Twn the report fff

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‫ﺗﻮﻧﺴﻲ ﻭﻧﻐﻴّﺭ‬ Project report 2016



International Institute of Debate

Elyes Guermazi P r e s i d e n t o f t h e o r g a n i z a ti o n

TwN is a project that gave us the opportunity to explore the potential of youth in Tunisia. We realized after executing this project that young people are not only powerful but they are also able to make the dierence in their communities. During the past 12 months, we were exploring dierent kinds of personalities from trainers to participants to decision makers and we realized the gap that exists between the government, the decision makers and citizens. Planning, strategy and power of democracy were the heart of the TwN project. We worked with over 500 youths and we realized that each one of them has the potential to make a dierence in his/her community, the only problem they face is the lack of support for those ideas to make them happen. I believe that in order for the democratic transition to happen in the right way, the Tunisian civil society has to continue working on such activities in the future. Elyes Guermazi Program Manager

I n i ti a t e d b y

International I n s ti t u t e of Debate

Tounsi W Nghayer est un incubateur de projets associatifs couvrant 5 régions Tunisiennes: Bizerte, Gabès, Sfax, Tunis et Mjaz el Bab. Tounsi W Nghayer se présente comme une compétition pour les jeunes entre 15 et 25 ans ayant des idées d’initiatives sociales visant a résoudre des problématiques locales ou communautaires. Chaque équipe sera composé de 4 membres plus un mentor, chaque région aura 6 équipes avec un minimum de 150 jeunes Tunisien. Tounsi W Nghayer s’étend sur 8 mois, chaque mois représentant une étape avec des formations et objectifs à atteindre. Les formations délivrés par les formateurs de l’iiDebate offrent aux participants des compétentes en éducations civique, l’art oratoire, la création de projet et le développement des idées d’initiatives. Les formations qui portent sur le développement des projets incluent la recherche sur terrain, la collecte d’information, l’élaboration des business plan, le plaidoyer et le pitching. Le compétition comporte deux niveau majeurs: Les élections Régionale durant lesquelles la meilleure équipe de chaque région sera sélectionnée pour représenter sa région durant la prochaine étape. L’élection Nationale durant laquelle une idée de projet sera voté et élue parmi 5 autres déterminant ainsi le gagnant de Tounsi W Nghayer.


Be active The project is about starting debate, theatre and communication clubs in the high schools. They believe that debate could be part of the pedagogy allowing students to learn public speaking and critical thinking. According to them this program should be implemented in all the middle and high schools but they will start with Bizerte.

GoPro Go Pro is a project targeting young people to help them get out of their stressful lives and distress through sports that they can practice in public spaces. Through this project, they will make from Bizerte a city that attracts more tourists and will make it more interactive with its locals. They will use the public spaces for activities like YOGA, Extreme sports and all kinds of activities that will bring energy to the youth of their community.

Social Education This project concentrates on teaching social entrepreneurship as a part of the curriculum for high school and university students. They will make a team of trainers in their region, Bizerte and then deliver dierent trainings for the students in order to inspire them to start their own companies. According to them social entrepreneurship could be the solution to resolve the economic crises.


Volunteering Club In Gabes, many teenagers want to volunteer but they don’t find spaces where to do so since there is a huge lack of communication between the citizens of this community. Volunteer club will be at first the initiation of different “theatre, music, entrepreneurship, creativity…” clubs, then it will become a platform for people to find opportunities where to volunteer.

School Camp 2030 School camp 2030 is a project inspired by a US organization that works on implementing the culture of non-formal education. In Gabes, they plan to organize a training program every summer, that will complement what any student learned during the whole year. A part of this activity will involve teachers, professionals and civil society organizations with the purpose of making young high school and university students understand their career path in an early age.

Plant your tree Gabes is one of the cities suffering from climate change problems and disrespect from citizens towards nature. “Plant your tree” is a program developed by four young university students who believe that if we want to change the mentality in our country then we need to start from an early age. This team will work on a competition between primary school students on how to keep their school garden cleaner and how they should be more aware of the environment of their cities.


