Boyao jiang portfolio 2015

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Boyao Jiang

2009-2013 2010-2012 2010-2012

Annual Conference for Outstanding Senior Students in school

planed and organized 2009-2012 presented 2013

Chair of Department of Academy in Student Union of school Organized and held the Visiting Tour to Central-South Architectural Design Institute of China


Organized and Coordinated the Inter-university Parameter Workshop in HUST, Wuhan, China


Plan and prepared the Annual Meeting of Architects in Hubei Province


Bamboo workshop for Elementary School (acid)

2013 05/2012-07/2012 11/2011-01/2012

City in the sky (acid) cooperated construction Primary School (acid) master plan/ site and landscape design Glubam House (acid)


cooperated design team/ proposed and developed concept/ rhino and physical model

made rhino model/ researched construction procedures and prefabricated material system Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Company (acid)

concept model/ drew plans/ prepared presentation documents


Wuhan New Eco Center (2nd in final competition) (acid)


SKL Headquarter (acid)


Renovation of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (realized) (acid)


Studio Fuksas office Shenzhen, Shenzhen

Academic Award and Other experience

2015 2015 2014 2013

concept model and rendering/ advanced Rhino model/ prepared presentation materials

developed concept/ advanced Rhino model making and Grasshopper scripting/ Renderings oversaw construction/ concept model and advanced rhino model construction documents in CAD

Cornell M. Arch II Award for Outstanding Performance in Architecture Hosted and presented at the DA Archleague Conference in Columbia

theme: 'Optimism / Pessimism'

Presented work and research at the US Pavilion on 2014 Venice Biennale Honorable Mention Cube Award for senior architecture student Excellent Work Award

Exhibition for Chinese Architectural Students’ Design Work in International Communication Won first prize and exhibited work in ‘Imagine Downtown’ competition/exhibition


Boyao Jiang

2011 06/2014-06/2015


2010 References


Leadership Skills and Abilities and Internship 06/2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 2009-2013 2010-2012 2010-2012 2011

Imagine Downtown, Lafayette

2012 Chinese Architectural Art ‘ Young Designers Prize’ Excellent Student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology National Scholarship Tel: 9179409629 E-mail: Mapping Ancient Architecture Practice, Wuhan, China Project Exhibited in International Kenchikushinjinsen Competition & Exhibition, Cornell University Osaka, Japan

Master of Architecture II, Post-professional Program Excellent Student Union chair of School Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) AA Summer Visiting School, Venice, Italy ExcellentBachelor Studentofof HUST Architecture, school of architecture and urban planning NationalWeighted Scholarship Average Mark: 89.04/100 , Ranked 1/104 Top 10 Singer of Campus Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School Excellent Work Award Caroline O’ Donnell (Academic Reference) Michael Jefferson (Academic Reference) 2010 AutoDesk National Architectural Work Competition Director of M.Arch Program of Cornell/Students’ Design Phone:3173704336 Extra Excellent Fouding Principal Student of CODA of HUST E-mail: for outstanding student among that year’s ‘Excellent Student’ candidates Phone:6073799373 E-mail: Excellent Student of HUST Wei Mu (Professional Reference) National Scholarship Vice President of ACID Wuhan Top 10 Singer of Campus Link Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School E-mail: Outstanding Freshmen Scholarship

Rhino Organizing events Coordinating Grasshopper of Cornell Coordinator CIAUDI teams Summer Program Photoshopand Host Model making Organized DA Archleague Conference in Columbia University Illustrator Drawing Pencilof sketch InDesignRepresentative Student Master of Architecture (post-professional) Auto CAD Mark pen drawing program in Cornell Sketchup Singing Annual Conference for Outstanding Senior Students in school Vray planed and organized 2009-2012 presented 2013 Keyshot Ecotect Chair of Department of Academy in Student Union of school Organized and held the Visiting Tour to Central-South Architectural Design Institute of China Organized and Coordinated the Inter-university Parameter Workshop in HUST, Wuhan, China

Wei Mu (Professional Reference) Wei Mu (Professional Reference)

Vice President Vice President of of ACID ACID Wuhan Wuhan Link Link

E-mail: E-mail:

Leadership Leadership and and Internship Internship

06/2015 06/2015 2014-2015 2014-2015

Coordinator of Cornell CIAUDI Summer Program Coordinator of Cornell CIAUDI Summer Program Organized and Host DA Archleague Conference in Columbia University Organized and Host DA Archleague Conference in Columbia University

