Word Alive Sales Kit FALL 2023

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releases 2023

Are you ready for this?

Pkg B

5 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2

3 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 8 8

3 5 5 3 5 8 8 5 5 5

Pkg A

10 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 6 6 4 4

6 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 6 6 16 16

6 10 10 6 10 16 16 10 10 10

329416 292596 292479 33192X 309173 231643 247547 299789 299749 299801

335922 331917 329351 340767 311022 318472 224958 330302 330306 224966 291526 291524

332056 214621 224643 224660 224649 214632 224597 224596 224634 332070 224638 276393 304810 276272 285471 285467 20633X 20634X 212130 212135 329677 329681


9781496462923 9781496454263 9781496451958 9781496453549 9780736986441 9780736986427 9780736985208 9780764237560 9780800739522 9780764241680

9781546012542 9781496473271 9781496463005 9781087764979 9781087769813 9780736987141 9781636095271 9781636096582 9781636096599 9781636095431 9781784988128 9781784988999

1220000139671 9781639521227 1220000321878 6006937155992 6006937153745 9781642729986 1220000321250 1220000321243 1220000321762 1220000321922 1220000321823 9781639522699 1220000322868 1220000322769 1220000322714 1220000322707 081983711633 081983711626 737682046537 737682046582 737682094910 737682094965


Title GENERIC GIFTS Trust in the Lord Reusable Tote Trust in the Lord Journal Trust in the Lord Mug Give Thanks Reusable Tote Give Thanks Mug Stand Firm Journal Stand Firm Bible Cover MED Stand Firm Bible Cover LG Stand Firm Mug Stand Firm SS Travel Mug Kind Words are Like Honey Mug (15 oz) Strength & Dignity Journal Strength & Dignity Mug (14 oz) Strength & Dignity SS Water Bottle Strength & Dignity Bible Cover MED Strength & Dignity Bible Cover LG New Grace Mug (16 oz) This is Us Photo Frame Full Heart Mug Coffee & Jesus Mug Those Who Hope in the Lord Plaque Grace & Gratitude Plaque CHILDREN & TEENS When Worry Whispers HC Good Morning, God Loves You! BB Tricky Times (#2 Patrick's…Adventure) You Count! BB The Greatest Book Ever Brave Animal Stories for Kids Snuggle Up Devotions and Prayers BB Everything Will Be Okay (boys) Everything Will Be Okay (girls) Bible Adventure Devotions for Kids God's Big Promises Bible Storybook God's Big Promises Bible Heroes & Activity Book FICTION Lethal Range (#2 Matthew Red Thriller) Until Then Facing the Enemy Ladies of the Lake Out of the Far North (#3 Niv Tavor Mossad Thriller) By Way of Deception (#2 Niv Tavor Mossad Thriller) Operation Joktan (#1 Niv Tavor Mossad Thriller) The Heirloom (prequel to The Shunning) Lost and Found The Secrets Beneath (#1 Treasures of the Earth) Steck, Ryan Woodsmall, Cindy Mills, DiAnn Gohlke, Cathy Tsarfati, Amir Tsarfati, Amir Tsarfati, Amir Lewis, Beverly Fisher, Suzanne Woods Woodhouse, Kimberley

Meyer, Joyce Bowman, Crystal Hagler, Liz Thornton, Champ Krager, Teresa Redmond, Shirley Raye McIntosh, Kelly Fischer, Jean Fischer, Jean Kent, Paul Laferton, Carl (24.99 intro price) Laferton, Carl

Christian Art Christian Art (spiral) Christian Art 15 oz Christian Art Christian Art 12 oz Christian Art (classic) Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art 18 oz Christian Art 15 oz Christian Art Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art 17 oz Christian Art Christian Art Dayspring 16 oz Dayspring (4 x 6 photo) Dexsa 16 oz Dexsa 16 oz Dexsa 6 x 9 Dexsa 6 x 9


Sale Dates: Sept 23--Oct 28, 2023

Fall Catalogue 2023

Sept. 12 Sept. 26 Sept. 26

Aug. 8 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 July. 11 Oct. 3

June. 6 July. 18 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Sept. 5 Aug. 22 May. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 1 May. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1

TOT161 JLW162 MUG952 TOT156 MUG894 JL669 BBM762 BBL762 MUG941 SMUG240 MUG947 JLW172 MUG991 FLS089 BBM781 BBL781 J2372 J2371 4653 4658 9491 9496


$22.99 $22.99 $22.99 $22.99 $21.49 $21.49 $21.49 $22.49 $22.49 $20.99

$22.99 $11.99 $13.49 $17.49 $19.99 $17.49 $17.49 $17.49 $17.49 $9.49 $30.99 $10.99

$5.99 $13.99 $17.99 $6.99 $17.99 $23.49 $41.49 $41.49 $17.99 $27.99 $13.99 $13.99 $13.99 $27.99 $41.49 $41.49 $18.49 $28.49 $18.99 $18.99 $28.99 $28.99


$18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $17.99 $8.97 $8.97 $17.99 $17.99 $16.99

$19.99 $9.99 $10.99 $14.49 $16.99 $14.49 $14.49 $14.49 $14.49 $7.99 $24.99 $8.99

$4.79 $11.99 $14.99 $5.49 $14.99 $19.99 $34.99 $34.99 $14.99 $22.99 $11.99 $11.99 $11.99 $22.99 $34.99 $34.99 $15.49 $24.49 $15.99 $15.99 $24.99 $24.99


50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 75% 75% 53% 53% 53%

48% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 52% 50%

54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53%


39% 39% 39% 39% 40% 40% 40% 41% 41% 42%

40% 40% 39% 40% 41% 40% 40% 40% 40% 41% 40% 39%

42% 46% 45% 41% 45% 46% 45% 45% 45% 44% 46% 46% 46% 44% 45% 45% 44% 45% 44% 44% 45% 45%


Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret NR NR Ret Ret Ret

Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret



Acct #_____________________

$11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $10.75 $5.37 $5.37 $10.57 $10.57 $9.87

$11.95 $6.00 $6.75 $8.75 $10.00 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $4.75 $14.88 $5.50

$2.76 $6.44 $8.28 $3.22 $8.28 $10.81 $19.09 $19.09 $8.28 $12.88 $6.44 $6.44 $6.44 $12.88 $19.09 $19.09 $8.69 $13.39 $8.93 $8.93 $13.63 $13.63


3 3 3 5

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 3 5 5 3 3 3


6 6 6 10

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

10 6 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 10 10 6 10 10 6 6 6


331914 331976 273535 318473 312162 33864X 214551 340589 310922 32985X 33932X 339339 329350 311655 261590 265848 311712 299743 291533

331931 331934 331933 244555 311576 311590 310984 189550

311674 311634 311710 311637

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous (#1 Sisters of the Rockies) Beller, Misty Cold Pursuit (#1 Ryland & St. Clair) Mehl, Nancy The Woman from Lydia (#1 Emissaries) Hunt, Angela Countdown (#4 Extreme Measures) Eason, Lynette

June. 6 July. 11 July. 11 Aug. 1

$20.99 $20.99 $22.49 $22.49

$16.99 $16.99 $17.99 $17.99

53% 53% 53% 53%

9781400245710 9781400334308 9780785253785

9781496472304 9781496471895 9798887690551 9780736987103 9780736982924 9781546037347 9781636094649 9781636095639 9781636096377 9781424566501 9781433587276 9781433580772 9781540900388 9780800742492 9780764237034 9780764240324 9780764241024 9780800762919 9781784989187 9780310463467

9781496472526 9781496476920 9781496476937 9781496444851 9781433588501 9781433588587 9781430082675 9781432105464

God Never Gives Up on You ITPE Calm Your Anxiety Break of Day

Lucado, Max Morgan, Robert Coble, Colleen

BIBLES NLT Hands-On Bible HC Tyndale NLT Hands-On Bible LLPeriwinkle Pink Waves Tyndale NLT Hands-On Bible LL Green Lines/Shapes Tyndale NLT Thinline Ref. Filament Bible LL Brushed Pink Tyndale ESV Personal Size LGPRT Bible TT Mahogany TrellisCrossway ESV Value Compact LGPRT Bible TT Black Crossway KJV Compact LGPRT Ref. Bible LT Burnt Sienna Holman KJV Deluxe Gift Bible INDEX IL Black Christian Art CHRISTIAN LIVING 8 Habits of Healthy, Happy Kids Spender-Hwang, Rhonda Tired of Trying Jackson, Ashley Morgan When Shift Happens McKinney Hammond, Michelle First Light & Eventide Oxenreider, Tsh Pilgrim Simons, Ruth Chou Blessed in the Mess Meyer, Joyce Jumbo Bible Crossword Fun Barbour Jumbo Bible Word Search Fun Barbour The Prayer Jar Devotional: Forgiveness Brunstetter, Wanda Sweeter than Honey DEVO IL Broadstreet A Christian's Guide to Mental Illness Murray, David Don't Waste Your Life Piper, John How to Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess ITPE Leaf, Dr. Caroline I Used to Be___ Elliott, Chuck & Ashley The Bible Recap Cobble, Tara-Leigh The Bible Recap Study Guide Cobble, Tara-Leigh The Worry-Free Parent Goff, Sissy Keep Looking Up (devo) Franklin, Jentezen The Christian Manifesto Begg, Alistair NIV Thinline LGPRT Bible LS Brown Zondervan Sept. 12 Sept. 12 July. 4

May. 9 Aug. 1 Sept. 12 Aug. 29 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Feb. 1 June. 1 Sept. 1 June. 6 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 bestseller bestseller Aug. 22 Sept. 5 Sept. 1 Sept. 19

Apr. 27 June. 29 Sept. 15 KJV022

Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 19

$24.99 $24.99 $23.99

$ 10.99 $23.99 $ 23.99 $ 30.99 $ 46.99 $ 35.00 $ 13.49 $ 13.49 $ 19.99 $ 23.99 $ 29.49 $ 19.99 $ 18.49 $ 20.99 $ 37.49 $ 27.49 $ 22.49 $ 23.99 $ 25.49 $55.99

$39.99 $53.49 $53.49 $46.99 $66.49 $26.99 $26.99 $34.49

$20.99 $20.99 $19.99

$8.99 $19.99 $15.99 $25.99 $39.99 $29.99 $10.99 $10.99 $16.99 $19.99 $24.99 $16.99 $14.99 $16.99 $29.99 $22.99 $18.99 $19.99 $21.49 $45.99

$33.99 $44.99 $44.99 $39.99 $54.99 $22.99 $22.99 $28.99 50% 50% 60% 50% 50% 48% 50% 50% 50% 50% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 50%

50% 50% 50% 50% 53% 53% 50% 54%

Dayspring Everyday Boxed Card Promo: Buy 2 Get 1 Free (separate order form to fill out in June)

9780764241536 9780764240454 9780764241567 9780800737368

41% 41% 41% 41% 43% 45% 41% 45%

42% 42% 41% 41%

Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret

Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret NR

Ret Ret Ret Ret

Acct #_____________________


$5.50 39% $12.00 40% $9.60 40% $15.50 40% $23.50 41% $18.20 39% $6.75 39% $6.75 39% $10.00 41% $12.00 40% $13.86 45% $9.40 45% $8.69 42% $9.87 42% $17.62 41% $12.92 44% $10.57 44% $11.28 44% $12.75 41% HARPER COLLINS HARPER COLLINS HARPER COLLINS

$20.00 $26.75 $26.75 $23.50 $31.25 $12.69 $13.50 $15.87

$9.87 $9.87 $10.57 $10.57

Package B______ 28¢ each for extra 1500+ flyers

1000 FREE Flyers w/ Pkg A Purchase


Acct #_____________________

$49.00 includes:


2…18 x 36 Banner 6…11 x 17 Posters 100…shelf talkers 1…e-blast


$29.00 includes:


1…18 x 36 Banner 3…11 x 17 Posters 40…shelf talkers 1…e-blast



POP Kit?





All generic flyers will say: Sale Ends Oct. 28, 2023

Imprint Availability: Sept 23--Oct. 28, 2023

Ship Date: beg. Sept.


Sale Dates______________


60 day terms on initial shipment of flyer product. (payments by cheque or EFT only. Does not work with Early Pay Discount)

**Includes a 15% off coupon valid during sale.** --on 1 regular-priced item--

*My signature (above) commits me to take the product package I signed up for. (no cancellations)

26¢ each for extra 5000+ flyers

30¢ each for extra 500+ flyers

Flyer Quantity:

PO #:__________________

(with reduced qty, 500 FREE flyers)

750 FREE Flyers w/ Pkg B Purchase

Store Name: ____________________________________________

*Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Package A ______

Account # ____________


Fall Catalogue



60% off



Christian Living

Harper Collins












































Brother Lawrence

Hascall, Glenn

Anderson, Neil T.

Harvest House

Omartian, Stormie

Author George, Jim

Prices & Product Subject to Change.

Peanuts Perpetual Calendar

Bible Trivia Devotional IL

Daily Strength for Women (IL perpetual devo cal.)

Daily Strength for Men (IL perpetual devo cal.)


Managing Your Emotions (devo)

A Journey with Jesus IL

Standing Firm Devotional IL

A Shelter from the Storm

Fearless by Faith





Harper, Lisa

Meyer, Joyce

Hill, Cherie

Beers, Ronald

Christian Art

Brother Andrew

NLT The One Year Bible New Testament TP Lakeside Haven Tyndale

NLT The One Year Bible New Testament TP Floral Paradise Tyndale

Nearer than We Imagine

Man of Strength

Triumphant in Tough Times (compilation)

KJV Devotional in the Morning and Evening

The Power of a Praying Wife Devo (repack)

Title A Man After God's Own Heart IL


July. 5

Nov. 7

Nov. 7

Sept. 19

Oct. 10




Aug. 1

Oct. 3

Oct. 3

July. 18

Sept. 1

Oct. 17

Oct. 10

Oct. 3

Release Aug. 1


















Retail $17.49

Pkg B_________

250 FREE Flyers w/ Package Purchase























Cost $8.75


















Margin 40%

Ship Date: 1st week of Nov.


















Disc 50%


















Ret/NR Ret

All flyers will say: Sale ends December 30, 2023

250 free flyers with pkg purchase (12¢ for each additional flyer)

Prices in effect: Nov 18--Dec 30/23


















Sale $14.49

($75) 60 day terms on initial shipment of flyer product. (payments by cheque or EFT only. Does not work with Early Pay Discount)


The above signature confirms the above store's participation in this flyer. No cancellation permitted on flyer product and/or flyers.

(12¢ each for extras)

Flyer Quantity:

Company Name___________________________________________ PO #__________________________


















ISBN 9780736987967

Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Pkg A ________

Account # __________











Speedy# 31846X

Pkg B 3

Pkg A 6

Sale Dates: Nov 18--Dec 30, 2023

Devotional Sale

Devotional Sale

Pkg B

2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3

2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2

2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3

Pkg A

4 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6

4 6 4 4 6 4 6 4 4

4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 6

224606 214605 224642 214631 255458 285461 241369 241365 276423 276333 304804 304818 304815 304807 276390 276326 285459 285473 285468 304813

233936 224631 158602 332071 224663 276271 224654 214613 224607

298650 168237 298647 298649 298648 300847 300849 300850 233295 300854 24438X 298209 244230 189899 332061


1220000321434 9781639521067 1220000321861 9781642728514 1220000136571 1220000322271 1220000320154 1220000320147 1220000322240 9781639522576 1220000322981 1220000322806 1220000322745 1220000322837 9781639522668 9781639522767 1220000322653 1220000323087 1220000323070 1220000322899

9781639521111 1220000321731 1220000133761 1220000322035 6006937156371 1220000322752 6006937155541 9781639521142 1220000321441

785525312929 785525298377 089945861785 089945860115 089945837025 703800024701 703800024206 703800024350 703800024831 703800024800 081983711466 081983778797 819273021960 871241009745 9781776371716


The Lord's Prayer Bible Cover LG The Lord's Prayer Journal The Lord's Prayer Mug Daily Devotions from the KJV (LGPRT) On Wings Like Eagles Bible Cover LG On Wings Like Eagles Bible Cover XL By Grace Bible Cover MED By Grace Bible Cover LG Hope Notebook Set LG (Pk 3) Hope Hardcover Journal Hope Mug (14 oz) Hope SS Travel Mug (18 oz) Ceramic Coaster Set (4) Give Thanks Mug (12 oz) Give Thanks Wirebound Journal Amazing Grace Classic ZIP Journal Amazing Grace Canvas Tote Bag Amazing Grace Bible Cover MED Amazing Grace Bible Cover LG Best Teacher Mug (15 oz)

Title CHRISTMAS GIFTWARE Advent Star Candle Holder Recipe for Christmas Cheer Measuring Spoon Set Lighted White Nativity Holy Family Nativity Nativity w/ Printed Stable Christmas Hostess Tray (10 x 5.5) Cardinal Mug Christmas Blessings Tea Towel Christmas Blessings Wassail Christmas Blessings Spatula Buddies God With Us Advent Ornament Book O Come Let Us Adore Him Puzzle (1000 piece) Evening Nativity Puzzle (550 piece) Holiday Village Square (1000 piece) Good News of Great Joy Coloring Book GENERAL GIFTWARE Be Still & Know ZIP Journal Be Still & Know Mug Be Still & Know SS Camp-Style Mug Be Still & Know SS Travel Mug Be Strong & Courageous Mug (14 oz) Be Strong SS Water Bottle (32 oz) Refuge & Strength Mug Refuge & Strength Spiral Journal The Lord's Prayer Bible Cover MED Christian Art Christian Art (classic) Christian Art 15 oz Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art 18 oz Christian Art Christian Art 12 oz Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art 15 oz

Christian Art (classic) Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art 11 oz Christian Art 18 oz Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art 32 oz Christian Art 14 oz Christian Art Christian Art

Abbey & CA Gift Abbey & CA Gift Roman Roman 10"H Roman 13"H Shannon Road Shannon Road 16 oz Shannon Road (cotton) Shannon Road Shannon Road Dayspring Dayspring Vermont Christmas Vermont Christmas Christian Art


Sale Dates: Nov 10--Dec 23, 2023

Christmas Catalogue 2023

BBL765 JL679 MUG951 DEV181 BBL705 BBXL705 BBM731 BBL731 NBS066 JLH007 MUG1017 SMUG250 COA018 MUG988 JLW169 JL591 TOT179 BBM782 BBL782 MUG994

JL684 MUG938 SMUG192 SMUG246 MUG921 FLS088 MUG911 JLW154 BBM765

AD152 MSS101 136691 633466 135622 24701 24206 24350 24831 24800 J2352 U0519 VC1124 VC132 CLR093


$41.49 $23.49 $17.99 $27.99 $41.49 $41.49 $41.49 $41.49 $13.99 $23.49 $17.99 $27.99 $23.49 $17.99 $13.99 $27.99 $34.49 $41.49 $41.49 $17.99

$27.99 $17.99 $27.99 $27.99 $17.99 $34.49 $17.99 $13.99 $41.49

$48.99 $25.99 $164.49 $55.99 $68.99 $32.49 $18.99 $14.49 $17.49 $18.99 $26.99 $35.99 $25.99 $27.49 $13.99


$34.99 $18.99 $14.99 $22.99 $34.99 $34.99 $34.99 $34.99 $11.49 $18.99 $14.99 $22.99 $18.99 $14.99 $11.49 $22.99 $28.99 $34.99 $34.99 $14.99

$22.99 $14.99 $22.99 $22.99 $14.99 $28.99 $14.99 $11.49 $34.99

$41.99 $21.99 $144.99 $49.99 $62.99 $27.99 $15.99 $11.99 $14.49 $15.99 $22.99 $29.99 $22.99 $23.99 $11.49


$19.09 $10.81 $8.28 $12.88 $19.09 $19.09 $19.09 $19.09 $6.44 $10.81 $8.28 $12.88 $10.81 $8.28 $6.44 $12.88 $15.87 $19.09 $19.09 $8.28

$12.88 $8.28 $12.88 $12.88 $8.28 $15.87 $8.28 $6.44 $19.09

$23.03 $12.22 $82.25 $28.00 $34.50 $15.27 $8.93 $6.81 $8.22 $8.93 $13.50 $16.92 $12.48 $13.20 $6.44


45% 43% 45% 44% 45% 45% 45% 45% 44% 43% 45% 44% 43% 45% 44% 44% 45% 45% 45% 45%

44% 45% 44% 44% 45% 45% 45% 44% 45%

45% 44% 43% 44% 45% 45% 44% 43% 43% 44% 41% 44% 46% 45% 44%




Margin Ret/NR

Acct # ____________________

54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54%

54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54% 54%

53% 53% 50% 50% 50% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 50% 53% 52% 52% 54%


2 3 2 3 3 3

3 3 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 5 3

4 6 4 6 6 6

6 6 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 10 6 6 10 10 6 10 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4

6 6 10 6 6 6 10 6 6 6 10 10 6

311717 299703 299738 299796 299745 299768 299806 299732 299709 311645 309006 330311 292592

329841 291530 291526 291525 291523 292459 292472 292483 292561 309065 310967 311020 272857 285543 244428 197067 24868X 299778 309128 292560 332178 311586 311585 311587

276299 276275 276395 303867 291548 291434

9780764238918 9780800742317 9780800741884 9780764241444 9780764237447 9780800742058 9780800741716 9780800741693 9780764242052 9780764240416 9781646071302 9781636096605 9781496474575

9780736988100 9781784989194 9781784988128 9781784989002 9781784989019 9781496476074 9781641586894 9781496467102 9781646071197 9781646071340 9781087784434 9781087788432 9781636096704 9781636096643 081983666784 081983590504 081983739767 9780764242533 9781433584411 9781496462718 9781646071104 9781433590481 9781433590498 9781433588471

1220000323025 1220000322295 1220000322936 9780638000313 703800025753 703800027863

FICTION Voice of the Ancient (#1 The King's Men) A Royal Christmas Into the Fire (#1 Undaunted Courage) The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater Knowing You (#3 Pictures of the Heart) Shadows at Dusk (#2 Missing in Alaska) The Warsaw Sisters Her Secret Hope (#3 A Season in Pinecraft) All's Fair in Love and Christmas Fairest of Heart (Texas Ever After) The Chosen: And I Will Give You Rest BOOK 3 (ITPE) Sisters by the Sea (4-in-1) The Wings of Poppy Pendleton

Great Teacher Keychain Box of Blessings for a Great Teacher Great Teacher Perpetual Calendar 365 Promises from God's Word in Color So Very Blessed Mug Sweet Friend Spatula CHILDREN & TEENS Let's Be Friends Seek & Find Christmas Lift the Flap Book God's Big Promises Bible Storybook God's Big Promises Christmas Sticker & Activity Book God's Big Promises Advent Calendar & Family Devo. Twas the Night Big Feelings Days He is There Smoke in the Air (#3 Magnificent Mulligans) AIO The Best Is Yet To Come AUD # 75 Great and Small Christmas The Boy Who Was Bold Bible Fun 2-in-1 Jumbo Bible Winter Word Games The Shepherd on the Search Activity Set The Shepherd on the Search Activity & Sticker Book The Shepherd on the Search Jumbo Puzzle The Bible Recap Kids' Devotional Lucy and the Saturday Surprise Secrets of the Highlands (#2 Beacon Hill) The Deep End (#3 High Water) ESV Teen Study Bible Desert Sun HC ESV Teen Study Bible Cliffside HC ESV Teen Study Bible Burnt Sienna TT MUSIC & DVDs

Cossette, Connilyn Carlson, Melody Hannon, Irene Wright, Jaime Jo Peterson, Tracie Goddard, Elizabeth Barratt, Amanda Gray, Shelley Shepard Monzon, Sarah Witemeyer, Karen Jenkins, Jerry Brunstetter, Wanda Dobson, Melanie

Daniel, Calyn Parker, Sarah Laferton, Carl Laferton, Carl Lafterton, Carl Halley, William Sampson, Aubrey Haney, Audra Myers, Bill Adventures in Odyssey Abramskaya, Anna Griffin, Adam Barbour Barbour Dayspring Dayspring Dayspring (24-piece) Cobble, Tara-Leigh Kruger, Melissa Williams, D.J. Shoemaker, Tim Crossway Crossway Crossway

Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Christian Art Coloring Devo Shannon Road 17 oz Shannon Road 17 oz

Aug. 15 Sept. 5 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Nov. 7 Oct. 17 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Sept. 5 June. 6 Nov. 7 Oct. 1 Sept. 19

Oct. 3 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 Oct. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 15 Sept. 12 Oct. 17 Nov. 1 Sept. 1 J1216 89524 J5641 Nov. 21 Sept. 19 Nov. 7 June. 6 June. 8 June. 8 June. 8

KRG034 BX133 CAP005 CLR105 25753 27863

$20.99 $22.49 $23.99 $22.49 $22.49 $22.49 $22.49 $20.99 $18.49 $22.49 $26.99 $23.99 $22.99

$17.49 $15.99 $30.99 $10.99 $13.49 $21.49 $22.99 $19.99 $19.99 $23.99 $13.49 $19.99 $7.99 $13.49 $42.99 $5.49 $28.49 $30.99 $19.99 $21.49 $21.49 $46.99 $46.99 $53.49

$13.99 $9.99 $13.99 $13.99 $18.99 $14.49

$17.99 $18.99 $19.99 $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $18.99 $17.99 $14.99 $18.99 $22.99 $19.99 $18.99

$14.49 $13.49 $24.99 $8.99 $11.49 $17.99 $18.99 $16.99 $16.99 $19.99 $11.49 $16.99 $6.79 $11.49 $35.99 $4.29 $24.49 $25.99 $16.99 $17.99 $17.99 $39.99 $39.99 $45.99

$11.49 $7.99 $11.49 $11.49 $15.99 $11.99

$9.87 $10.57 $11.28 $10.57 $10.57 $10.57 $10.57 $9.87 $8.69 $10.57 $13.50 $12.00 $11.50

$8.75 $8.00 $14.88 $5.50 $6.75 $10.75 $11.50 $10.00 $10.00 $12.00 $6.75 $10.00 $4.00 $6.75 $20.21 $2.58 $13.39 $14.57 $9.40 $10.75 $10.75 $22.09 $22.09 $25.14

$6.44 $4.60 $6.44 $6.44 $8.93 $6.81

45% 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 44% 45% 42% 44% 41% 40% 39%

40% 41% 40% 39% 41% 40% 39% 41% 41% 40% 41% 41% 41% 41% 44% 40% 45% 44% 45% 40% 40% 45% 45% 45%

44% 42% 44% 44% 44% 43%

Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret

Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret NR Ret NR Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret


Acct # ____________________

53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 50% 50% 50%

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Afshar, Tessa BIBLES CSB Life Counsel Bible HC B&H NLT Thinline Center-Column Filament Ref. Bible LL Rustic Brown Tyndale NLT Thinline Center-Column Filament Ref. Bible LL Peony RichTyndale Teal NLT Compact GPRT Filament Zipper Bible LL Woven Cross Gray Tyndale NLT Family Heritage Bible HC Brown INDEX Christian Art KJV Deluxe ZIP Gift Bible IL Teal INDEX Christian Art KJV Deluxe ZIP Gift Bible IL Brown Lion INDEX Christian Art KJV GPRT Bible INDEX Black IL Christian Art ESV Value Thinline Bible TT Black Crossway ESV Personal Size LGPRT Bible TT Chestnut Crossway CHRISTIAN LIVING Finding Grace (true stories of therapy dogs) Randolph, Larry Awaiting the Manger Fleiss, Ocieanna All That Jesus Commanded Piper, John Sunday Matters Tripp, Paul David The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus BOOK 4 Jenkins, Amanda Christmas Miracles UPDATED Kingsbury, Karen Christmas Ideals 2023 Rathjen, Melinda JourneyWise Stanford, Shane Jesus with Us (devo) JourneyWise I Didn't Survive Abedini Panahi, Naghmeh Shackled Ibraheem, Mariam Impossible Commands Allcock, Jonty God is Able (10th Anniv. Ed.) Shirer, Priscilla The Big Bible Book of Games Parker, Timothy The Hem of His Garment Bengtson, Dr. Michelle The 10 Jeffress, Dr. Robert Star of Wonder Hunt, Angela The Gifts of Christmas Walsh, Sheila The Bible Study (2-Volume Set) Windahl, Zach NIV Thinline Bible LS Brown Zondervan NIV Thinline Bible LS Pink Coral Zondervan NIV Women's Devotional Bible HC Zondervan NIV Men's Devotional Bible HC Zondervan The Great Disappearance Jeremiah, David Is God Real? Strobel, Lee What's So Amazing About Grace? REV & UPDATED Yancey, Philip Trusting God with Today Stanley, Charles

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Christmas Catalogue


AIO Audio CD #75 The Best is Yet To Come





The Chosen: And I Will Give You Rest Season 3 Novel





Christian Living


76% off

80% off

Harper Collins

The Great Disappearance (David Jeremiah)



Nov. 24 + 25

Details coming soon

Cindy Woodsmall Summary: Amish Dual-Time Novel In 1985, Old Order Amish couple Celeste and Vin Lantz have been married for six years. Vin is a carpenter by trade but an artist in his heart. He is especially captivated by drawing portraits, which the Amish consider idolatry. Knowing they could be shunned, Celeste is shocked to discover that Vin has secretly been sketching her and their sons. When she confronts Vin, they argue and Vin storms off . . . and seems to disappear, leaving Celeste to wonder if he chose his art over his family.







When he leaves the house that night, Vin seeks peace on his favorite mountain overlook. But he takes a fall and wakes to find himself injured and lost. Vin soon realizes just how far he has traveled—not only in distance but back in time, to 1822 Ohio, a place that provides the freedom he craved but where he is separated from his beloved wife and children. Vin is saved by the kindness of strangers and gradually learns to survive and even to use his skills to help his new friends in this unfamiliar time and place. But all the while he prays desperately for God to return him to his family, before Celeste makes a new life without him.

Discount: 42% Release:

September 5, 2023 Previous:


DiAnn Mills

Summary: For the past 5 years, FBI Special Agent Risa Jacobs has worked in the violent crimes against children division of the Houston FBI. She’s never had reason to believe there’s a target on her back . . . until now. When the long-awaited reunion between Risa and her brother, Trenton, ends in tragedy, Risa is riddled with guilt, unable to cope with the responsibility she feels over his death. On leave from the FBI, Risa returns to her former career as an English teacher at a local college, only to see her past and present collide when one of her students, Carson Mercury, turns in an assignment that reads like an eyewitness account of her brother’s murder, with details never revealed publicly.







Discount: 42% Release:

September 5, 2023

Alarmed by Carson’s inside knowledge of Trenton’s death, Risa reaches out to her former partner at the FBI - Special Agent Gage Patterson. They soon discover their cases might be connected as a string of high-value thefts have occurred at properties where security systems were installed by Carson’s stepfather and children have gone missing. There’s a far more sinister plot at play than they ever imagined, and innocent lives are in danger.

Melody Carlson

Summary: No-nonsense law student Adelaide Smith doesn't believe in fairytales. But when she learns she's the daughter of King Maximillian V, the ruler of a small European principality, she's swept into a world filled with family mysteries, royal jealousies, and the possibility of her own happily ever after. Adelaide Smith is too busy for fairy tales. She's been working hard to put herself through law school and now that the end is in sight, she's determined to stay focused on her goals. Then she receives a letter notifying her that she has been found through a DNA registry to be a direct descendant of King Maximillian V, the ruler of a small Eastern European principality called Montovia. She's understandably skeptical. This is the stuff of cheesy made-for-TV movies, not real life.







Although the pieces of this surprising family puzzle seem too good to be true, curiosity gets the best of her. At the king's invitation, Adelaide embarks on a Christmas break trip that is chock-full of surprises, including a charming village, an opulent palace, family mysteries, royal jealousies, a handsome young member of Parliament--and the chance at a real fairy tale romance with a happily-ever-after ending.

Discount: 50% Release:

September 5, 2023 NOTE: There is only 1 print-run of this title. Order enough to last you through to Christmas.

Beverly Lewis

Summary: Prequel to The Shunning Clara Bender believes a visit to Hickory Hollow may help her find direction after her father remarries. While restoring an heirloom quilt with her great-aunt Ella Mae Zook, the two form a warm bond. When Clara's life is again upended by an unexpected incident and a young Amish man, will she find where her heart belongs?







Discount: 50% Release:

September 12, 2023 Also Available:

LARGE PRINT 9780764237584 $30.99

Suzanne Woods Fisher

Summary: Trudy Yoder shares a passion for birding with Micah Weaver--and she has an even greater passion for Micah. Romantic hopes fizzle when Micah volunteers to scout a church relocation. Trudy doesn't know that Micah is searching for her estranged sister who once broke his heart. And Micah doesn't realize that what you're looking for isn't always what you find. Trudy Yoder shares a passion for birding with Micah Weaver-and she has an even greater passion for Micah. Their friendship is finally turning romantic when Micah abruptly grows cold. Worse still, he wants to leave Stoney Ridge. Micah Weaver thought he was over Trudy's older sister. A year and a half ago, Shelley had broken his heart when she ran away from Stoney Ridge to pursue a singing career in Nashville. Then, out of the blue, she's started to leave distressing phone messages for him.







Discount: 50% Release:

September 26, 2023

When the bishop asks for volunteers to scout out a possible church relocation in Tennessee, Micah is the first to raise his hand. Despite scant details, he's confident he can find Shelley. After all, his reputation as a field guide is based on finding birds that don't want to be found.

Kimberley Woodhouse

Summary: #1 Treasures of the Earth Anna Lakeman has spent her life working alongside her paleontologist father. When they find dinosaur bones, a rich investor tries to take over their dig. As Anna fights for recognition of her work and reconnects with an old beau, tensions mount and secrets are unburied. How can they keep the perils of the past from threatening their renewed affection? Anna Lakeman has spent her life working alongside her paleontologist father, drawing intricate sketches at every dig. When they find dinosaur bones near their home in Wyoming Territory, they're swiftly caught up in the era known as the Bone Wars. But when her father becomes sick and an old beau, Joshua Ziegler, returns for the summer, Anna's world is upended and the practical, orderly life she has made for herself shatters.







Discount: 50% Release:

September 26, 2023

Medical student Joshua Ziegler left his hometown to forget the one woman he truly loved and deeply hurt--Anna Lakeman. But when he returns, time hasn't erased the feelings they've always had for each other. When Joshua's nephew goes missing--just like his sister did years ago--and Anna's job is threatened, tensions mount and dangerous secrets are unburied. How can they keep the perils of the past from threatening their renewed affection?

Wanda Brunstetter

Summary: 4 Short Amish Romances, set in the Sarasota, Florida Amish Community 4 Amish sisters, originally from Indiana, start new beginnings in Sarasota, Florida. --All new stories

Written by Wanda, her daughters and grand-daughter.







Discount: 42% Release:

October 1, 2023

Amir Tsarfati Summary: #3 Nir Tavor Mossad Thriller Israel discovers that Russia is secretly planning an attack against it—but has no idea when and how. To prevent a devastating conflict, will Mossad agents Nir Tavor and Nicole le Roux be able to outwit their enemies —or will their actions have catastrophic consequences? Moscow Is Furious—and Plots Revenge Tensions are at a breaking point. The Western markets that once relied on Russian gas have turned to Israel for their energy needs. Furious at this interference in its control over the West, Russia demands that Israel stop its defensive military strikes against Iranian weapons transported into Syria. Weapons Israel knows are meant for the annihilation of their country. As Israel’s elite fighting forces and the Mossad go undercover, they detect the Kremlin is planning a major attack against Israel, using Syria as a cover. Can the Mossad unveil the details in time to thwart Russia's sinister plan?







Discount: 42% Release:

In the race for clues, Mossad agents Nir Tavor and Nicole le Roux plunge themselves into the treacherous underworld of Russian oligarch money, power, and decadence. Drawing closer to the endgame, they realize their efforts to stop the attack could trigger an all-out war.

October 3, 2023 STRICT STREET DATE



9780736985208 $21.49

9780736986427 $21.49

Irene Hannon Summary: #1 Undaunted Courage When arson investigator Bri Tucker inherits unfinished business from her predecessor, she must convince ATF Special Agent Marc Davis to help her find the missing link and track down a serial arsonist who will stop at nothing--including murder--to carry out a nefarious plan. As a former smokejumper, arson investigator Bri Tucker knows her way around fires. But after a mysterious blaze takes the life of a former colleague, Bri inherits a curious puzzle from him that raises questions about several fiery deaths. Someone, however, doesn't want her picking up where he left off in search of answers. When she teams up with ATF Special Agent Marc Davis to solve the puzzle, the danger escalates. But will they manage to track down the person behind the mysterious deaths before their budding romance--and maybe even their lives-go up in flames?







Discount: 50% Release:

October 3, 2023

Jaime Jo Wright Summary: When Greta Mercy's brothers disappear from the Barlowe Theater in 1915, she will do anything to uncover what threat lurks beneath the stage. Decades later, revealing what happened to the boys falls on Kit Boyd, who must determine whether she's willing to pay the price to end the pattern of evil that has marked their hometown for a century. Barlowe Theater stole the life of Greta Mercy's brother during its construction. Now in 1915, the completed theater appears every bit as deadly. When Greta's younger brother goes missing after breaking into the building, Greta engages the assistance of a local police officer to help her uncover the already ghostly secrets of the theater.







Discount: 50% Release:

October 10, 2023

Decades later, Kit Boyd's best friend vanishes during a ghost walk at the Barlowe Theater, and old stories of mysterious disappearances and ghoulish happenings are revived. When television ghost-hunting host and skeptic Evan Fisher engages Kit in the quest to identify the truth behind the theater's history, Kit reluctantly agrees to work with him. As the theater's curse begins to unravel Kit's own life, she sets out not only to save the historical building and her friend, but to end the pattern of evil that has marked their hometown for a century.

Tessa Afshar

Summary: Jemmah has always thought of herself as perfectly ordinary . . . until she faces extraordinary circumstances. When her mother, the Persian king’s famous senior scribe, is kidnapped, Jemmah and her sister must sneak undetected into enemy territory to rescue her. But infiltrating their adversary’s lands proves easier than escaping them. Fleeing through dangerous mountain passes, their survival depends on the skills of a stranger they free from prison: a mysterious prince named Asher. Asher is not who the world believes he is. Despite his royal blood, he has had to climb his way out of poverty to forge success from nothing. A manufacturer of some of the best weaponry in the East, Asher has only one goal: to destroy his father. But following his escape from prison, Asher is irresistibly drawn to Jemmah, unaware that she guards her own secret.







Jemmah must convince Asher to give up everything he has worked for, all for the sake of a higher purpose he’s not sure he believes in. The fate of the Persian empire—and possibly the Judean people—hang in the balance and in the persuasive power of one ordinary woman.

Discount: 42% Release:

November 7, 2023 NOTE: Can be read as a stand-alone, or as a companion to The Hidden Prince.

Tracie Peterson Summary: #3 Pictures of the Heart May Parker is captivated by the Japanese exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, longing to know more about her mother's heritage. When she's reunited with childhood friend Lee Munro, they become entangled in a dangerous heist involving samurai armor, and their love is threatened. Will they be able to overcome the odds against them? Budding artist May Parker is captivated by the Japanese exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and longs to know more about her mother's heritage--which her mother refuses to speak of because of the heartache she left behind in Japan. Wanting to experience more of the exhibits, May works as a Camera Girl--but her curiosity leads her into danger when a suit of samurai armor becomes the target of an elusive art forger.







Discount: 50% Release:

After ten years apart, May is reunited with her childhood friend Lee Munro, a police detective assigned to keep a watchful eye on the exposition. Their friendship immediately begins to blossom with hints of something more, but when they become entangled in a dangerous heist involving the samurai armor and their love is threatened, can they overcome the odds against them?

November 7, 2023 #1


9780764237461 $30.99 9780764237386 $20.99

9780764237416 $22.49

Julie Klassen Summary: #2 On Devonshire Shores When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent a nearby house for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple's male staff in their seaside cottage--but soon they realize they've invited mysterious secrets into their home. With the arrival of their new guests, the sisters face surprising romance and unexpected danger. When the Duke and Duchess of Kent rent neighboring Woolbrook Cottage for the winter, the Summers sisters are called upon to host three of the royal couple's male staff in their seaside house. But they soon realize they've invited mysterious secrets and the sweet possibility of romance into their home.







Discount: 50% Release:

Meanwhile, Emily Summers approaches a local publisher in hopes of fulfilling her dream of becoming an author. When he turns her down, his dashing competitor promises to consider her novel if she will first write a new Sidmouth guidebook for him. Emily accepts and begins researching with the help of the Duke of Kent's handsome private secretary. But a surprise visitor from her past shows up at Sea View, leaving Emily torn between the desires she used to hold dear and her budding dreams for the future.

December 5, 2023 #1

9780764236235 $30.99 9780764234262 $22.49

Ruth Chou Simons Summary: Pilgrim reminds us of profound truth by showing us how God’s grace and provision shape each Christian’s unique journey of being conformed to the image of Christ. As a follower of Christ, you live each day as a pilgrim, traveling the path Jesus sets before you. Though the road may be rocky, God provides reminders along the way to show you that He writes your story, paves your path, and walks with you always. From bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons comes these 25 uplifting devotions on the character of God to accompany you on your pilgrim journey. Highlights memorable truths from God’s Word—and from classic hymns—that confirm God’s unceasing love and care for His own







Discount: 42% Release:

September 12, 2023 STRICT STREET DATE



FALL 2023

Pilgrim Interiors

FALL 2023

Pilgrim Interiors

Robert Henderson Summary: Are your prayers going unanswered? Have you been suffering with no respite or breakthrough? Does it feel like the devil is opposing you at every turn? These are just a few signs that generational curses are at work in your life. Don't be fooled: The curses flowing down your earthly bloodlines can—and do—harass you in the here and now. Yet through the work of Jesus, your Advocate and Intercessor, you are fully equipped to break every curse holding you back. Having experienced freedom in his own life and lineage, apostle and bestselling author Robert Henderson takes you to the Courts of Heaven, guiding you through the process of annulling demonic curses and clearing the way for breakthrough and victory.







Discount: 50% Release:

August 1, 2023

Alistair Begg Summary: Exhorts Christians from Luke 6 to live a countercultural life and experience true blessing. What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way? The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God" and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that has nothing to do with politics, culture or personality, but rather God’s intentions for his people. Renowned Bible teacher Begg unpacks this sermon, exhorting Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world's values and philosophies. It's a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact.







Discount: 45% Release:

September 1, 2023

Jentezen Franklin Summary: In these 40 inspiring and compelling devotionals, Jentezen Franklin creates daily opportunities for you to overcome what holds you back. With warmth and wisdom he shows that no storm is so fierce it can't be calmed, and he empowers you to look up, reach out, and get free from whatever is overwhelming you. When storms hit and the mess of life comes crashing down, it is easier to sink into the undertow than fight to stay above water. When you focus on the waves, you miss the hand reaching down to help you. With warmth and wisdom, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin reminds you that no storm is so fierce it can't be calmed and no obstacle is too big it can't be moved.







Discount: 50% Release:

September 5, 2023

Shane Stanford Summary: JourneyWise: Finding meaning in each step along the path of life and being transformed by the journey as a whole. A common thread binds us together: the broken and winding roads we all travel. Most of us carry with us some form of spiritual, emotional, or physical baggage. In JourneyWise, noted pastor and author Shane Stanford offers us a different understanding of our life's path, enabling us to reframe our journey into one that is healed and redeemed. The Beatitudes are more than just poetic verse used to begin Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. They are the essence of Jesus’s message from beginning to end. These familiar words establish the overall tone of Jesus’s teaching ministry and reveal His most deeply held values.







Discount: 60% Release:

September 5, 2023

To be JourneyWise is to discover and live out the simple yet powerful truths of the Beatitudes. It is through the Beatitudes, which literally mean “blessings,” that Jesus gives us a new definition of significance before leading us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, our relationship with God, and the interconnections we have with others. They speak to our friendships, actions, fears, prejudices, and joys. They are pragmatic, powerful lessons wrapped in simple words. In their simplicity and accuracy, the Beatitudes yield amazing results when practiced faithfully.

JourneyWise / Shane Stanford Summary: What would it have looked like and felt like to walk daily with Jesus during His time on earth, sharing in what He experienced and taught? And how does His life have significance for our own lives today? We can answer these questions by following in His footsteps—each step of the way. 

This new devotional series takes you through the life of Jesus by way of all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish—from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The four devotionals in the journey are: 1. Jesus With Us 2. Jesus Among Us 3. Jesus Through Us 4. Jesus in Us







Discount: 60% Release:

October 17, 2023

In this devotional, Jesus with Us, you will stop at important early places along Jesus's path, including His birth, the plot to kill the Christ Child, Jesus’s youth, the beginning of His ministry, the calling of His first followers, and His famous Sermon on the Mount. Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

Joyce Meyer

Summary: Can we truly find peace and even blessing amid the chaos, the disappointments, and the other messes that life brings our way? Life is often messy. We hear people say, “My life is a mess,” or “This situation is a mess.” What they mean is that life has become difficult, painful or confusing. But God never promised us a trouble-free life. In fact, His Word tells us to expect the opposite. In John 16:33, Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV). In Blessed in the Mess, Joyce Meyer shows us how to be blessed in the midst of life’s most challenging circumstances. The Bible is filled with instructions on how to handle ourselves when difficulty comes our way, and Blessed in the Mess shares that wisdom through poignant and practical teaching that equips us to remain stable and hopeful in every situation.







No matter what problems we may face, there is a way to remain joyful and patient as God works on them.

Discount: 42% Release:

September 12, 2023

Also Available:

9781546004875 $38.00

9781668632062 $50.00

STUDY GUIDE 9781546046936 $21.99


9781546006336 $22.99

Paul David Tripp Summary: Paul David Tripp’s Weekly Devotional Helps Readers Prepare Their Hearts for Church Christians understand the importance of attending church, but many find their attention being pulled away from worship because of family, schedule, work, finances, and other distractions. With so much on their minds, how can churchgoers prepare their hearts to offer God the worship He deserves? In Sunday Matters, Paul David Tripp shares 52 devotions about the beauty and significance of church, helping Christians engage in vibrant gathered worship each week. Each short, accessible meditation highlights an essential spiritual topic, including divine grace, gratitude, our identity in Christ, and dependence on the Lord. Over the course of a year, Sunday Matters will strengthen each believer’s personal relationship with God and fill churches with joyful, engaged, and passionate worshipers.







Discount: 50% Release:

October 3, 2023 Previous:

Robert Jeffress Summary: In this fresh look at the Ten Commandments, bestselling author and pastor shows how experiencing God's greatest blessings comes from heeding His most foundational instructions, resulting in a relationship of love with God and love for each other. God wants you to enjoy life--and one of the ways to experience a blessed life is the Ten Commandments. These timeless truths are so much more than the dry rules we've consigned them to be. They're an invitation into a relationship with God of overflowing blessing and love. But to receive those benefits, we actually have to know--and follow--God's instructions. Drawing deeply from the well of Scripture, Dr. Robert Jeffress refreshes our understanding and appreciation of the Ten Commandments, unpacking exactly what each commandment means and explaining how obeying God in these things will improve our personal lives, our relationships, our churches, and our communities.







Discount: 50% Release:

October 3, 2023 Also Available:

STUDY GUIDE 9781540902757 $18.49

Melinda Rathjen Summary: Celebrate the wonder and hope of this holiday season with Christmas Ideals, a time-honored tradition and family favorite. Continuing its legacy of holiday cheer and warmth, this Ideals annual Christmas edition is a collection of poetry, essays, quotations, recipes, and Bible excerpts. Each carefully chosen selection from authors such as C.S. Lewis, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Peter Marshall is complemented by full-color artwork or beautiful photography to inspire and remind readers about the meaning of Christmas. For more than 75 years, loyal readers and their families have been drawn to Ideals as a time-honored tradition each Christmas.







Discount: 42% Release:

October 3, 2023

Joyce Meyer

Summary: A 90-Day Devotional

Learn to rule your emotions before they rule you. The highs and lows of life bring many challenges, and our feelings want to swing accordingly, like an emotional roller coaster taking us from one extreme to another throughout the day – if we let them. Our emotions serve a purpose, but if we allow them to dictate how we choose to act, we lose our peace and stability, which only leads to confusion, anxiety, anger, and a host of other unhealthy attitudes. It’s a dangerous way to live and can cause us to make bad decisions that impact ourselves and others. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Bible contains wisdom to help you learn to manage your emotions each day, no matter what challenges life brings your way. And with this 90-day devotional, you’ll discover how to take charge of those fickle feelings before they take charge of you!







Discount: 42% Release:

October 10, 2023

Previous Devo:

Joel Osteen Summary: Are you ready to live with more joy, less stress, and improve virtually every aspect of your life? What if a healthy, abundant, joyful, faith-filled life is within reach? What if you could increase your energy, vitality, and happiness, and stop dragging through the day, living discouraged and depressed, and settling for less than the life you want? In 15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier, Joel Osteen, with his trademark wisdom and encouragement, helps you to discover greater success, stronger relationships, tame stress, and find real happiness. He shows that the key to good health, longevity, and abundance is to keep your soul healthy by focusing on your attitude, your thoughts, and your emotional well-being.







Discount: 42% Release:

October 10, 2023

Also Available:

9781546006404 $38.00

STUDY GUIDE 9781668633182 $50.00

9781546005070 $22.99


9781546006343 $22.99

Sheila Walsh Summary: Advent Devotional Infusing joy into a busy and stressful season offers you the opportunity to stop for a moment and unwrap a new refreshing gift from God each day during the advent season. When you think of Christmas, what do you see? Glittering lights, decked-out trees, brightly wrapped gifts, a tightly packed schedule? Look closer. What do you hear? Ringing bells, familiar carols, Mariah Carey on an endless loop at the grocery store? Listen harder. In a season that is busy and bustling, there is a deeper, softer, quieter truth that we too often miss in the mayhem. God in our midst. God with us. The greatest gift. The only reason for the season. And the source of all our joy.







Discount: 50% Release:

October 17, 2023

If you've been feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by what Christmas has become, this beautiful Advent devotional will refresh your faith, reactivate your wonder, and restore your joy. With stories of simple Christmases past, inspiration from Scripture, and pearls of wisdom from beloved author Sheila Walsh, The Gifts of Christmas offers you grace, peace, hope, and a sense of expectation for what truly can be the most wonderful time of the year.

Carl Laferton Summary: 92 foundational Bible stories, faithfully told and beautifully illustrated, which point to the one big story of the Bible—God making and keeping His promises. Watch children discover God’s big promises and how Jesus keeps every one of them! Features include: • 92 faithfully-told stories from the Old & New Testaments • Simple, memorable language for small children • 400+ pages filled with vibrant, illustrations • Bright icons trace 5 themes of God’s promises throughout Scripture God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook contains both familiar stories, and lesser-known stories such as Jacob & Esau and Simeon & Anna.







ages 3-7

Discount: 52% Release:

September 1, 2023 Intro price : $24.99 (40% margin) from release date until December 31. January 1, 2024...reg. price & discount

Carl Laferton

STICKER & ACTIVITY BOOKS Fun activity books bring Bible stories to life. Based on God's Big Promises Bible Storybook. These activity books each feature over 60 stickers and 16 pages of puzzles, games and other activities.




$10.99 each

Discount: 45%




ages 3-7

25-door Advent Calendar. Includes 25 family devotions. Includes a booklet containing 25 short, simple devotions for December, to help families explore the Christmas story together.

ADVENT CALENDAR 9781784989019 $13.49

September 1, 2023

Tara-Leigh Cobble Summary: Following a 365-day chronological Bible reading plan, this bestselling Bible companion explains and connects the story of Scripture for children ages 8 to 12. Making the daily readings enjoyable and easy to understand, each day includes engaging activities and highlights key verses, essential truths and facts, and important aspects of God's character. You don't have to be an expert to give your kids a solid biblical foundation. As your child starts reading this book alongside the Bible, you'll all soon learn that no matter where life finds you, God's where the joy is! Includes engaging activities for children, including word finds and coloring pages.







Discount: 50% Release:

November 21, 2023

ages 8-12

Products from the Author of The Bible Recap


•The Bible Recap podcast attracts 250,000 daily listeners and has 230 million downloads •Author has a combined social media following of over 450,000

The Bible Recap A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible

Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? In an easy-to-understand way, popular podcaster of The Bible Recap Tara-Leigh Cobble walks readers through a one-year chronological Bible reading plan, explaining each day’s passage to help you both understand the entire narrative of the Scriptures and fortify your faith.

Retail: $37.49 ISBN: 978-0-7642-3703-4

The Bible Recap Deluxe Edition Imitation Leather Retail: $39.99 ISBN: 978-0-7642-3977-9

The Bible Recap Journal Retail: $24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4031-7

The God Shot

100 Snapshots of God’s Character in Scripture

Retail: $23.99 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4033-1

The Bible Recap Deluxe Edition

The Bible Recap Study Guide Retail: $27.49 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4032-4

Sage Floral Imitation Leather

The Bible Recap Discussion Guide

Retail: $49.99 ISBN:978-0-7642-4193-2

Retail: $18.49 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4148-2

The Bible Recap Personal Size Imitation Leather Retail: $43.99 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4191-8

The Bible Recap Kids’ Devotional Retail: $30.99 ISBN: 978-0-7642-4253-3

Adventures in Odyssey Summary: AIO AUDIO CD # 75

ages 7+ ISBN:



Audio CD #75



Discount: 42% Release:

October 15, 2023

Anne Kennedy Brady Summary: Join the Veggies as they learn how to love one another in this bright, fun-filled board book. Love is patient, kind, and . . . silly? ​Favorite VeggieTales characters like Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber set the record straight on what love really means in this funny, helpful board book. Combining humor and heart, the Veggies teach a faith-centric message about the importance of loving others, modeling loving behavior through a simple story and bright, engaging artwork. Veggie fans will love this board book about one of the most important values we can teach our children.

ages 1-4




Board Book



Discount: 42% Release:

November 28, 2023


Nov 7

Thinline Center-Column Reference Bibles Part study Bible, part devotional, this Bible features the Tyndale Hebrew and Greek word-study system providing helpful insights into the meaning of the original languages as well as book introductions and a concordance. Includes the Filament App! Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, incl. study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

Special Features: --8.5 font size --Words of Jesus in red --5.4" x 8.5" trim size --Presentation page --Cross references --Greek & Hebrew word-study system --Concordance

-genuine leather-

9781496479044 Rustic Brown LL................................................$53.49 9781496479051 Rustic Brown LL INDEX...................................$66.49 9781496479068 Peony Rich Teal LL...........................................$53.49 9781496479075 Peony Rich Teal LL INDEX...............................$66.49 9781496479082 Black LB............................................................$106.49 9781496479099 Black LB INDEX...............................................$119.99 9781496479105 Brown LB..........................................................$106.49 9781496479112 Brown LB INDEX.............................................$119.99

Nov 7

Compact Giant Print with zipper

Bibles Includes the Filament App! Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, incl. study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

Special Features: --10 font size --4.75" x 7" trim size --Words of Jesus in red --Presentation page --Maps --Full-color visual overview of the Bible

9781496480101 Woven Cross Gray LL.........................................$46.99 9781496480125 Woven Cross Gray LL INDEX............................$59.99 9781496480118 Magnolia Sage Green LL....................................$46.99 9781496480132 Magnolia Sage Green LL INDEX.......................$59.99

July 18

Super Giant Print Bibles Includes the Filament App! Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, incl. study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

Special Features: --16 font size --7" x 10.3" trim size --Words of Jesus in red --Presentation page --Maps --Full-color visual overview of the Bible

-genuine leather9781496474278 Black LB.........................................$159.99 9781496474285 Black LB INDEX............................$172.99 9781496474292 Brown LB......................................$159.99 9781496474308 Brown LB INDEX.........................$172.99

Oct 3

Wide Margin Bibles This Bible is the only complete text Bible designed for journaling that has access to the Filament Bible app. With 2.25" lightly ruled margins, it's great for note-taking, journaling, recording prayers, doodling, drawing, or any other creative expression in response to God's Word. Includes the Filament App! Use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, incl. study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.

9781496484017 Dusty Pink Blossoms LL.......................................$66.49 9781496484024 Dusty Pink Blossoms LL INDEX..........................$79.99

Special Features: --8 font size --6.4" x 8.5" trim size --Single-column text --Lightly ruled 2.25" wide margins --Quality white paper --Presentation page --Maps

Courage for Life

Oct 3

Study Bibles For Women The Courage for Life Study Bible is a rich, beautiful, and comprehensive study Bible--featuring a Bible study on every page--that guides us as we discover our ability to live purposeful lives of courage and to become the women God intends us to be. Unlike any other on the market, this Bible features a Bible study on every page, reflection questions, encouraging profiles, a topical index , and access to a suite of resources--including a linked audio Biblethrough the Filament Bible app. It also offers a unique discipleship path through the Bible based on the 7 COURAGE steps from the Courage for Life ministry. This is the perfect Bible for any woman who is serious about growth and transformation in Christ.

Special Features:

9781496452849 Tradepaper................................................$46.99 9781496452825 Hardcover..................................................$53.49 9781496452832 Hardcover INDEX......................................$66.49 9781496452856 Brushed Aqua Blue LL.............................$73.49 9781496452863 Brushed Aqua Blue LL INDEX................$86.49 9781496477705 Fierce Pink LL.............................................$73.49 9781496477712 Fierce Pink LL INDEX................................$86.49

--8.75 font size --6.5" x 9.2" trim size --A Bible study on every page --Wide margins --Listen to the Word (connects to the Courage for Life audio Bible) --Courageous Women of Faith profiles --Full-color interior design --Topical index



Courage for Life

Oct 3

Study Bibles For Men The Courage for Life Study Bible is a strong and rigorous study Bible--featuring a Bible study on every page--for men seeking to demonstrate godly courage and to discover the God who transcends all limitations and transforms anyone who follows Him. Unlike any other on the market, this Bible features a Bible study on every page, reflection questions, encouraging profiles, a topical index , and access to a suite of resources--including a linked audio Biblethrough the Filament Bible app. It also offers a unique discipleship path through the Bible based on the 7 COURAGE steps from the Courage for Life ministry. This Bible will help men break old patterns and experience transformation as they study and understand God's Word and invite God's work in their lives.

Special Features:

9781496475541 Tradepaper................................................$46.99 9781496475527 Hardcover..................................................$53.49 9781496475534 Hardcover INDEX......................................$66.49 9781496475558 Rustic Brown Lion LL...............................$73.49 9781496475572 Rustic Brown Lion LL INDEX..................$86.49 9781496475565 Onyx Lion LL..............................................$73.49 9781496475589 Onyx Lion LL INDEX.................................$86.49

--8.75 font size --6.5" x 9.2" trim size --A Bible study on every page --Listen to the Word (connects to the NLT audio Bible) --Courageous Men of Faith profiles --Full-color interior design --Topical index

Oct 3


Now, the popular Inspire Bible is available in an innovative large-format spiral binding with all new artwork created exclusively by the designers at Dayspring. 8.75 font size 9.25" x 9.25" Acrylic cover 4" wide center margins High quality paper 300+ all-new line-art illustrations Keepsake storage box 9781496462640 Mint Floral Garden SPIRAL $112.99

Inspire Exodus

Immerse yourself in Scripture while coloring and creative art journaling. The beautiful artwork and lined margins alongside the Bible text invite you to interact with Scripture in a hope-filled, and healing way. Inspire: Exodus includes all the cherished features from the bestselling Inspire Bible displayed beautifully in a coloring-book style, squaretrimmed edition, featuring high-quality uncoated art paper. 50 all-new line-art illustrations 182 designed verses 2.5" wide ruled margins 11-point font

9781496475183 Tradepaper $23.99

Nov 7

This Devotional Bible is for every woman who wants to know God more deeply and follow Him more closely. God's design for His children is that they live flourishing, fulfilling, joy-filled lives in Christ. Sheri Rose Shepherd, best-selling author and beloved speaker, helps women learn how to thrive in Christ, reflect God's glory, and gain an eternal perspective.

Special Features:

9781496477941 Cascade Deep Brown LL.......................................$66.49 9781496477958 Cascade Deep Brown LL INDEX..........................$79.99

--8.5 font size --5.4" x 8.3" trim size --365 daily devotionals --365 focused daily prayers --31 profiles --50 treasure of truth callouts --High-quality cream Bible paper --Two color rose & black interior


Nov 21

Life Application Study Bibles 2nd Edition

This stunning full-color Bible provides a refreshing way to experience God's Story and a trusted way to apply it to your life. Journey through the 10 eras of biblical history in a chronological format and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word. This new edition is updated throughout with fresh insights into the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.

Special Features: --9 font size --6.5" x 8.2" trim size --Timelines & charts --Archaeological notes, images & illustrations --LASB features: study notes, profiles, maps, indexes, & a Harmony of the Gospels chart 9781496474452 Hardcover..........................................$79.99 9781496475428 Heritage Oak Brown LL................$112.99 9781496475435 Palm Forest Teal LL.......................$112.99 9781496475442 Ebony Leaf LL.................................$112.99


one year

Oct 3



Illustrated Edition

9781496478955 Floral Paradise TP $30.99 9781496478962 Lakeside Haven TP $30.99

Reading Scripture everyday can change your life. And now you can use this artistically rendered One Year Bible to read the New Testament in a year--in just 5 minutes a day.

Special Features: --9.5 font size --7.5" x 8.3" trim size --Full-color illustrations on every page --400 pages

Also in series:

9781496443694 9781414302041 9781414359915 9781414363264 9781414302041 9781414359915 9781414363264




9780842325769 9780842325769 KJV


one year

Oct 3

PRAY FOR THE FAMILY BIBLE Pray for families around the world as you read through the Bible in one year in as little as 15 minutes a day. Read through the whole Bible in one year as you implement daily prayers for families around the world, including your own. It includes 365 daily prayer prompts to help you pray for your family and for the institution of the family itself—in an intentional and manageable way. Enjoy insights from leading voices who advocate on behalf of the family, including Dr. Tony Evans, Greg and Erin Smalley, Robin Jones Gunn, Dr. Danny Huerta, and more.

Special Features:

9781496467973 Tradepaper $33.49

Also in series:

--9.25 font size --6" x 9" trim size --12 full-color pages featuring stories from leading advocates for the family --Forward by Focus on the Family president Jim Daly

9781414363264 NKJV

9780842325769 KJV

Oct 3


one year BIBLE

Updated Covers The One Year Bible for Men, and The One Year Bible for Women uses the renowned “read through the Bible in a year” structure of The One Year Bible to create a devotional Bible, with the addition of two-minute daily devotionals.

Special Features:

9781496478849 Tradepaper $33.49 9781496478832 Hardcover $39.99

9781496478900 Tradepaper $33.49 9781496478894 Hardcover $39.99

--9.25 font size --6" x 9" trim size --100-word daily devotional thoughts written by Stephen or Misty Arterburn

9781414359915 NIV

9781414363264 NKJV

9780842325769 KJV

Nov 7


Celebrate the anniversary of The Message with this beautiful, feature-rich Bible. Learn how The Message was translated and shaped by the hand of a working pastor. Explore the timeline of its writing and the reflections of Eugene Peterson on a life of long obedience in the same direction.

Special Features:

9781641587082 Life-Light Black LL.....................$66.49

--9.5 font size --6" x 9.1" trim size --Single-column --“The Making of The Message” --“Later Reflections from Eugene H. Peterson” --“The Translator and His Friends” --“A Timeline of Translation” --“Read the Bible in 100 Days” --Fwd by Danielle Strickland: Unleashing the Sacred Purpose of God's Word


The Wings of Poppy Pendleton Melanie Dobson


Facebook (@MelanieDobsonFiction): 2.8k

Summary In this compelling new time-slip mystery, a little girl goes missing from her family’s castle in the Thousand Islands of New York. Eighty-five years later, a journalist teams up with a woman living on Koster Isle to find out what happened to Poppy, once and for all.

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496474575 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042030 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

1907. On the eve of her fifth birthday, Poppy Pendleton is tucked safely in her bed, listening to her parents entertain New York’s gilded society in their Thousand Islands castle; the next morning, she is gone, and her father is found dead in his smoking room. 1992. Though Chloe Ridell lives in the shadows of Poppy’s castle, now in ruins, she has little interest in the mystery that still captivates tourists and locals alike. She is focused on preserving the island she inherited from her grandparents and reviving their vintage candy shop. Until the day a girl named Emma shows up on Chloe’s doorstep, with few possessions, save a tattered scrapbook that connects her to the Pendleton family. When a reporter arrives at Chloe’s store, asking questions about her grandfather, Chloe decides to help him dig into a past she’d thought ...


Previous title: The Winter Rose

Appalachian Song Michelle Shocklee For fans of Southern, historical fiction. For fans of Donna Everhart, Julie Cantrell, and Robin Lee Hatcher. FB: (@AuthorMichelleShocklee1) IG: (@michelleshocklee) TW: (@shellshocklee)

Summary Forever within the memories of my heart. Always remember, you are perfectly loved. Tyndale House Publishers 9781496472441 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042030 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Bertie Jenkins has spent forty years serving as a midwife for her community in the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. Out of all the mothers she’s tended, none affects her more than the young teenager who shows up on her doorstep, injured, afraid, and expecting, one warm June day in 1943. As Bertie and her four sisters tenderly nurture Songbird back to health, the bond between the childless midwife and the motherless teen grows strong. But soon Songbird is forced to make a heartbreaking decision that will tear this little family apart. Thirty years later, the day after his father’s funeral, Walker Wylie is stunned to learn he was adopted as an infant. The famous country singer enlists the help of adoption advocate Reese Chandler in the hopes of learning why he was abandoned by his birth parents. With the only clue he has in hand, Walker and Reese head deep into the Appalachian Mountains to track down Bertie Jenkins, the midwife who holds the secrets to Walker’s past.

Previous title: Count the Nights by Stars tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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Saving Grayson Chris Fabry

Jerry Jenkins Presents 3 Titles:

Christian women and men over forty who are interested in fiction that portrays difficult but culturally relevant topics. Christian women and men over forty who are interested in fiction that portrays difficult but culturally relevant topics.

Summary An inspiring fiction story from the bestselling author of War Room

Focus on the Family 9781646070565 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 272 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042100 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Grayson Hayes doesn’t remember things as well as he used to, but he’s sure his time is running out. Diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s, he realizes he has a small window of time left to right a terrible injustice—he just can’t remember what it is. Convinced of the importance of his mission, he embarks on a journey to the small West Virginia town of his childhood hoping he can put together the fractured pieces of his memory and set things right. But as the past becomes more clear, he wonders if God forgives the sins he can’t remember. A thought-provoking story with challenging themes, this book deals with issues like what it’s like to care for a loved one with memory loss, how to live when you feel like you’re losing yourself, what it is that gives value to a human life, and the eternal power of forgiveness and second chances. Saving Grayson is a wrenching yet hopeful story of a journey to right unknown wrongs and of holding on to what you know even when it feels like everything is slipping away.

What a Wave Must Be Angela Hunt


Christian women over thirty who are interested in fiction that portrays difficult but culturally relevant topics. Christian women over thirty who are interested in fiction that portrays difficult but culturally relevant topics.

Summary From master storyteller Angela Hunt, a powerful story of a family’s journey toward healing and hope after an unimaginable loss.

Focus on the Family 9781646070459 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 320 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042100 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Seventeen-year-old Maddie is left reeling after the unexpected passing of her beloved father. No one has any idea why he betrayed them all so spectacularly, but that’s exactly what his death feels like: a betrayal. With their world shattered, Maddie’s grieving mother sends her to spend a few months with her grandparents, thinking a change of scenery will do her good. Susan and Frank, Maddie’s grandparents, are heartbroken over the loss of their son, but they welcome Maddie as an addition to their long-empty nest. Maddie settles in and makes friends at her new school, but she still wrestles with why her father took his own life. Then an unexpected twist throws all their lives into fresh turmoil, testing the very fabric of their faith. How Susan helps her granddaughter find hope, even as they both struggle with grief, makes this touching tale of love and recovery a must-read. Contains discussion questions, making it ideal for book groups.


tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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A Million Little Choices Tamera Alexander


Christian women over forty who are interested in fiction that portrays difficult but culturally relevant topics. FB: 22K TW: 8K IG: 3K

Summary Sometimes secrets just won’t stay hidden . . . Now from USA Today bestselling author and Christy Award Hall of Fame inductee Tamera Alexander comes the story of two women from different centuries living in the same house who share strikingly similar journeys. Focus on the Family 9781646070558 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 400 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042100 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Claire Powell’s life is turned upside down when her beloved husband admits to a “near affair.” But when Stephen accepts a partnership with an Atlanta law firm without consulting her and buys a historic Southern home sightunseen—it pushes their already-fractured marriage to the breaking point. Claire’s world spirals, and she soon finds herself in a marriage she no longer wants, in a house she never asked for. In 1863, Charlotte Thursmann, pregnant and trapped in a marriage to an abusive husband, struggles to protect her unborn child and the enslaved members of her household. Desperate, she’s determined to right the evils her husband and others like him commit. But how can one woman put an end to such injustice? Especially if her husband makes good on his threat to kill her? Both Claire and Charlotte discover truths about themselves ...

Sugar Birds Cheryl Grey Bostrom


For fans of contemporary women's fiction in the vein of Donna Everhart or Catherine Ryan Hyde. This story should appeal to fans of coming-of-age stories as well as stories with neurodiverse characters like The Rosie Project or the television show The Good Doctor. FB (@cherylgreybostrom): 1.1k TW (@ch...


Tyndale House Publishers 9781496481634 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Fiction / Christian FIC042000 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


For years, Harris Hayes has taught his daughter, Aggie, the ways of the northern woods, where she sketches nests of wild birds as an antidote to sadness. Then her depressed, unpredictable mother forbids her to climb the trees that give her sanctuary and comfort. Angry, ten-year-old Aggie accidentally lights a tragic fire and flees downriver. She lands her boat near untamed forest, then hides among trees and creatures she believes are her only friends—determined to remain undiscovered. A search party gathers hours after Celia arrives at her grandmother’s nearby farm. Hurting from her parents’ breakup, she also plans to run. But when she joins the hunt for Aggie, she meets two irresistible young men who compel her to stay. One is autistic; the other, dangerous. Ideal for fans of Under the Magnolias, Where the Crawdads Sing, and The Great Alone, Sugar Birds is a layered, riveting story set in the breathtaking natural world—where characters encounter the mending power of forgiveness, for themselves and for those who have failed them. “A true page-turner . . ....

tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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Otter B Friendly Pamela Kennedy, Anne Kennedy Brady

(#12 in series)


Parents and grandparents of children ages 3 to 6 Sunday school/nursery/children’s ministry leaders


ages 3-5

Otter B Forgiving is the twelfth in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical values. In this story, Otter B learns how to make friends with someone who seems different. Focus on the Family 9781646070435 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $12.99 USD Hardcover 32 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033240 Series: Otter B 10 in H | 8 in W

When a family that’s new and different moves to the neighborhood, Otter B isn’t quite sure what to think. Will Otter B and his buddies make friends with this new arrival? Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the lesson and includes an appropriate Bible verse. “When there’s someone you don’t know or someone new you see, just be a friend and say hello. It’s how you Otter Be!”


'Twas the Night William Halley

Primary: Children ages 3–7


ages 3-7

A retelling of the beloved Christmas poem, capturing the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus. Tyndale Kids 9781496476074 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $15.99 USD Hardcover Picture Book 32 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Nonfiction / Holidays & Celebrations JNF026010 9.5 in H | 7.5 in W


’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land, not a creature suspected that God became man. So hear now the story that tells of God’s grace: long ago was the time, Bethlehem was the place. In the spirit of Clement C. Moore's well-loved poem, this retelling of Luke 2 was written in 2018 for a church Christmas program. It has been lovingly brought to life by Sarah Lowe's artistry. Originally read aloud to children who were nestled by a Christmas tree, this true story is for sharing the joy of Christmas with your little ones year after year. Features include: Rhyming text which makes it an easy read-aloud book Christmas classic poem with the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus Accurate retelling of the night before Christmas (no wise men, only shepherd visitors) Warm, classic illustrations portray Middle-Eastern characters for a historically accurate representation

tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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He Is There Audra Haney Primary audience: Children ages 4–7

Summary So daily sing your songs of praise, and pray your daily prayers. Tyndale Kids 9781496467102 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover 32 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033090 10 in H | 8.5 in W


Keep looking with your HEART—you’ll see! God’s working everywhere. He Is There is a creative, poetic, and interactive book that helps kids learn about the invisible but surprising presence of God. We can’t see God with our physical eyes, but He Is There uses poetry and flashlight fun to help kids look for the hand of God in creation and in their daily lives. This is also a fun way for parents and kids to calm down, connect, and have spiritual conversations before bedtime, story time, or anytime. This book affirms the biblical truths of God’s sometimes seemingly hidden presence, his friendship, and his care in a creative and engaging way. We hope that the fun and novel storytelling format will lead to crossover appeal.

Big Feelings Days A Book about Hard Things, Heavy Emotions, and Jesus’ Love Aubrey Sampson Caretakers of children ages 3–7 who are looking for a resource to help them navigate difficult emotions and seasons.

NavPress 9781641586894 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $16.99 USD Hardcover 32 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033090 10 in H | 8 in W


Summary Help little kids with big emotions know God that loves them and is right next to them, no matter what they feel. Speaker, pastor, podcaster, and author of The Louder Song, Aubrey Sampson has dealt with a lot of big feelings and heartache in her life and has written about lament for a grown-up audience. Knowing that adults don’t have a monopoly on strong, difficult emotions, Aubrey turns to writing about feelings for our little ones with Big Feelings Days. Children have a lot of emotions too, and feeling sad or angry or brokenhearted can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to help kids understand that their feelings are valuable and normal—and that they can creatively express what they feel to Jesus, who created emotions and deeply cares about every one. Big Feelings Days is a tender and engaging picture book that helps children ages 3–7 learn how to release their feelings of grief, anger, and heartbreak in creative ways to a God who cares. This picture book includes full-color illustrations, relatable imagery to help children express and identify emotions, and creative ways for chil... tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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The Size of Everything Ginormous Galaxies, Itty-Bitty Quarks, and Me Alyssa Clements Primary: children ages 4–8 Secondary: parents and grandparents of children ages 4–8, teachers, librarians, churches, homeschoolers, Sunday schools

Summary Tyndale Kids 9781496462534 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $15.99 USD Hardcover Picture Book 32 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049280 11 in H | 8.5 in W


The Size of Everything helps children understand why and how they were created and how they physically fit into God’s world. This book emphasizes that humans are at the center of God’s Creation because we are made in his image. The story begins in the middle of the book and gives the reader the option to turn the pages to the left and explore creations that progressively get smaller than humans, or they can turn the page to the right and explore creations bigger than humans. This book touches on the themes of God’s power and creativity, and how special humans are to God. It’s also an informational book that includes fun science facts about each creation mentioned. What’s Inside? A one-of-a-kind book that starts in the middle A giant size index along the bottom of each page Over 45 fantastic creations Over 80 brilliantly colorful photos Over 100 mind-blowing science facts

Pawverbs for Kids Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Primary: Children, ages 6–10 Secondary: Christian parents, grandparents, children’s ministry workers, adults with young children in their lives, Christian daycares or schools, homeschool families, libraries, gift buyers, animal lovers, Chicken Soup fans, etc.

Summary In the style of Jennifer Bleakley’s bestselling books, Pawverbs: 100 Inspirations to Delight an Animal Lover’s Heart, Pawverbs for a Dog Lover’s Heart, and Pawverbs for a Cat Lover’s Heart, we’re expanding the series to include inspiring devotionals written specifically for children. Tyndale Kids 9781496461476 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Hardcover 192 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120 7 in H | 5 in W


Kids love animals! Pawverbs for Kids is jam-packed with 30 true-to-life short stories, or pawverbs. Each of these charming stories features kids and animals—and what a variety of animals there are: dogs, cats, frogs, birds, horses . . . even a bearded dragon and a grasshopper! Each story illustrates a biblical principle or lesson found in the Bible book of Proverbs. This book presents biblical truth in a whimsical way and invites kids to explore deep spiritual truth alongside extremely loveable pets! Each pawverb includes: A Bible verse from Proverbs A short and engaging story Reflection questions A child-friendly prayer God has given us animals, ultimately to point us to himself—to the one who is always there and who loves us unconditionally. In this book, children will not only find inspiring and heartwarming...

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Winnie The Early Years 4-Pack: Horse Gentler in Training / A Horse's Best Friend / Lucky for Winnie / Homesick Horse Dandi Daley Mackall, Phyllis Harris Primary: Children ages 6-10 Secondary: Parents and grandparents of children ages 6-10, Christian elementary school teachers, children's ministry workers, librarians, fans of Dandi Daley Mackall and fans of the Winnie the Horse Gentler series


Tyndale Kids 9781496473233 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $22.99 USD Trade Paperback Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033050 Series: Winnie: The Early Years 7.6 in H | 5.5 in W

Meet Winnie Willis, a spunky 8-year-old learning the art of horse gentling from the best horse wrangler around—her mom! But when money gets tight, and the family ranch struggles to survive, can Winnie truly trust God to take care of them? Join Winnie as she meets new horse friends, including a mischievous mare named Royal Princess, a muddy Mustang named Lucky, and a barn sour bay named Buck, who teach her real-life lessons in this horse-loving series. This set includes the 4 books in the Winnie the Early Years series: Horse Gentler in Training A Horse's Best Friend Lucky for Winnie Homesick Horse


Smoke in the Air! Bill Myers

(#3 Magnificent Mulligans)

Readers ages 8–12 who enjoy adventure, humor, and animals Families with children who have special needs Families who are large, diverse, and/or blended Fans of The Imagination Station and AIO FB: @billmyersauthor 3.9K

Summary Focus on the Family 9781646071197 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033040 Series: Magnificent Mulligans 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


From bestselling author Bill Myers comes another hilarious, warmhearted, and action-packed adventure starring the Mulligan family. Still used to life on the streets, Hector is having a hard time fitting in at school, unless you count regular fights with other boys as “fitting in.” But now he’s got a few friends who seem willing to accept him . . . if he can prove he belongs. But the actions of this gang may prove perilous for the Mulligan Wild Animal Park. Can he learn to make better choices in the friends he hangs out with and accept the grace and love of his new family? Speaking of grace, Janelle is learning to extend bucketloads of it to the girl who plays her sister in the school musical: the snobby, super rich Chloe Richardson. But now a message from home informs Janelle that she’ll need to spend even more time with Chloe. Can she survive the night with the all-pro mean girl? Meanwhile, back at the animal park, the rest of the Mulligans are dealing with one emergency after another when a wildfire breaks out in the grasslands of the park. Many of the animals need to be evacuated to ...

1. Leapin' Leopards 2. Lions, Elephants & Lies tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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SuperChef Family Cookbook Darnell SuperChef Ferguson, Brad Smith, Eric Bentley


Primary: Children, ages 8–12 Secondary: Christian parents, grandparents, children’s ministry workers, adults with young children in their lives, Christian daycares or schools, homeschool families, Montessori families, libraries, gift buyers, fans of Darnell Ferguson and the Food Network; kids’ cooki...

Summary This is the cookbook your family has been waiting for! Tyndale House Publishers 9781496462282 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Hardcover

The SuperChef Family Cookbook is more than a superhero-themed family cookbook—It's two books in one!

208 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Nonfiction / Cooking & Food JNF014000

The biographical introduction, loaded with full-color illustrations, provides motivational content that helps children learn how to be a superhero for Christ. It follows Darnell’s journey from a little boy playing sports with his family and friends in Philadelphia to culinary school, the Olympic cooking team, his eventual fall from grace into trouble with the law, and his life-saving decision to put his whole self into God’s hands. His story then goes on to tell about his building a successful chain of SuperChef restaurants and his current journey as a Food Network star and host of his own television program.

9.5 in H | 7.5 in W


The story of rising Food Network star Darnell SuperChef Ferguson’s life A cookbook of favorite family recipes written by SuperChef himself

The second, bigger section of the book is jam-packed with creative and approachable recipes that the entire family will love—to cook as well as to eat! Culinary tips and techniques will be feat...

Scan the QR codes to watch Darnell make the recipes!

Red Rock Mysteries 3-Pack Books 7-9: Double Fault / Canyon Echoes / Instant Menace Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry Primary: Children ages 8–12, especially reluctant readers and readers of adventures and mysteries Secondary: Parents and grandparents of children ages 8–12, homeschool families, Christian school teachers, people looking for birthday or Christmas gifts for children ages 8–12

Summary Tyndale Kids 9781496472878 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 736 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033040 Series: Red Rock Mysteries 7.3 in H | 5.3 in W


Best-selling and award-winning authors Jerry Jenkins and Chris Fabry grab the attention of kids in these fast-paced, exciting books. Watch out! The Timberline twins are on the loose. Bryce and Ashley are 13-year-old twins from Colorado who unearth action-packed mystery and adventure wherever they go. The twins’ growing faith and the strong example of their parents guide them through even the most life-threatening situations. Using their trademark page-turner style, authors Jerry Jenkins and Chris Fabry (Left Behind: The Kids series), will keep even reluctant readers on the edge of their seats as they read these fast-paced books. Perfect for ages 8–12. This set includes Books 7–9 in the 15-Book Red Rock Mysteries series: Double Fault: Bryce is suspected of vandalism and new evidence surfaces about the twins’ father’s death. How will they prove Bryce’s innocence and find out about their dad? Canyon Echoes: While guests on a celebrity couple’s houseboat, the twins investigate a mysterious break-in. Are they up for a brutal Grand Canyon hike? Instant Menace: After Bryce and Ashley’s new prin...

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Secrets of the Highlands D. J. Williams

Primary: young adult readers ages 13–18, especially those who enjoy fantasy and action-packed suspense


(#2 Beacon Hill) Summary

Wander 9781496462718 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback

This action-packed sequel in the Beacon Hill series picks up with Jack and his friends injured, hiding, and on the run from the Merikh assassins. They’re racing against the evil supernatural society to find ancient artifacts scattered between international cities and secret realms. The clock is ticking, but are all of Jack’s friends truly on his side? As friendships are tested to the breaking point, Jack finds that even good friends may have a dark side.

496 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Young Adult Fiction / Action & Adventure YAF001000 Series: Beacon Hill

1. Hunt for Eden's Star

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


The Second Storm Tim Shoemaker

(#4 High Water)

Boys and girls ages 12–15; readers of middle-grade and young-adult contemporary fiction; reluctant readers. Christian parents of this age group.

Summary The Second Storm is the fourth book in the High Water series. It blends contemporary mystery and suspense, dramatic situations, and high adventure that readers 12 years old and older will love. A Category 5 hurricane is heading for southern Florida, and Parker Buckman’s friend Wilson Stillwaters is caught in its crosshairs. It’s going to be bad, and Wilson will need help. But that means going back to the Everglades—a place filled with some bad memories. Focus on the Family 9781646070978 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 432 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Young Adult Fiction / Religious YAF051040 Series: High Water 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Angelica will do anything she can to get her friend Parker back home safely. What she doesn’t realize is the real threat—the second storm—is threatening to be far more deadly for Parker and his friends than the hurricane. The storm has allowed Clayton Kingman to escape from prison, and he has a big surprise in store for the group, one he intends to deliver personally. An even bigger storm is brewing . . . and there’s no way to stop it.

1. Escape from the Everglades 2. Every Hidden Thing 3. The Deep End


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Heart of Belonging C. J. Darlington

(#6 Riverbend Friends)

YA girls ages 12–16 and Christian parents/families who buy for this group. FB: @cjdarlingtonbooks 1.4K

Summary Heart of Belonging is the sixth book in a series that travels alongside four friends as they deal with teen life in Riverbend, Indiana. The novel inspires young women to deepen their relationships with God as they face real-life issues and solve their problems in God-honoring ways. Focus on the Family 9781646070893 Pub Date: 12/19/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 160 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Young Adult Fiction / Religious YAF051110 Series: Riverbend Friends 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

Shay desperately wants to feel loved and wanted—to be part of a real family. She thought that finally meeting her real father, a famous horse trainer, might change her life for the better. And it did. Sort of. She’s more inspired to work with horses now, for sure, but a “normal” family—like her friends talk about—doesn’t seem like it’s in her future. Living with her aunt and working with horses every day doesn’t seem to give her the love and acceptance that she longs for. So Shay finds looks herself looking for acceptance elsewhere—on the internet, looking at stuff she doesn’t think she can ever tell anyone about. She’s ashamed of where this takes her, and she suspects her friends, especially Izzy, would reject her if they found out. Can Shay begin to recognize the blessings she already has—that God’s true lo...


3. The Me You See 4. Chasing the Spotlight 5. Life in the Middle The Nedé Rising Duology A Gentle Tyranny / A Brutal Justice Jess Corban Primary: Teens ages 13–18, young adults Secondary: Christian parents, grandparents, homeschool families, libraries, fans of science fiction or YA fiction or fantasy fiction


Wander 9781496472915 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $26.99 USD Trade Paperback

Experience Nedé, a futuristic dystopia that has risen from the ashes of the patriarchy and created a fierce matriarchy in the jungles of Central America. A twist on feminist YA fiction, this coming-of-age story follows Reina Pierce, granddaughter to the Matriarch, as she discovers the cost of their paradise. Dive into the duology packed with action, romance, and provocative questions of equality, justice, and revenge.

806 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Young Adult Fiction / Dystopian YAF015000 Series: Nede Rising Series 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


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Restoring Hope Robert Paul, Robert Burbee Ph.D., Christine Arnzen Ph.D.


The primary audience is professional therapists. This includes psychologists, licensed professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, and licensed clinical social workers. A secondary audience are people within the church, pastors and lay counselors as well as married couples who come along...


Focus on the Family 9781646070046 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $34.99 USD Paperback 368 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships FAM030000 10 in H | 7 in W


Serving more than ten thousand couples over a span of more than twenty years, Hope Restored is the comprehensive model for Christian marriage counselors, therapists, and others seeking to help marriages in distress. The clinical team at the Focus Marriage Institute who developed the remarkably successful program Hope Restored: A Marriage Intensive Experience has created this guide, which provides a replicable model for working with couples in marital crisis. This professional resource contains numerous intervention and therapeutic strategies that you can apply to your personal therapy style, the unique individuals you serve, and the specific relational circumstances. Section 1 examines the key concepts, principles, and skills presented, along with their potential application. Section 2 dives deeper into the process of therapy and application, considering goals and objectives, the therapeutic relationship, the role of psychoeducation, sequencing, marriage dynamics, and more. Section 3 considers theological and psychological assumptions as well as foundations of the model and marital thera...

The Merge for Marriage Turning Frustration and Disunity into Closeness and Commitment Kari Trent Stageberg Engaged and newly married couples. Most will be millennials, although some Gen X and older Gen Z readers will also fall into this category. These are couples who are serious about their relationships and want to overcome obstacles in their marriages. IG: @karitrentstageberg 1.1K

Summary Marriage can be surprisingly difficult when you’re first starting out. Focus on the Family 9781646070626 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback

Newly married couples face a tremendous challenge that is seldom talked about. In our social media-driven world, it’s easy to think that everyone else has it together in their marriages and wonder if maybe you made a mistake. The truth is, most couples don’t enter marriage with the communication or attachment skills needed to deal with the integration of two lives.

176 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012050

The Merge for Marriage helps answer the question newly married couples face: “Can we ever get on the same page?” Couples will learn

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


what it means to “merge” and the damaging effects of not dealing with differences early in a marriage; the seven predictable areas of conflict; a practical, powerful plan for dealing with differences with one’s partner; and how to help another couple walk through the merge process. Full of practical stories, current research on connection and attachment, and enduring biblical principles, this book will help a couple learn how the different “merge points” in their marriage can actually strengthen their relationship so that they can... tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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Lord, Help Me Pray for My Kids 365 Heartfelt Prayers for Parents Tony Wood

Summary No one can pray for your child better than you can. You see your child on their best days—and also on their worst. You know how they’re wired and what makes them unique. Your love for them knows no bounds. Yet expressing the feelings in your heart and in your mind can be challenging.

Focus on the Family 9781646070992 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 384 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012030 9 in H | 6 in W

Songwriter and Dove Award winner Tony Wood has crafted prayers for many of the desires we have for our children. In Lord, Help Me Pray for My Kids, Tony has collected a prayer for each day of the year. Focusing on a fresh topic each day, he covers such topics as these: Safety: Will You keep them so close in Your care that no plan formed to hurt them will ever prosper? Friends: May there always be someone in every season of their lives who is a trusted and trustworthy confidant. Siblings: I pray that You will guide them to choose peace, love, and belief in one another. Anger: May they never allow their anger to go unchecked or unacknowledged. Forgiveness: May they first bless their offenders by forgiving them and then bless them by praying for their spiritual condition. Missions: Would You give my children a spir...


Every Season Sacred Reflections, Prayers, and Invitations to Nourish Your Soul and Nurture Your Family throughout the Year Kayla Craig Readers of To Light Their Way; followers of the Liturgies for Parents platform; millennial parents (likely women) who want to intentionally raise their children while also tending to their own spiritual journey IG: @liturgiesforparents: 46.3K IG: @kaylacraig: 13.6K Podcast: Liturgies for Parents with K...

Tyndale Momentum 9781496477118 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $22.99 USD Hardcover 336 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.5 in H | 6.5 in W


Summary What does it look like to live a flourishing, messy, wonderful life together? As parents, we’re tasked with nurturing and guiding our children, even as we navigate our own wonderings about faith. In the overwhelm and constant demands of life, is it possible to tend to our own souls and to our family’s flourishing? With tender curiosity and contemplative wisdom, Every Season Sacred is a weekly invitation to grow spiritually alongside our children. Blending thoughtful musings and practical resources, author Kayla Craig meets parents right where they are, offering honest and hopeful reflections for every season of the parenting journey; encouragement to parent with intention and imagination, presence and purpose; and open-ended discussion prompts and prayers to explore and practice as a family. Every Season Sacred is an invitation to ask big questions, embrace faithful rhythms, and experience God’s mysterious, loving presence together. You don’t have to have all the answers—and if we’re honest, many answers aren’t ours to have. This is the beauty of faith. tyndale fall 23 a - April 2023

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a parent's guide To teen'S Mental & psychological health Oct 17

$6.99 each


9781496467744 9781496467782

9781496467904 9781496467867

Nov 21

These books give parents an awareness of the cultural messages teens are receiving on these topics and provide them an avenue to reach their teens where they are at. Axis Parent’s Guide is a generational translator of a teen’s world, featuring easy-to-understand explanations, relevant descriptions, biblical wisdom and life applications.

Previous in series: 9781496474391 Tradepaper $26.99



Tonight We Pray for the Momma 100 Midnight Mom Devotions and Prayers Becky Thompson, Susan K. Pitts Women; followers of the Midnight Mom Devotional on Facebook; moms looking for encouragement and prayer FB: @midnightmomdevotional – 1.6M; @scissortailsilk – 144.6K IG: @midnightmomdevotional – 65.8K; @beckythompsonauthor – 36.5K

Summary Tyndale Momentum 9781496482709 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $15.99 USD Hardcover 352 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 7.3 in H | 5.8 in W


Momma, you are not alone. But we know sometimes it feels like you are. You love your family dearly, but you are tired. You have questions in your heart and a weariness in your soul. It’s in the midnight moments of motherhood that you need to know, more than anything, that God is with you, no matter what. In Tonight We Pray for the Momma, bestselling authors and mother-daughter team Becky Thompson and Susan K. Pitts offer encouragement and hope for the hardest days. As leaders of the over 1.8 million praying moms of the Midnight Mom Devotional community, Becky and Susan have gathered their one hundred most beloved prayers and paired them with rich devotional stories and biblical wisdom for every stage of motherhood, including the times when momma: feels hopeless and like she’s hanging on by a thread worries that she’s failing her kids needs wisdom for raising a fiery daughter or determined son is searching for joy God is with you in the moments when the light feels dim and you need peace. He will meet you in His love, sustain you in your journey, and bring you hope in the dark.

MomStrong 365 A Daily Devotional to Encourage and Empower Everyday Moms Heidi St. John Moms with kids at home. Heidi is particularly popular and well connected in the homeschooling world. IG: @heidistjohn (51.5K) FB: @realheidistjohn (414K)

Summary Have you ever wished you had a Christ-centered, veteran mom who could encourage you through the daily ups and downs of motherhood? Tyndale Momentum 9781496412683 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 384 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 9 in H | 6 in W


In MomStrong 365, mother and popular author Heidi St. John does just that. MomStrong 365 will encourage you in one of the most important roles you can ever have: being a mom. For each day of the year, Heidi provides a Bible verse, a reflective devotion, and an encouraging takeaway that every mom needs to hear. In MomStrong 365 you will find devotions that include: reassurance of God’s love for mothers during uncertain times, ways to strengthen the precious relationships within your family, tips on how to regain perspective and keep your joy when the days are long, Scripture to keep in mind when it feels like God is staying silent, and much more! We all need God’s love and mercy to meet us amid the unprecedented challenges of modern motherhood. Let Heidi come alongside you as you navigate the ups and downs of mom life and point you in the right direction —God’s direction—along the way.

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The One Year Daily Acts of Gratitude Devotional 365 Inspirations to Encourage a Life of Thankfulness Kristin Demery, Julie Fisk, Kendra Roehl Christian women; devotional readers; readers of Proverbs 31, A Holy Experience, She Reads Truth; readers turning truths into action in their families and communities IG (@theruthexperience): 4.3K FB (@TheRuthExperience): 3K

Summary What might happen if you and your family found ways to be thankful every day? Tyndale Momentum 9781496462329 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 400 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W


Most of us admit to being overworked, hurried, anxious, lonely, and battered by uncertainty. We want to be thankful for all that we have, but the chaos of our lives holds us back. We know that experiencing gratitude can reduce our stress, lead to a happier home, and make us feel more optimistic about ourselves and the world around us. Yet our ability to be grateful often ebbs and flows. When life is good, it’s easy to feel grateful, but when life is full of hurts and challenges, gratitude takes a back seat. But the hope of more—more peace, more Jesus, more appreciation for the people in our lives that often go overlooked—keeps us trying to find ways to be thankful. In The One Year Daily Acts of Gratitude Devotional, through relatable stories, encouraging Scripture, and reflection questions, we are invited to shift our focus and increase our gratitude. Each day this year, find easy-to-do ideas for incorporating gratitude into our lives and uncover the good that God was doing all along.

Create: New Beginnings An Artistic Journey to Deepen Your Connection with God and Experience Healing and Hope Martha Ackerman, Stephanie Segel, Kelly O'Dell Stanley Christian women looking to connect with God in a new way; women’s ministry leaders looking for new small group activity FB: @PFMinistries – 322K IG: @prisonfellowship – 45.2K TW: @prisonfellowshp – 16.4K

Tyndale Momentum 9781496465191 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 160 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9.5 in H | 7 in W


Summary Discover artwork activities to help you process your past and change your future, in this 10-session artistic journey for women’s groups If you’ve ever needed a fresh start or wanted to find a new way to begin to heal from the pain in your life, Create: New Beginnings is for you. This 10-week series of restorative art projects rooted in Scripture offers a safe space to process your own experiences in community with other women. You’ll intentionally and creatively explore themes such as vulnerability forgiveness reconciliation emotions empathy shame self-doubt pride accountability courage tyndale fall 23 b - April 2023

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When a Friendship Falls Apart Finding God’s Path for Healing, Forgiveness, and (Maybe) Help Letting Go Elizabeth Laing Thompson Christian women, likely 25+; readers of Elizabeth's previous works; readers of books like Lisa-Jo Baker's Never Unfriended, or followers of the ""Sister I Am with You"" Instagram IG (@elizabethlaingthompson): 3.8K FB (@alizzylife): 4K

Summary We all long for “friends forever”—but what happens when forever ends? Tyndale Momentum 9781496463128 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 304 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


They say friends are the family we choose. And that choosing—the joy of loving and being loved by someone who isn’t genetically obligated to share life with us—adds priceless worth to our days, but also great risk. Because hurt can happen even in the closest friendships, and sometimes friendships fall apart. The loss can be staggering. As we struggle to digest the pain and confusion, we wonder, How could this happen? And what do I do now? In When a Friendship Falls Apart, beloved author Elizabeth Laing Thompson comes alongside readers as they process their struggling friendships—the faltering, the fractured, and the failed. Blending personal story, biblical examples, and faith-filled wisdom, each page explores questions like the following: How do we guard against the poison of bitterness so we can process the hurt and move forward? When and how do we seek reconciliation? What does forgiveness look like? How do we know when it’s time to leave a friendship behind? How do we open up again and entrust our wounded hearts to n...

Strong Girls, Strong World A Practical Guide to Helping Them Soar--and Creating a Better Future for Us All Dale Hanson Bourke Men/women, likely Christian, socially minded, looking to understand and make a global difference; Leaders/volunteers in nonprofit entities who want a comprehensive look at this social issue.

