We're all ok

Page 1


we were prepared









General introduction of earthquake in California Bay Area and people’s awareness of preparation

Encourage people to get prepared for earthquake: be informed, make a plan and get a kit

Plan for all possibilities: psychological preparation cannot be ingored for earthquake time

WE ’LL BE OK Look for the best, prepare for the worst, and calmly take what comes

1906 San Francisco Earthquake

7.7-8.25 the estimated magnitude of the earthquake

3,000 + death tolls from the earthquake and resulting fire

300,000 people were left homeless out of a population of about 410,000

Big fire following the earthquake on Sacramento Street

1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

6.7-7.35 the estimated magnitude of the earthquake

3,800 + people died and injured during the earthquake

120,000 people were left homeless in Northern California

A car crushed by the third floor of a collapsed apartment building

2011 California Earthquake Statistics

800 + miles long of the fault zones in San Andreas

102 earthquakes occur per day in California

37,283 earthquakes occur per year from 2mt to 6.4mt

The overview of San Francisco city and Bay Bridge.



Chapter 1_Tremors

EARTHQUAKES ARE DANGEROUS Human beings suffer from earthquakes more than any other natural disasters. One of the most frightening and destructive

as a result of earthquakes. On April 18, 1906,

phenomena of nature disasters is a severe

California’s San Andreas Fault snaps, shaking

earthquake and its terrible aftereffects. An

San Francisco for nearly 60 terrifying seconds.

earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking of

When the trembling stops, the disaster is only

the earth, caused by the breaking and shift-

beginning. About 90% people of death tolls

ing of subterranean rock as it releases strain

were killed by following fires. Most of the city

that has accumulated over a long time.

are reduced to ruins. And like the California of

Every year about 10,000 earthquakes rumble through the ground hard enough for people to feel them. Of these, only about 1,000 are strong enough to damage property. But a powerful earthquake can be devastating. On average, about 10,000 people die each year


the US, located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan suffered a huge loss of lives and more than trillion us dollars in earthquake in 2011. Bad things can happen to us.

Chapter 1_Tremors

100% CHANCE OF AN EARTHQUAKE There’s a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today. Though millions of persons may never experience an earthquake, they are common occurrences on this planet. So today, somewhere, an earthquake will occur. It may be so light that only sensitive instruments will perceive its motion; it may shake houses, rattle windows, and displace small objects; or it may be sufficiently strong to cause property damage, death, and injury. It is estimated that about 700 shocks each year have this capability when centered in a populated area. But fortunately, most of potentially destructive earthquakes center in unpopulated areas all over the world, which are far away from living areas. However, the San Francisco Bay Area is underlain by a complex web of active faults. This earthquake hazard extends across the entire area from the well-known San Andreas to the lesser-known Greenville and Green Valley faults. If you live in the Bay Area, it is very likely that the next large earthquake will affect you: either directly, by damaging your home, neighborhood, or workplace, or indirectly, by damaging the infrastructure and economy of the area.


San Francisco Bay Area

63% probability for a 6.7 magnitude or

greater earthquake in the next 30 years in California Bay Area.







EARTHQUAKE PREPARATION All residents of the Bay Area will face challenges after a large earthquake. The loss of home and possessions, the severing of utility and transportation lifelines, and dislocation or slowdown of business are hardships that the Bay Area will suffer. And everyone in the Bay Area is responsible for being prepared for an earthquake, both at home and in the workplace. From individual citizens to schools, businesses, and local governments, residents can prepare for earthquakes so that they can survive their effects. There are two main reasons we need to prepare now. Firstly, we are facing more extreme events which are often related to intense human activity that is upsetting the balance of nature. Secondly, we have at least in the affluent world become solely depenent on the state provision of the basics of life. We need to redress the balance back in our favor if we are to avert severe hardship to ourselves. While we have never been able to engage in a full or effective way of preparing, which people are looking out for themselves and not depending on outside.


