Wet Set Gazette Vol. 1 2011

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wet set gazette | vol. 1 2011 www.dy-dee.com

In this issue

vol. 1 | 2011

Trust Begins... by Giuditta Tornetta....3

Music and Healing by Michelle Leclaire O’Neill, PhD., RN......5

Breastfeeding: A Review of the Basics by Rita L. Shertick, RN, BSN, LCCE, CLE......6

Tinsel, Trombones, and Tidepools by Dr. JoBea Holt....8

New Guidelines for CPR by Richard Pass, RN .....15

Traveling with Your Newborn and Kids, by Giuditta Tornetta ................4 Breastfeeding Consultant Resource Listings ................................6 Breastfeeding and the Baby Registery, by Lindsey Nelson ......................7 Resources ........................................................................10 Marketplace Ads ................................................................13 Doula Resource Listings ......................................................14 Professional Education and Training........................................15

cover photo: shutterstock printed on recycled paper

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Trust Begins in the Womb by Giuditta Tornetta


he connection the mother and child share during pregnancy is so intimate and close that the emotions and thoughts experienced by the mother are directly felt by the child through hormonal and chemical shifts in the body. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., in an article entitled The Wisdom of Your Cells points out, “Blood contains all of the information molecules, such as hormones and emotional chemicals. The mother is always adjusting her physiology and her emotions to deal with the contingencies of life. Since her blood via the placenta is directed to the fetus, the fetus is experiencing and feeling what the mother senses. When stress hormones cross the placenta, they have exactly the same target sites in the fetus as they have in the mother.” When you learn how to cope and learn from everyday challenges, as well as harness every day’s beauty, your body’s chemistry will adjust accordingly and your baby will learn from you. That is the ultimate, unconscious teaching from example. Psychologist Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development suggest that trust and mistrust are the first building blocks of personality. According to Erikson, choosing one versus the other, trust or mistrust, is the result of our first learned experiences in the womb. The development of trust and mistrust continues into the toddler and childhood years. The level of reliance your child will feel in her life, is correlated with your ability to keep your word and allow her to freely express herself with you. As a mother, you represent the safe haven the child can rely on and return to when going out and exploring the world. You are the one person she was born to trust unconditionally and the one whose job it is to teach her the art of speaking and hearing the truth.

photo: shutterstock

[Don't be frightened or feel guilty for every negative emotion you have experienced in your pregnancy, none of us can have a perfect and carefree pregnancy and that is not the ultimate goal. As we mostly teach by example, the best for the unborn child is to learn how conscious mom is of her states. What are her coping mechanisms? How self-reflective she is in her life, versus prone to find blame only in others? How committed to her self-love is she? In this chapter we specifically focus on the power of words. The fifth chakra, which is the throat chakra, relates to the Right To Speak and to Hear the Truth. Do you say what you mean? Can your baby trust your words? Trust begins in the womb if you strive to be trustworthy to the world around you.] Regardless of what we have been Giuditta Tornetta taught as children, today we have a greater 310.435.6054 responsibility as adults and parents, to www.JoyInBirthing.com learn to be conscious of our words. When Giuditta Tornetta is a birth and post-partum doula, a we pass our own words through the sieve lactation educator, and hypnotherapist. She is the of, “Is it true, necessary, and loving?” we author of the book Painless Childbirth: An teach our children how to use words conEmpowering Journey Through Pregnancy sciously. For instance, we teach our chiland Birth (available at amazon.com). She dren that to tell Uncle Charlie, “I don’t like you,” is true, but it is neither neceshas a private practice in Marina del Rey, California.

sary, nor loving. To tell Uncle Charlie, “I’d rather not go to the park and play right now,” is a loving way to enforce a boundary. Often clients that enter the hospital during labor want to make sure the nurse will follow their Birth Plan, and they will either try to explain to her why they chose not to have an epidural, which often leads to a sparring of opinions, or they get irritated and get into a screaming match with the nurse who does not want to cooperate. Sometimes nurses, in an effort to help you, will insistently offer what they believe is the best remedy to a laboring woman: drugs. They mean well and once you are hooked up to all the gadgets they have to offer, they can perform their jobs better. They can monitor you from another room or from the nurses’ station and don’t have to work so hard to keep checking on you. Of course, it is your right not to have pain medication offered constantly, and it is the right of a woman to ask not to be given unsolicited advice such as, “You don’t have to be a hero, sweetheart. Every woman does fine with an epidural. Trust me.” Some of us want to scream at the nurse to shut up and leave us alone, but we are teaching our baby how to manage stressful situations, so we still need to learn how to pass our words through the filter of, “Is it true, necessary, and loving?” Certainly it is true you don’t want an epidural, but it is not necessary to tell the nurse why, nor is it necessary for her to understand your reasoning. Now all you have to do is focus on loving. When asked, a simple “No thank you, please don’t ask again,” will do.

To read more get the book! Painless Childbirth: An Empowering Journey Through Pregnancy and Birth was created to inspire women to remember their innate ability to give birth naturally. Painless Childbirth, by Giuditta Tornetta, promotes self-confidence urging women to take charge of their well being as they make informed decision and take a hard look at what may stand in the way of their own sacred drug-free childbirth.


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wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011

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Travels With Your Newborn and Kids by Giuditta Tornetta


hile a family reunion may not sound as exciting as a trip to a theme park or far away land it provides children with an understanding of their heritage. Family reunions are an opportunity to teach the kids about family. Who are our ancestors? Where were they born? Were they involved in the making of history? Who will be attending? How is everyone related? Where will they be traveling from? These are but a few of the questions that are likely to spark the interest of the children. Of course if you have a new baby, even if I encourage you to talk to him about the upcoming trip, your concerns are others—if you must take an airplane to get there and are wondering how you are going to manage bringing all the gadgets your baby needs, there are a few solutions. First get your own pediatrician’s opinion, bring some help with you, get a nonstop flight, fly during an off-peak time, and be prepared for everything. Best to wait at least six weeks before you fly. But what about all the gadgets you have been accustomed to? If you can afford it I found this interesting Web site called Traveling Baby Company here’s their pitch and promise: “[TBC]offers you high quality baby products that are clean, safe and comfortable. Our network is dedicated to provide outstanding customer service and making your trip stress free. Experience the ease of traveling with children as trusted brand name items are delivered straight to your door. You will never have to pack extra luggage or carry bulky equipment again. The convenience is amazing!! Relax while you travel and put your mind at ease, we will do the rest.” A client of mine swears by them. As a bi-coastal (LA – NYC) family they used this service to manage the back and forth in the first few months of their baby’s life. Eventually they bought enough stuff in their second home to live comfortably in both places. The site is called traveling baby co. If you cannot afford it, don’t worry, you can still make it work. The most important item in your traveling luggage for a baby (or a toddler) is a car seat. All car rental companies rent car seats too, so it might behoove you to get rent a car so that you are independent and you have enough car seats for your kids. But you can also only rent a car seat, make sure whomever pick you up at the airport has it securely installed in their car, do not travel at any time with out one.

photos: Shutterstock

The most important items to pack for a new born are: • A good sling • A Snuggle Nest (Which is a small comfortable traveling bed 0 to 3 months) • Enough swaddling blankets • A white noise maker. I love the Cloud Sleep Sheep because you can take the little noise machine out of the sheep and place it just about anywhere. Babies do love noise. If you got used to breastfeeding with a Boppy you really don’t need one. Before you leave get a lactation consultant, postpartum doula, or lactation peer from La Leche League to teach you how to feed your baby just using your arms, and free your self from that gadget. When you travel via airplane make sure you breastfeed your baby on take off and landing and if you have a toddler it is a good idea to encourage her to eat something (a small piece of her favorite fruit for example) during the same time, this will ease ear pressure and make her comfortable. Include a change of clothes for both mom and baby in your carry-on. It is better to be safe than sorry. (Don’t forget extra diapers!) When you travel with your newborn try to reserve a bulk seat in the middle of the airplane. Many airlines do carry an infant crib you can hook up in front of you. Especially if mom is flying alone, the portable crib is a great place to safely place your baby while you eat, rest, or search for that one pacifier that got away. Ask the flight attendant for help if you are flying solo. They are usually happy to assist you or hold your baby if you need to use the restroom. Utilize a good baby carrier or sling. These keep baby close and safe and your hands free. Schedule your air travel during the sleep hours of your baby, if you can. Also you might consider asking your homeopathic doctor for an emergency remedy kit, check out Dr. Feder’s Family Kit. Newborns are much more vulnerable to germs than older children, since their immune systems are still developing. Maintaining exposure at a minimum is important. Avoid having every family member and friend breathe on or touch the newborn. Be adamant that only those with clean hands and no colds get close. The power to breastfeed conveniently and safely is best, and it will also help baby since she’ll get your immune system to help fight anything that may come her way. Make sure you pack different clothing from warm to cold. Temperature varies from an air-conditioned car to the hot sun at grandmother’s house or from the heated car to a house that is a little chilly for your newborn. Be ready for either contingency. With toddlers remember to bring distractions Bring toys that travel well and can be used quietly. For young kids books and coloring books, it is a good idea to get something he/she has never seen before but don’t forget a favorite doll or stuffed animal that will help your child cope with the stress of being in a new environment and new bed. For older children bring activity books, and travel versions of their favorite games. Again, sometimes a little trip to the 99 cents

store can go a long way in getting something new your children will get excited about. Stay away from sugar snacks. You don’t want your kids to bounce off the walls. Remember many airlines these days do not provide meals, so pack some food for your children. Here are some yummy ideas: A Ziploc filled with: carrots, cucumbers, grapes, apple slices, corn chips low in salt, Multigrain Cheerios, peanut butter and bananas sandwiches (cut in small bite size pieces), string cheese, one avocado (you can bring a spoon and give your toddler half), it also makes great fresh baby food and it is good for six months and up. Don’t forget to bring either a sippy cup or a bottle (they must be empty for security reasons) but you can always ask the flight attendant to fill them up with water (no need to feed soda or juice to your kid, all that sugar can get him/her restless.) Remember to breathe deeply (from your belly rather than your chest) if you start feeling tense. Traveling can be stressful not only for parents but for kids too. Make sure you discuss your travel well ahead of time, talk about rules at the airport, on the train, in the car, and on the plane. When I traveled in the car with my kids we often played great games like the alphabet game where you need to find each letter of the alphabet on different signs on the road. In fact, on our last trip from LA to San Francisco, we still played the same game and my son is twenty-six and my daughter is twenty-four, and you know, it made the time go so much faster and it made us laugh all the way there. Once you arrive at your destination Make sure each day contains at least one activity that everyone will enjoy, for example: A tour of the city can end with a visit to the local zoo. A visit with adult relatives can include games for the kids or a trip to the local park. If you have a baby make sure you spend time alone in a quiet room with him/her. over-stimulation can cause your baby to be fussier. For small babies a great portable bed is the snuggle nest; it’s small and your baby will enjoy having her own familiar territory. Don’t always make food a reward. Often parents use it to compromise: “We’ll go around the city and then we’ll get ice cream;” or “We’ll visit Aunt Maggie and get cake and pizza.” Food should not be a reward nor should be television. Remember you are raising a human being and working on the foundation of his/her future habits. Engage your kid. Ask the adult you visit not to offer sugar treats to your child, but ask them to tell your kids a story about their past, your relationship when you were kid, etc., (all adults love story telling especially about themselves.) When you tour a city make sure you engage your child’s imagination. Making things fun can change the experience dramatically. If you are going back home to where you grew up consider driving around and pointing out the school you or your family members attended, the house you grew up in, the park where you used to play. Tell your children what you know about family members. They may be surprised to learn Giuditta Tornetta that chubby Aunt Meggie, the one that 310.435.6054 gives slobbery kisses, once marched against www.JoyInBirthing.com the war in Vietnam. Make it fun! Giuditta Tornetta is a birth and post-partum doula, a Take lots of pictures and when you get lactation educator, and hypnotherapist. She is the back home involve your kids in creating a author of the book Painless Childbirth: An scrapbook for the trip. Create a healthy Empowering Journey Through Pregnancy travel ritual from the very beginning and and Birth (available at amazon.com). She your kids will turn into pro globe trotters. has a private practice in Marina del Rey, California.

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Michelle Leclaire O’Neill, Ph.D., R.N. 310.454.0920 birthing1@verizon.net www.leclairemethod.com Michelle Leclaire O'Neill Ph.D., R.N., the director of the Mind Body Center in Pacific Palisades, developed hypnobirthing, the hypnosis for natural childbirth method. She is a pioneer in the study of mind-body integration for treating infertility, pregnancy, pre-term labor, and postpartum depression. She is the author of Creative Childbirth, The Complete Leclaire Method, The Pregnancy Diary, Meditations for Pregnancy, and many other books.