2014-2015 2014-2015

Student Representative of Master of Architecture (post-professional) Student Representative of Master of Architecture (post-professional) program in Cornell program in Cornell Annual Conference for Outstanding Senior Students in school Annual Conference for Outstanding Senior Students in school

2009-2013 2009-2013 2010-2012 2010-2012 2010-2012 2010-2012 2011 2011 2011 2011

planed planed and and organized organized 2009-2012 2009-2012 presented presented 2013 2013

Chair of Department of Academy in Student Union of school Chair of Department of Academy in Student Union of school Organized and held the Visiting Tour to Central-South Architectural Organized and held the Visiting Tour to Central-South Architectural Design Institute of China Design Institute of China Organized and Coordinated the Inter-university Parameter Workshop in HUST, Organized and Coordinated the Inter-university Parameter Workshop in HUST, Wuhan, China Wuhan, China Plan and prepared the Annual Meeting of Architects in Hubei Province Plan and prepared the Annual Meeting of Architects in Hubei Province

03/2014-06/2014 03/2014-06/2014

Bamboo workshop for Elementary School (acid) Bamboo workshop for Elementary School (acid)

2013 2013 05/2012-07/2012 05/2012-07/2012 11/2011-01/2012 11/2011-01/2012

City in the sky (acid) cooperated construction City in the sky (acid) cooperated construction Primary School (acid) master plan/ site and landscape design Primary School (acid) master plan/ site and landscape design Glubam House (acid) Glubam House (acid)

09/2011-11/2011 09/2011-11/2011 05/2011-10/2011 05/2011-10/2011

cooperated cooperated design design team/ team/ proposed proposed and and developed developed concept/ concept/ rhino rhino and and physical physical model model

made made rhino rhino model/ model/ researched researched construction construction procedures procedures and and prefabricated prefabricated material material system system Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Company (acid)

Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Company (acid) concept model/ drew drew plans/ plans/ prepared prepared presentation presentation documents documents concept model/ Wuhan New Eco Center (2nd in final competition) (acid) Wuhan New Eco Center (2nd in final competition) (acid)

concept model model and and rendering/ rendering/ advanced advanced Rhino Rhino model/ model/ prepared prepared presentation presentation materials materials concept

06/2011-08/2011 06/2011-08/2011

SKL Headquarter (acid) SKL Headquarter (acid)

04/2011-05/2011 04/2011-05/2011

Renovation of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (realized) (acid) Renovation of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (realized) (acid)

02/2011-03/2011 02/2011-03/2011

Studio Fuksas office Shenzhen, Shenzhen Studio Fuksas office Shenzhen, Shenzhen

Academic Academic Award Award and and Other experience Other experience

2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013

developed concept/ concept/ advanced advanced Rhino Rhino model model making making and and Grasshopper Grasshopper scripting/ scripting/ Renderings Renderings developed oversaw oversaw construction/ construction/ concept concept model model and and advanced advanced rhino rhino model model construction construction documents documents in in CAD CAD

Cornell M. Arch II Award for Outstanding Performance in Architecture Cornell M. Arch II Award for Outstanding Performance in Architecture Hosted and presented at the DA Archleague Conference in Columbia Hosted and presented at the DA Archleague Conference in Columbia

theme: 'Optimism 'Optimism // Pessimism' Pessimism' theme:

Presented work and research at the US Pavilion on 2014 Venice Biennale Presented work and research at the US Pavilion on 2014 Venice Biennale Honorable Mention Cube Award for senior architecture student Honorable Mention Cube Award for senior architecture student Excellent Work Award Excellent Work Award

Exhibition for for Chinese Chinese Architectural Architectural Students’ Students’ Design Design Work Work in in International International Communication Communication Exhibition

Won first prize and exhibited work in ‘Imagine Downtown’ competition/exhibition Won first prize and exhibited work in ‘Imagine Downtown’ competition/exhibition 2012 2012