OPPORTUNITY 01 LACK OF URGENCY People actually recognize that earthquakes cost huge loss of both lives and properties, but most of them are still lack of attention in their daily lives.

RESOLUTION The most common reason that people don’t prepare for a quake scenario is that they seems have no time to think about that. Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just smacked them. Obviously, print campaign can help to draw people’s attention and to enhance their impression. Thus, posters and postcards can be designed to alarm and warn residents.

DELIVERABLE Print campaign such as posters and postcards

AUDIENCE People live in San Francisco Bay Area

Before an earthquake turns your world upside down,



we were prepared




Chapter 2_The Quake

HOW TO GET PREPARED There are numerous ways to get prepared, but what do you really need? If a large earthquake occurs in the Bay Area,

means “water, food and first aid kit at home”.

severe ground shaking or ground failure could

Well, the answer may be right, but not perfect.

damage your home or workplace, leaving you

Different people need different preparation.

without shelters or without incomes. While in

There are a variety of ways to get prepared, but

densely populated neighborhoods, fires could

the key point is that what is your really need?

follow earthquakes and produce much greater

For example, the city-wide earthquake drills

devastation than the original ground shaking.

in San Francisco Bay Area can help to practice

Now we all know earthquakes are dangerous and the preparation is necessary. But how to get prepared for quakes effectively? In most people’s opinion, earthquake preparation just


how to protect yourself and escape when the shakeout comes. However, this is not suitable for seniors and disabilities.

“ When disaster strikes, the time to prepare has totally passed.” — Steven Cyros

BE INFORMED COMPLETELY Before getting specific measures for earthquake preparation, the most important thing is that people should be entirely informed, which means that you have to clearly know where you are and the local earthquake situation. And learn how you will know there is an impending hazardous event. Familiarize yourself with the signs of events that come without warning and know the local advance alerts and warnings and how you will receive them. Knowing about the local emergency plans for safe shelter, evacuation and local emergency contacts will help you develop your household plan and will also aid you during a crisis. Today, the San Francisco Bay Area is very famous for its culture as well as its beautiful attractions and nice weather. For this reason, every year a large number of people come here to visit and study. However, most of them only know little about local shakeout because most of time they cannot feel it.


OPPORTUNITY 02 WHERE TO GET INFOMATION Most international students have no idea about local earthquake preparation policies and also don’t know where to get correct relevant information.

RESOLUTION For most foreign students, they will not come to know local earthquake situstions and their education’s back in their motherland may be lack of earthquake knowledge. Designing a special web for this group of people can help students to find information fast and directly. And related resouce links could be also listed in the web. If students have any problem, they can discuss together.


AUDIENCE Students who are not the local residents


we were prepared

Home Earthquakes Resource Preparation Local policies Forum

Chapter 2_The Quake

IDENTIFY HAZARDS IN YOUR HOME Inspecting your home for hazards is an important part of your family plan. Every day is the earthquake season in San

Earthquake safety is more than minimizing

Francisco Bay Area. There’s nothing we can do

damages to buildings. We must secure the

to prevent them. But there are things we can

contents of our buildings to reduce the risk

do to prevent or reduce the harm they cause.

to our lives and our pocketbooks.

After a major shakeout, it is unlikely that emergency response service will be able to respond to everyone’s needs, so it is significant to be prepared to take care of yourself and family.


A lot of people died and thousands were injured in the earthquake because of their unsecured house contents such as toppling bookcases. Billions of dollars were lost due

An important step in earthquake preparation

to this type of damage. Much of damages

is to inspect your home and its surroundings

and injuries could have been prevented in

for possible hazards and then take action to

advance through simple actions to secure

find those potential hazards.

buildings and contents.

People should secure anything heavy enough to hurt them if it falls on them, or fragile and expensive enough to be a significant loss if it falls. In addition to contents within your living space, also secure items in other areas, such as your garage, to reduce damage to vehicles or hazardous material spills.