Music and Healing photos: Shutterstock

by Michelle Leclaire O’Neill, Ph.D., R.N.


he Egyptians felt that music affected humans both by creating a physical sensation and by arousing a mental state somewhat similar to enchantment. The Chinese felt that music had a magical influence and was able to sustain Universal Harmony. They also felt, however, that if used improperly it could influence so greatly that it could destroy the harmony. Too create harmony of mind, body and spirit, the ancients used music. Many cultures used music for healing, and the ancient Greeks honored Apollo as both the god of healing and of music. In the Old Testament we learn that it is the playing of musical instruments that heals King Saul’s psychotic depression. Just as pain requires awareness and attention, so does sound. When we hear a sound, it also has a memory component to it. In the background I now hear chirping birds, a flute and guitar sonata on my stereo, some vague carpentry sounds, and my dog licking herself constantly. Each of these sounds affects me physically, emotionally and spiritually. The birds make me clear-headed and relaxed; the music uplifts me and fulfills some of my spiritual needs; the carpentry, as it is in the distance, arouses a very pleasant and soothing memory of a childhood summer long gone. Molly, the dog, constantly licking herself, is, fortunately, mostly in the background. When I attend to it and it becomes foreground, I become irritated, and my breathing becomes more rapid, and I am unable to concentrate. The purpose of using music during pregnancy and in preparation for labour and birthing are: Certain kinds of music relax us physiologically and help us to focus on the present in a positive way. It is this music that we use during pregnancy – the long, slow movements of the baroque concertos. When played in conjunction with deep relaxation, the largo movements create a memory pathway that we now automatically associate with physiological relaxation and positive emotional feelings. This music is aesthetically very pleasing, and it is also spiritually fulfilling. Thus, it enhances the alignment process of mind, body and spirit, which is essential for a joyous and pain-free birth. While the body is in a deep state of relaxation, the music enables the mind to concentrate on the task at hand. The mind/body is thus able to function at maximum efficiency, with the brain waves being maintained between 7 and 13 C.P.S. (cycles per second) (alpha wave). The combination of this state and the music can facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body, thus eliminating the emotional stress and rear that can cause pain. Aristotle wrote: “...emotions of any kind are produced by melody and rhythm; therefore by music a man becomes accustomed to feeling the right emotions; music has thus power to form character, and the various kinds of music based on the various modes may be distinguished by their effects on character – one, for example, working in the direction of melancholy, another of effeminacy; one encouraging abandonment; another self control, another enthusiasm, and so on through the series.” If the air vibrations of sound are capable of shattering glass and causing nausea and headache, it can perhaps also “soothe the savage...” of the unconscious and allow for a more relaxed and peaceful state of being, or as the Chinese stated, music can balance the vital energies. Music is the midwife between the physical body and the spiritual self. Therefore, it is advantageous to listen to music that elevates us to a state in which we want to be. Since childbirth is miraculous and should be joyous, certainly we would not like to be influenced by the music of a mechanistic composer. Rather, it would be beneficial to listen to music throughout pregnancy that is uplifting and reaching toward the sublime. Much of the music of the twentieth century is mechanistic and materialistic. Pregnancy and birthing have been handled in just such a manner. Perhaps by moving towards sounds that are spiritual, we can reconnect to that aspect of the self. We must place our own value on our experiences in life and not be manipulated by the mechanistic culture in which we live, just because it is expedient for the technicians who attend to us. Perhaps to arrive at a resolution within our own self we should use all the tools that we can. As our dreams tell us of our self, our center, our soul, so the music that we play can facilitate that journey. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony raises the question of worldliness and resolves it into the selection of that which is spiritual. During the final trimester, why not fill the air with the five final string quartets of Beethoven? Certainly these quartets can lead us to the joy and serenity and alignment of mind, body and spirit that is so imperative for

an easy and joyous birthing. The study of plant growth under certain kinds of music seems to reconcile the belief that music is objectively good for us or bad for us; that is, if we believe that the growth and proliferation of plants under the influence of Back, and the withering and ultimate death of plants subjected to rock music, are inherently good and bad effects of music. A similar study was done with rats that were placed in identical mazes with a connecting bridge to each. When Back was piped into the right maze and rock music into the left, all the rats hovered in the Bach box. The music now reversed, and the rats scurried from the right rock box over to the new Back box. No one knows exactly what the rats felt, but it seems that they experienced some kind of pain when they heard rock and an absence of pain or perhaps pleasure or comfort when they heard and felt Bach. It appears, then, that certain tunes are life enhancing, while certain other tonal combinations are detrimental to the life force. A preliminary study has been executed with bacteria, finding that they die under some musical conditions and multiply under others. If the joy of life comes with the alignment of mind, body and spirit, certainly music is the perfect vehicle for arriving at this joy. Through the recommended music, your mind is engaged, thus concentration becomes automatic; the heart rate, regulated by the rhythm, reaches its natural state, and the sweetness of the music fills the heart with the tenderness appropriate for the miracle of birth. The composition of the music also calls forth the spirit, thus bringing into play all of the aspects necessary to connect to the joy of life. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. In each age we rediscover the same truths in a way in which they will be able to accommodate themselves into our society and our belief systems. The ancient cultures felt that all disease was an imbalance and that music, in proper tonal combinations, was capable of healing all ills. Through music one’s entire being can be exalted, and therein lies the fulfillment of life. When a society lives in a certain condition for a long length of time, that condition becomes an unconscious way of life. Pain and childbirth and anguish in it have been imposed upon women of our Western culture for a long, long time. For many women, to have a pain-free childbirth is a dream, a complete unreality. Many women want to get out of that belief system, but are holding on to it in some part of their unconscious. Disharmony can cause illness and pain, thus it is harmony that provides the cure. Perhaps the saying, “as in music, so in life,” can come to pass. It may be difficult to change our belief systems overnight, but the peace, serenity and harmony provided by “good” music is automatic.

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Breastfeeding: A Review of the Basics by Rita L. Shertick RN, BSN, LCCE, CLE


ongratulations, you’re expecting a baby. And of course you only want the best for your new son or daughter. Well the best thing for your child is actually not anything you can buy, but rather something you can give for free–breast milk. How good is it? Well imagine you can increase your child’s IQ by up to 10%, and decrease their chances of getting asthma, leukemia, & diabetes, also colic and ear infections by up to 200%. Yes it’s true, research has shown that formula fed babies have 200% more visits to the pediatrician for health problems. All the major health organizations recommend breast milk is the ideal nutrition for a newborn. These groups include the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the US Dept of Health and Human Services, and the World Health Organization. They recommend all babies should be fed only breast milk for their first 6 months of life, (with no formula supplementation) and continue to breast feed for at least a year or longer after you introduce table food. How and when to begin? As soon as possible, preferably before the baby is an hour old. When you are admitted to the hospital to have your baby, inform your nurse of your intention to breast feed. In most cases with an uncomplicated delivery there shouldn’t be a problem. Never done it before, let the nurses know so you get assistance. How often? Watch your baby for feeding cues. Most babies will nurse at least eight to twelve times in twenty-four hours and there are no more time limits on the breast, 15 – 30 minutes each breast at each feeding is not unusual. Each baby is individual and will develop their own routine of what works best for them.

But will it hurt? Rita L. Shertick, RN, BSN Correct breast feeding is not painful. Downey Regional Medical If you are in pain when your baby latches on, your positioning needs to be correct- Center’s Family Birth Center ed. Ask your nurse to help you get the baby 562.904.5580 latched on better. There maybe some dis- www.drmci.org/Family%20Birth% comfort initially for a few days as your 20Center nipple adjusts to the baby’s mouth. The most important thing is to have the baby’s Rita L. Shertick, RN, BSN, is a staff nurse at Downey mouth wide open, like a yawn, before Regional Medical Center’s Family Birth Center. She is your nipple is put in his or her mouth. a Lamaze certified childbirth educator and a certified That way the baby’s gums do not clamp lactation educator. down on the tip of the nipple, which is what causes most painful breastfeeding. Will I have enough milk? How do I know the baby is getting enough? Mother Nature devised this system millions of years ago, so mothers can make enough milk for their babies. Look at your baby’s fist, their stomach is no bigger than their fist. At birth, your breasts have colostrum, the first breast milk, the perfect temperature and quantity for your baby. Most women can express some from their breasts the last month of the pregnancy. When you are home, count the wet diapers. With your baby wetting 6 – 8 diapers, you can be assured you are making enough milk for your baby. Milk is made by the law of supply and demand, the more the baby nurses, the more milk your body will make. When a baby gets formula supplements he nurses less often, so your body makes less milk. The AAP does not recommend any formula supplements, but let your baby nurse often to build up your milk supply. A visit to the pediatrician at 3 – 5 days old to weigh the baby is good reassurance. Do I have to change my diet and eat special foods? No, just eat normal healthy meals, like you did during your pregnancy. The most important thing is water; continue to drink 8 glasses daily, so your body has the fuel to make enough milk. Dairy products are also important, you don’t have to drink milk to make milk, but have cheese, yogurt, and other calcium rich foods up to 3 times daily. How can I get more information? Attend a breast feeding class before you have your baby. Get videos and or books from the library. There are lots of great websites with breastfeeding information and support. You can also call La Leche League International and attend some meetings before you give birth, and meet other women with breast feeding success stories. If you are WIC eligible, attend their breastfeeding clinics.

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Breastfeeding (Lactation) Consultants & Resources The following list of breastfeeding resources has been graciously provided by the Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles. For more information on breastfeeding, credentials explanations, tips for pumping, breastfeeding books, and local resources, or to make a donation, visit

Symbols indicate services in languages other than English: ✖ American Sign Language, ❋ Armenian, ● Chinese, ✯ Farsi, ♣ French, ▲ Hebrew, ❧ Italian, ❍ Korean, ◆ Japanese, ❒ Russian, ■ Spanish

http://www.breastfeedingtaskforla.org. BEVERLY HILLS/WEST LOS ANGELES/SANTA MONICA

Aronson, Debbie, RN, BSN, IBCLC 310-600-9194 310-829-6330 928 Stanford Street, Santa Monica, CA 90403-2224 Serves LA County

Classes prenatal, private instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home, office; pump rentals, sales, related sales; pump delivery; available weekends & evenings. Specializes in transitioning premature babies to breast, latch / suck and milk supply problems. Breastfeeding Culture Enterprises, 310–819-0408 Yocheved “Hedi” Schoenes, IBCLC 1119 Broadway #D, Santa Monica, CA 90405-3030 Classes prenatal, post partum; consults in office, client’s home, free weekly support group; sale of breast pumps & supplies; very low cost services available; credit cards accepted; available evenings and Sunday. Cedars-Sinai Lactation Education Center 310-423-5312, ❋ ■ ❒ 8700 Beverly Blvd., Suite 3202, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Linda Kingsley, IBCLC Prenatal classes; consults in hospital; breast pump rentals & related sales; credit cards accepted; medical translators for most languages; information line 800-972-6003. Mon-Fri 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Sat 9 AM-2:30 PM Epps, Cynthia, MS, IBCLC 310-458-6430 www.Motherwork.com 457 25th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402-3033 Also serves Hollywood, Silverlake, Glendale, Culver City

Breastfeeding classes, prenatal, post partum, private instruction; post natal nutrition, transition to solids & gentle weaning; consults in hospital, client’s home; available weekends. Kramer, Rachel, MD, CLE, Melissa Tatum, MA, CLE 310-273-9533, ♣ ■ 250 North Robertson Blvd., Suite 404, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1788 Also serves West Hollywood, Miracle Mile, Hollywood

Consultations in hospital and Pediatric office; physical assessment of infant and well child follow-up. Credit cards accepted. MCH Services Inc 800-822-6688 Rona Cohen, RN, BS, MN, IBCLC www.mchservicesinc.com

P.O. Box 6241 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-1241 Multi Site Turnkey National Corporate Lactation Programs Prenatal education through corporate lactation programs only. Breast pump sales. Credit cards accepted. Saint John’s Health Center/Lactation Station 310-829-8944 1328 22nd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404-2091 Elaine Robertson, IBCLC, Teresa Sakamoto, BA, IBCLC, available daily 9AM - 5PM. Consults in hospital & by appointment; breast pump rentals & sales; credit cards accepted; support groups Wed. & Fri. at noon; weekend phone consults. Slavick, Suzy, RN, CLE 310-871-3554, ■ www.bhlactationcenter.com 145 S. La Peer Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2601 Also serves San Fernando Valley, Culver City, Mid-Wilshire

Consults in hospital, office, client’s home; credit cards accepted; available weekends & evenings. Experienced in hospital setting. Warm and supportive approach. Tellalian, Louise Arce, RN, LCCE, CLC 310-274-2272, ■ 1911 San Ysidro Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1520 Serves Greater Los Angeles

Prenatal breastfeeding classes; small group in home setting on Saturday AM with phone follow-up, private instruction available; phone counseling. The Pump Station 310-998 1981 W. Haldeman, RN, MN, CLC, C. Harvey, RN, MS, CLC, J Sacher, RN, MN, CLC www.Pumpstation.com 2415 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403 Breastfeeding classes; consults in office & home visits; breast pump rentals & related sales; credit cards accepted; support groups; bras & nursing wear, baby care products, baby & preemie clothes.

6360 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 410, Los Angeles, CA 90048-5601 Also serves, Beverly Hills, Ladera Heights, View Park, Culver City

Private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; credit cards accepted; low or no cost consults for teens; available Saturdays, evenings. The Pump Station 323-469-5300 W. Haldeman, RN, MN, CLC, C. Harvey, RN, MS, CLC, J Sacher, RN, MN, CLC www.Pumpstation.com 1248 Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90038 Breastfeeding classes; consults in office & home visits; breast pump rentals & related sales; credit cards accepted; support groups; bras & nursing wear, baby care products, baby & preemie clothes. CULVER CITY/SOUTH LOS ANGELES

Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 323-857-4121, ■ Also serves West Los Angeles, Baldwin Hills

6041 Cadillac Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90034-1702 Gwen Brown, RN, BSN, CLC, Alexanne Soltwedel, RN, BSN, CLE Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum; consults in hospital, clinic; breast pump sales & related sales; credit cards accepted; support group, teen services. Lactation Education Center Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-5 PMBURBANK/PASADENA/GLENDALE

Baghdassarian, Roza, BA, CLE 818-353-7446, ❋ www.moreser.com Also serves San Fernando Valley and Greater LA

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, clinic. Provides post partum care for mother and newborn up to one year; available weekends and evenings. Lee, Carole F. , OTR/L, MA, MS, CLE 323-528-1406

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home, at Glendale Memorial Hospital; breast pump rentals, sales; BabyWeigh scales, nursing wear; available Saturday & evenings; credit cards accepted. Bell, Cynthia, RNC, BSN 213-703-6400 2324 Janet Lee Drive, La Crescenta, CA 91214-2208 Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home, pediatric office, hospital clinic; available weekends and evenings. Bellies, Babies and Bosoms 818-541-1200; 818-247-0200, ❋ ▲ ◆ ■ H. Schroeder MPH, RD, IBCLC, MJ Haddad, IBCLC, M. Limbach, CLE www.bellies.biz 3461 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208

Also serves Los Feliz, Echo Park. Mt. Washington

Also serves San Gabriel Valley, Eagle Rock / Los Angeles

Private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; experienced in medically fragile, high risk infants with special needs; available weekends & evenings. McClain, Dionne, DC, CLE 323-653-1014 McClain Sports and Wellness

Prenatal & post partum classes, private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales, nursing wear; baby scales;available weekends & eves.


Hamilton, Maureen 323-228-4855, ■ 2963 4th Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018-2933 Also serves Beverly Hills, West LA

Bridwell, Margaret, OTR/L, CLE 626-372-0929 Altadena, CA 91001-3746 Also serves San Gabriel Valley

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; pediatric office; hospital clinic; also available weekends and evenings. Dawson, Diane LM, CPM 818-913-0448 West Home Birth www.westhomebirth.com 380 S. Euclid Avenue, #301, Pasadena, CA 91101-3104 Also serves Studio City, Silverlake

Breastfeeding classes, prenatal, post partum, private instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; credit cards accepted; available weekends & evenings. Glendale Memorial Hospital & Health Center 818-507-4191, ❋ ■ 1420 S. Central Ave., Breastfeeding Resource Center 5th Fl., Glendale, CA 91204 Serves San Gabriel/San Fernando Valleys and Greater Los Angeles area

Breastfeeding classes prenatal; consults in hospital, clinic; support groups; phone consultations and referrals to community resources; childbirth class series; MediCal reimbursable. M - F 9 AM - 5 PM Glendale Pediatrics 818-246-7260 ❋ ■ 1530 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Suite #101, Glendale, CA 91206 Cindy Ames, LVN, **CLC Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, private instruction; consults in pediatric office; pump rentals & related sales, Baby Weigh Scales rented, credit cards accepted. Mon-Fri. 9 AM-5:30 PM Huntington Hospital 626-397-3172, ■ Outpatient Center - 100 W. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105-7103 Also serves Greater San Gabriel Valley

Ann Meier RN, BSN, CLC; Maggie Byrne BA, CLC Five Certified Lactation Consultants are available. Breastfeeding classes, prenatal; consults in hospital, clinic; breast pump rentals & sales, bra fittings and sales, scale rentals; nursing wear and pillows; credit cards accepted; free support group. Mon-Fri 9 AM-4 PM

Breastfeeding resources continued on page 13...