2011 2011

2010 2010

Imagine Downtown, Downtown, Lafayette Lafayette Imagine

2012 Chinese Architectural Art ‘ Young Designers Prize’ 2012 Chinese Architectural Art ‘ Young Designers Prize’ Excellent Student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Excellent Student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology National Scholarship National Scholarship Ancient Architecture Mapping Practice, Wuhan, China Ancient Architecture Mapping Practice, Wuhan, China Project Exhibited in International Kenchikushinjinsen Competition & Exhibition, Project Exhibited in International Kenchikushinjinsen Competition & Exhibition, Osaka, Japan Osaka, Japan Excellent Student Union chair of School Excellent Student Union chair of School AA Summer Visiting School, Venice, Italy AA Summer Visiting School, Venice, Italy Excellent Student of HUST Excellent Student of HUST National Scholarship National Scholarship Top 10 Singer of Campus Top 10 Singer of Campus Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School Excellent Work Award Excellent Work Award

2010 2010 AutoDesk AutoDesk National National Architectural Architectural Students’ Students’ Design Design Work Work Competition Competition Extra Excellent Student of HUST Extra Excellent Student of HUST

for for outstanding outstanding student student among among that that year’s year’s ‘Excellent ‘Excellent Student’ Student’ candidates candidates

2009 2009

Excellent Student of HUST Excellent Student of HUST National Scholarship National Scholarship Top 10 Singer of Campus Top 10 Singer of Campus Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School Volunteer of Lingzhi Special Education School Outstanding Freshmen Scholarship Outstanding Freshmen Scholarship

Skills Skills and and Abilities Abilities Rhino

Organizing events

Multilayered Hauer Screen


Us Embassy in Gaza

The Creation of Creation

Design School for Body and Intellect


Work-Live Model Housing Design

Salvation From Oblivion

Jing-Han Train Station History Museum

Crossing Cyberbalkanization

Urban Renovation of Downtown Lafayette

Beyond All Boundaries

Bamboo workshop for Kindergarten Internship work, Under Construction

Professional Works

ACT-POLIS Us Embassy in Gaza Architecture of National and Global Identity Studio 2014 Fall Individual Work

The polis is the space of the many, the space that inbetween individuals when they coexist, holding conflicts, cooperations and tensions between individuals. The inherent tendency toward such things leads to the natural politic within people, making a natural space 'political '. Since the characteristics of space are shaped by its users, could their activities become the trace of design and shape an architecture?

Scenario-based Identity

When the existence of a building doesn’t rely on its formality and materiality, but on the various activities happen within it, its characteristics were sublimed onto a new stage. Architecture become stage or incubator, allowing different interpretation to happen.

Activity-based Formation of Space

As a result, an activity-based spatial system was formed. A system prioritize the expression and stimulation of activities rather than the formal grandness of US-Embassy.

Plaza of Daily Activities

Plaza of Protest

Plaza of Relidion

Plaza of Refugee

Plan of Scenarios

The plaza will become the incubator of protected and encouraged by embassy’s extraterritoriality , activities which could turn back and redefine the identity of the whole place.

Plaza of Embassy

Serving as activity space, the plaza of this camouflaged Embassy provides a vital place for the display of building’s character.

Plaza Elevation

The elevation of plaza shows how each single unit various to enable different activities.

Main Entrance

Hidden underground, the main entrance is a hint for a lively embassy space beneath the dynamic plaza.

Section Model

This model shows how formal principles above begin to’permeate’ into the underground space.

Unrolled Relationship of Plaza and Embassy

Principles that forms a activity-enabling plaza also forms embassy space underground. Thus plaza and embassy become one organic system.

-1F Plan

-2F Plan

-3F Plan

Fields and Programs

As the extension of formal principles above the ground, subtle variations of ‘bumps’ lead to fields for different programs, allow behaviors to ‘emerge’ from different location.

Cross Section

Longitudinal Section

The sections reveal how spatial principles of plaza communicate with underground embassy space.

-2F looking at main entrance

New office model defined by ‘field’ rather than separation.

-3F waiting area

Open waiting area defined by organizational principles of plaza

View of Embassy Plaza

The US embassy iterate its authority by allowing diverse or even extreme activities happen within this ‘enclave’.

Perspective Section

Revealing the spatial relationships between waiting area on -3F and office space on -1F and -2F.

New model of VISA interview

A new working process for embassy users resulted from the field-condition based interior.

THE CREATION OF CREATION Design School for Body and Intellect Studio 2014 Summer Team Work Contribution: Rhino Model/ Concept/ Section Drawing

With this design, we tried to argue the relationship between body and intellect and what they mean for a possibly new pedagogy. Through previous research, we find that either intellect and body has been one of the priorities in the school we study. Like in The Why Factory, the publication of intellectual output is the priority while the Rural Studio is purely focusing on the handcraft and actual constructions. But, neither of them consider the promising possibility through which the body and in

Explosive Axon

Revealing the structural systems and elements supporting the learning processes on Body, Intellect and Body-Intellect levels.

