Architecture Thesis Booklet: Israeli Political Archaeology

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THESIS PROJECT Architecture Responding to Political Archaeology in Israeli-Palestinian Issues Jiayi Chen 790359 M.Arch

- Freepalestine Protest at State Library, Melbourne, 2:16pm 15th May 2021 (Wang,2021) -

Contents Chapter 1: Research Phase I Background Research History of Palestine Lives in Palestine Demolition of Palestinian Houses Foreign interference in Israeli-Palestinian Issue Israeli Characterization in Palestine Thesis Statement 1.0 Chapter 2: Research Phase II Further Research Colonization History and Type in MENA The Digging in Palestine The Pilgrims’ Road Archaeology as a Political Tool Thesis Statement 2.0 Chapter 3: Research Phase III & Sketch Design Further Research Oush Grab Israeli Judaization in Palestine Site: Wadi Hilweh, Silwan Thesis Statement 3.0 & Design Brief Sketch Design Chapter 4: Refined Design

1948-1949 Israel’s War of Independence and the Palestinian Nakbah, 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six-Day War,1973 Yom Kippur War, 1982 Lebanon War, 2006 Second Lebanon War, 2021 Gaza Airstrikes ... History of Palestine

Conflicts associated with territorial, political and religious issues between Palestine and Israel have risen since the end of the 19th Century. It seems it can never end with the airstrikes this year between Israel and Gaza, Palestine. Due to these conflicts, Palestine has, again and again, lost its homes, resources, lands or their governance over lands.

Background: significant warsbetween Israel and Palestine

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedi, 2021. Arab-Israeli wars. Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: [Accessed June 6, 2021].

Turkey Syrian Arab Republic Palestinian Territories Israel Jordan

Tunisia Morocco

Lebanon Iran





Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates

Saudi Arabia Western Sahara Oman


- Location of Palestine -

Palestine, located in Middle Eastern Asia, consists of the West Bank Territory and the Gaza Strip, and they are neighbouring Israel. Before the First World War, the Palestine Territory, including now Israel, was under the governance of the Ottoman Empire. After the war, the area became a British Mandate. Since then, the Jews in Europe and North America started to immigrate to Palestine with the help of British support as the main activity of the Zionist movement, regarding Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. In 1949, the United Nations released a two-state solution aiming to solve Palestine’s conflicts by dividing Palestine into a state of Israel, a state of Palestine and Jerusalem. United Nations released a two-state solution aiming to solve the conflicts in Palestine by dividing Palestine into a state of Israel, a state of Palestine and Jerusalem.

Ahituv, Netta. “How to Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Accord

- Israeli-Palestinian Conflicts -

The Israeli-Palestinian conflicts began in the 1920s when the Jewish settlement started. During that time, Jewish began to purchase land from the indigenous Arab and establish farms and collective community on the land of Palestine. With the British support, the Jews communities were able to increase. However, gradually the Arab saw the Zionist ambitions of the Jews and started to defend their lands, which is still happening nowadays.

“The West Bank Including East Jerusalem and the GAZA Strip: January 2019,” July 5, 2019. ding to Psychology Research.” Haaretz, December 14, 2019.

- Collage: Poem written in bloody ink -

- The Disappearing Palestine -

After wars and conflicts with Israel, Palestine has been losing its lands or controls over the lands. In terms of territories, Palestine is becoming more and more dispersive. After the Six-day War, many places in Palestine, including East Jerusalem, became the annexations of Israel. Since then, more and more Israeli settlements are replacing native Palestinian homes. More and more checkpoints are built in Palestine. The daily lives of the Palestinians have been heavily affected by the confronting relationship between Israel and Palestine.

Knew, If Americans. “A Synopsis of TheIsrael/Palestine Conflict.” If Americans Knew. Accessed May 8, 2021.

I don’t like those who come here holding a Bible and talking about Silwan. They ignore the layers of this place. -------- Yonathan Mizrahi (Israeli archaeologist)

They are criminals. -------- A Palestinian Resident living in Silwan

We will find them in their bedrooms and drive them out. We are not allowing them to derail our come-back to this land. -------- A Israeli Resident Settled in Silwan

You [Israel] can take everything, take our home, our land. You know what else you can get? Us (as citizens). -------- A Palestinian Teenage

Lives in Palestine Palestinians are making their living in whatever possible way before the longing for peace to arrive. They have different attitudes to their state and the tensions with neighbouring Israel. To fight? To leave? Or to seek a way to survive?

The Unsecured It is still hard to believe that they became refugees on their land to some of the Palestinians. After the two states solution by the United Nations in 1947, some Palestinians was driven to Jalazone by the Israeli military. After so many years, people who lived here still clash with the Israeli soldiers. They protest and fight for their home at the risk of getting arrested, kidnapped and even killed. In this area, death seems normal when there is always news about a young man getting killed. Kids are afraid of cameras since they know they might get kidnapped by the army if recognized on social media. People here are living in their home with little harmony or sense of security.

Craig, Halie. “An Uncertain Belonging: Permanent Residency ID Cards and East Jerusalem

Identity Crisis Based on Israeli Law, people who lived in east Jerusalem can get a residence ID from the Israeli government. Although holding this ID, they are still facing discrimination and supervision from the Israeli military. On the other hand, these people are not allowed to get into Ramallah, the capital of Palestine. They become the marginalized group sitting in between Israel and Palestine. Neither Palestine nor Israel recognizes them. People here want to leave Palestine and Israel since the slight sense of belonging gives them little opportunities for their lives.

Barghouthi, Áthar. “All You Need to Know about Identification Cards in Palestine.” Welcome To Palestine, May 3, 2017. m’s Identity Crisis.” Inquiries Journal. Cornell International Affairs Review, February 1, 2014. CWTV. “【天下雜誌】以巴衝突:無解的難題 (以色列報導第6集).” YouTube. YouTube, June 23, 2014. setnews159. “【消失的國界 | 戰地啟示錄特輯完整版】以色列與巴勒斯坦的國仇家恨 帶您直擊屯墾區內的衝突| 主播 李天怡 | 三立新聞台.” YouTube. YouTube, July 11, 2017.

The Teaboy Another documentary is about the life of a tea boy and his family in Palestine. It is difficult for this family to live in Palestine due to the lack of working opportunities. To make the whole family survive, the boy needed to earn by selling tea on the street during the night, and the father needs to get up at 3 am to travel to Israel to work.

Losing Homes Similar to the past, the Palestinians today are still under the threat of losing their homes. Unlike the past, the loss is not a result of trading but demolition carried by the Jerusalem Municipality. Besides, the demolitions are always associated with violence between the Palestinians and the Israeli Force.

Timeline World History Documents, 2020. The Teaboy of Gaza | Timeline. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021].

Demolition of Palestinian Houses There have been conflicts associated with territorial, political and religious issues between Palestine and Israel since the 19th Century. Due to these conflicts, Palestine has, again and again, lost their land or their administration over lands.

Reasons of a Demolition One of the most common reasons for the demolition of a Palestinian home is that the property is built illegally under the Law of Israel. According to the Jerusalem Municipality, one has to get permissions from the municipality to build in Israel’s annexations in Palestine. However, according to the locals, approval is almost impossible to get. The municipality is restricting the growth of the Palestinian community by limiting the construction of homes.

“Database on Fatalities and House Demolitions.” Btse

Inhumane Measures According to the statistics, until 2020, more than 1000 houses in east Jerusalem were demolished, and more than 3500 people are left homeless. Even in 2020, when the whole world faced the pandemic crisis, the number of demolitions was the second-highest 2020.

elem, February 28, 2021. Feuerstein, Ofir. Home in Al-Bustan Demolished by Authorities. Photograph. B’Tselem, September 16, 2014.

Israeli Characterization in Palestine Not only the territory of Palestine is disappearing but also the history of it.

The King’s Park Master Plan In 2005, Isreal started another move to try to Judaize Silwan, the master plan of a National park around the Old City for tourist development, aiming to turn Silwan into a tourist basin. The project has been associated with tons of cases of house demolition.

Veed “Fr

Givati Excavation Site Givati excavation site used to be a playground and carpark for the Silwanese. In 2013, the Israeli Antiquity Association commerced an excavation on this site, aiming to find Jewish related clues from the earth to turn the site into a tourist development.

der, Anna, and Yonathan Mizrachi. “Remaking the City: Archaeological Projects of Political Import in Jerusalem’s Old City and in the Village of Silwan.” Approaching Religion 4, no. 2 (2014): 141–47. rom Territorial Contiguity to Historical Continuity: Asserting Israeli Control through National Parks in East Jerusalem.” Emek Shave, September 25, 2016. Soueif, Ahdaf. “The Dig Dividing Jerusalem.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, May 26, 2010. “New Touristic Settlement Projects Further Linking West Jerusalem with Silwan.” Ir Amim, February 5, 2021.

Foreign Interferences From the British Mandate to nowadays, the Israeli Government has been supported by the Western to exploit Palestine.

The timeline map shows the Israeli-Palestinian Issues from the 20th century to the present. The top half of the timeline indicates how western powers, especially the UK and the US, have supported Israel’s establishment and the demolition of Palestine. The bottom half of the timeline suggests the growth of Jewish Settlements before Israel’s independence and the countless demolition of Palestinian houses after that.

Jazeera, Al. “Timeline - PalestineRemix.” Interactive timeline/history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1799 - Palestine Remix, 2015. Robinson, Kali. “What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?” Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, April 12, 2021. ProCon. “Historical Timeline: 1900-Present - Israeli-Palestinian -” Israeli, February 8, 2021. “Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 2, 2021. Jazeera, Al. “Palestine Remix Search.” Search through videos of the history of Palestine - Palestine Remix. Accessed May 8, 2021. Zanotti, Jim. “Israel: Background and U.S. Relations in Brief.” Congressional Research Service, January 27, 2021. Stein, Kenneth. “Forming a Nucleus for the Jewish State: 1882-1947.” Center for Israel Education. Center for Israel Education, August 16, 2019. “American Officials on Zionism, Israel, the US-Israeli Relationship and Resolving the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1922-Present.” CIE, April 12, 2021. “Demographic History of Palestine (Region).” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 30, 2021. “Israel–United States Relations.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 5, 2021.

Uprising Protests against Jewish Immigration 1930 - 1935

Three Palestinians were arrested and accused of participating in the Bouraq Revolt. They were Fuad Hassan Hijazi from the village of Safad, Atta Ahmed ai Zeir from Hebron and Mohammad Khalil Jamjoum.

In In aa final final statement befor before the the execution, three three Palestinians Palestinians had written: the end of left theirAt last words ourlives we untrustable say to the about the Arab leaders, and immigrants Muslims and and over the foreigners, world: do not trustArab the freedom of the foreigners. people. we lived and died for the Arab cause.

Protests against Jewish immigration wereever more frequent and the British authorities tried to stop the the revolt by arresting and killing Palestinians, and by destroying local houses, which were �ustified as a means to end the revolt.

In 1930, the Palestinians started to protest against the massive Jewish immigration. Hundreds were killed or wounded. Revolts also happened. To stop the protests, the British forces arrested three Palestinians and sentenced them to death. The execution again busted the anger of the Palestinians, and the protest and revolt continued. In the end, the British force stopped the conflicts by demolishing people’s houses and local markets. It seems like the Israeli culture of demolition started here.

‘The sol started stood o room a

Demolition of Houses in Jerusalem, Palestine

America recognized Jerusalem as a non-seperable city and the capital of Israle. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the president for the 'historic decision,' saying his na�on 'will be forever grateful.'"

Manal, 6, a girl lived in Silwan, E. Jerusalem ‘The soldiers came with the bulldozer and woke us up, and started demolishing the house, and my siblings and I stood over there, crying. When I saw them destroy my room and my cabinet and my toys, Iwas very sad and upset.

Muhammad, Manal’s father “...I was going to risk everything and build on my plot of land [with out an Israeli permit]... It is my right to live in Jerusalem, to live in Silwan, to live on my plot of land. Where else should we go?...”

In modern days, demolitions become more savage, especially with the US’s open support, even though international society has always condemned Israel for this. The timeline here shows the cases of demolition in 2015 and 2018 in merely East Jerusalem. In 2020, 121 residential units and 44 non-residential structures were demolished in simply East Jerusalem. Three hundred seventy-nine people became homeless in the Pandemic year, and the Israeli demolitions were unreasonable and inhumane.

Usher, B.P., 2018. Jerusalem embassy: Why Trump’s move was not about peace. BBC News. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021]. DCIPS, 2020. Israeli authorities destroy Palestinian family home in Silwan, East Jerusalem. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021].

Thesis Statement 1.0 Will Palestine and its people eventually disappear from this land?

sitting in the dark and looking at the ruinous the peaceful firmament no longer belongs to me as I lost the window through which I enjoyed the sky and the reflection of my family

Manal, 6 Silwan, East Jerusalem

A poem portraying the sense of loss of Manal, a six-year-old Palestinian girl who lived in Silwan, East Jerusalem and whose home was demolished by the Israeli government. Manal and her family were then left homeless in their homeland.

The traces of Palestine have been eroded, substituted and concealed by Israeli characterization, gradually turning Palestine into Israeli assets. Since a century ago, the Jews and the Israeli government have used numerous means to erase Palestine on the land saturated with conflicts since a century ago. These ‘authorized’ means include establishing settlements, archaeological excavations, and tourist developments in the Palestinian region, associated with countless demolitions of houses and facilities. Since Israel hardly considers the needs, livings and even lives of the local Palestinians, more and more Palestinians get evicted, losing their homes, homelands and identities. Will Palestine and its people eventually disappear from this land? Will the word ‘Palestine’ remain only in history? This thesis project will rebuild the lost humanistic characteristics and identities of Palestine to reconstruct the Palestine traces, insisting on the inevitability of the existence of Palestine and its people.

Site Research 1.0: Silwan, East Jerusalem Silwan, meaning ‘quiet’ in Arab, has seldom been as it is described.

Western City Wall Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Mout of Olives Omar Mosque

Hinnom Valley

Kidron Valley



Old City


Mount of Olives




Israeli settlements to be built around the King’s Garden Project.

Old City

Mount of Olives

The King’s Garden National Park Project


Location of Silwan

Silwan is located at a significant spot between two holy places, the old city and the Mount of Olives. Due to its location, Silwan becomes one of the regions that face a considerable threat of demolition since Israel wants to demolish most of the existing property and build a national park on it. However, the plan of a national park seems like an excuse. The real aim is to evict the Palestinians from East Jerusalem, erase their trace, characterize the Palestinian land into Israel.

References ProCon. “Historical Timeline: 1900-Present - Israeli-Palestinian -” Israeli, February 8, 2021.

Ahituv, Netta. “How to Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, According to Psychology Research.” Haaretz, December 14, 2019.

“American Officials on Zionism, Israel, the US-Israeli Relationship and Resolving the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1922-Present.” CIE, April 12, 2021.

Barghouthi, Áthar. “All You Need to Know about Identification Cards in Palestine.” Welcome To Palestine, May 3, 2017. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedi, 2021. Arab-Israeli wars. Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: [Accessed June 6, 2021].

Craig, Halie. “An Uncertain Belonging: Permanent Residency ID Cards and East Jerusalem’s Identity Crisis.” Inquiries Journal. Cornell International Affairs Review, February 1, 2014. http://www.inqui CWTV. “【天下雜誌】以巴衝突:無解的難題

(以色列報導第6集).” YouTube. YouTube, June 23, 2014.

“Database on Fatalities and House Demolitions.” Btselem, February 28, 2021. “Demographic History of Palestine (Region).” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 30, 2021.

Feuerstein, Ofir. Home in Al-Bustan Demolished by Authorities. Photograph. B’Tselem, September 16, 2014.

“From Territorial Contiguity to Historical Continuity: Asserting Israeli Control through National Parks in East Jerusalem.” Emek Shave, September 25, 2016. “Israel–United States Relations.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 5, 2021.

Jazeera, Al. “Palestine Remix Search.” Search through videos of the history of Palestine - Palestine Remix. Accessed May 8, 2021.

Jazeera, Al. “Timeline - PalestineRemix.” Interactive timeline/history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1799 - Palestine Remix, 2015. Knew, If Americans. “A Synopsis of TheIsrael/Palestine Conflict.” If Americans Knew. Accessed May 8, 2021. “New Touristic Settlement Projects Further Linking West Jerusalem with Silwan.” Ir Amim, February 5, 2021.

Robinson, Kali. “What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?” Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, April 12, 2021. “【消失的國界

| 戰地啟示錄特輯完整版】以色列與巴勒斯坦的國仇家恨 帶您直擊屯墾區內的衝突| 主播 李天怡 | 三立新聞台.” YouTube. YouTube, July 11, 2017.

Soueif, Ahdaf. “The Dig Dividing Jerusalem.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, May 26, 2010. Stein, Kenneth. “Forming a Nucleus for the Jewish State: 1882-1947.” Center for Israel Education. Center for Israel Education, August 16, 2019. “Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 2, 2021. Timeline World History Documents, 2020. The Teaboy of Gaza | Timeline. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021]. “The West Bank Including East Jerusalem and the GAZA Strip: January 2019,” July 5, 2019. Usher, B.P., 2018. Jerusalem embassy: Why Trump’s move was not about peace. BBC News. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021].

Veeder, Anna, and Yonathan Mizrachi. “Remaking the City: Archaeological Projects of Political Import in Jerusalem’s Old City and in the Village of Silwan.” Approaching Relig Zanotti, Jim. “Israel: Background and U.S. Relations in Brief.” Congressional Research Service, January 27, 2021.













gion 4, no. 2 (2014): 141–47.


