Studio 4 This week’s studio we analyzed how to read the constructing drawing in detail. We specifically identified the elements that have been used such as doorsets, wall and window sets.
On every page of drawing, there is a title block which showing all the information of the drawing such as project name, issued number, issued date, title, scale, orientation, drawing types, client and reference number, as well as the contact information detail of the responsible authority.
Moreover, we identified the materials used in construction with reference from the handbook. The symbol of materials differ in different scales. For example, the structural concrete and concrete block can be shown differently when they in different scales:
Apart from reading these elements, another knowledge is that the cross referencing is commonly used in construction drawings. Every drawing is numbered by a certain letter and number to show the direction of view and location and this indication refers to another drawing that is correspond to the former one.
Case study working sheet: Queens Collage