Physical and Metaphysical

Learning is a spontaneous process depend on the simultaneous stimulation from a physical level and intellectual level. The spatial layout of this school enable the simultaneous activities required for learning of innovation.

Section----Body & Intellect

Revealing how working space was divided into three horizontal parts and how innovative activities on the middle floor between ‘Body Learning’ & ‘Intellectual Learning’ was stimulated by a combination effect.

Physical and Metaphysical

Here what we are trying to offer is a new pedagogy. By separating the body--which is the conventional way of learning through physical interaction such as social and lecture, from intellect--which is this huge canopy constantly displaying lectures, drawing of design, architectural theory and a live broadcasting of student’s monitors, we manage to create a intermediate layer where bodily intellect could be ignite by the exposure to such massive input of the intellect.

View of 2F

View of 1F

YARD-ORGANIZATION Work-Live Model Housing Design Studio 2012 Fall Chinese Architectural Art ‘Young Designer Prize’ Individual Work

Yards, the significant part of Chinese traditional space, act as intermediate between a commercially booming area and people’s nostalgia for traditional life. Wedged in the overlapping parts, the horizontal chaos become vertically organized. In this context, the void dominates the solid, providing the later one with abundant flexibility.


Located in an crowded urban village Self-sufficient

Most of residents are low incomes who support their lives by changing part of their house into grocery stores or tiny restaurants. Lack of Space

Activities like chatting, playing and having dinners have to be relocated into the streets.

Design Strategy

The common urban village is actually very delicate, vulnerable to external interference. But we can also see this instinctive eagerness for community activity, which was traditionally a significant part of Chinese daily life. As a respond to the context, architects need to reorganize the activities while maintaining their typological structure: 1. Provide space for community activity 2. Separate customers’ activity from residents’ daily activity while maintaining their interaction. 3. Optimizing the living environment while keeping the integrity of residents’ market-residence lifestyle.

Work-Live Model

The harmony between work and live was achieved by arranging the three major functions of local dwellers in three separated yet spatially connected space. And the need for social interactions with neighbors was also satisfied by the existence of yard.

Yard Centered Organization

As a response to residents’ yard-based living habit, the new housing will centered around a yard in the sky, connecting the living part and working part, as well as acting as offering people with a space for social activities.

Model of Yards

Revealing the relationships between yard, residential housing above and the market place on ground level, and how, as the center of spatial organization, the yard integrate the previously conflicting programs.

Ground Floor

By keeping the original building footprint, residents here are able to carry on with their original working model as local retailers.

2F Plan ,Yard Floor

With the court yard on top of the original building, residents are offered with a traditional style space, allowing them to stay away from the streets.

4F Plan

All living space will be elevated.

Longitudinal Section

View inside the Yard

View in market space

SALVATION FROM OBLIVION Jing-Han History Museum Studio 2012 Summer Individual Work

The site is adjacent to a historic residential district in Wuhan, China. Owing to the strip shape of the site, it becomes a wall and isolates the whole district from the fast growing part of the city on the other side. However, by transferring the railway station into a history museum and offering paths system both integrated with the museum observation route and connecting two sides of the site, a obstacle of the district becomes the hub of that area and the wall transfer into a door. Eventually, the decaying railway station will be revitalized and the historic area will be preserved.

The Forgotten Heritage

Unlike significant relics such as The Forbidden City, a large portion of historic buildings in China don’t draw any attention from people until they were discovered demolished by the developers. Because forgotten historic buildings are much easier to tear down without being opposed. Since the protection from law usually proven to be useless facing the monetary lure and lame excuses such as “ protective demolishment�, we need to protect our culture heritages by making people memorize their existence.

Axon revealing all the historical regions and their relationships with the site.

Design Stragegy_----Sewing

1. Create a culture hub to attract pedestrians from both sides of the city. 2. Create paths through which pedestrians could easily enter the other side of city and visit historic buildings, sewing the two parts of the city with circulations and visiting routes.

Concept Drawing of Walls and Alleys

Revealing how the wall structures organize the interior space and form a sequence of ‘alleys’ that lead to the historical Lifen area.