Patrick Wolfe, “Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native,” December 21, 2006,


Ottoman Era

French Protectorate Imperial Power Colonization 1881 - 1956


French & Spanish Protectorate Imperial Power Colonialism 1912 1956



Ottoman Em Italy



Syrian Tunisia


Morocco ALGERIA Libya

Western Sahara Sahrawi Tribes Spanish Sahara Spanish Rule Ottoman Era

French Rule Imperial Power Colonization 1830 - 1962

Ottoman Libya Italian Libya British Rule


Br Im I�� S�

Middle East & North Africa: Wars and Colonizations

Ottoman Rule League of Nations Mandate

French Mandate rial Power Colonization 1920 - 1942

Ottoman Era Emirate of Transjordan Aneexation of the West Bank Reign of King Hussein Reign of King Abdullah II

British Mandate Imperial Power Colonization 1918 - 1946 Ottoman Era


Ottoman Rule Manluk Rule

British Mandate Imperial Power Colonialism 1918 - 1932



n Arab Republic Lebanon tinian Territories Israel Jordan

toman Egypt

French Mandate Trade Colonization 1919 - 1946


Mongol Rule Timurid Empire Safavid Empire Qajar Dynasty

Iran Iraq


Kuwait Pakistan

Bahrain Egypt


Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates Oman

Ottoman Period Interregnum British Mandate

Portuguese Empire British Empire

Yemen Ottoman Egypt Muhammed Ali Dynasty

British Rule Trade Colonization 1882 - 1914

ritish Mandate mperial Power Colonization 1882 - 1948 ����� A��������� ������ C����������� 1967 - �������

Ottoman Era Ottoman Era British Rule Nine Regions Ottoman return Emirate Kingdom

Nancy Shoemaker, “A Typology of Colonialism: Perspectives on History: A

Classic Colonization Classic colonizers come as an agents like traders, sodiers or governers and the goal of these kinds of colonizations is to maintain the colonizal assets and imbalance the power between the colonizers and the colonized.

Trade Colonization Trade colonization focuses on the accumulation of colonial capital through the control of trading relationships, including control over tariffs and smuggling, as well as through trade coercion.

Imperial Power Colonization Imperial Power Colonization simply focuses on expansion of domains in order to enlarge the influence of the imperial power and to molopolize resources of the colonized land.

Planter Colonization Colonizers intend to start mass production of crops on the colonized land and the product from which is to serve the imperial colonizers. It is usually associated with slave trades.

Extractive Colonization Extractive colonizers intned to plunder raw materials or resources from the colonized land, sometimes, as well as the indigenous heritage and antiques. Extractive colonization is often followed by occupattions. (Shoemaker, 2015)

Settler Colonization Settler colonization is a plan to come and stay, intending to permanently occupy the indigenous lands, resources and assets and insisting in elimination of the indegenous. It aims to achieve a supreme sovereignty over the occupied land. (Bhambra, 2015)

AHA,” A Typology of Colonialism | Perspectives on History | AHA (Perspective on History, October 1, 2015), Gurminder Bhambra, “Settler Colonialism,” GLOBAL SOCIAL THEORY, August 4, 2015,


The Middle East and North Africa mapping highlights that Palestine has been suffering from Israeli settler colonization. That is different from what other neighbouring countries went through, which are mainly classic colonial outpost, including trad colonization and imperial power colonization. The aims of classic colonizations were mainly ot maintain the colonization and break the balance between the colonizers and the colonized through imperial control. With huge difference, settler colonization is more of a genocide movement, intending to expelling the indigenous and permanently occupy the colonized lands. The Zionist movement of Israel has a firm intention of eliminating the native Palestinians with carefully narrated racism (Bhambra, 2015), which is one of the motives of the Israeli characterization discussed in the previous chapter.

AFRICA (MENA): PRECURSOR TO COLD WAR CONFLICT,” Cold War, September 18, 2019, “The National Archives, British Empire,” The National Archives, accessed April 17, 2021, “British Colonization of Sudan,” The Imperialization of Sudan, accessed April 17, 2021, “French Conquest of Tunisia,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, March 28, 2021), “French Conquest of Algeria,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, April 8, 2021), “The National Archives, British Empire,” The National Archives, accessed April 17, 2021, “A Short History of the Colonization of Palestine.” The New England Committee to Defend Palestine, n.d. “The National Archives, British Empire,” The National Archives, accessed April 17, 2021, Magid Shihade, “Settler Colonialism and Conflict: The Israeli State and Its Palestinian Subjects,” Settler Colonial Studies 2, no. 1 (February 28, 2013): pp. 108-123, Alicia Cox, “Settler Colonialism,” obo, July 26, 2017, “Settler Colonialism,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, April 10, 2021), Arena journal no.37/38 – arena says: “Why Settler Colonialism?,” Arena, January 2012,

Zubube (west) Tell Ta’anakh Ti’innik Kh. eṭ-Ṭaiybeh Farm 61 Kh. Umm er-Reḥan Zaqzuq Farm Qaṣr el-Lejjah Hinnanit Shaqed - Shahaq Industrial Zone Shaqed (west) Shaqed Reḥan Farm Reḥan - Towers Tell Jenin Deir Abu Da’if el-’Aqbeh - Reiḥan Kh. Bal’ame Qaffin Hermesh (north) Kh. Firasin Qaffin El-Birkeh Kh. el-Ḥamam Bull Site Bardala Misiliya Tell el-Ḥamme Kh. Ibziq Aristoboliya Ṣir ‘Ajja ‘Anza Kh. Kheibar Wadi es-Sumeily Munṭar esh-Shaqq Rotem Kh. Shuweikat er-Ras Kh. Sib Road Kh. Tell el-Ḥulu Jaba’ Tubas El-Qa’adeh Maskiyot Tulkarm Burqa Oil Press El-Madraj Kh. Irtaḥ Kh. es-Suwede Wadi es-Sumeily Wadi el-Nimr ‘Enav (east) Ras el-Lubbeid Kh. Samara Sabastiya Kh. el-Babariyye Bustane Hefez Industrial Zone Ṭalluze Kh. el-Lauz Near Shavei Shomron El-Khirbe ‘Ein Qibliya Hemdat The er-Ras Area Munṭar Mufye Kh. Muqeisime Zawata Kh. el-’Aqrabaniya The Kefr Sur Area Mt. Ebal Wadi el-’Aris Qedumim Beit Iba Kh. el-Kuz A Sal’it - Falamiya (Separation Barrier) Har Hemed Tell Ṣufan ‘Askar Rafidiyye Nablus, Hippodrome Nablus, Amphitheater Nablus Kh. Abu ‘Ubeida Kh. ‘Askar Deir el-Ḥaṭab Balata, Burial Caves Neapolis, Theater Center of Nablus, block 24013, plot 51 Qedumim Balata - Ancient Shechem Kh. el-Ghirur Salim (Shechem) Tananir Kh. edh-Dhra’ Ẓufin Mt. Gerizim Jayyus - Qalqilya Kh. Kafrur Cave in Kafr Qalil

Kafr Qallil Har Berakha Rujeib Tell Ẓofar Mahane Horon The Kefr Laqif Area Qasr Haramiyyeh Kh. Makhna et-Tahta Qarne Shomron Kh. Halas Kh. Ḥeiya Kh. Jamma’in Immanu’el Kh. eṭ-Ṭira Bedhat esh-Sha’ab El-Ghars Tell er-Ras Wadi Haramiyye Nofim Kh. Shihada Itamar (east) Alfei Menashe (south) (Separation Barrier) Yaqir Tell el-Mazar Yaqir (south) Naḥal Qanah Cave Qarawat Bani Hasan ‘Aqraba El-Makhruq Dar ed-Darb ‘Azzun - ‘Atma Western Samaria Qaṣr Abu Jelaia Kh. en-Najjar Elkana Kifl Harith Tappuah Gitit, Quarry Fort 168 Kh. Sirisye Kh. el-Burak Ariel Rujm el-Sia’ Qarn Ṣarṭaba Kh. esh-Shajara (Separation Barrier) Qaṣr Zuweina Kaspah Kh. Kurqush Kh. es-Sawiya Kh. Hamad The Hirbet Sejerah Area Kh. Gharabneh Bruchin ‘Ein es-Sukhun Cross-Samaria Highway (east) Yafit (north) E.P. -167 ‘Urqan er-Rub IIa Ma’ale Efrayim Jebel edh-Dhib Kh. Deir Sam’an Kh. Mahalhala Pedu’el (east) Kh. ‘Ammuriyye Yafit 3 Deir Qal’a Kh. Hatslav Rujm Abu Muḥeir Duma Tell Shiloh Tell esh-Sheikh Dhiab Ramallah, Ma’ale Levona Klia Faṣa’el - Roman Camp Qarawat Bani Zeid Kh. Deir Daqle Shiloh, Jami’ es-Sittin Faṣa’el 1 Faṣa’el Area Wadi Faṣayil Wadi Faṣayil Kh. Faṣayil Tell esh-Sheikh Dhiab 2 Faẓa’el (east) Wadi Faṣayil Shiloh Industrial Zone Kh. ‘Ali Bet Arye ‘Ein er-Rashash Kh. ed-Duwwar Wadi Faṣayil Kh. Jib’it Kh. Faṣayil Trig. Point S-330 Bet Arye - Ofarim Mevo Shiloh Tomer Wadi Faṣayil ‘Ofarim Kh. Deir el-’Arabi ‘Ofarim

Background: List of excavations sites in Palestine from until 2009

Kh. Tibne Kh. Ḥablata Halamish El-Yarka Salibiya I Dhahr Mirzbaneh Kh. Rushaniye Kh. Dasraḥ Magharat Abu Shinja Kh. Marjame Water Line - ‘Ein Samiya Kh. Samiyye Gilgal ‘Ein Samiya Netiv ha-Gedud A Cave Complex Yabrud ‘Ein Siniya Ba’al Hazor (Kokhav Ha-Shakhar bypass) Kh. Shabtin Kh. Bir Zeit Ancient Road in Samaria Dar Jerir Jifna Kh. el-Beyadat Yitav Et-Taiyiba Kh. el-Mazari Kh. el-’Awja et-Taḥta Kh. Ghureiṭis Aujeh Fortress Mattityahu (northeast) Spot Height 289 m Umm Zaqum Shuqfan el-’Azvat Mattityahu (north) Kh. Kafr Murr El-Midya Cave in Jebel Quruntul El-Qaṣr Kh. el-Kilya E.P. 914 Kh. el-Burj Kh. Badd ‘Isa Wady Dar el-Jerir Bethel Kh. Abu ed-Dinein Kh. Kureikur ‘Ai Kh. el-Maqatir Kh. el-Khudriya Kh. Raddana Deir Dibwan Kh. Huriya El-Bira Kh. Ḥaiyan The Sickle Cave Kh. Najmat el-Hadali Cave No. II/16 Niche No. III/9 Niche No. III/10 Complex of Subterranean Cavities No. III/11 Cave of the Warrior Cave No. III/8 Anchorite Cell Cave of the Long Tail Bats Kh. Nisieh Makkuk Cave Na’aran Khallat ed-Dinnabiya Cave No. II/3 Beit ‘Ur et-Taḥta Cave of the Church Niẓẓanit Cave Cave II/2 Beit Sira Rock Shelter IV/2 Cave IV/1 The Hasmonean Cave Cave of the Lamp Cave of the Drachmas Cave of the Crescent Cave in Jebel Quruntul Wadi Jariyut The Spring Cave Cave of the Lamp Cave with the Masonry Wall Cave of the Pillar Cave / Niche No. 1 Cave of the Terrace Cave of the Steps Migron Kh. Bir ed-Dawali Cave No. V/49 Kh. Suweika Kh. Bir el-’Iraq Kh. Meiyita Cave No. 38 Cave No. 13 Beituniya

Cave No. 2 Cave No. 20 Ma’ale Mikhmash Ṣuwwanet eth-Thaniya Kh. el-Maḥma Cave of the Niche Mikhmas Kh. ez-Zeit Kafr ‘Aqab Cave No. 8 Kh. Beit Sila Tahunat el-Hawa Tell el-Jurn Two Caves Cave No. 20 Kh. el-Ḥara el-Fauqa Cavity Cave El-Mefjer, Cave No. 1 Cave of the Sack Cave of the Chimneys Spies’ Cave Avi’or Cave Tell es-Sultan Cave of the Pruṭa The Terrace of the Cave of the Sandal Rujm Abu Khashaba ‘Atarot Tell Abu Khurs Kh. el-Latatin Kh. Judeida Tell es-Samarat Cave Y-10 Cave Y-11 Kh. ed-Dawwara Jericho, Jordan District ‘Atarot Airport (east) Kh. el-Jufeir Jericho, Cemetery Ḥ. Shilḥa Giv’at Ze’ev Jerusalem (north) Shi’b Siyaj Giv’at Ze’ev Center of Jericho Kh. Dar ‘Asi Naḥal Mikhmas Er-Ram Cave No. IX/14 Nusib ‘Uweishira Adam (east) Kh. Hiba Tulul Abu el-’Alaiq Er-Ram Kh. el-’Adas Kh. et-Tinat Gibeah of Benjamin Megharat el-Jai Gibeon Kypros Kh. ed-Diab Yalu Neve Ya’aqov Imwas Tell Mugheifir Neve Ya’aqov (east) esh-Sheikh ‘Ubeid Emmaus Neve Ya’aqov (west) ‘Eqed Ḥizma Maqṭa’at Karkis (east) Qubur Bani Israil Kh. Abu Laḥm Pisgat Ze’ev Nuseiba Neighborhood En-Nabi Ṣamwil Pisgat Ze’ev Ras eṭ-Ṭawil Latrun Beit Ḥanina - Quarry Qal’at Musa Kh. Ras eṭ-Ṭawil (east) Har Adar Naḥal ‘Atarot Nuseiba Neighborhood Kh. Abu Musarraḥ Kh. Ras eṭ-Ṭawil Wadi el-Khafi Kh. ‘Adasa Pisgat Ze’ev Kh. Hawanit Kh. Nijm Kh. Hawanit ‘Ein Hogla Mizpeh Jericho Jericho Bypass Road Kh. Hawanit Wadi el-Mujali Tell el-Ful The Good Samaritan

“Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group,” Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group, accessed April 17, 2021,

Kh. ‘Almit Ḥ. Zimri Kh. el-Burj Naḥal Zimri Tell el-Ful Kh. el-Kurum, Ram Kh. el-Burj Ramat Polin Ras ‘Amar Deir Hajla Kh. Ras Abu Ma’a Ramallah Road Kh. Ras Abu Ma’a Deir Ghazali Ramat Polin Wadi el-Khalaf Vered Jericho The Good Samari The Good Samari Ramot Polin Ḥ. Teliliya Kh. el-Lauza Ramot Allon Kh. el-Murran Kh. Ka’kul Naḥal Ramot Shu’faṭ Kh. Ka’kul Shu’faṭ Ridge Kh. Ka’kul Ramot A Naḥal Ramot ‘Anatoth Ras Makabb es-Sa Er-Ras Shu’faṭ Ridge Kh. el-Maṣani Ḥ. Bet Qiq Kh. Deir es-Sidd Giv’at Shapira Ramot Forest Kh. ‘Alawina Ramat Shlomo Ḥ. Teliliya (southe Ras el-Kharruba Ramot Forest ‘Isawiya Qaṣr ‘Ali French Hill Giv’at Shappira Ramot Forest French Hill Naḥal Og French Hill Ẓameret Ha-Bira The “Abba” Burial Giv’at Shappira Giv’at Ha-Mivtar Wadi Salim French Hill Giv’at Ha-Mivtar Giv’at Shappira - B Giv’at Ha-Mivtar Ramot Eshkol Wadi Ekteif Giv’at Ha-Mivtar Giv’at Ha-Mivtar Kh. Harabat ‘Aude Giv’at Ha-Taḥmos Mt. Scopus (east) Ramot Eshkol Mt. Scopus (east) Ma’alot Daphna Gan Shulamit Wadi Murrar, ‘Ein Caves Mt. Scopus Wadi Abu Kharrub Ma’alot Daphna ( St. Euthymius Mo ‘Araq ed-Deir Mt. Scopus Kh. Handoma Naḥal Ha-Egoz Mt. Scopus Hermits’ Cells in W Mt. Scopus (east) Tomb of the Kings St. George St. Kikkar Piqqud HaMonastery of The Cyriacus Augusta Victoria ‘Amr Ibn al-’As St. Justice The Third Wall, M Ṣalaḥ ed Din St., M Justice Ṣalaḥ ed Din St. - A Mt. of Olives The Third Wall Gath Shmanim




itan, Fortress itan (north)



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Bar Kochva St.