Summary You Can Make a Global Impact—One Girl at a Time

Tyndale Refresh 9781496452337 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Social Science / Women's Studies SOC028000

In Strong Girls, Strong World, Dale Hanson Bourke draws on her international leadership and reporting experience to offer personal insights we can all use as a road map to understanding the issues girls face—and the tangible ways we can each make a difference. Filled with personal stories, hope-filled examples, and specific opportunities, readers will discover how investing in girls changes communities and entire countries eight areas that create high-impact investments for girls what leading organizations are doing to change the lives of girls, and dozens of specific and practical ways you can make a difference today. Investing in the life of a girl can bring about global change. In Strong Girls, Strong World, you’ll find out how to take the first steps.

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


World Vision & UNICEF are backing this book.

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Loving Disagreement Fighting for Community through the Fruit of the Spirit Matt Mikalatos, Kathy Khang The audience for this book is Christians ages 25–60 who have grown dissatisfied with the toxic engagements of our fractured society and are wishing they could find a new way to connect with and change the world for the better. @mskathykhang / @mattmikalatos IG - 7.1K / 1.9K TW - 9.3K / 8K

NavPress 9781641586153 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012110 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Summary What does it look like to love someone you disagree with? Fighting, disagreements, hatred, dissension, and silence. These things seem common in the wider Christian community today. Politics, theology, and even personal preference create seemingly insurmountable rifts. It’s hard not to see ourselves as “at war” with each other. We’re not doomed to be stuck here, though. There is a twofold path out of this destructive war, out of seeing our brothers and sisters as enemies—and into a spacious place of loving each other even as we disagree. In Loving Disagreement, Kathy Khang and Matt Mikalatos bring unique insight into how the fruit of the Spirit informs our ability to engage in profound difference and conflict with love. As followers of Jesus are planted in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit grows and bears good things in our lives—and relationships and communities are changed. Each chapter features author conversations about the communal and cultural implications of the fruit of the Spirit. Book includes a glossary of social and cultural terms.

30% Happier in 30 Days A Quick Start to a Happier, Healthier You Daniel G. Amen, MD

(Abridged version of "You, Happier")

Fans of Dr. Amen; readers of self-help books; PBS viewers IG: @doc_amen – 1.4M TikTok: @docamen – 1.8M FB: @drdanielamen – 421K TW: @DocAmen – 100.1K YT: AmenClinic – 124K

Summary Increase your happiness and do it fast! Tyndale Refresh 9781496472342 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $7.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Self-Help / Personal Growth SEL016000 7 in H | 4.3 in W

You have more control over your happiness than you might think. Research shows that with the right habits you can develop happiness that will stick with you no matter life’s circumstances—and you can do it in only 30 days. In 30% Happier in 30 Days, psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Dr. Daniel G. Amen shares seven groundbreaking secrets to understanding and growing your happiness in a short amount of time. With 30 days of readings about how to care for your brain and build a positive mindset, this short and practical guide will help you claim the high-quality, healthy, happy life you are looking for. You can be happier next month than you are today—why wait?


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Well to the Core A Realistic, Guilt-Free Approach to Getting Fit and Feeling Good for a Lifetime Robin Long Female, ages 30+, middle/upper class, interested in fitness/personal development from a holistic perspective IG: @wearelindywell (157K) YT: @wearelindywell (145K) FB: @wearelindywell (97K)

Summary Tyndale Refresh 9781496472625 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $27.99 USD Hardcover 192 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Health & Fitness / Women's Health HEA024000 9.5 in H | 7 in W


You deserve to feel good—not just in your body, but in your whole being. Robin Long, certified Pilates instructor and founder of Lindywell, is on a mission to help you reclaim your health, your fitness, and your body. In Well to the Core, join Robin on a journey toward holistic health and discover: ten core components of an effective and realistic approach to healthy and balanced living; a grace-over-guilt mindset to release shame and develop helpful habits in every season of life; how breath, nature, rest, and play can improve your quality of life; and exclusive Pilates workouts, mindfulness exercises, and deliciously crafted recipes to nourish your mind, body, and soul. It is possible to break free from constant stress about what you’re eating, how you’re exercising, or how much weight you need to lose in order to really start living. This is where true wellness begins. Let Robin Long show you the way in Well to the Core.

Finding Grace The Inspiring True Story of Therapy Dogs Bringing Comfort, Hope, and Love to a Hurting World Larry Randolph, Jennifer Marshall Bleakley Dog lovers, people looking to buy a gift for a dog lover. Accounts that have done well with Jennifer Marshall Bleakley’s other books, especially Joey and Pawverbs for a Dog Lover’s Heart.

Summary A powerful true story of what God can do through a willing heart and a wagging tail After a devastating series of personal losses, Larry Randolph finally had things under control. Then one morning while praying, he felt God speak two simple words to his heart: "Therapy dogs." Tyndale Momentum 9781496473608 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012170 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


There was only one problem. Larry didn't have a dog, and hadn’t since the loss of his beloved basset hound, Gus. Why would God say that? Could Larry even open himself up to loving a dog again? He had far more questions than answers. But then came Grace. Together, Larry and his beloved yellow lab Gracie brought hope and healing to hundreds of sick and lonely people. But when Larry's own life takes a shocking and terrifying turn, it’s up to Gracie to rescue Larry and his family too. Perfect for those looking for gifts for dog lovers and fans of animal stories Told with humor and heart Full of life lessons Includes photo gallery Written by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley (Joey and Pawverbs) and Larry Randolph, Finding Grace is the inspiring true story of a man willing to take a leap of faith and the four-legged companions by his... tyndale fall 23 b - April 2023

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Nov 7 Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do they prove the existence of a loving God? Modern medical resuscitation and digital communication have revealed intriguing near-death experiences (NDEs) that show us the character of God. John Burke has spent the last 3 decades studying the commonalities of more than 1000 NDEs. His investigative journey started as a skeptical agnostic, when his own father was dying from cancer. When he first read these eyewitness accounts, he couldn’t help asking himself: “Could this be real evidence--even possible proof of God’s existence?”

9781496479907 Tradepaper $23.99

In this book, you will discover: Analysis of 1000+ near-death experiences and how they reveal the wondrous attributes of God and correlate with the Bible Follow up research to Burke’s exploration of the afterlife, Imagine Heaven, a NYT best-seller of 1+ million copies True stories from nearly 70 people from every continent who have died, & been resuscitated John Burke unveils the love story and characteristics of this God of all nations, revealed throughout history and in Scripture, now illustrated by these thrilling encounters. You will realize God’s love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance are closer than you could ever imagine. And for such a time as this, people need to know a loving God is within their reach. ------------------------------------------------------------

Dec 5 -------------------------------------------------------


9781496479945 STUDY GUIDE $17.49 TP

9781496479983 DVD (5-session) $39.99

9781496480194 OUTREACH TOOL $3.99 TP


Let Creation Speak! 100 Invitations to Awe and Wonder Michael Guillen, PhD Adults looking to increase their wonder in God; adults looking for confirmation of faith; pastors and youth leaders FB: @michaelguillenphd (35.7K) Podcast: Science + God with Dr. G

Summary Is the universe more than just a cosmic accident? Is there more to life than the daily grind? Is it possible you have a divine purpose? Tyndale Refresh 9781496473554 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $19.99 USD Hardcover 240 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012040 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Yes, yes and yes. Everything around us is striking evidence that God exists, that he once appeared in human form, spoke to us directly and made us for a specific purpose. Wherever you are in life –whether you’re a person of faith, a skeptic or something else – this book is an invitation to find and embrace the radiant, resilient, relevant person you were created to be. From three-time Emmy Award winner, bestselling author, and former ABC News science editor Dr. Michael Guillen, comes Let Creation Speak!, a book of fascinating and inspiring daily essays that explore the astonishing scientific facts about the universe in a fresh new way, including these topics: The infinite size of the universe Unusual numbers we see in nature A sperm whale’s super-powerful voice Symbiotic relationships that make coral beds possible The wily, carnivorous Venus flytrap The bird with the longest wingspan–the wandering albatross Let Creation Speak! is a 100-day adventure designed ...

Kingdom Focus Rethinking Today in Light of Eternity Tony Evans Christians ages 18 to 75 who are struggling to keep their focus on God’s Kingdom and want to learn how to keep their eyes fixed on Him. FB: @drtonyevans 1.6M IG: @drtonyevans 643K TW: @drtonyevans 270K

Summary Over 1 million books sold in the Kingdom series! Focus on the Family 9781589979529 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $26.99 USD Hardcover 176 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 9 in H | 6 in W


“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.” Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s kingdom—as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know. In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this. Learn how to examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s kingdom, fully maximize life while on earth, tyndale fall 23 b - April 2023

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Bearing God Living A Christ-Formed Life in Uncharted Waters Marlena Graves Christians ages 25–65 interested in spiritual formation frameworks for understanding themselves, their relationship with God, and their mission in the world. This book is particularly suited for church and small-group buyers because the length, format, and price point are effective for community use...

Summary Imagine yourself with Jesus, in a boat on the sea, as a sudden storm fills the other passengers with fear.

NavPress 9781641586238 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $10.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


When the priest read this Gospel story in Mark 4, Marlena Graves didn’t see herself as the terrified disciples, lacking faith. She wasn’t Jesus, peacefully sleeping through the danger. She wasn’t the wind or the waves. According to Graves, “I was the boat! And then it occurred to me that, like Jesus’ mother, Mary, I, too, am a God bearer.” Journey with Graves and discover these things: We are all vessels that carry Jesus as we journey throughout our lives. Boats are made for the water—they have a mission—and that mission always involves others. Jesus is not disturbed by any storms (or our reactions to them). Our lives, which carry Christ and the gospel, are to bring salvation to others, especially those who have been thrown overboard in life. There is a destination—life with God—at the heart of spiritual formation. As we bear God and go out to sea, God is also bearing us into oneness with him. Bearing God is a short and enthralling read that will awaken you as a disciple of Jesus to a s...

The Ache for Meaning How the Temptations of Christ Reveal Who We Are and What We're Seeking Tommy Brown Anticipated readership is Christian women and men ranging from young adults to senior adults who are interested in Christian growth and formation. Small-group leaders and Christian-education directors in church and parachurch settings will be interested in this resource, as will spiritual directors ...

Summary Will I have enough? Am I enough? Do I matter? Deep in our souls is an ache that longs to be noticed, filled, transformed. And that ache boils down to these three fundamental questions. NavPress 9781641586276 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


The extraordinary thing is that we find the answers to all three questions in the temptations of Christ. As Jesus faces the wilderness, the core needs of every human being are on display: the ache to be secure, to be approved of, to have some control over our lives. But the ways that we are tempted to fill these needs inevitably fail. In The Ache for Meaning, Tommy Brown journeys through our questions and temptations into the deeper invitation Jesus offers. In the mindsets and practices Christ embodied, we discover what kept him centered on his identity and purpose—and what equips us to do the same. Because when you know where you’ve come from and where you’re going, daily temptations toward security, approval, and power to control pale in comparison to your most significant reality: You are a child of God. A rich discipleship resource. Includes questions for reflection and discussion. Features invitations i...

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The Bible Reset Simple Breakthroughs to Make Scripture Come Alive Alex Goodwin Primary: Ages 18–45. Individuals who have a church frame of reference but who are not interacting with the Bible to the degree they would like to be. Secondary: Church leaders who are looking for ways to get their congregants into Scripture; also ministry leaders (such as leaders of college ministrie...

Summary **By the Co-Creator of Immerse: The Reading Bible—ECPA 2022 Bible of the Year!**

NavPress 9781641587365 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL109010 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Confused. Frustrated. Apathetic. If you feel this way about the Bible, you’re not alone. The reality is that we’ve been set up to fail when we read the Bible, inheriting barriers and habits that make reading Scripture harder than it needs to be. Alex Goodwin, co-founder of the Institute for Bible Reading, will show you a better way forward. Discover how the physical format of our Bibles can make or break our Bible reading and how changing our reading habits can help us see that Scripture is alive. Learn how the ancient collection of writings compiled in the Bible tells a story that is still unfolding—a story God is inviting you to live into today. You’ll get actionable steps toward a flourishing relationship with the Bible, a grand sense of the overall story the Bible is telling, a clear sense of how you can participate in God’s work of restoration and renewal, and renewed curiosity about the Bible in ways you didn’t think were possible. Alex was once intimidated (and bored) by Bible reading too! He presents hi...

Pursue the Intentional Life "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12) Jean Fleming Christians of all ages who seek wisdom and encouragement for living a meaningful life. Also church leaders seeking a resource for group reading and discussion with the goal of spiritual growth.

Summary Do you ever wonder what your future holds? As ministry leader Jean Fleming began pondering how she could serve God with more purpose, she created Pursue the Intentional Life, a book that will help you discover how God’s promises and instructions contain just what you need for the unknown days ahead. Whether you are facing the end of something in your life, or embarking on a new beginning, this book will help you live meaningfully and intentionally in the present while preparing well for the future. NavPress 9781612910970 Pub Date: 11/19/13 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.2 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.5 lb Wt


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Well Said Choosing Words that Speak Life, Give Grace, and Strengthen Your Faith and Family Sarah Molitor, Abbie Halberstadt Christian women ages 25–50 who come to Sarah for stories and encouragement. These women are struggling with feeling satisfied in their lives and with being unseen and lonely. They are looking for ways to find fulfillment and be examples of Godly character in their families and community. IG: @modernf...

Summary Have you ever had moments when your words have gotten the better of you? Tyndale Momentum 9781496466976 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012070

Maybe you knew how much something would hurt, but you said it anyway because it felt good in the moment. Maybe you’re fighting a habit of complaining or yelling, when you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and patience. Or maybe you stay silent because you’re never quite sure what to say. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you are in the right place. As a wife, mom, and the creator of the popular Modern Farmhouse Family Instagram, Sarah Molitor has learned firsthand that yes, words can hurt—but they can also help and heal. In Well Said, she uses authentic, relatable stories paired with Biblical truth to help readers

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Use their words to create grace-filled, positive relationships Develop a healthy, balanced approach to social media (and find their wisdom filter) Feel equipped to use words to forgive and reconcile differences so they can live freely and fully . . . and so much more. Well Said helps you explore what it means to speak words that direct you to the very heart of Jesus. Sarah will be the trusted f...

Trailblazers A Journey to Discover God’s Purpose for Your Life Micah E. Davis Christians, male and female, 25+ (Gen Z and Millennials) looking for inspiration to live out their purpose; young adult pastors and leaders IG: @micahedavis (1.7K)

Summary “Choosing to be a Trailblazer will shape your life with adventure. . . . Follow the path that Micah has created for you.” - Annie F. Downs, New York Times bestselling author of That Sounds Fun Tyndale Momentum 9781496475725 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Are you ready to live a life like no one else? We all want our lives to count for something. We desperately want to know if we matter, what our purpose is, and if it’s ok to chase a dream bigger than ourselves. In Trailblazers, using biblical characters and his own life experiences, pastor Micah E. Davis shows how a life that is built on a solid foundation of faith can lead us to blaze a new trail . . . a unique one God has purposed for us. And the best part is you don’t have to wait for anyone else—you can start right now! In his debut book, Micah takes us on a fresh, honest, and bold journey, exploring such questions as: What is my purpose and how do I know it’s what God wants for me? What do I need to let go of to pursue the calling God has placed on my life? Does God have more in store for me than this? Am I really allowed to go after it? Can God use a flawed and broken person like me to impact th...

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The Holiness of God (Revised) R. C. Sproul


Readers of R. C. Sproul; engaged Christian men and women IG: @ligoner – 133K FB: @ligoner – 380K


Tyndale Momentum 9781496437211 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $22.99 USD Hardcover

Central to God’s character is the quality of holiness. Yet, even so, most people are hard-pressed to define what God’s holiness precisely is. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today don’t quite know what to do with words like “awe” or “fear.” R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the Christian life. He paints an awe-inspiring vision of God that encourages Christian to become holy just as God is holy. Once you encounter the holiness of God, your life will never be the same.

240 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Theology REL067030 9 in H | 6 in W


Dangerous Jesus Participant's Guide A Six-Session Study Based on the Book and Video Series Kevin "KB" Burgess Christians ages 20–40; fans of KB’s music; readers of rapper and New York Times bestselling author Lecrae’s books Unashamed and I Am Restored Spotify: 1.27M monthly listeners IG (@kb_hga): 378K FB (@KB116): 349K YouTube (@KB_HGA): 242K

Summary Tyndale Momentum 9781496482761 Pub Date: 8/22/23 $12.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700

Join KB on a six-session journey to encountering the enemy-loving, world-changing, good-dangerous Savior. Designed as a companion to the impactful debut book Dangerous Jesus, the Dangerous Jesus Participant’s Guide is for anyone who is growing weary, confused, and even disillusioned about how faith is represented in today’s world. In six in-depth sessions, award-winning rapper Kevin “KB” Burgess walks us through different dangerous aspects of our Lord and our faith—Jesus, the gospel, love, friends, blessings, and identity—and helps us discover how we can become dangerously good for the Kingdom of God.

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Whether in individual study or with a circle of friends, the Dangerous Jesus Participant’s Guide will help you get to know the real Jesus as the dangerous, countercultural, radical leader that he is.

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The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again Justin Brierley, N. T. Wright Culturally engaged Christians, ages 25–65, seeking tools to help them understand and dialogue about ideologies and assumptions of our time; avid podcast listeners of public intellectuals such as Jordan Peterson IG (@justin.brierley): 113K TW (@UnbelievableJB): 24.7K Podcast: Unbelievable? Podcast: Ask N...

Summary Tyndale Elevate 9781496466778 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 272 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Theology REL067030 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Could We Be Witnessing a Return of Belief in Our Generation? Justin Brierley, the host of the popular radio show and podcast Unbelievable?, is convinced that in our time we are witnessing a growing wave of faith. Famously described as the “long, withdrawing roar” of the “Sea of Faith,” the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But is that the end of the story? It was a conversation with agnostic journalist Douglas Murray that led Brierley to investigate whether a change was on the horizon. Speaking of the “Sea of Faith,” Murray remarked that tides come back in again and that a number of his intelligent friends had converted to Christianity in recent years. Brierley was seeing a similar trend among the secular thinkers he had interviewed on his show. Jordan Peterson, Tom Holland, Dave Rubin, and many others have found themselves surprised by the continuing resonance and relevance of Christianity, and they are joining in on conversations about faith. Readers will encounter Brierley’s discussion of cultural trends and concepts including: The meani...

The Ways of the Leader Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground Bill Mowry


Adult Christians who serve in some sort of professional or volunteer leadership role within their church/ministry, business, or community. Ages 25–50, male or female, bi-vocational ministry. People interested in learning practical leadership solutions and growing in wisdom.

Summary Leaders: Are you feeling overwhelmed in this post-pandemic world? The one-size-fits-all approaches no longer work. You need creative strategies based on godly wisdom that bring people together and break new ground. NavPress 9781641586696 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL074000 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


In The Ways of the Leader, Bill Mowry unpacks four competencies for everyday leaders in churches, ministries, communities, and businesses. To generate wisdom as a leader, you must become a lifelong learner who views your life and leadership as God’s classroom for discovery; collaborator who engages people to explore, create, and implement new approaches; cultural detective who examines assumptions and values where you lead and live; and ministry innovator who discovers solutions that are crafted to the specific needs of your community. Rise up against the chaos of today as you nurture the wisdom to choose what is good (what brings life and nourishes people) and right (what is just and fair) and impact those right where you are with practical solutions.

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Pivot The Priorities, Practices, and Powers That Can Transform Your Church into a Tov Culture Scot McKnight, Laura Barringer, John Rosensteel Pastors/lay leaders; engaged, intellectual Christians interested in church issues; readers of A Church Called Tov TW: @scotmcknight - 55.9K FB: @scot.mcknight - 15.4K

Summary A practical guide to help you build a culture in your church or organization that resists abuse and cultivates goodness. Tyndale Elevate 9781496466730 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $22.99 USD Hardcover 240 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL108030 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


After the release of their groundbreaking book, A Church Called Tov, which recorded the stories of abuse and toxic church cultures at some of the most prominent churches in the United States, New Testament scholar and blogger for Christianity Today Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer heard from a flood of people who had experienced similar instances of abuse. After all they’ve seen and heard, they still believe it’s possible for church cultures to be transformed from toxic to tov—from oppressive to good. In Pivot, Scot and Laura help churches to implement practices,establish priorities, and cultivate the Kingdom Gospel-centered qualities that form goodness cultures. Readers will find answers to the four most common questions people have about culture transformation: 1. How can I transform the culture in my church or organization to make it tov? 2. I believe my workplace has unhealthy values. How do I initiate change? 3. How do I unleash a culture of goodness in my ministry? 4. I’m not...

When the People Pray An Invitation to Intercede for Your Pastor and Revive Your Church Thom S. Rainer Pastors who want to be vulnerable with their congregation and ask for prayer support; involved church members or leadership who want to see church renewal. TW: @ThomRainer – 223.9K; @ChurchAnswers FB: @thom.s.rainer – 32K; @churchanswers IG: @thomrainer – 5.1K

Summary Tyndale Momentum 9781496448835 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover 176 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W


A convenient and easy way for pastors to ask for the prayer support they desperately need. "Will you pray for me?" is a question pastors hear every day. But when have you heard a pastor ask that question for themselves? Frankly, it's rare. That was the question Thom Rainer asked his congregation. The response was overwhelming. Within two days, more than one hundred people committed to praying for him, and the church was transformed over the next year. Thom cannot imagine what would have happened if he hadn't overcome his initial reluctance to be that vulnerable with his congregation. In this book, there are thirty reflections and thirty prayers that give church members a glimpse into the struggles most pastors face and helps them pray in specific ways. In the back of this book, there are instructions on how to start a prayer ministry for your pastor, a prayer ministry for members of your pastor's family, and a thirty-day prayer challenge. God promises to honor the prayers of his people. When the People Pray is an invitation to unleash those promises.

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Money in the Light of Eternity What the Bible Says about Your Financial Purpose Art Rainer, Thom S. Rainer Committed Christians who want to manage their money wisely and generously. TW: @ArtRainer—28.3K; @ThomRainer—216.5K IG: @ArtRainer—1.5K; @thom.s.rainer—5.6K FB: @ArtRainer1—1.2K; @thomrainer—31K

Summary You Are Created for More. Tyndale Momentum 9781496473769 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $16.99 USD Hardcover 160 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL023000 Series: Church Answers Resources 7 in H | 5 in W


Our hearts are filled with all types of longings—yearnings for contentment, satisfaction, and happiness. We all want to be part of something greater than ourselves. Yet our biggest temptation is to try to satisfy those longings by seeking after more money and more stuff. That is junk food for our souls, full of quickly fading pleasure that leaves us unhealthier than we were before. We deeply desire God and the good gifts that come from him alone. It’s the way we’re wired. Does your heart long to be a part of something greater than yourself? God’s most ambitious mission is ready for you to join. When was the last time you used money in a way that brought about deep, refreshing happiness and satisfaction for yourself and for others? Money in Light of Eternity helps you see money the way God views it. When you follow God’s design for your life, you will find what no large bank account, big house, or fast car could ever provide. You will find your true heart. You were created for so much more.

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church answers resources Sept 5

$22.99 hardcover

9781496467065 The Surprising Return of the Neighborhood Church

9781496467027 Building an Outreach Ministry to Your Community

9781496473684 A Brief Walk Through Christian History

9781496473721 How to Launch a New Church Site

9781496473806 The Mission of God and You

9781496473882 How to Teach the Old Testament to Christians

CHURCH ANSWERS Thom Rainer is the founder and CEO of Church Answers. With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Thom has spent a lifetime committed to the growth and health of the local church and its leaders. He is the go-to authority for thousands of pastors.


NTV Super GPRT Bible LL Dark Brown SPANISH



Perfect as a pulpit Bible, as a commemorative Bible, and for those who prefer giant print for reading

Summary El lenguaje claro, cálido y de fácil comprensión de la Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) se presenta aquí en letra súper gigante. Con un tamaño de letra de 14 puntos, esta Biblia es ideal para la lectura desde el púlpito y también hace que la lectura personal y devocional sea una experiencia muy placentera. Sus características incluyen:

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496484956 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $59.99 USD Leather with ribbon marker(s) 2016 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Bibles / Nueva Traduccion Viviente BIB024100 10 in H | 6.4 in W | 1.8 in T | 2.7 lb Wt


Introducción a cada libro Palabras de Cristo en rojo Concordancia Mapas a todo color Página de presentación Cinta marcadora The warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language of the Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) Scripture text is presented here in super giant print. With 14-point font, this Bible is ideal for pulpit readings while also providing a very pleasant personal Bible-reading experience. Features include: Book introductions Words of Christ in red Concordance Full-color maps Presentation page Ribbon marker

NTV Super GPRT Bible LL Dark Brown INDEX SPANISH Tyndale Perfect as a pulpit Bible, as a commemorative Bible, and for those who prefer giant print for reading

Summary El lenguaje claro, cálido y de fácil comprensión de la Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) se presenta aquí en letra súper gigante. Con un tamaño de letra de 14 puntos, esta Biblia es ideal para la lectura desde el púlpito y también hace que la lectura personal y devocional sea una experiencia muy placentera. Sus características incluyen:

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496484963 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $64.99 USD Leather with ribbon marker(s) 2016 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Bibles / Nueva Traduccion Viviente BIB024100 10 in H | 6.4 in W | 1.8 in T | 2.7 lb Wt


Introducción a cada libro Palabras de Cristo en rojo Concordancia Mapas a todo color Página de presentación Cinta marcadora The warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language of the Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) Scripture text is presented here in super giant print. With 14-point font, this Bible is ideal for pulpit readings while also providing a very pleasant personal Bible-reading experience. Features include: Book introductions Words of Christ in red Concordance Full-color maps Presentation page Ribbon marker

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NTV Super GPRT Bible LL Beige SPANISH Tyndale

Perfect as a pulpit Bible, as a commemorative Bible, and for those who prefer giant print for reading

Summary El lenguaje claro, cálido y de fácil comprensión de la Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) se presenta aquí en letra súper gigante. Con un tamaño de letra de 14 puntos, esta Biblia es ideal para la lectura desde el púlpito y también hace que la lectura personal y devocional sea una experiencia muy placentera. Sus características incluyen:

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496484970 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $59.99 USD Leather with ribbon marker(s) 2016 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Bibles / Nueva Traduccion Viviente BIB024100 10 in H | 6.4 in W | 1.8 in T | 2.7 lb Wt


Introducción a cada libro Palabras de Cristo en rojo Concordancia Mapas a todo color Página de presentación Cinta marcadora The warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language of the Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) Scripture text is presented here in super giant print. With 14-point font, this Bible is ideal for pulpit readings while also providing a very pleasant personal Bible-reading experience. Features include: Book introductions Words of Christ in red Concordance Full-color maps Presentation page Ribbon marker

NTV Super GPRT Bible LL Beige INDEX SPANISH Tyndale

Perfect as a pulpit Bible, as a commemorative Bible, and for those who prefer giant print for reading

Summary El lenguaje claro, cálido y de fácil comprensión de la Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) se presenta aquí en letra súper gigante. Con un tamaño de letra de 14 puntos, esta Biblia es ideal para la lectura desde el púlpito y también hace que la lectura personal y devocional sea una experiencia muy placentera. Sus características incluyen:

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496484987 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $64.99 USD Leather with ribbon marker(s) 2016 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Bibles / Nueva Traduccion Viviente BIB024100 10 in H | 6.4 in W | 1.8 in T | 2.7 lb Wt


Introducción a cada libro Palabras de Cristo en rojo Concordancia Mapas a todo color Página de presentación Cinta marcadora The warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language of the Nueva Traducción Viviente (NTV) Scripture text is presented here in super giant print. With 14-point font, this Bible is ideal for pulpit readings while also providing a very pleasant personal Bible-reading experience. Features include: Book introductions Words of Christ in red Concordance Full-color maps Presentation page Ribbon marker

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Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow SPANISH Nancy Guthrie Conservative Christian women (likely) 30+; readers of Nancy Guthrie, The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood TW: @saysNancyGuth3 - 5.7K FB: @nancyguthriebibleteacher - 3.7K IG: @nancyguthrienashville - 7.9K

Summary En tiempos de profundo dolor y decepción, podría cuestionarse todo lo que creemos.

Tyndale House Publishers 9781496486271 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Living REL012010 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


En este libro que cambia paradigmas, Nancy Guthrie invita con gentileza a los lectores a acercarse con ella para escuchar a Jesús traer revelación y entendimiento a las preguntas que permanecen sobre las penas de la vida: ¿Cómo estuvo Dios involucrado en esto? y ¿Por qué permitió que ocurriera? ¿Por qué no ha contestado Dios mis oraciones por un milagro? ¿Puedo esperar que Dios me proteja? ¿Si quiera le importa a Dios? Según Nancy, el buscar respuestas a nuestras preguntas puede o alejarnos más de Dios o causar que nos acerquemos más profundamente a él. Es conforme escuchamos a Jesús en medio de nuestra confusión que hayamos claridad sobre las promesas del evangelio que quizás hemos aplicado mal y los propósitos de Dios que quizás hemos malentendido. En Escucha a Jesús en medio de tu dolor, Nancy comparte las respuestas que ella ha encontrado al escuchar las promesas («Mi gracia es todo lo que necesitas»), las órdenes («Ten fe, y ella será sanada») y las oraciones («Que se cumpla tu voluntad») de Jesús en med...

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Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow When Someone Disappears from Your Life Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D., Keith Wall


General Christian trade FB: @gregoryjantzphd – 2K TW: @GregoryJantzPhD – 67.1K IG: @dr.gregoryjantz – 470K

Summary Aspire Press 9781496481191 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $6.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL050000 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


Have you experienced a romantic partner, friend, coworker, or family member suddenly ending your relationship without communicating why? Ghosting is a relatively recent term for an old problem made much more prevalent in the age of social media. Ghosting involves cutting off contact and ending a relationship, leaving the other person feeling shunned and perplexed. Whether the context is dating, social media, the workplace, families, friendships, or church, ghosting is an insensitive act at best and purposefully damaging at worst. In Here Today, Ghosted Tomorrow, Dr. Gregory Jantz explores what ghosting is and why it matters; why people ghost; the damaging effects of ghosting; what to do if you’ve been ghosted; and how to heal in the aftermath. God intends for all of us to enjoy honoring, respectful, and joy-filled relationships. Dr. Jantz understands the hurt and betrayal that ghosting causes and draws on 35 years of clinical experience to provide perspective and practical steps to move forward. By the end of the brief healing journey of this book, readers will be well along the path ...

Make Peace with Your Past Living a Life with No Regrets Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D., Keith Wall General Christian trade FB: @gregoryjantzphd – 2K TW: @GregoryJantzPhD – 67.1K IG: @dr.gregoryjantz – 470K

Summary Aspire Press 9781496481238 Pub Date: 10/8/24 $6.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL050000 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


We all want to feel energized, optimistic, and fulfilled each day, thankful for the meaningful people and activities in our lives. Yet many people lack this kind of joy and vitality. Why? One major reason is they have not made peace with their past. Often people carry pain from past troubled relationships into their current relationships. They are weighed down by shame that toxic people once tried to put on them. Or they hold on to mistakes and failures, never able to forgive themselves. Either way, they struggle to find the freedom that God offers. Make Peace with Your Past offers essential principles and practical steps for moving beyond these painful experiences. Dr. Gregory Jantz takes readers from hurt to healing by exploring the power of forgiving others and themselves, accurately seeing themselves as God does, living fully in the moment with him, and allowing “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” to define their future (Philippians 3:14, ESV). The past may have been disappointing or it may have been disastrous—but when we make peace with those circumstances, our present and fu...

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The Exodus


Rose Publishing General Christian trade; Bible study groups; youth groups

Summary Explore events foundational to our faith in this six-session study of the book of Exodus. Israel is enslaved in Egypt, wondering whether God’s covenantal promises to Abraham will be fulfilled. Suffering under oppression and violence, Israel cries out, and God hears, remembers, and acts. Through miraculous signs and wonders, God warns Pharaoh to relent, delivers Israel through the Red Sea, and brings the people into covenant at Mount Sinai. What will be Israel’s response?

Rose Publishing 9781496479761 Pub Date: 7/23/24 $11.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006840 Series: Rose Visual Bible Studies

The defining events of Exodus shape Israel’s identity throughout the biblical narrative, from Joshua to Jesus. With your Bible in one hand and this study in the other, join us as we take an in-depth look at Exodus, the character of God, and the call of Israel as God’s chosen people. Discover foundational truths with the lessons of Israel: The Hebrew people were not just freed from slavery but also freed for a purpose. As Israel carried God’s presence into the world, they were called to live differently so the world would know there is a God in Israel. The six sessions include 1. God Hears: God cares about Israel’s oppressi...

8.8 in H | 5.8 in W



Psalms Rose Publishing General Christian trade; Bible study groups; youth groups

Summary In this six-session study, explore how the Psalms are worship-prayer songs lifted to God. Whether chanted in a synagogue, sung from a hymnal, or read from projectors on walls, the Psalms have given us the content of our prayers and defined both our worship and faith for generations. By studying, praying, and living the Psalms, our lives become an enduring song of praise to the Lord, like strong, fruitful trees that thrive through every season.

Rose Publishing 9781496479815 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $11.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006740 Series: Rose Visual Bible Studies

This study is an invitation to the wild beauty that comes from experiencing God as we journey deeper in relationship with him through the Psalms. Study different types of worship-prayer songs from the book of Psalms, consider the background of specific psalms and their connections with Jesus, and explore how the songs we sing and the song of our lives reflect the themes of the book of Psalms. The six sessions include: 1. Blessed is the One Who Praises the Lord (Psalms 1 and 150) 2. The Heavens Declare and the Word Shines a Light (Psalms 19 and 119) 3. Even in Darkest Valleys, the Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalms 22–24) 4. Unfailing Love and Forgiveness (Psalms 51 and...

8.8 in H | 5.8 in W


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Rose Deluxe Timelines Bible and Christian History Rose Publishing General Christian trade, Christian school teachers, homeschoolers, Sunday school leaders, libraries, and anyone who wants to learn more about history

Summary Rose Publishing 9781496481979 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $34.99 USD Hardcover 152 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006630 11 in H | 8.5 in W


Rose Deluxe Timelines is the ultimate resource for Bible and Christian history. With thousands of key dates, people, and events, each timeline is uniquely designed and features plenty of photos and illustrations to enhance learning. Timelines range from quick overviews offering the big picture of Bible and church history to large, detailed timelines that fold out up to 32 inches! An amazing resource for Sunday school, church studies, homeschool, and personal learning. Reproduce up to 300 copies for your students. Bible Timelines Book of Genesis: 120+ key events & people • Bible Characters: Individual timelines for 8 major Bible figures • Women of the Bible: 100+ fascinating women from both Testaments • The Exodus: Overview of the 10 plagues & parting of the sea • The Temple: History of the Tabernacle, Temple & Ark of the Covenant • Kings and Prophets: 65+ kings & prophets side by side in chronological order • Life of Jesus: Life & ministry of Christ in the Gospels • Book of Acts: Mission of the first Christians • Roman Emperors: Summary of the 12 emperors during the New Testament • Jer...


Women of the Bible Timeline Rose Publishing General Christian trade


Summary See the stories of 100 women in the Bible at a glance. This foldout timeline features more than 100 women from the Old and New Testaments in chronological order. Includes colorful artwork, Scripture references, and key events and time periods in Bible history. Learn about famous women from the Bible:

Rose Publishing 9781496485533 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $4.99 USD Pamphlet Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Reference REL006160 8.4 in H | 5.4 in W


Matriarchs of Israel, like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah Faithful and courageous women, like Hannah, Ruth, and Esther Notorious women, like Jezebel and Herodias, who killed the prophets of God Women in the Gospels whose lives were changed by Jesus, like Mary Magdalene, the Samaritan woman, and sisters Mary and Martha Early Christian leaders, like Lydia, Priscilla, and Phoebe Discover lesser known but fascinating women: Jehosheba, who saved a child prince from being killed Huldah the prophet, whose words to a king changed a nation Shiphrah and Puah, who defied the pharaoh of Egypt Five sisters who argued for their family’s right to a place in Israel An Athenian named Damaris who became a believer after hearing Paul’s Mars Hill sermon This pamphlet’s high-gloss coating makes it a durable, convenient...

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Parallel Faith Walking Alongside Others on Their Journey to Christ Dave Boden


Christians, ages 18 to 35, who want to become more engaged walking alongside others and sharing their faith. Also for ministry leaders working to create a disciple-making culture. IG (@daveboden2) TW (@davemboden) YT (@KleerSeries): 1.47K

Summary Hendrickson Publishers 9781496483478 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.95 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Christian Ministry REL023000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


Are you ready to discover how to walk alongside others on their journey to Christ? Learn how to walk parallel with others with purpose and help them discover Jesus from their starting point, not yours. Everyone takes little steps toward Jesus before they can take big steps with and for him. This is a process that starts long before people ever enter a church building, especially as the gap between the church and culture grows ever wider. This book will help equip you to handle the early stages of discipling others with care, address the stumbling blocks that hold them back, as well as redefine how you see your own identity as an ambassador of Christ. You will learn how to be better prepared to answer questions about your faith and how to share the gospel in a way that resonates with other people and their culture. There are many ways we can walk with others and point them to Jesus: We can use our creativity to create curiosity, and hospitality can mean so much more than a warm welcome. If we teach like Jesus, then we will use everyday moments to impart Scripture, share stories, and off...

Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life Ralph Hawkins


This book can be used as a supplementary text in an undergraduate or seminary course in wisdom literature, and it would be useful for pastors in their sermon preparation or personal studies.


Hendrickson Publishers 9781619708853 Pub Date: 12/15/23 $24.95 USD Paperback 234 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006740 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


In Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life, Ralph K. Hawkins turns our attention to the Bible’s Wisdom Literature (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs) and how it can correct us, train us in righteousness, and ultimately empower us for successful living. These are some of the most inspired writings on the Good Life the world has ever known, in which ancient Israel’s sages wrote about how to live stable, harmonious, productive, and joyous lives. Together, they interlock to cover the entire field of wisdom, providing contemporary readers with the tools to develop a unified world view with God at the center. Ancient Wisdom for the Good Life culls out the guidance of ancient Israel’s sages for a modern society that has been cut adrift from its moorings. Full of wisdom and practically written, this book could be used as a supplementary text in an undergraduate or seminary course in the Wisdom Literature, and it would certainly be useful for pastors in their sermon preparation or even just general reading. Table of Contents: 1. Winning and the Wisdom Literature 2. A Mindset of Integrity 3. A...

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Formation of the Bible (Enlarged) The Story of the Church’s Canon, Second Edition Lee M. McDonald This book will be useful for interested laypeople, Sunday school classes, Bible studies, small groups, and undergraduate courses.

Summary An Updated and Expanded Edition! Comprehensive and accessible, Formation of the Bible: The Story of the Church’s Canon is a succinct but detailed account of how the books of the Christian Bible were chosen. Hendrickson Publishers 9781496484840 Pub Date: 10/2/23 $29.95 USD Trade Paperback 232 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006630 8.8 in H | 5.8 in W

Carefully documented and written in sterling prose, Lee Martin McDonald uses a lifetime of scholarship to tell one of history’s most remarkable stories—the story of the Judeo-Christian Bible. From the ancient texts of the Pentateuch, to the development of the LXX, to the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Gospels and the rest of the New Testament, McDonald’s work educates, enriches, and edifies. Highly recommended. This second edition includes charts with more precise dating, interactions with recent scholarship that elucidates the historical context of the relevant ancient literature, a new chapter on ancient pseudepigrapha in Judaism and early Christianity, and a bibliography bolstered by the addition of new and helpful resources for further study of canon formation.


Paul's Letter to the Romans Theological Essays Douglas J. Moo, Eckhard Schnabel, Frank Thielman, Thomas R. Schreiner Seminary professors and students

Summary A collection of essays presented during the Consultation on Paul’s Letter to the Romans at four annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). This volume features contributions from top evangelical Pauline scholars, addresses contested theological matters in the letter to the Romans, and can serve as a textbook. Hendrickson Academic 9781496480873 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $59.95 USD Hardcover 424 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006720

Each of the four editors has written a recent major commentary on Romans (Moo, NICNT; Schnabel, HTA; Schreiner, BECNT; Thielman, ZECNT). Contributors include the editors, along with Robert Yarbrough, Mark Seifrid, Robert Gagnon, Patrick Schreiner, Christopher Bruno, Brian Rosner, Kevin McFadden, Benjamin Gladd, Charles Quarles, Ben Dunson, Kyle Wells, Michael Bird, Joshua Greever, Benjamin Merkle, Ardel Caneday, Sigurd Grindheim, A. Andrew Das, Jeffrey Weima, Mateus de Campos, and M. Sydney Park.

9 in H | 6 in W


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Pen, Print, and Pixels Advances in Textual Criticism in the Digital Era Daniel B. Wallace, Elijah Hixson, David Flood Text-critical scholars, New Testament scholars, professors and students of Koine Greek FB (@DanielBWallace): 4.9K TW (@DanielBWallace): 2.7K FB (@CSNTM): 9.4K TW (@CSNTM): 2.1K YouTube (@CSNTMProductions): 2.5K

Summary Hendrickson Academic 9781496485922 Pub Date: 11/13/23 $99.95 USD Hardcover 300 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006630 9 in H | 6 in W


This collection of research brings together current debates in New Testament textual criticism. Topics range from the significance of catena manuscripts to a newly proposed method of dating manuscripts. Other topics include philology in the digital era, early Protestant Bibles, conjectural emendation, text transmission, and misunderstandings in the Latin Catholic Epistles. Each essay involves aspects of manuscripts as a past entity, but many of them also discuss the present and the future of interpreting these documents. With the rise of technology, there are tools available that change some of the ways scholars understand textual criticism, but some text-critical discussions don’t involve technology at all. At the root of these essays is the question: “How can we better understand what the author originally meant when they copied these ancient documents?” This book seeks to inform scholars on the most recent debates and discoveries in this important field of biblical studies. It is flush with images detailing the textual flow of connected manuscripts, charts of digital analysis of manu...

The Preacher's Hebrew Companion to Exodus 1:1--15:21 A Selective Commentary for Meditation and Sermon Preparation Jeffery M. Leonard Pastors, seminarians, and those in Christian ministry looking for an excellent resource to aid in exegesis and preaching

Summary Preachers know that understanding Greek and Hebrew can strengthen their sermons. However, years after taking language courses, it becomes challenging to study texts in the original languages, especially when time is limited. This volume offers the following:

Hendrickson Academic 9781683073468 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $49.95 USD Hardcover 520 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Commentary REL006750 Series: The Preacher’s Hebrew Companion Series

A curated selection of key passages from Exodus 1:1–15:21 Clearly formatted lexical and grammatical tools needed to study the Hebrew text A commentary section that helps preachers effectively bridge the gap between reading the Hebrew text and preaching it Whether readers’ Hebrew is beginner or advanced, this series will empower them to deepen their study of the Hebrew text and preach a content-driven, engaging sermon. This book, as well as the entire Preacher’s Companion series, is a fresh and helpful companion to traditional commentaries and a valuable addition to every preacher’s library.

9 in H | 6 in W


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The Preacher's Hebrew Companion to Exodus 15:22--40:38 A Selective Commentary for Meditation and Sermon Preparation Jeffery M. Leonard Pastors, seminarians, and those in Christian ministry looking for an excellent resource to aid in exegesis and preaching

Summary Preachers know that understanding Greek and Hebrew can strengthen their sermons. However, years after taking language courses, it becomes challenging to study texts in the original languages, especially when time is limited. This volume offers the following:

Hendrickson Academic 9781683073482 Pub Date: 12/6/23 $49.95 USD Hardcover 485 Pages Carton Qty: 1 Religion / Biblical Commentary REL006750 Series: The Preacher’s Hebrew Companion Series

A curated selection of key passages from Exodus 15:22–40:38 Clearly formatted lexical and grammatical tools needed to study the Hebrew text A commentary section that helps preachers effectively bridge the gap between reading the Hebrew text and preaching it Whether readers’ Hebrew is beginner or advanced, this series will empower them to deepen their study of the Hebrew text and preach a content-driven, engaging sermon. This book, as well as the entire Preacher’s Companion series, is a fresh and helpful companion to traditional commentaries and a valuable addition to every preacher’s library.

9 in H | 6 in W


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Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


Enchanting Contemporary Christmas Romance from Christy Award-Winning Author · Shiloh's In Search of a Prince won the first 2022 Christy Amplify Award · "I love a romance populated with characters you can truly root for. . . . A story not to be missed."--Oprah Daily on In Search of a Prince · "It's refreshing to see Black dynamic characters in the genre."--Library Journal starred review of In Search of a Prince

Starr Lewis reluctantly returns home for the holidays jobless, single, and not at all prepared to be dragged into her sister's wedding activities--or to witness her sister's marriage to Starr's ex-boyfriend on Christmas Eve. But when her brother's charming best friend, Waylon Emmerson, attends their family Thanksgiving, Starr begins to believe that maybe coming home isn't so bad.

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 9780764242069 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

As Starr endures wedding preparations, she takes comfort in Waylon's presence and finds the perfect distraction in helping him keep his late mother's Christmas shop afloat. As the spark between them grows, Starr must decide what she wants out of life--to go back to New York City or to stay and pursue a new dream.

FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Romance / Holiday FICTION / African American & Black / Christian

A joyous, heartwarming, and magical holiday romance from Christy Award-winning author Toni Shiloh that will keep you cozy under the twinkling Christmas lights. Toni Shiloh is a wife, a mom, and an award-winning Christian contemporary romance author. Her novel In Search of a Prince won the first ever Christy Amplify Award. It has also been praised by Oprah Daily, POPSUGAR, Library Journal, and Booklist, and is a Parable Group bestseller. Her books have been finalists for the HOLT Medallion and the Selah Award. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Toni loves connecting with readers and authors alike via social media. Learn more at tonishiloh.com.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


A Delightful Holiday Rom-Com from an Award-Winning Author · Will appeal to readers of Melody Carlson, Debbie Macomber, Melissa Ferguson, and Denise Hunter · Author is a Selah Award and HOLT Medallion winner and a Carol Award finalist

Every December two things are guaranteed for graphic designer Mackenzie Graham--Christmas celebrations and the annual promotion at her workplace. Those two things are by no means mutually exclusive. In fact, the better an employee is at harnessing the Christmas spirit, the more likely they'll win the new job. With her social anxiety, Mackenzie never thought she'd be a contender in her company's holiday competition, so how exactly has she found herself dueling her workplace crush with wrapping paper tubes and using tinsel as her weapon of choice for a much-needed raise?

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 9780764242052 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

Jeremy Fletcher's life is meticulously planned out, including how to win this year's promotion at work. Not only will the new position fulfill some of his career goals, but the raise will help him as a single guardian to his twin niece and nephew. Jeremy has barely noticed Mackenzie Graham around the office, but now that she's his rival, he can't stop thinking about her. Her quirkiness intrigues him, and he's afraid that if he can't get his head on straight, the job isn't the only thing he'll end up losing to Mackenzie.

FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Romance / Holiday FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

'Tis the season for romance, faith, and humor--all wrapped up in this enchanting holiday rom-com from award-winning author Sarah Monzon.

HOLT Medallion and Selah Award-winner, and a Carol Award finalist, Sarah Monzon is a stay-at-home mom who makes up imaginary friends to have adult conversations with (otherwise known as writing novels). As a navy chaplain's wife, she resides wherever the military happens to station her family and enjoys exploring the beauty of the world around her. Learn more at sarahmonzonwrites.com.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


Bestselling and Award-Winning Author Presents Dual-Time British Novel · Turansky has sold more than 400,000 copies of her books · Social media reach around 20,000 combined · "Turansky soars to new heights in this fun Edwardian inspirational romance."--Publishers Weekly on Across the Blue

In 2012, art historian Gwen Monroe travels to England's Lake District to appraise the paintings and antiques of an old family friend, hoping to prove herself to her prestigious grandfather. While at Longdale Manor, she becomes acquainted with David Bradley--the owner's handsome grandson--who is desperate to save the crumbling estate by turning it into a bed-and-breakfast. When Gwen stumbles upon a one-hundred-year-old journal and an intricately carved shepherd's staff similar to one in a photo of her parents, she uncovers a connection to the father she never knew. In 1912, after her father's death, Charlotte Harper uncovers a painful family secret she can only confess to her journal. She and her family travel to the Lake District to stay on a sheep farm, hoping eventually to find a home with Charlotte's grandfather at Longdale Manor, but old wounds and bitter regrets make it a difficult challenge. As Charlotte grows closer to shepherd Ian Storey and rebuilds her shattered faith, she must decide whether she will ever trust in love again.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical 9780764241055 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 368 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Christian / General

Carrie Turansky is the award-winning author of twentyone inspirational novels and novellas and a winner of the Carol Award, the International Digital Award, and the HOLT Medallion. She loves traveling to England to research her Edwardian novels, including No Journey Too Far, No Ocean Too Wide, Across the Blue, and the Edwardian Brides series. Her novels have been translated into several languages and have received starred reviews from Christianbook.com and Library Journal. Learn more at carrieturansky.com.

Two women a century apart are taken on a journey to healing, faith, and forgiveness in this heartfelt dualtime Edwardian romance from bestselling author Carrie Turansky.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


Unforgettable Contemporary Fiction from a Celebrated Author · "Powner delivers life lessons that cross generations and will linger long after the last page is turned."-Library Journal starred review of The Sowing Season · "A good choice for those looking for an inspirational story with small-town heart."--Booklist on Where the Blue Sky Begins · Will appeal to readers of Charles Martin, Chris Fabry, and Jan Karon

After years of drifting, fifty-year-old Pete Ryman has settled down with his potbellied pig, Pearl, in the small town of Sleeping Grass--a place he never expected to see again. It's not the life he dreamed of, but there aren't many prospects for a high school dropout like him. Elderly widow Wilma Jacobsen carries a burden of guilt over her part in events that led to Pete leaving Sleeping Grass decades ago. Now that he's back, she's been praying for the chance to make things right, but she never expected God's answer to leave her flat on her face--literally--and up to her ears in meddling.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Contemporary FICTION / Religious 9780764242007 FICTION / Family Life / General

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 368 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

When the younger sister Pete was separated from as a child shows up in Sleeping Grass with her eleven-yearold son, Pete is forced to face a past he buried long ago, and Wilma discovers her long-awaited chance at redemption may come at a higher cost than she's willing to pay.

Katie Powner is an award-winning author who lives in rural Montana, where cows still outnumber people. She writes contemporary fiction about redemption, relationships, and finding the dirt road home. She's a mom to the third power (biological, adoptive, and foster) who loves red shoes, Jesus, and candy--not necessarily in that order. Learn more at katiepowner.com.

Set in northern Montana along the rugged and remote Hi-Line, Katie Powner's latest interweaves poignancy and humor to present a story of friendship, forgiveness, and moving forward.


Bethany House



Mary Connealy

A Daring Series Conclusion from a Bestselling and AwardWinning Author · Connealy's books have sold more than 1.5 million copies · Author is a two-time Carol Award winner, and a RITA and Christy Award finalist · "A richly-detailed adventure that captivates till the end."--Publishers Weekly on Forged in Love

Becky Pruitt has always prided herself on knowing everything that's happening on her successful ranch, which makes her foreman Nate Paxton's admission to her quite a surprise. With the notorious Deadeye Gang on the loose, Nate--a former U.S. Marshal--believes that Becky's ranch might be the best spot for a group of Marshals to use as a base and hideout.

OCTOBER 17 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9780764241154 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 304 pages • Carton Quantity: 40

The timing couldn't be more crucial for the growing town of Pine Valley, and Becky feels a commitment to help. But after escaping the grasp of her harsh father, she's never liked giving up control--of her life or her ranch. Again and again, Nate's proven himself to her and she soon realizes that if there's anyone she can trust with her ranch--and her heart--it might be him. But the outlaws won't go quietly, and as danger draws ever nearer, Becky and Nate are faced with impossible choices that will test their growing bond.

FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Romance / Western

This rousing conclusion to Mary Connealy's Wyoming Sunrise series is an exhilarating blend of humor, romance, and adventure.

Mary Connealy writes "romantic comedies with cowboys" and is celebrated for her fun, zany, action-packed style. She has sold more than 1.5 million books. She is the author of the popular series Brothers in Arms, Brides of Hope Mountain, High Sierra Sweethearts, The Kincaid Brides, Trouble in Texas, Lassoed in Texas, Sophie's Daughters, and many other books. Mary lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her very own romantic cowboy hero. Learn more at maryconnealy.com.




Bethany House



Rebekah Millet

"A warm and witty tale that will grab you by the heart!"-Denise Hunter, bestselling author · Debut author who will appeal to readers of Denise Hunter, T. I. Lowe, Lauren K. Denton, and Rachel Hauck · Winner of several pre-published author awards including the Cascade Award and ACFW First Impressions Award, and finalist for the pre-published ACFW Genesis Award · "Smiles on every page! Ideal for Christian fiction readers who enjoy rom-coms!"--Becky Wade, awardwinning author of Turn to Me

OCTOBER 24 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780764240959 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 384 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

Julia Monroe has just turned forty and hopes this next decade goes much better than the last, in which she became a young widow raising two children on her own. With both her boys off to college, it's time for new beginnings, and she can finally focus on expanding her New Orleans-based cleaning business--but God has other plans. Samuel Reed, the ruggedly handsome Green Beret who broke her heart over twenty years ago, has returned to town and is the kind of distraction she never saw coming.

FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Romance / Contemporary FICTION / Romance / General

After their first interaction in years leaves her mind spinning and her emotions out of control, Julia knows she needs to keep her distance from him if she wants any chance of keeping history from repeating itself, but her meddling best friend has other plans to throw them together. It seems inevitable that Julia will have to face her past with Samuel, but only if she can work up the courage to embrace the kind of new beginning she never thought she'd see again.

Rebekah Millet is a Cascade Award and ACFW First Impressions Award-winning author of contemporary Christian romance novels. A New Orleans native, she grew up on beignets and café au lait, and she loves infusing her colorful culture into her stories. She exasperates her husband by rearranging their furniture and being a serial plant killer, while her two sons keep her laughing and share her love of strawberry Pop-Tarts. You can find Rebekah on all social media platforms and at rebekahmillet.com.

Rebekah Millet will make you laugh, swoon, and cry in this delightful debut novel of first loves and second chances wrapped in the magic of New Orleans.


Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023


Jen Turano

USA Today Bestselling Author Continues Humorous Gilded Age Series · Turano has sold more than 350,000 copies of her books · "Turano takes readers on a lighthearted romp. . . . This is a delight."--Publishers Weekly on A Match in the Making · "Jen created characters that you fall in love with and cheer for."--More Than a Review on To Disguise the Truth

After five unsuccessful Seasons on the marriage mart, Miss Adelaide Duveen has resigned herself to the notion that she's destined to remain a spinster forever-a rather dismal prospect, but one that will allow her to concentrate on her darling cats and books. However, when she inadvertently stumbles upon Mr. Gideon Abbott engaged in a clandestine activity during a dinner party, Adelaide finds herself thrust into a world of intrigue that resembles the plots in the spy novels she devours. Former intelligence agent Gideon Abbott feels responsible for Adelaide after society threatens to banish her because of the distraction she caused to save his case. Hoping to return the favor, he turns to a good friend--and one of high society's leaders--to take Adelaide in hand and turn her fashionable.

NOVEMBER 14 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical 9780764240218 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 368 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Romance / Historical / American

Named one of the funniest voices in inspirational romance by Booklist, Jen Turano is a USA Today bestselling author known for penning quirky historical romances set in the Gilded Age. Her books have earned Publishers Weekly and Booklist starred reviews, top picks from RT Book Reviews, and praise from Library Journal. She's been a finalist twice for the RT Reviewers' Choice Awards and had two of her books listed in the top 100 romances of the past decade from Booklist. She and her family live outside of Denver, Colorado. Readers can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and at jenturano.com.

When danger surrounds them and Adelaide finds herself a target of the criminals in Gideon's case, the spark of love between them threatens to be quenched for good--along with their lives.



Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023



Misty M. Beller

Misty Beller's Books Have Sold Nearly 1 Million Copies · "I highly recommend Misty Beller to my readers and anyone else who is looking for adventure and romance set against a historical backdrop."--Tracie Peterson, bestselling author · "[A] romantic mountain saga."--Publishers Weekly on Faith's Mountain Home

Lorelei Collins possesses a soft heart for any animal in need, so when she finds a buffalo calf bawling beside its mother's lifeless body, she can't help but bring it home to raise on the ranch she and her sisters are building in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. Little does she realize that its white coloring is rare and considered sacred by Native Americans, which makes it highly valuable to them and the European trappers alike. A flood of men visit their ranch to regard the marvel, some trying to woo Lorelei into marriage so she'll bring the buffalo calf along as dowry, and others trying to steal the calf outright. When the men's advances become more sinister, she approaches Tanner Mason, the quiet and mysterious owner of the new trading post, with an idea: She and the calf will move to his post, along with her family's trusted Blackfoot friend. This will solve both their problems, bringing customers to his trade room and protecting her family from the trouble brought on by so many strangers. Yet as the danger travels with her, Lorelei and Tanner are faced with a threat greater than anything they're prepared for --one that will test the limits of both their abilities and the love growing between them.

NOVEMBER 21 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical 9780764241543 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 320 pages • Carton Quantity: 40

FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Romance / Historical / American

USA Today bestselling author Misty M. Beller writes romantic mountain stories set on the 1800s frontier and woven through with the truth of God's love. Her Southern roots run deep, and she lives in South Carolina with her husband and children. Learn more at mistymbeller.com.

USA Today bestselling author Misty M. Beller delivers an exhilarating addition to the Sisters of the Rockies series fraught with peril, adventure, and romance amid the majesty of the Rocky Mountains.



Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023


Leslie Gould

A Moving Series Sequel from Bestselling Dual-Time Amish Fiction Author · Gould has sold more than 700,000 copies of her books · "Incredibly well researched, thoroughly enjoyable, and singularly original, this book is a keeper."--Shelley Shepard Gray, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author on A Brighter Dawn · "Gould's excellent drama will appeal to fans of Cindy Woodsmall."--Publishers Weekly on A Patchwork Past

After the death of her parents, Mennonite Brenna Zimmerman relocates to the Lancaster County farm of her Old Order Amish relatives. There, she befriends Rylan Sanders, a disabled veteran, and commits to rising above her own grief to help him as much as she can. But when things take a turn for the worse, Brenna finds herself at a loss for what to do. As Brenna struggles, her Mennonite friend Johann Mazur, a soldier in the Ukranian Army, encourages her to distance herself from Rylan. But when she discovers that Rylan's army buddies are withholding secrets that could help with his psychological healing, Brenna is torn between her feelings for Johann and her commitment to help Rylan.

NOVEMBER 28 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 FICTION / Amish & Mennonite FICTION / Christian / Contemporary 9780764240256 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 352 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

FICTION / Christian / Romance / General

Inspired by the story of her great-great-aunt who served with the Red Cross and supervised German POWs during World War II, Brenna considers her own future and must decide if she has the courage to give up the comforts she craves for the life she truly wants.

(contemporary Amish)

Bestselling author Leslie Gould continues her evocative Amish Memories series with a compelling dual-time tale set during World War II and present-day Lancaster County.

Leslie Gould is a Christy Award-winning and #1 bestselling author of over 40 novels, including four Lancaster County Amish series. She holds a bachelor's degree in history and an MFA in creative writing. She enjoys church history, research trips, and hiking in the Pacific Northwest. She and her husband live in Portland, Oregon, and have four adult children and one grandchild. Learn more at lesliegould.com.



Bethany House DECEMBER 2023


Jody Hedlund

A Romantic and Dramatic New Series from Bestselling Author Jody Hedlund · Hedlund's books have sold more than 800,000 copies · "This one's worth rounding up."--Publishers Weekly on Falling for the Cowgirl · "Hedlund has a knack for creating unlikely yet alluring matches."--Booklist starred review of The Runaway Bride

Haunted by the death of her sister, Finola Shanahan has resolved that she's not worthy of a family of her own and commits to spending her days caring for immigrants in the slums. Unwilling to consider marriage, Finola has perfected the ability to sabotage the relationships her parents arrange for her. At wit's end, her father calls upon the local Irish matchmaker, who pairs her with successful wagonmaker Riley Rafferty. After her usual tricks fail, Finola quickly realizes she can't outsmart or outwit the dashing, determined, and daring man. A candidate in the St. Louis mayoral election, Riley is confident a union with the wealthy Shanahan family will help solidify his chances of winning--and even more assured he and Finola can make a difference together. When a cholera outbreak begins to take St. Louis by storm, they must navigate a burgeoning attraction and growing danger testing all they know about love and sacrifice.

DECEMBER 12 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical 9780764241963 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 352 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Romance / Historical / American

Escape to 1849 St. Louis for a daring and romantic tale from the talented pen of bestselling author Jody Hedlund.

Jody Hedlund is the bestselling author of more than 30 historical novels for both adults and teens and is the winner of numerous awards, including the Christy, Carol, and Christian Book Awards. Jody lives in Michigan with her husband, busy family, and five spoiled cats. Learn more at jodyhedlund.com.





Debut Author Pens a Tale of Small-Town Humor, Love, and Finding Home · First novel by an up-and-coming voice in contemporary fiction · Will appeal to readers of Irene Hannon's Hope Harbor series and Jan Karon's Mitford series · "Delightful! I want to live in the town of Moonberry Lake and have these characters as my friends"-Lauraine Snelling, bestselling author

Cora Matthews has long wondered why her mother stopped taking her to visit her grandparents' lodge in the small Northwoods Minnesota town of Moonberry Lake. Now, after burying her mother and breaking off her engagement just two weeks before her wedding, Cora has a chance to find out. Once there, she is stunned to learn that the old lodge is her inheritance-with a surprising condition attached. Maybe some time to regroup on the shores of a beautiful lake is just what Cora needs to figure out what's next for her. But Cora's days on the lake are anything but relaxing. The only thing that's a bigger mess than her own life is the dilapidated building she's living in. Add a cantankerous handywoman, an angry neighbor, and an elderly woman who spends all her time talking to the "residents" in the cemetery and Cora's not sure she can stick it out. But if she can, she may find a love she never expected--from the most unexpected people imaginable. This homespun tale of new friendships, sweet romance, and ordinary miracles will have you wishing you could spend a summer (or a lifetime) on Moonberry Lake.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Romance / General 9780800744977 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 336 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

FICTION / Romance / Contemporary FICTION / Small Town & Rural

Holly Varni is a native Minnesotan of strong Norwegian descent, who was raised in the Lutheran Church that Garrison Keillor made a career depicting. Between the lutefisk, grumpy grandparents, and crazy neighbors who mowed their lawn wearing pajamas, the seed to becoming a storyteller was planted. Though she, her husband, and their three sons live along the Central Coast of California, her beloved Midwest roots continue to haunt everything she writes. She hosts the Moments from Moonberry Lake podcast where she shares more stories of her beloved characters. Learn more at www.hollyvarni.com.






Amanda Cabot

Author's Books Have Sold More Than 350,000 Copies · Will appeal to readers of Tracie Peterson and Tamera Alexander · "An appealing read for fans of westerns and Christian romantic suspense."--Booklist on The Spark of Love · "From the first page when you ride into Sweetwater Crossing with Cabot's characters, you will happily flip pages to follow along their story road."--Ann H. Gabhart, bestselling author of When the Meadow Blooms, on After the Shadows

Doctor-in-training Louisa Vaughn has no intention of remaining in Sweetwater Crossing. She's just there for a few days to help a friend. But she can't abandon the injured man she finds at the side of the road. Until his broken leg heals, she'll serve as the town's doctor and midwife. She may not be fully qualified yet, but surely she's better than nothing.

OCTOBER 3 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9780800740658 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 368 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

Josh Porter's plans to win his grandfather's challenge and fulfill his father's final wish to gain full control of the family business hit a roadblock when he breaks his leg. But his enforced stay in Sweetwater Crossing gives him new ideas about the expansion of the company into new territory--ideas Louisa could help turn into reality.

FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Christian / Romance / Historical

If only the town were more accepting of Louisa's talents! Someone is determined to convince her to abandon her dream of healing others. Can Josh help her uncover the person behind the threats before it's too late? And is there any future for them together when neither of them plans to stay?

Amanda Cabot is the bestselling author of After the Shadows, as well as several historical and contemporary romance series, including Mesquite Springs, Cimarron Creek Trilogy, Texas Crossroads, Texas Dreams, and Westward Winds. Her books have been finalists for the ACFW Carol Awards, the HOLT Medallion, and the Booksellers' Best. She lives in Wyoming. Learn more at www.amandacabot.com.





THE LONG MARCH HOME A World War II Novel of the Pacific Marcus Brotherton and Tosca Lee

Two New York Times Bestselling Authors with Over 700,000 Books Sold · Authors have a social media reach of more than 50,000 · "Remarkable."--Mark Sullivan, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Beneath a Scarlet Sky · "Packed with tension."--Lisa Wingate, #1 New York Times bestselling author of?Before We Were Yours · "Utterly compelling."--Susan Meissner, USA Today bestselling author of The Nature of Fragile Things

Jimmy Propfield joined the army for two reasons: to get out of Mobile, Alabama, with his best friends Hank and Billy and to forget his high school sweetheart, Claire.

OCTOBER 10 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 9780800742768 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 400 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

Life in the Philippines seems like paradise--until the morning of December 8, 1941, when news comes from Manila: Imperial Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor. Within hours, the teenage friends are plunged into war as enemy warplanes attack Luzon, beginning a battle for control of the Pacific Theater that will culminate with a last stand on the Bataan Peninsula and end with the largest surrender of American troops in history.

FICTION / War & Military FICTION / Historical / World War II

What follows will become known as one of the worst atrocities in modern warfare: the Bataan Death March. With no hope of rescue, the three friends vow to make it back home together. But the ordeal is only the beginning of their nearly four-year fight to survive.

Now in Tradepaper

Inspired by true stories, The Long March Home i s a gripping coming-of-age tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the power of unrelenting hope.

Marcus Brotherton is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author or coauthor of more than twenty-five books that have been called "fascinating," "brilliantly arranged," "magical," and "refreshingly frank." Tosca Lee is the award-winning New York Times bestselling author of twelve novels, including The Line Between, The Progeny, The Legend of Sheba, and Iscariot. Lee's work has been praised as "deeply human," "powerful," and "mind-bending historical fiction."





Elizabeth Goddard

Return to Alaska for Another Thrilling Story from Goddard · USA Today bestselling author with nearly 1.5 million copies sold · "Ever-escalating tension, well-developed characters, and clever misdirection will keep readers glued to their seats."--Publishers Weekly starred review on Critical Alliance · Will appeal to readers of Lynette Eason and Patricia Bradley

Montana Detective Trevor West is desperate to learn what happened to his sister, who went missing in Alaska over a year ago, leaving nothing but a few photographs as clues to her whereabouts. At the advice of Police Chief Autumn Long, Trevor enlists the help of an experienced bush pilot. If Carrie James can't help him find the places in the photographs, no one can. But Carrie has her own agenda. Grieving the death of her closest friend and the only person she could trust, Carrie will help Trevor find his sister on one condition-that he help her track down her friend's killer. OCTOBER 17 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780800742058 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 352 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

As the two close in on the answers they crave, they'll face dangers and connections they could not have imagined. They'll have to learn to trust one another-and face the dark secrets of the past--if they are ever to discover the truth and bring a killer to justice.

FICTION / Christian / Suspense FICTION / Christian / Romance / General FICTION / Romance / Suspense

Elizabeth Goddard is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than 50 novels, including Cold Light of Day and the Rocky Mountain Courage and Uncommon Justice series. Her books have sold nearly 1.5 million copies. She is a Carol Award and Reader's Choice Award winner and a Daphne du Maurier Award finalist. When she's not writing, she loves spending time with her family, traveling to find inspiration for her next book, and serving with her husband in ministry. For more information about her books, visit her website at www.elizabethgoddard.com.





THE WARSAW SISTERS A Novel of WWII Poland Amanda Barratt

A Moving and Evocative Novel of the Courage That Calls the Ordinary to Resist · Barratt is a 2021 Christy Award winner for historical fiction · Will appeal to readers of Sarah Sundin and Kate Breslin · "A beautiful masterpiece of a novel!"--Heidi Chiavaroli, Carol Award-winning author on The White Rose Resists

On a golden August morning in 1939, sisters Antonina and Helena Dabrowska send their father off to defend Poland against the looming threat of German invasion. The next day, the first bombs fall on Warsaw, decimating their beloved city and shattering the world of their youth. When Antonina's beloved Marek is forced behind ghetto walls along with the rest of Warsaw's Jewish population, Antonina turns her worry into action and becomes a key figure in a daring network of women risking their lives to shelter Jewish children. Helena finds herself drawn into the ranks of Poland's secret army, joining the fight to free her homeland from occupation. But the secrets both are forced to keep threaten to tear the sisters apart--and the cost of resistance proves greater than either ever imagined.

NOVEMBER 7 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Historical FICTION / Historical / World War II 9780800741716 FICTION / Women

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 384 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

Shining a light on the oft-forgotten history of Poland during WWII and inspired by true stories of ordinary individuals who fought to preserve freedom and humanity in the darkest of times, The Warsaw Sisters i s a richly rendered portrait of courage, sacrifice, and the resilience of our deepest ties.

Amanda Barratt is the bestselling author of more than a dozen historical novels and novellas, including My Dearest Dietrich and The White Rose Resists (a 2021 Christy Award winner). She is passionate about illuminating oft-forgotten facets of history through a fictional narrative. Amanda lives in Michigan. Learn more at amandabarratt.net.






Shelley Shepard Gray

Find More Sweet Romance and New Beginnings in Pinecraft · New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with more than 1 million copies sold · Will appeal to readers of Suzanne Woods Fisher and Amy Clipston · "Gray skillfully sketches a sympathetic cast of characters who will endear themselves to readers."-Publishers Weekly on Her Heart's Desire

Almost two years after Lilly Kurtz first traveled to Pinecraft, Florida, with friends, she's decided to make a fresh start there. She's ready to be new-and-improved Lilly, a Lilly without a past, a Lilly with no secrets. At first, everything goes well. She gets a job, her coworkers feel like family, and she enjoys reconnecting with her friends. But it turns out the past is reluctant to be left behind. When Lilly meets hardworking farmer Eddie Byler, she can't get him off of her mind. But then she discovers that Eddie actually lives just a few miles from her hometown in Ohio. Lilly knows that he's not going to like it when he finds out what secrets she's been running from. And she knows she could never follow the man she's falling in love with back to a place where she's never felt accepted.

NOVEMBER 7 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 FICTION / Amish & Mennonite FICTION / Christian / Romance / 9780800741693 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 304 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

General FICTION / Christian / Contemporary

Will Lilly have to give up on love in order to find peace? Or could it be that love is actually the solution to all of her problems?

Shelley Shepard Gray is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 100 books, including Her Heart's Desire and Her Only Wish. Two-time winner of the HOLT Medallion and a Carol Award finalist, Gray lives in Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town's bike trail. Learn more at www.shelleyshepardgray.com.








Lynette Eason

USA Today Bestselling Author with More Than 3.2 Million Copies Sold · New packaging for a popular series that has sold 175,000 copies · Eason consistently hits the ECPA bestseller lists · "Eason is a master of edge-of-your seat inspirational romantic thrillers."--Booklist on Critical Threat

After a brush with death due to equipment failure, smokejumper Alexia Allen is ordered to take time off while the incident is under investigation. She makes a last-minute decision to recuperate at her mother's home and attend her high school reunion--despite the fact that all she wanted when she graduated ten years ago was to get the heck out of the town that served as the setting for so much personal misery. Within hours of arriving home, trouble finds Alexia in the form of an armed intruder, a dead body, and Hunter Graham, a handsome detective who had a crush on her back in high school. It's clear that someone is out to get her, but the conflicts ahead are nothing compared to the ghosts of her past. As she struggles to accept and forgive her family's failings, she must also decide if she can trust Hunter with the secret she's been guarding for the last ten years.

NOVEMBER 28 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Suspense FICTION / Christian / Romance / 9780800745165 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 352 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

General FICTION / Romance / Suspense

This edge-of-your-seat book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can't get enough of her romantic suspense.

Lynette Eason is the USA Today bestselling author of Life Flight, Crossfire, and Critical Threat, as well as the Danger Never Sleeps, Blue Justice, Women of Justice, Deadly Reunions, Hidden Identity, and Elite Guardians series. She is the winner of three ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, among others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has a master's degree in education from Converse College. Eason lives in South Carolina with her husband. They have two adult children. Learn more at www.lynetteeason.com.






Lynette Eason

USA Today Bestselling Author with More Than 3.2 Million Copies Sold · New packaging for a popular series that has sold 175,000 copies · Eason consistently hits the ECPA bestseller lists · "Eason is a master of edge-of-your seat inspirational romantic thrillers."--Booklist on Critical Threat

As a medical examiner, Serena Hopkins is used to dealing with death. But that doesn't make it any easier when she's called to the eerie scene of a murder-especially when Serena realizes that she knows the victim. Nearly as unnerving is the presence of FBI agent Dominic Allen, her childhood crush. As evidence mounts and points to a serial killer with disturbingly familiar methods, Serena and Dominic must work to find a pattern and stop the killings before the murderer strikes again. And when Serena's own life seems at stake, she must decide if the secret she has been keeping has put her next on the killer's hit list. Can she trust Dominic with the truth of what happened all those years ago before it's too late?

NOVEMBER 28 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Suspense FICTION / Christian / Romance / 9780800745189 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 336 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

General FICTION / Romance / Suspense

This fast-paced book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can't get enough of her romantic suspense.

Lynette Eason is the USA Today bestselling author of Life Flight, Crossfire, and Critical Threat, as well as the Danger Never Sleeps, Blue Justice, Women of Justice, Deadly Reunions, Hidden Identity, and Elite Guardians series. She is the winner of three ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, among others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has a master's degree in education from Converse College. Eason lives in South Carolina with her husband. They have two adult children. Learn more at www.lynetteeason.com.






Lynette Eason

USA Today Bestselling Author with More Than 3.2 Million Copies Sold · New packaging for a popular series that has sold 175,000 copies · Eason consistently hits the ECPA bestseller lists · "Eason is a master of edge-of-your seat inspirational romantic thrillers."--Booklist on Critical Threat

Investigative reporter Jillian Carter knows it's time to put the past to rest. She's tired of looking over her shoulder, letting a killer go free. She's no longer the scared kid who changed her name and disappeared. Now, no matter what the cost, Jillian must do what she is trained to do--find the truth and expose it. And the truth is that Senator Frank Hoffman committed murder ten years ago--and Jillian watched it happen. Didn't she? Not even the enigmatic and attractive Colton Brady--her ex-boyfriend and the nephew of the killer--will be able to get her to leave this alone. The truth is coming out . . . even if it kills her.

NOVEMBER 28 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 FICTION / Christian / Suspense FICTION / Christian / Romance / 9780800745202 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 352 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

General FICTION / Romance / Suspense

This pulse-pounding book from USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason has a fresh new look for readers who can't get enough of her romantic suspense.

Lynette Eason is the USA Today bestselling author of Life Flight, Crossfire, and Critical Threat, as well as the Danger Never Sleeps, Blue Justice, Women of Justice, Deadly Reunions, Hidden Identity, and Elite Guardians series. She is the winner of three ACFW Carol Awards, the Selah Award, and the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, among others. She is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and has a master's degree in education from Converse College. Eason lives in South Carolina with her husband. They have two adult children. Learn more at www.lynetteeason.com.




Baker Books



Reimagining Pro-Life Ministry to Empower Women and Support Families in Overcoming Poverty Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez A Call to Apply Pro-Life Values to Lives outside the Womb · Author is cofounder and director of RENEW Life Center in urban New Jersey · Unique approach to the pro-life conversation · Practical resource for expanding pro-life perspectives and ministries

Much pro-life ministry is focused on encouraging women to say yes to life rather than terminate their pregnancies. But what happens after that decision has been made? Who will provide that mother, who likely considered abortion because she could not see how she could afford to have a child, with the long-term emotional support, education, and guidance that will help her out of poverty?

AUGUST 29 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9781540903556 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 144 pages • Carton Quantity: 78

Economics and abortion are intrinsically linked, and if pro-life ministry is to make a real difference in the lives of women and families, it must expand its perspective beyond that initial yes in order to address the underlying problem of generational poverty. In Beyond Her Yes, cofounder of RENEW Life Center Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez helps you understand the full impact that poverty has on women making life decisions and then shows how a comprehensive approach to pro-life ministries can make a far greater impact.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests SOCIAL SCIENCE / Poverty & Homelessness

Saving the lives of the not-yet-born is just the first step. Discover how you can be part of saving entire families from a life of hardship and hard choices.

Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez is the cofounder of RENEW Life Center, which seeks to pick up where pregnancy resource centers leave off in order to support women and help them overcome generational poverty. Born to a single mother and raised in generational poverty, Marisol has a deep experiential understanding of the women she serves. She has worked in pregnancy resource ministries for over 20 years, first as a volunteer and then as an urban center director. She is the parent of four adult children and lives with her husband in New Jersey.


Baker Books



The Remarkable Possibility of Closeness with Christ Jared C. Wilson Can We Really Experience True Friendship with Jesus? · Author's books have sold more than 100,000 copies · Author has a social media following of more than 86,000 · Author is well connected in Reformed networks such as The Gospel Coalition, T4G, and Acts 29

The Bible calls Jesus the friend of sinners, but it's hard to imagine what friendship with Jesus really looks like. We so often don't even know how to do friendship with the people around us, despite all the options we have to connect. So how are we supposed to feel that close to a holy, perfect, and invisible God? How do we see Jesus as the real person he is? And how do we experience true friendship with him when we struggle to maintain true friendship on earth?

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 9781540901354 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity: 40

Join author Jared C. Wilson as he explores what it means to be a friend of Jesus. Through candid personal stories and insights into the Gospels, Wilson uncovers easily overlooked details of the close relationship Jesus had with his followers. He reveals the ways we often hold Jesus at arm's length and shows how to draw close to him through radical honesty, consistent communication, and unconditional love.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship

If you've found yourself lonely and longing for connection and friendship, it's time to discover the remarkable possibility of closeness with Christ.

Jared C. Wilson is assistant professor of pastoral ministry and author in residence at Midwestern Seminary and director of the Pastoral Training Center at Liberty Baptist Church, all in Kansas City, Missouri. He is the author of numerous books, including The Imperfect Disciple, Love Me Anyway, The Prodigal Church, and The Gospel According to Satan. He is the host of the For The Church podcast and cohost of Christianity Today's The Art of Pastoring podcast. Jared also blogs regularly at the For The Church website, and he speaks at numerous churches and conferences around the world.


Baker Books



The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential Jon Acuff The Guaranteed Path to Your Greatest Potential · Acuff is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author whose books have sold more than 800,000 copies · Acuff has an engaged social media following of over 700,000 · Acuff speaks 50 times a year at events ranging from 500 to 8,000 people all around the world

What if you could have a fulfilling career, a thriving marriage, strong friendships, and rewarding hobbies, all while being in the best shape of your life? What if every day you lived was better than the one before? What if tapping into your potential wasn't as hard as you think? According to New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff, it might not be. In fact, All It Takes Is a Goal. In his ninth book, he shows you how to plan goals that you're guaranteed to reach by focusing on your best moments, navigating the three zones of performance, and finding ways to fuel your passions, all while actually enjoying the ride.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $15.99 • CAN $19.99 SELF-HELP / Personal Growth /



8.500 in H | 5.500 in W

Success BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Success BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Motivational

Sound too good to be true? Jon thought so too. Until it happened--again and again--for him and the hundreds of real people in his research project. Whether your goals are personal, relational, or career-driven, the key to a better future is closer than you think.

272 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

Jon Acuff is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books, including Soundtracks, Your New Playlist, and the Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done. When he's not writing or recording his popular podcast, All It Takes Is a Goal, Acuff can be found on a stage as one of INC's Top 100 Leadership Speakers. He's spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges, and companies around the world, including FedEx, Range Rover, Microsoft, Nokia, and Comedy Central. He lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife and two daughters.

(no specific Christian content)


Baker Books



Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children Lauren Gaines Learn Three Foundational Truths for Helping Your Child Establish Resilient Faith · Author has a MA and Education Specialist degree in School Psychology · Offers three biblical and brain-based strategies for strengthening your child's spiritual and emotional well -being · Lauren Gaines is the creator and author of Inspired Motherhood

You may feel anxious about sending your child out into a world that too often feels dark and scary. But you can prepare your kids to live in the real world by equipping them with a sound mind and strategies for establishing a foundation of faith. Adversity is a normal part of life, and when we keep our children too protected, we rob them of the opportunity to learn and practice essential life skills like discernment, understanding, boldness, and resilience. Using Scripture and principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, Unshakable Kids gives you the tools to equip your children to withstand the negative pressures of society and walk bravely into the world with wisdom. This book will show you how to model the qualities you want to build in your kids, control anxious thoughts, and help your kids rest in their identities as children of God.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Parenting 9781540902450 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 50

FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General

With God's Word and these brain-based tools, you can raise emotionally healthy and spiritually strong children who not only remain unshaken by the world, but can actually make a positive impact on it.

Lauren Gaines is a writer, teacher, mother, and creator of Inspired Motherhood, a thriving online community for moms to find practical tools to raise spiritually and emotionally healthy kids. While Lauren has a master's degree in school psychology and experience teaching undergraduate psychology, she currently stays busy as a mother of three. She and her husband, Darryl, live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with their children.


Baker Books



How Proclaiming the Truth of Black Dignity Has Shaped American History Jasmine L. Holmes How Proclaiming the Truth of Black Dignity Has Shaped American History · Author is cohost of The Gospel Coalition's Let's Talk podcast · Author has written for Christianity Today, Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and Relevant · Author has more than 35,000 Instagram followers

America was founded on the concept of the innate and inalienable rights of humankind. Many Christians see an echo of the imago Dei--that every human being carries the image of God --within those ideals. Yet these rights were systemically withheld from the Black and enslaved residents of this country for centuries. Through it all, Black people have proclaimed the truth of their dignity and personhood in powerful and profound ways. Crowned with Glory collects many of the writings of these men and women, both familiar and lesser-known, to shine a light on what has always been there: an enormous movement of Black Americans demanding the liberty they were promised and deserved. With moving and insightful reflections on these oft-forgotten or suppressed voices, author Jasmine L. Holmes offers a hopeful and encouraging testament to the power of unrelenting cries for justice that will strike a chord with anyone looking for a robust Christian history of resistance.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Christian Church / History RELIGION / Christian Living / Social 9781540903167 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 64

Issues BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural, Ethnic & Regional / African American & Black

If you want to understand how we got here, read this book. If you want to know where we go from here, read it again.

Jasmine L. Holmes is an educator, research assistant, and the author of Carved in Ebony and Mother to Son. She creates public history resources for teachers and lifelong learners. Jasmine and her husband, Phillip, live in Jackson, Mississippi, with their three sons. Learn more at www.jasminelholmes.com.


Baker Books



How Your Difficult Childhood Prepared You for Healthy Relationships Ike Miller How Your Difficult Childhood Prepared You for Healthy Relationships · Foreword by Jefferson Bethke · Considers insights from psychology, counseling, and brain science, through the lens of Christian theology · Author and his wife, Sharon Hodde Miller, co-pastor Bright City Church in Durham, North Carolina

Baggage has gotten a bad rap. We think it's all bad. We think it makes us less likely to have good, healthy relationships today. But baggage isn't just the bad stuff that happened to us in the past. It's the lessons we've taken from the pain we carry. It's how what we've been through has actually made us stronger and more capable than we imagine. And it's how we're going to make our current relationships work. Far from minimizing past pain, pastor Ike Miller shows you how to go through the baggage you carry from a difficult childhood and pull out the good stuff. The intentionality you've developed. The empathy you've gained. The trust you value so highly. Miller shares from his own past in a dysfunctional family impacted by alcoholism and divorce, and his present as part of a healthy and loving family, to illustrate how to stop letting your past sabotage your present.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth 9781540902863 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 50

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Ike Miller (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) leads Bright City Church in Durham, North Carolina, a church he planted in 2018 along with his wife, Sharon Hodde Miller. He has written about the intersection of theology, mental health, and family of origin issues in outlets such as Christianity Today and Missio Alliance. After confronting the impact of his own childhood, including a family history of substance use disorders, Ike has developed a passion for helping others who grew up in difficult circumstances to better understand how those environments continue to impact them and their relationships now.

You'll find no platitudes or pat answers here. Rather, you'll discover untapped riches of experience and knowledge you already have that can make your relationships thrive and change the course of your life and legacy.


Baker Books



Your Guide to Thriving Together in Your Unique Pairing Christa Hardin Learn to Thrive Together in Your Unique Enneagram Pairing · Author is a partner with Truity.com, which administers over 1.5 million Enneagram tests per month · Author's weekly Enneagram + Marriage podcast has over 1 million downloads · Offers comprehensive profiles of the 45 possible pairings across all types, plus tools for every pairing to thrive

Most books exploring the Enneagram are focused on understanding oneself. But how does the Enneagram lend insight to our relationships? Specifically, your relationship with your spouse and the unique pairing you share?

OCTOBER 3 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 9781540903372 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity: 20

In this incredibly practical and easy-to-understand book, counselor and psychologist Christa Hardin combines her expertise in psychological assessment and marriage and family counseling to explore all 45 possible Enneagram pairings in relationships. She calls it the Enneagram Glow--the unique, mutual influence of two types in intimate relationship across the seasons and shifts that every couple experiences. She helps you learn to

RELIGION / Christian Living / Love & Marriage RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Christa Hardin (MA, Wheaton College) has counseled and coached couples all over the globe for two decades. Founder of Reflections Counseling Center, LLC, Christa hosts the popular Enneagram + Marriage podcast, which has over 1 million downloads and has helped thousands of couples find refreshment, joy, balance, and connection together. Christa uses the Enneagram and other research-based marriage tools to give couples deeper insight into their strengths and shadows and to help them determine how they can shine brightest in the world together. She lives with her husband and children in Florida.

· understand your partner's emotions and reactions · extend more grace to your partner and yourself · have productive conversations that foster connection · build a legacy together with intention You've never read a relationship book or an Enneagram book like this before! Discover how you and your partner can build on your shared gifts, overcome the shadows, and shine a bright and beautiful light on each other and everyone you encounter.


Baker Books



How a New Perspective Can Defeat the Darkness and Awaken Joy Alan Wright How Asking "Jesus, What Do You See?" Transforms Your Faith · Author is host of Sharing the Light radio program, syndicated on more than 400 stations with 30,000-40,000 weekly listeners · Author has a social media following of over 400,000 · Author's books have sold more than 100,000 copies

Life and relationships can be complicated and frustrating. But when we see ourselves, others, and the world through the eyes of Jesus, everything changes. Instead of pain we can see purpose. Instead of opposition, opportunity. Instead of fear, freedom. Thankfully, Spirit-filled sight isn't reserved for the spiritually elite. It's available to all of us through a simple, intimate prayer: "Jesus, how do you see this?" When you see as Jesus sees, you'll be empowered to

OCTOBER 10 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9781540900562 Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

· discover the wonder and beauty you've been missing · clear away needless frustrations and misunderstandings · take the limits off your life · see others with genuine compassion and faith · have hope again for the world through Christ's victory over sin and death

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

If you long to live with greater joy, victory, and wonder, let pastor Alan Wright lead you through the Scriptures to the Savior's side to see everything from his perspective. You're going to love the view!

Alan Wright is the lead pastor of Reynolda Church in North Carolina, a 110-year-old Presbyterian congregation vibrantly renewed and meeting in four cities. A popular conference speaker and the author of The Power to Bless, he hosts a daily thirty-minute radio program that airs nationally on 400 stations. Pastor Alan is known for empowering people to see their lives in a whole new light through a gospel message of pure grace. Alan and his sweetheart, Anne, have two grown children. When not writing or preaching, Alan enjoys golf, guitar, the beach, and making his new grandbaby smile.


Baker Books



100 Prayers for Dating and Engaged Couples Scott Kedersha Build a Habit of Praying for Your Marriage Before It Begins · 100 prayers for a couple to pray before their wedding day · Author is the marriage pastor at Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas · Author has counseled more than 5,000 premarital couples

Who you choose to marry is one of the most important decisions of your life. This decision affects everything that will happen to you from that point forward. So how much have you and your significant other prayed together about your shared life to come? The best time to start praying for your marriage is before you say, "I do." This devotional guide helps you learn how to pray together for twelve specific areas of your relationship, including

OCTOBER 17 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 9781540902870 Hardback 7.000 in H | 5.000 in W 336 pages • Carton Quantity: 20

· the purpose of marriage · communication and conflict · spiritual, emotional, and sexual intimacy · understanding your roles and your differences · friendship and romance · money · parenting · and more

RELIGION / Christian Living / Love & Marriage RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer

It may sound like a cliché when you hear the old adage that "couples who pray together stay together," but the reality is that the divorce rate for couples who pray together, out loud, on a consistent basis is less than one percent. Prayer is key to a strong and lasting relationship. The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide shows you how to develop a lifelong habit to sustain a lifelong marriage.

Scott Kedersha is the marriage pastor at Harris Creek Baptist Church. Over the last 18 years as a marriage pastor, he has helped more than 5,000 couples answer the question, "Ready or Knot?" He is the author of the book Ready or Knot? and lives in Waco, Texas, with his wife and four sons. Learn more at www.scottkedersha.com.


Baker Books



Finding Your Path to Courageous Manhood Brian Tome Discover the Path to a True Manhood That Honors God · First edition of this book sold more than 30,000 copies · Author has a social media following of nearly 700,000 · Author is the pastor of Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, with more than 30,000 members

A boy doesn't automatically become a man at age 18. What differentiates a man from a boy is the way he lives. A boy lives day to day, wants to be MVP, plays, wants the reassurance of the crowd, and is a predator. A man has a vision for his life, is a team player, works, has the courage to take a minority position, and is a protector. These are the five marks of a man. It's not enough to just know them. A real man aggressively pursues them on a daily basis.

OCTOBER 10 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9781540903129 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 64

Drawing from his own experience and the lives of others, pastor Brian Tome calls on men to examine themselves and take steps in the direction of a fully realized manhood that honors God, respects women, elevates others, and works purposefully for an end greater than their own satisfaction or pleasure. It's time for men to step into their honorable place in the world and lean into a new reality--one defined by strength, purpose, and honor.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Men's Interests RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / General

Brian Tome has been leading men for over two decades. Whether it's on an adventure motorcycle over the Rockies or in a board room, he knows the power of challenge, brotherhood, and no-nonsense leadership. Brian is a builder who founded and leads Crossroads Church. He's also written five books, hosts The Aggressive Life podcast, and started Man Camp, a primitive weekend camping experience that's driven 20,000 men to reclaim the code of manhood. Brian spends his free time hunting, camping, or rehabbing a 1978 Jeep CJ-7. He lives with his wife, Libby, in Cincinnati.


Baker Books



An Interactive Guide to Living Out a True Manhood That Honors God · First edition of The Five Marks of a Man sold more than 30,000 copies · Author has a social media following of nearly 700,000 · Boldly designed, highly interactive guide

There are 45-year-old boys and 15-year-old men. What separates them isn't age, job status, or achievement. It's something deeper and more ancient. The life of every man that matters has been defined by the five marks of a man. This tactical guide is designed to call out, develop, and grow these marks in your own life.

OCTOBER 10 • US $15.99 • CAN $19.99 9781540903136 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 144 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

This isn't a book--it's a tool. It's not something you read; it's something you use to build a life that works. Each section focuses on one of the five marks, offering challenges, projects, and plans to put them into action. You're going to get your hands dirty. You're going to be in uncomfortable situations. You're going to be pushed. And you're going to grow because of it.

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides RELIGION / Christian Living / Men's Interests RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

This isn't your grandma's fill-in-the-blank Bible study because you aren't a grandma. No one accidentally falls into a life of meaning--a life of meaning is built, intentional choice by intentional choice. Men rise to meet challenges. Now is your time. The question is: will you?

Brian Tome has been leading men for over two decades. Whether it's on an adventure motorcycle over the Rockies or in a board room, he knows the power of challenge, brotherhood, and no-nonsense leadership. Brian is a builder who founded and leads Crossroads Church. He's also written five books, hosts The Aggressive Life podcast, and started Man Camp, a primitive weekend camping experience that's driven 20,000 men to reclaim the code of manhood. Brian spends his free time hunting, camping, or rehabbing a 1978 Jeep CJ-7. He lives with his wife, Libby, in Cincinnati.


Baker Books


YOU CAN PRAY BIG THINGS Julia Jeffress Sadler

Empowering the Littlest Believers to Trust in Our Big God · Clear, Scripture-based teaching that encourages children to pray · Book will be promoted on the national radio program Pathway to Victory · This book will be promoted through the 16,000member First Baptist Church of Dallas

Christian parents and grandparents want to teach their children to pray with joy and expectation. What better way to make prayer fun, natural, and meaningful than to start with a vividly illustrated picture book to bring vital biblical concepts--like salvation--to life? You Can Pray Big Things encourages children ages 3-8 to pray big prayers to their even bigger God. Combining clear, biblical teaching about prayer, inspiring quotes, engaging illustrations, and simple prayers children can pray alone or with a loved one, this accessible book helps kids start a lifelong conversation with God. It even helps them understand what to do when it seems like God hasn't answered their prayers, and how to pray to receive Christ. NOVEMBER 7 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9781540902849 Hardback 8.000 in H | 8.000 in W 32 pages • Carton Quantity: 30

Praying to God should be a fun and frequent part of every kid's life. You Can Pray Big Things shows kids how to do it and helps parents start important spiritual conversations in their home.

JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / Devotional & Prayer JUVENILE NONFICTION / Religious / Christian / General RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer

(Robert Jeffress' daughter) Julia Jeffress Sadler is the author of Pray Big Things, a licensed professional counselor, and the Next Gen ministry director at the 16,000-member First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas. She is a regular conference speaker; has appeared on FOX, TLC, TBN, Hallmark, and Access Hollywood; and hosts the nationally syndicated radio and TV show Unapologetic. She is host of Kids Bible Stories on Pray.com, reaching millions of children with the Word of God. Julia and her junior high sweetheart, Ryan, live and minister in Dallas, Texas, with their miracle triplet children.


Baker Books



Five Ways to Form Character and Cultivate Lifelong Discipleship Kara Powell, Jen Bradbury, and Brad M. Griffin Discipling Teens Today So They Won't Have to Deconstruct Their Faith Tomorrow · Authors' books have sold more than 300,000 copies · Authors have tremendous credibility with church and ministry leaders and a robust speaking schedule · Based on new research and over 100 extensive interviews

Most typical youth ministries today produce nice, obedient kids who behave themselves--and then leave the church and the faith. Even those who remain struggle to extend their own faith beyond youth group. They seem like "good kids," but their lives and decisions outside youth group aren't oriented towards Jesus. Clearly that is not our goal. So what are we doing wrong? And how can we better serve the unique needs of the most anxious, adaptive, and diverse generation in history? NOVEMBER 7 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9781540903518 Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 28

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Youth RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources RELIGION / Christian Living / Leadership & Mentoring

If you're tired of youth ministry that fails to change lives, it's time to change youth ministry. Building on two decades of the Fuller Youth Institute's work and incorporating extensive new research and interviews, Faith Beyond Youth Group identifies the reasons youth ministry often fails both short-term and long-term, and offers five ways adult youth leaders can cultivate character for a lifetime of growing closer to Jesus rather than drifting away. It shows leaders how to cultivate trust, model growth, teach for transformation, practice together, and make meaning so that the teenagers can become adults who hold fast to the truth 24/7 and boldly live out a robust faith in a watching world.

Kara Powell, PhD, is Chief of Leadership Formation and Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute at Fuller Theological Seminary and coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager. Jen Bradbury is the TENx10 Content Director, a volunteer youth pastor, and author of The Jesus Gap: What Teens Actually Believe About Jesus. Brad M. Griffin is Senior Director of Content and Research for the Fuller Youth Institute, a youth pastor, and coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager.


Baker Books


YOUR BEST YEAR EVER, REV. AND UPDATED ED. A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals Michael Hyatt

A Clear and Simple Path to Goal Achievement · Author's Baker books have sold more than half a million copies · Author is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author · Author's email list has more than 560,000 subscribers and he has a social media reach of 650,000

We all want to live a life that matters. But too often we find ourselves overwhelmed by the day-to-day. Our big goals get pushed to the back burner--and then, more often than not, they get forgotten. It doesn't have to be that way! This is the year you finally close the gap between reality and your dreams. In this new, fully revised and updated edition of Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt shares a powerful, proven, research-driven system for setting and achieving your goals. You'll learn how to design your best year ever by discovering what's holding you back, how to overcome past setbacks, how to set and pursue worthy goals without quitting, what to do when you feel stuck, and much more.

NOVEMBER 14 • US $26.99 • CAN $33.99 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership 9781540902696 Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 272 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Success SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success

If you're tired of not seeing progress in your personal, intellectual, professional, relational, or financial goals, it's time for you to have your best year ever!

Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals (ISBN: 9780801075254).

Michael Hyatt is the founder and chairman of Full Focus. He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform, Living Forward, Free to Focus, and The Vision Driven Leader. With his daughter Megan, he is coauthor of Win at Work and Succeed at Life and Mind Your Mindset. He's living the Double Win with his wife of fortyplus years, five daughters, and ten grandchildren.





Journeying with Jesus through Pregnancy and Infant Loss Rachel Lohman Reclaiming the Hope of the Gospel amid the Heartaches of Miscarriage · Contains new research from 400 women who have experienced miscarriage · Includes insights from an OB-GYN and a chapter for fathers

No grief is quite like the grief that follows pregnancy loss. But true hope and redemption are available, even in the heartbreak of miscarriage and stillbirth.

AUGUST 29 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9780800743000 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 160 pages • Carton Quantity: 76

For any woman who feels alone, doubtful, and overwhelmed with sorrow, this book invites you on a guided journey to rediscover the transforming hope of the gospel after pregnancy or infant loss. Built on new research from interviews with more than 400 pregnancy loss moms, Miscarried Hope helps you move through the Five Stages of Hope, while addressing cultural stigmas and challenges to grieving your loss. Through profound parallels between pregnancy loss and Holy Week, Rachel invites you to follow in the footsteps of Jesus's disciples as they grieved his death, waited in the silence, and rediscovered hope in his resurrection.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Death, Grief, Bereavement RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood

With biblical truth and practical comforts for coping with the day-to-day pain of loss, Miscarried Hope leads you along a gentle road to finding hope again.

Rachel Lohman holds a master's degree in theology and ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. She is a pastor, speaker, and founder of Hope Again Collective, a handmade earring line that shares the stories of loss moms. Rachel is a mother to two living children and one in heaven. She and her husband, Mark, currently lead a bilingual church in Southern California. Learn more at www.rachellohman.com.




MAMA'S GOT ANXIETY But It's Not Going to Steal Her Joy Courtney Devich

Take Back the Joy of Motherhood by Conquering the Lies Anxiety Tells · Author's combined social media reach is over 50,000 · Author has been published on popular mom sites like TODAY Parents, Her View from Home, and For Every Mom

All moms worry, right? But if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, that worry can quickly become debilitating. Fears about something bad happening to your kids, obsessing, stigmas around taking medication, panic attacks, the need for control, difficulty sleeping, and the feeling of what your anxiety says about your faith. You know your time with your kids is precious, but the worry, fear, and anxiety conspire to steal your joy. In Mama's Got Anxiety, fellow anxious mom Courtney Devich helps you understand all the anxious feelings you're facing so you can cope and take your joy back. Equipping you with biblical hope and encouragement, she shows you

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780800742799 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

· the truth to combat the lies you've believed about your anxiety · the strength from God's Word to face all the feelings and symptoms of anxiety · how anxiety is not a sign of weak faith or something to be ashamed of · how God can use your anxiety for good

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood SELF-HELP / Anxieties & Phobias

You don't have to let your anxiety steal your joy in motherhood. Instead, let Courtney show you the comfort God gives.

Courtney Devich is a mama relying on Jesus and reheated coffee every day. Using humor, honesty, and relatability, she writes with a heart for the mom struggling with anxiety or depression. Her writing has appeared in Her View From Home, TODAY Parents, and For Every Mom, among others. Courtney is a former human resources professional, using her leadership skills to manage kids as a stay-at-home mom. You can find her in the Starbucks line at her local Target, binge-watching TV with her husband, or chasing after a kid (or two) at her home in Michigan.





Growing Emotionally and Spiritually through the Enneagram Bill and Kristi Gaultiere Using the Enneagram to Help with Your Anger, Shame, Anxiety, and Sadness · Authors' counseling ministry has a social media reach of 150,000 followers and an email list of 50,000 · Authors' podcast has over 500,000 downloads · Helps readers understand that emotions are not to be feared or ignored but can lead to spiritual and personal growth

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 9780800742812 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 272 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

If you've ever taken a personality test, you may have found yourself in enthusiastic agreement about the positive aspects of your personality, while the less desirable traits listed may have made you a bit defensive. Maybe you read up on a different personality type and wished you had more of those qualities. But the truth is, every type can get stuck in unhealthy emotional and spiritual patterns. And no matter what your personality, you have the potential to grow into the healthiest and most loving version of yourself.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General PSYCHOLOGY / Personality

In Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith, Drs. Bill and Kristi Gaultiere use the Enneagram to lead you through a journey of discovery, showing you how God can transform unhealthy patterns of anger, shame, anxiety, and sadness into freedom, joy, peace, and love. Through eye-opening insights, engaging stories, and simple soul care practices and spiritual disciplines, this book offers an avenue to renewed hope and personal growth you may not have thought possible.

Bill and Kristi Gaultiere have been counseling and ministering to people for thirty years and are the authors of Journey of the Soul. Bill is a psychologist who has served in private practice, co-led a New Life psychiatric day hospital, and pastored churches. Kristi is a marriage and family therapist who has also served in private practice and church ministry. Together they are the founders of Soul Shepherding, a nonprofit ministry to help believers discover their next steps for growing in intimacy with Jesus, emotional health, and loving relationships. Bill and Kristi live in California.

If you want to go from knowing your personality type to growing in wholeness, empathy, and faith, let the Gaultieres be your guide.





Brimming with Jokes and Illustrations the Entire Family Can Enjoy · Author has sold nearly 1 million books · Clean humor and clever cartoons for kids ages 6-12 · A great gift for those who loved Crack Yourself Up Jokes for Kids

What do you get when you take tons of hilarious oneliners, riddles, knock-knock jokes, and tongue twisters, add dozens of hilarious illustrations, and then multiply by two? Sandy Silverthorne's biggest joke book! This crazy-fun, fully illustrated book is filled with the best clean humor around. Jokes like What do you call a flock of sheep rolling down a hill? A lamb-slide!

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 9780800745264

I've started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It's all about raisin awareness.

JUVENILE NONFICTION / Humor / Jokes & Riddles HUMOR / Form / Jokes & Riddles

Knock, knock. Who's there? Ammonia. Ammonia who? Ammonia little kid. What do you expect?

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

Made You Laugh (ISBN: 9780800737665) and Now That’s Funny (ISBN: 9780800737672).

Get ready for hours of fun making your friends laugh, making your family laugh, but mostly making yourself laugh! Ideal for kids ages 6-12.

Sandy Silverthorne has been writing and illustrating books since 1988, with nearly 1 million copies sold. He is the award-winning creator of the Great Bible Adventure children's series, several joke books for kids, The Best Worst Dad Jokes, and Kids' Big Questions for God. Sandy has worked as a cartoonist, author, illustrator, actor, pastor, speaker, and comedian. Apparently, it's hard for him to focus. Connect with him at www.sandysilverthornebooks.com.




PRAYING THROUGH HARD TIMES How to Give Your Worries to God and Rediscover Hope Linda Evans Shepherd

A Practical Resource for Surviving Hardship and Seeking Joy · Author's books have sold over 700,000 copies · Author is a noted speaker and author on prayer and reaches 140,000 people daily via her Let's Pray social media campaign · Handy resource for those needing encouragement and support

Where is God when everything comes crashing down? Where is he when a job is lost? When a child goes astray? When the diagnosis is dire? Does he truly care?

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $7.99 • CAN $9.99 9780800745257 Paperback / softback • mm 7.000 in H | 4.250 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 60

In Praying through Hard Times, Linda Evans Shepherd shows you how to see God in times of trouble. With compassion born from her own experiences with tragedy, Shepherd offers you practical strategies for surviving difficult times, giving your worries and sadness to God, praying through the pain, and finding peace, hope, and joy once more. In fact, she even shows you how the tough times can draw you closer to God than ever before.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

No matter what the hurt, there is always, always hope. God's answers to prayer may not come packaged in the ways we would expect, but they do come in ways that will transform our lives.

Praying Through Hard Times: Finding Strength in God's Presence (ISBN: 9780800723125).

Linda Evans Shepherd is an award-winning author, a successful speaker, and a media personality. The president of Right to the Heart Ministries, she is the author of 37 books, including When You Don't Know What to Pray, Praying God's Promises, and Prayers for Every Need. She lives in Colorado. For more, visit www.sheppro.com.





Annie F. Downs

New York Times bestselling author helps kids celebrate their fun, fabulous, unique design · Annie F. Downs's books have sold more than 500,000 copies · Annie has a social media following of over 300,000, an email list of more than 25,000, and a weekly podcast with over 24 million downloads in 200 countries

Help your children learn early (and often) that being exactly who they are is the greatest gift! Join New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs and "Little Annie" as they celebrate every kid's fun, fabulous, and unique design. With delightful illustrations and an Ato-Z look at character qualities, children (and adults!) will learn how to treasure what makes them special rather than trying to fit into others' expectations of them. The positive, empowering message in So Happy to Know You will help kids accept themselves and show them the joy of accepting others for who they were designed to be.

(ages 4-8)

SEPTEMBER 19 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / General 9780800738778 Hardback 8.500 in H | 8.500 in W 32 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / General (see also headings under Family) JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance

Annie F. Downs is the New York Times bestselling author of several books, including That Sounds Fun, What Sounds Fun to You?, Chase the Fun, and 100 Days to Brave. A sought-after speaker and host of the That Sounds Fun podcast, Annie is based in Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more at anniefdowns.com and find her all over the internet @anniefdowns. Jennie Poh is a London-born artist living in Surrey with her two daughters and a mischievous marmalade cat. She is the illustrator of What Sounds Fun to You?





How to Tie a Knot, Start a Garden, Saddle a Horse, and Everything Else People Used to Know How to Do Mary Heffernan Age-Old Skills for Modern-Day Kids · Five Marys Farms has over 250,000 followers on social media and 45,000 email subscribers, plus an active text marketing platform with 12,000 subscribers · Author has been featured in Oprah magazine, Real Simple, Sunset, and other national publications · Host of the popular M5 Ranch School with more than 5,000 paid subscribers

There really isn't a more satisfying feeling than being capable and knowledgeable in a situation where we need to make decisions and solve problems. Now you and your children can learn exciting, useful life skills with the help of the modern-day ranch family at Five Marys Farms! Filled with clear instructions and helpful illustrations, The Hands-On Ranch Book shows your kids-and you--how to · start and tend a productive garden · make bread, maple syrup, candles, and dyes · tie useful knots · take care of horses, chickens, and other livestock · turn your talents into a home business · and so much more

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 JUVENILE NONFICTION / Inspirational & Personal Growth 9780800742911 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 160 pages • Carton Quantity: 42

JUVENILE NONFICTION / Sports & Recreation / Camping & Outdoor Activities JUVENILE NONFICTION / Lifestyles / Farm & Ranch Life

Parents will love how The Hands-On Ranch Book encourages their kids to get outside and try new things. Kids will love getting their hands dirty as they observe, create, and share their new skills with others. This book is fun and educational for the whole family, including homeschoolers, homesteaders, and anyone who wishes their life was a little more tied to the land.

Mary Heffernan and her husband, Brian, left behind the busy life they'd built in Silicon Valley to become cattle ranchers with their four young daughters--all named Mary. Together they own and operate Five Marys Farms, an 1,800-acre ranch in the mountains of Northern California where they live, work, and raise all-natural beef, pork, and lamb. Mary and Brian sell and ship directly from the farm to families all over the US. Five Marys was awarded Best Farm in America by Paleo magazine and has been featured in Oprah magazine, Real Simple, Sunset, and other national publications.

(ages 9-12)





A Deeply Personal Account of Elisabeth Elliot's First Year as a Missionary Elisabeth Elliot Beloved Author Reflects on Her First Year in the Mission Field · Elisabeth Elliot's Revell books have sold more than 2 million copies · Provides a personal look into the life of a missionary · Beautifully repackaged Christian classic with foreword by Kay Warren

In this deeply personal account of her first year as a missionary, Elisabeth Elliot shares what it was like to work in the jungles of Ecuador with a small group of women, bringing the Word of God to the indigenous tribe that martyred her husband. With fascinating detail, she captures the stark realities of life among these complex people and reflects upon the "strange ashes" that can result when an act of obedience is passed through the fires of God's perfect--yet mysterious--will. These Strange Ashes is more than a remarkable sharing of a year in the life of a Christian missionary; it is a reflection on the great questions of life and a memorable testimony to the realities of authentic Christian commitment. First published nearly 40 years ago, this classic is sure to inspire a new generation to find and follow God's will--wherever it leads them.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $15.99 • CAN $19.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational 9780800745417 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Missions BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand only

These Strange Ashes: Is God Still in Charge? (ISBN: 9780800759957).

Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) was one of the most perceptive and popular Christian writers of the last century. The author of more than twenty books, including Passion and Purity, The Journals of Jim Elliot, and These Strange Ashes, Elliot offered guidance and encouragement to millions of readers worldwide. For more information about Elisabeth's books, visit elisabethelliot.org.





True Stories of the Horses We Rescue and the Horses Who Rescue Us Callie Smith Grant, Ed. More Than 30 True Stories Celebrate the Beauty of Horses and the Power of Second Chances · Callie Smith Grant's animal-themed story collections have sold over 350,000 copies · More than 30 heartwarming true stories about the special bond between humans and horses

From miniature donkeys to enormous draft horses, from regal Arabian stallions to sassy Shetland ponies, horses and other equines bring us delight and comfort whenever we encounter them. Even more so, perhaps, when humans and horses are brought together through a rescue. Whether someone has started a rescue ranch on purpose or circumstances align to match up the right horse with the right person, stories of second chances warm our hearts and restore our hope.

OCTOBER 3 • US $15.99 • CAN $19.99 9780800737948

This emotional and inspiring collection of true stories introduces you to a pony who helps a little girl get over her fear of riding, a donkey who discovers his purpose protecting vulnerable lambs, blind horses who teach their human about courage, and even a pony who somehow figures out how to drive a golf cart. By turns humorous and heartwarming, these delightful tales are the perfect companion for those times you long to slow down, take a load off, and enjoy the ride.

PETS / Horses NATURE / Animals / Horses RELIGION / Inspirational

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

Callie Smith Grant enjoys animals of all kinds. She is the author of many published animal stories and several biographies, and she is the editor of the anthologies Second-Chance Dogs (awarded the Maxwell Medallion from Dog Writers Association of America), Second-Chance Cats (awarded the Muse Medallion from Cat Writers' Association), The Horse of My Dreams, The Horse of My Heart, The Dog Next Door, The Cat in the Window, The Dog at My Feet, and The Cat in My Lap.





Becoming Confident in a Culture of Extroverted Expectations Dr. Mike Bechtle Thriving at Work Shouldn't Require Changing Who You Are · Bechtle's books have sold more than 450,000 copies · Practical guidance to help introverts achieve success and satisfaction at work and in life · Author has led workshops for Franklin Covey, a world leader in organizational transformation, for over 30 years

As an introvert, do you ever feel like the things you're best at--deep thinking, keen observation, focused listening, and strategic planning--are not highly valued in your workplace because they are internal rather than external? Have you ever been ignored or passed over while the extrovert in the next office is recognized and rewarded? Do you feel like you have to pretend to be someone you're not in order to get ahead? OCTOBER 10 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 9780800742775 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 56

Just because your greatest strengths are internal doesn't mean your workplace doesn't need them. In fact, your invisible skills are essential to any business's success! And the key to your personal success is not trying to be someone else but being 100% yourself.

SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General SELF-HELP / Communication & Social Skills BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership

Backed by research, case studies, and personal observation, communication expert Dr. Mike Bechtle shows you how to capitalize on your unique strengths so that you can reach your full potential with confidence and authenticity. His simple, actionable advice can change your work life--starting today.

Dr. Mike Bechtle (EdD, Arizona State University) is the author of eight books, including People Can't Drive You Crazy If You Don't Give Them the Keys, Dealing with the Elephant in the Room, and It's Better to Bite Your Tongue Than Eat Your Words. His articles have appeared in publications such as Writer's Digest, Focus on the Family, and Entrepreneur. A frequent speaker, Bechtle lives in California. Learn more at www.mikebechtle.com.





Take Control of Your Thoughts and Write Your Own Future John Mason Conquer Your Fears and Focus on What Matters Most · Mason's popular books have sold more than 2 million copies · Quick and easy-to-read chapters for busy readers · Offers practical ways to shift your mindset and move toward what you desire

Life holds many challenges, but often the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish! That's exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer

OCTOBER 10 • US $6.99 • CAN $8.99 9780800745226 Paperback / softback • mm 7.000 in H | 4.250 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 68

· negative self-talk · fear · lack of focus · regret · indecision · trust issues · distraction · perfectionism · anxiety · comparison · mistakes · and more

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success

Beat Self-Defeat: Creating a Mindset for Ultimate Success (ISBN: 9780800738914).

John Mason is a national bestselling author, noted speaker, and executive author coach. He is the founder and president of Insight International, an organization dedicated to helping people reach their God-given dreams and fulfill their destinies. He's authored more than 30 books, including Believe You Can, An Enemy Called Average, You're Born an Original--Don't Die a Copy, and Beat Self-Defeat. His books have sold more than 2 million copies and have been translated into nearly 40 languages throughout the world.

With his enthusiastic help, you'll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.





How to Cook the Perfect Steak, Change a Tire, Impress a Girl & 97 Other Skills You Need to Survive Jonathan Catherman Everything a Teen Guy Needs to Know to Be Confident and Capable · The Manual to Manhood has sold more than 440,000 copies · The Cathermans' books have sold more than 550,000 copies · Practical, relevant content makes this deluxe edition the perfect gift for guys ages 14 and up

OCTOBER 10 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9780800745394

There's a lot a guy needs to know as he grows up and makes his way in the world. And a lot of it, he wouldn't necessarily want to have to ask about because then, well, people would know he didn't know what he was doing! For all the guys out there who want to have it all together, Jonathan Catherman offers his bestselling collection of one hundred step-by-step instructions on almost everything a guy needs to know, including how to wear cologne correctly, manage a credit card, plan a date, write a résumé, clean a bathroom, throw a football, change a tire, behave during a traffic stop, tie a tie, grill a steak, clear a sink drain, and find a stud in a wall.


Hardback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity: 20

In fact, if it's in here, it's an important skill or character trait practiced by capable and confident men. With great how-to illustrations and a supporting website, this all-in-one reference tool for young men in the making is now available in a deluxe casebound edition perfect for birthdays, graduations, or other gift-giving occasions.

Jonathan Catherman is the author of the international bestselling book The Manual to Manhood, as well as Raising Them Ready, Becoming the Next Great Generation, and Guiding the Next Great Generation. He coauthored the bestseller The Manual to Middle School with his sons, Reed and Cole, and The Girls' Guide to Conquering Life and The Girls' Guide to Conquering Middle School with his wife, Erica. Jonathan speaks worldwide about the principles and strengths that empower greatness in children, teens, young adults, and parents. Learn more at www.thecathermans.com.

(Tradepaper has sold over 319,000 copies)





100 Prayers to Thank God for All of Life's Blessings · Author's books have sold more than 1.5 million copies · 100 impactful prayers on topics such as forgiveness, family, God's protection, growing in faith, and more · Attractive casebound packaging makes it a great gift

Have you ever found yourself in a prayer rut where you are doing a lot of asking things of God but not a lot of recognizing what God has already done for you? Do you find it easy to focus on what you lack rather than what you've been given? If you want to breathe new vigor and joy into your prayer life, one simple way is to switch your focus from please to thank you.

OCTOBER 24 • US $16.99 • CAN 20.99 9780800740849 Hardback 6.000 in H | 4.000 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 40

Beautifully designed and perfect for gift-giving, 100 Days of Prayer for a Grateful Heart is a collection of go-to prayers for when you want to be able to see the blessings God sends into your life. Helping you to look outward and upward rather than just inward, these prayers will show you how to express your gratitude to the giver of all good gifts--even when it's hard to see the upside of a situation.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

Carolyn Larsen is the bestselling author of more than 50 books for children and adults. She has been a speaker for women's events and classes around the world, bringing scriptural messages filled with humor and tenderness.





Fun Puzzles, Quizzes, and Trivia to Test Your Bible Knowledge Timothy E. Parker Entertaining Games for Testing and Improving Your Knowledge of God's Word · Includes hundreds of Bible trivia questions, puzzles, and games · Timothy Parker is a Guinness World Records Puzzle Master · Bestselling author with over 60 books published

Ready to test your knowledge of Scripture and learn more of God's Word? Then you're ready for Big Brain Bible Games! From Guinness World Records Puzzle Master Timothy E. Parker, this brand-new collection of puzzles, trivia, and brain teasers is sure to provide hours of entertainment. The hundreds of games include · word searches · true or false · word scrambles · anagrams · fill in the blanks · and more

NOVEMBER 21 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 REFERENCE / Trivia GAMES & ACTIVITIES / Trivia 9780800742096 Paperback / softback 9.500 in H | 7.000 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 28

RELIGION / Biblical Reference / General

Timothy E. Parker is an ordained minister and Guinness World Records Puzzle Master. He created the world's first AI crossword and has entertained millions of puzzle solvers as the editor of three worldwide puzzle syndicates. He is the author of over 70 books, including Ultimate Pocket Bible Trivia. Parker has been profiled in dozens of newspapers and magazines, including People, USA Today, and the New York Post. CNN calls Parker's puzzles "smart games for smart people," and he has created custom games for top companies, including Microsoft, Disney, Coca-Cola, Nike, Warner Bros., and Comcast.

There's no better way to combine fun, relaxation, and education than with games.





Easy Exercises to Sharpen Your Mind Frank Minirth, MD Increase Your Brainpower with Quick and Simple Techniques · Previous editions have sold more than 100,000 copies · Author's books have sold more than 1 million copies · Book includes vocabulary builders and brain exercises to improve your memory

Most of us use only a fraction of our overall brain potential. Now discover how you can tap into more. Brain Builders is full of time-proven techniques and exercises that will help you · increase your IQ · communicate more effectively · improve test scores · excel in the business world · memorize more information · prevent cognitive decline You can have a brilliant mind no matter what your age. All your brain needs is a little exercise! NOVEMBER 21 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General 9780800745233 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 60

SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Memory Improvement

Brain Builders: Easy Exercises to Sharpen Your Mind (ISBN: 9780800729073).

Frank Minirth, MD, (1946-2015) was president of the Minirth Clinic in Richardson, Texas, and an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was the author or coauthor of several books, including the bestselling Happiness Is a Choice and Strong Memory, Sharp Mind. For more information, visit www.minirthclinic.com.




EVERYDAY SNACK TRAY Easy Ideas and Recipes for Boards That Nourish for Moments Big and Small Frances Largeman-Roth, RDN

Easy, Creative Snack Board Ideas for Any Occasion and Family · Author is a New York Times bestselling author and registered dietitian nutritionist · Author has been a featured nutrition expert on the Today show, Good Morning America, CNN, and Fox News · Great way to provide easy, healthy options for picky eaters

With packed schedules, picky eaters, and food prices on the rise, it's never been more stressful for busy parents to put delicious and nutritious meals on the table each night. But if our lives look different from when we were being raised, why shouldn't our mealtimes? As beautiful and inspiring as it is practical, Everyday Snack Tray is your go-to guide to creating colorful, flavorful, nutritionally diverse, fun boards and trays for every occasion--from a quick bite before practice to an unforgettable holiday celebration. Filled with delicious recipes and ideas developed by registered dietitian nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author Frances Largeman-Roth, this full-color resource will quickly become the kitchen tool you didn't know you couldn't live without.

NOVEMBER 28 • US $29.99 • CAN $37.49 COOKING / Methods / Quick & Easy COOKING / Methods / Garnishing & 9780800744991 Hardback 9.500 in H | 7.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 12

Food Presentation COOKING / Cooking for Kids

Make your table brighter, your evening routine easier, and your family time less stressful with Everyday Snack Tray. Frances Largeman-Roth is a registered dietitian nutritionist, New York Times bestselling author, and nationally recognized nutrition and wellness expert. A member of the James Beard Foundation and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Frances is a contributor to several publications, including Today.com, Parents, and Parade, and has appeared on numerous national TV shows, including the Today show, the Rachael Ray show, Good Morning America, QVC, and CNN. She is a proponent of a balanced, plant-forward lifestyle and loves helping people make healthy eating fun. She lives with her husband and three kids north of New York City.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible, Deluxe Edition - Sage Floral Imitation Leather Tara-Leigh Cobble Bestselling One-Year Bible Companion Now in Beautiful Floral Imitation Leather · The Bible Recap has sold over 200,000 copies · Author is the creator and host of The Bible Recap podcast, which attracts 190,000 daily listeners and has garnered over 196 million downloads · Author's combined social media platform is over 200,000

Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? Whether you're brand-new to the Bible or you grew up in the second pew, reading Scripture can feel confusing or boring at times. Thankfully, The Bible Recap is here to help.

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $39.99 • CAN $49.99 9780764241932 Leather / fine binding 9.500 in H | 7.000 in W 752 pages • Carton Quantity: 12

Following a chronological Bible reading plan, it explains and connects the story of Scripture, section by section. And this special edition--complete with floral accents, a ribbon marker, two-color interior design, and soft imitation leather cover--makes a great gift.

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General RELIGION / Biblical Reference / General

· Start the 365-day reading plan any day and go at your own pace. · See how God's character is revealed throughout Scripture. · Read, understand, and love reading God's Word in ways you've always hoped for.

Tara-Leigh Cobble is the creator and host of the daily The Bible Recap podcast, which has garnered over 196 million downloads. She is also the founder of D-Group, an international network of more than 300 discipleship and Bible study groups that meet each week, and the host of a daily radio feature called The God Shot. TaraLeigh lives in Dallas, Texas. Learn more at taraleighcobble.com.

You don't have to go to seminary. You don't need a special Bible. Just start reading this book alongside your Bible and see what God has to say about himself in the story he's telling. You'll soon learn that no matter where life finds you, he's where the joy is!


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


Conversations to Have before Saying "I Do" David and Meg Robbins, with Tim Grissom and Tracy Lane Tried and True Premarital Guidance · Originally edited by Dennis Rainey, this is a FamilyLife perennial bestseller · Newly revised and updated with 30 percent new content · More than 500,000 copies sold

Get Ready for the Marriage You've Always Dreamed Of Start planning now for life together after the cake is cut and the guests head home. That is when the real adventure begins--the adventure of creating an intimate, lasting, and biblical marriage! This third edition of the FamilyLife classic has been restructured and refreshed for today's young couples. Centered around five essential conversations about finances, sex, family, and more, Preparing for Marriage i s a fun, romantic study that will help you target areas for growth in your relationship. You can work through the book as a couple, with a pastor or premarital counselor, or with a small group.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Love & Marriage 9780764239496 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W | 0.580 lb Wt 160 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships

Don't just plan your wedding . . . prepare for your marriage! David and Meg Robbins are passionate about integrating faith and family while equipping people to invest in their communities. David became the president of FamilyLife in 2017. The Robbinses have served in a variety of ministry roles over the years in Western Europe and as a national director for Cru's Campus Field Ministry. Before FamilyLife, the Robbinses lived in Manhattan, where they helped launch an initiative with Cru to 20somethings. Their desire is to leverage FamilyLife's resources to engage new audiences and generations to come.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


A Roadmap for Christian Compassion, Civility, and Conviction Mark Yarhouse Go-To Resource on Gender Identity Issues from Leading Christian Expert · Author directs the Wheaton College Sexual & Gender Identity Institute · Author has been featured in Christianity Today and on Janet Parshall's and Dennis Prager's shows and speaks regularly at the American Psychological Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors · Learn how to critically engage gender theory based on a Christian view of sex and gender

As gender identity, transgender experiences, and emerging gender identities continue to be normalized and celebrated, many parents are left struggling with what to think about these issues--let alone how to talk to their children about them. The leading Christian expert on LGBTQ+ concerns, Dr. Mark Yarhouse has spent years in the trenches of religious, sexual, and gender identity issues. In this biblical, practical guide, he offers parents wisdom and answers to their biggest questions about gender, equipping you to

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Parenting 9780764241178 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender Studies RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery

· critically engage gender theory from a Christian view · initiate honest, informative dialogues with your kids · model biblical conviction with civility and compassion · recognize early signs of gender dysphoria · navigate relationships with those who identify differently

Mark Yarhouse is the Dr. Arthur P. and Mrs. Jean May Rech professor of psychology at Wheaton College, where he also directs the Sexual & Gender Identity Institute. An award-winning teacher, psychologist, and researcher, Dr. Yarhouse has served on a number of boards, think tanks, and task forces, and he has authored numerous books and articles, including the featured white paper on sexual identity for the Gospel Coalition's Christ on Campus Initiative. He lives in Winfield, Illinois.

Gender identity is a defining issue in our children's generation. This practical guide is your go-to resource for reliable, Kingdom responses on these critical topics.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


An Advent Devotional to Illuminate the People, Places, and Purpose of the First Christmas Angela Hunt Family-Friendly Advent Devotional from Bestselling Author · Author's books have sold more than 5 million copies worldwide · Hunt is a New York Times bestselling fiction author and Christy Award winner · Includes 25 beautiful woodcut illustrations

The Christmas season has been so distorted by manmade traditions and commercialization that we are losing sight of the gritty and miraculous truth of that first Christmas--and wonder is being replaced with want. Weaving beautiful storytelling with forgotten and overlooked biblical truth, bestselling author Angela Hunt takes your family on a visceral journey to learn more about the places, people, prophecies, and purpose of Christmas. Each of the engaging twenty-five devotions includes Scripture, insights, historical facts, personal application, and family activities that give you new "I didn't know that!" glimpses behind the traditional elements of the nativity.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Holidays / Christmas & Advent 9780764241765 Hardback 7.000 in H | 5.000 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 30

RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

Angela Hunt is a New York Times bestselling author of more than 150 books, with over 5 million copies sold worldwide. Angela's novels have won or been nominated for the RWA RITA Award, the Christy Award, the ECPA Christian Book Award, and the Holt Medallion. Four of her novels have received the ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Award, and Angela is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from both the Romantic Times Book Club and ACFW. Angela holds ThDs in Biblical Studies and Theology. She and her husband make their home in Florida with mastiffs and chickens. Learn more at angelahuntbooks.com.

Come rediscover the simple reality of that first Christmas, how the people really lived, and how the characters of the nativity actually coped with the miraculous, and often risky, events. You and your children will experience Christmas in a new light, creating lasting holiday memories and tasting the wonder of that ordinary night so long ago.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


Read the Whole Bible, Change Your Whole Life Mary DeMuth 90-Day Bible Reading Plan Offers Profound Spiritual Reset from Popular Author · Author's previous titles have sold more than a quarter million copies combined · Author's media platform reaches more than 75,000 followers · Author's podcast, Pray Every Day, has more than 4 million downloads

Do you feel far from God? Has your time in the Bible felt tedious or merely routine? Are you longing to grow spiritually? Here's the good news: You can grow your faith in ways you never have before by turning off your screens and reading the Bible for the next 90 days-cover to cover. It may sound impossible, but it's absolutely not. Having briskly read through the Bible for years, author Mary DeMuth knows the profound impact this spiritual reset can have. Here she gives you her own comprehensive-and achievable--reading plan, fresh devotionals and insights, and encouragement to keep you going. You'll not only read the entire Bible in three months, but also

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides 9780764242045 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

RELIGION / Biblical Reference / General

· savor the life-changing power of God's timeless truths · trace the presence of Jesus throughout the entirety of the Bible · revitalize your faith · supercharge your walk with God · emerge with freedom and healing · navigate your world with wisdom and joy

Mary DeMuth is an international speaker, podcaster, and author of over forty books, fiction and nonfiction, including her latest book, Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Kids with Joy. Through God's healing, Mary has overcome a difficult past to become an authentic example of what it means to live a brand-new story. She loves to help others "re-story" their lives through the books she writes. Mary lives in Texas with her husband of 30 years and is Mom to three adult children. Learn more at marydemuth.com.

We all need a reset. This is your invitation to wrest yourself away from the siren call of the world and reorient your heart to worship the One who gave his life for you.


Bethany House SEPTEMBER 2023


365 Days of Enduring Strength from God's Word Susie Larson Bestselling Devotional Now in Beautiful Deluxe Format · Original hardcover has sold more than 42,000 copies · Susie is a trusted, popular media voice whose podcast exceeds 3.5 million downloads · Larson is an ECPA-bestselling author with more than 300,000 copies sold

Scripture is God's love letter to us. Every promise he makes, he keeps. Everything he asks of us, he redeems. Yet still, life is hard. Sometimes we drift from what's true and we let our guard down. We have a very real enemy who looks for such opportunities. But we serve a very real God who draws us back to himself time and time again. Through Christ he's equipped us to prevail-when this war is over, we'll be the ones still standing. In these pages, Susie Larson guides you through the arc of the entire Word of God. Using powerful Scripture passages, thought-provoking questions, and practical steps for applying what you've learned, Susie offers 365 days' worth of opportunities for you to know God's Word, experience his presence, hear his voice, and do what he says so that you may finish your race faithfully and joyfully. Now with a ribbon marker, four-color interior design, and soft imitation leather cover, this deluxe edition is an inspiring gift for yourself and others.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $29.99 • CAN $37.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional 9780764241925 Leather / fine binding 8.000 in H | 6.000 in W 384 pages • Carton Quantity: 14

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

Susie Larson is a national speaker, bestselling author, and the host of the daily talk show Susie Larson Live heard on the Faith Radio Network with over 3.5 million downloads. She has written 20 books and numerous articles and has been a guest on many major media outlets, including Focus on the Family, the Life Today show, and FamilyLife Today. Voted twice as a top-ten finalist for the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award, she is also a veteran of the fitness field. Susie and her husband, Kevin, live near Minneapolis, Minnesota. Learn more at susielarson.com.


Bethany House



Living Out Kingdom Values Every Day from Bestselling Author and Pastor · Author's books have sold more than 7 million copies in past 8 years; Kingdom Man has sold over 500,000 · Author's media platform reaches more than 2.5 million followers and more than 700,000 email inboxes · Dr. Evans's sermons air on over 1,400 radio stations Monday-Friday and on TBN TV and Fox Business Network

Cultural instability. Family breakdown. Social media ranting. Unchecked narcissism. The only way to fight against the toxic atmosphere of our world today is through godly character. And this 90-day devotional will both inspire and challenge you to discover and live out kingdom values. Through Scripture, action points, prayers, and practical insights based on the biblical virtues found in Christ's teachings, Dr. Tony Evans helps you

OCTOBER 10 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9780764241895 Hardback 6.500 in H | 4.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 30

· align your thoughts, words, and actions with God's values · receive peace, comfort, and purpose · usher in authentic change for others and our culture

RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

When you live life God's way, demonstrating his values to those around you, you will rise up and model what the world needs to see. Kingdom values are contagious. Pass them on.

Dr. Tony Evans is one of the most respected pastors in America. The first African American to graduate with a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. Dr. Evans is also president of the Urban Alternative, a ministry that promotes spiritual renewal in America through the church. The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans is broadcast daily on radio and TV all over the world. Learn more at tonyevans.org.

(new content)


Bethany House



Stories of Hope and Death-Defying Joy Tim Keesee Lessons on Living a Life Well Spent from Journalist with Cancer Diagnosis · Features stories from Joni Eareckson Tada, Rosaria Butterfield, and John Piper · Author is founder and executive director of Frontline Missions International (FMI) · For readers of Tim Challies, John Piper, Gloria Furman

Tim Keesee spent years crisscrossing the globe, documenting the gospel's advance in regions of war and persecution through his writing and films. But double blows from terminal cancer diagnoses in 2019 and 2021 brought his travels to a halt.

OCTOBER 24 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9780764241741 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 44

In A Day's Journey, Keesee takes up his pen to write dispatches from a smaller, more intimate world. He writes of Christian brothers and sisters who have taught him so much about a day, a life, well spent: the way they work and worship, the way they pray and sing, the way they love their neighbors and their enemies, even when beaten black and blue for the sake of Christ. And in his fight for life, Keesee invites the reader to walk with him through days of pain and hard questions, but also days of grace, wonder, and deathdefying joy.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases & Conditions / Cancer

Poignant, inspiring, and beautifully written, these stories capture how to spend our days well--modeling the courage we need, the joy we have, the gospel we love, the cross we bear, and the hope we embrace until faith becomes sight.

Tim Keesee is an author, a filmmaker, and the founder and executive director of Frontline Missions International (FMI), an organization that advances the gospel in the world's difficult places. He has traveled to over ninety countries, reporting on the Church from the former Iron Curtain countries to war-torn Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Tim is also the executive producer of the Dispatches from the Front film series, and his writings appear in Desiring God, Tabletalk, and Challies.com. He and his wife, Debbie, live in South Carolina. Learn more at timkeesee.com.


Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023


How 7 Nameless Women of the Bible Reveal Christ's Love for You Paige Allen Assurance of God's Radical Love for the Unseen from Pastor and Popular Podcast Host · Profiles 7 unnamed women of the Bible with study and practical application · Author speaks monthly to audiences averaging over 1,000 · For readers of Liz Curtis Higgs, Sara Hagerty, Jennifer Rothschild, and Sharon Hodde Miller

Whether single or married, old or young, mother or daughter, women long to be known, loved, and appreciated. But most days we're left feeling unseen, unheard, or unknown.

NOVEMBER 7 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780764241758 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 44

Weaving personal stories with timeless biblical truth, pastor Paige Allen invites readers to take a second look at the life-changing encounters of seven nameless women who came face-to-face with Jesus in the Bible. Though centuries apart from today, these women faced similar fears and insecurities--and Jesus met them with love and compassion. Unpacking these incredible stories, Paige shows how just one encounter with the love of Jesus empowers you to

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

· live with an unshakeable sense of security and identity · stand confident in the chaos or the silence · trust his goodness whether your hands are empty or full · pursue him boldly, even in the face of censure

Paige Allen is the executive pastor of missions and team development at Church on the Rock in Lubbock, Texas, one of Outreach Magazine's fastest-growing churches. There, she pastors the staff and gives oversight to global missions, the New Legacy Home for Women, and Bloom Women's Ministry. Paige is an active member of Church on the Rock's preaching team, cohosts the podcast Bloom Talks, and travels internationally to speak and teach. She and her husband, Josh, have two daughters and live in Lubbock, Texas. Learn more at paigeallen.net.

Daughter, you are seen, known, and named by the Creator who breathed the stars into existence--even on the days you feel invisible. This is your invitation to let go of shame and discover the courage, grace, and compassion to live seen and make him known.


Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023

POLITICS FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE POLITICS How to Engage without Losing Your Friends or Selling Your Soul Denise Grace Gitsham

Powerful Nonpartisan, Kingdom Perspective on Politics from DC Political Insider · Foreword by Senator Tim Scott · Author has 20+ years working in highest levels of government as a White House and Capitol Hill staffer, political activist, congressional candidate, and US presidential campaign strategist · Provides a godly perspective on politics' proper role in a Christian's life

There are myriad reasons politics are infuriating. From unjust policies to unholy politicians, we have righteous and justifiable reasons to be upset or walk away. Yet we must stay involved if we are to hold our fragile nation together, since the current division is unsustainable. With more than two decades of experience working in the highest levels of government, insider Denise Grace Gitsham offers a remedy to America's dark political reality: Christians filled with light, love, and Christ's heart for unity. With spiritual insights, hard-earned political lessons, and practical advice, she helps you

NOVEMBER 14 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 RELIGION / Religion, Politics & State RELIGION / Christian Living / Social 9780764241475 Issues

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 44

Prior to starting her own public affairs consulting firm, Denise Grace Gitsham worked at the highest levels of federal government from the White House to the US Senate, in law firms, for startups, and as a candidate for Congress. A graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center and Bowdoin College, Denise has appeared on numerous news outlets as a political commentator, and her op-eds have appeared in national media. She's a regular contributor to Lifeway Women and Propel Women, serves on the board of several nonprofits, and splits her time between San Diego and Washington, DC. Learn more at denisegracegitsham.com.

· lean into--rather than away from--politics · maintain peace · engage with wisdom and discernment · love those you disagree with while standing firm on God's truth · serve as a unifying force · embrace God's plan for our nation and the world As citizens of heaven, with access to the Holy Spirit's wisdom and power, we can engage in politics God's way: with the countercultural love, integrity, and unity that will heal our land.


Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023


A Roadmap from Fearful to Fully Alive Layla Palmer Embracing the Transformative Power of Home from a Popular Lifestyle Blogger · Author's combined social media following is 300,000 with email list of 20,000 · Author details her journey through panic disorder and agoraphobia · Giftable format with photos, vivid storytelling, family recipes, and other comforts of home

How do you find your way back home when you don't feel safe within your own skin? That was the question Layla Palmer struggled with after being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder that shrunk her confidence and her world. For the first time, Layla shares her circuitous, hardfought journey and the truth of this debilitating disorder. Through soul-suffusing stories, inspiring imagery, curative quotes, helpful research, and restorative family recipes, she helps you · tap into the restorative power of nature · feel calmer, clearer, and more resilient · reconnect to the ordinary magic of home--and who you are · move past the things that hold you back

NOVEMBER 21 • US $29.99 • CAN $37.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth 9780764240775

Hardback 9.500 in H | 8.000 in W 272 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Anchored in hope, Coming Home bravely demonstrates how you can overcome adversity, be your whole self, build a place of belonging, and live fully alive.

Layla Palmer is a writer/designer and the founder of the popular The Lettered Cottage, where she publishes essays, photography, recipes, and practical tips for creating a beautiful home. She is known for her cheerful, cottage-style designs, and her photography and interior designs have been featured in notable publications including HGTV Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, This Old House Magazine, and Flea Market Style Magazine. She lives with her multigenerational family in rural Alabama. Learn more at theletteredcottage.net.


Bethany House NOVEMBER 2023


365 Prayers to Give You Peace at the Close of Every Day Ruth Schwenk Nightly Reminders of Peace and Hope from a Bestselling Author · 365 daily prayers and space to journal · Author's social media reach is over 5 million · Author's previous books have sold more than 300,000 copies

When coming to the end of a day feels like coming to an end of ourselves, we often struggle to find the words to pray--or even know where to start. We just know we need God. Knowing well this weariness, bestselling author Ruth Schwenk comes alongside you, offering grace, encouragement, and simple prayers of peace and hope. Whether you're exhausted from worry, fear, unanswered prayers, pain, rejection, regret, or lack of joy or purpose, each of these 365 nightly prayers and responses will · give words to your deepest needs and longings · draw you closer to the God who comforts and consoles · infuse hope into whatever circumstance you are facing

NOVEMBER 28 • US $21.99 • CAN $27.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional 9780764241499 Hardback 7.000 in H | 5.500 in W 384 pages • Carton Quantity: 20

RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational

Even as your eyes drift shut, when you come to God in prayer, you will discover that the end of a day can also be the beginning of a new and deeper dependence on him. Because when you seek him, you will find the One who never sleeps, who can do all things, who is present, faithful, and good--and who strengthens us and works on our behalf even as we rest.

Ruth Schwenk is the founder of the popular blog The Better Mom, and along with her pastor/author husband, Patrick, the podcast Rootlike Faith. She is the trusted author of several books, including The Better Mom Devotional, In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake, and Trusting God in All the Things. Ruth is a Michigan football superfan and self-proclaimed foodie. But her greatest joy is her family. She lives with her husband and four children in the beautiful college town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Learn more at thebettermom.com.


Bethany House DECEMBER 2023

THE 40-DAY BODY IMAGE WORKBOOK Hope for Christian Women Who've Tried Everything Heather Creekmore

40 Days to Seeing Yourself in a Whole New Way from Popular Body Image Coach · A highly practical approach to body image that uses both physical and spiritual exercises · Step-by-step guide includes self-inventories, journaling questions, quizzes, and worksheets · Author is a regular contributor to YouVersion and has appeared on More than Small Talk, Grit 'N' Grace, and God Girl Nation

More than ever, women feel intense pressure to meet culture's elusive standard of beauty. And while Christian women know, theoretically, that God loves and accepts them for what's on the inside, is that really enough to free a gal from the nonstop stress of body improvement or discontentment? With humor, grace, and biblical truth, author and nationally known body image coach Heather Creekmore leads you on a 40-day journey to stop stressing and free mental space consumed by body change. Full of handson exercises, self-inventories, quizzes, guided questions, biblical truth, and healthy tips, this one-of-a -kind workbook will help you

DECEMBER 12 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests 9780764241956 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 7.000 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 30

SELF-HELP / Eating Disorders & Body Image HEALTH & FITNESS / Women's Health

· uncover what's really underneath your body image issues · work through destructive, hidden beliefs and thought patterns · feed your mind with God's truth · release the pressures of image management

Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week, inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. The host of the internationally popular Compared to Who? podcast, she has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, and For Every Mom, along with dozens of other shows and podcasts. She was a contestant on Nailed It, the hit Netflix bake fails show. Heather and her Marine-fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric, have four children and live in Austin, Texas. Learn more at comparedtowho.me.

You can feel confident in the way God made you. It's time to stop comparing, start living, and find the rest that comes when you entrust your self-image to the Savior.


Bethany House DECEMBER 2023


Unshakable Confidence in God's Almighty Power A.W. Tozer, James L. Snyder Biblical Wisdom on Overcoming Temptation from A.W. Tozer · Author of the bestselling classic The Pursuit of God · Never-before-published content from Tozer's sermons · With millions of copies in print, Tozer continues to be one of the most influential voices in Christianity today

We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can't pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits. In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A.W. Tozer offers piercing insight and practical application to help you make God-honoring, life-giving decisions in a culture that prizes what is evil. You will learn how to · recognize the tactics of the enemy · resist temptation · prevent the devil from taking advantage of you · walk closely and confidently with God

DECEMBER 19 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth 9780764240294 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare

The vanity of this world is great, but we serve a God greater still. Here is the wisdom and biblical insight you need to resist the devil and stand firm on holy ground.

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer whose powerful words continue to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's believer. He authored more than forty books. The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy are considered modern devotional classics. Reverend James L. Snyder is a prolific, award-winning author and authority on the life and ministry of A.W. Tozer. He and his wife live in Ocala, Florida. Learn more at jamessnyderministries.com.



Chosen Books

JUNE 2023


5 Altars of Prayer That Move Heaven and Earth Rick DuBose Prayers That Move Heaven and Earth from a Prominent Pastor and Leader · Author is the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God denomination · DuBose speaks at 40 churches and 15 leadership events each year · Book will be heavily promoted through the AG network, including their social media platform of 537,000+ members

Throughout Scripture, God's leaders built altars to mark where he met them in powerful, miraculous ways. Today, as evil sweeps across our land, God still longs to meet with us and pour out his power at those altars. But we've been seduced away by man-made distractions, our own plans, and worldly wisdom, leaving ourselves ineffective against the growing storm.

AUGUST 1 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780800763657 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

With insight and humility, international leader and pastor Rick DuBose shows the path back to five forgotten altars--and ultimately, the path to your place in heaven's throne room. Full of real-world application and encouraging inspiration, this book not only rebuilds your faith and restores your passion but also helps you

RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare

· ignite a fire for effective prayer in your church or prayer ministry · employ the resources of heaven for change on earth · stand your ground in five key areas of prayer · create a culture of prevailing prayer in your church · build spaces to repent, receive, and encounter God

Rick DuBose is the assistant general superintendent of the Assemblies of God and a member of the executive leadership team. The author of The Church That Works, DuBose is a respected pastor and has served the Assemblies of God in various local and national leadership positions for more than two decades. He and his wife, Rita, have three adult children and eight grandsons and make their home in Springfield, Missouri.

Whoever controls the altar controls the outcome. It's time to storm the altars and pray with humble authority that moves heaven--and unleashes victory here on earth.


Chosen Books



The Process Is Temporary, the Promise Is Permanent Samuel Rodriguez Powerful, Practical Study Guide for Bestselling Book from One of America's Most Influential Pastors · Author's social media platform exceeds 1.1 million · Author is hailed by Time magazine, the New York Times, Fox News, and CNN as "one of America's most influential voices" · "A must-read for every believer for the hour we are in."--Jentezen Franklin

Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, bestselling author and pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows us that sometimes Jesus makes your situation a muddy mess first--and out of that mess emerges a miracle. Designed to take you deeper into the biblical truth found in the powerful, bestselling book Your Mess, God's Miracle, this study guide gives you hands-on tools for navigating your mess, including SEPTEMBER 5 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 9780800763473 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 128 pages • Carton Quantity: 80

· deep Bible study questions · self-reflection prompts · practical application tips

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

Your pain and struggles are not punishments to endure --they're opportunities to showcase God's glory. Join Pastor Sam as he lays out the practical, hope-infused roadmap for anyone with the audacity to replace fear with faith, wash away the mud of the past, and walk through their mess into God's miracle.

Samuel Rodriguez is a pastor, speaker, bestselling author, movie producer, and civil rights activist whose career in the public square and international ministry have made him one of the most influential Christian leaders in the world. CNN and Fox News have named him "the leader of the Hispanic Evangelical movement," and Time magazine nominated him as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. Pastor Sam resides with his family in Sacramento, California, where he leads New Season Church. Learn more at pastorsam.com.


Chosen Books



Uncovering God's Plan to Restore Your Mental Health Jacob Coyne A Lifeline of Hope and Help from Mental Health Social Media Influencer · Author's social media has more than 1.8 million followers · Author is the founder of Stay Here, a mental health organization that provides help to over 50,000 people per year · Endorsed by Judah Smith, Rebekah Lyons; foreword by Nick Vujicic

Every 40 seconds, someone takes his or her life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs-and they're stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses.

SEPTEMBER 5 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780800763565 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 72

With tender passion and bold hope, founder of Stay Here and social media influencer Jacob Coyne gives hurting souls a reason to live, infusing life into the dark corners of mental health. His compassion and hope are contagious as he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone--regardless of their past or pain--can find healing, including how to

RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth PSYCHOLOGY / Mental Health SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Depression

· attack our anxiety and calm our storms · defeat depression and live with a sound mind · overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life · transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose It's okay not to be okay, but we don't have to stay that way. We're not beyond saving. It's time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness his love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.

Jacob Coyne is a preacher, a Christian content creator, and the founder of Stay Here, a mental health organization that raises awareness through bold and encouraging messaging and equips others to save lives from suicide. With more than 1.4 million social media followers, Jacob is known for offering tangible hope and help for the brokenhearted and hurting. He and his wife, Mariah, have three daughters and live in east Tennessee. Learn more at stayhere.live.


Chosen Books



God's Design for Your Gifts, Talents, and Purpose Andy Reese Practical Guide to Demystifying the Spiritual Gifts and Their Use Today · Includes assessments to identify one's spiritual gifting in 10 minutes · Highly practical handbook provides tools to grow in your spiritual gifts · Foreword by James Goll

Are you doing what God created you to do? Can you identify your spiritual gifts or God's purpose for your life? If you can't confidently answer those questions, you're not alone. Most believers, from students to businesspeople to "professional" Christians, have been disappointed by weak teachings in these areas. Yet there is a simple, biblical framework to find your God-given gifts and purpose--and it leads to a relationship with the Trinity you never imagined. Offering clarity, correction, and biblical depth, veteran ministry leader Andy Reese offers a fresh, practical blueprint to Paul's teachings on the spiritual gifts, including how to

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic 9780800763251 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 56

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

· discover your unique giftings and spiritual career path · move in your gifts to impact others every day · see your purpose come to life in amazing ways · use your gifts to connect intimately with Jesus and the Father

Andy Reese is the founder and president of Freedom Prayer, a ministry that provides a biblical model of prayer counseling, now operating through several hundred churches and teams around the world. With more than 45 years of Christian ministry and leadership experience, Andy hosted a popular radio show, and he currently travels around the world speaking and teaching. He is a devoted husband, father, and grandfather and lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more at freedomprayer.org.

Your gifts are not defined by your job or talents; they run deeper than you know and define God's plan for you. This transformational resource is your guide to not only discovering why you were created but also to a deeper relationship with the One who created you.


Chosen Books


THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS BLUEPRINT STUDY GUIDE God's Design for Your Gifts, Talents, and Purpose Andy Reese

Hands-On Guide to Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts Today · Includes assessments to identify one's spiritual gifting in 10 minutes · Highly practical handbook provides tools to grow in your spiritual gifts · Foreword by James Goll

Are you doing what God created you to do? Can you identify your spiritual gifts or God's purpose for your life? Are your gifts leading to a deeply rewarding relationship with the Trinity? If you can't confidently answer those questions, you're not alone. Created as a hands-on companion to the groundbreaking biblical teaching in The Spiritual Gifts Blueprint, this study guide gives you practical tools for discovering and using your spiritual gifts today, including SEPTEMBER 12 • US $14.99 • CAN $18.49 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic 9780800763534 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 96 pages • Carton Quantity: 80

· instant application ideas · Scripture meditations · encouraging real-life stories · spiritually reflective questions · key takeaway truths · surprising ways to connect intimately with Jesus and the Father · simple steps to move forward with purpose

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

Andy Reese is the founder and president of Freedom Prayer, a ministry that provides a biblical model of prayer counseling, now operating through several hundred churches and teams around the world. With more than 45 years of Christian ministry and leadership experience, Andy hosted a popular radio show, and he currently travels around the world speaking and teaching. He is a devoted husband, father, and grandfather and lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more at freedomprayer.org.

Your gifts are not defined by your job or talents; they run deeper than you know and define God's plan for you. Perfect for individual or group use, this transformational resource is your blueprint to not only discovering why you were created but also to a deeper relationship with the One who created you.


Chosen Books



10 Small Decisions That Lead to a Big Life Noah Herrin 10 Keys to Feel Close to God All the Time from Pastor and Rising Gen Z Leader · A study of 10 foundational habits to incorporate into your daily walk · Author's social media following exceeds 137,000 · Consultant to Jentezen Franklin's youth convention, Forward

Many followers of Jesus long to live with purpose, freedom, and impact, yet they neglect the one thing that makes this possible: a deeper relationship with Jesus. We invest time, energy, and resources into our family and friends, but we can barely spare five minutes with him. The good news is that you don't need a life overhaul to build a deeper relationship with him--you just need some new habits. Going beyond the surface level, Noah Herrin gives you ten tangible practices that will plunge you into the depths of a real relationship with Jesus. Simple but powerful, these ten small choices will lead to big changes, including SEPTEMBER 12 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth 9780800763404 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 52

· rising in influence from the ashes of insecurity · resting where you once were striving · running with purpose in a world that wants you to wander · standing firm in faith when surrounded by struggles

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

In just minutes a day, you can intentionally shift your relationship with Jesus from duty to delight. And as you experience an intimacy overflowing with joy, peace, and love, you'll discover all you need to make an impact that echoes into eternity.

Noah Herrin is a pastor, a speaker, and the founder of The Gathering Conference. With a passion and gift of taking complex spiritual truths and making them into accessible, practical, everyday practices, he has become a trusted voice in the Gen Z and Millennial online space and at conferences around the world. He and his wife, Maddy, live with their son in Nashville, Tennessee, where they lead WayChurch. Learn more at noahherrin.org.


Chosen Books



Your Prophetic Guide to Releasing a God-Sized Dream Joshua Giles Unlocking Your Greatest Potential with New Strategies from Heaven · Author's first Chosen Books release, Prophetic Forecast, has sold more than 30,000 copies · Author's podcast, Global Prophetic Forecast, has more than 250,000 downloads · Author speaks more than 100 times a year to audiences of up to 2,500

Something is stirring deep inside us--a seed of greatness buried just below the surface, daring to break forth. We know we are created for more, but are we actually equipped to handle it? Confronting our unknowingly small mindset, pastor and bestselling author Joshua Giles helps you awaken to a vision, anointing, dream, and calling for your life that is greater than you can imagine. Through Scripture, stories, and sound prophetic insight, he helps you position yourself to catch your mantle and unlock the greatness of God inside you, including how to OCTOBER 3 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 9780800762391 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 50

RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

· expand your capacity to house more of what God has for you · embrace the small things that unlock the great things · handle the pressures of divine assignments · break through your limitations · prepare for a double portion blessing God has called you to more than more--he's called you to a God-sized dream that will turn the world upside down. It's time to go and do the greater things he created you to do.

Joshua Giles is the lead pastor and founder of Kingdom Embassy Worship Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and founder of Joshua Giles Ministries and the Mantle Network. An apostle, prophet, and sought-after conference speaker and instructor, he has traveled to more than 35 nations in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, and he has advised government officials, dignitaries, and national leaders seeking prophetic counsel. Learn more at joshuagiles.com.


Chosen Books


YOUR NEXT LEAP OF FAITH How to Hear God's Voice and Boldly Follow Shane Winnings

Helping Young Adults Boldly Follow God from Social Media Influencer and Missionary · Author's social media following is over 1 million, and he averages 2-5 million YouTube views per week · Author's growing podcast Pursuing Jesus has 100k streams and has ranked in the top 50 Christian podcasts · Speaks up to 40 times per year at churches and events with audiences averaging 1,000

In just nineteen days, former Special Forces Army Officer and police officer Shane Winnings went from a public six-figure career to an unpaid, full-time missionary position across the country. His story exploded across social media, rocketing him to become recognized by millions as a real-world beacon of hope. In feeds full of negativity and superficiality, his audacious daily encouragement gives you courage to live brightly in a world dominated by darkness and division.

OCTOBER 10 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 9780800763411 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 60

With incredible testimonies and practical, real-world application, Shane shows how hearing God's voice changes the trajectory of your entire life. No longer bound to the world's crushing expectations, he empowers you to

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

· say yes to Jesus · seek his voice · take a risk to boldly follow him · quiet your fears and anxiety · hunger for more of God · live by faith in a faithless world

Shane Winnings is a military veteran, a former law enforcement officer, and a Spirit-filled evangelist. Shane serves as the president of Overcomers Inc., a nonprofit geared towards equipping believers to endure through the trials of life. As a top-rated social media influencer, he reaches millions of students each month, averaging 2 -5 million views on his YouTube channel every week. He also hosts a popular podcast, Pursuing Jesus, that has ranked in the top 50 Christian podcasts. He and his family make their home outside of Dallas, Texas. Learn more at shanewinnings.com.

You can have a life full of incredible adventures, lifesaving protection, and improbable peace. Here is everything you need to take your next leap of faith--and soar into the future God's prepared you for.


Chosen Books



A Christ-Centered Action Plan for Cultural Change Skot Welch Pivotal Book on Effective Racial "Conciliation" and Reconciliation from Global Diversity Consultant and Pastor · Welch founded Global Bridgebuilders, a respected DEI consulting firm that advises organizations from churches to Fortune 500 companies · Unique, powerful message introduces new language for productive conversations · "Skot Welch is a master bridge builder of racially diverse corporate cultures."--C. Jeffrey Wright, CEO, Urban Ministries Incorporated

We're often left in dead-end debates on racial tensions, foolishly expecting solutions from a culture obsessed with canceling and dividing. But what if the church could create a more effective dialogue? For over two decades, pastor Skot Welch has been a key advisor on diversity and inclusion around the world. With wisdom and a humble graciousness, he challenges us to rethink the way we talk about race, empowering you to NOVEMBER 7 • US $26.99 • CAN $33.99 9780800763541 Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 28

RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth SOCIAL SCIENCE / Race & Ethnic Relations

Skot Welch is a pastor and the founder of Global Bridgebuilders, an internationally respected diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting firm. Working with organizations from churches to Fortune 500 companies, Skot leads the Bridgebuilders team to transform enterprises by capturing the advantages present in every diverse workforce. The former VP of DiversityInc magazine, Skot is the author of several books, founder of the Mosaic Film Experience, and former cohost the popular Radio in Black and White show. He and his wife, Barbara, have two children and live in Michigan. Learn more at globalbridgebuilders.com.

· celebrate both your identity in Christ and diverse cultural makeup · embrace a new Kingdom language that is biblically grounded and culturally relevant · explore a Christ-centered perspective on hard but crucial questions · build a united, diverse community where compassionate conversations can take place The church holds the redemptive solution our world needs, one that puts Christ at the center, modeling conciliation that leads to lasting reconciliation. Together we can change the conversation--and change the world.


Chosen Books


THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers Andrew F Carter

The Transforming Power of Consistent Prayer from a Pastor and Social Media Influencer · Author's social media has more than 1.4 million followers · Includes practical help for overcoming common hindrances to a consistent prayer life · Outlines the 3 most important things we can ask for in prayer

If there is power in prayer, why do so many of us only offer up quick pleas for help or shortsighted lists of requests? It's because we've lost the biblical vision of what prayer really is: an exciting, risky, faith-filled journey that pushes the limitations of our imaginations because we have unprecedented intimacy with the Creator of the universe. With his trademark blend of honesty and encouragement that's made him a social media favorite, pastor Andrew F Carter shatters your preconceived notions of prayer, empowering you to · connect with God in ways you never thought possible · engage in open, honest, and transparent prayer · follow the biblical model of prayer · overcome common hindrances to a vibrant life of prayer · cultivate a consistent prayer life that isn't motivated by fear or the latest crisis · discern answers to your prayers

NOVEMBER 14 • US $17.99 • CAN $22.49 RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual 9780800763510 Growth

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 56

Andrew F Carter is the lead pastor of Royal City Church in Los Angeles and the founder of Andrew F Carter Ministries. A sought-after speaker and evangelist, he speaks at numerous churches, conferences, and events throughout the year, using his story of overcoming obstacles to encourage and motivate others. With more than 1.25 million social media followers, Andrew creates and shares authentic content on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, including his incredibly popular morning and bedtime prayers. He has three sons and lives with his wife, Kyra, in Inglewood, California. Learn more at andrewfcarterministries.org.

It's not an obligation to speak with God, it's an absolute privilege. A fulfillment of purpose and eternal impact awaits you--and it starts with a simple conversation between you and the One who can do exceedingly more than your wildest dreams.


Chosen Books


THE HIDING PLACE, DELUXE ED. Corrie ten Boom, with Elizabeth and John Sherrill

Beautiful, Deluxe Edition of Classic Bestselling Story · Timeless true story of WWII hero Corrie ten Boom · More than 3.5 million copies sold · Striking new hardcover is a perfect gift and keepsake

Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who became a heroine of the Resistance, a survivor of Hitler's concentration camps, and one of the most remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. During World War II, she and her family risked their lives to help Jews and underground workers escape from the Nazis, and for their work they were tested in the infamous Nazi death camps. Only Corrie among her family survived. This is her incredible true story--and ultimately the story of how faith, hope, and love triumphed over unthinkable evil. Now in a beautiful deluxe edition, this beloved book continues to declare that God's love will overcome, heal, and restore--because there is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still. DECEMBER 12 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Religious 9780800730024

"One of the most remarkable stories of one of the most remarkable women I've known. I recommend it most enthusiastically."--Chuck Colson

RELIGION / Christian Living / General

Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 272 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

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"A classic that begs revisiting . . . her gripping story of love in action will challenge and inspire you!"--Joyce Meyer "A groundbreaking book that shines a clear light on one of the darkest moments of history."--Philip Yancey

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) was born in Haarlem, the Netherlands. After being arrested in 1944 for helping Jews escape the Nazi regime, Corrie spent a year during World War II in prison camps. After the war, she was invited to share her experiences in more than sixty countries and was honored by the state of Israel for her work during the war. Elizabeth and John (1923-2017) Sherrill co-authored numerous bestsellers and co-founded Chosen Books. In 2018 they were awarded ECPA's Kenneth N. Taylor Lifetime Achievement Award.


Chosen Books



Understanding How God Works While You Sleep Demontae A. Edmonds Discover and Discern How God Speaks through Dreams from Prophetic Leader · Foreword by Jane Hamon · Author is a sought-after prophetic voice, appearing on TBN, CBN News, and God-TV · Author's combined platform reaches over 50,000 per month

We all dream. And we all remember, to some extent, those dreams. But many of us have no clue what they mean--or that God is speaking to us through them. Grounded in biblical truth and full of inspiring testimonies, this in-depth guide from prophetic leader Demontae Edmonds shows how God uses dreams to heal, give direction and answers, expose the enemy, give warnings, reveal mysteries--and more. Cutting through the confusion, he equips readers with practical tools for dream interpretation, including how to

NOVEMBER 28 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic 9780800763466 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 160 pages • Carton Quantity: 76

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare

· discern the source of your dreams · perceive direction and solutions · unpack biblical dream language and symbols · unlock hidden potential in your life · remember and archive your dreams · prevent demonic dreams from becoming reality · receive supernatural impartations in dreams

Demontae Edmonds, affectionally called "The Miracle Man," is the founder of Freedom 4 the Nations and host of Highways TV program. He has spoken throughout the USA, Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, and the Caribbean. A sought-after prophetic voice, Demontae has been a special guest on TBN, CBN News, God-TV, Turning Point, and Elijah Streams, and his articles have been published by Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and Awakening Magazine. He and his wife, Jessica, and their four children live in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. Learn more at f4nations.com.

God is imparting matchless wisdom even as we sleep. Here is everything you need to activate supernatural discernment, step into a greater dimension of his prophetic dream realm, and fulfill your God-given purpose in the Earth.



Brazos Press


MEANING IN THE MOMENT How Rituals Help Us Move through Joy, Pain, and Everything in Between Amy F. Davis Abdallah

Creative Rituals to Mark the Ends, Middles, and Beginnings of Life · Davis Abdallah has written for Christianity Today and CBE International · Includes sample rituals for marking various moments and seasons of life · Author is the founder and director of a popular rite of passage program for students at Alliance University

Life has its ups and downs, and it can feel like we're always in the middle of a transition. Whether it's a painful end or a joyful beginning--or even an uncertain middle--theologian and minister Amy Davis Abdallah has found something that helps: rituals. In Meaning in the Moment, she shows why we need rituals to help survive and even thrive through various seasons of life. Starting with the foundation that rituals are a core, and underexplored, part of Christian practice, Davis Abdallah draws from theology, psychology, and personal experiences in creating rituals for herself and others. She offers practical guidance for readers to create their own meaningful rituals, including three types requiring varying levels of planning and participation: right now, with friends, and at church.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth 9781587435812 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 44

RELIGION / Christian Rituals & Practice / General RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship

Readers will emerge with fresh ways to bring their faith to life for themselves, their families, and their church communities--and ready to experience the transformative power of rituals.

Amy F. Davis Abdallah (PhD, Drew University) is professor of practical theology and worship at Alliance University, where she is the founder and director of the Woman Rite of Passage Program. Davis Abdallah is the author of The Book of Womanhood and is a frequent speaker. Her work has been featured in Christianity Today, Missio Alliance, and CBE International, and she has spoken at the Missio Alliance Awakenings Gathering and the North American Academy of Liturgy. She lives with her husband and two sons in Sparkill, New York.


Brazos Press



A 40-Day Devotional on the Liberating Heart of Scripture Kat Armas Reading the Bible through the Lens of Liberation · Armas hosts The Protagonistas podcast and has written for Sojourners and Relevant · Author has a consistently growing social media platform and an increasing number of podcast downloads · This follow-up to Abuelita Faith meets a need for readers looking to disentangle biblical teaching from oppressive power structures

In this 40-day devotional, Cuban American writer Kat Armas shows us that reading the Bible with fresh eyes allows us to experience God in new and liberating ways. Many Christians today are seeking to disentangle biblical teaching from power structures that marginalize women and people of color. There's a hunger for a new kind of devotional that offers refreshing and relevant ways to connect with God and the Bible--ways that challenge readers to seek out a more liberated and embodied faith.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $18.99 • CAN $23.99 RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional 9781587435096 Paperback / softback 8.000 in H | 5.250 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 44

Drawing from personal narrative and Scripture, Armas highlights biblical passages that point toward decolonized themes centered on creation, wisdom, spirit, the body, and the feminine. Sacred Belonging helps us see how Scripture directs us to live a liberated faith, where we belong to God, the earth, and one another.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth

Kat Armas (MDiv and MAT, Fuller Theological Seminary), a Cuban American writer and speaker, hosts The Protagonistas podcast, where she highlights stories of everyday women of color, including writers, pastors, church leaders, and theologians. She is the author of Abuelita Faith and has written for Christianity Today, Sojourners, Relevant, Christians for Biblical Equality, Fuller Youth Institute, Fathom magazine, and Missio Alliance. Armas speaks regularly at conferences on race and justice and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.


Brazos Press



Healing from Religious Trauma and the Impact of High-Control Religion Laura E. Anderson, PhD Finding Healing after Leaving a High-Control Religious System · Anderson is a trauma-informed psychotherapist, founder of the Center for Trauma Resolution, and cofounder of the Religious Trauma Institute · Author has written for Religion News Service and The New Republic · Author speaks on religious trauma to religious and nonreligious audiences

Spiritual abuse is something that happens far more often than most people realize.

OCTOBER 17 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 9781587435881 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity: 50

In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn't, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows how elements of fundamentalist church life-such as fear of hell, purity culture, corporal punishment, and authoritarian leaders--can cause psychological, relational, physical, and spiritual damage.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / Counseling SELF-HELP / Spiritual

As she explores the growing phenomenon of religious trauma, Dr. Anderson helps readers embark on a journey of living as healing individuals and finding a new foundation to stand on. Recognizing that healing is a lifelong rather than a linear process, she offers markers of healing for those coming out of painful religious experiences and hope for finding wholeness after religious trauma.

Laura E. Anderson (PhD, Saybrook University; LMFT) is a trauma-informed psychotherapist, founder of the Center for Trauma Resolution, and cofounder of the Religious Trauma Institute. Her dissertation focused on healing after sexualized violence and trauma in connection with purity culture. Anderson has spoken on Christian and post-Christian podcasts and online platforms and has written for Religion News Service and The New Republic. She is actively engaged on Instagram and other social media platforms and lives in Nashville, Tennessee.


Brazos Press



A Visual Guide to Experiencing God's Kingdom among Us Skye Jethani An Exciting New Volume in a Popular and Engaging Series · Follows Jethani's successful What If Jesus Was Serious? books, which have collectively sold more than 85,000 copies · Author is a writer, speaker, and cohost with Phil Vischer of the Holy Post podcast · Author writes a popular daily devotional for people who don't like daily devotionals called "With God Daily"

Many Christians think about heaven as a distant place we go after we die. But what if it's a very real kingdom available to us right now, here on earth?

OCTOBER 17 • US $16.99 • CAN $20.99 9781587436192 Paperback / softback 7.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

In What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven?, Skye Jethani unpacks what Jesus really said about heaven and how it can transform our faith today. The fourth in Jethani's popular What If Jesus Was Serious? series, this guide includes the author's hand-drawn illustrations in each chapter.

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional

Jethani explores the importance of the kingdom of heaven in Jesus's ministry, message, and parables. In doing so, he redefines the popular understanding of heaven as a celestial home for the dearly departed and reimagines our role in God's kingdom here on earth. This book shows what Jesus and his first followers knew about heaven that we get wrong and helps us recapture what it means for God's kingdom to be present on earth right now.

Skye Jethani (MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is an award-winning author, former pastor, and speaker. He is cohost of the popular Holy Post podcast, with over 600,000 downloads per month. Jethani has written numerous books, including the What If Jesus Was Serious? series, and served for over a decade in numerous editorial and executive roles at Christianity Today. He also writes a daily devotional called "With God Daily." He and his wife live in Wheaton, Illinois, with their three children.


Brazos Press


THE DEEP DOWN THINGS Practices for Growing Hope in Times of Despair Amber C. Haines and Seth Haines

How to Overcome Despair and Become Agents of Hope in the World · Amber and Seth Haines have a combined following of more than 40,000 newsletter subscribers and social media followers · Seth cohosts the A Drink with a Friend podcast with Tsh Oxenreider · Seth wrote Coming Clean, which won a Christianity Today Book Award of Merit

There's no escaping it: Everyone experiences seasons of pain and despair. In 2019, when Amber Haines resigned from her position as church curate and walked out the church doors for the last time, she entered into her own season of pain and despair. That season taught her--and her husband, Seth Haines--that the journey toward hope starts with recognizing "the deep down things."

OCTOBER 17 • US $19.99 • CAN $24.99 9781587435638 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

In The Deep Down Things, Amber and Seth point to a simple truth: Even in the darkest times, there are tangible signs of hope all around us. The authors demonstrate how tasting, touching, feeling, holding, and participating in these tangible acts of hope picks us up, builds our strength, and moves us into beauty, even in times of despair. They invite readers to participate with those signs of hope and thereby experience the divine love of God, even in the struggle of their everyday lives.

RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth RELIGION / Spirituality

Amber C. Haines is the author of Wild in the Hollow: On Chasing Desire and Finding the Broken Way Home and The Mother Letters.

A lifeline for those who desperately need it, this book helps readers overcome despair, find hope, and spread that hope to an aching world.

Seth Haines is the author of Coming Clean (winner of a Christianity Today Book Award of Merit) and The Book of Waking Up. Together with Tsh Oxenreider, he cohosts the podcast A Drink with a Friend. Amber and Seth have experience speaking at conferences and events. They live in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with their four boys.



Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023


Feminist Readings of the Bible to Upend Our Assumptions Julie Faith Parker Fresh Way of Reading Familiar Biblical Texts Makes Us Rethink Our Assumptions · Feminist readings show how the Bible has often been viewed through patriarchal lenses · Features provocative and personal readings of biblical texts to reach both head and heart · Includes pedagogical features like discussion questions and a succinct overview of the Bible

One reason the Bible has endured for millennia is its ability to reach our common humanness and give uplifting insights about struggle, resilience, and hope. Intertwining academic knowledge and candid, personal, and sometimes humorous stories, Julie Faith Parker helps readers engage the whole Bible with both mind and heart--to learn big theological ideas, question their assumptions, develop interpretive skills, and enhance their personal faith journey. The title chapter demonstrates how feminism interprets the Bible with fresh eyes and offers empowering insights, an approach used in the rest of the book. In each chapter, Parker reads biblical texts through a feminist lens. The book discusses both neglected and well-known Old Testament passages with one chapter on the New Testament. Parker's reflections show how vital our readings of the Bible can be as a source of strength, guidance, and even defiance.

SEPTEMBER 12 • US $22.99 • CAN $28.99 RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis 9781540965394 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

& Hermeneutics RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / Old Testament

Designed to supplement any Bible introduction course, this book includes discussion questions and a succinct overview of the Bible.

Julie Faith Parker (PhD, Yale University) is associate professor of biblical studies at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. She previously taught at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Yale Divinity School and served in campus pastoral roles. She is coeditor of the T&T Clark Handbook of Children in the Bible and the Biblical World, editor of My So-Called Biblical Life, and author of Valuable and Vulnerable: Children in the Hebrew Bible, especially the Elisha Cycle. She is also an ordained elder and an active pastor in the United Methodist Church.


Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023


A Holistic Approach for Spirit-Filled Christians Steven Félix-Jäger and Yoon Shin A Brief but Comprehensive Introduction to Christian Worldview from a Pentecostal Perspective · Introduces the history of philosophy, alternative visions of worldview within the Christian tradition, and practical applications · Uses beauty, goodness, and truth to explain the complexities of Christian worldview · Discusses the worldview that arises from Pentecostal identities, practices, and spirituality

This brief but comprehensive introduction to Christian worldview helps readers understand the Christian faith as the substance of Spirit-filled living and as a knowledge tradition stemming from the global Pentecostal movement. Using beauty, truth, and goodness as organizing principles, the authors delineate a Christian worldview by tracing each category historically, comparing and contrasting each with alternative Christian expressions, and constructing fresh takes on each as read through the lived Pentecostal experience. Unlike other worldview books, the authors' approach emphasizes beauty (relating to experience) rather than truth (involving knowledge acquisition); that difference in emphasis flows naturally from the Pentecostal perspective, which has traditionally centered the experience of the Spirit.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $26.99 • CAN $33.99 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic 9781540965912 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

RELIGION / Philosophy RELIGION / Christian Theology / Ethics

Pentecostal Christians will find this volume indispensable for thinking lucidly about their worldview from a renewal perspective.

Steven Félix-Jäger (PhD, University of Wales) is associate professor and chair of the Worship Arts and Media program at Life Pacific University in San Dimas, California. He is the author of Renewal Worship and writes about art, aesthetics, worship, and theology. Yoon Shin (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is coleader of the Philosophy Interest Group in the Society for Pentecostal Studies and author of Pentecostalism, Postmodernism, and Reformed Epistemology: James K. A. Smith and the Contours of a Postmodern Christian Epistemology. He lives in Lakeland, Florida.


Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023


Introducing Its Theology through the Gifts of the Spirit Helen Collins A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Introduction to Charismatic Christianity · Summarizes charismatic Christianity in 7 key emphases · Helps charismatics learn more about themselves and introduces non-charismatics to the movement · Suitable for a variety of college and seminary classrooms in the charismatic network and beyond

What is the essence of charismatic Christianity, a renewal movement that stresses the Holy Spirit's work, the church's use of spiritual gifts, and the significance of the supernatural? Helen Collins gives a novel summary explanation drawn from the spiritual gifts. Through Scripture, scholarship, and qualitative studies, she shows that charismatic spirituality is a coherent, reasonable, and rich tradition with diverse global expressions. Collins demonstrates how practicing spiritual gifts embodies a distinctive theology, making these practices carriers of doctrine. Using the Acts 2 narrative, she summarizes 7 key emphases and associated practices: expectancy (prophecy), enchantment (miracles), encounter (healing), expression (testimony), equality (tongues), empowerment (evangelism), and enjoyment (worship). The result is a fresh introduction that is biblical, theologically robust, and practical, helping charismatic students to learn more about themselves and others to understand the movement and what it has to contribute to global theological discussions.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic 9781540963901 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

RELIGION / Christian Theology / General RELIGION / Christian Ministry / General

Helen Collins (PhD, University of Bristol) is vice principal academic and tutor in practical theology at Trinity College, Bristol, England. She is a charismatic movement insider and an Anglican priest. Her books include Reordering Theological Reflection: Starting with Scripture and Mary the Worshipping Mother.


Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023

A BASIC GUIDE TO THE JUST WAR TRADITION Christian Foundations and Practices Eric Patterson

A Concise, Accessible Introduction to Just War Ethics from a Christian Perspective · Author has decades of experience in the military, government service, and the classroom · Covers a wealth of information in a short space, introducing numerous issues of theological and civic interest · Interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history

This brief introduction surveys Christian thinking on an array of topics related to security and peace from a just war perspective. Drawing primarily on Scripture and theology, Eric Patterson explores the moral dimensions of order, justice, and peace in light of key Christian doctrines such as love of neighbor, stewardship, vocation, and sphere sovereignty. He also examines the perennial questions of civil disobedience, terrorism, revolution, and holy war (including a discussion of Israel's removal of the Canaanites and the Crusades) and interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history. The volume concludes with a treatment of punishment and restitution, considering how these can help move a society toward conciliation.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $22.99 • CAN $28.99 RELIGION / Christian Theology / Ethics 9781540965479

RELIGION / Religion, Politics & State

Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 176 pages • Carton Quantity: 56

While ideal as a textbook for courses on Christian ethics, theology and politics, and church and society, this book will also appeal to pastors and lay readers questioning the morality of war and Christians' involvement in force. Christians who serve in government, law enforcement, and the military will also find helpful guidance for thinking theologically about their vocations.

Eric Patterson (PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara) is executive vice president of the Religious Freedom Institute and scholar-at-large and former dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He previously served in the US military and at the US State Department. He has authored and edited numerous books on the ethics of war, including Just American Wars: Ethical Dilemmas in US Military History and Just War and Christian Traditions.


Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023


Ayman S. Ibrahim

A Guide to Understanding Islam through Key Concepts and Terms · Includes more than 100 important Islamic concepts and terms · Each term is described based on original Muslim sources, mainly found in Arabic · Complements Ibrahim's A Concise Guide to the Quran and A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad

For many in the English-speaking world, Islam remains a mysterious religion. What is Islam in the first place? Does it mean "peace," or does it mean "submission"? Can it mean both? What is jihad? Sharia? Hadith? Who is Allah? What is a caliph, caliphate, or infidel? In this compact volume, an expert in the study of Islam provides explanations for more than 100 important Islamic concepts and terms, which are divided into major sections: texts, history, faith and belief, practice and religious duties, jurisprudence, and movements. Ayman Ibrahim first introduces the section, then defines each concept or term briefly. Readers can read a chapter at a time or flip through the book to find concepts or terms as needed. Each term is described based on original Muslim sources, mainly found in Arabic, as well as ample scholarly studies.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $23.99 • CAN $29.99 RELIGION / Islam / General RELIGION / Comparative Religion 9781540966667 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

Ayman S. Ibrahim (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD, Haifa University) is Bill and Connie Jenkins Professor of Islamic Studies and director of the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has taught in various countries in the Muslim world and in the West. His articles on Islam and Christian-Muslim relations have appeared in the Washington Post, Religion News Service, and First Things, among others. Ibrahim has written several books, including A Concise Guide to the Quran and A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad.

This introductory guide is written for anyone with little to no knowledge of Islam. It complements the author's A Concise Guide to the Quran and A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad. Together, these three volumes are useful as a set of resources on Islam.


Baker Academic SEPTEMBER 2023


Ayman S. Ibrahim

A Collection of Accessible Answers about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran · Author is an expert in the study of Islam · Helpful for Christian-Muslim and Jewish-Muslim interfaith relations · Utilizes and summarizes information from both Muslim and non-Muslim sources

This set of resources provides readers with a basic introduction to Islam. Ayman Ibrahim helps readers learn about Muslims, their beliefs, their scripture, their prophet, and key Islamic concepts and terms. Volumes include: · A Concise Guide to the Quran: Answering Thirty Critical Questions · A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad: Answering Thirty Key Questions · A Concise Guide to Islam: Defining Key Concepts and Terms A Concise Guide to the Quran offers a clear and concise guide to the history and contents of the Quran, covering thirty common questions.

SEPTEMBER 26 • US $64.99 • CAN $80.99 RELIGION / Islam / General RELIGION / Comparative Religion 9781540967213 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 640 pages • Carton Quantity: 1

A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad answers thirty common questions about Muhammad, providing an accessible guide to his life and religious significance. A Concise Guide to Islam presents explanations for more than 100 important Islamic concepts and terms.

Ayman S. Ibrahim (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD, Haifa University) is Bill and Connie Jenkins Professor of Islamic Studies and director of the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

This set is valuable for students of Islam, lay readers interested in Islam, and those moving to or visiting locations where Islam is prevalent.


Baker Academic



Andrew Root

How Do You Minister to People Who Are Spiritual but Not Religious? · Shows why the church must grapple with the current fascination with mysticism and spiritualities · Maps contemporary spiritualities through recent memoirs · Offers a vision of transformation that is centered on a theology of the cross

Post-Christian life and society do not eliminate a desire for the transcendent; rather, they create an environment for new and divergent spiritual communities and practices to flourish. We are flooded with spiritualities that appeal to human desires for nonreligious personal transformation. But many fail to deliver because they fall into the trap of the self.

OCTOBER 10 • US $28.99 • CAN $35.99 9781540966735 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

In the last book of the Ministry in a Secular Age series, leading practical theologian Andrew Root shows the differences between these spiritualities and authentic Christian transformation. He explores the dangers of following or adapting these reigning mysticisms and explains why the self has become so important yet is burdened with guilt--and how we should think about both. To help us understand our confusing cultural landscape, he maps spiritualities using 20 of the best memoirs from 2015 to 2020 in which "secular mystics" promote their mystical and transformational pathways. Root concludes with a more excellent way--even a mysticism--centered on the theology of the cross that pastors and leaders can use to form their own imaginations and practices.

RELIGION / Spirituality RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources RELIGION / Christian Theology / General

Andrew Root (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he teaches on theology of ministry, youth ministry, and culture. He is the author of over 20 books on youth ministry and practical theology, including the acclaimed Ministry in a Secular Age series. Root speaks worldwide to church groups, university and college communities, youth workers, and other ministry professionals. He also hosts the popular and influential When Church Stops Working podcast.


Baker Academic



Andrew Root

The Complete Collection of Andrew Root's Ministry in a Secular Age Project · Includes 6 books of Andrew Root's thought on the church's role in the modern age · Offers a developed practical theology useful to pastors and church leaders · Individual volumes have collectively sold over 23,000 copies

Andrew Root's well-received Ministry in a Secular Age series offers a developed practical theology that uniquely attends to divine action. Series volumes engage with Charles Taylor's articulation of our cultural context and the challenge he raises for Christian life in a Western world that has found divine action increasingly unbelievable. This project provides not only a needed and deep dialogue with the issues Taylor presents but also offers a constructive vision for confronting Taylor's challenge. Volumes include: · Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church's Obsession with Youthfulness · The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God · The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time against the Speed of Modern Life · Churches and the Crisis of Decline: A Hopeful, Practical Ecclesiology for a Secular Age · The Church after Innovation: Questioning Our Obsession with Work, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship · The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities without God Fail to Transform Us

OCTOBER 10 • US $149.99 • CAN $187.99 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / General 9781540967084 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 1,696 pages • Carton Quantity: 4

RELIGION / Christian Theology / General

Andrew Root (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is Carrie Olson Baalson Professor of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.


Baker Academic


THEOLOGY FROM THE PSALMS The Story of God's Steadfast Love C. Hassell Bullock

Understanding the Theological Message of the Book of Psalms · Author has taught the Psalms for 40 years and is a respected Psalms scholar · Demonstrates how the Psalms continue to speak to Christian readers today · Complements traditional introductory textbooks on the Psalms

Hassell Bullock has studied, taught, and written successful texts on the Psalms for 40 years. In this book, he walks through how the Psalms convey the grand story of creation and redemption, Scripture's two theological ends, and the underlying story of God and humanity in relationship.

OCTOBER 17 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9781540966964 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 34

Bullock explains how the literal and metaphorical language in the Psalms work together to articulate the message and deepen our understanding. He presents interpretive principles gleaned from the psalmists themselves and shows how these writers make intertextual connections to other Scriptures, sometimes quoting but mostly alluding, which can help us make corresponding connections between Old and New Testament teachings. The Psalms are examples of applying wisdom and Scriptures to personal and national issues and of how God interacts and intervenes in real-life situations, which help us apply the Bible today.

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Old Testament / Poetry & Wisdom Literature RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / Old Testament

C. Hassell Bullock (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Hebrew Bible emeritus at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, where he taught for 36 years. He also served as an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He specializes in Wisdom literature, particularly the Psalms, and wrote the successful textbook Encountering the Book of Psalms as well as the two-volume Teach the Text Commentary on the Psalms.

Bullock's mature reflections and guidance on understanding and applying the Psalms' theological message will complement any traditional introduction to the Psalms.


Baker Academic



A Scriptural, Historical, and Theological Commentary Jared Ortiz and Daniel A. Keating A Theologically Rich Introduction to the Nicene Creed from a Catholic Perspective · Authors are experts in the historical and theological backgrounds of the Nicene Creed · Focuses on the scriptural and historical background of the Creed · Written at the level of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series (series volumes have collectively sold over 300,000 copies)

Though the Nicene Creed is regularly recited in weekly church services, few understand its historical origins and connections to Scripture and key Christian doctrines.

OCTOBER 17 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9781540965110 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity: 36

This volume bridges the gap, providing an accessible introduction that explains how the Creed is anchored in the Bible and how it came to be written and confessed in the early history of the church. The authors show how the Creed reflects the purpose of God in salvation, especially in relation to Christians' divine adoption as sons and daughters, leading to glorification. Each chapter includes sidebars highlighting how the Creed has been received in the church's liturgy.

RELIGION / Christian Theology / General RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic RELIGION / Christianity / History

Professors, students, clergy, and religious educators will benefit from this illuminating and edifying guide to the Nicene Creed.

Jared Ortiz (PhD, The Catholic University of America) is professor of religion at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He is cofounder and executive director of the Saint Benedict Institute for Catholic Thought, Culture, and Evangelization and author of "You Made Us for Yourself": Creation in St. Augustine's "Confessions." Daniel A. Keating (DPhil, Oxford University) is professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. He is the author of Athanasius and His Legacy and two volumes in the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series.


Baker Academic



Ashley Cocksworth and David F. Ford Exploring the Soteriological Theme of Glorification · Authors are top scholars in the world of Christian theology · Explains how the practices of Christian worship influence theological thinking · Includes sections on the creeds, Scripture, the history of doctrine, constructive theology, and Christian praxis

Two renowned theologians open up the reality of God's glory in this book, offering readers a dynamic foundation for glorifying God in the 21st century.

OCTOBER 24 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 9781540961686 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 34

Drawing from Christian spirituality, liturgy, poetry, hymns, iconography, seminal "glory" texts in the Bible, the Nicene Creed, and theologians throughout the ages who caught sight of the glory of God in diverse ways, this book explores the immensely rich and generative soteriological theme of glorification. It shows students how to integrate theology into the life of faith and demonstrates how the practices of Christian worship influence theological thinking. Metaphors, descriptions, evocations, concepts, narratives, and more highlight the amazing, abundant reality of glorification.

RELIGION / Christian Theology / Soteriology RELIGION / Christian Theology / General

This is the first book in the Soteriology and Doxology series. These introductory textbooks cover key topics in soteriology, providing substantive treatments of doctrine while pointing to the setting of theology in doxology. Series editors are Kent Eilers and Kyle C. Strobel.

Ashley Cocksworth (PhD, University of Cambridge) is senior lecturer in theology and practice at the University of Roehampton, England. His books include Karl Barth on Prayer and Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed. David F. Ford (PhD, University of Cambridge) is Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus at the University of Cambridge, England, and a Fellow of Selwyn College. His publications include The Shape of Living and The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary.


Baker Academic


CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY AS A WAY OF LIFE An Invitation to Wonder Ross D. Inman

An Invitation to Wonder as the Lifeblood of Christian Philosophy · Offers a compelling case for why philosophy is important for Christian life and ministry · Introduces students to the postures and presuppositions underwriting the study of philosophy from a distinctively Christian perspective · Explains that philosophy satisfies our deep human need to make sense of it all

Philosophy is often seen as anything but practically relevant to everyday life. In this brief, accessible introduction, Ross Inman explores four hidden assumptions that lurk behind questions involving philosophy's relevance. He shows that philosophy is one of most practical subjects of study, for it satisfies our deep human need to make sense of it all.

OCTOBER 17 • US $23.99 • CAN $29.99 9781540965738

This book recovers a more classical vision of Christian philosophy as an entire way of life. Inman shows that wonder is the distinctively human posture that drives and sustains the examined life and makes a compelling case that philosophy is valuable, practical, and significant for every aspect of Christian life and ministry. Living philosophically as a Christian enables us to be properly attuned to what is true and good in Christ and to orient our lives to the highest goals worth pursuing.

RELIGION / Philosophy PHILOSOPHY / Religious

Paperback / softback 7.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

This is an ideal introductory book for students of philosophy, Christian thought, and worldview studies. It will also work well in classical school, high school, and homeschool contexts.

Ross D. Inman (PhD, Trinity College Dublin) is associate professor of philosophy at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He also teaches the great books classes at the College at Southeastern and is the editor of Philosophia Christi. He has previously held research positions at the University of Notre Dame's Center for Philosophy of Religion and at Saint Louis University.


Baker Academic


HERMENEUTICS, 3RD ED. Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation Henry A. Virkler and Karelynne Gerber Ayayo

A Trustworthy Guide for Studying the Bible in Depth · Previous editions have sold nearly 120,000 copies · Uses a successful approach that shows how proper theory leads to sound practice · Accessible to beginning students and general readers

This textbook provides students and general readers with clear, accessible guidance for interpreting the Bible. With nearly 120,000 copies sold, it has become a trusted resource for serious students of the Bible. The authors' successful approach shows how proper theory leads to sound practice.

OCTOBER 24 • US $27.99 • CAN $34.99 9781540964076 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 288 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

This book gives readers not only an understanding of the principles of proper biblical interpretation but also the ability to apply those principles in sermon preparation, personal Bible study, or writing. The authors outline a five-step hermeneutical procedure that includes: (1) historical-cultural and contextual analysis, (2) lexical-syntactical analysis, (3) theological analysis, (4) genre identification and analysis, and (5) application.

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / General RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General

The third edition has been updated throughout to account for significant new developments or theories and to take reader feedback into account. Exercises have also been updated and streamlined. Resources for instructors are available through Textbook eSources.

Henry A. Virkler (PhD, Georgia State University), now retired, taught as a counselor educator for 42 years at Richmont Graduate University, Liberty University, and Palm Beach Atlantic University. He lives in Riviera Beach, Florida. Karelynne Gerber Ayayo (ThD, Boston University) is professor of biblical and theological studies and associate dean at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Florida. She contributed numerous articles to The Baker Illustrated Study Bible and The Baker Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words.


Baker Academic



Understanding Christian Formation in Light of Human Development Chris A. Kiesling An Introduction to Christian Formation That Covers All Stages of Human Development · Author has more than 25 years of experience teaching on faith development topics in academic and local church settings · Incorporates the latest developments in psychology and neuroscience · Appeals to a broad and ecumenical audience

The field of lifespan development in psychology has much to offer those engaged in making disciples, and Chris Kiesling brings those insights to bear in this volume. He appropriates the most useful observations from this discipline in light of biblical teaching.

OCTOBER 24 • US $27.99 • CAN $34.99 9781540965943 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

Drawing on more than 25 years of experience teaching faith development topics in academic and local church settings, Kiesling assembles a toolkit for those in ministry that will help them think comprehensively about discipleship at every stage of life. Taking into account physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of human development from infancy through older adulthood, Kiesling guides readers in making practical use of these insights in their churches and educational settings. In addition, dedicated text boxes in each chapter offer specific advice and suggestions.

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship RELIGION / Christian Education / General

Pastors, ministry leaders, and educators will benefit from this treatment, which brings cutting-edge findings from the social sciences into dialogue with Scripture, theology, and practical ministry.

Chris A. Kiesling (PhD, Texas Tech University) is professor of human development and Christian discipleship at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church, he has served as a pastor and a campus minister. Kiesling is the coauthor of Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023


G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, and Andrew David Naselli, eds. A Definitive Resource on How the New Testament Writers Used the Old Testament · General editors are highly respected New Testament scholars · A companion to the very successful Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (over 77,000 copies sold) · Contributors include leading evangelical biblical scholars

With the torrent of publications on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the time is ripe for a dictionary dedicated to this incredibly rich yet diverse field. This companion volume to the well-received Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (CNTUOT) brings together leading evangelical biblical scholars to explore and explain the many facets of how the New Testament writers appropriated the Old Testament.

NOVEMBER 14 • US $64.99 • CAN $80.99 RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / General 9781540960047 Hardback 10.000 in H | 7.000 in W 1,108 pages • Carton Quantity: 10

This definitive resource covers a range of interpretive topics and includes summary articles on each biblical book and numerous themes. It also unpacks concepts mentioned in the CNTUOT, demonstrates how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament, and addresses a wide range of biblical-theological, hermeneutical, and exegetical topics.

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics

G. K. Beale (PhD, University of Cambridge) is professor of New Testament and biblical theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. D. A. Carson (PhD, University of Cambridge) is emeritus professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois. Benjamin L. Gladd (PhD, Wheaton College) is professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi. Andrew David Naselli (PhD, Bob Jones University; PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament, Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This handy reference book is for all serious students of the Bible as they study how and why Old Testament texts reappear and are reappropriated throughout the Bible.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023

THE SUFFERING SERVANT Isaiah 53 for the Life of the Church TOUCHSTONE TEXTS

J. Gordon McConville

Explains Why Isaiah 53 Is Significant for the Church Today · Engages both the Old Testament context and the Christian understanding of this text · Illuminates how Isaiah 53 contributes to our knowledge of who Jesus is · Makes high-quality biblical scholarship accessible for the life of the church

The description of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 is a beloved biblical text with an unshakable place in the theology and self-understanding of the church. Since New Testament times, this text has fed the church's thinking about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Leading Old Testament theologian Gordon McConville offers a lively exposition of Isaiah 53 that is at once true to its Old Testament context, conversant with the history of interpretation, and deeply Christian. McConville illuminates the text's contribution to our apprehension of who Jesus is and explores the various ways the text can speak to us in faithfulness to its scriptural authority and character. The author explores the theological and spiritual issues that arise from the poetry's words and phrases and shows how this classic text can speak to the life of the church today.

NOVEMBER 14 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Old Testament / Prophets 9781540960634 Hardback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 224 pages • Carton Quantity: 28

RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / Old Testament RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament / Prophets

The Touchstone Texts series addresses key Bible passages, making high-quality biblical scholarship accessible to the church. The series editor is Stephen B. Chapman, Duke Divinity School.

J. Gordon McConville (PhD, Queen's University, Belfast) is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Theology at the University of Gloucestershire in Gloucestershire, England. He previously taught at Trinity College, Bristol, and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. McConville has written or edited many books, including Being Human in God's World, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets, and commentaries on Deuteronomy, Joshua, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.


Baker Academic DECEMBER 2023


A Comprehensive Introduction Mark A. Jumper, Steven E. Keith, and Michael W. Langston A Comprehensive, Evangelical Introduction to the Ministry of Chaplaincy · Authors head up three of the leading chaplaincy programs in the United States · Covers the foundations of chaplaincy, which has become a global ministry phenomenon · Expert contributors survey chaplaincy work in ten "functional areas"

This comprehensive introduction to the ministry of chaplaincy brings together three authors who oversee three of the leading chaplaincy programs in the United States. Written from an evangelical perspective, the book covers the foundations of chaplaincy and surveys specific types of chaplaincy work. In the first half of the book, the authors delve into the history of chaplaincy work as well as its biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations. They introduce students to important topics such as endorsement, placement, and the constitutional and legal parameters of such work. They also consider the person of the chaplain and the understanding of chaplaincy as Christian ministry. In the second half of the book, the authors bring together expert contributors to survey 10 specific contexts for chaplaincy work, such as education, healthcare, the military, corporations, prisons, public safety, and sports, and they explore the future of chaplaincy.

DECEMBER 19 • US $34.99 • CAN $43.99 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources 9781540964045 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 368 pages • Carton Quantity: 32

This book will be an invaluable resource for students of chaplaincy.

Mark A. Jumper (PhD, Salve Regina University) is associate professor and director of chaplaincy and military affairs at the Regent University School of Divinity, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Steven E. Keith (DMin, Denver Seminary) is professor of chaplaincy at the Liberty University School of Divinity, Lynchburg, Virginia. He directs the Liberty University Center for Chaplaincy. Michael W. Langston (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of chaplaincy at Columbia International University, Columbia, South Carolina.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023

VARIETIES OF CHRISTIAN UNIVERSALISM Exploring Four Views David W. Congdon, ed.

Explains the Distinctives of Four Major Approaches to Universal Salvation · Describes a variety of ways that Christians articulate a doctrine of universal salvation · Chapters are written by leading experts on universal salvation · Universalism is a hotly debated topic that is especially important for those training for ministry

Christian universalism has become the subject of fierce debate in recent years. Numerous works have been published on the topic, making it difficult for readers to grasp different possible approaches. While universal salvation is often dismissed as a single idea--that God saves all people--this oversimplification masks the variety of theologies that reach this conclusion in ways that are not always theologically compatible. Christian universalism is actually an umbrella of different theological interpretations of the idea that all people will be saved. NOVEMBER 7 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 RELIGION / Christian Theology / Soteriology 9780801095764 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 208 pages • Carton Quantity: 64

In this book, leading experts on universal salvation-David W. Congdon, Tom Greggs, Morwenna Ludlow, and Robin A. Parry--provide a concise map of four major approaches: existential, post-Barthian, patristic, and evangelical. The contributors, who have each written extensively on Christian universalism, highlight distinct approaches that emphasize different theological values. The book will be useful as a textbook for students of theology, especially those training for ministry.

RELIGION / Christian Theology / Systematic

David W. Congdon (PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary) is senior editor at the University Press of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. He is also an adjunct instructor at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. He is the author of several books, including The Mission of Demythologizing: Rudolf Bultmann's Dialectical Theology, Rudolf Bultmann: A Companion to His Theology, and The God Who Saves: A Dogmatic Sketch.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023

EXEGETICAL JOURNEYS IN BIBLICAL GREEK 90 Days of Guided Reading Benjamin L. Merkle

Noted Language Expert Provides 90 Days of Guided Reading in Biblical Greek · Ideal for Greek language students after their first year of study · Readings have been selected from across the New Testament canon and gradually increase in difficulty through the book · Each daily reading ends with a section providing a practical application or reflection on the text

Students often want to maintain their Biblical Greek when they're between courses, but they don't know where to start. This book provides 90 days of guided reading and brief exercises to help students retain their knowledge and skill in reading and interpreting Biblical Greek. Noted language expert Benjamin Merkle guides readers through level-appropriate texts selected from across the New Testament canon, encouraging them to read and analyze one or two verses a day. The book begins with easy texts and gradually increases in difficulty through the 90 days. Each reading ends with a section called "For the Journey," which provides a practical application or reflection on the text, and each chapter provides an answer key so students can check their work.

NOVEMBER 21 • US $21.99 • CAN $27.49 RELIGION / Biblical Reference / Language Study 9781540965103 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / General RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics

This follow-up to Merkle's Exegetical Gems from Biblical Greek is ideal for Greek language students after their first year of study and for those who want to revive their knowledge and love of Biblical Greek. A companion volume on Hebrew is forthcoming.

Benjamin L. Merkle (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Dr. M. O. Owens Jr. Chair of New Testament Studies and professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 40 books, including Greek for Life, Exegetical Gems from Biblical Greek, Linguistics and New Testament Greek, Beginning with New Testament Greek, and Going Deeper with New Testament Greek. He is also the editor of Southeastern Theological Review.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023


Life in the Temporality of Christ L. Ann Jervis A Major Contribution to an Ongoing Debate about Paul's Theology · Author is a leading New Testament scholar and an Anglican priest · Provides a new entryway into the New Testament witness to the person and work of Jesus Christ · Foreword by John Barclay

How did Paul understand time? Standard interpretations are that Paul modified his Jewish apocalyptic sequential two age temporality in light of Christ's resurrection, resulting in a concept of the overlap of the ages. Ann Jervis instead proposes that Paul understood Christ's resurrection and its effect on believers' temporality as allowing them to live the time of the risen and exalted Christ. Believers live entirely in Christ, liberated from the present age. Christ's temporality is time that is tensed, though the tenses are nonsequential. Christ's past is in Christ's present, as is Christ's future. The lives of those joined to Christ, while in chronological time, are enveloped and structured by Christ's temporality.

NOVEMBER 21 • US $32.99 • CAN $40.99 RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Paul's Letters 9781540960788 Hardback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 240 pages • Carton Quantity: 24

Jervis's interpretation has significant impact on our reading of Paul's understanding of believers' suffering, sin, and physical death, and of the eschaton. Scholars and students will profit from this lively contribution to Pauline studies. Foreword by John Barclay.

RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / New Testament

L. Ann Jervis (ThD, Wycliffe College) is emerita professor of New Testament at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, in Toronto, Canada. She is a member of the Centre for Ethics at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and a member of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey. She has served on various editorial boards, including Journal of Biblical Literature and New Testament Studies. Jervis is author of The Heart of the Gospel, The Purpose of Romans, and a commentary on Galatians. She is also a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023


A Premier Evangelical Scholar Examines the Theology of the New Testament within Its Historical Setting · Provides a comprehensive treatment of the theology of the New Testament writings · Maintains a consistent focus on Jesus as Messiah · Offers a fresh articulation of New Testament theology with an emphasis on its historical context

New Testament Theology is a major new contribution to New Testament scholarship by renowned scholar Eckhard Schnabel. While many New Testament theologies approach the material through a particular thematic construct (e.g., covenant), Schnabel takes a different approach. First, he focuses on Jesus Messiah and his significance for the early church. Second, he seeks to describe the theology of the New Testament as it was written and read in its historical context. This approach honors the fact that the authors and original readers of the New Testament were real people dealing with real issues in their specific ecclesiological, cultural, and missiological settings. Schnabel comprehensively combines a historical description of the New Testament's theology with a systematic reflection on the New Testament's message and the convictions of Jesus and his early followers.

NOVEMBER 21 • US $69.99 • CAN $87.99 RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / New Testament 9781540963116 Hardback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 1,216 pages • Carton Quantity: 10

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / General RELIGION / Christianity / History

This valuable contribution to the field will be insightful reading for students, scholars, and pastors. Eckhard J. Schnabel (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is Mary French Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and many books, including Early Christian Mission; The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus (with D. Chapman); Jesus in Jerusalem; Jesus, Paul, and the Early Church; and commentaries on Mark, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians.


Baker Academic NOVEMBER 2023


A Theological Account of Human Identity, Embodied Desire, and Our Social Worlds Fellipe do Vale Answers the Question "What Is Gender?" by Drawing on a Theology of Human Love · Offers a fresh theological assessment of gender · Provides a holistic understanding of human beings and their desires, joining together cultural elements and embodiment · Foreword by Beth Felker Jones

In recent years, the issue of gender has become a topic of great importance and has generated discussion from the kitchen table to the academy. It is an issue that churches and Christian educational institutions are grappling with as well, since gender is a crucial aspect of identity, affecting how we engage socially and understand our embodiment. Upstream from all these conversations lies a more basic question: What is gender? In Gender as Love, Fellipe do Vale takes a theological approach to understanding gender, employing both biblical exegesis and historical theology and emphasizing the role human love plays in shaping our identities. He engages with and explains current theories and debates, but his approach is unique in that it avoids the present impasse between socialconstructionist and essentialist paradigms. His emphasis is on love as identity-forming.

NOVEMBER 21 • US $34.99 • CAN $43.99 RELIGION / Christian Theology / General 9781540966971 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 272 pages • Carton Quantity: 28

RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender Studies

This fresh, holistic approach makes an important contribution to the literature and will benefit scholars and students alike. Foreword by Beth Felker Jones.

Fellipe do Vale (PhD, Southern Methodist University) is assistant professor of biblical and systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He specializes in the juncture where theological anthropology and moral theology meet and has published widely on gender, ethics, and systematic theology. He lives in the Chicago area with his family.


Baker Academic DECEMBER 2023

HEALTHY LEADERSHIP FOR THRIVING ORGANIZATIONS Creating Contexts Where People Flourish Justin A. Irving

Helps Leaders Explore What It Takes to Faithfully and Effectively Lead Teams and Organizations · Draws wisdom from the Bible, contemporary leadership theory, and the insights of over 200 executive leaders · Shows how thriving organizations can contribute to human flourishing · Offers practical insight on building teams and culture, communicating effectively, and guiding organizations through crisis and change

The devastating effects of toxic work environments are top news. Everyone seems to understand that healthy organizations nurture flourishing individuals and societies--what Jesus desires for all. How can Christian business and ministry leaders create a positive organizational culture and identity? Justin Irving has spent 20 years studying, teaching, and reflecting on organizational leadership. Drawing wisdom from the Bible, contemporary leadership theory, and the insights of over 200 executive leaders, Irving provides a theological framework that makes human flourishing the driving motivation for leading organizations well. He helps readers invest in their own growth to become leaders who motivate, inspire, and nurture. But he broadens the view to help readers see how different levels of leadership--the dynamics and interdependence of teams and of the whole organization--work together. He then offers practical insights on building teams, culture, and effective communication and on navigating the storms of crisis and change.

DECEMBER 19 • US $26.99 • CAN $33.99 RELIGION / Leadership RELIGION / Christian Living / 9781540964809 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 34

Leadership & Mentoring BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership

Justin A. Irving (PhD, Regent University) is Duke K. McCall Professor of Christian Leadership and chair of the Department of Leadership and Discipleship at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He previously served as professor of ministry leadership and director of the DMin program at Bethel Seminary. Irving is the coauthor of Leadership in Christian Perspective with Mark Strauss and contributed to Servant Leadership: Developments in Theory and Research and Practicing Servant Leadership: Developments in Implementation. He has also been a worship leader and a homeless shelter chaplain.


Baker Academic DECEMBER 2023

INTEGRATING PSYCHOLOGY AND FAITH Models for Christian Engagement Paul Moes and Blake Riek

Helps Students Understand the Range of Options for Integrating Faith and Psychology · Allows readers to explore where their views fit in a continuum of views on integration · Shows how theological traditions and positions shape views on natural science, social science, and psychology · Moes's Exploring Psychology and Faith has been well received (over 11,000 copies sold)

This textbook updates the conversation about models of psychology and faith integration, helping students understand the range of options for Christian engagement. Drawing from themes developed in Paul Moes's well-received Exploring Psychology and Christian Faith (coauthored with Donald J. Tellinghuisen), Integrating Psychology and Faith develops a set of worldview dimensions that serve to organize a variety of psychology-faith integration models. Paul Moes and Blake Riek set forth principles, themes, and historical context to help students explore where different views fit on a continuum of approaches to integration and understand the perspectives of other Christians in the field of psychology. In this way, students come to better understand the organizing principles for various views about psychology that they encounter. The book also shows how theological traditions and positions shape views on natural science, social science, and psychology.

DECEMBER 19 • US $23.99 • CAN $29.99 RELIGION / Counseling PSYCHOLOGY / General 9781540964755 Paperback / softback 8.500 in H | 5.500 in W 192 pages • Carton Quantity: 48

Paul Moes (PhD, Texas Christian University) is professor of psychology at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He previously taught at Dordt College for 18 years. He writes about Christian approaches to understanding brain function, personal responsibility, and human nature. Blake Riek (PhD, University of Delaware) is associate professor of psychology at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he has taught since 2007. His two major lines of research are the psychology of forgiveness and prejudice and bias.


Baker Academic DECEMBER 2023


Confession, Repentance, and Restoration A CATHOLIC BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS

James B. Prothro

Explores the Catholic Church's teaching on confession, absolution, and penance in the Bible · Series is designed to complement Baker Academic's successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series (CCSS series volumes have sold over 300,000 copies) · The author and series editors teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology (one million people subscribe to the institute's online content channel, Formed.org) · Suitable for classroom use and parish ministry

This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God's gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God's Word. James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation--the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God's people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God's ministry of grace.

DECEMBER 19 • US $24.99 • CAN $30.99 RELIGION / Christian Rituals & Practice / Sacraments 9781540964786 Paperback / softback 9.000 in H | 6.000 in W 256 pages • Carton Quantity: 1

RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic

Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distanceeducation programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

James B. Prothro (PhD, University of Cambridge) is assistant professor of Scripture and theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado. His books include A Pauline Theology of Justification: Forgiveness, Friendship, and Life with God (forthcoming) and The Apostle Paul and His Letters: An Introduction.




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5.375" x 8.375" | 7.5-point Lexicon | 848 pages | Double-column format | Black letter

GEN ESIS 2:6 for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6 and a mist1 was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground— 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. 8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush. 14 And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat 2 of it you shall surely die.” 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for 3 him.” 19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed4 every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam5 there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made6 into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said,


3 ‘You8 shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,9 she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. 8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool10 of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”11 10 And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” 11 He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 12 The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” 14 The Lord God said to the serpent, “ Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring12 and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” 16 To the woman he said,

“ This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”7 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his

mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. The Fall Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say,


“ I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to13 your husband, but he shall rule over you.” 17 And to Adam he said,

“ Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘ You shall not eat of it,’

1 Or spring 2 Or when you eat 3 Or corresponding to; also verse 20 4 Or And out of the ground the LORD God formed 5 Or the man 6 Hebrew built 7 The Hebrew words for woman (ishshah) and man (ish) sound alike 8 In Hebrew you is plural in verses 1–5 9 Or to give insight 10 Hebrew wind 11 In Hebrew you is singular in verses 9 and 11 12 Hebrew seed; so throughout Genesis 13 Or shall be toward (see 4:7)



cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

20 The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.1 21 And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. 22 Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” 23 therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. 24 He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.

Cain and Abel Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten2 a man with the help of the Lord.” 2 And again, she bore his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. 3 In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground, 4 and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, 5 but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell. 6 The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted?3 And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to4 you, but you must rule over it.” 8 Cain spoke to Abel his brother.5 And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. 9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” 10 And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground. 11 And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength. You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.” 13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.6 14 Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground, and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.” 15 Then the Lord said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain,


GEN ESIS 5:17 vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him. 16 Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod,7 east of Eden. 17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered Lamech. 19 And Lamech took two wives. The name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20 Adah bore Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. 21 His brother’s name was Jubal; he was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe. 22 Zillah also bore Tubal-cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. 23 Lamech said to his wives: “ Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. 24 If Cain’s revenge is sevenfold, then Lamech’s is seventy-sevenfold.” 25 And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his name Seth, for she said, “God has appointed8 for me another offspring instead of Abel, for Cain killed him.” 26 To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord.

Adam’s Descendants to Noah This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2 Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man9 when they were created. 3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. 4 The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters. 5 Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died. 6 When Seth had lived 105 years, he fathered Enosh. 7 Seth lived after he fathered Enosh 807 years and had other sons and daughters. 8 Thus all the days of Seth were 912 years, and he died. 9 When Enosh had lived 90 years, he fathered Kenan. 10 Enosh lived after he fathered Kenan 815 years and had other sons and daughters. 11 Thus all the days of Enosh were 905 years, and he died. 12 When Kenan had lived 70 years, he fathered Mahalalel. 13 Kenan lived after he fathered Mahalalel 840 years and had other sons and daughters. 14 Thus all the days of Kenan were 910 years, and he died. 15 When Mahalalel had lived 65 years, he fathered Jared. 16 Mahalalel lived after he fathered Jared 830 years and had other sons and daughters. 17 Thus all the days of Mahalalel were 895 years, and he died.


1 Eve sounds like the Hebrew for life-giver and resembles the word for living 2 Cain sounds like the Hebrew for gotten 3 Hebrew will there not be a lifting up [of your face]? 4 Or is toward 5 Hebrew; Samaritan, Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate add Let us go out to the field 6 Or My guilt is too great to bear 7 Nod means wandering 8 Seth sounds like the Hebrew for he appointed 9 Hebrew adam

Sample spread (65% actual size)



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The Word Became Flesh In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,1 and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. 9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11 He came to his own,2 and his own people3 did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son4 from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) 16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.5 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God; the only God,6 who is at the Father’s side,7 he has made him known.


The Testimony of John the Baptist 19 And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” 20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.” 21 And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” 22 So they said to him, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am a the

voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight8 the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.” 24 (Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.) 25 They asked him, “Then why are you baptizing, if you are neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” 26 John answered them, “I baptize with water, but among you stands one you do not know, 27 even he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” 28 These things took place in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

Behold, the Lamb of God 29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! 30 This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.” 32 And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. 33 I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son9 of God.” Jesus Calls the First Disciples 35 The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. 38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.10 40 One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus11 was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah”

1 Or was not any thing made. That which has been made was life in him 2 Greek to his own things; that is, to his own domain, or to his own people 3 People is implied in Greek 4 Or only One, or unique One 5 Or grace in place of grace 6 Or the only One, who is God; some manuscripts the only Son 7 Greek in the bosom of the Father 8 Or crying out, ‘In the wilderness make straight 9 Some manuscripts the Chosen One 10 That is, about 4 P.M. 11 Greek him a Isa. 40:3

(which means Christ). 42 He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter1).

Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael 43 The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” 44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” 46 Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” 50 Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” 51 And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you,2 you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” The Wedding at Cana On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples. 3 When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.3 7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.” So they took it. 9 When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “Everyone


J O H N 3: 3

serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.” 11 This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, with his mother and his brothers4 and his disciples, and they stayed there for a few days.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple 13 The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. 15 And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17 His disciples remembered that it was written, a “Zeal for your house will consume me.” 18 So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple,5 and will you raise it up in three days?” 21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. Jesus Knows What Is in Man 23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people 25 and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man. You Must Be Born Again Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus6 by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless


1 Cephas and Peter are from the word for rock in Aramaic and Greek, respectively 2 The Greek for you is plural; twice in this verse 3 Greek two or three measures (metrētas); a metrētēs was about 10 gallons or 35 liters 4 Or brothers and sisters. In New Testament usage, depending on the context, the plural Greek word adelphoi (translated “brothers”) may refer either to brothers or to brothers and sisters 5 Or This temple was built forty-six years ago 6 Greek him a Ps. 69:9

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43.John.indd 887

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GE N E S I S 1:26


ground according to its kind. And God The Creation of Man and Woman 4 saw that it was good. These are the generations 26 Then God said, “Let us make man 1 of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in our image, after our likeness. And let in the day that the Lord God made them have dominion over the fish of the the earth and the heavens. sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth 5 and over every creeping thing that creeps When no bush of the field2 was yet in on the earth.” the land3 and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God 27 had not caused it to rain on the land, and So God created man in his own there was no man to work the ground, image, 6 and a mist 4 was going up from the land in the image of God he created him; and was watering the whole face of the male and female he created them. ground— 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and 28 And God blessed them. And God said breathed into his nostrils the breath of to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill life, and the man became a living creathe earth and subdue it, and have domin- ture. 8 And the Lord God planted a garion over the fish of the sea and over the den in Eden, in the east, and there he birds of the heavens and over every liv- put the man whom he had formed. 9 And ing thing that moves on the earth.” 29 And out of the ground the Lord God made God said, “Behold, I have given you every to spring up every tree that is pleasant plant yielding seed that is on the face of all to the sight and good for food. The tree the earth, and every tree with seed in its of life was in the midst of the garden, fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And and the tree of the knowledge of good to every beast of the earth and to every and evil. 10 A river flowed out of Eden to water bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that the garden, and there it divided and has the breath of life, I have given every became four rivers. 11 The name of the green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 And first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed God saw everything that he had made, around the whole land of Havilah, where and behold, it was very good. And there there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is was evening and there was morning, the good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is the sixth day. Gihon. It is the one that flowed around The Seventh Day, God Rests the whole land of Cush. 14 And the name Thus the heavens and the earth were of the third river is the Tigris, which flows finished, and all the host of them. east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the 2 And on the seventh day God finished Euphrates. 15 The Lord God took the man and put his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that him in the garden of Eden to work it and he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded day and made it holy, because on it God the man, saying, “You may surely eat of rested from all his work that he had done every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree in creation. of the knowledge of good and evil you


1 The Hebrew word for man (adam) is the generic term for mankind and becomes the proper name Adam 2 Or open country 3 Or earth; also verse 6 4 Or spring

3 shall not eat, for in the day that you eat1 of it you shall surely die.” 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for2 him.” 19 Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed3 every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam4 there was not found a helper fit for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made5 into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said, “ This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”6 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father

and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

The Fall

GE N E S I S 3:15 you touch it, lest you die.’ ” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,8 she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. 8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool9 of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?”10 10 And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” 11 He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 12 The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” 14 The Lord God said to the serpent,


Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You7 shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall


“ Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring11 and her offspring;

1 Or when you eat 2 Or corresponding to; also verse 20 3 Or And out of the ground the LORD God formed 4 Or the man 5 Hebrew built 6 The Hebrew words for woman (ishshah) and man (ish) sound alike 7 In Hebrew you is plural in verses 1–5 8 Or to give insight 9 Hebrew wind 10 In Hebrew you is singular in verses 9 and 11 11 Hebrew seed; so throughout Genesis

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JOH N 1 :15

139 6

among us, c and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son1 from the Father, full of d grace and e truth. 15 (f John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, g ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’ ”) 16 For from h his fullness we have all received, i grace upon grace.2 17 For j the law was given through Moses; k grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 l No one has ever seen God; m the only God,3 who is at the Father’s side,4 n he has made him known. The Testimony of John the Baptist 19 And this is the o testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem


to ask him, p “Who are you?” 20 q He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.” 21 And they asked him, “What then? rAre you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you s the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” 22 So they said to him, “Who are you? We need to give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am t the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight5 the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.” 24 (Now they had been sent from the Pharisees.) 25 They asked him, u “Then why are you baptizing, if you are neither the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” 26 John answered them, v “I baptize with

1 Or only One, or unique One 2 Or grace in place of grace 3 Or the only One, who is God; some manuscripts the only Son 4 Greek in the bosom of the Father 5 Or crying out, ‘In the wilderness make straight

PROFILE: JOHN THE BAPTIST Zechariah and Elizabeth were childless and advanced in age when Gabriel announced that Elizabeth would bear a son. The baby would be named John, and he would “be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:15). John lived and preached in the wilderness of Judea, where he wore clothes made of camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey (Mark 1:4–6). John prepared the way for Jesus the Messiah by calling people to repentance, as the OT prophets had predicted (Isa. 40:3; Mal. 3:1). Those who accepted his message were baptized as an outward sign of their inward cleansing from sin. Although Jesus needed no repentance or cleansing, he was baptized by John in order to identify with the sinful people he came to save. After angering the royal Herod family, John was imprisoned and eventually beheaded (Matt. 14:6–12). KEY REFERENCE: JOHN 1:29–34 God the Father. The Greek for “only” means “one of a kind, unique” (compare Gen. 22:2). 1:15 bore witness. Jesus speaks of several witnesses who bear testimony concerning him (see chart, p. 1405). 1:16–17 In the law, God graciously revealed his character and the

The First Week of Jesus’ Ministry Day 1

John the Baptist’s witness concerning Jesus


Day 2 John the Baptist’s encounter with Jesus


Day 3 John the Baptist’s referral of disciples to Jesus


Day 4 Andrew’s introduction of his brother Peter to Jesus


Day 5 The recruitment of Philip and Nathanael


Day 6 Day 7 The wedding at Cana


things he required of his people. Jesus, however, is the final, definitive revelation of God’s grace and truth. 1:18 No one has ever seen God, that is, in a full and complete way (see 6:46). the only God. Some ancient manuscripts say “the only Son” here (see ESV footnote); the earliest manuscripts say “the only God.” John refers here to two different persons as “God,” as he did in 1:1. Thus John concludes the prologue by emphasizing what he taught in v. 1: Jesus is God, and he has revealed and explained God to humanity. 1:19–12:50 Signs of the Messiah, with Teaching about Life in Him. The first half of John’s Gospel features Jesus’ demonstration of his messianic identity through several selected “signs” (see note on 2:11). The section ends with a reference to the Jewish nation’s rejection of the Messiah (12:36b–37). 1:19–2:11 These verses tell of the first week of Jesus’ ministry. He is hailed by John the Baptist as “God’s lamb” (1:29, 36), is followed by his first disciples (1:37–51), and performs his first miraculous “sign” (see Introduction: Theme and Purpose), turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana (2:1–11). 1:19 The Jews is an expression John often uses to refer to hostile Jewish opponents of Jesus. The phrase does not mean all Jews, for Jesus, John the Baptist, and the apostles were also Jews. See ESV footnote on 5:10, etc. Jerusalem. See Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, pp. 1286–1287. 1:20–21 John the Baptist denies being the Christ or Elijah. Elijah, who never died (2 Kings 2:11), was expected to return in the end times (Mal. 4:5) to “restore all things” (Matt. 17:11). John the Baptist did resemble Elijah in his rugged lifestyle (Matt. 3:4; compare 2 Kings 1:8). And Jesus, with his deeper understanding of OT prophecy, saw John as fulfilling the prophecy about Elijah (see Matt. 11:14). John also denied being the Prophet, whose coming was predicted by Moses in Deut. 18:15, 18 (see Acts 3:22) and was expected in Jesus’ day (see John 6:14; 7:40–41; and notes). 1:23 the voice of one crying out in the wilderness. See Isa. 40:3; compare Matt. 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4. This messenger was to prepare the way for the Lord to come to his people. 1:24 Pharisees. A small but influential group of Jews who emphasized observance of the law and their own traditions as the path to 14c!ch. 2:11; Luke 9:32; 2 Pet. 1:16, 17; 1 John 1:1; 4:14 d!See ver. 7 e![ch. 14:6] 15f!See ver. 7 g!ver. 27, 30; See Matt. 3:11 16h!Eph. 1:23; 3:19; 4:13; Col. 1:19; 2:9 i![Matt. 25:29] 17j!ch. 7:19; Ex. 20:1 k!ver. 14; [Rom. 5:21] 18l!ch. 5:37; 6:46; Ex. 33:20; Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:16; 1 John 4:12, 20; [ch. 12:45] m!ver. 14; See ch. 3:16 n![Matt. 11:27]; See ch. 3:32 19o!ch. 3:26 p![ch. 8:25] 20q!ver. 8; ch. 3:28; Acts 13:25; [Luke 3:15] 21r![Matt. 11:14; 16:14] s!See Deut. 18:15, 18 23t!Cited from Isa. 40:3; See Matt. 3:3 25u!Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3, 7 26v!Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:7, 8; Luke 3:16; Acts 1:5; 13:25

water, but among you stands one you do not know, 27 even w he who comes after me, the strap of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” 28 These things took place in Bethany across the Jordan, where John was baptizing. Behold, the Lamb of God 29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, x the Lamb of God, who y takes away the sin z of the world! 30 This is he of whom I said, a ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’ 31 I myself did not know him, but b for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.” 32 And John c bore witness: d “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and e it remained on him. 33 I myself did not know him, but f he who sent me to baptize g with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, h this is he who baptizes g with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son1 of God.” Jesus Calls the First Disciples 35 The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, i the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. 38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, j “What are you

JOH N 1 :4 8

seeking?” And they said to him, k “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” 39 He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day, for it was about the tenth hour.2 40 l One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus3 was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found m the Messiah” (which means Christ). 42 He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of n John. You shall be called o Cephas” (which means p Peter4). Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael 43 q The next day Jesus decided r to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Follow me.” 44 Now s Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Philip found t Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him of whom u Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus v of Nazareth, w the son of Joseph.” 46 Nathanael said to him, x “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Behold, y an Israelite indeed, z in whom there is no deceit!” 48 Nathanael said to him, “How a do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw

1 Some manuscripts the Chosen One 2 That is, about 4 P.M. 3 Greek him 4 Cephas and Peter are from the word for rock in Aramaic and

Greek, respectively

righteousness. Many Pharisees opposed Jesus, but some followed him (3:1–5; 7:50; 19:38–40). See note on Matt. 3:7. 1:28 John was baptizing. Compare Luke 3:3. John’s baptism was an outward sign reflecting inward repentance (see Matt. 3:6; compare later Christian baptisms at Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:3; 1 Pet. 3:21). The Bethany across (east of) the Jordan (see John 3:26; 10:40) is different from Lazarus’s village near Jerusalem. 1:29 Jesus, by his sacrifice, fulfills the symbolism of the Passover Lamb and other OT sacrifices (Lev. 1:1–5:19; 14:25; 1 Cor. 5:7; Heb. 10:1–14; Rev. 5:6–13). takes away the sin of the world. See Heb. 2:17; 1 John 4:10; and notes on 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18. 1:31 I myself did not know him. John probably means he did not know that Jesus was the Messiah until he saw the sign mentioned in vv. 32–33. 1:32–34 The Spirit did not merely descend on Jesus. He remained on him, which was a sign of Jesus’ divine anointing as Messiah (Isa. 11:2; 61:1; see Luke 4:18). See note on John 1:41. 1:36 Lamb of God. See note on v. 29. 1:40 One of the two . . . was Andrew. The name of the other disciple is not stated; most likely he was John, the author of this Gospel. 1:41 The terms Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both mean “anointed.” In the NT and early Judaism, “Messiah” combines many OT expectations about an “anointed one” who would lead, teach, and save God’s people (see, e.g., 2 Sam. 7:5–16; Ps. 110:1–4; Isa. 9:6–7). 1:42 Cephas is an Aramaic word meaning “rock” (see Matt. 16:16–18). In the Bible, God frequently changes people’s names to indicate their special calling; see Gen. 17:5; 32:28. 1:43 Galilee. The region west of the Jordan and the Sea of Galilee and north of Samaria.

DID YOU KNOW? Finding their true master. John reports that two of Jesus’ disciples had previously followed John the Baptist (1:35–40). One of them was Andrew; the other was probably John himself. They believed John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus, and became his disciples instead. 1:44 Bethsaida was just northeast of where the Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee from the north. 1:45 Nathanael (see also 21:2) may be the personal name of Bartholomew (see Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14). The Law and . . . the prophets commonly referred to the entire OT (e.g., Matt. 5:17). 1:46 Nazareth. Nazareth was a town of no more than 2,000 people. See note on Luke 1:26. 1:48 I saw you. Jesus displays supernatural knowledge, thus confirming his identity as the Messiah. The fig tree often is a symbol for Israel. See note on Mark 11:13–14. Jesus sees Nathanael as an honest Jew. 27w!ver. 15, 30 29x!ver. 36; Ex. 12:3; Isa. 53:7; Acts 8:32; 1 Pet. 1:19; [Gen. 22:8; Rev. 5:6] y!1 John 3:5; [Heb. 10:4, 11] z![ch. 3:16, 17; 4:42; 12:47; 1 John 2:2; 4:14] 30a!ver. 15, 27 31b!Luke 1:17, 76, 77 32c!See ver. 7 d!Matt. 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22 e![Isa. 11:2; Acts 10:38] 33f!ver. 6; Luke 3:2 g![ch. 3:5] h!Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; Acts 1:5 36i!See ver. 29 38j!ch. 18:4, 7; 20:15 k!ver. 49; ch. 3:2, 26; 6:25; [ch. 20:16; Mark 10:51] 40l!For ver. 40-42, [Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:2-11] 41m!ch. 4:25 42n!ch. 21:15-17 o!1 Cor. 1:12; 3:22 p!Matt. 16:18 43q![ver. 35; ch. 2:1] r![ver. 28] 44s!ch. 12:21 45t!ch. 21:2 u!See Luke 16:16; 24:27 v!See Matt. 2:23 w!ch. 6:42; Luke 3:23 46x![ch. 7:41, 52] 47y!Ps. 73:1; Rom. 9:4, 6 z!Ps. 32:2; [Zeph. 3:13; Rev. 14:5] 48a!ch. 2:24, 25

Sample spread (65% actual size) 43.John.indd 1396

6/21/18 2:59 PM

43.John.indd 1397

6/21/18 2:59 PM



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G E N E S I S 6:9



Noah and the Flood 9 These are the generations of Noah. g Noah was a righteous man, h blameless in his generation. Noah i walked with God. 10 And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God j saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, k for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, l “I have determined to make an end of all flesh,1 for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14 Make yourself an ark of gopher wood.2 Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. 15 This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits,3 its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits. 16 Make a roof4 for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above, and set the door of the ark in its side. Make it with lower, second, and third decks. 17 m For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth shall die. 18 But n I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. 19 And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female. 20 Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground, according to its kind, two of every sort shall come in to you to keep them alive. 21 Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and store it up. It shall serve as food for you and for them.” 22 o Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him. Then the Lord said to Noah, p “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that q you are righteous before me in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of all r clean animals,5 the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not

9gch. 7:1; Ezek. 14:14, 20; 2 Pet. 2:5 hJob 1:1, 8; Luke 1:6 ich. 5:22, 24; [Heb. 11:7] 12jPs. 14:2, 3; 53:2, 3 k Job 22:15-17 13lEzek. 7:2, 3, 6 17mch. 7:4; 2 Pet. 2:5 18nch. 9:9, 11 22oHeb. 11:7; [Ex. 40:16]

4sver. 12, 17; [Job 37:11-13] tch. 6:17 5uch. 6:22 11vch. 8:2; Prov. 8:28; [Amos 9:6] wch. 8:2; 2 Kgs. 7:19; Isa. 24:18; Mal. 3:10; [Ps. 78:23] 15xch. 6:20 16yver. 2, 3 17zver. 4, 12

Chapter 7 1pMatt. 24:38, 39; Luke 17:26, 27; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5 q ch. 6:9 2rch. 8:20; [Lev. 11]


1 Hebrew The end of all flesh has come before me 2 An unknown kind of tree; transliterated from Hebrew 3 A cubit was about 18 inches or 45 centimeters 4 Or skylight 5 Or seven of each kind of clean animal


Sample spread (56% actual size)


1 Or seven of each kind 2 Hebrew all existence; also verse 23



*********GENESIS CHART 3***** Chronology of Noah’s Time in the Ark Dates are in the form of month, day, and Noah’s year, as given in the text. Hence, 2/10/600 means the tenth day of the second month in Noah’s 600th year. Months are calculated at 30 days each. Dates in parentheses are extrapolations from dates explicitly given in the text.

Waters prevail: 150-day period

Waters abate: 150-day period


G E N E S I S 7:17

clean, the male and his mate, 3 and seven pairs1 of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth. 4 For in seven days s I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, t and every living thing2 that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground.” 5 uAnd Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him. 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth. 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 8 Of clean animals, and of animals that are not clean, and of birds, and of everything that creeps on the ground, 9 two and two, male and female, went into the ark with Noah, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the v fountains of the great deep burst forth, and w the windows of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 13 On the very same day Noah and his sons, Shem and Ham and Japheth, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them entered the ark, 14 they and every beast, according to its kind, and all the livestock according to their kinds, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, according to its kind, and every bird, according to its kind, every winged creature. 15 They x went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life. 16 And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in y as God had commanded him. And the Lord shut him in. 17 The flood z continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and bore up the

Earth dries: 70-day period





7:4, 10




7:11, 13

Flood begins; Noah and family enter the ark




Flood lasts 40 days and ends




Ark rests on mountains of Ararat after waters prevail and abate for 150 days total




Mountaintops eventually become visible




Raven sent out (after 40 days of mountaintop visibility)




Dove sent out




Dove’U UGEQPF ƃKIJV FC[U NCVGT ; returns with olive leaf




Dove’U VJKTF ƃKIJV FC[U NCVGT ; does not return




Waters fully abated; end of second 150-day period




Noah eventually removes the covering of the ark




Earth dried out; Noah leaves ark



Total time in ark: 370 days

chart.1-3.indd 1

7/16/08 10:06:17 AM


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ƌƛƈƊƊƌƒƐƖƔ Ƒƈƚƈ ƓƈƏƏƈƐƖƔ



αἰγιαλόν,1 καὶ καθίσαντες συνέλεξαν2 τὰ καλὰ εἰς ἄγγη,3 τὰ δὲ σαπρὰ4 ἔξω ἔβαλον.5 49



Ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· οὐκ ἔστιν προφήτης ἄτιμος1 εἰ μὴ ἐν τῇ πατρίδι2 καὶ ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ αὐτοῦ. 58 καὶ οὐκ ἐποίησεν ἐκεῖ δυνάμεις πολλὰς διὰ τὴν ἀπιστίαν3 αὐτῶν.

οὕτως ἔσται ἐν τῇ συντελείᾳ6 τοῦ αἰῶνος· ἐξελεύσονται7 οἱ ἄγγελοι καὶ ἀφοριοῦσιν8 τοῦ

14 Ἐν ἐκείνῳ τῷ καιρῷ ἤκουσεν Ἡρώδης ὁ τετράρχης τὴν ἀκοὴν Ἰησοῦ καὶ εἶπεν τοῖς

πυρός· ἐκεῖ ἔσται ὁ κλαυθμὸς11 καὶ ὁ βρυγμὸς12 τῶν ὀδόντων.13 51 συνήκατε14 ταῦτα

παισὶν6 αὐτοῦ· οὗτός ἐστιν Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτιστής·7 αὐτὸς ἠγέρθη8 ἀπὸ τῶν νεκρῶν, καὶ

πάντα; λέγουσιν αὐτῷ· ναί.

διὰ τοῦτο αἱ δυνάμεις ἐνεργοῦσιν9 ἐν αὐτῷ. 3 ὁ γὰρ Ἡρώδης κρατήσας τὸν Ἰωάννην

τοὺς πονηροὺς ἐκ μέσου τῶν δικαίων


ƌƛƈƊƊƌƒƐƖƔ Ƒƈƚƈ ƓƈƏƏƈƐƖƔ


καὶ βαλοῦσιν αὐτοὺς εἰς τὴν κάμινον 9





Ὁ δὲ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· διὰ τοῦτο πᾶς γραμματεὺς μαθητευθεὶς τῇ βασιλείᾳ τῶν οὐρανῶν

ἔδησεν αὐτὸν καὶ ἐν τῇ φυλακῇ ἀπέθετο10 διὰ Ἡρωδιάδα τὴν γυναῖκα Φιλίππου τοῦ

ὅμοιός ἐστιν ἀνθρώπῳ οἰκοδεσπότῃ16 ὅστις ἐκβάλλει ἐκ τοῦ θησαυροῦ17 αὐτοῦ καινὰ

ἀδελφοῦ αὐτοῦ. 4 ἔλεγεν γὰρ αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰωάννης· οὐκ ἔξεστίν σοι ἔχειν αὐτήν. 5 καὶ

καὶ παλαιά.

θέλων αὐτὸν ἀποκτεῖναι11 ἐφοβήθη τὸν ὄχλον ὅτι ὡς προφήτην αὐτὸν εἶχον.



Καὶ ἐγένετο ὅτε ἐτέλεσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς τὰς παραβολὰς ταύτας, μετῆρεν19 ἐκεῖθεν· 54 καὶ


Γενεσίοις12 δὲ γενομένοις τοῦ Ἡρώδου ὠρχήσατο13 ἡ θυγάτηρ τῆς Ἡρωδιάδος ἐν

ἐλθὼν εἰς τὴν πατρίδα20 αὐτοῦ ἐδίδασκεν αὐτοὺς ἐν τῇ συναγωγῇ αὐτῶν ὥστε

τῷ μέσῳ καὶ ἤρεσεν14 τῷ Ἡρώδῃ· 7 ὅθεν15 μεθ᾽ ὅρκου16 ὡμολόγησεν αὐτῇ δοῦναι17

ἐκπλήσσεσθαι αὐτοὺς καὶ λέγειν· πόθεν τούτῳ ἡ σοφία αὕτη καὶ αἱ δυνάμεις;


ὃ ἐὰν αἰτήσηται. 8 ἡ δὲ προβιβασθεῖσα18 ὑπὸ τῆς μητρὸς αὐτῆς· δός19 μοι φησὶν

οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ τοῦ τέκτονος22 υἱός; οὐχ ἡ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ λέγεται Μαριάμ, καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ

ὧδε ἐπὶ πίνακι20 τὴν κεφαλὴν Ἰωάννου τοῦ βαπτιστοῦ.21 9 καὶ λυπηθεὶς ὁ βασιλεὺς

αὐτοῦ Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Σίμων καὶ Ἰούδας; 56 καὶ αἱ ἀδελφαὶ23 αὐτοῦ οὐχὶ πᾶσαι

διὰ τοὺς ὅρκους22 καὶ τοὺς συνανακειμένους23 ἐκέλευσεν24 δοθῆναι.25 10 καὶ πέμψας


πρὸς ἡμᾶς εἰσιν; πόθεν οὖν τούτῳ ταῦτα πάντα;



καὶ ἐσκανδαλίζοντο ἐν αὐτῷ.

1 ἄτιμος adj nom sg masc unhonored, dishonored,

insignificant 1 αἰγιαλός n acc sg masc shore

14 συνίημι vb 2nd pl, aor act indic

2 συλλέγω vb 3rd pl, aor act indic gather, collect

15 μαθητεύω vb aor pass ptcp, nom sg masc make a

3 ἄγγος n acc pl neut container

disciple of, make a student of 16 οἰκοδεσπότης n dat sg masc household master 17 θησαυρός n gen sg masc treasure; treasury 18 παλαιός adj acc pl neut old, obsolete 19 μεταίρω vb 3rd sg, aor act indic go away 20 πατρίς n acc sg fem hometown; homeland 21 ἐκπλήσσομαι vb pres pass infin be astonished, be amazed 22 τέκτων n gen sg masc carpenter, builder 23 ἀδελφή n nom pl fem sister

4 σαπρός adj acc pl neut bad, rotten 5 βάλλω vb 3rd pl, aor act indic 6 συντέλεια n dat sg fem end, completion 7 ἐξέρχομαι vb 3rd pl, fut mid indic 8 ἀφορίζω vb 3rd pl, fut act indic separate, take away,

exclude; set apart 9 βάλλω vb 3rd pl, fut act indic 10 κάμινος n acc sg fem furnace, oven 11 κλαυθμός n nom sg masc weeping 12 βρυγμός n nom sg masc gnashing 13 ὀδούς n gen pl masc tooth

15 ὅθεν conj for which reason; from where 16 ὅρκος n gen sg masc oath

2 πατρίς n dat sg fem hometown; homeland

17 δίδωμι vb aor act infin

3 ἀπιστία n acc sg fem disbelief; unfaithfulness

18 προβιβάζω vb aor pass ptcp, nom sg fem cause to step

4 τετράρχης n nom sg masc tetrarch


5 ἀκοή n acc sg fem report, rumor; hearing; listening;

19 δίδωμι vb 2nd sg, aor act impv

ear 6 παῖς n dat pl masc (male) servant, slave; boy, child 7 βαπτιστής n nom sg masc baptizer, ritual washer 8 ἐγείρω vb 3rd sg, aor pass indic 9 ἐνεργέω vb 3rd pl, pres act indic work, operate 10 ἀποτίθημι vb 3rd sg, aor mid indic put away; put off; lay down 11 ἀποκτείνω vb aor act infin 12 γενέσια n dat pl neut birthday party 13 ὀρχέομαι vb 3rd sg, aor mid indic dance 14 ἀρέσκω vb 3rd sg, aor act indic please

20 πίναξ n dat sg masc plate; writing tablet 21 βαπτιστής n gen sg masc baptizer, ritual washer 22 ὅρκος n acc pl masc oath 23 συνανάκειμαι vb pres mid ptcp, acc pl masc recline at

table with 24 κελεύω vb 3rd sg, aor act indic command 25 δίδωμι vb aor pass infin

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SIN GLE CO LUMN JOURNALI NG BI BLE ® , ARTI ST SERI ES The ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series is a collection of journaling Bibles meant to celebrate the treasure of God’s Word. Each Bible features commissioned cover artwork designed by a Christian artist. • Beautiful Artwork: Each Bible includes an artist note card explaining the custom cover design

• Custom Endsheet: “Be Transformed,” “Garden,” “In Bloom,” “Penelope”

• Personal Bible Study Tool: Includes a 1-year reading plan and 2-inch ruled margins for writing reflections, prayers, and journal entries

• Solid-Color Endsheet: “The Lion and the Lamb,” “Flourish,” “Trellis,” “Christ the Reconciler,” “Scenes of Redemption”

• High-Quality Production: Features creamcolored paper, a ribbon marker, a smyth-sewn binding, and a unique vellum o-wrap 6.25" x 8" | 7.5-point Lexicon type | 1,360 pages | Single-column format

J O H N 2 :16

J O H N 4:2 4 temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17 His disciples remembered that it was written, a “Zeal for your house will consume me.” 18 So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple,1 and will you raise it up in three days?” 21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. Jesus Knows What Is in Man 23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people 25 and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man. You Must Be Born Again Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus2 by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” 3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again3 he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.4 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You5 must be born again.’ 8 The wind6 blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” 9 Nicodemus said to him, “How can these things be?” 10 Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things? 11 Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you7 do not receive our testimony. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.8 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.9


For God So Loved the World 16 “For God so loved the world,10 that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” 1 Or This temple was built forty-six years ago 2 Greek him 3 Or from above; the Greek is purposely ambiguous and can mean both again and from above; also verse 7 4 The same Greek word means both wind and spirit 5 The Greek for you is plural here 6 The same Greek word means both wind and spirit 7 The Greek for you is plural here; also four times in verse 12 8 Some manuscripts add who is in heaven 9 Some interpreters hold that the quotation ends at verse 15 10 Or For this is how God


loved the world a Ps. 69:9

John the Baptist Exalts Christ 22 After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside, and he remained there with them and was baptizing. 23 John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because water was plentiful there, and people were coming and being baptized 24 (for John had not yet been put in prison). 25 Now a discussion arose between some of John’s disciples and a Jew over purification. 26 And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, he who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you bore witness—look, he is baptizing, and all are going to him.” 27 John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven. 28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, ‘I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.’ 29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. 30 He must increase, but I must decrease.”1 31 He who comes from above is above all. He who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in an earthly way. He who comes from heaven is above all. 32 He bears witness to what he has seen and heard, yet no one receives his testimony. 33 Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true. 34 For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure. 35 The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand. 36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. Jesus and the Woman of Samaria Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John 2 (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), 3 he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. 4 And he had to pass through Samaria. 5 So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob’s well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour.2 7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” 8 (For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.) 9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?” (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.) 10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” 11 The woman said to him, “Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.” 13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.3 The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” 17 The woman answered him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.” 19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.” 21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him


1 Some interpreters hold that the quotation continues through verse 36 2 That is, about noon 3 Greek forever


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Hardcover Jessica Bush, Flourish 978-1-4335-8956-0 $ 66.49 O-wrap

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Hardcover Ruth Chou Simons, Be Transformed 978-1-4335-7269-2 $ 66.49 O-wrap

Hardcover Lulie Wallace, Penelope 978-1-4335-8871-6 $ 66.49 O-wrap

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Hardcover Joshua Noom, The Lion and the Lamb 978-1-4335-7267-8 $ 66.49 O-wrap

Hardcover Jess Phoenix, Garden 978-1-4335-7270-8 $ 66.49 O-wrap



The ESV Chronological Bible guides readers through 8 eras of Scripture in the order the events occurred. Divided into 365 daily readings, this Bible makes it easy to read over the course of a year. • Presents the ESV Text in Chronological Order: The entire Bible is divided into 8 distinct eras and organized in the order the events occurred • New One-Year Plan: Each of the 365 daily readings begins with a summary and timeline

• Readable Format: 9-point text and single-column paragraphs make text easy to read • Edited by Andrew Steinman: Expert in biblical chronology and author of From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology

6" x 9" | 9-point Lexicon (text) | 8.5-point Lexicon (notes) | Single-column format

R E A D I N G 75 | T H E U N I T E D M O N A R C H Y

David and Bathsheba 1100 BC

1050 BC The Ministry of Samuel

1010 BC The Reign of King Saul

971 BC The Reign of King David

931 BC The Reign of King Solomon

1 Chronicles 20 and 2 Samuel 10–12 depict David’s domination of the Ammonites and Syrian kingdoms. His continued success offers evidence of God’s fulfilling his covenant promise of establishing David’s house for eternity (cf. 2 Samuel 7). These military victories, ironically, frame the story of David’s great sin and its tragic consequences. Psalm 51 offers personal insight into David’s response after Nathan confronted him. 1 Chronicles 20; 2 Samuel 10–12:15; Psalm 51; 2 Samuel 12:15–31

1 Chronicles 20:1–8


2 Samuel 10:1–12:15


In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, Joab led out the army and ravaged the country of the Ammonites and came and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. And Joab struck down Rabbah and overthrew it. 2 And David took the crown of their king from his head. He found that it weighed a talent1 of gold, and in it was a precious stone. And it was placed on David’s head. And he brought out the spoil of the city, a very great amount. 3 And he brought out the people who were in it and set them to labor2 with saws and iron picks and axes.3 And thus David did to all the cities of the Ammonites. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem. 4 And after this there arose war with the Philistines at Gezer. Then Sibbecai the Hushathite struck down Sippai, who was one of the descendants of the giants, and the Philistines were subdued. 5 And there was again war with the Philistines, and Elhanan the son of Jair struck down Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam. 6 And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number, and he also was descended from the giants. 7 And when he taunted Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother, struck him down. 8 These were descended from the giants in Gath, and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.

After this the king of the Ammonites died, and Hanun his son reigned in his place. 2 And David said, “I will deal loyally4 with Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father dealt loyally with me.” So David sent by his servants to console him concerning his father. And David’s servants came into the land of the Ammonites. 3 But the princes of the Ammonites said to Hanun their lord, “Do you think, because David has sent comforters to you, that he is honoring your father? Has not David sent his servants to you to search the 1 A talent was about 75 pounds or 34 kilograms 2 Compare 2 Samuel 12:31; Hebrew he sawed 3 Compare 2 Samuel 12:31;

Hebrew saws 4 Or kindly; twice in this verse


R EA D I N G 75 | T H E U N I T E D M O NA RC H Y

city and to spy it out and to overthrow it?” 4 So Hanun took David’s servants and shaved off half the beard of each and cut off their garments in the middle, at their hips, and sent them away. 5 When it was told David, he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, “Remain at Jericho until your beards have grown and then return.” 6 When the Ammonites saw that they had become a stench to David, the Ammonites sent and hired the Syrians of Beth-rehob, and the Syrians of Zobah, 20,000 foot soldiers, and the king of Maacah with 1,000 men, and the men of Tob, 12,000 men. 7 And when David heard of it, he sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men. 8 And the Ammonites came out and drew up in battle array at the entrance of the gate, and the Syrians of Zobah and of Rehob and the men of Tob and Maacah were by themselves in the open country. 9 When Joab saw that the battle was set against him both in front and in the rear, he chose some of the best men of Israel and arrayed them against the Syrians. 10 The rest of his men he put in the charge of Abishai his brother, and he arrayed them against the Ammonites. 11 And he said, “If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you shall help me, but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will come and help you. 12 Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the Lord do what seems good to him.” 13 So Joab and the people who were with him drew near to battle against the Syrians, and they fled before him. 14 And when the Ammonites saw that the Syrians fled, they likewise fled before Abishai and entered the city. Then Joab returned from fighting against the Ammonites and came to Jerusalem. 15 But when the Syrians saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they gathered themselves together. 16 And Hadadezer sent and brought out the Syrians who were beyond the Euphrates.1 They came to Helam, with Shobach the commander of the army of Hadadezer at their head. 17 And when it was told David, he gathered all Israel together and crossed the Jordan and came to Helam. The Syrians arrayed themselves against David and fought with him. 18 And the Syrians fled before Israel, and David killed of the Syrians the men of 700 chariots, and 40,000 horsemen, and wounded Shobach the commander of their army, so that he died there. 19 And when all the kings who were servants of Hadadezer saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they made peace with Israel and became subject to them. So the Syrians were afraid to save the Ammonites anymore. In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel. And they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. 2 It happened, late one afternoon, when David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the king’s house, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful. 3 And David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, “Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” 4 So David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. (Now she had been purifying


1 Hebrew the River

T H E U N I T E D M O NA RC H Y | R EA D I N G 75


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6/7/22 4:30 PM



Hardcover 978-1-4335-8 950-8

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$92.99 Slipcase


DA ILY R EADI NG B I B L E A Guided Journey through God’s Word The ESV Daily Reading Bible offers readers the opportunity to develop their own daily habit of time in Scripture as they work through guided readings and reflection questions. • 500+ Daily Readings: Each reading takes approximately 8–10 minutes and features an introduction by Greg Gilbert and Alex Duke, 2–3 chapters of Scripture, and a reflection question to engage with the text • Accessible Reading Plan: Guides readers through the entire Bible over the course of two years

• Connects Relevant Scripture Passages: 90 “New Testament Connections” included throughout the Old Testament help readers see how the Old and New Testaments fit together • Broad Audience: Short readings make this perfect for middle school and high school students, new believers, and seasoned Christians looking to incorporate the Bible into their daily lives in a thoughtful manner

5.375" x 8.4375" | 9-point Lexicon (text) | 7.5-point Gotham (notes) | 2,100 pages | Single-column format

GEN ESIS 26:31


he made them a feast, and they ate and drank. 31 In the morning they rose early and exchanged oaths. And Isaac sent them on their way, and they departed from him in peace. 32 That same day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well that they had dug and said to him, “We have found water.” 33 He called it Shibah;1 therefore the name of the city is Beersheba to this day. 34 When Esau was forty years old, he took Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite to be his wife, and Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite, 35 and they made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah. Question: Immediately after God confirms his covenant promises to Isaac (26:3–4), Isaac utters the exact same lie about his wife that his father did — even in the same place (Gerar), with possibly the same king (Abimelech; see ch. 20). Nevertheless, the Lord blesses Isaac abundantly in that land. He has so many possessions that the Philistines envy him! Why do you think this account of blessing (26:12–16) is juxtaposed with the account of Isaac’s deception (26:7–11)? What does this suggest about the nature of God’s blessing in our lives?

Genesis 27–28: When Jacob was born, he was grasping at the heel of his older brother. That is why he was named Jacob (which means “he cheats” or “he grasps”). What we are about to read underscores the appropriateness of his name. That said, we should notice what happens to him —yet


GEN ESIS 27:29

‘Bring me game and prepare for me delicious food, that I may eat it and bless you before the Lord before I die.’ 8 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice as I command you. 9 Go to the flock and bring me two good young goats, so that I may prepare from them delicious food for your father, such as he loves. 10 And you shall bring it to your father to eat, so that he may bless you before he dies.” 11 But Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man. 12 Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be mocking him and bring a curse upon myself and not a blessing.” 13 His mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, bring them to me.” 14 So he went and took them and brought them to his mother, and his mother prepared delicious food, such as his father loved. 15 Then Rebekah took the best garments of Esau her older son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob her younger son. 16 And the skins of the young goats she put on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck. 17 And she put the delicious food and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob. 18 So he went in to his father and said, “My father.” And he said, “Here I am. Who are you, my son?” 19 Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me; now sit up and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.” 20 But Isaac said to his son, “How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?” He answered, “Because the Lord your God granted me success.” 21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Please come near, that I may feel you, my son, to know whether you are really my son Esau or not.” 22 So Jacob went near to Isaac his father, who felt him and said, “The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau.” 23 And he did not recognize him, because his hands were hairy like his brother Esau’s hands. So he blessed him. 24 He said, “Are you really my son Esau?” He answered, “I am.” 25 Then he said, “Bring it near to me, that I may eat of my son’s game and bless you.” So he brought it near to him, and he ate; and he brought him wine, and he drank. 26 Then his father Isaac said to him, “Come near and kiss me, my son.” 27 So he came near and kissed him. And Isaac smelled the smell of his garments and blessed him and said, 7

again, we might be surprised by God’s plan.


When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his older son and said to him, “My son”; and he answered, “Here I am.” 2 He said, “Behold, I am old; I do not know the day of my death. 3 Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me, 4 and prepare for me delicious food, such as I love, and bring it to me so that I may eat, that my soul may bless you before I die.” 5 Now Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to his son Esau. So when Esau went to the field to hunt for game and bring it, 6 Rebekah said to her son Jacob, “I heard your father speak to your brother Esau,



“ See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed! May God give you of the dew of heaven and of the fatness of the earth and plenty of grain and wine. Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be everyone who blesses you!”

1 Shibah sounds like the Hebrew for oath

Sample spread (61% actual size)


DA ILY R EADI NG B I B L E A Guided Journey through God’s Word AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 7, 2023

Hardcover 978-1-4335-8526-5 $43.99

Paperback 978-1-4335-7590-7 $33.49

Brown TT 978-1-4335-9136-5 $53.49 Slipcase



ESV Scripture Journals, Study Edition are designed to facilitate in-depth study of individual books of the Bible, providing all the guidance, tools, and space needed to dig deep into Scripture. • Features Book Introductions: Each volume includes an outline of the featured book of the Bible, highlights core doctrinal teaching, and alerts readers to key themes

• Helpful Tools for Understanding Context: Each volume provides a book-specific concordance and glossary that define key people, places, and terms

6" x 9" | 9-point Lexicon (text) | 7-point Gotham Narrow (notes) | Page count varies | Single-column format

E P H E S I A N S 1:6 6


to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the

Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known1 to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. 11

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined

according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee 2 of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it,3 to the praise of his glory. 1 Or he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight, making known . . . 2 Or down payment 3 Or until God redeems his possession

All Christians, male and female, are “sons” of God. They are all adopted heirs who will inherit blessings from their Father in heaven. according to the purpose of his will. God’s will is to pour out his grace and goodness on believers in Christ Jesus (see also Eph. 1:9, 11). 1:6 God’s ultimate purpose is the praise of his glorious name through redemption (see vv. 12, 14). 1:7 Redemption means ransoming from captivity or slavery. The supreme OT example was the exodus, where God redeemed Israel from slavery in Egypt (see Deut. 7:8; 2 Sam. 7:23). forgiveness of our trespasses. Christians are freed from slavery to sin and guilt by Christ’s blood. His death was an atoning sacrifice (see also Eph. 2:13; Heb. 9:15). 1:9 In Scripture, mystery refers to the revealing of something previously hidden. The mystery of God’s will, now revealed in Christ, is “to unite all things in him” (Eph. 1:10; see also 3:3–11). 1:10 fullness of time. The time for the fulfillment of God’s plan. unite. God has reconciled all creation in Christ.

1:11 Have obtained an inheritance means being assured of eternal life. predestined. God is firmly in control of history. This is in sharp contrast with the pagan gods of the time, who were often viewed as inconsistent or unable to act. who works all things according to the counsel of his will. Everything that occurs is in some sense predestined by God. As for tragedies and evil, the writers of Scripture never blame God for them (see Rom. 5:12; 2 Tim. 4:14; also Job 1:21–22). They are confident that evil will eventually be defeated. They believe God’s good plans will be fulfilled. How God’s sovereignty and human responsibility work together is, nonetheless, a mystery no one fully understands. 1:12 praise. See note on v. 6. 1:13 Sealed may mean that the Holy Spirit protects and preserves Christians until they receive their inheritance (see 4:30; 2 Cor. 1:22; Rev. 7:2–3). It could also mean the Spirit “certifies” them as genuine believers; they bear the “royal seal” (see John 3:33; Acts 10:44, 47).

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The ESV Heirloom Bible, Alpha Edition is printed and bound with unparalleled craftsmanship by Royal Jongbloed in the Netherlands and features premium materials and a readable typesetting.

• High Quality: Top-of-the-line leather covers with a lifetime guarantee

• Easy-to-Read Format: Spacious layout with 8-point type

• Specialty Features: Includes 2 ribbon markers, art gilding, European Bible paper, and an extra-smooth sewn binding

• Convenient: Portable trim size

5" x 7" | 8-point Lexicon type | 1,344 pages | Double-column format

GE N E S I S 5:25 25 When Methuselah had lived 187

years, he fathered Lamech. 26 Methuselah lived after he fathered Lamech 782 years and had other sons and daughters. 27 Thus all the days of Methuselah were 969 years, and he died. 28 When Lamech had lived 182 years, he fathered a son 29 and called his name Noah, saying, “Out of the ground that the Lord has cursed, this one shall bring us relief 1 from our work and from the painful toil of our hands.” 30 Lamech lived after he fathered Noah 595 years and had other sons and daughters. 31 Thus all the days of Lamech were 777 years, and he died. 32 After Noah was 500 years old, Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Increasing Corruption on Earth


When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in2 man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” 4 The Nephilim 3 were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. 5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.


7 Noah and the Flood 9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh,4 for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14 Make yourself an ark of gopher wood.5 Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. 15 This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark 300 cubits,6 its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits. 16 Make a roof7 for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above, and set the door of the ark in its side. Make it with lower, second, and third decks. 17 For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth shall die. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. 19 And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female. 20 Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground, according to its kind, two of every sort shall come in to you to keep them alive. 21 Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and store it up. It shall serve as food for you and for them.” 22 Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him. Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righ-


1 Noah sounds like the Hebrew for rest 2 Or My Spirit shall not contend with 3 Or giants 4 Hebrew The end of all flesh has come before me 5 An unknown kind of tree; transliterated from Hebrew 6 A cubit was about 18 inches or 45 centimeters 7 Or skylight

teous before me in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals,1 the male and his mate, and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, 3 and seven pairs2 of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of all the earth. 4 For in seven days I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living thing3 that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground.” 5 And Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him. 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth. 7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 8 Of clean animals, and of animals that are not clean, and of birds, and of everything that creeps on the ground, 9 two and two, male and female, went into the ark with Noah, as God had commanded Noah. 10 And after seven days the waters of the flood came upon the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 13 On the very same day Noah and his sons, Shem and Ham and Japheth, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them entered the ark, 14 they and every beast, according to its kind, and all the livestock according to their kinds, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, according to its kind, and every bird, according to its kind, every winged creature. 15 They went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life. 16 And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him. And the Lord shut him in.

GE N E S I S 8:7 17 The

flood continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth. 18 The waters prevailed and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the face of the waters. 19 And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered. 20 The waters prevailed above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits 4 deep. 21 And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, livestock, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died. 23 He blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens. They were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those who were with him in the ark. 24 And the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days. The Flood Subsides


But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided. 2 The fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, 3 and the waters receded from the earth continually. At the end of 150 days the waters had abated, 4 and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5 And the waters continued to abate until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen. 6 At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made 7 and sent forth a raven. It went to and fro

1 Or seven of each kind of clean animal 2 Or seven of each kind 3 Hebrew all existence; also verse 23 4 A cubit was about 18 inches or 45 centimeters

Sample spread (72% actual size)



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• Strengthen Spiritual Disciplines: Combine prayer and Bible study to connect with God and understand basic Bible themes • Makes a Great Gift: Perfect for birthdays, graduations, and to use with a friend

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A key theme of the book of Philippians is unity among believers. Paul wanted the church at Philippi to know that as Christians they could enjoy rich relationships with one another, united in such a way that the gospel would spread and the church could bring hope and light to a broken world. In verses 14–15 believers are instructed to


Day 1

do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Christian unity is a unique and powerful demonstration of the Spirit’s work. Such harmony looks so vastly different than the world around us that it cannot go unnoticed. This does not mean that believers will agree with one another on every matter, but rather that all our interactions are to be marked by love and genuine care for one another. For this type of unity to be possible, we must first be characterized by humility, counting our brothers and sisters as more significant than ourselves and considering their interests and needs to be more important than our own. Spend time today meditating on verses 2–3. As you do, pray for conviction and insight as you read. If the Lord brings to mind specific instances in which you have failed to put others’ interests before your own, confess those sins to the Lord. Ask for sensitivity to the Spirit, that you will recognize opportunities to show humility and will be equipped, by his power, to do so.

Sample spread (65% actual size)



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A (E–J)



STEP 1: Equip Each Classroom These print and digital resources provide enough material for roughly two years of lessons and are suitable for Sunday school, children’s church, and homeschooling contexts. Item(s)


Retail Price


The Biggest Story Curriculum

Boxed Set


Complete curriculum set (volumes 1–6) packaged in a sturdy slipcase.


The Biggest Story Bible Storybook



Use the storybook to tell each week’s story in class. Posters or videos can also be used.



Boxed Set


104 heavy-weight posters featuring full story text on the back.



Animated Videos


52 story videos available on TheBiggestStory.com in June 2023. All 104 videos available in 2024.

The Biggest Story Purchasing Guide • Page 1 of 2

and Samuel Word Lord’s TheLord’s and Samuel Word The From 1 Samuel 1 and 3 (ESV) Across



3. Where Hannah prayed, asking for a son


4. Peninnah was Hannah’s ______ 6. Eli’s second son


8. The high priest at the temple



9. God called Samuel to be a ______

Big Truth

God’s people should obey and share God’s word, the Bible.

Down 1. Samuel ______ from God 2. The husband of Hannah


'NKoU ƂTUV UQP 6. Eli told Hannah that God would grant her ______


7. The son of Hannah



Memory Verse

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.

The Lord’s Word and Samuel • 1 Samuel 1; 3 • Story 25

S TO RY 25 • 1 SA M U E L 1; 3




7 4


3 3


7 4



2 13 4









3 4 5






7 4





6 4



3 6





6 4


4 10




3 6

6 6

5 6 6

3 10 3


6 6 6



3. Light Green


7. Purple


9. Gray 10. Black


7 7


3 4 3 4


7 1


8 7 8

Go Away Wouldn’t Who Girl The The Girl Who Wouldn’t Go Away S TO RY 24 • RU TH 1– 4

We can trust God’s plan for our lives even when things don’t go our way.

6. Dark Blue 3

3 7

Big Truth

5. Light Blue

8. Pink








3 6





10 5





3 7

7 6


4. Dark Green 3

5 9



4 3







5 5


2. Orange


5 3




Color-byNumber Key 1. Red









4 7







6 3


5 3



4 4


5 9 5 5 5






3 3








4 3










Memory Verse

Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer! RUTH 4:14

Story 24 • Ruth 1–4 • The Girl Who Wouldn’t Go Away



Story 50 • Jonah 1–4 • Big Fish, Bigger Mercy

A Change of Clothes • Zechariah 3 • Story 51


K - Grade 5

STEP 2: Equip Each Teacher Customize these easy-to-follow teaching plans based on the age of your students, specific educational goals, or available time.



Retail Price



Volume 1: The Pentateuch



Curriculum for stories 1–20. Identical to volume 1 in the boxed set.


Volume 2: History



Curriculum for stories 21–36. Identical to volume 2 in the boxed set.


Volume 3: Poetry & Prophets



Curriculum for stories 37–52. Identical to volume 3 in the boxed set.


Volume 4: The Gospels



Curriculum for stories 53–84. Identical to volume 4 in the boxed set.


Volume 5: Acts, Epistles, & Revelation



Curriculum for stories 85–104. Identical to volume 5 in the boxed set.

STEP 3: Equip Each Student A variety of fun, age-appropriate activities keep children engaged as you lead them through God’s story of redemption. Item(s)


Retail Price




Reproducible coloring pages, activity pages, and craft templates are available for free at TheBiggestStory.com.


Volume 6: Coloring & Activity Book



Printed volume containing coloring and activity pages for all 104 stories.


Memory Verse Cards

Boxed Set


104 heavy-weight cards. Can be given to children at the end of each lesson.

The Kids Can Come Too • Mark 10 • Story 71


The Biggest Story Purchasing Guide • Page 2 of 2



For The Bible Tells Me So series







Lucy woke up with a jolt of excitement. It was Saturday—her favorite day of the week. She ran into her brother’s room and jumped on his bed.

“Lewis, wake up!” she cried. “Let’s go.”

She ran down the stairs, with a half-awake Lewis following in her



God's Great Story A Daily Devotional for Teens Jon Nielson


Summary One-Year Devotional Helps Teens Establish Daily Scripture-Reading Habits Young adulthood is often a pivotal stage in the life and faith of a believer. Christian teens are confronted with many challenges, making it harder for them to adopt effective Bible-reading habits. How can teens maintain a deep and fruitful relationship with Scripture while managing busy schedules and exciting new stages of life?

Crossway 9781433590337 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $22.99 USD Trade Paperback 400 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

God’s Great Story by Jon Nielson unpacks Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, helping young adults grasp God’s full narrative and form helpful reading habits to keep a strong relationship with the Lord. Designed to be read in a year, each of the 365 daily devotionals includes a summary, a practical application, and a guide for personal prayer and meditation. Readings build off of each other to help readers grasp God’s grand story of redemption and the full saving work of the Son. Fruitful Devotionals: Readings expand on the overarching narrative of the Bible to reveal God’s full redemption narrative One-Year Plan: Lays out a plan to read the whole Bible from Genesis through Revelation ...

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany Jonathan Gibson


Summary A 40-Day Devotional Liturgy for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany During Christmas, homes are filled with good food, welcoming family, and lively cheer. Streets are lined with lights and sprinkled with snow. Amid this season of beauty, even Christians can become distracted, keeping Jesus at an unintentional distance. How can Christians effectively prepare their hearts for the arrival of their King and worship him the way he deserves?

Crossway 9781433587948 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $29.99 USD Hardcover 432 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.6 lb Wt

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel by Jonathan Gibson presents a 40-day devotional liturgy guiding readers through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany—helping them keep their eyes fixed on Christ. Designed as a resource for the holiday season, each reading includes a guided meditation, applicable Scripture readings, hymns, prayers, creeds, and prompts for petition and confession. For individuals and families, this devotional will help Christians focus on Jesus and meditate on the mystery of his incarnation. 40 Daily Devotions: Featuring seasonal Scripture readings, hymns, prayers, and creeds, as well as time for meditation, petition, and confession Created for Advent, Chr...

Previous title: Be Thou My Vision


Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 1


Journey to Bethlehem A Treasury of Classic Christmas Devotionals Leland Ryken

Summary A 30-Day Anthology of Classic Christmas Writings For centuries, Christians have treasured the same classic hymns and passages at Christmas. While these works have stood the test of time, believers can be tempted to adopt them as commonplace and fail to consider their deeper meaning.

Crossway 9781433584190 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $29.99 USD Hardcover 144 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Holidays REL034020

Journey to Bethlehem presents an insightful selection of Christmas classics from the greatest English and American poets to important historical church figures such as Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Spurgeon. Ideal for reading during the month of December, yet applicable for use year-round, each of the 30 readings consists of a classic work, literary analysis, takeaway summary, and Bible passage. Literary expert Leland Ryken analyzes each hymn, poem, and prose to approach these classic works in a fresh way. By highlighting how each passage is edifying and stylistically satisfying, readers will experience a new fondness for these classic works as they meditate on the mystery of Christ’s incarnation. 30-Day Christmas Anthology: Each daily reading guides readers through the month of December Features Classic ...

9 in H | 6 in W | 1 lb Wt


Proverbs Stories of Wisdom and Folly David Murray

(StoryChanger Devo)

Summary A Daily Devotional through the Book of Proverbs from the StoryChanger Devotional Series If you want to change your story, you need to know God’s story. This devotional, part of the StoryChanger Devotional series, is a friendly, practical guide to understanding the book of Proverbs and how it shapes your story.

Crossway 9781433581014 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Religion / Christian Ministry REL023000 Series: The StoryChanger Devotional 0.3 in H | 0.2 in W | 0.03 lb Wt


Proverbs: Stories of Wisdom and Folly includes 50 devotionals written by David Murray, author of The StoryChanger. This series features daily readings designed to help you learn, love, and live according to the whole Bible. Murray walks you through a broad range of texts throughout the book of Proverbs, offering thoughtful comments on the book’s message, reflection questions, and a personal daily prayer. This devotional can help reorient your mind and transform your life with God’s better story. 50 Daily God-Centered Devotionals: Each day includes an explanation of that day’s reading, reflection questions, and a personal prayer Great for Families, Individuals, or Small Groups: Accessible for non-Christians and new Christians, this devotional helps readers learn how to effectivel...

Previous in series: Exodus Luke Philippians & Colossians

Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 2


Ephesians Growing in Christ Lydia Brownback

Summary A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Ephesians Ephesians reveals how believers, through union with Christ, have been given everything they need for a joy-filled life of faith. In this New Testament epistle, the apostle Paul reveals how Christians grow as a spiritual family in thought, word, and deed as together they live out their great spiritual privileges in their lives and relationships. Crossway 9781433575402 Pub Date: 7/25/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700 Series: Flourish Bible Study 9.1 in H | 7.4 in W | 0.5 lb Wt

In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback examines Ephesians verse by verse to guide Christians toward a godly life. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand the blessings of being united to Christ by faith, fellowship, spiritual maturity, and fruitful living. 10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Ephesians Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out of Scripture Perfect for Individuals or Small Groups: Includes discussion questions and additional verses for further reading


Flourish Bible Study for Women

Jonah God's Relentless Grace Lydia Brownback

Summary A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Jonah Crossway 9781433583261 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700 Series: Flourish Bible Study 9.1 in H | 7.4 in W


The story of Jonah is about so much more than a great, man-eating fish. This short Old Testament book is actually a powerful drama about God’s power, patience, and relentless grace—showing how God works out his purposes and how nothing can thwart his determination to save. Jonah's story is ultimately the story of Jesus and all believers as they learn to trust God and submit to his revealed word. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback explores Jonah verse by verse to help believers understand God’s overarching providence, the nature of true repentance, and the wondrous grace of God. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand the themes of compassion, mercy, patience, and sovereignty, ultimately encouraging Christians to reject personal comforts and trust God through every circumstance. 10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Jonah Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out ...

Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 3


The Parables of Jesus A 12-Week Study Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Knowing the Bible series

Summary Engaging 12-Week Study Helps Readers Better Understand and Apply God’s Word Crossway 9781433589447 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700 Series: Knowing the Bible 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


The Knowing the Bible series is a resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. These 12-week studies lead participants through books of the Bible and are made up of four basic components: (1) reflection questions help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) “Gospel Glimpses” highlight the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) “Whole-Bible Connections” show how any given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption, culminating in Christ; and (4) “Theological Soundings” identify how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. In The Parables of Jesus, Douglas Sean O'Donnell helps readers study some of Jesus' most famous narrative parables—including the good Samaritan, the prodigal son, and the rich fool—and understand their place in the storyline of Scripture. Helpful Bible Study Resource: Features date and historical background, theological context for the Bible passage, “Whole-Bible Connections,” compelling reflectio...

The Sermon on the Mount A 12-Week Study Drew Hunter, Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Knowing the Bible series

Summary Engaging 12-Week Study Helps Readers Better Understand and Apply God’s Word Crossway 9781433589409 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700 Series: Knowing the Bible 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


The Knowing the Bible series is a resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. These 12-week studies lead participants through books of the Bible and are made up of four basic components: (1) reflection questions help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) “Gospel Glimpses” highlight the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) “Whole-Bible Connections” show how any given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption, culminating in Christ; and (4) “Theological Soundings” identify how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. In The Sermon on the Mount, Drew Hunter examines the biblical event that led to some of Jesus’s most well-known statements, including the Beatitudes. Guiding readers through Matthew 5–7 passage by passage, this guide demonstrates that the Sermon the Mount is not a disorganized collection of sayings, but a series of naturally progressing sections. Helpful Bible Study Resource: Features date and hi...

Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 4


The Ten Commandments A 12-Week Study Michael LeFebvre, Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Knowing the Bible series

Summary Engaging 12-Week Study Helps Readers Better Understand and Apply God’s Word Crossway 9781433589362 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700 Series: Knowing the Bible 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


The Knowing the Bible series is a resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. These 12-week studies lead participants through books of the Bible and are made up of four basic components: (1) reflection questions help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) “Gospel Glimpses” highlight the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) “Whole-Bible Connections” show how any given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption, culminating in Christ; and (4) “Theological Soundings” identify how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. In The Ten Commandments, Michael LeFebvre leads a deep, engaging study of the Decalogue, exploring the importance of God’s commandments in church history, the overarching story of the Bible, and daily discipleship. Over the course of 12 weeks, readers will explore the practical implications of the Ten Commandments and be encouraged by God’s grace to renounce sin and live out godly love. Helpful B...

A Christian's Guide to Mental Illness Answers to 30 Common Questions David Murray, Tom Karel

Summary A Mental Health Q&A from a Christian Perspective After the fall, the world was disordered from structure to chaos—negatively altering the nature of human emotions. Today, we witness its impact as mental health concerns surge and people continue to suffer. How should Christians approach the topic of mental health? What is the most Christlike way to care for those who suffer?

Crossway 9781433587276 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $21.99 USD Trade Paperback 272 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Ministry REL050000

A Christian’s Guide to Mental Illness answers 30 commonly asked questions about mental health from a Christian perspective. Intended for caregivers, this accessible resource will equip family, friends, and churches with wisdom for caring for individuals with mental health illnesses. Authors David Murray and Tom Karel use a holistic approach as they share personal stories, professional expertise, and biblical wisdom to tackle difficult questions—ultimately providing hope for the hopeless and rest for the weary. Useful for Caregivers of Mental Health Sufferers: Equips family, friends, and church leaders with advice for helping those who suffer from mental illness Q&A Format: Each chapter answers a commonly asked quest...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 5


Don't Waste Your Life John Piper

2nd Edition

Summary In This Bestselling Book, John Piper Challenges Christians to a God-Exalting Life Many spend their lives on trivial diversions, seeking earthly comfort and pleasure above all else. But Jesus said, “Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it,” calling us into the eternal purpose and God-exalting life for which we were made. In this bestselling book, John Piper warns readers of the dangers of an irrelevant life that counts for nothing and calls Christians to the deeper joys, and risks, that matter for eternity. This new edition features a fresh cover, a revised preface, and updated statistics. Crossway 9781433580772 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback

Over 1 Million Copies Sold Written by Bestselling Author John Piper: Author of Desiring God; Providence; and Come, Lord Jesus Second Edition: Features a new preface, redesigned cover, and small revisions to the content Great Gift for High School or College Students: Inspires Christians to make a lasting difference for the cause of the gospel

200 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


What Did the Cross Achieve? J. I. Packer, Mark Dever

Signature Classic

Summary A Classic Essay on Penal Substitutionary Atonement from Theologian J. I. Packer Penal substitutionary atonement—the belief that Jesus’s death on the cross satisfied God’s wrath against sin—is central to the Christian faith, but frequently debated. Is it just to punish an innocent person in place of the guilty? How can the temporary death of one substitute for the eternal death of many? Why doesn’t the cross grant Christians unlimited permission to sin?

Crossway 9781433590504 Pub Date: 8/29/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback 136 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Theology REL067100 Series: Crossway Short Classics

In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel. Considered one of the most significant short works on penal substitutionary atonement from the 20th century, this careful, concise essay has influenced prominent theologians and is essential reading for students, pastors, and laypeople. From Renowned Theologian J. I. Packer: This work was originally delivered as a Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the L...

6.1 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.2 lb Wt


Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 6


Impossible Christianity Why Following Jesus Does Not Mean You Have to Change the World, Be an Expert in Everything, Accept Spiritual Failure, and Feel Miserable Pretty Much All the Time Kevin DeYoung

Summary Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung Offers Hope for Those Who Feel Like Christianity Has Become Hopelessly Crushing and Complex The apostle Paul described the Christian life as a race, but to many believers it feels more like a punishing obstacle course. Fearing they’ll never be able to do enough or give enough or be enough, they see themselves as spiritual failures. But Scripture offers good news: even in ordinary life, Christians can be faithful, fruitful, and pleasing to God. Crossway 9781433585340 Pub Date: 8/15/23 $19.99 USD Hardcover 160 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Impossible Christianity reassures readers that they don’t need to feel a collective sense of guilt for sins in the past and solve every societal problem in the present. Through biblical wisdom and engaging personal stories, Kevin DeYoung challenges the misconception that we need 40 hours in the day just to be good Christians. By reflecting on what Jesus actually taught about Christian discipleship, readers will be newly encouraged to pursue single-minded devotion to God and find lasting joy in a life of sincere and simple obedience. By Bestselling Writer Kevin DeYoung: Author of books including The Biggest Story; ...

7 in H | 5 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


Help for the Hungry Soul Eight Encouragements to Grow Your Appetite for God's Word Kristen Wetherell

Summary Encouragement to Treasure the Bible and Grow in Your Desire for God’s Life-Giving Word In our never-satisfied world, our souls hunger for more, and it’s tempting to reach for the wrong “food” to satisfy our needs. Thankfully, Jesus is the bread of life who offers us himself through the life-giving and sustainable feast of Scripture (John 6:35). But how often do we sit at Christ’s table, truly hungry for his word?

Crossway 9781433588617 Pub Date: 8/29/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover 160 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Help for the Hungry Soul offers 8 encouragements to spur an appetite for God’s word. Through searching questions, practical ideas, and moving testimonies, author Kristen Wetherell will help readers to reflect on their journey with their Bible and uncover how it is possible to treasure God’s word. For those feeling discouraged or guilty about a waning desire for Scripture, Wetherell will spark excitement in their spiritual life—ultimately encouraging them to put God and his word at the center of it all. Encourages Readers to Love God’s word: Teaches why readers should treasure the Bible to spark enthusiasm for reading Scripture Interactive Elements: This practical book provides ...

8.3 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


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The Surprising Genius of Jesus What the Gospels Reveal about the Greatest Teacher Peter J. Williams

Summary How the Story of the Prodigal Son Illuminates Jesus’s Genius Crossway 9781433588365 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 80 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006710 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt


When someone thinks of Jesus, “genius” is not likely the first word that comes to mind. But when studied in detail, Jesus’s teachings and interactions with others combined high levels of knowledge and insight, verbal skill, and simplicity—showing his genius. In The Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter J. Williams examines the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 to show the genius, creativity, and wisdom of Jesus’s teachings. He used simple but powerful stories to confront the Pharisees and scribes of the day, drawing on his knowledge of the Jewish Scriptures to teach his audience through complex layers and themes. Williams challenges those who question whether Jesus really was the source of the parables recorded in the Gospels, pointing readers to the truth of who Jesus is and why that matters for them today. Clear and Insightful: Accessible for general readers with in-depth footnotes for those wanting to learn more Biblical: Comprehensive, interscriptural analysis of the story of the prodigal son Written by Peter J. Williams:...

The Water and the Blood How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity Kevin Emmert

Summary This Thoughtful Book Explores How the Sacraments Shape Christian Identity Fully in Christ Crossway 9781433584992 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Religion / Christian Rituals & Practice REL055010 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


In today’s Western society, a robust sense of identity is advertised as essential. A thorough understanding of one’s character, personality, and status is the only way to gain significance and pursue purpose. In The Water and the Blood, author Kevin P. Emmert combats this self-fabricated and unfulfilling mindset with a sustainable solution through Christ. From a theological perspective, Emmert explores the depth of Christian identity, which God made visible through the sacraments of the church. This thoughtful book explains how God uses multisensory elements—water, bread, and wine—to communicate with his people and unite them to the life-giving body of Christ. Readers will dwell in this divine mystery, learning how a reconciled relationship with God establishes believers as baptized and communing beings with their identity fully in Christ. Offers a Sustainable Solution for Identity Confusion: Uncovers how a transformative relationship with Christ produces lasting significance and purpose Examines...

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The Lord Bless You and Keep You The Promise of the Gospel in the Aaronic Blessing Michael Glodo

Summary Exploring the Gospel through the Aaronic Blessing “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you,” (Numbers 6:24–25). For centuries, Christians have read these words and received them as a blessing. But have they deeply considered the meaning behind them? What does it mean for God’s face to shine upon his people? Faces are often referred to as the window to the soul, displaying emotion and providing relational clarity between individuals. This theme of faces reverberates throughout Scripture, first appearing with Adam and Eve and notably surfacing in the Aaronic benediction in Numbers 6. Crossway 9781433584237 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006840

The Lord Bless You and Keep You explores this benediction to discover the important connection between a person’s face and the face of God—finding that through faces, God shines the light of the gospel upon his people and offers his grace, goodness, and blessing to those who believe in him. Examines a Common Biblical Passage: Explores the context, meaning, and purpose of the Aaronic benediction Perfect for Laypeople and Church Leaders Alike: Use this book to explore how the...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.5 lb Wt


The Lord of Psalm 23 Jesus Our Shepherd, Companion, and Host David Gibson, Sinclair B. Ferguson

Summary Expository Study of Psalm 23 Reveals the Beauty and Deep Theological Meaning behind a Familiar Part of Scripture Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words.

Crossway 9781433587986 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $19.99 USD Hardcover 184 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006740 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt

David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host. Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need. Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength With a Foreword by Sinclair Ferguson


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The Upside Down Kingdom Wisdom for Life from the Beatitudes Chris Castaldo

Summary An Examination of the Beatitudes and Jesus’s Counterintuitive Blessings In our sinful world, we often struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and heartache. Everywhere we look, we see broken families and divided communities. How can we truly cultivate God’s kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven” in such a broken place?

Crossway 9781433584916 Pub Date: 7/18/23 $18.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006710

In the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2–12), Jesus urges us to set ourselves apart from the world, living in a counterculture with a new identity rooted in him. The Upside Down Kingdom examines this counterintuitive wisdom and explores its relevance for today. Drawing on insights from the biblical story of redemption, church fathers, Reformation scholars throughout history, and contemporary life, this book equips and encourages readers to get their spiritual bearings in an upside-down world. Author Chris Castaldo ultimately points readers to the kingdom of Christ—not as a set of rules, but as a means of bringing peace and blessing here and now. Written for Laypersons and Teachers of the Word: Perfect for those interested in issues confronting the church Thorough Study of the Beatitudes...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.5 lb Wt


Answering Speech The Life of Prayer as Response to God Daniel J. Brendsel

Summary Pursuing an Expansive Life of Prayer In wondrous contrast to silent idols, the one true God speaks. He addresses his people in love, and it’s their great privilege to answer him in prayer. At its root, prayer isn’t mere self-expression or a prod to get a silent God to speak, but it is a learned skill to answer God’s initiating word in Christ.

Crossway 9781433588945 Pub Date: 7/25/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012080

Through this thoughtful book, author and pastor Daniel J. Brendsel explains how responding to God can nurture prayerful engagement with Scripture, shape healthy rhythms among God’s praying people, and spur excitement for communion with God. For those disappointed by their current life of prayer, Answering Speech invites readers to enter into an expansive and exuberant life of response to the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. Offers a Unique Perspective: Explores how Christians are not initiators of prayer but responders to what God has already done Appeals to Pastors and Thoughtful Laypersons: Focuses on important issues that should be taught within the local church Theological yet Accessible: Deeply rooted in theology, this b...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


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Beauty Is Your Destiny How the Promise of Splendor Changes Everything Philip Graham Ryken

Summary An Examination of Beauty in the Christian Life from Philip Ryken The world is full of beautiful things—the vibrancy of trees in fall, the joy of sitting around a table with family—but in our fallen world, many beautiful things have been turned into ugly distortions. How should Christians think about beauty in a world that is often ugly?

Crossway 9781433587726 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 200 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012030

In Beauty Is Your Destiny, Philip Ryken provides readers with an introduction to the theology and practice of beauty, striving to awaken a longing for beauty that he explains “can only be satisfied in the face of Jesus Christ.” Adapted from chapel messages given at Wheaton College, Ryken considers key topics on Christian thought—including the Trinity, the incarnation, sexuality, and racial diversity—through the lens of beauty, showing how beauty illuminates each of these biblical principles in our world today. Introduction to the Theology of Beauty: Great for college students, pastors, and small groups Biblically Based: Examines how beauty is seen in Christian doctrines such as eternity, the church, and the crucifixion Written by Philip Ryken: Presiden...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt


Courage How the Gospel Creates Christian Fortitude Joe Rigney

Summary Exploring Courage in Light of the Gospel Throughout Scripture, important biblical figures have faced numerous adversities with remarkable courage. In the New Testament, the apostles endured persecution, imprisonment, and even death for spreading the good news of the gospel. Yet, amid their struggle, they continued to expand the kingdom of God—even rejoicing as they suffered for Christ. How can believers exhibit this same courage today?

Crossway 9781433583131 Pub Date: 8/8/23 $12.99 USD Trade Paperback 160 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 Series: Growing Gospel Integrity

In Courage, author Joe Rigney explores the Christian virtue of fortitude and its connection to the gospel. From a theological perspective, Rigney argues that courage—used in the proper context—is a sign of God’s salvation and a believer’s faith in Christ. In this concise and practical book, readers will defeat feelings of anxiety, anger, and fear as they gain boldness from God to endure all of life’s circumstances. Explores Christian Fortitude: How the gospel shapes this important Christian virtue Practical Study: This concise guide encourages Christians to build up their boldness through Christ A Part of the Growing Gospel Integrity Series: Created ...

7 in H | 5 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


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The Death of Porn Study Guide Ray Ortlund

Summary Study Guide from Ray Ortlund Equips Men to Join the Battle against Porn In his book The Death of Porn, pastor Ray Ortlund calls an entire generation to believe in their God-given royalty and push back against the degrading porn industry. This companion study guide walks readers through each of the 6 chapters with discussion questions, a chapter summary, Scripture passages for reflection or meditation, a prayer, and space to write responses. Designed for small groups, Bible studies, or individuals, The Death of Porn study guide is perfect for men looking to dive deeper into the wondrous truth of the gospel and apply practical steps of integrity for themselves and their generation. Crossway 9781433590603 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $11.99 USD Trade Paperback

Companion Study Guide: Designed to be used alongside The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund Bible Study for Men: Perfect for small groups or individuals Interactive: Offers reflection questions for each chapter and space for study notes

48 Pages Carton Qty: 136 Religion / Christian Living REL012110 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.1 lb Wt


Digital Liturgies Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age Samuel James

Summary How the Habitat of Internet Technology Undermines Christian Wisdom With advancements in internet technology, people can get instant answers to just about any of their questions, connect long distance with family and friends, and stay informed with events around the world in real time. In Digital Liturgies, tech-realist Samuel D. James examines the connection between patterns in technology and human desires. Everyone longs for a glimpse of heaven; James argues they are just looking for it in the wrong place—the internet. Crossway 9781433587139 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012110 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt

This accessible book exposes 5 “digital liturgies” that prohibit people from contemplating big truths, accepting the uncomfortable, and acknowledging God as their Creator. It then calls readers to live faithfully before Christ, finding wisdom through Scripture and rest in God’s perfect design. A Biblical View of the Internet and Technology: Readers explore the connection between human desire, the internet, and wisdom through a Christian lens Great for College Students, Parents, and Pastors: This book encourages readers to live faithfully for Christ Offers a Tech-Realist ...


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5 Lies: 1. Homosexuality is normal. 2. Being a spiritual person is kinder than being a biblical Christian. 3. Feminism is good for the world & the church. 4. Transgenderism is normal. 5. Modesty is an outdated burden that serves male dominance & holds women back. Study Guide 9781433590535 $15.99

Book + Study Guide 9781433592188 $53.49


Go and Do Likewise A Call to Follow Jesus in a Life of Mercy and Mission Amy DiMarcangelo

Summary Learning to Extend God’s Compassion to Those Who Need It Most In love, Jesus came to redeem sinful people and restore a fallen world, and he invites all of his followers to join this good work. But how can believers effectively care for their neighbors when life is so marred by sin and suffering? Is it possible for ordinary Christians to participate in God’s mission to restore a broken world?

Crossway 9781433588068 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012110

From a theological perspective, Go and Do Likewise explores God’s grand story of redemption to uncover how ordinary Christians can extend God’s compassion to those in need. Author Amy DiMarcangelo builds on biblical principles and provides discussion questions for everyday application. This practical book encourages believers to joyfully engage in Christ’s mission—relying on the gospel to spur mercy, justice, and generosity to those who need it most. Explores the Gospel to Shape Christlike Christians: Encourages believers to show mercy, justice, generosity, and love to those who need it most Interactive: Discussion questions provide readers with reflection and everyday application Appeals to Laype...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.6 lb Wt


Reforming Criminal Justice A Christian Proposal Matthew T. Martens, Derwin Gray

Summary Noted Attorney and Seminary Graduate Matthew T. Martens Answers the Question: Does the Design and Operation of the American Criminal Justice System Reflect Christian Love of Neighbor? Crossway 9781433581823 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $34.99 USD Hardcover

In Luke 10:27, Jesus tells his followers that the whole law is encapsulated in the commands to love God and to love their neighbor as themselves. In Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal, Matthew T. Martens argues that love of neighbor must be the animating force for true reformation of the criminal justice system. We must ask, how does Scripture guide our love for both the criminally victimized and the criminally accused?

416 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Social Science / Criminology SOC004000

Using his 25-year experience as a federal prosecutor and defense attorney, Martens reveals how Scripture provides several guideposts (accuracy, due process, accountability, impartiality, and proportionality) for loving our neighbors as it relates to criminal and social justice. He then summarizes the history of America’s justice system and examines how it operates today. By better understanding how our current system operates and considering how love of neighbor relates to ...

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


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Planting by Pastoring A Vision for Starting a Healthy Church Nathan Knight


Summary Recentering the Goal of Pastoral Ministry to Cultivate God-Honoring Church Plants As churches rapidly expand, Christians risk viewing the church with an entrepreneurial mindset. Church planters can be tempted to fixate on gaining numbers and achieving financial stability as their only metrics for success. They fail to focus on lifting up Christ’s people within the church.

Crossway 9781433588112 Pub Date: 7/25/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Ministry REL074000 Series: 9Marks

In Planting by Pastoring, author Nathan Knight challenges our view of church planting and centers the goal of pastoral ministry on a basic biblical foundation: a church plant is in fact a church, and a planter is in fact a pastor. A healthy church plant is not measured by size, speed, or level of self-sufficiency but by good pastoring that produces faith, fruit, and a flourishing community. Once pastors and church leaders redefine their plant as a church, their ministry will begin to align with Jesus’s mission to shepherd the flock and bring glory to God alone. Provides Wisdom: This book reminds church planters of the heart of the church and the core purpose of pastors Offers a Unique Perspective: Addresses foundation...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


Authority How Godly Rule Protects the Vulnerable, Strengthens Communities, and Promotes Human Flourishing Jonathan Leeman

Summary Accessible Guide from 9Marks Equips Believers to Steward Their God-Given Authority In every position of power—from executives and world leaders to church elders and parents—lies the potential for life-giving leadership or destructive corruption. Driven by sinful pride or opportunism, many people abuse their God-given influence, harming the ones they’re called to lead and contributing to an intense angst against authority. The answer to bad authority, however, is not no authority, but good authority—the kind that, according to Scripture, causes those under it to flourish. Crossway 9781433587634 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $22.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Christian Ministry REL074000 Series: 9Marks

In this compelling guide from 9Marks, Jonathan Leeman shows that authority, done biblically, is not only good, but is essential to human flourishing. Through Scripture and many first-hand stories, he presents 5 attributes of positive authority and warns against sinfulness that corrupts leadership. Pointing to Jesus as the ultimate model of good authority, Leeman equips readers to pursue godly influence in their personal and professional lives. Applicable: Challenges readers to identify weaknesses in their own leadersh...

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.9 lb Wt


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You're Not Crazy Gospel Sanity for Weary Churches Ray Ortlund, Sam Allberry

Summary Practical Advice for Weary Leaders Who Want a Gospel-Centered Culture for Their Church Being a pastor is hard. Whether it’s relational difficulties in the congregation, the increasingly hostile attitude towards church, or just the struggle to continue in ministry with joy and faithfulness, the pressure on leaders can be truly overwhelming. It’s no surprise that pastors are burned out, tempted to give up, or think they’re going crazy. While we’re quick to assert what the gospel says, we’re often too slow to admit what the gospel should do for our churches: reflect Christ’s beauty through a godly, grace-filled culture. Crossway 9781433590573 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Ministry REL074000 Series: The Gospel Coalition

In this practical guide, seasoned pastors Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry help weary leaders renew their love for ministry by equipping them to build a gospel-centered culture into every aspect of their churches. Emphasizing the importance of healthy doctrine, they explain that failing to also nurture a healthy culture can be frustrating, polarizing, and even unbiblical. This encouraging guide features Scripture-focused advice on honesty, honor, preaching, leadership, and miss...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt


Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy Eight Truths for Pursuing Unity in Your Church Jamie Dunlop

Summary Loving Those at Church Who Are Hard to Love Crossway 9781433589928 Pub Date: 11/28/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 64 Religion / Christian Ministry REL023000 Series: 9Marks 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt


Churches are full of differences. In recent years, political and social issues such as convictions about public schools, the best way to combat racism, and a particular musical style have frayed the unity of many churches. Yet if a church is centered on Christ alone, then unity at church will sometimes mean building genuine friendships with those who are different. How can Christians navigate those relationships? Can they really love people at church who sometimes drive them crazy? This practical guide explores 8 truths from Romans 12–15 that show us how to find God-exalting unity at church with those we struggle to love. Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy is a roadmap to finding joy in Christ through the many differences we have with fellow believers, a joy that powerfully declares the glory of God. Because easy love rarely shows off gospel power. Rooted in Scripture: Examines Paul’s teaching to the churches in Rome who, like us, were struggling to find unity in Christ amidst their own differences of background, priorities, and convictions Ref...

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The Gospel and the Modern World A Theological Vision for the Church D. A. Carson, Brian J. Tabb

Summary Thirty-Three Collected Essays from D. A. Carson Crossway 9781433590948 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $29.99 USD Trade Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Theology REL067080 Series: The Gospel Coalition 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Biblical scholar D. A. Carson has contributed a tremendous amount to the field of evangelical thought, serving as cofounder of the Gospel Coalition, editor of the theological journal Themelios, and, beginning in 2022, as president of the Evangelical Theological Society. Reflecting on his esteemed career, Carson’s colleagues have gathered some of his best work in this warm, enriching collection. The Gospel and the Modern World features 33 of Carson’s essays from Themelios on a wide range of topics, including his vision for the evangelical church, the authoritative word of God, Christ and culture, and Christian discipleship. It also includes articles from editor Brian J. Tabb, Andrew David Naselli, and Collin Hansen. Celebrating an illustrious, Christ-exalting career, this collection imparts years of experience and Christian scholarship to a new generation of readers. A Celebration of the Work of D. A. Carson: Marks Carson’s 2022 presidency of the Evangelical Theological Society and the 50th anniversary of Themelios Informative: A valuable re...

Remaking the World How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West Andrew Wilson


Summary How 7 Transformational Events in 1776 Paved the Way for Today’s Post-Christian West With dizzying social transformations in everything from gender to social justice, it may seem like there’s never been a more tumultuous period in history. But a single year in the late 18th century saw a number of influential transformations—or even revolutions—that changed the social trajectory of the Western world. By understanding how those events influenced today’s cultural landscape, Christians can more effectively bear witness to God’s truth in a post-Christian age.

Crossway 9781433580536 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $29.99 USD Hardcover 368 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Philosophy REL051000

In Remaking the World, Andrew Wilson highlights 7 major developments from the year 1776—globalization, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Enrichment, the American Revolution, the rise of post-Christianity, and the dawn of Romanticism—and explains their relevance to social changes happening today. Carefully examining key documents and historical figures, Wilson demonstrates how a monumental number of political, philosophical, economical, and industrial changes in the year of America’s founding shaped the modern West...

9 in H | 6 in W | 1.6 lb Wt


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Ministry in the New Realm A Theology of 2 Corinthians Dane C. Ortlund, Thomas R. Schreiner, Brian S. Rosner


Summary An Introduction to the Theology and Themes of 2 Corinthians by Dane C. Ortlund Crossway 9781433574153 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $21.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006720 Series: New Testament Theology 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


Best known for its interpersonal, emotionally raw, and pastorally distressed tone, 2 Corinthians is one of Paul’s most distinctive epistles. In this letter to his complicated church in Corinth, Paul aims to expand on the deeply paradoxical nature of the Christian life. The importance of understanding this key doctrine makes 2 Corinthians an ideal study for believers today. In this volume of the New Testament Theology series, bestselling author Dane Ortlund explores 2 Corinthians to reveal the core arguments presented by Paul. Through clear and engaging theological examinations, Ortlund expounds two predominant themes—inaugurated eschatology and strength through weakness—and connects various other motifs traced throughout this epistle. Readers will learn how Christ’s resurrection ushered in the new realm—one where life and ministry are flipped upside down, and God’s power is intertwined with human weakness. Part of the New Testament Theology Series: Other volumes include The Joy of Hearing; United to Christ,...

Hidden with Christ in God A Theology of Colossians and Philemon Kevin McFadden, Thomas R. Schreiner, Brian S. Rosner

Summary An Introduction to the Theology of Colossians and Philemon by Kevin W. McFadden Crossway 9781433576560 Pub Date: 10/31/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006720 Series: New Testament Theology 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


Is our hope in the gospel of Christ sufficient for our every need? After reflecting on this question during periods of difficult earthly circumstances, Paul wrote two letters to the church at Colossae to express the hidden hope “laid up for you in heaven” (Colossians 1:5) and found in the person of Christ. In this volume of the New Testament Theology series, author Kevin W. McFadden focuses on the specific teachings of Paul to examine the theology and themes of Colossians (walking in Christ) and Philemon (welcoming our brothers). While reading this comprehensive yet concise study, believers will learn what it means to live a Christ-centered life as they explore Christ as hope, our knowledge of God, and our life above in heaven and here on earth. Part of the New Testament Theology Series: Other volumes include The Joy of Hearing; United to Christ, Walking in the Spirit; The Beginning of the Gospel; and more Ideal for Anyone Wanting to Study the Bible More Deeply: Perfect for pastors, seminarians, college s...

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The Atonement An Introduction Jeremy Treat, Graham A. Cole, Oren R. Martin

Summary A Concise Introduction to the Doctrine of the Atonement The atonement is central to Christian theology and essential for following Jesus. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, pastor Jeremy Treat explains what Scripture teaches about the atonement and how it impacts one’s daily life.

Crossway 9781433575693 Pub Date: 8/22/23 $18.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 64 Religion / Christian Theology REL067110 Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

Treat demonstrates that the death of Christ is a multi-dimensional work within the story of the kingdom of God. While the accomplishments of the cross are unending (including forgiveness, victory, and renewal), the heart of the cross is substitution—Jesus dying on behalf of sinners. Christ’s atoning work reconciles believers to God and to one another, calling them to a life of obedience. This book presents a kingdom-framed, substitutioncentered, trinitarian, integrated, communal, and life-changing approach to the doctrine of atonement. Accessible: Designed to be short and approachable, this text is an ideal resource for college students, pastors, and laypeople Practical: The depths of the gospel are applied to discipleship, community, and ethics Part of the Short Studies in S...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.6 lb Wt

Short Studies in Systematic Theology


The Holy Spirit An Introduction Fred Sanders, Oren R. Martin, Graham A. Cole

Summary Understanding the Work and Power of the Holy Spirit in Scripture In much of modern theology, the Holy Spirit is often ignored or his role in a believer’s day-to-day life is misunderstood. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Fred Sanders teaches his readers how to hold a proper biblical understanding of both the person and power of the Holy Spirit.

Crossway 9781433561436 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Religion / Christian Theology REL067090 Series: Short Studies in Systematic Theology

New believers and seasoned saints alike will learn about the Holy Spirit’s work in the cosmos, salvation history, and God’s plans for the future. To accomplish this, Sanders explains the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in relation to the Trinity, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. In this short introduction readers will gain a better theological grasp of the Holy Spirit and instruction on why he matters for the Christian life. For Those Interested in Systematic Theology: Particularly helpful for pastors, interested laypeople, and academics Accessible: Part of the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, introducing major doctrines of Christian theology in a clear and concise manner Biblical: Examines w...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 lb Wt


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Deeper Study Guide Real Change for Real Sinners Dane C. Ortlund

Summary Go Deeper with this Companion Study Guide by Dane C. Ortlund How do Christians grow? Few question the call of the Bible to grow in godliness, but the answer to exactly how this happens is often elusive. In Deeper, Dane Ortlund points believers to Christ, making the case that sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but by going deeper into the wondrous gospel truths that washed over them when they were first united to him.

Crossway 9781433590887 Pub Date: 7/18/23 $11.99 USD Trade Paperback 48 Pages Carton Qty: 168 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 Series: Union

Designed to be used in conjunction with the book, the Deeper Study Guide covers all 9 chapters of the book, with each chapter offering 10 reflection questions on the topics of despair, union, honesty, pain, and more. Whether readers choose to study alone or in a group, this guide will encourage them to fix their gaze on Jesus in the battle against sin—casting themselves upon his grace and living out their invincible identity in Christ. Companion Study Guide: Designed to be used alongside Deeper by Dane C. Ortlund Great for Individuals and Groups Alike: Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, or individuals looking to dive deeper into the won...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.2 lb Wt


Deeper Real Change for Real Sinners Dane C. Ortlund

Book + Study Guide Combo

Summary Grow Deeper in Faith with This Book and Study Guide Set by Bestselling Author Dane C. Ortlund How do Christians grow? Few question the call of the Bible to grow in godliness, but the answer to exactly how this happens is often elusive. In Deeper, Dane Ortlund points believers to Christ, making the case that sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but by going deeper into the wondrous gospel truths that washed over them when they were first united to him.

Crossway 9781433592195 Pub Date: 7/18/23 $31.99 USD Book 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 Series: Union

This Deeper set includes a copy of the book and the companion study guide, with 10 reflection questions per chapter, to help readers explore the topics of despair, union, honesty, pain, and more. Ideal for small groups and individuals, these Deeper resources will encourage readers to fix their gaze on Jesus in the battle against sin—casting themselves upon his grace and living out their invincible identity in Christ. Companion Set: Designed to be used in conjunction with one another, this book and study guide are perfect for further study and reflection Great for Individuals and Groups Alike: Perfect for small...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 19


Christianity and Science Herman Bavinck, N. Gray Sutanto, James Eglinton, Cory C. Brock

Summary This Companion to Theologian Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview Explores Christianity’s Contributions to Higher Education After writing his well-known book Christian Worldview, Dutch Calvinist theologian and scholar Herman Bavinck focused his attention on how the Christian faith benefits higher learning, particularly religious studies, natural sciences, and the humanities.

Crossway 9781433579202 Pub Date: 8/29/23 $32.99 USD Hardcover

Christianity and Science explores the pros and cons of Christian science and features brief, informative sections on the natural sciences, the humanities, theological science and religious studies, the doctrine of revelation, the benefits of Christianity for scholarship, and what it means to develop a Christian university. Responding to the challenges of the modern age, Bavinck recognizes the significance of faith in education. Edited and translated in English for the first time by N. Gray Sutanto, James Eglinton, and Cory C. Brock, this fundamental work will inspire Christian teachers, practitioners, and seminarians in their pursuits. Foundational Text on Christian Education: Analyzes how faith shapes various disc...

240 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Theology REL067070 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 1 lb Wt


Apostasy from the Gospel John Owen, Joel Beeke, Lee Gatiss, Shawn D. Wright

Summary Volume 14 of The Complete Works of John Owen Warns Christians about the Dangers of Apostasy Regarded as one of the greatest theologians in history, 17th-century pastor John Owen remains influential among those interested in Puritan and Reformed theology. The Complete Works of John Owen brings together all of Owen’s original theological writing, including never-before-published work, reformatted for modern readers in 40 user-friendly volumes. Volume 14, Apostasy from the Gospel, features Owen’s book-length treatise on the threat of heresy, the need for repentance, and the importance of preserving biblical purity of doctrine, holiness, and worship. With extensive introductions by editor Joel R. Beeke, this volume also includes outlines, footnotes, and other supporting resources. Crossway 9781433560293 Pub Date: 8/15/23 $39.99 USD Hardcover 432 Pages Carton Qty: 10 Religion / Christian Theology REL067100 Series: The Complete Works of John Owen

Released over a number of years, The Complete Works of John Owen will inspire a new generation of Bible readers and scholars to deeper faith. Edited and Formatted for Modern Readers: Presents Owen’s original work, newly typeset with outlines, text breaks, headings, and footnotes Informative New Introductions: Provid...

9 in H | 6 in W | 2.2 lb Wt


Crossway fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 20

45% B&H 20% LIFEWAY


B I B LES fall 2023

KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features a large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a pocket, backpack, or purse. This Bible makes the perfect gift for a person “on the go” who wants to keep the Word of God close, accessible, and convenient to read at all times.

features • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text Compact portable trim size that is easy-to-carry Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format Topical page headings Large 8-point type size Words of Christ in red Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Topical Concordance Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps

The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

audience • Students to adults who are on the go and need a compact Bible with larger print

marketing highlights • Large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a pocket, backpack, or purse • This Bible makes the perfect gift for a person “on the go” who wants to keep the Word of God close, accessible, and convenient to read at all times • Features the Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text



binding material




Burnt Sienna LeatherTouch®




Olive LeatherTouch®


ALSO AVAILABLE IN CSB release date: September 15, 2023 Pages: 1,728 Size: 4.4 x 6.5 Font: 8 pt. Spine Width: 1.5" Carton Qty: 24 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB006040/BIBLES/King James Version/Reference B


B IBL E S fall 2023

KJV Spurgeon Study Bible Often called the “Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon preached to more than 10 million people in his lifetime, and his written sermons have impacted millions more. The KJV Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon’s sermons, selected and edited by Alistair Begg to bring the richness of the Prince of Preachers’ insights into your daily study of God’s Word.

features • Introductory biography of Charles Spurgeon • Study notes crafted from Spurgeon’s sermons • Extracted sermon illustrations placed on the same page as the associated biblical text • Sermon notes and outlines in Spurgeon’s own handwriting • “Spurgeon Quotables” inserted throughout the Bible • Book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon’s own words • Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text • Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding • Two-column text format • Topical subject headings • Black-letter text • 9-point type size • Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages • Concordance • Presentation page for gift-giving • Full-color maps The KJV Spurgeon Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

audience A

• Gift buyers • Teachers • Students

marketing highlights • Known as “The Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon preached to more than 10 million people in his lifetime. Includes a brief biography written by Allistair Begg, discussing the life, ministry, and impact of Spurgeon • Bible book introductions featuring a section with a summary of the book in Spurgeon’s own words • Study notes culled and adapted from Spurgeon’s published, worldrenowned sermons


also available in Cloth Over Board price: $66.49 isbn: 9781462741113


binding material




Tan LeatherTouch®




Brown Bonded Leather


ALSO AVAILABLE IN CSB release date: September 15, 2023 pages: 1,520 size: 7.6 x 10 font: 9pt spine width: 1.7" carton qty: 12 rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB006050/King James Version/Study


B IBL E S fall 2023

KJV Outreach Bible, Large Print Edition The KJV Outreach Bible, Large Print Edition features large, easy-to-read 9.5-point type size. This outreach style Bible is available for bulk purchase and designed to be accessible and affordable for churches, ministries, and individuals to provide seekers and new believers a Bible of their own. Included are extra tools and resources to answer common questions and help readers to better understand and apply the truths found in God’s Word.

features • • • • • •

also available

Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text Two-column verse-by-verse text format Large 9.5-point type size Topical page headings “Where to Turn” section with Scripture references for common life issues “Frequently Asked Questions” with answers

The KJV Outreach Bible, Large Print Edition features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

audience • Pastors • Church leaders • Evangelists

marketing highlights

KJV Outreach Bible

price: $5.49 isbn: 9781462779864

• Features large 9.5-point type size for those with diminished or impaired vision or those desiring a larger font + Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text • Designed to be accessible and affordable for churches, ministries, and individuals to provide seekers and new believers a Bible of their own. Available in bulk • Included are extra tools and resources to answer common questions and help readers to better understand and apply the truths found in God’s Word isbn 9781087767864

binding material


Trade Paper


ALSO AVAILABLE IN CSB release date: October 15, 2023 pages: 960 size: 6.125 x 9.1875 font: 9.5pt spine width: 2" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB006100/King James Version/Outreach

KJV Outreach Bible for Kids price: $5.49 isbn: 9781087787176


B IBL E S fall 2023

KJV Essential Teen Study Bible God’s Word is foundational to our lives, changing everything! The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features redemption-focused devotionals and study helps written specifically for teens to help them better understand God’s love and the truth of the gospel. With a full-color immersive design and robust study tools placed from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible includes everything teens need to apply God’s Word to their life and learn to live God’s way.

features • 144 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens • “Redemption Thread” feature to show how the entire Bible points to Jesus • “Behind the Story” study helps to provide background and context for important passages • “Respond” callout prompts to help teens apply key biblical truths to everyday life • “Essential Questions” about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know • “99 Essential Truths” of the Christian faith to foster growth and discipleship • Key memory verse callouts from Genesis to Revelation • Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible • Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding • Two-column verse-by-verse text format • Topical subject headings • Easy-to-read 9.5-point type size • Words of Christ in red • Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages • Presentation page for gift-giving • Full-color maps


The KJV Essential Teen Study Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

audience • Parents, grandparents, and ministry leaders of teens ages 13+

marketing highlights


• 146 redemption-focused devotions written specifically for teens • Book introductions to help teens better understand each book of the Bible • “Essential Questions” and “Essential Truths” help foster growth, discipleship, and answer questions about the Christian faith with answers teens need to know




binding material








Weathered Grey LeatherTouch®




Weathered Grey LeatherTouch® - Indexed




Rose Gold LeatherTouch®




Rose Gold LeatherTouch® - Indexed


release date: October 15, 2023 Pages: 1,350 Size: 6 x 9 Font: 9.5 pt. Spine Width: 1" Carton Qty: 24 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB006070/BIBLES/King James Version/Youth & Teen


B I B LES fall 2023

KJV Kids Bible The KJV Kids Bible offers young readers an exciting approach to Bible reading. Dozens of full-color pages are filled with study helps to connect kids to the people, places, and events they are learning about. Perfect for using at home, church, and school, the KJV Kids Bible is a Bible that will grow with your kids as they grow in Christ.

features • • • • • • • • • • •

Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text 40 full-color pages with study helps and maps Summaries of Bible books and divisions Bible skills checklist Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format Topical page headings Large 12-point type size Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps

The KJV Kids Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.

audience • Parents, grandparents, and ministry leaders of kids age 7–12

marketing highlights • • • • • • •


40 full-color pages with study helps and maps Printed page edges Large, easy-to-read type Bible skills checklist Presentation page Summaries for all Bible divisions Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) isbn

binding material




Pink LeatherTouch®




Sports LeatherTouch®


release date: September 15, 2023 pages: 1,568 size: 5.6 x 8.8 font: 12pt spine width: 1.5" carton qty: 12 rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB006010/King James Version/Children 7–12


BIBLES fall 2023

CSB Large Print Thinline Bible, Value Edition The CSB Large Print Thinline Bible, Value Edition is easy-to-carry and easy-to-read, featuring large 11-point type and a thinline design that slips easily into a backpack, tote bag, or purse. Breakthroughs in typography and paper manufacturing contribute to a thinline Bible that combines readability, portability, and durability.

features • • • • • • • • • • •

Thinline design that is less than one inch thick Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column text format Topical subject headings 11-point type size Words of Christ in red Footnotes Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages “Where to Turn” section with Scripture references for common life issues Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps

The CSB Large Print Thinline Bible, Value Edition features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

audience • Bible readers • Readers desiring a larger print, portable Bible • Bulk purchasers for gifts and ministry

marketing highlights • Easy-to-carry and easy-to-read, featuring large 11-point type and a thinline design that slips easily into a backpack, tote bag, or purse (less than one inch thick) • Features include a two-column text and a “where to turn” section with Scripture references • Affordable price and presentation page make this a great personal or ministry gift



binding material




Brown LeatherTouch®




Light Teal LeatherTouch®


ALSO AVAILABLE IN KJV release date: October 15, 2023 Pages: 1,120 Size: 6.13 x 9.19 Font: 11 pt. Spine Width: .95" Carton Qty: 24 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB001020/BIBLES/Christian Standard Bible/Text


B I B LES fall 2023

CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features giant, easy-to-read 12-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The giant print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.

features • • • • • • • • • • • •

Convenient personal trim size that is easy-to-carry Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column text format Topical subject headings Giant 12-point type size Words of Christ in red Footnotes Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Topical concordance Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps

The CSB Personal Size Giant Print Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s lifetransforming message and to share it with others.

audience • Students to adults who are on the go and need a personal size Bible with larger print for reading or ministry

marketing highlights • Easy-to-carry personal size is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or church • Giant 12-point type size is great for both reading and preaching • Full-Color Maps




binding material




Brown LeatherTouch®




Brown LeatherTouch® - Indexed




Earthen Teal LeatherTouch® - Indexed




Earthen Teal LeatherTouch®




Black Genuine Leather




Black Genuine Leather - Indexed


ALSO AVAILABLE IN NASB release date: October 15, 2023 Pages: 1,680 Size: 5.75 x 8.75 Font: 12 pt. Spine Width: 1.5" Carton Qty: 12 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB001060/BIBLESChristian Standard Bible/Text


BIBLES fall 2023

CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible invites women to courageously engage with the biblical narrative to discover how it intersects with their own unique story. Featuring devotions rooted in the real-life experiences of more than one hundred members of the (in)courage community, the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible provides resources for women to make meaningful connections, explore the Bible, and find themselves among friends. The (in)courage community is vibrant, reaching thousands of women every day to welcome them just the way they are, offering a space to breathe, loving support, and resources for meaningful connection.

features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

312 devotions placed throughout the Bible 52 reflective response devotions 10 distinct thematic reading plans Book introductions connecting each book of the Bible to the whole biblical narrative Stories of courage from 50 women of the Bible Journaling space Theme verses Elegant full-color design Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column text format Topical subject headings Black-letter text 9-point type size Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Presentation page for gift-giving Topical index Full-color maps

The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s lifetransforming message and to share it with others.


audience • Husbands seeking a gift for wives • Fathers or mothers for their daughters

marketing highlights


release date: October 15, 2023 Pages: 1,984 Size: 6.33 x 9.5 Font: 9 pt. Spine Width: 1.38" Carton Qty: 12 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB001110/BIBLES/ Christian Standard Bible/Devotional

• Devotionals written by more than one hundred members of the (in)courage community speaking into issues and situations that they have personally dealt with • Provides resources for women to make meaningful connections, explore the Bible, and find themselves among friends • Social media community with active Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest followers + incourage.me website welcomes more than 250,000 visitors every month who have gone before us isbn

binding material




Sage LeatherTouch®




Sage LeatherTouch® - Indexed




Bordeaux LeatherTouch®




Bordeaux LeatherTouch® - Indexed








(GN 1:5)

At night, the San Pedro de Atacama desert in Chile is the darkest place on earth. THE SKY AND THE WATER UNDERNEATH IT

2 3

(GN 1:7–8)

Solar wind collided with the earth’s atmosphere and caused this aurora borealis.



The Venus flytrap is a plant that eats bugs.


4 5 6 Interior Spread


it, you will certainly die.” ¹⁸ Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.” ¹⁹ The LORD God formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky, and brought each to the man to see what he would call it. And whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. ²⁰ The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the sky, and to every wild animal; but for the man no helper was found corresponding to him. ²¹ So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. ²² Then the LORD God made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. ²³ And the man said: This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called “woman,” for she was taken from man. ²⁴ This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. ²⁵ Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame.




Sin has a price. Genesis 2:15–17



Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden’? ”

TIGRIS AND EUPHRATES RIVERS DID YOU KNOW that the Tigris River is about 1,150 miles long (that’s further than Miami, FL, to Dallas, TX), and that the Euphrates is about 1,700 miles long (that’s almost as far as Los Angeles, CA, to Chicago, IL)? Rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:14 are found in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia). Check it out!

(GN 1:4–16)

Have you ever seen the sun and moon in the sky at the same time? SEA CREATURES AND BIRDS




(GN 1:20)

Sunlight refracting off this hummingbird’s feathers makes a rainbow of colors. WILDLIFE, LIVESTOCK, AND ANIMALS THAT CREEP ON THE GROUND (GN 1:25)

Did you know there are more than 5,400 species of mammals in the world?


K I DS B I B LES fall 2023

CSB Explorer Bible for Kids This CSB Explorer Bible for Kids is made to help kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its pages, kids will explore and interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. This Bible features an engaging full-color design with images, illustrations, time lines, and study helps placed throughout to equip kids of all ages to better read, understand, and apply God’s Word for a lifetime.

features • Book introductions to help kids understand the key truths and takeaways for every book, including the “Who, What, When, Where, and Why” • Christ in Context for each book to show how the whole Bible points to Jesus and the good news of the gospel • Discovering the Truth callouts to help kids understand the essential truths of the Bible and apply them to their life • Excavating the Past illustrations and real-world images to help connect the dots between important archaeological discoveries and the Bible • Exploring Creation facts and images connecting modern-day objects and things in the world today to God and the Bible • Charting History illustrated time lines to survey key time periods and events in biblical history • Character Field Guide profiles with fun facts and insights about important people in the Bible • Archiving Discoveries highlighting key memory verses throughout the Bible to aid in Scripture memorization • Explorer Glossary and topical concordance to help with some of the big words found in the Bible • QR codes placed throughout the Bible with online videos and activities for home or church Part of what makes the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids so special is the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-tounderstand resource for kids to study and memorize today—and to live and share for a lifetime.

marketing highlights


• Colorful historical tools offered to provide kids perspective and context on the Scripture in a way that makes sense to them • Active participation in the creative learning exercises train kids to dig deeper into God’s Word—and have fun doing it • Unique QR codes draw kids in, locking in the truths of Scripture with engaging visuals they can access at any time with their phone • Scripture memory tool helps kids hide God’s Word in their heart • Lifeway Kids offers decades of experience serving children in church and served as a partner in developing this unique Bible

audience B

• Children ages 7–12 years • Parents, grandparents, and ministry leaders of children ages 7 to 12 years

also available in Hardcover


price: $46.99 isbn: 9781087758961


binding material




Brown Mountains LeatherTouch®




Brown Mountains LeatherTouch® - Indexed




Light Teal Mountains LeatherTouch®




Light Teal Mountains LeatherTouch® - Indexed


release date: October 15, 2023 pages: 1,472 size: 6.4 x 9.3 spine width: 1.60" carton qty: 12 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB001010/BIBLES/Christian Standard Bible/Children

K I DS B I B LES fall 2023

CSB Easy-for-Me Bible for Early Readers This CSB Easy-for-Me Bible for Early Readers is a full-text Bible designed for emerging readers who are ready to explore the Bible themselves. Highlighted memory verses and dozens of colorful pages featuring learning helps, games, and reading challenges teach children to better understand the Bible and read it on their own. Easy-to-read, easy-to-memorize, Easy-for-Me!

features • More than 40 colorful pages with fun learning helps, games, and reading challenges • Highlighted memory verses to help children remember key verses and stories • Bold verse and chapters numbers that are easy to find on the page • Easy-to-read 9-point type size • Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages • Presentation page for gift-giving • Complete text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) Part of what makes the CSB Easy-for-Me Bible for Early Readers so special is the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB’s optimal blend of accuracy and readability makes it a trustworthy, easy-to-understand resource for kids to study and memorize today—and to live and share for a lifetime.

audience • Parents • Grandparents of children ages 3–8 • Ministry and school leaders

marketing highlights • The Bible features dozen of learning helps and Scripture memory games to help kids and read and learn the Bible • The CSB Easy-for-Me Bible is designed specifically for emerging young readers and is perfect for kids who are ready for a full text Bible they can read on their own • Presentation page for gift-giving



release date: September 15, 2023 pages: 1,120 size: 5.5 x 8.5 3–8 spine width: 1.4" carton qty: 18 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB001010/ BIBLES/Christian Standard Bible/Children


binding material




Aqua LeatherTouch®




Coral LeatherTouch®



B I B LES fall 2023

NASB Large Print Thinline Bible The NASB Large Print Thinline Bible is easy-to-carry and easy-to-read, featuring large 10.5-point type and a thinline design that slips easily into a backpack, tote bag, or purse. Breakthroughs in typography and paper manufacturing contribute to a thinline Bible that combines readability, portability, and durability.

features • • • • • • • • • • • •

Thinline design that is less than one inch thick Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column text format Topical subject headings Large 10.5-point type size Words of Christ in red Footnotes Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Topical Concordance Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps

The NASB Large Print Thinline Bible features the trusted text of the New American Standard Bible (NASB, 2020 edition). The NASB is one of the most literal translations of the Bible, using a formal equivalence translation philosophy. This word-for-word translation method allows you to read, study, and teach with confidence.

audience • Bible readers • Readers desiring a larger print, portable Bible

marketing highlights • Easy-to-read 10.5-point typeface for those with diminished or impaired vision or those desiring a larger font • Easy-to-carry and great for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church • Features the 2020 edition of the New American Standard Bible translation



binding material




Burnt Sienna LeatherTouch®




Olive LeatherTouch®




Black Premium Goatskin




release date: November 1, 2023 Pages: 1,120 Size: 6.125 x 9.1875 Font: 10.5 pt. Spine Width: .90" Carton Qty: 24 Rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB010060/BIBLES/New American Standard Bible/Text




Exodus picks up where the Genesis narrative ended with the death of Joseph around 1805 BC. It quickly moves us forward almost three hundred years to a time in Egypt when the circumstances of Jacob’s descendants had changed. The Israelites were serving as slaves during Egypt’s Eighteenth Dynasty, probably under the pharaohs Thutmose and Amenhotep II. The Israelite slavery ended in 1446 BC. The book of Exodus records the events surrounding the exodus from Egypt and the Israelites’ first year in the wilderness, including the giving of the law. The date of the exodus is disputed, but biblical evidence favors 1446 BC.


The book of Exodus shows God at work with the goal of having such close fellowship with people that he is described as dwelling among them. He rescued the Israelites in order to make himself known, not only by the exercise of his power but also through an ongoing covenant relationship based on his capacity for patience, grace, and forgiveness. The record of what the Lord did for the Israelites provided grounds for them to recognize him as their God who deserved their complete loyalty and obedience. This record would make clear to the Israelites their identity as God’s people and would continue the display of his glorious identity.


The title “Exodus” is an anglicized version of a Greek word that means “departure” in recognition of one of the book’s major events—the departure of God’s people from Egypt. Exodus could be considered the central book in the Old Testament because it records God’s act of saving the Israelites and establishing them as a covenant community, a nation chosen to serve and represent him. Exodus describes the enslavement and oppression of the Israelites; the preparation and call of Moses; the conflict between Yahweh the God of Israel and the gods of Egypt (represented by Pharaoh); the exodus of the Israelites; their establishment as a nation in covenant with the Lord; their rebellion; and the Lord’s provision for their ongoing relationship, symbolized by his presence at the tabernacle they built for him.


Exodus is considered a part of the Law, but it is more historical narrative than law. The book is structured around the life and travels of Moses. Sandwiched between the narratives of chapters 1–18 and 32–40 are the establishment of the covenant (chaps. 19–24) and the laws related to the tabernacle and priesthood.


Recording the foundational event for the Israelite nation, the book of Exodus presents God’s dramatic and miraculous intervention to save his people from bondage in Egypt for the sake of establishing them as his covenant people.





More than 75 in-depth Word Studies of key words found in each Old Testament book

’ehyeh ’asher ’ehyeh Hebrew pronunciation: [eh YEH ah SHEHR eh YEH]


Oppression of God’s People in Egypt (1:1–11:10) A. Egyptian slavery (1:1–22) B. Preparation of the deliverer (2:1–4:31) C. Struggles with the oppressor (5:1–11:10)


Deliverance of God’s People from Egypt (12:1–14:31) A. Redemption by blood (12:1–51) B. Redemption by divine miracles (13:1–14:31)


Education of God’s People in the Wilderness (15:1–18:27) A. Israel’s song of victory (15:1–21) B. Testing and trials (15:22–17:16) C. Shared leadership under Moses (18:1–27)


Consecration of God’s People at Sinai (19:1–34:35) A. Acceptance of the law (19:1–31:18) B. Breaking of the law (32:1–35) C. Restoration of the law (33:1–34:35)



Worship of God’s People in the Tabernacle (35:1–40:38) A. Gifts and workmen for the tabernacle (35:1–35) B. Construction and furnishings of the tabernacle (36:1–39:43) C. Filling of the tabernacle with God’s glory (40:1–38)

Hebrew pronunciation: [YAH weh]

Bible-Handbook-OT-Draft-v10.indd 30-31

Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, and illustrations

CSB translation: I AM WHO I AM Uses in Exodus: 1 Uses in the OT: 1 Focus passage: Exodus 3:14

CSB translation: LORD, Yahweh Uses in Exodus: 398 Uses in the OT: 6,828 Focus passage: Exodus 3:15


’Ehyeh ’asher ’ehyeh is God’s statement as he revealed his preferred form of address to be Yahweh (Exod 3:14–16). ’Ehyeh is the first person form of the Hebrew verb meaning 1/13/23 10:53 AM “to be.” God may have spoken ’ehyeh ’asher ’ehyeh as a name in answer to Moses’s request in v. 13, but he certainly reduced the words to the name ’Ehyeh, or I AM (v. 14). Yahweh seems to be an ancient form of the third person form of “to be.” The third person may have been most suitable for Israelites considering their God. Some scholars interpret Yahweh as a causative form like “He Causes To Be,” but ’ehyeh ’asher ’ehyeh favors a meaning like “He Is.” Such a translation agrees with the NT portrayal of Christ as the eternally present One ( John 8:56). I AM WHO I AM suggests God’s sovereign freedom to be what he chooses to be.

God told Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Moses was to tell Israel, “I AM has sent me to you” (Exod 3:14). Then God replaced I AM with “Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob . . . This is my name forever” (Exod 3:15). Yahweh is probably a third person singular equivalent of I AM. Its pronunciation was almost lost because Jews considered it so holy that they replaced its vowels with those of other divine names. Yahweh communicates God’s commitment to deliver Israel in ways that reveal his character. God did not reveal this name to the patriarchs (Exod 6:3), but Yahweh occurs in Genesis dialogue (Gen 14:22). Either the meaning was previously unknown, its significance had not been fully appreciated, or Genesis reflects later language. Moses’s mother Jochebed might have a shortened form of Yahweh in her name (Jo-) if the name follows later practice.



The book of Exodus does not state who its author was. It does refer to occasions when Moses made a written record of events that took place and what God had said (17:14; 24:4,7; 34:27–28). The book also contains references to preserving and passing on information. Along with the other four books of the Pentateuch, it has long been considered to be primarily the work of Moses.





pesach Hebrew pronunciation: [peh SAHKH] CSB translation: Passover Uses in Exodus: 6 Uses in the OT: 49


Exodus–Leviticus Timeline Focus passage: Exodus 12:11, 21, 27, 43, 48

1500 BC

1400 BC

1570 –1303 18th Dynasty of Egypt, includes Thutmose and Amenhotep, traditionally the pharaohs of oppression

1479 Battle of Megiddo between Egyptian forces of Pharaoh Thutmose III and a Kadesh alliance, reestablishing Egyptian hegemony in the Levant

A ARON (1529–1409?) / MOSES (1526–1406)



Jericho Heshbon Jerusalem





Bible-Handbook-OT-Draft-v10.indd 32-33


Raamses (Qantir)



AMALEK Kadesh-barnea

Wilderness of Shur Yam Suph ?

Wilderness of Zin


1500 Bellows used in making glass and in metallurgy

Wilderness of Paran






City City (uncertain location)


Wilderness of Sin Rephidim


50 Miles







0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers



1500 Clay tablet map of the Babylonian city of Nippur

1/13/23 10:53 AM

1479–1457 Queen Makare Hatshepsut, daughter of Thutmose I, reigned in Egypt during a period of peace and prosperity 1446 Exodus and defeat of Pharaoh at the Red Sea 1446 Passover instituted 1446 God’s covenant at Sinai 1445 Tabernacle built and dedicated 1445 Events in Leviticus 1445 Exploration of Canaan by twelve spies


Yam Suph ?


1500 Shoes worn in Mesopotamia 1500 Plows made of bronze developed in Asia

On (Heliopolis)



1500 Egyptians develop effective pharmaceutical compounds


JOSHUA (1490?–1380?)


The Route of the Exodus

The first occurrence of pesach (Exod 12:11) refers either to the Passover lamb (Exod 12:21) or the Passover Festival (Exod 12:48). Exodus 12 explains both. Pesach usually refers to the festival, but the reference to the Passover lamb occurs before and after the exile (Deut 16:2; Ezra 6:20), as well as into the NT era (1 Cor 5:7). The plural of pesach indicates the Passover lambs needed for the nation (2 Chr 35:6). People “slaughtered” (2 Chr 35:1) and “ate” (2 Chr 30:18) the lamb while “observing” the festival (2 Chr 35:1). Pesach seems related to the verb pasach (“pass over”) in Exod 12:13, 23, 27. God mercifully passes over the people, doors, and houses.


Abo. Nempedit qui autatquis essimpo resequibus quid et quiaestrum fuga.

1400 Musical notation, Ugarit 1400 Water clocks invented


Abo. Nempedit qui autatquis essimpo resequibus quid et quiaestrum fuga.


Abo. Nempedit qui autatquis essimpo resequibus quid et quiaestrum fuga.



Abo. Nempedit qui autatquis essimpo resequibus quid et quiaestrum fuga. Id quundame volore vitia sandunt.

ALTERNATE ROUTE FROM JEBEL MUSA TO KADESH-BARNEA Ommolent aut faceperem int, sinverferum fuga. Agnatempor molut ut harum et quam omnis.


Bible-Handbook-OT-Draft-v10.indd 34-35


1/13/23 10:53 AM

Perfect for Bible readers looking for deeper study

B I B LES fall 2023

The Old Testament Handbook Immerse yourself in The Old Testament Handbook, an elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every Old Testament book of the Bible. Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, The Old Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable companion resource for Bible study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship.



• High-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover materials and sewn binding meant to last a lifetime • Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the Old Testament • More than 75 in-depth Word Studies of key words found in each Old Testament book • Two ribbon markers for easy referencing between pages during study, teaching, or sharing The Old Testament Handbook features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

audience • Bible readers, Bible readers looking for deeper study, Christians (with an emphasis on women 25-60) who enjoy reading and displaying beautiful books in their homes • pastors and ministry leaders • seminary students, teachers, pastors' wives and small groups

marketing highlights


• Beauty, goodness, and Truth intersect with the design of The Old Testament Handbook, providing a high-quality resource or gift for both display and deeper study. • Elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every Old Testament book of the Bible • Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, The Old Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable resource for study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship isbn

binding material




Charcoal cloth-over-board




Sand cloth-over-board


release date: October 15, 2023 pages: 256 size: 8 x 10 spine width: .80" carton qty: 18 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006680/Biblical Reference/Handbooks

Priscilla Shirer New York Times bestselling author, speaker, beloved Bible teacher, and co-founder of Going Beyond Ministries, Priscilla has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including Elijah which has sold more than 500,000 copies. Ten years after the initial release of God is Able, Priscilla Shirer is still as confident as ever in this undeniable fact: our God is able.


WO M EN fall 2023

God Is Able 10th Anniversary Edition PRISCILLA SHIRER

"I wrote the first edition of this book a decade ago. I was young and confident. Then ten years happened. To me. To you. To us. I’m not quite as young as I once was, but I am still as confident as ever in this undeniable fact: our God is able. While so much in all our lives has changed, He has remained the same. His capacity, character, and compassion have not shifted an inch because His power is supernatural, is never diminished, and is ever available to His children. God is able. Whether you and I have crossed paths in these pages before or it’s your first time to savor the beautiful truths found in Ephesians 3:20–21, I invite you to join me in this ten-years-wiser, updated edition, where I hope you’ll be reminded that your Father is able to take you above whatever you’ve been living beneath. He’s done it before. He’ll do it again." release date: October 10, 2023 isbn: 9781430083078 format: Trade Paper price: $23.99 page count: 224 size: 5.5 x 8.5 spine width: .56" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: RELIGION/Christian Living/General

also available

— Priscilla

audience • Evangelical women • Followers of Priscilla Shirer, those who attend her live and online events, and buyers of her previous books and Bible studies • Women who attend Lifeway Women events, and readers of books by similar authors including Jackie Hill Perry, Angie Smith, Kelly Minter, and others

marketing highlights

The Resolution for Women price: $23.99 isbn: 9781087766980 format: Trade Paper

Life Interrupted price: $23.99 isbn: 9781433670459 format: Trade Paper

• Priscilla Shirer is a New York Times bestselling author, passionate and soughtafter Bible teacher, and has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including Elijah • She speaks to hundreds of thousands of women each year through Going Beyond live events and online simulcast. She also has a combined social media reach of more than two million people • God is Able has sold more than 110K copies. This 10-year anniversary, revised edition includes a new introduction, conclusion, and updated stories throughout PRISCILLA SHIRER is a wife and mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart, and you’ll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences and through her books and Bible studies.

She and her husband, Jerry, lead Going Beyond Ministries through which they provide spiritual support and resources to the body of Christ. They count it as their greatest privilege to serve every denomination and culture across the spectrum of the church. Between writing and studying, you’ll probably find Priscilla at home cleaning up after (and trying to satisfy the appetites of) her three rapidly growing boys. Fervent price: $23.99 isbn: 9781433688676 format: Trade Paper

Awaken price: $30.99 isbn: 9781462776344 format: Jacketed Hardcover


JESUS A Scandalously Devoted, Conspicuously Uncool, Super-Transparent Homage to Who Our Savior Is and How Much He Loves Us Devotional Lisa Harper

In the much-anticipated follow-up to the bestselling devotional LIFE, beloved author and Bible teacher Lisa Harper offers her readers JESUS, a devotional journey of unapologetically gawking at, reveling in, and worshipping our incredible Savior—and laughing a lot along the way.


B&H Books 9781087778198 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $17.99 USD Hardcover 224 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Valley or mountain top, do you ever wonder what “walking with Jesus” actually means in everyday life? Unfortunately, thinkers like A.W. Tozer are right when saying, "For millions of Christians, God is no more real than He is to non-Christians. They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.” The good news for us is that Jesus is not a proposition to be studied, He’s a divine Person with whom we get to engage! Instead of simply obtaining more spiritual information about our Savior, sometimes we just need to remember what a miracle it is to be invited to get to know Him personally. In her much-anticipated follow-up to her bestselling devotional LIFE, and in her beloved, humorous, and relatable voice, Bible teacher and author Lisa Harper helps you do just that: engage with JESUS personally. As you open each page, prepare yourself for a devotional journey of unapologetically gawking at, reveling in, walking with, and worshipping our incredible Savior—and laughing a lot along the way. Because there’s nothing like real relationship with Him in the ups and down...

23.99 Previous: LIFE

Being Elisabeth Elliot The Authorized Biography: Elisabeth’s Later Years Ellen Vaughn, Joni Eareckson Tada The second installment in the authorized biography of famed Christian Elisabeth Elliot written by bestselling author Ellen Vaughn, based off of Elisabeth’s never before published journals and personal interviews with friends and family.

Summary Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a remote Amazonian indigenous people group killed her husband Jim and his four colleagues. Improbably, she lived with the tribe, demonstrating the power of Christ’s forgiveness. B&H Books 9781087750996 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $24.99 USD Hardcover with dust jacket 304 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 12 And Up Biography & Autobiography / Religious BIO018000 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt


This courageous, no-nonsense Christian went on to write dozens of books, host a long-running radio show, and speak at conferences all over the world. She was a pillar of coherent, committed faith—a beloved and sometimes controversial icon. And while things in the limelight might have looked golden, her suffering continued as well, refining her in many differ- ent and unexpected ways. Her early years, related in Becoming Elisabeth Elliot, traced the transition of a young woman who dealt in “certainties” to the woman who lived with the unknown. Now, Being Elisabeth Elliot increasingly meant confronting how much she did not understand. She sought her reference point beyond her own experiences, always pondering what she called the “impenetrable mystery” of the interplay between God’s will and human choices. And it is that strange mystery which shaped ...

Previous: Becoming Elisabeth Elliot

B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 1


A Short Guide to Islam A Biblical Response to the Faith of our Muslim Neighbors Beth Peltola This biblical response to Islam instructs Christians in the primary tenets of the faith of our Muslim neighbors so that we might understand and love them well.

Summary How can we love and understand our Islamic neighbors well?

B&H Books 9781430082828 Pub Date: 11/6/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover 160 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 11 And Up Religion / Christian Theology REL067030 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Beth Peltola grew up in Zambia, and then moved to London to begin her career in missions serving a Turkishspeaking church for refugees and immigrants. She has spent her life training Christians in the tenets of Islam and Christian mission to Muslims. This accessible book will help Christians understand the beliefs of their Muslim neighbors so that they may love them and engage them in gospel conversations. In this biblical response to Islam, you will learn: The primary tenets of the Islamic faith The common misunderstandings Westerners hold about Islam How Christians can best respond and engage their Muslim neighbors The world has moved into our neighborhoods. We have a great opportunity to love our Muslim neighbors like Jesus does.


Before You Go Wisdom from Ten Women Who Served Internationally Emily Bennett Going to the nations is difficult but going as a woman has distinct challenges. Women preparing to serve as missionaries internationally are given preparation and encouragement in this book through essays from ten women who have served internationally including Ruth Ripken, wife of Nik Ripken (autho...

Summary Are you preparing to take the gospel to the nations?

B&H Books 9781087777993 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Ministry REL045000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt


You’ve said “yes” to God’s call to go, and now you will pack up your things and step into the unknown of a new location, people, and culture. The following years will likely include great joy, frustration, homesickness, difficulty, and excitement. In this book, ten women who have served on the mission field share what they wish they had known before they began. This book is a handbook for entering the mission field, including essays on: Discerning your calling Leaving what you love Serving well on a team Engaging in prayer and evangelism Fellowshipping through Suffering Going as a married or single woman Taking kids overseas Dealing with fear and anxiety Spiritual habits of a missionary These essays are from Emily Bennett (general editor), Ruth Ripken, Cyndi Logsdon, Hilary Alan, CJ Olivia, Lydia Pettus, Emily Watkins, Sydney Dixon, Amy Bowman, and Nina Buser. B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 2


Kingdom Authority Exercising God's Rule in Your Life Tony Evans Bestselling author and pastor Tony Evans encourages readers to exercise the power given to them by God fully surrendered to His authority.

Summary Are you living with the authority God has given you?

B&H Books 9781535940849 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $22.99 USD Hardcover with dust jacket 240 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Living REL012000 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt


Many are desperate for power, but power is useless without the authority to use it. God has given His people His power and His authority to be used for His purposes. This is kingdom authority, or the divinely-authorized right and responsibility delegated to believers to act on God’s behalf in spiritually ruling over His creation under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. However, only those who are fully surrendered to Christ and aware of this gift use it. In this book, Dr. Tony Evans, pastor and bestselling author, will help you discover: how to see God’s Kingdom initiatives more clearly how to take on God’s perspective in your life and remember the inheritance He has given you how to draw near to God and commit yourself to essential requirements for experiencing kingdom authority like prayer how to be aware of the spiritual realm in which God’s people operate Kingdom authority can only be experienced by those who live out their days underneath the power of God. It’s by aligning our lives with Him that He allows us to share in His work.

Upon Waking 60 Daily Reflections to Discover Ourselves and the God We Were Made For Jackie Hill Perry In her third book and much-anticipated debut devotional, bestselling author and Bible teacher Jackie Hill Perry offers 60 Scripture-soaked, daily reflections to help you awaken to the God you made for, the life you were made for, and the person you were made to be.

Summary What do you wake up to each day? What do you discover once your eyes have opened and you put your feet to the floor? A mountain of notifications? An endless feed of headlines that make you angry? A flood of tasks that you can’t possibly get done in the next twenty-four hours?

B&H Books 9781087783710 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $22.99 USD Hardcover with dust jacket 208 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

What if you could wake up each day to discover something so much bigger—and so much better for you—than all that chaos? What if you could discover God? What if you could discover yourself in light of that God? What if your eyes could be opened to the things that really mattered? What if, in one simple devotional a day, you could glean principles from timeless wisdom to sharpen you for each day's inevitable challenges? In her lyrical, compelling, and poignant voice, bestselling author and Bible teacher Jackie Hill Perry offers 60 short, daily reflections on specific passages from Scripture to help you awaken to the God you were made for, the life you were made for, and the person you were made to be.

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.5 in T | 0.5 lb Wt


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 3


This Homeward Ache How Our Yearning for the Life to Come Spurs on Our Life Today Amy Baik Lee In her debut trade book, thoughtful and profound writer Amy Baik Lee offers a spellbinding exploration of the moments we feel stirred toward heaven, helping us see that these moments are meant to do more than point us to eternity—they are meant to help us live more fully here and now.

Summary That sudden yearning you feel when you see a sunset. That pang of longing you sense deep in your bones when you attend a funeral or even gaze at a poignant piece of art. Those experiences that sting you to attention in moments of beauty, peace, or sorrow—the ones you can sense are offering you a twinkling, piercing hint of heaven: B&H Books 9781087776118 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Inspirational REL036000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt


Are these meant to do more than point you to eternity? What if they could enable you to live more fully on the way there? Through personal reflections, evocative stories, and profound writing, author Amy Baik Lee offers This Homeward Ache, inviting you to remember the times you've been deeply moved by a glimpse, a spark, of something you know is beyond the visible present — moments that other cultures and times have called Sehnsucht, saudade, hiraeth, or galmang. In each spellbinding chapter, Amy traces her own brushes with this longing, unfolding her discovery that it is designed to enrich and alter every area of our lives: our valleys of pain, our relationships with other people, and ultimately our reception of the love of God. If you’ve ever wondered how...

I Didn't Sign Up for This How to Rest in God's Goodness When Your Story Shifts Sarah E. Frazer In her debut trade book, Sarah Frazer walks through the story of Moses to reveal that even in the plot twists of life that we did not sign up for, God’s plan always goes forth, God’s presence always provides, God’s promises are always personal, and God’s purpose is never thwarted.

Summary This wasn’t part of the plan. The story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this. If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are that your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Perhaps it’s even turned totally upside down, and you’re wondering how in the world to move forward.

B&H Books 9781087777665 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 12 And Up Religion / Christian Living REL012130 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

You’re not alone. As author Sarah Frazer journeys with you through the story of Moses, you’ll find that even a hero of God’s people faced all sorts of confusing and painful plot twists too. Moses didn’t settle in the Promised Land, but He met the Lord of Promise. His legacy reminds us that even with a life crushed with disappointment, God’s plan goes forth, God’s presence provides, God’s promises are personal, and God’s purpose is never thwarted. As you journey through his life in these pages, you’ll discover: how life’s plot twists and interruptions are actually the ways God is working how God uses the darkest circumstances to proclaim his sovereign goodness how to number your days rightly, recognize God’s hand in each branch of your path, and cultivate a heart of wisdom and trust how to sa...


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 4

KIDS BOOKS fall 2023

Great & Small Christmas PAMELA KENNEDY

It’s a special night in Bethlehem, and these great and small animal pairs are following the star to find the good news! Little readers will enjoy short, readable rhyme and cuddly art, and they’ll learn the baby names of sweet animals like a lamb, a pinkie, a foal, and two wiggly goslings. Throughout this chunky board book, toddlers will love watching the star get bigger and bigger as the animals get closer and closer. Join them as they discover the greatest Christmas gift of all!

audience release date: September 12, 2023 0–4 isbn: 9781087784434 format: Board Book price: $13.49 page count: 20 size: 6 x 6 spine width: .50" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE FICTION/Holidays & Celebrations/Christmas & Advent

also available

• Parents of babies/toddlers ages 0–4 • Preschool teachers and kids' ministry leaders • Gift buyers and previous purchasers of Great & Small books

marketing highlights • Great & Small is a growing brand that has sold more than 130,000 units • This sweet, simple board book with adorable art will teach children about the Christmas story • B&H will promote this title through paid social media advertisements through the B&H Kids accounts, targeted email marketing, and more PAMELA KENNEDY grew up in the Pacific Northwest, graduated from the University of Washington, then launched out with her Navy husband to visit a variety of home ports in the U.S. Writing was a portable career that traveled well and allowed her to hang around the house with her growing family. After leaving the Navy, the family put down roots in Honolulu, Hawaii, for several years where Pam enjoyed teaching at a girls' school. Recently retired, she and her husband have returned to Seattle. Pam continues to write essays and hymn stories as well as inspirational and devotional books for children and adults.

Great & Small Prayers for Babies price: $10.99 isbn: 9781535948210 format: Board Book

Great & Small Bible Animals price: $13.49 isbn: 9781087755960 format: Board Book

Great & Small Easter price: $11.99 isbn: 9781087730141 format: Board Book Interior Spread

KIDS BOOKS fall 2023

Noah’s Gloomy Joyful Ark JILL ROMAN LORD

Join the animals, make some noise, and find some joy! This rollicking board book offers a new look at Noah’s ark, imagining how the animals might have felt on that one-of-a-kind journey. Maybe they were a bit gloomy to leave their home and wait . . . wait . . . wait for what would come next. But there must have been joyful cheers as they finally pranced out onto dry land! This fun-to-read story encourages readers to join in, roaring and hopping and hee-hawing right along with the animals on the ark. When the rainbow and God’s promise stretch across the sky, children will be reminded that even in their own gloomy days, they can look for God’s love!

audience release date: October 24, 2023 0–4 isbn: 9781430085287 format: Board Book price: $17.49 page count: 24 size: 8 x 8 spine width: .70" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religion/ Bible Stories/Old Testament

marketing highlights • Jill Roman Lord is an award-winning author of twenty-five Christian children’s books • This is the third book in the trademark series that customers have come to recognize and love • Noah’s ark is a well-known, popular Bible story making it appealable to mass markets

also available

The Silent Noisy Night price: $17.49 isbn: 9781535923736 format: Board Book

• Parents and buyers of children 0–4 • Readers of similar books by Melissa Kruger, Sarah Parker, Teresa Bateman, and others • Buyers of previous books in the series: The Silent Noisy Night and The Quiet Crazy Easter

JILL ROMAN LORD is an award-winning author of twenty-five Christian children’s books. She loves celebrating Jesus and drawing others closer to Him in her writing. She enjoys traveling with her husband, Bill, visiting their kids who have flown the coop, all things avocado, and a little bit of dark chocolate.

The Quiet Crazy Easter price: $17.49 isbn: 9781535991940 format: Board Book

The Great Farmapalooza price: $13.49 isbn: 9781087706160 format: Board Book

Interior Spread

K I DS B O O KS fall 2023

The Greatest Book Ever! A Little Book About the Greatest Book TERESA JOYELLE KRAGER

A floating zoo, a man swallowed by a fish, a sea split in two—these are just a few of the incredible stories from the greatest book ever: the Bible! While the whole world fights for the attention of the next generation, there is one book that proves to be the best collection of stories of all time. In The Greatest Book Ever, author Teresa Krager aims to turn the attention of kids ages four to eight to the Bible. It tells fascinating tales of miracles only God could perform and exciting stories of His courageous, and some not-socourageous, followers.

release date: September 5, 2023 4–8 isbn: 9781087769813 format: Printed Hardcover price: $19.99 page count: 32 size: 9 x 9 spine width: .25" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religious/ Christian/General

God's Word holds some of the most captivating stories of all time, and The Greatest Book Ever refers to more than forty of them—all in only thirty-two pages! The lyrical rhyme makes this book an easy, fun read for the whole family, and illustrations by Jesus Lopez beautifully tie each tale together as part of one big story: the story of Jesus. "You’ll want to read more because you’ve only heard A quick teasing of tidbits and truths from God’s Word. The rest of each story, you’ll find in His book— The greatest book ever. Go, take a look!"


TERESA JOYELLE KRAGER is a former teacher who loves teaching kids about God through rhyming words. She spent twenty-seven years in classrooms getting to know how kids and their parents think and learn. As a decades-long student of God’s Word, writing books that draw children to Jesus and teach biblical truths is Teresa’s passion and mission. Her dream began to be realized in 2020 with the release of her debut picture book, Before Your Birth Day, a lyrical celebration of life in the womb. Her second book, Adam Plus One (2021), depicts Adam’s humorous search for a compatible companion in the garden of Eden. Teresa lives with her husband in the Arizonan desert, and she lives by the motto, “Dr. Seuss lives in my head, and Jesus lives in my heart!”

• Parents of kids ages 4–8 • Buyers for this age group, including grandparents, family members, friends, etc. • Children’s pastors, children’s ministry directors, and Sunday school teachers

marketing highlights • Research proves that kids who read the Bible growing up are more likely to become spiritually healthy young adults • The Greatest Book Ever! meets a felt need among parents who want to teach their children to value and read the Bible regularly • Through exciting poetry, young readers will see the beauty of God’s Word and be encouraged to explore it for themselves. • Included in the book is a list with more than fifty Bible references

Interior Spread

KIDS BOOKS fall 2023

The Boy Who Was Bold

Expect to be different, expect to be odd, expect to be strange to those not serving God ADAM GRIFFIN

If there is one essential characteristic this generation of children needs, it's boldness. More and more, kids will be seen as odd, weird, or strange if they choose to follow Jesus. However, this is not the first time in history that boldness has been required to serve God. After all, a young boy in first-century Nazareth perfectly displayed boldness: Jesus Christ Himself. In The Boy Who Was Bold, author Adam Griffin follows the theme of boldness throughout Jesus's life and ministry. When twelve-year-old Jesus stood in the temple and taught God's Word from scrolls, He started a domino effect of boldness that we read about throughout the Gospels. Jesus boldly proclaimed God's Word and demonstrated kindness to the underserved and abused. He even boldly gave His life so we would have the opportunity to be bold with Him.

release date: October 17, 2023 4–8 isbn: 9781087788432 format: Printed Hardcover price: $19.99 page count: 32 size: 8 x 10 spine width: .25" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religious/ Christian/Values & Virtues

marketing highlights

In thirty-two magically illustrated pages, The Boy Who Was Bold shows kids what Jesus's boldness might have looked like so they can choose boldness in their own lives. Readers ages four to eight will find the beauty in godly oddness and be empowered to follow Jesus courageously.

audience • • • •

Parents and kids ages 4–8 Grandparents, caregivers, and other buyers for kids in this age group Christian parents who want their children to develop boldness in their faith Listeners of the Family Discipleship Podcast and other podcasts in the Train the Church Network

• A 2020 Gallop poll showed that only 36 percent of millennials belong to church; kids of Gen Alpha will have to believe bold things if they are to follow Jesus, and this book teaches that lesson • Author Adam Griffin is cohost of the Family Discipleship Podcast, which has more than 11K listeners per episode; he is a trusted voice in family ministry • In this magically illustrated picture book, the story follows the theme of boldness throughout Jesus's life, starting when he was just a boy • B&H will promote this title through paid social media advertisements through the B&H Kids accounts, targeted email marketing, and more

ADAM GRIFFIN (DEdMin, The Southern Baptist Theological

Seminary) is the lead pastor of Eastside Community Church in Dallas, Texas. He coauthored Family Discipleship: Leading Your Family Through Time, Moments, and Milestones with Matt Chandler. He is the host of the Family Discipleship Podcast, one of the top Christian parenting podcasts. Adam lives in Dallas with his wife Chelsea and their three sons, Oscar, Gus, and Theodore.

Interior Spread

KIDS BOOKS fall 2023

Lottie Moon

The Girl Who Reached the World AMY WHITFIELD

In the countryside of Virginia, no one called Charlotte Digges Moon by her real name. And no one expected this mischievous girl to move across the world to be one of the first female missionaries. But Lottie Moon was not just any girl. This biographical picture book tells the story of how Lottie left behind everything she knew and dedicated her life to taking the gospel to China. There she spent decades traveling from village to village, offering home-baked cookies to connect with the people and tell them about Jesus. She made their home her home, living and dressing like them. Most of all, she loved them well and taught them Jesus, writing and sending hundreds of letters to America to raise money for her work. Her tireless determination left a legacy on both sides of the world.

release date: October 3, 2023 4–8 isbn: 9781087761763 format: Printed Hardcover price: $19.99 page count: 32 size: 8 x 10 spine width: .25" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Biography & Autobiography/Religious (see also Religious/ Christian/Biography & Autobiography)

also available in the series Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Teacher Who Became a Spy by Molly Frye Wilmington price: $19.99 isbn: 9781087757742 format: Printed Hardcover

C. S. Lewis: The Writer Who Found Joy by Daniel DeWitt price: $19.99 isbn: 9781087759234 format: Printed Hardcover

Narrated by a friendly panda who is eager to tell readers all about China and about Lottie’s influence, this book offers a unique view at what living for God can look like, wherever you are. Readers will be inspired by Lottie’s bravery and encouraged to break through barriers to share their own faith. Lottie Moon: The Girl Who Reached the World is the third book in the Here I Am! biography series for kids ages four to eight, which highlights fascinating and faithful Christians in history. Also available: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Teacher Who Became a Spy and C. S. Lewis: The Very Happy Christian.

audience • Parents of kids ages 4–8, families who love the church and stories of missionaries; grandparents, caregivers, and other buyers for kids in this age group • Childrens’ pastors, family pastors, Christian schools, church bookstores, and homeschool families • Buyers of previous books in the Here I Am! series

marketing highlights • Children need to learn about people of character who have made a difference in the world, and this book meets that need • This book is third in the Here I Am! biography series, which highlights fascinating and faithful Christians in history • B&H will promote this title through paid social media advertisements through the B&H Kids accounts, targeted email marketing, and more AMY WHITFIELD is executive director of communications at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. She worked for Southern Baptist Convention entities for twenty years and cohosts the podcast SBC This Week. Amy and her husband, Keith, live in Wake Forest and have two children. She likes to read books, travel in the family RV, and spend time with their dogs—a golden retriever and a corgi who have become best friends. Amy loves to see people cooperate for missions, just like Lottie Moon believed they could.

K I DS B O O KS fall 2023

The Christ of Christmas An Age-old Story with a New Family Tradition MARC SIKMA

What’s a better time to share the gospel than Christmas? The Christ of Christmas tells the story of sixteen-year-old Lily and her family, who prioritize different things at Christmastime. For years, Lily's mom has faithfully used a wooden manger and cross to share the gospel with her unbelieving family. She wants them to know that because of God's first Christmas gift to His people, every heart can be healed. But when a big change happens just days before Christmas, the family must decide if the tradition will continue. Will it have the power to change their family forever? With sixty-four beautifully illustrated pages, The Christ of Christmas is a charming read for the family to revisit together each year and will look gorgeous on coffee tables as a new Christmastime tradition. It also offers both churches and individuals a gentle and uplifting way to share the gift of Christ’s love with others. Through its compelling story arc, clear communication of the gospel, and beautiful story of first-time belief, The Christ of Christmas shows readers that Christmas is a story of hope and healing.

marketing highlights release date: September 19, 2023 6–10 isbn: 9781087778211 format: Printed Hardcover price: $19.99 page count: 64 size: 5 x 7 spine width: .30" carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE FICTION/Holidays & Celebrations/Christmas & Advent

audience • Christian parents and grandparents of children 6–10 • Parents looking for a meaningful resource during December to encourage their children towards Christ, and a beautiful book to become part of their Christmas traditions • Sunday school teachers looking for a Christmas resource that points to salvation • Churches looking for a gospel-sharing resource to give to visiting families at Christmastime

• The Christ of Christmas was originally introduced in 2019 through the author’s local church and was met with widespread community enthusiasm • The story is about a family’s introduction to the gospel and their first-time belief in Jesus, encouraging all readers to think through the hope found in Christ • The Christ of Christmas features a diverse family and highlights foster care and adoption • The Christ of Christmas offers a unique opportunity for churches to bulk buy as they look for unique evangelistic tools at Christmas MARC SIKMA is a husband to his high school sweetheart, Heidi, and is the father of three: Avery, Dawson, and Maddox. Marc planted Matthias' Lot Church in St. Charles, Montana, in 2005. The church ministers to hundreds of college students each week while empowering the church body to embrace the call to make disciples. Marc also founded the nonprofit We Love St. Charles in 2009 where he and the WLSC team cares for those who have various needs within the community. Through his church, nonprofit, and now The Christ of Christmas, Mark hopes to empower families with the gracious truth of Jesus who is not just the reason for the season, but the reason for all life.

Interior Spread

Katy Boatman You Can Trust is the counterpart to Katy’s first devotional You Can Rest for preteen girls. This easy-to-read devotional is for boys ages 8 to 12 and explores their what-if questions and provides biblical answers.

Interior Spread

K I DS B O O KS fall 2023

You Can Trust

100 Devotions to Answer Your What-Ifs (Devotional for Boys) KATY BOATMAN

Do you wake up with your mind full of questions, spinning with all the “what-ifs”? Boys ages eight to twelve have a lot on their minds each day. They are trying to fit in, face fears, and find their way in a world that doesn’t always make sense. But this devotional offers direction and encouragement, rallying boys to trust the God who has all the answers. Author and student-ministry mentor Katy Boatman offers readers one hundred easy-to-read devotions, each with a Bible verse, devotion, and prayer. Boys will explore questions such as:

release date: September 26, 2023 8–12 isbn: 9781087787497 format: Printed Hardcover price: $22.99 page count: 240 size: 6 x 7 spine width: .85" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religious/ Christian/Devotional & Prayer

• • • • • •

What if I’m not strong enough? What if I’m scared? What if I lose? What if I’m worried about tomorrow? What if I’m left out? What if I can’t be still?

They’ll also find Activity Days with fun challenges to get them moving and empower them to think through what it means to give their day to God. Life comes with a lot of questions. But You Can Trust is packed with truth and real-life encouragement, offering boys a solid reminder that God is by their side and that they can trust Him with all their what-ifs.

audience • Christian preteen boys (ages 8–12) needing answers to their what-if questions • Christian parents or grandparents looking for a devotional for their preteen son • Student and youth leaders looking for a resource to do together as a group or to recommend to individuals in their small group

marketing highlights

also available

You Can Rest price: $22.99 isbn: 9781087748702 format: Printed Hardcover

• You Can Trust is the counterpart to Katy's first devotional You Can Rest for preteen girls • This easy-to-read devotional is for boys ages 8–12 and explores their what-if questions and provides biblical answers • The devotional also includes Activity Days with fun challenges to get boys moving and empower them to think through what it means to give their day to God • B&H will promote this title through paid social media advertisements through the B&H Kids accounts, targeted email marketing, and more KATY BOATMAN lives in Nashville with her mini goldendoodle. She’s the author of You Can Rest and serves on staff with IF:Gathering, but her favorite role is being an aunt to Shelby, Blake, and Ellie. Katy has spent sixteen years mentoring the next generation through student ministry, and she is passionate about helping them understand who God is and reminding them they are not alone. If she’s not writing or walking her dog, you can typically find Katy eating Mexican food with her friends! You can connect with her on Instagram: @katyboat.

K I DS B O O KS fall 2023


In Case You Forget

A 6-Week Devotional about Who You Are in Jesus HANNAH CONWAY

From changing friends to changing bodies to changing schools, transition seems endless for girls in their teenage years. In this 6-week devotional, Hannah Conway calls teen girls to remember what stays the same amid all change: who they are in Jesus. Each devotion reminds girls they are not alone in doubts about who they are. Hannah responds to those doubts with truths directly from God's Word alongside humorous and relatable stories from her own life. Through daily Bible reading, prayer, reflective questions, and opportunities to keep reading Scripture, In Case You Forget helps girls remember that their identity comes from Jesus alone.

audience • Teenage girls ages 13 to 18 • Christian young women looking for a devotional to dig deeper into Scripture about identity and who they are in Jesus • Youth group leaders of teen girls, youth pastors, girls' ministers, small group leaders, etc. • Parents and grandparents looking for a devotional for teen girls release date: October 10, 2023 13–18 isbn: 9781087773704 format: Printed Hardcover price: $17.49 page count: 144 size: 5 x 7 spine width: .57" carton qty: 24 rights: Worldwide bisac: JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religious/ Christian/Devotional & Prayer

marketing highlights • This 6-week devotional calls teen girls to remember what stays the same amid all change: who they are in Jesus • Many teen girls don't realize they are having an identity crisis, but Conway’s humorous and relatable writing style gives language to their confusion, especially in a changing seasons • This devotional gives teenage girls an opportunity to dig deeper in Bible reading, prayer, and reflective questions HANNAH CONWAY is the Media and Marketing Communications

Coordinator and Women’s Ministry Director at Hilldale Baptist Church in Clarksville, Tennessee. She adores coffee, chocolate, stories, and teaching the Bible to middle school girls at her local church. She has authored several books and Hannah also cohosts the podcast, What’s Your Story? with Hannah and Stephanie. Hannah lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, with her husband Stephen and three kids, Jadelyn, Mclain, and Willa.

Interior Spread


Islam and the Bible Questioning Muslim Idiom Translations Ayman Ibrahim, Ant Greenham


Overseen by the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Islam and the Bible offers a high-quality edited volume critically assessing and addressing the theology, missiology and anthropology of Bible translation, with a special emphasis on...


B&H Academic 9781087770222 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $49.99 USD Trade Paperback

Christians living and ministering in Muslim contexts, even as early as the 7th century, have always adapted their language and public witness to cultural and religious sensibilities of their audience. As theologians, missiologists, and practitioners seek to think carefully about issues surrounding such contextualization, one of the most important considerations concerns the translation of terms and phrases, such as “Son of God” or whether to use “Allah” to refer to God. This project aims to bring together leading voices in the discussion, representing a spectrum of approaches, to explore the issues surrounding “Muslim Idiom Translation.” It will also uniquely consider the voices of practitioners of ministry to Muslims and Bible translation, as well as cultural natives to Islamic contexts.

336 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Islam REL037000 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.7 in T | 1.5 lb Wt


The Trinity in the Canon A Biblical, Theological, Historical, and Practical Proposal Brandon D. Smith In The Trinity in the Canon, over a dozen scholars help readers to understand the fundamental subject of Scripture: the triune God who encounters the church as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Editor Brandon D. Smith attempts to help the reader articulate a trinitarian theology to better understand...

Summary For the church, trinitarian theology should flow into two streams: ORTHODOXY AND ORTHOPRAXY.

B&H Academic 9781535950244 Pub Date: 9/15/23 $49.99 USD Trade Paperback

Editor Brandon Smith and a stellar cast of theologians demonstrate that trinitarian theology derives directly from Scripture and should produce both right doctrine and right living. The Trinity in the Canon is an appeal for the church to incorporate the Trinity into our preaching, our liturgies and worship, and our interactions with those outside the church. Pastors, scholars, professors, students, and laypersons will benefit spiritually, theologically, and practically from this in-depth study of the Trinity.

496 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Theology REL102000 9 in H | 6 in W | 1.1 in T | 1.5 lb Wt


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 5


Old Testament Survey Workbook Archie England, Eric Mitchell The student workbook gives instructors a simple resource for structuring lessons, increasing student engagement, and assessing understanding.

Summary The student workbook gives instructors a simple resource for structuring lessons, increasing student engagement, and assessing understanding.

B&H Academic 9781087763538 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $29.99 USD Trade Paperback

This updated edition revises the original edition and greatly expands its attention to historical, methodological, and geographical topics. These are combined with the second edition’s focus on literature and narrative, and an increased number of improved maps are also included. In all, the book charts every major element that unifies the Old Testament, making it an excellent companion for Bible reading, college/seminary classes, and pastoral research.

320 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Biblical Studies REL006210 11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 1 lb Wt


Old Testament Narrative Books The Israel Story Gary Edward Schnittjer, Mark L. Strauss The textbooks in the Scripture Connections series feature somewhat shorter page counts than many traditional survey texts while highlighting connections to the New Testament and one’s everyday life. Professors in traditional courses can use these textbooks to provide room in their courses for other ...


B&H Academic 9781087747521 Pub Date: 9/15/23 $29.99 USD Trade Paperback

Scripture Connections: Old Testament Narrative Books focuses on two larger narratives of the Old Testament: the Narratives of the Rise and Fall of the Hebrew Kingdoms (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings) and the Narratives of Exile and Restoration (Ruth, Daniel, Esther, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles). Overall, this work introduces the narratives of Israel’s scriptures with an emphasis on ancient connections, biblical connections, gospel connections, and life connections.

288 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Biblical Studies REL006210 Series: Scripture Connections 10 in H | 7 in W | 0.6 in T | 1 lb Wt


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 6


Humanity John S. Hammett, Katie J. McCoy, David S Dockery, Nathan A. Finn, Christopher W. Morgan In Humanity, John Hammett and Katie McCoy examine the subject of humanity, a topic of perpetual interest to human beings. Most people at one time or another pause to consider the enigma of human nature, and the authors ask the reader to consider three major questions: “Who are we? Why are we here? H...

Summary John Hammett’s and Katie McCoy’s Humanity is built on four assumptions: that humans are creatures, that they can only be understood in light of the intentions of their Creator, that the Creator’s intentions are revealed in the pages of Scripture, and that humans enjoy a truly and fully human life only when they live in accordance with their created nature. Thus, this work seeks to offer a biblical perspective on human nature as designed by God. B&H Academic 9781087730158 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $34.99 USD Hardcover 448 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Christian Theology REL067020 Series: Theology for the People of God 9 in H | 6 in W | 1.1 in T | 1.8 lb Wt


Hope for God's Creation Stewardship in an Age of Futility Andrew J. Spencer As our society asks new questions about the physical world, Christians need to give answers that are contextualized and effectively transpose the unchanging truths of Scriptures into ever-changing contexts. Hope for God’s Creation gives readers the resources to answer contemporary questions about en...


B&H Academic 9781087751474 Pub Date: 9/15/23 $24.99 USD Trade Paperback

It is impossible to turn on the news or even drive down the street without encountering debates about environmental ethics. In a sea of data and a host of conflated issues, figuring out how Christians should respond to the predictions of environmentalists can be confusing. Hope for God’s Creation by ethicist Andrew Spencer is scientifically informed, but theologically driven. It helps the reader to understand how to read the Bible in light of science, why creation has value, what humans were placed on the earth for, and where God’s creation is heading in the eschaton. Hope for God’s Creation provides a theological perspective for environmental ethics that will help frame a robustly orthodox, biblical advocacy for stewardship of creation.

240 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 12 And Up Religion / Christian Theology REL067070 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

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Natural Law A Short Companion David VanDrunen, C. Ben Mitchell, Jason Thacker As a theological primer, Natural Law: A Short Companion offers an introductory overview of what Scripture says about natural law. This book hopes to help Christians understand this pivotal role of natural law in Scripture and God’s government of the world. Moreover, readers will hopefully better app...


B&H Academic 9781087775418 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback

David VanDrunen’s Natural Law: A Short Companion outlines what Scripture teaches about natural law. Scripture never uses the term “natural law,” but it repeatedly refers to the reality of natural law or assumes its existence. The existence of natural law underlies what Scripture says about God’s own nature, the cosmic order, the image of God, human community, the gospel of Christ, and the final judgment. Moreover, the story of Scripture from the original creation to the new creation wouldn’t hold together without natural law. Through this work, readers should come to know their Bibles better and know God better.

160 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 18 And Up Religion / Christian Theology REL067070 Series: Essentials in Christian Ethics 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.6 in T | 0.8 lb Wt


B&H fall 23 a - April 2023

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S PANISH fall 2023



RVR 1960 Biblia letra grande tamaño manual RVR1960 HAND SIZED GIANT PRINT BIBLE The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart.

audience General audience

features • Cross-references and thematic concordance • Overview of the Bible’s history; read the Bible in a year • The Good News of Salvation; words of Christ in red • Introduction & outline of each book; harmony of the Gospels • Full-color maps; attributes of Jesus • Words of encouragement for your walk with God • Ribbon marker; font Size 12 pts; 1,696 pages; size: 5.38 x 7.88 inches A







release date: October 1, 2023 page count: 1,698 size: 6 x 8.5 spine width: 1.22" carton qty: 12 rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB019000/ BIBLES/Reina Valera/Text

binding material




borgoña imitación piel (burgundy bonded leather)




borgoña imitación piel, con índice (burgundy bonded leather - Indexed)




negra imitación piel (black bonded leather)




negra, símil piel, con índice (black bonded leather - Indexed)




floreada símil piel (floral LeatherTouch®)




floreada símil piel, con índice (floral LeatherTouch® - indexed)




café duotono símil piel (gray LeatherTouch®)




café duotono símil piel (gray LeatherTouch® - indexed)




café, símil piel (brown LeatherTouch®)




café, símil piel, con índice (brown LeatherTouch® - Indexed)




negra imitación piel (black imitation leather)




negra imitación piel, con índice (black imitation leather - Indexed)


SPA N I SH fall 2023

RVR 1960 Biblia del ministro, edición ampliada RVR1960 MINISTER’S BIBLE, AMPLIFIED EDITION The Minister’s Bible RVR 1960 is ideal for pulpit use with their large type, wide margins, and extensive ancillary notes from many of today’s top preachers and church leaders. The Minister’s Bible places the necessary helps in the middle of the Bible and in a larger font than the Bible text. This placement and typesetting allows the Bible to be balanced, easily remain open in the minister’s hand or pulpit while being very legible. They’re a perfect presentation item for a variety of special occasions including Pastor Appreciation Month. Available in the RVR 1960, a traditional and trustworthy translation.

features A

• Lord's Supper • Funeral service • Quinceañera celebration • Ceremony for new ministers • Dedication of children • Baptism ceremony • Ordination of church leaders

• Etc. Lord's Supper • Funeral service • Quinceañera celebration • Ceremony for new ministers • Dedication of children • Baptism ceremony • Ordination of church leaders

audience • General audience • Pastors • Leaders



release date: October 1, 2023 page count: 1,696 size: 5.9 x 8.5 spine width: 1.75" carton qty: 12 rights: Worldwide bisac: BIB019000/ BIBLES/Reina Valera/Text

binding material




caoba imitación piel (Brown imitation leather)




negro piel fabricada (Black bonded leather)



The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness SPANISH El camino al verdadero gozo Cristinano Timothy Keller


En este corto e ingenioso libro, el autor de éxito de ventas Tim Keller nos muestra que la humildad conforme al evangelio significa que podemos dejar de conectar cada experiencia y cada conversación con nosotros mismos y liberarnos de la auto condenación. In this short and punchy book, best-selling ...


B&H Español 9781087773810 Pub Date: 10/15/23 $4.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 13 And Up Religion / Christian Living REL012000 Series: Lectura fácil

En una era donde complacer a la gente, elevar tu ego y construir tu currículum son vistos como métodos para "lograrlo", el Apóstol Pablo nos llama a encontrar el verdadero descanso en olvidarnos a nosotros mismos. En este corto e ingenioso libro, el autor de éxito de ventas Tim Keller nos muestra que la humildad conforme al evangelio significa que podemos dejar de conectar cada experiencia y cada conversación con nosotros mismos y liberarnos de la auto condenación. Una persona verdaderamente humilde no es una persona que se odia a sí misma, o se ama a sí misma, sino que se olvida a sí misma. Esta libertad puede ser tuya... In an age where pleasing people, puffing up your ego and building your résumé are seen as the methods to 'make it', the Apostle Paul calls us to find true rest in blessed self-forgetfulness. In this short and punchy book, best-selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from selfcondemnation. A truly gospel humble person is not a self-hating person or...

6.5 in H | 4 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt


Psalm 23 SPANISH El pastor conmigo Jennifer Rothschild El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará. Muchas mujeres se saben el Salmo 23 de memoria, pero no han experimentado su poder en sus vidas. Este amado salmo puede infundir nueva vida a las mujeres que están cansadas e inseguras de sus próximos pasos. Es más que un salmo que consuela en la muerte; da con...

Summary B&H Español 9781430086413 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback

El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará. Muchas mujeres se saben el Salmo 23 de memoria, pero no han experimentado su poder en sus vidas. Este amado salmo puede infundir nueva vida a las mujeres que están cansadas e inseguras de sus próximos pasos. Es más que un salmo que consuela en la muerte; da confianza en la vida.

160 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Ages 18 And Up, Grades 12 And Up Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700

En este estudio de 7 sesiones de Jennifer Rothschild, obtendrás una nueva perspectiva y aliento del Salmo 23. Explora las profundidades de la vida de Dios. Explora las profundidades del cuidado compasivo de Dios mientras desacreditas el mito de la autosuficiencia. Aprende cómo tu vulnerabilidad no es una desventaja porque puedes confiar en la bondad del Pastor a lo largo de cada etapa de la vida.

9.5 in H | 7 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.6 lb Wt



Ayudas para que el líder guíe las preguntas y los debates en los grupos pequeños. Segmentos de estudio personal para completar entre 7 semanas de sesiones de grupo. Siete vídeos didácticos, de aproximadamente 25-30 minutos por sesión. Beneficios: B&H fall 23 b - April 2023

Page 1

WO M EN ’S B I B LE ST UD I ES spring 2023


He’s Where the Joy Is Getting to Know the Captivating God of the Trinity TARA-LEIGH COBBLE

It's hard to know a God we don't understand, and it's hard to love a God we don't know. But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word. Join Tara-Leigh Cobble in this 7-session study as she breaks down the intimidating doctrine of the Trinity. You'll discover a beautiful, foundational view of our Triune God that will transform how you relate to Him. Understanding God's three-in-oneness and each of the Persons of God individually—Father, Son, and Spirit—will lead you to deeper intimacy with God and greater joy in knowing Him!


• Personal study segments to complete among 7 weeks of group sessions, including daily Scripture reading • Daily audio clips, approximately 5–10 minutes • 5 days a week of Scripture memory • 7 teaching videos, approximately 15-20 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book • Leader helps for group discussion BIBLE STUDY BOOK WITH VIDEO ACCESS release date: February 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087785486 format: Trade Paper price: $26.99 page count: 176 size: 7x9.5 spine width: .47” carton qty: 33 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/ RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

DVD SET release date: September 1, 2021 upc: 840154545169 format: DVD price: $39.99 size: 5.4x7.5” spine width: .6" carton qty: 75 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/

RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

comparable title

How Much More

price: $29.49 isbn: 9781087773926 format: trade paper


• Discover and better understand an intimidating doctrine that is so vital to our faith. • Explore the Trinity as a whole and examine the role and work of each Person of the Trinity individually. • Unpack theological truths about prayer and how we can commune with and talk to God. • Understand how to apply the truth of who God is in the Trinity to your everyday life and how you can relate to Him.


• Women; Small group leaders TARA-LEIGH COBBLE is the creator and host of The Bible Recap podcast and the founder of D-Group, an international network of weekly discipleship and accountability groups. She also hosts a daily radio show called The God Shot. Tara-Leigh lives in Dallas, Texas. Learn more at www.taraleighcobble.com.

WO MEN’ S BIBLE STU D IES spring 2023


Your weakness. God’s strength. PRISCILLA SHIRER

When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or a fleece spread beneath the evening sky. But Gideon's story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His people—His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of, even through, their weakness. This 7-session study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, learn to see them as the gifts given specifically and strategically by God. If you've ever felt insufficient, ill-equipped, incompetent, or outnumbered, this study is for you.


• 6 weeks of personal study to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions • 7 teaching videos, approximately 30-60 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book • Leader helps for group discussion

benefits BIBLE STUDY BOOK WITH VIDEO ACCESS release date: February 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087789095 format: Trade Paper price: $33.49 page count: 192 size: 7x9.5 spine width: .52” carton qty: 36 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/ RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

• Look at the big picture, how God sovereignly positioned Gideon into it, and what it all means for us today as He unfolds our part in His plans. • Designed for anyone who has ever felt insufficient, ill-equipped, incompetent, or outnumbered. In other words, anyone and everyone. • See your weaknesses as God’s greatest strengths. • Instead of hiding from your weaknesses, find the God-given strength to face your fears and do what God is calling you to do. • Challenges participants to see God in a much bigger way, experience Him more fully, and tap into His power and presence in a fresh way.

audience DVD SET release date: May 1, 2013 upc: 634337358147 format: DVD price: $92.99 size: 5.4x7.5” spine width: .6" carton qty: 75 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/

RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

comparable title

The Armor of God price: $33.49 isbn: 9781087769455 format: trade paper

• Women; Small group leaders PRISCILLA SHIRER is a wife and a mom first, but put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you’ll see why thousands meet God in powerful, personal ways at her conferences and through her Bible studies.

For the past twenty years, Priscilla has been in full-time ministry to women. She and her husband Jerry have founded Going Beyond Ministries and count it as their privilege to serve believers across the entire spectrum of the body of Christ. Priscilla is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies on a myriad of topics and biblical characters including discerning the voice of God, the exodus, the armor of God, Jonah, and Gideon. Priscilla is passionate about ministry, but prioritizes her calling as wife and mother above all. Between writing and studying, she spends her days cleaning up after (and trying to satisfy the appetites of) three rapidly growing sons—Jackson, Jerry Jr., and Jude.

WO M EN ’S B I B LE ST UD I ES fall 2023

Without Wavering Resilient Faith Built on the Promises of God ALEXANDRA HOOVER

Enduring, resilient, courageous—these are qualities we want to describe our faith in God. But the truth is that faith is hard, especially when trials, setbacks, and failures seem to define us. How do we trust God day in and day out? When the odds are stacked against us? In the moments when we’re left wondering how we’ll ever get back up? The good news is a life of resilient faith is possible. In this 7-session Bible study with teaching videos, Alexandra Hoover offers encouraging words of hope and examples of unwavering faith from the Bible. Drawing inspiration from the examples of faith in Hebrews 11 and the early church, you’ll see that life’s challenges don’t have to define you. Through hope in Christ, you can become the woman who weathers the storms of life with renewed strength and confidence in who God is and who He says you are.


• 6 weeks of personal study with 5 days of study each week • 7 teaching videos, approximately 8–12 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book • Leader helps for group discussion BIBLE STUDY BOOK WITH VIDEO ACCESS release date: September 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087779379 format: Trade Paper price: $26.99 page count: 160 size: 7x9.5 spine width: .42” carton qty: 38 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/


DVD SET release date: September 1, 2023 upc: 081407451145 format: DVD price: $39.99 size: 5.4x7.5” spine width: .42" carton qty: 75 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/


RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

comparable title 7-SESSION BIBLE STUDY

With Us in the Wilderness price: $21.49 isbn: 9781087700786 format: trade paper

• Anchor your life in a faith in Jesus that enables you to weather storms and overcome discouragement. • See the challenges and suffering you face from Jesus’s perspective. • Learn to endure seasons of waiting with endurance and patience. • Move from powerless doubt to empowered faith through stories in Scripture. • Develop a faith fueled by Jesus’s perseverance on the cross, the power of the resurrection, and the resilience that carried Him through

• Women; Small group leaders ALEXANDRA HOOVER is is a wife, mother of three, daughter,

sought-out speaker, and writer of Eyes Up: How to Trust God's Heart by Tracing His Hand. She's passionate about communicating the gospel's beauty and hope, whether through writing or speaking, online or in person. Her words spur people on to hope, healing, and mission. She has the privilege of serving on staff at Transformation Church and spends her days loving on her family, dancing with her kids, and living on mission right where God has her.



Fighting Shame with the Word of God SCARLET HILTIBIDAL

When Isaiah stepped into the throne room of God, he was “undone” by his sinfulness in view of God’s holiness. When an angel touched his mouth with a coal and told him his sin was forgiven, Isaiah said, “Here I am. Send me. I don’t care where. I’m yours! I’ll do whatever!” He moved from being undone by shame to a hopeful humility and an eagerness to serve the Lord. In this 7-session study by Scarlet Hiltibidal, discover the deep, freeing truth that being undone is the right place to start. Move beyond your shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light, confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame, because Jesus experienced shame in our place.


• 6 weeks of personal study with 5 days of study each week • 7 teaching videos, approximately 10 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book • Leader helps for group discussion

benefits BIBLE STUDY BOOK WITH VIDEO ACCESS release date: October 2, 2023 isbn: 9781087782997 format: Trade Paper price: $26.99 page count: 192 size: 7x9.5 spine width: .42” carton qty: 38 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/ RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

comparable title

Anxious price: $26.99 isbn: 9781087733869 format: trade paper

• Gain perspective on sources of shame and grasp a vision for how to find freedom through God’s Word. • Experience the miraculous shift of living in light of the gospel today rather than hoping for a happy someday. • Learn from the stories of women and men in the Bible who overcame their shame to walk in the freedom of God.


• Women; Small group leaders SCARLET HILTIBIDAL is the author of Afraid of All the Things, You’re the Worst Person in the World, the Anxious Bible study, and other books. She writes regularly for ParentLife Magazine, HomeLife Magazine, and She Reads Truth. Scarlet enjoys speaking to women around the country about the freedom and rest available in Jesus. She and her husband live in Southern California, where she loves sign language with her three daughters, nachos by herself, writing for her friends, and studying stand-up comedy with a passion that should be reserved for more important pursuits.

Storyteller is a new Bible study series uniquely designed to be inviting, intuitive, and interactive. Each of the four volumes examines a key theme or story in a book of the Bible. Every week includes five days of short Scripture reading, a daily thought explaining each passage, a short list of questions for a group Bible study, and space for you to write down your discoveries. And new volumes are being added every year.

lifeway.com/storyteller 45

Galatians ADULT BIBLE STUD I ES fall 2023

e e ree STORYTELLER hat does the Bible mean when it says that we’re free. Afterall, it is for freedom that Christ set us free. The kind of freedom that esus offers is not the absence of constraint, license, or personal autonomy. It’s a deeper and more liberating freedom. It’s the freedom from the slavery e shame, e ree of sin, and the law. It’s the power that unites us to Christ and STORYTELLER allows us to serve others in love. It’s the settled confidence that comes from knowing we are adopted children of the King of the Universe. It’s hatall does Bible mean when it says that we’re free. Afterall, it isinfor what thethe world wants that esus promised and is giving us daily freedom Christ set us free. The kind of freedom that esus offers the gospel.that (6 sessions) is not the absence of constraint, license, or personal autonomy. It’s a deeper and more liberating freedom. It’s the freedom from the slavery e ure of sin, shame, and the law. It’s the power that unites us to Christ and •allows Six small us togroup serve sessions others in love. It’s the settled confidence that comes knowing we are adopted children of the King of the Universe. It’s •from Five-day reading plans each week all the world wants that esus promised and is giving us daily in •what Open, inviting design gospel. sessions) •the Guide for (6 group discussion


BIBLE STUDY BOOK release date: December 1, 2023 isbn: 9781430084846 price: $26.99 format: Trade Paper page count: 208 size: 7.5” x 9.5” spine width: 0.41 ” carton qty: 38 rights: Lifeway bisac: RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

• uestions for reflection • eOpportunities to memori e Scripture ure • Call outs to help participants understand the story of the Bible • Six small group sessions • Five-day reading plans each week e e • Open, inviting design •• Reassess freedom means Guide for what groupgospel discussion •• Let go of unhealthy spiritual attitudes or rhythms uestions for reflection •• Love and serve others theeway that God intended Opportunities to memori Scripture •• Be encouraged to bear and share the burdens of others Call outs to help participants understand the story of thewithin Bible the family of God

e e • Reassess what gospel freedom means • Let go of unhealthy spiritual attitudes or rhythms • Love and serve others the way that God intended • Be encouraged to bear and share the burdens of others within the family of God

also available

Hebrews price: $26.99

Exodus price: $26.99

Ruth price: $26.99

John price: $26.99

isbn: 9781087763361 format: Trade Paper

isbn: 9781087763347 format: Trade Paper

isbn: 9781087783550 format: Trade Paper

isbn: 9781087783574 format: Trade Paper

WO M EN ’S B I B LE ST UD I ES fall 2023

Life Under the Sun The Unexpectedly Good News of Ecclesiastes HANNAH ANDERSON

Life is good. Until it’s not. These days we have the ingenuity, resources, and technology at our fingertips to make life better, more fulfilling, more meaningful. At the same time, we are barraged with global pandemics, social unrest, economic hardships, health crises, and on and on. This leaves us trying to answer the age-old questions: Why are we here? What really gives our lives purpose and meaning? In this 8-session Bible study, Hannah Anderson shows that while the book of Ecclesiastes doesn’t offer an escape from the struggles of being human, it offers a wealth of timeless insight on the human condition. Truths from this ancient book will encourage us to face the limits of our control, accept the reality of suffering, and find goodness in the lives that God has given us. We’ll see that set within the broader canon of Scripture, Ecclesiastes is more than good advice or self-help. With raw honesty and uncomfortable realism, it frees us to ask the questions that Jesus Himself will ultimately answer.


BIBLE STUDY BOOK WITH VIDEO ACCESS release date: November 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087785158 format: Trade Paper price: $21.49 page count: 192 size: 7x9.5 spine width: .42” carton qty: 38 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/ RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

DVD SET release date: November 1, 2023 upc: 081407466705 format: DVD price: $39.99 size: 5.4x7.5” spine width: .5" carton qty: 75 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/

RELIGION/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides

comparable title

In View of God’s Mercies price: $29.49 isbn: 9781087747484 format: trade paper

• 7 weeks of personal study to complete between 8 weeks of group sessions • 8 teaching videos, approximately 15 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book • Leader helps for group discussion


• Discover a model for doubt that moves away from despair to faith in God’s faithfulness. • Be empowered to voice your frustrations, questions, and fears about life. • Experience the freedom that comes from accepting your limits and fixing your eyes on our limitless God. • Gain greater knowledge of the book of Ecclesiastes and the genre of wisdom literature.


• Women; Small group leaders HANNAH ANDERSON is an author and Bible teacher who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband, Nathan, and three children. Her books include Humble Roots: How Humility Grounds and Nourishes Your Soul, Turning of Days: Lessons from Nature, Season, and Spirit, and the recently released, Heaven and Nature Sing. Hannah’s goal is to encourage believers to think deeply and broadly about how the gospel transforms every area of life. You can connect with her at her blog sometimesalight.com and on Twitter @sometimesalight.



God, Heroes, and

Everyday Theology Everyday Dragons Teen Bible Study Book Finding Your Story in God’s Story ou DANIEL elieve BLACKABY ers MIKE AND MARY ILEY

The Bible is not just a boring history about things that happened a long Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in time ago. The Bible is an exciting, unified story about a real God who the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those who loves people. It is the story of how God used a collection of ordinary men workwomen at yourtochurch. It’s for you that, in your everyday moments, questions, and start a movement despite violent opposition, would and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our spread around the world. It is a story of good and evil, of companionship, theology the of basis our faith and touches every part of our story existence. of warfare,isand epicofsupernatural encounters. It is the greatest ever told—and you are a character in it. As Samwise Gamgee asks Frodo in The In this teens will sort explore thewe’ve essential of go on Lord of8-session the Rings,study, “I wonder what of tale fallendoctrines into?” Let’s Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, this faith journey together and discover what it means to experience your andas the end to know life part oftimes a bigger story. God more deeply through these foundational truths. In this new 8-part personal Bible study, authors Mike and Daniel Blackaby explore how you can embark on your own faith journey. features

release date: October 2, 2023 isbn: 9781087786308 format: Trade Paper price: $29.49 page count: 176 size: 6x8” BIBLE STUDY BOOK spine width: .36” carton qty: 112 release date: August 17,copies 2022only rights: Worldwide, full isbn: 9781087762449 bisac: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth format: Paperback price: $14.99 page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

• Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups •features Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group • sessions 8-part personal Bible study Eachfoundational part includesBible interactive elements to help students •• Daily versesstudy for memori ation explore,discover, andto act on God’s Word • Additional resources support and reinforce weekly study • 8 free interactive teaching videos featuring authors Mike and DanielBlackaby to wrap up each part of the study (accessible using a benefits QR codeprinted in the book) orship withactivity a greater of to who God istheir and own His work in •• Storyboard thatunderstanding guides students illustrate the world. faithjourney your ability to discern truth and false teaching. •• Increase Extra features for students whobetween want to go deeper in their study • Examine foundational truths to better understand what you believe • Free resources, including promotional video and social media and deepen yourfor relationship God. assets,available download with at lifeway.com • Biblically rooted and gospel-centered

audience benefits • Teens 7-12 grade

This book will guide students to… • Explore what the Bible says about the story they are in. • Discover what biblical truth means for their lives. ARY lives with her husband and and two Scripture. children in • Act on what GodILEY is showing them through prayer Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday • Live out the story God has for them. as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H audience Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids • Teens (Grade 7-12) AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or MaryC iley. DR. MIKE BLACKABY is Henry Blackaby's oldest grandson and co-author with his brother, Daniel, of the Experiencing God Teen Bible Study (Lifeway 2022). He currently serves as a church planter in Victoria, BC, Canada, where he lives with his wife, Sarah, and their two sons. He holds a Ph.D. in apologetics from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has co-authored two books for young adults: When Worlds Collide: Stepping up and Standing Out in an Anti-God Culture and Seven Steps to Knowing, Doing, and Experiencing the Will of God. Mike speaks on apologetics, experiencing God, and reaching the next generation for Christ. DR. DANIEL BLACKABY is Henry Blackaby's grandson and the author/co-author of nine books for young adults, including 7 Steps for Knowing, Doing, and Experiencing the Will of God, and When Worlds Collide: Stepping Up and Standing Out in an Anti-God Culture, as well as the imaginative fiction trilogy The Lost City Chronicles. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in Christianity and the Arts and a Th.M. in Philosophy, Apologetics & Worldview from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Daniel speaks on cultural engagement, Christianity and the arts, apologetics, and reaching the next generation for Christ.




