area left, then everyone entered the moratorium season. You will need to put five 0 on your paper, it means you give up some of your fishing profit to wait for the recovery of fish. - After the fishing off season, you can fish but you should only take the fish in blue paint area. - Remember to put a √ on the “fish” you have taken so you won’t select it again.
Studio was playing with the installation For the first round, before fishing 10 times all the "fish" was checked, which means reaching the capacity of nature. For the second round, a fishing reserve area was added at the middle of the "pond", with the propose of moratorium season, "the tragedy of common" was avoided.
WALL SECTION MODEL HERE High Rise Student Apartment
Building System I | 2017 Fall Teammate with Hui Yang, Lingyue Wang
CHICAGO BIKE CRASH and LANDMARK DISTRICT MAP A guide for bicyclists to explore Chicago
After starting the DIVVY project, Chicago is one of the city that running the bike sharing programs. However, the increasing amount of bicyclists requires the update of urban transportation systems that can provide bicyclists a safer place to ride. The map shows the place where it’s more likely for bike crash to happen. Overlapped with the Chicago landmark district layer, the map is made especially for visitors——those who are new to the city and not very familiar to the transportation condition of Chicago——to safely explore the city by bike. To look more into the map we can find the strip with most dark red that point out from downtown to the northwest, that’s Milwaukee Ave. After the government realized this is the most dangerous road for bicyclist, they proposed a bike lane here.
CHICAGO Mid-North District and Extension Old Town Triangle
Washington Square Old Chicago WaterTower Navy Pier
Historic Michigan Boulevard
Calumet-Giles Prairie
Legend Chicago Landmark District Bike Crash Events More
Less Proposed Bike Lines
SOURCES Bike Crash Data: https://fusiontables.google.com/DataSource?dsrcid=561840#rows:id=1 Landmark District Data: https://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/dataset/landmark_districts.html Illinois Road Map: http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/illinois.html
WATERCOLOR RENDERING Landscape Architecture Studio | 2012 | Fall
View from Eiffel Tower, Paris | August 2016
Jewish Museum, Berlin | August 2016
Pantheon, Rome | August 2016