Baška 02

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La mer bleue, chaude et limpide, des longues plages de galets blancs, protégées par les pins qui offrent de l'ombre, font un endroit parfait pour se relaxer et pour se reposer du stress quotidien, Cela explique pourquoi il y a long temps quelqu'un a écrit ,, l'homme agonisant revit ici ,,

Cristally clear, warm and blue Adriatic Sea and long pebble beaches hidden among pine trees offer you plenty oí shade, which is a períect surrounding íor relaxation and relief írom everyday stress. Allthis helps us understand why long time ago it was written that here 'a dying man revives again'. Plavo, toplo i kristalno bistro more i duge bijele šljunčane plaže zakriljene borovima koji pružaju ugodni hlad, savršeno su okruženje za opuštanje, odmor od svakodnevnoga stresa i pomažu shvatiti zašto je davno napisano da ovdje i ,,čovjek na umoru ponovno oživljava". www, gskxv*r*-,r'


Le font de mer de Baška Voda a toujours étéun lieu de rencontre á l'écoute du rythme de la vie que vous vous promeniez en compagnie de vos proches, que vous vous reposiez sur un banc entouré de palmiers et de íleurs, que vous attendiez les pécheurs ou que vous racontiez vos expériences á l'ombres des arbres centenaires. ;.,,,ť.;i;



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The promenade oí Baška Voda has always been a meeting point and a place where you can listen to the rhythm of life by walking slowly with your dear ones, by resting on a bench surrounded by palms and flowers, by waiting curiously for the fishermen or by resting in the shade of an ancient tree crown aňd retelling your experiences,


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Baškovoška riva oduvijek je mjesto susreta osluškivanja ritma života, bilo da lagano šetate u društvu najdražih, odmarate se na klupi okruženi palmama i cvijeóem, znaliželjno dočekujete ribare, ili u hladu podno stoljetne krošnje slušate i prepričavate doživljaje. i


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The prehistorie traees or those of aneient lllyrians and of life in tirnes of Ancient peniod and Ronnan ,Aronia are preseí,ved on archaeoNogieal siies and in museums. ,A tirneless story about a perfeet beauty can be seen in The Ma|acological *ď iVTuseunn, wl-1ereas churches and nnonuments present spiritua| and ď euitull.a| idenŤiŤy of thle inhabitants of new and rnodern Eaška Voda. , W."!



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Tragove pra;oovilcstl, dnevni1.1 [!ira iživota u doha anrŤj[<e i rirns['<e Aronile ču,rvajtl ar[,lcr:Inš[<i lokaNiteti r muze1 Bezvnernensktl pničul o savl,šeno] ljepotd kazuie


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Rafraichissez-vous le corps et l'esprit en íaisant de la voile, de la natation ou de la plongé sous-marine. Remplissez vos poumons d'air frais en faisant du jogging, en se promenant ou en faisant du vélo sur les sentiers au bord de la mer jusqu'aux pentes de la montagne. Visitez aussi le parc naturel Biokovo et profitez de la nature protégée.

Topiói and Bast, the picturesque villages out of which new Baška Voda developed, proudly preserve interesting specimens oí íolk Dalmatian architecture on the slopes of mighty Biokovo. The pleasures oí taste and scent, which can be íound in the taverns, are mixed with the fresh mountain breeze íollowed by a calm and reíreshing sleep.

Slikovita sela Topiói i Bast, od kojih je potekla novovjekovna Baška Voda, na padinama moónoga Biokova ponosno čuvaju zanimljive primjerke dalmatinske pučke arhitekture. Užitke okusa i mirisa iz konoba upotpunjuje svježi lahor s planine i okrepljujuói mirni san. v*wv. oskxv*U*,O'


Promajna doit son nom au lever de soleil aux plus belles aurores. Aprěs la traversée du massif de Biokovo, les terrains de pins, les vignobles et les oliviers le soleil s'unit avec la mer bleue qui déíerle sur la baie pittoresque. Les hótes assidus vous oíírenttout ce dont vous avez besoin pour passer des vacances extraordinaires.

The name oí Promajna comes from the Croatian word "promaljanja", which means "sunrise", since this town has one oí the most beautiíul ones - írom Biokovo through scented pine trees, vines and olive spreads to the clear, blue sea along the tame sandy bays. Diligent inhabitants have enriched this giít oí God and have oííered everything necessary íor a great vacation.

Promajna ime duguje promaljanju Sunca u najljepšim izlascima, nakon kojih se s Biokova, preko mirisnoga zelenila borova, loza i maslina razastire i nježno sljubljuje s plavetnilom mora koje zapljuskuje bijeližal pitome uvale. Vrijedni domaóinioplemenili su ovaj Božji dar i ponudili sve potrebno za izvrstan odmor.



De Ključ kuk, grand rocher qui, comme un ange garde le sommeil tranquille du village, á travers la route sinueuse, ourlée de maisons, jusqu'á la báie tranquille et la plage blanche et l'ombre des pins, Krvavica est un village qui évoque la fuite du stress.

Od-Ključ kuka, kamene stijene koja kao anďeo čuvar bdije nadbezbrižnim snom mjesta, preko zavojite ceste obrubljene udobnim obiteljskim kuóama, do mirne sigurne luke i bijele šljunčane plaže i hlada borova, Krvavica zove na bijeg od briga i opuštanje.

BratuŠ est un petit village agréable qui á l'ombre des vieilles maisons en pierre édifiéesá travers des siěcles autour du cháteau Kačió cache les histoires sur la mer. Mis á part la jolie plage de galets, Bratuš vous offre le confort chez l'habitant ainsi les délices de la cuisine Dalmate. BratuŠ is a small and peaceful place which hides stories about the sea in the tranquil shades oí old stone houses built by centuries around the Court oí Kačiói. Near a beautiful sandy beach this former fishing village offers comíort and warmth of family houses and the,pleasure of Dalmatian cuisine.

Bratuš je malo i pitomo mjesto koje, kao dragulje od pogleda slučajnih prolaznika, skriva priče o moru u miru hlada starih kamenih kuóa graťíenih stoljeóima oko Kačióevih dvora. Pored lijepe

šljunčaneplaže, ovo nekada ribarsko naselje nudi udobnost itoplinu obiteljskih kuóa i užitke dalmatinske kuhinje.

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