Holiday Catalog
100 Years Experience in the Floral Greens Industry
Table of Contents Deluxe Specialty Wreaths ..................................4-7 Candle Wreaths ..............................................6-7 Holly Wreaths ....................................................8 Door Garland and Door Swags ............................9 Mantelpieces...............................................10-11 Garlands ....................................................10-11 Red Huckleberry Wreaths...................................12 Red Huckleberry Garland...................................13 More Holiday Favorites......................................14 Evergreen Sleeved Bouquets ...............................15
1-800-733-9734 • 2
1 0 0 Y e a r s Ex p e r i e n c e i n t h e Floral Greens Industry!
inihanian Floral Products, Inc. is a 4th generation family owned and operated company with over 100 years of experience in the floral and greens industry. This catalog shows just a few of our many Holiday products, most of which are available in a wide variety of sizes. Our current Price List contains complete product descriptions, ordering information and applicable pricing.
We are one of only a few producers in the industry currently making all products by hand to uphold the quality of the greens, ensure durability and provide the utmost fullness in the final product. All our products are made with the freshest greens from the Pacific Northwest. Noble fir is cut daily from high elevation fir trees which gives it the much sought after lush blue-green color, aromatic evergreen fragrance and maximum life span. Our hybrid holly has been developed over the years and is still grown and cut on our local farms. Our most popular wreaths are made on state-of-the-art, no rust, post-consumer plastic wreath frames manufactured only by Dinihanians. In addition to our full line of holiday evergreen and handmade products, we have a spectacular line of consumer ready products. Throughout the year, we carry florist greens, flowering branches, specialty cut flowers, such as lilac, peonies and viburnum, along with fresh and dried hydrangeas, curly willow, pussy willows, and more. Call for an availability list! We take pride in supplying the highest quality products at fair market prices, and we look forward to doing business with you. You will always receive prompt, friendly service, and we are dedicated to your satisfaction. Sincerely,
DINIHANIAN FLORAL PRODUCTS, INC. State-of-the-art cooler facility
Vahan M. Dinihanian Jr., President Lillian R. Logan, Vice President
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Deluxe Specialty Wreaths
oble fir is cut daily from high elevation fir trees which gives it the much sought after lush bluegreen color, aromatic evergreen fragrance and maximum life span.
Royal Fruit Wreath Noble Fir, Green Boxwood, Salal, Incense Cedar, Ponderosa Pine Cones, Red Canella Berries and Apples FRU-WRE-014
Grand Estate Wreath
Multi-Cone Canella Berry Wreath
Noble Fir, Blue-berried Juniper, Cedar, Ponderosa Pine Cones, Holly, Varigated Boxwood with Red and Yellow Berries
Noble Fir, Blue-berried Juniper, Incense Cedar, Red Canella Berries, and an Abundance of Ponderosa Pine Cones
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Deluxe Specialty Wreaths Classic Holiday Wreath Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, Incense Cedar, Holly, Clusters of Ponderosa Pine Cones with Red Berries CHW-RED-014
Classic Holiday Wreath Multi-Cone Pepper Berry Wreath Noble Fir, Blue-berried Juniper, Pepper Berries and an abundance of Ponderosa Pine Cones MCW-PBR-014
Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, Incense Cedar, Holly, Clusters of Ponderosa Pine Cones with Red and Yellow Berries CHW-R/Y-014
Deluxe Multi-Cone Wreath Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, Incense Cedar, and Ponderosa Pine Cones MCW-MIX-014
Orange Fruit Wreath Noble Fir, Blue-berried Juniper, Oranges, Quince, Ti Tree, Clusters of White Berries, and Ponderosa Pine Cones ORA-WRE-014
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Deluxe Specialty Wreaths Holiday Masterpiece
Holiday Masterpiece
Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, Holly, Variegated Boxwood, Clusters of Ponderosa Pine Cones with Red Berries
Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, Holly, Variegated Boxwood, Clusters of Ponderosa Pine Cones with Red and Yellow Berries
Candle Wreaths Traditional Candle Wreath
