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January 20,21 2006

Over 120 Informative Workshops

Hear From World Leaders

Steve Saint & Mincaye Son of martyred pilot, Nate Saint; Author, Speaker, and Founder of I-Tec: developing technologies for indigenous peoples. Mincaye, Waodani tribesman led 1956 spearing raid of 5 missionaries

Over 60 Mission Exhibits and Resources

Randy Alcorn Internationally known author & speaker. Founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM)

Justin Speerstra Frontier church planter among unreached peoples

Thursday, Janu Hope 7:00 PM @ New

Conference program will be inserted into the January edition of the

Se Stevens Rd

R! PRAYE ary 29th

Clackamas Town Center

NEW HOPE Community Church


-Event Join Us For Pre

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Hosted this year by







11731 SE Stevens Rd., Portland, 97266

Se Sunnyside Rd Clackamas Promenade

Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Ctr.

Broadcasting live both days at the conference

For more information Or contact us at: PO Box 16971 • Portland, OR 97292 • 503-924-3824

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Partner SM

"WHATEVER IT TAKES" FOR THE TAKING... Bill MacLeod, Chairman, Missions Fest Northwest


years ago 5 men - Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, and Roger Youderian persevered to bring the gospel to an unreached people group in Ecuador. Besides the many years each had invested to prepare himself for that moment; courage and compassion compelled them to dare to make contact with the feared Aucas. The gospel eventually transformed the entire tribe and their culture. Missions Fest Northwest 2006 is as much a tribute to the legacy of these five men as it is a demonstration of what opportunities are available to us today - even as you enter by way of the "powered parachute" indigenous peoples now use to bless those they once killed! Plenary session speakers include: • "Mission Macgyver" Steve Saint and the technology his organization, "I-Tec", is developing; • "Grampa" Mincaye who has taken the place of Steve’s own father, Nate, whose life Mincaye took with a spear as a young man; • Eternal Perspectives Ministries Director and author, Randy Alcorn • Veteran missionary: Justin Speerstra working among unreached peoples. As we extend our welcome in Portland, the featurelength film, The End of the Spear, detailing the 5 Martyrs’ story as seen through the eyes of the now Waodani tribe – is opening in theatres nationwide. In addition, we offer, free for the taking… • A City-Wide Prayer dedication the Thursday evening before @ 7:00pm! • An All Day Training Intensive for church mission leaders on Friday @ 9:00am! • More Workshops (125), Presenters (109), and Missionary Exhibits (68) than ever before! • The unveiling of a new approach to Business as Missions through the "MSO 9000" emphasis! May the Lord of the Harvest allow us to declare, with no strings attached, "Whatever it takes" Lord, I’m yours for the taking."

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Keynote Speakers: Steve Saint & Mincaye

Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM). Prior to 1990, when he started EPM, he served as a pastor for fourteen years. He has spoken around the world and has taught on the adjunct faculties of Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.

Steve was born and raised in Ecuador where his parents were missionaries. His father, Nate Saint, was the “Jungle Pilot” who was one of five young men killed in 1956 by the Waodani Indians (known as Aucas) whom they were trying to reach with the Gospel. He grew up knowing the men who had killed his father and came to love them, to regard them as family, to be baptized by their hands, and to be embraced as a son.

Justin Speerstra Born and raised in Portland, Justin’s heart for the world was developed through shortterm trips in Latin America. Justin, along with his wife and two children, joined a church planting team in North Africa where they have been for just under two years. Justin’s heart is to see God’s name glorified through the establishment of indigenous, reproducing churches in parts of the world where there is little or no Christian witness.



Join Us For Pre-Event



Thursday, January 29th 7:00 PM @ New Hope

FRIDAY January 20t h 9:00 - 4:00 p m

Mission Lead e Doors Open r Training Intensive* Worshop I Plenary 1 Auditorium

4:00 pm 5:30 - 6:30 p m 7:00 - 9:00 p m

SATURDAY January 22nd 8:00 am 9:00 -10:30 am 11:00 - 12:0 0 12:30 pm - 1 :30 pm 2:00 pm - 3:3 4:00 pm to 5 0pm :0 5:30 pm to 6 0 pm :30 pm

Doors Open Plenary 2 Worshop II Worshop II I Plenary 3 Worshop IV Worshop V

* All day www.missiwoorkshop, register on li ne (See page 1at 7) Broadcasting liv e both days at the co nference

Auditorium Auditorium A PRAYER ROOM (RM 125) will be available for intercession throughout the course of the conference. Ask at the Information Booth for details.

Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to

Missions Fest Northwest exists to cause a radical awakening to God’s call for believers to fulfill the Great Commission!

EXHIBIT THE W sources e R & s y a l p s i Mission D See Page 15 ORLD ON

orkshops! Over 125 Informative beW lieve we have

ops, you better With over 125 Worksh e! Whether you are 11 or 111, a on at least one something for every n or woman....there is pastor or layperson, mau. Session God has for yo over 60 agenspeakers representing We have 75 missions rience to present key insights on miscies with global expe m a wide spectrum of subjects You will walk sions today. Choose fro fresh from the field. taught by individuals d has a whole host of opportunities away knowing that Go in missions. for you to serve Him

See Pages 9-12

Featured Artists: January 26-27, 2007

THIS YEAR'S WORSHIP BAND represents what Missions Fest Northwest is all about. This group of outstanding musicians represent three different churches. Travis Vice who plays guitar is the worship leader at • The Well. Ed Baker (drums) and Steve Zieglar (bass) have • been playing together since the 80's and attend Good

Jesse and Zac Gardner are two brothers from Zig Zag, Oregon. Jesse, aka e-mayjn, a student at Portland Bible College. Zac is currently a student at the Mt. Hood Community College. Both brothers see hip hop music as an art form to effectively communicate the reality of God to this generation.

