Education architecture portfolio

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jon ibarra ciordia professional portfolio

Education nal Architecture & Management 2005 - 2015

Educational Architecture & Management completed projects & architecture contests

Educational Architecture & Management

Jon Ibarra Ciordia Professional profile

For over eight years I have specialized in conducting and managing educational building projects carried out by the architectural firm of Don Bernardo C. projects, C de Pablo Alba, Alba as the Project Director and responsible for project manag gement. Working now as education architecture projects leader at Cano & Escario Architecture e firm in Madrid. This experience and knowledge allows me to o start from the conception and development of buildings for educational purposes to carry outt and supervise all stages; from analysis of the urban implications and economic viability of the pro oject including cost study, to the preliminary plans, transactions and development of the architectural projects and finally, its construction. Completed educational projects: Peñamayor School. Pola de Siero, Asturias (2005 – 2007). Valdefuentes State-funded School. Sanchinarro, Ma adrid. (2005 -2007)*. Peñalar State-funded School. Torrelodones, Madrid. (2006 – 2008)*. Renewal and rehabilitation of Parque Madrid Schoo ol Madrid.(2006 ol, Madrid (2006 – 2007). 2007) New university pavilion for the centre E.B.S. Madrid.((2006 – 2008). Renewal and rehabilitation of the Minicole nursery, Aravaca, Madrid. (2007) Entreolivos School (New primary pavilion and expan nsion of the secondary building). Sevilla (2006 – 2008). Col Col Nursery, Sevilla la Nueva, Madrid (2010 -2011). Renewal and complete rehabilitation of the Interna ational College Spain, La Moraleja, Madrid.(2007 – 2011). Juan Pablo II State-funded school, Alcorcón, Madrid (2009 - 2011).* CEU Sanchinarro State-funded school, Madrid.(2010 0 – 2012).* *Note: carried out after winning a public architectural ten nder.

Educational architecture competitions: A Award d Public P bli Educational Ed ti l Complex C l Contest C t t Torrelo T lodones, d M d id (2005). Madrid (2005) Award Public Educational Complex Contest Sanchinarro, Madrid (2005). Award Public Educational Complex Contest Torre-P Pacheco, Murcia (2007). (Not built) Award Private Educational Complex Contest Juan Pablo II, Madrid (2008). Award Public Educational Complex Contest El Boalo, Madrid (2008). Award Public Educational Complex Contest Vallecas, as Madrid (2009). (2009) Award Public Educational Complex Contest Sanchinarro, Madrid (2010). adrid (2005). Public Educational Complex Contest Las Tablas, Ma Public Educational Complex Contest Colmenar, Ma adrid (2005). Public Educational Complex Contest Colmenar Viejo, Madrid (2007). Public Educational Complex Contest Ensanche de Vallecas, Madrid (2007). Public Educational Complex Contest Montecarmelo, o Madrid (2007). (2007) Public Educational Complex Contest Villa de Vallec cas, Madrid (2008). Public Educational Complex Contest Torrelodones, Madrid (2008). Public Educational Complex Contest Arganda del Rey, R Madrid (2008). Public Educational Complex Contest Alcobendas, Madrid M (2009). Private Educational Complex Contest, Sevilla (2010)). Private Educational Complex Contest, Córdoba (20 010). Public Educational Complex Contest I.E.S Pagasarribide, Bilbao (2013). Sur Madrid (2015) Public Educational Complex Contest Móstoles Sur, M (2015).

Educational Architecture & Management

Importance of the architecture in educational buildings

When we design an educational-purpose build ding we have to take into account that we are not ding, just designing a building, but an area where students s will spend most of their educational period and youth, where they will learn to be adults and learn how to interact with each other. This educational space should help teacherrs and students develop their work correctly and comply with essential educational requirementts, avoiding any possible adverse influence. We also need to remember that once the build ding has been completed it will become part of the educational community and will become a so ocio-cultural reference. For this reason, we have to consider future expansion and possible changes to the building; the architecture has to be y to a specific educational program, but to a wider flexible, and has to be able to adapt not only option and to future changes or needs. The architectural project is initially planned forr a specific educational program and location, and is externally conditioned by: The demographic analysis of the population Economic factors Environmental factors, such as climate, orienta ation, etc. The economic factors are decisive in the project, because it determines the distribution, the materials t i l and d others. th S h important Such i t t aspects t as the th orientation i t ti and d location l ti off the th centre t mustt o good ventilation, ambient temperature and be studied thoroughly. We must be able to obtain illumination, as well as to protect the classroo oms from external elements, such as noise. All these factors will determine the level of quality of the e project and will make the student’s adaptation to the building easier. An ideal distribution of the educational areas, together with its correct use, will increase the functionality and usage of the building. The centre Th t i partt off the is th educational d ti l proce ess and d the th architecture hit t i decisive is d i i t obtain to bt i the th proposed goals. Once we have analysed the external factors and the educational program, we will commence the initial concept of the centre, in accordan nce with the following requirements, (together with the relevant technical and urbanistic regulations); •

Optimisation and sustainability of the educa ational program. program

Study of the site and plot and the best orien ntation of the building.

Functionality and use of both the exterior and interior areas.

Clear distribution of the different educational levels.

The centre must have enough common areass, which must be easy to find and to access; breaktime areas (differentiated by age and year), sports areas, parking areas, services and any other necessary facilities the centre may need. The possible construction of the building by ph hases must always be considered, either because of economic factors or because of the implemen ntation of the centre by stages.

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Educational Architecture & Management Starting the project

Starting points


Educational project Evaluation of the necessities and demographic analysis

Preliminary studies


Urban planning Location and adaptation to the current regulations

Economic viability Preliminary analysis of costs and execution periods



Preliminary plans Preliminary design / Concept drawings

Revision ii Corrections and modifications. Adjustment to costs and datelines. d

Sustainability Standard qualities and energetic efficiency.

Construction Project Drafting of all necessary documentation for the execution of the project.

Management Processing of urbanistic licenses and regulations .

Construction phase


Technical supervision. Technical support

Project management & customer serrvice


Education Business and management conssulting Technical support During g the project, j we must work jjointly with th he client, covering g all the current and future needs and taking into account all the external factors which may influence the project.

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Educational Architecture & Management CEU Sanchinarro

COLEGIO CEU SANCHINARRO P Pre-school, h l Primary, Pi S Secondary d and d Higher Hi h Seco S ndary d Ed Education ti CLIENT:

San Pablo CEU Found dation


Avda. Niceto Alcalá Zamora 43 28.050 Sanchinarro, Madrid M



ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: WORKS n 1. Conceptual design 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision CONSTRUCTION WORKS: Cost: Datelines:

Months (1,5) Months (3,0) Months (6,0) Months (25)

13.282.210,66 13 282 210 66 euros August 2010 – Septem mber 2012

The project After the award of the public tender of the archite ectural project, we commenced the development of the project. The building was developed to 4 floors above gro ound and fully committed to educational purposes. The basement is used for parking, assembly room and other o facilities of the centre. The educational project is a single block in the sh hape of an “L”, with two wings one southwest-northeast facing and the other southeast-northwest, with the e main entrance to the building on the northern end of the plot (see image above). The movement of stud dents throughout the building is done through these large axles, which runs through the whole building. This T way, we can ensure the circulation without any obstruction, guaranteeing a fluid, agile and effectiv ve evacuation of the building. On the southwest corner of the plot, we can find an a unobstructed space where the gymnasium and sport facilities are. With this layout, we can liberate a great amount of the plot, which is used for the storage of sport material: an indoor sports centre, exterior courts for several usages (basketball, tennis, volleyball, handball and 5 a side football) and a 7 a side football pitch. We designed exterior covered porches to permit the correct movement of students in case of bad weather.

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Educational Architecture & Management CEU Sanchinarro

For the organization of the educational area of the e centre, we set the sizes of the classrooms to 60m2 for all age groups and years, bearing in mind that thiis is the ideal work area. We used this setting as the configuration g for the rest of spaces. p Adjacent to the main lobby, on the lower level, the e common areas and prayer centre can be found, with easy access to the areas dedicated to the second d pre-school cycle, situated between the southwest and northwest wing, and the dining area, situated on th he other wing. In the upper levels of the building we can find the rest of the educational levels, maintaining the common uses of the intersection areas of the two wings of the e building. With this layout, we manage to reduce the time the t younger students spend moving from classes to the common areas or dining room. We also managed d to achieve a great interrelation between the different educational years where it is most necessary, and at the same time, the necessary privacy for each year group. We paid special attention designing the areas fo or disabled or handicapped people, allowing them to move freely throughout the building with lifts, elevators and access ramps, allowing any person to access any point of the building.

Second cycle Pre-School:

LINE 6 (18 usual + 3 Classrooms for multiple uses)

Primary Education:

Line 4 (24 + 8 Classrooms + 1 for different uses)

Secondary Education: Line 4 (16 Classrooms)

Higher Secondary Education: Line 4 (8 Classrooms)

Language g g School: 6 Classrooms Music Academy: 6 Classrooms Library, Technical Drawing Classroom, Workshop Classroom, 3 Science Laboratories, Art Room, Assembly Hall and Prayer Centre.

Educational Architecture & Management CEU Sanchinarro

Construction Process. Project Management. The building company ARPADA S.A. was hired d for the construction of the project at a cost of 19 435 399 57e ros in July 19.435.399,57euros J l 2010. 2010 It was as decided to o halt the construction constr ction once they the reached 0,00 0 00 height, height (which did not affect the foundations), to allow w adjustment of costs due to the economic difficulties encountered to finance the project. In Feb bruary 2011, the building costs were reduced to 13.282.210,66euros (the budget was reduced by 32%), which affected the quality of the materials and facilities. However, there was no need to modify the architecture of the building, because the project adapted perfectly to the reduction of the budget. The works continued in May of the same year.

Structure The vertical structure of the building consists of re einforced concrete and retaining walls, walls which is able to ensure the stability of the building against possible seismic s actions. For the horizontal structure of the centre, concrete waffle w slab was used. The sports facilities were built with a metallic structure. The vertical structure is composed of several archittectural bracing systems to stabilize the structure against different horizontal actions of the project.

Qualities, finishes and materials: 1. Single layer mortar stone linings in two tones. 2. Steel (tower). 3. Prefabricated concrete panels (Sports Centre). The interior divisions between fire compartments, protected staircases and others are made of double vacuum brick. brick All the other interior divisions are made m of plasterboard with acoustic insulation and antihumidity treatment in the bathrooms area. The flo oorings in classrooms and offices are different from the ones in the lobby, hallways and common areas. The access area was made from slate tiles, stamped concrete and pressed asphalt in the pathways an nd parking areas. Aluminium frames in stove-enamelled colour and double glass with an internal air cha amber; with a heat channel brakeage and aluminium injected blinds, which were also used. pรกg. 08

Educational Architecture & Management

Internacional College Spain

INTERNACIONAL COLLEGE SPAIN Pre-school, h l Primary, i S Secondary d and d Higher i h Sec S condary d Education d i CLIENT: LOCATION:

Internacional College Spain S.A. C/ Vereda Norte 3, Alcobendas, A Madrid


8.451,98m² Rehabilitation and re eform of the existing building: New construction:

5.709,98m² 2 742 00m² 2.742,00m

ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: 1. Main building rehab bilitation in six phases (summerr months)