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n Abu Mahmud

b (east) onastery

Wadi Murrar ) s

-Merkaz eodorus and

., Ministry of

Ministry of Justice Ministry of

Anglican School

Naḥal Qidron Karm esh Sheikh - Rockefeller Museum Er-Rashidiya School Mt. Scopus (east) The Garden Tomb Herod’s Gate Nablus Road (west) Mt. of Olives Damascus Gate Mishor Adummim Ras Abu Subeitan Lions’ Gate Zedekiah’s Cave Austrian Hospice Damascus Gate Ḥammam es-Sultan Tomb of the Virgin Mary Mt. of Olives Western Wall Tunnel Morasha - New Gate Mt. of Olives Latin Patriarchate Golden Gate - Ophel Road Kh. el-Muraṣṣaṣ Mt. of Olives Church of the Ascension Christian Quarter Ẓahal Plaza Mt. of Olives Ras el-’Eizariya Holy Sepulchre St. George St., Old City Wall Mt. of Olives Church Church of Dominus Flevit Western Wall Tunnel Suq al-Kattanin Street of the Greek Monastery Knights’ Palace Hotel Crusader Market Church of the Redeemer Christian Quarter Road Ohel Yiẓhaq Crusader Market, Muristan Square Jaffa St. Ha-Shalshelet St. Private House, Jewish Quarter Western Wall Plaza Hagay St. Jaffa Gate Mughrabi Ramp Mughrabi Gate Magharat Deir Mukalik Jewish Quarter The Citadel Aqueduct Western and Southern Wall of Temple Mt. Jewish Quarter House Lower Aqueduct Jewish Quarter Burnt House St. Maria Alemannorum Private House, Jewish Quarter Moriah Observatory Ophel Ḥurvah Synagogue Christ Church The Old City City of David Dung Gate Jewish Quarter The Citadel Jaffa Gate (south) Dung Gate Naḥal Qidron Western and Southern Wall of Temple Mt. Armenian Quarter St. Thomae Alemannorum The Armenian Garden City of David - Giv’ati Car Park Silwan City of David Visitors’ Center Mt. of Olives City of David - Area G Eṭ-Ṭur Nea Church City of David - Gihon Spring City of David - ‘Abbasi House City of David - Ancient Drain Ma’ale Ha-Shalom Ma’ale Ha-Shalom Zion Gate Old City Wall Mt. Zion Rujm el-Baḥar Mt. Zion Mt. of Olives HaRemaḥim and HaShaḥar Sts. Mt. Zion City of David - House of Qar’in Family

Wadi el-Hilwa St. Gillo Naḥli’el ‘Aqabat al-Jaber Mar Elias Muraba’at, Cave Ras el-’Amud Giv’at Ḥoma Wadi Muraba’at Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu Gillo Kh. et-Tubeiqa City of David - Near Meyuhas Kh. Umm Ṭuba Miẓpe Shalem House Sheluḥat Refa’im Si’ir Bethphage (south) Kh. el-Yahudiya Beit ‘Elem - Duwweir City of David The Springs Area: Qumran and Kh. Duqis El-’Eizariya Feshkha Ḥalḥul Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu Kh. Abu Shawan Rujm el-Qaṣr Mt. of Olives Umm Tuba Kh. Duwweir City of David -’Asor House Deir Tantur Qaṣr Khalife El-’Eizariya Giv’at Ḥoma Kh. Ras eṭ-Ṭawil City of David - Siloam Pool Monastery of the Cave Ras Jirjis Ras el-’Amud Gillo Kh. Beit ‘Anun Mt. Zion Har Gillo (west) Ras Abu Rish City of David (south) Giv’at Ḥoma Cave A-1 City of David Gillo Kh. ed-Duḥdaḥ Cave of the Button Naḥal Sekhakha Qiryat Arba’ (north) Ma’ale Adummim 03, Dwelling Kh. el-Khamis Kh. et-Taiyiba Cave Cave C-7 Mamre Ma’ale Adummim Kh. el-Khamis Qiryat Arba’ - Area 26 Cave of the Goats Deir Tantur (Lower Aqueduct) ‘Ein Darat Ge Ben Hinnom Jerusalem - Bethlehem Road Kh. en-Naṣara Akeldama Hyrcania Qiryat Arba’ (west) Ma’ale Adummim, Site 06 Kh. Umm el-’Aṣafir Giv’at Harsina Akeldama Bethlehem, Aqueduct Qiryat Arba’ - Savyonei Mamre Cave of the Rock ‘Ein Feshkha Qiryat Arba’ Cave of the Leather Kh. en-Najjar (Beit Jala) Kh. Qusatin Bir ez-Zara’a Kh. es-Samara The Caves of the Spear Kh. Abu Ṣuwwana Jebel Butros Kh. el-Qom Abu Ṭor Betar Forest Harasim Cave ‘Ein el-Lauza Kh. Jarish Kh. ed-Deir Cave of the Cords Scroll Cave (B35b) Jebel Nimra El-Khirbe Shepherds’ Field Qiryat Arba’ (south) ‘En Rogel - Abu Ṭur Kh. Khamase Hebron - The City ‘En Rogel - Abu Ṭur Tunnel Road (south) Er-Rumeida Deir Abu Ṭur Bethlehem Kh. el-Muraq Cave of the Balsam Oil Juglet el-Khadr (Road 60) Kh. es-Simieh Eṭ-Ṭur Beit Saḥur Mizpe Qedem Lower Aqueduct Wadi Fukin Jebel el-Qa’aqir Ya’ar Ha-Shalom Kh. Kabar Kh. Beit ‘Awwa Caves A and B Karm el-’Ajaz - Maghar et-Tabqa Ras el-Jora Cave of the Pillar Betar ‘Illit (west) Dura Naḥal Aẓal Kh. Sabur Pene Ḥever Caiaphas Tomb Cave Kh. Muqaddam Deir Sanna Kh. Beit Baṣṣa Sheqef-Negohot Road Cave 24 in Qumran ‘Ein es-Ṣalaḥ En-Nabi Yaqin Kh. Raghabini Beit Saḥur - Shedma Camp Kh. Bani Dar Cave 1 and Cave 2 Cave C-5 Kh. el-Qaṣr Cave of John El-’Atan Kh. Muneizil Cave of the Twins Kh. el-’Aliya Kh. Ṭawas East Talpiyot Qaṣr el-Yahud Tell Zif Four Caves Efrat - Giv’at Ha-Tamar Qaṣra Naḥal Qidron Kidron Site (south) “Le’nahem Avdi” Cave Jebel Mukabbir El-Ma’aṣia: West Fort Kh. Samra East Talpiyot, Aqueduct El-Ma’aṣia: East Fort Kh. Bism Cave and Passage B-6 El-Ma’aṣia Cave Me’arat Sel’a Armon Ha-Naẓiv Shuqfan es-Sus Kh. el-Ḥadab East Talpiyot Kh. Beit Zakariya Rujm ed-Deir High Commissioner’s Amnon’s Cave Kh. Khureise Reseidence Kh. Jamjum Har Hebron, Ancient Road Naḥal Qidron Kh. Abu et-Tuwein Yatta En-Nabi Musa Herodium Kh. Khallat el-Meiya Nof Zion Alon Shevut Maqam el-Khadr East Talpiyot Lower Herodium Otniel Lower Aqueduct El’azar Abu el-’Asjah Cave B-11 Kh. el-Hubeila Kh. Rabud Cave No. XI/14 The Cave of the Coin Kh. el-’Uzeiz Cave B-14 Near El’azar Kh. el-Karmil Cave B-15 Bat ‘Ayin Karmil - Ma’on Road Cave B-17 Ḥ. Heilel Kh. el-Karmil ‘Arab el-Sawahra Kh. Beit Sawir Ed-Dhaheriyeh Bypass Road Cave B-35aTransition of Colonization Kh. Sur Kh. Ma’in from Land Occupaying to Earth Digging Qumran Plateau Efrata Kh. Ṣuṣye Cave Kh. Madhkur Eshtemoa’ Beit Ṣafafa Noqdim Rujm el-Ḥamiri Beit Ṣafafa (west) Rujm esh-Shajra Rujm el-Qaṣr El-Mukabbar Kh. Khureitun Kh. ‘Unab el-Kabir Armon Ha-Naẓiv Umm Salamune Tene-Eshkolot Road Kh. ez-Zaraniq Deir Sha’ar Kh. ‘Useila ‘En Ya’el Magharat Khureitun Shim’a (south) Kh. Qumran Kh. Bureikut Tene-Omarim Quarry Cave Q-5 Migdal Oz Tene-Omarim Cave Q-3 Kh. Umm eṭ-Ṭala’ Kh. Umm Deimine Cave B-61 Kh. Teku’a Kh. Zanuṭa Ṣur Bahir - Railway Road Kh. Judur Shim’a, Industrial Zone El-Ḥanniya Kh. ‘Ein Dav Route 60, Sansanna Cave Q-9 Khiam Terrace Metsadot Yehuda (southwest) Cave Q-4 ‘Ein el-Ghuweir Wadi Samu’a Qumran, Caves Kh. Kufin Sansanna Kh. Ṭabaliya (northwest) Kh. el-Minya Deir el-Ghawi Cave B-49 ‘Ein el-’Arub Ed-Dhaheriyeh Bypass Road Cave B-52 Kh. Hatta Khallat Umm Ṣira Rock Shelter B-53 Beit Ummar Route 60, Meẓadot Yehuda Kh. Umm Leisun Miẓpeh Shalem, Essene Cemetery Meẓadot Yehuda B Eṭ-Ṭabalieh (north) Meẓadot Yehuda A Cave B-53 Kh. Qeila Gillo Karme Ẓur Lower Aqueduct Kh. Kharuf The Kathisma Church Kh. et-Tina Cave B-56 Hebron - ‘Ein Gedi Road

The Land: from Occupying to Digging



Archaeological Sites in/around East Jerusalem

A research project led by the University of South California showed more than 1200 archaeological sites were surveyed or excavated within and around the periphery of East Jerusalem until 2009 (Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group, 2009). The number of these sites keeps increasing in the past decade due to the release and the conduction of the Shalem Plan (Emek Shave,2020), a plan initiated by the Israeli Government that aims to develop archaeological tourism, especially in Silwan and the Old City in East Jerusalem. Archaeological research has happened in Palestine and Israel due to the multilayers of historical heritages. But treatments to some archaeological sites in the two states are significantly different. In Israel, many archaeological sites are gradually filled with concrete for settlement exploitations to meet the needs of the increasing Israeli populations.(Glausiusz, 2020) On the contrary, the archaeological sites in Palestine where the surveys and excavations led by the Israeli Government turn into Israeli tourist sites, disregarding the damaging effects caused by the excavations and the risks brought to the native Palestinian residents. The Pilgrims’ Road project is a typical example.

“Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group,” Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group, accessed April 17, 2021, Josie Glausiusz, “Hundreds of Israel’s Archaeological Sites Are Vanishing under Concrete,” Nature News (Nature Publishing Group, June 24, 2020), “Shalem Plan Overview – The Plan to Reveal Ancient Jerusalem,” Emek Shave, April 30, 2020,

... ...and they sla face... ...”Crucify! must die, because the Son of God... .. cross... ... the so Jesus... ...with t remaining... ...the be fulfilled... ... ...”it is finished.”. head and gave up h Background: John 19:30, Bible

“Bible Gateway Passage: John 19:1-30 - New International Version,” Bible Gateway, accessed April 17, 2021,

apped him in the ! Crucify!” ... ...he e he cliamed to be ..Carrying his own oldiers crucified the undergament e Scripture would .”I am thirsty.”... ... ...he bowed his his spirit...... The Pilgrims’ Road Project

A 600 Metres Tunnel under the neighborhood of Silwan and the Old City


The Western Wall is a holly place for Jews to pray due to its proximity to the Temple Mount, where restrictions applied for non-Muslims.

MOUN T OF OL I V E S Mount of Olives is a significant venue as a celebratory site for Jews when the Second Temple was destroyed.

Temple Mount

Temple Mount (Mount Zion) is believed by Jews to be the site of the two ancient temples of Judaisim.


Western Wall Journey to Jerusalem Exhibition Hall Mughrabi Bridge Ophel Excavation

Givati Parking Lot Excavation

The Mughrabi Bridge and the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate for non-Muslim to access the Temple Mount.

City of David Visitor Centre


JERUSALEM The Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel

The Givati excavation site is the largest archaeological excavation in East Jerusalem, with recent findings of letter seals from the First Temple Period thats bears the word Molech.

The Pool of Siloam

The Pool of Siloam, as the starting venue of the Pilgrims’ Road, is significant since it was where the blind man was healed by Jesus.

The underground stepped road in the tunnel is believed to be the road where Jesus walked on and towards Mount Zion before his crucifixion. Archaeologists found ancient coins that date back to Juses period. Tourist Sites Vegetations Roads Old City Walls Green Line (Separation Line) The Pilgrims’ Road Buildings The King’s Park Planning Area Cable Car Route




Amanda Borschel-Dan, “On an A “The Expected Presence of the American Ambassador at the Dedication Ceremony for the ‘Pilg

The Pilgrims’ Road project is an underground stepped tunnel initiated by the Israeli Government and some private organisations as part of the national archaeological park tourism plan. The road was first found in 2004 when an engineering team was maintaining the underground sewage system in Silwan. (Stiff, 2019) The excavation work formally started six years ago, and now most of the tunnel is open for tourist to visit.

Chemi Stiff, “Six Feet Under: The Cultural Heritage of Minorities in Jerusalem,” Emek Shave, December 12, 2019, Ancient Road to the Temple, Archaeological Innovation, Mystery and Dispute,” The Times of Israel, October 17, 2019, grims’ Road’ in Silwan Will Be the Closest the US Will Have Come to Date to Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty over the Old City Basin,” Emek Shave, June 28, 2019,


The Western Wall is a holly place for Jews to pray due to its proximity to the Temple Mount, where restrictions applied for non-Muslims.

MOUNT OF OLIVES Mount of Olives is a significant venue as a celebratory site for Jews when the Second Temple was destroyed.

Temple Mount

Temple Mount (Mount Zion) is believed by Jews to be the site of the two ancient temples of Judaisim.


Western Wall Journey to Jerusalem Exhibition Hall Mughrabi Bridge Ophel Excavation

Givati Parking Lot Excavation

The Mughrabi Bridge and the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate for non-Muslim to access the Temple Mount.

City of David Visitor Centre


M The Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel

The Givati excavation site is the largest archaeological excavation in East Jerusalem, with recent findings of letter seals from the First Temple Period thats bears the word Molech.

The Pool of Siloam

The Pool of Siloam, as the starting venue of the Pilgrims’ Road, is significant since it was where the blind man was healed by Jesus.

The underground stepped “A road in the tunnel is believedMustafa Sneineh and Lubna to be the road where Jesus walked on and towards Mount Zion before his crucifixion. Archaeologists found ancient

The tunnel is a totally 600 metres long road. (The Time of Israel, 2020) Half of the tunnel and its excavation is under Silwan, a Palestinian neighbourhood located in East Jerusalem sitting between the Loly venues of the Old City and the Mount of Olives. Due to its sacred location, Silwan has become a hot spot for tourist development. In merely Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood of Silwan, there are more than 12 excavation sites until 2018, including the tunnel excavation of the Pilgrims’ Road project. The excavation starts at the entry of Silwan and extends northwards to the Old City and the Temple Mount.

Archaeologists Briefly Pause Jerusalem Dig in Fear of Damage to Ancient Road,” The Times of Israel, June 16, 2020, a Masarwa, “Silwan, a Palestinian Community Torn Apart by Israel’s Dig to Find ‘Lost City’,” Middle East Eye, February 23, 2018,

believed by Jews to be the site of the two ancient temples of Judaisim.


Western Wall

ourney to Jerusalem Exhibition Hall


The Givati excavation site is the largest archaeological excavation in East Jerusalem, with recent findings of letter sealsOphel from Excavation the First Temple Period thats bears the word Molech.

Mughrabi Bridge

Givati Parking Lot Excavation

The Mughrabi Bridge and the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate for non-Muslim to access the Temple Mount.

City of David Visitor Centre

The underground stepped road in the tunnel is believed to be the road where Jesus walked on and towards Mount The Pilgrims’ RoadhisTunnel Zion before crucifixion. Archaeologists found ancient coins that date back to Juses period. The Pool of Siloam

Jesus’ Crucifixion


The Givati excavation site is the largest archaeological excavation in East Jerusalem, with recent findings of letter seals from the First Temple Period thats bears the word Molech.

Givati Excavation Site

The Pool of Siloam, as the starting venue of the Pilgrims’ Road, is significant since it was where the blind man was healed by Jesus.

The Pilgrims’ Road is attractive to tourists worldwide because it covers most of the important religious sites in the historical basin of East Jerusalem. They are sites related to the Bible Scripture, including the Pool of Siloam and places related to Jewish worship activities such as the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

The underground stepped road in the tunnel is believed to be the road where Jesus walked on and towards Mount Zion before his crucifixion. Archaeologists found ancient coins that date back to Juses period.

Holy Land Tours, “Christian Pilgrims in the Footsteps of Jesus Path down the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem,” Holy Land Tours Travel (Israel Tourism Consultants, October 9, 2017), “Home,”, June 4, 2014, Robin Ngo, “To Jerusalem: Pilgrimage Road Identified?,” Biblical Archaeology Society, April 13, 2021, “Western Wall,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, April 10, 2021), Steve Law, “Pilgrim’s Road up the Temple Mount Uncovered,” Patterns of Evidence, August 16, 2019,

Ophel Excavation

Givati Parking Lot

City of Dav

JERUSALEM The Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel

The Western Wall is a holly place for Jews to pray due to its proximity to the Temple Mount, where restrictions applied for non-Muslims.


The Pool of Siloam

MOUNT OF OLIVES Mount of Olives is a significant The Western Wall is a venue holly as a celebratory site for Jews place for Jews to pray due to when the Second Temple was destroyed. its proximity to the Temple Mount, where restrictions applied for non-Muslims. Temple Mount (Mount MZion) O UisN T believed by Jews to be the site F O LofI V E S of the two ancientO temples Judaisim. Mount of Olives is a significant venue as a celebratory site for Jews when the Second Temple was destroyed.

The Western Wall is a holly place for Jews to pray due to its proximity to the Temple Mount, where restrictions applied for non-Muslims.


Western Wall

The pool of Siloam

Mount of Olives is a significant venue as a celebratory site for Jews when the Second Temple was destroyed.

