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Gluten free food — April 20, 2014 12:07 am
KAVITA SHYAM says that “gluten free food” is increasingly finding space in Indian kitchens. Gluten free food is the latest on the health food front. Eliminating gluten from your diet doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. Many celebrities have taken to gluten-free diet w hich can be a detox miracle. Gluten is a protein found in common grains such as w heat, barley, and rye. Gluten is a gluey protein found primarily in bread, pastas, cereals, and desserts, w hich is also a vital ingredient in most baked goods as it creates fluffy food/desserts and binds dough giving a moist texture. Sometimes, foods w ith gluten can lead to severe digestive issues and after a certain period may lead to diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and intestinal cancers. Try these recipes (see box) for some ultra sw eet and healthy indulgences. Needless to say, they are super tasty too. Going by the trend, w e have got expert chef Jia Singh of fame, gives us a few gluten free desserts for our dessert-arians. Read on to get your doze of expert recipes from the food expert. Chef Jia Singh w ho loves to dole out fun, sumptuous and interesting recipes for Food Cloud says, “There are tw o types of people in the w orld those that eat to live and ones that live to eat. I belong to the latter and love planning recipes, meals, parties and get together because I get to cook, bake and feed people. I find that w atching people enjoy w hat I create in the kitchen gives me great satisfaction and makes me very happy. Also, if I might add I had a huge crush on No Reservations Star Chef Anthony Bourdain grow ing up and read a lot of cookbooks and learnt a lot as a result. “I realised I w as intolerant to gluten (the protein found in w heat, rye, barley) and found that India didn’t have any gluten free/healthy dessert options. I am a conscious eater and w orkout bunny and realised that healthy desserts w ere an oxymoron in India. I decided to bake in India and that’s how Petite Sw eet Eats w as born. Petite Sw eet eats is a healthy dessert initiative that makes gluten free, low GI and low - carb treats accessible and affordable,” she adds. “The most popular items at Petite Sw eet Eats are the peanut butter cookies (sugar free, grain free) , skinny cupcakes (sugar free and grain free) and the carrot w alnut cake w ith philly cream cheese frosting (low carb, gluten free and sugar free). We are adding a w hole lot of new products to our menu in a few days.” She further adds, “People in the city are slow ly becoming more aw are of gluten free eating and desserts w ithout grains and flour. It is going to take a w hile for it to catch up and become mainstream as it is in the w est. Customers often call and ask me about the health benefits of going w heat free/gluten free w hile a small section of discerning customers ask for paleo desserts using only natural oils, nut flour and honey or dates for sw eetening. “I make sure that there is no cross contamination because no gluten is brought into our kitchens. Since all our products are gluten free, grain free, natural and high protein- I make sure w e procure them from reputed w holesalers. Additionally, none of the products contain any flour, packaged and processed foods and
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sugar at all w hich also helps in making clean, healthy desserts.”
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