Deluxe Candle Wreath
Noble Fir and Blueberried an Juniper with Red Berries
Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, and Variegated Boxwood with Red Berries
Traditional Candle Wreath
Deluxe Candle Wreath
Noble Fir and Blue-berried Juniper with Red and Yellow Berries
Noble Fir, Blueberried Juniper, and Variegated Boxwood with Red and Yellow Berries
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Deluxe Specialty Wreaths Juniper Pepper Berry Wreath
Noble Fir and Juniper Wreath
Blue-berried Juniper and Pepper Berries
Noble Fir and Blueberried Juniper with 3 sets of Ponderosa Pine Cones
Candle Wreaths Deluxe Candle Wreath Pack with Red (R07) or Red and Yellow (RY7) Berries, Candle and Gift Box DCW-PAK-R07 DCW-PAK-RY7
Deluxe Fruit Candle Wreath Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar with Apple Clusters, Canella Berries and Lodgepole Cones FCW-CAN-007
Deluxe Fruit Candle Wreath Pack
Traditional Candle Wreath Pack with Red (R07) or Red and Yellow (RY7) Berries, Candle and Gift Box CWR-PAK-R07 CWR-PAK-RY7
with Candle and Gift Box FCW-PAK-007
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Holly Wreaths
ver 100 years ago, in the 1880's, our great grandfather Gustav Teufel arrived in the Pacific Northwest from his native country of Germany. He began a landscape business in Portland, Oregon. Through his landscape business, he was able to propagate select holly plants from the cuttings off holly trees. He was the first to begin growing holly commercially here in the Northwest. Our hybrid developed over the years and is still grown and cut on our local farms. Green Holly Wreath with Red Berries GHW-RED-014
Green Holly Wreath with Double Red and Yellow Berries GHW-DRY-014
Green and Variegated Holly Wreath with Double Red Berries GVW-DRB-014
Green Holly Wreath with Double Red Berries GHW-DRB-014
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Door Garland & Swags
Evergreen Cross Noble Fir, Incense Cedar, Blueberried Juniper and 3 Ponderosa Pine Cones CRS-STD-024
Door Swag Noble Fir, Cedar, Blue-berried Juniper, Ponderosa Pine Cones and Green Holly
Door Garland
Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar, Blue-berried Juniper, 3 Clusters of Ponderosa Pine Cones and Red Berries DOR-GAR-R16
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Mantelpiece with Apples and Red Canella Berries MTL-FRU-004
Mantelpiece with Red Berries MTL-RED-004
Garlands Heavy Mixed Garland
Heavy Noble Fir Garland
Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar and Blue-berried Juniper
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Mantelpiece with Ti Tree and Oranges MTL-ORA-004
Mantelpiece with Red Canella Berries MTL-CAN-004
Mantelpiece with Red and Yellow Berries MTL-R/Y-004
Garlands Juniper Garland (Value) JUN-VAL-025
Heavy Western Red Cedar Garland CED-HVY-025
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Red Huckleberry Wreaths Red Huckleberry Wreath RHB-STD-014
Red Huckleberry Wreath with Red Berries RHB-RED-014
Red Huckleberry Wreath
Red Huckleberry Wreath
with Blue-berried Juniper and Red Berries
with Noble Fir, and Red Berries
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Red Huckleberry Garland
Red Huckleberry Garland RHB-GAR-025
Red Huckleberry with Western Red Cedar RHB-CED-025
Red Huckleberry with Blue-berried Juniper
Red Huckleberry with Noble Fir
*All are available with Red Berries*
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M o r e H o l i d a y Fa v o r i t e s
3 Cedar Bunch Port Orford, Western Red and Incense Cedar CED-BUN-02#
Noel Wreath Noble Fir and Blue-berried Juniper with Red and Yellow Berries ECN-R/Y-010
Noel Wreath
Red Canella Berry Centerpiece
Noble Fir and Blue-berried Juniper with Red Berries
Noble Fir, Incense Cedar, White Pine, 3 White Pine Cones, Red Canella Berries and 3 Red Taper Candles made in Floral Foam
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Evergreen Sleaved Bouquets Mixed Evergreen Sleeved Bouguets: Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar and Blue-berried Juniper
Mixed Evergreen Sleeved Bouquet
Mixed Evergreen Sleeved Bouquet
with Variegated Boxwood
with Red Huckleberry
Mixed Evergreen Sleeved Bouquet
Mixed Evergreen Sleeved Bouquet
with Green Huckleberry MEB-GHB-020
with Mahonia MEB-MAH-020
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15005 N.W. Cornell Rd. • Beaverton, OR 97006 1-800-733-9734 • Oregon (503) 645-1546 • Fax (503) 645-0635 • EMAIL: