Crossroads Spring 25

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Whenwasthelasttimeyoutriedsomethingnew,exciting,orevencompletely unexpected…justforfun?

ForDanandSamMathews,popularInstagramandTikTokpersonalities,steppingoutside theircomfortzonehasbeenoneofthebestdecisionstheyevermade–becausechasing adventurehasledtoincredibleopportunitiesthattheyneverdreamedof Eachexperience (whetherfishingwithgrizzlybears,competingon andwinning arealityshow,flipping RVs,andmore!)maynothaveworkedoutexactlyasplanned buteverysingleonehasled tounforgettablemomentsandhasdrawnthemclosertoeachotherandtoGod.

Intheireagerlyawaiteddebutbook,DanandSamofferyouafront-rowseattotheir unconventionallifeofadventure,fromtheeverydaytotheoutlandishandeverythingin between Throughtheirhonestandfunnystoriesreaderswilljourneyalongsidethemto learnhowtodiscovertheadventuresGodmightbecallingyouto withoutspendinga fortuneormovingintoavan;simpleandpracticalideasandtipsforaddingasenseoffun toyourfamily’severydaylife;waystofindtruejoyandsatisfactioneveninless-than-perfect situations;andthatparentingandadventurecanworktogetherseamlessly.

Choosingadventuredoesn’thavetomeanspendingalotofmoneyorchangingwhoyou are it’saboutlivingbyfaithandtrustinginGodforguidanceeverystepoftheway So,if youhaveadesireforsomethingmoreandarereadytotakealeapoffaith,thenletSam andDanhelpyoudiscoverwhatcanhappenwhenyoutooalwayschooseadventure











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/SpiritualGrowth


DanandSamMathewsarepodcasthosts,content creatorsandsharetheirlifeofadventureonline @wearedanandsam Theyprioritizelivingalifeof familyandfaith FrombackpackinginArkansastoRV roadtripsacrosstheUS,theyhavealwaystakenthe adventurousroute.DanandSamandtheirtwokids, CanyonandEmber,resideinMissouri.




https://wwwwearedanandsamcom/ MARKETING

DanandSamareexpertsatengagingtheiraudience withfun,relatablecontent.We'llleveragetheir popularsocialpresence,reachingmillions,onIG, TikTok,FB,andYouTubetoshareaboutthebook DanandSamwillnaturallyweaveinbookcontent intovideos,posts,stories,andmoreacrossall platforms We’llcuratealaunchteamfromtheir engagedfollowerstocreateonlinebuzzandreviews Theauthorshavealargelistofsocialinfluencersthat arealreadywillingtoshareaboutthebook.Digital andsocialadvertisingwillhelpusreachanaudience readytosetnewhabitsandrhythmswiththeir families,focusingoncreatingmemoriesandsaying yestonewopportunities PRwillexecuteacampaign aimedattrade,secular,andChristianmediathrough print,radio/podcast,andTV.


DanandSam’ssocialmediaaudience;Christianmen andwomenwhodesireanadventurouslifebutare notyetsurehowtomakeithappen;parentswho wanttoreigniteadventure,creativityandimagination intheirfamilies



Pinterest(@wearedanandsamllc):4.3Kfollowers;1.6M views

TikTok(@wearedanandsam):9587Kfollowers;544M likes






Adventurequiz SurrogacyQ&A






TheIntentionalYear 9781641583947,$1699


TheAnxiousGenerationGoesto Church

WhattheResearchSaysaboutWhatYounger GenerationsNeed(andWant)fromYourChurch

Anewgenerationisgoingtochurch Butisthechurchready?

Churchconsultantandresearcher,ThomRainer,believesGodisatworkinthis generation,andhebelievesthatthismomentintimehascreatedunique opportunitiesforchurchestogrow,thrive,andrevive.

Thecultureisatinflectionpoint Nearlytwo-thirdsofGenZersreportedexperiencingat leastonementalhealthprobleminthepasttwoyears Thisstatisticwaslowerforallolder generations,includingMillennials(51%),GenXers(29%)andBoomers(14%) GenZisthe loneliestgenerationofAmericans Sixty-eightpercentofGenZfeellikenobodyknowsthem well Thatisonereasonwhythisgenerationiscalledtheanxiousgeneration Researchers haveidentifiedeverythingfromsocialmediatopandemiclockdownsastheprimeculpritof whyGenZisstrugglingmorethanothergenerations.

ThomRainerviewsthechurchasGod’sPlanAforhelpingthisgenerationdiscovertheirtrue callingandthriveinapurposefulcommunity Inthisbook,Thomexploresresearchthat revealsthattheanxiousgenerationisyearningforcommunityandiswaitingtobeinvited in











BISACRELIGION/Christian Church/Growth


ThomS.RaineristhefounderandCEOofChurch Answers,formerpastor,andbestsellingauthor With nearlyfortyyearsofministryexperience,Thomhas spentalifetimecommittedtothegrowthandhealth ofthelocalchurchanditsleaders.Heisa1977 graduateoftheUniversityofAlabamaandearnedhis MDivandPhDdegreesfromTheSouthernBaptist TheologicalSeminary HeandhiswifeliveinFranklin, Tennessee





Rainerisatrustedvoiceamongchurchleaders, reaching2outofevery3churchesinAmerica throughChurchAnswers(withatotalreachofnearly 16millionperyear).Marketingeffortswillfocuson reachingleadersinthechurch,especiallywiththis hottopicoftheAnxiousGeneration,theirstruggles withanxiety,depressionandmentalillness,andhow thechurchcanhelp RainerwillactivatehisChurch Answerscommunitywithmarketingefforts promotingthisbook.Wewillalsotargetchurch leadersthroughkeyword/searchadsalongwith outletssuchasCTandPastorresources TyndalePR willexecuteacustompublicitycampaignaimedat publishingtradeandChristianmedia Willpursue print,web,blogs,andradio/podcastoutlets.


Churchleaders pastors,churchstaff,anyoneina churchleadershipposition;anypastorpresent churchmember







WhereHaveAlltheChurchMembersGone? 9781496448750,$1999

TheSurprisingReturnoftheNeighborhoodChurch 9781496467065,$1699

ThePost-QuarantineChurch 9781496452757,$1299


ARealisticGuidetoUnlockingJoyinLife’sMessy, Mundane,andMagnificentMoments

Let’sbehonest:therearedayswhereyoulookaroundandwonderwhyyoudon’t feelhappinesswheneverythingaroundyousaysyoushould

Withauthenticityandtransparency,RacheldebutswiththewarmandpracticalLoveYour Life(EvenWhenYouDon’tLikeItAlltheTime),alovelettertothoseofuswho’veworkedreally hardtobuildabeautiful,shinylife butsometimesstillfeelalittlelackluster Rachelwillhelp youseethat,eveninthehardshipthereareglimmersofjoytobefound Inthesepages you’lldiscover:

Anewdefinitionandperspectiveofwhatitreallymeanstolivewithjoy, Simple-yet-effectivetoolstohelpyounavigatethroughtheeverydayfrustrations thatcantripusup, Abalmofencouragementandhopeforyourday-to-daylife,helpingyoucelebrate whereGodismovinginallcircumstances, Inspirationforincorporatingrhythmsofjoyintoyourhome,familyand relationships

AbundanceischoosingtobelievethatGodisworkingforyourgood,evenwhenlifelooks differentlythanyouhoped Lifeishard,butit’ssogood andit’syoursforthetaking











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Women'sInterests


RachelAwtreyisatrailblazinginfluencerand podcaster,renownedforhertransparencyand authenticity Withover15milliondownloadsofher chart-toppingpodcast,RealTalkwithRachelAwtrey (formerlyBehindtheBlissPodcast),shefosters genuineconnectionsanddismantlessocietal expectations,offeringpracticaltipsand encouragementtonavigatelife'sobstacleswith resilienceandgrace






Withover15milliondownloadsofherchart-topping podcast,RealTalkwithRachelAwtrey,alongwithher socialmediaplatforms,Rachelischangingthegame, dismantlingsocietalexpectations,andencouraging otherstoembracetheirtrueselveswhileequipping themwithvaluabletoolstothriveandfindjoyin everyaspectoflife Marketingeffortswillpursue digitaladvertisingintheformofeBlasts,podcastads, andPPCtargetedatwomenlookingtogofromliking theirlifetolovingit WewillalsotapintoRachel's networkforaninfluencermailingandlaunchteam promotion


Christianwomen,ages20-45,whoexperience discontentmentanddesireajoyful,authenticlife

Instagram(@rachel.awtrey):36K; (@realtalkwithrachelawtrey):6.3K














CanMoveYouintoConfidentFaith,Courage,and Connection

DoyoulongforadeeperconnectionandintimacywithGodbutfeellikeyoujust can’tgetunstuckspiritually?

There’sagoodchancethatyou,likesomanyofus,havetrieditall:readyourBiblemore, gonetochurchmore,prayedmore,delveddeeperintoself-awareness Youstillstruggle withdiscontent,anxiety,avoidanceanddoubt Aspastors,coaches,andeducators,Cyd andGeoffHolsclawareveryfamiliarwiththisdilemma,andtheyarepreparedtohelp InLandscapesoftheSoul,theydrawonthescienceofrelationalattachmenttheory,biblical wisdom,andthelanguageofspiritualformationtoshowuswhyChristianstendtoget stuckspiritually andhowtogetunstuck Whetheryoufeellikeyou’relivinginaspiritual jungle,desert,orwarzone,they’llhelpyoudiscover:

Howwearedesignedtogrowgoodrootsthroughhealthyrelationalattachment, Howthingsgowrongthroughouroften-distortedsurvivalstrategies, HowGodrepairsourfaith,hope,andloveforHim,others,andourselves, HowJesusquietsouranxiousandavoidantfaith, HowtoincorporatepracticesforbufferinginsecurityandbuildingsecuritywithGod GoddesignedyoutoliveinjoyandpeaceinrelationshipwithHim,asifyouareinapasture, undertheprotectivecareoftheGoodShepherd.Nomatterwhereyoufindyourself emotionally,JesushelpsyoumovetowardalifemoredeeplyattachedtoGod.











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/PersonalGrowth


CydHolsclawisacoach,pastor,andspiritual director SheteachesspiritualdirectionatFriends Universityand,alongwithGeoffHolsclaw,codirects thedoctorofministryinspiritualformationand relationalneuroscienceatWesternTheological Seminary

Dr.GeoffHolsclawisapastor,professor,and authorforover20years AlongwithCydHolsclaw,he coauthoredDoesGodReallyLikeMe?,cohosts theAttachingtoGodpodcast,andcodirectsthe CenterforEmbodiedFaith(embodiedfaithlife)






LandscapesoftheSoulisfortheChristianinterested inspiritualityandwellness Weplantorunadswith theoutletSpiritualityandHealthtoreachconsumers inthisspace.WewillalsorunaTLCbookstagram tourtoreachnewreadersfascinatedbyspiritual transformation Additionally,wewillrunsocialads throughIngramID,targetingChristiannonfiction readersonsocialmedia Wewillencouragethe authorstopromoteontheirplatformssuchastheir podcast,newsletter,Substack,socialchannelsandby sendingoutaninfluencermailingtokeycontacts TyndalePRwillexecuteatargetedpublicity campaignaimedatpublishingtradeandChristian media Willpursueprint,web,blogs,andselectradio andpodcastoutlets.


Christianmenandwomenwho,becauseofearly childhooddistressoradulttrauma,feelstuckin developingadeeperconnectionwithGod;ministry leadersseekingtohelpothershavespiritual breakthroughs;spiritualdirectionsseekinghelpwith theattachmentstrategiesofdirectees



Facebook(@cydholsclawcoach):400; (@geoffholsclaw):743














Withaccessiblecommentarypairedwithinspirationaldevotionalthought,TheSee Seriesspeakstoboththeheartandmind.

WrittenbybeloveddevotionalwriterandbiblicalscholarChrisTiegreen,eachbookofThe SeeSeriesdoesmorethanencourageussimplytoknowandthendo;rather,itcastsavision forustosee,thenbe,thenlive Ifwecanseewhatbiblicalwriterssawandliveaccordingto thatvision,wecanbetransformed

TheGospelofJohnisclearlymeanttobemorethanjustanotherversionofthesamestory summarizedintheothergospels.Itsoverarchingpurposeisforthosewhodonotyet believetoembraceJesus,andforthosewhodobelievetobelievemoreprofoundlyand persistently John:ADevotionalCommentarygivesyourichinsightintothetruthscontained inthisgospel,helpingtransformyourmind,heart,andimagination


Anintroductiontothebiblicalbookwithhistoricalcontextorbackgroundto explainhowitfitsintothebig-picturevisionofbiblicaltruth, Aseriesofdevotionalstoinspireandchallengeyoutore-envision tolearntoseein newways, AdiscussionguidetohelpyoufurtherreflectontheScripturepassages











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/NewTestament/ General


ChrisTiegreenhastouchedthelivesofmillionsof peoplethroughhistwenty-sevenbooks,hisfortyplusstudyanddiscussionguides,hismanymagazine andnewspaperarticles,andhiscollaborative projectswithothercommunicators.Hehasauthored nineOneYeardevotionals,andhiscurricularand collaborativeworkshavebeentranslatedintomore thansixtylanguages,reachingmanycountries aroundtheworld






BiblicalscholaranddevotionalwriterChrisTiegreen isbelovedforhisabilitytodigdeepintobiblical teachingwhilemakinghiswritingaccessibleand relevant InpartnershipwithChrisandhis connections,weaimtopositionTheSeeSeriesasa must-haveBiblecommentarydevotionalseriesand resource,targetingChristianswhoarelookingfor moreinformativestudiesofasinglebookofthe Bible,whilestillmaintainingatoneofcontemplative reflectiononitsthemes

InadditiontoChris’sefforts,wewillpursue:email marketing,paidpodcastspots,paid&organicsocial media,paidblogfeatures,re-targeting,searchengine marketing,andTyndale’spromotionalnetwork


Christianmenandwomen,engagedandcuriousto growdeeperintheirfaith




Widemarginsfornotes COMPARATIVETITLES

HearingHisVoice 9781496446961,$1599

John:LifeApplicationBibleCommentary 9780842328937,$16.99

BeAlive(John1-12):GettoKnowtheLivingSavior 9781434767363,$1699

Philippians:ADevotional Commentary

SeeYourLifewithNewEyes TheSeeSeries

Withaccessiblecommentarypairedwithinspirationaldevotionalthought,TheSee Seriesspeakstoboththeheartandmind

WrittenbybeloveddevotionalwriterandbiblicalscholarChrisTiegreen,eachbookofThe SeeSeriesdoesmorethanencourageussimplytoknowandthendo;rather,castsavision forustosee,thenbe,thenlive.Ifwecanseewhatbiblicalwriterssawandliveaccordingto thatvision,wecanbetransformed

Philippians:ADevotionalCommentarygivesrichinsightintothetruthscontainedinthisNew Testamentepistle,offeringavisionofalifefilledwithjoy,gratitude,grace,andpeace By reframingthepicture,hegavethemreasonstocelebrate,endure,healtheirdivisions,and moveforwardinfaith Andhegaveusafieldmanualforseeingourliveswithneweyesand overcomingadversity.AvaluableresourceforanyChristian,eachcommentaryincludes:

Anintroductiontothebiblicalbookwithhistoricalcontextorbackgroundto explainhowitfitsintothebig-picturevisionofbiblicaltruth, Aseriesofdevotionalstoinspireandchallengeyoutore-envision tolearntoseein newways, AdiscussionguidetohelpyoufurtherreflectontheScripturepassages











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/NewTestament/ General


ChrisTiegreenhastouchedthelivesofmillionsof peoplethroughhistwenty-sevenbooks,hisfortyplusstudyanddiscussionguides,hismanymagazine andnewspaperarticles,andhiscollaborative projectswithothercommunicators.Hehasauthored nineOneYeardevotionals,andhiscurricularand collaborativeworkshavebeentranslatedintomore thansixtylanguages,reachingmanycountries aroundtheworld






BiblicalscholaranddevotionalwriterChrisTiegreen isbelovedforhisabilitytodigdeepintobiblical teachingwhilemakinghiswritingaccessibleand relevant InpartnershipwithChrisandhis connections,weaimtopositionTheSeeSeriesasa must-haveBiblecommentarydevotionalseriesand resource,targetingChristianswhoarelookingfor moreinformativestudiesofasinglebookofthe Bible,whilestillmaintainingatoneofcontemplative reflectiononitsthemes

InadditiontoChris’sefforts,wewillpursue:email marketing,paidpodcastspots,paid&organicsocial media,paidblogfeatures,re-targeting,searchengine marketing,andTyndale’spromotionalnetwork.


Christianmenandwomen,engagedandcuriousto growdeeperintheirfaith




Widemarginsfornotes COMPARATIVETITLES

HearingHisVoice 9781496446961,$1599

Philippians,Colossians,&Philemon:LifeApplication BibleCommentary 9780842329743,$1699

BeJoyful(Philippians):EvenWhenThingsGoWrong, YouCanHaveJoy 9781434768469,$1699

Psalms:ADevotional Commentary

SeeYourWorshipwithNewEyes TheSeeSeries

Withaccessiblecommentarypairedwithinspirationaldevotionalthought,TheSee Seriesspeakstoboththeheartandmind

WrittenbybeloveddevotionalwriterandbiblicalscholarChrisTiegreen,eachbookofThe SeeSeriesdoesmorethanencourageussimplytoknowandthendo;rather,itcastsavision forustosee,thenbe,thenlive Ifwecanseewhatbiblicalwriterssawandliveaccordingto thatvision,wecanbetransformed

WecanreadtheBibleandlistentosermonsalldaylong,butthetruthwereadorhearjust fadesawayafterafewdays,unlesswearecultivatingtheKingdomwithinus Psalms:A DevotionalCommentarywillhelpthisOldTestamentbookofpoetry,prayer,praise,and lamentcomealiveforyou,bringingtransformationforyourmindandimagination.A valuableresourceforanyChristian,eachcommentaryincludes:

Anintroductiontothebiblicalbookwithhistoricalcontextorbackgroundto explainhowitfitsintothebig-picturevisionofbiblicaltruth, Aseriesofdevotionalstoinspireandchallengeyoutore-envision tolearntosee innewways, AdiscussionguidetohelpyoufurtherreflectontheScripturepassages











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/OldTestament/ General


ChrisTiegreenhastouchedthelivesofmillionsof peoplethroughhistwenty-sevenbooks,hisfortyplusstudyanddiscussionguides,hismanymagazine andnewspaperarticles,andhiscollaborative projectswithothercommunicators.Hehasauthored nineOneYeardevotionals,andhiscurricularand collaborativeworkshavebeentranslatedintomore thansixtylanguages,reachingmanycountries aroundtheworld






BiblicalscholaranddevotionalwriterChrisTiegreen isbelovedforhisabilitytodigdeepintobiblical teachingwhilemakinghiswritingaccessibleand relevant InpartnershipwithChrisandhis connections,weaimtopositionTheSeeSeriesasa must-haveBiblecommentarydevotionalseriesand resource,targetingChristianswhoarelookingfor moreinformativestudiesofasinglebookofthe Bible,whilestillmaintainingatoneofcontemplative reflectiononitsthemes

InadditiontoChris’sefforts,wewillpursue:email marketing,paidpodcastspots,paid&organicsocial media,paidblogfeatures,re-targeting,searchengine marketing,andTyndale’spromotionalnetwork


Christianmenandwomen,engagedandcuriousto growdeeperintheirfaith



Discussionquestions Widemarginsfornotes COMPARATIVETITLES

HearingHisVoice 9781496446961,$1599

BeWorshipful(Psalms1-89):GlorifyingGodforWho HeIs



Romans:ADevotional Commentary



Withaccessiblecommentarypairedwithinspirationaldevotionalthought,TheSee Seriesspeakstoboththeheartandmind

WrittenbybeloveddevotionalwriterandbiblicalscholarChrisTiegreen,eachbookofThe SeeSeriesdoesmorethanencourageussimplytoknowandthendo;rather,castsavision forustosee,thenbe,thenlive.Ifwecanseewhatbiblicalwriterssawandliveaccordingto thatvision,wecanbetransformed

Romans:ADevotionalCommentaryguidesyouthroughthisNewTestamentepistlefromthe apostlePaul,bringingtransformationforyourmind,heart,andimagination Throughout thisletter,vitaltruthsemerge,includingthegiftofnewlifethroughtheresurrectionof Christ,howthisallfitsinGod’soverallplans,andwhatitallmeansfordailylife Avaluable resourceforanyChristian,eachcommentaryincludes:

Anintroductiontothebiblicalbookwithhistoricalcontextorbackgroundto explainhowitfitsintothebig-picturevisionofbiblicaltruth, Aseriesofdevotionalstoinspireandchallengeyoutore-envision tolearntosee innewways,












BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/NewTestament/ General


ChrisTiegreenhastouchedthelivesofmillionsof peoplethroughhistwenty-sevenbooks,hisfortyplusstudyanddiscussionguides,hismanymagazine andnewspaperarticles,andhiscollaborative projectswithothercommunicators.Hehasauthored nineOneYeardevotionals,andhiscurricularand collaborativeworkshavebeentranslatedintomore thansixtylanguages,reachingmanycountries aroundtheworld






BiblicalscholaranddevotionalwriterChrisTiegreen isbelovedforhisabilitytodigdeepintobiblical teachingwhilemakinghiswritingaccessibleand relevant InpartnershipwithChrisandhis connections,weaimtopositionTheSeeSeriesasa must-haveBiblecommentarydevotionalseriesand resource,targetingChristianswhoarelookingfor moreinformativestudiesofasinglebookofthe Bible,whilestillmaintainingatoneofcontemplative reflectiononitsthemes

InadditiontoChris’sefforts,wewillpursue:email marketing,paidpodcastspots,paid&organicsocial media,paidblogfeatures,re-targeting,searchengine marketing,andTyndale’spromotionalnetwork.


Christianmenandwomen,engagedandcuriousto growdeeperintheirfaith



Discussionquestions Widemarginsfornotes COMPARATIVETITLES

HearingHisVoice 9781496446961,$1599

Romans:LifeApplicationBibleCommentary 9780842328906,$16.99

BeRight(Romans):HowtoBeRightwithGod, Yourself,andOthers 9781434768476,$1699


AMarineBiologist'sPursuitofTruththrough DeepWatersofFaithandScience

Theoceanisfilledwithscientificdiscoveries andGod’spresence.

FormarinebiologistRachelJordan,bothscienceandScripturearemeansofknowing creationandCreator InIftheOceanHasaSoul,Rachelconsidersthenaturalworldthrough aspirituallens,meshingmarinebiologywithbiblicaltruthsinakeenandcurrenttakeon faithandscience WithengagingstorytellinganddeepknowledgeoftheBible,sheasksand answersquestionslike:

HowcanChristiansreconcilereligionandsciencewhenthetwoseemopposed? WhatdosufferinganddeathteachusaboutthecharacterofJesus? Howdowecarefortheenvironmentwhenthereseemstobelittlehopeforrepair? Whatdotheoceananditsseacreatures,specifically,revealaboutGod?

Inthesepages,Rachelrecountsfascinatingaquaticphenomenaalongsidethesometimes humorous,sometimestragicstoriesofanimalsshehasknown You’llloseyourselfinthe shadowsofanunderwaterlabyrinth;hearspiritualwisdomfromagreat-grandmothercoral thesizeofaVolkswagenBeetle;andfallinlovewithPorky,thepudgyporcupinefish greetingvisitorsattheWindjammershipwreck.Andalongtheway,you’llseehowthe promiseofrestorationunfoldsinbothphysicalandspiritualways Rachel’sthoughtful scientificandtheologicalinsightsencourageustoknowtheCreatoroftheseaand everythinginit











BISACRELIGION/Religion& Science


RachelG.Jordanisaprofessionalmarinebiologist andlaytheologianwithanMSinmarinebiologyand ecologyfromJamesCookUniversity(Australia),aBS inecologyfromSeattlePacificUniversity(USA),anda certificationinbiblicalstudiesfromBodenseehof BibleSchool(Germany) AJesus-lovingcoralnerd, Rachelhastraveledtheglobechasingherpassionfor faithandscience Whennotdivingorwriting,shecan befoundreadingC S Lewis,growingwildflowers, andexploringcreationwithherhusband.





Theoceanishavingamomentinourcultureandon socialmedia Weplantoleveragethistrendby sharingRachel’sgorgeousoceanphotographyand wealthofknowledgeonthesubject We’llcoach Rachelonsocialmediabestpracticesanduse marketingdollarstoboostherposts.Inadditionto Rachel’sefforts,wewillpursuesearchengine keywordoptimization,digitaladvertising,aswellas promotionviaTyndale’snetwork TyndalePRwill executemediaoutreachtopublishingtrade, Christianconsumerprintandweboutlets,andselect radioandpodcastoutlets


Science-curiousChristiansandfaith-curiousscientists; spiritualseekers;aspiringprofessionalscientists; peoplewhopossessaninterestintheday-to-daylife ofmarinebiologists.






ChasingProof,FindingFaith 9781496471819,$1799

BelievingisSeeing 9781496455581,$1799

FindingGodintheWaves 9781101906064,$1800 NONFICTION/JUNE2025


A30-DayGuidedJourneytoUnplug,Reconnect withGod,andReclaimYourJoy

Discoverthejoy,freedom,andflourishinglifethatcomeswithtakingasocial mediabreak.

WelongforlivesfullofdeepconnectionwithGod,ourselves,andothers Andyet,wehave becomeprogrammedtoseekpeaceandcontentmentinourphones Asendlessscrolling leavesusfeelinganxious,distracted,andalone,werealizeourdeepestneedscannotbe metbyturningtosocialmedia Ifyoufeellikeyourdigitallifecoulduseareset,youarenot alone.AllieMarieSmith,authorofWonderfullyMade,haswalkedthisroadandfound freedomandamorefulfillinglife.InSocialMediaReset,sheinvitesyoutopausefor30days andseekrestorationinyourmind,heart,body,andsoul.Throughtheprocessof disconnectingandexperiencingadigitaldetox,youwillopenyourselfuptothe wholeheartedlifeGodhasforyou Whilethethoughtofasocialmediabreakcanfeel daunting,Allieisacompassionateguidewhowillhelpyou:

Takeinventoryofsocialmedia’seffectonyourphysicalandmentalhealthaswellas yourrelationships, Showupforyourlifewithanewlevelofexcitement,intentionality,andjoy, SeekinGodwhatyoumayseekinyourphonethroughprayer,reflection,and practicalapplication

Whetheryou’relookingtofindtrueconnection,rediscoveryourpassions,oranewwayof lifethatbringsyoujoy,SocialMediaResetwillhelpyoureconnectwithwhattrulymatters











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/PersonalGrowth


AllieMarieSmithisanaward-winningauthor, speaker,podcasthost,andlifecoach Sheisalsothe founderandCEOofWonderfullyMade,anational nonprofitorganizationdedicatedtohelpinggirlsand womenknowtheirGod-givenvalueandlead flourishinglives.ShelivesinSantaBarbaraCounty, wheresheloveswriting,playingwithhorses, surfing,andadventuringupanddowntheCalifornia coast Visitherwebsiteatalliemariesmithcom


Christianwomenages20-45whofeeltheeffectsofa socialmediaaddiction(butmaynotrealizeit)-lackof peace,discontentment,anxiety,lonelinessandlackof connectionwithGod,themselves,andothers; Christianandnon-Christianwomenages20-45with poormentalhealth;women'sministriesandBible studies.

Facebook(@wonderfullymadeknowyourvalue):65K; (@alliemariesmithinc):400

Instagram(@wonderfullymade org):84K



WEBSITE https://wwwalliemariesmithcom/


Weplantomarketthistitletopeoplewhoare strugglingwithsocialmediawheretheyare online WewillruntargetedadsonsocialusingtheIngram IDdatabasewhichwilltargetnonfictionfaith-based readers WewillrunadsontheThatSoundsFun Podcast,wherewecanreachthemillennialandGen Zaudienceswhoareoftenstrugglingwithsocial mediaaddiction.Additionally,wewillreachChristian readersthroughadedicatedParablee-blastand searchengineads Aninfluencermailingtonotable contactssuchasSadieRobertsonHuffandBethany Hamiltonwillalsobesentout TyndalePRwill executemediaoutreachtopublishingtrade, Christianconsumerprintandweboutlets,select radioandpodcastoutletsandlimitedcontentspecificmediaoverlay





Dailyreflectionquestions,prayerprompts,and application

Quizzesforreaderstotakeaninventoryoftheir socialmediauseandwell-being


WonderfullyMade 9780802424365,$1499



UnpluggedHours 9780310367703,$1999



HowNewDiscoveriesintheScienceofLifePoint toGod

Isitpossiblethatoneofthebiggestobstaclestoharmonizingscienceandfaithcan finallybeovercome?

Aflashpointformuchofthesciencevs faithdividehasbeenDarwinianevolution Sharing thesamemistakenbeliefthatsciencecontradictstheBible,especiallytheGenesisaccount ofcreation,manyscientistsandmanyChristianshaveconcludedthattheworldsofscience andreligionareatodds ButaccordingtobiologistSyGarte,PhD,evolutionisirrelevantto theharmonyoffaithandscience.Andrevolutionarynewdevelopmentsinbiologyare providingstrongerevidencethaneverbeforeofapurposefulcreatorGod.Inhisnewbook, Dr.Gartecombinesthelatestresearchwithabiblicalworldviewasheexplains:

Howscientificprogresshasbeenhinderedbythereluctanceofmanybiologiststo followtheevidencewhereveritleadsbecauseoftheirfearofopeningthedoorto theism, WhymisunderstandingsaboutboththeBibleandsciencehavecausedmany peopletounnecessarilyabandonChristianity, WhyDarwinianevolutionisn'tasimportantaspeoplethink, Hownewevidenceofpurpose,agencyanddecision-makingatthecellularlevel pointstoacreatorGod

InBeyondEvolution,SyGartechallengesscientistsandpeopleoffaithtofollowtheevidence whereveritleads andarguesforwhythatevidencewarrantsabeliefinGod











BISACRELIGION/Religion& Science


Seymour"Sy"Garte,PhD(inbiochemistry),has beenatenuredprofessoratthreemajoruniversities andhasheldleadershippositionsattheNational InstitutesofHealth(NIH)andUniformedServices University.Hehaspublishedmorethantwohundred peer-reviewedscientificpapersandfivebooks,as wellasarticlesonscienceandChristianfaith.Heisa fellowoftheAmericanScientificAffiliation(ASA)and servesaseditor-in-chiefoftheASA'squarterlyonline magazine,GodandNature Dr Garteconvertedfrom atheismtoChristianitylaterinlifeandisacertified layservantintheUnitedMethodistChurch






WewillplantoleverageDrSyGarte’sconnectionsin thesciencecommunityaswellasspeakto thoughtfulChristiansfamiliarwithnewscience developments.DrGarteisoftenaskedtospeakat churchesandhasbeentheEditor-in-ChiefofGodand Nature,theAmericanScientificAffiliation(ASA) In additiontoDrGarte’sefforts,wewillpursuesearch enginekeywordoptimization,digitaladvertising,as wellaspromotionviaTyndale’snetwork TyndalePR willexecutemediaoutreachtopublishingtrade, Christianconsumerprintandweboutlets,andselect radioandpodcastoutlets.


ThoughtfulChristianswhoarevaguelyfamiliarwith hownewscientificdevelopmentsinphysicsand cosmologyarestartingtopointtoaCreator;Menand womenwhoareseekingtointegratefaithandlifein themodernworldandarelookingforresourceson science,theworld,faithandChristianity





ScienceandFaithinHarmony 9780825448157,$21.99



BelievingisSeeing 9781496455581,$17.99



MakingRoominYourLifeforRest,Connection, andDelight

Experiencethetransformationalpowerofthesacred,ancient,radicalrhythmof Sabbathrest.

Inthefast-paced,chaotic,overlyscheduledcadenceofourculture,itcanbedifficultto imaginehowtosqueezetheSabbathintoouralreadyover-stuffedlives liketryingtofitan eleventhpassengerintoaneight-passengervan WhatifSabbathisn’tdesignedto“fit”into ourlives,butrathertotakeoverourlives inthebestwayimaginable?Hebrewscholarand OldTestamentprofessorTravisWestbelievesthatwe’vemisunderstoodwhatitmeansto trulySabbath.Inhisbook,TheSabbathWay,Travistakesreadersonaspiritualjourneyto discoveringradicalrestismorethanaweeklypracticeoftakingadayoff it’salsoaposture, awayoflivingeveryday Usingpersonalstoryandexpertknowledge,Travisshows ChristianshowtomakeSabbathrestthemetronomethatestablishesandmaintainsour life’srhythms,apprenticingustoabundanceourwholelifelong Readersofthisbookwill discoverhowtheSabbath:

Slowsusdownhelpsusdiscoverthethingsthatmakeusfeelmostalive,freeingus fromrigidityandlegalism, Disruptsourculturalobsessionwithproductivityandachievementandcultivatesa morelife-givingconnectionbetweenourworkandourworth, Inspiresanunhurried,sacramentalworldviewthatseesalloflifeasagift, EnablesustogrowintothepeopleGodiscallingustobeinourlives,ourhomes, ourworkplaces,ourcommunities,andourworld











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/SpiritualGrowth


TravisWestisprofessorofHebrewandOld TestamentatWesternTheologicalSeminaryin Holland,Michigan Hispreviousbooks,Biblical Hebrew:AnInteractiveApproachandTheArtofBiblical Performance,advocateforincorporating performance,embodiment,andplayintothe processoflearningbiblicalHebrewandinterpreting biblicalstories




Tyndalewillrunadigitalmarketingcampaign focusingonmeetingreaderswheretheyare Weplan toutilizemediaoutletssuchasParabletosendouta dedicatede-blasttoreadersspecificallyinterestedin Christianlivingtopicssuchasthesabbath We’llalso runtargetedsocialadstononfictionChristian readersusingIngramID'srobustconsumer database PodcastadsontheThat'sSoundsFun NetworkwillreachChristianmillennial'swhoare interestedindivingdeeperintothetopicofsabbath rest Additionally,wewillsupportsearchengine optimizationeffortsthroughkeywordresearchand ads TyndalePRwillexecutemediaoutreachto publishingtrade,Christianconsumerprintandweb outlets,andselectradioandpodcastoutlets


Pastors,seminarians,smallgroupleadersand participantsandlaypeopleinterestedinfreshwaysof understandingandpursuingdiscipleship;exhausted, depletedChristianswhoareseekinganewwayoflife thatfuelsthemanddeepeningtheirdelight









OrdinaryDiscipleship 9781641587327,$17.99

PracticingtheWay:BewithJesus Becomelikehim Do ashedid



TheOneYearBookofHope Devotional



Maybeyou’vebeenwoundedbyafamilymemberorfriend.Perhapsyouknowthepainof losingsomeoneyouloveorofadifficultmedicaldiagnosis Sometimesweneedtoknow there’shopeforwhenlifejusthurts NancyGuthrieknowswhatit’sliketohurt sometimes somuchthattherearen’twordstodescribethepain InTheOneYearBookofHope Devotional,sheencouragesyoutospendthisyearlearningtohopeandholdontofaith whenlifehasletyoudown Sheoffersnotriteanswersorquickcures;justremarkable, hopefuldailyinsightsfromthedepthsofScriptureandherownexperiences.WithNancy Guthrieasyourcompassionateguideyou’llfind:

DailyBiblereadingstohelpyouexperiencethecomfortofGod’sWord, Deep,thoughtful,personalreflectionsforChristianswhoareexperiencingany suffering,sadness,heartache,orgrief, Weeklyquestionsforreflection,opportunitiesforfurthermeditation,anddirected prayer

Inthisdailydevotional,joinNancyingrowingclosertoGod thesourceofallcomfortand healing.











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Devotional


NancyGuthrieteachestheBibleatherhome church,CornerstonePresbyterianChurchinFranklin, Tennessee,aswellasatconferencesaroundthe countryandinternationally,includingherBiblical TheologyWorkshopforWomen.Sheistheauthorof numerousbooksandisthehostoftheHelpMeTeach theBiblepodcastwithTheGospelCoalition.Sheand herhusbandfoundedRespiteRetreatsforcouples whohavefacedthedeathofachild,andtheyare cohostsoftheGriefSharevideoseries


Christianandnon-Christianmenandwomenwho haveexperiencedhurtinlifeandwouldbenefitfrom ahope-filleddailycompanion;thosewhoareseeking comfortandencouragementfromtheachesoflifewhetherfromeverydaydisappointmentsordeep losses





HOMETOWN Nashville,TN37221



Wewillpursuesearchenginekeywordoptimization, digitaladvertising,aswellaspromotionviaTyndale’s network TyndalePRwillexecutemediaoutreachto publishingtrade

DailyBiblereadingstohelpyouexperiencethe comfortofGod’sWord

Deep,thoughtful,personalreflectionsfor Christianswhoareexperiencinganysuffering, sadness,heartache,orgrief. Weeklyquestionsforreflection,opportunitiesfor furthermeditation,anddirectedprayer




DailyHopeDevotional 9798400501128,$2499

TheOneYearBookofHealing 9781496405746,$15.99


God'sAnswersforYourEveryNeed TouchPoints

TouchPointsforMenputsGod’sanswerstoyourmostpressingquestionsrightat yourfingertips.

Thistopicalreferenceguideisfilledwithmotivation,inspiration,andspiritualinsight, showingmenhowtopracticallyapplyScripturetothechallengesthey’refacing Inside, you’llfind:

Biblepromisesonover100alphabeticallyarrangedtopics includingcharacter, conflict,persistence,God’swill,leadership,money,prayer,wisdom,andmanymore, WordsofencouragementfromtheNewLivingTranslation®, Anindexforquickandeasynavigation

Whetheryoureadthisbookstraightthroughoruseitasahandyreferenceguideforthose dayswhenlifethrowsyouanunexpectedcurveball,you’llbeamazedattheimpactGod’s Wordcananddoeshaveonyoureverydaylife













RonaldA.BeershasbeenwithTyndalesince1987 andcurrentlyservesaschiefpublishingofficer Since 1988RonhasbeenamemberofthecentralBible translationcommitteefortheHolyBible,NewLiving Translation.Ronwasalsothecreatorandgeneral editorofTheLifeApplicationStudyBible.Inaddition, hedevelopedtheTouchPointsbooks,whichhave soldmorethan275millioncopiessince1996

AmyE.Masonisawifeandastay-at-homemomto hertwoboys,onewithspecialneeds Sheisthe authorofseveralbooks,includingTheNLTBible PromiseBook,365PocketPrayers,andBiblePromisesto LiveBy Herbookshavesoldoveronemillioncopies


St Charles,IL60174 SantaBarbara,CA93108


Wewillpursuesearchenginekeywordoptimization, digitaladvertising,aswellaspromotionviaTyndale’s network TyndalePRwillexecutemediaoutreachto publishingtrade.


Christianmenseekingencouragementandthe answerstolife'stoughquestions


Biblepromisesonover100alphabeticallyarranged topics includingcharacter,conflict,persistence, God’swill,leadership,money,prayer,wisdom,and manymore WordsofencouragementfromtheNewLiving Translation® Anindexforquickandeasynavigation.










A40-DayPilgrimagewithLoveHimselfThatWill ChangeYourLife

A40-dayjourneytomoveyoufrombarelygettingthrough topassionatelyliving thefullestlife.

Youaren’talone Godknowswhatitfeelsliketobewhereyouare,whereyouhavebeen GodHimselfknowshowhardthisbrokenplanetis He’swalkedwhereyou’vewalked But outofthosehard,dustyroadsemergesawayintotheexhilaratinglifeyou’velongedto fullyexperience Thisisthetrueststoryinthewholeuniverse:GodistheonlyOnewhohas everlovedyoutodeathandcametoresurrectyouintothefullestlifeyoualwayshoped for.EmbarkwithNewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorofOneThousandGifts,AnnVoskamp,on a40-dayspiritualpilgrimagefollowingtheentirelifeofJesusthroughtheGospelofJohn. LovedtoLifeisaninvitationinto:

40inspirational,grace-andhope-filleddevotionals; 40BiblepassagesthatpilgrimagewithJesusfromthebeginningtotheendofthe GospelofJohntoencounterandexperienceHiminafresh,transformativeway; 40originalwoodcutillustrationstomarkeachdayofthepilgrimage

Jesusheldthecupthatholdsthestoryyouneverwanted;thepainyouwishyouandyour peoplehadneverknown;thescarsthathaveforevermarredyouronlyheart.Forthelove ofyou,Jesusdrankthiscupofsufferingdowntoloveyoubacktolife Turnandgazeonthe OnewhogaveyouHiswholelife andyou’llfindtheloveyou’vebeenlookingforyour wholelife










BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/SpiritualGrowth


AnnVoskampisthewifeofonefinefarmer,mother toseven,andafour-timeNewYorkTimesbestselling authorofmorethanadozenbooks,includingOne ThousandGifts:ADaretoLiveFullyRightWhereYouAre (whichhassoldmorethan1.5millioncopiesandhas beentranslatedintomorethantwenty languages),TheGreatestGift,UnwrappingtheGreatest Gift,Waymaker,andthecriticallyacclaimedchildren's bookYourBraveSong


Christianwomenages18–65,families,churchgroups, andfansandfollowersofAnnVoskamp

FB(@AnnVoskamp):578K IG(@annvoskamp):358K






HOMETOWN Ontario,Canada


https://annvoskampcom/ MARKETING

Optimizedforonlineretail(Keywords,SEO, photos,videos)

PromotiononSocialMediachannels(organic &paid)

FeaturedonTyndaleEspañolcomwebsite andhomepagebannercarousel

Cross-promotedinEnglishbookmarketing orSpanishBiblemarketingeffortswhen possible


LamujercultivadaenSuPalabra 9781496461636,$1799

Uncaminoalamorredentor 9781496455406,$1499



A13-WeekCourseforNewandGrowing Christians

Thisperennialbest-sellingdiscipleshiptoolcontainstheclassicBiblestudiesLessonson AssuranceandLessonsonChristianLivinginonepackage 13lessonsinall!These NavigatorBiblestudiesareagreatleader’sresourcetoexplainthefundamentalsofthe Christianlife AnidealgiftforanewbelieverorsomeonewhohasaninterestinJesus TearoutScripturememoryversecardsareincludedinKJV,NIV,NASB,andNKJV










BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/SpiritualGrowth


TheNavigatorsisaministrythatsharesthegospel ofJesusandhelpspeoplegrowintheirrelationship withHimthroughLife-to-Life®discipleship,creating spiritualgenerationsofbelievers Sinceitsfounding in1933,TheNavigatorshasupheldthemission“To knowChrist,makeHimknown,andhelpothersdo thesame.”®




NewbelieversinChristaswellasseasonedbelievers whodesireanunderstandingoffoundationaltruths



Shortdevotionalsatthebeginningofeachchapter Biblereadingpromptsanddiscussionquestions Spacetojournalyourthoughtsandanswers Prayerprompts


GrowinginChrist 9780891091578,$1199

DandofrutoenlafamiliadeDios 9781631467240,$12.99

CultivandoraícesenlafamiliadeDios 9781631467233,$1299



NotestoMyDaughterontheMeaningof Womanhood


ManyChristianwomenrarely,ifever,askthemselvesthatquestion Butknowingwhoyou areasawoman andasaChristian canmakearealdifferenceinhowyouseeyourself andothers ElisabethElliot,authorofAChancetoDie:TheLifeofAmyCarmichael,explores Scripturetohelpyoufindanswersthatmakeadifference Shesuggeststheplacetostartis byaskingnot“WhoamI?”but“WhoseamI?”InLetMeBeaWoman,shewritescandidly aboutwhatitmeanstobeabiblicalwoman,andsheunabashedlytacklestoughissues, including:

Godlysubmissioninrelationships, Thesinglelife, Self-discipline, Masculinityvs femininity, Therightkindofpride, Whatmakesamarriagework

Withadviceonbeingawife,followingChrist,love,andfaith,LetMeBeaWomanfeelslike sittingdownforamother-daughterconversationoraheart-to-heartwithawisefriend. Whetheryouareyoungornotsoyoung,single,engaged,married,orwidowed,youwill betterunderstandhowyoufitintoGod’splan,andyouwillcomeawaywithawonderful senseofpeaceaboutwhoyouareasaChristianwoman











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Women'sInterests


ElisabethElliot(1926-2015)wasamissionaryanda criticallyacclaimedauthorandspeaker Foroverhalf acentury,herlifeofobedience,timelessteachings, andbest-sellingbookshaveinfluencedboth believersandseekersoftheChristianfaith.


Wewillpursuesearchenginekeywordoptimization, digitaladvertising,aswellaspromotionviaTyndale’s network TyndalePRwillexecutemediaoutreachto publishingtrade


Christianwomanofallagesseekingwisdomon biblicalwomanhood


LetMeBeaWoman 9780842321617,$1599

ThroughGatesofSplendor 9780842371520,$18.99



ForstudentsoftheNewTestamentwantingabackgroundintoGreekandRoman philosophytohelpthembetterunderstandtheNewTestamenttext.

ThisbookoffersasurveyoftheGreekphilosophicaltraditionfromitsinceptioninthe ClassicalperioduntilthefinalstagesofitsevolutionbeginninginthefirstpartofLate Antiquity,coveringthepre-Socratics,theClassicalphilosophers,themajorschoolsofthe Hellenisticperiod(theStoics,Epicureans,Academics),theriseofRomanphilosophy, developmentsandrevivalsinthepost-Hellenisticperiod,andtheemergenceofChristianity asaphilosophy WhilemakingGreekandRomanphilosophyitscentralfeature,thebook’s underlyinginterestistherelevanceofthesetraditionstotheearlyChristianmovement, especiallytheNewTestament ForalthoughChristianityisrootedinandineradicablylinked withJudaism,itsshootsquicklyextendedoutwardintotheGreco-Romanworldwhereit wasabletoflowerandpropagateonlybycompetingwiththeintellectualtraditionsofthe Greek-speakingworld,aboveall,thephilosophicaltraditions.Aknowledgeofthese traditions,therefore,isanessentialcomplementtothestudyofSecondTempleJudaismfor seriousstudentsoftheNewTestamentandearlyChristianity.Itisthepurposeofthisbook tooffersuchanintroduction








IMPRINTHendrickson Publishers PAGES152



BISACRELIGION/Biblical Criticism&Interpretation/ NewTestament

TimothyA.Brookins(PhD,BaylorUniversity)is professorofEarlyChristianityattheUniversityofSt ThomasinHouston,Texas Hisotherbooksinclude CorinthianWisdom,StoicPhilosophy,andtheAncient Economy(SocietyofNewTestamentStudies MonographSeries;CambridgeUniversityPress,2014) andRediscoveringtheWisdomoftheCorinthians:Paul, Stoicism,andSpiritualHierarchy(Eerdmans,2024)


Authorusessocialmediaandwillpromotehisbook atvariousvenues.


Biblecollegeandseminarystudents,pastors,and religiousprofessionalsinterestedinunderstanding therelevanceofbiblicalcontextstobiblical interpretation Itsperipheralconsiderationofearly Christianinteractionwithandappropriationof ancientphilosophyinaccommodationtooutsiders maybehelpfulinpreachingorcross-cultural evangelism Itmaybenefitscholarswhoworkinfields ofspecializationoutsideofclassics,ancienthistory,or religiousorphilosophicalstudies,orbiblicalscholars whoseacquaintancewithancientphilosophyis limited


Includesexplanatorycharts,tables,andmapsof theancientMediterraneanworld


PaulandtheGiantsofPhilosophy:Readingthe ApostleinGreco-RomanContext 9780830852284,$28.99

PhilosophyintheHellenisticandRomanWorlds 9780198818601,$1699

ThisisAncientPhilosophy:AnIntroduction 9781119879404,$34.95


PreachingandTeachingDifficult TextsoftheNewTestament

UnderstandhowtopreachorteachalltheNewTestament,includingpassagesor genresthatprovechallenging.

Whatdopreachersdowhentheycomeacrossadifficultpassagenotcoveredinseminary? Whataboutteacherswhohaven’tevenbeentoseminary?Thisbookequipsallofthemto understandandhandlechallengingpassagesandgenresintheNewTestamentsuchas: Introductions,listsofnames,andconclusionsintheepistles, Well-known,well-wornstories, Shortpassages, Textsthatmaynotbeconsideredinspiredorthathavetextualissues, OldTestamentquotationsorallusions, ReferencestononcanonicaltextssuchasEnochorMaccabees, Enigmaticpassagessuchas“baptizedonbehalfofthedead”(1Cor 15:29), Potentiallyexplosivetopicssuchashomosexualityandgender, EschatologicaltextssuchasJesus’OlivetDiscourseorthebookofRevelation. PreachingandteachingtheBibleisdifficultwork,butit’sworththeeffort.AsPaulwroteto Timothy,allScriptureisinspiredandusefulforteaching eventhedifficultones Ifweknow wheretolookandhowtodig,significanttreasureawaitstheadventurouspreacherand teacher







IMPRINTHendrickson Publishers




BISACRELIGION/Christian Ministry/Preaching


BryanMurawski(PhD,WestminsterTheological Seminary)isanassociateprofessorattheSchoolof DivinityatCairnUniversity Hepreviouslyservedasa pastorforfifteenyearsinNewJerseyandMichigan, andhefrequentlyspeaksatcampsandretreats.He isalsotheauthorofPreachingDifficultTextsoftheOld TestamentandThePreacher'sHebrewCompanionto Isaiah1–39andIsaiah40–66


Authorwillpromotebookthroughguestblogspots (DetroitBaptistTheologicalSeminary,HebrewDayBy Day,etc.),radiointerviews,CairnUniversity’s magazine(alongwithseveralotheradvertisements throughtheuniversity),anETSpresentation,andby speakinginvariousvenuesincludingMichigan Expositor’sSummit Authorwillalsowriteblog posts/articlesforvariouswebsitesincludingThe GospelCoalitionandModernReformation


Engagespastors,preachers,teachers,andseminary students Theworkspecificallyaimsatthosewho preach,thoughteachersinaSundayschoolorsmall groupsettingwillfindmanyusefultipsand theologicalinsights.Thebookiswrittentoboththe seasonedpreacherandthoseinthepulpitforthefirst time.Homileticsprofessorswillalsofindthatdueto thepreachingfocus,thebookcanbenefitstudents learningtopreach,perhapsasacomplementtoa moretraditionalhomileticaltextbook


Includeshelpfulcharts,tables,illustrations,andan appendixofdifficultScripturepassages Briefintroductionsineachchapterfollowedbya definitionofaspecifictopicwithScripture examples,ahermeneuticaloverviewofhowthat topicfunctionsintheBible,andhomileticaladvice forpreachingorteachingdifficulttexts. Exhortspreachers/teacherstopreach/teachthe word,evenchallengingtexts


PreachingDifficultTextsoftheOldTestament 9781683073185,$2195



PreachingintheNewTestament 9780830826438,$2599





Peace.Theverywordevokesimagesofserenelandscapesandquietstillness.Intoday’s chaoticworld,peaceisavaluablecommodity TheBiblehasalottosayaboutpeace, claimingthatGodhimselfistheultimatesource Inthisfollow-uptoNamesofGod:Living Unafraid,GraceFoxreflectsonhowthefollowingnamesofGodpointtothepeaceour soulssodesperatelycrave:

YahwehShalom TheLordIsPeace Abba GodOurFather ElRoi TheGodWhoSeesMe YahwehOri—TheLordIsMyLight ElShaddai—GodAlmighty YahwehNissi TheLordIsMyBanner Immanuel GodwithUs

KnowingPeaceusesexamplesfromScriptureandcompellingreal-lifestoriestoillustrate howthesenamescanbringinnerpeaceamidlife’sstorms Eachsessionincludesaguided prayer,reflectionquestions,andavideolinkprovidingadditionalinsightsfromGrace. Perfectforindividualorgroupstudy,thisnewadditiontotheNamesofGodserieswill encourageandinspirereaderstodrawneartoGodandreceivehispeacethatpasses understanding(Philippians4:7)











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Devotional


GraceFoxisamissionaryandpopularBibleteacher atinternationalwomen’sevents Herpassionisto seeothersdevelopaloveforGod’sWordandapplyit forlifetransformation.Shehaswritten15books, cohoststheYourDailyBibleVersepodcast,andisa memberoftheFirst5writingteamforProverbs31 Ministries.Sheandherhusband,Gene,liveona sailboatinBritishColumbia




Thistitlewillprimarilybemarketedviasocialmedia advertising,emailmarketingtosmallgroupandBible studyleaders,andPRplacementswithvarious Christianradiostations


GeneralChristiantrade;women;discipleshipgroups/ Biblestudies/bookclubs

Emaillist:6,631subscribers,6.2K;@gracelfox,3.7K Instagram:@gracefoxauthor,2.1K Podcast:YourDailyBibleVerse:

https://wwwyoutubecom/playlist? list=PLWEADcseGSVSLtzEehwNAYUWFtX LPb9A https://wwwlifeaudiocom/your-daily-bibleverse/


QRCodeattheendofeachsessionlinkstoavideo featuringadditionalauthorinsights 4-Colorinterior


Book2of3intheNamesofGodseries COMPARATIVETITLES

NamesofGod:LivingUnafraid 9781496486417,$17.99

FreshHopeforToday 9781649380555,$1499

100NamesofGodDailyDevotional 9781628622911,$1799

BiblicalNamesandTheir Meanings


DidyouknowtheBiblecontainsmorethan3,000names,includingnamesofGod,people, places,andnationsorpeoplegroups?That’salotofnames!Oftenaperson’sname describestheircharacteristics Forexample,thenameEsausoundslikeaHebrewword meaning“hair”or“hairy”Othertimes,aperson’snamemaydescribecircumstances surroundingtheirbirthorhopesfortheirdestiny

Biblessometimeshavefootnotesindicatingthemeaningofnames,butwhatifyoucould accessalistofthisinformationatyourfingertips?RosePublishing’snewestreference pamphlet,BiblicalNamesandTheirMeanings,offersexactlythat.CoveringtheOldandNew Testaments,readerswillenjoylearningthemeaningandsignificanceofseveralbiblical names.Eachentryincludesthenameintheoriginalbiblicallanguage,thepronunciation, theScripturereference,andashortdescription Sampleentry:



Gen 25:26

“Hegrabsbytheheel.”JacobwasborngraspinghistwinbrotherEsau’sheel.Takenina nonliteralsense,thisphrasemeans“supplanter”or“deceiver.”ThisdescriptionfitsJacob’s actionslaterinhislife.











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Reference/LanguageStudy


GeneralChristiantrade Christianswhoarecuriousabouttheoriginal meaningofbiblicalnames ChristiansinterestedinbiblicalHebrewand Greekstudies. Perfectforindividualandgroupstudies, discipleshipclasses,andchurchorministry giveaways


50HebrewWordsEveryChristianShouldKnow 9781496481948,$499

50GreekWordsEveryChristianShouldKnow 9781496481894,$499

YourNewNameInChrist 9781628623260,$4.99




WhydidJesusteachinparables,andwhyaretheysometimesdifficulttounderstand?The disciplesaskedthesequestionsinJesus’sday,andtodaywefindourselveswonderingthe same Inthissix-sessionstudy,you’llfindanswerstothesequestionsandmanymore Usingchartsandothervisualaids,thisBiblestudyexploreswhattheparablesteachus aboutGod,judgment,redemption,rightliving,andthekingdomofGod:

WhyParables?(Matthew13:10-17), TheVineyardWorkers(Matthew20:1-16), TheSheepandtheGoats(Matthew25:31-46), TheLostSheep,TheLostCoin,TheLostSon(Luke15), TheGoodSamaritan(Luke10:25-37), TheGrowingSeedandTheMustardSeed(Mark4:26-34)

Readerswillenjoyansweringthought-provokingstudyquestionstodeepentheir knowledgeofeachpassage,thenlearnthefascinatingculturalandhistoricalcontext surroundingeachparable.Lifeapplicationquestionswillhelpthemponderhowthese parablesimpacttheirownspirituallives Thisexcellentstudywillbringadeeper understandingofJesus’sparablestobelieversofallfaithlevels

RoseVisualBibleStudiesarepackedwithfull-colorvisualsthatshowkey informationataglance!Withtheireasy-to-useformat readit,knowit,exploreit, andliveit thesesix-weekinductiveBiblestudiesareperfectforgainingdeeper insightintoGod’sWord.