Chasing EverydayLove Theology Bible for Teens Teen Study Bible Study Book elieve DR. SEAN ou MCDOWELL MARY ILEY


We live in a is society that challenges us daily when it comes to tough topics Theology the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in related to sexuality, but God doesn’t leave us to find the answers on our who the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those own. Heatshows us His design sex, and marriage inquestions, His Word. work your church. It’s forfor you in singleness, your everyday moments,

and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our In this nine-session Bible study, Sean McDowell takes us through God’s theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence. Word to answer some of our toughest questions about love, sex, gender, and relationships. He provides practical counsel on how we can embrace a In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of life of purity by loving God and loving others with both our body and our Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, soul. We’ll learn how to show love to those living outside of God’s design. andwe the end times to know God more through these foundational And will discover that God’s love healsdeeply our wounds and His grace frees truths. us from the shame and guilt of past sin.

features features

release date: December 1, 2023 isbn: 9781430085072 format: Trade Paper price: $21.49 BIBLE STUDY page count: 128BOOK size: 7x9.5 release date: 17, 2022 spine width: August .27” carton qty: 72 isbn: 9781087762449 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/ format: PaperbackStudies/Bible price: $14.99Study Guides RELIGION/Biblical page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

Leader to guide and discussions within small •• 9 grouphelps sessions and 8 questions weeks of personal study segments to groups • complete Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group between group sessions sessions teaching videos from Sean McDowell, approximately • Engaging • 10 Daily foundational Bible verses for memori ation minutes each Additional resources to support andto reinforce weekly study • • Leader helps in the back of the book guide questions and discussion within small groups

benefits benefits • orship with a greater understanding of who God is and His work in the world. and embrace God’s design for love, relationships, and understand • sexuality. Increase your ability to discern between truth and false teaching. Examine foundational better understand what you believe • • see that they are never truths beyondtoGod’s forgiveness and grace. and deepen relationship with God. • learn how to your engage the LGBTQ conversation with both compassion and biblical clarity. • audience respond in compassion to those who have been abused or who believe differently. Teens 7-12 grade • • develop a faith fueled by Jesus’s perseverance on the cross, the power of the resurrection, and the resilience that carried Him through. •


ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, • Teen girls (Grade 7-12)Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or MaryC iley.




James Everyday Theology Teen Bible Study Book Bible Study for Teen Girls ou elieve ers Experience Abundant Life MARY GIRARDIER ILEY AMY-JO

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in Join author And and minister Amy-Jo Girardier this 5-session Bible study for the world. it’s not ust for those withinformal education or those who teen girls that will awaken their faith and teach them the transformative work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, habits of Bible study, obedience, need to Our and decisions. It’s forprayer, the big and little,and the patience exciting they and mundane. confidently embrace and experience a Jesus-kingdom kind of life. theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence. Are you ready to discover the abundant life Jesus has for you? Let the In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of adventure begin! Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational features truths. • 5 small-group sessions (includes review content for an optional 6th session) features • Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions • Leader helps towith guide questions and discussion small groupsand discussions within small groups segments to complete between 8 weeks of group •• Personal Biblicallystudy rooted and gospel-centered • sessions Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth Bible verses for memori •• Daily Free foundational leader resources, including social mediaation assets, available for • Additional to support and reinforce weekly study download resources at lifeway.com release date: November 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087786322 BIBLE BOOKprice: $21.49 format:STUDY Trade Paper release date: August 2022 page count: 112 size: 717, x 9.5” isbn: 9781087762449 spine width: .27” carton qty: 40 format: Paperbackfull price: $14.99 rights: Worldwide, copies only page 208 size: 7x9.5" bisac:count: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

benefits benefits Girls will learn to…a greater understanding of who God is and His work in • orship with world. • the Stop going through the motions of following Jesus. your ability to discern •• Increase Fight numbness in their faith. between truth and false teaching. foundational truths to better understand what you believe •• Examine Experience abundant life in Jesus. your relationship God. Bible study, and accountability. • and Livedeepen out transformative habits with of prayer, • Discover how following Jesus is an incredible adventure. •audience Put faith into action.

• Teens 7-12 grade


• Teen girls (Grade 7-12) ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in AMY-JO GIRARDIER is theTennessee. Girls Minister Brentwood in Brentwood, Lebanon, Sheatgets to workBaptist with words everyday

TN. She has been serving in thisstrategist role for seventeen years and keeps as the marketing for women’s books at B H pinching herself that thisGroup is whatatshe gets toMary do for job! SheaisMaster the Publishing Lifeway. is apursuing of founding editor of in www.girlsminister.com, a website to connect Arts Theological Studies and hosts created the Questions Kids and resource AskPodcast. girls ministers, moms, andfrom youth workers engaged in the girls Read more Mary at MaryC iley.com or ministry conversation. is also the author of two Bible study and DVD MaryC She iley. teaching series: Authentic Love and Faithful One. In addition to ministry, Amy-Jo loves using technology, passing on her love of technology to others, drinking coffee, running, serving on staff with her husband Darrel, and hanging out with her sons Scout and Skylar.




Without EverydayWavering Theology Bible StudyStudy for Teen Girls Teen Bible Book ou Built elieve ers of God Resilient Faith on the Promises ALEXANDRA MARY ILEYHOOVER

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in In this 7-session study teaching author or and speaker the world. And Bible it’s not ust with for those withvideos, formalnew education those who Alexandra Hoover offers encouraging words of hope and examples of work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, unwavering faithIt’s from As little, you dig into God’s Word, you’ll and decisions. for the theBible. big and thedeeper exciting and mundane. Our see that life’s challenges don’t have to define you. Through hope in Christ, theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence. you can become the one who weathers the storms of life with renewed strength and confidence in who God is and who He says you are. In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, features and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational •truths. 7 small-group sessions; 6 weeks of personal study • 7 interactive teaching videos featuring author; approximately 15 minutes for each session features • Leader Guide in the back of the Bible study book to guide questions and • discussion Leader helps guide questions and discussions within small groups withtosmall groups Personalrooted study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group •• Biblically and gospel-centered • 5sessions personal study opportunities each week for ongoing spiritual growth Dailyleader foundational Bible versespromotional for memori video ation and social media •• Free resources, including • assets, Additional resources to support and reinforce weekly study available for download at lifeway.com release date: December 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087788999 BIBLE BOOK format:STUDY Book/Paperback price: $21.49 release date: August page count: 160 size: 717,x 2022 9.5” isbn: spine9781087762449 width: .42” carton qty: 38 format: Paperback full price: $14.99 rights: Worldwide; copies only page 208 size: 7x9.5" bisac:count: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

benefits benefits ••

Anchor in a faith in Jesus that enables you to storms orshipyour withlife a greater understanding of who God is weather and His work in and overcome discouragement. the world. •• Increase See the challenges sufferingbetween you facetruth fromand Jesus’s perspective. your abilityand to discern false teaching. •• Examine Learn to foundational endure seasons of waiting with endurance what and patience. truths to better understand you believe • and Move from powerless doubt towith empowered faith through stories in deepen your relationship God. Scripture. •audience Develop a faith fueled by Jesus’s perseverance on the cross, the power of the resurrection, and the resilience that carried Him through. • Teens 7-12 grade


• Teen girls (Grade 7-12) ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday ALEXANDRA HOOVER is a wife, mother of three, daughter, sought-out as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H speaker, and writer. She'sGroup passionate about communicating gospel'sof Publishing at Lifeway. Mary is pursuingthe a Master beauty and hope, whether through writing or speaking, online or in Kids Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions person. Her words spur people on to hope, healing, and mission. She has AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or the privilege of MaryC serving on staff at Transformation Church and spends her iley. days loving on her family, dancing with her kids, and living on mission right where God has her.




As for Me Theology Everyday Bible for Teen Girls Teen Study Bible Study Book elieve ers Life through ou the Lens of the Psalms MARY ILEY ADRIENNE CAMP

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in “As for me, I will tell about him forever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob.” the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those who Psalm 75:9 work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our From songs of praise to cries of lament and everything in-between, the book theology is the basis of our faith and touches every part of our existence. of Psalms captures the emotions of life. The psalmists paint a picture of a relationship with God that is filled with delays, disappointments, surprises, In triumphs. this 8-session study, teens explore thean essential doctrines of keep and Through it all, theirwill words model incredible resolve to Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, their eyes on God. Instead of being swallowed up by the darkness of their and theand endcircumstances, times to knowthey Godpersevered more deeply through these foundational emotions in grabbing hold of God's truths. love and faithfulness. unfailing

release date: September 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087779829 format:STUDY Trade Paper BIBLE BOOKprice: $21.49 page count: 192 size: 717,x 2022 9.5” release date: August spine width: .42” carton qty: 38 isbn: 9781087762449 rights: Worldwide, full copies only format: Paperback price: $14.99 bisac: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

In features this 7-session Bible study, author and singer Adrienne Camp invites you to•join her onhelps a journey through the book Psalms. You will gain a deeper Leader to guide questions andof discussions within small groups understanding of who God is and be encouraged to hold on to of Him no matter • Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks group whatsessions is happening around you. Let the psalms become the prayers you carry with you into every moment of every day, so that you, too, can say with • Daily foundational Bible verses for memori ation confidence, “As for me, I will worship and serve the Lord no matter what.” • Additional resources to support and reinforce weekly study

features benefits

• 7 small-group sessions orshipofwith a greater understanding of who God is with and His work in • • 6 weeks personal study through the book of Psalms, 5 days the world. ofstudy each week your ability to discern between truth and false teaching. • • 7Increase interactive teaching videos featuring author Adrienne • Camp;approximately Examine foundational truths to better understand 15-20 minutes for each session what you believe and deepen your relationship • Leader Guide in the back of thewith BibleGod. study book to guide questions anddiscussion with small groups • audience Biblically rooted and gospel-centered • Weekly reading plan through the book of Psalms for those who want • Teens 7-12 grade togo further in their study • Free leader resources, including promotional video and social media assets, available for download at lifeway.com ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday benefits as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H • Discover God’s steadfast goodness through the psalms. Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of • Learn how to keep your eyes fixed on God, no matter the Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids circumstancessurrounding you. AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or • Develop a deeper walk with Jesus. MaryC iley. • Invite the Lord into every moment of the day. • Find the confidence to express the full range of your emotions to God. • Be reminded of the importance of steadfast and immovable faith in God. • Understand God is trustworthy even when it’s difficult to trust Him.

audience • Teen girls (Grade 7-12) ADRIENNE CAMP grew up in South Africa and moved to America to pursue

music at age nineteen. She is married to fellow musician Jeremy Camp, whom she met on tour in 2002. They have been married since 2003 and have two daughters, Bella and Arie, and one son, Egan. She is passionate about her family and about sharing God’s love all over the world. Her greatest desire is to know Him and make Him known.




TEEN 30-day Devos

Everyday Theology Love Teen and BibleJustice Study Book ou elieve ers Teen Devotional MARY ILEY The Messages of Hosea, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those who at your church. It’smonthly for you devotionals, in your everyday moments, Inwork this 12-volume series of students will gainquestions, a more and decisions. It’s for the big Old andTestament little, the exciting mundane. Our thorough understanding of key and Newand Testament books oftheology the Bible.isStudents to Discover God’severy Word,part Delight in the Lord, the basiswill of learn our faith and touches of our existence. and Display God’s work in their lives. In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of features Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, andbook the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational Each includes: • truths. 30 daily devotions • applicable Scripture • features prayer prompts • practical application • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups • Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group

benefits sessions

release date: September 1, 2023 BIBLE STUDY BOOK isbn: 9781087767468 release date: August 17, 2022 format: Trade Paper price: 7.99 isbn: 9781087762449 page count: 112 size: 5 x 7” format: Paperback price: $14.99 spine width: .24” carton qty: 112 page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" rights: Worldwide, full copies only spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 bisac: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical

• • helps alignBible their verses lives under God’s rule which will give them Daily students foundational for memori ation in who they created be • confidence Additional resources towere support andto reinforce weekly study • helps students learn to see God in every detail so they can delight in Him benefits • helps students learn to lead, live on mission, and make disciples • orship with a greater understanding of who God is and His work in the world. audience • Increase your ability to discern between truth and false teaching. • • Teens (Grade 7-12) Examine foundational truths to better understand what you believe and deepen your relationship with God.

LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY is a full-service provider of student resources, audience including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences, and training events. Studies / Bible Study Guides • Teens 7-12 grade Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students' lives and speak to the issues they face. We offer a variety of resources to also available disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls' ministry resources, Summer 2023 in the series ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in and resources for parents of teenagers. Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday ith You as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H Teen Devotional God’s i ulness in ere i Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s ord, Delight in AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives. Discover (Identity Theology) ho is God ho am I in light of who MaryC iley. God is These are two of the most important questions students can S T UDENT BI BL E S T UDI ES



grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be. Delight (Spiritual Disciplines) hat does it mean to delight in God hat leads to delight in God Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. hen students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

DEVOTIONAL release date: uly 3, 2023 isbn: 9781087767369 format: Paperback price: $5.99 page count: 112 size: 5x7" spine width: 0.24" carton qty: 112 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL109030/ Religion/Christian Ministry/Youth

With You Teen Devotional price: $7.99 isbn: 9781087767369 format: Trade Paper

Display (Leadership, Mission, Disciple Making) How do students display the glory of God How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him How can they lead others to display the truth of God Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded. Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

audience • Teens 7-12 grade

LI E AY STUDENTS is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences and training events.

Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students lives and speak to the issues they face. e offer a variety of resources to disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls ministry resources, and resources for parents of teenagers.




Everyday Called to Theology This Teen Devotional Bible Study Book Teen ou elieve ers Holiness and Love in 1 & 2 Peter MARY STUDENT ILEY LIFEWAY MINISTRY

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in Inthe thisworld. 12-volume monthly devotionals, students will gain a morewho And series it’s notofust for those with formal education or those thorough offor keyyou Oldin Testament and New Testament books work at understanding your church. It’s your everyday moments, questions, ofand the decisions. Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our and DisplayisGod’s workof in our theirfaith lives.and touches every part of our existence. theology the basis

features In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of

Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, Each book includes: the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational • and 30 daily devotions • truths. applicable Scripture • prayer prompts • features practical application • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups

benefits • Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group

release date: October 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087774152 BIBLE STUDY BOOK format: Trade Paper price: $7.99 release date: August 17, 2022 page count: 112 size: 5 x 7” isbn: 9781087762449 spine width: .24” carton qty: 112 format: Paperback price: $14.99 rights: Worldwide, full copies only page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth bisac: spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

also available in the series

• helps students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them sessions in who they were created to be •confidence Daily foundational Bible verses for memori ation • •helps students learn to see God in every detail so weekly they canstudy delight in Him Additional resources to support and reinforce • helps students learn to lead, live on mission, and make disciples

benefits audience

• orship with a greater understanding of who God is and His work in • Teens (Grade 7-12) the world.

• Increase your ability to discern between truth and false teaching. • Examine foundational truths to better understand what you believe LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY is a full-service provider of student resources, and deepen your relationship with God. including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences, and training events.

audience Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students' lives and speak to the issues they face. We offer a variety of resources to • Teens 7-12 grade disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls' ministry resources, and resources for parents of teenagers.

S T U D E N T B I B L E S T U D I E S Summer 2023

Romans Teen Devotional in


lv ion


e Love o God


In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s ord, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives. Discover (Identity Theology) ho is God ho am I in light of who God is These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be. Delight (Spiritual Disciplines) hat does it mean to delight in God hat leads to delight in God Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. hen students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

DEVOTIONAL release date: August 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087767314 format: Paperback price: $5.99 page count: 112 size: 5x7" spine width: 0.24" carton qty: 112 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL109030/ Religion/Christian Ministry/Youth

Romans price: $7.99

isbn: 9781087767314 format: Trade Paper

Display (Leadership, Mission, Disciple Making) How do students display the glory of God How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him How can they lead others to display the truth of God Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded. Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

audience • Teens 7-12 grade

LI E AY STUDENTS is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences and training events.

Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students lives peak to the issues they face. e offer a variety of resources to ple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls ministry resources, esources for parents of teenagers.



ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or MaryC iley.


Everyday Theology Growing Gratitude Teen BibleinStudy Book ou elieve ers Teen Devotional MARY ILEY 30 Days of Thankfulness LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those who at your church. for you in your everyday moments, questions, Inwork this 12-volume series It’s of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more and decisions. It’s for the the exciting and mundane. Our thorough understanding of big key and Old little, Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. learn to Discover God’severy Word, Delight in existence. the Lord, theology is Students the basiswill of our faith and touches part of our and Display God’s work in their lives. In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of features Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational Each book includes: •truths. 30 daily devotions • applicable Scripture •features prayer prompts • practical application • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups • Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group

benefits sessions

release date: November 1, 2023 BIBLE STUDY BOOK isbn: 9781087784731 release date: August 17, 2022 format: Trade Paper price: $7.99 isbn: 9781087762449 page count: 112 size: 5 x 7” format: Paperback price: $14.99 spine width: .24” carton qty: page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" rights: Worldwide, full copies only spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 bisac: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical

•• helps align Bible their lives under God’s rule which will give them Daily students foundational verses for memori ation who theyto were created be • confidence Additional in resources support andtoreinforce weekly study • helps students learn to see God in every detail so they can delight in Him •benefits helps students learn to lead, live on mission, and make disciples

• orship with a greater understanding of who God is and His work in audience the world. • • Teens (Grade 7-12) Increase your ability to discern between truth and false teaching.

• Examine foundational truths to better understand what you believe and deepen your relationship with God. LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences, and training events.


• TeensBible 7-12 studies grade that ignite spiritual transformation in students' lives Discover and speak to the issues they face. We offer a variety of resources to disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls' ministry resources, and also available resources for parents of teenagers. Summer 2023 in the series ARY ILEY lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday Pioneer and Perfector as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H Teen Devotional is over o esus is e er Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s ord, Delight in AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives. Discover (Identity Theology) ho is God ho am I in light of who MaryC iley. God is These are two of the most important questions students can

Studies / Bible Study Guides




grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be. Delight (Spiritual Disciplines) hat does it mean to delight in God hat leads to delight in God Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. hen students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.


Display (Leadership, Mission, Disciple Making) How do students display the glory of God How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him How can they lead others to display the truth of God Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

Pioneer and Perfector Teen Devotional Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application. price: $7.99 isbn: 9781087767383 format: Trade Paper audience Religion/Christian Ministry/Youth

• Teens 7-12 grade

LI E AY STUDENTS is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences and training events.

over Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students lives speak to the issues they face. e offer a variety of resources to ple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls ministry resources, resources for parents of teenagers.




Everyday God WithTheology Us Teen Devotional Bible Study Book Teen ou elieve ers The Story of the Messiah MARY ILEY LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY

Theology is the study of God, what He has done, is doing, and will do in the world. And it’s not ust for those with formal education or those who In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more work at your church. It’s for you in your everyday moments, questions, thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books and decisions. It’s for the big and little, the exciting and mundane. Our of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, theology the basis and DisplayisGod’s workof in our theirfaith lives.and touches every part of our existence. In this 8-session study, teens will explore the essential doctrines of features

Scripture, God, esus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, Each includes: andbook the end times to know God more deeply through these foundational • 30 daily devotions truths. • applicable Scripture • prayer prompts • features practical application • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups • Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group benefits sessions • helps students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them • confidence Daily foundational Biblewere verses for memori in who they created to be ation • Additional resources to support and reinforce weekly study • helps students learn to see God in every detail so they can delight in release date: December 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087784755 BIBLE STUDY BOOK format: Trade Paper price: $7.99 release date: August 17, 2022 page count: 112 size: 5 x 7” isbn: 9781087762449 spine width: .24” carton qty: 100 format: Paperback price: $14.99 rights: Worldwide, full copies only page count: 208 size: 7x9.5" bisac: RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Youth spine width: 0.50" carton qty: 48 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL006700/Religion/Biblical Studies / Bible Study Guides

also available in the series

ST UD E NT B IB LE ST UD IE S Summer 2023

Him • benefits helps students learn to lead, live on mission, and make disciples

Increase your7-12) ability to discern between truth and false teaching. • • Teens (Grade • Examine foundational truths to better understand what you believe and deepen your relationship with God. LIFEWAY STUDENT MINISTRY is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences, and training events. audience

• Teens 7-12 grade Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students' lives and speak to the issues they face. We offer a variety of resources to disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls' ministry resources, and resources for parents teenagers. ARY ILEYoflives with her husband and two children in Lebanon, Tennessee. She gets to work with words everyday ords of isdom as the marketing strategist for women’s books at B H Teen Devotional l ing e r ig roug rover s Publishing Group at Lifeway. Mary is pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies and hosts the Questions Kids In this 12-volume series of monthly devotionals, students will gain a more thorough understanding of key Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. Students will learn to Discover God’s ord, Delight in AskPodcast. Read more from Mary at MaryC iley.com or the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives. MaryC iley. Discover (Identity Theology) ho is God ho am I in light of who LIFE


God is These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be. Delight (Spiritual Disciplines) hat does it mean to delight in God hat leads to delight in God Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. hen students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

Words of Wisdom Teen Devotional DEVOTIONAL release date: May 1, 2023 isbn: 9781087767420 format: Paperback price: $5.99 page count: 112 size: 5x7" spine width: 0.24" carton qty: 112 rights: Worldwide bisac: REL109030/ Religion/Christian Ministry/Youth

price: $7.99 isbn: 9781087767420 format: Trade Paper

Display (Leadership, Mission, Disciple Making) How do students display the glory of God How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him How can they lead others to display the truth of God Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded. Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

audience • Teens 7-12 grade

LI E AY STUDENTS is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences and training events.

Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual transformation in students lives and speak to the issues they face. e offer a variety of resources to disciple youth, including short-term Bible studies, girls ministry resources, and resources for parents of teenagers.



orship with a greater understanding of who God is and His work in

audience the world.


Hard Is Not the Same Thing as Bad

The Perspective Shift That Could Completely Change the Way You Mother

Pub Date: 9/5/2023 Author: Artist: ISBN: Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Abbie Halberstadt Lindsay Long 9780736986755 $26.99 Parenting Hardcover – 6 x 8 224 pp – 20

Author Bio: Abbie Halberstadt is a writer, fitness instructor, and homeschooling mother of ten children, including two sets of identical twins. Abbie lives by the motto that “hard is not the same thing as bad” and encourages woman to dig deep to meet the challenges of everyday life through her blog and Instagram posts. She, her husband, Shaun, and their children live in the Piney Woods of East Texas.

Bestselling author Abbie Halberstadt helps parents see how God can use the everyday trials of child raising to radically transform how they view hardship and grow them to become more like Jesus. “Why me, Lord?” Amid the toddler tantrums, the mealtime melees, and the backseat blowups, have you found yourself asking God that same question? Maybe even screaming it into a couch pillow? You’re not alone. Your most trying moments as a parent can quickly spiral into discouragement, hopelessness, and sometimes even resentment toward God or your family—partly because our culture has conditioned us to believe that anything this hard can’t possibly be good for us.

Abbie Halberstadt, author of the bestselling M is for Mama, shares scriptural wisdom and lessons learned from her own challenges as a mama of ten to help shift your perspective on the hardships of parenting and of life, in general. When you begin to see struggles as a necessary part of God’s plan for your spiritual growth, you can discover supernatural peace and purpose, even when you’re down in the deepest trenches of parenthood.

• In this book, Abbie looks at motherhood as full of “hards." Some of those "hards" may include tragedy but most are as every day as getting a screaming toddler into a car seat or getting out of bed again and again to soothe a teething infant or answering the same questions over and over again while folding the 10,000,000th load of laundry that week. Abbie encourages moms to look to Jesus for wisdom, peace of mind, comfort, and, ultimately, for strength.

FALL 2023

Hard Is Not the Same Thing as Bad Sample Interiors

The Power of a Praying® Wife Devotional (New cover art, now in hardcover)

Pub Date: 10/3/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Stormie Omartian 9780736987929 $26.99 Devotional/Women Hardcover – 6 x 8 224 pp – 24

Author Bio: Stormie Omartian is the bestselling author of the Power of a Praying® series. Her other books include Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On; Lead Me, Holy Spirit; Prayer Warrior; The Power of Praying® Through Fear, and Transforming Love. (More than 41 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.) Stormie and her husband, Michael, have been married more than 49 years. They are the parents of two married children and have two granddaughters.

Spiritual Help for Your Husband, Your Marriage, and Yourself In these 100 topical devotionals, bestselling author Stormie Omartian shares how she has witnessed God do even more amazing things in her marriage since first writing The Power of a Praying Wife (more than 10 million copies sold). For women in all seasons of faith and life, these helpful insights, perfect Scriptures, and powerful prayers will help you welcome God’s guidance into your marriage. These devotions will strengthen you as you pray for… • your husband, as you ask God to provide him with wisdom, direction, and encouragement • yourself, as your strong prayer life gives you a richer experience of God’s love and restoration • your marriage, as you welcome God’s leading in your heart so you can live out His will, patience, love, and peace in every circumstance

The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional nourishes your soul with biblical truth and Stormie’s gentle mentorship on becoming a wife who is always pleasing to God, is much needed for us all. As these devotions help you commit to consistent prayer, you’ll experience incredible transformations in your marriage that only God can accomplish.

Key Selling Points:

• Offers insights for seeking God’s guidance and wisdom for the needs and challenges that can arise in a marriage relationship • Enables wives to experience the transforming power of prayer as well as the blessings that come from a wholehearted reliance upon God

FALL 2023 The Power of a Praying® Wife Devotional Interiors

He Is Strong

Devotions for When You Feel Weak

Pub Date: 10/10/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Emily A. Jensen 9780736986687 $23.99 Devotional/Women Hardcover – 5 x 7 224 pp – 44

Author Bio: Emily A. Jensen is an author, podcaster, cofounder and content director at Risen Motherhood. Emily’s first book (coauthored with her podcast partner and sister-in-law, Laura Wifler), Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments, has sold over 100,000 copies. Emily lives in Ames, Iowa, with her husband and their five children.

We all feel weak sometimes. He Is Strong encourages you to rest in God’s help and strength for every one of your inadequacies. Join Emily A. Jensen, bestselling coauthor of Risen Motherhood, on a devotional journey to find God’s strength amid your weakness. Whether you think of yourself as overwhelmed, overlooked, or just not very good at life (or perhaps you avoid facing your own shortcomings), Emily shares relatable stories about her own feelings of weakness and points you to the gospel for wisdom, hope, and comfort. As the familiar hymn says, “They are weak, but he is strong.” Let these Scripture-filled reflections remind you that Jesus loves you, even in your weakness. You can rely on the strength of God in any challenge you face.

Key Selling Points: • 30 short gospel reflections rooted in Scripture, He Is Strong examines the nature of weakness in a woman’s life, meeting her where she is and providing truth and hope. • By one of the co-founders of Risen Motherhood • A highly designed and beautiful package, at least 30 illustrations to draw readers in and give them contemplative space to soak in the truths they’ve read.

FALL 2023

He Is Strong Interiors

KJV Devotional in the Morning and in the Evening

Pub Date: 10/10/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Harvest House 9780736987875 $19.99 Devotional Hardcover – 5 x 7 256 pp – 40

Author Bio: Since 1974 Harvest House Publishers has been impacting the hearts of people with books that point toward Jesus. That focus continues with fresh, innovative products that inspire creativity, encourage families, and enrich lives. With an emphasis on addressing the spiritual and practical needs of men, women, and children, Harvest House seeks to serve God and those who need Him through the books it publishes.

Readers seeking spiritual insight to begin and end their days will treasure this twice-daily devotional featuring Scripture verses from the King James Version of the Bible. The King James Version of the Bible is one of the most venerable and popular translations in history, loved for its unrivaled eloquence and literary richness. This collection of beautifully worded verses, coupled with short spiritual applications, makes a welcome addition to readers’ morning and evening quiet times with the Lord. Each day’s paired devotions share biblical wisdom about a different topic, including finding joy, achieving victory, and experiencing God’s goodness. 2-Color Interior

Key Selling Points:

• More than 200 devotions, arranged for morning and evening readings, offer spiritual applications and insights. • Beautifully packaged (hardcover with ribbon, 2-color interior) and impulse priced, this devotional is highly giftable.

FALL 2023 KJV Devotional in the Morning and in the Evening Interiors

Teatime Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters Pouring Faith, Love, and Beauty into Your Girl’s Heart

Pub Date: 10/10/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Sally Clarkson 9780736985451 $26.99 Christian Life/Gift Book Hardcover – 7 x 9 144 pp – 28

Author Bio: Sally Clarkson is a bestselling author, renowned speaker, and beloved mentor who has dedicated her life to inspiring countless women to live for Christ. Her podcast, At Home With Sally, has over 20 million downloads. She has been married to her husband Clay for more than forty years. They have raised four adult children. Today, Sally lives between the mountains of Colorado and the rolling fields of England. You can connect with her at sallyclarkson.com.

Establish a Legacy of Love Life is sweeter when a hot pot of tea and a lovely talk of faith are shared between a mother and her daughter! From author and podcast host Sally Clarkson comes this keepsake guide filled with simple moments that create lasting heartconnections centered on friendship and discipleship. When you prioritize this sacred work of fellowshipping with your family, you’ll also grow in love and wonder for the God who has woven your shared stories into the tapestry of His big-picture plan. Within these beautiful pages, you’ll find themed teas and interactive offerings to gently guide and invest in your daughter over cozy treats and thoughtful discussions about seasons of faith, godly womanhood, and more. Modeling your faith becomes mentoring her heart when you welcome open conversation, earnest listening, and sincere prayer. Teatime Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters will help you steep together in Scripture as you make meaningful time for God and for each other. 2-Color Interior Key Selling Points: • Features 6 topical, themed teas that will guide moms and daughters to experience togetherness, God’s Word, and a meaningful time of fellowship • Each tea includes a topical Bible studies for mothers and teen daughters to complete together, with a lay-flat binding allows them to write responses to study and reflection questions • This vibrant two-color interior is interactive and eye-catching, filled with recipes and ideas to promote conversation and connection

FALL 2023

Teatime Discipleship for Mothers and Daughters Interiors

Sacred Seasons

A Family Guide to Center Your Year Around Jesus

Pub Date: 10/3/2023 Author: Artist: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Danielle Hitchen Stephen Crofts 9780736986175 $39.99 Family Hardcover – 8 x 9 224 pp – 18

Author Bio: Danielle Hitchen is a writer and the founder of Catechesis Books, a publishing company dedicated to building out a collection of biblical and theological resources for babies, toddlers, and preschools. A graduate of the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University, Danielle lives with her husband and three young children in northern Virginia.

Author of BABY BELIEVER books

Make Jesus the Center of Your Family’s Year The time-honored traditions of the liturgical calendar guide Christians through a year-long meditation on the life of Christ. Beyond just Christmas and Easter, each season of the church year offers special opportunities to remember and celebrate the work of God. In Sacred Seasons, Danielle Hitchen helps you incorporate the rhythms and rituals of this ancient Christian discipline into your everyday family life. Part theology, part church history, and part practical spirituality, Sacred Seasons provides an easy-to-use guide to observing the liturgical year complete with fun activities, delicious recipes, and meaningful liturgies. Grow your family’s faith in tangible ways as you experience the meaning and joy of each sacred season together. 4-Color Interior

Key Selling Points:

• A book that will not just be read but will be beautiful and functional, including selections of further reading and art for families to experience, activities, hymn lyrics, recipes, poetry, and prayers.

FALL 2023

Sacred Seasons Interiors


Awaiting the Manger


Whispers of Advent in the Old Testament Ocieanna Fleiss

Awaiting the Manger journeys with you through Advent season, illuminating how God has used the lives of ordinary people to foreshadow his plan for redemption.

Summary Discover Jesus in the Old Testament

Harvest House Publishers 9780736987783 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD 176 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Holidays REL034020 8 in H | 6 in W


Celebrate the hope of Christmas as you witness how God has written the promise of Immanuel, “God with us,” into human history! Awaiting the Manger journeys with you through the Advent season, illuminating how God used the lives of ordinary people to foreshadow Christ’s coming during the centuries and even millennia before his birth. Through daily readings, you’ll dive into Old Testament stories brought to life with vibrant cultural and historical insights. You’ll explore each account first through the perspective of those who lived it, and then by uncovering how it fits into the sweeping arc of our redemption. Each reading is followed by a devotional prompt, including a reflection question to encourage journaling or discussion prayer to spark heartfelt conversation with God Scripture passage for further study Christmas hymn to inspire individual or family worship Awaiting the Manger will enrich your experience of Advent and your understanding of the Old Testament as you rejoice in the tenderness and compassion God has shown his people from the very beginn...

Milk and Honey A Devotional Journey Through Scripture to Savor God's Goodness Cambria Joy Dam-Mikkelsen Filled with specially selected Scriptures, rich biblical insight, and personal applications, this devotional helps readers taste and see God’s goodness as they savor bite-sized portions of Scripture from each book of the Bible.

Summary This devotional helps readers taste and see God’s goodness as they savor bite-sized portions of Scripture from each book of the Bible. Harvest House Publishers 9780736978088 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $17.99 USD 224 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W


Food and water can meet your physical needs, but what satisfies your spiritual hunger? It’s time for some bread…and not the kind that you’re thinking of. You were created to be nourished not just by carbs, but by the sweet love of God. Cambria Joy shows you how to curb your soul’s appetite with the most satisfying sustenance imaginable: Jesus. With specially selected Scriptures, rich biblical insight, and personal applications, you will… see how the entire Bible was designed for your spiritual nourishment discover that what your heart truly craves is more of Jesus ditch your spiritually restrictive diet and exchange it for a grace-filled relationship with God No matter your age or stage in life, you can find purpose, encouragement, and spiritual fulfillment when you feed on God’s Word. It’s time to take your seat at the table. Come, taste, and see!

harvest house fall 23 a - April 2023

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One Day Nearer

(prophetic devo)

Daily Devotions in Anticipation of Jesus' Glorious Return Steve Miller

One Day Nearer is an invitation to let the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy encourage you. The 365 daily devotions within will equip you to live wisely in these last days and fill you with anticipation for the future.

Summary 365 Days of Keeping Watch and Finding Hope The absolute certainty of Christ’s return is proclaimed all through the Bible. God has given us many prophecies about this wonderful event to fill us with hope. In a world that is descending deeper into evil and darkness, Bible prophecy is God’s way of assuring us that ultimately, good and righteousness will prevail. Harvest House Publishers 9780736984850 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 384 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


One Day Nearer is an invitation to let the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy encourage you. As you read the 365 daily devotions within, you will see God’s love, power, and wisdom on display in all that He has done and will do at Christ’s first and second comings learn what it means to live wisely in these last days and set your mind on things that are above discover the many ways God is committed to sustaining you today and will bless you in the future The more we take God’s prophetic promises to heart, the more we will live each day with an eternal perspective—one that enables us to persevere through life’s challenges, live in anticipation of Christ’s return, and rejoice in the wonders of heaven and eternity.

Triumphant in Tough Times Devotions for Freedom in Christ Neil T. Anderson

(compilation of devos)

Neil Anderson’s signature wisdom and encouragement have touched his books for decades. Enjoy the best of his profound devotions in one convenient collection, and encounter Christ’s love and faithfulness anew.

Summary Each New day, Celebrate Your identity and Freedom in Christ

Harvest House Publishers 9780736988001 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 68 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W

Bestselling author Neil Anderson has long been a tremendous source of wisdom and encouragement when it comes to dealing with the battles we face in life. In Triumphant in Tough Times, the best of his devotional writings have been brought together in one convenient collection. Every day brings fresh challenges and responsibilities. With these personal devotions, stay rooted in the Word and strengthen your faith with thoughtful meditations that will help you understand and celebrate what Christ has done for you, and the resources He has given you for spiritual victory see your everyday struggles through the lens of His power working in you grow more in Christlikeness and spiritual maturity Meet Christ anew and encounter His endless grace in surprising and transformative ways. This book is your invitation to abide in Him daily and experience His faithfulness!


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Transformed by the Trinity (Milano Softone) A Devotional Journey Through God's Names Tony Evans Join Dr. Tony Evans in experiencing on the transformational power of our triune God as you explore His revealed character.

(key insights from his 3 previous books) Summary Know Him by His Names—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Experience the wonder and peace that accompanies knowing God. In Transformed by the Trinity, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans draws on key insights from his past writing on the names of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to create this powerful keepsake devotional. Harvest House Publishers 9780736985055 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $24.99 USD Imitation Leather 224 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: The Names of God Series

Designed to help you grow in faith, each entry walks you through a different name of one of the Persons of the Trinity. You’ll discover what each title communicates about God’s character alongside how this piece of his identity impacts you today. These devotions will enrich your relationship with the triune God as you encounter His power in every area of your life.

Previous titles: The Power of God's Names The Power of Jesus' Names The Power of the Holy Spirit's Names

9 in H | 6 in W


Covers 35 different names of the Trinity Rediscovering Israel A Fresh Look at God's Story in Its Historical and Cultural Contexts Kristi McLelland Kristi McLelland weaves history, culture, and personal experience to celebrate Scripture as one timeless, transformational Story, rooted in its original contexts.

Summary See the Bible through a New Lens, from Beginning to End In Rediscovering Israel, you will experience the living God and His Word as never before! Bestselling author and professor Kristi McLelland invites you to explore the biblical narrative in the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts in which it was written. As you do so, you will Harvest House Publishers 9780736987707 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $29.99 USD Hardcover 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Biblical Reference REL006680 9 in H | 6 in W

experience Scripture as a timeless, transformational Story demonstrating God’s love and faithfulness string the biblical pearls to encounter the Bible as one cohesive storyline, rather than a book of stand-alone accounts celebrate the richness of Scripture while discovering unique cultural idioms and customs share in the joys, curiosities, and insights gained through Kristi’s adventures in Israel Whether you are preparing for pilgrimage to Israel or you desire to experience a fresh encounter with Scripture, Rediscovering Israel offers a welcome blend of biblical truth, faithful research, and personal reflections that will enrich your interactions with God’s Word.


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Unexpected Joy Finding True Purpose Through Surrender Kelly C. Miller With great wisdom and wit, Kelly balances foundational Christian doctrine with the real-life experiences through which those truths are lived and shared, all from his time serving students and families in Uganda.

Summary We Cannot Do Enough. And That’s Good News! Happiness and purpose—we work ceaselessly for them, but what does God have to say about our efforts? Through engaging and encouraging stories about serving the people of Uganda, Unexpected Joy challenges us to move beyond achievement and self-reliance, and instead embrace a life of sincere obedience and joy.

Harvest House Publishers 9780736987653 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $18.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Religion / Christian Living REL012040

With wisdom and wit, Kelly balances foundational Christian doctrine with real-life experiences. Through the lens of his personal story—and all the hurts and hopes along the way—you will discover how the joy God offers is not a future prize to be earned, but a gift to be received right now. As you contemplate Kelly’s reflections and insight, you will be encouraged and emboldened in your own whirlwind journey of God’s amazing grace. Kelly’s story will serve as a blessed reminder that the Lord is at work in your life, and that He is infinitely better than anything this world can offer!

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


Why Did God Do That? Discovering God’s Goodness in the Hard Passages of Scripture Matthew Tingblad, Josh McDowell It's time to take on the question of God's goodness. We say that Scripture affirms it—but does it really? Uncover the truths about God’s power, integrity, and compassion, and let them be your guide through the difficult stories of the Bible.

Summary If God is good, then why did he do that?

Harvest House Publishers 9780736987127 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Religion / Christian Theology REL067030 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W

Violent wars, harsh laws, pronounced judgments. Christianity proclaims God’s goodness, yet the Bible is filled with passages that seem to paint a different picture. On the surface, such depictions can hinder our confidence in God’s goodness. But when we’re willing to look deeper, we discover a consistent purpose behind everything God does—and that he is greater than we could ever imagine. Alongside bestselling author Josh McDowell, Matthew Tingblad invites you to discover how a good God has good reasons for his challenging actions in the Bible. Throughout, you will uncover the reality of God’s consistent motives and purposes: holiness, justice, and radical mercy. Whether you have your own questions about God or are ministering to those who do, Matthew and Josh will guide you through these difficult passages and ideas, all the while pointing to God’s power and redeeming love. Find confidence and joy in discovering that God is good—always good—even in the passages of Scripture that appear to convey otherwise.


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A Popular Survey of Apologetics for Today Fast Facts Every Christian Should Know Ron Rhodes


The task of apologetics belongs to all believers, and Ron Rhodes helps you know where to start, offering straightforward, biblical answers to today's most urgent questions.

Summary We need Christians trained in apologetics more than ever.

Harvest House Publishers 9780736988087 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 416 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Theology REL067030 9 in H | 6 in W


In a chaotic world where many people claim to have their own truth, Christians have been given the unshakable truth that comes from God alone. But simply knowing it isn’t enough. The task of apologetics belongs to all believers, to “make a defense to anyone who asks” (1 Peter 3:14). Although the call is clear, it can be difficult to know where to start. This comprehensive survey delves into key teachings about our faith, providing pearls of wisdom along the way to help us remember the heart of the matter. Ron Rhodes shares a wealth of straightforward, biblical answers to the questions and issues of our day, addressing the nature of truth—absolute truth versus relative truth hermeneutics—the principles of interpreting the Bible rightly Christian ethics—including controversial topics such as abortion, suicide, and divorce alleged contradictions in the Bible challenging questions unbelievers ask about God and Christianity Fortify your own understanding of God’s Word and God’s world—from intelligent design to the prophetic future—and let ...

The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the Book of Daniel Bible Prophecy for Everyone Todd Hampson Dive into the book of Daniel and learn how God used Daniel’s courageous faith in his day—and how his prophecies show God’s faithfulness continuing into our own uncertain days.

Summary Finding Stability in Chaos and Encouragement from God’s Promises In today’s increasingly unstable culture, we need the wealth of wisdom available in the book of Daniel, which teaches us to live boldly and joyfully for the Lord, even in the most difficult circumstances. Harvest Prophecy 9780736987400 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006140 Series: Non-Prophet's Guide 9 in H | 6 in W


Through Daniel, you’ll discover what it means to stand for righteousness in a world filled with compromise. And you’ll learn how to do so winsomely, in a way that both enables others to gain a clear understanding of who God is and compels them to seek after Him. Explore the many vivid prophecies Daniel had about the days to come—prophecies that shed much light on what will happen during the end times and are deeply practical for our day. You will find your faith strengthened as you see the many ways that God has kept His promises and will continue to do so. God used Daniel’s faithfulness and courage powerfully in his day, and He can do the same through our lives today as we apply the lessons meant to help us fulfill our role in God’s divine story right now

Previous: ...the End Times ...the Book of Revelation ...Spiritual Warfare ...the Bible harvest house fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 5


The Gift of the Outsider What Living in the Margins Teaches Us About Faith Alicia J Akins, Jen Oshman The Gift of the Outsider celebrates the blessings found in unbelonging—and calls Christians of all backgrounds to love and listen to their community’s outcasts. As a Christian, a Black American, a woman, and an expatriate, author Alicia J. Akins’s reflections enrich the broader conversations surroun...

Summary Embracing the Spiritual Lessons of Unbelonging Too often, cultural belonging becomes a battle, and its winners gain the world: access, comfort, safety, community. Yet for those on the margins—set apart from their culture by differences such as ethnicity, class, ability, and faith—God offers something even greater. Harvest House Publishers 9780736984232 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


The Gift of the Outsider celebrates the blessings found in unbelonging—and calls Christians of all backgrounds to love and listen to their community’s outcasts. As a Christian, a Black American, a woman, and an expatriate, author Alicia J. Akins offers heartfelt reflections on her own experiences as an outsider. She illuminates how we can cherish the unique gifts that God bestows to those who endure loneliness and adversity encourage and humbly receive the invaluable insight from outsiders of all kinds delight in how the differences within God’s people reflect his majesty—and how Christ’s reign unifies all believers Compassionate and biblically grounded, The Gift of the Outsider enriches today’s broader conversations surrounding diversity and inclusion, and is sure to encourage a...

Critical Dilemma The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology—Implications for the Church and Society Neil Shenvi, Pat Sawyer Critical Dilemma illuminate the origins and influences of contemporary critical theory and consider it in the light of clear reason and biblical orthodoxy. Authors Shenvi and Sawyer offer a path forward for racial healing and unity while also opposing critical theory’s manifold errors.

Summary Where Are Critical Theory and the Social Justice Movement Taking Us?

Harvest House Publishers 9780736988704 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $29.99 USD 528 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Religion / Christian Living REL012110 9 in H | 6 in W


Critical theory and its expression in fields like critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Contemporary critical theory’s ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another—in Christian and secular spheres alike. In Critical Dilemma, authors Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer illuminate the origins and influences of contemporary critical theory, considering it in the light of clear reason and biblical orthodoxy. While acknowledging that it can provide some legitimate insights regarding race, class, and gender, Critical Dilemma exposes the false assumptions at the heart of critical theory, arguing that it poses a serious threat to both the church and society at large. Drawing on exhaustive research and careful analysis, Shenvi and Sawyer condemn racism, urge Christians to seek justice, and offer a path forward for racial healing and unity while also opposing critical theory’s manifold errors.

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Dock Tok Presents…The Good, the Dad, and the Punny Jokes from the Water’s Edge

Pub Date: 10/17/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Logan Lisle 9780736988193 $17.49 Humor Trade – 6 x 7 192 pp – 60

Author Bio: Logan Lisle is the creator of the hugely popular Dock Tok channel (more than 2 million followers) on TikTok. When he’s not sitting by the lake sipping coffee and trading dad jokes with his buddies, he can be found at weddings all over the world as a sought-after videographer or in the bike shop he owns in South Lake Tahoe, California.

From the online sensation comes this family-friendly collection of gloriously groan-inducing dad jokes, delivered straight from the dock and directly to your funny bone. Nobody does dad jokes better than the guys from Dock Tok, TikTok’s #1 home for the wackiest one-liners, funniest puns, and most priceless plays on words you’ve ever heard. But you don’t need to go online to find the best of these clever quips—they’re right here in this book! Still not hooked? Maybe these wisecracks from the water’s edge will help reel you in: I’m writing a book on reverse psychology. Please don’t buy it. I wonder what kind of doctor Dr. Pepper was. A fizzician. I took my cat’s meds. Don’t ask meow.

Key Selling Points: • Dock Tok has a rabid social media following: TikTok--2.1 million; Instagram--1.1 million; YouTube--97,000 subscribers. Logan Lisle is providing content people love. • Dock Tok continues to expand the brand through merchandise (mugs, t shirts and sweatshirts, ball caps, coffee).

Dock Tok Presents…The Good, the Dad, and the Punny FALL 2023


The Grace-Filled Homestead Cookbook Garden-Fresh Recipes Celebrating Food, Family, and the Farm

Pub Date: 9/5/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Lana Stenner 9780736984782 $33.49 Cookbook Trade – 8 x 10 224 pp – 20

Author Bio: Lana Stenner shares stories about faith, family, and the farm (and more than a few recipes) on her blog and podcast. She also teaches business classes at a local university. Along with her fireman husband and five children, Lana lives on a small farmstead in Kansas City, Missouri, where she raises goats, chickens, and bees.

Veteran homesteader Lana Stenner helps you rediscover the joy of cooking with delicious and unique recipes featuring high-quality, seasonal ingredients. More than just a chore, home cooking can be a wonderful gift that you give yourself and your loved ones, encouraging connection and simpler, slower living. Now you can experience a taste of the good life with these mouthwatering recipes incorporating some of the best ingredients each season has to offer. Make your SPRING sing with bacon-wrapped asparagus, lilac-glazed donuts, and wild-violet hot cross buns. Soak up SUMMER as you savor sweet zucchini scones with apricot compote, ladybug caprese mini salad, and raspberry lemonade bloom popsicles. FALL for a new favorite, including rosemary roasted concord chicken, stuffed acorn squash, and salted caramel cookie cake. Cozy up in WINTER with sugar plum cream cheese stuffed French toast, creamy baked potato soup, and buttermilk biscuits with sage sausage gravy. Are you hungry for more wholesome, homemade meals? This cookbook is the fresh start you’ve been looking for. 4-Color Interior Key Selling Points: • Learn how easy it is to share farm-to-table meals with your loved ones in this collection of over 120 fresh, simple, and wholesome recipes straight from the Grace-Filled Homestead kitchen.

FALL 2023

The Grace-Filled Homestead Cookbook Interiors

10-Minute Decorating Ideas

Simple, Stylish, and Budget-Friendly Projects to Refresh Your Home

Pub Date: 9/5/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

KariAnne Wood 9780736987639 $22.99 House & Home Hardcover – 5 ½ x 7 160 pp – 36

Author Bio: KariAnne Wood is the creator of the award-winning lifestyle blog Thistlewood Farms, a tiny corner of the internet where all her stories and DIY's hang out and drink sweet tea. She also writes, photographs, and styles for several national magazines including Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Ideas, Country Women, and Flea Market Décor. KariAnne is the author of several books, including The DIY Home Planner and The DIY Style Finder.

Discover more than 70 quick, easy, and stylish decorating ideas that will add seasonal warmth and charm to your home. Seriously, these projects are so easy—you can do these! You don’t have to be an expert or carve out a lot of time to add some delightful touches to your home. If you have ten minutes, you can try one of these simple seasonal ideas. These fast projects don’t require fancy tools or any decorating experience and many use supplies you already have at home. Show out in spring with a simple grocery-store flower arrangement, a boho basket makeover, and a creative basket storage solution. Celebrate summer with a watering can front-door arrangement, a DIY wood shell sign, and a charcuterie board setting. Make fall fantastic with a mini-pumpkin garland, a monogrammed doormat, and decorated pine-cones. Welcome winter with a bottle-brush tree window display, a sleigh centerpiece, and a votive advent calendar. If you’ve wished you could make beautiful, homemade decorations for your home but felt like you don’t have the time or talent, this book will give you the inspiration and encouragement you need to go from dreaming to doing! 4-Color Interior Key Selling Points: • Simple, fast, doable decorating ideas that anyone can use to update their home in minutes. • With the rising costs of decorating goods, this book provides budget-friendly solutions to decorating dilemmas.

FALL 2023

10-Minute Decorating Ideas Interiors

The Most Special Christmas Night Pub Date: 9/12/2023 Author: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Harvest House Publishers 9780736986793 $13.49 Board Book Board Book – 7 x 7 20 pp – 40

Author Bio: Since 1974 Harvest House Publishers has been impacting the hearts of people with books that point toward Jesus. That focus continues with fresh, innovative products that inspire creativity, encourage families, and enrich lives. With an emphasis on addressing the spiritual and practical needs of men, women, and children, Harvest House seeks to serve God and those who need Him through the books it publishes.

The Most Special Christmas Night retells Jesus’s birth story in the craze-mazing Bible Infographics for Little Ones style with fantastic faith-building facts. Let your little ones follow along with Mary and Joseph as they discover the truly special meaning of Jesus’s birth and how they are ALL part of God’s mighty plan. This uniquely creative board book will be the go-to retelling of Jesus’s birth for both little ones and parents with poetic prose, illuminating illustrations, and fascinating faith-building facts. Look for more Bible Infographics for Little Ones brand books at bibleinfographics.com. 4-Color Interior, Ages 0-4

Key Selling Points: • New series of board books from the bestselling Bible Infographics for Kids series. This series of three board books will explore different aspects of who Jesus is – Jesus as messiah, Jesus as a man, and Jesus as God. This first book will focus on Jesus through the story of his birth. • The charming and rhyming narrative gives even the littlest people a sweet story to enjoy. The infographics offer layers of interesting Bible facts and truths that make the Bible story come alive for the whole family.

FALL 2023

The Most Special Christmas Night Interiors

Jesus and the Characters of Christmas Who’s Who in God’s Great Plan for Redemption

Pub Date: 10/3/2023 Author: Artist: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Daniel Darling Guy Wolek 9780736987943 $23.99 Children’s Picture Book Hardcover – 8 ½ x 10 ½ 32 pp – 24

Author Bio: Daniel Darling is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement and the bestselling author of several books, including The Characters of Christmas; The Biggest, Best Light; and The Dignity Revolution. Dan is a columnist for World magazine and a contributor to USA Today. His work has been featured by Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, CNN, Fox, Time, National Review, and the Washington Post. Dan is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Angela, have four children and reside in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.

Children will learn more about the unlikely people God chose to be part of the greatest, most miraculous story of all— the birth of Jesus. Most children know about Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and the shepherds, but there’s more to the Christmas story than we see in the traditional Nativity scene. From Christ’s ancestors to the angels to the innkeeper, God selected some surprising people to bring about His miracle in the manger. As children discover this diverse cast of characters, they will marvel at how God uses people from different backgrounds—including them!—to accomplish amazing things. Reintroduce your family to the characters of Christmas, and experience anew the awe and wonder of Jesus’s birth. 4-Color Interior, Ages 4-8

Key Selling Points: • A child-friendly book based on Dan Darling's popular The Characters of Christmas (Moody Publishers). • Kids will learn the Christmas story by focusing on the different people who appear in Scripture. • Readers will get to learn more about certain overlooked characters in the birth of Christ. • Children will see Christmas in a new light as they recognize how God used ordinary humans to accomplish His great plans.

FALL 2023

Jesus and the Characters of Christmas Interiors

FALL 2023

Jesus and the Characters of Christmas Interiors

Let’s Be Friends

A Tween Devotional on Finding and Keeping Strong Friendships

Pub Date: 10/3/2023 Authors: ISBN: CDN Price: Category: Binding/Size: Pages/CLQ:

Calyn Daniel & Blythe Daniel 9780736988100 $17.49 Children’s Devotional Trade – 5 ¼ x 8 160 pp – 68

Author Bios: Blythe Daniel has enjoyed a successful career as an author, literary agent, and marketer in the publishing industry. Her books include Mended and I Love You, Mom. She is the owner of the Blythe Daniel Agency, representing over 100 clients and managing BlogAbout, a network of bloggers, and PodAbout, a network of podcasters. Blythe lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with her husband, Art, and their 12-yearold twins Calyn and William. Calyn Daniel is in sixth grade and has been a podcast guest with her mom. She is eager to share her observations on friendship with other girls her age.

Written by a mother and daughter for mothers and daughters, this uplifting devotional offers girls aged eight to twelve helpful advice on how to find and maintain mutually beneficial friendships that affirm their faith and build their selfesteem. Making and keeping good friends are lifelong skills that will help tween girls grow up to be emotionally and spiritually healthy and enable them to use their God-given gifts to bless the lives of others. Girls will learn how to recognize the differences between a good and a bad friend, what to do when others hurt them, staying true to themselves, and many other important aspects of friendship. Each devotion includes engaging insights on friendship from Blythe Daniel and her twelve-year-old daughter, Calyn, written directly to tweens, thoughtfully selected Scripture verses, words of encouragement, and questions for further reflection with ample space to write down answers. Fun and engaging, this book will help girls confidently say, “Let’s be friends.” Ages 8-12 Key Selling Points: • Each devotional is filled with encouragement and practical, real-life advice on how to form and maintain friendships. Will include some journaling elements. • This book is also a place for girls to track prayer requests that God has answered specifically for friends.



The Flower Quilter Mindy Steele



(#1 Heart of the Amish)

Barbara Breaks from Amish Tradition to Express Her Artistry Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country. Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters, but she would rather eat dirt than partake in another quilting frolic or sew on another binding. When her parents send her to Indiana to help her grandmother in her quilting shop, she finds herself amongst a very different community. It’s only one summer and then she will be back in Kentucky where she belongs.

Barbour Fiction 9781636096421 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: The Heart of the Amish

Melvin Bontrager’s world stopped six years ago when his parents died. Now when his only means of providing for his widowed sister and niece is threatened, Melvin finds his landscaping business disappearing too. When spring delivers a newcomer who is immune to his salty moods, Melvin does something he has never done before, accepts help. What blooms is the last thing Barbara ever expected, and everything Melvin could ever want.

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise Anne Blackburne

(#2 Heart of the Amish) Summary Ruth Defies Authority to Hold on to her Family Farm Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country. Ruth Helmuth has never been rude in her life; trust her to choose the bishop of her Amish community for her first time! Ruth has worked hard to keep body and soul together since her husband, Levi’s, death. She tends her herd of goats, making her living from the milk and fiber she gets from them, all while running a farm and household by herself—and very competently, thank you! How could she imagine the bishop suggesting she should give it all up to another family, who will “make better use of the space”? Barbour Fiction 9781636096896 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: The Heart of the Amish

Enter widower Jonas Hershberger, owner of a pair of adorable dimples and father of a charming 4-year-old daughter. Jonas is in need of a larger place to house his growing business. Ruth’s big red barn may be just the ticket. Little Abigail is in need of a new mother. Ruth might be just the ticket there, too! Can two independent souls learn to work together for their mutual good? And will they be willing to explore what grows between them? Or wi...

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 1


Garden of the Midnights Hannah Linder

Summary Danger Lurks at Rosenleigh Manor Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder. The accidents are not a matter of chance. They are deliberate. As English gentleman William Kensley becomes aware of the danger at Rosenleigh, he pleads for truth from the only man he can trust—until that man is murdered.

Barbour Fiction 9781636094380 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback

As the secrets unfold into scandal, William’s world is tipped into destitution—leaving him penniless and alone. His only comfort is in the constant love of Isabella Gresham, but even that has been threatened. When a hidden foe arises from their acquaintances and imperils Isabella’s life, will William be the only one willing to rescue her? And even if he saves Isabella from her captors, will he still have to forsake her heart?

320 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040

Previous title: When Tomorrow Came

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


The Juliet Code Pepper Basham

(Freddie & Grace Mystery)

Summary Newlyweds Lord and Lady Astley Finally Reach Their Honeymoon Destination Only to Encounter a New Mystery in Need of Solving

Barbour Fiction 9781636096940 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback

Frederick and Grace Percy finally make it to Italy to enjoy a delayed honeymoon and explore the beauties of the historic city of Venice. To their surprise, their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, is also in the city, investigating a series of art heists starting at the house of eccentric millionaire, Laraby Covington. Drawn into a world of boat races, mysterious houses, and parties of the rich and unusual in Venice, Frederick and Grace learn of the existence of the Juliet paintings, (Renaissance paintings feature Shakespeare’s tragic heroine) rumored to hold a secret code to an underground vault of similarly treasured artwork assumed lost over the centuries. As Freddie and Grace are pulled deeper into the mystery and their beloved Detective Jack disappears, can they use their wits and work as a team to find the thieves and Jack before it’s too late. The Juliet Code is a Freddie and Grace Mystery, sequel to The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse.

320 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: A Freddie and Grace Mystery 8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Capturing Hope Angela K Couch

(#12 Heroines of WW2)

Summary One step ahead of the Nazi’s. . .leaves Nadia little room for hope. Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this new series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.

Barbour Fiction 9781636096919 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Heroines of WWII

After her father is murdered by Nazis and her mother flees to her native Germany, hope is something of which Nadia Roenne feels little—even if it is the meaning of her name. It isn’t until an American photographer sacrifices his escape from Poland to save a Jewish family, that she finds a purpose. David Reid is very familiar with failure, but when he is charged with getting Nadia safely out of Poland, he is determined to succeed—even if she works against him at every turn, putting other’s lives ahead of her own. While they race against the daily shower of bombs over Warsaw and the ever-nearing German army, Nadia grows used to risking her life. . .but dare she risk her heart? Don’t miss these other stories: The Cryptographer’s Dilemma by Johnnie Alexander Picture of Hope by Liz Tolsma Saving Mrs. Roosevelt by Candice Sue Patterson Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War by Mary Davis A Rose for the Resistance by Angela K. Cou...

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


New Leash on Life Kathleen Y'Barbo

(#6 Gone to the Dogs)

Summary Would Someone Steal a Military Hero? Snuggle with your trusty hound and settle into a small-town mystery in book 6 of the Gone to the Dogs series. Becky Keller and Sam Granger’s romance has cooled. He is busy teaching at the vet school, and she’s busy with her restaurant and antique shop. What Sam hasn’t told her is his PTSD, which manifests mostly with nightmares, makes him believe he’s damaged goods. But that is about to change when he meets Vvolt, a Belgian Malinois retired military working dog.

Barbour Fiction 9781636096629 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Gone to the Dogs 8.4 in H | 5.5 in W

When a tornado hits Brenham, there is damage in the downtown area as well as in nearby Round Top where Becky’s restaurant is situated. Sam offers to help her clean up and introduce her to Vvolt—and for a while it’s like the old days, only with a MWD supervising. Becky and Sam are exhausted by the work, and it is only as Becky is locking up that they realize Vvolt is gone. The pair search but don’t find the dog. Would someone steal a military hero? And what will Sam do without the help of his new friend? Gone to the Dogs series: Book 1 - Off the Chain by Janice Thompson Book 2 - Dog Days of S...


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 3


A Louisiana Christmas to Remember Three heartwarming, interconnected stories of faith, love, and restoration Morgan Tarpley Smith, Betsy St. Amant, Lenora Worth

(3-in-1) all new!

Summary A Rare Snowfall Leads to a Christmas to Remember

Three heartwarming, interconnected stories of faith, love, and restoration, brought to you by three Louisiananative authors. Will a rare snowy Louisiana Christmas bring restoration and hope to the hometown and hearts of three women from the town’s founding family? In A Louisiana Snow by Morgan Tarpley Smith, meet Mattie: A passionate visionary who learns to forgive and finds love in unexpected places… Barbour Fiction 9781636096476 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $15.99 USD Trade Paperback 448 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040

In Restoring Christmas by Betsy St. Amant, meet Jolene: An artist and prodigal daughter who discovers love exists in the very place she once called home… In A Christmas Reunion by Lenora Worth, meet Adale: A beautiful widow who finally dares to love again… And don’t forget Granny, whose feisty spirit, blunt dialogue, and quirky ways play an important and endearing role.

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Kingdom of Love 3 Medieval Romances Tracie Peterson


Summary Kidnapping. . .Murder. . .Revenge. If Only the Fortress Walls Could Talk!

Barbour Fiction 9781636097176 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback

From bestselling author Tracie Peterson come 3 unique historical novels, rereleased for old and new fans alike. Liberty and love--even life itself--are fragile commodities those living in medieval England. Will God's love and power triumph in the lives of these three courageous women? Arianne is finally finding love and kindness in an arranged marriage until her past overpowers the castle gate and threatens to take her hostage. Helena must overcome a king's decree, escape a savage stepbrother and devious stepsister, and try to enter thick walls of safety...for herself and her heart. Mary, a physician's daughter, brings life and health to others at the threat of her own safety. Will a shining knight come to her rescue? If the castle walls could talk, would they warn of peril or promise romance? Find out in soul-searing historical novels of romance and suspense!

448 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 4


The Bow Street Runners Trilogy 3 Acclaimed Novels Michelle Griep


Summary From Award-Winning, Bestselling Author Michelle Griep Experience the mystery, intrigue, and high adventure of three of England’s finest lawmen—a fledgling police force in the 1800s known as the Bow Street Runners. Brentwood’s Ward Place an unpolished lawman named Nicholas Brentwood as guardian over a spoiled, pompous beauty named Emily Payne and what do you get? More trouble than Brentwood bargains for. She is determined to find a husband this season. He just wants the large fee her father will pay him to help his ailing sister. Barbour Fiction 9781636095561 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $24.99 USD Trade Paperback 952 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: The Bow Street Runners Trilogy

The Innkeeper’s Daughter Officer Alexander Moore goes undercover to expose a plot against the king—and he’s a master of disguise, for Johanna Langley believes him to be quite the rogue. . .until she can no longer fight against his unrelenting charm. Amid the threat of war, the two are thrust into a dangerous game of traitors, schemes, and villains. The Noble Guardian Lawman Samuel Thatcher arrives just in time to save Abigail Gilbert from highwaymen. Against his better judgment, he agrees to escort her to her fiancé in northern England. Each will be indelibly cha...

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


A Merry Heart Wanda E. Brunstetter


(#1 Brides of Lancaster County)

Summary A Bitter Heart Is a Lonely Companion Miriam Stoltzfus is a young Pennsylvania Amish woman once filled with dreams for a future with a man. . .who jilted her. Now she is known as the old maid schoolteacher with a heart of stone. Could a forbidden romantic friendship with an English newspaper reporter stir the embers of her heart? Or, will she follow the traditional path and settle for a marriage of convenience born out of the sake of a child? Either way, she must find the key to letting go of the bitterness that binds her ability to love. A Merry Heart is book 1 in the Brides of Lancaster County series. Barbour Fiction 9781636097046 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback

Other books in the series include: Looking for a Miracle: Book 2 Plain and Fancy: Book 3 The Hope Chest: Book 4.

288 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Brides of Lancaster County 8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Looking for a Miracle Wanda E. Brunstetter

(REPACK) (#2 Brides of Lancaster County)

Summary Rebekah Stoltzfus asks God for a miracle— a way to become self-supporting. As a child, Rebekah Stoltzfus suffered a freak accident that left her legs paralyzed. Now, confined to a wheelchair, she feels she'll never measure up to the expectations of her Pennsylvania Amish community that a woman should marry and raise a family. She longs to be loved, yet she prays for a way to be self-supporting. Daniel Beachy wants to court Rebekah, but she believes that she is a burden and has convinced herself that love is not for her. Will Rebekah's search for a miracle come true? Or, will she miss God's gift in her battle between self-pity and the determination to be independent? Barbour Fiction 9781636097022 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Brides of Lancaster County

Looking for a Miracle is book 2 in the Brides of Lancaster County series. Other books in the series include: A Merry Heart: Book 1 Plain and Fancy: Book 3 The Hope Chest: Book 4.

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Plain and Fancy Wanda E. Brunstetter

(REPACK) (#3 Brides of Lancaster County)

Summary When Love Is an Unwelcomed Complication Is it good for two people--one plain, the other fancy--to fall in love? Laura Meade loves her modern life, yet she fascinated by the Amish culture in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where she is studying interior design. Upon their first meeting, she is immediately attracted to Eli Yoder, one of the Plain People, but Laura has no real concept about faith, God's love, and forgiveness of sins. Eli is also enamored with Laura, but to marry outside his faith would be forbidden. What then is the hope for love? Plain and Fancy is book 3 in the Brides of Lancaster County series. Barbour Fiction 9781636097060 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback

Other books in the series include: A Merry Heart: Book 1 Looking for a Miracle: Book 2 The Hope Chest: Book 4

288 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Brides of Lancaster County 8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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The Hope Chest Wanda E. Brunstetter

(REPACK) (#4 Brides of Lancaster County)

Summary Is It Wrong to Hope for the Impossible? Rachel Beachy wants something she can't have-her sister Anna's boyfriend. Silas Swartley has been in love with Anna since they were children, and Rachel has loved Silas nearly as long. Rachel feels that her swiftly moving days are spent without hope, but when Anna unexpectedly leaves the Amish faith, Rachel's hope is rekindled. She begins filling her hope chest as she initiates a campaign to win Silas's heart. Can Silas set the pain of Anna's rejection aside and see Rachel as anything more than a child? Will Rachel be disappointed in Silas and in God, or will she learn the true meaning of hope? The Hope Chest is book 4 in the Brides of Lancaster County series. Barbour Fiction 9781636097008 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Fiction / Christian FIC042040 Series: Brides of Lancaster County

Other books in the series include: A Merry Heart: Book 1 Looking for a Miracle: Book 2 Plain and Fancy: Book 3

8.4 in H | 5.5 in W


Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches 100 Puzzles Plus Bonus Q&A! Conover Swofford


Summary You love word searches. . . You love the Bible. . . You’ll love the double challenge of Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches! Here’s a brand-new collection of Bible puzzles with a bonus—“hidden trivia” questions made from the leftover letters! These 100 puzzles are based on the familiar and beloved King James Version and cover the gamut of scripture—from Genesis to Revelation, including the Barbour Books 9781636097152 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $6.99 USD Trade Paperback

people places things and ideas

224 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Games & Activities / Word & Word Search GAM014000

of God’s Word. First, you’ll find the 22–30 search words in the puzzle grid. Then you’ll read the uncircled letters for a related Bible trivia question.

8 in H | 5.2 in W

Hidden Trivia Bible Word Searches is a great way to turn “down time” into something productive!


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 7


Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Large Print Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary What’s better than a Bible word search puzzle? A Bible word search puzzle containing a hidden Bible trivia question! Here’s a collection of nearly 50 large print Bible word searches, with every search word drawn from the beloved King James Version of scripture. Hundreds of words will challenge your search skills—and the leftover letters spell out trivia questions to test your biblical knowledge. Barbour Books 9781636096513 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $7.99 USD Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Games & Activities / Word & Word Search GAM014000

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is packed with fascinating people, places, and stories—and Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Large Print will introduce (or reintroduce) you to many of them. You’re sure to learn something new as you enjoy these puzzles and trivia questions. Perfect for rainy days, quiet evenings, waiting rooms, or road trips, Bonus Trivia Bible Word Searches Large Print is the perfect way to pass time.

11 in H | 8.5 in W


Bible Diamond Puzzles Large Print 70 Sparkling Word Games! Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary Bible crosswords and word searches just got a new member of the family. . . Bible Diamond Puzzles are here! If you love Bible word games, this brand-new puzzle will challenge and delight. Barbour Books 9781636096353 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $7.99 USD Trade Paperback 112 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Games & Activities / Word & Word Search GAM014000

Diamond-shaped grids contain 16 letters that can be connected to spell words from the King James Version of scripture. Each puzzle provides four or five clues that the letters will solve. . .if you’re sharp enough to make the right connections! Featuring elements of classic games like Scrabble and dominoes, this Bible Diamond Puzzles collection offers 70 games to engage your mind and spirit.

11 in H | 8.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish Friends Life Hacks Hundreds of Tips for Cooking, Cleaning, Gardening, Wellness, and More Wanda E. Brunstetter


Summary Hundreds of Practical Tips from Amish Housewives New from New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction, Wanda E. Brunstetter, this book is full of household advice and wisdom as shared by Amish contributors.

Barbour Books 9781636096933 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Spiral Bound

Do you seek ways to make everyday life easier? Here you will find hundreds of practical tips covering all aspects of keeping a home, from stain removal to homemade laundry detergent, from baking perfect piecrust to making recipe substitutions, from taming a cough to mending a cut. You’ll also find advice for canning fruits and vegetables, sewing, gardening, animal care, and more! Woven throughout are Amish sayings and proverbs and colorful photos, making this an enjoyable read and a perfect gift.

224 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Cooking / Regional & Ethnic CKB002000 9 in H | 6 in W


The Illustrated Handbook of the Bible A Clear, Concise Reference for Everyday Use George W. Knight

Summary The perfect tool for everyday Bible study. You want your Bible study time to pay dividends. The Illustrated Handbook of the Bible will help—it’s a one-stop resource for understanding God’s Word. Features:

Barbour Reference 9781636096827 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $16.99 USD Paperback

Easy-to-understand summaries of all 66 Bible books Fascinating sidebars on biblical customs and curiosities Full-color illustrations and maps Written especially for laypeople, this book provides the background information that will make your Bible come alive. Get the most from your time in God’s Word with The Illustrated Handbook of the Bible.

352 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Biblical Reference REL006680 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 9

December 2023 THE KJV STUDY BIBLE ATLAS EDITION, INDEXED Taupe & Denim Crosshatch 9781636096872

$57.49 FLEX 5.375" x 8.5" / 1472 pages Carton Quantity: 12


Adding the “Where” to Bible Study • Popular Study Bible Plus Dozens of Colorful Tipped-In Maps • Includes Nearly 6,500 Study Notes, Book Introductions, Words of Christ in Red, Thumb Indexing • Bible Type Size 8.5; Notes 7.5

Now in its fifth century, the King James Version remains one of the most loved Bible translations available—and Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, bringing the venerable version into a twenty-first century context, is now available in a special atlas edition. This powerful resource contains approximately 6,500 notes for greater understanding of the KJV, along with 56 pages of full color maps and an 8-page time line comparing Bible and world events. Also featuring individual book introductions, a dictionary/concordance, and handy thumb indexing, it’s an excellent resource for personal study or Sunday school and small group preparation—for those who are already fans of the KJV or others who’ve been reading modern Bible versions.

The KJV Study Bible: Atlas Edition, Thumb Indexed [Wildflower Bouquet] 978-1-64352-516-7 / $57.49

KJV Study Bible: Atlas Edition, Thumb-Indexed [Woodland] 978-1-64352-517-4 2 / $57.49


................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Winter 2023 / Spring 2024


For Men 9781636096186 For Women 9781636095974

$22.99 ea. Hardcover 5" x 7" / 384 pages Carton Quantity: 18

Daily Wisdom Returns with New Biblical Encouragement and Insight for Every Day of 2024! • Readers Seek out Daily Wisdom Annually for Daily Quiet Time, Bible Reading, and as Gifts for Friends and Family—More Than 250,000 Copies Sold! • Readings Will Help Men & Women to Learn to Trust in the Power of Jesus During Hard Times • Dated, Daily Devotions Follow a Read through the Bible in a Year Plan— Full Plan Is Included in the Back of the Book • Features Ribbon Marker

This all-new 2024 daily devotional helps men & women understand the teaching of Jesus when He said in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Every day for an entire year, you'll be encouraged by scriptures, devotional readings, and prayers that remind you that no matter what diffcult times come, the peace and power of Jesus reigns in every situation, and you are victorious because Jesus is victorious! Daily scripture readings follow a Read through the Bible in a Year reading plan that readers may choose to complete alongside the daily readings. This fantastic book makes a great personal study or gift for anyone. NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


365 Days of Biblical Truth

For Men 9781636096766 For Women 9781636096674

$22.99 ea. FLEX 5" x 7" / 384 pages Carton Quantity: 18

Men & Women of God, Steel Your Souls • New Devotional Compilation of 365 Powerful Readings • Non-Dated Entries Are Designed to Be Read in About 60 Seconds • Entries Emphasize God’s Guidance, Protection, and Encouragement • Features Two-Color Interior Design and Ribbon Marker

Men & Women of God need to know that their heavenly Father is always with them to guide, protect, and encourage. This new devotional collection will steel their souls through 365 powerful, inspiring readings. Each thoughtful devotional can be read in just 60 seconds. . .though the challenge and comfort it provides will last through the day. Accompanied by related scripture selections and brief prayer starters, these devotions include both contemporary entries and classics from the likes of Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, John Wesley, and D. L. Moody. This book shares the wisdom, strength, and courage of our Creator—who longs to impart His goodness to us. NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023

October 2023 THE 90-DAY BIBLE READING DEVOTIONAL by Glenn Hascall

For Men 9781636096667 For Women 9781636096575

$17.49 ea. Tradepaper

There’s No Better Way to Spend 90 Days • New Spiritual Growth Tool for Men & Women • Includes Elements of Bible Study, Devotional, and Journal • Powerful Guide to Personal Bible Study

5" x 7" / 192 pages Carton Quantity: 48

This powerful new devotional will take you on a 90-day Bible reading journey where you’ll learn to know God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, more deeply—while growing daily in the maturity of your faith. Each day’s entry encourages readers to open up God’s Word (using their preferred translation of the Bible), and meditate on a particular passage. A thoughtful devotional reading will reinforce the day’s reading, and 2–3 questions for further thought will help readers apply the life-changing message of God’s Word to their own faith walk. There’s no better way to spend 90 days!


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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


365 Days in God's Presence A Devotional Matt Koceich


Summary 365 encouraging messages from God help readers grow their faith.

Barbour Books 9781636094960 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $16.99 USD Hardcover Paper over boards

365 Days in God's Presence is an inspiring daily devotional that offers engaging and encouraging messages from God and His Word. With messages like: “I go before you today. I fight for you today. And I carry you today. Trust Me, child. I will show you the way out of the desert. Follow Me wholeheartedly. . . . I love you.” . . .these devotions will change your heart, increase your faith, and connect you to your loving heavenly Father as you've never been before. Each day of the year, you will encounter a moving, blessings-filled reading that has powerful potential to impact your life.

384 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W


The Prayer Jar Devotional: FORGIVENESS Wanda E. Brunstetter, Donna K. Maltese

Summary Inspired by New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter’s The Prayer Jars series. . .

Barbour Books 9781636096377 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover Paper over boards

The Prayer Jar Devotional: Forgiveness delivers the same life-changing inspiration as Wanda E. Brunstetter’s unforgettable stories. Every reading will help you draw closer to your heavenly Father. Your prayer life will be transformed as you read through these dozens of encouraging devotional readings centered around the theme of forgiveness. With each turn of the page, you’ll discover unchanging truths of God’s Word alongside meaningful prompts that guide you to write out your personal prayers or favorite, gracefilled Bible verses and then add to your very own prayer jar. (Simple instructions are included in the introduction.) Once you’ve finished reading the last page, you’ll have a full prayer jar of your very own. Use it to infuse your heart with inspiration and encouragement when you need it—or share it with a friend who could use some faith restoration of her very own!

208 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W

Previous in series: HOPE


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 10


180 Bible Verses to Experience Peace Devotions for Women Carey Scott

Summary Experience Real, Life-Changing Peace God's Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and through it He speaks timeless truths to the issues we face today. The 180 Bible verses in this book will help women grow stronger in faith rooted in the unwavering peace of Jesus Christ.

Barbour Books 9781636096414 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback

No matter what you're facing, you will learn to lean on the sustaining power of scripture. Each verse is paired with a devotional thought that is equal parts practical and encouraging. Here you'll find the strength and renewal you're looking for, as your heart is anchored to a solid foundation of faith. This compact book is a great personal pick-me-up, makes an encouraging gift, and is ideal for ministry and outreach.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W


3-Minute Devotions to Bless Your Heart Encouragement for Women Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary Make the Next 3 Minutes the Best 3 Minutes! You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in 3-Minute Devotions to Bless Your Heart. This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into just-right-sized readings for your busy schedule.

Barbour Books 9781636096322 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $5.99 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: 3-Minute Devotions

Minute 1: scripture to meditate on Minute 2: a short devotional reading Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God Take time to pause, reflect, rejuvenate by reading scripture, encouraging words, and a prayer starter to begin a dialogue with God. No matter what your day brings, the blessings offered in this fantastic little book is exactly what you need in your faith walk. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

6 in H | 4.3 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 11


Mindful Devotions for Busy Days 180 Inspiring Meditations and Prayers for Women Donna K. Maltese

Summary Quiet Your Heart. . . [Jesus] said. . . , “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 NIV

Barbour Books 9781636096773 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback

Need a little peace and quiet? Discover a little piece of heaven on earth (even when life is at its most hectic) with Mindful Devotions for Busy Days. Each devotional reading offers a rare moment to quiet your heart and mind, and connect one on one with the heavenly Father—the Giver of all of life’s blessings. With relevant readings complemented by inspiring scripture selections and prayers, this unique package is sure to refresh and rejuvenate your spirit.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5.5 in W


The Overthinker's Devotional Meditations, Scripture, and Prayers for Refocusing Your Thoughts JoAnne Simmons

Summary Overthink much? . . . Our minds spiral out of control sometimes. . .often carrying on running conversations in our heads all day (and all night!) long. And when our thoughts become too much for us to manage on our own, God alone offers much-needed comfort and guidance. Barbour Books 9781636097169 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback

This delightful devotional for overthinkers features 180 inspiring, yet practical, meditations and prayers to help you redirect your anxious thoughts, ushering in the peace, comfort, and rest your soul craves. With each turn of the page, you will connect with biblical truth as you enter the calming presence of your heavenly Creator.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 12


My Daily Devotional Prayer Journal A 365-Day Scripture Reading Plan and Devotional for Women Compiled by Barbour Staff


Summary Here's a Beautiful Way to Reflect on and Record Your Daily Time with God This daily journal features a plan to read through the Bible in a year alongside a daily devotional reading, prayer, and prayer prompt inspired by that day’s reading. Each entry will guide you to read a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Proverbs and provides plenty of lined space for you to record your own reflections and prayers. Barbour Books 9781636096810 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $24.99 USD Hardcover Paper over boards

It's a beautiful way to keep track of a year spent in God’s Word! Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 niv

736 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 8 in H | 6 in W


Jesus Each Day Devotions & Prayers for Morning & Evening Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary There’s no greater personality than Jesus— so why not make time each day to know Him better? This 365-day devotional highlights aspects of Jesus’ life and work, His teaching and impact on women’s lives, offering you powerful insights for each day. The brief readings are not heavily theological, but inspirational pieces that provide food for thought each morning—and each is accompanied by an inspiring prayer for bedtime. Barbour Books 9781636097206 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $19.99 USD Paperback 384 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 6 in W


Monthly themes, such as Beginnings Love Rebirth Blessings Growth and more tie the encouraging messages into the seasons and holidays of the annual calendar. The Creator, Sustainer, Lover, and Redeemer of humanity is worthy of every moment you devote to Him. . .this book celebrates His awesome goodness.

Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 13


Even If. . . Devotions and Prayers for When Life Doesn't Go as Planned Janet Ramsdell Rockey

Summary Even when life doesn't go as planned, our God is still good! Do you believe it? . . . And, with Him by your side, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible! Have you experienced it? . . . Inspired by Daniel 3:16-18, this uplifting collection of devotional meditations and prayers will refresh your weary soul and remind you of the hope that is found in our God of miracles—in the God of possibilities!

Barbour Books 9781636096858 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $9.99 USD Paperback

These 180 truth-infused devotions will help transform your heart and mind with enduring promises from God's Word. You'll find your soul delighted as, on every beautiful page, you discover new strength, confidence, and courage for today, tomorrow, and all your days to come.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 6.5 in H | 4 in W


365 Prayers and Promises for Women Compiled by Barbour Staff


Summary Daily Devotional Prayers and Bible Promises—Just for You! Experience a deeper and more meaningful connection to your heavenly Father with 365 Prayers and Promises for Women. Featuring 365 inspiring prayers that touch on topics important to your heart—including beauty, children, forgiveness, patience, self-worth, trust, and wisdom—this practical and encouraging prayer book provides just the hope and help you need for any area of life.

Barbour Books 9781636096964 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $24.99 USD Hardcover

Features: *Daily Prayers. . .One for Every Day of the Year! *Bible Promises for Truth and Inspiration *Brief Devotional Thoughts Accompany Every Prayer

384 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: Prayers and Promises 8 in H | 6 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 14


Praying Your Way to a Happy Life Daily Inspiration for Women Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary If you crave a life full of peace and joy. . .this book of daily prayers is just what you need! This book of daily inspirational prayers will set you on a path to joy-filled living. Each devotional-like prayer and related scripture selection will help you to discover true delight and contentment, peace and comfort, compassion and grace, and so much more, every day of the year! Each of the 365 readings in Praying Your Way to a Happy Life will help you to encounter a life of purpose with the heavenly Father as your Friend and Guide. Barbour Books 9781636096360 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $19.99 USD Paperback

A truly happy life. . .is just a prayer away!

384 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 7 in H | 5 in W


200 Prayers to Encourage Your Heart Inspiration for Women Linda Hang

Summary Look Up, and Be Encouraged Today! No matter your situation in life, you will be encouraged to look up and share what's on your heart with the one who loves you most. Two hundred meaningful, powerful prayers touch on topics important to your heart— including life's stresses, struggles, and strains—and will inspire and move you to grow ever closer to your loving heavenly Father who hears your every prayer. Barbour Books 9781636096728 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $14.99 USD Imitation Leather

Each prayer is complemented by inspiring scripture selections and memorable devotional takeaways!

208 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 7 in H | 5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

Page 15


Prayers for Difficult Times Large Print When You Don't Know What to Pray Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary Practical Help When You Don't Know What to Pray. . .Now in Large Print! Here's an inspiring yet practical guidebook offering powerful prayer starters for more than 50 tough life topics. Topics include:

Barbour Books 9781636096971 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $16.99 USD Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 Series: Prayers for Difficult Times 9.6 in H | 7.3 in W


Anxiety Bankruptcy Death of a Parent Divorce/Separation Failure Job Stress Surgery and dozens more! Each section opens with a short devotional thought and applicable scripture. Each Bible-based prayer starter is meant to be used as a jumping-off point for your own prayers to help you pray confidently during difficult times. Great as a ministry resource or for a personal library, Prayers for Difficult Times is a must-have tool for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 NLT

The 5-Minute Prayer Plan for When Life Is Overwhelming Linda Lyle

Summary 5 minutes to a dynamic, focused, powerful time of prayer! Many Christians yearn for a dynamic prayer life, but we often get stuck in a repetitive routine of prayer, praying for the same things, people, and situations—sometimes even with the same words. This practical and inspirational guide will give you new ways to pray when life feels overwhelming with 90 focused 5-minute prayer plans for your daily quiet time. These prayer plans explore a variety of life themes such as health, finances, relationships, parenthood, and job stress. Each entry includes:

Barbour Books 9781636096650 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $6.99 USD Paperback

Minute 1: A scripture to meditate on Minutes 2–3: Specific prayer points and questions to consider as you enter a time of prayer Minutes 4–5: A jump-starter prayer to springboard you into a time of conversation with God

192 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 6.8 in H | 4.2 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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The 3-Minute Prayer Map for Women An Everyday Guide to Meaningful Prayer Compiled by Barbour Staff


Summary The 3-Minute Prayer Map! What Does Prayer Look Like? . . . Find out in The 3-Minute Prayer Map for Women.

Barbour Books 9781636096520 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $7.99 USD Spiral Bound – Wire-O 176 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 Series: Faith Maps 8 in H | 5 in W


This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative way for you to fully experience the power of prayer. . .in just 3 minutes! Each spread will guide you through personal prayer, a journaling prompt, and prayer requests and praises. . .which then creates a specific "map" for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your life. The 3-Minute Prayer Map for Women will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life! This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features: A user-friendly spiral binding--lays flat! Space to record the date on each Prayer Map Carefully selected scripture on every spread A devotional prayer to inspire your own prayer A thoughtful journaling prompt Space for prayer requests and praises

Faithful in Prayer A 3-Minute Devotional Prayer Journal for Women Linda Hang

Summary This Encouraging and Inspiring Journal Will Elevate Your Prayer Time Take a few moments of your day to pause, reflect, and renew your spirit with this 3-minute devotional prayer journal. Written for women just like you, each pages invites you to. . . Minute 1: meditate on a brief scripture selection Minute 2: pray, using the provided prayer to jump-start a conversation with God Minute 3: reflect on a question for further thought

Barbour Books 9781636096995 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback

Just 3 short minutes, and you’ll be on your way to quality one-on-one time with your heavenly Father!

192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012080

The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 NLT

7.8 in H | 5.7 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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My Prayer Journal: Cultivating a Courageous Heart Shanna D. Gregor

Summary Cultivate a Courageous Spirit with This Powerful Prayer Journal! The almighty God we serve is interested in what we have to say! . . . This devotional prayer journal is a powerful reminder to courageously bring any petition before your heavenly Father. Dozens of just-right-sized prayers touch on topics that resonate with your heart. Topics include:

Barbour Books 9781636096711 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $9.99 USD Spiral Bound – Wire-O 192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 Series: My Prayer Journal

- Faith - Salvation - Praying for Others - Boldness - Trust - and more! Each prayer is perfectly paired with a relevant scripture selection and ample journaling space—a fabulous way for you to begin or end your day in quiet fellowship with the heavenly Father.

8 in H | 5.5 in W


The Everyday Prayer Map Journal for Women Devotional Inspiration Plus Prayer Maps Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary Barbour's The Prayer Map journals are perennial bestsellers, with more than half a million copies sold.

Barbour Books 9781636096346 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $24.99 USD Imitation Leather 384 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: Faith Maps 8 in H | 6 in W


The Everyday Prayer Map Journal for Women provides you with page after page of guided “maps” to follow as you talk to God about things that matter most to your heart. Whether you’re experiencing anxiety, grief, fear, stress, hopelessness, hardship, or something more, this journal is overflowing with daily, practical, purposeful prayer maps to help you more fully experience the life-changing power of prayer in your life. Throughout this journal, you’ll be prompted to create your very own Prayer Maps (already outlined in a colorful design), resulting in helpful guides for your personal prayer time. You can follow your Prayer Maps—from start to finish!—as you talk to God each day. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has listened, loved, and answered. The Everyday Prayer Map Journal for Women will help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life! Sections Include: 1. When You Just Need to Talk to God 2. When ...

Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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October 2023 FAITH MAPS


A Creative Journal

Simplicity 9781636097626 Cherry Wildflowers 9781636097633

$10.99 ea. Spiral


Cherry Wildflowers

5" x 8" / 176 pages Carton Quantity: 48

Creative, Engaging Prayer Map Journal Will Help Guide Women in Everyday Prayer • A Perfect Prayer Journal for Women of All Ages • Unique Two-Color Spreads Creatively Map out Prayer—from Beginning to End—for Women • Dated Pages Encourage Women to Look Back on Their Prayers and See How God Has Worked! • Barbour’s Prayer Maps Series Has Sold More Than a Half Million Copies!

This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative way for women to fully experience the power of prayer. Each page features a lovely two-color design that guides women to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .creating a specific “map” for them to follow as they talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so they can look back on their prayers and see how God has worked in their lives. The Prayer Map for Women will not only encourage them to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help them build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life! NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


Man of Strength 100 Devotions for a Life of Power Glenn Hascall


Summary Men, set a powerful example for the world. Be the person God wants you to be with Man of Strength devotions. Masculinity has come under fire in recent years, but the world needs Christian men like never before. Man of Strength: 100 Devotions for a Life of Power celebrates men, the ones who rely on God for His strength, exercise their spiritual muscles each day, and deny themselves the thoughts and actions that create weakness in a guy. Barbour Books 9781636096384 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover Paper over boards 208 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W

Each entry encourages you to “be the man”—the man who remembers God's faithfulness dismisses foolishness lets God judge never gives up You’ll be challenged and encouraged to fill your God-given role in your home, your workplace, your community, and your world.


Meditations on Manhood 100 Devotions from Charles Spurgeon Charles Spurgeon

Summary The world needs real men. Here is deep yet accessible encouragement from one of history’s greatest preachers. Charles Spurgeon, “the Prince of Preachers,” is well remembered and remarkably readable some 130 years after his death. This brand-new devotional on the topic of biblical manhood is compiled from his decades of weekly sermons. Barbour Books 9781636097190 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $14.99 USD Hardcover 208 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W

You’ll find spiritually deep but personally accessible teaching on this vital topic as Spurgeon distills godly principles for men of all ages. With entry titles such as “Manly Sympathy” “The Imitation of Christ” and “Sanctified Manhood” these 100 entries are each accompanied by a brief description of the source of the reading. Meditations on Manhood is a powerful, needful book for our times.


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Seeking God's Wisdom Jess MacCallum

Summary Let the Wisdom of Scripture Empower Your Day. . .in Just 5 Minutes! Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study? You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God's Word—even if you only have five minutes!

Barbour Books 9781636096803 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $6.99 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: 5-Minute Bible Study

Minutes 1–2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study. Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well. Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life. Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God. The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Seeking God's Wisdom will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture a...

6.8 in H | 4.2 in W


The Bible Promise Book for Men--Barbour SKJV Prayer Edition Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary God promises—especially for men. Here is an expanded edition of the bestselling The Bible Promise Book, especially for guys. Featuring hundreds of promises of God, encouraging prayers, and inspiring quotations to strengthen your faith, The Bible Promise Book for Men—Prayer Edition will be a source of strength for every Christian guy.

Barbour Books 9781636096339 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $16.99 USD Imitation Leather

Need to know what God says about Ambition? How about Decision Making? Or maybe Forgiveness, God’s Will, Integrity, Stress or Wisdom are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about dozens of key life topics, turn to The Bible Promise Book for Men—Prayer Edition. Presented in the fresh yet familiar text of the Barbour Simplified KJV, this book is guaranteed to provide the spiritual boost every man needs!

240 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Religion / Christian Living REL012040 7 in H | 5 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Tropical Botanicals 9781636096506 Cypress & Smoke 9781636096490

$57.49 ea. FLEX 5.375" x 8.5" / 1472 pages Carton Quantity: 12

How to Get Teens into the Bible • Complete KJV Text Plus Nearly 6,500 Study Notes, Book Introductions, Dictionary/Concordance • Includes 56 Pages of Full-Color Study and Devotional Content for Students • Features Presentation Page, Words of Christ in Red, and Ribbon Marker, & Gild • 8.5-Point Bible Type; 7.5-Point on Study Notes

Now in its fifth century, the King James Version of the Bible remains one of the most popular translations available—and Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, bringing the venerable version into a 21st century context, is available in a special edition for students. This handsome, leather-like edition contains nearly 6,500 contemporary notes for greater understanding of the KJV, along with 56 full-color pages of special study material especially for students. With individual book introductions, a dictionary/concordance section, and 8 pages of maps, the KJV Study Bible is an excellent resource for personal study or Sunday school and small group preparation—for those who are already fans of the translation or others who’ve been reading more modern Bible versions. NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


Understand and Live God’s Word

Teen Guys 9781636096308 Teen Girls 9781636096315

$17.49 ea. Tradepaper 5" x 7" / 208 pages Carton Quantity: 48

Teens Want and Need to Know Their Bibles • Entertaining and Educational Devotional for Teens • 101 Encouraging, Inspiring Entries Support Personal Bible Study • Explores Topics Such as Knowing God, Following Jesus, Prayer, and the Church

Written especially for 13–18-year-olds, Know Your Bible Devotions for Teens includes 101 meditations covering topics such as knowing God, following Jesus, prayer, encouragement, identity, purpose, and stewardship. These devotions will both educate and entertain as they guide idealistic students toward a life of Christian integrity. Each entry concludes with references for further study, plus basic guidance on how readers can properly interpret scripture for themselves. Part of Barbour’s popular Know Your Bible series (with sales of more than 3 million copies in the original paperback!), Know Your Bible Devotions for Teens makes a perfect gift for any occasion. NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


Pause and Pray (teen girls) 180 Encouraging Devotional Prayers for Teen Girls Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary God is listening, and He cares. In every circumstance, pause. . .and pray! This devotional prayer book is a lovely reminder to bring any petition before your heavenly Father. Dozens of just-right-sized prayers touch on topics that will resonate with your heart. Topics include: Grace, Blessings, Joy, Self-Esteem, Contentment, Friendship, Rest, Surrender, Trust, and more. Each prayer is perfectly paired with a relevant scripture selection--a fabulous way to begin or end your day in quiet time with the One who loves you most. Barbour Young Adult 9781636096537 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 13 to 18 Young Adult Nonfiction / Religious YAN048020 7 in H | 5 in W


3-Minute Nighttime Prayers for Teen Girls Hilary Bernstein

Summary Got 3 Minutes? . . . Take a few moments each night to pause, reflect, and renew your young heart with these 3-minute prayers. Written for girls just like you, each evening's reading includes. . . Minute 1: meditate on a brief scripture selection Minute 2: pray, using the provided prayer to jump-start a conversation with God Minute 3: reflect on a question for further thought Barbour Young Adult 9781636096759 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $5.99 USD Paperback

Just 3 short minutes, and you’ll be on your way to a sweet, peaceful sleep! When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 NIV

192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 13 to 18 Young Adult Nonfiction / Religious YAN048020 Series: 3-Minute Devotions 6 in H | 4.3 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Choose Love: 3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls Carey Scott

Summary Got 3 minutes? . . . This delightful new devotional encourages you to take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God's amazing love for you, and to choose share that love with others. Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection Minute 2: read through a devotional thought Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start a conversation with God. Barbour Young Adult 9781636097145 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $5.99 USD Paperback

Dozens of just-right-sized readings pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration and are designed to meet you right where you are in life. In only 3 short minutes, you will be on your way to honoring God's greatest commandments—love Him and love others!

192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 13 to 18 Young Adult Nonfiction / Religious YAN048020 Series: 3-Minute Devotions 6 in H | 4.3 in W


Say a Happy Prayer Before You Go to Sleep Kelly McIntosh


Summary Sweet Dreams Begin with Happy Bedtime Prayers! Say a Happy Prayer before You Go to Sleep is the perfect bedtime book for little ones.

Barbour Kidz 9781636096681 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $12.99 USD Board Book 20 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 3 to 5 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120

With each turn of the page, kids will encounter happy, sometimes silly, prayers to ready their hearts and minds for a peaceful sleep. With fun, rhyming text accompanied by bright, colorful art, this delightful board book promises to become a nightly bedtime favorite! Recommended for ages 2+.