House Structure Examine the structural safety of your house. If your house is conventional wood construction, it will probably be relatively resistant to earthquake damage, particularly it is a single story structure. For information on structural safety standards and qualified contractors in your area, contact your city or county government office on community development or building code enforcement. The following suggestions will take an investment of time and money but will add stability to your home. However, many hardwares or improvement stores will also assist you.


OPPORTUNITY 03 UNKNOWN HOME HAZARDS Home safety is closely related to people’s safe when earthquakes happen. However, most people will not notice this and go to check their houses in daily life.

RESOLUTION Home hazards include various details, anything can move, fall, or break during an earthquake or its aftershocks should be checked. To guide people how to inspect for home facilities, a document product can be designed, which includes checklists and some tips that are showed visually. Make sure that people will not forget anything.

DELIVERABLE Document product included publication inside

AUDIENCE Housewives and people who live alone



we were prepared

“ One of life’s most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn’t do our homework, that we are not prepared.” — Merlin Olsen

HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN KIT A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items household may need in the event of an emergency. Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. People may have to evacuate at a notice and take essentials with themselves. You will probably not have time to search for the supplies you need or shop for them. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours or it might take days. Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage and telephones may be cut off for days or even a week, or longer. Your kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages. But earthquakes are always different. Nobody knows what will happen on next moment so that people had better to prepare things as complete as possible to meet different needs. By the way, don’t forget to bring passport and ID card with you, or prepare the copies in your kit!














OPPORTUNITY 04 INCOMPLETE KIT SETTING Earthquake preparation kits or bags now on sale are not so complete. And most people still prefer to prepare stuffs by themselves rather than buy kits.

RESOLUTION Designing a complete kit for earthquake preparation as a sample to guide people how to build up a kit at home by themselves. At the same time, one manual should also be included in the kit, which is used to supplement things that can not be bought on market, such as small cashes. What’s more, reminding people that the kit should be updated every six months.

DELIVERABLE Toolkit and manual publication

AUDIENCE People who don’t have earthquake preparation kits


we were prepared

Keep Ready



Chapter 3_Aftershocks

LEARNING FROM OTHER COUNTRIES Japan and Australia provide specific psychological service to people after quakes. As well as information on physical and practical

distress and longer-term mental health prob-

preparation, it is helpful for people to know

lems that can result from the trauma of being

how to prepare psychologically before a quake

involved in earthquakes. Of course, the first

and how to cope emotionally during or after a

important part of psychological preparation for

quake. Knowing ahead of time how a disaster

an emergency situation is to be physically

situation might be experienced can help to

prepared with a perfect practiced emergency

decrease people’s anxiety levels and overall

plan. Making all the necessary physical and

psychological response. Being psychologically

psychological preparations and practiced will

prepared when a shakeout is threatening can

increase the sense of being in control when

help people feel more confident, in control and

the earthquake begins.

better able to make effective emergency plans. It can also help to reduce the psychological


Chapter 3_Aftershocks

PAY ATTENTION TO KIDS AND THE ELDERLY Children and elderlies are a specific group of people, they are always more fragile than adults. Fear is a normal reaction to danger. A child may be afraid of recurrence, injury, or death after an earthquake. They may fear being separated from their family or being left alone. Children may even interpret disasters as punishment for real or imagined misdeeds. Kids will be less likely to experience prolonged fear or anxiety if they know what to expect before, during, and after an earthquake. So that talking to children openly will also help them overcome fears. And for old persons, some bad things such as damages after earthquakes, may lead to their mental health problems. When people have a better understanding of their own psychological responses in earthquakes warning situations this can help them to feel more in control and better able to cope. After Being psychologically prepared for kids and elderlies can assist them to think more clearly and reduce the risk of serious injury and loss of life or property. Being cooler, calmer and more collected can also be very helpful to family members who may not be as well prepared psychologically.


OPPORTUNITY 05 NEGLIGENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION People always ignore the importance of psychological preparation before or after an earthquake. Many kids and elderlies are hurt by stressful status.