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Breastfeeding and the Baby Registry A guide to breastfeeding products and accessories


ecently a friend of mine asked me to accompany her as she set up her baby registry. When we arrived at the nearest baby superstore the clerk at the registry help desk gave us a hand-held scanner and a print-out entitled “registry must-haves”. The list of items that one presumably must have is a bit on the overwhelming side and left me to wonder Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles how human babies survived throughout the ages without all of these items that every par(213) 596-5776 ent must have. These suggestions can be www.breastfeedla.org especially confusing for the mother who plans to breastfeed. Here is a summary of breastfeeding products and accessories commonly suggested to expectant mothers and some tips on whether a mother may want to register for them: Breast pads: These absorbent pads are worn under the bra to soak up leaked milk and are a convenient item for a great number of breastfeeding mothers. Many mothers tend to leak breast milk, especially in the earlier stages of establishing a milk supply. Of course, a woman may also experience little to no leakage of breast milk and this does not mean that she is not producing enough milk. Breast shields and shells: These are items that can help with nipple problems and latch difficulties. It is recommended that breast shields be used with the guidance of an internationally boardcertified lactation consultant (IBCLC) who can make sure that a mother has a true need for the device, is using the correct size, and that the issues that caused the need for the product are improving so that the mother may eventually stop using it. This is an item to skip when registering. Breast cream: Breastfeeding is not supposed to be painful, and if it is a mother should seek qualified help as soon as possible. Breast cream won’t solve a latch problem, but it can be handy to have a tube around if a mother is experiencing mild irritation as she adjusts to breastfeeding. Look for creams that contain no artificial ingredients or alcohol. The most popular brands are 100% lanolin, but a mother who has a wool allergy should look for an alternative. Breast pump: Breast pumps are becoming so popular today that many mothers believe they should get one. The reality is that not every mother needs a pump. If a mother has a healthy, full-term baby and is planning to be home with her child, chances are she will be fine without a pump or may perhaps want a very simple one. If she finds herself in a situation where she unexpectedly needs a pump (for example, having a preterm baby) one can be rented from many hospitals or lactation consultants. A mother who will be working outside the home or going to school will almost certainly want a pump. Pumps are a big-ticket item, so it is no wonder that retailers are promoting them, but it may be wise to purchase a pump from a lactation consultantwho can offer information and guidance about the product and how to best use it. Breast milk storage: This is similar to the situation with the pump. A mother who will be staying home with her child may find a few bags or containers useful if she decides to express some milk to have on hand in case of an emergency or for the occasional feeding that she might not be home for. A mother who will be going to school or working outside the home will likely find these very important. Don’t forget to follow the collection and storage guidelines provided with the product. Nursing pillow: Proper positioning is essential to a successful, painless breastfeeding experience and a good nursing pillow may help to reduce strain on a mother’s arms, shoulders, back and neck by lifting the baby closer to the breasts. When everyone is relaxed and comfortable, breastfeeding tends to go easier. A pillow can also reduce the pressure on the abdomen during nursing which will be especially important to a mother who has had a caesarean section delivery. Currently, many breastfeeding experts are recommending “biological nursing” (see the website www.biologicalnurturing.com for more information on this important Lindsey Nelson serves on the Board of Directors of the topic) which focuses on a reclined nursBreastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles. She ing position rather than an upright seatis a founding member of FirstRight, an organization ed position. When utilizing this dedicated to advocating for mothers who have expe- approach, regular household pillows rienced discrimination for breastfeeding in public and work great. It is also important for a is mother to breastfeeding two-year-old twins. She mother to learn how to nurse without a pillow so she can breastfeed anywhere and can be reached at lindseyn@firstright.org anytime with ease. There are quite a few The Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater LA offers a options when it comes to pillows, so an variety of opportunities for education and involve- expectant mother may find it helpful to ment for professionals and laypersons alike, through ask her breastfeeding friends or family, a workshops, internet links on its website, and joining La Leche League Leader, or a lactation forces with others to create the kind of supportive cli- consultant about what features to look for mate we would wish for mothers, babies and families when selecting this item if she decides it who choose breastfeeding. Consider attending a will be useful. Breastfeeding Task Force Meeting. Meetings are held Nursing stool: A nursing stool is a special quarterly, in Inglewood, from 9am to 12pm, are free footstool that angles a mother’s feet and and open to mothers and professionals. elevates them to an ideal height to help For more information about the Breastfeeding Task facilitate good positioning. And they Force of Greater Los Angeles, and links to other continue to be useful even when nursing breastfeeding information and activities, visit the is done. This is an item that could be very Breastfeeding Task Force on the web at useful, but is not a necessity for a nursing www.breastfeedla.org. mother. Nursing wraps and covers: A woman’s right Babies are born to breastfeed!

by Lindsey Nelson, Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles

to breastfeed in public is protected under California law. A nursing wrap or cover is not an absolute necessity and if a mother feels comfortable and confident nursing without one than she should skip this. A lot of moms, especially in the earlier days when latching on may require a little more effort and exposure, find that having a cover, shawl, or even lightweight blanket gives them the coverage they need to feel confident nursing their child wherever they are. Many babies, though, do not enjoy being under cover, especially when they start to discover the world around them and they will pull off covers. Pacifiers: Pacifiers are a tricky item for the breastfeeding mother and most experts will suggest avoiding their use. They can cause nipple confusion, especially in very young babies, and can negatively affect a mother’s milk supply because she may not be getting enough suckling stimulation at the breast, which is what triggers milk production. Another significant drawback is that a pacifier may suppress an infant’s expression of hunger cues, which could lead to the mother not feeding frequently enough. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pacifiers be used only after breastfeeding is well established which is after the baby is at least a month old. Bottles and nipples: If a mother will not be working outside the home or going to school, she may find that she does not ever need a bottle. There are even moms who are apart from their babies who choose not to use bottles and use spoon feeding, syringes, and cups to have expressed breast milk to their babies. If you find that you will need or want to have bottles, it would be wise to consult a lactation consultant or other reliable resource about which bottles are easiest for babies to use without suffering from nipple confusion or problems with the speed of the flow of milk. It is also a good idea to make sure that all your bottles are free of Bisephenol-A (BPA), a chemical used in making many plastics. Bottle cleaning supplies: This category includes bottle brushes, sterilizers, drying racks, and dishwasher baskets, just to name a few. If you are only going to have one or two bottles around for the rare time you might miss a feeding, you’ll probably be fine with just a bottle brush. If you’ll be using a pump, bottles and storage containers often then you may find the other accessories useful and convenient. As I walked through the store with my friend, I was clearly reminded of my own baby-registry experience about four years ago when I believed that I must have many of the items on the list, only to find in the end that the things that were most vital for my children to have couldn’t be purchased in a store: a parent’s love and my breast milk.

Need more covers?

Dy-Dee Diaper Service has covers available in Classic White and Blue and Pink (if you like to make diapering fashionable!)

Dy-Dee Diaper Service, Pasadena, California (626) 792-6183

Looking for help through your birth and/or postpartum days? DASC (Doula Association of Southern California) offers a FREE doula referral program to expectant parents. Go to www.DASCdoulas.org or call (877) 4-A-DOULA (toll free) for referral to certified and/or trained birth and postpartum doulas in your area.


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Tinsel, Trombones, and Tide Pools

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wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011 www.dy-dee.com

(800) 80-dydee

photos: Shutterstock

by JoBea Holt

Author of “Baby’s Day Out in Southern California - Fun Places to Go With Babies and Toddlers”


ashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh….” Well, maybe not the snow, and maybe in a car instead of a sleigh. But tis the season – maybe for the first time with your new baby - to celebrate the winter holidays. Christmas and Hanukah will be a time of great excitement, colorful holiday lights, and too may presents. In Los Angeles, we must add New Year’s Day to the string of festivities since Pasadena is home of the famous Rose Parade. And winter is the absolute best time to visit the tide pools because the tides are low and the beaches are quiet. Houses and streets with the best holiday lights seem to return year after year. Your local newspaper will often publish a list of lights around your area, and, sometimes, local news stations keep a running list on their web sites. Make a point of stopping and walking along the sidewalk rather than just driving by in your car. It may be brisk, but with a cozy bonnet, your experience will be much more memorable. For a more elaborate display, try Griffith Park, Christmas Tree Lane in Altadena, or Christmas Tree Lane in Long Beach.

Tide Pool Low Tide Dates Date December 20 December 21 December 22 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20

Day Lowest Tide Time Monday 3:02PM Tuesday 3:39 PM Wednesday 4:18 PM Sunday 2:29 PM Monday 3:06 PM Tuesday 3:40 PM Monday 2:07 PM Tuesday 2:42 PM Wednesday 3:16 PM Thursday 3:52 PM

Should you take your baby to the Rose Dr. JoBea Holt Parade? Yes – but be ready to leave early www.babysdayout.net – and be ready to stay for the whole parade. You never know. The colorful Dr. JoBea Holt was a research scientist at NASA’s Jet floats, marching bands of trombones, Propulsion Laboratory from 1976 through 1999 flutes and drums, and dancing horses where she studied climate change in arctic forests using decorated with flowers are mesmerizing satellites and the Space Shuttle. She received her to small children. Sit on the side of the Bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, and her Ph.D. street facing away from the sun. Find from Caltech in Planetary Science. In 1999, JoBea left some friends who are saving a spot all JPL to raise her two children. She is an active leader in night and join them in the morning with Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts, is on the board of her chila blanket and a fresh supply of donuts dren’s Little League organization, and is currently a and coffee. And be prepared to be cold member of Al Gore’s Climate Project. Her first non– and hot – and hungry – and thirsty!! It NASA book, Baby’s Day Out in Southern California, was released in 2003 and again in is Southern California after all! If you are not ready for the big 2006. Published by Gem Guides Co.) it is a travel parade, try a little one. I do not recom- guide to help moms and dads find more adventures for mend the Doo Dah Parade - it is too baby. bizarre and loud for babies and toddlers. But Kidspace’s Rosebud Parade in Pasadena on December 4 might be just right. Come with flowers on your stroller and be part of the action. In addition to the holiday traditions surrounding the Winter Solstice, the orienting of Earth’s axis away from the sun (you will have to explain this to your child in third or fourth grade) also creates the best low tides of the year. If you have a toddler – especially a curious one – look for a day when the tides are below sea level and the sun is up on this website: http://www.protides.com/california/364/2010/12/. A few key dates are listed in this article. Some of the best locations are Little Corona del Mar, Cabrillo Beach or Laguna Beach’s Diver’s Cove. The times listed are those for the lowest tide, but an hour on either side is fine. You will find starfish, anemones, urchins, hermit crabs, and the ever-slimy sea hares. All can be touched – although please touch carefully. Finally, if you really want to find that snow, consider visiting Kidspace between December 26-28th as they will have a giant heap of snow just for children. Don’t forget your mittens! So deck the halls, hit the beach and celebrate your new baby. Happy Trails

JoBea Holt

Parades R o s e Pa r a d e Pasadena www.tournamentofroses.com

Breastfeeding Education, Consultation and Supplies

Xik g_fkf^iXg_p XggXi\c ^` ]kj

562-421-CARE (562) 421-2273

K i d s p a c e ’ s R o s e b u d Pa r a d e Pasadena kidspacemuseum.org Tide Pools www.protides.com/california/364/ 2010/12/

www.mothercarelactation.com 5212 Katella Avenue, Suite 103-A Los Alamitos, California 90720

L i tt le Cor on a de l Ma r 3700 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar Cab rillo Be ach 40th Street and Stephen M. White Dr. San Pedro Leo Car il l o S ta te Bea c h 35000 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu Holiday Lights G r i f f i t h Pa r k 5, exit at Los Feliz and go west. Turn right on Crystal Springs Dr. and head for the entrance of the Light Festival. C h r i s t m a s Tr e e L a n e 210, exit Lake Ave. and go north. Turn left onto Woodbury Rd. and right onto Santa Rosa Ave, which is Christmas Tree Lane. C h r i s t m a s Tr e e L a n e , Long Beach 710, exit Willow St. and go east. Turn south on Daisy Ave. Snow www.kidspacemuseum.org

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wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011



Birth/Breastfeeding Stores & Services Babies Advantage Please call to schedule appointments: (888) 909-BABY or (310) 850-8880 www.BabiesAdvantage.com

Bellies, Babies & Bosoms Lactation center and retail store carrying breastfeeding related items; free 1/2 hour breastfeeding consults with lactation educator. 2430 Honolulu Avenue, Montrose, CA 91020 (818) 541-1200 www.bellies.biz

Birth & Beyond Childbirth classes, Labor/postpartum, Baby Basics, Lactation Services, Grandparenting, Infant CPR, Bradley Method ICEA DONA BirthandBeyond.net 310-458-7678

Breastpumps Etc. Free Breastfeeding classes & phone support. Breastpumps & private consult. Ellen Steinberg RN consultant 818-345-4439

Bright Beginnings & Beyond 229 Avenue I, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 www.BrightBeginningsBeyond.com (310) 316-1528

Mission Hospital 27700 Medical Center Road, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 www.mission4health.com/services/offerings_solutions.htm (949) 364-4284

A Mother’s Haven Infant care class, breastfeeding, infant massage & sign language for babies, Hypnobirthing Classes. Open Mon–Sat. 10 AM–5 PM, Sun. Open for Monthly Workshops 15928 Ventura Blvd., Suite 116, Encino, CA 91436 www.amothershaven.com (818) 380.3111

Mother’s Guild

Breastfeeding Resources Breastfeeding Support Center

The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center

Julie Johnson CD DONA

Midwives at UCLA Westwood provide attentive, non-interventive care within a hospital setting. Get the best of both worlds: care and compassion all the time with nationally recognized medical services, if needed. Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) supported. Free consultations Los Angeles/Westside 310/794.4434 www.birthsanctuary.com

Early Parent workshops & ongoing support for new & expect. moms Birth Rights 310-289-9255

IBLC run clinic, drop in & private consults, pump rentals & breastfeeding classes 310-374-3426 xt 183 LA LECHE LEAGUE Monthly meetings for pregnant & breastfeeding women. Babies welcome. Call 800-LA-LECHE for a local leader or www. lalecheleague.org. SEE PAGE 7 IN THIS WET SET GAZETTE FOR THE PHONE NUMBER OF A LA LECHE GROUP IN YOUR AREA.