Temple Mount (Mount Zion) is believed by Jews to be the site of the two ancient temples of Temple Mount Judaisim.

Western Wall

Jerusalem Exhibition Hall r Centre 0 Bridge Mughrabi

ot Excavation

avid Visitor Centre

The Pool of Siloam, as the starting venue of the Pilgrims’ Road, is significant since it was where the blind man was healed by Jesus.

Temple Mount (Mount Zion) is believed by Jews to be the site of the two ancient temples of Judaisim.

Tourist Sites Vegetations Roads Old City Walls Green The Line Mughrabi (Separation Line) and the Bridge The Pilgrims’ Road Mughrabi Gate is the only gate Buildings for non-Muslim to access the The King’s ParkMount. Planning Area Temple Cable Car Route



The Mughrabi BridgeThe &Mughrabi Gate Bridge and the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate for non-Muslim to access the Temple Mount.

Givati Parking Lot Excavation

City of David Centre The Givati excavation site Visitor is the largest archaeological excavation in East Jerusalem, AN with recent findings of letter hristian-holy-land-tours-travel-guide/item/79-christian-pilgrims-in-the-footsteps-of-jesus-path-down-the-mount-of-olives-in-jerusalem. seals from the First Temple Period thats bears the word Molech.

The Givati excavation site is

The Temple Mount The Mughrabi Bridge and the Mughrabi Gate is the only gate for non-Muslim to access the Temple Mount.

According to some scholars, the stepped street might be the road where Jesus walked through before his crucifixion. The story along the route is also highly referable from the Bible. Because of this, the Israeli Government has been developing this tunnel so hard.

looking to Jesus, the found

I have been crucified with C


The Spirit a

Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord in

Then they brought in th

Then the Lord will create over the

Julie Stahl, “US Ambassador to Israel Tears Down Symbolic Wall to Open Pilgrimage Path to Western Wall,” CBN News, July 3, 2019,“Home,”, June 4, 2014, Robin Ngo, “To Jerusalem: Pilgrimage Road Identified?,” Biblical Archaeology Society, April 13, 2021, “16 Bible Verses about the Crucifixion,”, accessed April 17, 2021, “Crucifixion of Jesus - Bible Story,” (Salem Web Network, January 17, 2018), Jim Haeffele, “Temple Mount in Bible Prophecy,” Life, Hope & Truth, October 2018,

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. Matthew 28:5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. Matthew 28:6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Isaiah 53:4 Surely he has borne our grief and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. Hebrews 12:2 der and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Galatians 2:20 Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Philippians 2:6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, Philippians 2:7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[a] being born in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Matthew 10:38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Mark 16:6 And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. Luke 24:6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, Luke 24:7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” Matthew 20:18 “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death Matthew 20:19 and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day.” Matthew 20:20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. Romans 6:5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. Romans 6:6 We know that our old self[a] was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. Luke 9:23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Revelation 1:7 hold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail[a] on account of him. Even so. Amen. Mark 8:34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

John 9:7 and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came back seeing. John 7:37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Isaiah 8:6 “Because this people has refused the waters of Shiloah (Siloam) that flow gently, and rejoice over Rezin and the son of Remaliah. Isaiah 12:3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. 1 Corinthians 10:4 ... and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. Revelation 22:17 and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.

2 Chronicles 3:1 Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to David his father, at the place that David had appointed, on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. Mark 13:1 And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” Mark 13:2 And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” Daniel 5:3 he golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines drank from them. Psalm 48:2 beautiful in elevation,is the joy of all the earth,Mount Zion, in the far north,the city of the great King. Isaiah 4:5 e whole site of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, and smoke and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory there will be a canopy.


“......they [Jerusalem Municipality] want me to leave my house......” (Gadzo, 2020) Ayda Abdeen, a seventy-year-old Silwanese

Mersiha Gadzo, “Palestinians in Jerusalem’s Old City Face Evacuation Fears,” Occupied East Jerusalem News | Al Jazeera (Al Jazeera, January 24, 2020),


Archaeology as a Political Tool Exploiment of Underground Palestine for above ground Israeli Sovereignty

Jerusalem Municipality is an administration of Jerusalem and annexed east Jerusalem that is in charge of the management of buildings and construction in the region. Nature and Parks Authority of Israel is one of the involved bodies of the Pilgrims’ Road project.

A wall of Manal’s home. Manal and her family’s home was demolished twice due to ‘illegal’ constructions.

Dear Aw

............ .............. ............... ............... .. ............... ... .....


a, ............... ............... ......................... ..... ............... ......................... .. ..... ............... ............... ............... .............. …… Acc ord the dam ing to the Jer age hap usalem related pen Municipa to the exc ed in your lity, hou respon avation sible to project se is not …….. that we are …….. Mo reo Wadi Hilw ver, your house, el Street, located illegally at 26, built pro is highly suspici ous of a and Pro perty und per to the cur ty Law as the bui er the Israeli Lan d rent pro lding per perty is .................. not found mission ……. ................ .............................

a, find a Dear Awaid ion did not of the he inspect tion ................t in the excava .................. ship between damage happen tion the ............... direct rela d project and Roa ... ............... ........ Pilgrims' .................. ..... ...... .... se.. ............... our your hou .......... of you and dence y urit life sec new resi ............... ring the to seek a 10 days after Conside uire you hin ............... .............. , we req Hilwel wit . Your house will families 26, Wadi ............... ................ ent il and leave e of this docum be blocked unt ............... dat .. ess will fixed. ............... the issue off and acc ineded and ............... .................... be fenced is well mainta age ............... ...................... the dam m ............... Jerusale ........ out by the ried .................. car nance ………. ................ ........................ The mainte will starts on …… ty Municipali

Construction of a new Israeli settlement is ongoing. These settlement coupounds is illegal under international law.

A contrunction team hired by El’ad, an Israeli association funded the Pilgrims’ Road project and the Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem.

A Israeli soldior. Mr Awaida, whose home suffered from damage caused by the underground excavation, is expelled from his house.

Distance to Home = ???

David Friedman, the ambassador of the United State to Israel, Wielded hammers on a reconstructed wall to celebrate the opening of a new tunnel.

Doron Spielman, Vice President of the major tourist site City of David, claimed : “ ...... You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish......”

‘you can’t Judaize what is already Jewish’

Elad funding and the Israeli government support recorded a sum of 47 million NIS in 2018. The funding initiated the Shalem plan which includedd the Pilgrims’ Road Project.

Ai Jazeera

The middle east plan released by Trump would not include the ‘two state solution’, which is a second Balfour Declaration to Palestine. #twostatesolution #palestine #israelandpalestine

Doron Spielman

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. #cityofdavid #awholejerusalem #pilgrimsroad

Logo of an Israeli aircondition company. Logo of an Palestinian aircondition company.

Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel #israelicapitaljerusalem

......The goals of the plan [Pilgrims’ Road] include increasing the number of visitors to all ancient Jerusalem sites to some 3 million per year......

‘peace must be based upon a foundation of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

Archaeological team hired by El’ad.

David Friedman

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth. #awholejerusalem #israel #jerusalem #pilgrimsroad #middleeastissue #trumpmiddleeastplan

Emek Shaveh

Archaeological excavation should be conducted vertically. The excavation of the underground tunnel in Silwan is a horizontal excavation, which cannot provide enough data to understand the historical layers of the land. #silwan #silwanexcavation #archaeology #scientificresearch

Jodi Magness

The tunnel excavation in Silwan is driven by non-archaeological, non-scientific agenda ----specifically to find a street that connected the pool to the temple, and then connect modern Jewish Jerusalem with Jerusalem from 2000 years ago. #silwanexcavation #pilgrimsroad #eastjerusalemexcavation

The Shalem plan is intended to strengthen Israeli presence in the Old City basin through extensive tourism development and archaeological excavations in Silwan.

2.67 kg stones of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk bathhouse

Archaeologist team of the Tel Aviv University ‘leads’ the tunnel excavation for ‘scientific research purposes’.


Amanda Borschel-Dan, “On an A

Is the development of the underground tunnel just for sight visiting or tourism? The answer might be ‘No’. Just like other Israeli measures on Palestine, it is seldom apolitical. (Borschel-Dan, 2019) The drawing on the left tells about some insights of the Pilgrims Road Project, hovering around the stories in the Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood in Silwan.

Ancient Road to the Temple, Archaeological Innovation, Mystery and Dispute,” The Times of Israel, October 17, 2019,

‘you can’t Judaize what is already Jewish’

Logo of an Israeli aircondition company. Logo of an Palestinian aircondition company.

......The goals of the plan [Pilgrims’ Road] include increasing the number of visitors to all ancient Jerusalem sites to some 3 million per year......

2.67 kg stones of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk bathhouse

Archaeologist team of the Tel Aviv University ‘leads’ the tunnel excavation for ‘scientific - a tourism boosting project research purposes’.

D I H I LW E L , S I LWA N On the table, the project seems to be a tourist boosting project and claimed by the Israeli antiquity association, and it will bring more than 3 million tourists to the site per year. (Shragai, 2019)

David Friedman, the ambassador of the United State to Israel, Wielded hammers on a reconstructed wall to celebrate the opening of a new tunnel.

Elad funding and the Israeli government support recorded a sum of 47 million NIS in 2018. The funding initiated the Shalem plan which includedd the Pilgrims’ Road Project.

Ai Jazeera

The middle east plan released by Trump would not include the ‘two state solution’, which is a second Balfour Declaration to Palestine. #twostatesolution #palestine #israelandpalestine

Doron Spielman

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. - a project funded by Elad who#awholejerusalem helps with Israeli settlement #cityofdavid #pilgrimsroad Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path In Facts, the project is funded by a private association called Elad, which helps of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel with the Israeli settlements in Silwan and the old city. The Elad association even #israelicapitaljerusalem

hired their archaeologist team to get involved in the excavation project.

on a foundation of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

David Friedman

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth. Nadav Shragai, “,”, May 7, 2019, #awholejerusalem #israel #jerusalem Emek Shave, “Wall from Early Islamic Period Prevents Continued Excavation of Tunnel between Silwan and the Old City,” Emek Shave, March 20, 2019, #pilgrimsroad #middleeastissue “Archaeologists Briefly Pause Jerusalem Dig in Fear of Damage to Ancient Road,” The Times of Israel, June 16, 2020, #trumpmiddleeastplan

Emek Shaveh

Archaeological excavation should be

Jerusalem Municipality is an administration of Jerusalem and annexed east Jerusalem that is in charge of the management of buildings and construction in the region. Nature and Parks Authority of Israel is one of the involved bodies of the Pilgrims’ Road project.

A wall of Manal’s home. Manal and her family’s home was demolished twice due to ‘illegal’ constructions.

Dear Aw

............ .............. ............ a, .... a Dear Awaid ............ . did not find .... pection of the ............ .. ....the ins avation ........ ............... en the exc pen in ............... p betwe age hap relationshi ject and the dam ............ ct dire .... Road pro ... ............ ....... Pilgrims' ......................... .... se. ............ ........ our your hou ............ of you and idence . security res ............ ing the life you to seek a new days after .... Consider 10 ............ ............. we require Hilwel within s, se will ilie .... fam Wadi . Your hou until ............ ............... leave 26, this document d ............ and cke be blo ........ date of ess will fixed. ............ the issue off and acc .... ineded and ............ ................... be fenced is well mainta .... age ............ ..................... the dam ............ usalem ............ by the Jer .. ried out ............... nance car ..... ………. ............... ...................... The mainte will starts on …… . lity Municipa


............ .... ............ ........................ .... .... ............ ........................ ... ............ ............ .................... ............ ........... …… Ac co the damarding to the Jer usalem related ge happened Municipa to in responsi the excavatio your house is lity, n projec no ble to …… t that we t .. are …….. Mo reover, you Wadi Hil wel Street r house, locate d at illegally , built pro is highly suspiciou 26, and Pro pe s of a rty und per to the cur ty Law as the bui er the Israeli Lan d rent pro lding per perty is ............... not found mission ..... ……. ............... ......................... . ..

Construction of a new Israeli settlement is ongoing. These settlement coupounds is illegal under international law.

A contrunction team Israeli association fu Road project and the East Jerusalem.

Mr Awaida, whose home suffered from damage caused by the underground excavation, is expelled from his house.

Distance to Home = ???

Elad funding and the Israeli government support recorded a sum of 47 million NIS in 2018. The funding initiated the Shalem plan which includedd the Pilgrims’ Road Project.

Ai Jazeera

The middle east plan released by Trump would not include the ‘two state solution’, which is a second Balfour Declaration to Palestine. #twostatesolution #palestine #israelandpalestine

Doron Spielman

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. #cityofdavid #awholejerusalem #pilgrimsroad

- house damaged by the excavation -

‘you can’t Judaize what is already Jewish’

David Friedman, the ambassador of the United State to Israel, Wielded hammers on a reconstructed wall to celebrate the opening of a new tunnel.

Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel #israelicapitaljerusalem

on of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

David Friedman

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth.

......The goa include incr to all ancien m

Jerusalem Municipality is an administration of Jerusalem and annexed east Jerusalem that is in charge of the management of buildings and construction in the region. Nature and Parks Authority of Israel is one of the involved bodies of the Pilgrims’ Road project.

Dear A waid

a, ............ ... ............ ........................ ... ... ............ ........................ ..... ............ ............ ..................... ............ ........... …… Acc o the dam rding to the Je rusalem age hap related p Municip to the e ened in your ality, ho xcavatio respon sible to n proje use is not …….. ct that we are …….. Mor eo Wadi Hilw ver, your hous e, lo el Street illegally , is highly cated at 26, bu suspicio and Prop ilt property un us of a erty Law de to the cu as the bu r the Israeli Land rrent pr ilding pe op rmission erty is no ............... t found ... ……. ............... ........................... . ..

............ ..............

............ da, ... t find a Dear Awai ............ .. n did no ... inspectio vation of the ............ ... .......the ca ... ex ... ........ e ... th ... n en in ............... p betwee e damage happ lationshi d th ............ direct re oject an . pr ........... ad Ro ... ............ Pilgrims' ........................ ... e. ............ ......... your hous ............ and our y of you . rit cu sidence life se a new re ............ ring the u to seek n 10 days after yo ............ Conside ire hi requ it e ..... w ............ w , el will es ... famili adi Hilw ent. Your house ............ ................ e 26, W ............ and leav te of this docum be blocked until ........ da ill e w cess ............ the issu d fixed. off and ac ... neded an ............ .................... be fenced e is well maintai ... ag ............ ...................... the dam m ............ Jerusale ............ t by the .. ............... carried ou ………. ............... enance … nt … ai m on e ............... ............ Th starts . ality will Municip

- forcing Palestanians to leave their properties Mr Awaida, whose home suffered from damage caused by the underground The excavation is about 5 metres below the Silwan neighbourhood, which caused many excavation,damages is expelled from his house. of the native Palestinians, putting their daily life at the risks of to the houses

potential collapse and landslides. (Emek Shaveh, 2020)

While expelling the native population, the Elad organisation is continually building a new Israeli settlement in Silwan. Moreover, all of the Israeli organisations regard little on Palestinians’ lives seriously affected by the tunnel project. They use it to demolish more houses and evict more population. Distance to Home = ???

“Fissures and Cracks: Damage to Homes in the Wadi Hilweh Neighborhood of Silwan,” Emek Shaveh, March 2020.

A wall of Manal’s home. Manal and her family’s home was demolished twice due to ‘illegal’ constructions.

Construction of a new Israeli settlement is ongoing. These settlement coupounds is illegal under international law.

A contrunction team hired by El’ad, an Israeli association funded the Pilgrims’ Road project and the Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem.

A Israeli soldior.

- new Israeli settlement under construction Doron Spielman, Vice President of the major tourist site City of

David Friedman, the ambassador of the United State to Israel, Wielded hammers on a reconstructed wall to celebrate the opening of a new tunnel.

ng and the Israeli support recorded a sum NIS in 2018. The funding e Shalem plan which e Pilgrims’ Road Project.

cal team d.

Ai Jazeera

The middle east plan released by Trump would not include the ‘two state solution’, which is a second Balfour Declaration to Palestine. #twostatesolution #palestine #israelandpalestine

Doron Spielman

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. #cityofdavid #awholejerusalem #pilgrimsroad Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel #israelicapitaljerusalem

‘peace must be based upon a foundation of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

David Friedman

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth. #awholejerusalem #israel #jerusalem #pilgrimsroad #middleeastissue #trumpmiddleeastplan

Emek Shaveh

Archaeological excavation should be conducted vertically. The excavation of the underground tunnel in Silwan is a horizontal excavation, which cannot provide enough data to understand the historical layers of the land. #silwan #silwanexcavation #archaeology #scientificresearch

Jodi Magness

The tunnel excavation in Silwan is driven by non-archaeological, non-scientific agenda ----specifically to find a street that connected the pool to the temple, and then connect modern Jewish Jerusalem with Jerusalem from 2000 years ago. #silwanexcavation #pilgrimsroad #eastjerusalemexcavation

The Shalem plan is intended to strengthen Israeli presence in the Old City basin through extensive tourism development and archaeological excavations in Silwan.