7 in H | 7 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Bible Fun 2-in-1 Giant Trouble and It's Dark in the Ark! Compiled by Barbour Staff

ages 6-10

Summary Mix together one kid, a pencil, pen, or marker, and this book. . . . . .and you get fun! This Bible-based activity pad is packed full of games and puzzles and plenty of cool illustrations covering two classic stories from God’s Word: Giant Trouble: a young guy fights a big, scary warrior in the craziest battle ever It’s Dark in the Ark: hundreds of animals ride out the world’s worst storm in a gigantic wooden boat Bible Fun 2-in-1 provides hours of good, clean fun through crosswords, word searches, scrambles, picture puzzles and mazes. Even better, it’s introducing you to God’s Word! Barbour Kidz 9781636096704 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $5.99 USD Paperback 128 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 6 to 10 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049220 8.4 in H | 5.2 in W


Barbour fall 23 a - April 2023

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Boys (Blue) 9781636096551 Girls (Purple) 9781636096568

$53.49 FLEX 5.375" x 7.25" / 1256 pages Carton Quantity: 12

The Barbour Simplified KJV—for Kids! • Brand-New Devotional Bible for 8–12-Year-Olds • Includes 365 Numbered Readings, Quotes and Questions, and Bible Reading Plan • Features 7.25-Point Type, Single-Column Layout, Red Letters, and 40 FullColor Tip-Ins

Ages 8 to 12 year olds will find daily challenge and encouragement from this Daily Wisdom SKJV Devotional Bible. Featuring 365 entries linked to specific passages plus kid-friendly quotes and questions, a reading plan, and full-color bonus pages highlighting key characters, this Bible is an all-in-one resource for a kid's personal spiritual growth. The Daily Wisdom SKJV Devotional Bible also includes introductions to each book, a dictionary and concordance, the words of Christ in red, and an easy-to-read, single-column layout. Packaged in a cool cover, it makes an ideal gift for birthdays, Sunday school graduations, or any special event. NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023

November 2023 KNOW YOUR BIBLE NLV BIBLE FOR KIDS New Life™ Version

Green & Blue Geometrics 9781636096735 Pink & Orange Scallops 9781636096742

$39.99 ea. FLEX

It’s Never Too Soon to Know Your Bible—or How to Study It!

5.375" x 8.5" / 980 pages Carton Quantity: 12

• Unique Bible Teaches 8–12-Year-Olds How to Study Scripture • Features Easy-to-Understand, Limited Vocabulary New Life™ Version • Features Two-Column Layout, Words of Christ in Red, 36 Colorful Tip-In Pages • 9-Point Bible Type

What’s better than giving someone a Bible? Showing that person how to study the Bible! The Know Your Bible NLV Bible for Kids makes an ideal gift for 8-to12-year-olds, since it contains the easy-to-read New Life™ Version of scripture along with three dozen colorful tip-in sheets that will guide them into their own study adventure. Age-appropriate explanations of the importance and types of Bible study are accompanied by fun and easy prompts to help kids know their Bible through word and character studies. Scripture says to train children in the way they should go—set them on a lifelong path of Bible study! NOTES

................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023

October 2023 EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY Courage-Building Devotions and Prayers for Kids

by Jean Fischer

Boys 9781636096582 Girls 9781636096599

$17.49 ea. Tradepaper 5.5" x 7" / 192 pages Carton Quantity: 36

Delightful Devotional Offers Reassuring Truths from God’s Word • Faith-Building Devotions for Kids 8 to 12 • Featuring Topics Important to Boys & Girls • 180 Bible-Based Devotions Parents Can Trust

These courage-building devotions and prayers highlight important Bible truths, including: God is mighty; He is big; and He is good. This encouraging book is a great reminder for kids to give all their worries and cares to God. Dozens of devotions and prayers offer the biblical reassurance that God is big enough to handle everything—and He has good plans in store for the future. Topics include: Trouble with Friends, Worries about Tomorrow, Scary Things, The “What-Ifs,” Does God Hear Me?, and more.


................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


180 Days of Wisdom & Encouragement by Emily Biggers

For Boys 9781636096834 For Girls 9781636096841

$7.99 ea. Tradepaper 4.25" x 6" / 192 pages Carton Quantity: 48

180 Life-Changing Devotions for Kids Are Inspired by the Words of Jesus • 180 Devotions Feature Easy-to-Understand Scripture Selections • Kids Will Read the Words of Christ Alongside Relevant, Relatable Devotions • Biblical Challenge and Encouragement for Ages 8 and Up!

This wisdom-flled devotional, for kids ages 8 to 12, is inspired by the words of Jesus in the New Testament. From His teaching and preaching to Jesus’ miracles and parables, kids will read the life-changing, memorable words of Christ alongside a relevant devotion guaranteed to encourage and challenge them to grow in their faith. These 180 Bible devotions touch on important life themes including: “You are the light of the world. You cannot hide a city that is on a mountain” (Matthew 5:14) and “Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you” (Matthew 5:44). Featuring kid-friendly scripture passages from the New Life Version of the Bible! NOTES

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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Winter 2023 / Spring 2024

September 2023 3-MINUTE DEVOTIONS


For Boys 9781636096391 For Girls 9781636096407

$7.99 ea. Tradepaper 4.25" x 6" / 192 pages Carton Quantity: 48

Just 3 Minutes Can Change a kid’s Life • Brand-New in Barbour’s Bestselling 3-Minute Devotions Series—More Than 4 Million Copies Sold! • 180 Thought-Provoking Prayers and Related Scripture Selections—Perfect for Bedtime Reading • Written Especially for 8–12-Year-Olds

Got 3 minutes? . . . Kids will find just the encouragement they need for their lives in 3-Minute Bedtime Prayers. This practical book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a just-right-sized devotional-like prayer; Minute 3: a question for further reflection. Each nighttime prayer meets readers right where they are and is a great way for kids to end their day in peaceful reflection.


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Barbour Publishing, Inc. | www.barbourbooks.com | Summer 2023 / Fall 2023


How God Grows a Strong Boy A Devotional Elijah Adkins

ages 8-12

Summary How God Grows a Strong Boy is a devotional designed to grow up today’s young men God’s way. Featuring 180 devotional readings complemented by easy-to-understand scripture selections and prayers, this growth-inspiring collection offers a powerful blend of information, encouragement, and godly guidance for the boys in your life.

Barbour Kidz 9781636096797 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $5.99 USD Paperback

They’ll be motivated to spend one-on-one time with God as they read about topics important to them, learning to grow in physical, emotional, and spiritual strength, always in light of God as the source of every human ability. Boys’ faith will grow alongside their relationship with the heavenly Father, as He molds them into strong young Christian men.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 8 to 12 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120 6 in H | 4.3 in W


180 Healing Prayers for the World Inspiration and Encouragement for Girls Janice Thompson

ages 8-12 Summary The World Could Use Some Healing Prayers Right Now. . . And this delightful book invites girls, ages 8 to 12, to pray big, courageous, powerful prayers to make the world a better place!

Barbour Kidz 9781636096865 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $12.99 USD Paperback

180 inspiring prayers will guide the girls in your life to pray for their families, their neighborhoods, their schools, their cities, their country, and beyond. With each turn of the page, girls will pray for positive, healing change in the world as they encounter the many ways they can make an impact through their conversations with God. Featured "Be the Change" sections after every prayer will encourage girls to "act" as they listen for God's voice and direction for their lives.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 8 to 12 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120 7 in H | 5.5 in W


Barbour fall 23 b - April 2023

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Jumbo Bible Winter Word Games Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary Great for bad weather days, long cold nights, or any “I’m bored” moments Perfect for kids ages 8 to 12, this book is jam-packed with Bible-based pencil-and-paper games to challenge and amuse, entertain and educate. Here are scores of crosswords, word searches, acrostics, word scrambles, and more, each one based on a Bible passage or theme. Looking for something fun to do? Sharpen your pencil and tackle Jumbo Bible Winter Word Games! Barbour Kidz 9781636096643 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 8 to 12 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049220 8 in H | 5.2 in W


A Year of Bible Stories SPANISH Un tesoro de 48 historias entrañables de la Palabra de Dios JoAnne Simmons


Summary A Year of Bible Stories Is Sure to Become a Storytime Favorite in Your House! This lovely keepsake Bible storybook for kids celebrates each month of the calendar year with 48 best-loved stories from God's Word. Barbour Español 9781636096544 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 160 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 4 to 12 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religion JNF049040 8 in H | 8 in W


The stories are arranged into monthly themes that relate to a specific month of the calendar year: JANUARY—BEGINNINGS FEBRUARY—LOVE MARCH—EASTER APRIL—SPRING MAY—CELEBRATION OF MOTHERS JUNE—CELEBRATION OF FATHERS JULY—FREEDOM! AUGUST—LEARNING AND WISDOM SEPTEMBER—STRENGTH AND PERSEVERANCE OCTOBER—HARVEST NOVEMBER—THANKSGIVING DECEMBER—CHRISTMAS Un año de historias bíblicas ¡Será sin duda tu favorito en la hora del cuento en casa! Este encantador libro para recordarles las historias bíblicas a los niños celebra cada mes del año natural con 48 historias entrañables de la Palabra de Dios. Las historias están organizadas en temas mensuales que se relacionan con un mes específico del calendario: Barbour fall 23 b - April 2023

Page 2


365 Encouraging Verses of the Bible SPANISH


Una lectura llena de esperanza para cada día del año Compiled by Barbour Staff

Summary A Year's Worth of "Wow!" Moments from the Bible Every day for an entire year, 365 Encouraging Verses of the Bible gives you a concise, easy-to-read entry on the most important, intriguing, and hope-filled passages of scripture. From the profound opening of Genesis 1:1 (“In the beginning, God. . .”) to the final prayer of Revelation 22:20 (“Even so, come, Lord Jesus”), you’ll find this book a useful and enjoyable tool for enhancing your biblical knowledge. Appropriate for readers from junior high and up, 365 Encouraging Verses of the Bible covers the breadth of scripture in a one-year format. Barbour Español 9781636096698 Pub Date: 11/1/23 $9.99 USD Paperback 384 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

Cada día durante todo un año, 365 versículos bíblicos alentadores proporcionará a los lectores notas concisas, de fácil lectura, sobre los pasajes más importantes, fascinantes y llenos de esperanza de las Escrituras. Desde la profunda apertura de Génesis 1.1 (“En el principio...”) hasta la oración final de Apocalipsis 22.20 (“Sí, ven, Señor Jesús”), descubrirás que este libro es una herramienta útil y agradable para aumentar el conocimiento bíblico. Adecuado para lectores desde la escuela secundari...

6 in H | 4.3 in W


180 Devotions for Your Best Day SPANISH Ánimo e inspiración para las mujeres Compiled by Barbour Staff, Carey Scott

Summary Make Today Your Very Best Day with These 180 Inspiring Devotions! Good days have many things in common: joy, blessings, wonder, delight, contentment. . .but the very best days are those that include God in the details.180 Devotions for Your Best Day provides much-needed encouragement and inspiration for your soul. With each turn of the page, you will encounter faith-building, biblically based devotions and related scripture selections. Touching on topics like stress, joy, emotions, rest, relationships, freedom, and more, these 180 readings will help you discover that your very best day always begins—and ends—in conversation with your heavenly Father. Barbour Español 9781636096988 Pub Date: 12/1/23 $9.99 USD Hardcover 192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

Haz que este sea tu mejor día con estos 180 inspiradores devocionales Los días buenos tienen muchas cosas en común: alegría, bendiciones, asombro, deleite, satisfacción... pero los días mejores son los que incluyen a Dios en los detalles. 180 devocionales para un día mejor proporciona el aliento y la inspiración que tu alma tanto necesita. Al pasar cada página, encontrarás devocionales de base bíblica que fortalecen la fe y selecciones r...

6.5 in H | 4 in W


Barbour fall 23 b - April 2023

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Be Joyful 50 Days to Defeat the Things that Try to Defeat You Joyce Meyer

(now in TP)

Summary Conquer the most common obstacles to living a joy-filled life! In this 50-day guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life. In this 50-day guide, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer draws upon the teachings of the apostle Paul to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life.

FaithWords 9781546029274 Pub Date: 11/14/23 $17.99 USD Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012070

Joy is not just a "happy feeling" based on circumstances or on things you possess—it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that empowers you to remain stable and persevere through hard times so you rise above them, rather than becoming defeated by them. One of the hallmarks of Paul’s epistles is the joy with which he writes and which he invites his readers to experience also. He chose joy in all circumstances, even during times of struggle. In this unique book, Joyce Meyer presents Paul’s teachings on joy into concise lessons that equip you to triumph over the greatest challenges to a joy-filled life. Through these 50 daily entries, you’ll be encouraged to embrace the truths God...

8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.6 in T


Battlefield of the Mind Journal Joyce Meyer

Summary So many of us suffer from worry, doubt, confusion, anger, depression, and despair. These destructive emotions and the thoughts that accompany them can overwhelm our minds and debilitate and paralyze us. In her perennially bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, Joyce Meyer taught us that when we confront these feelings and thoughts, we are engaged in one of the greatest fights of our lives--the fight to overthrow our wrong ways of thinking and conform our thoughts to God's thoughts. When we do this, we experience freedom and peace and we win the battle of the mind.

FaithWords 9781546012511 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $18.99 USD Diary 160 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Living REL012070

In order to align our thoughts with God's thoughts, we must know God's Word well enough to compare the thoughts we are experiencing to what His Word says is true about His mind, His character, and His powerful and redeeming love for us. In addition to spending time in God's Word, one of the most effective ways that we can align our minds with God's truth is to record and reflect upon our thoughts. This journal offers a space to write down our destructive thoughts and refute them with God's Word. On each page is a quote f...

8 in H | 6 in W | 0.9 in T


Faithwords fall 23 a - April 2023

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Psalms and Proverbs for Everyday Life 100 Daily Devotions Joel Osteen

Summary Begin the day with a positive mindset with a journey through the Psalms and Proverbs led by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen. The books of Psalms and Proverbs offer encouragement, wisdom, guidance, and peace. They teach us how to pray, how to lament, how to worship, and ultimately, how to rest in God's character. When we trust in who God is and believe that He always wants the best for us, we are able to find contentment and live into who God has called us to be. FaithWords 9781546005285 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $22.00 USD Hardcover

In this 100-day devotional, bestselling author Joel Osteen offers readers daily encouragement from the Psalms and Proverbs that will uplift and inspire on even the most difficult days.

224 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.8 in T


Rule Your Day 6 Keys to Maximizing Your Success and Accelerating Your Dreams Joel Osteen

(now in TP)

Summary #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen teaches readers to keep their days full of faith, praise, and victory. You would like to savor each moment, grow into your best life, engage in productive relationships, and see your dreams come to pass. But distractions, delays, and disappointments relentlessly hijack your plans and undermine your good intentions. While you can’t control everything that comes your way, you can control how life’s unexpected setbacks affect your attitude, emotions, thoughts, and actions.

FaithWords 9781546041849 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $17.99 USD Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012040

In his latest work, #1New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shows you how to be intentional and Rule Your Day. With his trademark wisdom and unwavering positivity, Joel reveals six keys for claiming control over each new day. He teaches you how to identify faulty thinking, recast your vision for the future, rise above your circumstances, guard your heart and mind against negativity, and transcend distractions to focus on what matters most. When you work with the tools God has given you and take control of your time, you can bounce back fr...

8 in H | 5.3 in W


Faithwords fall 23 a - April 2023

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Mind Games Winning the Battle for Your Mental and Emotional Health Paul Daugherty

Summary When it comes to battles of the mind, Christians must embrace the whole armor of God: not just spiritual tools but practical ones as well. Depression, anxiety, and emotional trauma are on the rise, even more so after the painful few years we’ve all been through. While the church has had an unfortunate track record of glossing over mental health issues, Paul Daugherty, pastor of the megachurch Victory, believes it’s time for the church to break its silence. You can’t just pray trauma away. Depression and anxiety can affect even the most devoted believer.

FaithWords 9781546003830 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $27.00 USD Hardcover 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.9 in T

In this book, Paul Daugherty walks readers through some of the biggest mental and emotional health issues he has seen people in his life and his congregation facing, including depression, anxiety, insecurity, mood swings, and the scars of trauma. Daugherty dives into scripture and lays a framework for understanding the spiritual truths behind each mental battle. He also offers practical tips and strategies to help readers find lasting victory. The result is an invaluable handbook that will help Christians and non-believers alike.

Billy Jo Daugherty's son


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Joy to the World


A Christmas Song Sara Gianassi

Summary Joy to the world, the Lord is come in this celebratory new Christmas board book!

Running Press Kids 9780762483075 On Sale Date: 10/3/2023 $8.99/$12.99 Can. Board Book 18 Pages 9 full-color illustrations Carton Qty: 46 Print Run: 50K Ages 0 to 3, Grades P to P Juvenile Fiction / Holidays & Celebrations JUV017010 8 in H | 8 in W | 0.6 in T

Heaven and nature sing a celebration to the birth of Jesus in this joyful, uplifting, and bright board book. Enchanting illustrations featuring furry, feathery, and cozy woodland creatures by Sara Gianassi make this a new family classic to read each Christmas season.

Contributor Bio Sara Gianassi was born in Scarperia, near Florence, Italy, where she currently lives and works. After graduating with a degree in Costume and Scenic Design at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, Sara worked for three years as a fashion designer before pursuing a degree in illustration from Nemo Academy in Florence. She recently illustrated Silent Night: A Christmas Song for RP Kids.

Silent Night A Christmas Song Sara Gianassi, Running Press

(came out last Christmas)

Summary Share the joy of the Christmas season with this whimsical, dream-like board book while singing along to a Christmas classic, "Silent Night." Step into a snow-blanketed, wintery night in this beautiful, giftable board book. Featuring creatures great and small, kids and their parents will enjoy singing along to the words of "Silent Night" while they prepare to celebrate the Christmas season. Running Press Kids 9780762479771 2022 RELEASE $8.99/$12.99 Can. Board Book

18 Pages 18 full color illustrations Print Run: 50K Ages 0 to 3, Grades P to P Juvenile Fiction / Holidays & Celebrations JUV017010 8 in H | 8 in W

Contributor Bio Sara Gianassi was born in Scarperia, near Florence, Italy, where she currently lives and works. After graduating with a degree in Costume and Scenic Design at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, Sara worked for three years as a fashion designer before pursuing a degree in illustration from Nemo Academy in Florence.

365 Bible Verses-A-Year Page-a-Day 2024 Workman Calendars


Workman Publishing Company 9781523519187 On Sale Date: 8/08/2023 $16.99/$22.99 Can. Day by Day Calendar

Daily comfort, guidance, and inspiration. Cited chapter and verse from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, each day’s quote is paired with a gorgeous full-color nature photograph that illuminates the word with images of our glorious world. Misty waterfalls surrounded by mountains complement Psalm 145 : 8: “The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” A seascape at brilliant sunset marks Thessalonians 5 : 11: “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.” Day after day, discover peace, comfort, and the energy of faith. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.

640 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Print Run: 50K Religion / Biblical Reference REL006150 5.4 in H | 5.4 in W

The Illustrated Bible Verses Wall Calendar 2024 Workman Calendars, Becca Cahan


Workman Publishing Company 9781523518678 On Sale Date: 8/08/2023 $15.99/$21.99 Can. Wall Calendar

28 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Print Run: 10K Religion / Biblical Meditations REL006110 12 in H | 12 in W

12 x 12 in.

All things are possible for the one who has faith.—Mark 9 : 23 Find comfort in the wisdom of the Bible, and inspiration from uplifting art. The Illustrated Bible Verses Calendar features the Bible’s most powerful words brought exquisitely to life with artist Becca Cahan’s vibrant illustrations and hand lettering. A bold graphic motif illuminates Psalm 56 : 3: Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. And a starlit forest scene accompanies 1 Peter 4 : 10: God has given each of you a gift . . . use them well to serve one another. Every glance reaffirms faith and prompts thoughtful contemplation. Printed on responsibly sourced paper.

Contributor Bio Becca Cahan is a Massachusetts-based MassArt graduate working in watercolor with a focus on hand lettering and illustration. She thrives on creating happy and colorful works driven primarily by curvature, geometric patterning, and florals.


Charlie Brown's Christmas Miracle The Inspiring, Untold Story of the Making of a Holiday Classic Michael Keane


Summary Discover the inspiring, unknown, against-all-odds story of how the classic animated holiday special A Charlie Brown Christmas almost never made it onto television. Professor and cultural historian Michael Keane reveals much in this nostalgia-inducing book packed with original research and interviews. Keane compellingly shows that the ultimate broadcast of the Christmas special—given its incredibly tight five-month production schedule and the decidedly unfavorable reception it received by the skeptical network executives who first screened it—was nothing short of a miracle. Keane explains why the show, despite its technical shortcomings, has become an uplifting and enduring triumph embraced by millions of families every Christmas season, even more than fifty years after its premiere. Center Street 9781546004905 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $29.00 USD Hardcover

This gripping and joyful behind-the-scenes story of how the creators of A Charlie Brown Christmas struggled to bring the program to life will also help readers (and loyal fans) understand how America’s favorite Christmas special changed our popular culture forever. Keane masterfully weaves the momentous eve...

256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Performing Arts / Television PER010030

lots of faith content. Colored illustrations

9 in H | 6 in W


Witness to Dignity The Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush Russell Levenson, Jr., Jeb Bush

(now in TP)

Summary “Reverend Levenson was a dear friend and spiritual mentor to both my beloved grandparents. His stories of friendship will fill you with hope and inspire grace.”―Jenna Bush Hager, Co-Host, NBC News’ TODAY with Hoda & Jenna This is the untold, intimate, and eye-witness account of the character, integrity, service, faith, and dignity of former President George H.W. Bush and first lady Barbara Bush by their priest, pastor, and friend.

Center Street 9781546003304 Pub Date: 11/14/23 $19.99 USD Paperback 320 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads Of State BIO011000 8 in H | 5.3 in W

George and Barbara Bush belonged to and were active members of a Houston church for more than 50 years. The rector of that church, Reverend Russell Jones Levenson, Jr., believes he was invited into private moments with these public individuals so he could serve as a witness: a witness to observe, and a witness to tell. With never-before shared correspondence, experiences, and personal stories, Levenson offers new insight into the Bushes’ wit and wisdom; their commitment to family and friends; their tireless desire to bless the lives of others; and their steadfast loyalty to their church, their faith, and their God. Before embarking on writing this book on fa...

90% faith-based, 10% political


Faithwords fall 23 b - April 2023

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Christmas Miracles True Stories from the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Karen Kingsbury


Summary #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury’s classic collection of true stories that celebrates the wonder of Christmas is now updated with a new story in a perfect giftable format. We have all experienced miracles in our lives. An incredible chance encounter that changes everything...help that suddenly appears from nowhere...kindness handed to us when it is least expected. In A Collection of Christmas Miracles, Karen Kingsbury presents real-life stories about people whose lives were changed by the mystery of Christmas. Worthy Books 9781546005520 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $19.00 USD Hardcover Paper over boards 176 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Holidays REL034020

Every December we can look back and marvel at the designs of God and realize how very little we are in control of the events that shaped the past year. But with hearts full of hope we look forward to the celebration of that silent, holy night. Now updated with a new story, this format comes with gorgeous artwork for a treasured keepsake for years to come.

7.5 in H | 5 in W

10% new content


Mary's Voice Advent Reflections to Contemplate the Coming of Christ Amy Orr-Ewing


Summary Other than baby Jesus, the central character of the Christmas story is a woman named Mary. At Christmastime we remember that an ordinary, young, poor, oppressed woman was chosen to play a significant and breakthrough role in the redemption of the world. It is no mistake that a woman gets to be a part of all this, and that her voice, her questions, her fears, and her actions matter.

Worthy Books 9781546004523 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $24.00 USD Hardcover Paper over boards 208 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

Mary’s faith and her wisdom form an astonishing aspect of the story of how God became a person for the love of this world. And in our weary world that is waiting and longing for light, meaning, peace, and love, we can do as Mary did when she “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

has 4-color classical artwork

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.7 in T


Faithwords fall 23 b - April 2023

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Holy Hot Mess Finding God in the Details of this Weird and Wonderful Life Mary Katherine Backstrom, Kristina Kuzmic

(now in TP)

Summary In this National Bestseller, Mary Katherine Backstrom shares heartbreaking and hilarious stories of how God uses each "mess" in our lives to bring us closer to Him. She shows us that it's okay to celebrate exactly where we are right now—holy, hot mess and all. A lot of people struggle with the concept of being holy. But the fact is, even the hottest of messes are being shaped—right now—into Jesus' likeness. In this book, Mary Katherine shares the sometimes-hidden evidence of God's work in her life and shows you that it's okay to embrace the hot messes. Worthy Books 9781546015512 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $17.99 USD Paperback

Mary Katherine will share both hilarious and vulnerable stories about faith, friendships, motherhood, marriage, and depression. She will cover the topics that plague our hearts every day with raw, honest truth and a side of laughter. Mary Katherine invites you into her story as a friend, encouraging you to embrace the hot messes in your life. Because we are all a work in progress, and as long as we are alive, we are under construction—and construction sites tend to be messy.

240 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 8 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.6 in T


Holy Hot Mess Guided Journal Mary Katherine Backstrom

Summary Mary Katherine Backstrom’s Holy Hot Mess was a national bestseller and cemented MK’s place as a hilarious writer with a big heart. Now, readers who loved the book can engage more deeply with the text with this interactive guided journal. This giftable guided journal includes snippets from each chapter of the book, as well as scripture verses, reflective questions, prayers journal prompts, and journaling pages. Each chapter will allow readers to dive more deeply into the book, and to understand more deeply how God uses our messes to draw us closer to Him. Worthy Books 9781546013679 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $16.99 USD Diary 128 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational SEL021000 8 in H | 6 in W | 0.5 in T


Faithwords fall 23 b - April 2023

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This Dream Is Not for You Learn to Live by Letting Go Wade Joye

Summary Believe it or not, the dreams we have for our lives are dangerous. Here, speaker and Bible teacher Wade Joye encourages us to let go of our dreams, surrender our lives to God, and truly live. “Follow your dreams” is the self-help message of our day. In our schools and universities, media, and culture, and even in church, we are taught to dream big, work hard, and find true happiness in living our dreams. And so we spend our lives chasing.

Worthy Books 9781546004790 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $27.00 USD Hardcover 240 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Living REL012000 9 in H | 6 in W

But as we chase our dreams, we can be met with exhaustion, anxiety, and disappointment. Our circumstances may put our dreams in jeopardy, or even deny them—and we’re heartbroken. Or we achieve them and just want more. Wade Joye offers here a different way. Release your grip on your dreams and trust God with your whole life. Joye shows that by letting go we are freed from the pressure to secure some ideal, unattainable life, and instead become open to God and his plans. Living a life of daily surrender to God’s purpose we begin to see glimpses of God in our present circumstance, as he shows us that he, more than anyone, can be trusted. With deep wisdo...


A Gift of Joy and Hope Pope Francis

(now in TP)

Summary In this encouraging book, Pope Francis explores the meaning of true joy and offers an inspiring message: even in dark times, the light of hope can shine bright. The past few years have been extremely challenging, but even in dark times, the light of joy can shine bright. True joy, says Pope Francis, is not a fleeting sentiment or a short-term solution to suffering; it springs from a solid hope that nothing and no one can take away.

Worthy Books 9781546003700 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $17.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christianity REL010000

A Gift of Joy and Hope is an invitation to embrace authentic beauty and a reminder to be open to encountering God, even in the midst of challenges. In this inspiring collection, Pope Francis encourages readers to change attitudes that exclude others; to reveal the deep dissatisfaction we all hide; and to overcome life’s challenges with courage and faith. He also challenges readers to hope without pessimism or doubt, to hope even in the midst of anxiety, to recognize the beauty all around us, and to let God show us how to deal with your doubts and fears. This book aims to encourage readers to look outside themselves and believe that hope is still possible a...

8 in H | 5.3 in W


Worthy fall 23 a - April 2023

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Who Are You & What Have You Done with My Kid? Connect with Your Tween While They Are Still Listening Amanda Craig

Summary So you have a Tween! What now? Dr. Amanda Craig knows what it’s like to watch your child go from sweet elementary student to moody tween in the span of just a few years and she’s here to help navigate you through it! How do we keep our kids close while cultivating the confidence they’ll need to grow up? How do we navigate the inevitable dips, divides, and potholes? Where do we find the strength, self-awareness, and wisdom that amount to a path forward? Worthy Books 9781546003090 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $17.99 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Family & Relationships / Parenting FAM034000 8 in H | 5.3 in W


Despite the parenting opportunities in the tween years, we often spend time focused on academics and the social concerns of elementary school then quickly pivot to worries about safety, drugs, sex and the rebellious behavioral issues of the teen years. We think we’re connecting but we’re not. We miss the neurological explosion that is taking place before us as tweens experience four significant changes that shake them (and us) to their core. Their brains are changing. They feel and experience emotions they do not recognize. They’re hyperaware of themselves. They do not know how to express themselves. Most importantly, parents still have a “...

Lucky Girl Lessons on Overcoming Odds & Building a Limitless Future Scout Bassett

Summary Sprinter, long jumper, and Paralympian Scout Bassett shares the lessons she’s learned battling the toughest challenges facing young women today. As an infant in China, Scout Bassett was the victim of a fire, causing her to lose her right leg. She spent the next seven years in an orphanage before being adopted and whisked away to the United States, where she felt foreign in every way.

Worthy Books 9781546003861 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $27.00 USD Hardcover 224 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Self-Help / Motivational & Inspirational SEL021000

Though she defied the odds and became a gold medalist and world-record holder, Scout fought against adversity her entire life—and mostly off the track. As a disabled person, a minority, and a woman in America, she’s struggled in a culture that can make anyone—no matter who you are—feel like an outsider—an other. In Lucky Girl Scout shares ten lessons she’s learned to help readers overcome some of the most difficult challenges in life today. With vulnerability, humor, and warmth, she addresses issues of identity, loneliness, image, purpose, and high expectations, among others, and offers advice for how to face them. Scout began her journey to embrace who she is—past and all—by never forgetting where she co...

9 in H | 6 in W


(her Chinese name means "lucky girl")

Worthy fall 23 a - April 2023

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First Words of Christmas


WorthyKids, Madeleine Marie

ages 0-3 Summary Discover the Christmas story one word at a time with this simple and engaging board book primer.

WorthyKids 9781546005353 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $7.99 USD Board Book

Perfect for curious little ones, this book tells the story of Christmas in bite-sized pieces. Short sentences and colorful illustrations guide children through that famous night—from Mary and Joseph's journey all the way to the eventual arrival of the wise men—while each page highlights a new word found in the biblical account—such as star, manger, and angel. Whether you use this book to encourage language development or to introduce the story of Christmas to a special little one, it's sure to make a great gift.

20 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P to P Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049240 Series: First Words 7 in H | 7 in W | 0.5 in T


The First Christmas Night Keith Christopher, Christine Kornacki


(now in BB)

ages 1-3

Experience the events of the first Christmas night with this stunning board book written in the beloved style of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." "'Twas the very first Christmas when all through the town, not a creature was stirring—there was not a sound." WorthyKids 9781546003632 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $7.99 USD Board Book

This beautiful retelling of the birth of Jesus celebrates that fateful night in Bethlehem so long ago. The story begins with Mary and Joseph's arrival in Bethlehem and continues through Christ's birth, the angels' appearance to the shepherds, and the wise men's visit. Simple, elegant verses are brought to life with lush oil paintings, creating an enchanting reading experience for littles and their loved ones.

24 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Ages 1 to 3, Grades P to P Juvenile Fiction / Religious JUV033150 7 in H | 7 in W


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Growing God's Way 365 Daily Devos for Girls VeggieTales


33% new content ages 4-8

Explore God’s word with the Veggies in this year-long devotional perfect for girls looking to grow in their faith.

WorthyKids 9781546003588 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $11.99 USD Paperback

Full of encouraging Bible messages and favorite Veggie characters, this 365-day devotional offers girls and their loved ones the perfect opportunity to share time together each day. Each entry includes a Bible verse, short devotion, Thought of the Day, and prayer. Rich biblical content will help girls learn more about God as they develop a daily practice to keep him close in their lives. Great for bedtime reading, family devotion time, or as a fresh way to start each day, these devotionals remind growing girls of God's continued love and care.

384 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120 Series: VeggieTales 7.3 in H | 5 in W


Growing God's Way 365 Daily Devos for Boys VeggieTales

33% new content ages 4-8

Summary Explore God’s word with the Veggies in this year-long devotional perfect for boys looking to grow in their faith.

WorthyKids 9781546003601 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $11.99 USD Paperback

Full of encouraging Bible messages and favorite Veggie characters, this annual devotional offers boys and their loved ones the perfect opportunity to share time together each day. Each entry includes a Bible verse, short devotion, Thought of the Day, and prayer. Rich biblical content will help boys learn more about God as they develop a daily practice to keep him close in their lives. Great for bedtime reading, family devotion time, or as a fresh way to start each day, these devotionals remind growing boys of God's continued love and care.

384 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049120 Series: VeggieTales 7.3 in H | 5 in W | 0.9 in T


Worthy fall 23 a - April 2023

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Ooo, Baby Baby! A Little Book of Love Sandra Boynton


general market

ages 0-3

Sandra Boynton's newest arrival beautifully captures the wonder of being a new parent. "From the moment I saw you and whispered your name, nothing, no nothing, has been quite the same." Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 9780316514934 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $7.99 USD Board Book

Welcoming a baby transforms life in many ways, including the wondrous opportunity to see the world through a child's eyes. In Ooo Baby, Baby! the precious baby bunny marvels at the changing seasons, happily watches the clouds, and plays with everyday objects in unexpected ways—all while the adoring big bunny looks on with delight.

16 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Ages 0 to 3, Grades P to P Juvenile Fiction / Family JUV013040

With its warm and familiar illustrations—and a heart-shaped window in its front cover—this lilting Boynton board book is the ideal present for young children and new parents. It's also terrific for grandparents, baby showers, welcome baskets, or even Valentine's Day or Easter. Or just because. OOO!

6 in H | 6 in W | 0.6 in T


Love You Snow Much Melinda Lee Rathjen, Megan Higgins


general market

ages 1-4

Share the warm thoughts you have for your cool little one with this wintry ode to a child. In this punny, snowy love letter to a snow-child, a snow-person lists all of the ways a little snow-child is special, with humor and warm sentiments to freeze smiles in place and melt hearts. Playful verse and cozy illustrations will keep kids cuddled up all the way through the sweet, reassuring conclusion. WorthyKids 9781546005483 Pub Date: 10/31/23 $7.99 USD Board Book 20 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Ages 1 to 4, Grades P to P Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes JUV039050 7 in H | 7 in W | 0.6 in T


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Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? Paula Faris, Bhagya Madanasinghe

ages 4-8

general market


WorthyKids 9781546003762 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $18.99 USD Hardcover Picture Book 32 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 4 to 8, Grades P to 3 Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes JUV039050 9.5 in H | 9 in W

Inspire children to dream not just about a future career, but also about the kind of person they want to become with this empowering picture book from Emmy Award–winning journalist, best-selling author, and mother, Paula Faris. Career Day is coming up, and Lina has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up. Will she become a nurse? An engineer? A journalist? There are too many options! But when her parents encourage her to think about the kind of person she wants to be instead of the job she wants to have, she begins to realize that who she grows up to be is more important than what she ends up doing. In a world that places so much emphasis on what we do, Paula Faris, mother of three, is passionate about encouraging kids to consider instead who they want to be. In this beautifully illustrated book, Faris presents children with the empowering message that their character matters more than any job title they will ever have. Join Lina on her journey as she discovers that character counts and who you are is more important than what you do.


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NEW RELEASES fall 2023 Michelle McKinney Hammond knows all about life’s curveballs. She’s caught plenty of them. But during the pandemic shutdowns in 2020, she was taken by surprise along with the rest of us. It was time for her to shift gears. Again. Like a dear friend who’s been where you are now, Michelle offers a calming voice of reason in When Shift Happens: Say Yes to Your Next! Weaving stories from Scripture with tales from her own life, she offers heartfelt lessons, prayers, and reflection questions to help you embrace your next.

When Shift Happens Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-055-1 | $23.99 CAN

Everyone has secrets. Brave enough to lay her own shocking story on the table, Elizabeth Good noticed that as the scales of shame and fear began to fall from her eyes, the same thing was happening to others in a domino effect of healing as people responded, “I thought I was the only one.” Thousands who have lived paralyzed by secrets are learning to speak up and live free through Good’s Real Talk program, and the move of God is not so quietly transforming individuals, churches, businesses, families, and communities. Don’t let unspeakable secrets and a lifetime of limitation steal one more day. Discover how to speak up and live free. Speak the Unspeakable Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-047-6 | $25.49 CAN

The absorbing true story of Naghmeh Abedini Panahi, taking you from war-torn Tehran to the quiet Midwestern U.S. to the halls of power in Washington D.C. The book describes the Islamic upbringing that shaped her, her unexpected conversion to Christianity, and the events that led to her marriage to Saeed Abedini, a magnetic pastor in the Iranian underground church. It details Saeed’s imprisonment for preaching the gospel, Naghmeh’s appeals for him internationally, her fateful decision to share the dark truth about her husband, and the new life of advocacy for women that has arisen from her brokenness.

I Didn’t Survive Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-053-7 | $25.49 CAN

It was first printed in 1455, and everyone has a copy—or two or more—but the Bible is still the best-selling book in the world. Why? And just how did we get the collection of sixty-six books that make up God’s Word? The Book that Conquered Time: How the Bible Came to Be tells the sometimes dramatic, always fascinating, and ultimately faith-building story of the Bible. You’ll receive fresh insights on why it continues to be the most powerful book of all time. The Book that Conquered Time Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-043-8 | $25.49 CAN

Embark on a journey to discover your true self. In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy: An Invitation to Discover Who You Were Meant to Be, Sonia Luna offers insights into spiritual, psychological, and emotional issues that confront us as life unfolds. “It is only when we understand how valuable we are to God that we start to notice the mistaken concept we had of ourselves,” Sonia says. Once you see the best in yourself as God does, you will know your true identity as His beloved child. See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-049-0 | $23.99 CAN

All of us are recovering from something. Whether it’s an addiction, a painful incident from our past, or a daily challenge just to get by in this world, something is holding us back from the promised-land life God wants for us. Real recovery isn’t a one-time event or a twelvestep process. Uncovering how to live free of what holds you back is a lifelong journey. The Uncovery Devotional: Rethinking Recovery One Day at a Time will help you take those steps toward a better, healthier, happier you. The Uncovery Devotional Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-051-3 | $26.99 CAN

The Uncovery: Understanding the Power of Community to Heal Trauma explains why traditional recovery programs don’t work and how all of us can help lead others into a promised-land life.

The Uncovery Trade Paper | 978-1-64123-853-3 | $22.99 CAN

REVISED & EXPANDED If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look! In this updated edition with expanded material, Dr. Henry Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their limitations in dealing with the spiritual roots of illnesses that inflict millions. We need healing for spirit, soul, and body. If you have recently been diagnosed with an illness or have been struggling with your health for years, there is hope and healing ahead.

Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-035-3 | $23.99 CAN

EXPANDED “It is my desire to bring to the children of God the message that there is a twofold Christian life,” wrote Andrew Murray. In the first one, he said, “we experience something of the operations of the Holy Spirit, just as many did under the old covenant.” The second aspect is receiving the Spirit “as the personal indwelling Guest.” That indwelling belongs to all Christians—and Murray provides a blueprint to reach that blessed state in Experiencing the Holy Spirit. Experiencing the Holy Spirit Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-042-1 | $19.99 CAN

What if you never expected miraculous healing was possible but were surprised when it actually happened? And what if you found out that, all along, the Bible had principles for healing prayer that we could apply to our lives for restoring spirit, mind, and body? Healing prayer is not a human concept but God’s idea. Our part is to respond to His leading. All He asks is our openness to Him. This intriguing book clearly presents what the Bible says about prayer for healing, highlights eight ways healing prayer is misunderstood, and provides accounts of God’s power to heal today. Healing Prayer Trade Paper | 979-8-88769-062-9 | $23.99 CAN


The Little Way SPANISH Reflexiones sobre el gozo de ser pequeño en el amor infinito de Dios Thérèse of Lisieux



Whitaker House 9798887690216 Pub Date: 10/31/23 $12.99 USD Trade Paperback

Queremos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, pero a menudo nos encontramos esforzándonos por agradarle, muy conscientes de nuestras debilidades. A medida que se acumulan nuestros fracasos, nos frustramos y desanimamos. ¿Hemos perdido la esencia del evangelio? ¿Existe una manera simple, pero verdadera, de servir a Dios, que pueda llenarnos de gozo y paz en lugar de miedo y desánimo? Santa Teresa de Lisieux enfrentó luchas similares. Como mujer joven que deseaba entregarse a Dios, se sintió intimidada ante la "la empinada escalera de la perfección". Thérése escudriñó las Escrituras hasta que descubrió un camino hacia la libertad. La llamó "pequeño camino". Este es "el camino de la infancia espiritual, el camino de la confianza y la entrega absoluta". Es un reconocimiento de que mientras somos pequeños e imperfectos, tenemos un Dios poderoso que nos alcanza con infinito amor, gracia y fuerza para cuidar de todas nuestras necesidades. Mientras Thérése seguía este nuevo camino, se consideraba una "pequeña flor" en el jardín de Jesús. Ella entendió que era amada por su Padre celestial y ...

144 Pages Carton Qty: 84 Religion / Spirituality REL062000 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.4 in T


The Devil Shall Not Prevail SPANISH Una confianza inquebrantable en el poder de Dios A. W. Tozer

Summary Vivimos en una era sin precedentes de distracción y tentación. No puedes levantar tu teléfono, encender tu televisor o salir por la puerta sin ser bombardeado con imágenes y mensajes de placeres y actividades mundanas. En esta compilación de enseñanzas nunca antes publicada, A.W. Tozer ofrece una visión penetrante y una aplicación práctica para ayudarte a tomar decisiones que honren a Dios, y den vida en una cultura que valora lo que es malo. Aprenderás a

Whitaker House 9798887690667 Pub Date: 12/12/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.5 in T


· reconocer las tácticas del enemigo, · resistir la tentación, · impedir que el diablo se aproveche de ti, y · caminar de cerca y confiadamente con Dios. La vanidad de este mundo es grande, pero nosotros servimos a un Dios aún mayor. Aquí está la sabiduría y el conocimiento bíblico que necesitas para resistir al diablo y mantenerte firme en tierra santa. ----We live in an unprecedented era of distraction and temptation. You can’t pick up your phone, turn on your television, or walk out your door without being bombarded with images and messages of worldly pleasures and pursuits. In this never-before-published compilation of teachings, A....

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Keep Looking Up SPANISH


40 días para fortalecer tu confianza en Dios Jentezen Franklin

Summary Cuando golpean las tormentas o el desorden de la vida te derrumba, parece más fácil hundirse en la resaca caótica que luchar para mantenerse a flote; y cuando te enfocas en las olas, pierdes la mano que baja para ayudarte.

Whitaker House 9798887690704 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 64 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.5 in T

Con calidez y sabiduría, el pastor y autor de bestsellers del New York Times, Jentezen Franklin, nos recuerda que ninguna tormenta es tan feroz que no se puede calmar, y ningún obstáculo es tan grande que no se puede mover. En estos 40 devocionales inspiradores y convincentes, él no solo crea oportunidades diarias para que superes lo que te detiene, sino que también te empodera para: · confiar en Dios sin importar tus circunstancias o tormentas, · conquistar las cuatro tácticas comunes que usa el enemigo para hundirte, · implementar las cinco claves bíblicas para superar cualquier dificultad en la vida, y · vivir la vida que Dios siempre quiso que tuvieras. No ignores el salvavidas que Dios te entrega, ni dejes que las olas de la vida te lleven. Es hora de mirar hacia arriba, extender la mano y liberarte de lo que sea que te esté abrumando. No fuiste creado para pisar...


The Power of Vision SPANISH Las claves para alcanzar tu destino individual y corporativo Myles Munroe

Summary Ya seas un ejecutivo de negocios, un gerente departamental, un empleado, una ama de casa, un estudiante o el gobernante de un estado, el autor de éxitos de ventas Myles Munroe explica cómo puedes hacer realidad tus esperanzas y sueños. Mediante El poder de la visión podrás…

Whitaker House 9798887690803 Pub Date: 12/12/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 64 Business & Economics / Leadership BUS071000 Series: Principios del éxito 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.5 in T

Descubrir tu propósito en la vida. Entender por qué la visión es esencial para tu éxito. Comprender las claves necesarias para cumplir el sueño de tu vida. Desarrollar un plan específico para alcanzar tu visión. Vencer obstáculos para tu visión. Tu éxito no depende del estado de la economía, de qué carreras profesionales están en demanda en la actualidad, o de cómo es el mercado de trabajo. No tienes que verte obstaculizado por lo que la gente te cree capaz o por una falta de recursos. Este libro proporciona principios probados por el tiempo, que te capacitarán para llevar a cabo tu visión sin importar quién seas o de dónde provengas. No fuiste creado para una vida mediocre o rutinaria. No existes solamente para ganarte la vida. Revive tu pasión por vivir. Persigue tu sueño. Descubre tu visión y encuentra tu verdadera vi...


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Daily Strength

Daily Promises / Perpetual Calendar

Time spent with God empowers you with courage, hope, and strength. Be encouraged each day as you flip through inspirational quotes and affirmations. As you prayerfully consider these devotions and reflect on the promises in God's Word, you will be marked by truth and motivated to walk into all God has for you.


FEATURES • Exquisite faux leather with special heat debossing and foil stamping • Durable coil binding and selfstanding easel support a daily flip calendar • Beautifully designed full color interior printed on high quality woodfree paper 9781424567706



$24.49 each Faux leather (incl. the easel)

5x4 384 pages

Available:Nov. 7, 2023

BISAC Categories: • RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational • RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional • RFERENCE / Planners


Relevant daily promises help men & women find wisdom for daily challenges, peace in uncertainty, gratitude for life’s many blessings, and strength to persevere in hardship.


God Is Love 365 Devotions from the Apostle John Brian Simmons


Summary Witness the glory and love of Jesus. The book of John proclaims Jesus as the Living Expression of God’s love, the One through whom you can experience eternal life. John’s firsthand account of Jesus’ divine miracles and deeply personal encounters brings you closer to the Savior, who is the Good Shepherd and the great I AM. In 365 daily devotions and prayers through the book of John, God Is Love welcomes you into the breathtaking magnificence of Jesus’ presence. Featuring Scripture from The Passion Translation®, this devotional will embolden you to embrace your identity as one whom Jesus loves as you unite with him and carry his love into the world. Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566204 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD Imitation Leather 384 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: The Passion Translation Devotionals 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


The Greatest Hymns Devotional 365 Daily Devotions BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC


Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424567058 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Imitation Leather 384 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christianity REL013000

Traditional hymns are compelling expositions that proclaim biblical truths in profound ways. Poetic verse and evocative music beautifully intertwine, connecting our emotions with the heart of our glorious Creator. Hope soars in moments of doubt, fear, and tragedy; gratitude and joy erupt in a chorus of praise. Hymns connect us to the saints of old who struggled with and celebrated their faith, encouraging unity among the body of Christ in a way that crosses into eternity. The Greatest Hymns Devotional reflects on one hymn each day, providing an interesting fact, thoughtful meditation, relevant Scripture, and inspiring prayer provoked by the hymn. As you spend time contemplating each entry, be reminded of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and grace. His very character is apparent in the powerful rhetoric that has stood the test of time. Features: High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal. Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture. Metall...

8 in H | 6 in W


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Trusting God with Every Breath Find Hope for the Ups and Downs of Life Amy Mecham

Summary Start your day with a breath of hope.

Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566143 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $21.99 USD Imitation Leather

When life throws us curveballs, it can be difficult to trust God. We may feel like we're stumbling in the dark, unsure of where to turn. But with each new day, we have the opportunity to start fresh. Trusting God with Every Breath is a 365-day devotional that offers strength and encouragement to move through the ups and downs of life. Each day includes Scripture, a devotion, and personal reflection to help you draw on God's love, power, and redemption to breathe new life into your faith journey. Trusting God isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. Surrender fully to him and allow his healing grace to transform your heart.

384 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 6 in W


Apples of Gold 365 Devotions for Leaders BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC


Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566877 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $17.99 USD Imitation Leather 384 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL108030

Being a good leader isn’t easy. It requires courage, humility, integrity, and compassion. Jesus spoke of true leadership as having the ability to be a remarkable servant. To be a successful leader, you must determine to follow the example of Christ no matter how difficult. There will be a cost. You may be scrutinized, wrongly accused, and pushed toward exhaustion, but take heart; there is a reward waiting for you if you do not give up. And it will be worth it. Apples of Gold is a daily devotional for leaders like you. As you read these inspiring meditations, Scriptures, and prayers, be encouraged that God is for you, and he will give you everything you need to face the challenges you encounter each day. Rest for a moment in his presence and let his grace and peace wash over you. Out of the abundance of his love and wisdom, you will find the strength to persevere in your service to others. Features: High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal. Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover a two-tone appearance and creating indentation whic...

6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


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The Sword and the Spirit A 40-Day Morning and Evening Devotional John Greco

Summary Live by the Word. Walk by the Spirit. You were never meant to live the Christian life in your own strength, so stop trying. Each morning, awaken your heart to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. And then, each evening, renew your mind with the unchanging truth of God’s Word. The Sword and the Spirit Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424565641 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $16.99 USD Imitation Leather

contains morning and evening devotions for a forty-day experience, focuses on biblical truths related to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, highlights the unity between Scripture and spiritual experience, and includes a dedicated prayer prompt for each reading.

176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


The Chosen Book Four 40 Days with Jesus Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks, Dallas Jenkins

Summary You are called to Truth. Jesus came to fulfill Scripture, to seek and save the lost, and to testify to the truth. But truth can sometimes take a minute to grasp because we contend with it in a variety of ways under a variety of circumstances. Once Jesus collides with our lives—our deepest needs, cultural biases, personal motivations, even prideful objections—the outcome can be infuriating. Or exhilarating. Or anything in between.

BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424563906 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $16.99 USD Imitation Leather 176 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

In The Chosen – Book Four, explore the angles from which you can better see Jesus and the things He taught. Learn from His followers how to really hear. To repent. To wait on His wisdom and timing. To obey. Written to accompany the hit multi-season series, each of these forty devotions contains a Scripture, a unique look into a Gospel story, suggestions for prayer, and questions that lead you further in your relationship with Christ. May we welcome His rebuke and testify to the Truth who is ever working within us...the outcome of which will, indeed, be nothing short of exhilarating.

6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


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The Chosen:


And I Will Give You Rest Jerry B. Jenkins

To the Pharisees, Jesus is a blasphemer. To the Roman authorities, he’s a threat to their rule and order. But to the masses, he’s a miraculous healer and a profound teacher. In this third installment of The Chosen series, we see Jesus healing the sick, preaching the Sermon on the Mount, feeding the five thousand, and raising the dead. We see his enemies growing ever more determined to silence him. And we see his very human disciples struggling with their own questions and concerns, believing in but not yet understanding their Messiah. Based on the acclaimed TV series The Chosen, the most amazing story ever told—the life of Jesus—gets a fresh, new telling from New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins.

COVER--will be black/white to match DVD SPECIAL FEATURES • The official and only novelization of the immensely popular TV series, which has been seen in every country in the world, with over 55 million views. • The latest fiction from Jerry Jenkins, perhaps the bestselling Christian novelist of recent times. 22




Available: November 7, 2023

ITPE 5.5 x 8.5 416 pages Case quantity: 40

BISAC Categories: • FICTION / Christian / Biblical • FICTION / Media tie-in • FICTION / Christian / Historical

The Chosen platform information: • The Chosen is the #1 crowd-funded media project of all time with over $11 million raised from over 16,000 people. • Near-daily video posts on FB average 75,000 views. Trailer received 16,000,000 views, several other videos received several hundred thousand. • Email list is over 1 million • Main Facebook page has over 1 million followers, the Fan Club has more than 45,000 members, YouTube has over 500,000 subscribers, and Instagram has 250,000+ followers • The Chosen app has been released in Apple App Store and Google Play to allow episodes to be viewed free. At over 10 million app downloads, it’s one of the top 50 Entertainment apps in the world. A B OU T T H E AU T HOR

JERRY B. JENKINS has written nearly 200 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers with total sales of more than 71 million copies. He’s known for biblical fiction, end-times fiction (the Left Behind series), and many other genres. He also assisted Billy Graham with his memoirs and has written numerous sports biographies. He lives with his wife, Dianna, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have three grown sons, one of whom, Dallas, is the creator, cowriter, and director of The Chosen TV series.

Make a Difference Youth Bible New Living Translation

God’s Word can transform the world—through you. The world may seem too big, too chaotic, and too confusing for you to make a difference, but God has called today’s youth to stand up in faith and join a legacy of difference makers. The Make a Difference Youth Bible is filled with lifechanging reflections and get-out-of-your-chair activities to help you walk with Jesus, impact the world around you, and bring the good news of Jesus to people who need hope. Uncover your radical, God-given purpose with this Bible’s dynamic features: • • • • • th special debossing, Pearlescent hardcover wi olor interior with special wrapped around a full-c s. callouts and action point

Difference-maker reflections and action steps to encourage you to apply God’s Word to your life Story arc callouts to reveal how God transforms ordinary people for his extraordinary purpose Scripture-based questions and prayers to bring you closer to the living God Complete text of the New Living Translation in an easyto-read single-column format Wide margins with convenient space for journaling and note-taking Graphics, index, and more

See God in action as his redemptive plan unfolds throughout history, and discover how you can take part in his world-changing mission.

Platform information: • Author hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota • Ken is the author or coauthor of over twenty ministry products, including the Jesus-Centered Bible, the 2016 Christian Retailers Study Bible of the Year. • He is an international ministry speaker, trainer, consultant, and youth ministry networker licensed with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and Wooddale Church (a 3,500-person, multisite Converge church in the Minneapolis area). • Ken was a three-time award-winning professor at Crown College (2010–2020). • He is currently scheduled to do direct ministry training with over 10,000 people in 2022–2023 in at least three countries and over ten states. 22




Available: November 2023

Hardcover 5 3/8 x 8 1400 pages Case quantity: eBook: $9.99 9781424562428

BISAC Categories: • BIBLES / New Living Translation / Youth & Teen • BIBLES / New Living Translation / Devotional • RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational


Dr. KEN CASTOR (Taylor University, Regent College, Trinity Western University) is a pastor, professor, and trainer who has over thirty years of youth ministry experience in the US and Canada. He lives with his family in Minnesota, where he has served as a professor of youth ministry at Crown College and the family and next-gen pastor of Wooddale Church.

The Illuminated Messiah Bible Holy Bible / King James Version

with 66 portraits of Jesus by Timothy Gagnon The infallible, living Word of God as penned in the majestic King James Version has had a powerful influence on language and literature since 1611. Developed by scholars and entwined with poetic cadence and vivid imagery, this version of the Bible is the standard by which all translations are measured and the most printed book of all time. The Illuminated Messiah Bible harkens back to the handcrafted Bibles from medieval times. Within these pages is a beautiful collection of 66 original portraits of Jesus from each book of the Bible. Every Messianic theme from Genesis to Revelation is illuminated in spectacular fashion with a detailed treatise by the artist explaining the theology behind every brushstroke. Grow your Christian faith as you immerse yourself in the beauty and truth found in these trusted words. th special Exquisite faux leather wi ing. debossing and foil stamp Platform information: • Author hometown: Panama City Beach, FL • Tim is a fine artist, instructor, and speaker with extensive experience in graphic design, commercial, and fine art. • He is an accomplished art instructor, public speaker, and performing visual artist with degrees in Theology and Fine Art. • He has expertise in graphite, charcoal, sanguine, and pastel drawing mediums and watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and oil painting mediums. • Tim demonstrates art before live audiences ranging from intimate workshops to large stadium conferences. In his studio work, he is a prolific figurative and portrait artist. • He instructs both art and church history at the college level. • In 2009, Tim won the People’s Choice Award at the Jesus the Light juried art show. 22

VITAL INF OR M ATION $66.49 9781424566600

Available: November 7, 2023

Faux leather 5 3/8 x 8 1/2 1216 pages Case quantity:

BISAC Categories: • BIBLES / King James Version / General • BIBLES / King James Version / Text • BIBLES / King James Version / Dramatized

A B OU T T H E AU T HOR TIM GAGNON, “The Fire Painter,” is an artist and speaker best known for creating works of art live on stage while his paint brushes are on fire. For nearly twenty years, he has performed at churches, conferences, schools, and stadiums across the US. His studio work is inspired by Medieval Illuminated Scripture, incorporating texts, gold leaf, and oils into narrative paintings of biblical characters and events. His work is currently displayed in various churches and private collections. His greatest joy comes from sharing his passion for art and faith. Tim resides in Panama City Beach, FL.


Prayers & Promises for Leaders BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC


Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566891 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $14.99 USD Imitation Leather

Being a good leader isn’t easy. It requires courage, humility, integrity, and compassion. Jesus spoke of true leadership as having the ability to be a remarkable servant. To be a successful leader, you must determine to follow the example of Christ no matter how difficult. Prayers & Promises for Leaders is a topically organized collection that guides you through themes of wisdom, confidence, purpose, protection, and more. Encouraging Scriptures, heartfelt prayers, and prompting questions give you an opportunity to think more deeply about the grace and truth found in God’s Word. Stay connected to God by spending time in his presence. Ask him to help you guide, comfort, and encourage those he has given you the opportunity to lead. Out of the abundance of his love and wisdom, you will find the strength to persevere in your service to others. He is with you, he is for you, and he hears you when you pray. Claim his promises over your life today! Features: High-grade faux leather provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal. Heat debossing on faux leather darkens its color, giving the cover...

144 Pages Carton Qty: 68 Religion / Christian Living REL108030 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


Why Jesus? Answering Life’s Most Important Question Ray Comfort


Summary Jesus is our hope. The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused in our search for truth and meaning. Ray Comfort has spent decades pointing people to Jesus. Now he describes how you, too, can share the truth and love of the Lord with confidence to a world that needs hope. Taking you step-by-step through real-life evangelistic conversations, Why Jesus? will help you Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566105 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $16.99 USD Imitation Leather

recognize Jesus as the only path to everlasting life, identify lies that distort humanity’s view of God, and use the Bible to highlight our need of the Savior. Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you share the good news with those around you.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Ministry REL030000 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


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100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families Inspiring Truths, Helpful Explanations, and Power for Living from God’s Eternal Word Alex McFarland, Bert Harper

Summary More of your hardest Bible questions answered. In 100 Bible Questions and Answers, Alex McFarland and Bert Harper, veteran cohosts of the nationally syndicated broadcast Exploring the Word, tackled some of the most common challenges and queries people have about God, the Bible, and Christian living. And the questions have kept coming in. Now, in 100 More Bible Questions and Answers for Families, they’re back with fresh research, timely insight, and more of their accessible, concise responses, equipping readers to

BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566815 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD Paperback

understand what Scripture really says about God and life, discuss the Bible’s most controversial passages and topics, strengthen and grow their relationship with Christ, and develop the confidence to support and defend biblical truth. Satisfy your curiosity and deepen your knowledge of Scripture as Alex and Bert guide your journey through God’s Word.

220 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

Previous in series: 100 Bible Questions & Answers

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


TPT The Book of Psalms—Part 2 12-Lesson Study Guide Brian Simmons

Summary The Psalms are praises placed inside poetry that spill out of a fiery, passionate heart. Giving us words to express every emotion of our beings, the book of Psalms frees us to become fervent, sincere worshipers. These beautiful songs share praise, prayer, wisdom, prophecy, and pictures of Jesus, ushering us into the presence of God.

Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566280 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $14.99 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006700

This 12-lesson study guide on the psalms of comfort provides a unique and welcoming opportunity to immerse yourself in God’s precious Word as expressed in The Passion Translation®. Begin your journey with a thorough introduction that details the authorship of the Psalms, dates of composition, first recipients, setting, purpose, central message, and key themes. Each lesson then walks you through a portion from the book and includes features such as notable verses, historical and cultural background information, definitions of words and language, cross references to other books of the Bible, and character portraits of figures from the Bible and church history. Enrich your biblical understanding of the book of Psalms, experience God’s love for you, and share...

8 in H | 5.4 in W


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On Spiritual Warfare 22 Warnings and Orders for Virtuous Warriors Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Chris Pascoe

Summary Answer God’s call to arms. Evil from the world, the flesh, and the devil preys on those we love and stalks our every move. If we’re not fighting back, we’re losing. In On Spiritual Warfare, the sequel to On Spiritual Combat, Dave Grossman and Chris Pascoe guide Christians through operations of advanced spiritual warfare. Battle the forces of evil with twenty-two intensely practical WARNORDS, or military “warning orders,” drawn from the writings of Luther and Erasmus. These strategic warnings and tactical orders will equip you to Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566228 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Imitation Leather 496 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL099000

recognize and fearlessly confront evil, confess and repent of your own sin, serve others as you become sanctified, and mature into a triumphant spiritual warrior of God. Filled with Scripture, powerful hymns, battle prep questions, and practical direction, On Spiritual Warfare is the map you need to successfully complete your mission from God. You become victorious as a Christian by living virtuously. Victory through virtue!

6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


Taking Care of Business Live by Faith, Lead with Courage Gene Allen

Summary Make God your business partner. When it comes to making big decisions in both our personal and professional lives, many of us experience anxiety, fear, and confusion. But there is only one way to forge ahead with courage and confidence: God’s guidance. In Taking Care of Business, Dr. Gene Allen shares his story of astonishing success and demonstrates how leaps of faith can change your life and livelihood. Featuring practical applications and indispensable insight, Taking Care of Business will empower you to

BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566792 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $17.99 USD Hardcover 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Business & Economics / Development BUS020000

tackle business ventures and career changes with boldness, cultivate resilience, transform failures into triumphs, recognize signs of God’s intervention, and produce earthly and eternal fruits beyond your wildest dreams. You can face any detour or fork in the road with peace when you trust God’s perfect plans. Ignite your ambitious heart and experience all the blessings he has for you.

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


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A Daily Word for Women SPANISH BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC



BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566020 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Imitation Leather

Nuestras rutinas diarias a veces nos condicionan a una vida cómoda. Nos conformamos con un ritmo de vida repetitivo y esperamos que cambie en algún momento. Día tras día, mes tras mes, año tras año, encontramos la felicidad en cosas que satisfacen solo nuestras necesidades y deseos inmediatos. Nuestros corazones anhelan más, pero nos conformamos con menos. El tiempo que pasas en la presencia de Dios te empodera para ser una mujer de gracia, fortaleza y compasión. Este devocionario presenta una palabra motivadora para que reflexiones cada día. Permite que esta palabra diaria te inspire a medida que consideras en oración la escritura, devoción y pregunta para tu reflexión personal. Permite que Jesús interrumpa tu patrón de vida diario y te dé ojos para ver la alternativa de vida que te ofrece. Una vida que satisface más allá de tus necesidades y deseos temporales. Una vida que ilumina tu corazón y tu hogar. Una vida que se desborda en las personas que te rodean. Una vida que genera más vida. Features: • La cubierta de piel sintética de alta calidad brinda durabilidad y un atractivo t...

384 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 5.4 in W


A Daily Word for Men SPANISH Un devocionario de 365 días BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC


Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566044 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Leather

Nuestras rutinas diarias a veces nos condicionan a una vida cómoda. Nos conformamos con un ritmo de vida repetitivo y esperamos que cambie en algún momento. Día tras día, mes tras mes, año tras año, encontramos la felicidad en cosas que satisfacen solo nuestras necesidades y deseos inmediatos. Nuestros corazones anhelan más, pero nos conformamos con menos. El tiempo que pasas en la presencia de Dios te empodera para ser un hombre de carácter, fuerza e integridad. Este devocionario presenta una palabra motivadora para que reflexiones cada día. Permite que esta palabra diaria te inspire a medida que consideras en oración la escritura, devoción y pregunta que invita a la reflexión. Permite que Jesús interrumpa tu patrón de vida diario y te dé ojos para ver la alternativa de vida que te ofrece. Una vida que satisface más allá de tus necesidades y deseos temporales. Una vida que ilumina tu trabajo y ocio. Una vida que se desborda en las personas que te rodean. Una vida que genera más vida. Features: • La cubierta de piel sintética de alta calidad brinda durabilidad y un atractivo táctil e...

384 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 8 in H | 5.4 in W


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365 Days of Kindness SPANISH


BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC


Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566082 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $17.99 USD Imitation Leather

Puedes caminar en un espíritu de bondad todos los días cuando confías en Dios para que Él sea tu fuente. Anímate para que esparzas la semilla de la compasión, generosidad y esperanza mientras lees estas devociones y las escrituras para cada día. Participa intencionalmente al azar en los actos de bondad sugeridos para cada día. Pasar tiempo con Dios te permite dar generosamente a los demás de la misma forma que su corazón se desborda por ti. Cuando reflejas el carácter de Dios en un mundo que a menudo parece duro, animas a las personas que de otro modo se sentirían olvidadas o sin esperanza. Los actos de bondad despiertan sentimientos de gratitud. Y la gratitud contribuye en gran medida a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, física, mental y emocionalmente. ¡Esparce un poco de amabilidad hoy y observa cómo todo a tu alrededor se ilumina de alegría!

384 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus BK 4 SPANISH 40 días con Jesús Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks, Dallas Jenkins

Summary Retome la historia donde el libro más vendido se quedó. Los elegidos: Libro cuatro presenta cuarenta lecturas devocionales completamente nuevas que contienen una escritura, una perspectiva particular sobre alguna historia de los Evangelios, sugerencias para la oración, y preguntas que profundizarán más su relación con Cristo.

BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC 9781424566068 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $16.99 USD Imitation Leather 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 6.5 in H | 4.5 in W


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What Are Hands For?


Training Young Hearts series Abbey Wedgeworth

Practical, fun tool for parents raising kids. Encourages obedience motivated by God’s love and grace.

ages 1-4 Summary The Good Book Company 9781784988937 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $11.99 USD Board Book 18 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 1 to 4 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049260 Series: Training Young Hearts 6.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

This fun lift-the-flap board book motivates small children to use their hands in a Christ-like way. Parents will be able to teach their kids not to use their hands to snatch, push or hit but to wave, clap, pray, high five, help and serve, because those are the things that Jesus says are good, and he knows what’s best for us. Children will be encouraged to follow Jesus’ example, and they will be reassured that he loves us so much that he can forgive us when we fail, and help us to change. This book is part of a new series that addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change. It is a great parenting tool to use with kids to proactively and positively shape their behavior and to refer back to when specific behavior needs correcting.


What Are Mouths For? Training Young Hearts series Abbey Wedgeworth Practical, fun tool for parents raising kids. Encourages obedience motivated by God’s love and grace.

ages 1-4 Summary The Good Book Company 9781784988968 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $11.99 USD Board Book 18 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 1 to 4 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049260 Series: Training Young Hearts 6.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

This fun lift-the-flap board book motivates small children to use their mouths in a Christ-like way. Parents will be able to teach their kids not to use their mouths to bite or lie, for example, but to give kisses, chew, sing, ask for forgiveness and tell the truth, because those are the things that Jesus says are good, and he knows what’s best for us. Children will be encouraged to follow Jesus’ example, and they will be reassured that he loves us so much that he can forgive us when we fail, and help us to change. This book is part of a new series that addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change. It is a great parenting tool to use with kids to proactively and positively shape their behavior and to refer back to when specific behavior needs correcting.


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Seek & Find Christmas Lift the Flap Book Sarah Parker

Help very young children interact with the Christmas story with this seek-and-find lift-the-flap book.

Summary The Good Book Company 9781784989194 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $11.99 USD Board Book

ages 1-3

This fun and faithful lift-the-flap book will teach toddlers key truths about the first Christmas. The will love interacting with the Christmas story as they lift a flap on each page to see what happens next. This beautifully illustrated board book makes a wonderful gift for 1-3-year-olds.

18 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 1 to 3 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religion JNF049150 Series: Seek and Find 6.5 in H | 6.5 in W | 0.8 in T | 0.6 lb Wt


The Christmas Promise Sunday School Lessons A Three-Session Curriculum With a Family Service Outline Lizzie Laferton, Carl Laferton A three-session Sunday School curriculum, based on the best-selling book The Christmas Promise. Includes a family-service outline.

ages 3-12 Summary This three-session Sunday School curriculum is based on the best-selling storybook The Christmas Promise and shows children what God promised centuries before the first Christmas: a unique forever rescuing King (King Jesus) and joy for all who live under his loving rule. The Good Book Company 9781784989026 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 80 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 3 to 12 Religion / Christian Ministry REL109020

Featuring age-differentiated lesson plans for 3-5s, 5-8s and 8-12s, this flexible resource will work for any size of kids' group and is easy to use for any leader. Includes activity, craft and game ideas, along with an exclusive link and password for free downloadable resources. There is also an outline plan for a family service that can be used during Advent or at Christmas.

11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.2 in T | 1.2 lb Wt


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Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer Family Bible Devotional 15 Days Exploring How We Can Talk with God Katy Morgan, Catalina Echeverri, Laura Wifler Easy-to-lead 10-minute devotions for families, all about prayer.


ages 5-11

This devotional is a chance to take your family on a journey through the story of prayer in the Bible. It is based on the popular storybook by Laura Wifler, co-founder of Risen Motherhood, which explores prayer: from the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve talked with God face to face, through Old Testament examples and the teaching of Jesus, all the way to the promise of the new creation, where we’ll dwell with God . The Good Book Company 9781784989200 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $9.99 USD 80 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 5 to 11 Religion / Christian Ministry REL109020 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt


These 10-minute devotions are designed to be easy to lead and fun to do. They will help your family to learn to pray with confidence, , . They are ideal for kids aged 5-11. Each one of the 15 devotions includes: • a short opening prayer • a starter question • a short Bible passage, printed in full • two questions about the passage • a short explanation that can be read aloud • two reflection questions (Usually one is simpler and the other requires more thought. Feel free to just pick one!) • a prayer idea • an optional extra section that goes deeper, aimed at older or more confident children In addition, there are simple, creative reflection ideas as well as bonus puzzles and activ...

How Can I Be Sure What's Right and Wrong?


Chris Morphew Apologetics for kids and tweens on the source of moral truth.


ages 9-13

How can I be sure what's right and wrong? Is it all just a matter of opinion? Do we really need God to tell us how to be good people, or can we just figure it out for ourselves? What about situations where there is no one right answer, or when we disagree with others about what the best thing to do is? In this fun and fast-paced book, Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew walks 9-13-year-olds through various questions about morality. He makes the case that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that we need to go to God for solid and satisfying answers. The Good Book Company 9781784988715 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $12.99 USD B-format Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 9 to 13 Juvenile Nonfiction / Religious JNF049130 Series: Big Questions

Features: • An apologetic case for objective morality which connects with the culture today's children are growing up in • Points children to the grace and truth of the gospel message • Includes chapters on disagreeing well with others • Written for kids who don't yet identify as Christians as well as those who do

6th book in the series

7.8 in H | 5.1 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.2 lb Wt


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Truth For Life (Gift edition) 365 Daily Devotions Alistair Begg


Special imitation-leather gift edition of this best-selling one-year daily devotional by Alistair Begg.

Summary This imitation-leather edition of Alistair Begg's best-selling one-year devotional, Truth For Life - Volume 1, makes a beautiful gift for a Christian brother or sister, encouraging them to start each day with the gospel.

The Good Book Company 9781784989217 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $34.99 USD Flexibound 384 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: Truth For Life 6 in H | 9.2 in W | 1.1 in T | 1.6 lb Wt

Features of this edition include: • an imitation-leather debossed cover • a ribbon marker • a sleeve Each daily devotion includes: • reflections from renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg • prompts for real-life application • relevant Scripture passages • a yearly Bible-reading plan Reflecting on a short passage each day, Alistair spans the Scriptures to show us the greatness and grace of God, and to thrill our hearts to live as His children. His clear, faithful exposition and thoughtful application mean that this resource will both engage your mind and stir your heart.


Truth For Life Devotional Two-Book Set Volumes 1 & 2 Alistair Begg This two book set includes Truth For Life Volume 1 and Truth For Life Volume 2, each containing 365 daily devotions by renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg.

Summary Both volumes come with a durable hardback cover, gold foil dust jacket and ribbon marker, making this set a wonderful gift.

The Good Book Company 9781784988609 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $44.99 USD Hardcover 768 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: Truth For Life

Every daily devotion features: • A reflection from Alistair Begg • Prompts for real life application • Relevant Scripture passages • A yearly Bible reading plan

(shrink-wrapped with J-band)

9.2 in H | 6 in W | 2.9 in T | 3.2 lb Wt


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The Advent of Glory 24 Devotions for Christmas R C Sproul


Daily Advent devotions that will help you to slow down and appreciate the wonder of Christmas.


(all new content - never-before-published material)

These straightforward, short and profound Advent readings have been edited from talks given by much-loved Bible teacher, R.C. Sproul, helping readers to benefit from his enduring insight and wisdom. They delve into the details of the Christmas story and reflect on how these impact our lives now, combining scholarly detail with heartwarming application.

The Good Book Company 9781784988913 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $14.99 USD B-format Paperback

Each day also includes a prayer written by a well-known Bible teacher of our own day, to guide your own reflections. As R.C. Sproul observes, the narrative of the birth of Jesus is so familiar to many of us that ”the words just slip over us So, take the time to slow down and dwell on the words of the Christmas story so that you arrive at Christmas Day full of awe and wonder at the birth of Jesus.

144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 7.8 in H | 5.1 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt


Christmas Uncut What Really Happened and Why It Really Matters Carl Laferton


The authentic Christmas story, told in a warm, winsome and witty way. Perfect for giving away.

Summary The nativity story is often seen as cute and cuddly and for kids. But that’s because some of what really happened at the first Christmas has been edited out! The full, unabridged, uncut story is full of twists and turns, controversy and mystery. This best-selling book, now revised and updated, tells readers what really happened all those years ago, and why it really matters for our lives and futures today. The Good Book Company 9781784989156 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $3.99 USD A-format Paperback

Warm and witty, short and easy to read, Christmas Uncut is perfect for giving out at Christmas services and events, or to family and friends.

80 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Ministry REL030000 7 in H | 4.3 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.1 lb Wt


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Hopeward Gospel Grace for Weary Souls Dai Hankey How Jesus can restore and sustain our joy, faith and service.

Summary Jesus says, “Come to me, all who and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28) Author Dai Hankey is a church planter in Wales and founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, he comes alongside weary Christians to explore what it looks like in practice to really lean on Jesus and enjoy his rest. The Good Book Company 9781784989088 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $14.99 USD B-format Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

This positive and encouraging book takes readers on a hopeward journey with Jesus from despondency to joy. They will discover how Jesus can restore and sustain them, and they will be to carry on serving him in a joyful and manageable way. This is a great book to give Christians who feel weary, overwhelmed, stressed or discouraged, or Christians who feel like stepping back from the things they are involved in at church.

7.8 in H | 5.1 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.4 lb Wt


Faithfully Present Embracing the Limits of Where and When God Has You Adam Ramsey How to accept our limitations and be free to live in the moment, fully and faithfully present with God and with others.

Summary Do you ever wish that life would slow down? Or perhaps you’re in a season when you would like to hit the fast-forward button and speed things up a bit. We have a complicated relationship with time, usually wishing we had more of it. Many of us live life at full speed, trying to be in two places at once, our minds too busy and distracted by all the things we feel we ought to be doing to be mindful of God’s presence. The Good Book Company 9781784988920 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012040

In this thought-provoking book, Adam Ramsey teaches us to embrace the limitations of time and place that we have as created beings, liberating us from the feeling that we need to be everywhere at once. Read this book to discover how to be intentional with your time, living each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others. Be equipped to find contentment in every season of life as you learn to see God in every moment of your here and now.

8.5 in H | 5.3 in W | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt


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Serve Loving Your Church with Your Heart, Time and Gifts Steve Robinson Let the gospel of Jesus and the example of Jesus motivate you to serve your church sacrificially.

Summary This book looks at the gospel of Jesus and the example of Jesus to motivate us to serve our church family sacrificially with our energy, time and gifts. This is a great book for Christians who have grown weary over time, those who need help in identifying their gifts and gaining the confidence to offer them, and church members who are lacking the motivation to get started. The Good Book Company 9781784989163 Pub Date: 10/1/23 $16.99 USD B-format Paperback

As we look to the example of Jesus, who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45), we will be excited and equipped to use what God has given us to serve others with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. We will also see that we do not need to have any particularly impressive gifts or emulate anyone else in order to answer Jesus’ call to love one another.

128 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Church REL108000 Series: Love Your Church 7.8 in H | 5.1 in W | 0.3 in T | 0.3 lb Wt


Explore (Oct-Dec 2023) For Your Daily Walk with God Tim Thornborough Dated and numbered daily Bible readings for adults, October to December 2023.

Summary Ninety-one dated and numbered devotions from October to December 2023, covering portions of the Psalms, Tim Thornborough on Genesis, Phillip Jensen on 2 Timothy and Christmas devotions by Tim Chester.

The Good Book Company 9781784988944 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $9.99 USD Trade Paperback

These daily devotionals will take you around 15 minutes. In just 15 minutes you can be encouraged to dig into the treasures of the Bible for yourself, excited to know and love Jesus Christ more and more each day, and equipped to live for him in the time and place that he has put you in.

96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 Series: Explore 8.3 in H | 5.8 in W | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt


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Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


From bestselling children’s author Bob Hartman, the Clever Cub Bible Stories series entertains and inspires children ages 3 to 6 with vibrant illustrations and sweet reminders of their part in God’s story.

Children ages 3 to 6 will learn how God wants us to love others in books 11 and 12 of the popular Clever Cub Bible Stories series from author Bob Hartman. Clever Cub Forgives a Friend: Clever Cub gets grumpy after Fred calls him a name. But when he hears the story of Joseph and his brothers (from Genesis 37, 39:20b–23, 41–42, and 45), he discovers how wonderful forgiveness can be! Clever Cub Invites Someone New: Clever Cub doesn’t want to invite Stinky the skunk to his birthday party. Mama Bear tells him how Jesus was friendly to a tax collector—and everything changed for good! This engaging story about welcoming others introduces young readers to the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1–10. Questions at the end of every book in the Clever Cub Bible Stories series help parents and ministry leaders begin conversations with children about their own part in God’s story.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $7.99 | Trim 8 x 8 Pages 24 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Juvenile Fiction/Religious/Christian/Animals Selling Territory Worldwide Clever Cub Forgives a Friend ISBN 978-0-8307-8470-7

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Performance storyteller Bob Hartman is the creator of the YouVersion Bible App for Kids Bible stories, which have been downloaded 90 million times. His long list of children’s titles have sold over a million copies, including The Lion Storyteller Bible, which has been printed in eleven different languages.

Clever Cub Invites Someone New ISBN 978-0-8307-8471-4


Steve Brown (stevebrownillustration.co.uk) is a UK-based freelance children’s illustrator. He has a passion for telling stories through his art and likes to use humor to delight children and adults alike.

Fall 2023 B E S T S E L L E R S


Loves to Learn More about God! God’s Word will come alive as children follow along with Clever Cub to discover more about the Bible in this engaging picture book series by internationally known storyteller Bob Hartman. Featuring colorful illustrations by Steve Brown, kid-friendly questions, and engaging stories, Clever Cub Bible Stories encourage parents and ministry leaders to begin conversations with children to help them discover more about their part in God’s story.

$7.99 Each

Genesis 1

Exodus 1 & 2:1-10

Numbers 13 & 14

Esther 1-10

Psalms 104

Matthew 6:25-34

Matthew 28:1-10

Luke 2:1-20

John 6:1-14

Acts 3:1-10

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Performance storyteller Bob Hartman is the creator of the YouVersion Bible App for Kids Bible stories, which have been downloaded 90 million times. His long list of children’s titles have sold over a million copies, including The Lion Storyteller Bible, which has been printed in eleven different languages.


Steve Brown (stevebrownillustration.co.uk) is a UK-based freelance children’s illustrator. He has a passion for telling stories through his art and likes to use humor to delight children and adults alike.

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


DALLAS AND AMANDA JENKINS ILLUSTRATED BY KRISTEN HENDRICKS A new experience of the Christmas story for little readers based on the pilot episode of the groundbreaking TV show, The Chosen.

Shepherds were dirty and stinky and poor. They were lowly. But God doesn’t care what we look like. Or how old we are. Or where we’re from. Or how much money we have. He loves us no matter what! Which is why a lowly shepherd and his lowly sheep, on a lowly hill, in a lowly town, on the very first Christmas, got to be first in line to meet the Savior of the world. And then that lowly shepherd got to tell everybody else. This book brings little readers a new experience of the Christmas story from the perspective of the shepherds. Because like them, we’ve been chosen by God to be part of the greatest story ever told.

SPECS ABOUT THE CREATORS Dallas Jenkins is the creator of The Chosen, the first multiseason TV series about the life of Jesus, and he wrote the script this book is based on. Amanda Jenkins, along with illustrator Kristen Hendricks, creates The Chosen’s extra content, including devotionals and podcasts, and The Chosen children’s books.

Format Hardcover | Retail $22.99 | Trim 9.61 x 9.61 | Pages 32 ISBN 978-0-8307-8697-8 | Pub Date November 7, 2023 Category Juvenile Fiction/Religious/Christian/Holidays & Celebrations Selling Territory Worldwide



This vibrant picture book for kids ages 4 to 8 encourages children to hear and speak God’s truths loud and clear. The Heart Who Wanted to Be Whole reminds us that no matter how hurtful the enemy’s lies are, God’s Word is stronger—and only He can make us whole.

“This heart was created whole. Solid. Happy. Free. The heart wanted to stay that way. But ... there was an enemy who had other plans.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Beth Guckenberger has lived among and loved children from around the world. An author of twelve books, she serves with Back2Back Ministries, an international orphan care organization. Beth speaks regularly at conferences, youth gatherings, and churches, and loves playing games and traveling with her large family.

ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR Irina Mileo was born in Tuscany and lives there with her family, including her strange cat Sir Boo and her beautiful baby girl. Trained as an engineer, Irina now constructs imaginative, colorful worlds for children, just like the worlds that so inspired her as a child.


Punch First

Throw the First Punch

Even very young children are aware of lies in the world, yet they don’t always know how to recognize and overcome it. In this age-appropriate story, children will see how God’s true words can protect their hearts and make them strong. Ideal for children ages 4 to 8, The Heart Who Wanted to Be Whole weaves together story, Bible verses, vibrant illustrations, and a powerful message for each of us: No matter how overwhelming our emotions feel, God’s words of truth and light can always put our hearts back together again. This is the first title in Strong Hearts Stories, a series committed to “Growing strong hearts with God’s help.”

SPECS Format Hardback | Retail $23.99 | Trim 10 x 8.25 | Pages 40 ISBN 978-0-8307-8596-4 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Juvenile Fiction/Religious/Christian/Emotions & Feelings Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


Can you guess the biblical person, place, or thing? Ready ... GO!

If your kids like The Action Bible, they’ll love The Action Bible Guess-It Game. Testing your knowledge about the Bible has never been more easy and fun! Features of this updated edition include: • 99 oversized clue cards with 15 clues questions each • All-new Person, Place and Thing art • A title reference to connect each card game to The Action Bible • Game instructions with several ways to play • Perfect for traveling, family game night, or the classroom • Makes learning about the Bible fun and intriguing • Expands Bible knowledge • Adaptable for multiple age levels • For 1 or more players; ages 6+

SPECS ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR Born in Brazil, Sergio Cariello has loved drawing since childhood. He has worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics and has illustrated Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, and dozens more characters. Sergio loves flying drones and attending comic book conventions to stay connected with his peers and fans, but he especially enjoys telling people about Jesus through his illustrations and teaching God’s Word when he travels.

Format Game | Retail $13.99 | Trim 3.75 x 4.75 | Pages 100 ISBN 978-0-8307-8669-5 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Juvenile Nonfiction/Games & Activities/Card Games Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 B E S T S E L L E R S

Through illustrated Bibles, devotionals, and other resources, The Action Bible line brings the Word of God to life through exceptional, dramatic content that connects, excites, and changes the lives of readers.

The Action Bible Expanded Edition

The Action Bible Christmas

The Action Bible: Heroes and Villains

The Action Storybook Bible

$43.99 | 978-0-8307-7744-0

$26.99 | 978-0-8307-8464-6

$25.49 | 978-0-8307-8293-2

$23.99 | 978-0-7814-1420-3

The NIV Action Study Bible Hardcover

The NIV Action Study Bible Premium

The Action Bible Spanish Expanded Edition

The Action Bible New Testament

$46.99 | 978-0-8307-7254-4

$59.99 | 978-0-8307-8529-2

$43.99 | 978-0-8307-8417-2

$23.99 | 978-0-8307-8291-8

Fall 2023 B E S T S E L L E R S

The Action Bible Study Bible ESV-Hardcover

The Action Bible Study Bible ESV - Gray

The Action Bible Study Bible ESV - Lavender

$46.99 | 978-1-4347-0871-7

$59.99 | 978-0-7814-1296-4

$59.99 | 978-1-4347-0908-0

The Action Bible Anytime Devotions

The Action Bible Christmas Story 25-Pack

The Action Bible Coloring Book

$22.99 | 978-0-8307-7898-0

$33.49 | 978-1-4347-0301-9

$19.99 | 978-0-8307-7590-3

The Action Bible Handbook $25.49 | 978-1-4347-0483-2

The Action Bible Easter

The Story of Jesus 25-pack Spanish Edition

$26.99 | 978-0-8307-8466-0

$33.49 | 978-1-4347-0525-9

The Action Bible Devotional $26.99 | 978-0-7814-0727-4

The Story of Jesus 25-pack $33.49 | 978-0-7814-0859-2


Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


A 52-Week Marriage Devotional TED CUNNINGHAM With a laugh-out-loud emphasis on laughing out loud, Greater Joy TWOgether is a 52-week couples’ devotional that combines biblical wisdom and sage marriage advice with fun date night ideas, thoughtful conversation starters, short prayers, and creative techniques to help couples recapture joy in their marriage.

Does your soul mate feel more like a roommate? This year-long devotional will help you and your spouse go deep in your faith, nurture your marriage, and make laughter a part of your everyday life. Each weekly devotion in Greater Joy TWOgether includes a short reading, a Scripture verse, thoughtful conversation prompts, ideas for putting the week’s theme into action, and prayer starters to draw you closer to God and each other. With his trademark blend of humor and inspiring biblical content, author Ted Cunningham helps you and your spouse: • Realize the importance of intentional little connections • Be more engaged with each other throughout the week • Encourage and equip other couples

ABOUT THE AUTHOR A leading voice in marriage ministry, Ted Cunningham is the bestselling author or coauthor of numerous books, including Fun Loving You. He and his wife, Amy, founded Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, Missouri, in 2002. They have two grown children.


Fun Loving You

Whether you have been married a few weeks or several decades, Greater Joy TWOgether will add spark to your relationship as you prioritize faith, each other, and the lighter moments of your crazy life.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $23.99 | Trim 5.5 x 8.25 Pages 240 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8527-8 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Love & Marriage Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


A 30-Day Guide to Powerful and Effective Scripture-based Prayers SHARON JAYNES This unique prayer guide teaches you how to pray purposefully for your child as you develop the habit of praying the most powerful words of all—Scripture. From Proverbs 31 writer Sharon Jaynes, Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe leads you through sixteen areas of your child’s life from head (thoughts) to shoulders (burdens) to hands (gifts) to feet (the path ahead).

God has given parents the privilege of shaping not just a human being but an eternal soul. Sometimes that responsibility can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to prayer. In Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe, bestselling author Sharon Jaynes helps us use the words of Scripture to pray over our children with intention. This practical and encouraging guide offers: • A unique head-to-toe pattern to help us make prayer for our kids a natural habit

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sharon Jaynes is an international speaker and the bestselling author of twenty-five books with nearly one million sold, including her top-seller, Praying for Your Husband. Formerly the vice president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and cohost of their radio program, Sharon is the cofounder of Girlfriends in God. Sharon loves engaging with readers on her blog at www.sharonjaynes.com.

• Thirty brief reflections with sixteen prayers each, taking you from prayers for your child’s mind, eyes, and ears, to their shoulders, gifts, and relationships • Flexibility, whether you are looking for a month-long devotional or Scripture prayers to use again and again As Sharon reminds us, prayer is not a means of gaining control over our children to make them the men and women we want them to be. Prayer is a means of relinquishing control and asking God to shape our children into the men and women that He wants them to be.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $26.99 | Trim 5.5 x 8.25 | Pages 272 ISBN 978-0-8307-8590-2 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Parenting Selling Territory Worldwide


PROVERBS: A STRONG MAN IS WISE A 30-Day Devotional VINCE MILLER On the path to becoming godly, strong, and wise, every man needs a guide. In Proverbs: A Strong Man Is Wise, popular YouTuber Vince Miller takes men on a 30-day journey through the advice from Solomon’s incomparable wisdom. Tackling issues such as sexual temptation, money management, and following God’s call, this biblically rich devotional and study is the guide men need to become the strong, wise leaders they want to be.

Every man desires to be strong and to be wise. Why not grow in strength and wisdom through the teachings of one of the strongest and wisest men ever to live? These engaging, actionable devotionals based on Solomon’s writings in Proverbs give men the skills they need for godly living in today’s challenging culture.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Vince Miller is the author of over twenty books, a popular speaker nationwide, and the founder of the men’s ministry platform Resolute, which provides the largest online library of men’s Bible study resources. Vince also enjoys encouraging and building up men through his YouTube channel, which reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers.

Each short, hard-hitting devotional in Proverbs: A Strong Man Is Wise centers on a passage from the book of Proverbs and includes a reflection question, takeaway, and prayer. Author and YouTuber Vince Miller has already established himself as a straightforward, biblically solid teacher. In this month-long devotional, Vince offers: • Practical advice based on Scripture for the most important issues men face today • Targeted words for the struggles men encounter as leaders, husbands, and fathers • Insight into relationships, decision-making, sexual temptation, spiritual maturity, and vocation With space for note-taking and response, Proverbs: A Strong Man Is Wise provides the encouragement, challenge, and biblical foundation men need to grow in strength and wisdom as they live out the purpose God has for them.

SPECS Format Imitation Leather | Retail $23.99 | Trim 5.75 x 7.75 Pages 128 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8622-0 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Men’s Interests Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


How Transparency Leads to Transformation JUSTIN DAVIS Many Christians work so hard to appear to have it all together that they miss the opportunity to experience and offer God’s grace. This thought-provoking book explores why being real with God and others enriches relationships, soothes anger and resentment, heals regrets and shame, and frees us to grow spiritually as we turn to the God who loves to heal the brokenness we bring Him.

Are you tired of trying to be someone you’re not? Being Real > Being Perfect is an inspiring rallying cry for Christians to let go of pretending and instead enjoy a freeing, authentic relationship with Jesus and others. Many of us spend a lot of energy—especially at church—trying to hide the fact that we’re struggling. We can’t share our marriage problems. Our addiction. Our sense of distance from God. In Being Real > Being Perfect, Justin Davis reminds us that God can’t heal what we don’t admit is broken. As he vulnerably shares his own story of redemption, Justin helps us understand:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Justin Davis and his wife, Trisha, are the authors of Beyond Ordinary and the founders of RefineUs Ministries. Justin speaks at churches and conferences across the country. He and Trisha have three children and live in Indiana.

• Why being real with ourselves, God, and others leads to peace and hope • How faking perfection robs us of the transformative power of grace • What the Bible says about insecurity and identity • Step-by-step ways to overcome our fear of being vulnerable If you’re tired of trying to prove yourself, if you’re tired of wondering where the real “you” went, if you’re tired of knowing information but not experiencing transformation—discover the vibrant spiritual life you long for as you embrace the truth that being real is greater than you can imagine.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $23.99 | Trim 5.5 x 8.25 Pages 240 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8568-1 | Pub Date October 3, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Personal Growth Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S

PURPOSE DOESN’T PAUSE Finding Freedom from What’s Holding You Back HOPE REAGAN HARRIS For women on a journey to deepen their relationship with God and invite Him into their everyday, this story-driven, inspiring book helps readers lean into their questions and confusions so they can discover a sense of purpose that keeps them moving forward no matter what life brings.

Feeling confused, stuck, or simply lost about who you are and where you’re going? You still have everything you need to live purposefully. Hope Reagan Harris’s book Purpose Doesn’t Pause helps you lean into your confusion, rather than avoid it, and create a roadmap that leads you out of uncertainty so you can enjoy a sense of purpose every day—even in the hardest seasons. Purpose Doesn’t Pause speaks into ten different experiences that cause confusion, such as when: • Your life isn’t what you’d pictured • Something good comes to an end • You struggle with comparison • You’re called out of your comfort zone

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hope Reagan Harris graduated from Pepperdine University in 2017 and immediately entered the corporate world. She is the author of This Is My Happy Place as well as a wife, mother, Christ seeker, coffee lover, and Bentonville, Arkansas, local who loves encouraging women through her virtual community.

Every chapter includes a story from a twentysomething woman who asked, “What if this season of confusion became a season of transformation?” You could keep waiting for the life you want. Or you could show up with a sense of purpose no matter what. With free video content and interactive prompts for reflection and discussion, Purpose Doesn’t Pause offers faith-based ideas for getting unstuck and flourishing in who God created you to be.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $23.99 | Trim 5.5 x 8.25 Pages 224 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8586-5 | Pub Date October 3, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Personal Growth Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S


Conquering Our Insecurities So We Can Build God’s Kingdom Together JENN SCHULTZ

Complete with discussion questions, journaling space, and accompanying teaching videos, She’s Not Your Enemy helps women find freedom from the comparison trap, fight the lies of insecurity, and stand up to Satan’s schemes as they embrace their true worth and identity in God.

The colleague who threatens your position at work. The friend who talks behind your back. The woman who seems to have it all together—while you are barely hanging on. Sometimes the women in our lives feel like enemies. But the real enemy is the one who is trying to defeat you with lies that lead to insecurity and isolation, discord and division. She’s Not Your Enemy equips us to battle Satan’s deception through the solid truth of God’s Word. Popular blogger and podcast host Jenn Schulz comes alongside us to explore:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jenn Schultz shares about messy faith on her blog, What You Make It, and through her podcast, Called into Being. She’s a wife and mom who reads too many books at once, drinks decaf coffee, and speaks in Scripture verses and movie quotes.

• How we find true joy and fulfillment when we each recognize our unique roles in God’s kingdom • What we lose when we see other women as competition rather than community • What to do about envy, jealousy, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and other daily challenges • Why we will never be “enough”—and why that’s great news • How our view of God affects our view of ourselves and others When we find our worth and identity in God, we can cultivate empathy and compassion for those we have labeled as the enemy— including the woman in the mirror. Move beyond habits of selfprotection or shame and discover the freedom of creating a culture of community.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $26.99 | Trim 7 x 9 | Pages 240 ISBN 978-0-8307-8525-4 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Women’s Interests Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S



6 Tough Questions for an Omniscient God (A Study of Nahum and Beyond) LISA WHITTLE Offering comfort and hope in light of our souls’ most secret questions—such as, Am I forgotten? Will God make wrong things right? Will I be okay?—this six-week Bible study and accompanying video teaching from the author of The Hard Good digs deep into the biblical book of Nahum and other Scripture to show that God sees our pain, never leaves us, and promises that all things will be made right.

This powerful six-session Bible study reminds us that God is everpresent, always working, and forever faithful, no matter how weary or abandoned we may feel. Bible teacher and bestselling author Lisa Whittle explores the biblical book of Nahum—a rarely studied collection of prophetic poems about God’s justice—as well as other scriptural truth.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lisa Whittle is the author of nine books, including The Hard Good and Jesus Over Everything. She is the founder of the online communities Ministry Strong and Called Creatives, as well as the host of the popular Jesus Over Everything podcast. Lisa and her family live in North Carolina.

Throughout history, God has said to His people: “I see you. I know you. And I will make this right.” This is a crucial message for women today, as we so deeply need to rest in an all-knowing God who can handle what is happening in the world and in our lives. Lisa draws on Scripture throughout the Old and New Testaments as she helps answer six critical questions for our times: • Am I forgotten? • How does good come from bad? • Do my desires and dreams matter? • Am I doomed by the sins of my family? • Will God make wrong things right? • Will I be okay? This interactive video-based study and companion to Lisa’s book, God Knows, immerses you in the truth of God’s promises so you can know deep in your soul that a sovereign God understands your pain—and will one day make all things new.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $26.99 | Trim 7 x 9 Pages 224 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8537-7 | Pub Date October 3, 2023 Category Religion/Biblical Studies/Bible Study Guides Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S



A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels J. WARNER WALLACE

One of the most respected apologetic books of our time, ColdCase Christianity draws on the author’s decades of experience as a homicide detective and the step-by-step, evidence-based investigative process that led him from atheism to Christianity. The 10th anniversary edition of this popular classic is expanded to include more illustrations, the author’s own testimony, a free downloadable PowerPoint teaching presentation, Q and A with the author, and an updated foreword from Lee Strobel.

Homicide detective J. Warner Wallace applies ten common rules of evidence to make the case for Christianity in this updated and expanded edition of the apologetic classic that has changed lives around the world. A proven bestseller, Cold-Case Christianity shows:

ABOUT THE AUTHOR With a master’s degree in theological studies, bestselling author J. Warner Wallace is an award-winning homicide detective, a senior fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, an adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University, and a faculty member at Summit Ministries. Jim and his wife live in Southern California.

• How detective skills help us determine the reliability of the Bible • The role that evidence plays in the Christian definition of faith • Why eyewitness accounts suggest the historicity of Jesus This expanded edition of Cold-Case Christianity includes: • A new introduction including the author’s testimony of moving from atheism to faith • A new afterword with Wallace’s answers to commonly asked questions • 250 new and revised illustrations and an updated design


• A revised foreword from Lee Strobel • Free downloadables with purchase, including a PowerPoint teaching presentation, Bible inserts, and a robust self-directed case-making video course

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids

Forensic Faith

God’s Crime Scene

Ideal for spiritual seekers and skeptics, as well as Christians who want to articulate the case for Jesus, this engaging exploration of Christianity answers the most important question of all.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $26.99 | Trim 7 x 9 | Pages 304 ISBN 978-0-8307-8530-8 | Pub Date September 5, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Theology/Apologetics Selling Territory Worldwide

Fall 2023 N E W R E L E A S E S

THE ANCIENT LADDER A Journey to the Fullness of Life with God SCOTT MACLELLAN Written for all of us who struggle to find purpose in suffering and faith beyond our discouragement, The Ancient Ladder explores the biblically based three-step spiritual passage that ancient mystics revealed after traveling to find satisfying answers to the deepest questions of the soul.

What causes faith to transform from an intellectual knowing about God to a passionate love story with God? Scott MacLellan asked this question as his daughter battled cancer and he looked for purpose in his family’s suffering. He couldn’t believe that God was uninterested, but he also rejected trite reassurances. Scott finally found a satisfying answer when he discovered a threestep passage—based on the writings of Solomon—that Christian mystics identified as a path through pain to true spiritual devotion. In The Ancient Ladder, Scott helps us apply the wisdom of past centuries to our challenges today as we: • See with new eyes the big picture of the Christian life

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Scott MacLellan has been married forty years and has two grown daughters and three grandsons. He leads a billion-dollar healthcare company and is the author of eight books. His first novel is currently being developed into a streaming-service limited series. Scott and his wife live in South Carolina.

• Move from Proverbs (fear the Lord) to Ecclesiastes (honor the Lord) to Song of Solomon (love the Lord) • Journey from stale spirituality to a robust and meaningful faith that enriches relationships, self-awareness, and enjoyment of God Discover how the insights of Solomon explain the reasons for our suffering and our doubts so we are able to let go of the person we were and become who we were meant to be.

SPECS Format Paperback | Retail $23.99 | Trim 5.75 x 7.75 Pages 144 | ISBN 978-0-8307-8549-0 | Pub Date November 7, 2023 Category Religion/Christian Living/Spiritual Growth Selling Territory Worldwide


When I Go to Church, I Belong Finding My Place in God's Family as a Child with Special Needs Elrena Evans

Summary Children with disabilities often struggle to fit in, but church can be a place where everyone can belong! This message of inclusion and belonging helps us understand the experiences and feelings of children with special needs, and reminds us that even though we have our differences, we also have so ... Children with disabilities often struggle to fit in, but church can be a place where everyone is welcome and included! When I Go to Church, I Belong helps us better understand the experiences and feelings of children with special needs. And it reminds us that even though we have our differences, we also have so much in common! IVP Kids 9781514006672 Pub Date: 9/19/2023 On Sale Date: 9/19/2023 Ship Date: 8/25/2023

$23.99 Hardcover 32 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 4 to 8 Juvenile Nonfiction / Disabilities & Special Needs JNF053180

Written by Elrena Evans and illustrated by Rebecca Evans, this message of inclusion and belonging can be enjoyed by children and the adults who read with them. Also included is a note from the author to encourage further conversation about the content. Discover IVP Kids and share with children the things that matter to God!

9 in H | 9 in W | 1.5 lb Wt Status: FORTHCOMING

IVP - Anchor/WA Fall 2023 - March 2023

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Advent The Season of Hope Tish Harrison Warren


In this short volume, priest and writer Tish Harrison Warren explores the three "comings" of Christ that Advent is about: the first coming of Christ at his incarnation, the second coming at the last day, and the coming of Christ to meet us in the present moment, to make us holy by his Word and Sacra...

Summary "Christians believe not just in one coming of Christ, but in three."

IVP 9781514000182 Pub Date: 8/29/23 $20.00 USD Hardcover 128 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Rituals & Practice REL055020 Series: The Fullness of Time

We tend to think of Advent as the season of anticipation before Christmas—and while it is that, it’s also much more. Throughout its history, the church has observed Advent as a preparation not only for the first coming of Christ in his incarnation but also for his second coming at the last day. It's also about a third coming: the coming of Christ to meet us in our present moment, to make us holy by his Word and Sacrament. In this short volume, priest and writer Tish Harrison Warren explores all three of these "comings" of Christ and invites us into a deeper experience of the first season of the Christian year. Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring how its traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals all point us to Jesus.

7 in H | 5 in W | 1.6 lb Wt


Christmas The Season of Life and Light Emily Hunter McGowin Of all the seasons of the church calendar, we're most familiar with Christmas—but that can also make it harder to see past all of its cultural trappings to its timeless beauty. In this Fullness of Time volume, Emily Hunter McGowin invites us into the church's celebration of Christmas in all its theo...

Summary "O wondrous exchange!"

IVP 9781514000403 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $20.00 USD Hardcover 152 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Holidays REL034020 Series: The Fullness of Time

Of all the seasons of the church calendar, Christmas is the one most recognized and celebrated by our society at large. That means it's the season we're most familiar with—but that can also make it harder to see past Christmas's many cultural trappings to its timeless beauty. At the first Christmas, God exchanged the glories of divinity for the vulnerability of human existence, uniting himself to us in order to unite us to God. In this short volume, priest and theologian Emily Hunter McGowin invites us into the church's celebration of that great exchange, in all its theological and liturgical splendor. Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.

7 in H | 5 in W | 1.6 lb Wt


IVP fall 23 a - May 2023

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A Radiant Birth Advent Readings for a Bright Season Leslie Leyland Fields, Paul J. Willis In this volume, Christian literary writers of the Chrysostom Society reflect on Advent and Christmastide as a bright and meaningful season of anticipation and glory. Through forty-two readings from the first Sunday of Advent through Epiphany, contributors prepare us in watchful waiting for the comin...

Summary "In Advent we prepare for the coming of all Love." —Madeleine L'Engle "At the birth of Jesus, an event of cosmic significance by which we humans still mark our calendars, the invisible and visible worlds come together." —Philip Yancey IVP 9781514008331 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $22.00 USD Hardcover 224 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Holidays REL034020 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


"Help us to realize, as those who love and believe in you that we, too, are pregnant with Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that day by day we are being enlarged." —Luci Shaw The first Christmas sermon preserved in church history was preached by St. John Chrysostom in AD 386, in which he declared, "Behold a new and wonderful mystery!" In this volume, the Christian literary writers of the Chrysostom Society reflect on Advent and Christmastide as a bright and meaningful season of anticipation and glory. Through forty-two readings from the first Sunday of Advent through Epiphany, contributors prepare us in watchful waiting for the coming of Jesus. We enter slowly so that the familiar can astonish us and become wondrous once again. Jesus is born in Bethlehem. But not only there. He is also born in us, that we might bear his presence and impart his goo...

Praying Finding Our Way Through Duty to Delight J. I. Packer, Carolyn Nystrom Have you ever daydreamed when trying to listen to God, or stumbled when speaking to him? In real prayer, head, heart, and hands go together. This book from J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom leads us through different moods of praying, challenging and inspiring us to pray by pointing us to a clearer r...

Summary Merit Award, World Guild Christian Living Book Praying is an action that is of the essence of Christian existence. It involves our beliefs, emotions, values, hopes and fears, certainties and uncertainties, knowledge and ignorance. IVP 9781514007884 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $28.00 USD Paperback 320 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012080 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

As J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom explain, "Our aim is not just to clarify Christian understanding but to foster Christian living. In real praying, head, heart, and hands go together." With wisdom, humility, and sincerity the authors lead us through different moods of praying, including brooding, praising, asking, complaining, and hanging on. In Praying the authors offer hope for those of us who daydream when we try to listen to God and stumble when we try to speak. Yet they don't just teach us about prayer; they challenge and inspire us to do it by pointing us to a clearer realization of the reality of God and his character. Let Packer and Nystrom guide your praying to our powerful God, and let him move your praying through mere duty to delight.


IVP fall 23 a - May 2023

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Knowing God J. I. Packer

Over One Million Copies Sold

Summary For half a century, J. I. Packer's classic has helped Christians everywhere discover the wonder, glory, and joy of knowing God. This 50th anniversary edition of a thoughtprovoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God, bringing together knowing about God and knowing God throug...

For half a century, J. I. Packer's classic has helped Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory, and the joy of knowing God. Stemming from Packer's profound theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two key facets of the Christian faith—knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God.

IVP 9781514007761 Pub Date: 10/3/2023 On Sale Date: 10/3/2023 Ship Date: 8/25/2023

Knowing God was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty books that have shaped evangelicals. With a companion Bible study, devotional journal, and study guide, readers can explore these biblical themes for themselves in this new fiftieth anniversary edition.

$29.49 Paperback 304 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt Status: FORTHCOMING

Also Available:

Hardcover 9781514007785 $45.49

Study Guide 9781514007808 $15.99

Devotional Journal 9781514007792 $33.49

Bible Study 9781514007815 $15.99

IVP - Anchor/WA Fall 2023 - March 2023

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Can You Just Sit with Me? Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life Natasha Smith


It takes time and space to grieve well. Sharing her own stories, Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on grief and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. With practical tools and prayers that point us to God who always sits with us in our grief, this book creates space for us to gri...

Summary "Why are you still sad about that?"

IVP 9781514006214 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012010

It takes time and space to grieve well, but often our culture doesn't afford us these things. Drawing from her own experience with grief, Natasha Smith invites us into a reflection on what it means to grieve and how to cling to hope even in our darkest moments. Instead of providing quick-fix solutions, this book creates space for us to take time to just sit and grieve, learn, and heal in healthy ways. In Can You Just Sit with Me? Smith provides personal stories, biblical reflections, relevant research, practical tools, and prayers that point us to God who always sits with us in our grief. Whether we are grieving a loss or supporting a friend who is grieving, this book reminds us that every loss is worthy of the space and grace to grieve.

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Hopeful Lament Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices Terra McDaniel


We've lost the practice of lament. Because most of us don't know how to process our mourning, we are left struggling. Tracing devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God through provoking reflection questions, embodied practices...

Summary We need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.

IVP 9781514003107 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012010 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt

We've lost the practice of lament. Most people don't know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward. Tracing her difficult experiences of a catastrophic home fire, a threat to her child's well-being, and other devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel offers a clear framework for expressing heartache and burdens. McDaniel says, "Lament is surprisingly hopeful. As strange as that may sound now, I promise it’s true. It's an act of trust both that we can face pain and survive, and that God cares about our anger, confusion, doubt, grief, and fear. Lament refuses to bury pain or, just as dangerous, to give in to despair." Hopeful Lament makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God and offers provoking reflection questions, embodied practices, and applications for families with children. Learn how to journey gently through s...


IVP fall 23 a - May 2023

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Everything Is (Not) Fine Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult Katie Schnack Sometimes, we feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. In this honest, inspirational, and humorous book, Katie Schnack looks at the hard realities of life with no sugar coating or toxic positivity, but also gently reminds us of the good. Even in d...

Summary Sometimes the world knocks us flat on our butt.

IVP 9781514006146 Pub Date: 9/26/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012040 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


We feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. And though we are torn up inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it's not. Even in the hardest times, strength from God rises from deep in our soul to keep us going. In this honest, inspirational, and humorous book, Katie Schnack goes deep into the hard stuff of life with no sugar coating or toxic positivity to find sustenance she could not imagine. Faced with a child's medical challenges in the midst of a global pandemic, having strength to get up in the morning and actually enjoy the day was so unlikely that she knew it had to come from God. Schnack's plucky authenticity shows us how when life is complicated, self-compassion and humor can bring healing and life. Everything Is (Not) Fine looks at the hard realities of life, but also gently reminds us of the good. Even in dark times, we can get glimpses of light.

What Jesus Intended Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion Todd D. Hunter, Esau McCaulley Many of us feel disoriented and unsteady after an endless string of church scandals. After forty years of ministry, Todd Hunter is no stranger to betrayal and pain in the church. But by unpacking the purposes of Jesus, we can expose twisted, toxic religion for what it is and embrace the healing and ...

Summary Have you lost your footing in church? Or has the church lost its footing?

IVP 9781514004951 Pub Date: 7/18/23 $20.00 USD Paperback 200 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Religion / Christian Church REL108000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

Many of us feel unsteady, disoriented, even crushed after an endless string of scandals within the walls of a place meant to offer compassion and safety. Others feel forced to draw back or distance ourselves from the church. All the while, our instincts tell us this is not what Jesus wanted for his people. But what did he intend? After four decades of ministry, Anglican bishop Todd Hunter is no stranger to betrayal and pain in the church. Still, he has hope. He believes more than ever that Jesus is who the world needs and that Jesus has plans for his followers. In What Jesus Intended, Hunter offers a vision for emerging from the rubble of bad religion and rebuilding faith among a community of sincere believers. By unpacking the purposes of Jesus, we can expose twisted, toxic religion for what it is and embrace the true aims of the gospel. Come for a fresh hearing of Jesus—one that offers us the healing and goodness we've always longed for.


IVP fall 23 a - May 2023

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Traveling Light (Enlarged) Galatians and the Free Life in Christ Eugene H. Peterson, Karen Swallow Prior Urging us to listen to Paul as an expert on freedom, Eugene Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more on the open path forward. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through Peterson's abiding wisdom.

Summary We aspire to freedom but often resign ourselves to an existence trapped in uneasiness and dread. Is there any way to shed such heaviness and reignite hope for deliverance?

IVP 9781514008201 Pub Date: 8/15/23 $25.00 USD Hardcover 216 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Religion / Christian Living REL012040

In Traveling Light, Eugene H. Peterson urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. Peterson says, "If there is a story of freedom to be told, the story must begin with God. . . . The Bible is not a script for a funeral service, but the record of the proclaimed and witnessed God bringing new life to the dead. Everywhere it is a story of resurrection—life where we expect death." That lightness of spirit we're shown in Scripture is a gift and challenge. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through the abiding wisdom of Peterson.

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 1.5 lb Wt


Women, Work, and Calling Step into Your Place in God's World Joanna Meyer Though women now have professional opportunities beyond what previous generations ever imagined, the church's vision for women's work has not grown with us. Joanna Meyer addresses this gap in women's discipleship, providing a theological framework for women's work and influence and offering resource...


IVP 9781514007938 Pub Date: 10/24/23 $15.00 USD Paperback 128 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012090 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Women now have professional opportunities beyond what previous generations ever imagined. But as our roles in public life have grown, the church's vision for women's work and calling has not grown with us, leaving us feeling isolated and under-resourced. Christian women face multiple tensions between home and work, navigating complex gender dynamics in the workplace and social pressure to hold together pictureperfect lives. Joanna Meyer addresses a critical gap in Christian women's discipleship by speaking to the roles we play in public and professional life. Acknowledging the brokenness of workplaces and industries, she provides a theological framework for women's work and influence and offers resources for the challenges of working life. This book will help you: Ignite your vocational imagination, with a biblical framework for work and calling. Build strength from within, with emotional and spiritual health to support your work. Navigate common workplace challenges, with practical tools to help your influence grow. Pursue purposeful relationships, collaborating and building strong rela...

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The Offensive Church Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity Bryan C. Loritts Crises around race have put the church in a reactive, defensive posture, but Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity that pushes beyond mere diversity so that the church becomes the aroma of Christ to our culture and gains ground against the dem...

Summary Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity. IVP 9781514005972 Pub Date: 7/18/23 $22.00 USD Hardcover

Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied reality of a people at one with one another. We play offense by practicing a robust gospel, preparing reliable leadership, and providing relational environments so that the church becomes the aroma of Christ to our culture and gains ground against the demonic foothold of racism in all its forms.

192 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Religion / Christian Living REL012110 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 1.5 lb Wt


Finding Freedom in Constraint Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life Jared Patrick Boyd, Todd Hunter The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free and shape us into the way of Christ. Re-anchoring spiritual practices within monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers, these six core practices from Jared Patrick Boyd form in us greater freedom to...

Summary The constraints of the spiritual life, practiced in community, are what set us free. Practicing spiritual disciplines can seem difficult, especially when we undertake them as isolated individuals. But we were never meant to practice them alone. IVP 9781514004319 Pub Date: 9/12/23 $20.00 USD Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

Jared Patrick Boyd reveals how the constraints practiced in Christian community shape us into the way of Christ. He re-anchors the practices of constraint within the ascetic tradition of monasticism, religious orders, and the early church fathers. Boyd writes, "The constraints of a rule of life are what make life together, lived for one another, possible. A rule of life is not meant to be primarily personal, but communal. It's not primarily meant to guide my life. It is meant to describe our way of life together." Constraint is the practice of learning to pay deeper attention to the things in our inner world that prevent us from progressing in the school of love. Discover a deep conversation on freedom and constraint with six core practices of constraint that can form in us a greater freedom to be and become people who love as God loves. Enter i...


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Centering Discipleship A Pathway for Multiplying Spectators into Mature Disciples E. K. Strawser, JR Woodward The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. To get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway. This gutsy, practice-based guidebook is for leaders doing the hard work turning spectators into...

Summary Discipleship without mission is discipleship without Christ.

IVP 9781514007068 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $20.00 USD Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Ministry REL023000

The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. In order to get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway to tether disciples who are disciplemakers to the neighborhood or network around them. Pastor and discipler E. K. Strawser shows that when discipleship becomes central to your leadership and community, then discipleship becomes central to congregational mission and cultural renewal. Centering Discipleship is a gutsy practice-based guidebook for leaders who are doing the hard work of re-imagining and re-structuring their churches and communities to turn spectators into missional, mature followers of Jesus.

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


The Spiritual Art of Business Connecting the Daily with the Divine Barry L. Rowan How do we bring meaning to our work, instead of being defined by what we do? "Corporate mystic" Barry Rowan invites us to see our work as a chance to serve God by contributing to a better society. With forty short chapters, this book beckons us into a connection with God that will infuse our lives, ...

Summary We want the thousands of hours we will work over our lifetime to matter. But how do we know they're really significant? How do we go from being defined by what we do to having our work become an expression of who we are? IVP 9781514007624 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012090 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

There is not a quick fix but a progressive solution: it begins with surrendering our whole lives and then every moment of our lives to God. In The Spiritual Art of Business, "corporate mystic" Barry Rowan invites us to be transformed by God that he might transform the world through us as we begin to see our work as an extension of our faith. He says, "We don't derive meaning from our work; we bring meaning to our work." Relating his extensive past in high-ranking executive roles, Rowan beckons us into a connection with God that will infuse our lives, our offices, and our world with meaning. With forty short chapters, this is not just a book to be read but instead is an invitation into an experience with God. Here's an opportunity to ponder new perspectives and see business as a chance to serve God by contributing to a better society.


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The Spiritually Vibrant Home The Power of Messy Prayers, Loud Tables, and Open Doors Don Everts What does it take to have a spiritually vibrant household? Original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries shows that some of the healthiest homes extend beyond the nuclear family. Don Everts shows how these households practice spirituality, hospitality, and community that make t...

Summary We all long for homes where we can thrive and flourish. What does it take to have a spiritually vibrant household? IVP 9781514007907 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Religion / Christian Living REL012030 Series: Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

Don Everts invites us to contemplate what the Bible says about households and consider what a new research project has revealed by pulling back the curtains on everyday households of faith. Original research from the Barna Group and Lutheran Hour Ministries shows that some of the healthiest, most vibrant homes extend beyond the nuclear family and include people that may not be biologically related but feel like family. These households have vital practices of spirituality, hospitality, and community that make them delightful places for living and thriving. You might just be surprised by how God wants to work in and through your household. Discover practical steps for nurturing a vibrant household of faith, no matter what stage of life you are in.

7 in H | 5 in W | 0.7 in T | 0.5 lb Wt


World Religions in Seven Sentences A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic Douglas Groothuis


Understanding other faiths is essential not just to interreligious dialogue, but also to grasping one's own faith. Covering world religions including Atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, and Islam, Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence for each one as a way to op...

Summary Understanding the beliefs and practices of other faiths is essential not just to the task of interreligious dialogue, but also to grasping one's own faith.

IVP Academic 9781514005828 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $18.00 USD Paperback 150 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Comparative Religion REL017000 Series: Introductions in Seven Sentences

In this brief volume in IVP Academic's Introductions in Seven Sentences, philosopher Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence representing each of several world religions as a way to open readers to their depth and complexity, including: Atheism: "God Is Dead." Judaism: "I Am Who I Am." Hinduism: "You Are That." Buddhism: "Life Is Suffering." Daoism: "The Dao That Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao." Christianity: "Before Abraham Was, I Am." Islam: "There Is One God, and Mohammad Is His Prophet."

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

With a sympathetic but not uncritical approach, Groothuis welcomes readers to a vital and global conversation.


The accessible primers in the Introductions in Seven Sentences collection act as brief introductions to an academic field, with simple organization: seven key sentences that give readers a birds-eye view of an entire discipline.

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Just Discipleship Biblical Justice in an Unjust World Michael J. Rhodes, Brent A. Strawn Biblical scholar Michael Rhodes argues that the Bible offers a vision of justice-oriented discipleship that is critical for the formation of God's people. Grounded in biblical theology, virtue ethics, and his own experiences, he shows that justice is central to the Bible, central to Jesus, and centr...

Summary Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society. What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people who practice justice? IVP Academic 9781514006009 Pub Date: 8/8/23 $32.00 USD Paperback 304 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Religion / Christian Living REL012110

Biblical scholar Michael Rhodes argues that the Bible offers a vision of justice-oriented discipleship that is critical for the formation of God's people. Grounded in biblical theology, virtue ethics, and his own experiences, he shows that justice is central to the Bible, central to Jesus, and central to authentic Christian discipleship. Justice stands at the heart of Scripture. Following Jesus demands that we become just disciples in an unjust world.

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


More Than Things A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture Paul Louis Metzger In a world dominated by things, we must work hard to account for one another's personhood. Drawing a diverse set of thought leaders, Paul Louis Metzger helps us navigate a pluralistic world through a personalist moral framework, addressing issues such as abortion, genetic engineering, immigration, d...

Summary We live in a culture of commodification. People are too often defined by what they do or own; they're treated as means to an end or cogs in a machine. What goes missing is a deep sense of personhood—the belief that all humans are unique subjects with inherent worth and the right to self-determination in authentic communion with others. IVP Academic 9780830850914 Pub Date: 8/8/23 $48.00 USD Paperback 464 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Religion / Christian Theology REL067070 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

In a world dominated by things, Paul Louis Metzger argues, we must work hard to account for one another's personhood. We need to cultivate relational structures that honor every human's dignity in vital interpersonal community. The theological and philosophical framework known as personalism can help guide us toward such a culture. Drawing from a wide range of thought leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul II, Metzger presents a personalist moral vision founded on the Christian ideals of faith, hope, and love. He demonstrates how this moral compass can help us navigate a pluralistic world by applying it to a variety of pressing ethical issues, including abortion, genetic engineering, immigration, drone warfare, and more. Ultimately ...


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Nourishing Narratives The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith Jennifer L. Holberg Humans make sense of the world through language and the words that compose our stories. Engaging with writers like Dante, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Flannery O'Connor, and Marilynne Robinson, this volume encourages us not only to understand how stories nourish our faith, but to discover how our stories ...

Summary Humans are story-shaped creatures.

IVP Academic 9781514005248 Pub Date: 7/25/23 $25.00 USD Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Religion / Christianity REL013000

We make sense of our world, pattern our lives, and reflect on what is ultimately significant through language and the words that compose our stories. But how does this relate to the narrative of the Bible and the story that God is writing through history? In Nourishing Narratives, writer and professor Jennifer Holberg engages with words from the likes of Dante, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Flannery O'Connor, Marilynne Robinson, and more while also offering some of her own stories to reflect on the importance of story to our lives and our faith. Here, readers are encouraged not only to understand how stories nourish our faith, but to discover how our stories are part of God's great story.

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Treasuring the Psalms How to Read the Songs that Shape the Soul of the Church Ian J. Vaillancourt The book of Psalms is a treasure. Orienting readers to these inspired poems, Ian Vaillancourt emphasizes Christ, the canon, and practical insights for the church community and individual Christians. Readers will gain new viewpoints into the flow, context, and message of the Psalms, as well as gospel...

Summary The book of Psalms is a treasure. These one hundred and fifty inspired poems have shaped the worship, prayers, and theology of God's people for thousands of years. While many of its riches are readily apparent, a deeper look into the nature and purposes of the book reveals further layers of meaning with abundant implications for the Christian life. IVP Academic 9781514005101 Pub Date: 8/15/23 $28.00 USD Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006740 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

In Treasuring the Psalms, Ian J. Vaillancourt orients readers to the Psalms and lays out a pattern for deeper study and application. From the composition of individual psalms through the shaping of the entire book, he argues, the Holy Spirit guided the creation of a work that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. In particular, Vaillancourt shows how the Psalms point to Christ and provide practical insights for the church community and individual Christians. Through these canonical, Christological, and practical emphases, readers will gain new viewpoints into the flow, context, and message of the Psalms, as well as gospel-centered applications for a living faith.


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Creating the Canon Composition, Controversy, and the Authority of the New Testament Benjamin P. Laird Some questions about the New Testament are far from settled, to say nothing of misconception and confusion. In this wide-ranging yet accessible overview, Bejamin Laird offers constructive insight on matters tied to the composition, collection, and authority of the New Testament canon.


IVP Academic 9781514001103 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $30.00 USD Paperback 272 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006220

Despite the profound influence of the New Testament, a variety of questions related to its background and history remain common. Contemporary readers often find the subject of the canon’s origin and formation to be complicated and confusing, while scholars continue to struggle to find agreement about basic elements of the canon’s development. In this engaging study, Benjamin P. Laird explores several misunderstood, disputed, and overlooked topics in order to provide fresh insight and clarity about the canon’s creation and modern relevance. The volume addresses questions such as: Was there a single “original autograph” of each New Testament writing? Who exactly were the “original readers” of the New Testament writings? Did theological controversies play a decisive role in prompting the canon’s formation? How did such a diverse body of writings come together to form a single canonical collection? Is there a basis for the canon’s ongoing authority?

9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Wide-ranging yet accessible, Creating the Canon offers an illuminating treatment of the composition, formation, and authority of the New Testament...

Nobody's Mother Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament Sandra L. Glahn Does "saved through childbearing" in 1 Timothy 2:15 mean that women are slated primarily for rearing children? Sandra Glahn thinks that we have misunderstood Paul and the context to which he wrote. Combining spiritual autobiography with new research on the Greek goddess Artemis, Glahn lays a biblica...

Summary Some Christians think Paul's reference to "saved through childbearing" in 1 Timothy 2:15 means that women are slated primarily for delivering and raising children. Alternate readings, however, sometimes fail to build on the best historical and textual evidence. IVP Academic 9781514005927 Pub Date: 10/10/23 $24.00 USD Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006720 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


Sandra Glahn thinks that we have misunderstood Paul by misunderstanding the context to which he wrote. A key to reading and applying 1 Timothy, Glahn argues, lies in getting to know a mysterious figure who haunts the letter: the goddess Artemis. Based on groundbreaking research and new data about Artemis of the Ephesians, Nobody's Mother demonstrates how better background information supports faithful interpretation. Combining spiritual autobiography with scholarly exploration, Glahn takes readers on a journey to ancient Ephesus and across early church history. Unveiling the cult of Artemis and how early Christians related to it can give us a clearer sense of the type of radical, countercultural fellowship the New Testament writers intended Christ's church to be. This book is for those who want to avoid sacrificing a high view of...

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Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability Craig A. Hefner, Daniel J. Treier Living what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, Søren Kierkegaard was often critical of his contemporary church. This volume explores his reading of Scripture and theology to argue not only that he was a modern defender of the doctrine of divine immutability, but that his theology...

Summary Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was not afraid to express his opinions. Living amid what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, he was often critical of his contemporary church. IVP Academic 9781514005446 Pub Date: 8/22/23 $45.00 USD Paperback 258 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Theology REL067000 Series: New Explorations in Theology 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

But that does not mean Kierkegaard rejected traditional Christian theology. Indeed, at a time when many of his contemporaries were questioning the classical doctrine of God, Kierkegaard swam against the stream by maintaining orthodox Christian beliefs. In this volume in IVP Academic's New Explorations in Theology series, Craig A. Hefner explores Kierkegaard's reading of Scripture and his theology to argue not only that the great Dane was a modern defender of the doctrine of divine immutability (or God's changelessness) in response to the disintegration of the self, but that his theology can be a surprising resource today. Even as the church continues to be beset by "shifting shadows" (James 1:17), Kierkegaard can remind us of the good and perfect gifts that come from an unchanging God.


Life in the Son Exploring Participation and Union with Christ in John's Gospel and Letters Clive Bowsher, D. A. Carson In John's Gospel, the Father and Son are described as being "in one another." This NSBT volume from Clive Bowsher shows that union with Christ in John's Gospel and letters is the in-one-another relationship of believers with the Father and Son by the Spirit—the intimate, loving, relational participa...


IVP Academic 9781514008270 Pub Date: 7/25/23 $28.00 USD Paperback 200 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Religion / Christian Theology REL067000 Series: New Studies in Biblical Theology

The New Testament writers use spatial language and imagery to portray our relationship with God, speaking both about God or Christ in us and us in them. Believers are also described as possessing and participating in divine qualities such as life and glory. Both aspects are prominent in John's Gospel and letters. However, outside the Pauline writings, union with Christ has hardly been addressed in New Testament scholarship. Clive Bowsher seeks to redress this balance in his New Studies in Biblical Theology volume Life in the Son. In John's Gospel, the oneness of the Father and Son is described as the Father and Son being "in one another." Clive Bowsher's study shows that union with Christ in John's Gospel and letters is the in-one-another relationship of believers with the Father and Son by the Spirit—the intimate, loving, relational participation of the believer and God, each in the life, affections, ways, and work of the other. Insightful and accessible, Bowsher's study also explores connections with the shape of sonship, covenant and the life of the age to come. This volume fills a...

8.5 in H | 5.5 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


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The Minor Prophets A Theological Introduction Craig G. Bartholomew, Heath A. Thomas In this unique introduction to the Minor Prophets, two biblical scholars survey the twelve books and explore the theological themes of each. Filled with helpful exegetical insights, this books is an invaluable guide for students, pastors, and scholars looking for a cohesive exploration of these ofte...

Summary The good news from the Minor Prophets is that, even in dire times, God speaks.

IVP Academic 9781514001684 Pub Date: 9/19/23 $45.00 USD Paperback 400 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006730 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt

While the Minor Prophets are among the most succinct books of the Old Testament, their theological richness has much to offer us today. And not only did they have something to say to their original audience, but God continues to speak through their words in ways that are of utmost importance for the continued flourishing of God's people. In this unique introduction to the Minor Prophets, biblical scholars Craig Bartholomew and Heath Thomas survey the twelve books and explore the theological themes of each. Filled with helpful exegetical insights, this book is an invaluable guide for students, pastors, and scholars looking for a cohesive exploration of these often-overlooked books of the Hebrew Bible. More than a survey of the text, each chapter offers theological insights that help frame the message of the Minor Prophets for preaching and living in our world today. This introduction contextualizes the Minor Prophets within a larger biblical-theological framework, illuminating these twelve books as masterful ...


Holiness A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Theology Matt Ayars, Christopher T. Bounds, Caleb T. Friedeman The command to "be holy" is one of Christian life's most challenging and misunderstood commands. Three scholars from the Wesleyan tradition constructively argue for a "neo-holiness" that encourages the pursuit of Christian perfection while incorporating historic understandings of grace and the work ...

Summary Be holy because I am holy. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

IVP Academic 9781514002308 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $45.00 USD Paperback 380 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation REL006080 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


The Christian life includes many demands, but perhaps none are as challenging or as misunderstood as the biblical command to "be holy" (Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Peter 1:16) or to "be perfect" (Matthew 5:48). How should we understand these charges? In this volume, three scholars from the Wesleyan tradition offer a collective treatment of the theme of holiness that includes: exegesis of key biblical passages a survey across church history theological reflections on the relationship between entire sanctification and other doctrines In addition, the coauthors constructively argue for a "neo-holiness" model that encourages the pursuit of Christian perfection but avoids the pitfalls of Pelagianism by incorporating historic understandings of grace and the work of the Holy Spirit with the best of the Wesleyan tradition. Here, the commands to "be holy" and to "be perfect" take on new meaning. What may have been a burden becomes a blessing.

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The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness Reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel as Christian Scripture Andrew T. Abernethy, William R. Osborne, Paul D. Wegner, Nicholas G. Piotrowski, Mark S. Gignilliat How should Christians read prophetic literature? This collaborative endeavor identifies the interpretive methods used throughout history and constructs a way forward for our own approach to reading the Major Prophets, offering fresh and helpful insights to scholars, students, and pastors as they eng...


IVP Academic 9781514000588 Pub Date: 10/17/23 $40.00 USD Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation REL006090 9 in H | 6 in W | 0.8 lb Wt


How should Christians read prophetic literature? Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers and the church fathers all read and appealed to the Old Testament, but are we as modern-day readers supposed to take the same approach? The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness is a dialogue among scholars that identifies the interpretive methods used throughout history while also charting a constructive way forward for our own approach to reading the Major Prophets. This comprehensive volume brings together experts on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to illuminate the following topics: How the Apostles Read the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture Limits on Reading the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture Reading the Major Prophets in the Footsteps of the Apostles The History of Interpretation of the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture Preaching the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture This collaborative endeavor offers fresh and helpful insights to scholars, students, and pastors alike as they ...

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The Spirit and Power of Elijah Rise Up in the Spirit of Boldness and Reclaim Your Destiny Michelle McClain-Walters

Summary Strongholds can’t be broken without the boldness to confront them. After reading this book, you will have the courage to walk in the same anointing as the prophet Elijah to boldly declare the power of the Lord and break off the strongholds holding our world captive to the darkness.

Charisma House 9781636411583 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012120

As it was in the days of Elijah, a great number of God’s people today dwell in a nation that is on a path of progressive moral decline. America has the most liberal abortion standard in the world. Christians are hooked on pornography. The homosexual agenda is finding acceptance even in the church. Divorce is on the rise in the church. Human trafficking is manifesting as the ugly side of globalization. Those who were once considered great leaders are now preaching a doctrine of inclusion, with Christian who leaders or that are afraid to say on national television that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. With the turn of a new decade plagued with violence, sickness, disease, and economic instability, the people cry out for the prophets to speak. And God is raising up a prophetic people who will help prep...

8.3 in H | 5.5 in W


Fasting Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship With God (Re-release) Jentezen Franklin In this New York Times Best-Seller and one of the best available books on the topic, Jentezen Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God’s plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate.

(updated cover, same ISBN) Summary NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER! Author of several books, including Believe That You Can, Fear Fighters, and The Spirit of Python Charisma House 9781621366195 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.6 in T


In this New York Times Best-Seller and one of the best available books on the topic, Jentezen Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God's plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate. The book contains inspiring and practical information that readers need to know in order to access the power of biblical fasting. Those who seek God through fasting can expect tremendous rewards for their personal lives as well as for the church. They will see breakthroughs in many areas such as healing, finances, unhealthy dependencies and family relationships. This book also gives stories of those who have reaped miraculous rewards from this simple act of faith. Access the Power of Biblical Fasting & Transform Your Life! This book will teach you the spiritual benefits to Fasting. You will learn the importance of making God a priority and putting Him first in every area of your life. You will experience a greater...

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Fasting With God Finding Breakthrough and Power in the Names of God Tammy Hotsenpiller

Summary We cannot get closer to God without knowing more of who He is. This book will guide me into a meaningful and impactful relationship with God as I learn more about the names of God and how each one pertains to a different element of His character. When we fast, it is a given that we fast with God. He is the power behind our prayers and petitions. But to truly fast with God, we must know Him deeply and intimately, in His character, power, and strength. Charisma House 9781636412719 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 336 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012080

In Fasting With God, Tammy Hotsenpiller takes readers on a twenty-one–day journey through the names of God to discover the intimacy and breakthrough found in gaining a deeper revelation of who He truly is. Features and benefits: • Author has released fifteen-minute videos on each of the twenty-one days, offering fasting tips and encouragement.

9 in H | 6 in W

Previous title: Fasting for Miracles


Fasting for a Change A 21-Day Journey of Discovering Who God Created You to Be Tammy Hotsenpiller

Summary Change can’t happen unless we set it in motion. This book will help you to expect and have faith to see change happen in your life. No longer will you sit around in the things of the past, but you will have the boldness to actively step into the purpose and calling that God has placed on your life. Whether we’re wrestling with sin, strongholds, or self-discipline, we all need change in our lives. Maybe we’ve grown lazy, prideful, or self-sufficient and we realize we cannot continue down the same path. Charisma House 9781636412696 Pub Date: 12/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 336 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Religion / Christian Living REL012080

It’s time for a change! It’s time for a 180! It’s time to seek God! Whether readers need a breakthrough, a burden lifted, or a blessing, Fasting for a Change will take them step-by-step through the power and discipline of fasting and teach them how to exercise their faith to see lasting change in their lives. As they walk through this twenty-one–day journey, readers will gain a biblical understanding of the power of fasting and be stirred by the stories of twenty-one biblical figures who changed.

9 in H | 6 in W

Features and benefits:


Author has released fifteen-minute videos on each of the twenty-one days, of...

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The Secrets to Generational Curses Break the Stronghold in the Bloodline Alexander Pagani

Summary FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SECRETS TO DELIVERANCE Generational curses are one of Satan’s weapons of mass destruction. This book will help you identify and dismantle a range of generational curses in your family and others. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Charisma House 9781629996059 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL099000 7 in H | 5 in W | 0.6 in T


Prayers to break the toughest and most hidden generational curses Insights into how generational curses gain legal access to a person’s life and how they can evolve over time In the follow-up to his best-selling book, The Secrets to Deliverance, apostle Alexander Pagani shows readers how to dismantle generational curses, likening them to the electrical wiring in the room where the root of the curse lies. Generational curses are one of Satan’s weapons of mass destruction, and this book tackles some of the most prevalent—including vanity, gluttony, slothfulness, racism, dysfunction, dishonor, legalism, procrastination, homosexuality, and personality disorders. This book will help those who are struggling with habitual sin or feel as if something is keeping them from reaching their full potential. Learn to identify and break free from the powerful generati...

Author used to be a satanist.

The Warrior King A Battle With the World, the Flesh, and the Devil Anna Rountree

Summary We think our biggest spiritual enemy is Satan, but it’s really our flesh. This book will help you to see Christ as the one who is able to take on all spiritual battles so that you know you are not alone in this journey of life.

Charisma House 9781636412658 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $16.99 USD Trade Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL099000 7 in H | 5 in W

In her first two books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride, Anna Rountree chronicled her remarkable visions of heaven, giving readers a glimpse of what heaven is like and how events happening in the earth today correspond with activities in the spirit realm. In this third book in her trilogy, Rountree offers a revelation of mankind's chief enemy, the flesh, and how our heavenly Father trains us to be warriors for the fierce battles to come. Caught up once again in a vision of heaven, Rountree sees the redeemed and the heavenly hosts armed for war. She is told that all God’s children are issued armor but not everyone heeds the command to put on the full armor of God. As with all equipment, this armor must be tested before being worn into conflict. Thus begins the tests to fit Rountree for battle. These tests take place underground in the root system of the t...


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Unlimited Experiencing the Fullness of God's Power in Your Life Benny Tate, PhD

Summary Why limit the only power that’s capable of doing far and above all that we could ever think or imagine? After reading this book, you will have the tools you need to navigate life with the Holy Spirit in the way that God always intended for you to have.

Charisma House 9781636412672 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 8.3 in H | 5.5 in W

In 2016, when Benny Tate decided to preach a sermon series on the Holy Spirit, He believed the Holy Spirit would come and bring great change. But He didn’t expect Him to change everything in his life as well and in the lives of his church staff and congregation! In Unlimited, Tate helps readers discover a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit and realize His importance in their daily lives. Focusing on our need of the Holy Spirit, as well as His presence, power, and role in equipping us to fulfill our purpose, this book will help readers grow and better relate to the third person of the Trinity. Providing real-life, practical applications and examples, Tate shows readers that when they allow the Holy Spirit to fill and direct their lives, everything will change: relationships will be healed, self-esteem will be lifted, purpose will be re...


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Receiving the Isaac Promise Position Yourself for the Fullness of God's End-Time Outpouring R.T. Kendall

Summary Experience an Unprecedented Outpouring of Holy Spirit Fire, Power, and Miracles Have we experienced the pinnacle of Holy Spirit power? Has the Lord poured out the full measure of His presence on the earth? Is what we've seen all there is? The devil wants you to think so. And just like he did with Abraham, he's working hard to stop you short of God’s miracle promise. He wants you to settle for an "Ishmael" when your supernatural "Isaac" awaits.

Destiny Image 9780768473988 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


In his most prophetic book yet, R. T. Kendall—one of the most respected and reputable Bible teachers of this generation—exposes the dangerous deception preventing you from experiencing more of the Spirit in your life, showing you how to stop striving and instead position yourself for the coming outpouring that’s beyond anything the Earth has ever seen. This prophetic wake-up call is a burning exhortation from one who cherishes the movement of the Spirit, equipping you to join the company of people who, like Abraham… Break out of spiritual confinement Believe and agree with His Word Pray and contend for the fullness of what’s available Position yourself...

When Heaven Invades Earth Devotional Living in the Miraculous 365 Days of the Year Bill Johnson

Summary A Devotional to Help You Walk in the Miraculous Every Day! Access to a lifestyle of miracles is our spiritual inheritance as believers—so why do so many of us settle for powerless lives? Most often, it's because we need to be reminded of what, and Who, we carry. In this powerful daily devotional, bestselling author and pastor Bill Johnson commissions you to steward and carry God’s supernatural power, empowering you to experience and release the miraculous every day

Destiny Image 9780768474626 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $26.99 USD Hardcover

384 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020 9 in H | 6 in W


Full of thought-provoking quotes, invigorating teachings, inspiring Scripture readings, and prayer activations, this powerful devotional is your daily reminder and guide to: Access the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Reclaim your true identity. Experience supernatural courage. Keep the fires of personal revival burning in your heart. Unleash God’s miracle-working power in your everyday life. Don’t squander your inheritance. Your spiritual bank account is overflowing; learn how to make daily withdrawals from everything that Jesus made available to you—and discover a life where miracles, signs, and wonders are a glorious, ever...

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Deliverance from Prophetic Witchcraft Put an End to the Lingering Toxic Effects of Satan's Counterfeit Messengers Jennifer LeClaire

Summary Don't Become a Victim of Prophetic Witchcraft Are you struggling with sickness, relationship issues, finances, or mental health? Does it feel like you can never catch a break or get ahead of crushing obligations? These are all manifestations of prophetic witchcraft—which means you have unknowingly given the enemy access to your life. In these last days, false prophets abound, stealthily infiltrating our churches. Many, blinded by pride or ignorance, fall prey to their subtle ploys. But if you find yourself in bondage, there is hope. Destiny Image 9780768472820 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL099000 9 in H | 6 in W


With decades of experience in spiritual warfare and prophetic ministry, bestselling author Jennifer LeClaire exposes these false prophets, empowering you to break free from their deceptions and witchcraft so you can walk in supernatural victory in all areas of your life. Practical, encouraging, and full of wisdom, this book is your roadmap to freedom, helping you partner with the Holy Spirit to: Identify the signs of prophetic witchcraft and manipulation at work in your life Break agreements with prophetic soul ties Reverse evil prophetic decrees over your life O...

The Warrior Bride Conquering the Five Demonic Spirits that War Against God's End-Time Church Jeremiah Johnson

Summary These Five Insidious Spirits Have Marked You for Destruction Does it feel as if the host of hell is aimed at preventing you from advancing, from stepping into God's destiny for your life?

Destiny Image 9780768473933 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL099000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


They are—and their attacks are planned, plotted, and targeted by five insidious spirits hell-bent on destroying the body of Christ: Leviathan, Jezebel, Religious Spirit, Depression, and Vanity. Deployed to war against the five-fold ministry offices—apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists—these demonic agents coordinate their attacks not just against leaders, but also against every believer who occupies these functions in any sphere of influence. With passion and piercing insights, international prophet and bestselling author Jeremiah Johnson exposes these demonic forces and their tactics, infusing you with courage and empowering you to prevail against any attack. This landmark book will equip you to become spiritually armed and dangerous, giving you the tools, strategies, and weapons to: Identify which evil spirit specifically wars against your unique operation in the body of Christ Discern...

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Near Death Experiences 101 Short Stories That Will Help You Understand Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife Randy Kay, Shaun Tabatt

Summary If you have ever been curious about life beyond the grave, if you've ever doubted whether Heaven really exists, Near Death Experiences is the powerful testimony of life beyond the veil that you've been waiting for. In Near Death Experiences, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have visited Heaven. Each of these brief accounts paints a clear picture of what heaven is really like and the radical life-changing experiences from those who have stood in the presence of Jesus. These supernatural accounts of the afterlife will: Destiny Image 9780768463910 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 352 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Confront misconceptions about God and Heaven Impart the healing love of the Father Offer a Heavenly perspective on earthly trials Bestow hope to those grieving the loss of loved ones Portray the activity of Heaven and its direct effect on your daily life Don’t spend another day in confusion or uncertainty. In Near Death Experiences, you will find the afterlife answers, Heavenly hope, and eternal encouragement that you have been seeking. If you have ever been curious about life...

Visiting Heaven Heavenly Keys to a Life Without Limitations Captain Dale Black, Randy Kay Following a devastating plane crash, Dale Black endured three days in a coma, where he had an astounding visit to Heaven. After regaining consciousness, Dale made a miraculous physical recovery and went on to become a major airline pilot, safety consultant, and minister of the Gospel.


Destiny Image 9780768463347 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Driven by ambition, Dale Black's entire life was fixated on personal success… until the day when everything changed. As the only survivor of a horrific plane crash, he encountered the spectacular glories of Heaven. After regaining consciousness, Dale made a supernatural physical recovery, and against all odds went on to become a jet pilot, aviation safety specialist and award-winning airline pilot instructor. Today, he inspires people worldwide by sharing about the glories of Heaven and the love of God which he encountered during his life-changing visit to Heaven. “Those who truly love God will love Heaven. Heaven is not meant to be an amusement park destination, but a purposeful lifestyle that is designed to bless and benefit all who reside there. In Heaven you fulfill your predestined purpose while being empowered by the Light and Life and Love of God which exudes from the Throne.” Dale’s incredible story will stir a passion for eternity now as you… Gain clarity about how life continues on after death Understand God’s awesome plan f...

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Childbirth in the Glory Prepare for a Pregnancy and Delivery Filled with the Peace, Presence, and Power of God Janet Mills

Summary Reverse the Curse of Pain and Struggle in Childbirth Do you desire a pregnancy and delivery filled with the peace, presence, and the power of God? If painful childbirth is part of sin's curse, is this even possible? Janet Mills, international minister and co-leader of International Glory Ministries with Joshua Mills, has given birth to three children. Each pregnancy was divinely touched by the glory of God, radically impacting the way she gave birth. Destiny Image 9780768474299 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 240 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012130 9 in H | 6 in W


In these pages Janet offers biblical teaching and wisdom from her own journey, revealing how you can break sin's painful curse and experience heaven's manifest presence, glory, and power in every stage of childbirth. Through practical insights and miraculous stories of pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum seasons, Janet empowers you to: Apply the finished work of Jesus to your pregnancy and delivery experience. Decree the spoken Word of God over the child in your womb. Break off barrenness, infertility, loss, fear, and trauma associated with pregnancy. Reverse generational curses and release generational blessing. Welcome the manifest presence of ...

'Twas the Time of Prayer Jan Wolfe, JD Hornbacher

ages 4-8

Summary This virus caused sadness, stress and fear, But with You all things are possible—and we must keep You near. Destiny Image 9780768473223 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 32 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012030 8.5 in H | 8.5 in W


We don't know when or if Covid will be gone, But we know it’s You we can depend on. Did you know that anxiety and depression are at all-time highs for children? While the COVID-19 pandemic is receding, many children are still drowning in fear, uncertainty, and isolation. Shepherding her own family through warp-speed life changes, sick relatives, feelings of helplessness, hospital stays, and miraculous recoveries, author and teach Jan Wolfe emerged with a new-found passion to help children discover the Source of the love, comfort, and joy that can be found in any challenging circumstance. In this lyrical, real-world story, accompanied by beautiful illustrations, Jan guides your kids through fear and tragedy into a deeper relationship with God, equipping them with simple, practical tools to develop unshakeable trust in Him. As they follow [[character name]]’s journey, they’ll discover how to:

Draw near to God in the unknown Find lasting peace in purposeful gratitude Experience instant joy ...

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Surrendered to the Holy Spirit A Life Saturated in the Presence of God Hayley Braun, Bill Johnson

Summary Experience God in Ways You Never Imagined Are you missing the presence of Holy Spirit in your everyday life? Do you long for a vibrant, biblical encounter and life-changing outpouring of His power? For too long the Holy Spirit has been regarded only as a doctrine, not as the powerful Person he is. But that changed for Hayley Braun when a radical encounter with the raw presence and power of the Spirit left her completely undone—and ushered in a holy impartation for her to help spiritually-hungry believers experience the same. Destiny Image 9780768473711 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


In Surrendered to the Spirit, prophetic minister and Bethel School leader, Hayley Braun imparts a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit so that signs, miracles, and wonders become normal occurrences everywhere you go. Take your relationship with the Holy Spirit to the next level as Hayley helps you discover how to: Experience everything the Bible says about the Spirit-filled life Carry the atmosphere of Heaven with your body Experience God Almighty closer than any natural friend imaginable Operate in prophetic discernment, signs, wonders, and demonstrations of God's p...

Author oversees Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Online

Accessing the Blessing of Heaven's Currency Withdrawing Power from Your Heavenly Account for Answered Prayers Kerry Kirkwood

Summary Access the Power of Kingdom Currency Is your life marked by frustration, hopelessness, and defeat more than signs, wonders, and miracles? Jesus made it clear we can—and should—be doing the same works he did. So why isn't it happening? The answer, says bestselling author and pastor Kerry Kirkwood, is you don’t know how to access the supernatural treasures stored up for you in heaven.

Destiny Image 9780768473872 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 192 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


In The Currency of Heaven, Pastor Kerry reveals the biblical secrets to accessing your Kingdom bank account so that you can make supernatural withdrawals to release God’s miracle-working power and transform your circumstances. Full of practical teaching and insight, this groundbreaking book also empowers you to: Open the divine coffers of power and authority Invest in what heaven values Live in the fullness of God’s power Store up treasures in heaven Experience Kingdom abundance Wield the weapons bought at the cross Share the riches of heaven with a world in need Stop living like a helpless beggar—you are a child of the King! It’s time to access the supernatural power of Kingdom currency and meet any struggle or stor...

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Capturing Heaven's Attention A Lifestyle Saturated in God's Presence That Releases the Miraculous Chris Overstreet, Bill Johnson

Summary Experience God's Supernatural Power in Action Have you heard of God's supernatural power but never experienced it? Are you tired of talking about a coming move of God—and ready to be an active part of it right now? For more than 15 years Chris Overstreet has followed the leading of God on his life, from ministering in remote places around the world to becoming a pastor and teacher at Bethel Church in Redding. And no matter where he found himself, He found the power of God working through him in miraculous ways, changing lives, healing the sick, and shifting destinies. Destiny Image 9780768473179 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


In Capturing Heaven's Attention, Chris imparts the key truths and practical principles he’s learned on the frontlines of power evangelism, equipping you to supercharge your intimacy with God, become a yielded vessel, and experience greater levels of God’s miraculous manifestations. You’ll not only learn to partner with God, but you’ll also discover how to: recognize promptings of God’s presence act quickly on what He reveals to you overcome the fears and misgivings that hold you back position yourself to see the supernatural ta...

Anointed for Glory Impartation to Move with God's Manifest Presence Tommy Evans, Bill Johnson, Patricia King

Summary Experience a Glory Impartation Do you long for the power of God to chase after you? Do you want to know the secret to unlocking the fullness of His presence in your life? After a series of shocking prophetic dreams and visions of the end-time revival, revivalist and prophet Tommy Evans discovered the key to moving in the supernatural: understanding and seeking after God's glory.

Destiny Image 9780768474435 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 224 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Having traveled the world, ministered to multitudes, and studied under the most notable leaders moving in signs, wonders, and miracles, Tommy now empowers you to steward and flow with God’s glory upon your life so that you can carry His power and presence wherever you go. More than a stale theological concept or flighty spiritual idea, God’s glory is a tangible thing that releases the atmosphere of heaven on earth. Tommy equips you to: Flow in God’s glory currents Recognize what the Spirit of God is doing in you, through you, or in an atmosphere Shift atmospheres by releasing the power of Heaven even in the most challenging situations Release God’s glory and see it demonstrated in your life Receive a supernatural trans...

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The Anointing of Preservation Living Supernaturally Shielded from the Powers of Darkness Hank Kunneman

Summary Live shielded from Hell's interruptions. Is it possible to live in a dimension of God’s divine protection where you are safeguarded from the attacks of the enemy? Jesus said that in the world we would have tribulation, but with that statement came a radical promise: He had overcome the world. This same anointing of divine preservation lives inside of you! What is Preservation? Divine protection — a dimension where God is watching over you so no scheme or strategy of the enemy can prevail against you. Prophet and pastor Hank Kunneman teaches you how to activate God’s divine protection so you are shielded from the dark strategies of the enemy. Destiny Image 9780768464801 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 176 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W

Get ready to: Understand how the spirit realm operates in a greater dimension Cooperate with God’s supernatural activity in your life Spiritually shield your life, your family, your home and nation from the plots of Satan Discern how the anointing of preservation significantly impacts the natural realm in spectacular ways, confirming God’s hand is at work The truths in this book will show you how to partner with the spirit realm to gain protection from e...


Becoming the Voice of God Next-Level Training for Prophetic People Emma Stark Emma Stark – a sound, accurate, and well-respected prophet with over a decade of experience operating in her prophetic office – offers this vital handbook for those called to serve as prophets in the body of Christ.

Summary Next-Level Training for Prophetic People Many who are called to the office of the Prophet never receive effective, biblical training. Becoming the Voice of God was written as an essential training guide to help you grow into the office of the Prophet, equipping you with biblical instruction and wisdom to fully step into your prophetic anointing. Destiny Image 9780768462609 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 288 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Emma Stark—a sound, accurate, and well-respected prophet with over a decade of experience operating in her prophetic office and mentoring hundreds of others to do the same—offers this vital handbook for those called to serve as prophets in the body of Christ. Emma's experience and insight will be treasured guideposts on your journey in your prophetic gifting, including: Authority Alignment Safety Fear of the Lord Warfare Integrity Your prayer life The role of prophets God is raising up a company of prophets across the earth who will proclaim His voice with boldness, accuracy, excellence, and faith. As you allow Him to mature you as His mouthpiece, you will become the voice that DI & HH fall 23 a - May 2023 Page 7


Numbers that Prophesy Hearing God Through Historic Headlines and Numbers that Preach Troy Brewer

Summary Are you seeking direction? Wisdom? Confirmation? God is already speaking to you… in a way you may not expect! The Holy Spirit can speak through numbers and number sequences, offering divine clues to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. In Numbers that Prophesy, pastor, prophetic voice, and bestselling author of Numbers that Preach and Redeeming Your Timeline, Troy Brewer offers revelatory insight into how God speaks through numbers, teaching you to become fluent in this supernatural language. Troy's powerful insights will help you… Destiny Image 9780768463866 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 256 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Learn God's prophetic language of numbers Understand the spiritual significance of specific numbers Interpret the numbers presented in scripture Decode what God is speaking directly to you through numeric "coincidences" Don’t spend another day in uncertainty. Decode the prophetic language of numbers and discover the direction, wisdom, and confirmation you’ve been seeking—hidden in plain sight Are you seeking direction? Wisdom? Confirmation? God is already speaking to you… in a way you may not expect! The Holy Spirit can speak through numbers and number seq...

Numbers that Prophesy Study Guide Hearing God Through Historic Headlines and Numbers that Preach Troy Brewer

Summary Are you seeking direction? Wisdom? Confirmation? God is already speaking to you… in a way you may not expect! The Holy Spirit can speak through numbers and number sequences, offering divine clues to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. A companion to Numbers that Prophesy, this study guide provides practical exercises that will train you to discern how God is speaking prophetically through numbers. Each lesson is designed to help you tune your ear to God's language and grow in discernment. Destiny Image 9780768463903 Pub Date: 11/7/23 $24.99 USD Trade Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 11 in H | 8.5 in W


This hands-on guide will teach you to: Interpret the prophetic meaning of the numbers you see Identify number patterns in Scripture Recognize ways God has spoken through numbers in the past Reach a new level of hearing and understanding God's heart Become a student of prophetic numbers and take your prophetic understanding to a new level Are you seeking direction? Wisdom? Confirmation? God is already speaking to you… in a way you may not expect! The Holy Spirit can speak through numbers and number sequences, offering divine clues to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. A companion to Numbers...

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Daily Decrees for Government and Nations Raise Your Voice, Agree with Heaven, and Shift Your Nation Brenda Kunneman

Summary Raise Your Voice, Agree with Heaven, and Shift Your Nation! Do you feel overwhelmed and fearful about what is happening in your nation? The headlines and newsfeeds are bombarded with government corruption, scandal, celebration of immorality, violence, economic turbulence, and overall uncertainty. With each passing day, it feels like the swirl of chaos gets closer and closer to your door.

Destiny Image 9780768472028 Pub Date: 9/11/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback

Fear not—you are not powerless! You have a weapon that, if activated and used, can supernaturally shift the course of your nation, release righteousness into the streets, protect your children and grandchildren, prosper your finances, expose corruption in high places of government, and turn around even the most hopeless of situations. That weapon is your voice declaring the decrees of God!

112 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012020

In Daily Decrees for Awakening Your Nation, dynamic and world-renowned teacher Brenda Kunneman equips you with fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired decrees that have the power to shift nations, cancel chaos, and create a peaceful life for you, your family, and future generations.

7 in H | 5 in W

You will:


Stop living in fear by making faith-fill...

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Hannah and the Lost Jelly Shoe A True Story of Faith Carlie Terradez


Harrison House Publishers 9781667502953 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $17.99 USD Hardcover with printed dust jacket Carton Qty: 0 Juvenile Nonfiction JNF000000 8.5 in H | 8.5 in W


Join Hannah for a fun faith adventure on the beach! Hannah and her family are enjoying sunshine, sand and blue water, when even better, they encounter the goodness of God. When Hannah's favorite jelly shoe turns up lost, she believes God's promises with child-like faith, and her lost shoe is miraculously found. Message: God cares about the things which concern us, even the little things. God is bigger than any challenge we face.

Seven Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong Rick Renner

Summary A Checklist for an Unshakable Life

Harrison House Publishers 9781667500065 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012070 9 in H | 6 in W


Does your life feel like a roller coaster–some days you're up and some days you’re down? Do you feel that victory alludes you? It doesn’t have to be that way! God wants you standing on a firm foundation and living a life that is rock solid. In Seven Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong, respected Bible teacher Rick Renner outlines the principles he put into practice in his own life during a time of hardship and blurred focus. These steps will empower you to be a strong Christian facing life with unshakable confidence in God’s promises and enjoy intimate fellowship with your heavenly Father. You will learn why it’s vital to… Begin your morning with God in the Word and Prayer Invest time with people and teaching that strengthen you Learn to say "No!" to distractions that derail you Live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit Put Rick’s seven simple yet profound principles into practice today, so you can stand unwavering everyday no matter what life throws at you. A Checklist for an Unshakable Life Does your life feel like a roller coaster–some days yo...

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Rhythms of Grace Experiencing Freedom from Fear, Worry, and Stress Duane Sheriff

Summary You're Too Blessed to be Stressed! It is easy to become overwhelmed in our fast-paced world, especially with the myriad of challenges we face–struggling to meet basic needs, raising children in an unsafe world, and being assaulted with ever-negative headlines in the news. Yet too often we’re overloaded because we pick up things God never intended us to carry. So how do we ease the load?

Harrison House Publishers 9781667502731 Pub Date: 10/3/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


In Rhythms of Grace, Duane Sheriff, senior pastor and international speaker, calls you to follow the pace of God’s guidance that will bring peace in chaos and strategies to sustain you in hardships. Pastor Duane explains how to… Find rest for your weary soul Detox from life’s troubles Trust God instead of facing problems alone Break the cycle of fear and worry Ignite the power of thanksgiving Following the calm rhythm of God’s grace allows you to enjoy a supernatural peace. Let today be a fresh start to rest in the Father’s arms You're Too Blessed to be Stressed! It is easy to become overwhelmed in our fast-paced world, especially with the myriad of challenges we face–struggling to meet basic needs, raising chi...

When Loss Comes Close to Home Finding Hope to Carry On When Death Turns Your Life Upside Down Charlie LeBlanc

Summary Finding Your Footing in Devastating Loss In 2009, Charlie and Jill LeBlanc experienced the unthinkable — the death of their 23-year-old son. Their loss was crushing! It's devastating to anyone who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and it feels like recovery is beyond hope. Maybe you–or someone you love –has also experienced the heartbreak of losing someone close to you. If so, the LeBlanc’s have words of healing for you.

Harrison House Publishers 9781667502762 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $19.99 USD Trade Paperback 208 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012010 9 in H | 6 in W

In When Loss Comes Close to Home, the LeBlancs, international music ministers, share their journey of moving forward with wisdom to heal after life-shattering sorrow. You can begin to find God’s grace and hope for yourself and others who need healing from grief by… Embracing the time it takes to heal Allowing for each person’s unique grieving process Valuing the biblical importance of grieving Practical help to overcome deep sorrow and bewildering numbness Powerful tools to help loved ones through loss God "comforts and encourages us in every trouble…" so we’re able to do the same for others (2 Cor. 1:4 Amp). You can begin to regain your peace and find pu...


Harrison House fall 23 a - May 2023

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Extravagant Favor How to Walk in God's Abundance Every Day Billy Epperhart, Becky Epperhart

Summary You Can Walk in God's Favor! We serve a God who can do abundantly beyond all we could ever ask or think. But often we don’t see the effect of this in our lives, and we struggle paycheck to paycheck, plagued by illness, and overwhelmed with life in general. If God’s favor is for you, why is there so much opposition? In Foundations of Favor, Billy and Becky Epperhart, successful real estate investors and ministers, share practical keys to help you overcome opposition and unlock the favor and blessings of God in your life. Harrison House Publishers 9781667502816 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $14.99 USD Trade Paperback 96 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 7 in H | 5 in W


Learn how you can: Access God’s favor through surrender Expect and receive divine connections Recognize negative events that prepare you for God’s favor Steward God’s blessings effectively Build expectations to make more room for God’s favor As you grow in the confidence of God’s favor, He will lead you through each of life’s seasons, forming your pathway to new opportunities and relationships. Begin today to realize opposition can be turned to opportunity with God’s favor at work in your life! You Can Walk in God's Favor! We serve a God who can do abundantly beyond all we could...

Epistles of John A New Testament Commentary Bob Yandian

Summary John Examines the Power of True Bible Doctrine Through the Lens of Love Before being exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation, the apostle John penned three letters to the church at Ephesus. The Ephesian church was the largest in the ancient world and faced, as many churches of that time did, the dangerous doctrines of Jewish legalism and Hellenistic Gnosticism. The church was also dealing with false leaders more interested in gain and fame than in spreading the truth of the gospel. In response, John, who was the church's pastor for a time, wrote the Johannine epistles. And, as in his gospel, John addresses all of these issues through the lens of God’s love. Harrison House Publishers 9781667503240 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $17.99 USD Trade Paperback

Bob Yandian delves into John’s letters, verse by verse, using context and his own pastoral sagacity to illuminate John’s messages. In doing so, Pastor Yandian first provides historical and biblical background—including observance of the original Greek language—to bring alive the truths in John’s three letters. Pastor Yandian then encourages modern believers to apply these truths in response to God’s pure...

Carton Qty: 0 Religion REL000000 9 in H | 6 in W


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The Covenant and the Contradiction Accessing God's Promises of Healing, Peace, Provision, and Blessing Kenneth Copeland

Summary Can fallen man really have personal relationship, or even fellowship, with a Holy God? Is there a path back to Eden? Kenneth Copeland Ministries 9781604635089 Pub Date: 8/1/23 $26.99 USD Hardcover with dust jacket 256 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012120 9 in H | 6 in W


Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, "All the rivers run into the sea." Throughout The WORD of God, there is a flow that begins powerfully in Eden and ends gloriously in the book of Revelation at the throne of the Creator of Heaven and earth. That river is the crimson flow of the blood covenants of Almighty God. All through history, blood covenants have been cut between nations and individuals, but all are mere imitations of the holy covenants sworn and cut by an eternal God to redeem His fallen man in the earth. These binding, everlasting agreements cut with mankind provide the supernatural foundation and framework for His covenant people to overcome every earthly contradiction. From Abraham to David, to the New Covenant in the blood of the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world, discover God's everlasting blood covenants of redemption and restoration. Discover the vast scope of what He really did for you. Find out how you can live and prosper in the power of your eternal cove...

Harrison House fall 23 a - May 2023

Page 4


A Standard Arises The Amatta Valley Chronicles, Book 1

S.C. Ducommun About the Book: The Amatta Valley is a peaceful-even idyllic-land populated by the servants of the Living God. This is where Ra’ah and his four friends have spent their lives, travelling between the four villages and the great city of Kathik. Never in their wildest dreams did they think all of this could end. But in a single night of terror and sudden revelation, they are thrust from relative obscurity to become harbingers of the Valley’s very destruction. And now they have to convince everybody that their message is truly from the Living God—that all must flee to the mythical Mountain of the Living God or be swept up in that coming devastation. Facing both the threat of an unknown enemy and the mounting incredulity of a people comfortable with where they are and what they believe, the five have only four weeks to complete their mission.

Key Selling Points: •

Longlisted in the 2022 Braun Book Awards for excellence in writing.

First book in The Amatta Valley Chronicles with book two on the horizon.

Plot centres on a civilization’s need to trust in the living God to survive a coming devastation.

Publication Date: March 31, 2023 Marketing & Publicity: Publisher: Word Alive Press • Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces. Imprint: Word Alive Press • International Rights Ship Date: March 31, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2343-3 Retail: $18.99 USD | $18.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 224 Pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | Case Qty: 32 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: FICTION / Christian / Fantasy | FIC042080 FICTION / Fantasy / Epic | FIC042080 FICTION / Christian / General | FIC042000 eBook: 978-1-4866-2344-0 | $9.99 USD | $9.99 CAD Hardcover: 978-1-4866-2421-8 | $31.99 USD | $31.99 CAD Author’s Residence: High River, AB

S.C. Ducommun is a husband, father of four, and grandfather of two. Pairing a deep love for the Lord Jesus with a love for fantasy fiction, he carves a unique path through the genre. When he isn’t wandering the fields of his imagination, he resides in the foothills of southern Alberta and spends his time in the Rocky Mountains with his family and dog.

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

Found Discover the Power of Your True Identity

Lorie Hartshorn About the Book: Discover how to live loved, and live free, because that is who you really are!

Found will enable you to ... •

Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.

Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.

Take hold of all that God wants to give you.

Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.

Believe that everything available to Jesus is also offered to you!

“Finding our truest identity is one of the most pressing, critical conversations in this cultural moment, and Lorie Hartshorn is a trusted guide whose passionate vision and deep wisdom offer fresh hope for every single one of us.” —Ann Voskamp, New York Times best-selling author of One Thousand Gifts and WayMaker “Using powerful stories and personal experiences, Lorie paints a vivid picture of the struggle and importance of identity.” —Gordon Robertson, President, the Christian Broadcasting Network Key Selling Points: •

Publication Date: May 31, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: May 31, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2353-2 Retail: $19.99 USD | $19.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 184 Pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | Case Qty: 38 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth | REL012070 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth | REL012120 RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational | REL012040 eBook: 978-1-4866-2354-9 | $9.99 USD | $9.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Whitby, ON

Lorie Hartshorn is the co-host of 700 Club Canada along with Bill Markham, a 30-minute daily program that airs coast to coast in Canada.

She is a dynamic Christian speaker and her newest speaking series, Do it Afraid, is enabling people to move through fear into an adventurous life of faith!

Lorie is the author of a powerful video driven bible study, Finding Freedom.

A former Pastor, Lorie was also the Director of Advancement for EQUIP Leadership Canada, founded by Dr. John C Maxwell, training leaders worldwide.

Marketing & Publicity: • • •

A corresponding video series will also be released in 2023. Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces. International Rights

Lorie Hartshorn is an international speaker, Bible teacher, and co-host of The 700 Club Canada, a daily TV show. Lorie’s passion is to see people become everything that God intended them to be. Among her favourite things are cottage life, conversation, and community. You can find her online at www.loriehartshorn.com.

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

Embrace Life, Embrace Hope Cultivating Wholeness and Resilience through the Unexpected

Fern E.M. Buszowski About the Book: Live well even in the difficult places. Is life not turning out the way you planned? Do crises push out all hope making it seem impossible to grasp? Drawing from personal stories author Fern E.M. Buszowski invites you to consider ways to Embrace Life, Embrace Hope through the unexpected. Whatever crisis you or your loved ones are going through, she extends an invitation to join her as she shares her walk toward hope and wholeness. She uniquely weaves concepts and practices from different fields to help you learn new ways to: •

cultivate sacred space for your soul;

be inspired to live well even in difficult places;

create space for your heart, body, mind, and soul to flourish;

build resilient ways, uncover wholeness and hope; and

not just survive but thrive.

“Fern E.M. Buszowski writes lucidly and honestly from inside her own pain, and so somehow her story, so deeply personal, becomes our story, too. What’s more, she often steps back, gathers a lifetime of accumulated insight about human flourishing, Publication Date: May 15, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: May 15, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2369-3 Retail: $19.99 USD | $19.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 184 Pages | 5.5 x 8.5 | Case Qty: 38 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational | REL012040 RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs | REL012170 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth | REL 012120 eBook: 978-1-4866-2370-9 | $9.99 USD | $9.99 CAD Hardcover: 978-1-4866-2371-6 | $33.99 USD | $33.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Calgary, AB

and becomes our teacher and our guide. If you need to embrace life and hope, you’ve come to the right place.” —Mark Buchanan, author of God Walk Key Selling Points: •

Fern E.M. Buszowski is a retired pastor of counselling who brings her extensive career knowledge to Embrace Life, Embrace Hope.

As a survivor of oral cancer, Fern shares her unique perspective on healing and resilience in the face of hardship.

Readers can expect educated and well-informed help in Embrace Life,

Embrace Hope as Fern has vast experience writing and designing training programs and resources to train her peers. Marketing & Publicity: • Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces. • International Rights

FERN E.M. BUSZOWSKI, MALM, MA Counselling (CPC). A cancer survivor, counsellor, and retired pastor of counselling and soul care, Fern has dedicated her life to equipping and empowering others to grow, develop, and find hope. She has written and designed training programs and resources: Soul Care Companioning, Unstuck, Sojourning, and peer-led programs for leaders.

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

Hope for an Unwanted Journey Daily Readings for Those Whose Loved Ones Struggle with Addiction/Mental Illness

Bill and Donna Lea Dyck

About the Book:


Do you have a son, daughter, or loved one who is struggling with addictions or mental illness? If so, it is an unwanted journey where the struggles are massive and the questions penetrating. Yet there is hope—and it is found in God. This book is written as a devotional: to lend a spiritual perspective and tools for walking this journey with your loved one. Each entry is based on a specific passage of Scripture following topics that are crucial to the conversation. Join Rev. Bill and Donna Lea Dyck as they reflect on the lessons they learned while they walked this valley. They write with the purpose of bringing you hope and a way forward in your relationship with your loved one. “These are biblically based devotionals refined by the incurable love of parents for their addicted son, nourished by deepening faith, and anchored in the enduring hope of God Himself. Brutally open and honest! Spiritually refreshing for any reader!” —Rev. Dr. T.V. Thomas, Chairman, Lausanne Global Diaspora Network

Publication Date: March 15, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: March 15, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2267-2 Retail: $21.99 USD | $21.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 216 Pages | 7.5 x 9.25 | Case Qty: 18 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional | REL012020 RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues | REL012020 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery | REL050000 eBook: 978-1-4866-2268-9 | $9.99 USD | $9.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Toronto, ON


Key Selling Points: •

Bill and Donna have pastored at Toronto Alliance Church for 29 years and have had their own journey with a loved one experiencing addiction

In Canada, 21% of the population will experience substance use disorder or addictions at some point in their lives

47,000 Canadian deaths annually are related to substance abuse

1 in 5 Canadians are experiencing mental illness

This is a timely and easy-to-digest devotional that can help people whose loved ones are experiencing addiction or mental illness

Marketing & Publicity: •

Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces.

International Rights

Bill and Donna Lea Dyck are parents to four adult children and grandparents to nine grandchildren. They have pastored Toronto Alliance Church for 29 years. They are passionate for prayer and care deeply for the marginalized. In this devotional, they speak candidly about the journey of addiction with their loved one and the lessons learned. They seek to inspire hope and courage for all their readers. This is Donna’s third book. For more information on other books and her blog, visit donnaleadyck.com. Top Books by the Donna Lea Dyck: Confessions of a Not-So-Average Girl, Confessions of an Unlikely Pastor’s Wife

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

Hidden Treasure The Uncovering of Christ in You!

Christie Amoyo About the Book: Life of Faith


Life of Faith series, book 3. God has a plan for each one of us, and it is good.


I want to remind you of where He was and where He is. I want to encourage you to see the plan in the process, the strength in the journey, the message through the mess, and the priceless treasure that Jesus is in you! You have a life worth living.

Key Selling Points: Hidden From You for You

Pastor Christie speaks regularly in Winnipeg

This book tackles trusting God with your finances

Marketing & Publicity:


Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces.

International Rights

Cover draft Publication Date: May 31, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: May 31, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2387-7 Retail: $14.99 USD | $14.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 96 Pages | 5 x 8 | Case Qty: 84 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational | REL012040 RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs | REL012170 RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth | REL 012120 eBook: 978-1-4866-2388-4 | $7.99 USD | $7.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Winnipeg, MB Christie Amoyo is a wife, entrepreneur, author, and mother of four children. She has served in ministry for more than fifteen years, including women’s, youth, children’s, administration, worship, and pastoral. She and her husband Danrey have a heart for bringing encouragement through faith, which has resulted in the launching of Today’s Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, along with other outreach programs. Top Books by the Author: Marriage Uncut, The Promised Child, Crayons, Crumbs, and Christian Growth, That’s My House!

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

Colossians A Word from His Word Series

Gary R. Small About the Book: Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or phrase from a short biblical passage. By returning to a simple but effective approach to Bible reading, your daily times will be invigorated. Colossians was written by St. Paul and Timothy during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome. Paul had been locked up with another evangelist called Epaphras, who had brought the gospel to the Colossians. Paul watched Epaphras pray for the young church in Colossae, and decided to write and encourage them. Just as Paul wrote to Colossae, a place where he had not visited nor evangelized, he might as well be writing to our own churches. Churches where modern Christianity is just as vulnerable as the ancient church, to being over sophisticated by religious rules and traditions. Paul’s message of encouragement, focus and avoiding distractions remains applicable even through the passage of time. We pray that as you read this edition of A Word from His Word, your own experience of Him will be recentred and renewed.

Key Selling Points: Publication Date: May 15, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: May 15, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-2394-5 Retail: $11.99 USD | $11.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 66 Pages | 5 x 7 | Case Qty: 124 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Paul’s Letters | REL006720 RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional | REL012020 RELIGION / Biblical Meditations / New Testament | REL006130 eBook: 978-1-4866-2395-2 | $5.99 USD | $5.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Nepean, ON

The average human attention span has shrunk to 8.25 seconds, now less

Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or

than a goldfish at 9 seconds. phrase from a short biblical passage, an intentional meditation to carry with you throughout the day. •

Bite-sized pieces to help Christians understand and retain scripture in a busy and fast-paced world.

Author Gary R. Small has several years of experience in Bible interpretation and teaching.

Marketing & Publicity: •

Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces.

International Rights

Gary R. Small came to faith as a teenager, reading the Arthur S. Demoss Foundation’s book, Power for Living. As a university student, he joined the Navigators, who taught the importance of understanding and interpreting passages from the Bible, which led to a lifetime of Bible study. He has taught in adult Bible study, youth group, and Sunday school settings. In his spare time, Gary enjoys being with his wife and three boys, and pursuing outdoor activities. Top Books by the Author: Philippians, Ephesians, Galatians

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

1 and 2 Thessalonians A Word from His Word Series

Gary R. Small About the Book: Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or phrase from a short biblical passage. By returning to a simple but effective approach to Bible reading, your daily times will be invigorated. 1 and 2 Thessalonians were written by St. Paul, Silas, and Timothy while they were in Corinth on a missionary journey. Paul had briefly visited Thessalonica and was anxious to hear how the church had survived without his presence and teaching. Timothy had recently returned from Thessalonica with positive news: the church was alive, well, and thriving. However, the people’s interest in spirituality had clouded the thinking of some and Paul was quick to refocus them on the truth they had originally been taught. Modern society, like that of ancient Thessalonica, is full of many beliefs and abstract spirituality. We can readily be deceived into adopting some of these abstractions into our lives and churches. Paul, Silas, and Timothy would encourage us to hold fast to the truth of the original gospel.

Key Selling Points: •

The average human attention span has shrunk to 8.25 seconds, now less than a goldfish at 9 seconds.

Each chapter of A Word from His Word focuses on a single word or phrase

Publication Date: May 15, 2023 from a short biblical passage, an intentional meditation to carry with you Publisher: Word Alive Press throughout the day. Imprint: Word Alive Press • Bite-sized pieces to help Christians understand and retain scripture in a Ship Date: May 15, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 busy and fast-paced world. ISBN: 978-1-4866-2396-9 • Author Gary R. Small has several years of experience in Bible interpretation Retail: $11.99 USD | $11.99 CAD and teaching. Format: Trade Paper 96 Pages | 5 x 7 | Case Qty: 84 Marketing & Publicity: Target Audience: General Trade • Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces. BISAC Categories: • International Rights RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Paul’s Letters | REL006720 RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional | REL012020 RELIGION / Biblical Meditations / New Testament | REL006130 eBook: 978-1-4866-2397-6 | $5.99 USD | $5.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Nepean, ON Gary R. Small came to faith as a teenager, reading the Arthur S. Demoss Foundation’s book, Power for Living. As a university student, he joined the Navigators, who taught the importance of understanding and interpreting passages from the Bible, which led to a lifetime of Bible study. He has taught in adult Bible study, youth group, and Sunday school settings. In his spare time, Gary enjoys being with his wife and three boys, and pursuing outdoor activities. Top Books by the Author: Philippians, Ephesians, Galatians

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782

The Holy Spirit Runners Demetre Balaktsis About the Book: Three couch potatoes sit on their couches and flip through the sports channels, wishing they could be athletes... One miraculous day, each is paid a very special visit from God. They each receive an astonishing gift and a promise: Wear these Holy Spirit Runners, and you can become an athlete. What will they do with this amazing gift from heaven? Which of them will use the runners wisely and make their dream come true?

Key Selling Points: •

Demetre frequently does speaking engagements for kids to encourage faith and an active lifestyle

Marketing & Publicity: •

Sales presentations to Christian marketplaces.

International Rights

Publication Date: May 15, 2023 Publisher: Word Alive Press Imprint: Word Alive Press Ship Date: May 15, 2023 Season: Spring/Summer 2023 ISBN: 978-1-4866-1866-8 Retail: $17.99 USD | $17.99 CAD Format: Trade Paper 34 Pages | 8.5 x 8.5 | Case Qty: 96 Target Audience: General Trade BISAC Categories: JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Sports & Recreation | JUV033230 JUVENILE FICTION / Health & Daily Living / Daily Activities | JUV015010 JUVENILE FICTION / Sports & Recreation / General | JUV032000 eBook: 978-1-4866-18675 | $8.99 USD | $8.99 CAD Author’s Residence: Winnipeg, MB

Demetre Balaktsis emigrated to Canada as a child and learned English by reciting lines from Sesame Street, Electric Company, and his favourite children’s books. As a public-school teacher, he kept his students engaged by telling them stories—modern day parables that spoke to Christian values with a dramatic flair. After performing several of his stories on stage, Demetre devotes himself to bringing the same level of energy and passion on to every page of his books to entertain and inspire every reader.

wordalivepress.ca | publishing@wordalivepress.ca | 1.866.967.3782


Sept 5

AN UNLIKELY ADVENT Extraordinary People of The Christmas Story During this Advent season, Rachel Billups guides readers through the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace by sharing the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi, and the shepherds. Each set of unexpected characters has something to teach about living faithfully on the journey to Christmas. 4-week study

Tradepaper 9781791028978 $23.99

Leader Guide 9781791028992 $21.49

DVD 9781791029005 $55.49

Sept 19



CHRIST IN THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF ADVENT Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different. Christmas is when God surrounded the divine with senses of his own. That first noel was when God had eyes to see suffering, ears to hear our cries, and hands to hold those in need, and all of these senses were bundled in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. What signs do you see during the Advent and Christmas season that point you to the divine? 4 week study

Tradepaper 9781791029272 $23.99

Leader Guide 9781791029296 $21.49

DVD 9781791029319 $55.49

Heaven Earth

Sept 19


ADVENT and the INCARNATION In the Advent season, heaven seems so close as we remember that a tiny baby in a manger is God in human form coming to show us the Way. God's choice of incarnation allows us to reflect on the mystery that Christ is the full revelation of God instead of being one who talks about God or one who speaks for or acts as God. But, no, Christ is God. In Heaven and Earth, beloved pastor and scholar Will Willimon explores the idea of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine. 4 week study

Leader Guide 9781791029050 $21.49

Tradepaper 9781791029036 $23.99

DVD 9781791029098 $55.49



Aug. 1

A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THE GOOD NEWS Walk through the Bible’s earliest source for the life of Jesus with scholar Amy-Jill Levine as she introduces such themes as the Son of Man, discipleship, miracles, and Mark’s use of the Old Testament. The Good News of the gospel message comes alive in this book as readers see Jesus as divine and human, powerful and weak, approachable yet mysterious. The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels.

Tradepaper 9781791024833 $25.49

Leader Guide 9781791024857 $21.49

DVD 9781791024871 $61.99

Aug. 1


Finding God's Voice in Your Passion We are hungry for a sense of purpose, direction, and calling in our lives. That’s as basic an ingredient to the human experience as they come. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to participate in something that has eternal merit and lasting impact. We want to be more than we are.

Tradepaper 9781791029708 $23.99

Leader Guide 9781791029715 $21.49

In On Purpose Magrey deVega helps us see God's purpose for our lives, how to open ourselves to God's voice, and how to take the first or next step to follow God's call. Reading this book and exploring life choices alongside others, individuals will learn how to channel their passions, hear God’s voice, and live the life they were meant to live.

DVD 9781791029739 $55.49

4 week study



LIVING FAITHFULLY IN DIFFICULT TIMES In Thrive, author and teacher Jen Cowart

Workbook 9781791027803 $23.99

Leader Guide 9781791027797 $21.49

DVD 9781791027766 $68.99

helps women develop the habits and attitudes necessary to thrive whatever their circumstances. Leading readers through the book of James, a letter written about enduring hardships, she lifts up 6 characteristics of mature Christians. From endurance and humility to controlling the words we speak, Jen helps participants find the divine and the practical in living faithfully. 6 week study


Aug. 1


Advent 2023 provides daily devotions for Christians as they prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. This annual favorite is a wonderful resource for churches to give to each family to emphasize the importance of the Advent of our Lord. Each day's reading, from Sunday, November 26 to Christmas Day, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and includes the Scripture, a short devotion, and a brief prayer or practice, and it's printed with a larger font for ease of reading. 12-point type Booklets fit in a #10 envelope. Sold in packs of 10

9781791029746 $17.99 (10-pk)


The Quiet House Reflections on the Loss of a Spouse Ronald J. Greer

Summary Find comfort in a message of hope and healing. The loss of a spouse is a devastating experience, but pastor Ron Greer invites readers into his own grief journey with messages of hope and healing. The Quiet House calls on the image of a home silenced by absence but also speaks about the possibility of moving forward together through the heartache of loss toward hope. Through an elegant series of personal reflections, Greer, a pastoral counselor, offers steps and reflections of healing while tending to marriage memories. Pastors may find this book a profound help and comfort for grieving members.

Abingdon Press 9781791028800 Pub Date: 9/1/23 $18.99 USD Paperback 144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Living REL012010 7 in H | 5 in W


The Works of John Wesley Volume 29 Letters V (1774-1781) Randy L. Maddox

Summary The correspondence presented in this fifth volume of Wesley’s letters includes a large number of his pastoral letters to various female and male lay persons in his societies. It also traces the fluctuations of Wesley’s stance on the British colonists in North America (and their Whig supporters in England) from the growing flames through the closing battles of their revolution. The volume includes over 180 items not found in previous editions of Wesley’s letters. All Works of John Wesley volumes are designed to keep the pages clean and in place for years to come., with casebound non-cloth hardcover, dust jacket, and secure adhesive binding.

Abingdon Press 9781791029685 Pub Date: 9/5/23 $77.99 USD Hardcover 600 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christianity REL044000 8.5 in H | 5.5 in W


Abingdon Press fall 23 a - May 2023

Page 1


Celebrate Wonder All Ages Fall 2023 Kit Includes One Room Sunday School®


Abingdon Press 9781791028855 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $99.99 USD Other Merchandise Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Education REL091000

A flexible children's curriculum for multiple ages. We are bringing back beloved content for a 4th year of Celebrate Wonder with new features! This includes - an updated Leader Guide format with helpful tips and info to make leading easy for any volunteer; - a free seasonal event guide an community outreach ideas with each quarter; - printed color Take-Home pages for children (available for purchase); - Celebrate Wonder videos in a variety of formats (DVD included in kit and sold separately, available on Amplify, and video files included with digital kit); - new engaging trivia videos for each session. . Celebrate Wonder All Ages makes it easy for ministry to happen with children and families no matter the setting. Whether you're meeting in person in one room, sending materials home for families to use together, offering a large group opening and small groups in person or virtually, or hosting an intergenerational gathering for your whole church, this will work for you! Celebrate Wonder All Ages Kit contains a Leader Guide; Reproducible Kids’ Book (96 pages of activities tailored to ...

18 in H | 15 in W | 1.8 lb Wt


Celebrate Wonder All Ages Fall 2023 Leader Guide Includes One Room Sunday School®


Abingdon Press 9781791028879 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $26.99 USD Paperback

A flexible children's curriculum for multiple ages. Celebrate Wonder All Ages makes it easy for ministry to happen with children and families no matter the setting. Whether you're meeting in person in one room, sending materials home for families to use together, offering a large group opening and small groups in person or virtually, or hosting an intergenerational gathering for your whole church, this will work for you! This includes - an updated Leader Guide format with helpful tips and info to make leading easy for any volunteer; - a free seasonal event guide an community outreach ideas with each quarter; - printed color Take-Home pages for children (available for purchase); - Celebrate Wonder videos in a variety of formats (DVD included in kit and sold separately, available on Amplify, and video files included with digital kit); - new engaging trivia videos for each session. Celebrate Wonder All Ages makes it easy for ministry to happen with children and families no matter the setting. Whether you're meeting in person in one room, sending materials home for families to use togeth...

128 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Education REL091000 11 in H | 8.5 in W | 0.3 lb Wt


Abingdon Press fall 23 a - May 2023

Page 2


Celebrate Wonder All Ages Fall 2023 DVD Includes One Room Sunday School®


Cokesbury 9781791028893 Pub Date: 7/11/23 $34.99 USD DVD Video / NTSC

A flexible children's curriculum for multiple ages. We are bringing back beloved content for a 4th year of Celebrate Wonder with new features! This includes - an updated Leader Guide format with helpful tips and info to make leading easy for any volunteer; - a free seasonal event guide an community outreach ideas with each quarter; - printed color Take-Home pages for children (available for purchase); - Celebrate Wonder videos in a variety of formats (DVD included in kit and sold separately, available on Amplify, and video files included with digital kit); - new engaging trivia videos for each session. Celebrate Wonder All Ages makes it easy for ministry to happen with children and families no matter the setting. Whether you're meeting in person in one room, sending materials home for families to use together, offering a large group opening and small groups in person or virtually, or hosting an intergenerational gathering for your whole church, this will work for you! A fun addition to your weekly lessons! The Celebrate Wonder DVD features a child host who will engage children throug...

Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Christian Education REL091000


Abingdon Press fall 23 a - May 2023

Page 3



A Quiet Mind to Suffer With – Mental Illness, Trauma, and the Death of Christ John Bryant

— THE BOOK POWERFULLY ILLUSTRATES JESUS’ MERCY TO US. HE IS NOT ASHAMED OF OUR PAST OR OUR MEMORIES. HE IS THERE WITH US! KNOWING THAT JESUS IS PRESENT WITH US IN OUR BEST AND WORST MOMENTS BRINGS HEALING. We cannot answer suffering. And yet suffering demands an answer. Otherwise, our world is meaningless and intolerable: all is lost, nothing is safe, and we don’t matter. SPCK – Lexham Press 9781683597049 Pub Date: 9/13/23 Paperback 264 Pages Carton Qty: 0 0.3 in H | 0.2 in W


If Jesus is the answer to suffering, what kind of answer is Jesus? Everything that could be taken from a person was taken from him. The worst things a person could be made to see and feel were seen and felt by Christ. All this came to a point in the nails driven into his hands and became a word that cannot be unspoken—his body broken and his blood poured out for us. Suffering has been made holy by Christ’s proximity to it. This is the story of Christ’s nearness to my own suffering—my mental breakdown, my journey to the psych ward, my long, slow, painful recovery—and how Christ will use even our agony and despair to turn us into servants and guests of the mercy offered in his gospel.

Finding Assurance with Thomas Goodwin Andrew S. Ballitch


SPCK – Lexham Press 9781683597223 Pub Date: 8/16/23 Paperback

In Finding Assurance with Thomas Goodwin, Andrew S. Ballitch explores how deeply the doctrine of assurance of faith impacted Goodwin’s life and how Christians can learn from him today. Doubt is a common Christian experience, and assurance of faith is a universal Christian desire. The Puritans were acutely aware of this reality—none more than Thomas Goodwin (1600–1680). Goodwin wrestled with doubt for seven years after his conversion. When assurance came, it was with joy and confidence that Christ was for him personally. His confidence fueled a life of holiness, service, and perseverance. Ballitch highlights how Goodwin’s life informed his theology and vice versa, so that readers can experience for themselves the joys of assurance.

168 Pages Carton Qty: 0 0.3 in H | 0.2 in W


Lexham Press fall 23 a - May 2023

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The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism – A Guide to the Ten Commandments, the Apostles` Creed, and the Lord`s Prayer Peter J. Leithart, Ben Myers, Wesley Hill



The ancient catechism has sustained and nurtured every generation of Christians. The catechism—the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer— directs our love, faith, and hope. The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism opens up the meaning of our faith and gives us words to offer back to God. In addition to featuring guides to the catechism from Ben Myers, Wesley Hill, and Peter J. Leithart, the book includes an order of prayer and twenty-four prayers based on the catechism. The Collected Christian Essentials is perfect for church use, small groups, or personal and family devotions.

Church Music – For the Care of Souls Phillip Magness, Harold L. Senkbeil


SPCK – Lexham Press 9781683597100 Pub Date: 10/25/23 Hardcover

Music is central to the life of the church. In Church Music: For the Care of Souls, Phillip Magness helps the church to recover the primary instrument in worship: congregational voices. With voices raised, we sing praises to our God and King for his Son Jesus Christ. Singing calls for a special kind of leadership—not only on the part of musicians, but also among pastors and lay leaders. Together, leaders can help congregations find their voice and reclaim the power of music for the care of souls.

280 Pages Carton Qty: 0 0.3 in H | 0.2 in W


Lexham Press fall 23 a - May 2023

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The Lord Jesus Christ – The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ Brandon D. Crowe, John Mcclean, Murray J. Smith


SPCK – Lexham Press 9781683597162 Pub Date: 9/27/23 Hardcover 400 Pages Carton Qty: 0 0.4 in H | 0.2 in W


Jesus is the divine Son of God who has taken on human nature in the incarnation. And as prophet, priest, and king, he leads his people in a new exodus. In The Lord Jesus Christ, Brandon D. Crowe reflects on Christ’s person and work. Crowe traces christological concerns throughout the Old and New Testaments and church history and then presents systematic and practical implications. Through a combination of biblical, historical, and theological study, Crowe provides a fresh and robust statement of who Christ is and what he has done. Written from a confessionally Reformed perspective in dialogue with the great creeds of the church, The Lord Jesus Christ provides a thorough and trustworthy guide to understanding Jesus and his salvific work.

Christ the Center How the Rule of Faith, the Nomina Sacra, and Numerical Patterns Shape the Canon Tomas Bokedal

Summary Scripture is a beautiful mosaic of Christ.

Lexham Academic 9781683596301 Pub Date: 6/14/23 $32.99 USD Trade Paperback 360 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation REL006100

The earliest Christians expressed their faith with creativity through symbols and summaries. In Christ the Center, Tomas Bokedal explores the relationship of the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns with Scripture. The nomina sacra�scribal reverence for divine names within Scripture�displays remarkable intentionality and theological reflection. The nomina sacra in turn directed the emerging rule of faith. These scribal practices reveal early devotional and theological preoccupation and guided the text's shape and interpretation in the early centuries after Christ.

Christ the Center showcases early Christian reverence for Scripture�and especially for the One of whom Scripture speaks.

0.3 in H | 0.2 in W


Lexham Press fall 23 a - May 2023

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Charged with the Glory of God Yahweh, the Servant, and the Earth in Isaiah 40:55 Caroline Batchelder, Andrew Sloane

Summary Isaiah's servant songs reveal a true and better Adam In Charged with the Glory of God, Caroline Batchelder provides a synchronic, theological, and canonical reading of the four Servant Songs in Isaiah (42:1�9; 49:1�13; 50:3�11; 52:13�53:12), showing how they relate to one another and the message of the prophetic book.

Lexham Academic 9781683594093 Pub Date: 7/26/23 $29.99 USD Trade Paperback 420 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Religion / Biblical Studies REL006730 Series: Studies in Scripture and Biblical Theology

Reading Isaiah as a compositional unity in conversation with other texts such as Genesis results in a coherent presentation of the mysterious servant. The polemic against idolatry reveals rebellious Israel to be false imagers of God. In contrast, Isaiah's servant is an ideal embodiment of Yahweh's image and likeness. Thus, the servant is a paradigm for those who wish to recapture and realize God's good creation purposes for all humanity. The servant poems are not only a call to reorient oneself as a servant towards God and his creation, but also a map and means for doing so. In this study, Batchelder offers fresh insights from Isaiah for understanding God's true image and its idolatrous counterfeits.

0.4 in H | 0.2 in W


The Power of Revival – Martyn Lloyd–Jones, Baptism in the Spirit, and Preaching on Fire Dongjin Park


SPCK – Lexham Press 9781683597261 Pub Date: 11/8/23 Paperback 264 Pages Carton Qty: 0 0.4 in H | 0.2 in W


The Welsh minister Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) was one of the most influential preachers of the twentieth century. His preaching was grounded in his view on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but his pneumatology is often seen as a departure from his Reformed heritage. In The Power of Revival, Dongjin Park explores how Lloyd-Jones’s preaching was kindled by his distinctly Reformed view of Spirit baptism. By tracing Lloyd-Jones’s writings and sources, Park shows how Lloyd-Jones’s theology of Spirit baptism was less an embrace of charismatic and Pentecostal theology than a reappropriation of Puritan emphasis on experiential faith. Lloyd-Jones’s revivalistic urgency, fueled by the Spirit’s power to ignite preaching and holy living, found its spark in Calvinistic revivalism. The Power of Revival sheds light on Lloyd-Jones and Reformed theology and encourages readers to follow his example of relying on the Spirit.

Lexham Press fall 23 a - May 2023

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NOT YOUR ROMEO & JULIET Retail: $14.99 ISBN: 9781563710575 Speedy: 276350 Genre: Romance / Comedy Audience: Family Run Time: 70 Minutes Release: June 2023

Starring Cast: Ashley Butler, Diandre Salle Cahall, Ben Jeffers, Jordan Bryant, Catherine Gaffney Full Synopsis: With a wildly popular romance column and a soul-mate relationship, college student Micki has figured out love –until a competing, anti-romance column rivals hers for the hearts and minds of campus. The columnist - “Not Your Romeo” – is also competing with Micki for a grad school scholarship, and the two must publicly debate on the merits of romance to determine who walks away with the award. As Micki prepares for the debate, her rivalry takes its toll on her friendships and family and even risks breaking her up with her nearly perfect boyfriend. Will Micki’s efforts to defend romance ruin all the love in her life? It’s love and war, as Micki is determined to take down “Not Your Romeo” even if it destroys them both.

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