LA County USC M.C. Breastfeeding infant clinic. Kittie Frantz, RN 213-226-3644

One Hot Mama Mom’s support group incl. nursing in public 323-969-0790

Glendale Mem Hosp Free 818-502-BABY; Lactation Institute & Breastfeeding Clinic - Free newborn class, Board Certified Consultants -Ind. & small group. Working Mom’s support group 818-995-1913

Hoag Hospital Babyline is manned by an IBCLC certified RN available to answer questions M-F, Sa, Su,except holidays. We also have a breastfeeding clinic M-F 11:00-3:00. 949-764-2229

Medical Center of North Hollywood Breastfeeding classes 818-753-2468

Woodland Hills Kaiser Lactation consultant 818-719-4305

Women’s Pavilion & Resource Ctr 800-779-6636 at Encino-Tarzana Regional MC

Methodist Hospital Arcadia 1-800-950-BABY. The Breastfeeding class fee is : $30 for couples delivering at Methodist Hospital; $35 for others.

Pasadena Public Health Dept. Black Infant Health Program Breastfeeding & Childbirth & parenting education classes. Free for Medi-Cal eligible 626-744-6093

Mommy Zone

Save a Little Life

Everything you need for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and baby care. Certified Lactation Consultants on duty: Linda M. Hanna, RNC, IBCLC, Gina Breceda, and Carolyn Bramen Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 AM–6:00 PM, Sat 10 AM–3 PM, Sun closed. 18399 Ventura Blvd., #14 &15, Tarzana (818)345-6060

CPR & First Aid Richard Pass, 818-344-1442

Moreser Lactation Resources

Private breastfeeding assistance in clients home or at MotherCare Center. Breastpump rental and sales. Prenatal classes, support group and infant massage. Pamela Hastings, RN, IBCLC and Laura Karr, RN, IBCLC. 5212 Katella Ave., Suite 103-A, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 www.mothercarelactation.com (562) 421-CARE (562-421-2273)

Natural Birth & Woman’s Center Breastfeeding classes and support, parenting classes, doulas, nutritional support, individual birth plans - home, birth center, hospital, water labor, water birth, and VBAC. FREE TOUR. www.gr8birth.com (818) 386-1082

Pampered Pregnancy

Free breastfeeding classes by CLE, MPH 562-947-1451 x 2932

Child/Baby Safety Classes

NICU Parent Network, peer counseling through “Veteran Parent” program. Last Wed of month, Inland Empire 909-427-6379

Mindful Parenting Infant/Toddler group 310-271-9999

Mocha Moms Pasadena chapter - support group for SAHM’s of color www. mochamoms.org

Natural Birth & Woman’s Center

Conejo Valley Mom’s Club

Sibling, parenting and CPR training, ACHI childbirth, breastfeeding support and classes, postpartum support group. (818) 386-1082 www.gr8birth.com

Support, playgroups, activities for stay-at-home-moms & children. Conejo Valley, Lisette 805-496-7681

Parenting Ed

Mommy, Me and More; Conejo Valley 805-383-0133

Moms-n-More 2x month Thurs, Inland Empire, 909-825-6119

Upland Moms Club Friendship and support for mom Debbie 909-981-5660

Catherine DeMonte M.A., M.F.C.C. Therapy/Support/Education 818-880-6559

Parenting Plus Ruth J. Gruen 310-287-1920

Parenting Resource

Grand Terrace Library Mondays 10am 909-783-0147

Pamphlets, books, videos,catalogs, CICC 818-980-0903 Woodland Hills Mothers & More 818-347-4622


Pasadena Calif. Christian Women’s Club

Support group for stay-at-home moms. Outings, playgroups, activites and more. This is a non-profit orginization that has many chapters in the Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernadino Counties. To find out more about the orginization please visit www.momsclub.org. To find out the contact person in your local area, please send an e-mail to momsclubcanw@aol.com

Free nursery at luncheon, Call June 626-358-4876 or Gail 818-952-0351 for reservations


RIE Parent/Infant Guidance Classes -

Mommy & Me on-the-lap time

Pomona Valley Hosp Medical Center Boot Camp for New Dads every 2nd month 909-620-MOME; Parenting & teen parenting program 909-620-6663

For moms setting aside careers to care for child. Evenings without child. Los Angeles, Leslie 310-827-3779

e-mail educarer@rie.org, Resources for Infant Educators 323-663-5330

Mommy & Me and Daddy & Me

San Antonio Community Hospital

Mothers & More Pasadena Chapter

NICU, support group 909-985-2811 ext 3676 Parenting classes, 909980-BABY (2229)

Pomona Valley

New Parent Support and Mommy & Me

New Mother’s Forum Free discussion group 818-952-3532

Los Angeles, Babies welcome 310-477-PLUS

Westside Crisis Pregnancy Center

Michelle Barone, MA, MFCC

Free preg. test kits. Maternity & baby clothing. 24hr hotline 310-581-1140

Infant CPR & Safety, 909-620-MOME

Total Care 2000

Mothers Support Group, children ok, San Fernando Valley 818-951-7744

CPR Eng/Span 818-508-6825

St Joseph’s Medical Center

White Memorial

“Mommywise” San Fernando Valley 818-841-BABY

Infant CPR Eng 323-265-5050 Span 323-267-4352

Mothers of Multiples Club

Hoag Hospital Infant CPR & Safety 949-764-BABY

San Fernando Valley, Lynda Jacobs 818-713-8747 & Eve Sullivan 818-890-3491

South Coast MC

Valley Presbyterian Hospital

Baby Safe 949-499-7514

English/Spanish CPR & First Aid

“New Moms in Touch” support group for moms with infants 0-6 months; Parenting series for 2-6 year olds 818-902-2977.

Nuparent 310-319-4000 xt 92888

Verdugo Hills Hospital

Crispen Williams, MA Reg MFT Intern IMF 39218 Supervisor: E. Shatzkin, MFC 35359 Psych-ed groups teaching ex-spouses & step-parents to coparent. Cert. CoMama Group Facilitator 310-843-2700

Photography Anamaria Brandt Fine Art Photography Prenatal, infants, children and family photos. www.photodiversions.com, 714-730-5050

CPR, Etc. - Private. Offered at home, church, temple, for groups & individ. In Eng. & Span. Ellen Steinberg RN 818-345-4439

Linda Rose, Honeysucklerose & Yoga Birth Playgroups

Baby’s First Impression

Glendale Advent.

8 weeks-1 year & Babycare & Conscious Parenting classes 818-994-7809 honsucklerose @aol.com

Big Belly Photography

Infant/Toddler Safety 818-409-8100

Valley Pres Hosp Pediatric CPR & Pediatric Life Support, Eng/Span 818-902-2977

Training Solutions Paramedic instructor. CPR. Eng & Span 818-789-8907 days/eves

Methodist Hosp Arcadia Child safety & baby-proofing 626-574-3475 to Reg.

Clarence Calhoun Infant CPR 626-357-3100

Natural Birth & Woman’s Center CPR, Parenting, Sibling, Breastfeeding, and Childbirth classes. (818) 386-1082 www.gr8birth.com

Lamaze, Breastfeeding & CPR 310-643-5117

Total Child Safety

The Pump Station

(818) 386-1082 www.gr8birth.com Holistic Nutrition-based prenatal care, Natural Family Planning, VBAC, Homebirths, Birth Center, Water Labor, Water Birth, Hospital Birth. Classes - ACHI Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Sibling, Parenting, Midwifery Assistant and Doula Training.

20 years of experience as lactation educator providing consultations and selling and renting breast pumps, breastfeeding supplies and nursing bras. Santa Clarita, CA sales@sharieslactation.com (661)-296-1280

Parenting Experience


at our location or yours Ms. Dennis 310-266-2845 or 323-298-1516

CLC, store carrying breast pumps, nursing bras, diaper bags and baby items. breastfeeding,mother & baby support group, classes and consultations, infant massage class, and baby sign class, 22554 Ventura Blvd., #112, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 www.thepumpconnection.com (818) 225-8822

Sharies Lactation Station

Mommy & Me Classes/Playgroups

Parent Ed. 0-3 years 213-251-7794 ext 205

Santa Monica / UCLA Hosp

The Pump Connection

The Sanctuary offers comprehensive, holistic and compassionate wellness and maternity care, doula services, birth and parenting education and lactation support. Lactation consulting, breastfeeding classes and support groups. www.birthsanctuary.com (310) 566-7690

Orange County’s oldest and most established birth center. A warm, nurturing place. Birthing options include home, birth center and water birth. Free consultations. 4650 Barranca Parkway, Irvine (949)-654-2727 www.southcoastmidwifery.com

Lisa Fuquay

Focus is on the mother. Our meetings alternate between intellectually stimulating topical meetings and social "moms night out" gettogethers. www.mothersandmorepas.org

Adult/Infant/Child CPR

Huntington Memorial

The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center

South Coast Midwifery and Women’s Health Care

Los Angeles, support groups 310-205-8400

A maternity center that caters to the needs of pregnant women. Childbirth classes, maternity fashion, diaper bags, slings, baby wear, breast pump prental and sales, lactation consultation, Pregnancy massage center, pregnancy photography, and more! New classes added regularly. 239 N. Euclid Aveue, Upland, CA www.pamperedpregnancy.net 909-932-1144

2415 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 www.pumpstation.com (310) 826-5774

Young Moms Support & Info. 818-988-4430; Melody-Joy McLaughlin (British) RN, RM, CIFC, Pre/Postnatal Ed 818-785-3790

Breastfeeding support group 626-296-1000

Birthing Project, Healthy Babies Alliance

Whittier Regional Medical Center

Mother Care

Friends of the Family

Licensed midwives offer both home and birth center birth options and specialize in waterbirth and VBAC. Work with backup physicians at Cedars Sinai and can bill insurance. 310-566-7690

Learn from experienced Lactation Consultants! Get breastfeeding off to a great start with affordable mom and baby friendly classes. New classes each month, call for schedule. Ventura County‚s largest selection of nursing bras and supplies. Extensive selection of natural products for both mom and baby, including belly cast kits, cloth diapers and covers, maternity and nursing bras, baby slings and carriers, natural body care products, books, and more! New classes added regularly. 3130 Loma Vista, Ventura, CA (805) 667-2115

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, postpartum, consults in hospital, also at Glendale Memorial Hospital, office, client’s home, breast pump rental and sales, pump delivery, baby weigh scales, nursing bras and nursing wear, available weekends and evenings, credit cards accepted. Tujunga, CA 91042 Please call to schedule appointments: (818) 353-7446 moreserlactation@yahoo.com

UCLA Maternity Associates, A Midwifery and Obstetric Partnership

(800) 80-dydee

Infant/Child CPR & Safety 626-397-8768

Safety In Motion Car Seat Education. At-home car seat installation & education day/evening/weekend appts available 714 264-2924 www.safetyinmotion.org

Dr. Lois Schunk, MFT, LCCE, CLE Home & Car Seat Safety Class / Infant & Child CPR Free 805-230-1100

Midwives Tonya Brooks, LM, MS

Blessed Beginnings Midwifery 714-639-7530 www.BlessedBeginnings.net Susan Scott Gill, LM, CPM; Lori Luyten, LM, CPM; and Karen Pecora, LM, CPM. Home Birth, water labor and/or birth, supportive environment, support of birth choices and plans, no separation of mother and baby, immediate care of the newborn including full pediatric exam. Dedicated to supporting women through childbearing years including prenatal, labor & birth, postpartum, and well-woman support.

Candace Leach, LM, CPM 562-272-4541 www.birthgoddess.com Pre-conception, prenatal, homebirth, waterbirth, postpartum, wellwoman & well-baby care. Free consultations.

A Mother’s Gathering (0-12 months) Kindermusic, San Fernando Valley 818-380-3111

Citrus Valley M.C. QoV Campus

4d ultrasound images. www.babysfirstimpression.com, 909-946-5410 Specialize in pregnancy photography. www.ALaModePhoto.com 310-770-2676

Brubaker Photography

Baby & Me, play group for teen parents 626-813-2844

Maternity, babies, children, weddings & head shots. http://www.brubakerphotography.com, 310-476-1992

Foothill Presbyterian Hospital

Day One Photography

Babies welcome 818-963-8411 ext 3399

Pregnancy, birth, adoption, babies, families and events. www.dayonephoto.com, 310-820-2505

Huntington Memorial Baby & Me 626-397-8768

First Look Sonogram

Babydays Mom & Baby Group

4d Sonogram and newborn imaging. www.firstlooksonogram.com 310-543-5152

Santa Monica 310-869-7297

Chapman Family Center “Mommy & Me,” “Working Moms,” & “Fathers/Expectant Fathers” 310-453-5144 - 3 hr. sessions in the RIE method 310-453-5144

The Early Childhood Parenting Center Was primary prevention program at Cedars-Sinai for over 30 years and are now a freestanding non-profit located at Westside locations. We offer free WarmLine service, Parent-infant, toddler, single parent and working parent groups. fees are $120-130/month and some scholarships. Phone 310-281-9770 www.parentingtots.com

YWCA Santa Monica/Westside Offers Parent and Me Activity Groups for infants through toddlers; Parent Support Classes for ages 1-3 years; Toddler Tumbling classes for ages 2-5; Boogie Woogie Dance classes for 2-3 year olds. (310) 452-3881 www.smywca.org 2019 14th Street, Santa Monica.

Moms Helping Moms Meetings, playgroups, newsletters 562-933-1670

Parenting Support Classes Dr. Christine Anderson Board Cert. in Chiropractic Pediatrics. Free classes to help raise healthy children 323-436-2735

Attachment Parenting Int. of Hollywood Support group, call Tiffany 818-557-6395

CALFAM Advanced parenting support group. 818-907-9980

The Early Childhood Parenting Center Parent and me education and support groups for infant to three year olds. New groups beginning in September ‘09. www.parentingtots.org

Janell Mithani Photography Maternity portraits, newborn/infants, children, cards. www.jmphotostudio.com, 626-798-4167

La Neve Studio Pregnancy, infant and children and family portraits. Monthly specials. www.lanevephoto.com, Downtow Brea. 714.529.3686

Linnea Lenkus Fine Art Portrait Studios Fine art pregnancy and baby portraits, cards, albums, boxes. Long Beach (562) 981-8900; Pasadena (626) 744-9104; Irvine, Orange County (949) 753-1600. By appointment only. www.linnealenkus.com

Little Darling’s/Precious Memories Portrait Studio Photography in your home. 888-425-2000

Lori Dorman Pregnancy,baby and family photography. www.loridorman.com 818-247-0200

Margaret Gruesbeck Photography Fine art photography, birth, pregnancy, infancy and children. www.margaretgruesbeck.com, 626-836-7761

Milk and Cookies Photography Specializing in unique maternity and child portraits, from the tummy to six years old. www.milkandcookiesphotography.com 323.533.4268

Peek-a-Boo Ultrasound Non-Diagnostic for family, fun, & entertainment. 909-579-8229

Pregnancy Portraits Specialize in pregnancy photos and newborn sessions. www.pregnancyportraits.net, 818-905-3213

Prenatal Peek

Creative Parenting Classes

Newborn imaging. 23161 Ventura Boulevard Suite #207, Woodland Hills, CA. 91367. (818)390-1141 www.prenatalpeek.com/sfvalley

The Parenting Experience, Santa Clarita, 805-383-0133

Marlo Yoshimoto Photography

Vonda Dennis The Baby Guru, 310-226-7097

Pregnancy, baby and child photography. www.msyoshphoto.com 760.679.6136

East San Gabriel Valley Mothers of Twins Club

Tanya Young Photography

Tender Loving Childbirth


310-278-6333 www.tenderlovingchildbirth.com Give birth to your baby in the warmth, love and comfort of your own home. Homebirth is safe, natural and empowering. Call today to schedule a FREE homebirth consultation.

Family Resource Counseling Center Individual psychotherapy, assessment and wide variety of group therapeutic services including infant/ child development and parenting. 310-479-9798

Artistic pregnancy, baby and child photography. Tanya@TanyaYoung.com 310.939.1155

continued on page 11

wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011 www.dy-dee.com



Pacific Palisades

Hypnobirthing-Leclaire Method Michelle Leclaire O’Neill Ph.D The Magic of Multiples Michelle Leclaire O’Neill Ph.D Hypnobirthing Multiples Michelle Leclaire O’Neill Ph.D

in your home 310.483.3987 mothernaturebirth@yahoo.com

The Bradley® Method

Romy Rapoport

Pasadena/Altadena/ Los Angeles

A p p l e Va l l e y

in your home 760.486.4298 www.wombtowalk.com

Childbirth Education

in your home or mine 626.388.2191 www.support4birth.com

Childbirth Preparation Birth Options Consults Breastfeeding Education

Rebecca Noel

Beverly Hills

Maba Beyond Breastfeeding 310.271.2589 atmaba.com

Breastfeeding Newborn Preparation Labor & Delivery Prep Infant Massage CPR and Safety

Carol Levey, C.L.E. Kathryn Auger DONA R.N.


Native Indian Birthing Grove 310.454.0920 leclairemethod.com

A g o u ra H i l l s / M a l i b u

Cordelia Sattefield Hanna Cordelia Sattefield Hanna Cordelia Sattefield Hanna

Pasadena Public Health Dept. 626.744.6093 www.support4birth.com (free to Medi- Cal; $75 other)

Understanding Birth Coping with Labor Options for Childbirth

Heather Archer CIMI, C.L.E. Barbara Wogh, R.N. BSN


Leslye Adelman-MA, IBCLC, LCCE, UCLA trained; Providing more than 20 years of individualized, nurturing education to promote students optimal preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding and newborn care. Heather Archer-CIMI, CMT - Certified Massage Therapist Kathryn Auger,-DONA, R.N., Believes childbirth should be a joyful experience. Preparation gives a woman confidence in the ability to give birth in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind and body.

Pomona B re a

Private Home 714.290.3174 dccenteno@msn.com

Natural Life Chiropractic 714.290.3174 dccenteno@msn.com

Bradley® Natural Childbirth Classes

Bradley® Natural Childbirth Classes

Danielle Centeno

Danielle Centeno

Ida Bird,-RN, MN,-Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Assistant Clinical Professor UCLA School of Nursing, teaching evidence based content.

Redondo Beach Downey

Parent Education Center 310.326.2764 doulabirthpartners.com

Downey Regional Medical Center 562.904.5580


Alma Aragon

Hypnobirthing Childbirth Preparation Cesarean Preparation
 Newborn Care
 Infant Safety/CPR
 Breastfeeding Basics

Growing Blessings 818.317.3264 growingblessings@aol.com

Lamaze Lamaze Weekend Course Baby Care Basics

Ellie Shea

Beach Cities Babies 310.372-5511 www.beachcitiesbabies.com


Lisa Spiegel Lisa Spiegel Lisa Spiegel

Susanna Lutton

Santa Clarita


A Mother’s Haven 818-380-3111 amothers-haven.com

Prepared Childbirth Prepared Childbirth Intensive Caring For Your Newborn Breastfeeding 101 CPR and First Aid Hypnobirthing

Babies & Beyond 661.259.1802 skraye@aol.com

Baby Care I.C.E.A. Breastfeeding C/S Delivery Lamaze

Leslie Adelman Leslie Adelman/Terry Gaff Richard Pass Alisha Tamburri


Belly Sprout 714.290.3174 dccenteno@msn.com

Alise Hatley, CLE, CE Jan Sheridan Jill Spector, CLE Laurie Sutherland, RD Laurie Sutherland, RD

Santa Monica

Pump Station 310.374.4546 pumpstation.com Lamaze Ida Bird


Danielle Centeno

Judith Chapman

Private Location 310.394.6711

Bradley Childbirth ®


Glendale Adventist Med Center 818.409.8325

Nancy Griffin

Birth & Beyond 323-931-8521 jbleanse@sbcglobal.net


Childbirth Preparation

Jodi Leanse

Sherman Oaks

G ra n a d a H i l l s

Private Home 818.368.8428 klone@socal.rr.com

Bradley® Breastfeeding Class Birthday/Follow-Up

Christine Low Christine Low Christine Low

Natural Birth & Women’s Center 818.386.1082 Gr8birth.com

Birthing, Midwifery Assistant Tonya Brooks Silverlake

Silverlake Yoga 323-397-1274


High Desert

Private Homes 760.486.4298 wombtowalk.com

Intro to Hypbirth Infant Massage

Rebecca Noel Rebecca Noel

Liuba Randolph

S i m i Va l l e y

Natural Birthing Center 818.645.4692 Sacredmotherdoula.com

Infant Massage

Octavia Lindlahr


Ta rz a n a

in your home 562-272-4541 www.birthgoddess.com

Mommy Zone 818.645.4692 Sacredmotherdoula.com

Prepared Childbirth Homebirth Early Pregnancy Baby Care

Infant Massage

Candace Leach, LM, CPM, CCE

Los Robles Hospital 818-707-0894

Couples Childbirth Class Prenatal Yoga

562-208-4383 www.BradleyBirth.com

Andrea Gamble

Private Home 310.455.2652 brittab@charter.net

Birthing from Within Birthing Again Birth Story Workshop

Los Angeles Cedars-Sinai 310-453-5144

Judith Chapman

Pump Station/Private Home 323-244-3912 www.OneWithChild.com

Lamaze- Bradley®

Madalyn Morris, ICCE, CLEC Jodi Leanse

Natural Birth & Woman’s Center 818.386.1082 www.gr8birth.com

Private Home 661.254.2069 yvonne@doulawithlove.com

Childbirth Prep

Childbirth, Parenting and Breastfeeding classes Irvine

Hoag Hospital 949.764.2229 hoaghospital.org

Cesarean Class Baby Care Basics Baby Saver Breastfeeding

Gabriella Shaughnessy, RNC, IBCLC, LCCE

Yvonne Novak

Va n N u y s

Breastfeeding Education Randi Levinson-Kuzmin Childbirth Educ for Women with Disabilities Parent Training Head First Doula Services, Inc. 323.240.6002 www.headfirstdoulas.net

Birthing from Within Breastfeeding Cesarean Birth Preparation Happiest Baby on the Block Newborn Care

Yana Katzap-Nackman, CD Yana Katzap-Nackman, CD Yana Katzap-Nackman, CD Yana Katzap-Nackman, CD Yana Katzap-Nackman, CD

Private Location 818.346.2467 lotusmoonbirth.com


Shelia C. Feldman

Private Home 714.744.6932

The Bradley Method ®

Britta Bushnell-Certified Birthing From Within mentor; prenatal yoga instructor and mother. Britta’s classes help parents build a pain-coping mindset so they may fully participate in births rite of passage. Judy Chapman-RN, certified nurse-midwife and a certified Lamaze instructor trained through UCLA in 1972. Certified (DONA) doula and doula trainer and have birth and postpartum doula registries. Ron Coffman-I enjoy birth and starting new families off right like teaching the man’s point of view for helping his partner. Sue Coffman-Certified labor doula since 1998 through DONA: Wanted to reach more parents, like Bradley’s non-intervention point of view. Shelia Felman-AAHCC Certified Bradley® Method® Educator and Labor Support Doula. Shelia has a passion for helping couples prepare for birth with education, relaxation practice, and learning to release fear of birth. 87% of her students have had drug free natural births. Andrea Gamble-Bradley® Childbirth Instructor in Long Beach. Terry Gass-RN,IBCLC, With more than 20 years in the field of maternal and child health, Terry is committed to offering nurturing and patient education and support to ensure successful breastfeeding. Melanie Gersten-Melanie teaches parents, babies, and Early Childhood Educators about the benefits of and steps for success to signing with babies and toddlers. (310) 529-7094 or (714) 816-0814 www.BabySignsWithMelanie.com Nancy Griffin-MA, 20 years affiliated Master Bradley® Instructor/ Lactation Consultant/ Child Development Expert/ Pregnancy-Recovery Exercise Specialist/ Professional Writer for Mothering Magazine/ Owner of Mommy Care Mothering Center Robin Gruver-AAHCC, ICEA I have been working with couples who would like to have an unmedicated birth for 30 years. I have been teaching Prenatal Yoga for 23 years.

Ve n i c e

Wo o d l a n d H i l l s

O ra n g e / P l a c e n t i a

Tonya Brooks-founded (Association for Childbirth at Home International) as an international research association; a licensed midwife and childbirth educator. She believes in empowering the mother with knowledge so she creates the birth she envisions and makes the best choices for her baby and her birth.

The Childbirth Connection 818.734.0723

ACHI Childbirth Class, VBAC (1 day crash course); Newborn Pediatrics; Breastfeeding; Sibling; Parenting; CPR; Postpartum Support; Midwifery Assistant and Doula Training: Tonya Brooks The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center 310.566.7690 www.birthsanctuary.com

Britta Bushnell Britta Bushnell Britta Bushnell

Va l e n c i a

Private Home 323-931-8521 jbleanse@sbcglobal.net


Robin Gruver, AAHCC, ICEA Robin Gruver, AAHCC, ICEA

To p a n g a

Los Angeles


Octavia Lindlahr

Thousand Oaks

Long Beach


Sue Coffman

Alise Hatley -certified lactation educator,certified doula, Lamaze certified, in last year of nursing school. Amazing qualifications and very personable. Hoag Hospital-All of our instructors are registered nurses, certified in childbirth and IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants).






Jodi Leanse-Instructor for 7 years; Have given birth 4 times; All natural, unmedicated; “Our bodies are strong are strong and we have to connect deep inside to feel the miracle of birth.” Randi Levinson-Kuzmin-Teaching since 1987 as LCCE. Received FACCE status from Lamaze International in 2001. CLE status; Giving families enough makes all the difference. Carol Levey-C.L.E. 10 years as a lactation professional; -The birth of a child is a miracle.We offer “ hands on “ lactation support so that both baby and mom thrive in their new roles. Octavia Lindlahr-Octavia Lindlahr is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, trained through the International Association of Infant Massage. She is a certified labor doula and hypnotherapist working with pregnant women during labor and delivery. Christine Low-Labor doula for 12 years, Bradey instructor for 10 years; Each labor is unique and that is how I look upon each birthing couple. Katie Mc Call-AAHCC,ALACE, Certified by Bradley (AAHCC) and ALACE, Katie is a childbirth educator and birth doula. Katie is also in midwifery school and owner of The Sanctuary. Madalyn Morris-ICCE, CLEC, ICEA & UCSD Certified Instructor. Experienced, personable, and reliable. I believe the best way to birth is your way. Rebecca Noel-I am a CAPPA certified childbirth educator and a DONA trained birth doula. I offer private sessions so that my clients are being taught in a more relaxing atmosphere. Michelle Leclaire O’Neill- PhD,R.N Created the Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method. Doctor O’Neil has also trained physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals in mind/ body medicine. She is the author of Creative Childbirth, Meditations From Pregnancy and other works. Diane Peterson-ICEA certified childbirth educator; DONA certified doula ;lead Mommy and Me groups and couples relationship workshop; Breastfeeding educator philosophy -supporting informed choices for expectant and new mothers. Richard Pass-With decades of emergency room and health education experience, Richard is an expert in the knowledge and delivery of this life saving information. Laine Podell-MA, CLE, Laine’s 10+ years working in the fields of parent education and child development has made her passionate about providing quality and nurturing prenatal and parenting education. Linda Rose-is a certified DONA doula infant expert and a calming presence. Offering gracious assistance to parents, certified as a Kundalani yoga teacher at Golden Bridge Spiritual Village. Pauline Scharf, CBE-Teaching for 12 years. Bradley Method classes. Ellie Shea-I believe a well-prepared and supported woman will use her own power in birth to make decisions from an intuitive level instead of from fear. Jan Sheridan-ICEA, Focused on individual needs and concerns, very experienced Lisa Spiegel-ICEA, LCCE, Lisa is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator with 12 years experience supporting Informed Choices for the expectant family. Classes are nurturing and individualized to promote a positive birth experience for the couple. Laurie Sutherland-RN Lamaze certified, medical training, very caring, realistic approach to labor, meeting personal preferences. Alicia Tamburri-CCHT, 25 years experience. Alisha’s passion is helping pregnant couples have a fearless, often pain free birth using Hypnnobirthing Childbirth Education.

Prenatal Belly Dance Classes

Yoga Body

Pauline Scharf

Pre/Postnatal Exercise

Candace Leach-Licensed Midwife, Certified Doula, & Certified Childbirth Educator with over 11 years experience attending 400+births and teaching thousands of families.

Yana Katzap-Nackman-CD(DONA), PCD(DONA), CLE. President, Head First Doula Services, Inc.

Private Home 714.985.9862 spiritfilled@sbcglobal.net

The Bradley® Method

o u r

(800) 80-dydee

Childbirth Classes

Bradley® Natural Childbirth Classes


Linda Rose, Kundalini Pre-natal Yoga, Baby & Me, Conscious Parenting, private/group classes 818-994-7809

with Merika. Hollywood Area 323-878-0431

Contact your local hospital for available exercise classes.