2. New primary educa ation pavilion 3. Urbanization and sp port areas 4. Project manageme ent

Months (18,0) Months (10,0) Months (3,0) 2007 - 2011

The main difficulty we encountered when we sta arted with the rehabilitation and the adaptation to the current regulations for functioning educational bu uildings, was the impossibility to alter the current school year to t start t t the th construction t ti work. k Due to this, the interior reforms of the existing building, an old household, had to be completed during the summer months. Because of this, management was w very important; there was no place for mistakes, because this would affect the proper functioning of the centre and its economic viability. In addiition the client decided to carry out the projects on a yearly basis, b basis depending on the economic and growth forecast. forecast And ye et, we prepared a “key in hand” project, determining what areas would be rehabilitated first and dividing the actions in phasses, once the school year had finished or during the holiday ys throughout the school year. This meant that the quality of the architectural project was very importa ant and most of all, the management of the works, h i t apply l a very strict t i t supervision ii th components t having to off allll the involved d.

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Educational Architecture & Management Juan Pablo II School

JUAN PABLO II SCHOOL P Pre-school, h l Primary, Pi S Secondary d and d Higher Hi h Secon S ndary d Ed Education ti CLIENT: LOCATION:

EDUCATIO SERVANDA FOUNDATION Av. de la Democracia s/n Alcorcón, Madrid



ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: 1. Conceptual design n 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision

Months (2,0) Months (2,0) Months (7,0) Months (14)

The project commenced after we were awarded the contract after a public tender, (partial plan 27.2.1 or the construction of the educational centre. plot Sector 3 “Los Palomares” Alcorcón, Madrid), fo The client required changes in the approved preliminary p plan to adapt the centre to a progressive educational level growth plan, and after an analysis of the economic viability, a plan to pay the investment progressively. For this reason, the centre was divided in pavilions, structurally independent and each one adapted to the educational levels and year groups, which allowed d the execution of the project in different stages. In Phase 01, all the common areas were built; dining d rooms, administration, underground facilities and parking area, together with the first pavilion dedic cated exclusively to pre-school and first years of primary (from 3 to 7 years old). Phase 02 covered the construction of the second pavilion (completing the educational areas, necessary for primary education and part of the secondary classrooms) and the assembly hall. hall Phase 03, planned for the end of 2013, would co omplete the construction of the last pavilion and of the sports centre. PHASE 01 & 02 (Completed) Floor area: Cost: Datelines:

67,60% 17.356, 56m2 10.083.195,58 euros December 2009 – Au ugust 2011

Phase 03 (not commenced) Floor area projected: Budget:

32, 40% 8.319,57m2 4.500.000, 00 euros pág. 10

Educational Architecture & Management Juan Pablo II School

The distribution of the educational area is organize ed in three pavilions communicated with walkways and connected to the rest of the common areas of the school. The classrooms are mainly orientated to the south, in some cases; the orientation will be east-west, maintaining the toilets, staff room and offices and special classrooms orientated to the north. This scheme is used in all the floors and pavilions,, and each one is fitted with a vertical communication nucleus and two more in the walkways. In the overall design, functionality was very importa ant, making sure the centre had mayor circulation areas both in the interior and exterior, and procured a quick q and easy location of all the different school years and educational levels. pรกg. 11

Educational Architecture & Management Col Col Nursery


Col-Col S.L. Sevilla la Nueva, Madrid





1. Conceptual design n 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision

Months (1,0) Months (2,0) Months (4,0) Months (15)

675.400,00 euros ber 2011 June 2010 – Septemb

New construction of a nursery y of three floors for wh hich both the g ground floor and the first floor are used for the common use of the centre, allowing the facilities in the semi-basement to be used as a storage room, with an independent entrance. The plot has only one access, on the south side of the building where pedestrians and vehicles can access the building. The exterior part of the centre has a parking are ea, an access to the building and facilities for children (game area), adapted for different age groups. A more private game area with access from the ground floor is also located here. It also has two terraces on o the first floor, with one access from the Directors office and another access from the classrooms on the sa ame floor. This way, every room has direct access to the outdoor area. The ground floor layout has six classrooms with attached bathrooms (shared changing tables for the younger students)for students, and the classroom distributor, hallway and reception. The first floor has two classrooms with shared cha anging tables, a changing room with toilets for staff, a storage room, room a staff room and a small office adjac cent with the Director Director’ss office, office together with the staircase and lifts.