- the project as a part of the Shalem Plan -

2.67 kg stones of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk bathhouse


Donald J. Trump and others


etween Israel and the s must be based upon a of truth. rusalem #israel #jerusalem oad #middleeastissue ddleeastplan


gical excavation should be vertically. The excavation of ground tunnel in Silwan is a excavation, which cannot ough data to understand the ayers of the land. ilwanexcavation ogy #scientificresearch


el excavation in Silwan is by non-archaeological, fic agenda ----specifically to t that connected the pool to , and then connect modern usalem with Jerusalem from ago. avation #pilgrimsroad alemexcavation

- international support from the US -

- policy supports of the Israeli Government -

In terms of international status, the The Shalem Plan by the Israeli Pilgrims’ Road project is high support Government involves massive The Shalem plan is intended to strengthen by the united state. David Friedman, archaeological surveys and excavation Israeli presence Old the ambassador of the U.S., attended in thein the Old City City andbasin the neighbourhood a ceremony to celebrate the opening of Silwan, intending to strengthen the through extensive tourism development of a new section of the tunnel in 2020, Israel related image in the area to claim archaeological Silwan. over the lands. signifying the and recognition of an Israeli excavations the Israeliinsovereignty Jerusalem. (Emek Shave, 2020)


“The Expected Presence of the American Ambassador at the Dedication Ceremony for the ‘Pilgrims

Elad Association helping with the Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, funding many excavation projects

Nature and Parks Authority actively involved in the King’s Park project and the Pilgrims’ Road project

Jerusalem Municipality approving excavation permissions, house demolition permisions and building permissions

Israeli Forces authorized supervisors of demolitions of houses in Palestinine

City of David a tourist organization that in charge of the tourist management of the Pilgrims’ Road

Adam Ross, “The Pilgrims’ Path: The Judaization of Jerusalem?,” aishcom, July 10, 2019, s’ Road’ in Silwan Will Be the Closest the US Will Have Come to Date to Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty over the Old City Basin,” Emek Shave, June 28, 2019, “Shalem Plan Overview – The Plan to Reveal Ancient Jerusalem,” Emek Shave, April 30, 2020,

logical team El’ad.

Ai Jazeera

The middle east plan released by Trump would not include the ‘two state solution’, which is a second Balfour Declaration to Palestine. #twostatesolution #palestine #israelandpalestine

Doron Spielman

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. #cityofdavid #awholejerusalem #pilgrimsroad Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel #israelicapitaljerusalem

‘peace must be based upon a foundation of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

David Friedman

Peace between Israel and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth. #awholejerusalem #israel #jerusalem #pilgrimsroad #middleeastissue #trumpmiddleeastplan

Emek Shaveh

Archaeological excavation should be conducted vertically. The excavation of the underground tunnel in Silwan is a horizontal excavation, which cannot provide enough data to understand the historical layers of the land. #silwan #silwanexcavation #archaeology #scientificresearch

Jodi Magness

The tunnel excavation in Silwan is driven by non-archaeological, non-scientific agenda ----specifically to find a street that connected the pool to the temple, and then connect modern Jewish Jerusalem with Jerusalem from 2000 years ago. #silwanexcavation #pilgrimsroad #eastjerusalemexcavation

Amanda Borschel-Dan, “On an A

While many critiques condemn the Pilgrims’ Road project as a way to Judaize Jerusalem, Doron Spielman, the vice president of the city of David, claims that “You cannot Judaize what is already Jewish.” The facts are that the project team only publicises the findings related to Jewish or even narrates a new story around the results. Although Tel Aviv University participates in the project, somehow turning the project into a scientific research one, the Elad association has been in charge of this project. Furthermore, they aim to selectively narrate Jewish-only layers underground to claim the sovereignty of Isreal above ground. (Ross, 2019

Adam Ross, “The Pilgrims’ Path: The Judaization of Jerusalem?,” aishcom, July 10, 2019, Israel Hayom, “Pontius Pilate Built Pilgrim’s Road in Jerusalem,”, October 22, 2019, Ancient Road to the Temple, Archaeological Innovation, Mystery and Dispute,” The Times of Israel, October 17, 2019,

You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish. The claims of falsification of facts is spoken out of fear not only by the Muslim leadership but also by the radical left, holding on to a false history that has been taught since the late 1990s and paints an exclusively Islamic view of Jerusalem. #cityofdavid #awholejerusalem #pilgrimsroad

ambassador of Israel, Wielded tructed wall to of a new tunnel.

Doron Spielman, President of the m tourist site City David, claimed : “ You can’t Judaize is already Jewish....

Liked by Benjamin Netanyahu and others


‘you can’t Judaize what is already Jewish’

An specialy antique stone found as a part of the Seond Temple at the Path of Pilgrims. #jewish #jerusalem #pathofpilgrims #israel #israelicapitaljerusalem

Logo of an Palestinian aircondition company

‘peace must be based upon a foundation of truth’

Liked by Donald J. Trump and others

logical team El’ad.

lan is intended to strengthen nce in the Old City basin nsive tourism development gical excavations in Silwan.

Logo of an Israe aircondition company

David Friedman

......The goals of the plan [Pilgrims’ Road include increasing the number of visitor to all ancient Jerusalem sites to some million per year......

Crucifixion Peace Jesus’ between Israel

and the Palestinians must be based upon a foundation of truth. #awholejerusalem #israel #jerusalem #pilgrimsroad #middleeastissue #trumpmiddleeastplan

Emek Shaveh

Archaeological excavation should be conducted vertically. The excavation of the underground tunnel in Silwan is a horizontal excavation, which cannot provide enough data to understand the historical layers of the land. #silwan #silwanexcavation #archaeology #scientificresearch

Jodi Magness

The tunnel excavation in Silwan is driven by non-archaeological, non-scientific agenda ----specifically to find a street that connected the pool to the temple, and then connect modern Jewish Jerusalem with Jerusalem from 2000 years ago. Archaeologist team of the Tel 2.67 kg stones of a 14th Aviv University ‘leads’ the #silwanexcavation #pilgrimsroad Century tunnel excavation for ‘scientific #eastjerusalemexcavation Muslim Mamluk bathhouse

research purposes’.

S E C T I O N O F W A D I H I L W E LJesus’ , S ICrucifixion LWA N

The Shalem plan is intende Israeli presence in the O through extensive tourism

Arwa Ibrahim, “‘

‘you can’t Judaize what is already Jewish’

Doron Spielman, Vice President of the major tourist site City of David, claimed : “ ...... You can’t Judaize what is already Jewish......”

Logo of an Israeli aircondition company. Logo of an Palestinian aircondition company.

......The goals of the plan [Pilgrims’ Road] include increasing the number of visitors to all ancient Jerusalem sites to some 3 million per year......

Jesus’ Crucifixion

‘A New Balfour’: Palestinians Reject Trump’s Middle East Plan,” Conflict News | Al Jazeera (Al Jazeera, January 28, 2020), Israel Hayom, “US Envoys Lend a Hand as Israel Digs down in East Jerusalem,”, July 1, 2019,

The selective narrations not only happened in the tunnel but also other archaeological sites.

Selective Sacred Hiding and Displacement of Truth of Non-Jewish Heritage

Area G Excavation

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority, which mana the site, rarely discloses the academic controve between Judaism and Musilm to the public. T presentation tour to the site by the organizat interpretes the Area G stepped structure a veracity the OldGTestament. Although David and Solomon Area Excavation the only twoauthorities Monarchs that to ahve status prophets The Israeli manage thisofexcavatio Islam, thediscuss presentation bases the storyJewish of David hardly the existence of both andon M Old as mention the king the whoinformation founded a to Testament the public alone, but only united thetopeople of Israel. relates Judaism.

Area G Excavation

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority, which manages the site, rarely discloses the academic controversy between Judaism and Musilm to the public. The presentation tour to the site by the organization interpretes the Area G stepped structure a veracity of the OldGTestament. Although David and Solomon are Area Excavation the only twoauthorities Monarchs that to ahve status prophets in The Israeli manage thisofexcavation site Islam, thediscuss presentation bases the storyJewish of David the hardly the existence of both andon Muslim Old as mention the king the whoinformation founded and to Testament the public alone, but only that united thetopeople of Israel. relates Judaism.

- Area G Excavation -

In the area g excavation, the tour presentation eliminates the Islamic layers about King David and Solomon, focusing only on the Old Testament’s story.

- tunnel excava

The methodology D C I T Y is also A N E W O L excavation excavation was carri which scientifically s and it erases other that happened afte


Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel

Beyond Your Wall Event Hall

s Authority, which manages The excavation of the Pilgrims’s Road is carried out The event hall is located underground at the westexcavation of the Pilgrims’s RoadBeyond is carried outWall Event Hall Pilgrims’ Road TunnelThehorizontally, the academic controversy which is totally opposite to the Your scientifc Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel ern side of the Western Wall foundation. The space horizontally, which is totally opposite to the scientifc ages The excavation the Pilgrims’s Road is carriedThe outhorizontal The eventwill hall is located underground at the westusilm to the public. Theof of vertical methodology. mothod wipe The excavation the Pilgrims’s Road is carriedThe outhorizontal LV SUHVHUYHG LQ SHUSHWXLW\ DV LGHQWLɨHG RQO\ ZLWK vertical methodology. mothod will wipe ersy horizontally, which is totally opposite to the scientifc Beyond Your side and of the Western Wall foundation. TheWall spaceEvent Hall site by the organization the historical layers after the Jesusern period it will horizontally, which is totallyout opposite to the scientifc groups with a Jewish-religious identity. No inforout horizontal the historical layers after and it will The vertical methodology. The mothod will wipethe Jesus period SUHVHUYHG LQ to SHUSHWXLW\ DV The LGHQWLɨHG RQO\ ZLWK event hall is located underground at the vertical methodology. The horizontal mothod will wipe ped structure a veracity of not provide enough information LV for specialists Your information for Beyond specialists to Wall Event Hall tion out the historical layersnot afterprovide the Jesusenough period and it will mation is provided about the original use of the groups with Jewish-religious identity. NoofinforoutSolomon the historical the Jesus period it will when the road western side the Western Wall foundation. Only gh David and arelayers after understand withand certainty was builtahall and Thecontext event is locatedplace underground at the y of not provide enough information for specialists to understand how the road relates to the of as a part of a Mamluk Khan, a Islamic strucnot provide enough information for specialists to mation is provided about the original use of the status prophets with in KRZ LW the ɨW road LQWR WKH OD\RXW RI WKH FLW\ RI -HUXVDOHP 7KH Jewish has accessibility to the space and visitor are tahve manage thisofunderstand excavation site certainty western side of the Western Wall foundation. Only are when was built and Jerusalem. shows that the tunnel ture. Ita isIslamic a means of ignoring and erasing the understand how the road relates toThe the methodology context of the place as a part of a Mamluk Khan, struces the story of David on the methodology shows that tunnel project is not a never told that the space was used as a bath house ce of both Jewish s in KRZ and LW ɨW Muslim LQWR WKH OD\RXW RI WKH RI -HUXVDOHP 7KH Jewishithas accessibility to the space and visitor are project isFLW\ notthat a research-based project. Instead, is one on site Jerusalem. methodology shows the tunnelInstead, multicultural history ture.toItemphasize is a means of ignoring and erasing theof Jerusalem. he who foundedThe and research-based project. it is one theking the methodology shows that the tunnel the project is not a of a Islamic building. mention information that never told that the space was used as a bath house to emphasize Jewish heritage which Israel uses to Muslim project is not a research-based Instead, it is one multicultural theproject. Jewish heritage which Israel uses to narratehistory an of Jerusalem. research-based project. Instead, it underground is one to emphasize Jerusalem.of a Islamic building. nand that to emphasize the Jewish narrate heritagean which Israel usesJewish to underground Jerusalem. the Jewish heritage which Israel uses Jewish to narrate an narrate an underground Jewish Jerusalem. underground Jewish Jerusalem.

ation process -

y of the tunnel o a problem. The ied I T Yout horizontally, should be vertically, r historical heritage er the Jesus period.

- Beyond your Wall event hall -

The underground event hall next to the western wall is limited to access of Jewish people, even though the structure of the space is an Islamic Mamluk Khan.

Chemi Stiff, “Six Feet Under: The Cultural Heritage of Minorities in Jerusalem,” Emek Shave, December 12, 2019,

Area G Excavat

The Israel Natur the site, rarely between Judais presentation to interpretes the A the OldGTestame Area Excav the only twoaut M The Israeli Islam, thediscuss prese hardly Old to Testament the public united thetopeop relates Juda



re and Parks Authority, which manages discloses the academic controversy sm and Musilm to the public. The our to the site by the organization Area G stepped structure a veracity of ent. Although David and Solomon are vation Monarchs to ahve status prophets in thorities that manage thisofexcavation site entation bases the storyJewish of David the s the existence of both andon Muslim alone, as mention the king the whoinformation founded and but only that ple of Israel. aism.


Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel Pilgrims’ Road Tunnel

The excavation of the Pilgrims’s Road is carried out The excavation of the Pilgrims’s Road is carried out horizontally, which is totally opposite to the scientifc horizontally, which is totally opposite to the scientifc vertical methodology. The horizontal mothod will wipe vertical methodology. The horizontal mothod will wipe out the historical layers after the Jesus period and it will out the historical layers after the Jesus period and it will not provide enough information for specialists to not provide enough information for specialists to understand with certainty when the road was built and understand how the road relates to the context of KRZ LW ɨW LQWR WKH OD\RXW RI WKH FLW\ RI -HUXVDOHP 7KH Jerusalem. The methodology shows that the tunnel methodology shows that the tunnel project is not a project is not a research-based project. Instead, it is one research-based project. Instead, it is one to emphasize to emphasize the Jewish heritage which Israel uses to the Jewish heritage which Israel uses to narrate an narrate an underground Jewish Jerusalem. underground Jewish Jerusalem.

Beyond Your Wall Event Hall

The event hall is located underground at the western side of the Western Wall foundation. The space LV SUHVHUYHG LQ SHUSHWXLW\ DV LGHQWLɨHG RQO\ ZLWK Beyond Your Wall Event Hall groups with a Jewish-religious identity. No inforThe event hall is located underground at the mation is provided about the original use of the western side of the Western Wall foundation. Only place as a part of a Mamluk Khan, a Islamic strucJewish has accessibility to the space and visitor are ture. It is a means of ignoring and erasing the never told that the space was used as a bath house multicultural history of Jerusalem. of a Islamic building.

Thesis Statement 2.0 Facts and Fictions: a selective narration on the multicultural basin of Silwan

The traces of Palestine have been eroded, substituted and concealed by Israeli characterisation, gradually turning Palestine into Israeli assets. Since a century ago, the Jews and the Israeli Government have used numerous means to erase Palestine on the land saturated with conflicts since a century ago. These ‘authorised’ means include establishing settlements, archaeological excavations, and tourist developments in the Palestinian region, associated with countless demolitions of Palestinian houses and facilities. During the past decades, tourist developments and archaeology has become a political means to create a Jewish story in Palestine, especially in Silwan, East Jerusalem, emphasising an Israeli image to claim sovereignty over the land. A selectively narrated story erases the multicultural characteristics of East Jerusalem, which the public and the tourists have little access to the multicultural discourse that happened on this land. What are facts, and what are fictions? Who is holding the quill pen? This thesis project intends to reveal the fact of selective narration to the public, raising the reflection on what is seen, told or create, and emphasising the existence of other historical and religious layers.

References “16 Bible Verses about the Crucifixion.” Accessed April 17, 2021.

“Archaeologists Briefly Pause Jerusalem Dig in Fear of Damage to Ancient Road.” The Times of Israel, June 16, 2020. Arena journal no.37/38 – arena says: “Why Settler Colonialism?” Arena, January 2012. Bhambra, Gurminder. “Settler Colonialism.” GLOBAL SOCIAL THEORY, August 4, 2015. “Bible Gateway Passage: John 19:1-30 - New International Version.” Bible Gateway. Accessed April 17, 2021.

Borschel-Dan, Amanda. “On an Ancient Road to the Temple, Archaeological Innovation, Mystery and Dispute.” The Times of Israel, October 17, 2019.“British Colonization of Sudan.” The Imperialization of Sudan. Accessed April 17, 2021. Cox, Alicia. “Settler Colonialism.” obo, July 26, 2017. “Crucifixion of Jesus - Bible Story.” Salem Web Network, January 17, 2018.

Emek Shave. “Wall from Early Islamic Period Prevents Continued Excavation of Tunnel between Silwan and the Old City.” Emek Shave, March 20, 2019.

“The Expected Presence of the American Ambassador at the Dedication Ceremony for the ‘Pilgrims’ Road’ in Silwan Will Be the Closest the US Will Have Come to Date to Recognizing Israeli Sovere “Fissures and Cracks: Damage to Homes in the Wadi Hilweh Neighborhood of Silwan.” Emek Shaveh, March 2020. “French Conquest of Algeria.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 8, 2021. “French Conquest of Tunisia.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, March 28, 2021.

Gadzo, Mersiha. “Palestinians in Jerusalem’s Old City Face Evacuation Fears.” Occupied East Jerusalem News | Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, January 24, 2020.

Glausiusz, Josie. “Hundreds of Israel’s Archaeological Sites Are Vanishing under Concrete.” Nature News. Nature Publishing Group, June 24, 2020. Haeffele, Jim. “Temple Mount in Bible Prophecy.” Life, Hope & Truth, October 2018. “Home.”, June 4, 2014.

Ibrahim, Arwa. “‘A New Balfour’: Palestinians Reject Trump’s Middle East Plan.” Conflict News | Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, January 28, 2020. Israel Hayom. “Pontius Pilate Built Pilgrim’s Road in Jerusalem.”, October 22, 2019.

Israel Hayom. “US Envoys Lend a Hand as Israel Digs down in East Jerusalem.”, July 1, 2019. Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group. Accessed April 17, 2021.

Law, Steve. “Pilgrim’s Road up the Temple Mount Uncovered.” Patterns of Evidence, August 16, 2019. “The National Archives, British Empire.” The National Archives. Accessed April 17, 2021.

Ngo, Robin. “To Jerusalem: Pilgrimage Road Identified?” Biblical Archaeology Society, April 13, 2021. Ross, Adam. “The Pilgrims’ Path: The Judaization of Jerusalem?” aishcom, July 10, 2019.

Salamanca, Omar Jabary, Mezna Qato, Kareem Rabie, and Sobhi Samour. “Past Is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine.” Settler Colonial Studies 2, no. 1 (2012): 1–8. “Settler Colonialism.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 10, 2021. “Shalem Plan Overview – The Plan to Reveal Ancient Jerusalem.” Emek Shave, April 30, 2020.

Shihade, Magid. “Settler Colonialism and Conflict: The Israeli State and Its Palestinian Subjects.” Settler Colonial Studies 2, no. 1 (February 28, 2013): 108–23.

Shoemaker, Nancy. “A Typology of Colonialism: Perspectives on History: AHA.” A Typology of Colonialism | Perspectives on History | AHA. Perspective on History, October 1, 2015. https://www.histo “A Short History of the Colonization of Palestine.” The New England Committee to Defend Palestine, n.d. Shragai, Nadav., May 7, 2019.

Sneineh, Mustafa, and Lubna Masarwa. “Silwan, a Palestinian Community Torn Apart by Israel’s Dig to Find ‘Lost City’.” Middle East Eye, February 23, 2018.

Stahl, Julie Stahl. “US Ambassador to Israel Tears Down Symbolic Wall to Open Pilgrimage Path to Western Wall.” CBN News, July 3, 2019. Stiff, Chemi. “Six Feet Under: The Cultural Heritage of Minorities in Jerusalem.” Emek Shave, December 12, 2019.

Tours, Holy Land. “Christian Pilgrims in the Footsteps of Jesus Path down the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.” Holy Land Tours Travel. Israel Tourism Consultants, October 9, 2017. https://www.holyla “Western Wall.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, April 10, 2021.

Wolfe, Lisa Reynolds. “HISTORY OF COLONIZATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA (MENA): PRECURSOR TO COLD WAR CONFLICT.” Cold War, September 18, 2019. https://coldwar Wolfe, Patrick. “Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native,” December 21, 2006.




eignty over the Old City Basin.” Emek Shave, June 28, 2019.











Oush Grab Sovereignty of 25 Microns: Graffiti as a common ‘weapon’

B eth i eh em

PA L E S T I N E West Bank


B ei t Sa h ou r

Gaza Strip


Ou s h G ra b

Outside of East Jerusalem, there are other kinds of settlement activities and Palestinian defence. What happened in Oush Grab, a former military base located at the edge of Bethlehem, is a different picture from East Jerusalem.

Artists painted ‘Oush Grab Hotel’ on over Zionest writings on the walls of buildings.

The Israeli army evacuated the military camp. Oush Grab became the military base of the Jordan Legion.


A public lecture was held at Oush Grab.

American administration promised to fund a children hospital in Oush Grab.

2006 1967

A picnic was held on the hill of Oush Grab.

Settlers put graffiti ov painting.

Settlers came for Paidia Game Day.

2008 2007

Oush Grab became an Israeli military base. Israeli settlers came to Oush Grab and claimed to establish a new Jewish settlement called ‘Shdema’, painting graffiti on structures.

A ‘Bingo’ e

Palestinians and i new graffiti with Grab Plaza’, ‘Thea

ver the previous Palestinians and internationals put new graffiti with ‘Oush Grab Mall’. Settlers put graffiti over the previous painting.

A public lecture held at Oush Grab.

Israeli settlers vandalized Oush Grab Park.

Protest occured.

2010 2009 Oush Grab grand tour was held.

Palestinians and internations held loud party against settlers.

event was held.

internationals put words like ‘Oush atre’ and ‘Cafe’.

Palestinians and internations responded to new graffiti.

Summer Carnival was held. A prayer session was held. Physical conflicts happened between Palestinians and Israeli settlers.

Tree planting event was held. Israeli army reoccupied the military base.

Ofran, Hagit. “How Settlers Prevented The Construction of a Palestinian Hospital.” HuffPost. HuffPost, December 7, 2017. “Oush Grab Diary,” March 10, 2017.

- layers of graffiti -

“Oush Grab Diary,” March 10, 2017.

The addition of graffiti in Oush Grab is the opposite of the archaeology subtraction in East Jerusalem. Several layers of 25 microns spray speak for different sides more gently.

Israeli Judaization in Palestine From Colonial Settlements to Archaeological Exploitations

isr ae l-u sa -is rae l-u sa -is rae l-us a

sa -is rae


-isra sa


l-usa-is ae ra el- u

sa-israel-u sa-i sra el


sa -

-is ra elus aisr ae l-u

aisr ae l-u sa

l-u s

usa-isra -israelelus ael-usa a-i sra e

is r

aelusa -isr ae

West Bank East Jerusalem

senegal-hun g a r y bulga ria -no rth ko rea -ro

m -na ea

rige -n lia go

e bw ba zim


e orgia




on es i


il ch


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il atu nis iatu rk ey -y em

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phi li


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l co

oo roc mo iaan rit au -m sia ay


-la ga os -u sc ga ar -m nd a aco n g oan go ald l ive s-g m

b h-cu d es ngla -ba tan nis ha nd fg a l a o n-p en om a -iran opia thi a-e an

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Mitzpe Shalem Atarot (industrial Zone) – East Kfar Etzion Argaman French Hill Kalia Maalot Dafna Mechola Ramat Eshkol Rosh Tzurim Alfei Menashe Industrial Area Gilo Hamra

1917 1925 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1971

H a i fa

Tel Aviv

As h d od Wes t Jerusalem


dia bo am li-c

ma nia

vanuat u-eswatini

inessia-ukra a-ru ibi


raq-kuwait-libya-m algeria-bahrain-i al


Beqa’ot Har Gilo Kiryat Arba Neve Ya’akov East Talpiyot Gitit Mechora El’azar Ma’ale Adumim Metzokey Dragot Ofra Petzael Baron Industrial Zone Netiv Ha’gdud Ro’i Almog Beit El Beit Horon Elkana Giv’on Halamish Kedumim Kochav Ha’shachar Migdal Oz Niran Reihan Rimonim Sal’it Shavei Shomron Tko’a Ariel Hebron Settlement Karnei Shomron Kfar Tapuah Mevo Dotan Mitzpe Yericho Tomer Ariel Industrial Area Elon More Kfar Adumim Shadmot Mehola Shilo Shilo Industrial Area Beit Ha’arava Chemdat Efrat Giv’on Ha’hadasha Ma’ale Shomron Vered Yericho Yafit Ateret Barqan Beit Arye Carmel Enav Hinanit Ma’ale Amos Ma’ale Michmash Ma’on Matityahu Nili Psagot Shaked Yakir Alei Zahav

isra srael-u sa- el- sa-i l-u

a-isr rael-us l-usa-is israe sal-u

Almon 1982 Eshkolot 1982 Hermesh 1982 Kfar Eldad 1982 Na’ama 1982 Neve Daniel 1982 Nirit 1982 Nokdim 1982 Pnei Hever 1982 Telem 1982 Barqan Industrial Area 1982 Alfei Menashe 1983 Asfar 1983 Bracha 1983 Dolev 1983 Givat Ze’ev 1983 Imanuel Industrial Area 1983 Immanuel 1983 Kiryat Netafim 1983 us a-i Ma’ale Levona 1983 sra el1983 Migdalim -u s Otniel 1983 Ovnat 1983 Sha’arei Tikva 1983 Suseya 1983 Tene 1983 Yatir (aka Metzadot Yehuda) 1983 Yitzhar 1983 Adora 1984 Eli 1984 Geva Binyamin 1984 Haggai 1984 Itamar 1984 Karmei Tzur 1984 Nahliel 1984 Pedu’el 1984 Beitar Illit 1985 Etz Efraim 1985 Ganei Modiin 1985 Hashmonaim 1985 Keidar 1985 Kochav Ya’akov 1985 Old Keidar 1985 Oranit 1985 Pisgat Ze’ev 1985 Shim’a 1985 Har Adar 1986 Nofim 1987 Na’ale 1988 Alonei Shilo 1989 Bat Ayin 1989 Ofarim 1989 Shani 1989 Skali’s Farm 1989 Talmon 1989 Tzofim 1989 Alon 1990 vie Avnei Hefetz 1990 tn am Genesis Land 1990 -c hi na Beit Orot 1991 -b ur Giv’at Ha-Matos 1991 k in af Har Homa 1991 as oco Nerya 1991 m Rechelim 1991 Revava 1991 Shvut Rachel 1991 Silwan Settlement 1991 Nofei Prat 1992 Tal Menashe 1992 Ramat Shlomo 1994 Hanekuda 1996 Har Hemed 1996 Modi’in Ilit 1996 Nof Nesher 1996 Ahiya 1997 Amona 1997 Gva’ot 1997 Haresha 1997 Horesh Yaron 1997 Ma’ale Yisrael 1997

ae isr a-


a ad m nda jor a-

-l us a-is ra e l -usa-israel-usaisra elus a-i s r a elu s a-i sra elus la-i ae sra i sr el-us a -

Adei Ad 1998 Emek Tsurim Park 2003 Bat Ayin East 1998 Kida 2003 Bracha West 1998 Kochav Ya’akov East 2003 Givat Hahish 1998 Mitzpe Eshtamoa 2003 Givat Harel 1998 Bnei Adam 2004 Gva’ot Olam 1998 Mishpatei Aretz Inst. 2004 Hahar 1998 Nof Zion Jabel Mukaber 2004 Har Shmuel 1998 Ofra North East 2004 Hayovel 1998 Omer Farm 2005 Hill 836 1998 A-Tur Settlement 2006 Hill 851 1998 E1 2006 Kfar Ha’oranim 1998 Peace Forest 2006 Lehavat Yitzhar 1998 Eretz Haayalim 2007 Mitzpe Yair 1998 Giv’at Se’ev Agan HaAyalot 2008 Nof Harim 1998 Maskiyot 2008 Ras El-Amud Settlement 1998 Alon Shvut 2009 Sde Bar 1998 Gilgal 2009 Binyamin Industrial Area 1998 Gush Etzyon Industrial Area 2009 Ahavat Hayim 1999 Ma’ale Efraim 2009 Bruchin 1999 Masu’a 2009 Elisha Preparatory 1999 Mevo Horon 2009 Hill 777 1999 Mitzpe Avihai 2009 Hill 782 1999 The Gush Junction 2009 Ibei Hanahal 1999 Ramot 2010 Ma’ale Hagit 1999 Yitav 2010 Ma’aleh Shlomo 1999 Givat Hadagan 2011 Magen Dan 1999 Mishor Adumim 2011 Mevo’ot Jericho 1999 Shahak Industrial Area 2011 Mitzpeh Danny 1999 Kashuela Farm 2012 Mor Farm 1999 Kerem Reim 2012 Negohot 1999 Khan Eretz Hamirdafim 2012 Palgei Mayim 1999 Maoz Ester 2012 Sansana 1999 Migron HaHadasha 2012 nia Shalhevet Farm 1999 Nahalat Yossef 2012 -br un ei Sneh Ya’akov 1999 Shim’a (aka Meitarim) Industrial Area 2012 da ru Esh Kodesh 2000 Tzofim North 2012 s sa lam Avigayil 2001 Brosh 2013 -d jib Beit El East 2001 Itamar 573 2013 o i-m Derech Ha’avot 2001 Leshem 2013 au rit Givat Hatamar 2001 Maale Amos West 2013 ius -su Heruti 2001 Oz Vegaon 2014 da nHill 725 2001 Haroe Haivri 2015 cy pr us Jabel Artis 2001 Maale Amos -cz Industrial Area 2015 ec Kfar Tapuah West 2001 Malachei h r Hashalom 2015 epu blicShaharit 2015 Ma’ale Efrayim Preparatory 2001 -slo vakia -egy2016 Maon Farm 2001 Shirat Haasabim pt-g amb Maoz Zvi 2001 Um Zuka 2016 ia-inda i-nig eriaAmihai 2017 seych Merom Ayalon 2001 elles-s rMitzpe Jordan Valley Motor Park 2017 i lanka-be Ha’ai 2001 laru s-gu 2001 Mitzpe Kramim Kedem Arava 2017 in Mizpe Jericho North East 2001 Neve Achi 2017 Mul Nevo 2001 Pnei Kedem Farm 2017 Neve Erez 2001 Shabtai’s Farm 2017 Old Massu’ot Itzhak 2001 Asael West 2018 Rotem 2001 Beintayim Farm 2018 Sheikh Jarrah Settlement 2001 Eretz Hatzvi Farm Nachliel 2018 Susiya North West 2001 Gadi Base 2018 Tko’a B-C 2001 Gilad Farm South 2018 Tzur Shalem 2001 Givat Eitam 2018 Yair Farm 2001 Goshen Farm Chemdat 2018 Zayit Ra’anan 2001 Kida East 2018 Ancient Susiya Synagogue 2002 Kochav Hashahar North East 2018 Asa’el 2002 Meged Haaretz Farm 2018 Bat Ayin West 2002 Mevasser Industrial Area 2018 Elmatan 2002 Micha’s Farm 2018 Gilad Farm 2002 Mishol Hamaayan Farm 2018 Givat Assaf 2002 Negohot Farm 2018 Givat Sal’it 2002 Pnei Hever South 2018 Habayit Ha’adom 2002 Ras Karkar Farm 2018 Hakaron 2002 Beit Dajan Farm 2019 Haroeh 2002 El Naveh Farm 2019 Hill 468 2002 Halamish East 2019 Karmei Doron 2002 Kedar East Jabel Muntar 2019 Kochav Ya’akov West 2002 Makhrour Outpost 2019 Ma’ale Rehav’am 2002 Maskiyot South 2019 Migron 2002 Mitzpe Hatora 2019 Mitzpe Lachish 2002 Mitzpe Kramim East 2019 Mizpe Yitzhar 2002 Neriya’s Farm 2019 Neve Daniel North 2002 Nili West 2019 Nofei Nehemia 2002 Nofei Prat South 324 2019 Pnei Kedem 2002 Rimonim North 2019 Ramat Gilad 2002 Susya East 2019 Shaked Farm 2002 Tko’a E 2019 Shkhunat Gal 2002 Amihai South 2020 Tko’a D 2002 Har Eival Outpost 2020 Moshe’s Farm 2020 Um Zaituna 2020

ELESTINE Gaza Strip 330

132 135

B eer s heba 441600




NU MB E R O F S E T T LE R S B Y Y E AR S The number of Israeli settlers in Palestine territory keeps incresing year after year. Now, 15% of the West Bank population are Israeli settlers.


The outposts (illegal settlements) phenonmenon was started under Netanyahu as the Prime Minister, which stopped between 2005 and 2012.







6 4 2










3 1








2 2014



4 2 2016

N um b e r o f O ut po st s E st a b l i sh ed per Year

Israeli settlement in West Bank incl. E.J’lem


Pre-British Mandate Jewish Settlements

Israeli Annexation since 1967 Six-Day War

Jewish Settlements Expansion 1918-1947

Israel Controlling Area since 1993 Oslo Agt.

Israeli Territory of UN Saperation Plan

Area Fully under Palestinian Control since 1993





M A P O F PA L E S T I N E & I S R A E L






Since the 2oth Century, the Jewish has been acquiring territories from Palestine in both legal and illegal way. Until today, there have been more than 330 Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory. These settlements divide Palestine into smaller and smaller parts, aiming to devour the whole land one day to fulfil the Zionist dream.

Matnas Interactive. Settlements List. Peace Now, July 10, 2016. “Population.” Peace Now, May 7, 2019. “JUDAIZING PALESTINE.” ICAHD, October 6, 2016. “International Recognition of the State of Palestine.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, May 7, 2021.

a partitiaon wall with height upto 8m built at the periphery of East Jerusalem, separating West Bank territory and the annexed E J’lem area


about 1200 archaeological surveys or excavations approved by Israel Antiquities Authority within and around East Jerusalem

9 Israeli built-up area for settlemnts in East Jerusalem and more than 68 Israeli settlements built with Palestinian residential area


70 movement obstacles placed or built in East Jerusalem, including 10 Israeli checkpoints located at the periphery of East Jerusalem

190 structures and residential houses demolished in 2016, 1000+ people displaced or affected

WEST JERUSALEM Housing Units, 1094 in total People Left Homeless, 3552 in total

Old City



















Structures Demolish ed by Year 20 0 4 - 2020


Old City Israeli Built-up Settlement Area Checkpoint

Israel Settlement Municipal Area


Partition Wall Built

Israeli Settlement

Partition Wall Planned

Demolition Event

1947 UN Saperation Line

Archaeological Site



MAP OF Jerusalem


“Database on Fatalit

The occupation measures include settlement and archaeology excavation events, the yellow crosses on the map, and house demolitions, the yellow diamonds on the map.

“Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group,” Israeli Palestinian Archaeology Working Group, accessed April 17, 2021, ties and House Demolitions.” Btselem. Btselem, April 30, 2021. Jazeera, Al. “A Record Year of Home Demolitions in East Jerusalem.” 2016: A record in occupied East Jerusalem home demolitions, 2016.