Skills storming One of the major issues in our educational system is orientation, people study in fields that they don’t know the future to. They also don’t find the time to connect with professionals and discover what kind of opportunities they might have in these fields. Skills storming is a program that will organize different meetings for students with professionals in order to help them understand their future career through a series of interviews with professionals. Also, they will organize trainings related to how those students can empower their skills in the professional level to have bigger chances to find a job.

Blind This project will target blind people in “18 Janvier Sfax” high school. The ministry of education last year took the initiative to put all the blind people be in the same classroom and follow a special courses cycle. TwN youth saw that this initiative is not enough, those youths are not having enough extra-curricular activities and they lack involvement in the public life. That’s why they decided to offer them special trainings, activities and competition in order to reintegrate them in regular scholastic life.

Breath Culture In Sfax, public libraries, cultural centers and cultural cafes are not the places that most people want to join, which is why Breath culture is the solution. It’s the platform in which you can exchange books with other people and participate in discussion and series of debates.

Your Café Since cultural centers and youth centers are attracting students and teenagers, and find cafes more interesting, the YourCafe team decided to bring the cultural activities in the cafes: Music, Book discussion, Theatre, Movie screenings, Debate… Your café is the solution to help students and youth develop their critical thinking skills and exchange innovative ideas that can turn to a successful project.

Better schools This initiative following the ministry of education project “Madrasati” to work on the infrastructure of classrooms and high schools in Sfax. They decided to be specialized in the infrastructure related to kids with diseases who find difficulties to go and study because of lack of ressources. They will start by making fund collection and recruitment of volunteers who will support them in this initiative and then they will with schools in Sfax interior regions “Bir Salah, Louza, Mahres…”


Think about agriculture

Allam w It3allam

This team wants to create a machine that will help the farmer to harvest the crops at the end of the year. They realized that technology could be an added value to the economical system of the country since 40% of the Tunisian economy relies on agriculture. They will recycle the machines they have in the university and they will look for funding for additional materials in order to make more machines for more people.

5 students in Mjaz el Beb decided to launch the program Allam W Itaallam. It consists of training university students to be teaching assistants then going to the primary, middle and high schools to organize activities and share their knowledge with them. This activity will end up with the initiation of different debate clubs and theatre, music … in the high schools of Mjaz el Beb.

Preserve the right of workers in rural areas

Tutor me!

According to this team, many workers especially women in rural areas are suffering from human right violations from their employers. In fact, 90% of them don’t have social security, work with under minimum wage and are treated aggressively. That’s why this team believed in the importance of creating a follow up system from civil society, lawyers, and experts to rescue those women and save them from the abuse.

This program targets the university students of Mjaz el beb. Those students spend most of their time in the university yet miss the chance to collaborate. That’s why this team thought of creating a platform of tutoring where anyone with skills in any field can share it online and people who need help in that field will contact him/her and arrange tutoring sessions.


Don’t quit Education

L’ecole a l’hopitale

Nowadays and especially after the revolution, children are dropping out of school at an early age. This team will follow up with those kids and support them in order to convince them to go-back to school. They will create a training plan and activities targeting them essentially and then their parents in another phase. After that, they will also help them discover the opportunities and jobs that best suit their profiles.

Kids who are suffering from diseases and who need to spend periods of time in hospitals, usually are suspended from school and they don’t find any follow up from the ministry of education. That’s why the project “Ecole a l’hopital” was born. The idea is to bring: Teachers, Students, Civil society organizations, volunteers to tutor those children and help them pursue their education cycle. At the end, they can have regular exams like the rest of the students even if they didn’t attend real classes.

Let’s be more civic


This initiative consists of the creation of civic education clubs in middle schools as well as high schools. Citizenship is a concept that we only learn theoretically in civic education classes but we fail to practice is due to the lack of opportunities. The founders of this initiative suggest a one-year project where they will start 5 pilot civic education clubs within 5 different institutions including youth centers. After that, we will measure the results of the involvement of youth in the public and political life.