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Educational Architecture & Management Entreolivos School

COLEGIO ENTREOLIVOS New primary pavilion and expansion of the prim mary building CLIENT: LOCATION:

Federación de Entidades inmobiliarias S.A. a del Pitamo. Sevilla Hacienda Villanueva


2.320,65m² Reform of the existing g building: 1.445,65m² New construction: 875,00m²





1. Conceptual design n 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision

Months (1,0) Months (2,0) Months (5,0) Months (16)

1.263.000,00 euros May 2006 – Septemb ber 2008

The Entreolivos School has several independent pavilions joined by pathways; a great central pavilion which covers most of the school’s needs, an indoor sports centre with changing rooms and a pre-school pavilion. The existing pre-school building had two floors whiich included four classrooms in each building, making a total of eight, with toilets in each classroom and witth areas dedicated to the management, staff, and lobby and a communicating staircase, together with storage rooms. Half of the first floor is used for primary education, with three classrooms with toilets and a staff room, handicapped and disabled bathrooms, a cleaning room and a storage room. A part from the pre-school pavilion, a new exempt pavilion was constructed, located on the western side of the pre-school building in a rectangular shape. This building includes seven classrooms, two toilets for students, two tutorial rooms, staff room, storage ro oom, staff toilets and facility rooms with an independent access.

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Educational Architecture & Management E.B.S. El Prado Madrid


E.B.S. El Prado School Private University CLIENTE: LOCATION:

Federación de Entidades inmobiliarias S.A. M Madrid c/Costa Brava nº 4, Mirasierra,


3.373,65m² 4.800,00m²



1. Conceptual design n Months (1,5) Months (3,0) 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age Months (6,0) Months (16) 4. Site supervision 5. Interior design & Months (2,0) Office planning ma anagement 3.217.181,00 3 217 181 00 euros October 2006 – Janu uary 2008

Construction of a new university building, adjacentt to the El Prado School. Integrated management of the project included the design and implantation of the e furniture. The building was planned exempt of a rectangularr floor of 37,75 x 17m to which other rectangular elements fixed forming a set of 51 x 18 m which plot surrounded by access and were equally fixed, w is isolated in the plot, communication areas with the existing El Prado Sc chool facilities. We can find the parking lot on the front part of the building. The building has a basement and three floors above ground. The basement receives illumination and ventilation through several rectangular patios which run through the façade of the building. It also includes a book deposit, classrooms and a storage room. On O the top floors (ground, first and second floor) there are classrooms and areas for educational purposes, suc ch as offices and meeting rooms.

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Educational Architecture & Management E.B.S. El Prado Madrid

Structure Foundations with permanent footing in the perimeter of the basement, including English patios with reinforced concrete footings in the middle. Reinforced concrete structure, formed by circular concrete columns in the interior and squared or rectangular on the sides. Waffle slab with system forrmwork. The area destined for the air conditioning and solarr panels are flat.

Quality, finishes and materials: aracteristics depending on its location. Compacted sandstone pavements of different cha Suspended modular ceilings of 60x60cm in all th he central area and plaster boards of 100x60cm with perimeter cavities in the rest of the areas. Interior carpentry work of several types with mela amine finishing in the majority of the areas (classrooms, toilets, meeting rooms), although there is also whiite coated steel and steel sheets (in those areas which require special protection against fire). Exterior carpentry in coated aluminium with clim malit double safety glass with heat channel breakage. Tramex walkways and handle bars painted in oxiron n.

