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National Cheng Kung University 90th Anniversary Kaoliang Liquor

成功大 學 9 0 週 年 紀 念 酒 馬祖酒 廠 1 5 年 陳 年 高 粱

Mirroring National Cheng Kung University’s rich accumulation and development over the past 90 years, Matsu Distillery’s 15-year-old Kaoliang Liquor has been slowly tunnel-aged and refined to tasteful perfection. Furthermore, it celebrates the success of the University’s projects with Matsu Islands to synergize cutting edge research and development resources with their rich cultural heritage—a new chapter in the university’s dedication to social responsibility.

Mat su Ka oliang Liquor

N a ti o n a l C h e n g K u n g U n iv e rs ity 9 0 th A n n i v e rs ary A g ed M a ts u K a o l i a n g L iq u o r

Ri s i n g f ro m t h e B attle field Re b orn a n d Tran s fo rme d


戰地轉 身 轉譯再 生

Spurred by the themes of the 90th Anniversary celebration, NCKU launched a series of projects with Matsu in 2020. These projects included inviting renowned Taiwanese architects to reimagine Matsu’s historical battlefield sites, building Matsu’s brand image, and artistic and cultural upgrades to the Matsu Folklore Cultural Museum. In cooperation with Matsu Distillery, National Cheng Kung University 90th Anniversary Kaoliang Liquor emerged from these projects as a way to both share the joy of the projects and as well as celebrate NCKU’s 90th Anniversary.

Concepts Behind the Design 酒瓶設 計 理 念

L ay e r-b y -lay e r th ro u g h g en era tio ns 橫紋層層 世代傳承

Each ring around the bottle represents a year, with the full stack of 99 rings symbolizing the generational effort of teachers and students in shaping the university. The NCKU logo sits at the 1971 mark—the year in which “Provincial Cheng Kung University” evolved into “National Cheng Kung University”.

B oun d t o N C K U ’s h isto ry a n d e a c h o t h er 成大九十 紅線結緣

The rings on the bottle’s body allow each alumni to highlight their own place within NCKU’s rich history. We encourage you to tie the red-string pendant around a year that is meaningful to you!

循環材 料 永續發 展

Each bottle was manufactured from recovered glass in cooperation with Spring Glass Pool, a pioneer for the circular economy in Taiwan. By producing locally and using traditional craftsmanship, we can significantly reduce waste generated.

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