Shepherd Community Church. Brumbelow (Keyboards) attends Apostolic • Caleb Christian Church. They played together at the "Spirit on the Mountain" music festival last May. All have been on Short term missions trips and have a heart to do whatever it takes to take Jesus to the world.

RESCUE, a national recording

In unity, RESCUE exists to bring people to a relationship with Christ, and encourage believers through relevant biblical principles, through music that unites all ages, in order to magnify the name of the Lord.

group draws listeners of all ages with their fresh and exciting sound. Their unique, captivating and contemporary acappella style brings people into a worshipful and entertaining arena.

Featured Speakers & Artists: Bert & Colleen Elliot. With 56 years of missionary experience, Bert and Colleen use medical/dental skills and preaching to reach many isolated jungle villages along the Richard & Katherine Twiss Richard is a member of the Rosebud Lakota/Sioux Tribe and is a Tribal Dance Artist. He and his wife Katherine are cofounders of Wiconi International and committed

tributaries of the Amazon River to plant small churches and disciple believers. Eventually, their work expanded to the Andes and the coast where they now minister in a local church, a Christian school, prisons, drug rehab facilities, encouraging national believers across Peru. to seeing indigenous people emerge into a powerful place of ministry in reconciliation and world missions.

Missions Fest Northwest is all about the “Great Commission”.


If your church does not have its own mission conference, or even if it does, take advantage of all that Missions Fest Northwest puts at your disposal for a fraction of the cost: • international speakers • international worship opportunities

During Missions Fest Northwest, people of all ages come together to participate in a variety of missions related experiences: Numerous missions agencies set up exhibits providing information about work being done in countries around the world; Keynote addresses are given by world class speakers; workshops are given on a wide variety of topics ranging from visionary and inspirational to very practical.

• educational seminars about the state of Christianity in the world today, both for adults and youth, equipping the local church for global impact • displays and information about mission organizations

ponsored by northwest area churches, it is a two day event challenging the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. Its three-fold purpose is to inform, celebrate, and challenge people of all ages to get involved in missions by sending, praying, giving and going.


Missions Fest Northwest is an Oregon nonprofit corporation with IRC 501(c)(3) status. Donations to Missions Fest Northwest may be deductible for tax purposes. Consult your tax advisor. The words "Missions Fest Northwest" and the logo design are service marks owned by Missions Fest Northwest.

Location: Sunset Presbyterian Church Plenary Speakers: SM

Rev. Ted Haggard, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO; President, National Association of Evangelicals Paul Borthwick, Author, and Senior Consultant for Development Associates International Floyd McClung Jr. senior pastor of Metro Christian Fellowship, Kansas City, MO, and the international director of All Nations Family



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his is a dynamic course where you will discover what God is doing around the world and consider your part in His purposes. PERSPECTIVES is offered in over 150 locations across the nation and around the world. Please visit our table to learn more about the 6 Portland area classes that begin in January 2006, or visit

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Welcome to New Hope! Ray Cotton Senior Pastor, New Hope Community Church


he New Hope Church family is honored to partner with Missions Fest Northwest and the many churches and mission’s organizations that have teamed together to better serve God globally. I want to extend a warm welcome to you and to let you know we consider it a privilege to host you on our campus. This past year has been an incredible year of crisis and opportunity around our world

like we have never seen before. The level of natural disasters that we have experienced has happened at an unprecedented and alarming level. The sum total of all these events, even to the casual observer, seems more than mere coincidence. To those who are spiritually apprised, we must be discerning of the times and the seasons that we now find ourselves confronted with. Jesus said. “When it is evening, you say ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.” And in the morning, ‘There will

be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?” God is opening doors that previously were shut tight. In the midst of chaos and crisis God is giving new opportunities. This week we have come together to celebrate and cooperate in what God is presently doing and where He is shifting us for the future to accomplish His work. In the midst of rapid change and movement, let us be sensitive to

the Spirit’s voice to perceive how God would have us to respond. I sense that this week will not be “business as usual.” How exciting to think of the new things that God wants to birth; and fresh new direction, right here, right now, even as we gather. As we anticipate these days of final harvest, let’s eagerly respond together. “WHATEVER IT TAKES!”

Sharing a Missional Heart Steve Patty, Ph.D., Pastor, Pearl Church Professor of Youth and Educational Ministries, Multnomah Bible College


he world in which we live is fascinating, populated by all kinds of people at all different stages of life in all kinds of cultural contexts. The world in which we live is also fractured, hurting, lost, and in deep need of the saving grace of God through Christ. We see it right here in our city— so many needs among so many different kinds of people. Multiply that times cultures and contexts vastly more multidimensional than ours and we see a world full of created beings living in desperate distance from their Creator. The church, in order to truly be the people of God, must gain the heart of God for these people. And the people of the church, in order to truly express their faith, must somehow get involved in introducing people from every culture and every walk of life to the One for whom they were designed. We must join in the mission of God. During the ministry of Christ, the only reference to Jesus being “full of joy” was when his disciples returned from their first ministry trip (Luke 10). Sharing the redemptive heart of God, and doing something about it in practical, ministry-oriented ways gives the Lord great joy. Sharing the missional heart of God makes a difference. May God use Missions Fest Northwest to help us in the church to do this better.

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Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to





Build Upon, Accept, Respond, