President Emilio Aguinaldo Assembly Quarterly Newsletter

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ON THIS ISSUE > Plastic Pollution by 2050 Page 2 > Leave No Neighbor Behind Page 5 > Knightline Page 6 > Holy Week Schedule Page 7 Issue No. 7

First Quarter 2022

Volume 2


Knights of Columbus Celebrate Anniversary On March 29, 1882, the newly formed fraternal organization became formally recognized by the state of Connecticut.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. Tuesday, March 29, was a day of great joy at St. Mary Church as the Knights of Columbus celebrated the 140th anniversary of Founder's Day. The Mass and event commemorated the momentous occasion of March 29, 1882, when the newly formed Knights of Columbus became formally recognized with an official charter from the state of Connecticut. Scores of Knights, who began the blessed's some with their families, canonization process; braved the blustery 39- Auxiliary Bishop Juan degree day to attend the Miguel Betancourt of votive Mass in honor of H a r t f o r d ; K n i g h t s their organization's S u p r e m e C h a p l a i n founder, Blessed Michael Archbishop William Lori J . M c G i v n e y . T h e of Baltimore; and anniversary day was A r c h b i s h o p L e o n a r d unlike that inaugural Blair of Hartford, the 1882 day, which saw a principal celebrant. (Message of Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly during the 139th Archbishop Lori clear sky, light breeze Founder’s Day in 2021.) a n d a b i t h i g h e r began his homily by Brother Knights: temperature as Father a s k i n g f o r B l e s s e d Today, we celebrate Founder's Day, which McGivney and his newly Michael's intercession marks the date on which the Knights of f o r m e d K n i g h t s f o r S t . M a r y ' s , t h e Columbus was granted its charter by the State celebrated. Archdiocese of Hartford, of Connecticut in 1882 and which honors, in a The Mass began with “which he served so particular way, our visionary Founder. 4 2 F o u r t h - D e g r e e lovingly and effectively This Founder's Day is the first since Father Knights leading the as a parish priest,” and McGivney's beatification, and it provides us processional to the altar, f o r t h e K n i g h t s o f with an opportunity to reflect upon the f o l l o w e d b y s e v e r a l Columbus, “which he importance of that momentous event and its concelebrants, including founded as a pathway for meaning for our Order today. Archbishop Emeritus men to grow in their Blessed Michael McGivney was inspired to Daniel Cronin of the faith, to become better Hartford Archdiocese, PAGE 7 PAGE 3

Our Founder's Mission

Emblem of the Knights of Columbus The emblem of the Order was designed by Past Supreme Knight James T. Mullen and adopted at the second Supreme Council meeting on May 12, 1883. Shields used by medieval knights served as the inspiration, and the emblem consists of a shield mounted on a Formée cross, which is an artistic representation of the cross of Christ. This represents the Catholic identity of the Order. Mounted on the shield are three objects: a fasces;


First Quarter 2022

Take a peek at what awaits us if we don't do anything about Climate Change The crisis facing our plane is already here. People are living with climate change brought about by centuries of emitted greenhouse gases. However, the fight is not over yet. We can still choose to change our future and make it a better place. But what if we fail to do it? Then a grim and dark place awaits us. This scenario is if we do nothing to prevent climate change for the rest of the 21st century. By then, temperatures around the globe have increased by more than 4C. In several countries, summer means every day having a temperature over 40C. For tropical countries, 50C is usual. Every summer, there are raging wildfires in all continents apart from Antarctica. This leads to thick acrid smoke which makes the outside air unbreathable. Temperatures of ocean water have increased just as much as well. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is officially dead. Prolonged, frequent droughts repeatedly take place on vast stretches of land because of climate change. The deserts have increased in size, turning millions into climate refugees. About 3.5 billion are living in areas where there is severe water scarcity. Air is now also polluted by dust from farmlands which are now lay barren. Every summer, all the sea ice of the Arctic is gone because of climate change. As such, the average temperature in the area has increased by more than 8C. The ice sheets in western Antarctica and Greenland are beginning to melt. This is making the sea level rise by an enormous amount. Most glaciers in the mountains are completely gone by now. The plateau ice on the Himalayas is now mostly gone as well, reducing the water in the Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Indus rivers. More than 600 million depend on these rivers for water. The raised temperature of ocean water has also added to its expansion. The sea level has increased by over 1 meter. Several of the biggest cities such as Miami, Rio de Janeiro, and Hong Kong are flooded to the extent that no one can live there. Small nations on islands like the Marshall Islands and the Maldives have long been abandoned due to climate change. Most river and coastal areas are flooded regularly. This includes Thailand, the Rhine valley, and the Nile Delta. More than one-fifth of Bangladesh has been submerged permanently. In winter, storms have far more energy and rain down even more volumes of water. This climate change causes widespread flooding and wind damage annually. Mega-tropical cyclones, like Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, are a common occurrence. Wind speeds are more than 200 mph. Monsoons in south-east Asia have increased in intensity and unpredictability. More than 3 billion are affected by either too little or too much rain for the regions.

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Plastic pollution affects 88% of marine species - and will quadruple by 2050 Plastic pollution now affects almost all species in the world's oceans, and is set to quadruple by 2050, a report by wildlife group WWF has found. The report found that 88% of marine species, from plankton to whales are affected by contamination. Pollution hotspots such as the Mediterranean, the East China and Yellow Seas, and the Arctic Sea ice are already exceeding dangerous thresholds of microplastics. The report reviewed 2,590 studies and found that by the end of the century marine areas more than two and a half times the size of Greenland could exceed ecologically dangerous thresholds of microplastic concentration. The amount of marine

microplastic could increase 50-fold by then. This is based on projections that plastic production is expected to more than double by 2040 resulting in plastic debris in the ocean quadrupling by 2050. Heike Vesper, Director Marine Programme, WWF Germany said, "All evidence suggests that plastic contamination of the ocean is irreversible. Once distributed in the ocean, plastic waste is almost impossible to retrieve. The researchers warn that threatened species could be pushed towards extinction by plastic pollution. Dr. Melanie Bergmann, Marine Biologist, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research said:

“Research acts like a flashlight with which we cast r ays of light into the darkness of the oceans. The durable nature of plastic also means that the uptake of microplastic, and nanoplastic, in the marine food chain will only continue to accumulate. “We know how to stop plastic pollution and we know the cost of inaction comes at the expense of our ocean ecosystems there is no excuse for delaying a global treaty on plastic pollution. The way out of our plastic crisis is for countries to agree to a globally binding treaty that addresses all stages of plastic's life cycle and that puts us on a pathway to ending marine plastic pollution by 2030.”

Water and food scarcity levels have increased across the planet because of climate change. The wellbeing and the health of billions are threatened.

Climate change has caused havoc in the stocks of fish. So, what do you think of such a world? Imagine your children or grandchildren having to live their lives in

this hellish place. Terrifying, is it not, what we are forcing them into? So please, let us all do our bits before it is too late before all is lost. (The Planet Voice)

Caritas Philippines, the Catholic Church's social action arm returned to Negros Occidental province to provide shelter kits to more families, whose houses were damaged by typhoon “Odette”. In partnership with Coca-Cola Foundation, the Caritas Philippines has since provided aid to more than

28,000 families in the Kabankalan diocese. Cecilia Alcantara, Coca Cola Philippines Foundation president, said partnerships between business and the Church are important because “private institutions may have the resources to share and the Church knows where it should go”. Bishop Louie Galbines of

Kabankalan said that around 30,000 individuals have received help through the Church's cooperation with local government units and other private groups. “It should be done in a systematic way,” Galbines said, “not just giving them a dole out, it should have a follow-up and a strategic planning.”

Church continues to bring aid to 'Odette' survivors

First Quarter 2022

Knights of Columbus Celebrate Anniversary husbands and fathers, to serve as men of charity, unity, and fraternity, and to provide financial security for their families.” The Knights' founding took place at St. Mary's, which was only three years old when Father McGivney arrived for the first time on Christmas Day 1877 for his first priestly assignment. Four years later, in the church basement, the 29year-old curate held the first informal meeting of what, four months later in March, would officially become the Knights of Columbus. Archbishop Lori also asked for the founder's prayers, “that the Knights may experience continued growth in its mission to form men after the mind and heart of Christ, and that it may continue to practice

with ever-increasing effectiveness in a charity that evangelizes and strengthens the Church at every level.” The daily Lenten Scripture readings for this votive Mass about the cure of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda and Ezekiel's vision of the holiness of the temple fit the occasion, as they offer “insight into Blessed Michael's life and ministry” and “shed light on the holiness and effectiveness of our founder,” Archbishop Lori said. He explained how the reading about “the cure at the pool of Bethesda reveals Jesus' pastoral heart,” adding that “Jesus' compassion, however, never remained an abstraction” as he cures the

man, restoring him to health. “Perhaps we can see the image of Father McGivney's ministry in this Gospel episode,” Baltimore's archbishop said, drawing a parallel. He said that Father McGivney responded to human suffering as Christ did. And in the midst of his pastoral priorities, “he founded the Knights of Columbus as a lay-led organization, and he did it for the men of his parish, their families and for us.” Father McGivney “made his way into the drama of his people's lives, bringing to them the curative powers of Jesus' mercy and compassion.” In 1884, the New Haven Evening Register

acknowledged: “There was never a more energetic or hardworking young priest stationed in New Haven than he.” Yet some were not happy with what Father McGivney was doing, including some fellow clergy, Archbishop Lori said, noting the founder experienced persecution. Through it all, Father McGivney had a “holy determination, which drew its source, not from his will power, but from the strength of the Lord's love.” Archbishop Lori went on to emphasize, “We would truly misunderstand Father McGivney if we saw him merely as an activist.” Active, yes, but “too wise And too holy to rely only on his talents, Considerable as they

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were. Rather, he prayed in the temple of the Lord, this temple, and as he prayed, the Spirit of holiness, the fountain of Trinitarian love, flowed through him, just as miraculous waters flowed through the Temple in Ezekiel's vision.” “As the Holy Spirit coursed through his priestly mind and heart,” Archbishop Lori continued, “Father McGivney became a vessel of mercy, brought help and healing to those to whom he ministered, and he created the living. Breathing, growing, organism we call the Knights of Columbus, which, to this very day, is bearing abundant fruit for Church and world. In this temple, this Church of St. Mary, we feel PAGE 6

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First Quarter 2022

Pope: Spending money on weapons 'stains humanity’

Daily Seeds From the

Faithful Friar, SK Rev. Fr. Hector Arellano

Addressing members of the organization of volunteers "I was thirsty" on Monday, ten years since its foundation, Pope Francis thanked the members for their "clear and urgent goal: to bring drinking water to those who do not have it." Access to clean drinking water Pope Francis began by noting that access to water, especially clean drinking water, is "a priority issue for the life of the planet and for peace among peoples." He said that, though it is an issue that concerns us all, in the world and especially in Africa, "there are populations that more than others suffer from the lack of access to this primary good." It is for this reason, continued the Pope, that "you have carried out your humanitarian projects in Africa, in many countries, in different regions of the continent," adding that their work is "always done with local workers an in collaboration with the missionaries and the ecclesial communities of the area." Water is life Making reference to the name of the group, "I was thirsty", Pope Francis went on to quote Jesus, when He said: "I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink," adding "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" (Mt 25:35, 40). Why war? With this in mind, the Pope went on to wonder why conflict sometime surrounds access to water, rather than cooperation. "Why we should wage war on each other over conflicts that we should resolve by talking to each other? Why not, instead, join forces and resources to fight the real battles of civilizations together: the fight against hunger and thirst; the fight against disease and epidemics; the fight against poverty and modern-day slavery. Why?," reiterated the Pope. The Pope highlighted the importance of creating the consciousness that spending on weapons, again and again "dirties the soul, dirties the heart, dirties humanity". He noted that certain choices are not neutral ones, such as the allocation of a large part of spending to arms, which ultimately means "taking it away from something else, which means continuing to take it away from those who lack the necessities." Small but fruitful Bringing his speech to a close, Pope Francis stressed to the members that their organization is certainly small in relation to these great problems, "but that it is working on a critical point, and it is doing it well, in the right way; as are, thank God, so many other voluntary organizations in Italy and the world". For this, concluded the Pope, "I say thank you and I encourage you to continue your commitment."

Boletin de Los Caballeros is the quarterly Newsletter of the President Emilio Aguinaldo Assembly ACN 1438, Cavite City (District V) Ferdinand Magellan Province. c/o St. Peter Parish P. Justo St., Caridad, Cavite City.

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Boletin de Los Caballeros is published quarterly by Chin Chao Louis Design Studio (CCLDS) Printed by Animagraphx Printing Services 504 Ipil St., Seaview Subd., San Rafael 2 Noveleta, Cavite 4105 Mobile No. 0975-788-2103

First Quarter 2022

In support of the Food for Families Program of Supreme

President Emilio Aguinaldo Assembly 1438 launched its Community Feeding Program in support of the Food for Families Program of Supreme. Started this March 2022, this monthly project is in partnership with the different councils of District I-31 of Cavite City. Rev. Fr. Gilbert Urubio of San Antonio de Padua Parish blessing the toys and the members of the group before proceeding to the feeding program and toy drive activities conducted March 20, 2022. Our deep appreciation to Rev. Fr. Gilbert Urubio, the Worthy Chaplain of San Antonio de Padua Council for supporting the Toy Drive and Feeding Programs and gave his blessings for the members of the Knights of Columbus.

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First Quarter 2022


Standing 50 feet over the entrance of St. Ann Catholic Church in Haines City, Fla., is a prayer tower that has served as a beacon for parishioners since it was dedicated in 1983 by local Knights of Columbus. Several parishioners even claim the tower is a site where miracles have occurred. After several decades, the tower needed to be refurbished, and St. Ann's pastor Father Alfonso Cely called on Father Philip de Carriere Council 10484 in Haines City to sponsor a renovation project. He asked that the Knights install new tilework, and add a sitting area, a fresh coat of paint, candles, as well as statues of saints and Blessed Michael

McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. Grand Knight Ed Leo recognized it as an opportunity to demonstrate both the Order's support of the Church and its principle of fraternity. “People will see that the Knights of Columbus do beautiful things for the Church,” Leo said. “The Knights want people to be harmonious and work together as brothers.”

On Dec. 19, 2021, the prayer tower was completed and blessed. During the ceremony, led by Father Cely, Sanabria placed the statue of Father McGivney in the tower a responsibility he saw as the culmination of the project with his brother Knights. Several men who attended the ceremony were not yet members of the Knights of Columbus and have since joined the Order.

Knights from several assemblies and councils in central Florida gather after reopening the prayer tower at St. Ann Catholic Church in Haines City, Florida

Knightline is an important resource for K of C leaders and members that features tips for all aspects of Knights of Columbus life.

News for Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Celebrate Anniversary anniversary, l o o k i n g towards that day when B l e s s e d M i c h a e l McGivney w i l l b e canonized.’ “And in t h e meantime, w e a r e grateful to the Lord for the example of our holy founder and grateful, too, Especially close to Blessed Michael McGivney, and we know that his ministry continues, not only to influence us, but also to help us.” Since his beatification, the archbishop continued, scores of reports of favors have come in, “including a number of remarkable

healings.” “Like Jesus, he is ushering many, no longer to the pool of Bethesda, but to that river of life and healing that is the Holy Spirit,” Archbishop Lori said, before concluding, “With confidence and hope, we the Knights of Columbus celebrate our 140th

for his powerful intercession on our behalf. Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us! Vivat Jesus!” At the conclusion of Mass, with the Knights honor guard lining the main aisle, the celebrants and others processed to Blessed Father McGivney's tomb to prayer for his canonization.

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Edward Drew, a fourthdegree Knight at Council 1 at St. Mary's, attended “the beautiful Mass” and was happy to see how “Father McGivney and the Knights of Columbus have prospered all these years” as a fraternal organization. After Mass, Neville Brooks, a fourth-degree Knight from Council 14216 in West Hartford, Connecticut, said that “having all the brothers together reinforces” the Knights' commitment and their Catholic faith. Longtime Knight David Quinn, the fraternal organization's state deputy of Rhode Island, looked on the anniversary Mass' message as a reminder that “even as the world changes, his vision has not changed. If Father McGivney were alive today, he would be doing the same things today as he did back then.”

Emblem of the Knights of Columbus From P3

an anchor; and a dagger. In ancient Rome, the fasces was carried before magistrates as an emblem of authority. The Order uses it as "symbolic of authority which must exist in any tightly-bonded and efficiently operating organization". The anchor represents Christopher Columbus, patron of the Order. The short sword, or dagger, was a weapon used by medieval knights. The shield as a whole, with the letters "K of C", represents "Catholic Knighthood in organized merciful action.” The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, serving as a mutual benefit society to working class and immigrant Catholics in the United States, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services and actively defending Catholicism.

Novena for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Knights of Columbus worldwide concluded a novena for the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the Knights of C Mercy Center in the Polish village of Budomierz, on the Ukrainian border, Knights participated in Mass and a Eucharistic procession, spiritually joining the Pope Francis who consecrated Russia and Ukraine at the Vatican. Photos: Dominican Father Jonathan Kalisch, director of chaplains and spiritual development for the Knights of Columbus, leads Knights, Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy and others in a eucharistic procession at the Polish-Ukrainian border in Budomierz, Poland. The procession, preceded by a Mass celebrated inside the Knights of Columbus Mercy Center's chapel, coincided with the Holy Father's consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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First Quarter 2022