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Educational Architecture & Management Peñalar School

PEÑALAR SCHOOL Pre-school, Primary, Secondary and Higher Sec condary Education CLIENT:

Promociones de Sue elo Educativo, S.L


Av. De la Dehesa s/n n. Torrelodones, Madrid


18.399,00 m²

ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: n 1. Conceptual design 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision

Months (1,0) Months (2,0) Months (7,0) Months (18)

CONSTRUCTION WORKS: PHASE 01(Completed) Floor area: Cost: Datelines:

79,35% 14.598,00m² 7 700 902 75 euros 7.700.902,75 September 2006 – March M 2008

PHASE 02 (not commenced) 20,65% Floor area projected: 3.801,00 m² Budget: 1.125.000,00 euros The project commenced after we were awarded the t contract after a public tender, of public domain, for the construction of an educational centre. centre The difficulty we encountered regarded the plott; with several slopes of over 15 metres as well as the components of the slope; granitic rock. The first preliminary p project was adapted to the terrain, with six independent pavilions, saving the slopes with litttle intervention on the ground and at the same time, connecting the pavilions with walkways. The client demanded changes in the project after an analysis of the economic viability, concentrating the entire program in two pavilions on the higher part of o the plot (Phase 01), 01) followed by the construction of the sports centre and the pavilion for higher secondary y education on the lower part of the plot (Phase 02). This meant that we had to spend a lot of time on the foundations and the levelling of the plot, having to use controlled blasting to move the slopes.

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Educational Architecture & Management PeĂąalar School

The building is distributed in the interior in such a wa ay that the different educational levels do not mix: on the ground floor we can find the main access to the t school and the management, administration and reception area, all equipped with waiting rooms, a teacher teacher’ss board meeting room and the main toilets. The conference hall is also on this floor. The amphitheatre of the conference hall, three classrooms for professional training and two other classrooms for multiple m uses are located on the first floor. Pre-school: 18 pre-school classrooms equipped with h toilets Primary education: 18 primary classrooms, plus 6 sp plit classrooms and 1 classroom for multiple usages with its corresponding tutorials and main toilets. Secondary education: 12 classrooms for secondarry education with its corresponding main toilets located on the first floor on the first line of edification. The sp pecial classrooms for secondary, music room, IT, arts and humanities, plus a library, 3 laboratories and seco ondary tutorials are located on the bottom floor on the second line of edification. Higher secondary education: Not commenced. a From this floor you can access to the general Garage and facilities: There is a semi-basement available. facilities of the school. Common rooms, dining rooms and kitchens: Dinin ng room for students, differentiated by age groups with mobile panels, parents and teacher dining room. Adjacent to the dining room is the kitchen, with differentiated areas of storage, preparation and wa ashing.

Indoor Sports centre. Not commenced. d the best functionality possible, always proposing a wide In all of the design, we made sure the building had and easy movement of the students, both in the intterior and exterior of the building. We have always made sure to differentiate different age groups and edu ucational levels. All the edification complies with all the regulations and laws for disabled and handicappe ed access; elevators, lifts and access to the building free of barriers.

Educational Architecture & Management Valdefuentes School

COLEGIO VALDEFUENTES Pre-school, Primary, Secondary and Higher Sec condary Education CLIENT:



c/ Ana de Austria. Nº6 , Sanchinarro, Madrid


16.390,30 m²

ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: n 1. Conceptual design 2. Design development 2 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision CONSTRUCTION WORKS: Cost: Datelines:

Months (1,0) Months (1,0) (1 0) Months (5,0) Months (14)

8.081.334,17 euros ber 2007 June 2006 – Septemb

The project p j commenced after we were awarded the t contract after a p public tender, of p public domain, for the construction of an educational centre. The plott had a severe slope and for this reason we proposed the construction of independent pavilions connected by b walkways, configuring embankments and backfills. During the construction of the pavilions, we installed prefabricated modules to start the school year, because the Community of Madrid insists on opening state-school centres and to provide a service on the year of the award.