After the revolution, the rate of suicide among children has tripled especially in interior regions. Many factors resulted in this problem including: Poverty, careless parents, external influence, lack of critical thinking. That’s why the project “Wlidetna” was born to support those kids who might be target of suicide. A tour in interior regions will be made, more attention will be given to those kids and trainings, competitions and activities will be held for them to feel more valuable in their societies.


Gafsa Journalism Festival Gafsa is one of the most beautiful region in Tunisia with its culture, history, art and kind people. Many young people especially journalists have big potential and creative ideas but unfortunately they don’t find the support they need. That’s why a festival of journalism will be a first in Tunisia and it will bring together all the media sectors in the country and will show the value of this city and their youth and their creativity.

Stand up comedy through debate A group of youth believes that stand up comedy could be the best way to represent the public opinion. Standup comedy has become more attractive to youth after the revolution especially topics related to politics. Those youths want to teach people how reach the audience with the debate techniques through stand comedy. Public events will be organized in the theatres, youth and cultural centers… This tool will raise youth and public awareness about social issues.

Heal the youth Youth are the power of creativity and innovation. Heal the youth is the project where we will highlight the potential of each single youth in his/her community. It starts with the selection of some youth from Gafsa, who will give a presentation through inspiring speeches about how they see the future and what are the projects they would want to realize in the future. Through this inspiring action, many youths will be interested to join those initiatives and iiDebate will pressure the governmental representatives to take these suggestions into consideration and endorse them.

Women’s right The women are the power of the community, in Tunisia they don’t have all their rights and they are not as respected as men. Women’s right is an activity will consist in training women in their communities about how to initiate projects, how to defend herself, how to deal with all kinds of harassment and human rights violation… At the end those women will integrate different civil society activities in order to be active and will try to implement their project idea on the ground.







26 Gabes



28 30



Mjaz el Beb

Man Gafsa


94 Women

These graphs represent the 27 TEAMS from the 6 REGIONS, trained during this project








28 30

Mjaz el Beb


20 Gafsa


94 Women


1/ Radio Web Metline, which is a local association in Bizerte. Our program coordinator and outreach manager had the chance to share the purpose of the training “Take Action” with Bizerte community

2/ Radio Bizerta FM: Our outreach manager explained the project Tounsi W Nghayer and its objectives, it was also an opportunity to launch a call for youth to join us

3/ Radio Saraha FM: In Tunis, the program manager had an hour long intervention to talk about the project Tounsi w Nghayer and how people can join it. In addition, he explained its different training parts

4/ BIL Event: The Project Manager was among the speakers in a BIL conference and he shared the project of Tounsi wNghayer.


RTCI Radio Intervention

Tatouine Radio Intervention

Gafsa Video for the election simulation

Gafsa Photos Election Simulation

Gabes Election Simulation

Gabes TV News Watania

Through our campaign “EnaEttounsi” , young Tunisians shared how they contributed to their community’s development on our Facebook page. We created a promotional video for the project as well, which has been shared more than 150 times on Facebook and twitter so far. The video presented the process of Tounsi W Nghayer in details. Media interviews: Local Radio Gabes FM : 500 people listened to this intervention Local Web Radio Meteline Bizerte : 300 followers watched the interview with our two staff members Facebook reach : 3200 person participated in the competition “EnaEttounsi” by clicking on like and making comments on the shared photos. Youtube reach : More than 1000 views on our videos (promotional video and the trainings videos we used) Mjaz el BebAttasiaa News TV


STORIES iiDebate was the ďŹ rst organization in Tunisia who started competitions in Ben Guerdan the city where people are afraid to work because of its proximity to Libyan borders. We signed cooperation with the youth center in Ben Guerdane and with the Tataouine station.

iiDebate hosted Tounsi W Naghyer after the request of the ministry of education for a week and we trained 350 students and we impacted 10 teachers. The US Ambassador as well as the minister of higher education were both attended and were there for the TwN presentation. We produced more than 10 videos showing the direct impact of our work.

(+216) 71 90 37 34 Complexe El Wifek, Apartement A45 10 rue Abdrrahman Azzem, 1073 Montplaisir, Tunis

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