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/NewTestament/ Jesus,theGospels&Acts


GeneralChristiantrade Bible-study/smallgroups







TheExodus 9781496479761,$1199

TheBookofJob 9781496490360,$11.99

Psalms 9781496479815,$1199



HowdoyoufaithfullyfollowtheLordwhilelivinginaplaceandcultureopposedtothevery thingsofGod?That’spreciselythequestionDanielfaced

Inthissix-sessionBiblestudyonthebookofDaniel,you’llseehowDanielresistedthe pressuretocomplyanddemonstratedgodlywisdom,faith,andperseverance Withcharts, maps,andothervisualaids,thisBiblestudyexploresthelifeofDanielinBabylonandhis propheticvisionsinwhichearthlyrulersandheavenlypowerscollide.

ThebookofDanielisafascinatingmixofnarrativeaboutDaniel’slifeinexileandhis propheciesaboutcomingkingdomsandtheendtimes There’smuchmoretothebookof Danielthanthelion’sdenstory!BeencouragedthroughDaniel’slifeoffaithfulprayerashe lookedforwardtothefuturehopeofallGod’speople

RoseVisualBibleStudiesarepackedwithfull-colorvisualsthatshowkey informationataglance!Withtheireasy-to-useformat readit,knowit,exploreit, andliveit thesesix-weekinductiveBiblestudiesareperfectforgainingadeeper insightintoGod’sWord.











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/OldTestament/ Prophets






Discussionquestions Leader’sguide





TheExodus 9781496479761,$11.99

Psalms 9781496479815,$1199


Packedfulloffascinatingmaps,photos,anddiagrams,IllustratedBibleMapsshows whenandwhereBibleeventshappened Morethan100Biblemapsandillustrations willtakeyouchronologicallythroughtheOldandNewTestaments--fromAbraham's homelandinMesopotamiatothesevenchurchesofRevelationinAsiaMinor.

SeethemountainsofAraratwhereNoah’sarkcametorest FollowtherouteoftheexodusthroughtheSinaiPeninsula SeewhereDavidfacedGoliathintheValleyofElah LocatealltheplacesmentionedinthebookofPsalms


You’llgainadeeperunderstandingtheancientworldoftheBible,withmapsshowingthe riseandfallofempireslikeAssyria,Babylon,andPersia.BeautifulphotosoftheHolyLand willhelpyouseewhereJesuswalked.Eachchapterincludesaconcisetimelineofthebiblical timeperiodsoyoucanfollowalongwiththebigstoryofGod’sworkintheworldthrough hispeople











BISACRELIGION/Biblical Reference/Atlases


ThistitlewillbemarketedviaGoogleadwords,social mediaadvertising,andemailmarketingcampaigns withChristianeducationandhomeschoolingblogs




PhotosofBiblelands IllustrationsofJerusalem Timelines


RoseHandbookofBibleCharts,Maps,andTimelines 9781496484857,$3499

DeluxeThen&NowBibleMaps 9781628628623,$24.99

ZondervanEssentialAtlasoftheBible 9780310318576,$2499


RoseGuidetotheEpistlesisyourquick-referenceguidethroughalltheepistlesintheNew Testament FromRomanstoRevelation,you'llfindthekeyfactsandteachingsofeach epistle.Learnabouttheearlychurchlettersintheirhistoricalcontext:Whowrotethem? Whyweretheywritten?WhydidtheybecomepartoftheBible?Plus,acloserlookatthe sevenchurchesofRevelationanddifferentChristianwaystointerpretthebookof Revelation Includes:

Conciseoverviewsforeachepistle:who,what,where,when,andwhy, Who'swhointheepistles:anAtoZguideHistoricalbackgroundaboutthecitiesof theepistles, Theologyoftheepistles:salvationchurch,theSpirit,endtimes,andmore, FourviewsofthebookofRevelation.

AbouttheSeriesRoseGuidesareeasy-to-readreferencehandbooksthatexplorethe people,places,andstoriesoftheBible Withthecolorfulmaps,charts,andtimelinesthat RosePublishingisknownfor,RoseGuidesprovidereaderswithkeyhistoricalandpractical insightsforunderstandingthebooksoftheBibleandbiblicaltopicsthatareimportantfor ourlivestoday












BISACRELIGION/Biblical Reference/Handbooks

GeneralChristiantrade;Biblestudygroups,young adultandyouthgroups,churchlibraries


Conciseoverviewsforeachepistle:who,what, where,when,andwhy

Who'swhointheepistles:anAtoZguide Historicalbackgroundaboutthecitiesofthe epistles

Theologyoftheepistles:salvationchurch,the Spirit,endtimes,andmore.







Mapasbíblicosantesyahora:Edicióndelujo 9781496479600,$24.99


TheMessageWomen’sDevotional Bible


TheScripturesaremeantforus,todrawneartoGodanddiscoverGod’svisionforus The MessageWomen'sDevotionalBibleinviteswomenofallagesandlifeexperiencesto considerwhatitmeanstobemadeinGod’simageandinvitedintoGod’smissionoutofour uniquedesign Withdown-to-earthinsightsintotheexperienceofwomenthroughout Scriptureandinformedbythewisdomofwomeninourcontemporarycontext,this Women’sDevotionalBibleexpandsourimaginationforfaithfulnessinourtime.

OftenoverlookedintheScripturesarewomenactivelyparticipatinginthestoryofGod Manyofthemareunnamed;manyofthemareonlymentionedoralludedto Butthe messageoftheScripturesisincompletewithoutthem ThisBibledrawsourattentiontothe insightshiddenintheirstoriesandtherelevanceoftheirlivestoours Specialfeatures include:

320topicaldevotions, Contributionswrittenbywomenofdiverseethnicities,backgrounds,and vocations,

SpecialBiblicalsectionintroductionshighlightingtheneedsandinterestsof women, 52profilesonimportantfiguresintheBible, SpaceandsensitivityforwomentoengagedifficultBiblepassages, Freshandcandidinsightsintooften-neglectedBiblicalpassagesandpersonalities










BISACBIBLES/TheMessage/ Devotional













Leather-Look-Terracotta 978-1-64158-552-1


EugeneH.Peterson(1932–2018)wasapastorfor thirtyyears,aswellasatheologianandscholarof biblicallanguages Theauthorofmorethanthirty books,heisbestknownforTheMessage,his translationoftheBibleintocontemporary,poetic language Hisministryasapastorandhiswritingson theologyandspiritualityhaveshapedgenerationsof Christians




TheMessageWomen'sDevotionalBible:Gospels portion(Spring25release)willbefeaturedasa giveawaytothetargetaudienceleadinguptothe releaseofthefullBible Thisfreeportionwillbegiven awayattradeshows,women'sconferences,through ChurchConnect,socialmedia(directlyandthrough influencers),andtargetedNavPressandIngram emaillists Wewillreconnectwiththesesame audiencesuponreleaseofthefullBible.Inaddition, wewillpromotehere:

SEMwithAmazonandGoogleAdWords, SocialMediainfluencercampaigns(Salem), TargetedlistsofMessageandfemaleBible buyerswithParableandIngram, Empowerthe80+contributorsasalaunch team.


AdultChristianwomenseekingadeeper understandingofScripture Biblereaderswithadissatisfactionwith superficialtreatmentsofBiblepassagesand thewomenwithinthem.


320topicaldevotions, Contributionswrittenbywomenofdiverse ethnicities,backgrounds,andvocations, SpecialBiblicalsectionintroductionshighlighting theneedsandinterestsofwomen, 52profilesonimportantfiguresintheBible, Spaceandsensitivityforwomentoengagedifficult Biblepassages, Freshandcandidinsightsintooften-neglected Biblicalpassagesandpersonalities


TheMessageDevotionalBible 9781631468223,$2999

NLTTHRIVEDevotionalBibleforWomen 9781496448255,$2999

TheNIVWomen’sDevotionalBible 9780310460985,$3999 NAVPRESSBIBLES/AUGUST2025




TheScripturesaremeantforus,todrawneartoGodanddiscoverGod’svisionforus The MessageWomen'sDevotionalBibleinviteswomenofallagesandlifeexperiencesto considerwhatitmeanstobemadeinGod’simageandinvitedintoGod’smissionoutofour uniquedesign Withdown-to-earthinsightsintotheexperienceofwomenthroughout Scriptureandinformedbythewisdomofwomeninourcontemporarycontext,this Women’sDevotionalBibleexpandsourimaginationforfaithfulnessinourtime.

OftenoverlookedintheScripturesarewomenactivelyparticipatinginthestoryofGod Manyofthemareunnamed;manyofthemareonlymentionedoralludedto Butthe messageoftheScripturesisincompletewithoutthem ThisBibledrawsourattentiontothe insightshiddenintheirstoriesandtherelevanceoftheirlivestoours Specialfeatures include:

320topicaldevotions, Contributionswrittenbywomenofdiverseethnicities,backgrounds,and vocations, SpecialBiblicalsectionintroductionshighlightingtheneedsandinterestsof women,

52profilesonimportantfiguresintheBible, SpaceandsensitivityforwomentoengagedifficultBiblepassages, Freshandcandidinsightsintooften-neglectedBiblicalpassagesandpersonalities










BISACBIBLES/TheMessage/ Devotional
















EugeneH.Peterson(1932–2018)wasapastorfor thirtyyears,aswellasatheologianandscholarof biblicallanguages Theauthorofmorethanthirty books,heisbestknownforTheMessage,his translationoftheBibleintocontemporary,poetic language Hisministryasapastorandhiswritingson theologyandspiritualityhaveshapedgenerationsof Christians




TheMessageWomen'sDevotionalBible:Gospels portion(Spring25release)willbefeaturedasa giveawaytothetargetaudienceleadinguptothe releaseofthefullBible Thisfreeportionwillbegiven awayattradeshows,women'sconferences,through ChurchConnect,socialmedia(directlyandthrough influencers),andtargetedNavPressandIngram emaillists Wewillreconnectwiththesesame audiencesuponreleaseofthefullBible.Inaddition, wewillpromotehere:

SEMwithAmazonandGoogleAdWords, SocialMediainfluencercampaigns(Salem), TargetedlistsofMessageandfemaleBible buyerswithParableandIngram, Empowerthe80+contributorsasalaunch team.


AdultChristianwomenseekingadeeper understandingofScripture Biblereaderswithadissatisfactionwith superficialtreatmentsofBiblepassagesand thewomenwithinthem.


320topicaldevotions, Contributionswrittenbywomenofdiverse ethnicities,backgrounds,andvocations, SpecialBiblicalsectionintroductionshighlighting theneedsandinterestsofwomen, 52profilesonimportantfiguresintheBible, Spaceandsensitivityforwomentoengagedifficult Biblepassages, Freshandcandidinsightsintooften-neglected Biblicalpassagesandpersonalities






TheNIVWomen’sDevotionalBible 9780310460992,$3999





Lifeisfullofhighsandlows TheMessageBiblehasthewordstocarryyouthrougheachone Wordsofcomfortandcelebration Wordsofheartacheandhope Enjoythegiftsthatlife bringsandaBiblethatcanexpresseachmoment

TheMessageisareadingBibletranslatedfromtheoriginalGreekandHebrewScripturesby scholar,pastor,author,andpoetEugenePeterson Thoroughlyreviewedandapprovedby 20biblicalscholars,TheMessagecombinestheauthorityofGod’sWordwiththecadence andenergyofconversationalEnglish.


PersonalizeyourBiblewiththecolorfulpresentationpage FindpassageswithTheMessage’suniqueverse-numberedparagraphs Getyourbearingswithhandcraftedmaps,charts,andtimelines UseyourBibleforyearstocomewithitsdurablebinding. Keepyourplacewithasatinribbonmarker.

ReadTheMessage,andfillyourlifewiththeunexpectedpassionandpersonalitythatfill God’sWord










BISACBIBLES/TheMessage/ Text








EugeneH.Peterson(1932–2018)wasapastorfor thirtyyears,aswellasatheologianandscholarof biblicallanguages Theauthorofmorethanthirty books,heisbestknownforTheMessage,his translationoftheBibleintocontemporary,poetic language Hisministryasapastorandhiswritingson theologyandspiritualityhaveshapedgenerationsof Christians

WEBSITE messagebiblecom


FeaturealongwithotherDeluxeGifteditionsinretail partnerpromotions,especiallyduringgraduation, Easter,andChristmasseasons.

Focusondigitaladvertisingopportunities,including FacebookandInstagram Utilizevideoandproduct imagesviewstodemonstratethebeautyofthis additiontothisbestsellingline


FansofTheMessageandBiblereaderslookingforgifts forabirthday,graduation,baptism,orconfirmation ChurchleaderslookingforBiblestogivetotheir entireclassorsmallgroup



Asatinribbonmarker "TheBibleinFiveActs"alongsidemapsandcharts EssentialTopicalVerseGuide


TheMessageDeluxeGiftBible 9781641586092,$19.99

TheMessageDeluxeGiftBible 9781641586108,$1999

PremiumGiftBibleNLT 9781414333779,$1799


TheMessageDeluxeGiftBible, LargePrint




Lifeisfullofhighsandlows.TheMessageBiblehasthewordstocarryyouthrougheachone. Wordsofcomfortandcelebration Wordsofheartacheandhope Enjoythegiftsthatlife bringsandaBiblethatcanexpresseachmoment

TheMessageisareadingBibletranslatedfromtheoriginalGreekandHebrewScripturesby scholar,pastor,author,andpoetEugenePeterson Thoroughlyreviewedandapprovedby 20biblicalscholars,TheMessagecombinestheauthorityofGod’sWordwiththecadence andenergyofconversationalEnglish.



FindpassageswithTheMessage’suniqueverse-numberedparagraphs Getyourbearingswithhandcraftedmaps UseyourBibleforyearstocomewithitsdurablebinding Keepyourplacewithasatinribbonmarker.

ReadTheMessage,andfillyourlifewiththeunexpectedpassionandpersonalitythatfill God’sWord









BISACBIBLES/TheMessage/ Text










EugeneH.Peterson(1932–2018)wasapastorfor thirtyyears,aswellasatheologianandscholarof biblicallanguages Theauthorofmorethanthirty books,heisbestknownforTheMessage,his translationoftheBibleintocontemporary,poetic language Hisministryasapastorandhiswritingson theologyandspiritualityhaveshapedgenerationsof Christians

WEBSITE messagebiblecom


FeaturewithotherlargeprintBibleandtheDeluxe Gifteditions,especiallyduringgraduationseason Focusondigitaladvertisingopportunities,including FacebookandInstagram

Utilizevideoandmultipleproductviewsto demonstratethebeautyofthebinding Optimize webpresencetosupportonlinesales.


FansofTheMessageandBiblereaderslookingforgifts forabirthday,graduation,baptism,orconfirmation ChurchleaderslookingforBiblestogivetotheir entireclassorsmallgroup.



TheMessage’suniqueverse-numberedparagraphs Acolorfulpresentationpage



TheMessageDeluxeGiftBible,LargePrint 9781641586481,$24.99

TheMessageDeluxeGiftBible,LargePrint 9781641586498,$2499

NIV,PremiumGiftBible,ComfortPrint 9780310094029,$1999


AStoryaboutFeelingLonely,BeingBrave,and MakingFriends

Helpkidsstrugglingwithlonelinessandisolationfindtheconfidencetobebrave andmakenewfriends.

Sometimesmakingnewfriendscanbescaryforkidswhofindthemselvesstrugglingtofit in AuthorHeatherThompsonDayandherdaughter,LondonMarieDay,havewrittena picturebooktocomealongsidehurtingkidsandshowthemthatthey’renotalone With God’shelp,theycanovercomedifficultmomentsandbuildnewfriendships

CanISitHere?isacaptivatingstoryforchildrenages5-8thatfollowsLondon’sown experiencesofnavigatingthesocialchallengesofanewschool,loneliness,andbullying.This relatableandendearingstorywillhelpkidsdiscovertheiridentityinwhoGodsaystheyare


Engagingfull-colorillustrations, Examplestofacilitatemeaningfulconversationsbetweenparentsandchildren,and Thought-provokingquestionstoencourageempathyandfosteremotional intelligence.

Teachyourchildimportantlifelessonsaboutresilience,faith,andthetransformative impactofchoosingtobeafriend!










BISACJUVENILEFICTION/ Religious/Christian/ Friendship



Dr.HeatherThompsonDayisanassociate professoratColoradoChristianUniversity Before workinginacademia,Heatherworkedinradioand television SheisacontributorfortheBarnaGroup and"Newsweek",andrunsahandfulofgrowing socialmediaplatforms.HeatherholdsaPhDfrom AndrewsUniversity.Heatherrunsablog, ImThatWifecom,basedonrelationshipsandselfimprovement,gearedtowardwomen Sheisactive onsocialmediaunderhernameandalsoforher blog Thisprojectrecountsthetruestoryofher daughter,LondonMarieDay,withistheco-authorof thisbook.



WEBSITE heatherthompsondaycom


Promotethroughauthorchannels TargetChristianFamily&ParentingBlogs NationalChristianpublicitycampaigntotarget Christianfamilyandparentingblogs PromotetoMOPS


Parentsandgrandparentsofchildren5-8 Christianschooladministratorsandteachers Christiancounselorswhoworkwithchildren


Downloadablesupplementalresourcesincluding: Compassionatecommunicationstrategies(AntiBullyingequippingforschoolsandchurches) Toolsforhelpingchildrengrowincourage, empathy,andresilience, Keyquestionsfordiscussion/guidance.









EightHeartSkillstoHelpYouClingtoGodand NotGiveUp



Jesussaidthatinthislifewewillhavepain,heartbreak,andtrials Sohowdowedealwith ourpain?WhatdoesitlookliketowalkwithGodinourgrief?InHopeforMyHurtingHeart, bestsellingauthorLindaDillowofferspracticalwisdom,real-lifestories,biblicalteachings, andencouragementtohelpyounavigatepain,andlossandfindhopeandhealingthrough God'slove.Thisinsightfulguideincludes:

HeartSkills:Learn8essentialHeartSkillstomovefromgrieftogratitude:hope,love, loss,lament,trust,forgiveness,encouragement,andpraise

PersonalStories:ReadaboutLinda’sownstruggleswithatraumaticbraininjuryandher daughters'cancerbattles,aswellasstoriesfromreal-lifemenandwomenwhoare strugglingwithpainandloss

BiblicalInsights:TurntoGod'sWordandtheHolySpirittocultivatesustaininghope andspiritualgrowth.

8-WeekBibleStudy:Includesastructuredstudytodelvedeeperintotheteachingsand applyHeartSkillsdaily

NolossisbeyondourHeavenlyFather’sunderstanding Learnwhatitlooksliketo experiencepeaceandcomfortinGod’spresenceinthemidstofsufferingandfindhope










BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Death,Grief, Bereavement


LindaDillowisabest-sellingauthorandarespected Bibleteacherandconferencespeaker Herbooks includeCalmMyAnxiousHeart,Intimate Issues,andWhat'sItLiketoBeMarriedtoMe?.Lindais themotheroffourchildren,includingonewhois nowwithJesus,andgrandmotheroften Sheandher husband,Jody,livedoverseasfor17yearsandnow maketheirhomeinMonument,Colorado LorrainePintusisanauthorandwritingcoach In additiontowritingherownbooks,sheandLinda haveco-authoredthreebooksandspokentogether atovereightyweekendIntimateIssuesconferences aroundtheworld.LorraineandLindalivein ColoradoSpringsandhavesharedasoulsister friendshipforoverthirtyyears Lorrainepintuscom





LindaDillowisanexperiencedauthorandsavvy promoterwhodoesverywellinmediainterviews andgroupspeaking.Wewillpromotehernewbook asthesequeltoherbestselling,CalmMyAnxious Heart,focusingonthestrongfeltneedofhopeinthe midstofsuffering Effortswillincludeatargeted publicitycampaign,amediacampaignthattargets Christianwomen,andcontentmarketingthrough theDisciplemaker WewillalsosupportLinda's speakingengagementswithmarketingcollateralthat promotesthebook


8-weekBiblestudy Personalstories 8HeartSkillstounderstandandapplyconcepts Chartsforheartskills 100NamesofGod


ADeeperKindofCalm 9781600060755,$12.99

StrongLikeWater 9781496454713,$1799

CalmMyAnxiousHeart 9781641583008,$1699


AGuidetoDrawingClosertoJesusthroughYour Senses


ManyofusyearnforadeeperconnectionwithGodbutstruggletofindthetimeorspaceto cultivateitinthemidstofourbusylives Thedailystressofmeetingfamilial,work,and personalresponsibilitiesleavesuslongingtoconnectwithGodandfindrestforoursouls WecraveintimacywithourCreatorandthepeacethatonlyGod’spresencecangive

WithGodinEveryBreathinvitesyouonajourneytowardsamoreembodiedandpresent spirituallife.Inthispracticalbook,WhitneyR.Simpsonofferscarefullycraftedguided prayersandmeditationsthatprovideanaccessiblewayforustoquietourheartsanda waytoenterintoGod'spresencethatengagesallofoursenses Whetherusedaloneorina community,eachmeditationisrootedinGospelpassagesfromTheMessagetranslation anddesignedtomeetyouinyoureverydaylife


GuidedMeditations:Exploreimaginativeandsensory-richmeditationsthatbringyou closertoJesus.

ReflectionQuestions:EachScripture-basedmeditationisfollowedbyasetofquestions tohelpyouengagethecontentmoredeeply

ClosingPrayers:Eachmeditationcloseswithaguidedprayertoencourageyoutobring gratitudeintoeachofyourreflections










BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/SpiritualGrowth


WhitneyR.Simpson'swritingencompassesher passionforembodiedspiritualityandtheministryof spiritualformation Asasoul-carepractitioner,she hasservedinmanyroles,onesthatoftenoverlap Fromyogateachertospiritualdirectortocampus minister,shelongstohelpothersreachtheirfullest humanpotentialastheyexplorethegiftofGod's peace SheistheauthorofHolyListeningwithBreath, Body,andtheSpiritandFullyHuman,FullyDivine:An AdventDevotionalfortheWholeSelf

AsthefounderofExploringPeaceMinistries, Whitneyhostsafreeprayerandmeditationpodcast andofferscontemplativeretreatsandecumenical spiritual-directionsessions,aswellasyogaand meditationworkshops Learnmoreat exploringpeacecom



WEBSITE whitneyrsimpsoncom


Targetedmediacampaigntowomeninmainline Christiandenominations,aswellasnewbelievers andthoseseekingrefreshmentintheirspiritualwalk Targetedpublicitycampaigntowomen Content marketingtoincludesampleprayersandScriptureas downloadsforengagement


Femalereadersage35-55passionateaboutspiritual formation,adultswhohavegonethrough deconstructionorarelookingtoreconstruct,young adultscuriousaboutanembodiedapproachto spirituality.

Insta:@whitneyrsimpson,2.4k|Facebook: @whitneyrushlowsimpson


Thirtyprayers,meditations,Scripturepassages, andjournalingquestions


HolyListening:WithBreath,Body,andtheSpirit 9780835816311,$14.99






ParentingRhythmsforDrawingYourKidsinto LifewithGod

Teachwhatyouknow,reproducewhoyouare,andtrustthatGodisatworkinyour family'sjourney.

Christianparentslongtoinstillalastingfaithinourchildren,butthechallengeofbalancing spiritualteachingwithacademic,extracurricular,andsocialdemandscanbeoverwhelming Manyfeelinadequateorunqualifiedtoleadtheirchildrenspiritually InHomegrown Disciples,DavidSundeofferssevenrhythmstohelpdisciplemakingparentsknowGod better,experiencehimmorefully,andleveragetheirfaithforthebenefitoftheirchildren. Findouthowtoreproducealivingfaithinyourkids’livesthroughthesevenrhythmsof apprenticing,renewal,hospitality,community,compassion,generosity,andgratitude


ExperienceGod'spresenceandgracethroughthehighsandlowsofraising children, Createanurturingenvironmentwherefaithcangrownaturally, UseeverydayinteractionstorevealGod'sheartandtruthtoyourchildren, Embracetheideathatbothyouandyourchildrenarelearningandgrowing togetherinfaith











BISACRELIGION/Christian Living/Parenting

DavidSundehasbeeninvolvedinprofessionalnonprofitandspiritualanddevelopmentalleadershipfor overtwentyyearsandistheauthorofSmall-Batch Disciplemaking He'sanimmigrantsonandanative ofSanFrancisco,California.Davidholdsadoctorate insemiotics,culture,andthechurchthroughGeorge FoxUniversity.Davidandhiswife,Laurel,areat homeinAustin,TX,withtheirkidsBjornandAnnika Youcanengagewithhimfurtheratdavidsundecom





PromotetoNavigatoraudienceandhomeschool parents NavPresspromotionalemailtoappox 150k PostontheDisciplemaker,theblogofNavPress TargetedChristianpublicitycampaign.


Primaryaudience:Christianparents(or grandparents)lookingforwaystointegrate theirfaithintotheirparenting

Secondaryaudience:Pastors,youthleaders, andChristianeducatorswhoarelookingfor resourcestorecommendtoparentsintheir congregationsorcommunities



“FindingYourRhythm”sectionsattheendofeach chapter.

“FindingYourWindow”sectionsthatprovide conversationstartersduringfourwindowsbased ontheShemaprayer:“asyousit”,“asyougo”,“as youliedown”,and“whenyougetup”

Onecreativeideatodotogetherasafamilyin eachchapter.


SmallBatchDisciplemaking 9781641588133,$1799



DiscipleshipforKids 9781641585354,$1199





ExperienceGod’sredemptivepowerasyoustudyGod’sWordandfindyourplaceinthe biblicalstoryofredemption TheStorylineProjectBiblestudiesguideyouthroughatheme intheOldandNewTestamentwhilehelpingyoudevelopabiblicalimaginationandthe skillstoconnecteachhighlightedstorytotheunifiedstoryofscripture

TheGardensBiblestudywillguideyouthroughfiveBiblestoriessetwithingardens.The presenceoftheseplacesintheScripturesisakeyelementinthestory,revealingsomething aboutGod andaboutus.Wewillbeonajourneytofindtheparadisethat’sbeenlost andwewilldiscoverthatweflourishwhenwetrustthecharacterandworkoftheGood Gardenerwhoplantsandreplants


TheGardenofEden,Genesis1-3:whereGodshowsthepathtoflourishing, TheGardenofKingAhasuerus,Esther1;-7:whereQueenVashtistooduptothe drunkenkingandweseehumanity’sneedforrestoredrelationships, TheGardenofGethsemane,John18-19:whereJesuswrestledwithhissacrifice, TheGardenTomb,John20:whereJesusrevealedhimselftoMaryMagdalene, TheGardenCity,Revelation21-22:whereGodreplantsChristiansintheNew Jerusalem










BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/BibleStudyGuides


KatArmstrongisasought-afterBibleteacherand innovativeministryleader Sheholdsamaster’s degreefromDallasTheologicalSeminary,isthe authorofNoMoreHoldingBackandTheIn-Between Place,andisthecofounderofthePolishedNetwork Youcanfindheratkatarmstrongcom

HOMETOWN Dallas,TX75248


TheStorylineBibleStudieswillreceivesignificant promotionsonline,onpodcasts,onYouTube,and throughsocialmedia Theauthorisconnectedto variouswomen’sministrieswhowillbeorderingand usingthestudiesintheirchurches.Gardensand Desertswillbepromotedasapairandinconcertwith thefirstsixtitlesintheseries

AuthorisworkingonasecondseasonoftheHoly CuriositypodcastandwithRightNowmediato producevideosaccompanyingthephysicalStoryline BibleStudies


Biblestudyandministryleaders Christianmenandwomenwhodon’thavea deepunderstandingoftheinterconnected storyofScripture. FansoftheBibleProjectandotherthematic studiesofScripturethatarecontemporary andbeautiful

FB:@katarmstrongauthor17K IG:@katarmstrong1113K TW:@katarmstrong164K

SPECIALFEATURESEachstudyisfiveweekslong andcanbepairedwithitsthematicpartnerfora seamlessten-weekstudytofitinachurchsemester Everystudyfeatures: Freeresourcesforpreachingandleadingsmall groups, GospelpresentationatthebeginningofeachBible study, FullScripturepassagesincludedinthestudyso thatyoucanmarkupthetextandkeepyour notesinoneplace, Insightsfromdiversescholars,authors,andBible teachers













ExperienceGod’sredemptivepowerasyoustudyGod’sWordandfindyourplaceinthe biblicalstoryofredemption Followingatheme,theStorylineProjectBiblestudiesguide youthroughtheOldandNewTestamentwhilehelpingyoudevelopabiblicalimagination andtheskillstoconnecteachhighlightedstorytotheunifiedstoryofscripture

TheDesertsBiblestudywillhelpyoudiscoverthisall-importanttruth:Godmeetsyour needsinyourmetaphoricaldeserts Maybethat’swhatyouneedtohearmorethan anythingelserightnow.Godhasnotabandonedyoutoyourcircumstances.Likeeveryone elseHe’sledthroughthedesert,Hewillaccompanyyoufaithfullytotheothersideofthis partofyourjourney.


TheDesertofShur&Beersheba,Genesis16,21:whereHagarnamesGod, TheDesertofDothan,Genesis37,50:whereJosephgetsthrowninapit, TheDesertofSinai,Numbers11,14:wheretheIsraeliteswanderinthewilderness, TheDesertofJudea,Matthew4:whereJesusistested, TheDesertsofMinistry,Matthew14,15:whereJesusfeedsthemultitudes.










BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/BibleStudyGuides


KatArmstrongisasought-afterBibleteacherand innovativeministryleader Sheholdsamaster’s degreefromDallasTheologicalSeminary,isthe authorofNoMoreHoldingBackandTheIn-Between Place,andisthecofounderofthePolishedNetwork Youcanfindheratkatarmstrongcom

HOMETOWN Dallas,TX75248


TheStorylineBibleStudieswillreceivesignificant promotionsonline,onpodcasts,onYouTube,and throughsocialmedia Theauthorisconnectedto variouswomen’sministrieswhowillbeorderingand usingthestudiesintheirchurches.Gardensand Desertswillbepromotedasapairandinconcertwith thefirstsixtitlesintheseries

AuthorisworkingonasecondseasonoftheHoly CuriositypodcastandwithRightNowmediato producevideosaccompanyingthephysicalStoryline BibleStudies


Biblestudyandministryleaders Christianmenandwomenwhodon’thavea deepunderstandingoftheinterconnected storyofScripture. FansoftheBibleProjectandotherthematic studiesofScripturethatarecontemporary andbeautiful

FB:@katarmstrongauthor17K IG:@katarmstrong1113K TW:@katarmstrong164K

SPECIALFEATURESEachstudyisfiveweekslong andcanbepairedwithitsthematicpartnerfora seamlessten-weekstudytofitinachurchsemester Everystudyfeatures: Freeresourcesforpreachingandleadingsmall groups, GospelpresentationatthebeginningofeachBible study, FullScripturepassagesincludedinthestudyso thatyoucanmarkupthetextandkeepyour notesinoneplace, Insightsfromdiversescholars,authors,andBible teachers









A9-WeekPathwayintoHealthyChurch Relationships

ThiscompaniontoJimPutman’sbook,ThePowerofTogether,providesa9-weekBiblestudy toencouragespiritualgrowthandcommunitybuilding Trusteddiscipleshipleaderand pastorJimPutmaninvitesyoutodigdeeperintowhatitmeansto"dolife"inclose fellowshipwithotherbelieversandtogrowinyourunderstandingofwhyfellowshipis importantforspiritualmaturity

Structuredasa9-weekprogramalongsideThePowerofTogether,thisworkbookoffersdaily insightsandexercisestohelpyougrowinyourfaithandembraceamorevibrantlifein Christiancommunity.Eachweekisdedicatedtoaspecifictheme,suchasdiscipleship, relationships,spiritualmaturity,andthepowerofcommunity Thishelpfulresource includes:

AreadingplantousethisalongsideThePowerofTogetherbook, Aversatile9-weekstudythatcanbeusedinbothindividualandgroupsettings, A“GrowingTogether”sectionattheendofeachweek,providingweeklygroup discussionmaterial.











BISACRELIGION/Christian Ministry/Discipleship

JimPutmanistheco-founderandseniorpastorof RealLifeMinistriesinPostFalls,Idaho RealLifewas launchedin1998withacommitmenttodiscipleship andthemodelofdiscipleshipJesuspracticed,which iscalled,"RelationalDiscipleship."Outreachmagazine continuallylistsRealLifeMinistriesamongthetop onehundredmostinfluentialchurchesinAmerica. Jimisalsoaco-founderandleaderwiththeRelational DiscipleshipNetwork

Jim'svoicereacheshundredsofthousandsacross theworldthroughspeakingconferences,theweb, radio,andweekendservices Heistheauthorof severalbooksondiscipleship.Jim'spassionis discipleshipthroughsmallgroups.Jimliveswithhis familyinscenicnorthernIdaho




JimPutmanhasasupportiveteamatRealLife Ministriesthatpromoteshisbooks Wewillpartner withthemtocrosspromoteThePowerof TogetherandThePowerofTogether WorkbookalongsideReal-LifeDiscipleshipandReal-Life DiscipleshipTrainingManualacrosssocialmedia, digital,anddiscipleshipconferences


AdultChristiansinterestedinspiritualgrowth ReadersofReal-LifeDiscipleshiporReal-Life DiscipleshipTrainingManual Leadersofsmallgroups,discipleshipprograms, churches,andministrytraining.



9-weekstudyforindividualsorgroups "GrowingTogether"sectionattheendofeach week,fosteringgroupdiscussion


Real-LifeDiscipleshipTrainingManual 9781615215591,$1999



DFDLeaderGuide 9781600060113,$1399


WhyRealRelationshipsAreVitalforSpiritual Growth


Manyofusexperiencelonelinessandisolation,eveninourchurchcommunities Churches oftenemphasizeincreasingknowledgeratherthanencouragingbelieverstofosterdeep, authenticconnectionsthatreflecttheheartofGod Wesometimesforgetthatbothare importantifwewanttoexperiencevibrantspiritualgrowth

InThePowerofTogether,JimPutmaninvitesyoutodevelopdeeper,moremeaningful relationshipswithinyourchurchcommunityandtomovebeyondsuperficialinteractions toformgenuinebonds.Putmandrawsonhisextensivepastoralexperiencetooffera compellingblueprintforspiritualgrowththatgoesbeyondindividualpractices Discover howGodcanuseyoutomakeasignificantimpactinyourcommunity


PracticalInsights:Gainactionableadviceandreal-lifeexamplesfromJim Putman'smanyyearsofpastoralexperience.


RelationalDiscipleshipModel:Learnhowgenuinerelationshipswithinthe Christiancommunitycanenhanceyourspiritualjourney

AComprehensiveResource:PartoftheRealLifeDiscipleshipResourceLine,this resourceprovidesacohesiveapproachtodiscipleship










BISACRELIGION/Christian Ministry/Discipleship


JimPutmanistheco-founderandseniorpastorof RealLifeMinistriesinPostFalls,Idaho RealLifewas launchedin1998withacommitmenttodiscipleship andthemodelofdiscipleshipJesuspracticed,which iscalled,"RelationalDiscipleship."Outreachmagazine continuallylistsRealLifeMinistriesamongthetop onehundredmostinfluentialchurchesinAmerica. Jimisalsoaco-founderandleaderwiththeRelational DiscipleshipNetwork

Jim'svoicereacheshundredsofthousandsacross theworldthroughspeakingconferences,theweb, radio,andweekendservices Heistheauthorof severalbooksondiscipleship.Jim'spassionis discipleshipthroughsmallgroups.Jimliveswithhis familyinscenicnorthernIdaho




JimPutmanhasasupportiveteamatRealLife Ministriesthatpromoteshisbooks Wewillpartner withthemtocrosspromoteThePowerofTogether andThePowerofTogetherWorkbookalongsideRealLifeDiscipleshipandReal-LifeDiscipleshipTraining Manualacrosssocialmedia,digital,anddiscipleship conferences


AdultChristiansinterestedinspiritualgrowth ReadersofReal-LifeDiscipleshiporReal-Life DiscipleshipTrainingManual Leadersofsmallgroups,discipleship programs,churches,andministrytraining


RelationalDiscipleshipModel Actionableadviceandreal-lifeexamplesfromJim Putman'spastoralexperience. ComprehensiveResource:PartoftheRealLife DiscipleshipResourceLine. Culturallyrelevant,addressingisolationand misunderstandingofspiritualmaturity BiblicalFoundations:Rediscoverthetruemeaning ofloveandrelationshipsasdefinedbyScripture COMPARATIVETITLES











Ignite a disciple making vision for your church leaders.



A practical, fourteenweek workbook for small group leaders.



Learn to live in authentic, relational communities—the kind that Jesus modeled.





A transformative discipleship workbook for every member of your church.

A nine-week workbook to practice authentic, relational discipleship.

JIM PUTMAN is the Senior Pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Jim’s passion is discipleship centered on following the teachings and methodologies of Jesus. Learn about all his resources at





LifeChangeBiblestudiestrainyoutohavegoodBiblestudypracticesasyouenjoyarobust andengagingtopicalstudy LearntheskillasyoustudytheWordandyourstudyofthe Scriptureswillneverbethesame!

Throughsimpleyetpowerfulstories,Jesusillustrateshowgracetranscendshuman limitationsandexpectations.Theseparableschallengeustoembracemercy,extend compassion,andunderstandthatGod'sgraceisavailabletoall,regardlessoftheirpastor status.Theyserveastimelessremindersthatgraceisnotearnedbutfreelygiven, transforminglivesanddrawingusclosertoGod'sboundlesslove

InthisLifeChangeBibleStudy,eachsessionwillfocusononeparableandpeelbackthe layersofthesefamiliarstories,uncoveringtheirtruesignificance Thisstudyisoptimizedfor smallgroupsandisbrokendowninto8sessionsofabout45minutes Eachsession includes:

Questions,interpretation,andapplicationofapassagetothetopic, Personallyfocused“YourResponse”question, “ForFurtherStudy”sectionthatgivesreadersmoretoexploreonthetopic, Calloutsthatincludelanguagestudy,historicalcontext,andinsightfrom commentaries










BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/BibleStudyGuides


TheNavigatorsisaministrythatsharesthegospel ofJesusandhelpspeoplegrowintheirrelationship withHimthroughLife-to-Life®discipleship,creating spiritualgenerationsofbelievers.Sinceitsfounding in1933,TheNavigatorshasupheldthemission“To knowChrist,makeHimknown,andhelpothersdo thesame.”®

JoyceKooDalrympleisapastor,speaker,and podcasthost.SheleadsRefugeforStrength,a women’sministryfocusedonspiritualformationand listeningtoGodincommunity Aformertelevision journalistandattorney,shefrequentlyguest preachesatlocalchurchesandspeaksatwomen’s eventsandretreats.JoycereceivedaBAfrom StanfordUniversity,aJDfromBostonCollege,andan MDivfromMetroAtlantaSeminary Sheandher husbandTimhavethreedaughtersandlivein Wheaton,IL


ThisLifeChangetopicalstudywillbepromoted alongsidetheothertopicalstudiesinthetop-selling LifeChangeBiblestudies.Theywillreceiveextensive, targetedpromotiononsocialmediaandtothe trade WewillconnectwithBiblestudyleadersonline andusekeyword-rich,inboundmarketing (sponsoredandorganic)tocontinuetobeatop destinationforBiblestudyreaders




AdultChristiansandsmallgroupleaders interestedtopicalstudiesonthefinalweekof Jesus'life





TheLifeChangeTopicalstudiesareoptimizedfor smallgroupuse:


StoriesfromJesus’finalweekonearth,witha correspondingpassagefromtheBible Questionsidealforsmall-groupdiscussion


Historicalbackground,worddefinitions,and explanatorynotes









ASeven-SessionBibleStudyonGod’sVisionfor MultiethnicUnity


KindredisathoughtfullycraftedBiblestudybyTheNavigators,designedtoexplorethese crucialquestions Thissevensessionstudyprovidesabiblicalfoundationforunderstanding howpeoplefromdiversebackgroundsarewoventogetherintothefamilyofGodandhow everytribe,tongue,andnationplaysavitalroleinHismission

UncoverGod'sheartforunity,learnhowtobuildbridgesacrossculturaldivides,and embracethebeautyofoursharedpurposeinHiskingdom.Perfectforgroupsseekingto deepentheirunderstandingofdiversitythroughthelensofScripture,thissevensession Biblestudyincludes:

Scripture-centeredsensitivitytoabroadrangeofbackgroundspertainingtoracial justiceandreconciliation, ContentcarefullycraftedandfieldtestedbyveteranNavigatorsinvestedinethnic diversityandracialreconciliationasamatterofdiscipleship, SupplementalmaterialavailableonlinethroughTheNavigators.

DiscoverhowtheGospelunitesusacrossdifferences,revealingGod'splanfordiversity, justice,andtheinclusionofeverytribe,tongue,andnationinHisdivinemission










BISACRELIGION/Biblical Studies/BibleStudyGuides


TheNavigatorsisaministrythatsharesthegospelof Jesusandhelpspeoplegrowintheirrelationshipwith HimthroughLife-to-Life®discipleship,creating spiritualgenerationsofbelievers Sinceitsfounding in1933,TheNavigatorshasupheldthemission“to knowChrist,makeHimknown,andhelpothersdo thesame®.”TheNavigatorsreachesanddisciples peopleinneedofthegospelwheretheywork,live, worship,andplay:oncollegecampusesandmilitary bases,ininnercities,workplaces,churches,andlocal communities,andinhardtoreachplaces




KindredisaNavigatorsresourcethatwillbe disseminatedandusedthroughouttheirnetwork Tyndalewillpromotetoorganizationandreaders whoarelookingforbiblical,field-testedresourcesto generateproductiveconversationsabout multiethnicinteractionsandunity


AdultChristiansinterestedinsocialissues includingDEIandsocialjustice

Leadersandmembersofsmallgroup Biblestudies


Scripture-centeredsensitivitytoabroadrangeof backgroundspertainingtoracialjusticeand reconciliation.

CraftedandfieldtestedbyveteranNavigators investedinethnicdiversityandracialreconciliation asamatterofdiscipleship Supplementalmaterialavailableonlinethrough TheNavigators








MAY 6 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540904799

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Adoption & Fostering

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General


And Other Surprising Lessons I Learned as a Foster Dad to More Than 40 Kids

Peter Mutabazi with Mark Tabb

Surprising Lessons on Parenting from a Foster Dad to 40+ Kids

· Author is a dynamic communicator who speaks to nearly 100,000 people each year

· Author has a social media following of more than 1.2 million

· Author makes frequent media appearances and has been featured by major outlets including TODAY, Good Morning America, People magazine, CNN, BBC, and USA Today

Whether a child has been in a loving and supportive home from day one or has been bounced from one house to another in the foster care system, parenting them is messy. A former street kid, Peter Mutabazi knows what it feels like to grow up in a world where love, caring, and kindness are nowhere to be found. But as the adoptive father of three and a foster dad to more than forty children, he also knows what a difference it makes when a child experiences the positive influence of an attentive and loving parent.

In this honest and hopeful book, Peter shares surprising lessons he has learned during his unique parenting adventure, including how to

· parent children for who they are rather than for who you want them to be

Peter Mutabazi is an entrepreneur, an adoptive dad of three, a foster dad, and the founder of Now I Am Known. A former street kid who has worked for World Vision, Compassion International, and the Red Cross, Peter is a passionate and popular speaker, as well as the author of Now I Am Known. He lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Learn more at

Mark Tabb is a New York Times bestselling and awardwinning author/collaborator of more than 40 books.

· look beyond problem behaviors to find their root causes

· love children who do not want your love

· understand your own scars and turn them into understanding and healing for your children

No matter what your parenting journey has entailed, you will find wisdom, encouragement, and practical instruction in these hope-soaked pages.


Why We Don't Understand Each Other and How to Unite in Mission

Bryan Chapell

Harness the Strength of Multiple Generations to Create a Church That Endures

· Author's Baker Publishing Group books have sold more than 300k copies

· Author has a large and active radio ministry with more than 185k email subscribers

· Author leads the Presbyterian Church in America

It may seem hard for younger Christians to believe that people over 50 were raised during an era when 90 percent of Americans identified as Christian. These older believers were once part of a majority group that understood the mission of the church was to take control of our culture to halt its evils. At the same time, Christians under 50 have lived their entire lives perceiving themselves as a minority that needs to make credible their faith to a secular, pluralistic culture.

MAY 6 • US $24.99 • CAN $32.99


Paperback / softback

9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

Bryan Chapell, PhD, is president of Unlimited Grace Media, daily broadcasting grace-filled messages in most major US markets and streaming preaching instruction in 1,500 cities in 90+ nations. He also leads the Administrative Committee of the Presbyterian Church in America, is Pastor Emeritus of the historic Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois, and is President Emeritus of Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Chapell is a widely traveled speaker and the author of numerous books, including the bestseller Christ-Centered Preaching and Are We Living in the Last Days?

These distinct experiences and perceptions have a profound impact on the priorities different generations have for church ministry. It's no wonder that younger and older believers don't always see eye to eye! But imagine what could be accomplished in the name of Christ if we could better understand each other and turn that understanding into shared purpose and aligned priorities?

Backed by thorough research, this eminently practical and hopeful book from pastor and scholar Bryan Chapell shows you how to open the lines of communication, appreciate the experiences that shaped each generation in your church, and unite in one mission to impact your community and the world.

MAY 27 • US $24.99 • CAN $32.99 9781540903419


8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:36

RELIGION / Christian Education / Children & Youth EDUCATION / Home Schooling EDUCATION / Parent Participation


You're Doing It Right Just by Doing It

Ginny Yurich, MEd

Encouragement and Equipping for Homeschooling Families

· Author has a robust social media platform of more than 1 million followers

· Author speaks nationally and is a regularly requested keynote speaker

· Author's podcast 1000 Hours Outside has a reach of over 8 million downloads and is on a trajectory to reach 10 million by the end of 2024

During the past five years, homeschooling rates have been on the rise and show no signs of slowing. But many parents lack confidence, questioning whether they are doing it right (or whether they should take the plunge at all). With so many voices offering conflicting advice, it's hard to know where to start and where to go from there.

A homeschooling mother of five and founder of 1000 Hours Outside, Ginny Yurich draws from her years of experience and research, as well as her master's degree in education from the University of Michigan, to encourage and equip parents who want to give homeschooling a try or want to improve their experience. Starting from the standpoint of "you're doing it right" instead of "you're doing it wrong," Ginny helps parents understand that just by choosing to homeschool they are

· learning through living

· allowing for individual timelines

· leaving space for boredom

· providing multiage experiences

· teaching self-reliance

Ginny Yurich, MEd, is the author of Until the Streetlights Come On, a homeschooling mother of five, and founder and CEO of 1000 Hours Outside, a global movement to reclaim childhood and reconnect families. Along with her husband, Josh, Ginny is the creator and curator of the 1000 Hours Outside lifestyle brand, which includes a robust online store, a top-ranked mobile app, and multiple books. She is a sought-after national speaker and also hosts the top-ranked 1000 Hours Outside podcast. An advocate for nature-based play and its benefits for children, Ginny lives with her family in the Ann Arbor area of Michigan.

· offering freedom

· slowing down

· and more

If you've been on the fence about homeschooling or wondering if you're doing it all wrong, let Ginny encourage you in all you've already accomplished and equip you for even greater things ahead.


How to See Beyond Your Life and Put Compassion into Action

Combating Spiritual Poverty in a Culture of Abundance

· Author is in senior leadership for one of the top 50 largest charities in the nation, Convoy of Hope

· Book will be promoted on Convoy of Hope's social media channels, which have a reach of more than 300,000

· Author has access to Convoy of Hope's database of 200,000+ emails and network of 20,000 churches

Hopelessness is everywhere. It doesn't discriminate. It's a form of spiritual poverty lurking in remote villages, destitute refugee camps, suburban homes, and corner offices. The sheer magnitude of the needs we see can paralyze us, harden our hearts, and tempt us to choose indifference.

MAY 27 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

Heath Adamson is a senior vice president at Convoy of Hope, a nonprofit organization that leads humanitarian initiatives across the United States and around the world. He is the author of numerous books, including Grace in the Valley and The Sacred Chase. He earned his PhD in Religious Studies from the University of London. He lives in Missouri with his wife, Ali, and their two daughters, Leighton and Dallon.

But when we lose hope, we surrender both our earthly influence and our spiritual inheritance. With rich biblical teaching and remarkable stories, Heath Adamson invites you to exchange what is with what could be. The hope he writes of isn't wishful thinking. It's a biblical, transformative, future-focused force that breaks through our circumstances, and makes it possible for us to work alongside God to affect meaningful change.

If you have been discouraged or overwhelmed, you are not alone. By seeing beyond your life, you will discover how true hope can change your mindset and reignite your passion to serve others.


Reclaiming Your Life After Grief, Loss, or Trauma

Kimberly Haar, LPC, LMFT

Invite God to Transform Your Pain into Joy with Practical, Biblical Help

· Author is a licensed counselor and domestic violence survivor

· Author is a presidential member of the AACC and referred therapist for Focus on the Family

· Author offers a compassionate approach and practical tools to help women navigate faith and pain

No matter what life has been like, at some point or another we all have the same question: Why does God allow bad things to happen? Grief, loss, and trauma affect each of us, and there are times it feels like the pain will never end. Yet hope, healing, and inner peace are not only possible, they are promises that our good God has made--and will keep.

JUNE 3 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

256 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

SELF-HELP / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

But how? When? What can I do to experience such healing? How do I move through pain and find the other side of grief? When will I get my life back? Will I ever feel happy again?

Kimberly Haar, LPC, LMFT, is a survivor of domestic violence, a licensed professional counselor, and a licensed marriage and family therapist with nearly two decades of experience helping others find healing and wholeness in life. She holds an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Southern Nazarene University and is a featured cohost on Oasis Radio Network. Kimberly's therapy practice is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she continues to inspire hope and strength in those facing life's challenges.

In this compassionate book, licensed counselor and domestic violence survivor Kimberly Haar leads you through a transformative journey of healing. Drawing from both personal and professional experience, she shows you how to navigate the difficult seasons of life with vulnerability, faith, and resilience so that you can ultimately embrace hope, find joy, and rediscover God's deep and abiding love for you.

If you've been struggling with feelings of shame, guilt, anger, unforgiveness, or the sense that you have been abandoned by God, this honest yet encouraging book may be exactly what you need to turn the corner toward full restoration.


A Bible Study on Judges 1-5 about Making Wise Decisions in Uncertain Times


Six Weeks to Making Wise, Biblical Decisions in Uncertain Times

· Author has been featured on Focus on the Family, Crosswalk, (in)courage, P31, and many others

· Author is connected to authors including Annie F. Downs, Nancy Wolgemuth, and Trillia Newbell

· Decision-making is an evergreen topic and a unique Bible study topic

Uncertainty about the future--even the very next step-can keep you from making important decisions and cause you to second-guess every decision you do make. You may feel pressured by others to act before you're ready. You just want to be sure that each choice is the right one. But how do you know? And what if you're wrong?

JUNE 3 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540904591

Paperback / softback

9.000 in H | 7.000 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity:32

Katie M. Reid is a Bible teacher, author, and podcaster. Trained in education, Katie teaches around her kitchen table, in the classroom, and around the country. She cohosts The Martha + Mary Show and runs the Martha + Mary Show Sisterhood group on Facebook. Katie is a pastor's wife and worship leader. Following Jesus, marrying her husband, and being a mom to five are the best decisions she's made.

Drawing from the story of the Israelites during the time of Deborah and other early judges, Bible teacher and podcast host Katie M. Reid shows you how to move forward in times of transition and trial when you don't know what to do and God's voice seems silent. Through timeless truths mined from Scripture, personal stories, and accessible study questions, you'll learn six simple guiding principles to help you make good decisions with confidence and clear-headed focus.

As you journey through this study, you'll find a sense of peace in decision-making you never thought possible-even when the stakes are high and life feels overwhelming.


How Writing Our Hard Stories Brings Healing and Wholeness

Megan Febuary

How Writing Our Hard Stories Brings Healing and Wholeness

· Author is the founder of the For Women Who Roar writing community, which has 115,000 Instagram followers

· Author is a trauma-informed writing coach with an MA from The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology

· Will appeal to readers of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, Anna Quindlen's Write for Your Life, and Allison Fallon's The Power of Writing It Down

When you've endured a traumatic experience or loss, it can feel like your mind, body, and spirit have been hijacked. Frightening, negative, or depressive thoughts intrude out of nowhere. Muscles tighten, teeth grind. Your sense of self-worth plummets. Amid all the swirling chaos, you may even question your faith and the goodness of God as you long for peace, wholeness, and holy calm.

JUNE 3 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

SELF-HELP / Emotions

SELF-HELP / Creativity

SELF-HELP / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Megan Febuary is a trauma-informed writing coach and the founder of the global storytelling platform and literary magazine For Women Who Roar. Called a leading expert in creative recovery, Megan received her MA from The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, where she focused her research on the body as a storyteller. She lives in Tacoma, Washington.

One of the best and most effective weapons against the turmoil and pain you feel is quite possibly within arm's reach right now. It's waiting in your desk drawer, in your car's glovebox, at the bottom of your purse. It's a pen. And if you wield it with courage, it can open the door to freedom.

Weaving personal storytelling with research-based insights, gentle affirmations, and inspired prompts, Brave the Page shows you how to harness the power of writing to process your hard stories and experience healing. This transformative book from a traumainformed writing coach is perfect for individuals, grief groups, and counselors looking for an effective and accessible resource to offer their clients.

JUNE 17 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9781540904553

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Evangelism


Practices for Living Out an Uncomplicated Faith

Robert Watson

Uncomplicating Faith to Begin Living as Jesus Intended

· Author is teaching pastor of a church of more than 15,000 and regularly speaks at outside events to audiences of more than 1,000

· Book will be promoted on author's church digital platforms reaching 150,000 people with more than 300,000 impressions each week

· "People like Robert Watson and others continue to brush aside the layers of creative complexity to bring us back to the simplicity of Jesus's and the Bible's core message."--Larry Osborne, teaching pastor, North Coast Church, Vista, CA

Life is complicated. Faith isn't. Or it shouldn't be. But in the past and today, religious leaders have overcomplicated what Jesus and the Bible have made simple. Jesus taught one overarching principle backed by simple, practical applications for everyday life. The way of Jesus is simple enough for a child to understand and deep enough to learn for a lifetime.

Whether you are new to the faith or are hoping to refresh a faith grown stale, Simply Following Jesus is your guide to a straightforward, action-oriented experience of Christianity. Teaching pastor Robert Watson shows you how to see your faith in terms of simple transformation, service, generosity, focus, submission, and more, freeing you to love God and your neighbor the way Jesus taught.

Robert Watson is the teaching pastor at Sun Valley Community Church, one of the fastest growing churches in America, with seven locations across Arizona. He speaks at camps and conferences across the country and trains communicators both locally and internationally. Robert has degrees in sociology and church leadership from Southwestern Bible College and Bethel Seminary. He and his wife, Lindsay, have three children and live in Chandler, Arizona.


How to Release Yourself from Unrealistic Expectations and Start Enjoying Life

Elizabeth Danks Robbins

Trade Perfectionism for Peace

· Author has more than 60,000 engaged social media followers

· Will appeal to readers of Jess Connolly, Emily Ley, and Tanya Dalton

· Offers simple solutions for overwhelmed women and moms

No one gets more advice thrust upon them than women. Overwhelmed with information, opinions, and expectations, we are weighed down with guilt, exhaustion, and the belief that we aren't good enough . . . yet. So we keep trying to fix stuff--our bodies, our parenting, our homes. But fixing things isn't the answer. What we need is a paradigm shift, one where we stop trying to get our act together and start living boldly imperfect lives.

JULY 8 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9781540904454

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood

Elizabeth Danks Robbins was a high school dropout who had her first child at the age of seventeen. Navigating motherhood with constant judgment and trying to prove her worth, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in nursing at the age of twenty-one. She has spent the past four years speaking and writing about antiperfectionism for her growing social media following. Today more than 60,000 people follow along on Instagram, @CreekGrown, where Elizabeth is unafraid to be vulnerable and share the embarrassing stuff that makes life real and relatable.

Sharing her own story of faltering under the crushing expectations of the world when she found herself pregnant at age sixteen, Elizabeth Danks Robbins turns the very idea of "perfect" on its head. Instead, she shows you how to stop fearing the opinions and criticism of others in favor of creating a life you actually enjoy. You'll learn to

· reframe your mindset

· embrace who you are now

· trade perfection for peace

Imagine a life where you're not afraid to make a mistake, you don't link your worth to what you've achieved, you don't feel like you're drowning, and you never hear that voice in your head telling you you're not good enough. Release yourself from the pressure to prove yourself to the world. Because, as it turns out, you're not a perfect woman. You're a real one.

JULY 15 • US $22.99 • CAN $30.49 9781540904867

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts


Finding Meaning in the Literary Structure of the Gospel of John

James M. Hamilton Jr.

Why the Chiastic Structure of the Gospel of John Matters

· Author is a cohost of the Bible Talk podcast produced by 9Marks, which averages 40,000 listeners a month

· Author is a pastor and professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

· Offers a fresh perspective on the literary structure of the Gospel of John

You may have heard the saying that the Gospel of John is shallow enough for a child to wade in, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim--meaning that any literate Christian can adequately understand it, but there is depth of meaning below the surface that is well worth the effort to explore. In the Beginning Was the Word invites you to go deeper.

Like an expert diving instructor, pastor and biblical scholar James M. Hamilton Jr. gives you the tools and training necessary to discover the theological treasures found in the literary structure undergirding John's Gospel. Covering both the overall structure of the book, as well as key repetition of terms, phrases, concepts, and themes, Hamilton helps you understand what John wanted his readers to understand about Jesus's claims of Old Testament fulfillment, his human and divine natures, the triune nature of God, and more.

James M. Hamilton Jr., PhD, is professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and senior pastor of Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of several books, most recently Typology and a two-volume commentary on Psalms in the Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary Series.

Perfect for pastors, Bible teachers, seminary students, and anyone who wants a fresh, theologically rich experience reading the book of John.


How to Minister to the Demonically Oppressed and Possessed

Harold Ristau

How to Minister to the Demonically Oppressed with Wisdom and Boldness

·Thor oughly biblical approach to spiritual warfare from a Lutheran pastor and missionary

·A uthor holds an MDiv from Concordia Luther an Theological Seminary (Brock University), and a P hD in religious studies from McGill University in Quebec ·M aterial has been used to train laity and clergy in various contexts

Our modern Western world is deeply confused about what is good and what is evil. We know little about angels and demons, though the Scriptures we purport to believe have much to say about them. We blur the distinction between God and the devil. And we are paying for it. Denial of reality does not change reality.

JULY 29 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540904393

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

240 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Theology / Angelology & Demonology

Harold Ristau has been a parish pastor, military chaplain, missionary in Africa, and seminary professor. He is currently the president of Luther Classical College in Casper, Wyoming, and holds a BA and MA in political science and economics, an MDiv, and a PhD in religious studies. Ristau serves as the chaplain for Veterans 4 Freedom Canada and is the author of several books including My First Exorcism, When You Fast, At Peace with War, and Spiritual Warfare. He is married and has five children and one grandchild.

Drawing from Scripture, history, and his own experiences as a missionary and a military chaplain, Harold Ristau helps Christians develop a biblical understanding of our spiritual vulnerability in both "ordinary" life, such as personal temptation, and "extraordinary" situations such as demonic oppression and possession. He takes us beyond theory, where many other resources stop, laying out practical tools to equip us for our own personal battles and steps to take to protect ourselves and others from the evil forces at work in our world. And he lays out an effective, proven process for mature ministers and clergy to follow when performing an exorcism.

There is much more to the struggles we face in life than meets the eye. If you want to be prepared for the battles that lie ahead, this book is your grounded, thorough, and hope-filled guide to ministering to the demonically oppressed or possessed.


Almost Everything You Need to Know to Lead a Church

Gary L. McIntosh

Practical Guidance on More Than 50 Aspects of Everyday Church Ministry Life

Au thor's Baker Publishing Group books have sold more than 300,000 copies

· Au thor is president and founder of McIntosh Church Growth Network and has consulted with more t han 1,200 churches

· O ffers a quick-reference guide to more than 50 practical ministry questions

No matter what your education, no amount of schooling can prepare a pastor for a so-called "typical" day of ministry. Pastors are teachers, counselors, evangelists, and cheerleaders. They are a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. They're CEOs and janitors. Sometimes all in a 24-hour period. And somewhere in the midst of all that, there's a sermon to prepare.

AUGUST 5 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780801094903

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Preaching

RELIGION / Christian Living / Professional Growth

Gary L. McIntosh (PhD, DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) is president of the Church Growth Network and distinguished affiliate professor of Christian ministry and leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He is an internationally known speaker and church consultant who has written many books, including The Solo Pastor, Biblical Church Growth, Beyond the First Visit, What Every Pastor Should Know, Growing God's Church, Building the Body, and The 10 Key Roles of a Pastor. He lives in California.

Where is a busy pastor to turn for help when a new situation or problem arises? The Ministry Answer Book for Pastors is your quick-reference guide to (almost) everything you need to know to lead your church. Organized in an easy-to-navigate Q&A format, this must -have resource from trusted church consultant and author Gary L. McIntosh is destined to be your wellworn, dog-eared, go-to guide for when you run into an unforeseen or unfamiliar problem, including

·de cision-making

·s tarting and leaving a ministry

·w eddings, funerals, and hospital visitation

·out reach training

·budg eting

wo rking with a church board

·holding effective meetings

recru iting and delegating

s taff development

d iscipleship

·and m uch more

AUGUST 12 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540904232


8.000 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:36


/ Christian Living / Personal Growth

Content based on (9780801075230) Free of Me: Why Life is Better When It’s Not About You.

Sharon Hodde Miller, PhD, is teaching pastor at Bright City Church in Durham, North Carolina, which she cofounded with her husband, Ike. The author of Free of Me, Nice, and The Cost of Control, Miller has blogged at for over ten years, has been a regular contributor to Propel, Her.meneutics, and She Reads Truth, and has written for Relevant, Christianity Today, (in) courage, and many other publications and blogs. She lives with Ike and their three children in Durham, North Carolina.


A 40-Day Journey to Greater Freedom from Self

Sharon Hodde Miller

A Gentle 40-Day Guide to Raising Your Gaze

·A uthor is a pastor who also speaks at conference s and events across the country throughout the year Au thor's books have sold more than 120,000 copies ·A uthor cohosts The Resilient Pastor Podcast with Gle nn Packiam and Rich Villodas

One of the most common sources of insecurity is our tendency to be preoccupied with self. We are never more fragile than when we make ourselves the center of our story, because we will never live up to the expectations others have for us, to say nothing of the expectations we have for ourselves. But the answer to our problem is not as simple as shifting our focus. The freedom of self-forgetfulness is a sacred journey, and this book is your guide.

With all new content echoing the themes of her popular book Free of Me, author Sharon Hodde Miller leads you through a step-by-step process of turning away from self and toward God and others. During this 40-day journey, you will

·ide ntify the wounds, assumptions, and scripts that keep you focused on self ·le arn to recognize your true self b reak the bondage of self-focus to freely focus on God

If you long for a life where you are not preoccupied by self-improvement and wondering how you measure up, let this devotional show you the way to freedom.

JULY 1 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9781540904249

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

Sharon Hodde Miller, PhD, is teaching pastor at Bright City Church in Durham, North Carolina, which she cofounded with her husband, Ike. The author of Free of Me, The Cost of Control, and Gazing at God, Miller has blogged at for over ten years, has been a regular contributor to Propel, Her.meneutics, and She Reads Truth, and has written for Relevant, Christianity Today, (in)courage, and many other publications and blogs. She lives with Ike and their three children in Durham, North Carolina.


Why Life Is Better When It's Not about You

"In a culture captivated by self, this book is a must-read."-Christine Caine, bestselling author and international speaker

·A uthor is a pastor who also speaks at conference s and events across the country throughout the year

· Au thor's books have sold more than 120,000 copies

·A uthor cohosts The Resilient Pastor Podcast with Gle nn Packiam and Rich Villodas

Our me-centered culture affects every area of our lives-our relationships, calling, self-image, even our faith-and it negatively impacts each one. The self-focused life robs our joy, shrinks our souls, and is the reason we get stuck in insecurity.

In Free of Me, Sharon Hodde Miller invites us into a bigger, Jesus-centered vision--one that restores our freedom and inspires us to live for more. Drawing from personal experience and Scriptural insight, Sharon helps readers

·unde rstand how self-focus sabotages seven are as of our lives

·le arn four practical steps for focusing on G od and others

·e xperience freedom from the burden of self-focus

If you've been yearning for more than a self-help faith, then this paradigm-shifting message of true fulfillment is for you.


Prompts and Practices for Rewilding Your Faith

Erin Hicks Moon

A Guided Journey to Reconstruct a Mature, Jesus-Centered Faith

· Author is host of the popular Faith Adjacent podcast, with 35,000 downloads per episode

· Author has a loyal online following, including nearly 20,000 Substack subscribers

· A companion journal to the debut book from a wellconnected and respected writer

What do you do when the faith you've known goes up in flames? When it's been commodified, politicized, scandalized, and rebranded beyond recognition? How do you hold onto the good, reclaim what you once loved, and light a match to the rest?

Well, it helps to write it all out.

AUGUST 19 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540904096

Paperback / softback

8.000 in H | 6.000 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

SELF-HELP / Journaling

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

Erin Hicks Moon is a writer, podcaster, and storyteller who helps people disentangle faith by creating a kind and curious community that welcomes honest doubt and questions. She is the Resident Bible Scholar and host of the Faith Adjacent podcast, and senior creative at Podcast Media Group. Her popular weekly newsletter, "The Swipe Up," has garnered nearly 20,000 highly engaged subscribers, and she has written and produced several popular Bible study guides. Author of I've Got Questions, Erin lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her husband and three children.

A companion to her gritty, gut-level-honest book I've Got Questions, this guided journal from author Erin Hicks Moon is filled with prompts to get you thinking (and writing) through your own thoughts and questions about faith, God, the church, and much more. As you sift through the wreckage of your spiritual upbringing, you'll come ever closer to claiming a faith that is all yours--one that you can wholeheartedly embrace and joyfully express.

Because, as it turns out, God's not afraid of your questions. And you shouldn't be either.


How Diving Deeper into Theology Can Transform Us and Our World with the Radical Kindness of God

Lisa Harper

How Diving Deeper into Theology Can Transform Your Relationship with God

· Author is proven category leader with more than 350,000 books and more than one million Bible study curriculums sold

· Author's Back Porch Theology podcast is consistently in the top 10 Christian podcasts on Apple

· Foreword by Dr. Scot McKnight

When many of us hear the word theology, we conjure up visions of stuffy old guys in dark clothing, scratching a pen across paper (or maybe a quill across parchment!) and assume that it's not for us. But at its most basic, theology is just words ( logos) about God ( theos). Conversations, if you will, about the most important part of our lives--our good, loving, and grace-filled God.

MAY 6 • US $26.99 • CAN $35.99 9780800744762


8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

240 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

RELIGION / Christian Theology / General

Lisa Harper is an engaging communicator as well as an authentic and substantive Bible teacher in person, on TV, and on the radio. She holds a master of theological studies from Covenant Seminary and is in the final, dissertation stage of an earned doctorate from Denver Seminary. She's been in vocational ministry for 30 years and has written many popular books and Bible study curriculums but says her greatest accomplishment by far is becoming mama to Missy, her adopted daughter from Haiti. They live on a hilly farmette south of Nashville, Tennessee, where they enjoy eating copious amounts of chips, queso, and guacamole.

With her signature style and humor, bestselling Bible teacher Lisa Harper invites you into this life-changing conversation. She makes theology fun, practical, and applicable, explaining how academic-sounding concepts--such as imago Dei, atonement, the Trinity, the transcendence and immanence of Christ, and much more--are actually daily realities that make an enormous difference in how we live our lives, how we treat other people, and how we understand our own relationship to our Creator.

If you want to grow closer to God and take a more active role in your community of faith, it's time to take your understanding of God to the next level with sound theology rooted in Scripture. Let Lisa be your (very entertaining) guide!


A 31-Day Prayer Journal to Grow Your Relationship with God

Madeline Grace

31 Days of Enhancing Your Bible Study through Journaling and Prayer

· Author has a combined social media reach of more than 825,000

· Offers 31 days of guided journal pages, prayer prompts, and links to "verse of the day" videos

· Helps readers develop a daily habit of talking with God

You long to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus, but at times it feels . . . complicated. The Bible is long. Sometimes it's confusing. And there are so many books, podcasts, and teachers out there, it's hard to know where to focus and how to use your limited time well. If only it were simpler.

MAY 6 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Paperback / softback

9.000 in H | 7.000 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:32

SELF-HELP / Journaling RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

Madeline Grace is a young believer based in Southern California, who, while working as a social media marketer, fell in love with the possibilities for community and ministering to people through Christian TikTok. Her full-time work is the JESUS Challenge, which has daily posts on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook going through a different book of the Bible each month. She hosts the It's Giving Grace podcast where she expands on topics that she believes will help people nurture their relationship with God.

Madeline Grace has good news for you. It is simple. And in The JESUS Challenge, she shows you how. Through her uncomplicated method, you'll learn to know God, hear from God, read and understand the Bible, and discover who God created you to be. Starting small by focusing on just one verse a day, Grace takes you through a full month's worth of journaling space, writing prompts, and video links to help you develop the daily habit of spending quality time with God.

Whether you're a Bible beginner or a longtime student of the Word, the JESUS Challenge method will bring you closer to the heart of God, day by day, in ways you might not have thought possible.


And Other Questions about Faith I Should Probably Keep to Myself

Mark Tabb

A Vulnerable Look at the Faith Questions We Are Afraid to Admit We Have

· Author is coauthor of many successful and bestselling books and is well connected to high profile writers and speakers

· Unique approach to difficult faith questions and feeling like a spiritual misfit

· Will appeal to readers of Brant Hansen and Emily P. Freeman

When you've done all the right things, read all the right books, and listened to all the right worship songs, yet still feel like you don't have this faith thing figured out, what do you do? It can be hard to voice the questions and doubts floating around your head and heart to others. But you're not the only one who feels that way!

JUNE 3 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Mark Tabb is a New York Times bestselling and awardwinning author/collaborator of more than 40 books, including the number one bestseller Mistaken Identity and the Christopher Award winner Convicted. He's written with personalities such as Alec Baldwin, The Bachelor's Ben Higgins, Fox News personality Ainsley Earhardt, and Super Bowl champion Ben Utecht. Mark lives in Indiana.

For anyone tired of church politics, the unspoken rules of Christian subculture, and taking themselves too seriously, Mark Tabb is your new best friend. He asks the questions you might hesitate to admit having, like

· Can I call myself a Christian if I don't watch The Chosen?

· Is God kind of mean but we're all afraid to say something?

· If I believe God is in control, why am I upset about politics?

· Why don't I feel it?

· What if I'm wrong?

· and more

Not only will he explore the answers to ten specific questions, he'll show you how to get comfortable talking with others about all the weird and uncomfortable questions you have. Because figuring out life together just might be the catalyst we need to renew our faith and our hope for the future.


A Guide to Sustainable Wellness That Honors Your Reality and Gives You Life

Preston, DrPH

Find Hope and Help in Developing a Balanced Life That You Can Sustain

· Provides readers with an inclusive perspective for practical wellness; includes initiatives and exercises to improve physical and mental health

· Includes author's research on the toll of secondary traumatic stress and burnout on health and well-being

· Author is a highly credentialed public health expert and two-time TEDx speaker, appearing at more than 20 events annually

In a fast-paced world filled with distraction, it is easy to lose sight of ourselves and what we value most. We struggle with slowing down and protecting what gives our lives pleasure and meaning. Our well-being pays the price.

AUGUST 5 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9780800772703

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness

SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Stress Management

SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Portia Jackson Preston, DrPH , is the founder and CEO of Empowered to Exhale, where she works with individuals and organizations to create a culture of sustainable wellness and performance. As an associate professor of public health at California State University, Fullerton, she focuses on inclusive approaches to wellness and creates innovative programming to support students, faculty, and staff. Portia holds a BA in cultural and social anthropology from Stanford University, a master's of public health from the University of Michigan, and a doctorate of public health from UCLA. She lives in Long Beach, California. 22

If you long to develop a sustainable wellness practice that meets you where you are in your current state of life, Hustle, Flow, or Let It Go? provides a framework for determining what the hustle costs you, where you can nurture flexibility, and what you need to release in your life. It shows you how to loosen the grip of perfectionism and societal expectations to address your authentic needs, allowing you to pursue wellness and connection with awareness and self-compassion.

If the hustle is leaving you hopeless and exhausted, the wisdom found in this book offers a better way-helping you to create a customized blueprint for wellness that honors your reality and gives you life.


A Single's Guide to Building Meaningful Community

Melissa Zaldivar

Being Single Doesn't Mean Going It Alone

· Foreword by Lisa Whittle

· Author is a contributor for (in)courage and She Reads Truth

· Fresh perspective on singleness that focuses on the needs we all share for community and connection

Singleness isn't a problem to be solved. It's not a phase, a stage, or a season. It's just another route to togetherness. Because regardless of relationship status, we all have the same desire for nearness, understanding, and love. We all need friendships and dinner parties, celebrations and commiseration, lament and commitment. We all need community--and we all need Jesus.

JULY 22 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Adult

Through her relatable storytelling, deep theological insight, and practical wisdom, Melissa Zaldivar offers a refreshing take on being single in the church. She shows single people how to intentionally build authentic, life-giving relationships that put our mutual faith in Christ at the center rather than the cultural trappings of dating, marriage, parenthood, and other false distinctions.

Your community is waiting. Let's come to one another with open arms and proclaim, "Get over here!" with joy and hope.

Melissa Zaldivar is the author of Kingdom Come and What Cannot Be Lost and the host of the Cheer Her On podcast. She holds a master's degree in theology from GordonConwell Theological Seminary and lives in New England. You can usually find her looking for a good sandwich or making connections between pop culture and Christian faith.

AUGUST 12 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9780800746193

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 336 pages • Carton Quantity:32

EDUCATION / Home Schooling

EDUCATION / Parent Participation


Amber O'Neal Johnston is an established authority on infusing culture and a love for others into an intentional home environment. She shares her observations on education, living books, and worldschooling at and through her books A Place to Belong and Soul School. She is a regular contributor to the Wild + Free homeschooling community, a frequent podcast guest on popular shows, and a coveted speaker at homeschooling, education, and parenting conferences.


Guidance and Inspiration for Navigating Your Homeschooling Journey

Amber O'Neal Johnston, ed.

Your Go-To Guide for Discovering the Joy of Homeschooling and Unlocking the Potential within Your Homegrown Learners

· Editor has been interviewed or featured by the Washington Post, VICE News , Christianity Today, PBS NewsHour, and more

· First book of its kind to contain diverse viewpoints from today's most influential homeschool voices

· Contributors include Ainsley Arment, Sally Clarkson, Julie Bogart, Ginny Yurich, Leah Boden, and more

Homeschooling is the fastest-growing form of education in America, and it's here to stay. If you're a homeschool veteran, finishing up your first year, or are just homeschool curious, Homegrown is destined to become a go-to resource.

This collection of 30 original, thought-provoking pieces from a diverse group of contributors covers common questions such as

· What fuels families to educate children at home?

· How do relationships, culture, and vision affect the decision to homeschool?

· What roles do spouses, friends, extended family, and communities play in our ability to homeschool?

· How do culture, heritage, history, and legacy seamlessly intertwine with reading, writing, and arithmetic?

· Why is raising our kids this way so important, and how do we prioritize it?

Whether your aim is to nurture your child's passions, support their individual learning style, or connect with a community of like-minded families, this book will be your trusted companion every step of the way. Spanning age, race, ethnicity, political beliefs, geography, religion, family size, educational philosophy, and more, the essays in Homegrown provide parents with guidance and inspiration to kickstart or refine their homeschooling practice with creativity, connection, and confidence.


8 Things Your Son Needs from You before He Turns 10

Molly DeFrank

Raising Godly Sons in a Rapidly Changing World: A Go-To Guide

· Practical guide to raising boys

· Research-based tips that steer away from any shamebased motivators

· Author brings her signature approachability and humor to the topic

Boys today are surrounded by accusations that their very existence is toxic, told that their biological makeup is a problem and that the future is female. As Christian moms, we have the responsibility and privilege of teaching our boys what is true about who they are and what isn't. But how do we grow these tiny (and somewhat smelly) wild things into godly men of character?

MAY 6 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49


RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / School Age

Molly DeFrank is mom to three boys and three girls, ages seven to fourteen. She spends most of her time telling them to put on their shoes. Her motherhood travails have been featured nationally and internationally by CBS, Parents Magazine, Fox News, Good Morning America (print), The Daily Mail, The Sun, and Yahoo Lifestyle , and podcasts like 1000 Hours Outside, Mama Bear Apologetics, and more. Molly has contributed to several blogs including Scary Mommy and Babble. Learn more at

With encouragement, hope, and a dash of humor, popular writer and fellow mom-in-the-trenches Molly DeFrank reveals the eight most critical things your son needs right now. Rooted in biblical truth, real parenting stories, and current research, this go-to guide is packed with simple, practical, easy-to-implement-and fun!--ideas and activities to help you

· create meaningful connection with your son

· cultivate his character

· equip him to flourish right where he is

· give him a solid foundation in an ever-shifting culture

In a world of giants and lions, you can raise up the next generation of Davids and Daniels. And you can do it while driving carpool, folding mountains of laundry, building model sets, eating dinner, and tucking them in for the night.


A Lesson in Courage THE DAYSTAR DOGS

Sissy Goff

Engaging Picture Book Helps 3- to 6-Year-Olds be Brave

· Series authors' Bethany House books have sold more than 270,000 copies

· Series author's combined social media platform reaches more than 240,000 and Raising Boys and Girls podcast has more than 10 million downloads

· Second in the series of The Daystar Dogs books, this children's book is a lesson on becoming brave

Lucy is a little dog who knows what it's like to feel afraid. But when she starts helping girls in her counseling offices, she starts feeling bigger--and braver. As Lucy and the kids discover they're not alone in their fears, they find the simple secret to being brave --and growing into who God made them to be.

MAY 27 • US $17.99 • CAN $23.99 9780764243455


8.000 in H | 8.000 in W

32 pages • Carton Quantity:24

JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Emotions & Feelings

JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Values & Virtues

JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions & Feelings

Sissy Goff , LPC-MHSP, is the coexecutive director of Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee. The bestselling author of 13 books, she's a sought-after speaker and media guest, and cohost of the charttopping podcast Raising Boys and Girls. Learn more at

From veteran counselors and bestselling authors Sissy Goff and David Thomas, The Daystar Dogs series follows Lucy and her furry friends at the little yellow house in Nashville. As the puppies, and the kids they help, navigate hard situations, children will discover how to regulate emotions, develop necessary social skills, and discover the difference each puppy--and child--can make. Heartwarming and helpful, these books speak to the heart of what your child needs emotionally, socially, and spiritually today.


in Resilience THE DAYSTAR DOGS

David Thomas

Engaging Picture Book Helps 3- to 6-Year-Olds Overcome Fear

· Series authors' Bethany House books have sold more than 350,000 copies

· Series authors' combined social media platform reaches more than 240,000 and Raising Boys and Girls podcast has more than 10 million downloads

· First in the series of The Daystar Dogs books, this children's book is a lesson on resiliency

Owen is a yellow lab who's scared of new places and people and who stands too close and licks too long. But when he visits a children's hospital, a very special boy helps him find his resilience--even as Owen helps the boys and girls at the hospital do the same.

MAY 27 • US $17.99 • CAN $23.99

JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Emotions & Feelings



8.000 in H | 8.000 in W 32 pages • Carton Quantity:24

JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Values & Virtues

JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Animals

David Thomas, LMSW, is coexecutive director of Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee, and the author of 10 books. A frequent media guest and speaker, he cohosts a top parenting podcast, Raising Boys and Girls Learn more at

From veteran counselors and bestselling authors Sissy Goff and David Thomas, The Daystar Dogs series follows Owen and his furry friends at the little yellow house in Nashville. As the puppies, and the kids they help, navigate hard situations, children will discover how to regulate emotions, develop necessary social skills, and discover the difference each puppy--and child--can make. Heartwarming and helpful, these books speak to the heart of what your child needs emotionally, socially, and spiritually today.


Dead to Sin and Alive to Christ--A 10-Week Bible Study THE BIBLE RECAP KNOWING GOD SERIES

Tara-Leigh Cobble

In-Depth Study on Romans from Author of the Bestselling The Bible Recap

· Author's books have sold more than 900,000 copies

· Author's combined social media platform is over 700,000

· 10-week study offers a deep dive into Romans--a top request from readers and listeners of The Bible Recap

Offering a brand-new, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God's Word to the next level. Continuing with the book of Romans, The Bible Recap Knowing God Series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the New Testament.

APRIL 1 • US $24.99 • CAN $32.99 9780764243615

Paperback / softback

9.500 in H | 7.000 in W

256 pages • Carton Quantity:32

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Paul's Letters RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

Tara-Leigh Cobble is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, creator of The Bible Recap line of books, and the creator and host of the daily podcast The Bible Recap, which has garnered over 400 million downloads. She is also the founder of D-Group, an international network of more than 300 discipleship and Bible study groups that meet each week, and the host of a daily radio feature called The God Shot. Tara-Leigh lives in Dallas, Texas. Learn more at

Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the book of Romans. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thoughtprovoking questions and writing space, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will

· learn how to dig deep into God's Word

· comprehend the character of God and the person of Jesus in deeper ways

· understand the life-changing truths of God's righteousness, salvation, and grace more clearly

· apply these truths to your life

Mining the rich theology and practical instruction in the book of Romans, this study will help you live out the hope of the cross--and find true freedom, belonging, and transformation in Jesus.

JULY 22 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780764244346

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Death, Grief, Bereavement

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Death, Grief, Bereavement


Trusting Jesus to Heal Your Heart as He Holds Your Baby in Heaven--A Biblical Guide for Grieving Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss

Ashley Opliger

Comfort and Healing for Mothers Grieving the Loss of a Baby

· Author's nonprofit, Bridget's Cradles, reaches more than 30,000 grieving moms a year in hospitals in all 50 states, where they are given knit and crocheted cradles that will mention the book

· Hosts a monthly podcast for grieving moms called Cradled in Hope

· Author's ministry has been featured on Focus on the Family

A mother's heart is shattered and forever changed when she loses a precious baby. Overwhelmed by sadness, she feels abandoned by God, questions his goodness, and wonders how she will move forward in life while in such deep pain. Ashley Opliger, founder of Bridget's Cradles, wrestled with these same things when her daughter, Bridget, was born into heaven at twenty-four weeks. Amid her anguish, she found faith in God to not only heal her heart, but to change her life --and the lives of others.

Ashley Opliger is the founder and executive director of Bridget's Cradles, a national nonprofit that provides hope and healing to over 30,000 bereaved families each year. Host of the award-winning podcast Cradled in Hope, she's been a media guest and contributor to outlets such as Focus on the Family, Live Action, and American Family Association Journal. Ashley is also the leader of Hope Gatherings and Wave of Life, an annual event held on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. She is a sought-after speaker and podcaster. She lives in Wichita, Kansas with her husband and two sons. Learn more at

Here she creates a safe place for grieving moms to cry, ask why, and bring their sadness, anger, bitterness, loneliness, shame, and hopelessness to one who can hold it all--Jesus. She gently guides heartbroken moms on a journey to trust him to heal their hearts, restore their joy, and use their grief for good. But most importantly, she reminds them that no matter where they are on their grief journey, God promises to give them a hope-filled future, both on earth and in heaven with their babies for all of eternity.

AUGUST 5 • US $29.99 • CAN $39.99 9780764245152

Leather / fine binding

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 544 pages • Carton Quantity:16

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship


The Pursuit of God, The Purpose of Man, and The Crucified Life

A.W. Tozer

Three Classic, Bestselling Tozer Works in One Beautiful Gift Edition

· Beautiful gift edition featuring a linen hardcover

· Includes the bestselling The Pursuit of God, The Purpose of Man, and The Crucified Life

· With millions of copies in print, Tozer continues to be one of the most influential voices in Christianity today

To this day A.W. Tozer remains one of the most quoted Christians around the world as he inspires readers of all ages with his wisdom, insight, and call to holiness. Now in a beautiful deluxe edition, these three classic, bestselling works make both a thoughtful gift and elegant addition to anyone's library.

· The Pursuit of God is an enduring classic that is sure to resonate if you long for a life spent in God's presence.

· The Purpose of Man is a call to worship as God reprioritizes your life and fills your soul.

· The Crucified Life will lead you to the cross so you can be raised to new life in Christ.

This collection will teach you who God is, who you are, and how to live accordingly. In the end, understanding these truths will bring you deeper into God's presence and open up the blessed and purposeful life he wants for you.

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer, whose powerful words continue to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's believer. He authored more than 40 books. The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy are considered modern devotional classics.

Reverend James L. Snyder is a prolific, award-winning author and authority on the life and ministry of A.W. Tozer. He and his wife live in Ocala, Florida. Learn more at

AUGUST 19 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780764244766

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Men's Interests

SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / Inspirational


Moving from Potential to Purpose

Noah Herrin

Pastor and Youth Expert Inspires and Instructs Young Men on Their Journey into Manhood

· Author's social media following exceeds 145K

· Gen Z-focused content developed by former youth advisor at Jentezen Franklin's church

· Easy-to-read weekly format includes a challenge men face, a solution, next step, habit to form, truth to take with you

The making of a godly man requires hard, deliberate choices over time and reliance upon his relationship with God--it's not for the fainthearted. A boy does not become a man when he turns 18, but when he takes on the character and habits of a man for the good of those around him.

Exploring what these godly character traits are, pastor Noah Herrin offers real-world wisdom for 52 key challenges men face on their journey into manhood. Each chapter of this action-packed book calls men higher, addressing one obstacle and providing handson biblical solutions, practical next steps, habits to work toward, and truths to believe. Covering core areas of personal, professional, and spiritual life, topics include how to

· own mistakes

· relate to parents

· choose the right mate

· use time effectively

· humble yourself

· manage your money

· chase the right goals

Noah Herrin is a pastor, communicator, and author based in Nashville, Tennessee. He serves as the lead pastor of Way Church in the heart of Nashville and has become a trusted voice in the Gen Z and Millennial online space and at churches, conferences, universities, and businesses around the world. Founder of The Gathering Conference, he's the author of Viral Jesus and Holy Habits and helps train and mentor the next generation of local church leaders around the globe. Learn more at

· engage in community

· be a finisher

· and much more

The world needs not just good men, but godly men. Jesus is our model of manhood, and when men act like Jesus, the world is different.

AUGUST 26 • US $26.99 • CAN $35.99 9780764243783


9.000 in H | 6.000 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:36

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness HOUSE & HOME / Cleaning, Caretaking & Organizing


And Other Lies I Think Will Make Me Happy

Social Media Influencer Offers 10 Mindset Shifts to Love the Life You Already Have

· Author's combined social platform is more than 250,000

· Each chapter includes practical applications to make it happen

· Will appeal to readers of Kendra Adachi, Anne Bogel, and Mattie James

In a social-media saturated world, it's all too easy to see the shiny lives of others and find your own less than lustrous. And while most women won't admit they're unhappy, they will tell you they just wish. "I love my life! I just wish____." After 10-plus years of professional life online, Kate Strickler, founder of Naptime Kitchen, has experienced the many ways we see a life on the other side of the screen--and wish it were our own.

Kate Strickler is the creator behind the extremely popular blog and Instagram account Naptime Kitchen. Known for her down-to-earth practicality and home and parenting hacks, she's been featured on Good Morning America, Southern Living, Real Simple, The Lazy Genuis Podcast, The Best Today Podcast, and more. When she isn't wrangling the kids or working, you can find her in her happy place: experimenting in the kitchen. Kate lives in Charleston, South Carolina, with her husband, Nate, and their four children. Learn more at

Setting out to fight the lie that what she had wasn't enough, Kate discovered simple perspective shifts that ultimately helped her fall in love with the life she already had. Here she shares the small changes you can make that add up to a whole new outlook on life. With her trademark real-life tips and life hacks mixed with humor and stories she's never shared before, Kate helps you identify and dismantle 10 lies about relationships, money, time, and home life. As you discover how to live and mother in ways that work for you and your family, you'll stop just wishing your life away--and begin to truly enjoy the one you already have.

MAY 27 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780800773106

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

192 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

Kim Owens and her husband, Paul, are senior pastors of Fresh Start Church, a multigenerational, multicultural church in Peoria, Arizona, where the spirit of revival is alive. Known for her straightforward, high-impact messages, Pastor Kim is a revivalist and sought-after conference speaker and media guest, appearing on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!, The Eric Metaxas Show, The Jim Bakker Show, Encounter Underground, and more. Learn more at


Sustaining the Zeal of Personal Revival

Kim Owens

How to Ignite Passionate Pursuit of Personal Revival from Pastor and Revivalist

· For readers of Bill Johnson, Jane Hamon, and Chuck D. Pierce

· Understand key elements to emphasize in your walk with the Holy Spirit

· For Spirit-empowered readers who want to always keep their passion for the Lord zealous and fiery

In an age of excess, the primary enemy of revival is "enough." When you're comfortable and full, you lose the desperation required to keep a heart on fire for Jesus. Ultimately, our "enough" leads not to fullness, but to empty, cold hearts.

Igniting the fires of personal revival, seasoned revivalist and pastor Kim Owens shows that a heart on fire for Jesus is the antidote to apathy and complacency. Sharing vital revelations, biblical wisdom, and practical principles discovered in a 10year-sustained revival, Pastor Kim equips you to

· transform a life of spiritual dryness into one with spiritual zeal

· maintain a holy desperation for God

· prioritize a passionate pursuit of Jesus

· experience a vibrant, contagious relationship with Christ

There will be no personal revival if there's no personal pursuit. In these difficult times before Christ's return, it's imperative we live in his presence and fullness, on fire with zeal and passion. This is not optional. This is what Jesus shed his blood for.


Cultivating a Listening Ear and a Discerning Heart

Mark Chironna

Navigate the Complexities of Modern Prophecy with Trusted Prophet and Mentor

· Author appears on Daystar Television for his weekly broadcast, On the Living Edge

· Author's social platform reaches total audience of 200,000

· A practical biblical resource for understanding the prophetic gift through the story of Elijah

Drawing on his extensive study and 50 years of experience in the prophetic, Dr. Mark Chironna turns an eye toward the church's prophetic future while revisiting biblical roots. Exploring the stories we thought we knew of Elijah, he unearths timeless lessons and ancient wisdom necessary for prophetic insight today.

JUNE 17 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9780800773113

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Prophecy

Mark Chironna is an influential leader with a global reach and has been a clarion prophetic voice for almost five decades. Dr. Chironna is the founder and senior pastor of Church on the Living Edge and the presiding bishop of Legacy Edge Alliance, a worldwide fellowship of senior apostolic leaders and churches. Dr. Chironna has advanced degrees in theology and psychology and has recently completed his second doctorate. He and his wife live in Orlando, Florida. Learn more at

With his unique blend of storytelling and deep insights from Scripture, theology, and psychology, Dr. Chironna provokes a fresh understanding of the prophetic, inviting readers to

· find the authentic voice of God in a noisy world

· navigate the complex waters of modern prophecy

· discover practical solutions easily applied to daily life

· embrace the best of the past to find our way ahead

· lean into the future with prophetic discernment and integrity

Like a chat with a trusted friend, this book will help you keep your faith and fear in balance, discern God's voice, and find your place in his great story.


Answer 31 God Questions to Discover His Heart and Purpose

Alemu Beeftu

31 Conversations with God for a Deeper, Transformational Relationship from Beloved Prophetic Leader

· For readers of Chuck D. Pierce

· Author has access to social media reach of over 400,000 followers

· A unique journey for readers to learn to hear God's voice through Scripture

It's common for us to ask God questions, but we don't often reflect on the questions God asks his people throughout Scripture. But when we understand that God asks these questions not because he needs the answer but because we do, we begin to see each inquiry as an invitation for a personal conversation-and encounter--with the King of kings.

JULY 15 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:44

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

Alemu Beeftu , founder and president of Gospel of Glory, has traveled globally for decades, training and equipping Christian leaders to foster sustainable societal changes for the kingdom of God. He, his wife, Genet, and their family make their home in Corinth, Texas. Learn more at

In this deeply thoughtful book you will study, and answer, 31 questions God asks in the Bible. As you respond to his voice, you will move into an extraordinary relationship with him, standing in awe as he

· opens your eyes for clearer and greater vision

· reveals what has been hidden

· exposes deeper motives for repentance and restoration

· draws you to the center of his will

· affirms your calling and purpose

· and more

He asks not for himself, but to empower us to experience his renewal, restoration, revival, victory, hope, healing, and confidence. To reveal his purposes to us-- for our sakes--so we may seek the answers that bring about the revelation and transformation we need to fulfill our destiny in Christ.


Uncover the Hopeful Truth about End-Times

Biblical Prophecy

David Cooper

Good News of Hope about the End Times from Trusted Pastor and Teacher

· Author's social media platform is over 60,000

· Discover how to accurately interpret biblical symbols of end-times prophecy

· Author is the lead pastor of the 13,000-plus-member Mount Paran Church in Atlanta

We live in an unprecedented time, when biblical prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes! So why, as the return of Christ draws ever nearer, does talk of the end times among Christians cause fear?

JULY 29 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49


RELIGION / Christian Theology / Eschatology

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Prophecy

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

Unraveling the complexities of Revelation and biblical prophecies, Pastor David Cooper offers an accessible, down-to-earth explanation of what the Bible actually says about the return of Christ and current world events, helping you

· recognize the rise of globalism and political shifts that are setting the stage for the coming Antichrist

· understand how current wars and conflicts are leading toward Armageddon

· outline the time frame and world conditions that will usher in Jesus' return

· interpret biblical symbols of end-times prophecy

· replace fear with peace

Dr. David Cooper serves as lead pastor of Mount Paran Church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a noted author, licensed therapist, and recording musician and teaches for Southeastern University on leadership and preaching. A popular speaker for churches, schools, businesses, and civic organizations, he is also a sought-after television and radio guest. Learn more at

The good news is that the end of this age is the beginning of a new age as God unfolds his eternal plans for the world. We can witness with hope to a frightened world that the future destiny of this world is not termination but transformation at the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Igniting Revivals and Sustaining Spiritual Awakening

Mike Signorelli, Compiler

Groundbreaking, Comprehensive Guide to Revival from 10 Current Revivalists

· Discover standard principles and best practices that have led to personal and corporate revival

· Each Spirit-empowered contributor will share ways their churches have experienced the Holy Spirit's influence through revival

· Cumulative social media reach of 12.5 million followers

Revival is breaking out around the world. Believers and churches are hungry for it--and hungry to know how to shepherd it well. In this groundbreaking book, 10 of today's most influential revivalists--including Alexander Pagani and Jenny Weaver--share what they've witnessed, experienced, and learned on the frontlines of this pivotal period in history.

AUGUST 5 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780800773151

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

RELIGION / Christian Church / Growth

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Evangelism

Mike Signorelli is the founding pastor of V1 Church, V1 College, and V1 Community Impact. Mike started a teaching broadcast online that grew to over 5 million views per month across social platforms, and he and his wife regularly host marriage conferences. Mike and his family live in New York City. Learn more at

Packed with incredible stories, real-world wisdom, and hands-on tools, this field guide to modern revival covers everything from the theological to the practical, including how to

· create an atmosphere of revival over a region

· understand the language of revival

· make room for the miraculous

· work in tandem with prophetic and deliverance ministries

· strengthen revival in your church and community

· experience personal revival

Comprehensive, accessible, and practical, Fire Starters will inspire and equip you to partner with the Holy Spirit--and usher in a heart-shifting, nation-shaping move of God.

AUGUST 12 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780800773120

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic RELIGION / Cults


Deliverance from Witchcraft, Astrology, Crystals, and the Occult Tailah Scroggins

Former New Age Witch Shows How to Break Free from Popular Occult Practices

· Author platform is more than 600,000

· Author exposes the danger in tarot cards, psychics, Ouija boards, crystals, and more

· For readers of John Ramirez, Jennifer LeClaire, Isaiah Saldivar, and Derek Prince

Promising answers, healing, and fulfillment, witchcraft and new age practices captivate our culture. And many spiritually hungry people--even in the church-unknowingly participate in these dark and dangerous spiritual activities, with dark and dangerous consequences.

Recounting her own escape from the occult, former new age witch Tailah Scroggins exposes the lies and secrets of the modern-day occult, revealing the ancient demonic origins and influences behind astrology, tarot cards, psychics, crystals, yoga, and more. With compassion and insight, she shares the biblical teaching and tools you need to

When you let the light of Jesus shine in you and through you, the darkness won't be able to overcome it-and you'll find the true healing, answers, and spiritual fulfillment you long for. RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare

Tailah Scroggins is a speaker, minister, and recording artist. Her transformative journey from new age to Christianity has resonated widely, garnering viral attention on social media. A sought-after media guest, she's been featured on numerous outlets, including CBN, God TV, and Charisma News. Founder of the dynamic online TS Ministries, she ministers alongside her husband, Jerricho, a five-time Grammy-award-winning music producer/engineer. They live in Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more at

· sever all bonds with the occult and its practices

· break curses and evil covenants wreaking havoc in your life

· spiritually cleanse yourself and your home

· discover the power of the authority of Christ in spiritual warfare and deliverance

· experience a transformative relationship with Jesus, the Light of the world

AUGUST 26 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9780800773144

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational


Live in the Jaw-Dropping Realities of God's Goodness

Sophia Ruffin Wilson

Experience God's Unimaginable Goodness in All Seasons of Life from Prophetic Leader

· Author has more than 600,000 social media followers and an email list of more than 50,000

· Author speaks at conferences more than 40 times a year

· Will appeal to the readers of John Eckhardt

Before time began, God spoke a destiny of unimaginable goodness over you. And no matter how far off-track you are, no matter how alone, anxious, hopeless, or exhausted you feel, his Word will bring about the future he formed for you at the foundations of the earth. Because his Word never fails.

Showing how nothing in life is a coincidence, prodigalturned-prophet Sophia Ruffin Wilson renews your expectancy in God's miraculous goodness--and his unwavering commitment to bring you to a hope-filled future. Relatable, inspiring, and full of Spirit-filled energy and wisdom, Sophia uses biblical teaching, activations, and personal stories to help you

· discover the ancient word spoken over you

· endure your current season to be ushered into your next

· activate his presence and divine assistance

· experience his unimaginable goodness no matter what you face

Sophia Ruffin Wilson is an influencer, author, creator, and prophetic voice whose message of deliverance and transformation has resonated powerfully around the world. Under the leadership of John Eckhardt, she is the founder of the CBK (Comeback Kid) Squad, CCL (Company of Copacetic Leaders), Speaker Speak, and Ready Writer Connection. A popular keynote speaker and media guest, she speaks extensively around the world and has appeared on The 700 Club, The Word Network, TCT network, and more. She lives in Chicago, Illinois. Learn more at

We may not always follow God's pattern for us, but he has a divine plan to put us back on track toward our preordained destiny. It will be God who blesses, or it will be God who redirects. Either way, you will arrive at his best for his glory.


How Ignatian Spirituality Leads Us to Healing and Wholeness

Eric A. Clayton

· Clayton is deputy director for communications at the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States · Author writes a weekly column, Now Discern This (28,000 subscribers), and frequently hosts AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast

· Author's writing has appeared in America, National Catholic Reporter, and more outlets

These days, everyone is looking for peace. But too often we look in all the wrong places.

In Finding Peace Here and Now, award-winning Catholic author EricA. Clayton shows readers that we should be looking inside ourselves. He reveals that peace starts within by discovering and embracing who we are meant to be in God.

MAY 6 • US $18.99 • CAN $25.49 9781587436574

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic RELIGION / Spirituality

Eric A. Clayton (MA, American University) is an awardwinning writer, speaker, and storyteller whose books include My Life with the Jedi: The Spirituality of Star Wars and Cannonball Moments: Telling Your Story, Deepening Your Faith. He is deputy director for communications at the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, where he hosts AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast and writes Now Discern This, a weekly column on Ignatian spirituality. His writing has appeared in America, National Catholic Reporter,, and more. Clayton lives outside Baltimore, Maryland. Visit his website at

Using Saint Ignatius of Loyola as a guide, Clayton offers stories, meditations, spiritual reflections, and practical tools to lead us along a path of inner peace that we can then trace outward, so we can bring peace to other people and challenging situations. This book will resonate with readers who are familiar with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises as well as those learning about them for the first time.

In the end, readers will not only navigate their own personal journey to inner peace and a love of self, but also discover how those journeys are tied to better loving and serving neighbors and working for global justice--all for the greater glory of God.

MAY 20 • US $24.99 • CAN $32.99 9781587434815


8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity:40

Miroslav Volf (DrTheol, University of Tübingen) is the HenryB. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School and founding director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture in New Haven, Connecticut. He has written or edited more than two dozen books, including the New York Times bestseller Life Worth Living, APublic Faith, Public Faith in Action, and Exclusion and Embrace (winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Religion and selected as among the 100 best religious books of the 20th century by Christianity Today). Educated in his native Croatia, the United States, and Germany, Volf regularly lectures around the world.


How Striving to Be Better Than Others Makes Us Worse THEOLOGY FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD

Miroslav Volf

· Volf's recent book Life Worth Living was a New York Times bestseller

· Author is a leading public intellectual, a worldrenowned theologian, and an award-winning author

· Author directs the Yale Center for Faith & Culture

Many people believe that ambition, understood as striving to be better than others, improves us as individuals and advances our whole society. But what if the opposite is true?

In The Cost of Ambition, world-renowned theologian and award-winning author Miroslav Volf argues that striving for superiority actually makes us worse.

Working his way backward in time, Volf explores what three influential thinkers--Søren Kierkegaard, John Milton, and the apostle Paul--say about the cost of ambition. He also explores what the teachings of Jesus and the stories in Genesis say on the matter. Volf explains that striving to be better than others, though widely accepted as part of modern life, devalues our achievements, things that surround us, and relationships because it makes them into mere means to an empty goal of being better than someone else. He reveals ambition's negative consequences in all domains of life, showing that it is at odds with the key convictions of Christian faith.

After unpacking the toxicity of ambition, Volf uses contemporary examples to guide readers to a better goal: striving for excellence.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth
RELIGION / Christian Theology / General

MAY 20 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781540968982


8.000 in H | 5.000 in W

176 pages • Carton Quantity:40

/ Christian Living / Devotional RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


A 40-Day Devotional on the Goodness of Being Human

Kelly M. Kapic

· Kapic is a popular speaker, teacher, and author of the Christianity Today Book Award winners You're Only Human and Embodied Hope

· Author has been featured in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition

· Offers readers an accessible devotional from You're Only Human (more than 21,000 copies sold)

Are you exhausted, anxious, and sick of feeling like you should always be doing one more thing?

In You Were Never Meant to Do It All, Kelly Kapic is here to help--not with the latest time management advice but with a refreshing approach to embracing the truth that God never intended for us to do it all.

Readers flocked to Kapic's award-winning 2022 book, You're Only Human. Now, Kapic's message is back in the form of 40 daily devotions--each with a meaningful quote and reflection questions. Kapic shows that our human limitations are not sinful but rather that God purposefully designed humans to have limits and depend on one another. Rightly appreciated, these good limits promote freedom, joy, growth, and community.

Kelly M. Kapic (PhD, King's College, University of London) is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 2001. He is a popular speaker and the award-winning author or editor of more than 15 books, including the Christianity Today Book Award winners You're Only Human and Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering. Kapic has been featured in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition and has worked on research teams funded by the John Templeton Foundation. He and his wife have two children.

As readers take this 40-day devotional journey, they will follow a path to more holistic living that fosters a vision for healthy self-understanding, life-giving relationships, and meaningful contributions to the world.

JUNE 17 • US $24.99 • CAN $32.99 9781540964793

Paperback / softback

9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources


Living the Gospel for the Sake of the World

· Goheen's BPG books have sold more than 200,000 copies

· Goheen is an internationally renowned author and speaker

· Author is a professor and serves as director of theological education at the Missional Training Center, Phoenix

Internationally renowned author and speaker Michael Goheen helps readers understand the basics of Christianity in this accessible book. He explains that the church needs a process of formation that equips Christians to be faithful to the gospel, stand firm against the winds of cultural idolatry, and fulfill their role as the new humanity living for the sake of the world.

Drawing on his years of speaking and writing, Goheen unpacks the heart of the Christian faith through four key components. He lays out a formation process that guides Christians to (1) return to the good news as a comprehensive and powerful message of God's kingdom, (2) recover the Bible as the one true story of the whole world, (3) retrieve a deep consciousness of their missional identity, and (4) engage in a missionary encounter with culture. Together, these components form Christians to be faithful to their calling.

MichaelW. Goheen (PhD, University of Utrecht) is professor of missional theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. He is also professor of missional theology and director of theological education at the Missional Training Center, Phoenix. Goheen is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including The True Story of the Whole World, The Drama of Scripture, Living at the Crossroads, A Light to the Nations, and The Church and Its Vocation. He splits his time between Vancouver, British Columbia, and Phoenix, Arizona.

This succinct summary of Goheen's vision of the Christian faith will help local churches develop discipleship programs and encourage Christians to make formation a priority. The Core of the Christian Faith will appeal to laypeople, small groups, pastors, and church leaders. Videos to accompany the book will be available for small group use.

AUGUST 12 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781587436680

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship


Transforming a Weapon of Harm into a Tool of Healing

Zach W. Lambert

· Lambert reaches more than 100,000 people on social media

· Foreword by Beth Allison Barr

· Author is the lead pastor of Restore Austin in Texas and cofounder of the Post Evangelical Collective

Zach Lambert has seen the Bible used countless times as something far from the "Good Book"--both in his own life and in the experiences of others. He has seen the Bible weaponized to subjugate women, justify racism, bash LGBTQ+ people, cover up abuse, and exclude people who speak out against these injustices.

In Better Ways to Read the Bible, Lambert calls readers to a more Christlike interpretation of Scripture. Lambert has created this accessible guide to help readers dismantle four common lenses for reading Scripture that lead to harm--Literalism, Apocalypse, Moralism, and Hierarchy. Instead, he offers four new lenses-Jesus, Context, Flourishing, and Fruitfulness--that promote wholeness, inclusion, and flourishing for all people. This book transforms the Bible from a weapon that condemns, oppresses, and excludes into a tool that helps and heals.

Better Ways to Read the Bible, which includes a foreword by Beth Allison Barr, welcomes all Christians to reengage Scripture in life-giving ways.

ZachW. Lambert is the lead pastor and founder of Restore Austin, a church in Austin, Texas. Under his leadership, Restore has grown from a launch team of five people in 2015 to more than 1,000 members today. He has a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and is pursuing his doctorate at Duke Divinity School. Zach is the cofounder of the Post Evangelical Collective and serves on the boards of Restore Houston, Hub Garage (a nonprofit for single moms), the Austin Church Planting Network, and the Multi-Faith Neighbors Network. He lives in Austin with his wife and their two sons.

AUGUST 5 • US $21.99 • CAN $29.49 9781587436659


7.000 in H | 5.000 in W 144 pages • Carton Quantity:40

RELIGION / Christian Living / Calling & Vocation

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Christian Living / Professional Growth



Your Vocation in the True, Good, and

Beautiful Karen Swallow Prior

· Prior is an award-winning author with more than 100,000 social media followers

· On Reading Well was recognized as a Publishers Weekly Book of the Year and received a starred review

· Author is a frequent speaker, is a monthly columnist at Religion News Service, and has written for the New York Times, The Atlantic, and the Washington Post

Some people are lucky enough to get paid to do what they love. But many are not.

What if your vocation doesn't align with your passion?

In You Have a Calling, award-winning author Karen Swallow Prior has encouraging news: If we pursue the good, true, and beautiful in all our work, we will find our greatest fulfillment.

In an age when passion and calling are often confused, Prior helps readers understand that passions come from within and calling, or our vocation, comes from without and is about being called by others to serve. That crucial distinction can help us understand how God can use both our passions and our work, even if for different purposes.

This book will appeal to everyone who wants to know that their daily work, ordinary though it may be, can fulfill a higher calling to God. Readers will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing they are created for virtue in all they do because they are created in the image of God.

Karen Swallow Prior (PhD, SUNY Buffalo) is the awardwinning author of On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books and The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis She is a frequent speaker, a monthly columnist at Religion News Service, and has written for Christianity Today, The Atlantic, the Washington Post, the New York Times , and Vox. She is a research fellow with Comment, a founding member of the Pelican Project, a senior fellow at the Trinity Forum, and a senior fellow at the International Alliance for Christian Education.

AUGUST 19 • US $19.99 • CAN $26.49 9781587436499

Paperback / softback

8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

224 pages • Carton Quantity:48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / History & Culture


Seeking Community, Belonging, and Peace in a Dehumanizing World

Kat Armas

· Armas has written for Sojourners and Christianity Today

· Author regularly speaks at churches, conferences, and universities

· Meets a need for readers looking to reengage Scripture in a fresh and liberating way

Everyone wants to belong.

But what does belonging--to God, ourselves, and each other--look like in the context of living within an empire and its ideologies?

In Liturgies for Resisting Empire, Cuban American writer Kat Armas explores this question both for the New Testament church and for us today.

Armas starts by introducing the idea of empire and how deeply it affects everyone, every day. She then explores what it means to belong to God, not empire, by looking at the ways the early church wrestled with this. Through de- and post-colonial interpretations of Scripture, she examines empires throughout history, offering readers a path toward liberation from systems of exploitation and guidance for building communities that value people over power.

Kat Armas (MDiv, MAT, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a Cuban American writer and podcaster and the recipient of Fuller Seminary's Frederick Buechner Award for Excellence in Writing. She is pursuing a ThM at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Armas is the author of two books, Abuelita Faith and Sacred Belonging, and contributed to the New York Times bestseller A Rhythm of Prayer, edited by Sarah Bessey. She lives outside Nashville, Tennessee, with her family.

Armas gives readers a sense of hope and belonging in their daily lives--belonging to ourselves, God, each other, and the earth--in ways that resist the lies of empire. Each chapter begins with a brief liturgy.

After Baby Comes

Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional recovery for Postpartum Moms

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

Author: Rachel Taylor, RN

ISBN: 9780736990486

U.S. Price: $19.99

Category: Baby Book & Birth

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 8

Pages/CLQ: 224 pp – 40

Rachel Taylor is a registered nurse and childbirth educator specializing in the care of mothers and babies

With more than 15 years of experience as a postpartum nurse, her passion is to bridge the gap between the current healthcare model and a mom’s needs in the fourth trimester Rachel founded Mama Did , a brand for a woman’s journey throughout pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood She lives with her husband and three children in Birmingham, Alabama

Everything You Need to Know About Life Post Birth

While many mothers can be caught off guard by the demands of the fourth trimester, registered nurse and childbirth educator Rachel Taylor is here to guide you every step of the way in this physical, emotional, and spiritual roadmap for the postpartum season.

Rachel a mother of three and an RN with more than 15 years specializing in mother-baby nursing has helped thousands of mothers navigate their postpartum lives with compassion, wisdom, and evidencebased care. In AfterBabyComes,you will learn how to…

• expect and manage post-birth pain and bodily change with tips for easing recovery

• invigorate your health with nourishing recipes and postpartum nutritional insights

• ditch comparison and embrace the unique process of your own mothering journey

• experience God’s nearness through guided reflections and reminders of his presence

• self-advocate in your relationships via healthy communication scripts and boundaries

God has wondrously prepared you for this difficult and beautiful calling. Aided by this safe, judgement-free guide, you will be empowered to overcome the challenges, heal more effectively, and nurture habits of presence and love that will serve you for a lifetime.

2-Color Interior

Spring/Summer 2025

After Baby Comes

Interior samples

From the Editor’s Notes:

• Questions at the end of each chapter.

• Note of encouragement to Dads at the end of the book.

• Rachel’s heart is to give new moms the equivalent of a warm hug while giving them all the practical guidance they’ll need to know to navigate this healing process.

• Women will find Chapters covering

• Rebuilding physical strength

• Postpartum nutrition

• Maintaining a strong marriage

• Introducing older siblings to new baby and furry family members

Answering Tough Questions About the End Times

100 Q&A’s About Bible Prophecy

Authors: Jeff Kinley & Todd Hampson

ISBN: 9780736989510

U.S. Price: $18.99

Category: Prophecy/Theology & Doctrine

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 208 pp – 20

Todd Hampson is a speaker, illustrator, animation producer, and the author of The Non-Prophet's Guide book series He is also a cohost on the Prophecy Pros Podcast alongside Jeff Kinley Todd's awardwinning animation company, Timbuktoons, has produced content for many well-known ministry organizations He and his wife are the proud parents of three grown children (and one daughter-in-law) and make their home in Georgia Find him at ToddHampson com

Jeff Kinley (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) has authored over 40 books and speaks across the US He equips Christians to discern the times and live with confidence Jeff's podcasts, The Prophecy Pros Podcastand TheVintageTruthPodcast , are heard and viewed in more than 130 countries His weekly HisChannel TV shows, JeffKinley Live and TheKing isComing , are devoted to Bible prophecy Jeff and his wife live in Arkansas and have three grown sons Find him at JeffKinley com

Two Experts. One Topic. No Confusion.

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

In a field often clouded by complexity and sensationalism, keeping track of what the Bible says about the end times can be challenging even for seasoned believers. That’s why the bestselling authors behind the ProphecyProsPodcastare here to bring you a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the most need-toknow facts about what is to come.

Neatly organized and packed with charts, timelines, and infographics, AnsweringToughQuestionsAbout theEndTimesdelivers clear answers to 100 of the most pressing questions about the last days. As you learn about what Bible prophecy is and where it’s found in Scripture, you will also find speculation-free and biblically-sourced overviews of forthcoming events such as the rapture, Jesus’ second coming, and life in heaven.

As you grow in your understanding of God’s plans for history still-to-come, your trust in Him will be transformed. Whether you’re new to your faith or a longtime student of Bible prophecy, this approachable handbook will provide helpful, straightforward answers to your queries and concerns about the end times, inspiring you to face the future with confidence!

Re-release of TheProphecyPros’IllustratedGuidetoToughQuestionsAbouttheEndTimes, 9780736983679, with minor revisions; 4-Color Interior

Answering Tough Questions About the End Times

Interior samples

From the Editor’s Notes:

• Chapter 3 has been updated with new content that clarifies the Prophecy Pros’ view on signs that will appear during the seal judgments of Revelation.

• This book serves as both an easy introduction to the subject of Bible prophecy, and an easy-to-navigate primer for the long-time student of Bible prophecy.

Answering Tough Questions About the End Times

Interior samples

Dock Tok Presents…The Dockfather

A Collection of Dangerously Punny Dad Jokes

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

Author: Logan Lisle

ISBN: 9780736991377

U.S. Price: $12.99

Category: Humor

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 7

Pages/CLQ: 192 pp – 60

Author Bio:

Logan Lisle is the mastermind behind the hugely popular Dock Tok series of online videos and the author of the bestselling joke book Dock Tok Presents the Good, the Dad, and the Punny When he’s not sitting by the lake sipping coffee and trading dad jokes with his buddies, he can be found at weddings all over the world as a sought-after videographer or docked at his new home in Phoenix, Arizona.

Author’s online presence has doubled since the first title released.

From the online sensation Dock Tok comes another notorious collection of awesome and uproarious dad jokes—dangerously funny and family friendly!

Dock Tok is back with an offer you can’t refuse. Join the gangsters of guffaws for an all-new onslaught of quips, cracks, and clever wordplay that will slay your friends and family (and even your foes) with laughter.




All hail the Dockfather! Join the mob that’s rushing to get their hands on the most hilarious dad jokes ever.

Dock Tok Presents…The Dockfather


Dock Tok Presents…The Dockfather


Five Mere Christians

Binge-Worthy Biographies That Show You How to Glorify God in Your Work

Authors: Jordan Raynor & Kaleigh Cox

ISBN: 9780736991704

U.S. Price: $24.99

Category: Professional Growth

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 208 pp – 20

Jordan Raynor is a leading voice of the faith and work movement. Through his bestselling books, podcasts, and devotionals, Jordan has helped millions of Christians in every country on Earth connect the gospel to their work. In addition to his writing, Jordan serves as the Executive Chairman of Threshold 360, a venture-backed tech startup that Jordan previously ran as CEO following a string of his own successful ventures Jordan has twice been selected as a Google Fellow and served in The White House under President George W Bush A sixth-generation Floridian, Jordan lives in Tampa with his wife and their three young daughters. The Raynors are proud members of The Church at Odessa where Jordan serves as an elder Kayleigh Cox is a keen observer of (and thought leader in) the faith and work movement. She is currently the vice president of business development and content operations at DxTel, a broadband marketing company A former missionary and freelance writer, Kayleigh lives in Columbia, South Carolina, with her husband, Grant.

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

FiveMereChristiansshows readers how to glorify God in their work by following the examples of five notable believers who succeeded in their secular occupations without compromising their faith.

If you’re like most Christians, you want to glorify God in all you do including your work. Whether you are a teacher, a tech worker, or a tax preparer, you want to be “salt and light” to those you work with and serve, but what does that practically look like in the secular workplace?

By showing, not telling, FiveMereChristiansoffers you five concise and compelling biographies of Christ followers who glorified God in their jobs and found fulfillment:

• Fred Rogers the creator of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood who treated his job as a “priestly” duty and lived at a pace that allowed him to extend love to others.

• Fannie Lou Hamer the civil rights activist who worked for justice without hating the unjust.

• Ole Kirk Christiansen the founder of LEGO who embraced playful work and committed himself to the highest standards of his craft.

• Hannah More the poet largely credited for abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire who worked to change the world through culture, not politics.

• C.S. Lewis the author of TheChroniclesofNarniaand MereChristianitywho found ultimate joy in Christ and not in his work.

These mere Christians will show you how to effectively live out your faith in whatever God has called you to do.

Five Mere Christians

Key Selling Points:

• Five extremely readable and compelling biographies of men and women of faith who glorified God with their work and their gifts. Each biography can be read in about an hour.

• These biographies will be more than just teaching readers about interesting people from history; they will offer immensely practical takeaways that readers can apply to their own lives.

• Each short biography also includes an illustrated profile of its subject.

• Jordan Raynor has a massive and engaged email list of over 144,000 subscribers along with a popular podcast.

Home and Hand Made

A Homesteader’s Recipes to Help You Cook, Clean, and Care for Your


Author: Melissa K. Norris

ISBN: 9780736987202

U.S. Price: $26.99

Category: House & Home

Binding/Size: Trade – 8 x 10

Pages/CLQ: 224 pp – 12

Author Bio:

Melissa K. Norris inspires people’s faith and pioneer roots with old-fashioned skill sets and wisdom featured in her books, podcast, and blog. She is the author of The FamilyGardenPlan , TheFamilyGardenPlanner , and The Made-from-Scratch Life . Melissa lives with her husband and two children in their own little house in the big woods in the foothills of the North Cascade Mountains When she’s not wrangling chickens and cattle, you can find her stuffing Mason jars with homegrown food and playing with flour and sugar in the kitchen

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

Fifth-generation homesteader Melissa K. Norris offers over 150 time-tested, budget-friendly recipes for cooking, cleaning, and caring for your family.

As the cost of food, cleaning supplies, and personal care items continue to skyrocket, are you looking for new ways to cut costs and seek healthier solutions for your family?

Melissa K. Norris, host of the popular PioneeringTodaypodcast, shows you how you can make many of the meals and products you’re currently paying for at a fraction of the price.

Melissa shares easy-to-follow recipes, ideas, and tips for…

• baking a variety of delicious pastries, pies, pizzas, and more

• cooking hearty soups, stews, and sauces

• creating scrumptious sourdough treats and other fermented foods

• growing your own herbs for seasonings, salves, and tinctures

• simplifying your life in every room of your home

• celebrating the holidays with homemade charm

HomeandHandMadehelps you do more with less and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing all the ingredients that go into what your family eats and uses each day.

Re-release of HandMade, 9780736969673, with 30-40% new material, includes 30 new recipes, and photos, 4-Color Interior

Home and Hand Made Interiors

Home and Hand Made Interiors

Raising Disciples at Home

Nurturing Your Kids into Faithful Followers of Jesus

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

Author: Chris Ammen

ISBN: 9780736990592

U.S. Price: $19.99

Category: Parenting

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 6 x 8

Pages/CLQ: 192 pp – 32

Chris Ammen is a children’s pastor, writer, former educator, and the parent of four children. He is also the founder of Kaleidoscope, a company who specializes in creating beautifully designed retellings of every book of the Bible for older elementary school children (ages 7 to 11) Chris and his family live in Tennessee.

This highly practical resource equips parents with the tools and strategies they need to guide their children toward becoming faithful, lifelong followers of Jesus.

Like all Christian parents, you want to see your children accept salvation and follow Christ throughout their lives. Beyond prayer, what are the specific steps you can take to grow your kids’ faith?

RaisingDisciplesatHomewill help you successfully fulfill your role in nurturing your children’s spiritual development at different ages and stages with sound and tested training from a veteran children’s pastor and parent of four.

You will learn how to:

• gain a biblical understanding of discipleship and what this means for you

• partner with, instead of solely depending on, your church to disciple your kids

• teach your children about the Bible and foundational theological doctrines

• disciple through different stages of development and the unique challenges that each gender poses

• overcome the common obstacles and pitfalls that parents face in discipling their kids

This book will help you disciple your children with confidence.

Raising Disciples at Home


From the Editor’s Notes:

• The focus of this book is discipleship.

• The word “disciple” simply means “follower”. Everyone is a follower of someone. What we want is our kids to be a follower of Jesus.

• This is a practical book, and parents will walk away with tangible tools to resource.

The Israel Decree

The Past, Present, and Future of the World’s Most Controversial Strip of Land

Pub Date: 5/6/2025

Author: Amir Tsarfati

ISBN: 9780736991582

U.S. Price: $8.99

Category: Prophecy/Christian Life

Binding/Size: Trade – 5 ¼ x 8

Pages/CLQ: 96 pp – 80

Author Bio:

Amir Tsarfati is a native Israeli and former major in the Israeli Defense Forces He is the founder and president of Behold Israel a nonprofit ministry that provides Bible teaching through tours, conferences, and social media It also provides unique access to news and information about Israel from a biblical and prophetic standpoint. Amir is married with four children and resides in northern Israel

How Should Christians View Israel?

For centuries, questions have lingered both within and outside the church: Is modern Israel connected to the Israel of the Old Testament? Do God’s past promises to Israel still apply now? And what does this mean for all Christians today?

The Israel Decree provides compelling answers to these questions and more by meticulously tracing the historical, political, legal, and scriptural foundations of Israel's God-promised right to the land. Writing with clarity and commitment to biblical truth, bestselling author and native Israeli Amir Tsarfati helps you…

• understand how today’s Israel is a continuation of the ancient biblical nation, fulfilling a divine promise made millennia ago

• live with greater expectancy and hope in light of what Bible prophecy says about the rapture and tribulation

• be encouraged by God’s wonderful character as you see it on display in the ways He cares for Israel and for you

As you grow in your understanding of God’s steadfast promise to bless the world through Israel, you will be inspired by His wonder-working power and equipped to carry out your unique role in His plan with hope and confidence.

The Israel Decree

Amir Tsarfati is a native Israeli and former major in the Israeli Defense Forces. He is the founder and president of Behold Israel a nonprofit ministry that provides Bible teaching through tours, conferences, and social media. It also provides unique access to news and information about Israel from a biblical and prophetic standpoint Amir is married with four children and resides in northern Israel.

The heart of Amir’s message is this:

Both inside and outside of the church, there are too many people who wonder whether today’s Israel has any connection at all with Old Testament Israel. TheIsraelDecreeseeks to resolve that by establishing the historical basis, political and legal basis, and Scriptural basis for the original state of Israel, the Jews’ ongoing presence in the land over the millennia, and today’s modern iteration of that same God-promised right to the land.

Once it is clear to readers that today’s Israel really is a modern-day extension of the Israel in the Bible, then we will have the foundation for explaining God’s future plans for the land and the people.

Amir wants to provide clear, biblical evidence that the Israel of today is the same Israel God loved and worked through in the Old Testament. In this way, Amir will affirm that yes, all Christians truly should support Israel.

By the Sea

Glimpses of Eternity, Reflections of Simple Hope

Pub Date: 5/20/2025

Author: Robin Jones Gunn

ISBN: 9780736990387

U.S. Price: $22.99

Category: Gift Book

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 6 x 8

Pages/CLQ: 192 pp – 20

Author Bio:

Robin Jones Gunn is the award-winning author of more than 100 books, including the Father Christmas novellas, which became the inspiration for three Hallmark Christmas movies She has visited many beautiful countries and is a frequent keynote speaker at women’s events.

Robin has spent most of her life living near the sea, including a decade on Maui. She and her husband currently live in Southern California where the best days are always beach days with their family

Bestselling author Robin Jones Gunn invites women to the shore to refresh their souls as they savor this collection of ocean-inspired stories and reflections.

Does your idea of a perfect day include a lazy afternoon under a beach umbrella or a serene oceanside stroll? If the coast seems a million miles away from where you are today, let these engaging stories bring the ocean and all its gifts to you. Author Robin Jones Gunn wants to help you relax, recenter, and be reminded of the places that draw your heart closer to God.

Robin shares poignant, humorous, and heartwarming stories inspired by the beach, along with poems, quotes, and Scripture verses to help take your mind off whatever is burdening you and bring your focus back to God.

This is your invitation to soul restoration. There’s a place waiting for you by the sea.

4-Color Interior

Faith Simplified

What We Believe and Why We Believe It

Author: Aaron Armstrong

ISBN: 9780736991070

U.S. Price: $17.99

Category: Christian Life/Theology

Binding/Size: Trade – 5 ½ x 8 ½

Pages/CLQ: 288 pp – 40

Author Bio:

Aaron Armstrong is the author of multiple books, including I'm a Christian Now What?: A Guide to Your New Life with Christ As an adult convert, Aaron writes to engage those curious about Christianity, encourage new believers, and equip those coming alongside them A Canadian living in America, Aaron serves as a preacher and small group leader at his local church. He and his wife, Emily, have three teenage children.

From the Editor’s Notes:

Offers an engaging and inviting survey of core beliefs of Christianity.

Supplies an overview of the Character of God

Aaron highlights the attributes and activity of a god who is not passive toward His creation.

God speaks, creates, judges, rescues, restores, and reigns.

It FaithSimplified; Aaron keeps three key audiences in view., the newbeliever , the seekerand the seasonedbeliever looking for concise resources.

Pub Date: 5/20/2025

Curiosity Welcomed: A Clear and Concise Explanation of Christianity

The Christian faith has incredible life-changing power. And yet too many people Christians included know too little about it. The more we truly come to know God, his words, and his works, the more our lives become ripe for transformation.

With practical teaching and relatable storytelling, FaithSimplifiedunpacks the faith-defining truths of Christianity and their profound bearing on how you live each day. Addressing the curious, the questioning, and the committed alike, author Aaron Armstrong draws on biblical knowledge and centuries of Christian theology to cast light on the faith’s potential to powerfully affect your life.

With a wealth of insights to explore in every chapter, FaithSimplifiedwill inspire both individuals and groups to embrace faith in fresh, compelling ways. This accessible guide will help you take these truths to heart so you can understand and experience the blessings of Christianity at their fullest.

Spring/Summer 2025

The Coming Millennial Kingdom

What Life Will Be Like for Us When Jesus Reigns on Earth

Pub Date: 6/3/2025

Author: Nathan E. Jones

ISBN: 9780736991667

U.S. Price: $17.99

Category: Prophecy/Christian Life

Binding/Size: Trade – 5 ½ x 8 ½

Pages/CLQ: 224 pp – 52

Nathan E. Jones (PhD, Trinity Theological Seminary) is the director of internet outreach for Lamb & Lion Ministries and co-host of the ministry's television and radio programs, ChristinProphecy , and podcast, TheTruthWillSetYouFree He is the author of TheMightyAngelsofRevelationand 12 FaithJourneysoftheMinorProphetsand has contributed to numerous other books Nathan has been interviewed on many television, radio, and podcast programs and speaks frequently at Bible conferences and churches about topics related to biblical eschatology.

Live in Anticipation of Christ’s Coming Kingdom!

God ordained human government to restrain evil and punish evildoers. Tragically, our governments have consistently failed to protect their citizens from all forms of lawlessness, hunger, diseases, wars, natural disasters, and human suffering. Will this misery ever end? Does God give us any hope for the future?

TheComingMillennialKingdomexplores God’s answer to the failure that is human government: the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth after His return. Nathan explores what Bible prophecy reveals about our glorious future once the King sits upon the Davidic throne, helping you...

• catch a glimpse into what life will be like living during this incredible time defined by peace, righteousness, justice, and joy

• understand God’s intentions to reward His children and fulfill His prophetic promises to Israel and the church

• embrace hope through the eager expectation of Christ’s perfect, just, and imminent rule over the entire earth

Human government will one day end. Discover how Christ’s coming victory and your role in it can equip you to navigate today’s challenges with sure faith and confidence.

The Coming Millennial Kingdom

This Book answers the question: “What exactly is the Kingdom of Christ?”

• Most of this book is dedicated to explaining what conditions will be like on earth during the millennial reign.

• Note of encouragement to Dads at the end of the book.

• Other highlights include:

• Explaining the Davidic Kingdom

• Surveying events that lead up to Jesus’ earthly reign.

• Analysis of the common end-times viewpoints

• Describing the judgment of Satan and evil-includes and apologetic argument for the problem of evil.

• This book is very strong in Scripture references.

Key Selling Points:

• Explores the least-understood part of God’s future plans for us the glorious 1,000-year kingdom Christ will set up on earth after He returns

• Provides fascinating glimpses into what life will be like in the millennial kingdom when we will experience incredible peace, righteousness, joy, and worship

• Examines the key purposes for the millennial kingdom for God to reward His children, for us to reign with Christ and do God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven, and for Israel to experience the fullness of God’s forever promises to her

The Homestead Winter Pantry

Sustainable and Budget-Friendly Recipes to Prep, Preserve, and Store Food Year Round

Author: Georgia Varozza

ISBN: 9780736990691

U.S. Price: $22.99

Category: Cookbook

Binding/Size: Trade – 7 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 224 pp – 24

Georgia Varozza, author of The Homestead Canning Cookbook and The Homestead Sourdough Cookbook , enjoys teaching people how to prepare and preserve healthy foods, live simply, and get the most from what they have. She is a writer and editor and lives in the Pacific Northwest.

From the Editor’s Notes:

• Homesteading has gone beyond a trend; it is here to stay.

• This is a reasonable guide to help families plan ahead.

• Georgia’s cookbooks have sold 300,000 copies.

• First part of the book goes over various areas in which to be prepared such as Heat and Light, Food Storage Basics, Pantry Essentials List, Health and Medicine, Communication, Travel, and entertainment.

• The largest portion of the book includes bulk mixes and recipes to store, for breads, main dishes, desserts etc.

• A budget friendly book utilizing simple ingredients.

Pub Date: 6/3/2025

This commonsense guide helps families prepare for the what-ifs of daily living and experience the peace and confidence that come with a well-prepared pantry.

Inclement weather. Power outages. Wildfires. Chain-of-supply issues.

Wherever you live and whatever the event, chances are you will experience a situation where getting the food and supplies your family needs isn’t immediately possible. Prepping your pantry ahead of time will help you wait out these disruptions in relative comfort.

Homesteading expert Georgia Varozza will help you build an emergency-proof pantry with…

• big-picture basics on how to prepare for the unexpected

• an extensive list of food, medicine, and healthcare essentials

• tasty, seasonal recipes that take advantage of what you have stored at home

TheHomesteadWinterPantryprovides everything you need to keep your family safe and cared for all year long.

4-Color Interior

The Homestead Winter Pantry


The Homestead Winter Pantry


One Minute Prayers for Grandparents

Authors: Rob & Joanna Teigen

ISBN: 9780736989862

U.S. Price: $9.99

Category: Prayer

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 4 x 6

Pages/CLQ: 176 pp – 56

Author Bios:

Rob and Joanna Teigen are authors, speakers, marriage mentors, foster parents, and the creators of Growing Home Together, a ministry dedicated to caring for families’ souls. Rob and Joanna have been married for over 25 years and have two sons, three daughters, and three grandchildren

Grandparents can use this collection to bless their families and cover their beloved grandchildren in prayer on topics including their faith, friendships, and futures.

Lord,howcanIexpressmygratitudeforthegiftofagrandchild?SometimesIwonderhowmyheartcan holdalltheloveandjoyIfeel.YetIwantmylovetogobeyondemotionsothischildcanexperience Christlikelovethroughme.

As a grandparent, you have a unique and influential role in your grandchildren’s lives. The wisdom and experience you’ve gained through the years can now be shared with your precious grandchildren. Prayer can play an important part in the legacy of love and faith you can leave your grandkids.

These heartfelt prayers, written by grandparents for grandparents, will help you intercede in your grandchildren’s lives and draw them, and you, closer to God.

Pub Date: 7/1/2025 Spring/Summer

The Gospel Way Catechism

50 Truths That Take On the World

Pub Date: 7/22/2025

Authors: Trevin Wax and Thomas West

ISBN: 9780736991414

U.S. Price: $15.99

Category: Christian Life/Theology

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 192 pp – 30

Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has lectured on Christianity and culture at Oxford University

Thomas West is the pastor of Nashville First Baptist Church and the founder and former pastor of Redeemer Queen’s Park in London, England. A two-time graduate of Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, Thomas’s ministry and research are driven by exploring the intersection of theology, culture, and mission in Western culture.

Reclaiming an Ancient Tool of Faith Formation for Our Secular Age

In a world overflowing with competing ideas about meaning and purpose, it’s more important than ever to embrace the gospel story as the ultimate lens through which we understand life.

For centuries, Christians have relied on catechisms question-and-answer summaries of faith to teach the faith and disciple new believers. TheGospelWayCatechismreclaims this powerful practice, explaining 50 essential Christian beliefs in a clear, Q&A format.

But it doesn’t stop there. Each answer not only clarifies the core tenets of faith, but also equips you to identify and challenge today’s common, yet powerful, cultural narratives. As you are formedby biblical answers to essential questions about God, life, and faith, you will also be counter-formedso you can identify the shortcomings of secular scripts and subvert them with the gospel.

Suitable for individual, group, and church-wide study, this disruptive discipleship tool provides an effective antidote to Western culture’s inherent self-centeredness. Let this guide strengthen your faith and empower you to be salt and light in a culture desperate for meaning.

Comparative title: TheNewCityCatechism, from Crossway, sold over 100,000 copies.

The Gospel Way Catechism

Sample interior (not final)

From the Editor’s Notes:

The catechism is divided into 7 parts: God, Creation and Identity, Fall and Sin, Story of Redemption, Salvation by the Spirit, The People of God, and Future Hope. After each question follows a 500-word teaching or further explanation of the Christian truth presented and the countering culture narrative, 3 reflection questions, and numerous Scripture references.

Fun fact: to aid in memorization…Trevin and Thomas wanted to write their questions and answers with a specific flow and lilt to help make memorization easier.

The Gospel Way takes long held doctrines of the church, compares them with cultural teachings, and offers a trusted guide for how to recognize and stand against cultural influences.

The Gospel Way Catechism Workbook

50 Truths That Take On the World

Pub Date: 7/22/2025

Authors: Trevin Wax and Thomas West

ISBN: 9780736991438

U.S. Price: $10.99

Category: Christian Life/Spiritual Growth

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 96 pp – 52

Author Bios:

Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has lectured on Christianity and culture at Oxford University.

Thomas West is the pastor of Nashville First Baptist Church and the founder and former pastor of Redeemer Queen’s Park in London, England A two-time graduate of Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, Thomas’s ministry and research are driven by exploring the intersection of theology, culture, and mission in Western culture

A Guide for Going Deeper in Faith Formation

Our culture offers many suggestions as to where to find meaning in our lives. But when examined through the lens of Christian faith, these societal scripts reveal their inherent shortcomings and invite more fulfilling answers answers found only in the gospel.

TheGospelWayCatechismWorkbooktakes you deeper into the 50 faith-defining questions and answers of The GospelWayCatechism , helping you better understand the revelatory and transformative power of Christian faith. Alongside a condensed summary of every Q&A from the book, each workbook entry provides you with…

• five select quotations from the catechism with accompanying reflection questions for further study and contemplation

• three portions of related Scripture to expand your engagement with God’s Word

• a relevant concluding prayer drawn from notable Christian figures throughout church history

With abundant journaling space throughout, this supplementary guide will help you thoughtfully and prayerfully meditate on each formational truth of the Christian faith. You are invited not only to be formedby the faith, but also counter-formedto be salt and light in a culture hungry for more.

This workbook is an excellent companion for people wanting to dig even deeper into the catechism. Following each question and answer is a fresh summary of teaching drawn from the main book, 5 distinct discussion questions that draw on material used in the main resource, the text of 3 related Scriptures and question prompts, along with a prayer from Church History.

Spring/Summer 2025

If These Walls Could Talk

How to Give Your Home Personality, One Decorating Decision at a Time

Author: Carmel Phillips

ISBN: 9780736990738

U.S. Price: $34.99

Category: House & Home

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 8 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 224 pp – 12

Author Bio:

Carmel Phillips is the creator of Our Fifth House , her popular blog site where she inspires readers to curate their home’s personality with simple design ideas and achievable DIY projects. She has been featured in Refreshmagazine and TheDIYStyleFinderby KariAnne Wood Carmel and her husband live in South Carolina, in their seventh house, with their two children.

Women will learn to bring their homes to life and show off their family's unique personalities through personal and deliberate decor choices.

Look around your home right now. Are your spaces filled with furnishings and decor that represent who you are or who you want to be? Or do your rooms reflect someone else’s vision you saw online or in a book?

Much like a skilled author carefully crafts each setting in a novel, your home should tell the story of you. Rather than adopting the next newest style trending on social media, home decorating expert Carmel Phillips, creator of the OurFifthHouseblog shows you how to break free from the pressure of comparison and make thoughtful design decisions that display your family’s one-of-akind tastes, interests, and aspirations.

With practical help, tips, and tricks, Carmel helps you reframe the way you see your home and encourages you to embrace slow decorating—collecting meaningful new, heirloom, and thrifted items over time—and incorporating vibrant colors and patterns that energize you.

Your home has a story to tell. It’s time to make it yours.

4-Color Interior

Pub Date: 8/5/2025 Spring/Summer 2025

If These Walls Could Talk

Contents (not final)

Chapter One: Discovering Your Unique Style

Chapter Two: Using Paint to Color Your Home’s Mood

Chapter Three: Playing with Pattern to Add Flair

Chapter Four: Letting Your Walls Tell Your Story

Chapter Five: curating Furniture That Conveys Your Unique Design Vibe

Chapter Six: Adding Sparkle Through Lighting

Chapter Seven: Bringing It All Together Through Styling

From the Editor’s Notes:

Each chapter also concludes with a doable DIY, something tangible to get the reader started on the setting for their life story.

This four-color, photography-driven home décor book will feature Carmel’s beautiful home and all of her best home décor wisdom.

I’ve Never Been Here Before

Our Family’s Year of Budget Travel, Wandering the World, and Finding the Sacred

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Author: Ashley Campbell

ISBN: 9780736991056

U.S. Price: $34.99

Category: Travel

Binding/Size: Hardcover – 8 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 272 pp – 14

Author Bio:

Ashley Campbell is a photographer, writer, and lifelong adventure seeker. She is the founder of SnapShopOnline , a photography school that has taught the basics of photography to thousands of children and adults. She has explored 31 countries, most with her favorite travel partners: her husband, Chris, and their five kids Ashley actively chases opportunities to explore the unknown and learn from the world's diversity, encouraging others to see beauty in the seemingly mundane She resides with her family in Oklahoma, three miles from her childhood home.

A globetrotting mom-of-five chronicles her family’s life-changing trip to over 20 countries in a year and shares spiritual takeaways to inspire readers’ own adventures.

“WhenIstepintoaculturewithpeoplewholookandthinkdifferentlythanIdo,whenIstandonabeach withsandunlikeanyI’vefeltbefore,whenIhearsongsinlanguagesIdonotspeak,whenItastefoodwith flavorsI’veneversavored I’mgainingglimpsesintotheawe-inspiringcreativityofGod.” Ashley Campbell

In June 2022, Ashley Campbell and her family embarked on an ambitious, yearlong journey, all on a tight budget. What they experienced was a world filled with wonderful people, interesting places, unique foods, and most important, abundant examples of God’s exquisite creation.

As you travel along with the Campbell family to Morocco, Italy, Egypt, Japan, Ecuador, and many more countries, you’ll enjoy stunning photographs of exotic locales; learn how to overcome the fear and unease of exploring the unknown; get a taste of different cultures, cuisines, and customs; and discover how you can enjoy your own worldwide adventures for a fraction of the cost.

Let Ashley show you how accessible and welcoming the world can be and open your eyes to the beauty and wonder you can only find by “being there.”

4-Color Interior

I’ve Never Been Here Before

Ashley’s Goals for this book:

• Inwritingthisbook,herPrimaryGoal:For readers to experience the world without having to travel to it, to dispel the notion that the world is scary, and to share God’s creativity in the people and places He created.

• SecondaryGoal:To provide practical tips for budget travel as a family and show other parents that epic family adventures are possible without a huge bank account.

Key Selling Points:

• Popular Instagrammer Ashley Campbell traveled around the world for a year with her husband and five children to experience God’s creation, not just through nature but also by meeting His people.

• Ashley recounts their yearlong trip where they witnessed the hospitality of people, communities coming together, and celebrations of culture. They experienced farmer’s markets, incredible sights, and delicious food.

• Each chapter focuses on one of the 20+ countries they visited including brief descriptions of the geography, history, and culture. She shares stories and lessons learned, travel tips, and more with a goal to broaden perspectives, dispel fears, and inspire families to travel together. Ashley's gifted storytelling shines both in her writing and photography.

I’ve Never Been Here Before

Contents and interior

I’ve Never Been Here Before

Contents and interior

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality and Gender Identity

Empower Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God’s Design: Updated and Expanded

Authors: Hillary Morgan Ferrer with Amy Davison

ISBN: 9780736990813

U.S. Price: $19.99

Category: Parenting/Social Issues/Apologetics

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 320 pp – 36

Hillary Morgan Ferrer, founder of Mama Bear Apologetics® , has a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms She has a master’s in biology, and her specialties are in cultural apologetics, the relationship between science and faith, and understanding the root causes of doubt.

Amy Davison is a former Air Force veteran-turned-writer and podcast cohost for MamaBearApologetics® . She received her BS in religion from Liberty University and MA in Christian apologetics from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary She speaks at conferences, and her work has been published by the Evangelical Philosophical Society and The Stream

Equip Them to Value God’s Design

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

In today’s world, children are constantly exposed to confusing and often harmful ideas about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s more crucial than ever to guide them with clarity and biblical truth, helping them navigate these challenging topics while honoring God’s design.

The MamaBearApologeticsGuidetoSexualityandGenderIdentityis an invaluable handbook for training your kids to know and respect God’s truth in a world that doesn’t. Expanded and revised with updated research and two brand-new chapters, this book will equip you to…

• understand God’s design for gender, sex, marriage, and family as a beautiful reflection of His nature

• identify the tactics that distort biblical sexuality under the guise of Christian-sounding words, such as love,identity,tolerance,and justice

• teach your kids to show Christlike compassion to others while upholding biblical truth

As society continues to blur the lines of what is good, true, and acceptable, God’s standards remain clear and unchanging. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sexuality and gender identity through a biblical lens.

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality and Gender Identity

From the Editor’s Notes:

Hillary has also made updates throughout the manuscript, including providing more current information and updated statistics.

With 3 New Chapters:

• Gender Identity

• Queer Theory

• Transgenderism

Hillary offers a wealth of wisdom for parents and kids navigating these challenges either in their own household or with friends and family members and encourages readers to hold fast to the truth of God’s Word.

Hillary extends heartfelt compassion for those struggling with sexuality and gender related issues and calls her readers to do the same

Key Selling Points:

• Revised for sensitivity, includes updated research, and expanded to include two new chapters on the topic of gender identity.

• For moms who know they have to have these conversations with their children but don’t know where to start, this is an incisive overview from a trusted brand

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality and Gender

Identity Study Guide

Empower Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God’s Design: Updated and Expanded

Authors: Hillary Morgan Ferrer with Teasi Cannon

ISBN: 9780736990936

U.S. Price: $14.99

Category: Parenting

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 208 pp – 56

Hillary Morgan Ferrer, founder of Mama Bear Apologetics® , has a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. She has a master’s in biology, and her specialties are in cultural apologetics, the relationship between science and faith, and understanding the root causes of doubt

Teasi Cannon is a wife, mother, teacher, author, and contributor to the Mama Bear Apologetics® ministry Her passion for discipleship led her to obtain a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Liberty Theological Seminary Teasi lives in Tennessee with her husband Bill They have three amazing grown children and one beloved son-in-law.

Empowered to Speak Truth

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Discussing topics such as gender, sexuality, and marriage with your children can feel challenging. Yet the contrast between biblical and worldly views on these topics offers a powerful opportunity to teach them to love and cherish God’s design.

Updated and expanded, this study guide companion to MamaBearApologeticsGuidetoSexualityandGender Identitywill prepare you to turn these difficult conversations into meaningful moments of kingdom discipleship. Inside this study guide, you will find…

• active reading notes highlighting vocabulary, themes, and questions that further your study of each chapter from MamaBearApologeticsGuidetoSexualityandGenderIdentity

• highlighted verses from Scripture that illuminate the tender heart behind God’s design for sexuality and gender identity

• activities to help you engage your kids in age-appropriate dialogue about sensitive issues, including homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, and more

Perfect for individual and small-group study, this study guide is the resource every Mama Bear needs to advocate for God’s truth with wisdom and confidence while equipping her children to understand His perfect plan for human sexuality.

Minute Motivators for Leaders (Milano


Author: Stan Toler

ISBN: 9780736989374

U.S. Price: $12.99

Category: Christian Life/Leadership

Binding/Size: Milano Softone – 4 x 6

Pages/CLQ: 160 pp – 80

Stan Toler (1950-2017) spoke in over 90 countries and wrote over 100 books with sales of more than 3 million copies. For many years, Toler served as vice president and instructor for INJOY, John C Maxwell’s institute for training leaders to make a difference in the world.

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Daily Inspiration for Busy Leaders

As a busy leader, how do you remain fresh, focused, and excited about making a difference in people’s lives?

Fuel your passion and clarify your vision with these inspirational quotes, one-page gems of wisdom, and tried-and-true principles from bestselling author Stan Toler. Written for leaders on the go, these daily inspirations are quick, compelling, and loaded with insight. Discover the motivation and encouragement you need for inspiring, effective leadership.

Re-release of 9780736968218, with new binding and cover.

Standing on the Edge of Eternity

The End Times According to Revelation

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Author: Gary Hamrick

ISBN: 9780736991452

U.S. Price: $19.99

Category: Prophecy/Christian Life

Binding/Size: Trade – 6 x 9

Pages/CLQ: 384 pp – 32

Gary Hamrick has served as senior pastor at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, Virginia, since 1991 Today, Cornerstone is home to several thousand weekly worshippers, with thousands more watching online. Pastor Gary’s desire is to reach people with biblical truth so they can experience the restoration and healing available when God’s Word does its work in their lives. He and his wife, Terri, have three children and eight grandchildren

A Clear and Practical Journey Through Revelation, from Beginning to End

While the discouraging state of the world can leave us feeling uncertain about the future, God made His plans known to us far in advance so we can live with hope and expectation.

StandingontheEdgeofEternityis a user-friendly guide to understanding Revelation’s vital teachings about Jesus Christ, earth’s final days, the millennial kingdom, and heaven. Alongside pastor Gary Hamrick, you will explore God’s extraordinary plan to punish evil, establish worldwide justice, and reward His own with an incredible inheritance for all eternity. Gary’s straightforward teaching style and passage-by-passage approach helps make studying Revelation both easy and informative.

As you engage with thoughtful study questions in each chapter to help you take Scripture’s lessons to heart, you will be left with a deep appreciation for the clarity, authority, and awe-inspiring message of the Bible’s final book. From beginning to end, God has been working out a rescue plan for the world that He loves. Discover how Revelation can provide you with both hope for today and assurance for eternity.

Standing on the Edge of Eternity

From Editor’s Notes:

Gary is exceptional at showing how the Bible is relevant to our day-to-day living. He is strong on both instruction and application.

Two other great qSo,s are that he’s engaging and easy to follow. So we’re excited to be working with him to publish his first books.

Every chapter will conclude with study and application questions. These can be done either by individuals or groups. And every set of study questions will end with a section called “Important Takeaways for Us Today.

Key Selling Points:

• A highly informative and concise guide to understanding the key biblical teachings about earth’s final days and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ

• Provides verse-by-verse outlines and big-picture overviews designed to help readers master the book of Revelation

• Includes helpful study and life-application questions designed to nurture spiritual growth

The Making of a Biblical Leader

A Practical Guide to Leading Others Well

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Author: Robert Furrow

ISBN: 9780736991506

U.S. Price: $16.99

Category: Leadership

Binding/Size: Trade – 5 ½ x 8 ½

Pages/CLQ: 208 pp – 56

Robert Furrow is the pastor of Calvary Tucson and the host of the TruthQuestpodcast, which engages in authentic discussions of what it means to follow Jesus Christ He is also the cofounder of the Practical Christian Living Foundation, a ministry aiding the chronically ill in Tucson and raising thousands to help build wells in Asia and an orphanage in Mexico.

Looking at Effective Christ-Centered Leadership

While there are many traits that effective Christian and secular leaders share in common, there is one trait that sets them apart. For the Christian leader, every standard and measure of greatness is drawn not from profit margins, popularity, or worldly acclaim, but uniquely from the Word of God.

TheMakingofaBiblicalLeaderexplores the essentials of spiritually guided leadership, both in character and in practice, for those seeking to grow in their ability to lead with wisdom and integrity. With contributions from ten trusted ministry leaders grounded firmly in Scripture, this inspiring and practical resource will help you…

• identify the biblical markers of godly leadership

• successfully navigate difficult leadership situations

• build long-lasting relational bridges

• embrace the transformative power of suffering

• and more!

Whether you’re leading a church, serving in your community, managing a business, or guiding others in any capacity, you’ll find powerful, proven principles of Christ-centered leadership that will bolster your kingdom impact for years to come.


Robert Furrow , Skip Heitzig, Lenya Heitzig, Gary Hamrick, Daniel Fusco, Ed Taylor, David Guzik, Jim Gallagher, and from outside Calvary Chapel: Sean McDowell | Frank Turek

Spring/Summer 2025

The Making of a Biblical Leader

Chapter topics:

• Good and Bad Leaders

• Leadership Lessons from Jesus

• What Is a Great Leader?

• Keys to Effective Leadership from Nehemiah

• Leading in Times of Crisis

• Humility in Leadership

• How to Lead People to the Truth of Christianity

• The Suffering Leader

• Leading as You Follow

• An Undivided Heart

• There will also be a Q&A chapter

What makes this book unique:

• It’s written not by one author, but a group of well-respected leaders with extensive experience. There is wisdom in numbers.

• The leadership principles they share are rooted in the Bible and have been tested in the real world.

Erwin Lutzer will write the foreword.

Key Selling Points:

• Explores the character qualities that are essential for being the kind of leader God can use to influence, inspire, and encourage others

• Provides practical guidance for successfully navigating the different challenges leaders face

• Examines what Jesus and other key leaders in the Bible taught and modeled about leadership and what we can learn from their example

The Power of a Praying Parent Book of Prayers (Milano Softone)

Pub Date: 8/5/2025

Author: Stormie Omartian

ISBN: 9780736989213

U.S. Price: $12.99

Category: Prayer/Family

Binding/Size: Milano Softone – 3 7/8 x 5 7/8

Pages/CLQ: 128 pp – 80

Author Bio:

Stormie Omartian is the bestselling author of the Power of a Praying® series Her other books include Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On ; Lead Me, Holy Spirit ; Prayer Warrior ; The Power of Praying® Through Fear , and Transforming Love (More than 43 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.) Stormie and her husband, Michael, have been married more than 50 years. They are the parents of two married children and have three granddaughters

A Pocket-Sized Book of Transformative Prayers

Beloved author Stormie Omartian provides a heartfelt selection of favorite prayers from her bestselling ThePowerofaPraying® Parent.Small enough to carry anywhere for quick conversations with God, this little book will give you confidence and peace in your parenting skills as you pray for God's promises to come true in your children's lives.

Re-release of 9780736957694, in giftable binding and cover.

To the Tenth Generation Ray and Jani Ortlund

isbn: 9781430088516

retail price: $22.99

format: Jacketed Hardcover carton qty: 24

release date: September 10, 2024

Esther Bible Study with Video Access

Kelly Minter

isbn: 9781430087908

retail price: $22.99

format: Trade Paper

carton qty: 60

release date: November 1, 2024

fall 2024 key titles

Your Family Is God’s Plan Ray and Jani Ortlund

isbn: 9781430088530

retail price: $14.99

format: Printed Hardcover carton qty: 36

release date: September 10, 2024

Recapturing the Glory of Christmas R. Albert Mohler Jr, isbn: 9781430097310

retail price: $14.99

format: Printed Hardcover carton qty: 24

release date: October 15, 2024

CSB Oswald Chambers Bible isbn: 9781087788838

retail price: $44.99

format: Charcoal Cloth Over Board carton qty: 12

release date: October 15, 2024

Biblia de credos y confesiones isbn: 9798384507505

retail price: $49.99

format: Brown Hardcover carton qty: 12

release date: November 1, 2024

spring 2025 key titles

Home with God

Kyle Worley

isbn: 9781430097457

retail price: $17.99

format: Trade Paper carton qty: 36

Spring Sings

Ellie Holcomb

isbn: 9798384506690

retail price: $14.99

format: Board Book carton qty: 36

release date: February 11, 2025 Heaven Bible Study with Video Access

release date: February 11, 2025

CSB Illustrator's Notetaking Bible, Large Print Edition isbn: 9798384515913

retail price: $64.99

format: Peach Bouquet LeatherTouch® carton qty: 8

release date: March 15, 2025

Life After Roe

David Closson

isbn: 9781430088004

retail price: $29.99

format: Trade Paper carton qty: 36

release date: April 1, 2025

Jennifer Rothschild isbn: 9781430090342

retail price: $21.99

format: Trade Paper carton qty: 28

release date: January 2, 2025

Biblia consejería para la vida isbn: 9781430091257

retail price: $49.99

format: Hardcover

carton qty: 10

release date: February 1, 2025



release date: May 13, 2025 isbn: 9798384520948

format: Jacketed Hardcover price: $22.99 page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .56" carton qty: 24

rights: Worldwide bisac: REL012000/ RELIGION/Christian Living/Spiritual Growth

also available

You Are a Theologian price: $22.99 isbn: 9781087746425

Deep Discipleship

price: $17.99

isbn: 9798384527282

Remember and Rehearse

An Invitation to Participate in God's Story

Stories are powerful. Few things on earth rival the power of stories. Humans are captured by stories, entertained by stories, and live in stories. But it's not enough to simply recognize that stories are powerful. We have to recognize that the power of stories can orient us to what is true, good, and beautiful. And if stories have this power, they also have the power to disorient us from what is true, good, and beautiful. It all depends on the story itself.

There is one true story that you are invited to live in—the story of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is one true story which invites us to know and love God. But you can't live in a story you don't know. Remember and Rehearse will help readers understand the whole story of Scripture. Knowing the true, good story of God combats the false stories the world tells. Through the big movements of Scripture: creation, fall, the covenants, Christ, the Spirit and the church, and the kingdom without end, readers will discover the unfolding drama of God's kingdom coming to earth and how each of us are invited to be participants.

In this book, you’ll discover:

• The false stories the world tells us

• The true and better story of the complete narrative of Scripture

• How you are part of that story

We are a forgetful people, but God has given us His Word so we may remember and rehearse.


• Church leaders looking to use this book with groups going through the Deep Discipleship curriculum

Formed for Fellowship price: $22.99 isbn: 9781430096573

• Individuals wanting to grow in their understanding of the overarching biblical narrative

• Readers of J. T. English’s book Deep Discipleship and You Are a Theologian by J. T. English and Jen Wilkin, which has sold more than 40K copies to date; as well as participants of Jen Wilkin’s Bible Study Revelation, which had more than 40K preorders

marketing highlights

• J. T. cohosts the popular Knowing Faith podcast (alongside Jen Wilkin and Kyle Worley), where they reach more than 40K listeners with each episode; the book will be advertised during the fall 2025 podcast season

• Participants of the Deep Discipleship curriculum will have required reading portions from this book, requiring that participants have a copy

• J. T. serves with Training the Church, a network that has equipped hundreds of churches over the past five years

J. T. ENGLISH is lead pastor of Storyline Fellowship in Arvada, Colorado, coauthor of You Are a Theologian, and author of Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus (B&H, 2020). He holds a PhD in systematic theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary.

release date: May 13, 2025 isbn: 9798384521976

format: Jacketed Hardcover price: $22.99 page count: 240 size: 5.5 x 8.5 spine width: .6" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL012000/ RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions

KYLE WORLEY is a pastor, teacher, and the author of Home with God: Our Union with Christ (B&H). He is the host of the Knowing Faith podcast, alongside Jen Wilkin and J. T. English. He holds degrees in theology and philosophy from Dallas Baptist University, Redeemer Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

also available in the series

You Are a Theologian price: $22.99

isbn: 9781087746425

Formed for Fellowship

Becoming What You Behold

You are being formed. The only question is what is forming you? The truth is that your life will look like whatever you love most. You are shaped by what you seek. You become what you behold.

What we spend our time consuming will inform who we are becoming, and where we set our eyes today will determine the trajectory of who we are years and even decades from now. God's invitation to His people is to be formed for fellowship: fellowship with God and with one another.

We are born into this world malformed and broken, but we don't have to stay that way. God loves us and He wants to change us. "Spiritual Formation" is the question of what, why, and how God changes His people to look more and more like Christ.

Christians often struggle with the "Why?" of the Christian life: Why is it good to obey God? Why pray? Why read the Bible? Why share the gospel? In Formed for Fellowship: Becoming What You Behold, Kyle Worley helps connect the dots between the practices of the Christian life and the nature and works of God. If we become what we behold, then every "spiritual discipline" of the Christian life must lead us to look upon God.

Formed for Fellowship will answer crucial questions like:

• What is a person?

• How are we formed?

• Where do we belong?

• What do we love?

• What do we know?

• What has our attention?

• What do we give our time to?

• Where is our hope?

• Who is our enemy?

Every one of us is being shaped, changed, and formed every day. Are we being shaped to look more like Christ or more like the world? Formed for Fellowship is an invitation to look upon God and be changed.


• Individuals interested in the topic of Christian formation

• Readers of Kyle’s first book Home with God, as well as other books like You Are a Theologian by J. T. English and Jen Wilkin, Rehearse and Remember and Deep Discipleship by J. T. English; also participants of Jen Wilkin’s Bible study Revelation, which had more than 40k preorders

• Church leaders looking to use this with groups going through the Deep Discipleship curriculum

Remember and Rehearse price: $22.99 isbn: 9798384520948

marketing highlights

• Kyle cohosts the popular Knowing Faith podcast (alongside Jen Wilkin and J. T. English), where they reach more than 40K listeners with each episode; the book will be advertised during the fall 2025 podcast season

• Participants of the Deep Discipleship curriculum will have required reading portions from this book

• B&H will promote this title heavily through a national publicity campaign, paid social media ads, and other key marketing to the target audience congregationally, with discussion questions at the end of each chapter

release date: May 20, 2025 isbn: 9781087789187

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99

page count: 208 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .52" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL012030/RELIGION/Christian Living/Spiritual Growth

JADA EDWARDS is an experienced Bible teacher, author, and speaker who has committed her life to equipping women of all ages with practical, biblical truth. Alongside her husband, Conway Edwards, the senior pastor, she serves as the women's director and director of creative services at One Community Church in Plano, Texas. Jada teaches a  bi-weekly midweek women’s Bible study and is the author of Captive Mind and the Beautiful Word: Galatians Bible Study. She and her husband have a son, Joah, and a daughter, Chloe.

A New Way to Love Your Neighbor

Be Curious, Free, and Brave—How to Transform your Relationship with God and Others

In a world that revels in outrage and embarrassing others at worst—or maybe just ignoring those we don’t like at best—Christians know they are supposed to “be loving” instead. But how? “Being loving” sounds nice, but what does love really look like, and how does it show up? Spoiler alert: it looks nothing like the world’s conventional definitions of love. After all, if those cultural approaches to love were working, why are you still witnessing people tearing each other apart on the internet, or avoiding your coworker in passive-aggressive ways, or fighting yet again with your spouse over who’s on dish duty, or bickering with your neighbor over whether your trash can is parked in the right place?

In A New Way to Love Your Neighbor, compelling and sought-after Bible teacher Jada Edwards schools us all on how to transform our relationship with both God and others (yes, even those we don’t like!). In short, Jada reveals how we often get love wrong. But with the right definition and expression of love, so much can change—including our relationships. In this book, you’ll discover:

• How to release yourself from four limits holding you back from fully experiencing God’s love for you

• How to adopt five clear and surprising ways to be loving to those around you

• How to be curious, free, brave, resilient, and real in your relationships

• How to experience transformation in any kind of relationship

Love is the only way we build strong relationships that truly last. It’s time to learn to love God’s way.


• Christian women (and men) who want to learn how to intentionally love better and strengthen the relational bonds across all their various relationships, from beloved to difficult

• Followers of Jada Edwards and readers of her book Captive Mind and her Beautiful Word: Galatians Bible Study, as well as the many events at which Jada speaks

• B&H will promote this title through a national publicity campaign targeting radio, television, print, and podcast media featuring interviews and original content from Jada, paid social media, paid placed advertisements, and other strategic marketing to the key audiences

marketing highlights

• Jada Edwards reaches thousands of women through her many teaching events, The Jada Edwards podcast, and social media (combined reach of more than 131K people)

• She is a passionate and sought-after Bible teacher, podcast host, and author of several Bible studies and two books

• Resolving relational conflict in a loving way is something every person must face in many types of environments but is increasingly becoming something people avoid due to fear or lack of skills; according to a global Myers-Briggs study, time spent on workplace conflicts has doubled since 2008; moreover, from “ghosting” people to “quiet quitting,” there is a nationally growing trend of avoiding the difficult-yet-loving conversations that are sometimes required across the spectrum of all kinds of relationships; going against the grain in her new book, Jade Edwards gives Christians a new and countercultural way to love those around them, even when it’s hard

release date: June 3, 2025

isbn: 9798384511878

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99

page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .56" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL034020/RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Preaching

Preaching in a Post-Truth World

Recentering the Pulpit in a Chaotic World MIKE

Words have power. The most admirable people are the ones who can make them do magic. But now we live in a time when words are thrown around like discarded plastic. But there is the Word. We can’t get away from the fact that God has chosen to communicate with us. Nothing has changed. That’s what makes our current time so difficult.

We live in a post-modern, post-religion, post-everything society. Our time is marked by a disdain for truth, let alone the truth of God’s Word. In a society that does not wish to listen to the truth, pastors are still tasked with reaching the world with the truth of the gospel. And yet, how does one do that? In Preaching in a Post-Truth World, Mike Glenn, a former pastor of one of the largest churches in America, with more than thirty years of pastoral experience, offers wisdom, guidance, and insight for the pastors who seek to recenter the pulpit and preach the truth of God’s Word.


• Lead pastors, teachers, and church leaders looking to grow in their sermon writing skills

• Seminary and academic leaders

• Readers of Mike’s previous books Coffee with Mom, The Gospel of Yes, and In Real Time

marketing highlights

• Mike is the president of the Engage Church Network and the former pastor of Brentwood Baptist which includes nine campuses and multiple church plants

• This book serves church leaders well and aims to equip church pastors in writing sermons that reflect the gospel most clearly

• B&H will promote this title through a publicity campaign, paid social media ads, and other key marketing to the target audience

MIKE GLENN is president of The Engage Church Network and former senior pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the church has grown to eight campuses and a membership of well over 10,000. Mike Glenn has written three books—In Real Time, The Gospel of Yes, and Coffee with Mom Glenn is married to his wife Jeannie. When he is not equipping pastors, Glenn spends time with his wife and keeping up with his grandchildren.

release date: May 6, 2025

isbn: 9798384500155

format: Printed Hardcover price: $22.99

page count: 244 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .52" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL012030/RELIGION/ Christian Living/Devotional

VANEETHA RISNER is the author of Desperate for Hope, a 7-week study on suffering.

Vaneetha and her husband

Joel live in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she writes at vaneetha. com, encouraging readers to turn to Christ in their pain.

Watching for Morning

90 Devotionals for When Hope Is Hard to Find VANEETHA RISNER

Have your tears lasted more than a night as you’ve been watching for the morning? Does the waiting feel too hard and God too distant?

Waiting, watching, hoping – these words describe how Vaneetha lived for years, after her once-comfortable life dissolved in front of her. She pleaded with God to fix her situation and stop the pain in the midst of an escalating illness, the death of a child, and an unwanted divorce. But instead of doing what she asked for, God gave her something even more wonderful—He offered Himself.

This devotional will help you find hope in whatever you’re facing today as it grapples with the inevitable questions:

• How do we embrace the present moment with its pain and imperfections instead of just waiting for our problems to disappear?

• How do we live with uncertainty, trusting that God is doing something beautiful in what appears to be an empty silence?

• How do we wait for God, satisfied in Him alone, without insisting on the outcome we want?

These 90 devotions are for anyone who is waiting in the dark, wondering when life will get better. Some reflections will encourage you to press on, some will help you process your losses, others will make you laugh, and still others will show you the gift of lament, in both its grittiness and grace.  Ultimately, they’re all intended to draw you closer to the God who is always for you—who is nearer than you know and loves you more than you can imagine.

"Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)


• Individuals experiencing personal suffering, such as illness, loss, or emotional pain, seeking spiritual support and hope

• Support groups and caregivers looking for a resource to share hope and resilience through Christ with those they support

• Devotional readers seeking a structured, 90-day guide to deepen their faith and find beauty and joy in life's trials

marketing highlights

• Vaneetha Risner's personal journey through suffering lends authenticity and depth to her writing, resonating deeply with readers

• With a significant increase in sales for devotional books, this title meets a growing need for resources that offer hope and guidance through suffering

• Vaneetha has a dedicated following with more than 25K monthly visitors to her website and high engagement rates on social media, providing a built-in audience for the book

release date: May 27, 2025

isbn: 9781430097068

format: Trade Paper price: $19.99

page count: 240 size: 5.5 x 8.5 spine width: .36" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL073000/RELIGION/Christianity/Baptist

TONY WOLFE is the executive directortreasurer, South Carolina Baptist Convention. For twenty-five years, Tony has served Southern Baptist churches in South Carolina, Texas, and Louisiana as a denominational leader, interim pastor, pastor, worship leader, Christian educator, and pastoral counselor. He holds a DEdMin (Leadership) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, an MAR (Pastoral Counseling) from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, a BM (Music Education) from Lamar University, and is currently a PhD (Evangelism) candidate at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Tony and his wife Vanessa were married on April 14, 2001, and have two sons and one daughter-in-law.

A Unity of Purpose

100 Years of the SBC Cooperative Program

The nations were calling. A theology of cooperation was formalizing. Best business practices of the day were refining. A denominational conscience was solidifying. Baptists acknowledged God’s call to a great work that would require a great sacrifice and proposed a new funding model for the new day.

Over the next one-hundred years, Southern Baptists would give mare than $20 billion through their Cooperative Program to fund local, national, and international missions; educate their pastors and church leaders; present a unified voice in the public square; and more. The Cooperative Program became the largest voluntary Great Commission funding mechanism the world has ever known.

But is the Cooperative Program merely Southern Baptist history? Does that heroic spirit of strategic, sacrificial cooperation still burn within the Baptist body? Will the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades be best met by the same financial program, or is something else on the horizon? On the centennial anniversary of the Cooperative Program, A Unity of Purpose collects the voices of leading Southern Baptists to offer a theological, historical, and missional celebration of the program’s past successes.


• Southern Baptists, Southern Baptist leaders, Southern Baptist pastors, and thoughtful lay readers who want to understand more about the Southern Baptist Convention's Cooperative Program

• Local churches, state associations, state boards of missions, Southern Baptist entities, and other organizations affiliated with Southern Baptists

• Students and professors at Christian colleges and seminaries who need to understand the history and impact of the Cooperative Program, other programs and students of American religious history

marketing highlights

• Tony Wolfe, current executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and W. Madison Grace II, a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, serve as general editors of this book; they bring together contributors who are leading Southern Baptists such as Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board; Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board; Bart Barber, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention; and more

• This book recounts the first 100 years of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program, which celebrates its centennial in 2025; this book will give a comprehensive history of the Program, while also exploring what the future may bring through cooperation among Southern Baptist churches

• B&H will promote this title through strategic marketing to Southern Baptists including paid media ads, targeted emails to church leaders, and other key marketing efforts to secondary target audiences

W. MADISON GRACE II serves as associate professor of Baptist Heritage at Southwestern Baptist theological seminary in Fort .Fort Worth, Texas, and also as provost at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Madison was born in Yazoo City, Mississippi ,and grew up in south Florida. While in college he felt called into full-time, vocational ministry and now holds a BA (Christian Studies) from Mississippi College, along with an MDiv (Biblical Languages), and a PhD (Systematic Theology) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

release date: May 1, 2025

isbn: 9798384515654

format: Trade Paper price: $16.99

page count: 224 size: 5.25 x 8

spine width: .56" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide bisac: REL012020/RELIGION/Christian Living/Devotional

In His Footsteps

A 90-Day Devotional to Enjoy Jesus Daily (Featuring Daily Words of Wisdom from Adrian Rogers)


Do you desire a daily dose of comfort, guidance, and even laughter during your regular quiet time with Jesus?

