ESJIEUN 2008-2010

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Ji Eun KIM Portfolio 2008-2010




Kim Jieun 9 rue Jean-Nicot 75007 PARIS FRANCE 033 6 89 79 90 18

2010 - 2011 2010 - 2009

Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture-Paris Master Thesis with sir Peter COOK (Crab studio) ‘Visionary Architecture’_ Create, Play and Share Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture-Paris 4er year semester 7/ 8 Studio sir Peter COOK

(Crab studio)

2009 - 2008

Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture-Paris 3er year semester 5/ 6 Studio Hugh DUTTON( HDA) and Studio Ricardo De Ostos(Naja§DeOstos)

2008 - 2007 2006 - 2005 2005 - 2004 2004 - 2003 2002 - 2003

Entry and 2er year Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture-Paris Graduate national of Fine Art on Design and Graphic ‘ Diploma national of Art Plastique’( DNAP ) 2er year Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille on Design and Graphic 1er year Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Marseille on Design and Graphic Entry 1er year University of Sorbonne at Paris ‘ History of Fine Art’

Awards of Comepetition - Invited the menber of Jury in

- Published ‘Actu-Architecture’/’ Land Geo-metrics, Issy-les-Moulineaux’ in Paris, 2010 -landscape-urbanism-esa/ - Priz of ‘Best Architecture Project 2010’ of by Frédéric Borel in Paris - Priz Prix in ‘Workshop with Marcos Cruz and Marjan Colletti’ in Paris, 2010 - Published ‘SPECIALE N°3’ magazine in Paris, 2009 - Priz ‘Best Project’ in ‘Workshop with Teddy Cruz’in Paris, 2008 - Published ‘SPECIALE N°2’ magazine in Paris, 2009 - Priz ‘Best Project’ in ‘Workshop with Paul Virilio’in Paris, 2008 - Exhibition ‘ 2007 Design et Objet’ in Marseille, 2007

- Published ‘SUCKER PUNCH DAILY’ on architecture in New-York, 2011 - Published ‘EVOLO_EDITION SPECIALE 2011’ magazine in New-York, 2011 - Published ‘SPECIALE N°5’ magazine in Paris, 2010 - Published ‘EVOLO_SKYSRCAPER OF THE FUTURE’ magazine in New-York, 2010 - Priz Prix ‘EVOLO SKYSRCAPER 2009 Architecture Competition’, 2009 - Priz Prix ‘CONSTRUIR ACIER 2009 Architecture Competition’, 2009


Professional Experience - Assistant of Studio Architecture Hugh Dutton( HDA ) at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris, 2011

- Internship at ‘MIKOU Design studio’ of Architecture Office ‘ in Paris, 2007

- Internship at h2o Architectes( h2o) office in Paris, 2010-2011

- Internship at Museum of Kum Ho in Seoul, 2006

- Internship and Design Projet assisant ‘SEGA videogame company(SONY)’ in London, 2010

- Assistant at Museum modern of Art of Marseille,‘Gim Na-Young Exhibition’ in Marseille, 2005

- Assistant of office Didier Fuiza Faustino (Mésarchitectures) in Paris, 2009-2010

-Internship and Design Projet assisant ‘Naja§DeOstos Architecture’( AAschool ) in London, 2009-2010

- Assistant of Studio Architecture Ricardo deOstos (Naja§DeOstos Architecture) at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris, 2009

- Internship at ‘KENGO KUMA Architecture’ Office’ in Paris, 2008-2009

- Internship at ‘On site Studio Os00 Design’ office’ in Marseille, 2005-2006

Langue - French, English, Korean

Program - Autocad - 3D max et Vray - Maya 3D - Cinema 4D - Rhino - Photoshop/Illustrator/After Effects/Premiere Pro - Photoshop Digital Painting - Microsoft ( World, Excel, PowerPoint )


Table’s Contents 2008 1. RATP - Paris ( Studio Sebastien Chabbert ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

2. VERTICAL NATION ( Studio Hugh Dutton/ HDA ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2009

3. EVOLO SKYSCRAPER 2009/ VERTICAL NATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------21 4. FACTORY RECYCLING_ RECYCL(ab) ( Studio Ricardo deOstos/ Naja§DeOstos ) --------------------------------29 5. CONSTRUIRE ACIER 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 2010

6. MEDIA EVENT OF LONDON ( Studio Sir Peter COOK/ Crab Studio ) ------------------------------------------------ 43 7. PAVILLION ‘THE SECRET GARDEN’ ( Studio Sir Peter COOK/ Crab Studio ) ------------------------------------ 55 8. INFRASTRUCTURAL ECOLOGY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71 9. Land GEo-MEtricE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 10.drawing world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91




2008 Studio Sebastien Chabbert

This Project was basic in Pais and the objectif was to develope the desing urbain in ordre of programs proposed.

The program was 1 libery, 3 appartements, 10 houses. My aim was to create a street into the site and to give the another vision perspectif to the people and the urbain.



Vertical Nation 2009 Studio Hugh Dutton Vertical urbanization has been much criticized these last few years, and il still raise numerous discussion in France. Should we build skyscraper in Paris? How can we integration them into an environnement were vertical living has not been a current practice? When we consider existing skyscrapers we note an important loss of social exchange. Towers, which were places where one passes through, and stops only to lock oneself in one’s individual cell. Poorly adapted circulation and a deficient disposition of spaces contribute to generate those empty spaces. We provide a high diversity of programs creating almost a city inside the city. These programs are mixed inside the tower proposing new axes of exchanges.

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Morpho - Ecological Study


Phsyco-mapping study on the site


Diagram of analyse building( Climatic Researches, Circulation )


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Evolo SKYSCRAPER COMPETITION 2009 Priz Prix ‘EVOLO SKYSRCAPER 2009 Architecture Competition’, 2009 Selected project of Evolo Annual Skyscraper Competition. After finished the semester 5 with Hugh Dutton, I participed at Evolo Competition. Our project was selected in the final liste and published in the Evolo Magazine 2010.



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Factory recycling_ RECYCL(ab) 2009 Studio Ricardo de Ostos The project is based in London ,near Angel station. The main program is a wast recycling lab which is directly linked to a flexible waste storeroo. It works in association with a wast lab that analyse daily impacts of urbain life on human body including a greenhouse where medicinal plants are cultivated. The factory is meant to work as an independent system which takes care of the recycling process from the beginnig to the end. A public store oppens this closed system towards the exterior, providing a place where recycled materials and analyses can be sold.

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COMPETITION ‘CONCOURS EN ACIER’ 2009 The project was presented to a competition of ‘Construire en acier’. When I was in semester with Hugh Dutton. Our architectural proposal puts put forward a new manner of approaching delivery in value of industrial heritage. In effect we want to keep and to broadcast the unique ambience which they find insied the plant... For it we leave the undamaged plant, without denaturing it and we come to establish the majority of program above build existing.

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MEDIA EVENT OF LODNON 2010 Studio PETER COOK Today we would like to talk about the new networking system for the marathon event play for london olympic in 2012. Why we chose the marathon?Because the marathon game turn around the icon of the city. It’s really interesting to study the connection between city and runner. During the marathon game,Their passage have one of the icon place of london. And there icon place are televised by camera and thanks for the satellite system, we can see on live the marathon game everywhere. We think about the marathon game has the most strongest connection with each city than another sports. So we created the new machine which we can focus into the device between city and the runner and public during the marathon game. These machine will be a icon event for the marathon game all of the world

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Pavilion ‘artificiEl forEt’ _ 2010 Studio Peter Cook

Selected by Best Project 2010 by frédéric borEl ‘Where is you come from and who are you?’ Sir Peter Cook The project designer is a pavilion that will be installed in Paris. The site I chose, is the arena of Montmartre. The site hidden, locked and shy. When I found this site by accident, I felt like we discovered a treasures in a forest. Used for small concerts, theater and music festival. The site is sloped enough to qualify for the show. The objective is to cover a curved pavilion on the site which offers to show a dynamic view. The connection between the site area and the pavilion is created as the forest and the labyrinth.



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‘ PAVILION ; ARTIFICIAL FOREST ’ Created a admosphere of artificial nature that agreed with the area of arenne.


Section AA’ 1/500 A’




Infrastructural Ecology 2010 Project Team: Ricardo de Ostos, Nannette Jackowski, Caroline Dieden, Jieun Kim The HKBCF (Hong Kong Border Crossing Facilities) is designed to integrate innovative architectural scenarios and effective infrastructural and mechanical environments. As a gateway to Hong Kong the project is a vibrant celebration of the city’s high-technological tradition linked to its global role in an emerging culture of ecological solutions in the XXI century. Starting from the condition of the project being an island, water is a key generator and driving concept, used to interconnect intense passenger and vehicle traffic with the surrounding landscape. Architectural volumes, asphalt surfaces and green landscapes are organised symbiotically internetworked by resources (veins): Suitable grasses, shrubs and small trees are cultivated on site under controlled conditions. Organic waste is composted and turned into fertilising soil while water is collected by an intricate roof and drainage system (rainwater and other grey water) used to cool the main building and irrigate the surrounding green areas. South east orientated glazed surfaces and roof openings/skylights maximise heat gain from the morning sun. Waste, water and heat are fed back into the system creating a continuous and intelligent exchange between the resourses, turning architectural volumes into landscape feeders.



Light strategy and Site ambiance at night

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Water and Landscape flow

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Land GEo-MEtricE 2010 SĂŠminaire Lanscrape Urbanise Historically, the suburb was the site of experimentation with multiple housing types that are found intermingled with each other by forming various conflicts: spatial, social, urban. Located southwest of Paris, side by side with the 15th district and the Porte de Versailles, Issy-les-Moulineaux now 55 000 inhabitants spread over 402 hectares of a Topography of different levels fairly consistent. The location of the project contributes substantially to the development of new socio-spatial. Based on a topographic grid, generated by cuts at existing Land Geo-metrics develops artificial landscape on reinterpreting the dynamics and interactions of urban patterns that have shaped history-ing the streets of Paris: walking, hierarchies of flows, spaces public. The hexagonal component, several performance materialized in space (farmland, swimming pool and public housing) by giving a certain thickness and strength on the ground, re-qualifying as its value and its programming.



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Vertical Nation

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Vertical Nation


Vertical Nation

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Vertical Nation

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Vertical Nation

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drawing world ‘ My world’ ‘SPacE iS ESSEntially a MEntal conStruct. wE iMaginE SPacE to bE thErE, EvEn if wE ExPEriEncE it aS a void, an abSEncE wE can not PErcEivE.’ lEbbuS woodS by ‘thE quEStion of SPacE’








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