AIESEC Medina Application lcvp iGCDP 2nd round 14-15

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AIESEC Medina 2014 - 2015

iGCDP 2nd Round


Introduction Congratulation for taking the opportunity to apply for the position of Local Committee Vice president of Incoming Global Community Development Programme of LC Medina 14/15, In this term we do need someone who will commit to the success of LC Medina’s projects, It is an honor to be part of LC Medina’s EB I hope that you will make a promise and that you will own it ! Good Luck, Aziz Saidi President of AIESEC Medina 14 – 15

Dear Candidate, Your application reflects you; it reflects your personality and your perspectives. Application for AIESEC Medina’s LCVP iGCDP 2014-2015 is divided into three parts :

• General Questionnaire: These must be answered in no more thant 5 pages. • Specific Questionnaire: You have a maximum of 5 pages to answer to all the questions. • Motivation Video. We will be expecting 1 zipped file containing: 1. Candidates Application (maximum of 10 pages) 2. Curriculum Vitae (in English) 3. Candidate Motivation Letter. (in English)

Application Process: Application release : 12.07.2014 Application Deadline : 15.07.2014 Interviews: 16.07.2014 Announcement: 17.07.2014 The application must be sent to No application sent after the deadline will be accepted under any circumstances. If you have any questions regarding the application process or the questionnaire please contact Aziz Saidi :

General Questionnaire

List all aspects & roles of your AIESEC experience : Dates



What is AIESEC for you and why do you think that it is relevant for yourself and your environment?

What unique aspect of your personality will you bring to the EB team next year?

What are your three weaknesses and three strengths? How will your strengths support you as part of an EB; what challenges can rise because of your weaknesses and how will you deal with them?

Are you a leader ? How do you describe yourself as a leader ?

What do you see as the biggest challenge that currently faces AIESEC Medina?

What do you see as the most important priority for AIESEC Tunisia?

Responsibilities/knowledge gained

Please list the Local and National Conferences you have attended in the table below : Year

Your Role (Delegate, Chair, Faci, OC etc.)

Specific Questionnaire

Why are you running for this position?

what's the current reality of Medina iGCDP?

What will be your innovation as an LCVP iGCDP of AIESEC Medina for the term 14/15?

Create a suitable project to achieve all the above questions (sustainabilty , growth, experience.

Define the inner and outer journey and specify the difference between the bowth.

What are the three main priorities for your term, how do you plan you achieve them and what are the results that you expect from them?

What will be your strategy to have a sustainable GCDP in AIESEC Medina’s projects for the term 2014-2015?

Describe the relationship between iGCDP department and other departments (Everyone)

What will be your strategy to have a GCDP growth in AIESEC Medina’s projects for the term 2014-2015?

Why you didn’t apply during the first round, what would you do if some else applied and get the position ?

What are the steackholders that you are going to focus on, in AIESEC Medina's GCDP project?

Please feel free to develop a detailed action plan for the whole term 14/15.

Video Link (please make a 3 minutes video in which you present yourself and show your motivation for the next term).


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