Would you enjoy some words of wisdom from a famous pastor and preacher added in for good measure?

Enjoy both with Gayle Rogers Foster—daughter of the late and renowned pastor and preacher Adrian Rogers—as she guides you through this encouraging and insightful 90-day devotional. Adrian and Gayle dreamed to one day, as father and daughter, create a resource together that would strengthen the faith of readers. After his passing, Gayle has now made good on their plan and has given voice to their joint passion for readers to be refreshed by God’s Word in this heartwarming devotional book. Prepare to be encouraged as each day’s entry starts with a Scripture passage to ponder, includes a moving reflection from Gayle, and offers a final insightful quote pulled from the journal of her father, Adrian.

If you’re looking for a daily moment with Jesus that encourages, challenges, and uplifts you, pour a cup of tea and pull up a chair to In His Footsteps


• those connected to the late Adrian Rogers' ministry, Love Worth Finding Ministries (521K Facebook followers, 53.6K Instagram followers); Those connected to Gayle Rogers Foster through her ministry, Think on These Things with Gayle Rogers Foster (2.7K Facebook followers)

• Devotional readers who have purchased similar devotionals by Lisa Harper, Lysa TerKeurst, Nancy Wolgemuth, and others

• Evangelical women of all ages looking for an accessible devotional, along with lifelong devotees of Adrian Rogers

marketing highlights

• This 90-day devotional is perfect for the everyday believer and reflects on key passages of Scripture; it features daily words of wisdom from the famous Adrian Rogers preserved by his daughter

• Gayle Foster is a national speaker, author, and founder of Think on These Things with Gayle Rogers Foster and the daughter of the late Adrian Roger—one of the most influential pastors of the last century and founder of Love Worth Finding Ministries

• B&H will promote this title through strategic marketing including paid media ads, targeted emails, and other key marketing efforts to the target audiences

GAYLE ROGERS FOSTER is a national speaker, author, and founder of Think on These Things with Gayle Rogers Foster. Gayle is also the daughter of Adrian Rogers, founder of Love Worth Finding Ministries. For more than three decades, she was a top executive in a faith-based sales organization. Her focus was speaking, mentoring, and motivating leadership from a biblical perspective. Her current passion is to challenge women from all walks of life to be deeply grounded in the Scripture and totally surrendered to the Spirit. Gayle is the wife of Mike Foster, currently serving in pastoral care at Bellevue Baptist Church.

release date: July 1, 2025

isbn: 9798384501268

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99

page count: 208 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .52" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL067070/RELIGION/Christianity/ Literature & the Arts

On Magic and Miracles

A Theological Guide to Discerning Fictional Magic

From classic fantasy like The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia to modern stories like Harry Potter, Christians have been debating the issue of fictional magic for decades. Some believers read and write fantasy as an expression of their God-given creativity while others feel this is dangerous and ignorant of the growing threat of the occult. Deuteronomy 18 says spells and other forms of magic are an abomination, but how does that apply to fantasy magic? Is there a difference between the “Deep Magic” of Aslan at the Stone Table and the spells in Harry Potter? Is it possible for fictional magic to lead someone into the occult? Adults and children alike have wrestled with these questions as the fantasy genre exploded into one of the most popular book and film genres on the market.

In this guidebook, Marian A. Jacobs explores the theology of magic, gleaning contextual clues surrounding supernatural events in the Bible. These scriptural principles can assist readers, movie-lovers, gamers, and parents in discerning how fantasy can both edify and honor God.

On Magic and Miracles aims to answer the following questions:

• What is the difference between magic and miracles in the Bible?

• Is magic real? And if so, does it pose a genuine threat?

• Could books like Harry Potter lead someone into the occult?

• What is the importance of fantasy for Christians?

• How can I discern fantasy books, films, and games for myself and my children?


• Christian parents, readers, and writers wanting to evaluate good fiction content for their families and themselves

• Church leaders wanting to help their congregations navigate the issue of fictional magic

• Fantasy and science fiction readers, movie and TV show lovers, as well as those interested in gaming platforms

marketing highlights

• This topic is continually trending; according to, 2023 publishing trends saw a surge in YA fiction with magical elements, as well as adult fantasy remaining a top choice for readers

• Marian is a fantasy and science fiction writer with a focused passion on “story ethics” in fiction writing; she is currently working on her Master of Arts in Theology with The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

• This book appeals to both nonfiction and fiction readers looking for a biblical approach to evaluating reading content with a Christian worldview

MARIAN A. JACOBS is passionate about writing fantasy, science fiction, and Christian story ethics for the edification of the church and the glory of God. She’s a staff writer at When not writing, Marian spends time serving on her church’s worship team, watching movies, and sewing. She lives in Southern California with her husband, Tim, and their three children.

release date: June 3, 2025

isbn: 9798384524175

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99

page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .56" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL012020/RELIGION/Christian Living/Spiritual Growth

A Psalm for Unseen Servants

In every church, ministry, or workforce, there are servants who work with diligence and compassion in the background. They are the dedicated workers that unlock the doors before anyone pulls into the parking lot. They are the ones that stay behind to clean up the messes made throughout the day. They are the ones we’ve seen countless times, but hardly ever acknowledge. They are the Unseen Servants, the Levites of our time. In A Psalm for Unseen Servants, Hance Dilbeck provides a resource that not only acknowledges the ministry of these dedicated workers, but thanks them for what they have done, and encourages them to not lose their dedication to the task at hand for their work may often go unnoticed in this world, but their dedication furthers the kingdom of God.

These servants are in every church. Though they may receive a nod to their service from time to time, they do not always have a resource that acknowledges and celebrates their service. Hance Dilbeck, president of Guidestone, believes that this project is one that is important for churchgoers to note the very real service coming from the servants that often go unseen.


• Workers and volunteers who work support church ministries

• Pastors and ministry leaders looking for resources for the people serving at their churches

• Individuals associated with GuideStone and Dr. Hance Dilbeck

marketing highlights

• Churches need workers and volunteers whose work often goes unnoticed, and this book acknowledges and celebrates the service of those individuals through the comfort of Psalm 134

• Dr. Hance Dilbeck Jr. is the president and chief executive officer of GuideStone; Dr. Dilbeck was a pastor for more than 30 years, executive director/treasurer of Oklahoma Baptists, and has been a leader in Southern Baptist denominational life for the past several decades

• B&H will promote this title through strategic marketing alongside GuideStone and to key audiences through paid media ads, targeted emails, and other key marketing efforts to secondary target audiences

HANCE DILBECK is president and CEO of GuideStone. Dr. Dilbeck came to GuideStone from the position of executive director/treasurer of the Oklahoma State Baptist Convention in 2018. He has served as pastor in churches for nearly thirty years. He has been an active participant in denominational life, serving in leadership for Oklahoma Baptist University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the International Mission Board. He and his wife Julie live in Dallas, Texas and have three married sons and eight grandchildren, all born to Katie and her husband Riley.

release date: August 20, 2025

isbn: 9798384517320

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99

page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .56" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL012120/RELIGION/Christian Living /Spiritual Growth

All in Good Fun

A Theology of Fun (and Why Christians Should Have More of It)

Can Christians have fun? Or is fun just a distraction from the urgency of real life? What does fun really mean, anyway? Contrary to popular belief both in and out of Christian circles, fun is not a by-product of or distraction from "real life." Fun, if rightly understood, is essential to being human.

How can we know? Join author and gaming expert Jaclyn S. Parrish as she examines what Scripture has to say about fun: what it is, how it works, what happens when it goes wrong, and what changes when it's done right. As you walk through the pages of the Bible, hear the rhythm of fun echoing throughout God’s Word, from the garden of Eden to the City of Heaven. And moreover, discover that to be made in the image of God is to enjoy the rhythm of fun in all our activities and relationships. Fun doesn’t have to be confined to our weekends and holidays. It can and should infuse the full spectrum of our lives, including our work and our rest, our leisure and our labor.

Fun, like everything else in our fallen world, no longer works as it should, but taking time to have fun changes us, and can even change the world around us. Which means that yes, Christian, one the best uses of your time is to explore how you can have more fun, and how you can make not just leisure time, but all of life, funner for others.


• Christians who feel torn between duty and enjoyment, seeking to understand how fun can be a meaningful part of their faith and daily lives

• Ministers and church leaders looking for ways to incorporate joy and play into their ministries, enhancing community engagement and spiritual growth

• Followers of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and Desiring God, Christianity Today, and others interested in exploring the intersection of theology and everyday activities

• Christian sports enthusiasts, gamers, puzzlers, music lovers, artists, and hobbyists

marketing highlights

• According to a study done by Parable, the market for Christian living and spiritual growth books has shown steady growth, reflecting a sustained interest in resources that address holistic Christian living

• Books that integrate spirituality with practical life applications, such as fun and leisure, are increasingly popular among readers looking for balanced and relatable content

• The book's exploration of fun as a theological concept offers a fresh and engaging perspective, appealing to a wide range of readers from different walks of life

JACLYN S. PARRISH is a gaming enthusiast who has been featured as a writer on outlets like Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition (TGC), Christ and Pop Culture, and Love Thy Nerd (LTN), and as a main speaker at conferences like Nerd Culture Ministry Summit and LTN Con. Jaclyn is also the director of marketing at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. She holds a BA in English and Christian Studies from Dallas Baptist University, and an MA in Religion (Ministry) from the B. H. Carroll Theological Institute. When not engaging in academia, Jaclyn can be found around the table, embracing the fantastic wilds of Dungeons & Dragons with some of her closest friends.

release date: May 20, 2025 isbn: 9798384516088

format: Trade Paper price: $17.99 page count: 144 size: 5.5 x 8.5 spine width: .36" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL030000/RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Evangelism


(PhD, King’s College, London) is pastor of the Church Breccia di Roma and lecturer in historical theology at the Istituto di Formazione Evangelica e Documentazione in Padova, Italy. He blogs on Vatican and Roman Catholic issues from an evangelical perspective at Vatican Files. He’s director of the Reformanda Initiative, cohost of the Reformanda Initiative podcast, and author of several books, including A Christian’s Pocket Guide to the Papacy, Same Words, Different Worlds, Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?, and Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Approach.

Tell Your Catholic Friend

How to Have Gospel Conversions with Love


We all have Catholic friends. The question is: Are we sharing the gospel with them? If we are, how are we doing it?

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious institution in the world with approximately. 1.3 billion Catholics world-wide. Although Roman Catholicism seems to be a single unified belief system, not all Catholics believe the same thing or act in the same way. Regardless, all Roman Catholics feel connected to their church's traditions and rituals. Unfortunately, the church of Rome does not hold the Bible as the highest authority or teach that salvation comes by faith alone. Many Catholics might be baptized but may not be true believers according to the Bible. Therefore, when we talk about Jesus and the gospel with our Catholic friends, it's crucial to understand their beliefs and the key issues involved.

The book will give answers to the following questions:

• Is Roman Catholicism yet another denomination?

• Are Catholics born again?

• What gospel narratives and tips can be used to share the gospel with Catholics?

• What are the FAQs in our gospel conversations?

Tell Your Catholic Friends will help you understand both Roman Catholicism and your Roman Catholic friends better, encouraging you to share the gospel with them, and empowering you to do so in a faithful, loving, and appealing way.


• Christians who want to understand and love their Catholic neighbors and their beliefs

• Those connected to Leonardo De Chirico, readers of his previous books, listeners of his podcast Reformanda Initiative, and readers of his blog “Vatican Files”

• Christians, seminary students, and supporters of mission organizations like The International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board or those preparing for short-term mission trips

marketing highlights

• Leonardo De Chirico is a pastor and lecturer of historical theology in Italy; he is a global voice on Catholicism and previous author of several books on Catholicism directed towards evangelical audiences

• Catholicism is a trending topic that individuals in the church are asking for; this book will equip readers with information to help them understand Catholic beliefs so they may have more effective gospel conversations with their Catholic friends

• This book is a strong resource for small groups and churches to use to equip their congregants

release date: May 6, 2025

isbn: 9781430096573

format: Trade Paper price: $14.99

page count: 144 size: 5 x 7

spine width: .36" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide bisac: REL045000/ RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Missions

also available in the series

A Short Guide to Church price: $14.99 isbn: 9781430091950

A Short Guide to Reading the Bible Better price: $14.99

isbn: 9781433649134

A Short Guide to Evangelism and Missions

In this concise and informative book, former missionary Scott Hildreth delves into the heart of Christian evangelism and missions, drawing inspiration from the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16–20. With a focus on practical insights and biblical principles, this guide equips believers to actively participate in both local conversations about Jesus and the global mission of sharing the gospel. Readers discover that obedience to Jesus’s command is not optional—it’s our privilege and responsibility, knowing that His presence accompanies us to the very end of the age.


• Church members who are looking for a concise guide to give them simple and practical applications of the Great Commission to evangelism and global missions

• Previous purchasers of the Short Guide series (A Short Guide to Reading the Bible Better, A Short Guide to Spiritual Disciplines, A Short Guide to Islam, A Short Guide to Groups, A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry, A Short Guide to Church, and A Short Guide to Student Ministry)

• Previous purchasers of Scott Hildreth’s books including Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out, Bondage & Freedom, and Together on God’s Mission: How Southern Baptist Cooperate to Fulfill the Great Commission

marketing highlights

• Scott Hildreth is a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; before coming to SEBTS, Hildreth and his family served with the International Mission Board in Europe and Central Asia

A Short Guide to Women's Ministry price: $14.99 isbn: 9781430088547

A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity price: $14.99 isbn: 9781087787640

• All books in the Short Guide series are specifically designed to be read within churches, whether that be among leadership teams, small groups, or congregationally, with discussion questions at the end of each chapter

• B&H will promote this title through paid social media, targeted emails, and other strategic marketing to the key audience while leveraging marketing tactics through relationships Scott has through his years of experience in ministry

SCOTT HILDRETH is the director of the Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies and assistant professor of Global Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Before coming to Southeastern, he and his family served in Western Europe and in Central Asia. Scott has been in some type of Christian ministry for more than thirty years and has helped people from all around the world know the hope and joy that can be found in a relationship with Jesus. Scott is married to Lesley and together they have two adult children and a grandson. He frequently speaks and writes on issues of missions, spiritual formation, missiology, and theology.

release date: June 3, 2025

isbn: 9781087725796

format: Printed Hardcover price: $16.99 page count: 176 size: 5.5 x 8.5 spine width: .44" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL045000/ RELIGION/Christian Living/Leadership & Mentoring

JASON K. ALLEN is the fifth president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo. Since coming to Midwestern, he has led the institution to become one of the largest and fastest growing seminaries in North America. In addition to his role as president, Dr. Allen serves as an associate professor for preaching and pastoral ministry. More broadly, he serves the church through his preaching and writing ministries. He is the author or editor of several books, including The SBC and the 21st Century, Discerning Your Call to Ministry, Being a Christian, and Portraits of a Pastor. Dr. Allen regularly posts essays on his website,, and hosts a weekly podcast, Preaching and Preachers. He and his wife, Karen, are both from Mobile, Alabama, and have five children: Anne-Marie, Caroline, William, Alden, and Elizabeth.

Letters to My Students, Volume 3

On Life and Doctrine

The key to life and ministry is just as the Apostle Paul instructed: guard your life and your doctrine.

For the student preparing for ministry, there is no better instruction than to build your doctrine through careful attention to God’s Word and to build your devotion through continued spiritual disciplines and daily walking in the Spirit. This practical book prepares the student for pastoral or ministerial work, with honest explanation of the spiritual opposition they will face and the necessary wisdom and preparation for fruitful, life-long ministry.

In Letters to My Students: On Life and Doctrine, Jason K. Allen grounds the wisdom of living for an eternal reward in biblical inerrancy, the sufficiency of Scripture, the exclusivity of Christ, and the doctrine of man. These foundational truths then inform how the pastor or minister should practice the spiritual disciplines, shepherd their family, cherish their church, lead themselves, and preach.

A righteous and flourishing life and ministry is the overflow of a heart grounded in God’s Word and God’s ways.


• Previous buyers of Letters To My Students, Volume 1; Letters to My Students, Volume 2; and other books by Jason K. Allen

• Seminary students and those training for ministry

• Pastors who need an inspiring reminder of best practices for pastoral ministry

marketing highlights

• Jason K. Allen is president at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary— one of the fastest growing seminaries in the world, and he works to train the next generation of pastors and is well-connected to other seminary and church leaders within the Southern Baptist Convention

• This book would be an excellent gift for pastors or a graduation gift for those entering or graduating seminary or Bible college

• B&H will promote this title through paid social media ads, targeted emails, and other key marketing to the target audience; the title will also be promoted by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Allen ministry

also available in the series

release date: May 1, 2025

isbn: 9781087787084

format: Trade Paper price: $19.99

page count: 228 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .45" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL109000/RELIGION/Christian Ministry/General

Serving Jesus without Burning Out

Faithful Ministry for the Long Haul D. SCOTT HILDRETH and STEVEN A. MCKINION

The health of the church depends on the health of its leaders.

Whether due to emotional exhaustion, poor choices, moral failures, or stress and fatigue, church leaders are experiencing burnout at higher rates than ever before. In Serving Jesus without Burning Out, Steven A. McKinion and D. Scott Hildreth address some of the most problematic issues facing men and women in church leadership today, including a pervasive lack of rest and barriers to community, authenticity, and personal holiness.

To combat these issues, the authors construct a biblical framework of Christian ministry, prodding readers to consider what is driving their work of ministry. Then they recommend the importance of seeking continual spiritual growth and holiness in ministry. Finally, McKinion and Hildreth issue a warning to those who might make ministry an idol, urging Christians to do ministry for Christ and in Christ.

Serving Jesus without Burning Out helps ministers to survive, and even thrive, in the challenges and blessings of Christian ministry.


• Christian ministers on the brink of burnout

• Professors and students in practical ministry classes at seminaries

marketing highlights

• This addresses a felt need in the church, especially in the wake of covid; nearly 40% of pastors in the US considered quitting in the past year

D. SCOTT HILDRETH (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of missiology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

STEVEN A. MCKINION (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of theology and patristic studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

release date: May 15, 2025

isbn: 9781087773865

format: Jacketed Hardcover price: $34.99

page count: 560 size: 6 x 9

spine width: 1.25" carton qty: 24

rights: Worldwide bisac: REL067020/RELIGION/Christian Theolog/Anthropology


Dignity, Difference, and Interdependence

In Complementarity, theologian Gregg R. Allison presents a fresh vision for understanding God’s design for men and women as image bearers in the home, the church, and society. As a framework broader than either complementarianism and egalitarianism—and underlying both of them—complementarity affirms the equal dignity, significant difference, and flourishing interdependence of men and women.

Allison grounds his exploration of complementarity in the complex history of the relationship between women and men throughout church history, as well as the contemporary contexts of feminism, complementarianism, patriarchalism, and egalitarianism. He examines relevant passages from the Old and New Testaments before offering theological considerations of gender and how all Christians fulfill the offices of prophet, priest, and king. Allison concludes by explaining how a robust understanding of complementarity fosters mutual flourishing for male and female image bearers.

Allison offers a path forward for Christians who want to foster mutual support for male and female image-bearers within their churches and communities.


• Thoughtful evangelicals looking for a “third way” in conversations around gender roles

• TGC and Christianity Today readers, Russell Moore fans

• Scholars and seminarians looking for comprehensive analysis of the conversation surrounding gender in the Christian faith

• SBC women in ministry

marketing highlights

• This is an important book for evangelicals

• Gregg R. Allison is a well-respected author whose other books have been well-received

GREGG R. ALLISON (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is professor of Christian theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

release date: September 15, 2024

isbn: 9781087778648

format: Printed Hardcover price: $74.99

page count: 992 size: 7 x 10

spine width: 1.75" carton qty: 12

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL067030 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Apologetics

also available

On the Resurrection, Volume 1 price: $79.99 isbn: 9781087778600

On the Resurrection, Volume 2 price: $69.99 isbn: 9781087778624

On the Resurrection, Vol. 3

Scholarly Perspectives

Published in four volumes, On the Resurrection serves as Gary R. Habermas’s magnum opus—a comprehensive defense of the authenticity of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, built from Habermas’s lifetime of scholarly study.

In the third volume, Habermas identifies and collects hundreds of scholarly treatments related to the resurrection. Spanning both believers and nonbelievers, the collection provides a strong overview of everything that has been written about the resurrection and its impacts.

The volume includes summaries of scholarly sources covering:

• The nature of historical research and New Testament preliminaries

• Facts about Jesus’s existence, minimal historical facts of the Resurrection, and other known historical facts

• Critiques and questions surrounding the Gospel accounts

• Alternative theories and responses

• Scholars commenting on other scholars and trends

• How the resurrection impacts theology

On the Resurrection, Volume 3: Scholarly Perspectives offers a thorough “lay of the land” for anyone wanting to pursue an in-depth study Jesus of Nazareth’s resurrection.


• Scholars, seminarians, and thoughtful Christians seeking a comprehensive collection of the evidences for the Resurrection

marketing highlights

• This four-volume book is the magnum opus of one of the greatest scholars of the Resurrection

• Habermas is a giant in the apologetics field for his defense of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, and this work is anticipated by both scholars and laymen

• This volume identifies, collects, and summarizes hundreds of scholarly treatments related to the resurrection

GARY R. HABERMAS (PhD, Michigan State University) is one of the world's leading apologists for the historicity of Jesus's resurrection. He is distinguished research professor of apologetics and philosophy and chair of the department of philosophy and theology at Liberty University and has written over fifty books.

release date: June 1, 2025 isbn: 9781087788869

format: Trade Paper price: $39.99 page count: 352 size: 6 x 9

spine width: .75" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: 9781087778648/RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Counseling & Recovery

Counseling Through the Storm

A Guide to Treating Crisis and Trauma

Seasons of crisis can come without warning, and their impact is lasting. Grief and trauma can reshape our lives, our relationships, and our faith. For those walking alongside someone in a time of crisis, the path forward may seem shaky and unclear.

In Counseling through the Storm: A Guide to Treating Crisis and Trauma, licensed professional counselors and professors Brooke Osborn and Karen Roudkovski provide an in-depth, trauma-informed guide for those ministering to someone in crisis. From their years of professional and classroom experience, Osborn and Roudkovksi offer practical and sensitive guidance for mentors, ministry leaders, and counselors.


• Pastors, church leaders, and mentors who may walk with someone experiencing trauma

• Christian counselors

marketing highlights

• This is a needed resource in the Christian counseling market; trauma is a hot-button issue for those in the church

• The authors are Licensed Professional Counselors and Christians; they come from a faith-integrated clinical counseling perspective, which is the mainstream of Christian counseling

BROOKE OSBORN (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of psychology and counseling at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

KAREN ROUDKOVSKI (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of counseling at Ouachita Baptist University.

release date: June 1, 2025

isbn: 9781430088400

format: Trade Paper price: $21.99

page count: 176 size: 6 x 9

spine width: .45" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL108010/RELIGION/Christian Church/Growth

Black Church, White Convention

A Pastor's Story of Hope

In 2010, Liberty Hill Baptist Church, a historic black church in Cleveland, decided to join the Southern Baptist Convention after eight years of deliberation. Bringing a predominantly black church into a predominantly white convention came with many obstacles and questions that would lead both cultures on a path toward racial reconciliation.

In Black Church, White Convention, pastor Mark Louis Johnson shares his church’s journey to put racial reconciliation into action within the Southern Baptist Convention. He explores eight questions that his church needed to answer on their journey, including what to do with the challenging history of the SBC and the personal painful experiences of church members. Johnson highlights the reality of difficult histories while offering hope and a vision for a reconciled church.


• Southern Baptists, both black and white, interested in racial reconciliation

• Professors and students in seminars courses on SBC history, racial reconciliation, and practical ministry

marketing highlights

• This book is written in the style of a memoir, with a warm tone that offers hope

MARK LOUIS JOHNSON SR. (PhD in progress, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of evangelism and pastoral ministry at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

release date: June 1, 2025

isbn: 9781087765495

format: Trade Paper price: $29.99

page count: 336 size: 6 x 9

spine width: .70" carton qty: 24

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL067000/RELIGION/Christian


Let Justice Flow Like Water

Toward a Theology of Biblical Justice

Edited by Joshua M. Greever, D. A. Horton, and Justin McLendon, Let Justice Flow Like Water addresses the strained relationship between social justice, the gospel, and the mission of the church. In response to the misuse of Scripture to promote personal ends, the volume reorients the conversation around justice and centers it in the biblical text and its theological implications. The authors provide practical wisdom and points of application to pastors, ministry leaders, and students.

The authors examine the most-frequently cited texts on biblical justice through a coherent biblical and systematic-theological method. The result is a glimpse into God’s heart for justice and his desire for humanity—especially the church—to share this heart.

The volume’s theology is supplemented by practical guidance to pastors so that they can lead their churches to embrace the gospel and social justice, properly understood. Let Justice Flow Like Water serves as an irenic reminder to pastors, students, and educated lay people to return to the biblical text to understand it more accurately, and to reengage and understand one another in a winsome fashion for the sake of the gospel, the mission of the church, and the glory of God.


• Lay Christians who are skeptical or critical of the current social justice movement and seeking an alternative perspective

• Pastors seeking guidance for conversations about justice

marketing highlights

• The authors believe in confronting injustice without compromising truth, a sentiment that will resonate with many lay Christians

JOSHUA M. GREEVER (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary.

D.A. HORTON (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is program director for intercultural studies and assistant professor at California Baptist University.

JUSTIN MCLENDON (PhD, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of theology at Grand Canyon University.

release date: June 15, 2025 isbn: 9781430088028

format: Printed Hardcover price: $49.99

page count: 400 size: 6 x 9

spine width: 1" carton qty: 24

rights: Worldwide

bisac: BUS008000 RELIGION/ Biblical Studies/ Old Testament/General

Approaching the Old Testament

A Guide for Students

The thorough but accessible Approaching the Old Testament offers an informative, interactive, and practical introduction to the Hebrew Bible. After an introduction to the culture and context of the Old Testament, chapters introduce each Old Testament book, covering authorship, audience, and date of writing, an outline of the book’s structure, key themes, and several points of current-day application.

Intended for undergraduate and beginning seminary students, Approaching the Old Testament will give readers a better understanding of the world and writing of the Old Testament Scriptures as well as of their content and ongoing relevance today.


• Professors and students in Old Testament survey courses at Christian universities and high schools

• Lay audiences interested in a straightforward guide to the Old Testament

marketing highlights

• This book is a companion to Approaching the New Testament

RICHARD ALAN FUHR JR. (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of biblical studies in the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University.

GARY YATES (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is professor of Old Testament in the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University.

ED HINDSON (DPhil, University of South Africa) was the dean emeritus of the Rawlings School of Divinity and distinguished professor of religion at Liberty University.

release date: Auguist 15, 2025

isbn: 9781087788906

format: Trade Paper price: $22.99

page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

spine width: .5" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL012000/RELIGION/Christian Living/ General

Bound and Free

How Faith Alone Frames the Christian Life

In Bound and Free: How Faith Alone Frames the Christian Life, William M. Marsh takes a fresh look at Martin Luther's 1520 treatise, The Freedom of a Christian In this work, Marsh points to the duality of being both bound and free in Christ. Exploring the concept of "simul," Marsh offers the reality of the Christian being "simultaneously" a sinner and just.

Bound and Free is not only a theology book for the Christian Life or another book on how to effectively live by faith. It goes much deeper than that. It explores the tension of the Christian life. Being both sinner and saved, being broken and yet restored, and being sinful but just in the eyes of the Lord.


• Thoughtful Christians looking for a practical theology

• Professors and students in theology courses at Christian universities

WILLIAM M. MARSH (PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is associate professor of theology at Cedarville Unniversity.

release date: July 15, 2025

isbn: 9781087783024

format: Hardcover price: $42.99

page count: 448 size: 6 x 9

spine width: 1" carton qty: 18

rights: Worldwide bisac: REL108020/RELIGION/Christian Church/History

Spurgeon Still Speaks

The Life and Ministry of the Prince of Preachers


Spurgeon Still Speaks is a comprehensive exploration of Spurgeon’s historical, theological, and ministerial context. Its unique approach and strong historiography fills a gap in Spurgeonic literature, and the contributor lineup serves as a strong pairing of seasoned and rising Spurgeon scholars. Through surveying all aspects of the well-loved preacher from his doctrine of the Trinity to his activism, the editors and authors make a profound scholastic contribution to Spurgeon and Baptist studies.


• professors and seminary students in classes on Spurgeon

• Church history, and Baptist students

GEOFF CHANG (PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is curator of the Spurgeon Library and assistant professor of historical theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

ALEX J. DIPRIMA (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Emmanuel Church in Winston-Salem, NC.

release date: August 1, 2025

isbn: 9781087756165

format: Trade Paper price: $34.99

page count: 224 size: 6 x 9

spine width: .5" carton qty: 36

rights: Worldwide

bisac: REL067060/RELIGION/Christian Theology/Eschatology

The Source of Hope

An Introduction to Eschatology

In The Source of Hope, John Hammett crafts a detailed and accessible introduction to the discipline of eschatology. Hammett offers biblically informed and illuminating guidance on some of the most perplexing topics in eschatology, including death and what comes afterwards, the meaning of the signs of the second coming, the return of Christ, the resurrection of the body, judgment, the millennium, heaven, and hell.


• Professors and students in theology and eschatology courses at seminaries and Christian universities.

• Laypeople interested in eschatology and the end times.

marketing highlights

• Hammett is a respected and likeable scholar, and his work is a great choice for professors

• Eschatology as a topic has dedicated readers; conference-goers often ask about books on the end times

JOHN S. HAMMETT (PhD., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the John L. Dagg Senior Professor of Systematic Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. (retired)

Christ Our All

Written by Charles Spugeon

Compiled by Geo rey Chang

isbn: 9781087772745

retail price: $24.99 format: Trade Paper pages: 288 size: 6 x 9

Faithful Reason

Andrew T. Walker

isbn: 9781087757599

retail price: $34.99 format: Jacketed Hardcover pages: 432 size: 6 x 9

Jonathan Edwards

Edited by J. Matthew Pinson

isbn: 9781087777467

retail price: $28.99 format: Trade Paper pages: 192 size: 6 x 9

Conceived by the Holy Spirit

Rhyne Putman

isbn: 9781087766317

retail price: $22.99 format: Trade Paper pages: 208 size: 6 x 9

The Four Gospels

Patrick Schreiner isbn: 9781087746364

retail price: $29.99 format: Trade Paper pages: 214 size: 7 x 10

Handbook of Contemporary Preaching, Second Edition

Edited by Michael Duduit

isbn: 9781535905961

retail price: $44.99

format: Trade Paper pages: 624 size: 6 x 9

Understanding Spritual Abuse

Karen Roudkovski

isbn: 9781430083689

retail price: $22.99

format: Trade Paper pages: 224 size: 6 x 9

Special Revelation and Scripture

David S. Dockery and Malcolm B. Yarnell III

isbn: 9781462796182

retail price: $24.99 format: Hardcover pages: 512 size: 6 x 9

Managing the Ministry by Jody Dean

isbn: 9781087789200

retail price: $22.99 format: Trade Paper pages: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5

Spritual Abuse Assessment

Karen Roudkovski

isbn: 9781430086970

retail price: $11.99

format: Trade Paper pages: 16 size: 4.8 x 7

The Way

Benjamin T. Quinn and Dennis T. Greeson

isbn: 9781087775111

retail price: $17.99

format: Trade Paper

pages: 144 size: 5.5 x 8.5

Perspectives on the Historical Adam and Eve

Edited by Kenneth Keathley

isbn: 9781087764900

retail price: $24.99

format: Trade Paper pages: 208 size: 6 x 9

of Christ in Culture

Daily Wisdom for Women 365 Daily Devotions

Jesus is wisdom personified; he is always ready with revelation to expand our understanding. The fountain of his life pours into our hearts every time we search after him. His wisdom is full of loving leadership, calm confidence, and honest conviction. There truly is no better thing to pursue in this life.

The Bible is full of practical advice with physical and spiritual benefits. As you meditate on these proverbs, devotional entries, and prayers, lean into the knowledge revealed in God’s living Word. Find treasures of wisdom as you turn your attention to Jesus and listen for his voice in the stillness. You can build a hopeful future on the foundation of his love with wisdom as your guide.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.



Faux Leather

6 x 8

384 pages

Case quantity: 24

exquisite faux leather with special heat debossing and foil stamping, wrapped around a beautifully designed full-color interior eBook: $9.99

April 2025

BISAC Categories:

• RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

• RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

• RELIGION / Christian

/ Women's Interests


Relevant devotion themes help women find wisdom for all of life’s challenges, peace for anxious moments, hope in the promises of God, and confidence to face each day.

Be Still and Know

Morning & Evening Zip Devotional

Start and end each day with peace, reflection, and renewed faith. Be Still and Know is your invitation to quiet your mind, open your heart, and listen to the gentle guidance of God’s Word.

This daily devotional offers morning and evening reflections to inspire, encourage, and deepen your connection with God. Promisefilled Scriptures and heartfelt prayers will help you face each day with courage and purpose. As the day draws to a close, release your stress and rest in the assurance of God’s love and care.

Be still for a moment and find strength, peace, and joy as you connect with God. He knows you fully, loves you deeply, and wants to meet with you wherever you are.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Uncoated woodfree paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

6.5 x 8.5

368 pages

Case quantity: 20

eBook: $9.99


BISAC Categories:

• Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational

• Religion / Christian Living / Devotional

• Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth Available: May 2025


Relevant devotion themes help women find peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, confidence to face each day, and strength to persevere in hardship.

Consider the Lilies 365 Devotions for Women

Discover the peace that comes from trusting in God’s faithful care, provision, and protection. This devotional book invites you to let go of worry and embrace a life anchored in God’s promises.

Consider the Lilies will encourage you each day to release your anxieties and find comfort in God’s unchanging love. Through daily reflections, Scriptures, and prayers, you’ll be reminded that God still provides for the lilies and watches over you with even greater care. Experience a year of hope, peace, and trust in God’s faithful provision.

Be assured that you are held by a loving Father who meets every need and rest in the knowledge that his protection surrounds you wherever you go.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Uncoated woodfree paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

4.5 x 6.5

384 pages

Case quantity: 40

eBook: $9.99



BISAC Categories:

• Religion / Christian Living / Devotional

• Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational

• Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth Available: May 2025

Relevant devotion themes help readers find peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, confidence to face each day, and strength to persevere in hardship.

For I Know the Plans

Morning & Evening Zip Devotional

God has a plan for your life. When you consider all that lies ahead of you, it can be difficult to trust that things will work out the way you want. For I Know the Plans will help you start and end each day trusting that God knows you and your destination perfectly. He can take you places and show you things you never could have imagined on your own.

This daily devotional offers morning and evening reflections to inspire, encourage, and deepen your connection with God. Promise-filled Scriptures and heartfelt prayers will help you face each day with courage and purpose. As the day draws to a close, release your stress and rest in the assurance of God’s faithfulness.

God knows the future, he knows you, and he knows exactly what you need. He created you just the way you are for a specific purpose. Be encouraged as you continue to walk in your unique calling.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Uncoated woodfree paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

6.5 x 8.5

368 pages

Case quantity: 20

BISAC Categories:

• Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational

• Religion / Christian Living / Devotional

• Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth Available: May 2025

Relevant devotion themes help readers find confidence in their God-given purpose, gratitude for life’s many blessings, hope for the future, and courage to face new challenges.

Exquisite faux leather cover with heat debossing and foil stamping wrapped over a beautifully designed full-color interior.


Faux leather

4.5 x 6.5

176 pages

Case quantity: 24

The Chosen - Book Five 40 Days with Jesus

You are called to surrender.

BISAC Categories:

• RELIGION / Christian

Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

Unfortunately, we live in a world that values personal feelings and desires more than objective truth. We’ve even changed our vernacular to accommodate our self-centeredness and ever-evolving relationship with the truth by calling it “my truth,” as though truth changes depending on the person claiming to know it.

But when it comes to following Jesus—the One who called Himself the Truth—we don’t get to curate our beliefs about who He is or what He taught based on what we’re comfortable with.

In The Chosen – Book Five, you’ll be challenged to surrender to the harder teachings of Jesus. Together, may we endure His words with ears that hear. May we be soberminded. And may we hold fast to the Truth, no matter how unpopular His teachings have become.

The Chosen platform information:

Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks, and Dallas Jenkins eBook: $9.99

• The Chosen is the #1 crowd-funded media project of all time.

• Near-daily video posts on FB average 75,000 views. Trailer received 16,000,000 views, several other videos received several hundred thousand.

• Over 7 million fans/followers on social platforms with 15% engagement rates

• More than 145 millions American adults are aware of The Chosen.

• “The Chosen” app has been released in Apple App Store and Google Play to allow episodes to be viewed free. At over 10 million app downloads, it’s one of the top 50 Entertainment apps in the world.


AMANDA JENKINS is an author and speaker with a degree in Communication and Biblical Studies.

KRISTEN HENDRICKS is an author, speaker, artist, and owner of Small Girl Design. She and Amanda write and develop supplemental content for The Chosen, including curriculum, children's books, and devotionals to help readers apply biblical truth.

DALLAS JENKINS is a filmmaker, author, speaker, and father of four. He is the creator of The Chosen, which airs in every country in the world.

365 Days of Resting in God's Presence

In the hustle and bustle of life, finding a moment of true rest can seem impossible, but God invites you to step into his presence and experience the profound peace that only he can provide. This devotional is your guide to embracing his invitation each and every day.

With thoughtful reflections, carefully selected Scriptures, and heartfelt prayers, 365 Days of Resting in God’s Presence will help you draw closer to God’s heart. Rest in his goodness as his promises are illuminated. Connect deeply with him as you express your innermost thoughts and desires.

Whether you are starting your day with the dawn or winding down in the evening, this devotional book encourages you to pause, breathe, and find solace in the unwavering love of God. Let each page lead you to a deeper sense of calm, joy, and spiritual renewal as you rest in his presence.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Uncoated woodfree paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

4.5 x 6.5

384 pages

Case quantity: 40

eBook: $9.99


BISAC Categories:

• Self-Help/SelfManagement/Stress Management Available: May 2025

• Religion/Christian Living/ Devotional

• Religion/Christian Living/ Spiritual Growth

Relevant devotion themes help readers find peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, strength to persevere in hardship, and rest in the chaos.

A Little Me Time with God 365 Daily Devotions

In the busyness of life, A Little Me Time with God offers you a daily invitation to pause, breathe, and reconnect with the one who knows you best. Discover a deeper sense of identity, rest, courage, and peace.

Each page is designed to bring you into a moment of stillness where you can hear God’s gentle whispers and find renewed strength for the day. Devotional entries, Scriptures, and prayers help remind you that you are valued, loved, and equipped to face life’s challenges— not alone, but with God by your side.

Embrace the daily practice of slipping away for rest and renewal and watch as your relationship with God deepens, bringing fresh purpose and restored joy.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

4.5 x 6.5

384 pages

Case quantity: 40

eBook: $9.99


BISAC Categories:

• RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

• RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

• RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth Available: July 2025

Relevant devotion themes help readers find quiet in the chaos, peace for anxious moments, joy in life’s blessings, and strength to persevere in hardship.

Hope for Today Devotional Coloring Book



Spiral hardcover

7 x 9

160 pages

Case quantity:

Available: August 2025


Life is full of demands. Appointments, deadlines, obligations, and constant digital chatter occupy every moment and build a mountain of unhealthy stress and tension. Coloring is an effective stress reducer, but true rest and peace are found in God.

Hope for Today perfectly combines encouraging devotions and inspiring illustrations in one beautiful book. Spend time reflecting on the truth of God’s Word and be filled with hope and peace. Express your creativity freely as you fill the intricate images with the beauty of color.

Take a break from your busy schedule and the stress that accompanies it. The worries of life can wait.

• pearlescent hardcover with special debossing and metallic foil touches

• spiral bound for durability and lay-flat convenience

• inspiring illustrations

• encouraging devotions and Scriptures

• high quality, acid-free paper for preventing of bleed-through


Birthday Devotional 365 Days of Celebrating Life

Embark on a year-long journey of gratitude, reflection, and celebration!

The Birthday Devotional is a unique book that celebrates life and purpose for you and for those around you! Each entry offers specially selected Scripture, uplifting meditations, and heartfelt prayers inspired by the specific day of the year. Share the day’s entry with someone whose birthday falls on that day. Pray for continued blessing and purpose, while remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness. Cultivate a heart of thankfulness as you acknowledge the beautiful gift of life and love.

Use this devotional as a multi-tool—connecting with your Creator and encouraging others—for celebrating the life and joy that is found in God.


• High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal.

• Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture.

• Metallic, pearl, or matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance certain features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal.

• High-quality sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches book signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the overall design.

• Uncoated woodfree paper is of premium quality and thickness, lending itself to long-lasting vivid coloration and durability.

• A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off.




Faux Leather

4.5 x 6.5

384 pages

Case quantity: 40

eBook: $9.99


Available: May 2025

BISAC Categories:

• Religion/Christian Living/ Devotional

• Religion/Christian Living/ Inspirational

• Religion/Christian Living/ Family & Relationships

Relevant devotion themes encourage readers to celebrate life, connect with friends and family, set aside time for reflection, and be grateful for every blessing.

Decoding the Torah

Applying Ancient Wisdom in a Modern World


May 6, 2025

BOOK HOOK: The laws of the Torah continue to shape the lives of those who seek to walk in the footsteps of Jesus today.

VALUE STATEMENT: After reading this book, I will discover how to apply the Torah’s external truths to my modern walk as well as receive spiritual nourishment for my personal relationship with God.


In Decoding the Torah, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider invites readers on a transformative journey through the 613 commandments of the Torah, revealing their significance for believers in Jesus—both Jewish and Gentile. He uncovers the spiritual depth within these ancient laws, demonstrating how they shape the lives of those seeking to follow Jesus today.

This book is not about legalistic observance but about uncovering deeper spiritual truths. Rabbi Schneider emphasizes that while many laws cannot be practiced in their original form, they remain a source of divine wisdom, offering nourishment for all believers. Each commandment points to God’s holiness and His desire for a just and compassionate world.

Decoding the Torah explores how Jesus fulfilled the Law, showing how the commandments guide us toward a life of love and mercy. By examining key scriptures, Rabbi Schneider bridges the gap between the ancient commandments and contemporary life. Readers will deepen their faith and learn to apply these eternal truths to their modern walk with God.

Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider is the host of the popular TV, radio, YouTube, and podcast broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus His teaching is straightforward, authentic, and revelational. The anointing on his ministry carries an eternal weight of glory that the Father uses to transform the souls of His elect. Rabbi Schneider is the author of several books, including The Book of Revelation Decoded, To Know Him by Name, A Journey Into Divine Love, Messianic Prophecy Revealed, and Called to Breakthrough.

Retail: US $24.99

ISBN 13:

Case Bound

Page Count: 240

Case Quantity: 40

Rights: Full

Hometown: Columbus, OH

BISAC Category: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Prophecy RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

/ Christian Living / Social Issues

National Digital Advertising

Social media campaign

Editorial coverage to national publications

Publicity coverage

Third Party advertising

Comprehensive eblast campaign

Organic & Paid Social Media efforts

YouVersion Bible Reading Plan

Publicity pitches to Christian TV, radio, and podcast

The Book of Revelation Decoded by Rabbi K.A. Schneider, 2017

Entering His Presence by Rabbi K.A. Schneider, 2023

The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church by Richard E. Averbeck, 2022

Old Testament Law for Christians by Roy Gane, 2017

40 Questions About Christians and Biblical Law by Thomas Schreiner, 2010

Satan, You Can’t Rule My Emotions

The Spiritual Warfare Guide for Inner Healing and Peace of Mind

Iris Delgado, PhD, is the founder of Crowned with Purpose Ministries and a dynamic speaker with a doctoral degree in Christian counseling from Vision International University. Iris has traveled the globe with her husband, John Delgado, for over fifty years, teaching and ministering to thousands of men and women. She is the author of Destroy the Works of the Enemy, as well as a series of books that include Satan, You Can't Have My Children; Satan, You Can't Have My Marriage; Satan, You Can't Have My Promises; Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle; and Powerful Prayers to Protect the Heart of Your Child. The Delgados live in Dallas, have been married for over fifty years, and have two daughters and two grandsons.

RELEASE DATE May 6, 2025

BOOK HOOK: The battle for your mental health is not a once-in-a-life event; It’s a daily struggle.

VALUE STATEMENT: While reading this book, I will learn essential tools to stand strong against the enemy as well as win the battle for my emotional and mental health.


The enemy is constantly trying to disrupt our lives, robbing us of our joy, sanity, and peace. But we don’t have to live in emotional bondage. Gaining control over our emotions is a spiritual battle—one that can only be won with the right tools and understanding.

In Satan, You Can’t Rule My Emotions, best-selling author Iris Delgado, PhD, provides powerful and practical strategies to help readers overcome the emotional struggles that hold them captive.

With spiritual insight and dynamic counsel, Delgado will equip you to:

Recognize and dismantle negative thought patterns

Identify the source of emotional attacks

Break free from generational strongholds and curses

Experience peace and emotional healing every day

Retail: US $16.99

ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-480-5

E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-481-2

Binding: Trade Paper

Size: 5” x 7” x 0.40”

Page Count: 160

Case Quantity: 40

Rights: Full

Hometown: Dallas, TX

BISAC Category:

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth HEALTH & FITNESS / Mental Health

National Digital Advertising YouVersion Bible-reading plan Consumer email campaign in Charisma’s marketing master list Promotions on homepage Social media campaign Third party advertising on various platforms Holiday campaign for Mother's Day and Memorial Day bundle promotion for Satan, You Can't Have My... Series

Managing Your Emotions by Joyce Meyer, 2023

The Garden Within by Anita Phillips, 2023

Deadly Emotions by Don Colbert, MD, 2020


Anchoring Your Faith in Turbulent Times

RELEASE DATE August 5, 2025

BOOK HOOK: Are you caught in a cycle of waiting, wondering when the promises of God will finally come to pass?

VALUE STATEMENT: By the end of this book, I will not only be able to survive the storms raging around me but also thrive amid any adversity that comes my way.


In Stormproof, evangelist Matt Cruz combines biblical truths with the power of his personal testimony to guide readers in developing the kind of unshakable faith that stands firm through life’s toughest trials. He shows how our faith is strengthened and refined amid adversity, helping us to not only survive but also thrive, no matter how fierce the storm.

Through this book, you will:

 Discover how to remain anchored in faith during turbulent times

 Unlock the keys to enduring and overcoming life’s storms

 Gain a deeper understanding of God’s purpose for your current season

 Learn how to overcome fear, rejection, and doubt with unwavering trust in God

 Apply practical, biblical steps to not just hear the Word, but live it out daily

 Discover what it means to live with uncompromising faith in an uncertain world

 Find out how to maintain an eternal perspective and finish your race well

Each chapter will equip readers to move from simply having faith to cultivating a faith that is unshakable—a faith that can stand the tests of time, trial, and temptation. In a world filled with uncertainty, we can choose to place our confidence in temporary solutions or in the eternal security that Christ offers. This book challenges readers to trust God when the waves crash and to make Him their anchor so their lives will become stormproof.

Raised in a multicultural church on Chicago’s Southside, Matt Cruz had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit at age nineteen that transformed his life. He started evangelizing on the streets of Chicago, where he witnessed incredible miracles, and later began posting evangelistic videos on social media, which have received more than 200 million views. Today, Cruz hosts the annual RiseUp Revival conference and travels nationwide, sharing his radical faith and inspiring believers to live fully for God and experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Retail: US $19.99

ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-489-8

E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-490-4

Binding: Trade Paper Size: 6”x 9” x 0.56”

Page Count: 224

Case Quantity: 40

Rights: Full

Hometown: Chicago, IL

BISAC Category: RELIGION /Christian Living/Inspirational RELIGION / Christian Living/Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living/Personal Growth

 Promotions on

 YouVersion Bible-reading plan

 Consumer email campaign in-house and through third-party lists

 National digital advertising

 Social media campaign leveraging author’s YouTube platform

 Publicity campaign to Christian TV and radio

 Social media campaign leveraging author’s YouTube platform

 Facebook: 21.8k followers

 YouTube: 12.8k subscribers

 Instagram: 45.2k followers

 Breakthrough Prayer by Guillermo Maldonado, 2018

 A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards, 1992

The Happiest People I Know

What They Do Differently and How You Can Too


Joni Lamb is the president and cofounder of Daystar Television Network, which she started with her late husband, Marcus Lamb. Today the network is in over 2 billion homes, reaching more than 6.5 billion people worldwide. She is also the executive producer and host of her daily talk show, Joni Table Talk, which addresses relevant, godly solutions for today’s complex problems. Her uncompromising values have won the respect of millions worldwide. To date Joni Table Talk has received ten Telly Awards, three Lone Star Emmy Awards, and five Daytime Emmy nominations. Lamb also cohosts Daystar’s daily, live flagship broadcast, Ministry Now, with her husband, Doug Weiss, PhD, and her children and their spouses: Jonathan and Suzy Lamb, Joshua and Rachel Lamb Brown, and Jonathan and Rebecca Lamb Weiss. In addition to leading Daystar, Lamb is a sought-after conference speaker and singer who ministers frequently throughout the country.


May 6, 2025

BOOK HOOK: True joy is not the absence of pain, but the presence of faith, love, and a deep connection to God’s purpose for their life.

VALUE STATEMENT: After reading this book, I will learn not only how to navigate my personal challenges with grace but also live in a state of joy amid adversity.


In The Happiest People I Know, Joni Lamb shares inspiring stories of individuals who have found deep, lasting happiness. Drawing on personal encounters with some of the most resilient and joyful people she’s ever met, Lamb uncovers the secrets to experiencing true fulfillment, even in the face of adversity.

Through heartfelt stories and practical insights, Lamb explores themes such as the power of forgiveness, the joy of serving without expectation, and the freedom that comes from loving without conditions. From biblical heroes like Joseph to modern-day examples of remarkable individuals, this book reveals how these extraordinary people overcame unimaginable challenges and found true joy by walking in their divine destinies.

In these inspiring pages, you will discover:

 The surprising habits and mindsets that set the happiest people apart

 How to find contentment and peace when life doesn’t meet your expectations

 The incredible joy that comes from serving others selflessly

 Practical ways to live a fulfilled life, regardless of your circumstances

Lamb’s unique perspective, shaped by her own life experiences and interviews with thousands of inspiring individuals over the last thirty years, offers readers an opportunity to unlock the same happiness and purpose they’ve found. This powerful book shows readers that true joy is not the absence of pain, but the presence of faith, love, and a deep connection to God’s purpose for their life.


Retail: US $24.99

ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-486-7

E-Book ISBN: 978-1-63641-487-4

Binding: HB w/Jacket Size: 6”x 9” x 0.52”

Page Count: 208

Case Quantity: 40

Rights: Full

Hometown: Dallas, TX

BISAC Category:

RELIGION /Christian Living/Inspirational RELIGION / Christian Living/Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living/Women’s Interests

 National online digital advertising

 National radio buy

 Consumer email campaign using both in-house and third-party lists

 Editorial coverage to national publication

 Publicity campaign with Christian TV and Radio

 Social Media campaign

 YouVersion Bible Reading Plan

 Edelweiss promotions


 Facebook: 1M followers

 YouTube: 389k subscribers

 Instagram: 101k followers

 The Joy Challenge by Randy Frazee, 2024

 You’re Going to Make It by Lysa TerKeurst, 2023

 Joy: God’s Secret Weapon for Every Believer by Georgian Banov, 2021

 How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado, 2019

The Harbinger: AGraphic Novel

The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future


June 3, 2025

Book Hook: What if there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?

Based on bestselling author Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, which has sold over 2 million copies and from his hit film, The Harbingers of Things to Come, which ranked number two at the box office as the second -highest grossing film nationally, enters…The Harbinger: AGraphic Novel. Explore an entirely new way to perceive this explosive story— fully-colored pages, mind-blowing artwork, and prophetic characters!

BRIEF SUMMARY: The graphic novel version of the book that started a worldwide phenomenon! Is it possible…

That this ancient mystery is behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?

That God is now sending a prophetic message on which America’s future hangs? Before its end as a nation, there appeared in ancient Israel a series of specific omens and sins warning of destruction—these same Nine Harbingers are now manifesting in America with profound ramifications for America’s future and end-time prophecy.

Hidden in an ancient biblical verse from the Book of Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger: AGraphic Novel are so precise that they foretell recent American events down to the exact days…the 3,000-year-old mystery that revealed the exact date of the stock market collapse of 2008…the ancient prophecy that was proclaimed from the floor of the US senate and then came true…and more. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it hard to put down. Though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller— it’s real.

Written in a riveting narrative style, The Harbinger: AGraphic Novel opens with the appearance of a man burdened with a series of messages he has received in the form of nine seals. Each seal unveils a prophetic mystery concerning America and its future that takes you on an amazing journey that will change the way you see the world forever.

Jonathan Cahn has been named along with Billy Graham as one of the top spiritual leaders to have radically impacted our world in modern times. He has spoken at the United Nations, on Capitol Hill, to members of Congress, and to millions around the world. Every one of his books, starting with The Harbinger onward, has become a New York Times bestseller. He is recognized as a prophetic voice for our times. His teachings and prophetic words on YouTube have received over 100 million views. He leads Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey, and Hope of the World ministry, a world outreach of God’s Word and compassion to the world’s most needy

Retail: US $24.99

ISBN-13: 978-1-63641-452-2

Binding: Trade Paper

Size: 6.25” x 10.25” x 0.36”

Page Count: 144

Case Quantity: 48

Rights: Full

Hometown: Wayne, NJ

BISAC Category:

YOUNG ADULT FICTION/Religious/Christian/ Comics & Graphic Novels

YOUNG ADULT FICTION /Comics & Graphic Novels/General

YOUNG ADULT FICTION /Religious/Christian/ Social Issues

Facebook: 302.5k followers

YouTube:1M+ followers

Instagram: 152.5K followers

X (Formerly Twitter): 46.2k followers

National Digital Ads

Social Media Campaign

Consumer Email Campaign

Special PromotionsthroughRetailers

YouTube advertising campaign

Amazon Sponsored Advertising

Retail Promotions – graphic novel

Visual/story-telling Campaign

Media Outreach to both traditional media outlets ad those specifically focus on comics & graphic novels

The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, Frontline, 2012

The Chosen: Volume 1: Called by Name (Graphic Novel) by David C. Cook, 2023

The Hobbit: A Graphic Novel by J.R.R Tolkien, Chuck Dixon, and David Wenzel, 2024

Every Woman Needs to Know Her Bible—Better

• Helpful Guide and Journal for Growing a Woman’s Faith

• Features Elements of Barbour’s Popular How to Study the Bible, with 1.4 Million Copies Sold

• Spiral-Bound Notebook Fits Perfectly with Most Bible Trim Sizes

• Features Lovely One-Color Interior

For the woman who wants more from her time alone with God’s Word, here is Know Your Bible Better: A Guide and Journal for Growing Your Faith. Based on the Barbour paperback How to Study the Bible, a book that has sold well over a million copies, this journal provides helpful instruction on the inductive method of Bible study, in addition to ample space for users to record their own insights. The spiral-bound book lays flat for easy writing. It can become a treasured keepsake of a woman’s spiritual journey, and makes an ideal gift, for oneself or others.

