Jieun Youn- ArtGR 272 Final Portfolio

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Fall 2014 // ArtGR 272 // Digital Photography // Instructor, Faber Carol

Assignment One Visual Definition


Assignment 1 8x10


Assignment 1 8x10


Assignment 1 10x8


Assignment 1 8x10


Assignment 1 8x10

Assignment Two Aperture, Shutter, and Light

Larger Depth of Field

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/22.0 Shutter: 1/60 ISO: 200

Lesser Depth of Field

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/4.5 Shutter: 1/1250 ISO: 200

Fast Shutter

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/6.3 Shutter: 1/250 ISO: 200

Slow Shutter

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/4.0 Shutter: 0.6 ISO: 1600

Panned Imagery

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/7.1 Shutter: 1/125 ISO: 200

Night Imagery

Assignment 2 10x8 aperture: f/5.0 Shutter: 2.0 ISO: 200

Low Light Imagery

Assignment 2 8x10 aperture: f/3.5 Shutter: 1/4 ISO: 200

Assignment Three Letterform Composition

Assignment Four Visual Narrative Series

Assignment Four Written Statement The historical photographers that I inspired by are Philippe Halsman and Edward Weston. Philippe Halsman’s ‘jumping’ exhibition inspired me so I decided to have big active motion on my picture. Edward Weston is a great photographer who figured out the human figures from the food or some other objects and took special pictures like the ‘pepper number 3’ or ‘shell.’ The background will be food world. Two contemporary photographers that I chose is Philip-Lorca diCorcia and Laura Letinsky. Philip-Lorca diCorcia captured and take photographs like passers-by accidental poses, unintended movements, or insignificant facial expressions. Laura Letinsky photographed her leftover food bits after the meal. I got the idea from their photographs and tried to photograph unintended my facial expressions and all the food that I was having. My narrative series followed the story line of the ‘Alice in Wonderland.’

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