Educational Architecture & Management Parque Madrid School

PARQUE SCHOOL Renewal and rehabilitation. New regulation ad daptation. CLIENT: LOCATION:

Promociones de Sue elo Educativo, S.L c/ Piamonte 19. Urba anización Parquelagos. Galapagar. 28420 Madrid M


6.871,86 m² Rehabilitation: Green area works:



1. Conceptual design n 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision

5.110,78m² 2.400,00m² Months (1,0) Months (3,0) Months (2,0) Months (10)

3.133.200,00 3 133 200 00 euros March 2006 – April 20 007

Because of the lack of resources, this construction was very damaged. The interior of the building was very challenging because of space problems, accessibility and evacuation regulations. For this reason we proposed a global reform of the building, both in th he interior as on the exterior. Semi basement: for classroom use and toilets. Semi-basement: toilets Ground floor: for classroom use and laboratories, co onnected to the primary pavilion. First floor: library

Considering these difficulties and taking into acco ount the need to adapt the centre to all the regulations, not only educational, educational but as well as the building itself (accessibility and fire protection), protection) we were obliged to propose a complete reform, resolving the access to the building and equipping the building with all the requirements for stair cases, elevation apparatus and main toilets, maintaining the connexion with the primary pavilion and the level exit from the ground floor to the school facilities. The configuration of the new edification was carrie ed out based on the original structure, expanding a small area of the reception in the semi-basement and pe erforming a new execution on the first floor. D i th construction t ti d rehabilitation h bilit ti th building, b ildi f b i t d modules d l where h b ilt where h th During the and off the prefabricated built the students could receive their classes during the work ks.

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Educational Architecture & Management Peñamayor School

PEÑAMAYOR SCHOOL Pre-school, Primary, Secondary and Higher Sec condary Education. CLIENT:

Federación de Entidades inmobiliarias S.A.


Pola de Siero, Asturia as


11.727,09 m²


24.723,93 m²

ARCHITECTURAL WORKS: 1. Conceptual design n 2. Design development 3. Construction packa age 4. Site supervision CONSTRUCTION WORKS: Cost: Datelines:

Months (2,0) Months (2,0) Months (8,0) Months (18)

10.312.484,14 euros March 2005 – July 20 007

Through a special program, we defined all the e necessary services for the plot; plumbing and gas connections, sewage treatment plant, processing g plant, a generator and telephone lines. The edification is plotted using as much of the land as possible regarding its topography (with great slopes of up to 37m.) and vegetation. To solve the access problems of students, students teach hers and parents, parents we differentiated the coach parking area, parents parking area and teachers parking g area, as well as the parking area for suppliers. All of them interconnected by interior roads. All of the exterior walkways are protected by covered paths and each year group has their own covered porch for break time.

Educational Architecture & Management Building and adopted solutions description

PeĂąamayor School

The building is constructed in a longitudinal shape e and is situated in line with the plot orientated N.N.E.S.S.W., with a total length g of 170m, formed by y th hree blocks, with slopes p of 3,50m between each block. Another shorter building in parallel, with a longitud de of 105m and a sports centre, with outdoor courts and an indoor pavilion, is situated on the West of the ma ain building, terraced on the southern tip. The two main buildings are joined by two indoor pa ass ways. The centre is completed with a children playing ground, covered porches and parking areas for vans, employees and parents vehicles. Given the dimensions of the total area of the centtre, the buildings have been divided into 6 areas, which structure and in some occasions, even in the foundations, are separated by expansion joints.

The edifications and other elements of the centre are adapted to the terrain. Although, the vast flat superficial extensions needed for each building, together with the complicated terrain, it was necessary to move lots of land, which meant we had to empty and fill areas with up to 9 metres in height and the construction of retaining walls. These clearings and embankments were very complicated because of the stratigraphy of the terrain, in which there were many areas with rocky substrates funds and other rocks which were altered and covered by y thick layers y of soil.

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jon ibarra ciordia professional portfolio

Education nal Architecture & Management 2005 - 2015

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