RESOLUTION When people have a better understanding of their own psychological responses in earthquakes warning, this can help them to feel more in control. While brochures can be designed to provide helpful information on how to be prepared for psychology and to list local places where people can find help for psychological problems.

DELIVERABLE Brochure publication

AUDIENCE Children and old persons


we were prepared



Chapter 4_We'll be ok

PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE Plan for the best, prepare for the worst, and calmly take what comes. Earthquakes are always unexpected and some-

Unfortunately, most people don’t think about

times really dangerous. Every time after a big

the potential for quake ahead of time. But, as

earthquake, buildings collapsed, environment

the saying goes, you should always prepare

was destroyed and thousands of people lost

for the worst and hope for the best. Time and

their lives and families. However, preparation

again, researches have shown that those who

for earthquakes in advance can help people

have prepared in advance behave better in the

to reduce their losses and get more survival

face of big earthquakes than those who have

opportunities. If people in the Bay Area can get

not. Thus, earthquake preparation is important

sufficiently prepared before an earthquake,

and necessary.

they will feel calm and confident because they know how to deal with it.


“ Thorough preparation makes its own luck.” — Joe Poyer

“ The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” — H. Jackson Brown Jr.


San Francisco is like a perfect city to settle down. But all these perfections seems just exaggerate the threaten of a potential earthquake when I was making the decision to move in and settle down in this city. — T.Jargalsaikhan, a person came from Canada and worked here for about six years.

The more we know, the less we fear. I hope your final project will be just like somebody knocking at our front door and tell us: hey, its time for you to understand more and go to be prepared! — Amanda, a local resident who is a waitress


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hi, I am Julia, a Chinese girl who have been in San Francisco for one and a half year. Three years ago, I witnessed the horrible damage of the Wenchuan Earthquake. The whole town was destroyed and lots of people lost their lives. However, I knew San Francisco was located along the Pacific Ring of Fire where earthquakes occurs frequently. It was the reason why I chose earthquake preparation as my topic. In the book, I want to inform, convince, and motivate people. I hope that people in bay area will go to be prepared for the next earthquake after they reading my book. Here, I am not trying to emphasize how dangerous the San Francisco Bay Area can be from time to time, and there is no guarantee to help people survive the next unexpected big one. What I want to tell you in this book is that, how to treat these earthquake times like daily life, how to accept it, prepare for it, and go through it, both physically and psychologically.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites: http://www.zpub.com/sf/history/1906earth.html http://www.sfmuseum.org/1906/89.html http://earthquake.usgs.gov/map.html http://www.mayanpredictions.net/california-earthquake-prediction-2011/.html http://www.shakeout.org/whyparticipate http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/nca/ucerf/ http://www.prepareforearthquakes.com/ http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/inspecting.asp http://www.americanfamilysafety.com/earthquake-preparedness.html http://articles.sfgate.com/4th quake in a week rattles Bay Area http://gis.abag.ca.gov/Website/shakingpotential/index.html http://lds.about.com/72 Hour Emergency Kit http://www.amerrescue.org/quakprep.htm http://earthquake-prep.com/ http://www.ready.gov/are-you-ready-guide http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1229102,00.html http://www.sparky.org/simpson_hunt/hazards_1.html


Organizations: American Red Cross The U.S. Geological Survey California Emergency Management Agency California Earthquake Authority Southern California Earthquake Center Australian Psychological Society Federal Emergency Management Agency

Books: Earthquake emergency preparation

Sally McDole

Earthquake fears, predictions, and preparations in mid-America California earthquake: prelude to the big one Natural disasters

John E. Farley

Thomas Y. Canby

Lesli J. Favor

The 2011 Japan disasters

Marcia Amidon L端sted

Psychological preparation: its effects on gynaecological pain

Anthony Edward



Julia Zhu

Student ID





415 - 728 - 2335


Phil and Hunter


Academy of Art University


Fall 2011


Visual Communication Lab


Final Book


Univers LT Std


Matte Paper

Book Size

8 inch*10 inch


Epson R1900 Printer

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