May 2025

KNOW YOUR BIBLE BETTER A Guide and Journal for Growing Your Faith

ISBN 979-8-89151-084-5

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

$9.99 5.5" x 8" / 192 pages

Spiral Bound Carton Quantity: 48

Bring Home the Fresh Taste of the Local Countryside

• Over 200 Recipes from Amish and Mennonites throughout the USA

• Recipe Collection Encourages Community Support and Environmental Awareness

• Four-Color Interior and Lay-flat Comb Binding for Easy Use

A new collection of recipes from New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, celebrates sourcing fresh meat and produce from farms in your own local area. Sprinkled with tips for growing, harvesting, and preserving, the cookbook is divided into traditional categories from main dishes and sides to desserts and snacks. The well-organized book boasts contributions from Amish and Mennonites from across the United States. Encased in a lay-flat binding and presented in full color, it is a must-have cookbook for anyone who is interested in where their food comes from, participates in a CSA, or enjoys farmers’ markets. NOTES


Over 200 Recipes Help Encourage Local Farming Networks by Wanda E. Brunstetter

ISBN 979-8-89151-097-5

BISAC: Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American / General


6" x 9" / 224 pages

Comb Bound

Carton Quantity: 24


New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter and her husband live in Washington State but take every opportunity to visit friends in Amish settlements throughout the States. Visit her website at


Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Comfort Foods Cookbook 978-1-63609-973-6 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Outdoor Cookbook 978-1-63609-831-9 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Life Hacks 978-1-63609-693-3 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends One-Pan Wonders 978-1-63609-525-7 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends No Waste Cookbook 978-1-63609-385-7 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends 4 Seasons Cookbook 978-1-63609-248-5 / $17.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Baking Cookbook 978-1-63609-085-6 / $17.99

Christian Men, There Is Always Hope

• Thoughtful Devotional for Men Tackles the Frustrations and Unfairness of Life

• Solid Biblical Message of Victory, Either Through Miracles Now or Heaven Later

• Honestly Acknowledges Life’s Disappointments While Reminding Readers of God’s Goodness

• Features Two-Color Interior Design and Ribbon Marker

What happens when Christian men don’t find their “best life now”? When they feel like envying the prosperity of the arrogant and wicked (Psalm 73:3)? That’s when a reminder of ultimate realities is helpful—that for believers, a better day is coming , whether by the miraculous intervention of a loving and resourceful God or the ultimate perfection of His eternal presence. This thoughtful devotional honestly acknowledges the disappointments of life while pointing men of all ages to the unending love, wisdom, and goodness of God. As the psalmist wrote, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26).


ISBN 979-8-89151-083-8

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5" x 7" / 224 pages

DiCarta - Flexible

Carton Quantity: 18


Glenn A. Hascall is an accomplished writer with credits in more than 130 books. He is a broadcast veteran and voice actor and is actively involved in audio drama.

will take me into glory. . . . My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

That’s a message we as Christians need to remember today. No matter how hard your personal circumstances may be, no matter how dark the world grows, a better day is coming. It may be in this life, on this earth—God is certainly strong and generous enough to heal your disease, advance your career, restore your marriage, or give you someone to love.

But though He can and sometimes will do these things, for His own mysterious reasons, He also often withholds them. What we can say for sure is that God will ultimately correct every problem, pay back every evil, reward every instance of obedience—in that day we actually live with Him, when the perfection of heaven is our eternal reality, when sin and sickness and sorrow are banished forever from His (and our) presence.

And that’s the ultimate message of this book. These 180 devotional readings will encourage you, like Asaph, to take the long view of our short life. Yes, it can be hard. Sure, we wish and pray for blessing. But even when God allows disappointment in your life, be encouraged: God has a plan to make everything right.

SCRIPTURES QUOTED: PSALM 73:1, 2–3, 4–7, 13, 17, 23–24, 26


[Jesus said] “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 niv

Trouble. You’ve been introduced, right? You’d be grateful if trouble skipped a visit. That’s understandable. You probably do everything you can to avoid it. The trouble with trouble is it’s guaranteed. God promised trouble, but He is “our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

There isn’t one concept in this book that will have any meaning if not for the verse at the start of each reading. They weren’t picked out of thin air. They weren’t randomly chosen by dropping a finger onto a randomly opened page of the Bible. They were carefully chosen to encourage you, the reader. Most importantly, they are God’s words. They speak truth, shed light, and share hope. So don’t skip over the opening scriptures—they’re the best part of this book. How important was scripture to Jesus? “Heaven and earth will pass away,” He said, “but my words will never pass away.”

Here’s some good news: trouble has never been the final word. It never will be. Jesus overcame every bit of trouble that messes with your day, your emotions, and your decision-making. Maybe you caused your own trouble or maybe it came from someone else. It doesn’t matter. Trouble was never reserved only for people who make bad choices. Trouble is universal. Everyone faces it—but not everyone faces it alone.





God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

2 Corinthians 1:3–4 nlt

Reassurance radiates from today’s verses. God is the source of all comfort. He’s got a corner on the comfort market. And once you’ve experienced His soothing presence, He encourages you to share His comfort with others who live beside you in this society of trouble. Talk about what you’ve learned and share the comfort you’ve been given.

In the 1500s William Tyndale craved comfort. He translated the Bible in harsh and tedious conditions during dangerous times. In a moment of complete transparency, Tyndale would say, “My overcoat is worn out; my shirts also are worn out. And I ask to be allowed to have a lamp in the evening; it is indeed wearisome sitting alone in the dark.”

Life is hard. Some days it emits a foul odor and seems impossible to face with any kind of grit and determination. Jesus stepped into our world and understands “our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.”

Embrace His empathy as you relate to others and “be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.” This is God’s transferable comfort in troubled times.


Devotions and Prayers for a Woman’s Soul—More than 150 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth

• Devotions Remind Women of Their Immeasurable Worth in God’s Eyes

• A Great Pick-Me-Up for Any Time of the Day

• Lovely Package Makes a Great Gift for Women of All Ages

• Features Two-Color Interior, Cover Foil, and Ribbon Marker

This delightful devotional for women will encourage and inspire their souls with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each devotional reading and heartfelt prayer will assure readers that they are truly loved—because God says so. . .and His Word is unchanging! Each of the readings in You Are Endlessly Loved will help women to grow in their faith and increase their self-confidence as they become the beautiful, courageous women the heavenly Creator intended them to be! This beautiful package makes a great gift for women of all ages!

YOU ARE ENDLESSLY LOVED Encouraging Devotions for Women by Ellyn Sanna

ISBN 979-8-89151-080-7

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5.5" x 6.75" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 48


Ellyn Sanna is the author of more than thirty books. She and her family (along with assorted animals) make their home in upstate New York.


For God So Loved

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:16–17 niv

You may have learned John 3:16 when you were a child. It’s one of the most memorized verses in the Bible. Some of us have heard it so many times that we no longer stop to think what it really means. But when you stop to truly think about it, it’s pretty amazing—God, the Creator of the universe, loves you so much that He gave His Son to come to our world, be born as a human being just like you, and then die—all so you could live forever with God in eternity. Humanity’s greatest fear, the fear of death, has been removed by the love of God. The whole purpose of Jesus’ coming to earth wasn’t to tell you how sinful you are; it was to save you from death—because He loves you that much.

Thank You, Creator God, for sending Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for being willing to live and die for me. Thank You that I no longer have to be afraid of death, because I will live forever with You. Thank You for loving me so much.


God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8 niv

Do you ever feel as though you have to earn God’s love? When you know you’ve strayed away from God’s path for you, do you avoid prayer? Do you keep your head down, spiritually speaking, hoping God won’t notice you? You don’t need to! God doesn’t want you to make yourself into a good person before you come to Him. He doesn’t ask that you earn His love by obeying all His rules. God loves you just the way you are—and Jesus was willing to die for you just the way you are. He loves you unconditionally. You don’t have to do one single thing to earn His love.

So if you know you’ve strayed away from God, talk to Him about it. Be honest with Him, knowing that His love is always there, no matter how you may have messed up. Don’t cut yourself off from God. He’s longing to hear your voice.

Thank You, Jesus, that I don’t have to do anything to earn Your love. I’m so grateful that You gave Yourself for me—and that You continue to give Yourself to me every day, every moment. Forgive me for the times I shut You out of my life. Thank You for Your unconditional love.

Devotions and Prayers for a Woman’s Soul—Rooted in Biblical Truth

• Featuring 180 Inspiring Readings Overflowing with God’s Promises

• Includes a Bonus Scripture Index

• Lovely Package Makes a Great Gift for Women of All Ages

• Features Two-Color Interior and Ribbon Marker

Women of all ages will increase their faith with this beautiful devotional featuring 180 readings overflowing with biblical truth. Each day’s devotion reminds readers that the heavenly Father is the Giver of hope and encouragement. As women ponder the scripture selection, read through an inspiring devotional reading, and begin their own prayer time with the short prayer starter, they will be gifted with a greatly enlarged faith (2 Thessalonians 1:3). . .and a God-shaped life. This delightful package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design . . .a great gift for women of all ages!



Inspiration and Encouragement for Women by Carey Scott

ISBN 979-8-89151-088-3

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5" x 7" / 192 pages

Hardback - Faux Cloth

Carton Quantity: 24


Carey Scott is an author, speaker, and certified Biblical Life Coach who’s honest about her walk with the Lord—stumbles, fumbles, and all. She challenges women to be real, not perfect, even when it’s messy. Through her ministry, she encourages women to stop living a mediocre, risk-free life and instead step onto the battlefield of life and engage!


Living Water. . .Refreshing Devotions for a Woman’s Soul Will Nourish and Inspire Faith

• 180 Devotions and Prayers Are Inspired by John 4:10

• Every Reading Reminds Readers of the Extravagant Generosity and Undeniable Love of Jesus

• Beautiful Package Makes a Great Gift for Women of All Ages

• Features Two-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, and Edge Stain

Every woman who’s ever felt weak or weary, fearful or frustrated, anxious or alone . . .they know what it’s like to crave lasting comfort and refreshment for their souls. And while real, lasting spiritual renewal might seem beyond their reach, there’s promising truth in God’s Word: He alone offers the “fresh, living water” their souls long for (John 4:10). All they must do is say, “Yes.” All they must do is reach out and accept His beautiful gift. Living Water will delight hearts of all ages with 180 inspiring devotional readings and prayers. Each one will nourish and cultivate readers’ faith. With every turn of the page, women will encounter the undeniable love and extravagant generosity of their heavenly Father.



ISBN 979-8-89151-089-0

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5.5" x 7" / 192 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 36


Jean Fischer, a former Golden Books editor, lives in Racine, Wisconsin.

First Things First

Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well.

Matthew 6:33 ncv

How do you begin your day? If you are a busy wife and mom, you probably wake up early, get yourself ready, and then turn your attention to sending your kids off to school. During those first hours in the morning, your mind floods with to-dos—thoughts about your workday, errands to be run, a meeting to attend, a check-in with your elderly parents, a doctor’s appointment. . . You kiss your husband goodbye, make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything he needs, and remind him of his to-do list. A busy schedule combined with a cluttered mind leaves little room for the Lord. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to put God first. Make Him your first priority in the morning. Before things get crazy-busy, spend time with Him. Begin your day with prayer. Ask God to lead you through the day according to His will. And don’t stop there. Talk with Him on your way to work, at work, while you run errands, as you wait for your appointments, and throughout the day. God is faithful. When you put Him first in your heart, He will meet your every need.

Good morning, Father. I give this day to You. Lead me through it and meet my needs according to Your will.

Lost for Words

When you are put into their hands, do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes. It will not be you who will speak the words. The Spirit of your Father will speak through you.

Matthew 10:19–20

Whether it’s interviewing for a job, consoling a hurting friend, working through a disagreement, or even going on a first date, we get the jitters worrying about the right things to say. Our hearts race as we imagine what could happen. We think about what we should say and shouldn’t say. Rehearsing the conversation in our minds, we put words together and imagine how they might be received and the impression they will make.

Jesus had this advice for His disciples: “Do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes.” Jesus said the Holy Spirit would help them. His advice is for you too. When you don’t know what to say, be quick to listen and slow to speak. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Listen to the Spirit of your heavenly Father as He speaks the right words into your heart at the right time. Trust Him to help and direct you.

Holy Spirit, I am at a loss for words. You know the circumstances. Give me the words You want me to say.

This Devotional Journal Will Help Women Develop Dynamic Prayer Lives

• 180 Inspiring Readings and Prayers Overflowing with Biblical Truth

• Includes a Bonus Scripture Index

• Lovely Package Makes a Great Gift for Women of All Ages

• Features Two-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, Edge Stain, and Cover Foil

This lovely devotional journal for women is a beautiful reminder that blessings abound for women who pray. Each page features an encouraging devotional reading rooted in biblical truth and a heartfelt prayer alongside journaling space to help readers begin their daily quiet time with the heavenly Father. Women will discover all the ways God blesses them every single day as they grow closer to Him and wrap their souls in His unconditional love. This delightful package makes a great gift for women of all ages! NOTES


ISBN 979-8-89151-082-1

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Prayer


5.6875" x 7.75" / 192 pages

Flexible Casebound Carton Quantity: 36


Carey Scott is an author, speaker, and certified Biblical Life Coach who’s honest about her walk with the Lord—stumbles, fumbles, and all. She challenges women to be real, not perfect, even when it’s messy. Through her ministry, she encourages women to stop living a mediocre, risk-free life and instead step onto the battlefield of life and engage!


Saturated in Prayer

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

Philippians 4:6–7 tpt

When you choose to saturate yourself in prayer, talking to God throughout the day, you’ll experience peace that others can’t begin to understand. If in those moments when life gets hairy you take a moment to talk to the Lord about the emotions swirling in your anxious heart, a sense of calm will prevail. The problem is that life pulls us in a million different directions, and most of them are unsettling at best. We battle with insecurities that tangle us from the inside out, keeping us stirred up and unable to think clearly. And our minds go down paths where the outcomes are usually terrible and tragic. That anxiety should lead us right to the feet of God, looking for His hand to soothe us and restore what worry has taken away. Don’t waste a moment trying to fix things yourself. Go right to God in faith and let Him bless you.

Father in heaven, I’m desperate for the kind of peace only You can provide. I’m overwhelmed and under water and asking You to bless me with Your presence. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Continuous Prayer

Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Put into practice the example of all that you have heard from me or seen in my life and the God of peace will be with you in all things.

Philippians 4:8–9 tpt

The idea is that we praise God continually. If all good things come from Him, then He should get credit for everything good. Whatever is authentic, honorable, beautiful, pure, and kind points back to God. What is real, admirable, respectful, holy, and merciful is a reflection of His goodness. Your gratitude should weave its way through your day. Let it be a fluid conversation that ends when you close your eyes at night. Your mind should be focused on seeing His hand in your life. And your heart should be collecting those beautiful moments of blessing so you don’t forget how much you are loved.

Father in heaven, I see Your goodness in my life. Help me notice every good thing and give You the glory for it. You’re simply amazing in every way, and I’m blessed by how You love me. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

• Practical Guide Features Memorization Tips, Need-to-Know Bible Verses, and More

• Suitable for All Believers, Junior High and Older

• Includes King James and New International Version Scriptures, but Usable with Any Translation

This powerful and practical guide for men is packed with invaluable information on scripture memorization. Not only does it lay out vital, need-to-know scriptures for everyday life; it offers so much more, including an overview of all 66 books of the Bible, helpful hints and tips for retaining scripture, plus a comprehensive list of Bible memory verses in biblical order. Men will come to understand and appreciate the value of scripture memorization as they learn that God’s Word offers comfort, inspiration, and guidance for everyday life situations. They will know their Bible better and get more from their time in it!


Learning God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation By Ed Strauss

ISBN 979-8-89151-085-2

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


5" x 7" / 224 pages


Carton Quantity: 48


Ed Strauss was a freelance writer in British Columbia who passed into heaven in 2018. He authored or coauthored more than 50 books for children, tweens, and adults.


Women’s Scripture Memory Guide 979-8-89151-086-9 / $9.99

Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

• Practical Guide Features Memorization Tips, Need-to-Know Bible Verses, and More

• Suitable for All Believers, Junior High and Older

• Includes King James and New International Version Scriptures, but Usable with Any Translation

This powerful and practical guide for women is packed with invaluable information on scripture memorization. Not only does it lay out vital, need-to-know scriptures for everyday life, it offers much more—including an overview of all 66 books of the Bible, helpful hints and tips for retaining scripture, and a comprehensive list of Bible memory verses in biblical order. Women will come to understand and appreciate the value of scripture memorization as they learn that God’s Word offers comfort, inspiration, and guidance for everyday life situations. They will know their Bible better and get more from their time in it!


Learning God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation

By Ed Strauss

ISBN 979-8-89151-086-9

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


5" x 7" / 224 pages


Carton Quantity: 48


Ed Strauss was a freelance writer in British Columbia who passed into heaven in 2018. He authored or coauthored more than 50 books for children, tweens, and adults.


Men’s Scripture Memory Guide 979-8-89151-085-2 / $9.99

This Daily Devotional Will Help Teen Girls Flourish in Their Faith Life

• Days 1–365 Allow Readers to Start Any Day of the Year

• Devotional Readings Can Be Completed in about 3 Minutes—Scripture, Devotion, and Prayer

• Biblical Inspiration and Encouragement for Teen Girls 13 and Up

• Features Two-Color Interior, Edge Stain, Cover Foil, and Ribbon Marker

With an encouraging devotion, related scripture selection, and meaningful prayer for every day of the year, this devotional collection is designed to help teen girls, 13 and up, grow the Fruit of the Spirit in their lives—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. Flourish: Daily Devotions for Teen Girls will provide both encouragement and faith-building inspiration as readers dig into God’s Word. These beautiful devotions are a great way to motivate teenagers to spend daily quiet time with God!


ISBN 979-8-89151-079-1

BISAC: Young Adult Nonfiction / Religious / Christian / Devotional & Prayer


5" x 7" / 384 pages

DiCarta - Flexible

Carton Quantity: 18


Day 2

About Love

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:7–8 niv

It’s easy to say we love everyone in a generic, standoffish way. After all, we don’t want bad things to happen to anyone. But loving the person who hates you. . .being kind to the sibling who annoys you. . .showing patience to the person who drives you crazy. . .those things take self-discipline. They also take courage in a world where sarcasm and cancel culture are encouraged.

But you are God’s strong, courageous daughter. You are made in His image, and He is love. When love is hard, lean into Him. Ask Him for strength. He will help you be kind, compassionate, and humble. He will help you love when love isn’t the natural response.

Help me love like You love, Father. When my first response is anger or impatience or sarcasm, intervene. Teach me to respond to others as You do.

Day 3

The Beginning of Sin

Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Romans 3:23 nlt

When God created everything, including the first two people, Adam and Eve, He didn’t make them robots programmed to do His bidding. He gave them free will—the ability to choose to love Him and obey His good guidance or not. He wants love and devotion from people that is chosen and real, not forced and fake. Adam and Eve chose to disobey Him, and ever since, sin has been spreading everywhere. And there’s a big price to pay for sin: suffering and death. But God still loved people in spite of sin, and He knew we would need a way to choose to be right with Him again. So He sent Jesus to be our Savior.

Father God, You are Creator, and You are perfect! Thank You for loving people in spite of all our sin. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, and giving me and all people the free will to choose Him! Amen.

365 Inspiring Devotions and Prayers Will Encourage Christian Women to Persevere

• Non-Dated Daily Devotions Allow Flexibility for the Reader to Start Anytime

• Lovely Devotional Collection—Just for Women

• Designed to Help Women Grow Deeper in Their Faith

• Features Full-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, and Cover Foil

This lovely daily devotional collection is designed for women who want to grow deeper in their faith and who desire an intimate connection to their heavenly Father’s heart. Practical, faith-filled devotions inspired by Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG (“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you”) will help women of all ages celebrate the beautiful gift of perseverance and strengthen their heart-connection to the Master Creator. Readers will discover a deeper understanding and love for the one who holds the whole world in His hands. Perfect for personal use. . .ideal for a gift!

SHE WILL PERSEVERE Devotions and Prayers for a Courageous Heart

ISBN 979-8-89151-119-4

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


6" x 8" / 384 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 18

Simple Yet Challenging and Encouraging Devotions for a Manʼs Heart

• Barbourʼs Bestselling 3-Minute Devotions Series Has Sold More than 5 Million Copies!

• Ideal Inspirational Gift for Men of All Ages

• 3 Minutes of Encouragement: Scripture, Devotion, and Prayer

• Features Two-Color Interior, Easy-to-Read Large Print, and Lay-Flat Binding in a Heavy Stock Cover Material

Readers will find the spiritual wisdom they desire in 3-Minute Devotions for Men . This devotional packs a powerful dose of challenge and encouragement into just-right-sized readings for men of all ages. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. Each day’s reading meets readers right where they are and is the ideal way for men to begin or end their day. This great book makes a perfect any-occasion gift.



180 Challenging Readings

ISBN 979-8-89151-114-9

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


7.25" x 9.625" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 28


3-Minute Devotions for Women Large Print 979-8-89151-115-6 / $14.99

Inspiration for Every Woman

• Barbourʼs Bestselling 3-Minute Devotions Series Has Sold More Than 5 Million Copies!

• 180 Short Readings That Are Long on Biblical Encouragement

• Ideal Inspirational Gift for Women on the Go

• Features Two-Color Interior, Easy-to-Read Large Print, and Lay-Flat Binding in a Heavy Stock Cover Material

Got 3 minutes to spare? Readers will find the spiritual pick-me-up they desire in 3-Minute Devotions for Women . This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into just-right-sized readings for women on the go. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. Each day’s reading meets women right where they are and is the ideal way for women to begin or end their day. This beautiful book makes a fabulous anyoccasion gift for every woman.



180 Inspirational Readings for Her Heart

ISBN 979-8-89151-115-6

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


7.25" x 9.625" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 28


3-Minute Devotions for Men Large Print 979-8-89151-114-9 / $14.99

Refreshing Readings Just for Women

• Mini Devotional Readings Offer Big Inspiration

• Bestselling Series Has Sold More than 1.2 Million Copies!

• Perfect Gift for Women of All Ages

• Features Beautiful Full-Color Interior Design

Ambition. Challenge. Grace. Provision. Success. Trust. These are just a few of the timely topics included in Everyday Blessings , a faith-building volume designed to lighten the day and lift the spirit of every Christian woman. Each reading will speak to her heart as she opens her eyes to God’s goodness in every aspect of her life. The nearly 200 devotions and related scripture selections are succinct and power packed, perfect for women of all ages. NOTES

June 2025


Biblical Refreshment for Women by Rebecca Currington

ISBN 979-8-89151-117-0

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


4" x 6.5" / 192 pages Hardback

Carton Quantity: 48



Rebecca Currington lives with her husband in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.

Romans 12:6

God has blessed every person—every single one—with some gift or ability with which to serve others and bring glory to His name. Some abilities are obvious—they shine brightly in front of everyone—but others move below the radar. They include things like the ability to pray effectively, love the unlovely, listen attentively. Ask God to open your eyes to your special abilities. They are God’s blessings to you.

Do not neglect your gift. . . . Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.

1 Timothy 4:14–15

The Bible most often refers to human abilities as gifts because they are given in order to be given again. If you have the gift of song, God expects you to strengthen and polish that gift and use it to enrich the lives of others. If you have been given a way with children, extend that gift to every child you meet. As you use your gifts to bless others, you will be blessed most of all.

Creative, Engaging Prayer Map Journal Will Help Guide Women into Powerful, Life-Changing Prayer

• A Perfect Prayer Journal for Women of All Ages

• Unique Two-Color Spreads Creatively Map out Prayer—from Beginning to End—for Women

• New in Barbourʼs Bestselling Faith Maps Series. . .More Than 700,000 Copies Sold!

• Features Two-Color Interior and Lay-Flat Spiral Binding

This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative tool to help guide women into powerful, life-changing prayer. Each spread guides women to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .creating a specific “map” for them to follow as they talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so readers can look back on their prayers and see how God has shown up and moved those mountains! The Prayer Map for a “Moving Mountains” Kind of Girl will not only help women pray bold, confident prayers—it will also help them build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!



ISBN 979-8-89151-111-8

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Prayer

$7.99 5" x 8" / 176 pages

Spiral Bound

Carton Quantity: 48

Get Organized and Read the Bible from Cover to Cover in 2026!

• This Page-a-Day Deluxe Planner Is Chock-Full of Practical, User-Friendly Features

• Encourages Daily Bible Reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs

• Each Day Includes an Inspiring Pull-Out Scripture and Just-Right-Sized Devotional Thought for Even the Busiest Schedule

• Features Two-Color Interior, Elastic Closure, and Heavy Stock Cover Material

Readers can make 2026 the best year ever with the Read through the Bible in a Year Planner. This dated planner features a full page for every day of 2026, highlighting important holidays and observances throughout the year as well as providing a daily Bible reading plan that takes readers through God’s Word in 365 days. Add to that a daily Bible verse and short devotional thought taken from that day’s scripture, readers will have space to write their reflections, keeping a year’s worth of their insights from God’s Word! Other features on every page include: Today’s Top 3 Priorities, Hydration Chart, Reminders Box, and a To-Do List!






ISBN 979-8-89151-118-7

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational


6" x 8" / 384 pages


Carton Quantity: 24


2026 Creative Planner The Prayer Map 979-8-89151-108-8 / $9.99
2026 Planner A Mustard Seed Faith 979-8-89151-109-5 / $12.99
2026 Planner Daily Wisdom for Women 979-8-89151-110-1 / $14.99

Thursday, January 1

New Year’s Day

Genesis 1–2;

On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all His work.

Genesis 2:2 nlt

Many women put in forty hours a week at a full-time job and then come home to care for the house and family. Don’t forget to take time out for your self. If God rested after working all week, then it’s important to take care of yourself. Press the pause button and rest your mind, body, and emotions. You’re worth it. Take a moment and relax.

Genesis 3–4; Matthew 2; Psalm 2

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. Matthew 2:10 niv

Can you imagine the wise men, gazing upon that star for the first time? Finally! The long-awaited day had come. What joy they must have felt in their hearts. Surely they could sense the beginning of a new era. The Gospel message is all about new beginnings. We rejoice every time we’re given a chance to begin again. Praise God for the many times He’s given you a fresh start.

Reflections on Today’s Bible Reading Top 3 Priorities:

Matthew 1; Psalm 1

2026 Planner Offers a Delightful Blend of Inspiration and Encouragement for Women

• Featuring Biblical Encouragement, Inspiration, and Wisdom for Women

• 17-month Planner Spans August 2025 through December 2026!

• Inspired by Barbourʼs Bestselling Daily Wisdom Series...More Than a Million Copies Sold!

• Features Two-Color Interior and Ribbon Marker

Barbour’s Daily Wisdom for Women series has become a staple among women of all ages. And now, inspiring devotional readings from the popular series form the basis of this 17-month planner. Ideal for personal, home, business, or school use, the Daily Wisdom for Women planner includes inspiring, monthly full-length devotions plus weekly, thought-provoking mini devotions and scripture selections. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for women organizing everyday life: God’s in the details. . .and His plan is perfect!


ISBN 979-8-89151-110-1

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational


5.375" x 7.625" / 240 pages

DiCarta - Flexible

Carton Quantity: 48



2025 YEAR at a GLANCE


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God Can Manage It All

If God can create heaven and earth and everything in between in six days, rest assured He can manage whatever hardships happen in your life. Be it relationship troubles, financial struggles, health challenges, or an overwhelming feeling of fear, you’re safe with God. You don’t have to start the new year anxious because the Lord is fully capable to care for you. As a believer, you need not be wrapped up in worry. Instead, you can stand strong in your faith, knowing He’s always with you. So friend, take heart! The one who created something magnificent from a bunch of nothingness is completely invested in you and your life. He loves you without condition. And His wonders are still evident today. This year, press into the Lord when life feels too big. He is willing and able to bring you through to victory! Lord, my mind cannot comprehend all You’re able to do. I cannot even begin to understand Your unlimited capabilities. Yet I am grateful that Your awesomeness covers my awkwardness. Thank You for being bigger and better than anyone or anything else.


So now you see how the Creator swept into being the spangled heavens, the earth, and all their hosts in six days. On the seventh day—with the canvas of the cosmos completed—God paused from His labor and rested.

Genesis 2:1–2 voice

God has everything under control, and He will always show us the way to go (Deuteronomy 31:8). He will reveal the very best solution to our problems. So, when your world is crumbling. . . No matter how bad things get. . . Take heart! Stay. Wait. Trust. God has it all in His hands.








I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don’t quit. I’ll say it again: Stay with God. Psalm 27:13–14 msg

2026 Planner Offers a Refreshing Blend of Encouragement and Inspiration for Women

• Featuring Biblical Encouragement, Inspiration, and Prayers for Women

• 17-month Planner Spans August 2025 through December 2026!

• With Monthly and Weekly Calendars and Goal-Setting Sections

• Features Two-Color Interior and Ribbon Marker

Ideal for personal, business, or school use, this practical and inspiring A Mustard Seed Faith 17-month planner includes monthly uplifting, truth-filled devotional readings, plus weekly faith-building scripture selections and mini devotions. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for women navigating the busyness of everyday life: each new day, God gives us opportunities to increase our faith and move the mountains that stand in our way!

June 2025


ISBN 979-8-89151-109-5

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational


4.375" x 7.25" / 240 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 48


2026 Creative Planner The Prayer Map 979-8-89151-108-8 / $9.99
2026 Planner Daily Wisdom for Women 979-8-89151-110-1 / $14.99
Read through the Bible in a Year Planner: 2026

2026 Planner Offers a Unique Blend of Inspiration and Monthly Prayer Maps

• Featuring Weekly Prayers for Women Plus Inspiring Scripture Selections

• 17-Month Planner Spans August 2025 through December 2026!

• Barbourʼs Prayer Maps Have Sold More Than 700,000 Copies

• Features Two-Color Interior Design and Lay-Flat Spiral Binding

Barbour’s bestselling The Prayer Map journal has encouraged women of all ages to spend purposeful one-on-one time with their heavenly Father. And now The Prayer Map forms the basis for this lovely 17-month creative planner. Ideal for personal, home, business, or school use, this delightful 2026 planner includes a practical and inspiring blend of creative monthly prayer maps (guides that encourage thoughtful, meaningful conversation with God), plus weekly heartfelt prayers and scripture selections. Featuring monthly and weekly calendars, a year-at-a-glance section, pages for frequent contacts, and more, this planner offers an important reminder for women organizing the details of every day: God hears and cares about your every prayer!

June 2025


ISBN 979-8-89151-108-8

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Inspirational


5.375" x 7" / 240 pages

Spiral Bound Carton Quantity: 48


Spend a Year in Powerful Prayer

Never stop praying.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

The day-to-day busyness of each month can distract you from the things that matter most. But when you spend daily time in God’s presence and talk to Him about everything that’s on your heart and mind, you’ll experience the peace and refreshment your soul craves.

This practical, inspiring 17-month planner will enhance your prayer life with monthly guided prayer maps and weekly Bible-based encouragement. With your focus on the one who hears your every prayer, you’ll discover an ever-growing faith and deeper connection to your heavenly Creator!


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Year at a Glance April

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August 2025

My August Prayer Map

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for. . .

People I am praying for today. . . I am worried about. . .

Here’s what’s happening in my life. . .

Other things on my heart that I need to share with You, God. . .

Goals for this Month I need. . .


Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayers.

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

James 5:16 nlt

August 2025

Lord God, I rejoice today in Your purposes and seasons. To my way of thinking, the times and seasons run together, year after year, each one seeming to go by faster than the previous one. But from Your perspective, the seasons keep a steady beat, accomplishing what You desire in me as I surrender to Your will.

to-do list

SUNDAY, August 3

MONDAY, August 4

TUESDAY, August 5

180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth Will Reassure Teen Girlsʼ Uncertain Hearts

• 180 Inspiring Readings Overflowing with Bountiful Blessings and Grace for Girls 13 and Up

• Devotions Touch on Topics Important to Girls Including: Dealing with Rejection, Staying Connected to God, Knowing Who You Belong To, Understanding God Sees and Hears You, and Loving Like Jesus.

• Beautiful Package Makes a Great Gift for Teens

• Features Two-Color Interior and Edge Stain

This encouraging devotional for teen girls is a lovely reminder that they were created with purpose by a heavenly Creator who sees them. He understands their ups and downs. . .disappointments, joys, heartaches, secrets. . .all of it. And still, He loves! These 180 devotions and inspiring prayers, each one rooted in biblical truth, will reassure a girl’s uncertain heart. With each turn of the page, she’ll come to trust that God truly gets her—even when no one else does—because she’s His! She belongs to Him!


ISBN 979-8-89151-107-1

BISAC: Young Adult Nonfiction / Religious / Christian / Devotional & Prayer


5" x 7" / 192 pages

DiCarta - Flexible

Carton Quantity: 48


Hilary Bernstein is a Christ follower, wife, homeschooling mama, and writer who loves helping Christian women through her blog,

This Beautiful and Practical Journal Gives Women the Perfect Way to Pray through 2026

• Equal Parts Devotional, Journal, Prayer Map, and Planner. . .Great for Women of All Ages!

• Includes Monthly Calendars and Prayer Themes Including Faith, Wisdom, the Future, and Praise

• Dated January 1 thru December 31, 2026, and Highlights Major Holidays

• Features Lovely, 2-Color Interior & Ribbon Marker

Every day in 2026, this dated, interactive prayer tracker will give women the opportunity to record their conversations with God. Each month opens with a calendar and devotional encouragement. Every day includes a scripture and short devotional prayer starter that focuses on themes like Faith, Wisdom, the Future, Praise, and more! Every page offers dedicated journaling space for personal prayer, daily prayer requests, praises, and answers to prayers. Truly interactive, My Daily Prayer Plan: 2026 Edition is a valuable tool for readers to grow a vibrant prayer life while keeping a record of their faith journey throughout the year.

July 2025


An Interactive Prayer Tracker for Women by Annie Barkley & JoAnne Simmons

ISBN 979-8-89151-138-5

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Prayer


6" x 8" / 384 pages

Hardback - Faux Cloth

Carton Quantity: 18


Annie Barkley has a passion for making God’s Word come to life for readers through devotions and Bible study. She loves snow (which is a good thing because she lives in Ohio), wearing scarves, eating sushi, playing Scrabble, and spending time with friends and family.

JoAnne Simmons is a writer and editor who’s in awe of God’s love and the ways He guides and provides.


A Worry-Free Life. . .Just a Prayer Away

• Beautiful Book of Prayers for Women of All Ages

• Evergreen Themes of Peace and Contentment

• Just-Right-Sized Readings Will Appeal to Busy Women

• Features 2-Color Interior and Ribbon Marker

For those who have ever felt overwhelmed by the worries and cares of life. . . This lovely book will walk women of all ages through dozens of encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, calming prayers that will help their beautiful souls to discover true freedom in an ever-growing relationship with the heavenly Father—the anxiety reliever Himself. Every heartfelt prayer begins with a thought-provoking scripture selection and is meant to be a worry-free beginning to a woman’s very own personal prayer time. A peace-filled life. . .is just a prayer away!


ISBN 979-8-89151-136-1

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5" x 7" / 208 pages

Hardback - Printed Cover

Carton Quantity: 48


Donna K. Maltese is a freelance writer, editor, and writing coach as well as a pastor’s prayer partner. She lives in Pennsylvania with her family.


This Devotional Journal Will Reassure Women that God Will Lead Them through the Hard Things in Life

• 90 Devotions Speak to Many Life Situations

• Encouraging, Practical, Comforting

• Will Help Women Grow Strong in Their Faith as They Journal Their Own Thoughts and Prayers

• Features 2-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, Cover Foil, and Edge Stain

Our Father is a waymaker God—the ultimate navigator who makes a way, even when a situation seems impossible. But no mountain is too high. No valley is too deep. No scenario is too difficult for Him to overcome. This powerful devotional journal is for anyone struggling through hard things like heartbreak, financial issues, rejection, the death of a loved one, health problems, and more. God is the waymaker. He will make a way, and He thrives in the impossible. What we cannot do, He can!



Biblical Encouragement and Prayers for Women by Janice Thompson

ISBN 979-8-89151-131-6

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


5.6875" x 7.75" / 192 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 36


Janice Thompson, a full-time author living in the Houston, Texas, area, is the mother of four married daughters.


Devotional Encouragement to Develop a Peace-Filled Heart

• Readings Help Women Experience the Calming Joy Found in God’s Presence

• Points Readers to Jesus, the True Source of Peace

• Faith-Strengthening Devotions Help Readers Deepen Their Hope and Faith in Every Circumstance

• Features 2-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, Cover Foil, and Edge Stain

The world and society are forever changing, but God, His Word, and His peace have not. Here readers will find the balm needed to heal their spirit through life with the Lord of love, Prince of peace, and Spirit of solace. Each reading includes a scripture and a thoughtful meditation that draw readers close to their heavenly Father. In these pages, readers will discover calm for a clamoring spirit and gain a new perspective, a new promise, a new path, and a new peace.


Inspiration to Declutter Your Mind and Heart by Donna K. Maltese

ISBN 979-8-89151-135-4

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Prayer


5.5" x 7" / 192 pages

Flexible Casebound Carton Quantity: 36


Donna K. Maltese is a freelance writer, editor, and writing coach as well as a pastor’s prayer partner. She lives in Pennsylvania with her family.


90+ Focused Bible Studies for Men of All Ages

• Read, Understand, Apply, and Pray—in 5 Short Minutes

• Studies Cover Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures and Are Usable with Readers’ Preferred Translation

• Brand-New in Bestselling 5-Minute Bible Study Series: More Than 830,000 Copies Sold

Most Christians want to study the Bible, but many struggle to get started. In just 5 minutes, readers will find the tools they need to Read (minutes 1–2), Understand (minute 3), Apply (minute 4), and Pray (minute 5) God’s Word through meaningful, focused Bible study. Written for men of all ages, The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Standing for God’s Truth includes more than 90 Bible studies from both the Old and New Testaments, speaking to readers’ hearts in a powerful way that only the living and active Word of God can.



ISBN 979-8-89151-139-2

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Biblical Studies


4.1875" x 6.75" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 72


Paul Kent is a longtime editor who has also written several books including Know Your Bible, Oswald Chambers: A Life in Pictures, and Playing with Purpose: Baseball Devotions. He and his family live in Ohio’s Amish Country.




The 5-Minute Bible Study for Women: Seeking God’s Heart 979-8-89151-140-8

90+ Heartfelt Bible Studies for Women of All Ages

• Read, Understand, Apply, and Pray—in 5 Short Minutes

• Each Reading Offers Biblical Encouragement to Draw Readers Closer to the Father’s Heart

• Brand-New in Bestselling 5-Minute Bible Study Series: More Than 830,000 Copies Sold

Most Christians want to study the Bible, but many struggle to get started. In just 5 minutes, readers will find the tools they need to Read (minutes 1–2), Understand (minute 3), Apply (minute 4), and Pray (minute 5) God’s Word through meaningful, focused Bible study. Written for women of all ages, The 5-Minute Bible Study for Women: Seeking God’s Heart includes more than 90 Bible studies that will start the day out right, speaking to readers in a powerful way that only the living and active Word of God can.



ISBN 979-8-89151-140-8

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Biblical Studies


4.1875" x 6.75" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 72


Valorie Quesenberry is a pastor ’s wife, mother, musician, editor of a Christian ladies’ magazine, and a writer.



The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Standing for God’s Truth 979-8-89151-139-2 / $6.99

Stress-Free Devotional Guide for Morning and Evening Offers Tranquility for the Stressed-Out Soul

• Daily, Calming Devotions and Prayers for Women

• Touches on Topics Common to Women of All Ages

• Bonus Scripture Index Included

• Features Beautiful Full-Color Interior Design and Ribbon Marker

Readers will find the calm their souls crave in Stress Less, Pray More for Morning and Evening. Written especially for a woman’s heart, this book includes a morning and evening devotion and prayer for every day of the year. Readers will find comfort and inspiration in just-right-sized readings that help them grow ever closer to the stress-reliever Himself, who will transform their tense hearts into hearts of serene faith. This beautiful devotional collection meets women right where they are and is a simple and practical way to begin a lifelong habit of daily quiet time.


A Daily Devotional

ISBN 979-8-89151-152-1

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Prayer


6" x 8" / 384 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 18


Women Will Learn to Put on the Goodness of God Through Prayer

• Devotions Focus on Prayers Found in the Bible

• Beautiful Interior Design Invites Readers to Reflect on Key Inspirational Takeaways

• Topics Touch on Many Areas Including Family, Work, Faith, Worries, and Blessings

• Features 2-Color Interior, Ribbon Marker, Cover Foil, and Edge Stain

Just as we select the clothes we wear every day, we can choose to clothe ourselves in the goodness of God! The privilege of prayer is a great place to start. God invites His children to pray about anything—worries, responsibilities, relationships, health concerns. Our good Father cares about it all! This lovely book offers devotions and prayer starters that help women grow their prayer life to be stronger, deeper, more fully rooted in the all-important relationship with the gracious and powerful provider God. Prayer changes things, and here women will find true refreshment for their spirits and a renewed sense of God’s loving presence in everyday life. Readers won’t be able to resist buying one as a gift and one to keep!


Encouraging Devotions for a Woman of God by Renae Brumbaugh Green

ISBN 979-8-89151-158-3

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Prayer


5" x 7" / 192 pages

Flexible Casebound

Carton Quantity: 36


Renae Brumbaugh Green lives in Texas with her handsome, country-boy husband, two dogs, a bunch of chickens, and a duck.

Encouragement and Assurance—for a Woman’s Prayer Time

• Dozens of Just-Right-Sized Prayers and Scripture Alongside Journaling Space

• Perfectly Portable for On-the-Go Inspiration

• My Prayer Journal Series Has Blessed More than 540,000 Readers

• Features Lovely 2-Color Interior Design and Lay-Flat Spiral Binding

Got 3 minutes? . . . Women will find just the encouragement and assurance their hearts need in My Prayer Journal: 3-Minute Prayers for the Worried Heart This practical book packs a powerful dose of comforting inspiration into 3 short minutes. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional prayer; Minute 3: a question for further reflection. Each day’s prayer meets readers right where they are and is a great way for women to begin or end their day. My Prayer Journal: 3-Minute Prayers for the Worried Heart is an ideal inspirational gift for women of all ages.


My Prayer Journal: 3-Minute Prayers for the Worried Heart by Renae Brumbaugh Green

ISBN 979-8-89151-148-4

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional / Prayer


5.5" x 8 / 192 pages

Spiral Bound

Carton Quantity: 48


Renae Brumbaugh Green lives in Texas with her handsome, country-boy husband, two dogs, a bunch of chickens, and a duck.


My Prayer Journal: Quiet-Time Prayers for a Woman’s Heart 978-1-63609-894-4 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: Lord, I Need You 978-1-63609-823-4 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: Cultivating a Courageous Heart 978-1-63609-671-1 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: Praying the Names of God 978-1-63609-528-8 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: Joyful Blessings for Women 978-1-63609-243-0 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: His Praise Is on My Lips 978-1-63609-082-5 / $9.99

My Prayer Journal: It Is Well with My Soul 978-1-64352-972-1 / $9.99


Right Here, Right Now Is Perfect for a Few Moments with God

• Brand-New, 180-Entry Devotional for Men on the Go

• Quick and Easy to Read While Awaiting a Meal, Aboard a Flight, or Between Classes

• Features the Fresh-Yet-Familiar Scripture of Barbour’s Simplified KJV Bible

Yes, life is busy—but that should be no barrier to time spent with God. This new devotional line is perfect for men on the go, offering brief, thought-provoking entries that can be read on an airplane, in a restaurant, between classes, awaiting an appointment. . .right here, right now! Featuring 180 entries written by and for men, Right Here, Right Now Devotions will inspire guys to keep God in their thoughts even amidst the activity and stress of daily life. With scriptures from the fresh-yet-familiar Barbour Simplified KJV Bible, these devotions will challenge and encourage readers to a greater knowledge of and commitment to their Lord.

August 2025


180 Readings for Busy Days by Joshua Cooley

ISBN 979-8-89151-157-6

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


4.25" x 6" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 48


Joshua Cooley, of Durham, North Carolina, has authored a variety of books, including many devotionals for adults, teens, and kids.


Here, Right Now Devotions for Women 979-8-89151-154-5 / $5.99



Right Here, Right Now Is Perfect for a Few Moments with God

• Brand-New, 180-Entry Devotional for Women on the Go

• Quick and Easy to Read While Awaiting a Meal, Aboard a Flight, or Between Classes

• Features the Fresh-Yet-Familiar Scripture of Barbour’s Simplified KJV Bible

Yes, life is busy—but that should be no barrier to time spent with God. This new devotional line is perfect for women on the go, offering brief, thoughtprovoking entries that can be read on an airplane, in a restaurant, between classes, awaiting an appointment. . .right here, right now! Featuring 180 entries written by and for women, Right Here, Right Now Devotions will inspire readers to keep God in their thoughts even amidst the activity and stress of daily life. With scriptures from the fresh-yet-familiar Barbour Simplified KJV Bible, these devotions will challenge and encourage readers to a greater knowledge of and commitment to their Lord.


180 Readings for Busy Days by Carey Scott

ISBN 979-8-89151-154-5

BISAC: Religion / Christian Living / Devotional


4.25" x 6" / 192 pages


Carton Quantity: 48


Carey Scott is an author, speaker, and certified Biblical Life Coach who’s honest about her walk with the Lord—stumbles, fumbles, and all. She challenges women to be real, not perfect, even when it’s messy. Through her ministry, she encourages women to stop living a mediocre, risk-free life and instead step onto the battlefield of life and engage!


979-8-89151-157-6 / $5.99


Right Here, Right Now Devotions for Men

All the Tools You Need to Dig into God’s Word

• The Bible Study Collective: A New System Featuring Scripture Text, Outlines, Notes, and Writing Space

• 30 Studies Highlight Key Passages of Romans and What They Mean to Readers Today

• Features Barbour’s Fresh-Yet-Familiar Simplified King James Version Bible Text

• Features Lovely 2-Color Interior Design and Lay-Flat Spiral Binding

Bible study always takes effort, but this new product simplifies the process. Here, in one handy spiral-bound volume, are Bible text, study outlines, explanatory notes, and ample writing space. Featuring 30 studies highlighting key passages of the book of Romans, this volume walks users through the inductive study process of Observation, Interpretation, and Application, while also asking thoughtful questions unique to each study. Explanatory notes, adapted from Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, aid with understanding. With all the necessary tools in a single package and highlighting the most important passages of scripture, Romans: An All-in-One Study on Salvation and New Life is a powerful resource for both beginners and longtime Bible students.


An All-in-One Study on Salvation and New Life

ISBN 979-8-89151-169-9

BISAC: Religion / Biblical Studies / General


5.5" x 8 / 192 pages

Spiral Bound

Carton Quantity: 48




Pub Date: 4/29/2025

On Sale Date: 4/29/2025



132 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012080

At the Feet of Jesus

A Guide to Encountering Christ in the Gospels

Bruce Hindmarsh, Carolyn Hindmarsh


Transform Your Prayer Life and Draw Closer to Jesus

At the Feet of Jesus isn't just another book about prayer. It's a guided adventure into the heart of the gospel story, inviting you to step into the lives of some of Jesus' closest friends—Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Picture yourself sitting at Jesus' feet in faith, just like Mary did, or finding hope and love in his presence, just as Martha and Lazarus experienced. At the Feet of Jesus makes these timeless stories come alive, offering you a chance to experience Jesus' love in a profoundly personal way.

At the Feet of Jesus was written to bring you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus, transforming your daily routine into a spiritual retreat.

Unique Features

Prayerful Readings of Scripture: Engages you with the Word of God in a way that speaks directly to your heart.

Personal and Group Retreat Guide: Perfect for individuals wanting a solitary retreat or groups looking to grow together in faith.

Experiential Exercises: Thought-provoking activities that encourage you to encounter Jesus personally and profoundly.

Open the door to a more profound prayer life and a closer relationship with Jesus as you embark on a daily spiritual retreat that will enrich your faith and transform your daily life.

Contributor Bio

Bruce Hindmarsh, DPhil (Oxon), is the James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology and professor of the history of Christianity at Regent College in Vancouver. His previous books include The Spirit of Early Evangelicalism and Amazing Grace.

Carolyn Hindmarsh, DMin (Fuller Seminary) teaches New Testament Greek and spiritual theology at Regent and is a trained spiritual director. Together the couple has led numerous retreats on praying at the feet of Jesus.


Pub Date: 4/15/2025

On Sale Date: 4/15/2025

$20.00 Paperback

256 Pages Religion / Christian Church REL108010

Remissioning Church

A Field Guide to Bringing a Congregation Back to Life Josh Hayden


Rediscover Your Church's Mission!

Many churches are struggling to connect with their communities and are facing a decline. But there's hope! God is inviting His church to be reborn from the inside out, transforming into a new missional presence that brings life and flourishing to their neighborhoods.

Using inspiring vision, practical tools, and field-tested methods, pastor Joshua Hayden offers church leaders solutions for resurrecting their congregations.

If you're a church leader longing to bring your declining church back from the brink, Remissioning Church is your essential companion that outlines the path of inside-out transformation through discipleship while focusing on serving your neighbors and the world.

God is inviting your church to a new beginning. Remissioning Church is the guide you need to answer that call and lead your congregation into a future filled with purpose and mission.

Contributor Bio

Josh Hayden is the cofounder and copresident of `Iwa Collaborative, which helps leaders fly high and and live low as they lead through change processes in their community. He runs remissioning trainings through `Iwa Collaborative across various denominational, non-denominational, and global networks. Hayden is the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Ashland, Virginia. He has worked and led in nonprofit organizations, church plants, and established churches. He has a doctorate in leadership and organizational change from Duke Divinity School and is the author of Sacred Hope. He serves on the boards of numerous nonprofits, and he and his family live near Richmond, Virginia.


Pub Date: 7/15/2025

On Sale Date: 7/15/2025



192 Pages

Religion / Christian Living REL012010

Grieving Wholeheartedly

Bringing Healing to Every Part of Your Soul

Audrey Davidheiser



Grief: Navigating the Path to Healing

Discover the healing power of heartfelt grieving by reading Grieving Wholeheartedly. In life's toughest moments, our emotions can feel like a storm at sea—conflicting waves of anger, sadness, and fear crashing together. But within these turbulent waters lies the potential for profound healing.

Audrey Davidheiser, a seasoned psychologist with expertise in Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, will guide you through a compassionate exploration of your pain and grief. Instead of suppressing emotions, Grieving Wholeheartedly helps you understand and nurture each part of your soul, revealing the unique needs and burdens behind them.

Filled with practical exercises and soul-soothing insights, you'll learn aspects of the grieving and healing process including:

Gaining a deeper understanding of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and how it applies to emotional healing.

Learning techniques to acknowledge and honor every emotion during the grieving process.

Developing skills to transform overwhelming feelings into sources of strength and wisdom.

Discovering practical exercises designed to foster emotional resilience and growth.

Embracing a holistic approach to healing that nurtures both mind and spirit.

Ideal for bereaved Christians, Grieving Wholeheartedly is a companion for anyone grappling with loss, offering a pathway to hope and renewal.

Contributor Bio

Dr. Audrey Davidheiser (PhD, Fuller) is a licensed psychologist in California, certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist, and IFSI-approved clinical consultant. After founding a counseling center for the Los Angeles Dream Center, she now provides IFS therapy for trauma survivors, including those with religious trauma, and assists in IFS trainings. She has been a regular writer for and columnist for


Pub Date: 6/3/2025

On Sale Date: 6/3/2025



200 Pages

Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049290

The Common Rule Youth Edition

Growing Your Faith in a Distracted


Jesse Florea, Justin Whitmel Earley


In a world buzzing with screens and endless notifications, youth are navigating more noise than ever. The Common Rule Youth Edition provides clarity and purpose, tailored specifically for teens and tweens (grades 6-12). Adapted from Justin Whitmel Earley's bestselling book, The Common Rule Youth Edition empowers young readers to break free from the stress and anxiety that modern life can impose.

The Common Rule Youth Edition equips young people with the tools to help them find peace and fulfillment through simple, intentional habits designed to foster freedom and rest. Earley draws on his own experiences to illustrate how small actions can lead to significant transformation.

Prayers: Initiate a practice of humility and gratitude by setting aside time for intentional prayer each day.

Daily Scripture Reading: Cultivate a habit of reading and reflecting on scriptures to nourish your spiritual journey.

Digital Detoxes: Schedule regular breaks from screens and social media to encourage mindfulness and presence in real-world interactions.

Weekly Community Time: Prioritize spending quality time with family or friends to build strong, supportive relationships.

Sabbath Rest: Dedicate one day a week to rest and rejuvenation, free from work and electronic distractions.

Physical Activity: Run, walk, or play at least four hours each week to experience a healthier body and a healthier mind.

Shared Meals: Engage in communal meals that emphasize connection and conversation, strengthening bonds over food.

The Common Rule Youth Edition goes beyond mere advice. With expanded content and study guide questions, it sparks individual reflection and group discussions, making it perfect for personal growth and community learning. The Common Rule Youth Edition offers a roadmap to a balanced and meaningful life

Contributor Bio

Justin Whitmel Earley is the creator of The Common Rule, a program of habits designed to form us in the love of God and neighbor. He is also a mergers and acquisitions lawyer in Richmond, Virginia. Justin and his wife, Lauren, have four sons.


Pub Date: 7/8/2025

On Sale Date: 7/8/2025

$18.99 Paperback

232 Pages Religion / Christian Theology REL067020

You Are Not Your Own Belonging to God in an Inhuman World

Alan Noble


The Gospel Coalition Book Awards Honorable Mention

"You are your own, and you belong to yourself."

This is the fundamental assumption of modern life. And if we are our own, then it's up to us to forge our own identities and to make our lives significant. But while that may sound empowering, it turns out to be a crushing responsibility—one that never actually delivers on its promise of a free and fulfilled life, but instead leaves us burned out, depressed, anxious, and alone. This phenomenon is mapped out onto the very structures of our society, and helps explain our society's underlying disorder.

But the Christian gospel offers a strikingly different vision. As the Heidelberg Catechism puts it, "I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ." In You Are Not Your Own, Alan Noble explores how this simple truth reframes the way we understand ourselves, our families, our society, and God. Contrasting these two visions of life, he invites us past the sickness of contemporary life into a better understanding of who we are and to whom we belong.

Contributor Bio

Alan Noble (PhD, Baylor University) is associate professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University, cofounder and editor in chief of Christ and Pop Culture, and an advisor for the AND Campaign. He has written for the Atlantic, Vox, BuzzFeed, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and First Things. He is also the author of Disruptive Witness.



Pub Date: 5/6/2025

On Sale Date: 5/6/2025



240 Pages

Religion / Christian Living REL012030

Knowing and Being Known Hope for All Our Intimate Relationships


"I can live without sex, but I can't live without intimacy."

In today's landscape of digital interactions, many people long for deeper connections. We have a desire to move from being lonely and disconnected in our relationships to be seen, known, and wholly loved. From friendships to romantic relationships, meaningful and genuine personal connections remain our heart's desire.

College chaplain Rev. Erin Moniz is deeply attuned to the questions and concerns of today's emerging adults. In Knowing and Being Known, she explores the essential elements of healthy relationships, addresses the complexities of intimacy, and shines a light on the barriers that can impede genuine connection.

With her compelling storytelling and expert insights from her research with emerging adults, she emphasizes the significant role of identity and self-worth in fostering meaningful relationships. This comprehensive resource goes beyond the subject of sex, providing a holistic perspective on intimacy that resonates with single emerging adults and married couples alike.

Begin to experience healthy relationships and transform your relational world as you ask better questions to get better answers. To know that we are loved by God is to know our identity in Christ. And this knowing provides us the tools and the path to a healthy, sustainable intimacy that allows us to be at home in our fullness in the gospel and with each other.

Contributor Bio

Rev. Erin F. Moniz (DMin, Trinity School for Ministry) is a deacon in the Anglican Church in North America and associate chaplain and director for chapel at Baylor University, where she disciples emerging adults and journeys with them toward healthy, gospelcentered relationships. She is a trained conciliator, mediator, and conflict coach. She enjoys content creation, playing music, being outdoors, and narrating the inner monologue of her two cats. She lives in Waco, Texas, with her husband, Michael.



Pub Date: 5/13/2025

On Sale Date: 5/13/2025



208 Pages

Religion / Christian Church REL108010

Beyond Church and Parachurch

From Competition to Missional Extension

Angie Ward


Discovering New Dimensions in Faith-Based Community Work

In a world where the church's relevance is often questioned, Angie Ward offers a compelling blueprint for a unified ecclesial future in Beyond Church and Parachurch. Beyond Church and Parachurch is not just a historical and theological exploration; it's a roadmap for rethinking the very essence of Christian ministry. Whether you're a pastor, mission leader, or nonprofit executive, you will be challenged to transcend conventional boundaries and discover the full spectrum of the church's potential.

Holistic Understanding: Develops a comprehensive view that integrates both traditional and emerging forms of ministry.

Innovative Strategies: Beyond Church and Parachurch presents forwardthinking approaches to facilitate collaboration between churches and parachurch organizations.

Inclusive Leadership: Emphasizes the importance of diverse leadership in fostering a more inclusive community.