March 2 is Ash Wednesday Our Founder's Mission

The season of Lent, a 40-day period of preparing for the commemoration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, begins with the observance of Ash Wednesday. What is Ash Wednesday? It marks first day of the 40 days of Lent, a roughly six-week period (not including Sundays) dedicated to reflection, prayer and fasting in preparation for Easter. It ends on Holy Thursday, the fifth day of Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter) that marks the Last Supper. In addition to certain rules about foods and fasting, many Christians (and even non-Christians) abstain from additional foods, luxury or material goods or certain activities and habits. Where do the ashes come from? They're obtained from the burning of the palms of the previous Palm Sunday, which occurs on the Sunday before Easter, and applied during services. Palm Sunday marks Jesus' return to Jerusalem, when people waved palm branches to celebrate his arrival. The ashes are typically mixed with Holy Water. What do the ashes mean? The ashes, applied in the shape of a cross, are a symbol of penance, mourning and mortality. Centuries ago, participants used to sprinkle themselves with ashes and repent much more publicly, but the practice fell away sometime between the 8th-10th century before evolving into what it is today. There aren't any particular rules about how long the ashes should be worn, but most people wear them throughout the day as a public expression of their faith and penance. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. Lent and Holy Week 2022 March 2 - ASH WEDNESDAY March 6 - FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT March 27 - LAETARE SUNDAY April 10 - PALM SUNDAY April 11 - Monday of The HOLY WEEK April 12 - Tuesday of The HOLY WEEK April 13 - Wednesday of The HOLY WEEK The TRIDUUM April 14 - HOLY THURSDAY April 15 - GOOD FRIDAY April 16 - BLACK SATURDAY - EASTER VIGIL April 17 - EASTER SUNDAY Solemnity

create a band of Catholic gentlemen, devoted to the principles of charity and unity helping those in need; growing in faith and virtue as Catholic husbands and fathers; and providing financial security to families. I believe that the beatification of Father McGivney was a testament and affirmation of his spiritual vision. And we should each feel encouraged in realizing that vision to this day. For

even if the challenges facing Catholic men have changed, the mission set forth by our Founder remains relevant as ever. As many of our communities hope for better days ahead, we should examine when and how we can return to normal council activities with all due prudence and in accord with what is possible in our jurisdictions. We should also be inspired by those brave men who weathered

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a great deal of hardship including a pandemic in the first years of the Order. Those early Knights were not rash in their actions, but they were courageous in laying down their lives by serving others. Together, let us continue to reach out to our neighbors in need. In so doing, we will honor our holy Founder and ultimately give glory to God. Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us.

UNITED HEARTS OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH to Thee I give myself at this very moment. May the flames of love and of holiness inflame my heart and my family, filling it up with the virtues and the heavenly graces that emanate from Thee. May all of our being, love Thee and glorify Thee without ceasing. Most Divine Hearts, pure and holy, teach me the way of prayer, mortification, reparation of my sins and the sincere repentance of all of them. May I know how to glorify and honor the holy Name of God, obeying with love His Divine Laws and His teachings so that the fruits of conversion, peace and love may pour out upon my life and on the whole world. Lead us all to the path of salvation that takes us to the Kingdom of Heaven. Most Holy Family of Nazareth, we trust in Thee… O JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH, may I breathe out my soul in peace with Thee!

President Emilio Aguinaldo Assembly 1438 offers our sincere condolences to the family of our departed brother in the Order, SK Ruel Corpuz Delasa. By his death our Assembly loss of an exemplary Catholic and worthy Knight. We request that all brother Knights offer their prayers for the repose of his soul together with that of other departed brothers.

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First Quarter 2022

Commemorating the 130th Birth Anniversary of Chabacano Poet and Writer ELIODORO BALLESTEROS February 18, 1892 - June 21, 1973 In line with the commemoration, we are featuring his poem El Chabacano Caviteño (1964). The poem is about pride in one's cultural heritage and language. It was composed for the inauguration of the Circulo Chabacano Caviteño on September 26, 1964. In the past, Spanish speakers in the Philippines made fun of people who spoke Chabacano, which was called store language or store Spanish. Currently, this creole language is appreciated and efforts are being made to preserve it.

President Emilio Aguinaldo Assembly 1438, 4th Degree of the Knights of Columbus, First Assembly in the Province of Cavite is one with the nation in commemorating the 153rd Birth Anniversary of PRESIDENT EMILIO AGUINALDO, First President of the Philippines March 22, 2022 Emilio Aguinaldo, Filipino revolutionary, statesman, and military leader who is officially recognized as the first and the youngest president of the Philippines and the first president of a constitutional republic in Asia. He fought for a free and independent Philippines, first against Spain and then against the United States. When the Philippines declared itself an independent republic in 1898 and Aguinaldo became its president, a significant milestone was reached in the struggle against colonial rule in Asia.

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