Karuna Yoga

AMKR Dance Productions

Prenatal class 323-665-6242

Robin Gruver 818-707-0894 Yoga Works Westlake Village 805-3713030; True Yoga Westlake Village - 805-449-4225

Yoga Kingdom Sanctuary

Prenatal & postpartum classes Inland Empire 909-860-1063

Khalsa Way Pre-Natal yoga

Prenatal Yoga with Juanita

Angel City Yoga

Romy Rapoport, 310-483-3987, Malibu mothernaturebirth@yahoo.com

Yoga Works

Pre/ postnatal classes Mommy&Me/Children’s yoga 800-500-9642

LeClaire Childbirth & Mind/Body Cntr

Prenatal Yoga, Lotus of Light, 526 E Route 66, Glendora, 626-202-9594 www.lotusoflight.com

Blessings Center

Mommy & Me, Meditate class 310-454-0920

Pre & postnatal Yoga classes, Gurutej Kaur 323-930-2803

Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine

Camarillo Yoga Center

Stroller Roller Exercise Class; Pregnancy Fitness Class 310-454-0920 http://www.longbeach.gov/park/

Santa Monica Family YMCA

Prenatal Yoga Classes. Tara Stivers Instructor 805.504.3920

Chapman Family Center

Natasha Maidoff

True Yoga Westlake Village

LCCE Pre/post- natal exercise, infant massage 310-453-5144

Dance class for moms & babies at Electric Lodge 310-358-6769

Denise See, LMT, MA

Rose Mary Mosher, RN, CNP

Preg massage & Water therapy sessions 818-948-4788

Pre/postnatal exercise & prenatal yoga 310-375-1145 or 310-374-3426 ext 126

Equilibrium Fitness Pilates

Mommy Care

Pre/postnatal exercise, Phyllis Douglas 909-593-1717

Exercise for Two

The official workout program for St. John’s Hosp. Group/personal training. Baby massage, Nancy Griffin 310-394-6711

Private training & consult. Lauri Reimer Mihailov 310-453-2380

Mommy & Me Dance Classes

Fortanasce & Assisted Phys. Therapy/ Sports Med Ctr.

Parents and/or caregivers learn to dance with infants/toddlers. Venice 310-358-6769

Aqua Fit For Motherhood class Tue/Thurs 5:30 pm 626-446-7027

A Mother’s Haven Pre-post Yoga Classes 818-380-3111

Toluca Lake Sat 12-1:30pm Pre/ postnatal yoga - kundalini teacher/doula Linda Rose 818-566-1166

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga. Pasadena. www.yogakingdom.com 626-792-7871 Prenatal yoga / mommy & me yoga 805-371-3030

YWCA of Santa Monica/Westside

Prenatal Yoga in Pasadena Lettie Watkins, Gurmukh cert. Free parking 626-441-3572

“Mommy & Me, Pilates & More”, Infants & Me(age 0-1)/Toddler & Me(age 0-3), Pre & Post Natal Yoga classes. 310.452.3881

Aqua prenatal & land postpartum classes 310-393-2721 Prenatal Yoga 805-449-4225

Verdugo Exercise & Gym YMCA (in the pool) 818-790-0123

100% cotton

Westlake Yoga Prenatal Yoga 805-496-5780 ext 2

Yoga at the Village Prenatal / postnatal classes MOMMY & ME, Yoga for kids Family Yoga; Glendale 818-265-9833 http://www.yogaatthevillage.com continued on page 12

Would you wrap her in anything else? (800) 80-dydee





o u r



wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011




New Moms Connect sponsored by Jewish Family Service of L.A.

Training for Parents & Care Providers In-Home Instruction by Experienced R.N.-Educator

Help with Post Partum Disorders If you need help or know someone who is suffering silently, please reach out. Call JFS/New Moms Connect 323-761-8800 x1028

(818) 344-1442

all calls are confidential

classic symptoms can include sleep problems, difficulty bonding with the baby, feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, irritability, guilt, sadness, sense of overwhelm

Courses in Spanish Offered on the web @ Savealittlelife.com

Pampering (cont. from p.11)

(800) 80-dydee

Postpartum Care

A Mother’s Touch

Andra Brosh, Ph.D.

Pre & Postnatal massage for mom. In your home. 888-644-9595

Clinical Psychologist (PSY 22901); www.motheringminds.com 310-922-6969

Mommy Massage Monica Lundrey pre/postnatal massage 818-589-1017

LeClaire Childbirth & Mind/Body Center Postpartum

StressBusters Body Therapy Center

depression, Ind. or Group home visit, PhD & RN 310-454-0920

The spa has specialized in prenatal, post-partum, Labor, and Infant Massage Training for the past ten years. Experience better pain management without medical interventions, less interventions, shorter birth time. 949-831-1988 www.stressbustersspa.com

Margaret Heikes Postpartum care 310-390-9450

Hoag Hospital Free Postpartum Adjustment Support Group every Friday from 2:303:30; babies are welcomed; call our Babyline for more information 949.764.2229

Touch of Comfort Licensed Massage Therapist LMT Certified Infant Massage Instructor CIMI -- Touch of Comfort Pre & Postnatal massage therapy & infant massage. 818-776-8626continued from page 14

Trina Hetherington Postpartum care & healing 818-951-7122

If you know of a Southern California Childbirth or parenting resource that you would like to share with Wet Set Gazette readers please contact the Wet Set Gazette office at thewetset@dy-dee.com.

Karen Axelrod, BA, LMT

Veronica Hinojosa-Stang

Pre/postnatal massage + craniosacral therapy for adults & kids. My site or your home. 310-376-0113 Licensed Massage Therapist. Pre/postnatal 818-426-1810

Certified P Services, Newborn Care Specialist, experienced with Preemies, Infants and Twins. Night shifts: Sleep training. Lactation Educator. Postpartum recovery massage therapy sessions and infant massage lessons www.babynurselosangeles.com 310-365-8042

Caitlin Philips/Massage Extensions

Mommy Care

Labor consult & prenatal massage 310-239-4023

Nutrition for pregnancy & breastfeeding, taking care of yourself after birth. Infant brain development. Nancy Griffin 310-394-6711

Jill McArthur

Wellness Facials by Carol

Diaper Covers for Every Size Bottom

photo: Marlo Yoshimoto Photography, 760.679.6136, www.msyoshphoto.com

Dy-Dee Diaper Service (626) 792-6183

Breastfeeding and 100% cotton diapers

Wellness Facialist/Licensed Esthetician, specializing in all natural facials and skincare, and pregnancy facials. Skin care boutique in Studio City. House calls for very pregnant and/or busy, high profile clients. 626-818-4753

New Moms Connect

Wiepcare For Women

Indiv and group counseling for pregnancy and postpartum stress/depression/anxiety 310-479-9798 x4

Support for Postpartum depression. Jewish Family Service Hotline: 323-761-8800 ext. 1028

Dr. Elena Riedo

Highly Specialized Therapeutic Massage Services for pregnancy & motherhood. Wiep de Vries, RN, Ms.T., massage therapist, midwives Nkem Ndefo and Margo Kennedy. Birthing Women’s Health in Pasadena. 818-968-5002 www.musclehealth.us

Linda Rose Postpartum care 818-994-7809

Because you want the best for your baby.

Dy-Dee Diaper Service (800) 80-dydee

Leticia Yuzefpolsky Certified Postpartum Care 818.482.0919

Place a Marketplace Ad in the Wet Set Gazette Rates 1 issue 1-30 words $31 31-50 words $48

3 issues 6 issues $62 $94* $96 $144*

* Best deal for long-term advertising

Marketplace/Classifieds name/company name: ________________________________________________ address: ________________________________________________________ city: ____________________________________________zip______________ phone: __________________________________________________________

Dy-Dee Diaper Baby Supplies Order these products at (800) 80-DyDee or online at www.dy-dee.com and have them delivered to your door with your next diaper delivery.

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1. Classic White Prorap (pinless diaper covers makes cotton diapering easy!)

$7.25 ea., 3 for $18.75, 6 for $36.75 • Improved lightweight design (x-sm., sm., med., lg., x-lg.) • Adjustable velcro fasteners • Soft, comfortable, water proof cover • Double leg gussets help prevent leakage

Classic Prorap

2. Prorap in Blue and Pink

30 words or 50 words (Web site addresses count as two words. Phone number counts as one word.) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ please e-mail or mail to: thewetset@dy-dee.com The Wet Set Gazette, 40 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105

(make diapering fashionable!)

$8.40 ea., 3 for $21.75, 6 for $41.65 • Same basic design as our prorap (x-sm., sm., med., lg., x-lg.) • Med, lg & x-lrg with tyke-proof buckle Pink and blue with tyke-proof buckle (these are great (take your baby swimming - but don’t forget the swimsuit diaper!) for the summer months.)

PLEASE CALL OR SEND VIA MAIL or E-MAIL with payment or credit card number/expiration date to: The Wet Set Gazette, 40 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105. To place a marketplace or display ad or for other questions please contact thewetset@dy-dee.com (626) 240.0121

$10.95 ea. • Lightweight and soft (x-sm., sm., med., lg., x-lg., xx-lg.) • Prevents embarrassing pool accidents • Available in adorable print designs 4. Diaper Duffel Bags (for moms on the go!)

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photo: PhotosofLife.com - 626-644-2044

3. Swimsuit Diaper

At Sierra Madre Community Nursery School, we seek to meet the needs, abilities and interests of each child through play experiences. Play is the primary way children explore, experiment, discover, invent, create and learn about the world. We see play as an essential medium for developmental learning, as well as the foundation for later academic learning. Because we recognize that play contributes to all types of learning, including physical, social, emotional and intellectual, we have created an environment which allows us to structure a program based on play. Our program stresses freedom with limits. It offers a time and a place for children (and adults) to

Sierra Madre Community Nursery School The Pre-K and Kindergarten program offers: • A balanced approach to academic, social-emotional and physical growth • A nurturing environment to enhance a child’s self esteem • An enriched curriculum because of parent participation in the classroom • More choice for the child • Room to grow at one’s own pace

solve problems and to make choices and decisions about activities, participation and social relationships. Within that structure, the program is flexible. It meets the pace, needs, abilities and interests of each child as well as the group as a whole, with the ability to change and adapt as the day and year progresses. 701 E Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre Phone: 626-355-1655 www.smcns.org Email: info@smcns.org

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marketplace advertisements Postpartum Care

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Welcome your beautiful new baby to a beautiful new room.

Advertise your business here. Reach your target market. Advertise in the Wet Set Gazette for as little as $94 for 6 issues thewetset@dy-dee.com or call 714-222-6686

I paint happy, peaceful clouds using nontoxic paints. Claudia (818) 634-8639 Johnson-Haddad, Miranda, CLE, IBCLC 818-621-5477 4735 Alta Canyada Road, La Cañada, CA 91011- 2035 Also serves Burbank, N. Hollywood

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, private instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home, also at Bellies, Babies & Bosoms; support groups; available weekends and evenings. Pasadena Rosey Babys 626-432-6730 Chetti, Carolyn, RN, CLC Serves Greater San Gabriel Valley

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; available Saturday and evenings. San Marino B.A.B.I.E.S. 626-285-1473 Gail Katz, RN, MSN, CNS, IBCLC, FACCE PMB 430, 2275 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108 Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & related sales; specializes in NICU babies; available evenings & weekends. Certified Lamaze Breastfeeding Support Specialist Course Instructor. The Pump Station 323-469-5300 W. Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC, C. Harvey, RN, MS, IBCLC, J. Sacher, RN, MN, IBCLC www.Pumpstation.com 1248 Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90038 Breastfeeding classes; consults in office & home visits; breast pump rentals & related sales; credit cards accepted; support groups; bras & nursing wear, baby care products, baby & preemie clothes. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY

A Bundle of Joy 818-345-4439; 818-929-7584, ■ 4431 Callada Place, Tarzana, CA 91356 Serving San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas

Breastfeeding consultations in hospital, Tarzana office, or client’s home; breast pump deliveries - rentals and sales; baby scales, nursing bras. Phone support and mail order service. Adelman, Leslye, MS, IBCLC, LCCE; Jaffe, Fran, MPH, RD, IBCLC “Gentle Nurturing” 818-789-6718; 818-929-7481 www.gentlenurturing.com Also serve West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Santa Monica

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, private instruction at “A Mother’s Haven” & “CosmiKids”; consults in hospital, pediatric office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales, pump delivery; credit cards accepted; available weekends & evenings. “A Mother’s Haven” 818-380-3111, ✖, ■ L. Podell-Camino, MA, CLE, Leslye Adelman, MS, IBCLC, Terry Gass, RN, IBCLC 15928 Ventura Blvd. Suite #116, Encino, CA 91436 www.amothers-haven.com Classes prenatal & post partum; consults in location of your preference; breast pump rentals & related sales; New Mother & other classes and support; SFV largest selection of nursing bras & clothing, slings, baby care & clothing; available weekends & evenings. Breceda, Gina, LVN, CCE, IBCLC, 818-702-8803, ■ Also serves Malibu, Calabasas, Moorpark, Westlake, Agoura, West LA, Santa Monica

The Pump Connection 818-225-8822, ✖ ■ www.thepumpconnection.com "Binky" Petok, BS, IBCLC, L. O’Neil, BS, IBCLC, R. Ross, BS, IBCLC 22554 Ventura Blvd. Suite 112, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Also serves Simi Valley and Santa Clarita

Breastfeeding consults in office, client’s home; support groups & classes; breast pump rentals/sales, professionally fitted nursing bras; credit cards & web orders accepted. M-F 10-5 & Sat. 11-4 The Pump Station 323-469-5300 W. Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC, C. Harvey, RN, MS, IBCLC, J. Sacher, RN, MN, IBCLC www.Pumpstation.com 1248 Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90038 Breastfeeding classes; consults in office & home visits; breast pump rentals & related sales; credit cards accepted; support groups; bras & nursing wear, baby care products, baby & preemie clothes.

Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital 562-698-0811 Ext.7652 12401 Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90602-1099 Serves Whittier, San Gabriel Valley & North Orange County

Dominica Castro, RN, CLE, IBCLC Prenatal breastfeeding classes, private instruction; consults in hospital, clinic; support group. Mon. - Fri. 9 AM - 4 PM WESTCHESTER/SOUTH BAY/SAN PEDRO

Private instruction; consults in client’s home, pediatric office; experienced with preterm, multiples & special needs infants; available weekends & evenings. Will, Emily, RN 661-296-1280 www.yourlactationstation.com

Breastfeeding Support Center 310-374-3426, Ext 183, ♣ ■ www.bchd.org Beach Cities Health District, 514 N. Prospect Ave., 1st. Fl., Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Sharon Watkins, IBCLC; Barbara Zimmerman RN, IBCLC; Miriam Nash, IBCLC Prenatal, post partum classes; consults in hospital, clinic, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales; low cost drop-in clinic, free weight checks & phone counseling. Mon. - Thur., 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Sat. 10 AM - noon Berger, Dymphna, MA, IBCLC 310-251-7350 ● ✦ 1120-A Vincent Street, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Prenatal and post partum classes, private instruction; consults in client’s home, WIC center; telephone counseling; available Fri., Sat., Sun. and evenings. Bright Beginnings & Beyond Lynette Miya, MN, RNP 310-316-1528, ■ www.brightbeginningsbeyond.com 229 Ave. I, Suite 101, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-5600 Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum; consults in office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales, nursing wear; credit cards accepted , some reduced rates; support group; available weekends. Education and Consulting Associates 310-541-6580 Linda M. Smith, RNC, MS, NP, CLE www.lactationedu.com P.O. Box 905, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274

Also serves San Fernando Valley

Serves Beach Cities and Palos Verdes Peninsula, Long Beach

Private instruction; consults in client’s home; breast pump sales and rental, free delivery within Santa Clarita Valley, breastfeeding supplies; available evenings and weekends.

Prenatal & post partum breastfeeding classes, private instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; sale of breastfeeding supplies available weekends. Goldbach, Victoria, RN, BSN, CLE 310-540-2790; 310-874-2438 Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home, phone consults; baby-care instruction and in-home help; available evenings & weekends. Lipsey, Gwendolyn, CLE, PCD 310-663-6235 www.family-doula.com Also serves West LA, Santa Monica, Culver City Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; available Saturdays and evenings. The Breastpump Connection 310-212-6461; 310-779-7943 Luanne Rosevear, RN, BS, CLE, LCCE Breastfeeding classes, prenatal, post partum; consults in hospital, office, client’s home, pediatric office; breast pump rental & sales, pump delivery; available evenings & weekends. Torrance Memorial Medical Center 310-517-4711 3330 Lomita Blvd., Health Links, West Tower, Torrance, CA 90505-5073 Susan Orr, PT, LCCE, CLC, IBCLC; Nancy Kraus, BA, LCCE, CLE Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum; $25 consults in clinic Mon. & Sat. 310-517-4743, weekends by appt.; breast pump rentals & sales, nursing wear, books, baby items; credit cards accepted.


Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital 661-253-8238, ■ www.HenryMayo.com 23845 McBean Parkway, Valencia, CA 91355-2083 Mary Beth Sweet, IBCLC; Jolli Bernier IBCLC, Lisa Araki, CLE Breastfeeding classes prenatal; consults in hospital, clinic; breast pump rentals & sales; support group Thurs. 9:30 - 11:00 AM; available weekends. Takeda, Cindee Robinson, MS, CLE, IBCLC 661-2981774 28468 Alder Peak, Santa Clarita, CA 91387-3109 Also serves San Fernando Valley


Collett, Vivienne, RN, CLC 818-879-2005; 818-8079545 Serves Oak Park, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Camarillo

Consults in client’s home; breast pump rentals & related sales; available Saturdays & evenings. Holistic Lactation 805-582-2058 www.holisticlactation.com Dianne E. Oliver, IBCLC Serves Ventura County and Greater Los Angeles

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, private instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; available weekends and evenings. Rahmat, Mindith, MA, CLEC 805-501-1782 www.breastfeedingguru.com

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home; breastfeeding & yoga classes, special interest in teens, maternity homes.

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; available weekends and evenings. Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 818-847-4142, ■ 15031 Rinaldi St., Misson Hills, CA 91345-1207

Kennedy, Diane R., MS, IBCLC, CLE, LCCE 562-652-0408 11328 E. Clare Street, Whittier, CA 90601-2574

Also serving Burbank, Santa Clarita Valley

Baylis, Cynthia, MPH, RD, IBCLC “Heart & Soul” 562-596-9598 2561 Gondar Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90815-2217

Also serves Pasadena, San Gabriel Valley, Long Beach, Orange County

Terry Gass, RN, IBCLC, RLC, Carol Chacón, CCCE, IBCLC, RLC A Baby Friendly Hospital; Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum, support group; consults in hospital, client’s home; support group; breast pump rentals & sales, credit cards accepted. 8 AM-5 PM Rivas, Margie, RN, CPNP, CLEC 818-831-8982, ■ 11001 Nestle Avenue, Northridge, CA 91326-2850 Prenatal classes; consults in hospital, clients home; breast pump rentals, sales, and related sales; available weekends & evenings. Steinberg, Ellen, RN, LCCE, IBCLC 818-345-4439, ■

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in client’s home; breast pump rentals and related sales; available weekends and evenings. Anastasia Pappas, MD, AAFM, CLE, ABM; Andrea Mason, MD, AAFM, ABM 562-698-0811 Ext. 8516, ■ 9251 Pioneer Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 12291 Washington Blvd.. Suite 500, Whittier, CA 90606-2551 Prenatal & post partum care; consults in hospital,office, client’s home; credit cards accepted; address medical problems associated with breastfeeding; available weekends & evenings; MediCal provider.

Also serves Bellflower, Downey, N. Orange County

Serving San Fernando Valley & surrounding areas

Consults in hospital, Tarzana office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales, baby scale rentals; specializes in milk supply concerns, sucking difficulties, sore nipples; craniosacral therapy for mother and baby. 9 AM - 9 PM seven days a week, by appointment only.



Breastfeeding classes, prenatal, post partum; consults in office, client’s home; breast pump rentals & sales, pump delivery; credit cards accepted; available weekends & evenings. Gibson, Christine RN, PHN, CLE 949-697-6670 www.Learn2breastfeed.com Learn2Breastfeed near Bellflower and Wardlow Also serves Whittier

Classes prenatal, private instruction; consults in client’s home; back to work consulting; available evenings and weekends.

Long Beach Memorial Medical Ctr./ Miller Children’s Hosp. 562-933-2779, ■ Memorial Care Center for Women - Lactation Support Services 2801 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90801-1701 www.memorialcare.org/miller/services/center-for-women/breastfeeding_store.cfm Prenatal & post partum breastfeeding classes, private instruction; consults in hospital & clinic; breast pump rental & sales. Mon. -Sat. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Orr, Susan, PT, CLC, IBCLC 562-427-3782 3757 Falcon Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807 Also serves Torrance, South Bay

Breastfeeding classes, prenatal, post partum; consults in office, client’s home, pediatric office; breast pump rentals & related sales; Pediatric Physical Therapy; available some weekends & evenings; $20 consults at Columbia Pediatric Clinic, Long Beach. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY/INLAND EMPIRE

“Best Fed Breastfeeding Center” 626-919-6455 Harding, Cindy, LVN, **CLC www.breastfeedingcenter.com 1300 E. Maplegrove St., W. Covina, CA 91792-1210 Also serves Whittier

Private breastfeeding classes; consults in office, client’s home; breast pump rentals, sales, specialty feeding devices; credit cards accepted; available evenings & weekends. Citrus Valley Medical Center, Queen of the Valley Campus 626-851-2753, ■ Gail Katz, RN, MSN, CNS, IBCLC, Lactation Services Program Coordinator 1115 S. Sunset Avenue, West Covina, CA 91790-3940 Post partum breastfeeding classes daily; consults in hospital; support group Tuesday 10:00 - 11:30 AM Citrus Valley Medical Center, Queen of the Valley Campus 626-814-2446, ■ Mother-Baby Specialty Shoppe Dawn Cooper, RN, BSN, Director Program Development 1115 S. Sunset Ave., West Covina, CA 91790 Prenatal breastfeeding classes for $5.00; breast pump rentals, sales & related sales. Miles, Lorraine, RN, BA, CLC, IBCLC (RLC) cell: 909-5959620 Baby Beginnings Also serves Montebello, Whittier, Downey, Lynwood

Private breastfeeding instruction; consults in hospital, client’s home; breast pump rentals, pump delivery; free teen program, NICU & pre-term babies follow-up; available weekends & evenings. Orellana, Josie, IBCLC 626-484-0964, ✖ ■ 28 Mountain Laurel Way, Azusa, CA 91702-6264 Also serves Montebello, Whittier, Downey, Lynwood, Glendale, Pasadena

Breastfeeding classes prenatal, post partum; consults in office, client’s home; nursing wear; credit cards accepted; available weekends, evenings. Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center 909-623-6455, ■ 1798 N. Garey Ave., Pomona, CA 91767 Terry Bretscher, RN, CLC, IBCLC Prenatal classes; consults in hospital, outpatient appointments available; breast pump rentals & sales; Mommy ‘N’ Me Wednesday 10 AM; medical translators available for other languages. Teachout, Stella, RN, BSN, IBCLC 626-966-2277, ❃ 18853 E. Nearfield Street, Azusa, CA 91702 Also serves Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale

Private instruction; consults in hospital, office, client’s home, pediatric office, WIC Center; experienced in hospital setting, NICU / Preterm babies, multiples; available weekends, evenings.

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La Leche League’s Mission: “Our Mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.”


Doulas and Birth Assistants GROUPS AND SERVICES


B*E*S*T Doula Service 877-I-DOULA-U www.bestdoulas.com

Taffy Allen 562-826-9883 www.cedarbirthservices.com

B*E*S*T (Birth Empowerment Support Team) Doula Service has supported hundreds of birthing families through pregnancy, labor, childbirth and postpartum since 1996. A group of experienced, certified doulas with a wide variety of credentials, including HypnoBirthing, Reiki, Birthing From Within, Spinning Babies, newborn care and more.

Andrea Armstrong 818-880-1504 Sacrafmly@aol.com

IDONA Certified Birth Doula with Early Childhood Education background. I am also a La Leche League Member and support women on getting a good start on breastfeeding. I have been practicing for 9 years as a doula. I have attended over 50 births. I specialize in the whole experience from prenatal all the way until the first birthday.

Elizabeth Bachner 310-704-3500 livinglarge10@hotmail.com Chapman Family Center 310-453-5144 Chapman doulas undergo rigorous training at our center for 27 hours before earning certification as a birth or postpartum doula. Unlike sole practitioners, our doulas attend monthly educational meetings to continuously learn, exchange information and offer one another support. There is a wide range of fees.

I have been a doula for 9+ years, attended more than 30 births. I am the mother of six children: 1 vaginal birth, 2 cesarean sections and 3 VBAC’s. I am also CA State Coordinator for Operation Special Delivery.

Full Moon Childbirth Education and Support Services 626-388-2191 http://www.support4birth.com

Amanda Blake 310-383-9038 amanda@greenark.org BFA, Certified birth doula, certified lactation educator (UCLA), Certified prenatal yoga instuctor (Golden Bridge), Midwife assistant experience in birth in all settings. Calming and gentle guidance to help you tap into your innter well of timeless wisdom. Carmen Bornn-Gilman 818-344-1551 Doula/Massage/Monitrice Services I have 17 years experience as a Doula, and have attended hundreds of births. I am a certified Pregnancy Massage Instructor. Birthing From Within & Hypnosis For Birth Classes

Darla Burns 661-294-5009 www.douladarla.com Keri Claussen 323-371-2787 keri_claussen@sbcglobal.net I have been a DONA trained birth doula for just under a year and have attended 8 births. I am also a postpartum doula and am honored and proud to be able to provide uninterrupted support to the new families I serve. In addition, I am a massage technician and am also trained in HypBirth method.

Sue Coffman 714-744-6932 doulasue@yahoo.com Providing labor support since 1993, became certified in 1996, became a Bradley instructor (along with my husband Ron) in 2000, and have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (Chapman 2007).

Tabare Depaep, J.D., Esq. 818-679-0947 www.doulablebirth.com I am a certified labor doula and attorney working on informed consent and refusal issues for pregnant moms. doulablebirth@gmail.com. Free consultations.

Shelia C. Feldman 818-346-2467 lotusmoonbirth.com Joy In Birthing 310-435-6054 joyinbirthing.com We provide birth and postpartum doula services with emphasis on painless childbirth through hypnosis. We are lactation specialists, massage therapists and gourmet chefs-live in and night.

The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center 310-566-7690 www.birthsanctuary.com Providing birth and postpartum doulas to meet your needs. Our doulas are all well trained and work in a network to offer you a wider support system while you transition into parenting. Please call us to attend one of our free birth choice classes

Supportive Doula Services 818-994-6800 supportivedoula.com Hypnosis, Reiki, and massage are all included in labor support services. Margie has attended over 60 births and has been in practice for three years.

DONA trained Birth Doula, trained Hypnobirthing doula. I offer caring, compassionate and continuous labor support, breastfeeding support, lending library and photography of labor and birth. Hablo Español.

I am a (CPSS) Certified Prenatal Support Specialist trained by Birth Wisdom, as well as a Childbirth Educator through the Best Birth Childbirth Educator Program. I’ve been in practice for five years and have attended 53 births.

Julie Knaack 818-784-3700 jknaack@earthlink.net

Gentle Choice Birth & Parenthood Support 949-300-0291 www.ocdoulas.com

A West Los Angeles based company, offering a birth and postpartum doula registry. Classes (Child birth prep, Breastfeeding, Newborn Care, Happiest Baby and C-birth Prep) and Support group. Been in business since 2003 and growing.

Jody Jenson 949-369-7607 www.dreamdeliveries.com

Quincy J Bates 760-228-1011 DoulaCareQ@aol.com

I have 15 years experience. I am also a postpartum doula, Infant Massage Instructor and Happiest Baby on the Block Instructor. I am passionate about birth and babies!

Head First-Doula Services 323-240-6002 www.headfirstdoulas.net

Happiest Baby on the Block instructor. I have been involved in the birthing community since the early 80’s. I have lost track over the years as to the number I’ve attended.

Beverly Keye 323-630-2911 compassionatesoul@gmail.com

Cordelia Satterfield Hanna, BA, CCE, CBA. Certified Childbirth Educator. Certified Birth Assistant

Gentle Choices Childbirth and Parenthood Support is operated by a group of passionate women who are committed to providing you with the best service you can find including birth and postpartum doula services, childbirth education, lactation education and infant massage instruction.

Yvonne Novak 661-254-2069 yvonne@doulawithlove.com

Teaching since 1971 (33 years); approx. 100 births; started Lamaze classes program at CedarSinai in 1971; strive to provide most supportive environment for the mother; facilitate with the least intervention to support a healthy childbirth; proficient and familiar with hospital procedures.

I am a doula acupuncturist and apprentice midwife. I believe that the intimacy that conceived the baby should bring the baby into the world. I view birth to be a team effort including the doctor and partner. I have a lot of respect for doctors and hospitals and makes sure every choice during childbirth is an empowered choice. I have been a doula for 9+ years. See “Doula Care Services” for more info.

Doula Care 760-228-1011

Sandra Sohn Jaffe 323-939-0340

I am a DONA Int. certified birth doula. I have had two beautiful birth experiences of my own and I have been helping families with their births since 2002. I have training in massage, breastfeeding, and hypnosis for childbirth.

Laura Fonts 909-717-3879 lfdoula@aol.com I have been a doula for five years. I feel that empowerment is most important. If I can help in anyway I will.