Wadi Hilweh, Silwan The epicentre of Israeli Judaization

In the past decades, house demolition and excavation activities are hugely related to the Israeli Government’s tourism development project. The biggest project is the Pilgrims Road project, which is a 4-metre-wide tunnel right under a Palestinian neighbourhood called Silwan. The tunnel starts at the entry of Silwan and continues northwards to the old city. Since the tunnel covers many important venues that is referable from the Bible, tourists are keen to come and learn. The Pilgrims’ Road seems to be a tourist project. It is a politics driven one. On the one hand, the excavation work is damaging the Palestinians’ houses above the ground. The Israeli Government utilises this damage to evict Palestinians from their home, as drawn in the Wadi Hilweh section in the previous chapter. With the Pilgrims’ Road project, Silwan gradually lost its identity and became less recognised by foreigners since tourists are only introduced to the underground ‘city’ that the Jewish creates.

OLD CITY t alom S














HaSh ’ale


a Palestinian Housing Israeli Excavation Site Israeli Settlement Building Old City Wall Wadi Hilwel Boundary Pilgrims’s Project Tunnel

S I T E P L A N O F WA D I H I LW E L , S I LWA N 1 : 500 @ A0



lw Hi



ot Ir David


Wadi Hilwel


The Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood in Silwan is a significant victim of archaeology exploitation, with the tunnel project cutting through right beneath its land. Excavations have huge impacts on the daily life of the Palestinians.

Elad A non-governmental organization that helps with Israeli settlement in Silwan

Custodian of Absentee Property Supreme Court

H C 325/96

District Court

Jawad Siyam An social activist, considered a pillar of the Silwan community Jawad was arrested by Israeli polices on July 10th, 2019 before the eviction of his family.

The ownership of Siyam’s house was divided into 8 parts for Mariam’s 8 heirs after her death in 1991. After an mentally and financially exhausing battle with Elad for more than 24 years, Elad now owns 6/8 of the house and the Siyams owns the rest. After the eviction of Elham Siyam and her four children on July 10th 2019, Israeli settles moved in straight away and lived with the rest of the family in the same house with a dividing wall between them.

CS 15544/99

Absentee Property Law, 5710-1950 4, (a), (2): every right an absentee had in any property shall pass automatically to the Custodian at the time of the vesting of the property; and the status of the Custodian shall be the same as was that of the owner of the property.

TA 1544-09

2/8 of the ownership of the house was ruled to transfer to the Custodian, who later sold the shares to Elad.

TA 1185/96

Four family members agreed to sell their shares of ownership after ‘negotiatoin’ with Elad.

Mariam Siyam Grandmother of Jawad Siyam, former owner of the house Mariam’s fingerprint was taken after her death by Elad to fack a property contract to claim Elad’s owenership of the house in a court case, which was ruled not valid and Elad lost the case (HC 325/96).

Elham Siyam Sister-in-law of Jawad Siyam who had lived in the house Elham and her four children were evicted from the house on July 10th, 2019 by Elad and members from other authorities since the family lost their parts of the house to the Isaeli settlers for the parts being absentee’s properties under Israeli Law.

E L A D ’ S O C C U PAT I O N O F S I YA M ’ S P R O P E R T Y I nt i m id a tion, Exto rti o n, Evi ctio n

Siyam, Jawad. “Intimidatio “Palestinian Family Evicted from Silwan Neighbourhood in

19.6.19. “Aft

The family of Siyam fought for their house for more than 24 years against the organization Elad. After four costly and tiring court cases, they lost three-quarters of their home. The ownership of Siyam’s house was divided into eight parts for Mariam’s eight heirs after her death in 1991. After a mentally and financially exhausting battle with Elad for more than 24 years, Elad now owns 6/8 of the house, and the Siyams owns the rest. After the eviction of Elham Siyam and her four children on July 10th 2019, Israeli settlers moved in straight away and lived with the rest of the family in the same house with a dividing wall between them.

Unispal, 1950. Absentee property/Israel law - Text/Non-UN document (14 March 1950). United Nations. Available at: [Accesse

Unispal, 1950. Absentee property/Israel law - Text/Non-UN document (14 March 1950). United Nations. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021]. on. Extortion. Eviction: This Is the Brutal Reality for Palestinians in Silwan, Jerusalem: Opinion.” Haaretz, April 12, 2021. East Jerusalem.” United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory, August 9, 2019. Silwanic. “Pictures and Details- Elad Settlement Association Seize the Property of Siam Family...25 Years in the Occupation’s Courts.” Silwan, June 10, 2019. “The Court Ruled on the Evacuation of a Palestinian Family in Silwan.” Peace Now, October 7, 2020. fter 24-Year Legal Battle, Court Permits Settler Takeover of Siyam Family Home in Silwan.” Peace Now, June 20, 2019. “Evictions in Jerusalem: The Siyam Family Was Evicted Today from Their Home in Silwan.” Peace Now, April 5, 2021.

CS 1 5 5 4 4 /99 TA 1 5 4 4 - 09

TA 1 1 8 5 /96

members agreed to sell their shares p after ‘negotiatoin’ with Elad.

Mariam Siyam Grandmother of Jawad Siyam, former owner of the house Mariam’s fingerprint was taken after her death by Elad to fack a property contract to claim Elad’s owenership of the house in a court case, which was ruled not valid and Elad lost the case (HC 325/96).

- stealing fingerprint from the dead -

The ownership of Siyam’s house was divided into 8 parts for Mariam’s 8 heirs after her death in 1991. After an mentally and financially exhausing battle with Elad for more than 24 years, Elad now owns 6/8 of the house and the Siyams owns the rest. After the eviction of Elham Siyam and her four children on July 10th 2019, Israeli settles moved in straight away and lived with the rest of the family in the same house with a dividing wall between them. Absentee Property Law, 5710-1950 4, (a), (2): every right an absentee had in any property shall pass automatically to the Custodian at the time of the vesting of the property; and the status of the Custodian shall be the same as was that of the owner of the property.

Four family members agreed to se of ownership after ‘negotiatoin’ wi

2/8 of the ownership of the house was ruled to transfer to the Custodian, who later sold the shares to Elad.

Elham Siyam house - Israeli law regulations on Palestinian Sister-in-law of Jawad Siyam who had lived in the house

Elham and her four children were evicted from the house on July 10th, 2019 by Elad and members from other authorities since the family lost their parts of the house to the Isaeli settlers for the parts being absentee’s properties under Israeli Law.

E L A D ’ S O C C U PAT I O N O F S I YA M ’ S P R O P E R T Y Intimid ation, Ex tortion, Eviction

- site model -

Based on the research, the chosen site is at the Wadi Hilweh, a neighbourhood of Silwan, East Jerusalem, since the neighbourhood has been a significant victim of tourist exploitation due to its sacred location, sitting at the south edge of the site old city. And the neighbourhood sits right about the pilgrims’ road tunnel project, being the epicentre of the Judaization earthquake. Zooming in, the proposed project will be at the northern end of the neighbourhood, including the Givati Excavation site and a Palestinian house whose owner, the Siyam family, were evicted from their house in July 2019, but the house is not yet demolished. Also, the tunnel runs beneath the neighbourhood.

Thesis Statement 3.0 How much more earth do they want to displace?

Palestine is losing their territories every minute to construct new Israeli settlements, demolitions of Palestinian structures, and archaeology excavations. In the past decades, archaeology events and the tourism developments associated with them have become the main instrument for the Israeli government to conceive a Jewish narrative in East Jerusalem, disregarding the existing Palestinian residents and the historical layers of other religions. The Pilgrims’ Road perfectly displays the Israeli ideology of Judaizing a Palestinian neighbourhood by creating an underground story with selective narration around archaeological findings. How much more earth do they want to displace? Wadi Hilweh, a Palestinian neighbourhood in Silwan, East Jerusalem, sits at the southern edge of the Old City. Since Israel’s victory of the Six-Day War in 1967, Wadi Hilweh has been entirely under Israel’s control as East Jerusalem, and West Bank became annexations of Israel. With the archaeological excavations and tourism projects happening on/beneath the land of Silwan, neighbourhoods like Wadi Hilweh is suffering from Judaization that makes its native residents homeless and puts their lives at risk. The project is an extension project of the current Pilgrim’s Road underground that provides more exhibition space, being a part of the tourist development in Silwan while responding to the Israeli Judaization that happens here. The project will be a political satire on Israel Judaizing the Palestinian neighbourhood with selective narration on the facts underlaid here, which has been one of the means for purchasing their nationalist goal and causes tons of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The project aims to critique the archaeological exploitation masked with Judaization. Simultaneously, the project also intends to become the subject of critique, showcasing the Israelis and the tourists, who come here to learn, the non-stoppable Israeli invasion with the architecture itself as an instrument.

Sketch Design An extension of Pilgrims’ Road Project

The extension project will start from the existing tunnel underground, running around it and to where beneath Siyam’s House. The new design includes three major parts, the Givati Exhibition Hall, the tour walk within Siyam’s house, and the Cave of Remnants installation that is right beneath Siyam’s house. The circulation starts from the Pilgrims’ Road tunnel to the exhibition hall, then to the interior of Siyam’s house. After that, the people will visit the cave of remnants on the way they head back to the Pilgrims’ Road tunnel.

The Givati exhibition hall is a satirical space to critique the giant excavation compared to the few archaeology foundings. It compares the large excavated space with the limited antiques for displays. It raises the question of what should be protected by having the tour walk within the Siyam’s house later in the journey.

The second space is the tour walk within Siyam’s house. The red massing is the interior that is decided to be demolished, leaving the skin of the building complete. The red area will be enveloped with glass walls and will be where visitors walk around the house to experience the life of the Siyam family before their eviction, as the conceptual plan shows. Only when people reach the rooftop can they reach the outdoor space. People can finally realize that the tunnel and the building sit within a Palestinian neighbourhood, and the suffered family like the Siyam is just one of the hundreds. The cave of remnants is a platform to see the remnant structure that falls from the house above, symbolizing the Israeli destruction in many other places in Palestine. With these key spaces, the project aims to reveal the untold reality covered by the Israeli narratives.


19.6.19. “After 24-Year Legal Battle, Court Permits Settler Takeover of Siyam Family Home in Silwan.” Peace Now, June 20, 2019.

“The Court Ruled on the Evacuation of a Palestinian Family in Silwan.” Peace Now, October 7, 2020.

“Database on Fatalities and House Demolitions.” Btselem. Btselem, April 30, 2021. “Evictions in Jerusalem: The Siyam Family Was Evicted Today from Their Home in Silwan.” Peace Now, April 5, 2021. “International Recognition of the State of Palestine.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, May 7, 2021.

Jazeera, Al. “A Record Year of Home Demolitions in East Jerusalem.” 2016: A record in occupied East Jerusalem home demolitions, 2016. “JUDAIZING PALESTINE.” ICAHD, October 6, 2016. Matnas Interactive. Settlements List. Peace Now, July 10, 2016. Ofran, Hagit. “How Settlers Prevented The Construction of a Palestinian Hospital.” HuffPost. HuffPost, December 7, 2017. “Oush Grab Diary,” March 10, 2017.

“Palestinian Family Evicted from Silwan Neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.” United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory, August 9, 2019. http “Population.” Peace Now, May 7, 2019. Unispal, 1950. Absentee property/Israel law - Text/Non-UN document (14 March 1950). United Nations. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021].

Silwanic. “Pictures and Details- Elad Settlement Association Seize the Property of Siam Family...25 Years in the Occupation’s Courts.” Silwan, June 10, 2019.

Siyam, Jawad. “Intimidation. Extortion. Eviction: This Is the Brutal Reality for Palestinians in Silwan, Jerusalem: Opinion.” Haaretz, April 12, 2021.








Resolved Design: Pilgrims’ Road Extension Wing A museum is a place to curate, showcase and hide specific facts.

A museum is a place to curate, showcase, and hide specific facts, which is identical to the Israeli government’s strategies for Judaizing the Palestinian neighbourhood Silwan. The proposed design for this thesis project is to build an underground museum beneath the neighbourhood of Wadi Hilweh, Silwan, which is also an extension project of the existing Pilgrims’ Road. The decision to place the whole architecture underground is to satirize political archaeology by using it as the very mean to trigger the reflections of those who visit the museum.

Old City roof top access to outdoor

Dung Gate

Givati Excavation Site City of David Visitor Centre

Old City Wall Wadi Hilweh, Silwan internal tour walk

elevator to underground The Siyam Tour

from the Pilgrims’ Road

bended concrete slab

Givati Museum Basement Level 1

Pilgrims’ Road Siyam’s House Settlement Properties Houses Damaged by Excavation

Givati Exhibition space

Houses Scheduled to be Demolished

Pilgrim’s Road

window towards Givati excavation site

entry to the museum

experiential tunnels

stairs and bridge

Givati exhibition space

Givati Museum Basement Level 2

the pillars installation elevator to the Siyam’s temporary exhibition space

‘The extension wing of Pilgrims’ Road consists of an archaeology exhibition space, several temporary exhibition spaces, and a walk tour in the Siyam’s house where the Siyam family got evicted the home of an Isreali family. Spaces are connected with diverse experiential tunnels. The extension project is to exhibit and commemorating the misery of Palestinian lives with political archaeology the achievement of the Israeli returning home plan.’

elevator to the Siyam’s

Pilgrims’ Road Extension Wing Museum is a place to currate, showcase and hide specific facts. Only a small portion of the facts is revealed. Only the currator knows what the lies are.

The site is surrounded by the Givati excavation site, the Siyam house and the Pilgrims road. All these places are strongly related to politicalized archaeology and its devastating impacts on the original neighbourhood. The extension wing of Pilgrims’ Road consists of an archaeology exhibition space, several temporary exhibition spaces, and a walking tour in the Siyam’s house where the Siyam family got evicted. Spaces are connected with diverse experiential tunnels. The extension project is to exhibit and to commemorate the misery of Palestinian lives with political archaeology.

Old City roof top access to outdoor

Dung Gate

Givati Excavation Site City of David Visitor Centre

Old City Wall Wadi Hilweh, Silwan internal tour walk

elevator to underground

from the Pilgrims’ Road

bended concrete slab

Pilgrims’ Road Siyam’s House Settlement Properties Houses Damaged by Excavation Houses Scheduled to be Demolished

Givati Exhibition space

- project site Above the ground, there are excavation site and occupied houses while there a tourist venue that celebrates the story and archaeological findings that relates little to the neighbourhood above it. Pilgrim’s Road

entry to the museum

window towards Givati excavation site

experiential tunnels

Givati exhibition space


bended concrete slab

Pilgrims’ Road Siyam’s House Settlement Properties Houses Damaged by Excavation Houses Scheduled to be Demolished

Givati Exhibition space

Pilgrim’s Road

window towards Givati excavation site

entry to the museum

experiential tunnels

Givati exhibition space

stairs and bridge

the pillars installation elevator to the Siyam’s temporary exhibition space

- circulation Within Extension canoftake the journey through the Givati ‘Thethe extension wing of Wing, Pilgrims’ visitors Road consists an archaeology exhibition space, several temporary exhibition spaces, exhibition space to the tour walk in the Siyams house above ground. After that, and a walk tour in the Siyam’s house where the Siyam family got evicted the home of an Isreali family. Spaces are connected with diverse experiential tunnels. The extension project is to exhibit and commemorating the misery of they can return to the museum via elevator, and then head back to the Pilgrims’ Palestinian lives with political archaeology the achievement of the Israeli returning home plan.’ Road after going through several tunnels.

Pilgrims’ Road Extension Wing Museum is a place to currate, showcase and hide specific facts. Only a small portion of the facts is revealed. Only the currator knows what the lies are.

Old City roof top access to outdoor

Dung Gate


Old City Wall Wadi Hilweh, Silwan internal tour walk

elevator to underground The Siyam Tour

from the Pilgrims’ Road

bended concrete slab

Givati Museum Basement Level 1

Houses D

Givati Exhibition space

Houses Sched

Pilgrim’s Road

entry to the museum

experiential tunnels

stairs and bridge

Givati Museum Basement Level 2

the pillars installation

temporary exhibition space

‘The extension wing of Pilgrims’ Road consists of an archaeology exhibition spa and a walk tour in the Siyam’s house where the Siyam family got evicted th connected with diverse experiential tunnels. The extension project is to exhi Palestinian lives with political archaeology the achieve

elevator to the Siyam’s

- museum main hall and the Siyam house -

Pilgrims’ Road Ex

Museum is a place to O

Within the Extension Wing, visitors can take the journey through the Givati exhibition space to the tour walk in the Siyams house above the ground. After that, they can return to the museum via elevator and head back to the Pilgrims’ Road after going through several tunnels.

Addtional structure is constructed to support the load above. More structure and more evidences are necessary for this underground world. Structure can be built. So can evidences./?

24.1mm 100.53 mm 8.750

A clay seal, found 31st March, 2019, bears a biblical name is believed to be a daily tool used in Jesus period.

window projecting towards Givati Excavation

steel display pedestal balustrade

back from the Siyam’s

00 *2

0 20

A piece of rock structure of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk Bathhouse.

tre me dia




= arc the of


f tre o me dia



ured ite, meas ation S excav ivati the G


hollow within concrete slab


steel pillar 200*200 thickness 20mm

from the Pilgrims’ Road


28500 intersection point acoustically and visually connects to the media room


empty case at 3.72m empty case at 2.50m


empty case at 2.20m


empty case at 1.05m

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Museum Entry Entry Hall & Gathering Area Window Porjected towards Givati Site Givati Exhibition Space Display Pedestal Media Room Temporary Exhibition Space documentary clips Permanent Memorial: The Pillars Temporary Exhibition Space Media Corridor Waiting Area & Elevator to the Siyam’s Tunnel: The Gradient The Intersection 9 Tunnel: The Creator Storage Office Control Board Storage Restroom

glass cover, thickness 10mm

to the Siyam’s




8 steel staricase

numbers of houses demolished in Silwan

A door handle collected from the demolition site is attached to every steel pillar, memorizing the loss of home and the shattered lives of the Silwanese.



cabinet display LED light, 3w



labelling for exhibits 13 out of 18 display pillars remains empty. The LED light is always on and well maintained.

engraved text, addresses of demolitions interactive steel pillar installation 0.000


protective fabric


spot for pillar 2022

Pemanent installation with 18 steel pillars stand for the demolition events happened in Silwan in the past 18 year, from2004 to 2021.




media room videos looping

‘The Givati Excavation Site is a significant venue to the city of David and many antiques have been found here by excavating the previous parking lot that belongs to the Silwaness. With the findings, excluding those do not relates to Jew, it is true that this piece of land belongs to the Jewish and Israel, both below and above the ground.