Station as Regional Attraction

By opening up the historic train station and connecting it with the exhibition hall, the static train station was reinvigorated. Jing-Han railway station will be turned into a busy crossroad, carrying the pedestrians from one side to another. The integration of old and new provides us with a new possibility to bring the whole neighborhood back to life.

Process of Railway Station Renovation

Rehabilitating the railway station into a exhibition & cultural hub.

Alley's view from the developing side

The entrance of alley and entrance of exhibition halls are perfectly integrated.

Entrance of one alley, with/ without historical side’s ground showing.

Clashes of Movements

1F Plan

All ‘tunnels’ linking exhibition halls and streets together.

2F Plan

Highlighted route showing how commuters routes and exhibition routes connected

3F Plan

Showing how the train station was renovated into a theater and cafe as region magnet.

CROSSING CYBERBALKANIZATION Urban Renovation of Downtown Lafayette Competition 2012 Winter First Place Collective Work All drawings shown are individual work

According to our research, interdisciplinary activities on a physical level could boost both the quantity and quality of intelligent innovation. So, manipulation of the material world could have an immaterial effect and space is the bridge between these two in our design. Breaking the of different intellectual group with dominating circulation, the boundaries were breached. Leading to a renovation on both physical and intellectual level of downtown Lafayette and the apartment area of Lafayette University.

‘Cyberbalkanization’ has jeopardized the diversity of physical interaction and led to an unsustainable production of knowledge.

We have to create new spatial models to improve sustainable local innovation industry.

Through the spatial network of circulation in layout, we control the flow a people in facilities. And create diverse face-to-face interaction in clusters.

N ' odes '

Explosive axon shows how housing units communicate and stimulate the ‘communication island’. And an island, together with adjacent building space, forms a single node. This node will become focal point in circulation system, enabling outdoor activities that facilitating inter-disciplinary communication.

Drawing of main spatial elements

Aiming to refresh the communicational environment of downtown and create social cohesion through the rearrangement of space, the communication street, which connect all the communication nodes in the site, is designed and plays a primary role in the organization of building locations. In this way, physical connections of people within diverse social clusters are effectively enhanced and the production of innovation is catalyzed. Besides, communal park and recreational lawn is designed as attraction in site and activity space for citizens, while the bar region introducing considerable numbers of college students into this melting pot.

Attractive points

View of a communication node

View of the s' tart-up office' area

Professioinal Work BEYOND ALL BOUNDARIES Live Bamboo Workshop Internship in ACID, China 2014 Spring Coordinated the project and Led the Design Group As a senior intern in ACID, this experimental project includes two separate buildings. One was my design, the bamboo workshop, the other was ACID director’s design, the sunflower workshop. The bamboo workshop used live bamboo as its main structure, and at the same time, the bamboos blurred the boundary of workshop building.

Structural system

Using live bamboo as structure, each single room forms a cluster of plants.

Interior Space

The interior space was completely open up and enable flexible floor plans. Boundary

Building boundary was defined by bamboos, the boundary of natural landscape is the boundary of building foot print.


Bamboos outside the workshop blurs architectural boundary, lead to a integrated space of natural and man-made space.

1F Plan

View outside building entrance

Professioinal Work NEW RESEARCH CENTER OF WUHAN MARINE MACHINERY PLANT COMPANY Internship in AA.Lab and ACID, China 2012 Early Phase Conceptual Design; Rhino and Physical Model


Ground Level View

Structure Model

Professioinal Work CITY IN THE SKY I & II STAGE Internship in AA.Lab and ACID, China 2013-2014 Participated in Early Conceptual Design; Rhino Model; Coordinated Intern Design Team; Worked with Contractors on Site

Stage I

Using live bamboo as structure. The City In The Sky created a unique space for outdoor activities

Stage II

Using nothing but ropes, the stage II project reveal the intimate relationship between architecture and nature.

Professioinal Work N4 GLUBAM HOUSE SYSTEM Internship in AA.Lab and ACID, China 2011-2013 Did Site Analysis; Studied Prefabrication System;Studied and Constructed Prototype House


Study of Prefabrication System

Final Building

Other Professional Work

SLK HD Building


-Parametric Modeling of the Brick Building Skin -Rendering

Wuhan New Eco Center (2nd in final competition)


-Concept model and rendering -Advanced Rhino model making -Prepared presentation materials

School History Museum of HUST


-Made Rhino model and scripting -Made Rendering

Other Work


Other Work

Morning Bath

Thank You Boyao Jiang


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