Barbara Joan Grubman 818-884-6236 bgrubman@sbcglobal.net During ten years as a doula, I have loved being a constant support for a birthing woman and her family. My business name, CALMING Presence Doula Service says it all.

Mireille Halley Ordinary Miracles 562-537-9442 birth@ordinary-miracles.com Offering Breastfeeding and Childbirth Classes, Birth Doula Services, belly casting and Aquadoula birth tub rental in L.A. & Orange Counties.

Veronica Hinojosa-Stang 310 365 8042 www.LosangelesDoulaservices.com DONA certified birth Doula, working actively as a postpartum Doula. Willing to extend my services for $600. Providing information, emotional and physical support, child birth education, and pre- post natal therapy sessions. Serving as a Birth Doula in Los Angeles area only.

DONA certified. This is a dedication to my mom. I am a doula because I love the female spirit and love to support and help women. I have a holistic loving approach I’m a UCLA CLE, CD (DONA) & LVN. Have attended more than 50 births and helped more than 120 new parents transition into parenthood with PP care. I offer experience, mature judgement and a quirky sense of humor.

Rena’ Koerner (Ward) Integrative Childbirth Services 562.925.6948 www.integrativechildbirth.com IBringing Knowledge and Compassion to the Birthing Place Providing Childbirth Education, Happiest Baby on the Block Classes, Labor Doula Support for over 8 years and Labor Doula Trainer (www.cappa.net).

Candace Leach, LM, CPM 562-272-4541 www.birthgoddess.com jknaack@earthlink.net A Licensed Midwife and Certified Doula with over 11 years experience attending 400+ births.

Renee Mandala 310-729-4542 fullcirclebirth.com Providing newborn lactation support-trained with UCLA lactation program. Postpartum doula for 8 years. Also certified as birth doula (currently not accepting births).

Ana Markel 818-822-9568 apmarkel@aol.com I am a mother of 4 children, first 2 born by cesarean followed by 2 VBAC’s. I believe in giving parents information to make their own decisions. I provide labor support for the birth that they chose. I am also a childbirth educator

Cheri Masek 323-222-8443 aperfect10doula@earthlink.net Birth doula since 2000, 85 births, lactation support, some postpartum, "welcoming life gently"

Kimberly Mathews 661-547-0130 mathewseven@msn.com I am a mother of five, a certified doula (DONA)

Lindsey Matthews 949-300-0291 www.ocdoulas.com

Aileen Perez 310-547-0989


Claudia Perez 323-419-7949 818-271-9737 www.myspace.com/gentlebirthorg I have been attending births since 1994;both as a Doula/Labor Coach/Patient Advocate as a Midwife assistant when needed. Playing an important part of the liaison between doctors and patients, I believe in natural births.

Caitlin Meg Philips 310-838-8399 www.changeworlds.com 72 Births. Certified Doula w/Doula Birth Partners of Los Angeles, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Hypnobirthing, Childbirth Educator, Certified Massage Therapist. Teach Hypnobirthing Childbirth Prep Group Classes-for five weeks, three hours a week.

Lysa Quealy 310-831-5700 www.laharborhealthgroup.com I am pending DONA certification for birth doula. I am also a trained massage therapist (since 1994), and offer pregnancy massage. My service is focused on support and the individual needs of each person. At LA Harbor Health Group we also offer chiropractic services.

Linda Rose 818-994-7809 honsucklerose@aol.com "The Baby Guru" DONA certified postpartum doula and newborn and infant specialist. BA degree in Early Childhood Education. Also teach pre and post natal yoga classes.

Tara Stivers 805-504-3920 www.intuitiondoula.com I have been a birth doula since 2005 and also teach prenatal yoga classes. I support women in achieving their definition of a positive birth experience.

Bunny Slaughter 714-220-0968 bunnythedoula.com Bunny’s Postpartum Doula Care, North Orange County/LongBeach. DONA certified 2000. Specializing newborn care & assisting families during the first weeks home. Providing both emotional support, practical advice, breastfeeding help. Specialize twins, triplets. Preparing meals and light household needs. Happiest Baby Educator. bunnythedoula@yahoo.com

Carole Thorpe 949-380-1681 carolethorpe@cox.net Mother of 4, Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis instructor, certified hypnotherapist, doula (DONA), lactation educator/counselor(UCSD), CPR-professional rescuer, neonatal resuscitation certified, assisted at 350 births-home, birth center and hospitals.

Rená Ward 562-925-6948


“Bringing Knowledge and Compassion to the Birthing Place” Providing Childbirth Education, Happiest Baby on the Block Classes, Labor Doula Support for over 8 years and Labor Doula Trainer (www.cappa.net)

I am a DONA certified doula, a certified childbirth educator and will be an international board certified lactation consultant in July. I feel that any woman who is given courage and encouragement will have a truly satisfying birth experience.

Michele Weatherford 661-713-1256 yourbirthyourway@aol.com

Madalyn Morris, ICCE, CLEC 323-244-3912 www.OneWithChild.com

Jerry Whiting 909-553-5344

Lamaze- Bradley. ICEA Certified. Personable, compassionate and reliable service focused on your individual needs.

Yana Katzap-Nackman 323-240-6002 www.headfirst.info For the past two years I’ve been very busy with creating my own company Headfirst. I am a certified DONA birth doula and I am in the process of completing my postpartum doula certification. I am SoCal’s State Rep for DONA. I am a midwife assistant and a certified Happiest Baby Instructor.

Rebecca Noel 760-486-4298 www.wombtowalk.com My goal is to fully support you through pregnancy and childbirth by providing information, physical comfort and encouragement. I have been a Doula for one year. I have attended ten births. I offer belly casting, infant massage and private childbirth education sessions in your home.

I have been practicing since 2001. I am a certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, Childbirth and Lactation Educator and a teen support specialist.


Six years as a homebirth midwife, 400 homebirths. I do VBAC,s breeches and twins.

Anna Quinn Wilson 310-372-3737


Birth and postpartum doula, certified childbirth and lactation educator, Reiki practitioner, diploma in homeopathy with 30 years labor and delivery experience as a Registered Nurse.

Carolyn Wolfberg 310-923-8444


10 years experience. Worked 7 years at Cedars-Sinai in the nursery. I am " in love " and passionate about Birth, Babies and Beyond, therefore the name of the business. Births -over 30.

Leticia Yuzefpolsky 818.482.0919 www.primadoula.com Offering birth and postpartum support. I am a DONA trained birth doula. A CAPPA certified postpartum doula and have over 15 years of infant/childcare experience. I would be honored to assist, support, educate, guide and empower you during this most special time in your life.

wet set gazette |vol. 1 2011 www.dy-dee.com







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Breastfeeding Task Force of Southern California 2010 Workshops

New Guidlines for CPR

Friday, February 5, 2011 Do No Harm - Best Practices for Successful Breastfeeding Lucy Van Otterloo, RN, MSN; Ellen Steinberg, RN, LCCE, IBCLC; Karen Peters, MBA, RD, IBCLC Providence Holy Cross Mission Hills

Compressions most important by Richard Pass, RN

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Managing Maternal and Infant Complications to Maximize BF Success Speakers: Susan Wu, MD; Katie Berkowitz, MD San Gabriel Valley Medical Center

photos: Shutterstock

Friday, April 15, 2011 Tools of the Trade: Business of Lactation Services Speakers: TBA Torrance Memorial Medical Center Torrance


t’s that time again. The newest CPR guidelines have just been released and at Save A Little Life, we are very excited to share them with you. As described, these are based on international agreement by CPR experts the world over and have been adopted by the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. New Focus Applied to Older Techniques

Perhaps the oldest and best known approach to CPR was the reminder to use the “AB-C’s” of CPR. Those letters, of course meant “Airway”(checking to see if the person is breathing), “Breathing” (actually blowing breaths or mouth-to-mouth for the victim) and “Circulation” (or chest compressions). This has officially changed.The most important of these changes is the order in which we are now asking the public to do them. Our new approach to life-saving has changed to “C-A-B” (compressions-airwaybreathing) - which simply flips around the sequence of actions, with the same intent - to get oxygen to the victim’s brain.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Topic: TBA Speakers: TBA California Endowment Center 1000 N. Alameda, Los Angeles Info on upcoming workshops and brochure and registration forms available online: www.BreastfeedLA.org click on Upcoming Seminars. 310.792.0990

CPR-First-Aid Training for Parents & Care Providers In-Home Instruction by Experienced R.N.-Educator

(818) 344-1442 Courses in Spanish Offered on the web @ Savealittlelife.com

Chest Compressions as a primary life-saving technique

Scientists who have studied these techniques now have a consensus on what works best when dealing with a dying person. Over the last decade considerable evidence now exists suggesting that good quality chest compressions will make the biggest difference in extreme emergencies requiring CPR. These changes were summarized by the American Heart Association in a recently released document. The highlights of that document are listed below. Please keep in mind that providing CPR to a victim is, in itself, not that difficult a task. It is also clear that one does not have to perform CPR perfectly in order to make a difference. Yet we do know that the worst thing you can do, if someone really needs you, is nothing. This may be the most important take-home message of all. 2010 CPR Guidelines for Pediatric CPR

Initiation of CPR, starting with chest compressions, rather than rescue breathing, is recommended and will lead to shorter delays. The emphasis should always be on quality chest compressions first, then check for breathing and provide rescue breaths. Depth of chest compressions for pediatric victims should be about 1/3 of the depth of the victim’s chest wall. Chest compressions are to be done in the middle of the breast bone at nipple height. Compression (pumping speed) should be at least 100 X per minute. After 30 chest compressions, administer 2 “rescue breaths” and then repeat with 30 chest compressions. Continue with this ratio of “30:2” – compressions to breaths until help arrives or the victim has a spontaneous return of breathing. Breaths provided should be just enough to get a normal rise in the victim’s chest wall. If spontaneous breathing or moving returns during CPR, stop immediately and observe the victim until help arrives. CPR for drowning victims is the same as described above.

If alone with a pediatric victim, do up to 2 minutes of CPR before you call 9-1-1. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! Most emergency health experts agree that during pediatric emergencies the CPR that is provided at the scene BEFORE PARAMEDICS ARRIVE gives the victim the best chance of survival. Thus, it is imperative that all parents, close family members or anyone else with primary care responsibilities for infants and/or children be trained and re-trained in current CPR skills. The newest guidelines for adult CPR now include a similar approach. However, several things should be mentioned. Adult CPR may be provided with chest compressions only. If alone with an adult who collapses, CALL 9-1-1 first, then resume compressions until paramedics arrive. If an automatic defibrillator is nearby, have someone grab it and use it as directed prior to the arrival of paramedics. To check for times and locations of upcoming CPR classes for parents, log on to www.savealittlelife.com or call (818) 344-1442. We hope your holiday season and New Year are safer than ever! Regards, Richard Pass, RN,BS, Director, Save A Little Life, inc.

The Wet Set Gazette is published approximately every other month by Dy-Dee Diaper Service and is dedicated to new and expectant families.

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editor /design Jill Franks Circulation (total) ..................30,000 Distributed in OB/GYN Offices, Hospitals and Clinics, Baby Retail Stores, and to Childbirth Educators, and to Dy-Dee Diaper Service Customers

Orange County Breastfeeding Coalition The Orange County Breastfeeding Coalition’s goal is to educate, advocate, and facilitate families, health care providers, government, businesses, employers, educational institutions, and the public-at-large in the support and promotion of breastfeeding. Join today! Email: OCBreastfeeding@yahoo.com www.ocbreastfeedingcoalition.org For additional info call: 714.242.1633

Doula Association of Southern California (DASC) Connected with other members in your area. To find out when the Circle Meeting is in your area go to www.dascdoulas.org DASC offers doulas companionship, education, networking, and professional affiliation. for membership info go to www.dascdoulas.org or call 877-4-A-DOULA

Birthing From Within Learn more about BIRTHING FROM WITHIN workshops for birth-related professionals at: www.birthingfromwithin.com

Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA) 2011 Childbirth Education and Labor Doula Trainer Certification Courses Antepartum Doula Training Childbirth Educator Training Postpartum Doula Training For more details visit www.cappa.net or call 909-980-8062 www.cappa.net Make a difference in someone’s birth experience. UCLA Extension Lactation Educator/Consultant Training Courses in 2010 UCLA Lactation Educator Training Program For additional information and registration, contact Linda Polin at 310.825.7093 or visit www.uclaextension.edu/healthsci Richard Pass, RN, “Save A Little Life” classes on Infant and Toddler CPR & First Aid: Monthly evening classes follow the guidelines of the American Heart Association. “hands on” training $60 per person; Visa & M/C accepted; Space limited; For more info please call (562) 981-8900 www.BabyCPRSoCal.com The Stork Stops Here offers Professional Childcare Classes: *Newborn Specialist (Level 1) *Newborn Specialist (Level 2) *Postpartum Doula Training *Professional Nanny Training For more information contact: STORKSTOPS@AOL.COM 323-294-8467

publisher Dy-Dee Diaper Service

mailing address Wet Set Gazette 40 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105-3203 Subscription Rate: $8 per year (6 issues). $14 for two years. Mail subscription requests to: 40 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105. For advertising rates and editorial contributions contact: thewetset@dy-dee.com Advertising and Editorial Deadline: 1st of the month, one month prior to month of publication. Printed on 100% recycled paper. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Wet Set Gazette, 40 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91105-3203. Editorial and photographic contributions are welcome. All advertising, editorial and photographic contributions are subject to editorial review. Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. Anyone who wishes to reprint articles, stories, or other items from the WSG must first contact the editor and the author for permission. The Wet Set Gazette will publish from time to time, articles with less common approaches and viewpoints on parenting, nutrition and other related topics. These articles do not necessarily express the views and opinions of Dy-Dee Diaper Service, the Wet Set Gazette newspaper, or staff. We welcome rebuttals for any article we publish.

Childbirth Educator Certification Training Organizations: Academy of Certified Birth Educators (ACBE) (800) 444-8223.

Association of Labor Assistants and Childbirth Educators (ALACE) (617) 441-2500. Local:( 626) 388.2191

Birth Educators Special Training (BEST) (800) 292-CARE.

Birth Works www.birthworks.org

Bradley Method (AAHCC) American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth, www.bradleybirth.com (818) 788-6662, (800) 42-BIRTH.

Childbirth and Professional Postpartum Assoc. (CAPPA) www.cappa.net, 1-888-MY-CAPPA

Certified Perinatal Educators Association (CPEA) (415) 893-0439.

Childbirth Education Association of Orange County (CEA-OC) www.ceaorangecounty.com

The Hypnobirthing Method™ (HCCE) Hypnobirthing Method Cert. Childbirth Educators www.hypnobirthing.ws (310) 454-0920

Informed Homebirth (916) 961-6923 Local: ( 626) 388-2191

Lamaze International (LCCE) (800) 368-4404 www.lamaze.org

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