Practical Applications: Offers actionable insights and case studies to apply the concepts in real-world contexts.

Future-Oriented: Focuses on long-term vision and sustainable practices for impactful ministry work.

Dive into a fresh understanding of the church in all its forms—be it campus ministries, mission agencies, or church-planting networks. Ward's vision dismantles the silos that fragment evangelical efforts, urging us to view the church as an interconnected ecosystem of apostolic networks. This paradigm shift empowers leaders to maximize kingdom impact, fostering cooperation and collaboration across organizations. With practical insights and visionary guidance, Beyond Church and Parachurch equips Christian leaders to serve a world in need with renewed purpose and unity. Transform your ministry approach and join a movement that redefines what it means to be the church.

Contributor Bio

Angie Ward (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is director of the Doctor of Ministry program and associate professor of leadership and ministry at Denver Seminary. She is the author of Uncharted Leadership: 20 Case Studies to Help Ministry Leaders Adapt to Uncertainty and I Am a Leader: When Women Discover the Joy of Their Calling. Angie has over thirty-five years of leadership experience in church, nonprofit, and higher education ministry. A sportswriter in a previous life, Angie loves running, basketball, humor, and movies. She and her pastor-husband live in Denver. They have two grown sons and one very spoiled beagle.


Pub Date: 6/17/2025

On Sale Date: 6/17/2025

$18.00 Paperback

208 Pages

Business & Economics / Women In Business BUS109000

Front Porch Wisdom

Navigating Leadership Pressures and Barriers as a Woman of Color

Froswa' Booker-Drew


Celebrating the Achievements and Struggles of Women of Color in Leadership

Unlock your potential with Front Porch Wisdom, a powerful guide for women of color navigating the complex landscapes of leadership. Authored by Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew, Front Porch Wisdom fills a crucial gap in leadership books by focusing on faith and workplace journeys unique to women of color. Each chapter is an invitation to explore tools and insights tailored for nonprofit management, corporate environments, and beyond. With wisdom accumulated from a lifetime of leadership and community engagement, Dr. Booker-Drew offers a safe and reflective space for thinking, learning, and growing as a leader.

Front Porch Wisdom offers women the opportunity to:

Emphasize the importance of faith and personal values in leadership roles. Learn practical tools and strategies for navigating corporate and nonprofit sectors.

Read real-life stories and experiences from women of color in leadership. Experience reflective exercises designed to encourage personal and professional growth.

Uncover insights into overcoming unique challenges faced by women of color.

While reading Front Porch Wisdom you will discover strategies to tackle workplace challenges, enhance your personal capacity, and build meaningful relationships that will fortify both your professional and spiritual journeys. Whether you are stepping into a leadership role or seeking to refine your existing skills, Front Porch Wisdom is your companion in climbing the leadership ladder with confidence and grace.

Contributor Bio

Froswa' Booker-Drew (PhD, Antioch) is the founder of Soulstice Consultancy providing philanthropic guidance, community engagement strategies, and leadership development for companies and nonprofits. She is the founder of the Reconciliation and Restoration Foundation, a nonprofit designed to amplify, support, and fund the work of Black-led nonprofits. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Tulane University and a research affiliate at Antioch University. Froswa' is the author of four books including Empowering Charity: A New Narrative of Philanthropy and is the cofounder of HERitage Giving Circle. She has an adult daughter and a grandcat.


Pub Date: 8/19/2025

On Sale Date: 8/19/2025



160 Pages

Religion / Christian Living REL012020

Grace to Overcome

31 Devotions on God's Work Through Black History

Bryan C. Loritts


Empowering Your Journey, One Story at A Time.

Grace to Overcome invites you on a spiritual and historical journey, interweaving the rich tapestry of black history with the profound narratives of the Bible. Crafted by Pastor Bryan C. Loritts, an influential voice in multiethnic church movements, Grace to Overcome is a powerful collection of 31 devotions that bring to life the stories of both renowned and lesser-known figures who have help shaped society. From the soulful notes of Miles Davis and Billie Holiday to the groundbreaking inventions of Jerry Lawson and Alice H. Parker, each story is an inspiring testament to resilience and faith.

Through these reflections, Loritts not only shines a light on the triumphs and trials of black history across various arenas including sports, politics, and technology, but also challenges readers to see their personal journeys within God's grand design. In a world where the importance of learning black history often faces scrutiny, Grace to Overcome stands as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of heritage and the gospel’s call to live with grace and purpose. Embark on this devotional path and discover how each story, including your own, contributes to the divine narrative.

Contributor Bio

Bryan C. Loritts (DMin, Liberty University) is teaching pastor of the Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina. He has dedicated his life and ministry to seeing the multiethnic church become the new normal in our society. He is also vice president for regions for the Send Network, the church planting arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, where he is responsible for training church planters in multiethnic church planting. He has been a featured speaker at the Global Leadership Summit and Catalyst. His books include Insider Outsider, The Dad Difference, and The Offensive Church.

Grace to Overcome

Bryan Loritts


8/19/25, $1 9.99

This is an encouragement to Black readers who need sources of strength from Black culture. Christian s who want to see Christ present in Black culture will also benefit from this book.

This title will receive market attention over all of 2025. We will begin in February 2025 on social media, featuring the figures from the book. This effort will extend throughout the year on the birthday or notable date from each figure’s life. We will extend this effort through Black History Month 2026. Paid ads on social platforms, Sojourners, and other outlets will extend this reach, as will publicity hits in our wide range of partner outlets.

"When we travel in ethnic silos, unaware of the stories of others, we restrict the flow of God’s blessings in our lives."



Pub Date: 8/5/2025

On Sale Date: 8/5/2025



208 Pages

Bibles / Other English



First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs

An Indigenous Bible Translation

Terry M. Wildman, First Nations Version Translation Council


Discover the rich tapestry of human emotion and divine wisdom with the First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs. The latest volume from the critically acclaimed First Nations Version translation brings the ancient Sacred Songs and Wise Sayings of the Hebrew Scriptures to life through the vibrant, poetic imagery of Native American oral storytelling.

Discover Psalms and Proverbs Reimagined Through the Poetic Language of Native Storytellers:

Father Sky is telling us the story of the shining-greatness of the One Above Us All. The starry tent above us shows the beauty that Creator’s hands have made. Day after day, the story is told, and night after night, their wisdom fills the sky. Even though the skies above have no spoken words, all creation has heard their message.Psalm 19:1-3

From the strength of your heart, put all your trust in Grandfather, and do not hold yourself up with weak human thinking. As you walk the road of life, make every step a prayer. Grandfather will then make your eyes straight and your paths safe.Proverbs 3:5-6

Whether you're seeking solace, strength, or spiritual insight, the First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs will guide you with its profound expressions of praise and trust in the Creator. Step into the harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and indigenous tradition to discover a spiritual experience that speaks directly to your heart.

Contributor Bio

Terry M. Wildman (Ojibwe and Yaqui) is the lead translator, general editor, and project manager of the First Nations Version. He serves as the director of spiritual growth and leadership development for Native InterVarsity. He is also the founder of Rain Ministries and has previously served as a pastor and worship leader. He and his wife, Darlene, live in Arizona.

The First Nations Version (FNV) Translation Council consists of twelve First Nations individuals representing a cross-section of Native North Americans—elders, pastors, young adults, and men and women from differing tribes and diverse geographic locations. This council also represents a diversity of church and denominational traditions to minimize bias. The council determined the style and method of translation to be used and cont...



Pub Date: 8/5/2025

On Sale Date: 8/5/2025

$24.99 Hardcover

208 Pages

Bibles / Other English Translations


First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs

An Indigenous Bible Translation

Terry M. Wildman, First Nations Version Translation Council


Discover the rich tapestry of human emotion and divine wisdom with the First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs. The latest volume from the critically acclaimed First Nations Version translation brings the ancient Sacred Songs and Wise Sayings of the Hebrew Scriptures to life through the vibrant, poetic imagery of Native American oral storytelling.

Discover Psalms and Proverbs Reimagined Through the Poetic Language of Native Storytellers:

Father Sky is telling us the story of the shining-greatness of the One Above Us All. The starry tent above us shows the beauty that Creator’s hands have made. Day after day, the story is told, and night after night, their wisdom fills the sky. Even though the skies above have no spoken words, all creation has heard their message.Psalm 19:1-3

From the strength of your heart, put all your trust in Grandfather, and do not hold yourself up with weak human thinking. As you walk the road of life, make every step a prayer. Grandfather will then make your eyes straight and your paths safe.Proverbs 3:5-6

Whether you're seeking solace, strength, or spiritual insight, the First Nations Version Psalms and Proverbs will guide you with its profound expressions of praise and trust in the Creator. Step into the harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and indigenous tradition to discover a spiritual experience that speaks directly to your heart.

Contributor Bio

Terry M. Wildman (Ojibwe and Yaqui) is the lead translator, general editor, and project manager of the First Nations Version. He serves as the director of spiritual growth and leadership development for Native InterVarsity. He is also the founder of Rain Ministries and has previously served as a pastor and worship leader. He and his wife, Darlene, live in Arizona.

The First Nations Version (FNV) Translation Council consists of twelve First Nations individuals representing a cross-section of Native North Americans—elders, pastors, young adults, and men and women from differing tribes and diverse geographic locations. This council also represents a diversity of church and denominational traditions to minimize bias. The council determined the style and method of translation to be used and cont...

First Nations Version

New Testament

Bonded Leather

Terry Wildman

6/24/25, $45.99

2k print run

First Nations Version

Psalms and Proverbs

Paperback and Casebound

Terry Wildman

8/5/25, $18.99 & $24.99

10k and 4k print run

With more than 90k units sold, these editions will find a home in many contexts. The FNV Psalms and Proverbs mark the first portion of the Old Testament in this translation, which has been anticipated with the thousands of readers of the first editions. Readers will run to this volume! The primary audience for the bonded leather edition of the FNV is the reader who wants an elevated devotional experience from this translation .

Key among our efforts will be reaching a dedicated FNV audience through the YouVersion subscribers. This number has grown from 25k to 70k YTD and will continue to grow with this new edition to the line. Beyond this, we will be advertising in PW, Christian Century, Sojourners, BAR, and making pitches for hits in CBN News, Good Morning America Faith Friday, RNS, and others. We expect this will generate 4 million hits across these outlets. The FNV will be receiving buzz in the market for all of 2025.



Pub Date: 6/24/2025

On Sale Date: 6/24/2025



512 Pages

Bibles / Other English Translations


First Nations Version, Bonded Leather

An Indigenous Bible Translation of the New Testament

Terry M. Wildman, First Nations Version Translation Council


A New Leather-Bound Edition of a Bestselling Classic!

"This remarkable retelling offers plenty of rewards and will especially pique those open to a novel interpretation of the religious text." —Publishers Weekly STARRED Review

Academy of Parish Clergy Reference Book of the Year

Step into a world where the sacred stories of the Christian Scriptures are told through the rich and vibrant lens of Native American culture. The First Nations Version invites you to experience the New Testament like never before, with a dynamic translation that honors the oral storytelling traditions of Indigenous people. Now available in a luxurious bonded leather edition The First Nations Version makes for the perfect gift—whether for yourself or a loved one. It's not just a book; it's a lasting treasure that connects the past with the present, offering a bridge between cultures through the power of storytelling.

Discover the New Testament Reimagined Through the Poetic Language of Native Storytellers:

"The Great Spirit loves this world of human beings so deeply he gave us his Son—the only Son who fully represents him. All who trust in him, and his way will not come to a bad end but will have the life of the world to come that never fades—full of beauty and harmony. Creator did not send his Son to decide against the people of this world, but to set them free from the worthless ways of the world." John 3:16-17

"Love is patient and kind. Love is never jealous. It does not brag or boast. It is not puffed up or big-headed. Love does not act in shameful ways, nor does it care only about itself. It is not hot-headed, nor does it keep track of wrongs done to it. Love is not happy with lies and injustice, but truth makes its heart glad. Love keeps walking even when carrying a heavy load. Love keeps trusting, never loses hope, and stands firm in hard times. The road of love has no end." 1

Corinthians 13:4-8

The First Nations Version was created through a collaborative effort involving a translation council...

Contributor Bio

Terry M. Wildman (Ojibwe and Yaqui) is the lead translator, general editor, and project manager of the First Nations Version. He serves as the director of spiritual growth and leadership development for Native InterVarsity. He is also the founder of Rain Ministries and has previously served as a pastor and worship leader. He and his wife, Darlene, live in Arizona.

The First Nations Version (FNV) Translation Council consists of twelve First Nations individuals representing a cross-section of Native North Americans—elders, pastors, young adults, and men and women from differing tribes and diverse geographic locations. This council also represents a diversity of church and denominational traditions to minimize bias. The council determined the style and method of translation to be used and cont...



Pub Date: 6/3/2025

On Sale Date: 6/3/2025



208 Pages

Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Mid-Faith Crisis

Finding a Path Through Doubt, Disillusionment, and Dead Ends

Catherine McNiel, Jason Hague


Navigating the Storm: Understanding the Crisis of Faith

Many of us embarked on our spiritual journeys filled with hope and certainty, only to find ourselves questioning the very foundation of our beliefs as life unfolded. The faith that once seemed unshakeable may falter in the face of broken trust, unanswered prayers, and the harsh realities of worldly suffering. But you're not alone—mid-faith crises are a shared human experience that can feel isolating yet are a crucial part of our spiritual journey.

In Mid Faith Crisis, authors Catherine McNiel and Jason Hague provide a compassionate exploration of this challenging phase. With backgrounds in theology and personal narratives of their own spiritual upheavals, they guide readers through the complex landscape of doubt and disillusionment. Mid Faith Crisis candidly addresses the oftenunspoken realities of faith's evolution, offering solace and practical insights for navigating through turbulent waters.

Through storytelling and reflection, McNiel and Hague offer practices and disciplines that help reclaim what is genuine and discard what is not. They reassure us that the crisis of faith is not an endpoint but a transformative stage that can lead to a more sincere and robust belief system. If you're in the midst of a spiritual reevaluation, Mid Faith Crisis will serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us that while the road may be rocky, the destination holds the promise of deeper faith and connection.

Contributor Bio

Catherine McNiel is a chaplain, author, editor, and speaker searching for the creative, redemptive work of God in our ordinary lives. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband, three children, and one enormous garden. Catherine holds an MA in human service counseling and is finishing a Master of Divinity at North Park Theological Seminary. Her previous books include Fearing Bravely, All Shall Be Well, and Long Days of Small Things, which was an ECPA finalist for New Author.

Jason Hague is the associate pastor of Christ's Center Church near Eugene, Oregon, and the author of Aching Joy: Following God Through the Land of Unanswered Prayer Jason has written extensively on the subject of the Christian faith and autism, special needs families, and his own spiritual journey toward hope f...

Mid-Faith Crisis

Catherine McNiel and Jason Hague 6/3/25, $18.99

The primary audience for this title is the maturing Christian (25-54 years old) who has learned the foundations of the faith but is experiencing the desert stage in which lines are blurred and greyed. The authors help the reader make it through this necessary part of the faith journey as they build a more resilient faith. Doubt is normal, and these authors provide a way to acknowledge and navigate it.

We will bring this book to the market by garnering an estimated 800k+ views through paid social media ads, eblasts through Salem/, Ann Voskamp sponsorships, and a YouVersion reading plan (we currently have 75k subscribers across our top 5 read ing plans). We’ll also pitch publicity placements in places like CT, Fathom, and podcasts like Annie F. Downs, Focus on the Family, Moody Radio, and others.



Pub Date: 5/6/2025

On Sale Date: 5/6/2025



192 Pages

Self-Help / Self-Management


Radical Relaxation

Releasing the Stress You Were Never Meant to Carry Tracie Braylock


Understanding Stress: Causes and Solutions

Stress is not just a fleeting feeling; it's a silent disruptor, quietly eroding your peace, your health, and your capacity to enjoy life as you know it. Radical Relaxation is your guide to reversing this toxic cycle. Crafted by, holistic nurse educator and wellness consultant Tracie Braylock, Radical Relaxation is your pathway to healing and liberation from the trappings of stress through the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tracie brings her expertise in mind, body, and spirit well-being to teach you how to reclaim your life and live it fully the way God intended.

Whether you are a woman silently battling stress while juggling responsibilities, or someone seeking a deeper experience with God’s presence, Radical Relaxation offers:

Practical techniques to integrate relaxation into your daily life. Offers insights into the holistic approach to wellness and stress management. Teaches how to identify and address the root causes of your stress.

Helps to develop a personalized routine that promotes lasting relaxation and well-being.

In a world that often demands more from us than we can give, managing stress isn't just beneficial—it's essential. Radical Relaxation provides a roadmap for navigating this high-pressure environment with grace and resilience. Through embracing the principles of holistic wellness, intentional relaxation, and biblical wisdom you have the power to transform your life. The insights and practices shared illuminate a path to not only cope with stress but to thrive beyond it. Relaxation isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for living a balanced and fulfilling life. Take the first step on your journey to radical relaxation and reclaim the life God meant for you to live.

Contributor Bio

Tracie Braylock (MSN, BSN, RN) is a holistic nurse educator, writer, and wellness consultant. As a former operating room nurse, she advocates for mind, body, spirit well-being, holistic wellness experiences, and liberating relaxation. Her work has been featured in the American Holistic Nurses Association New Beginnings magazine, Proverbs 31 Ministries, and Hallmark Mahogany. Tracie teaches workshops, leads retreats, and lectures on issues related to nursing, writing, self-care, and healing lifestyles. She lives in Ohio with her family.


Pub Date: 5/27/2025

On Sale Date: 5/27/2025



144 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Tomorrow Needs You

Seeing Beauty When You Feel Hopeless


Step into a New World of Hope and Love

Fear is our biggest enemy. It sneaks into our lives as worry, uncertainty, or discouragement, clouding our vision for a brighter future. It pauses our dreams, making us doubt the people we want to become and the lives we wish to lead. But what if I told you there was a better way—a path to a beautiful future filled with joy?

In Tomorrow Needs You, Naeem Fazal opens a new chapter—one where fear no longer dictates our lives. He guides you through an inspiring narrative that not only acknowledges the challenges of our world but also celebrates its beauty. By following Jesus' example, Fazal paints a vivid picture of a life enriched by hope and perseverance amidst adversity.

In Tomorrow Need You Pastor Fazal leads readers to:

Embrace Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude helps shift focus from what we lack to the abundance that surrounds us, fostering a positive mindset. Practice Forgiveness: Letting go of past grievances opens the heart to joy and allows us to move forward without the weight of resentment. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Engage with uplifting individuals who inspire and empower you, creating an environment that nurtures joy. Engage in Acts of Kindness: Spreading kindness not only brightens others' days but amplifies our own joy and strengthens our sense of connection. Find Joy in Simple Moments: Take time to appreciate the little things in life—sunny days, laughter with friends, or a quiet moment in nature.

Imagine waking up each day, knowing fear has no hold over you. Envision a world where loss, failure, and rejection are steppingstones, not stumbling blocks. Tomorrow Needs You will help you boldly step into the future, guided by love with the belief that tomorrow truly needs each one of us.

Contributor Bio

Naeem Fazal is the founding and lead pastor of Mosaic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is a Pakistani, born and raised as a Muslim in Kuwait. He came to the United States shortly after the Gulf War and had a supernatural experience with Christ that changed the course of his life. He was ordained at Seacoast Church in Charleston and is the author of Ex-Muslim. Naeem and his wife, Ashley, have two children.

IVP Academic 9781514011423

Pub Date: 6/10/2025

On Sale Date: 6/10/2025



192 Pages

Religion / Christian Ministry REL074000

The Hybrid Congregation

A Practical Theology of Worship for an Online Era

Michael Huerter

Summary Can Church Really Be Hybrid?

The Hybrid Congregation is a groundbreaking exploration of how church worship practices are evolving in our digital age. Written by seasoned church musician and scholar Michael Huerter, The Hybrid Congregation guides you through a detailed account of how congregations are adapting to digital mediatization, enriched by interviews with leading scholars and practitioners. Discover vibrant online communities that thrive through digital life together, challenging traditional notions of participation and embodiment.

The Hybrid Congregation explores how technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and how it is impacting religious practices in unexpected ways. With the rise of online platforms, including social media and video conferencing tools, the concept of a physical church space is being redefined. The virtual world is now an extension of our physical reality, blurring the lines between what is considered "real" and what is not.

Whether you're a music minister, theologian, or a curious layperson, The Hybrid Congregation invites you to rethink worship in a hybrid world, making it a must-read for anyone invested in the future of church ministry.

Contributor Bio

Michael Huerter (PhD, Baylor University) is associate pastor at Holmeswood Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, where he leads worship and works to build community and connection. As a lifelong church musician and digital native, he is interested in engaging with and contributing to scholarship that bridges the gap between research and practical ministry.

IVP Academic 9781514009246

Pub Date: 6/24/2025

On Sale Date: 6/24/2025

$30.00 Paperback

272 Pages Religion / Christian Theology REL067030

The Journey of God

Christianity in Six Movements


The Journey of God is an exploration into the rich tapestry of Christianity, designed to captivate both the mind and soul. The Journey of God transcends traditional theology, weaving a compelling narrative that journeys through the six pivotal acts of the Christian story—Creation, Fall, Nation, Redemption, Church, and Eschaton. Each chapter unfurls as part novel, part sermon, and part philosophical inquiry, challenging readers to engage with deep theological questions in the order they naturally arise. With creative storytelling elements, such as dramatic dialogues from the perspective of Moses and lively townhall debates on atonement, The Journey of God promises to leave your heart racing and your mind pondering long after you've turned the last page.

Through its unique format, The Journey of God allows readers to explore the complexities and nuances of Christian thought from multiple perspectives. By blending literature, philosophy, and theology, The Journey of God offers a well-rounded understanding of the faith that is both intellectually stimulating and spiritually uplifting.

Ideal for clergy, scholars, and curious laypeople alike, The Journey of God invites you to deepen your understanding and devotion while reflecting on the intertwined narratives of faith and reason. Whether used in seminary classrooms or personal study, The Journey of God stands as a contemporary, refreshing introduction to Christianity, equipped to inspire and educate across generations.

Contributor Bio

J.D. Lyonhart (PhD, Cambridge) is a British-Canadian theologian, philosopher, author, and ordained minister, as well as an advocate for the learning disabled and neurodiverse. He is an associate professor of Christianity and philosophy at the University of Jamestown, a fellow at the Cambridge Center for the Study of Platonism at Cambridge University, and a cohost of the Spiritually Incorrect Podcast

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 6/3/2025

On Sale Date: 6/3/2025

$26.00 Paperback

192 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Series: Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

Walking the Way of the Wise A

Biblical Theology of Wisdom


Wisdom Is Not Simply Knowledge or Cleverness

Walking the Way of the Wise is a profound exploration into the depths of biblical wisdom, seamlessly blending scholarly insight with practical guidance. In this latest addition to IVP Academic's Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT) series, Mitchell Chase invites readers to rediscover wisdom as an essential thread woven throughout the tapestry of Scripture. Chase unveils wisdom not merely as knowledge or cleverness but as a life-giving path of joyful obedience to God's Word. By tracing the themes of wisdom and folly from Genesis to Revelation, Walking the Way of the Wise illuminates the role of wisdom in the covenant life of God's people.

Readers will gain a deeper understanding of how wisdom plays a vital role in the lives of believers. By following the wise path set out by God, we can experience joy, peace, and fulfillment in our lives. Perfect for pastors, scholars, and everyday believers, Walking the Way of the Wise provides thoughtful discussion questions designed to encourage deeper reflection. Discover that biblical wisdom is central to understanding God's grand narrative and our place within it as you read Walking the Way of the Wise.

Contributor Bio

Mitchell L. Chase is associate professor of biblical studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is preaching pastor at Kosmosdale Baptist Church. He is the author of Short of Glory (Crossway) and Resurrection Hope and the Death of Death (Crossway).

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 5/27/2025

On Sale Date: 5/27/2025

$29.00 Paperback

264 Pages

Religion / Christianity


Series: Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

The Wages of Cinema

A Christian Aesthetic of Film in Conversation with Dorothy L. Sayers

Crystal L. Downing


Discover a New Dimension of Faith and Cinema with The Wages of Cinema

In a captivating realm where cinematic narratives enchant countless viewers, how can one harmonize their faith with the craft of filmmaking? The Wages of Cinema encourages a deep dive into this relationship, drawing upon the significant reflections of Dorothy L. Sayers defending the authenticity of art and truth's manifestation.

The Wages of Cinema uses examples ranging from the timeless genius of Charlie Chaplin to the cultural phenomenon of Barbie, illustrating how film theory can be enriched by the truths of the Christian faith.

The Wages of Cinema will help readers appreciate artistry through:

Enlightening Models: Learn how Christians can discuss films intelligently, transcending simple content critique.

Historical Insights: Delve into the history of cinema and the evolution of film theories.

Sayers's Legacy: Uncover little-known evidence of Dorothy Sayers's engagement with cinema, shedding light on her passion for truth and artistic integrity.

Dive into The Wages of Cinema and transform your movie-watching into a meaningful dialogue between faith and art. Whether you're a student of film or a passionate movie lover, The Wages of Cinema will broaden your horizon and deepen your appreciation of cinema.

Contributor Bio

Crystal L. Downing, distinguished professor of English and film studies at Messiah College, has published widely on the relationship between Christianity and culture. She is the author of Writing Performances: The Stages of Dorothy L. Sayers and How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith

IVP Academic 9781514009987

Pub Date: 7/29/2025

On Sale Date: 7/29/2025

$30.99 Hardcover

288 Pages Religion / Christianity REL015000

Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice A

History of Christians in Action


Advancing Racial Justice: Towards a More Equitable Society

Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice is a beacon of hope for understanding America's complex racial landscape. Through rigorous historical research and compelling narrative storytelling, Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice illuminates the past's intersections of Christianity, race, and place, offering profound insights for today's world. Learn about the brave efforts of heroes like Catherine de Hueck in New York City or John Perkins in Mississippi, whose faith-driven missions transformed communities through justice and reconciliation. Beyond history, Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice empowers readers with practical recommendations, encouraging them to rethink and reshape their own communities for justice.

Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice explores the important role faith plays in radical justice including:

The intertwining of faith and racial justice as a driving force throughout history. Examining faith communities who served as catalysts for social change by championing equality and justice.

Exploring religious teachings that inspired advocates to confront systemic racism and propagate the message of love, acceptance, and unity.

Studying key figures that used faith as a foundation to fuel their activism for civil rights.

Faith has often been at the heart of significant strides toward racial justice. From the Civil Rights Movement to present-day challenges, individuals and faith-based organizations have steadfastly committed to justice work, drawing strength and motivation from their spiritual beliefs. Whether you're a scholar, teacher, activist, or avid reader of U.S. history, Ordinary Heroes of Racial Justice will enrich your understanding and inspire action as you uncover the stories of those who dared to be different for the greater good and joined the pursuit of justice.

Contributor Bio

Karen J. Johnson (PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago) is associate professor and chair of the history department at Wheaton College. Her expertise is in the history of religion and race in America. She is the author of One in Christ: Chicago Catholics and the Quest for Interracial Justice and coeditor of Understanding and Teaching Religion in US History

IVP Academic 9781514013007

Pub Date: 9/27/2024

On Sale Date: 9/27/2024

$39.99 Paperback

288 Pages Biography & Autobiography / Religious BIO018000

Tethered to the Cross

The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon

Thomas Breimaier, Timothy Larsen


Tethered to the Cross unveils the deeply rooted philosophy of the “Price of Preachers Charles H. Spurgeon. For nearly forty years, Spurgeon commanded the pulpit at London's bustling Metropolitan Tabernacle, where his sermons became legendary. But what made his scriptural insights so transformational? The renowned theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier takes us on an enlightening exploration of Spurgeon's profound interpretative technique. Breimaier reveals how Spurgeon, with unwavering focus, read every passage of Scripture through the lens of the cross of Christ. This cross-centered approach was not merely a method but a mission—a passionate crusade to convert unbelievers through the power of the gospel. With Breimaier as our insightful guide, we are invited to experience the enduring impact of Spurgeon's teachings, learning how to anchor our own understanding of Scripture in the life-changing power of the cross.

Spurgeon's commitment to preaching Christ and Him crucified extended beyond the walls of his church making his life a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of Christianity’s central message. Through Tethered to the Cross, we are inspired to pursue a similar depth of conviction, influencing your community with the same passion and purpose that characterized Spurgeon's ministry.

Contributor Bio

Thomas Breimaier (PhD, University of Edinburgh) lectures in systematic theology and history at Spurgeon's College in London. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, he holds degrees from Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College Graduate School and is a book review editor for the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology

Timothy Larsen (PhD, University of Stirling) is McManis Professor of Christian Thought at Wheaton College. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and an Honorary Fellow in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, and he has been a Visiting Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, and All Souls College, Oxford. He is the author of several books, including John Stuart Mill: A Secular Life, The Slain God: Anthropologists and the Christian Faith, A People of One Bo

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 8/26/2025

On Sale Date: 8/26/2025



200 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012140

Working for Better

A New Approach to Faith at Work

Elaine Howard Ecklund


Elevate Your Every Day

In a world where workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse, Working for Better by Elaine Howard Ecklund and Denise Daniels offers a timely guide for Christians navigating the modern faith-at-work landscape. Drawing from over twenty years of research and personal insights, Working for Better presents a groundbreaking exploration of how to express Christian faith in professional settings without compromising beliefs or alienating others.

Through detailed studies involving focus groups, surveys of more than 15,000 workers, and interviews with over 300 individuals, Ecklund and Daniels identify five key tensions in the faith-at-work movement. With compelling stories and practical applications, Working for Better addresses the need for Christian workers and leaders to adapt to cultural shifts, offering guidance for a more redemptive presence at work. Each chapter concludes with thought-provoking questions for individual reflection or group discussion, making this book an essential resource for anyone seeking to integrate faith with their professional life. Whether you're a Christian worker, workplace leader, or pastor guiding others, Working for Better invites you to consider how to flourish in a rapidly changing world.

As workplaces continue to evolve, the ability to maintain one’s spiritual values while contributing positively to the organizational culture becomes ever more crucial. Working for Better not only equips readers with the wisdom and tools needed to face such challenges but also inspires them to become agents of change, promoting a more inclusive and harmonious work environment.

Contributor Bio

Elaine Howard Ecklund is the Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences, professor of sociology, and director of the Boniuk Institute at Rice University. She is best known for her sociological work on the intersection of science and religion and has also published research on religious discrimination, religion and immigration, religion and race, and religion in the workplace. She is the author of numerous books and research articles, including Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think

Denise Daniels is Hudson T. Harrison Professor of Entrepreneurship at Wheaton College. She is a management scholar with deep theological engagement in her teaching, publications, and consulting work, which focuses on leadership development and vocation in the marketplace. She co-authored the book Wo

Working For Better


8/26/25, $24.99

The primary reader of this book is a Christian professional who is interested learning how their Christian faith can improve not just their work life, but also support a more equitable workplace overall. People generally interested in the conversation of faith and work will also be excited about this fresh take on the topic.

IVP will be promoting this title through various channels like Made to Flourish, AAR, PW, Foreword, Christianity Today, American Sociological Review, and more. Our own efforts will include marketing through our lists and posting on our Link edIn, Twitter/X, and Instagram pages .

“Rather than concentrating solely on the kind of employee we are, our own expressions of faith at work, and our personal responsibility and morality, we can examine the values of the workplace as a whole and work to advance justice, fairness, human flourishing, and the common good.”

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 5/20/2025

On Sale Date: 5/20/2025

$26.00 Paperback

216 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Thinning the Veil

Encountering Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation

Shane J. Wood


Encounter the Hope of Jesus in the Book of Revelation

The Biblical book of Revelation—a text that, for many, remains shrouded in mystery and confusion. The cryptic symbols and visions of the end times often evoke anxiety among believers. Is it even possible to find hope and spiritual growth within it pages?

Thinning the Veil is not just a book; it's a spiritual guide that combines Biblical scholarship with personal reflection, making the study of Revelation accessible and enriching. You'll discover that the heart of Revelation lies in its opening words—"the revelation of Jesus Christ." It's a powerful and personal unveiling, designed to bridge the gap between heaven and earth, bringing God's presence into our lives in a very real and transforming way.

Authored by renowned Biblical scholar Shane J. Wood, Thinning the Veil provides a fresh perspective on Revelation, aiming to transform our understanding of this profound text. Wood invites readers to see Revelation not as a daunting puzzle but as a revelation of Jesus, meant to inspire divine intimacy and spiritual renewal.

Each chapter of Thinning the Veil is crafted to deepen your engagement through:

1. Scriptural Insights: Delve into thorough textual studies that illuminate the complex passages, unveiling the profound messages they contain.


Interpretation Tools: Engage with exercises that explore different principles of Biblical interpretation, helping you unlock the deeper meanings within Revelation.

2. Spiritual Takeaways: Reflect on spiritual practices and thought-provoking questions designed to invite the Word to transform your soul, just as it did for its original audience.

Are you ready to dispel the mystery and uncover the hope that lies within the book of Revelation? Thinning the Veil is your guide to experiencing Revelation’s hopeful and transformational message.

Contributor Bio

Shane J. Wood (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is professor of New Testament and Its Origins at Ozark Christian College. In addition to speaking at churches and conferences worldwide, Shane produces a variety of audio, video, and written resources available at He is the author of Between Two Trees: Our Transformation from Death to Life and The Alter-Imperial Paradigm: Empire Studies and the Book of Revelation. Shane and his wife, Sara, have four children and live in southwest Missouri.

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 8/5/2025

On Sale Date: 8/5/2025

$28.99 Paperback

192 Pages Psychology / Psychotherapy


Series: Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

The Integrative Mindset

Pathways to Practicing as a Christian Clinician

Brad D. Strawn, Earl D. Bland


Discover the profound impact of integrating faith and psychology with The Integrative Mindset. Guided by the wisdom of veteran integrative clinicians Brad Strawn and Earl Bland, readers will learn how to cultivate an integrative mindset that harmonizes personal experiences and innate talents with therapeutic practice. Using their combined 60+ years of combined experience, Strawn, and Bland, present a compelling emergent model that celebrates the unique and dynamic complexity of each therapist-client relationship. Through the exploration of five key domains—hermeneutics, tradition, ethics, development, and resiliency—The Integrative Mindset offers a rich tapestry of case studies and reflective questions designed to spark introspection and dialogue.

By weaving together the threads of faith and psychology, The Integrative Mindset challenges mental health practitioners to rethink conventional approaches and embrace a more holistic, nuanced practice.

Contributor Bio

Brad D. Strawn (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the Evelyn and Frank Freed Professor of the Integration of Psychology and Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has post-doctoral training in psychoanalysis and is a licensed psychologist. He is coauthor (with Warren S. Brown) of The Physical Nature of Christian Life: Neuroscience, Psychology and the Church and coeditor of Christianity and Psychoanalysis: A New Conversation

Earl D. Bland (PsyD, Illinois School of Professional Psychology) is professor of psychology and chair of the department of behavioral sciences at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas.

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 4/15/2025

On Sale Date: 4/15/2025

$22.00 Paperback

200 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Series: How to Read Series

How to Read Genesis (Revised) Tremper Longman


A New Updated Edition of a Beloved Favorite!

Within the realm of sacred texts, Genesis stands as a pillar—a foundational book that shapes the Torah, the Old Testament, and ultimately the entire Christian Bible. Through its rich tapestry of stories and images Genesis often leave readers pondering the deeper meanings hidden within its verses. In the latest installment of the bestselling How to Read Series, Tremper Longman III offers an enlightening path to grasping what Genesis is meant to communicate to both its original readers and contemporary audiences.

How to Read Genesis, 2nd Edition gives readers an invaluable guide that:

Examines the various lenses through which Genesis can be viewed, enriching comprehension and appreciation of its narratives.

Delves into the cultural backgrounds that influenced Genesis, providing a fuller picture of its significance and teachings.

Uncovers the layers of history and authorship that contributed to the creation of Genesis.

Explains the background of the literary forms and structural elements that make Genesis unique.

Offers an understanding of how Genesis fits into the broader context of the Bible, connecting its themes and messages to the entire Christian narrative.

Building upon historical, cultural, and literary context, How to Read Genesis, 2nd Edition will not only enhance your knowledge, but will also foster a deeper connection with the text and its timeless wisdom.

Contributor Bio

Tremper Longman III (PhD, Yale University) is Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is also visiting professor of Old Testament at Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and adjunct of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary. He lectures regularly at Regent College in Vancouver and the Canadian Theological Seminary in Calgary.Longman is the author or coauthor of over twenty books, including How to Read Genesis, How to Read the Psalms, How to Read Proverbs, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Essentials and coeditor of A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible. He and Dan Allender have coauthored Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Allies, The Intimate Mystery and the Intimate Marriage Bible studie...

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 4/29/2025

On Sale Date: 4/29/2025

$30.00 Paperback

240 Pages Religion / Christian Education REL091000

Passing the Torch

An Apology for Classical Christian Education

Louis Markos


What is the purpose and meaning of classical education?

Imagine a world where education isn't just about information transfer but about shaping the soul, where students are nurtured to become virtuous, morally self-regulating citizens. Passing the Torch makes an energetic case for the critical role of classical Christian education in today's world. From the pre-Christian musings of Plato to the modern reflections of C. S. Lewis, Passing the Torch intertwines the wisdom of diverse epochs to argue for an educational renaissance grounded in classical Christian values.

Passing the Torch takes educators and parents on a literary and philosophical pilgrimage that includes:

Bibliographic Essays: Each essay serves as a gateway to key texts and influential thinkers, making it an invaluable guide for educators and homeschooling parents alike.

Close Readings: Delve into thoughtful examinations of pivotal figures such as Augustine, Rousseau, and Dorothy Sayers offering an intimate understanding of the moral and educational imperatives they championed.

Passionate Advocacy:Passing the Torch ignites a fervor for the value and necessity of classical Christian education that is both infectious and inspiring.

In an era where educational paradigms often prioritize technological proficiency over moral formation, Passing the Torch is a call to return to the roots of classical Christian education.

Contributor Bio

Louis Markos (PhD, University of Michigan) is professor of English and scholar in residence at Houston Baptist University. He is the author of many books, including Myth Made Fact: Reading Greek and Roman Mythology through Christian Eyes, Ancient Voices: An Insider's Look at Classical Greece, From Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics, Atheism on Trial: Refuting the Modern Arguments Against God,On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue in Tolkien and Lewis, and Restoring Beauty: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful in the Writings of C. S. Lewis.

IVP Academic


Pub Date: 4/15/2025

On Sale Date: 4/15/2025

$25.00 Paperback

272 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Series: The Lost World Series

New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis Advances

in the Origins Debate

John H. Walton, J. Harvey Walton


Updating and expanding upon his previous work on origins, this riveting volume from John H. Walton marks the eighth entry in his bestselling Lost World Series, which has sold more than 125,000 copies.

For over a decade, John Walton's books The Lost World of Genesis One and The Lost World of Adam and Eve have shaped readers' understanding of the ancient Near Eastern world and its implications for modern scientific origins debates. But more than simply engaging the creation/evolution debate, these works explored questions related to interpretation of Genesis through ancient eyes, the theological purpose of a seven-day creation account, the historicity of Adam and Eve, and the history of interpretation of the creative narratives.

In New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis, Walton provides comprehensive and timely updates on the latest developments and research, including: a summary of positions addressed in his previous books on origins new insights, clarifications, and illustrations based on current scholarship answers to frequently asked questions

Engaging the latest scholarship as well as questions that his proponents and critics alike have raised, New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis provides a relevant update that will benefit students, professors, and pastors as they continue to explore questions of origins and their implications for the Christian life.

Contributor Bio

John H. Walton (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. Some of Walton's books include The Lost World of Genesis One, The Lost World of Adam and Eve, The Lost World of Scripture, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament, The Essential Bible Companion, The NIV Application Commentary: Genesis, and The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (with Victor Matthews and Mark Chavalas).

J. Harvey Walton (MA, Wheaton College Graduate School) is a researcher in biblical studies and has contributed to a variety of publications. He is pursuing graduate studies at St. Andrews University.

IVP Academic 9780830842902

Pub Date: 3/11/2025

On Sale Date: 3/11/2025

$30.00 Paperback

352 Pages

Religion / Biblical Commentary REL006750

Series: Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries


An Introduction and Commentary

Caio Peres, Tremper Longman, David G. Firth, Peter Altmann


Two Scholars Reengage with Numbers in this Tyndale Commentary

The book of Numbers has had something of a renaissance in scholarly engagement in recent years. This Tyndale Old Testament Commentary volume by Peter Altmann and Caio Peres distills that conversation with sensitivity and rigor. With input from two authors from different contexts, it helps to illuminate Numbers for the contemporary reader while seeking to make God’s Word a source of blessing, nourishment, and hope for all.

The Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series is designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties.

In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Theology. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.

Contributor Bio

Caio Peres is an independent researcher and missionary in Brazil.

Tremper Longman III (PhD, Yale University) is Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He is also visiting professor of Old Testament at Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and adjunct of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary. He lectures regularly at Regent College in Vancouver and the Canadian Theological Seminary in Calgary.Longman is the author or coauthor of over twenty books, including How to Read Genesis, How to Read the Psalms, How to Read Proverbs, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Essentials and coeditor of A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible. He and Dan Allender have coauthored Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Al

IVP Bible Studies


Pub Date: 8/26/2025

On Sale Date: 8/26/2025



112 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Let Peace Reign

Love, Justice, and Dignity in God’s Kingdom--A 6-Week Interactive Bible Study

Drew Edward Jackson


What if the way things are isn't the way they have to be?

Let Peace Reign invites you on a transformational six-week Bible study that challenges the status quo. Imagine a world where justice and peace prevail—where the vast gap between rich and poor is bridged, where prisons are not overcrowded, and where our environment thrives rather than suffers.

Let Peace Reign explores:

How Jesus' teachings offer a profound path to peacemaking and justice that can reshape your life and community.

A biblical foundation for living justly and how peace affects every facet of your existence as a follower of Jesus.

Ways to infuse the peacemaking and justice of Jesus into your neighborhood, workplace, activism, family, and friendships.

Hope for a world torn apart by injustice, trauma, and pain.

The foundation of Let Peace Reign is the belief that peace and justice are not just lofty ideals but achievable realities. And at the core of this belief is the person of Jesus Christ.

IVP Bible Studies


Pub Date: 5/20/2025

On Sale Date: 5/20/2025



176 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Series: IVP Bible Study Experience

A Way in the Wilderness

Meeting God in the Desolate Places of Scripture--A 6-Week Bible Study with Video Access

Kristel Acevedo


Finding Direction in Times of Uncertainty

In the tumultuous journeys we all face, there are moments that leave us feeling adrift in a vast wilderness. A Way in the Wilderness by Kristel Acevedo offers a six-week Bible study designed for individuals or groups of any size.

Each week, Kristel leads you through reflections on a biblical figure who faced their own wilderness—be it the solitude of John the Baptist or the trials of the Israelites. Through these familiar stories, she draws parallels to our own lives, helping us see that amidst the struggles, is often where God meets us most profoundly.

Explore the story of Joseph and discover how adversity can lead to unexpected blessings.

Delve into the life of Elijah to understand the power of perseverance in the face of despair.

Reflect on the journey of the Israelites and the importance of faith during prolonged challenges.

Gain insights from John the Baptist about finding purpose in solitude.

Learn from the experiences of Jesus in the wilderness and the strength that comes through trials.

Revisit the story of Paul to examine resilience and the transformative potential of faith.

Six weekly online teaching videos will enhance your study offering deeper insights. Whether you've felt the sting of isolation, the ache of lost direction, or the shadows of despair, A Way in the Wilderness will remind you that while we might not choose these experiences, they are opportunities for growth and reliance on a strength greater than our own.

Available in both English and Spanish, A Way in the Wilderness offers an invitation to find clarity and connection in the toughest of times.

Contributor Bio

Kristel Acevedo (MA, Southeastern Seminary) is the discipleship director at Transformation Church, a vibrant multiethnic and multigenerational community near Charlotte, North Carolina. Originally from Miami and the daughter of immigrants, she has a passion for discipleship, biblical literacy, multiethnic ministry, and helping others develop a biblical view on immigration. Kristel is a coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future.

IVP Español


Pub Date: 5/20/2025

On Sale Date: 5/20/2025



176 Pages

Religion / Biblical Studies


Series: IVP Bible Study Experience

Un camino en el desierto

Encontrándonos con Dios en los lugares desolados de las Escrituras--Un estudio bíblico de 6 semanas con acceso a video

Kristel Acevedo


Si en algún momento te has sentido desconectado, perdido, lastimado o confundido y te has preguntado dónde está Dios, entonces has experimentado lo que Kristel Acevedo denomina una temporada de desierto. Y ella entiende porque ha experimentado su propia temporada de desierto de soledad, aislamiento y desesperación.

Pero Kristel quiere que sepamos que Dios está con nosotros en esas temporadas.

Usando los ejemplos de figuras bíblicas que han experimentado el desierto, este estudio de seis semanas nos recuerda que aunque estas temporadas pueden ser duras y solitarias, muchas veces también son periodos de preparación y crecimiento. De hecho, Dios nos encuentra y se revela a nosotros en nuestros momentos de oscuridad y pérdida, y Dios usa estas experiencias para transformarnos y renovar nuestras mentes.

Contributor Bio

Kristel Acevedo (MA, Southeastern Seminary) is the discipleship director at Transformation Church, a vibrant multiethnic and multigenerational community near Charlotte, North Carolina. Originally from Miami and the daughter of immigrants, she has a passion for discipleship, biblical literacy, multiethnic ministry, and helping others develop a biblical view on immigration. Kristel is a coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future.

IVP Español


Pub Date: 4/8/2025

On Sale Date: 4/8/2025



264 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012160

Enseñen bien a sus hijos

Una guía práctica para el discipulado familiar

Sarah Cowan Johnson


La mitad de los estudiantes cristianos abandonan su fe al terminar la educación secundaria. ¿Cómo podemos educar a nuestros hijos para que su fe se mantenga firme a través de los años?

Sarah Cowan Johnson explica cómo los padres pueden desempeñar un papel de discipulado activo en el desarrollo de la fe de sus hijos, con ideas y estrategias apropiadas para las distintas edades y etapas del desarrollo. Además, ella muestra cómo podemos identificar momentos en que los niños experimentan una conexión con Dios, facilitar encuentros espirituales, esclarecer creencias emergentes y fomentar nuevos hábitos de fe en nuestros hijos.

Este manual, lleno de ejercicios y actividades para realizar en familia, es un recurso esencial para discipular a los niños con confianza y creatividad.

Contributor Bio

Sarah Cowan Johnson is a ministry trainer, consultant, and coach who works with church planters, pastors, and ministry leaders across the United States. She leads seminars for parents on family discipleship to help their children walk in the way of Jesus. She served with the Evangelical Covenant Church as the executive pastor for Sanctuary Church in Providence, Rhode Island, and previously was a staff trainer and an area director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. She is the cohost of The People of the Way podcast. She and her husband have two sons and live in Providence.

IVP Bible Studies


Pub Date: 7/22/2025

On Sale Date: 7/22/2025



64 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012120

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction Bible Study

Discipleship in an Instant Society -- 6 Studies for Individuals or Groups

Eugene H. Peterson, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen


We are surrounded by a society that idealizes quick results and stimulating experiences. The Christian life, however, calls us to be not tourists but pilgrims —disciples committed to a long journey of faith.

These six studies, based on Eugene Peterson's bestselling A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, provide an accessible guide for growing in perseverance. Find encouragement in the Psalms to press on with qualities such as hope, repentance, patience, and joy.

As companions to the IVP Signature Collection, IVP Signature Bible Studies help individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths found in classic books. Each session features quotations from A Long Obedience in the Same Direction matched with Scripture passages, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to connect the text to their own lives. A leader's guide and list of suggested resources are also included.

Contributor Bio

Peterson, now retired, was for many years James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He also served as founding pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland. In addition to his widely acclaimed paraphrase of the Bible, The Message (NavPress), he has written many other books.

Dale Larsen is a writer living in Rochester, Minnesota. He and his wife, Sandy, have written more than thirty books and Bible studies together including Living Your Legacy and more than ten LifeGuide® Bible studies. They have also coauthored eight N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides with Wright.

Sandy Larsen is a writer living in Rochester, Minnesota. She and her husband, Dale, have written more than thirty books and Bible studies toget...

IVP Formatio


Pub Date: 8/12/2025

On Sale Date: 8/12/2025



224 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Dim Sum and Faith

How Our Stories Form Our Souls

Jenn Suen Chen


Discover the Sacred in Your Story

Imagine gathering around a dim sum table, a lively setting where stories are shared over flavorful bites and heartfelt moments. This is the inviting atmosphere Jenn Suen Chen recreates in Dim Sum and Faith. Drawing from her own rich tapestry of experiences Jenn helps readers to explore how our personal narratives shape our spiritual journeys.

Dim Sum and Faith invites you to examine the phases of your life—shaping, undoing, awakening, and reshaping. Through guided scripture reading and reflective prompts, each chapter becomes a steppingstone toward understanding the profound ways God’s presence is woven through every joy and trial in your story. This isn’t just about looking back; it’s about seeing how our stories are a part of God’s continuous formation in our lives.

Dim Sum and Faith is an invitation to pause, reflect, and rediscover the joy and peace that comes from knowing you are lovingly crafted by God.

Contributor Bio

Jenn Suen Chen is a spiritual director, speaker, and leader in the area of spiritual formation and crosscultural ministry. She is codirector of Summit Clear (with her husband, John), an organization focused on providing spiritual direction, mentoring, and leadership coaching for those in crosscultural work. She serves with Pioneers and spent twenty-five years living in Asia raising her family. Jenn and John have four adult children and live in the Pacific Northwest.

IVP Formatio


Pub Date: 6/3/2025

On Sale Date: 6/3/2025

$18.99 Paperback

208 Pages Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus

Reading the Bible like Dallas Willard

Gary W. Moon, Dave Ripper


Discover new, vibrant ways to experience God’s presence through Bible study. Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus offers a unique pathway to deeper spiritual engagement, using Dallas Willard's revolutionary approach to reading the Bible. More than a study tool, Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus invites you to transform your encounters with Scripture from mere information gathering to profound spiritual experiences. Using primary source material and insights from Willard, Dave Ripper takes you on an immersive exploration of Scripture that mirrors the intellect of a philosopher, and the heart of a mystic.

You'll find experiential exercises designed to prompt reflection and foster enriching group conversations, helping you not just to read, but to truly know the God of the Bible. Perfect for pastors, ministry leaders, and spiritual seekers shaped by voices like Eugene Peterson and Richard Foster, Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus offers a call to experience God’s presence in new and vibrant ways.

Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and connection with Scripture as a disciple of Jesus. It offers practical tools, insights, and exercises that can be applied both individually and in group settings. By incorporating the teachings of Dallas Willard, Experiencing Scripture as a Disciple of Jesus provides a unique perspective on reading the Bible that goes beyond simple information gathering.

Contributor Bio

Gary W. Moon (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is director of the Martin Family Institute and Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California. He also codirects Fuller's doctor of ministry degree program in spiritual direction, which blends ancient Christian spirituality, Ignatian spirituality, and spiritual formation insights from Dallas Willard. He served as distinguished professor of psychology and Christian spirituality at Richmont Graduate University, editor in chief for the journal Conversations, and director of the Renovaré International Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. His books include Apprenticeship with Jesus and Falling for God.

Dave Ripper (MDiv, Denver Seminary) is Lexington campus pastor and young adult min...

IVP Formatio


Pub Date: 8/26/2025

On Sale Date: 8/26/2025



160 Pages

Religion / Christian Living REL108030

Formed to Lead

Humility, Character, Integrity, and Discernment

Jason Jensen


The Essence of Leadership: Inspiring and Guiding Others

Discover the profound impact of spirituality on leadership with Formed to Lead, a compelling exploration of how the Holy Spirit shapes effective leaders. Guided by Jason Jensen, a seasoned leader in spiritual foundations, Formed to Lead takes you through an inspiring narrative that bridges divine guidance and practical leadership.

You'll uncover the nature of Christian leadership by examining Jesus' leadership in Luke 3-4. Each chapter offers insights into the temptations of leadership, learning humility through discipleship, and encountering God in vulnerability. With group Bible studies and discussion questions, it’s perfect for those seeking a deeper and more faith-driven approach to leadership.

Formed to Lead shows leaders how to:

Examine how embracing humility can enhance leadership effectiveness. Explore the connection between spiritual discipline and strong leadership qualities.

Learn strategies to overcome common leadership challenges by drawing from Jesus' example.

Reflect on personal leadership journeys through guided discussion questions.

Ideal for readers of Ruth Haley Barton and Henri Nouwen Formed to Lead is more than a book—it's a guide for aspiring leaders committed to following Jesus’ example. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are reshaping leadership through spirituality. Transform your approach and lead with grace, purpose, and wisdom by reading Formed to Lead.

Contributor Bio

Jason Jensen (MA, Fuller) is vice president of spiritual foundations for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. Jason led InterVarsity staff teams in Berkeley, California, for twenty-nine years. He and his wife, Susi, are based in Madison, Wisconsin, where Jason oversees the formation of InterVarsity staff in Scripture, theology, spiritual formation, and prayer. Their two adult children live in California.

IVP Kids


Pub Date: 5/27/2025

On Sale Date: 5/27/2025


Board Book

24 Pages

Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049200

Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Children of the World

Fresh Lyrics for a Beloved Song

Tara Hackney


New and updated lyrics for a new generation!

The classic song "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World" has been heard in homes and churches for over a century. This fresh adaptation written by Tara Hackney includes three new stanzas for today's children and families. With the beautiful reminder that all children of the world are "made and loved so perfectly," these updated lyrics celebrating God's love will quickly become a favorite in every home. And the colorful interior with images of children from around the world will delight children and parents as they read—or sing—together.

Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

Contributor Bio

Tara loves Jesus and the little children of the world. From villages in Nigeria and Zambia to orphanages in Romania and India, she has held and prayed over babies, told Bible stories through translators, and danced to songs with silly motions all with the hope of pointing tiny souls to the One who created them. Tara is the founder of Jesus Loves, a ministry of encouragement dedicated to recapturing the wonder, exploring the depth, and spreading the good news of the world's greatest Love. As a mother of five, she can often be found scrubbing out grass stains, judging coloring contests, doubling recipes, and driving all over town. In the quiet hours, she enjoys boating, date nights with her hubby, and getting sand between her toes. Tara lives with her family by the sea in Wilmington, North C...

Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Children of the World

5/27/25, $9.99

Ages 0- 5, 5x5

The Primary audience for Jesus Loves the Little Children is the parent, caregiver, or grandparent who loves the classic song but sees the need for revised lyrics in today’s world. There is also a nostalgia factor that will make this a great gift book.

IVP will be generating demand for this title with placements in outlets like The Children’s Book Review, PW, Goodreads, Book Riot, MomCo, Homeschooling Today, Focus on the Family, and other outlets. This will generate an estimated 2.4 million views across outlets.

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. every color, every shade just exactly as God made Jesus loves the little children of the world


Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. that means you and that means me made and loved so perfectly Jesus loves the little children of the world!

IVP Kids


Pub Date: 5/13/2025

On Sale Date: 5/13/2025



32 Pages

Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033280

Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World

God Hears Every Prayer

Helen Lee, Shin Maeng


God hears every prayer!

Kaylee and her grandfather Halbi love reading the newspaper, faithfully fetched each morning by their dog, Keedo. As they read, they look for ways to pray for the children of the world. But when Kaylee encounters the photo of a sad boy halfway around the world she wonders, Does God really care?

This story tenderly guides readers of any age toward the God who hears and answers our prayers—even when we feel overwhelmed or can't find the right words. From author Helen Lee and illustrator Shin Maeng, Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World features a Korean American family whose desire to seek after God will resonate with families of faith all around the world.

Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

Contributor Bio

Helen Lee (M.B.A., Babson College; M.A., Wheaton College) is cofounder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute. She was formerly the publisher of re:generation quarterly and assistant editor at Christianity Today.

Shin Maeng (MA, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) now resides in Aberdeen, Scotland, but he grew up in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. He is married to Sarah and together they have a wee lass. Shin loves to create on his iPad and also loves to get his hands dirty. Music, cities, stories, Marvel comics, dancing, most things on YouTube, food, justice, and the movement of God are a few things that inspire Shin's hands to create. You can find out more about what he's up to at

Kaylee Prays for the Children of the World

5/13/25, $18.99

Ages 4- 8

The Primary audience for Kaylee is the parent, caretaker, or educator who wishes to help their child think about the world around them but aren’t quite sure how to help them engage some of the harder realities of life. Truth be told, many kids already have these questions and this book can help enter that conversation well. It spark s compassionate engagement with what's happening in the world and encourage a prayerful response to the global trauma.

To reach this audience, IVP will be advertising Kaylee places like PW,, MomCo, Kirkus, Follett, Sojourners, World Magazine, among other placements. The reach from these efforts alone is expected to have 3.4 million views.

IVP Kids


Pub Date: 6/10/2025

On Sale Date: 6/10/2025



32 Pages

Juvenile Fiction / Science & Nature


Abigail and the Waterfall

Loving God's Good Earth

Sandra L. Richter, Michael Corsini


Follow Abigail as she and her family discover the beauty of nature and learn how to care for God's good earth together!

Young Abigail loves Saturdays—especially when her family goes hiking to discover interesting animals, plants, and a big, beautiful waterfall! From parent and university professor Sandy Richter, Abigail and the Waterfall inspires families to learn about what the Bible says on caring for the environment, animals, and all of God's beautiful creation.

Featuring enchanting illustrations from Michael Corsini, this children's book shares the message of creation care, inviting us to be good stewards of creation. Perfect for kids and the adults who read with them, this book also includes a note from the author to encourage further conversation about getting involved in creation care.

Contributor Bio

Sandra L. Richter (PhD, Harvard University) is Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College and a member of the Committee for Biblical Translation for the NIV. Her scholarly publications include an array of technical studies on the history, society, and economy of the Hebrew Bible, but she is best known in the church for her work The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament and her riveting DVD curriculums designed for those serious about their faith.

Michael Corsini is an artist and illustrator with a BFA in illustration from Ringling School of Art and Design and an MTS from the John Paul II Institute in Washington, DC. His mission as an artist is to renew the church with works of beauty and music, and he has illustrated several children's books including Th

We always bring our bird book. Sometimes, we see other families in the forest. This is their home, so we need to be good guests

Mom says that God gave the wilderness as a home to all the fish and birds and dragonflies at our waterfall—and that God put us in charge of making sure that their home is safe and clean.

We are so grateful that God has given it to us and to the dragonflies, the darters, and even our new friend the Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander. You can be sure we’re going to do our best to take care of their home and ours!

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 224 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3726-6 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-6858-1 / $11.99

Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Christians navigating adversity and struggling to find joy.


Chip Ingram is a well-known Bible teacher and is on over 1,100 radio and television outlets worldwide and best selling author of over 20 books including Holy Ambition


Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life


C.S. Lewis said, “Joy is the serious business of heaven.” Too often, however, joy is missing from our lives. When we look to Scripture, we see examples of early Christians thriving even amid hardship and persecution. How do we recapture that deep and stubborn joy?

Pastor Chip Ingram takes us to God’s Word, helping us shift away from self-centric happiness and toward lasting joy found in God’s goodness.

“Choosing joy in the midst of difficulties goes against all our instincts . . . But if you look at your circumstances through the lens of God’s goodness—his power and promises—that’s a higher perspective.”

You cannot choose your life’s circumstances, but you can choose how to respond. Join esteemed Bible teacher, Chip Ingram, on this journey to restore the essential Christian virtue of JOY!

Joy—our lifeline and strength through life’s suffering.






978-0-8024-2423-5 $15.99


978-0-8024-2905-6 $15.99

CHIP INGRAM is the teaching pastor and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip is the author of many books, including Holy Ambition, Discover Your True Self, True Spirituality, The Real God, and The Invisible War. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.


Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life


Chapter 1: The Power of Focus

Chapter 2: Developing Your Focus

Chapter 3: The Power of Purpose

Chapter 4: Knowing and Embracing Your Purpose

Chapter 5: The Power of Hope

Chapter 6: The Unshakable Source

Chapter 7: The Power of Expectation

Chapter 8: What You Can Expect from God

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 144 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3530-9 / $14.99 / $20.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7044-7 / $14.99

Youth / Youth Interests / Christian Living


Buyers are parents of teens who need help with anger and broken relationships. The readers are teens interested in dealing with anger and restoring relationships.


• Provides a comprehensive look at anger by exploring when anger can be helpful and the negative impacts of anger on relationships.

• Offers guidance on restoring relationships and setting boundaries.

• Includes two assessment tools designed for teens.

• Teaches how to use the five apology languages to restore relationships.


How to Deal with Drama, Manage Anger, and Make Things Right

A Teen’s Guide to Conflict —a complement to the bestselling, A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages ®—helps teenagers tame the powerful emotion of anger, apologize (and receive apologies) in ways that actually work, and handle difficult or damaged relationships. Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas’ new book with Paige Haley Drygas answers questions like:

• What’s the difference between good and bad anger?

• How can my anger accomplish positive change?

• What if I’m angry with myself?

• Are there different ways to manage conflict—friends and family vs. people online?

• When do I make things right, and when should I set boundaries?

• Why do some apologies fall flat?

Teens’ relationships matter. The principles they learn in this book will equip them for relationships that thrive now and in the future.

New York Times bestseller Dr. Gary Chapman teams up with Dr. Jennifer M. Thomas and Paige Haley Drygas to share relational survival skills for every teen.



978-0-8024-2939-1 $14.99

GARY CHAPMAN, PHD –author, speaker, counselor–has a passion for people and for helping them form lasting relationships. He is the #1 bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages series® and director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary travels the world presenting seminars, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. For more information, visit his website at

JENNIFER M. THOMAS, PHD is a motivational speaker specializing in the five love languages and communication. She is a business consultant and psychologist. She is coauthor (with Gary Chapman) of When Sorry Isn’t Enough and The Five Languages of Apology

PAIGE HALEY DRYGAS has worked in Christian publishing since 1999. She has contributed to more than 125 published products as a writer, editor, and project manager. Paige has a BA in English from Wheaton College and a MAT from National Louis University and is a University of Chicago-trained manuscript editor. The blend of Paige’s life experiences, background in Christian publishing, love for the Bible, passion for fine editorial work, leadership, and her value for people have drawn her to Peachtree Editorial Services. Paige lives with her husband, Joe, and their two sons in Texas.


How to Deal with Drama, Manage Anger, and Make Things Right



Act 1: Dealing with Drama

Common Conflicts

Communication Skills

Dangerous Assumptions

Indirect vs. Direct Communication

Emotional Intelligence

Act 2: Managing Anger

Overwhelming Emotions

Valid vs. Invalid Anger

Explosions vs. Implosions


Anger at God

Anger at Self

Act 3: Making Things Right

Genuine vs. Fake Apologies

Language 1: Regret

Language 2: Responsibility

Language 3: Restitution

Language 4: Repentance

Language 5: Request

Letting Go

Rebuilding Trust

Act 4: Looking 360°

Healthy + Healing

Quiz + QR code

Apology Cheat Sheet

Journaling Prompts + Discussion Questions

Q&A with Dr. Chapman

Verses to Memorize



About the Authors

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 256 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3529-3 / $17.99 / $24.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7045-4 / $13.99

Inspiration / Motivation / Classics


Christians with a literary or intellectual bent who want to read, study, reflect, and appreciate the themes and spiritual insights tucked away in Lewis’ novels. Also educators and reading group facilitators wanting to dive into these themes.


• Doesn’t just cover the Chronicles of Narnia but his lesser known books like The Great Divorce and the Space Trilogy.

• Covers all 14 of CS Lewis’ novels and includes:

• Helpful overviews for each story

• Key quotes and spiritual themes

• Questions for group study and reflection


Spiritual Truths in His Fantasy and Fiction

C. S. Lewis is considered one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century. His books help us think deeply and imaginatively about Christianity—but when we read his works, are we fully grasping the wisdom and spiritual depth of this great author?

A Reader’s Guide to C. S. Lewis explores fourteen great works of captivating fiction by Lewis. Uncovering key spiritual themes in The Pilgrim’s Regress , The Screwtape Letters, The Ransom Trilogy, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia , and Till We Have Faces , Ditchfield invites readers to immerse themselves in the profound truths and biblical wisdom found within Lewis’ literary work.

Explore tips and highlights, literary symbolism and imagery, key quotes, and essays on spiritual themes. Also included are reflection questions for personal journaling or discussion in small groups, book clubs, or with your children.

A wonderful gift for book lovers.

Discover the stories within the stories.





CHRISTIN DITCHFIELD Bio Christin Ditchfield is a popular conference speaker, Bible teacher, and author of nearly 90 books, including the bestselling A Family Guide to Narnia: Biblical Truths in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, and a dozen other guides to spiritual truth in classic literature. Christin holds a masters degree (MA) in Bible & Theology and doctorate (DMin) in Spiritual Formation. She shares her love of all things Lewis with her husband, Lewis scholar and Episcopal priest, Andrew Lazo.


Spiritual Truths in His Fantasy and Fiction



How to Use This Book

About C.S. Lewis

For Each Novel:

Before You Read This Book

Reading Plan

Christin’s Takeaways

Reflection Questions

Key Quotes

Imagery and Symbols

Recommended Resources

The Novels

The Pilgrim’s Regress

The Screwtape Letters & Screwtape Proposes a Toast

The Space Trilogy

Out of the Silent Planet


That Hideous Strength

The Great Divorce

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Prince Caspian

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Horse and His Boy

The Silver Chair

The Magician’s Nephew

The Last Battle

Till We Have Faces


Reading Lewis Together: A Guide for Group Leaders and Sunday School Teachers

Recommended Resources

6 x 9 HC-Printed Case / 320 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3181-3 / $19.99 / $27.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7288-5 / $14.99 Christian Living / Spiritual Growth


Pastors, Bible teachers, writers, students, and longtime Tozer fans. Anyone with interest in spiritual formation, Christian discipleship, devo reflection, and a deeper spiritual life.


• A comprehensive Tozer encyclopedia with 1K quotes.

• Since purchasing Wingspread Publishers in 2013, Moody Publishers has sold over 1M copies of Tozer’s works, developed the official A.W. Tozer website, created the weekly newsletter, The Pursuit with A.W. Tozer, to reach a new generation of readers.


1,000 Quotes, Illustrations, and Surprising Insights

We’ve been quoting A. W. Tozer for years. Now, you can find the multitude of his insights in one comprehensive book.

Tozer on (Just About) Everything is a compilation of 1,000 bestloved quotes, selected from his books and sermons. Readers will be able to easily find their favorite Tozer quotes on any topic, complete with full citations from their original source. You’ll have ready access to his memorable teaching—enhanced by topical headings and a full index of cross references and keywords.

Tozer speaks prophetically to the issues of our day. He’s challenged, strengthened, and encouraged us to become deeper Christians. This comprehensive collection provides a lasting resource for Bible teachers, writers, and anyone who appreciates Tozer’s unforgettable teaching and pithy commentary. And the beautiful hardcover edition makes a wonderful gift.

The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One. –A. W. Tozer











A. W. TOZER began his lifelong pursuit of God at the age of seventeen after hearing a street preacher. He never attended high school or seminary—his spiritual understanding came from the power of the Word and the power of the Spirit. While serving as a pastor and magazine editor, he wrote prolifically about basic spiritual disciplines and their relationship to contemporary life. His powerful use of words continues to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today’s reader.


1,000 Quotes, Illustrations, and Surprising Insights


Introduction: Quoting Tozer

How to Use This Book

A – Z Topical Dictionary

A Agnosticism

Allegory Ambition

Angels Anger Anxiety


Art and Literature

Art Appreciation

Art, Duty of Art, Essence of Art, Function of Art, Value of Aslan


B Baptism

Beauty Belief


Bible as Literature

Bible: Inspiration

Bible Interpretation

Bible Scholars

Bible Translations



Body and Spirit


Books, Christian Books, Reading Books, Writing

Bibliography of Tozer Books

Subject Index


Character, Christian Character, Personal Child Rearing


Children’s Literature


Christianity, Popular Christmas

Church Attendance

Church: Diversity Church: Divisions

Church History

Church Music

Church: Unity

[alphabetical list of topics continues from A to Z]

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 224 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3611-5 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-6875-8 / $11.99

Inspiration / Motivation / Devotional


Christians wanting to enrich their prayer life and connect to God daily through His Word.


• Today in the Word has reached over 1M people with daily devotions through their app, web, email, magazine, and podcast.

• Psalms is widely viewed as the most popular book of the Bible, and is currently the #1 opened book on Youversion.


Readings Through the Psalms RYAN COOK, AND TODAY IN THE WORD

How do we bring everything to God? Our fears and disappointments. Our despair and doubts. The heartaches and hurts. The Psalms is one of the most beloved books in the Bible—its beautiful, raw, and sometimes shockingly honest pleas show us how to communicate the depths of our soul to God.

In Talking with God, you’ll learn how to express the emotions that fill your heart—whether it’s praise or despair, misery or triumph, vengeance or a cry for help. Today in the Word, a devotional ministry from Moody Bible Institute, helps you walk through the Psalms day-by-day and learn how to talk to God with your whole heart. Dr. Ryan Cook shares helpful background information on each Psalm that will enrich your understanding. The 150 daily readings, paired with questions for reflection and application, will fill your heart with the wisdom, beauty, and life found in the Psalms.



978-0-8024-0962-1 $26.99





978-0-8024-1569-1 $14.99

TODAY IN THE WORD , a ministry of Moody Bible Institute, is a daily devotional that strives to proclaim the truth of the word. Available by email, podcast, or magazine, it helps guide your Bible study and boldly declares a biblical perspective on real issues.

DR. RYAN COOK is Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew and Moody Theological Seminary. He is also a regular writer for Today in the Word, a daily devotional with over 900,000 subscribers. He has been a pastor and high school teacher. Ryan and his wife, Ashley, live in northwest Indiana with their three children. They enjoy traveling, playing board games, and hosting youth group game nights. Ryan also serves as an elder and Sunday School teacher at their local church.


Daily Readings Through the Psalms


Psalms Book 1 (Psalms 1-41)

Psalm 1 – Delight in God

Psalm 2 – Delight in God’s King

Psalm 3 – The Lies of the Enemy

Psalm 4 – Turn Your Eyes Upon Yahweh

Psalm 5 – Waiting on God

Psalm 6 – Not Too Proud to Beg

Psalm 7 – God of Justice

Psalm 8 – God of Wonders

Psalm 9 – The ABCs of Praise and Lament: Part 1

Psalm 10 – The ABCs of Praise and Lament: Part 2

Psalm 11 – Flight or Faith

Psalm 12 – Human Vs. God’s Words

Psalm 13 – Lament as Grief

Psalm 14 – Practical Atheism

Psalm 15 – Invitation to Worship

Psalm 16 – Count Your Blessings

Psalm 17 – Your Kingdom Come

Psalm 18 – Rescued at Last

Psalm 19 – Speaking of His Wonder

Psalm 20 – God Hears My Cry

Psalm 21 – A Victory Song

Psalm 22 – From Deceipt to Hope

Psalm 23 – The Good Shepherd

Psalm 24 – The Owner of All

Psalm 25 – In God We Trust

Psalm 26 – What Do You Love?

Psalm 27 – The One Thing

Psalm 28 – Hear My Cry

Psalm 29 – The Lord Is King

Psalm 30 – Praise to Life

Psalm 31 – Our Refuge

Psalm 32 – The Blessed One

Psalm 33 – A Singing Faith

Psalm 34 – Taste and See

Psalm 35 – God of Justice

Psalm 36 – Be Not Proud

Psalm 37 – Finding Significance

Psalm 38 – Suffering and Sin

Psalm 39 – Life Is Short

Psalm 40 – Giving Thanks

Psalm 41- How To Be Like God

Psalms Book 2 (Psalms 42-72)

Psalm 42 – Longing for God

Psalm 43 – Hope in Lament

Psalm 44 – Awake, Lord!

Psalm 45 – Future Hope

Psalm 46 – A Mighty Fortress

Psalm 47 – Clap Your Hands

Psalm 48 – Great Is Your Faithfulness

Psalm 49 – Wealth and God

Psalm 50 – Wrong Motives

Psalm 51 – True Repentance

Psalm 52 – Destructive Words

Psalm 53 – All Have Sinned

Psalm 54 – Crying for Help

Psalm 55 – When Betrayed

Psalm 56 – When I Fear

Psalm 57 – Safe with You

Psalm 58 – Longing for Justice

Psalm 59 – A Broken World

Psalm 60 – The Promises of God

Psalm 61 – Hear My Cry

Psalm 62 – Rest in God

Psalm 63 – Better Than Life

Psalm 64 – The Hope of the Righteous

Psalm 65 – Praise God

Psalm 66 – Come and See!

Psalm 67 – Praying for Blessing

Psalm 68 – Names of God

Psalm 69 – Save Me, God

Psalm 70 – Saving Help

Psalm 71 – I Will Praise You

Psalm 72 – Your Kingdom Come

Psalms Book 3 (Psalms 73-89)

Psalm 73 – A Vision of God

Psalm 74 – Rise Up, O God!

Psalm 75 – The Cup of God’s Wrath

Psalm 76 – The Power of God

Psalm 77 – Our Waymaker

Psalm 78 – Knowing God

Psalm 79 – Where Is God?

Psalm 80 – Revive Us, O God!

Psalm 81 – True Worship

Psalm 82 – God of Justice

Psalm 83 – Grace in Judgment

Psalm 84 – Longing for God

Psalm 85 – Justice and Forgiveness

Psalm 86 – An Anchor for the Soul

Psalm 87 – The God of Zion and the God of the Nations

Psalm 88 – Darkness Is My Closest Friend

Psalm 89 – Remember God’s Promises

Psalms Book 4 (Psalms 90-106)

Psalm 90 – Life and Death

Psalm 91 – Safely Home

Psalm 92 – Made to Worship

Psalm 93 – Whose in Charge?

Psalm 94 – Judge of All

Psalm 95 – Wholehearted Worship

Psalm 96 – Sing to the Lord!

Psalm 97 – God Is King

Psalm 98 – Joy to the World

Psalm 99 – A Just and Merciful God

Psalm 100 – Our True Identity

Psalm 101 – Holy Worship

Psalm 102 – Clinging to God

Psalm 103 – Amazing Grace

Psalm 104 – This Is My Father’s World

Psalm 105 – Family History

Psalm 106 – O God, Our Help in Ages Past

Psalms Book 5 (Psalms 107-150)

Psalm 107 – Unfailing Love

Psalm 108 – Help Me, God!

Psalm 109 – Living in an Unjust World

Psalm 110 – The Coming Messiah

Psalm 111 – The Alphabet of Praise

Psalm 112 – A Portrait of Faith

Psalm 113 – Who Is Like the Lord?

Psalm 114 – We Remember

Psalm 115 – Trust in the Lord!

Psalm 116 – Can I Get a Witness?

Psalm 117 – Let the Nations Rejoice!

Psalm 118 – He is God!

Psalm 119 (Part One) – Precious Words

Psalm 119 (Part Two) – Words of Life

Psalm 120 – Longing for Peace

Psalm 121 – Looking for Help

Psalm 122 – City of Peace

Psalm 123 – Lift Up My Eyes

Psalm 124 – Seeing God in Suffering

Psalm 125 – Joyfully Secure

Psalm 126 – Filled with Joy

Psalm 127 – Work and Rest

Psalm 128 – Blessing and Prosperity

Psalm 129 – Persevering in Pain

Psalm 130 – Hope in Suffering

Psalm 131 – Content in God

Psalm 132 – Two Commitments

Psalm 133 – Life Together

Psalm 134 – Circle of Blessing

Psalm 135 – Who Do You Worship?

Psalm 136 – Loved by God

Psalm 137 – We Sat and Wept

Psalm 138 – Longing for the Past

Psalm 139 – God with Us

Psalm 140 – God of Justice

Psalm 141 – Fixed on You

Psalm 142 – Speak Up!

Psalm 143 – Hear My Prayer!

Psalm 144 – A New Song

Psalm 145 – Great is the Lord

Psalm 146 – As Long as I Live

Psalm 147 – Grateful Praise

Psalm 148 – Praise the Lord!

Psalm 149 – Fight Song

Psalm 150 – Hallelujah!

5.25 x 8 Paperback / 176 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3651-1 / $14.99 / $20.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7041-6 / $11.99

Biblical Studies / General Studies / General


Christian women (ages 25-50), new and seasoned believers.


• #1 requested topic from Glenna’s monthly travels across the country to women’s ministry retreats.

• Deep dive into Psalm 139.


Experiencing the Affection of God in Psalm 139

Glenna Marshall reflects on Psalm 139, exploring the transformational truth that we are fully known and loved by the Triune God of the universe. This book, overflowing with encouragement, combats the myths and lies that we are unlovable, alone, or unseen.

The psalmist tips our chins to fix our gaze on God who doesn’t hold back His affections. Taking readers verse by verse Glenna shows how you are … known to the core, known body and soul, known in the dark and in your suffering, known when you want to run or give up, known in your fears and when you feel alone.

We can be certain of God’s steadfast love. Immerse yourself in Psalm 139—a transformational journey into the heart of God—for you.

Fearfully and wonderfully made—some truths transform us—body and soul.











GLENNA MARSHALL is a pastor’s wife and mother of two energetic sons. She is the author of The Promise Is His Presence and Everyday Faithfulness. She writes regularly at on biblical literacy, suffering, and the faithfulness of God. She is a member of Grace Bible Fellowship in Sikeston, Missouri.


Experiencing the Affection of God in Psalm 139

Introduction: “Who is This Book Really About?”

Chapter 1: “Known to the Core”

Chapter 2: “Known and Not Alone”

Chapter 3: “Known When You Want to Run”

Chapter 4: “Known in the Dark”

Chapter 5: “Known in Body and Soul”

Chapter 6: “Known Every Moment”

Chapter 7: “Known When the World Opposes Us”

Chapter 8: “Known and Changed”

Chapter 9: “Known and Loved”

7 x 9.5 Paperback / 240 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3456-2 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7081-2 / $11.99

Bible Study / Women / Spiritual Growth


Christian women (ages 25-45) studying the Bible for themselves or leading other women in Bible study, especially seeking in-depth resources.


• Addresses pain points common to those who consider their families to be dysfunctional, which is 70-80% of Americans.

• Follows Erin’s first study, 7 Feasts, which is a topselling MPW Bible study.

THE STORY OF JOSEPH How God Can Redeem Imperfect Families An

8-Week Bible Study

Family. Few words stir as much affection, and as much angst. Every family tree holds gnarled branches of sin, disappointment, rebellion, and grief. Yet no brokenness is too big for God. In this 8-week study, Bible teacher Erin Davis guides you through the genealogy of Joseph. It’s a messy story to be sure. But, ultimately, it’s a shining example of beautiful, lasting, God-ordained redemption.

As you dig into Joseph’s family tree, you’ll discover that even in the face of dysfunction, deceit, and deep pain, God is at work. He has a good plan.

Family is God’s idea. He wants to bless your family from generation to generation. As you gather with your family or friends and participate in this study, you’ll find strength and hope—the Lord is building a beautiful family for His glory.

The hope of redemption—for your family and mine.



ERIN DAVIS is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God’s Word. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, including Connected, 7 Feasts, and Fasting & Feasting. Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast. When she’s not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.


How God Can Redeem Imperfect Families An 8-Week Bible Study

Session 1: Funerals & Festivals – Genesis 50:22–26

Session 2: A Crooked Family Tree – Genesis 18:17–19; 24:62–65; 25:21–28

Session 3: Playing Favorites – Genesis 37:1–5; Exodus 19:4–6; James 2:1–9

Session 4: Making Room for Mystery – Genesis 37:5–11

Session 5: The Sins of the Father – Genesis 41:34–36, 56–57; 42:1-5

Session 6: Reunions, Reconciliation, and Redemption – Ephesians 4, Genesis 44:6–13

Session 7: I Am a String in the Bow of the Lord – Genesis 50

Session 8: Build Your House Upon the Rock – Romans 8:35–39, Exodus 13:19, Matthew 7:24–27

Appendix A: Joseph’s Family Tree

Appendix B: My Family Tree

Appendix C: A Legacy of Prayer

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 240 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-2557-7 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN eBook: 978-0-8024-7283-0 / $.99

Christian Living / Practical Life / Politics REPLACES ISBN: 978-0-8024-2623-9


Christians who are concerned and confused by the recent conflict in the Middle East and Christian radio listeners interested in the Middle East and Israel’s place in Biblical prophecy.


• Updated chapters on the Hamas war, the impact of Hezbollah, and the influence of Iran on Middle East politics.

• Background information on the rise of antisemitism and a biblical response.


What the Headlines Haven’t Told You

The conflict in the Middle East is often and correctly described as “complicated.” There are many competing and passionate voices surrounding this topic. But an internet search isn’t sufficient to help us accurately understand the ongoing crisis.

Dr. Michael Rydelnik, academic dean and long-time professor of Jewish Studies and Bible at Moody Bible Institute, offers clarity by explaining the conflict in light of Scripture, including the biblical covenants and promises as well as biblical history and prophecy.

Israel and the Middle East Conflict is an up-to-date volume providing the biblical framework, historical context, and political analysis needed to comprehend the ongoing tension and the hope that only the Messiah Jesus can give this troubled region.

Read this essential resource for an accurate understanding of how to think and pray, speak and act, about the perpetual suffering and strife in the Middle East.











MICHAEL RYDELNIK is vice president/academic dean and professor of Jewish Studies and Bible at Moody Bible Institute. He is also the host and Bible teacher on Open Line with Dr. Michael Rydelnik, answering listener questions on over 280 stations nationwide on Moody Radio. The son of Holocaust survivors, he was raised in an observant Jewish home in Brooklyn, New York. As a high school student, Michael became a follower of Jesus the Messiah and began teaching the Bible almost immediately. Besides his work on The Moody Bible Commentary and The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy as coeditor and contributor, Michael is also the author of 50 Most Important Bible Questions, The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic?, and Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Michael and his wife, Eva, live in Chicago, love hiking with their collie and boxer, and have two terrific adult sons, a delightful daughter-in-law, and the cutest grandchildren in the world.


What the Headlines Haven’t Told You

*TOC Coming Soon!*

5.25 x 8 Paperback / 176 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3361-9 / $12.99 / $17.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7114-7 / $9.99

Kids / Juvenile / Fiction (Ages 8-12)


Homeschool families, particularly those who follow the principles of Charlotte Mason and followers of Leah Boden.


• This series offers older middle-grade readers inspiring stories of past leaders and innovators, blending entertainment and learning in a classic yet easy-to-follow format.

• The author will offer a lot of extra materials to accompany the book including: videos, games to help keep more active kids involved in the story, and discussion questions for homeschool families.


The Courageous Heart of Sara Forbes


Brave Princess Aina tells the true story of a courageous child who grew into a faithful, brave young woman. In this fictionalized biography, Leah Boden brings to life the tale of Aina—later known as Sara Forbes Bonetta. Born into nobility in West Africa, Aina was orphaned and enslaved as a child before being freed during a daring rescue mission that was part of a long fight to end slavery. Her journey took her from Africa to England, where she formed a close family bond with Queen Victoria. This bright young woman received an education at Anglican missionary schools and at the home of abolitionist Captain Frederick Forbes, alongside his children, where she learned the power of prayer. Her remarkable story of faith, bravery, and unshakable spirit will captivate and inspire young readers.

She was a real-life princess.



978-0-8024-3353-4 $12.99





LEAH BODEN is wife to Dave and mother to four children. With over two decades of experience in church leadership, she has also devoted herself to youth, children’s, and family work within the church and for the local education authority. Leah is a respected speaker, podcast host, and coach who passionately shares the transformative beauty of the Charlotte Mason approach to childhood, motherhood, and education. She is the author of Modern Miss Mason and lives with her family in the West Midlands, England.


The Courageous Heart of Sara Forbes Bonetta | TALES OF BOLDNESS AND FAITH - BOOK 3 LEAH BODEN

*TOC Coming Soon*

5 x 7 Paperback/ 192 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3337-4/ $9.99/ $13.99 CAN eBook: 978-0-8024-3337-4/ $6.99 Kids/ Juvenile/ Fiction (Ages 8-12)

The Tree Street Kids Series

The Tree Street Kids live on Cherry, Oak, Maple, and Pine, but their 1990s suburban neighborhood is more than just quiet, tree-lined streets. Jack, Ellison, Roger, and Ruthie face challenges and find adventures in every creek and cul-de-sac - as well as God's great big love in one small neighborhood.


Tree Street Kids (Book 6) AMANDA CLEARY EASTEP

And it has nothing to do with Christmas; Snowball wars are being waged against the Tree Street Kids, and Jack has taken a hit to the eye from one of Buzz Rublatz's polar projectiles. Jack plans the perfect defense-the Abominable Snowman-ator. But building your greatest invention is tough when you're also practicing for the starring role in the school nativity play.

One cold, starry night, a neighborhood catastrophe disturbs the peacefulness of the snow-covered streets and twinkling lights. What's that terrible orange glow? And does Buzz know more about it than he's telling? Jack is determined to find out. But, first, he needs a Christmas miracle. Will Jack find room in his heart to welcome an unexpected addition to the stage and his home? To Jack's surprise, he gives the neighborhood bully a greater gift than either of them could have imagined.

Jack Finch is seeing stars.



Series takes place in the 90's showing kids a tech-free fun time. 1

Creek Woods
AMANDA CLEARY EASTEP is an award-winning children's author and a book editor. She works in a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina, but she has lived most of her life in the suburbs of Chicago, the home of the Tree Street Kids. Amanda and her husband, together, have eight grown children and a border collie named Annie who wakes Amanda up early every morning to write.


Tree Street Kids (Book 6)

Chapter 1 Shiner

Chapter 2 Arcturus, Bright Star

Chapter 3 Orange Sky

Chapter 4 A New Kid on Cherry

Chapter 5 Unexpected Invitation

Chapter 6 Buzz Pancake

Chapter 7 Follow the Arc

Chapter 8 An Avalanche Is Coming

Chapter 9 Testing the Secret Weapon

Chapter 10 Play Practice

Chapter 11 Emergency Pastries

Chapter 12 Snowball Battle

Chapter 13 The Five Magi

Chapter 14 The Red Giant Rises

Chapter 15 A True Gift

Chapter 16 A Glowing Light



5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 304 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3534-7 / $14.99 / $20.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7001-0 / $11.99

Fiction / General / Futuristic


Preteens and younger teens (5th-6th grade). Likely buyer is their moms, parents who will like the “safe” aspect of fiction from a trusted source, and not having romance drive the story.


• Part of a planned three-book series, The Time Fall Trilogy, with the other books released over the next year.

• Middle-grade fiction.

• The story is not overtly Christian. It’s what’s often referred to as “Christ-haunted” with Christian themes and values but does not explicitly reference Scripture.


Fourteen-year-old Adams Klein lives by one simple rule: don’t do anything that might change the course of history. To protect him from a murderous tyrant, Adams was hidden away in the year 2015. A refugee from the distant future, his existence is a secret. But when he witnesses a tragedy unfolding, he can’t stand by and do nothing. Now history is being changed, and Adams and his new friends are being hunted by a villain who’ll stop at nothing to retain his iron grip on the world of the future, even if it means destroying the past.

Are some things in life worth taking a stand for, no matter the cost?











JOHN GRECO is a writer, editor, and Bible geek who, right now, if it’s not too late in the day, is probably reaching for another cup of coffee. He’s also a husband, a father, and the author of several books for adults and children. His favorite book is the one he’s working on right now.



Part One: Beneath the Surface

Chapter 1: A Dream in the Darkness

Chapter 2: School, Interrupted

Chapter 3: Plunge

Chapter 4: The Reluctant Party Guest

Chapter 5: Broken Home, Broken Ice

Chapter 6: An Unlikely Intrusion

Chapter 7: Warm Once More An Interlude

Part Two: Not Alone

Chapter 8: What Happened at the Farm

Chapter 9: Confessions and Breakfast

Chapter 10: A Friend at the Pharmacy

Chapter 11: How Saturday Began to Unravel

Chapter 12: Strangers in Indigo

Chapter 13: What Could Have Happened

Chapter 14: An Ancient Key to a Future Puzzle A Second Interlude

Part Three: Stealing Time

Chapter 15: The Lay of the Land

Chapter 16: The Beginnings of a Plan

Chapter 17: The Strange Alliance

Chapter 18: A Drink of Living Water

Chapter 19: Friend of Foe

Chapter 20: A Close Call

Chapter 21: At the Center of It All A Final Interlude

Part Four: Everything Past is Prologue

Chapter 22: A Final Showdown


5.25 x 8 Paperback / 176 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3554-5 / $12.99 / $17.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-6944-1 / $9.99

Kids / Juvenile / Fiction (Ages 8-12)


Elementary readers interested in mystery stories. Buyers are likely parents of middle grade readers, homeschool parents, and those interested in WWII history.


• Historical, fact-filled adventure.

• This series uniquely explores WWll from locations throughout the United States.


Heroes on the Home Front Mystery #1


Riley Abercrombie is determined to win—even if she must gulp down her nerves and speak in public. The Historical Society is having a contest with a cash prize and an all-expense paid trip. But a winning essay about her brave relative, a Rosie the Riveter in World War II, may launch Riley on an adventure far bigger than she’d imagined. She soon finds herself in a real-life mystery. A famous tool, an antique rivet gun, is missing, and Riley is sure she can uncover the culprit. Chasing clues and suspects, Riley just might discover she needs more than good detective skills. Will she learn to trust God when the wrong person has been accused? Can she be brave in the face of danger like her beloved great-grandma? When her sleuthing puts her in peril, she’s going to need faith, friendship, and even forgiveness to get her through.











NELL BRANUM is a former editor and elementary school librarian who is always ready for a good story and thinks mysteries are the best kind. The daughter of a World War II paratrooper and a real-life Rosie the Riveter, Nell believes God can still use lessons learned through the experiences of the World War II generation. She has three grown children and nine grandchildren, and has a tradition of helping each grandchild publish a book during their third-grade year. Since the death of her minister husband, she writes from a small country town just outside Birmingham, Alabama, where she lives with a large orange cat named Dooley, keeps chickens in the back yard, and drinks blueberry-flavored coffee whenever possible.



Heroes on the Home Front Mystery #1

Chapter 1 Stealth in the Early Morning

Chapter 2 Grandma Suzie’s Idea

Chapter 3 We Can Do It

Chapter 4 Surprises

Chapter 5 Spunk and Determination

Chapter 6 The Prize

Chapter 7 Planes and Rosies

Chapter 8 Strange Things All Around

Chapter 9 What Happened to Matilda?

Chapter 10 She’s Up to Something

Chapter 11 Shocking News

Chapter 12 Time for a Plan

Chapter 13 Searching for Clues

Chapter 14 Too Confusing

Chapter 15 Didn’t See That Coming

Chapter 16 A Startling Revelation

Chapter 17 One Suspect Out, Another Suspect In

Chapter 18 But We Need Proof!

Chapter 19 Back on the Stage

Chapter 20 Blue Stars

Chapter 21 What Was on That Video?

Chapter 22 Resolute Rosie

Chapter 23 An Idea to Catch a Thief

Chapter 24 Where’s the Rivet Gun?

Chapter 25 Setting the Trap

Chapter 26 The Stakeout

Chapter 27 The Pieces Fit

Chapter 28 Just Enjoy the Festival

Author’s Note Fact or Fiction?

If You Want to Know More Acknowledgments


5.25 x 8 Paperback / 176 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3573-6 / $12.99 / $17.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-6939-7 / $9.99

Kids / Juvenile / Fiction (Ages 8-12)


Elementary readers interested in mystery stories. Buyers are likely parents of middle grade readers, homeschool parents, and those interested in WWII history.


• Historical, fact-filled adventure.

• This series uniquely explores WWll from locations throughout the United States.


Heroes on the Home Front Mystery #2 NELL BRANUM

Riley and Noah are on a road trip with Grandma Suzie to meet a fluff ball perfect for their grandma. But when they visit and fall in love with the adorable pooch, will their hopes get unexpectedly dashed? What’s more, the kids’ quest for a canine companion takes a turn when they make a discovery. The town they’re visiting once included a camp for prisoners of war . . . and it’s gearing up for a reunion. When suspicion and sabotage begin to take place, the kids, along with a new friend, are on the case. But after they track one suspect into a corn maze, they realize the danger is as high at the corn stalks. What began as the best road trip ever is quickly becoming an adventure in trusting God through disappointment and danger—and the kids just might find a surprise ending after all.






978-0-8024-2105-0 $8.99




NELL BRANUM is a former editor and elementary school librarian who is always ready for a good story and thinks mysteries are the best kind. The daughter of a World War II paratrooper and a real-life Rosie the Riveter, Nell believes God can still use lessons learned through the experiences of the World War II generation. She has three grown children and nine grandchildren, and has a tradition of helping each grandchild publish a book during their third-grade year. Since the death of her minister husband, she writes from a small country town just outside Birmingham, Alabama, where she lives with a large orange cat named Dooley, keeps chickens in the back yard, and drinks blueberry-flavored coffee whenever possible.


Heroes on the Home Front Mystery #2


Chapter 1 Road Trip!

Chapter 2 Where the Locals Like to Eat

Chapter 3 Not a Good Idea

Chapter 4 Distractions

Chapter 5 The Perfect Pooch

Chapter 6 Making Friends

Chapter 7 Not Possible!

Chapter 8 The Soup Sandwich

Chapter 9 Sabotage

Chapter 10 Gathering Evidence

Chapter 11 A Clue

Chapter 12 A Close Encounter

Chapter 13 Weirdness at the Inn

Chapter 14 Dinner and What Else?

Chapter 15 Something Is Definitely Up

Chapter 16 Another Helper

Chapter 17 The Barn

Chapter 18 More Sabotage

Chapter 19 A Dare

Chapter 20 Stretches in the Grass

Chapter 21 The Real Camp Longfield

Chapter 22 What’s He Really Doing Here?

Chapter 23 Running Out of Time

Chapter 24 The Maze

Chapter 25 The Pusher

Chapter 26 A Jumbo Surprise

Chapter 27 Pieces That Fit

Chapter 28 The Wrong Guy

Chapter 29 The Pieces That Didn’t Fit

Chapter 30 When Your Mission Fails

Chapter 31 Who Had the Best Time?

Fact or Fiction

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 208 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3474-6 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7066-9 / $12.99

Christian Living / Spiritual Growth / Spiritual Formation


People who are struggling with a dissonance between their experience and failures and the expectations within the church, who are having trouble understanding God’s goodness toward them and need a fresh experience of God’s love and good will.


• This book provides encouragement to those who doubt God’s goodness and love toward His creation.

• By seeing many expressions of God’s love expressed in His good will and grace, the reader will learn how God is relationally reaching out to them and is working toward their well-being the development of their relationship with Him.


Revealing God’s Love from Genesis to Revelation


From the first verse in the Bible to the very last, there’s a thread that holds humanity’s story together—that thread is grace. Grace Beyond Salvation invites readers to understand and experience the biblical story of God’s extraordinary grace. This story is the key to understanding and fully living our own stories.

But what is grace? It’s likely so much more than you might think. This book is for all who don’t fully understand the grace of God and the freedom it gives. It’s for anyone living with shame and guilt. It’s for those who struggle with the evil in this world. It’s for hurting people who’ve believed lies because they don’t understand God’s design for grace and its purpose in their lives.

Grasping God’s grace is the secret to living an intimate, confident relationship with God and others.

Everything is rooted and grounded in the grace of God.



978-0-8024-1079-5 $17.99





978-0-8024-5452-2 $9.99

KYLE DIROBERTS (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is the department chair and associate professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Arizona Christian University in Glendale, Arizona, adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, and pastor of the Minister-in-Residence program at Scottsdale Bible Church. Kyle is the author of The Secret to Prayer. He and his wife, Lolly, live in Scottsdale and have three boys.


Revealing God’s Love from Genesis to Revelation


Chapter 1 – Roro

Part I – Grace Before the Fall

Chapter 2 – From Beginning to End

Chapter 3 – By the Grace of God

Chapter 4 – Hummingbirds

Chapter 5 – Rest

Chapter 6 – Equality

Chapter 7 – Helper

Chapter 8 – Forever

Chapter 9 – Be Like God

Part II – Grace After the Fall

Chapter 10 – Things Are Different

Chapter 11 – The Same Grace

Chapter 12 – Where are you?

Chapter 13 – Clothed

A. Jonah, The Son of Truth

Chapter 14 – You Can Run

Chapter 15 – Jonah Knows the Truth

Chapter 16 – Amazement

Chapter 17 – Who Knows?

Chapter 18 – Because You Are Gracious

Chapter 19 – Jonah Refused God’s Grace

B. The Prodigal Son

Chapter 20 – Grace Receives Sinners

Chapter 21 – It’s Time to Go Home

Chapter 22 – It’s OK to Celebrate

Chapter 23 – I’m the Older Brother

Chapter 24 – Daughter of God

C. The Passion of Christ

Chapter 25 – Peter Denies Jesus

Chapter 26 – Even Judas’ Feet

Chapter 27 – What is Truth?

Chapter 28 – It is Finished

Part III – Grace in the New Heaven & New Earth

Chapter 29 – Garden of Grace

Chapter 30 – Grace Defeats Death

A. The Resurrection

Chapter 31 – Immortality

Chapter 32 – Dents

B. New Heaven and New Earth

Chapter 33 – God With Us

Chapter 34 – It is Done!

Chapter 35 – What If We Sin Again?

Chapter 36 – Come Lord Jesus!

Chapter 37 – Conclusion

hospitality of need

how depending on one another helps us heal and grow together

kevan chandler & tommy shelton

5.25 x 8 Paperback / 240 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3608-5 / $16.99 / $23.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-6891-8 / $11.99

Christian Living / Personal Growth


People seeking a deeper level of fellowship and community in the church and those looking for an antidote to feelings of isolation and loneliness.


• Reframes the idea that needs are a burden, instead presenting them as a key for deeper relationships.

• Provides practical steps for creating deeper relationships.

• Uses biblical examples of how Jesus relied on others in the gospels to build relationships and disciples.


How Depending On One Another Helps Us Heal and Grow Together

Too often, our needs are perceived—by ourselves and others—as either burdens to shamefully hide, or idols before which everything else must bow. This book provides a biblical framework for readers to see their needs as opportunities for deeper, truer community and relationships.

Through engaging real-life stories, the authors share what can happen when we invite others into our lives—hardships and all. Ultimately, this is a book about friendship . . . friendship that goes deep and flourishes, not in spite of our needs but actually through them.

This book is for both caregivers and care receivers. It’s for the wider Christian community that wants to grow in awareness of the needs around them. With the right heart and approach, we can—and must—follow Jesus’ beautiful call to care for one another. The Hospitality of Need shows us how.

Heal, mature, and grow together.






KEVAN CHANDLER grew up in the foothills of North Carolina with a rare neuromuscular disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). He has a BA in Counseling from John Wesley College, with a focus in prison ministry. An avid storyteller, Kevan has authored several books and speaks worldwide about his unique friendships and life with a disability. He is also the founder of the nonprofit We Carry Kevan, which provides support to families with disabilities around the world. He and his wife, Katie, live in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they enjoy growing vegetables, making homemade bread, and reading to each other.

TOMMY SHELTON Tommy and Kevan met over 25 years ago, when Tommy was in high school and volunteered for the abstinence skit program that Kevan’s mom oversaw. Tommy C. Shelton grew up joyfully as the son of a pastor in North Carolina and is thrilled that God called him to follow in his father’s shepherding footsteps. He loves his wife and six children. He also loves to preach the Bible, pray over people, and build things. Tommy is the pastor of Live Oaks Bible Church in Palm Harbor, Florida. He has also served as a caregiver to Kevan.


How Depending On One Another Helps Us Heal and Grow Together


Foreword by Doug McKelvey

Prologue—Through the Roof

Chapter 1—My Family Room

Chapter 2—Being a Hospital

Chapter 3—A Tightrope Walk

Chapter 4—Fluffy Road-kill

Chapter 5—The Hospitality of Jesus

Chapter 6—Eternal Jesus Needed a Womb

Chapter 7—The Intentionality of Need

Chapter 8—While in Prison

Chapter 9—Jesus was Thirsty

Chapter 10—Couch Surfing

Chapter 11—Dropping Wallets, Opening Doors

Chapter 12—Dusty Feet

Chapter 13—The Kingdom of Others

Chapter 14—Shaking the World

Chapter 15—The King Needed a Ride

Chapter 16—Alive… And a Choice Not to Be

Chapter 17—On the Floor

Chapter 18—Countless Wingmen

Chapter 19—Jesus Needed a Room

Chapter 20—The Man Who Was Wednesday

Chapter 21—Being Present

Chapter 22—The Living Word Needed a Tomb

Chapter 23—Hunger, and the Resurrection of Need

Chapter 24—True Communion

Epilogue—From the Roof

Afterword by Jedd Medefind

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 224 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-2798-4 / $15.99 / $22.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7628-9 / $13.99

Christian Living / Practical Life / Women


Married, Christian women (30s-40s) with heavy demands of home, work, school, church, and neighborhood responsibilities, struggling with guilt of not being able to do it all.


• Included between some chapters are short sections which offer a few minimum-effort solutions that a mom can implement in her day immediately to alleviate stress, such as meal planning, kids’ chores, and organization.

• In August 2024, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory on the mental health and wellbeing of parents. Moms are feeling more anxious and burned out than ever.


Quiet the Chaos, Mind What Matters, and Enjoy Your Life Again JAMIE ERICKSON

Overwhelmed Mom shows us how to push back against the weariness epidemic that plagues so many women. Through biblical principles and flexible solutions, Jamie helps us learn to adjust our homes, schedules, and attitudes so that we may experience right-now relief and forward movement in common stress areas.

Jamie equips women to edit their lives with intention, find purpose and vision in the work God has called them to, and create daily rhythms that will help them steward their days with delight, not drudgery. Each chapter ends with questions and prompts for readers to consider as they unmoor themselves from the relentless To-do list that plagues them.

We don’t have to keep living as overwhelmed moms—this book invites us to experience freedom and enjoy the gift of motherhood.

Is there a happy medium between Pinterest perfection and chaos culture?












When she’s not curating memories, hoarding vintage books, or homeschooling her five kids, JAMIE ERICKSON can be found encouraging and equipping a growing tribe of mothers all across the globe on the Mom to Mom podcast, through her blog The Unlikely Homeschool, at national conferences, and in her book Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child With Confidence.


Quiet the Chaos, Mind What Matters, and Enjoy Your Life Again

Chapter 1: Introduction: The Sacred Work of Home

Triage Tips: Schedules

Chapter 2: Narrate a Good Story

Triage Tips: Discipling Children

Chapter 3: Edit with Intention

Triage Tips: Meal Planning

Chapter 4: Choose Your Hard

Triage Trips: Shopping & Errands

Chapter 5: Be a Beginner

Triage Tips: Cleaning & Organizing

Chapter 6: Pivot on Purpose

Triage Tips: Marriage & Intimacy

Chapter 7: Gather Your People

Triage Tips: Holidays & Special Occasions

Chapter 8: Loosen Your Grip

Triage Tips: Spiritual Disciplines

Chapter 9: Conclusion: Rebel Against Regular

Appendix: A Home Work Manifesto

5.5 x 8.5 Paperback / 208 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3517-0 / $16.99 / $23.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7056-0 / $11.99

Christian Living / Relationships / Sexuality


Christian men and women who are passionate about God but confused by the mixed messages about sexual issues related to their own lives.


• Dr. Juli’s ministry, Authentic Intimacy, has a thriving presence around faith and sexuality conversations through books (over 100K sold), online webinars, her podcast (150K downloads per month), and interviews.

• This book is the bullseye book for the ministry and message of Authentic Intimacy.

• Written with simple language and application, it could also be a great book within discipleship or for parents to use with teens.


How Knowing Jesus Changes... Everything


Christians are confused about God’s views on sex and intimacy. We don’t know what to do with our temptation, shame, brokenness, longings, or desires. Even Christian churches and families are divided in the nuances of sexuality, neglecting Jesus’ call to be unified as His body.

Surrendered Sexuality provides a clear, biblical understanding of our sexuality and the transformational power of Christ. Readers discover how Jesus gave His life not primarily to change behavior, but to renew our identity—which is rooted in our union with Christ, not our wounds, feelings, desires, past or present sins, or purity.

We’re living amid tremendous cultural confusion and pain. But we won’t be able to offer life and hope without the fire of God’s love first passing through us. Juli provides the biblical wisdom and encouragement we all need.

The purpose of our sexuality is not selfdiscovery but to understand God’s love.











DR. JULI SLATTERY is the president and cofounder of Authentic Intimacy, a ministry dedicated to reclaiming God’s design for sexuality. She is the host of the weekly podcast Java with Juli. She has authored or coauthored twelve books, including Passion Pursuit, Rethinking Sexuality, and Twenty-Five Questions You’re Afraid to Ask about Love, Sex, and Intimacy. Juli is a member of the board of trustees of Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Mike, have three grown sons and live in Akron, Ohio.


How Knowing Jesus Changes... Everything


Chapter 1—What Is Surrendered Sexuality?

Chapter 2—Surrendered Identity

Chapter 3—Surrendered Purpose

Chapter 4—Surrendered Sin

Chapter 5—Surrendered Brokenness

Chapter 6—Surrendered Idols

Chapter 7—Surrendered Wisdom

Chapter 8—Surrendered to Love


Appendix A—Resources

6 x 9 HC-Printed Case / 144 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3403-6 / $19.99 / $27.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7096-6 / $13.99

Inspiration / Motivation / Devotional


Readers who are reflecting on heaven, the afterlife, and personal loss; readers who are interested in the traditions and rich heritage of the church.


• The book includes 52 hymns about heaven, our perseverance in this life, and our future hope.

• Each hymn includes a brief devotional reflection, music for the song’s melody, and historical background.

• The authors offer free music downloads so readers can sing along.


Hymns of Heaven and Our Pilgrimage

Music transports us to the heavenly. It moves our souls and puts courage in our bones. Hosannas Forever includes 52 hymns about heaven that speak to our suffering, trials and longings. A one-year weekly devotional, each hymn is introduced with a brief biography of the author who penned the lyrics and a biography of the melody’s composer, followed by a devotional summary.

The book is divided into three major sections:

1. Our Life Pilgrimage to Heaven

2. Spirituals about the Hope of Heaven

3. Hymns of Our Future Hope in Heaven.

This makes a lovely gift and is especially meaningful to those suffering difficulties in this present life, facing a serious illness, or grappling with the loss of a loved one. It is for all who desire to experience the love and hope promised to every Christian.

Hymns with inspiration and meaning in an era lacking hope and confidence.











DAVID & BARBARA LEEMAN have been professional musicians for over 50 years—David was music director for churches in California, Oregon, Illinois, and Texas.; Barbara was a music educator in her private studio and a private Christian school. They are both graduates of Biola University School of Music. Together they have written Hosanna in Excelsis and Our Hymns, Our Heritage, a student hymnal that is widely used in churches, Christian schools, and homes. They are now retired and living in Greenville, South Carolina. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.


Hymns of Heaven and Our Pilgrimage


Hymns That Sing of Our Pilgrimage to Heaven

Week One — Day by Day—Carolina Sandell Berg

Week Two — I Need Thee Every Hour—Annie S. Hawks

Week Three — Moment by Moment—Daniel Whittle

Week Four — I Will Glory in My Redeemer—Steve and Vikki Cook

Week Five —When Trials Come—Keith and Kristyn Getty

Week Six — I Stand Amazed in the Presence—Charles Gabriel

Week Seven — All the Way My Savior Leads Me—Fanny Crosby Week Eight — He Hideth My Soul—Fanny Crosby

Week Nine — He Leadeth Me—Joseph Gilmore, William Bradbury

Week Ten — There Is a Hope—Stuart Townend

Week Eleven — Come, Ye Disconsolate—Thomas Moore, Thomas Hastings

Week Twelve — He Will Hold Me Fast—Matt Merker

Week Thirteen — My Jesus, I Love Thee—William R. Featherstone

Week Fourteen — My Faith Looks Up to Thee—Ray Palmer

Week Fifteen — O Let Your Soul Now Be Filled with Gladness—Peter Jonsson Aschan

Week Sixteen — Mercies Anew—Mark Altrogge and Bob Kauflin

Week Seventeen — My Shepherd Will Supply My Need—Isaac Watts

Slave Spirituals That Sing of the Hope of Heaven Introduction to this section

Week Eighteen — Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Week Nineteen — When the Saints Go Marching In Week Twenty — Deep River

Week Twenty-One — Down by the Riverside Week Twenty-Two — Do, Lord Week Twenty-Three — Soon I Will Be Done Week Twenty-Four — Ain’t a That Good News Week Twenty-Five — O What a Beautiful City

Week Twenty-Six — I Wanna Be Ready

Week Twenty- Seven — Goin’ to Shout All Over God’s Heaven

Hymns That Speak Entirely of Heaven Introduction to this section

Week Twenty-Eight — When We All Get to Heaven—Elsa Hewitt

Week Twenty-Nine — There Is a Happy Land—Andrew Young

Week Thirty — Pilgrim Song—Traditional American Folk Hymn

Week Thirty-One — Jerusalem the Golden—Bernard of Clurry

Week Thirty-Two — Jerusalem My Happy Home—James Montgomery

Week Thirty-Three — On Jordan’s Stormy Banks—Samuel Stennett

Week Thirty-Four — There Is a Land of Pure Delight—Isaac Watts

Week Thirty-Six — There Is a Higher Throne—Keith and Kristyn Getty

Week Thirty-Five — In Heaven Above—Laurentius Laurentii Laurinus

Week Thirty-Seven — The Sweet By and By—Sandford Fillmore Bennett

Week Thirty-Eight — Forever with the Lord—James Montgomery

Week Thirty-Nine — We’re Marching to Zion—Isaac Watts

Week Forty — I’m But a Stranger Here—Text: Thomas R Taylor, 1807, Tune, Gary Fry, 2023

Week Forty-One — In Zion—John Bell

Week Forty-Two — It is Not Death to Die—Cezar Milan, Bob Kauflin

Week Forty-Three — Wayfaring Stranger—Appalachian Spiritual

Week Forty-Four — Safe in the Arms of Jesus—Fanny Crosby

Week Forty-Five — When this Passing World Is Done—Robert Murray McCheyne

Week Forty-Six — The Sands of Time are Sinking—Anne Ross Cousin, Connie Dever

Week Forty-Seven — Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal—Traditional American, attrib. to F. R.

Week Forty-Eight — He the Pearly Gates Will Open—Frederick Blom, Nathaniel Carlson

Week Forty-Nine — Face to Face with Christ My Savior—Carrie Ellis Breck

Week Fifty — The Unclouded Day—J.K. Alwood

Week Fifty-One — The Realms of the Blest—Elizabeth Mills

Week Fifty-Two — Before the Throne of God Above—Charities Lee Smith, Vikki Cook

6 x 9 Paperback / 160 pages

ISBN: 978-0-8024-3419-7 / $14.99 / $20.99 CAN

eBook: 978-0-8024-7088-1 / $9.99

Biblical Studies / Bible Study / General


Christian women (ages 18-34). Secondarily, high school girls.


• The Coffee & Bible Time ministry has mentored over 2M people in how to study God’s Word.


A Guide to Understanding, Applying, and Delighting in God’s Word

Coffee is an acquired taste. Few coffee lovers loved it with their first-ever sip. But if acquired, what was once bitter can quickly become a love affair. Bible study can be like that.

In The EASY Bible Study Method , the authors share a practical guide for dwelling in God’s Word.

Using their method, readers discover how to:

E - Enter the story

A - Assess the main idea

S - Seek God and His character

Y - Yearn for a heart change and deeper intimacy with Christ

This book is for Christians new to Bible study, for seasoned believers who want a fresh method for drawing from God’s Word, and it makes a wonderful resource for mentors seeking to disciple others in how to study the Bible.

Bible study isn’t easy—or is it?






978-0-8024-0823-5 $19.99




COFFEE & BIBLE TIME is on a mission to help women delight in God’s Word and thrive in Christian living. Sisters ASHLEY and TAYLOR , along with their Mentor Mama, ELLEN , are passionate about sharing the truth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel message through their YouTube channel and podcast, where people of all ages come together to learn, grow, and flourish in Christ. Their most popular video, “How I Study My Bible,” has over 2 million views. They have cultivated a loving and caring community that shares a common faith. They also have a Blog, an online shop featuring their #1 selling prayer journal, a Bible Study Academy, a growing email list, and Instagram. Oh, and they love coffee!!


A Guide to Understanding, Applying, and Delighting in God’s Word



A Note to Mentors

Chapter 1 — E - Enter into the Story

Chapter 2 — A - Assess the Main Idea

Chapter 3 — S - Seek God and His Character

Chapter 4 — Y - Yearn for a heart change and deeper intimacy with Christ

Chapter 5 — Put It All Together

Chapter 6 — Conclusion

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