Givati Museum We see what they display. We hear what they tell. The story is selectively narrated under a neighborhoood that never gets introduced. Does it ever ends?

‘The Givati Excavation Site is a significant venue to the city of David, and many antiques have been found here by excavating the previous parking lot that belongs to the Silwaness. With the findings, excluding those that do not relate to Jew, this piece of land belongs to the Jewish and Israel, both below and above the ground.

Addtional structure is constructed to support the load above. More structure and more evidences are necessary for this underground world. Structure can be built. So can evidences./?

Additional structures are constructed to support the load above. More structure and more evidence are necessary for this underground world. At the entry of the Extension Wing, there is a projected window facing towards the Givati excavation site, presenting the large scale of excavation work to visitors before they see the archaeological findings.


2 1


- museum entry -

intersection point acoustically and visually connects to the media room

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Museum Entry Entry Hall & Gathering Area Window Porjected towards Gi Givati Exhibition Space Display Pedestal

window projecting towards Givati Excavation



2 1

4 14 12

intersection point acoustically and visually connects to the media room

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Museum Entry Entry -Hall & Gathering Area basement level 1 plan Window Porjected towards Givati Site Givati Exhibition Space Display Pedestal Media Room Temporary Exhibition Space Permanent Memorial: The Pillars Temporary Exhibition Space Media Corridor Waiting Area & Elevator to the Siyam’s Tunnel: The Gradient The Intersection Tunnel: The Creator Storage Office



2 1

4 14 12

intersection point acoustically and visually connects to the media room

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


Museum Entry Entry Hall & Gathering Area Window Porjected towards Givati Site Givati Exhibition Space Display Pedestal Media Room Temporary Exhibition Space Permanent Memorial: The Pillars Temporary Exhibition Space Media Corridor Waiting Area & Elevator to the Siyam’s Tunnel: The Gradient The Intersection Tunnel: The Creator Storage Office Control Board Storage Restroom


10 8

steel staricase


17 15

Pemanent installation with 18 steel pillars stand for the demolition events happened in Silwan in the past 18 year, from2004 to 2021.





- basement level 2 plan -

media room videos looping


from the Pilgrims’ Road 28500


empty case at 3.72m empty case at 2.50m

empty case at 2.20m empty case at 1.05m

- section through the main hall -

The museum’s main hall encapsulates an exhibition platform for finding the upper lever and a permanent installation on the lower level. The pillars of the installation extend upwards to the exhibition space on the upper lever, serving as a showcase pedestal of the findings.

24.1mm 100.53 mm 8.750

A clay seal, found 31st March, 2019, bears a biblical name is believed to be a daily tool used in Jesus period.

steel display pedestal balustrade 24.1mm 0 20 0* 20

100.53 mm

A piece of rock structure of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk Bathhouse.


A clay seal, found 31st March, 2019, bears a biblical name is believed to be a daily tool used in Jesus period.

tre me dia

= arc the of

f tre o me dia

ured ite, meas ation S excav ivati the G

steel display pedestal



0 20 0* 20

hollow within concrete slab

A piece of rock structure of a 14th Century Muslim Mamluk Bathhouse.

steel pillar 200*200 thickness 20mm

tre me dia

= arc the of

f tre o me dia

ured ite, meas ation S excav ivati the G


hollow within concrete slab steel pillar 200*200 thickness 20mm

glass cover, thickness 10mm

cabinet display LED light, 3w numbers of houses demolished in Silwan

A door handle collected from the demolition site is attached to every steel pillar, memorizing the loss of home and the shattered lives of the Silwanese.

protective fabric labelling for exhibits 13 out of 18 display pillars remains empty. The LED light is always on and well maintained.

glass cover, thickness spot for10mm engraved text, addresses of demolitions pillar 2022 interactive steel pillar installation 0.000

numbers of houses demolished in Silwan

A door handle collected from the demolition site is attached to every steel pillar, memorizing the loss of home and the shattered lives of the Silwanese.

cabinet display LED light, 3w protective fabric labelling for exhibits 13 out of 18 display pillars remains empty. The LED light is always on and well maintained.

- detail of a memorial pillar engraved text, addresses of demolitions interactive steel pillar installation

spot for pillar 2022

A giant space and a tall pillar are there for a seal that is 24mm wide, while some pillars are for a fake antique or nothing. Permanent installation with 18 steel pillars stands for the demolition events in Silwan in the past 18 years, from2004 to 2021. The height of the pillars relates to the number of houses that get demolished in Silwan that year. A door handle collected from the demolition site is attached to every steel pillar, memorizing the loss of home and the shattered lives of the Silwanese.

An Israeli family of 3, 2 adults and an infant, moved into Siyam’s house and used only a cornor of the dinning table that was for the entire Siyam family, which had 7 adults and 5 kids living in the house.

‘The bad news is that the case of Siyam is one in a thousand.’

They said they only occupied the unoccupied.

’s ya m Si

Only when visitors get to the roof top via the elevator can they reach the outdoor, where they can see the Palestinian neighborhood of Wadi-Hilwel as well as the Givati Excavation site from the balcony.

L C o i vi m ng pa R ct o ed om Li fe

‘The good news is that the case of Siyam is one in a thousand.’

Settlers’ Dinning Table

Division Line

‘Ma, who lives here?’ The remaining members of Siyams family, including 4 adults and 2 children lived compactly in the rooms they still owned. Without access to the kitchen, the Siyam’s need to cook outdoor with clay stove and firewoods.



ded occup


io n

broken wall with an artificial opening

painted division line timber ladder







to the roof

According to the Israeli Government, Siyam’s house is legally devided into 8 portions. Until July 10th, 2019, 6 out of the 8 portions belongs to Elad, an organization aims at settlement establishment. The other two portions belongs to the Siyams



Re a




glass box structure

Elham Siyam is climbing up the timber staircase to reach the bathroom on the upper floor. An opening on the wall is made for the family to get to upper floor since the staircase is largely occupied by the settlers.

Stair Case Section

glass box abandoned hut for poultry (settlers’ property) corridor filled with sundries


double height space beneath penthouse bedroom


ing llk wa rs o sit

lit ce bui n fen visio e di h t gh ou thr

on the stairs

division line painted on floor thickness: 45 ~75 mm bedroom for the settle couple (used to be Jawad Siyam’s)

Settlers’ Dinning Table

mesh fences thickness: 5~32 mm metal decks thickness: 2~65 mm

Stair Case Section

elevator to upper floors family store, permanently closed (settlers’ property)

1200 mm elevator to Givaty Gallery 600 mm a room tuned into a kid’s room (settlers’ property)

Rear Entry

to Givati Gallery

Siyam’s Living Room

538.236 mm

‘ this is like an in door seperation wall...a thinner but heavier one...’

A 1200mm wide staircase got divided into two for the Siyams and the settlers. Division fence was established by Israeli authorities between two territories with metal decking tied on the Palestine side. Siyam’s property gets devoured inch by inch even after the eviction.

‘To showcase the suffering life of the Siyams after the eviction wonderful living conditions of the Israelis after a two decades long legal battle, a tour walk enveloped with glasses is built inside the house, which offers an opportunity for tourist visitors to experience Palestine’s helplessness and despair the life of Israel’s return to their home.’

T h e S i y a m To u r Beneath the roof where they call home, fences stand. Nothing seems different from outside. Nothing remians the same from inside. Even a house gets excavated.

‘To showcase the suffering life of the after a two-decades-long legal battle, a glasses is built inside the house, which tourist visitors to experience Palestine’s

Siyams after the eviction tour walk enveloped with offers an opportunity for helplessness and despair.’

Under the same roof, life condition differs. The Siyam house is an epitome of the Israeli-Palestinian issues, with fences standing in-between. To building up an internal tour, the house is excavated inside, and the external appearance remains the same, just like many other lands in Silwan and Palestine. It is also like the emotional status of the suffering ones, empty and helpless deep in their heart.

According to the Israeli Government, Siyam’s house is legally devided into 8 portions. Until July 10th, 2019, 6 out of the 8 portions belongs to Elad, an organization aims at settlement establishment. The other two portions belongs to the Siyams

- a divided house -

to the roof

glass box abandoned hut for poultry (settlers’ property) corridor filled with sundries double height space beneath penthouse bedroom

bedroom for the settle couple (used to be Jawad Siyam’s)

Settlers’ Dinning Table Stair Case Section

elevator to upper floors family store, permanently closed (settlers’ property)

elevator to Givaty Gallery

a room tuned into a kid’s room (settlers’ property)

to Givati Gallery

Siyam’s Living Room Rear Entry

- plans of the Siyam house -

‘Ma, who lives here?’



ded occup


io n

broken wall with an artificial opening

painted division line timber ladder glass box structure

Elham Siyam is climbing up the timber staircase to reach the bathroom on the upper floor. An opening on the wall is made for the family to get to upper floor since the staircase is largely occupied by the settlers.


Stair Case Section


the builit on fence sion i v i ed h th ug hro t ing llk wa s or sit


division line painted on floor thickness: 45 ~75 mm mesh fences thickness: 5~32 mm metal decks thickness: 2~65 mm

1200 mm

600 mm

538.236 mm

‘ this is like an in door seperation wall...a thinner but heavier one...’

- fence built in the stair case -

A 1200mm wide staircase got divided into two for the Siyams and the settlers. Division fence was established by Israeli authorities between two territories with metal decking tied on the Palestine side. Siyam’s property gets devoured inch by inch even after the eviction.

A boundary is painted on the ground. A fence is built on (the one side of) the boundary. Siyam’s property gets devoured inch by inch.

While most of the furniture is carved and remained behind the glass, the dining table in the settler portion remains intact. Th happened in this house immersively.

They said they only occupied the unoccupied.


Si ya m

’s L


m ing pa R ct o ed om Li fe

An Israeli family of 3, 2 adults and an infant, moved into Siyam’s house and used only a cornor of the dinning table that was for the entire Siyam family, which had 7 adults and 5 kids living in the house.

Settlers’ Dinning Table

Division Line

Co o

O ut



Re a



rE nt


The remaining members of Siyams family, including 4 adults and 2 children lived compactly in the rooms they still owned. Without access to the kitchen, the Siyam’s need to cook outdoor with clay stove and firewoods.

- different dinning environments While most of the furniture is carved and remained behind the glass, the dining table in the settler portion remains intact. This is to create interaction between visitors and the life in this house, allowing them to understand and imagine the story that happened in this house immersively.

This is to create interaction between visitors and the life in this house, allowing them to understand and imagine the story that

‘The bad news is that the case of Siyam is one in a thousand.’

‘The good news is that the case of Siyam is one in a thousa Only when visitors get to the roof top via the elevator can they reach the outdoor, where they can see the Palestinian neighborhood of Wadi-Hilwel as well as the Givati Excavation site from the balcony.

- roof top outdoor accessHere is when visitors see the Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood for the first time after they enter the Pilgrims’ Road and the museum. It is also where they realize cases similar to the Siyam one can be countless.

mirror, 16m

steel portal frame structure

‘ am I...?’

reflection of tunnel’s section

non-loadbearing concrete panels

demolition remnamts

yellow stone cladding

from the Siyam’s

The journey ends with a 16 metre long tunnel where a mirror is installed on the way on one side of he tunne. The tunnel is paved with aggregates and demolition remnants, mimicing the situation after a demolition. The mirror portrait a full semi-circle tunnel by mirroring the existing semi-circle, raising the question of ‘who accoplishes the Pilgrims’ Road and the sufferings of the Silwanese’.

This experiencial tunnel exposes the reality of layering/covering of facts happens in Silwan, a land full of controversy. Gruadually, the town, like what you are walking through, is painted with iconic yellow stones to Judaize the hidden.


concrete flooring yellow stone floor paving

Manel, a 6 years old girl who lived in Silwan, became homeless after her family’s house get demolished in September, 2020.


concrete flooring black paint with polish finish 100*150 grid mesh

media room edited video on oopplaying mode

Standing on the small remained spot, there comes the sound of the video. After a journey to Siyam’s house, the two storey space where visitors pass through between tunnels reminds them the experience they had earlier.

to the Siyam’s

‘... we will find them in their bedrooms, and we will not allow them to derail our project of coming back home...’


full height curtains 3



While, as told, Pilgrims’ Road is a path to experience what Jesus did, the underground museum incoperates several new experiencial tunnels. During the process of transporting from one space to another, the elongated thresholds aim to trigger thoughts, empathy and reflections.

T h e Tu n n e l s It is more about moving from one point to the next. Every step forwards can mean something different and change something slightly. Same as the Pilgrims’ Road.

video footage of Siyam court case

A media corridor bridge the journey between the Givati exhibition hall and Siyam’s house, where video footages are projected on the floor and visitors can get a brief idea about Siyam’s story on both the Israeli and the Palestinian perspecives.

While, as told, Pilgrims’ Road is a path to experience what Jesus did, the underground museum incorporates several new experiential tunnels. During transport from one space to another, the elongated thresholds aim to trigger thoughts, empathy and reflections.

full height curtains


video footage of Siyam court case

A media corridor bridge the journey between the Givati exhibition hall and Siyam’s house, where video footages are projected on the floor and visitors can get a brief idea about Siyam’s story on both the Israeli and the Palestinian perspecives.

- media tunnel A media corridor bridge the journey between the Givati exhibition hall and Siyam’s house, where video footages are projected on the floor and visitors can get a brief idea about Siyam’s story on both the Israeli and the Palestinian perspectives.

- tunnels and the intersection After the tour in the Siyam’s and before returning to the Pilgrims’ Road, the visitors will walk through two more tunnels as the final parts of their journey in the museum. The intersection space between the two tunnels is also connected to the media room on the lower floor.

steel portal frame structure

non-loadbearing concrete panels

yellow stone cladding

from the Siyam’s

concrete flooring yellow stone floor paving

- layering of material -

This experiential tunnel exposes the reality of layering/covering facts in Silwan, a land full of controversy. Gradually, like what you are walking through, the town is painted with iconic yellow stones to Judaize the hidden.

concrete flooring black paint with polish finish 100*150 grid mesh

media room edited video on oopplaying mode

- the intersection -

Standing on the small remained spot, there comes the sound of the video. After a journey to Siyam’s house, the two storey space where visitors pass through between tunnels reminds them the experience they had earlier.

Manel, a 6 years old girl who lived in Silwan, became homeless after her family’s house get demolished in September, 2020.

‘... we will find them in their bedrooms, and we will not allow them to derail our project of coming back home...’

- the looping video -

Vice News, 2015. Perspectives of Life in East Jerusalem (Excerpt from ‘A City Divided’). YouTube. Available at: [Accessed June 12, 2021].

mirror, 16m

‘ am I...?’

reflection of tunnel’s section

demolition remnamts

The journey ends with a 16 metre long tunnel where a mirror is installed on the way on one side of he tunne. The tunnel is paved with aggregates and demolition remnants, mimicing the situation after a demolition. The mirror portrait a full semi-circle tunnel by mirroring the existing semi-circle, raising the question of ‘who accoplishes the Pilgrims’ Road and the sufferings of the Silwanese’.

- walking through the reflections -

The journey ends with a 16-metre long tunnel where a mirror is installed on one side of the tunnel. The tunnel is paved with aggregates and demolition remnants, mimicking the situation after a demolition. The mirror portrait a full semicircle tunnel by mirroring the existing semi-circle, raising the question of ‘who accoplishes the Pilgrims’ Road and the sufferings of the Silwanese.

Extended from the Pilgrims’ Road, the Givati Museum and the Siyam house curate a journey that intends to trigger people’s reflection on the issue of archaeology exploitation in Silwan. Recording and showcasing reality through spatial comparison and interactive details allows visitors to reflect on what they are told and not told. It seems to be inevitable that archaeology has a specific political purpose. However, what happened here in Silwan is devastating and hard to see from the town’s appearance. The project does not aim to twist this terrifying situation but intends to present the situation to those who visit here satirically. In the end, it is not a matter of who owns the land after all those historical antiques is discovered. It is about the suffering ones.

- Freepalestine Protest at State Library, Melbourne, 2:16pm 15th May 2021 (Wang,2021) -

To readers: This thesis project witnesses how archaeology has become a political tool in Palestine and responds to this situation with an architecture design. Architecture differentiates itself from other kinds of art with its complexity and massiveness in scale. However, same as different types of art, ranging from poetry to movie, architecture is also a medium of conveying messages. If the project triggers your curiosity on the Israeli and Palestinian issues, try to browse online and see what you read here is true and what is not.

glass cover, thickness 10mm

cabinet display LED light, 3w protective fabric labelling for exhibits 13 out of 18 display pillars remains empty. The LED light is always on and well maintained.

engraved text, addresses of demolitions interactive steel pillar installation

spot for pillar 2022


- it will not stop until we talk -

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