空 人類習慣將事物數理化,自然界內不論物質或非物質都會被量度和計算, 隨以單位命名;然而人總愛在無限中製造有限,又復在有限之名後追尋無 限。漸漸,單位為實,事物成虛。 當 / 如果 " 空 " 是一個單位,它要量度的會是甚麼? 「空」也許是天空 ; 「空」也許是空氣 ; 「空」也許是空間 ; 「空」也許是自由 ; 「空」也許是夢想 ; 「空」也許是病徵 ; 「空」也許甚麼也不是… 天空無垠 , 城市生活卻被局限於密密麻麻的建築「單位」下。大廈跟詩意 盎然的天空遙遙相 對,象徵著現實與夢想之間的落差。自古人類為了生存 建造屋宇聚居,謂之城市。時移世易,現代都市卻在膨脹中不斷操控人類, 佔領自然。對社會而言,城市發展也許是「文明進步」;對生命而言,它 卻像無聲的病毒 ; 對自然而言 , 它可是一種絕症,悄悄蔓延。當生活只有 意識的藩籬、約定俗成的標準,在營營役役的計算下 , 人生又是甚麼?
在「空」系列中 , 我以城市生活中被高樓擋著的天空之景象轉換為形狀、 符號和象徵 , 以熟練的手法親自製造一個個城市化的木畫框 , 創作出各個 可量度計算的「空」,象徵著現實社會生活的模式,同時亦反映城市對自 然的改造和影響,引領觀眾思考及想像身處的空間。 我認為創作過程皆是重要的 ,,由線條及角度的計算 ; 到木條制成畫框 ; 再 拉上畫布 ; 然後再在布上繪畫 ; 整個過程中 , 都屬於創作概念之一部份,故 此以攝影及錄像形式記錄了創作過程,記錄著他怎樣利用充滿數值化、準 確又複雜的角度、線條與數字 , 把本是一望無際的天空砌割、扭曲及改造, 然後塑造出一個個「空」。 作品最後以單位 cm² 來標示出作品之面積的大小,這記錄重點不在於實 質的面積大小,而是呼應概念上的限制。
SimSky Humans have always attempted to apply mathematical logic to quantify the structure of material and immaterial substance with units of measurement. The desire to transpose limits within the infinite world and at the same time, seek limitless within these defined limitations still remains ambiguous. When/If Chinese character 「空」 [Kōng] is used as a unit, what structure would it quantify? What material/immaterial substance would it evaluate? 「空」could 「空」could 「空」could 「空」could 「空」could 「空」could 「空」could
be be be be be be be
sky; air; space; free; dream; symptoms; nothing at all......
Since ancient times, cities have been developed to improve the quality of lives. In modern phenomenon, the lives of humanity have been compromised by the development of cities as it continues to destroy the natural environment. Building of cities might be one of man's greatest achievements; ironically, this achievement is detrimental to many co-existing in the world. Humans have always attempted to apply mathematical logic to quantify the structure of material and immaterial substance with units of measurement. The desire to transpose limits within the infinite world and at the same time, seek limitless within these defined limitations still remains ambiguous. The series of "SimSky" is a collection which wants to express a concept of boundary; also this is a live experience of living in a city. The inspiration comes from the aerial view of the sky in the city. Sim has transformed this into sharps, symbolic means and signs, and put these together through the traditional handmade wooden frame, in order to show different types of variety in a human's life.
This collection is a symbol of a modern life in the society, but it has also represented how the society changes the nature. Sim thinks that the process is the key spot of making this collection. From shaping the outlines and calculating the angels of the frames, turning these into some real wooden frames with canvas, painting the views on them, this process is one of the elements in the creation. So Sim has used photographs and videos to record the whole making process. These records have been showing how Sim is using the mathematic methods to create the angles which are full of accuracy and complexity, chopping the sky views into some weird pieces. All of these have become a measureable sky view, which is the concept of 「空」. At last, Sim used" cm² "to show the size of the art works, this is not just about the actual size only, but also showing the boundary of every object which existed in our daily lives. These are something that we cannot see through the eyes.
SIM CHAN, (b. 1987, HK)
2015 ART CENTRAL 2015 The Cat Street Gallery, Hong Kong
2014 POETIC SPACE - Arthur Chan and Sim Chan YY9 Gallery, Hong Kong 2013 "Crafting Sky" - Group Exhibition of Sim Chan & Stanley Siu 100 ft. PARK, Hong Kong 2012 Viewfinder - Solo Exhibition by Sim Chan Red Elation Gallery, Hong Kong SimSky: Sim Chan Solo Exhibition Leo Gallery, Shanghai Inside Out - Dual Exhibition of Sim Chan and Vaan Ip Fabrik Contemporary Art, Hong Kong 2011 [KŌNG] ² - Sim Chan Solo Exhibition New Gallery on Old Bailey, Central, Hong Kong 2010 Here, there, where? - Dual Exhibition of Sim Chan, Sun Yu FQProject Gallery, Shanghai
Crush On My City Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong 10th Anniversary Exhibition YY9 Gallery, Hong Kong 2014 SPOT ART 2014 ARTRIUM@MCI , Singapore Antiqcute – Installation Project FINE ART ASIA 2014 HKCEC, Hong Kong 2014 ART NOVA 100 National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing ,China The 2013-14 Sovereign Asian Art Prize Finalist Exhibition The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Hong Kong Art @ Government Buildings 2013-14 Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Hong Kong 2013 Hong Kong Human Rights Art Prize - Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Hong Kong
"INSPIRE" - Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity 2011 Auction VISION" Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction Fine Art Asia 2013, HKCEC, Hong Kong HKCEC, Hong Kong Hong Kong Inivitational Oil Painting Exhibition 2013 Hong Kong Central Library, Hong Kong 2010 3 IN 1- An exhibition by Pabro ENVIRON(S): Cityscape Red elation gallery, Hong Kong Red Elation Gallery, Hong Kong 2009 "Evolution" - Group Exhibition Invitational Exhibition for HK Young Artist K11, Hong Kong Wan Fung Gallery, Hong Kong 2012 CONNECT - Hong Kong Cancer Fund Charity Auction Fine Art Asia 2012, Hong Kong FABULOUS ROMANTIC SIGNATURE Fine Arts, Beijing
The moon gazed at you - You gaze at it too White @ rcade, Hong Kong FEEL IN THE BLANK Pao Gallery, Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong 2008 Trail Of Time Exhibition La Lanta Fine Art Gallery, Bangkok
《JET》 十年一刻創作展 Ocean Terminal Main Concourse, Harbour City Hong Kong Childhood Memories Exhibition A Gallery, Central, Hong Kong HONG KONG AUGUST - In the Mood for Art SIGNATURE Fine Arts, Beijing HONG KONG inVISIBLE Schoeni Art Gallery, Central, Hong Kong Small is Beautiful Vol.3 Leo Gallery, Shanghai 1st Hong Kong Oil Painting Competition 2012 Central Library, Hong Kong
2014 Selected Finalist of Sovereign Asian Art Prize 201314 The Sovereign Asian Art Foundation
2014 "Let the kites back into the sky"- Art@Government Building 2013-14 Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Hong Kong
2013 Selected finalist of Hong Kong Human Rights Art Prize 2013 The Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre (HKRAC) Perspective 40 under 40 Awards 2013 Perspective Magazine
2013 "SimKites" @Hong Kong Public Art Jockey Club Atrium of Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2012 Merit Award, 1st Hong Kong Oil Painting Competition 2012 Hong Kong Oil Painting Research Society
Hong Kong Art School, Higher Diploma in Fine Art, 2008
2011 Selected Finalist of Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2011 The Sovereign Asian Art Foundation 2009 [Starlight Hong Kong] Outstanding Artist Grand Award 1st HK Contemporary Arts Honor 2008 Best Artwork Award in Painting Hong Kong Art School
Hong Kong Art School, Cerificate in Visual Arts, 2006
Sim Chan (B. 1987, HK) Born in Hong Kong in 1987, graduated from Hong Kong Art School, Major in Painting. Sim's work is a tangible expression of the desire to unlock and blur boundaries of forms within the city. He has been worked on depictions of the local cityscape and the urban architecture intensively. His work is a compilation of artist's own observations, reminiscences and tactile senses towards the ever-changing city. Looking into the urban development with his saw, wooden frame and paintbrushes, Sim tries to explore the underneath correlations between lifestyle and the changes that people made upon the nature; which, indeed, reveals his pursuit of dream from the struggles in reality. Sim set up his studio in Fotan since 2007; He also participated artist-in-residence program in Beijing in 2009. He was selected as one of the nominees for the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2011 and the Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2013, He was awarded “40under40” global creative talent by Perspective Magazine in 2013. In the same year, he was commissioned to create a public art installation at Hong Kong Arts Centre. He was selected by "Art @ Government Buildings 2013-14" to create a public art installation and paintings at Queen Elizabeth Stadium. He participated in various art exhibitions actively since 2007. Sim's work has been exhibited in different cities such as Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Singapore, Tokyo, Thailand and Melbourne. Collectors of his art include APO's Public Art Collections, Hysan Place, Leo Gallery, Red Elation Gallery and private collections in Hong Kong and abroad.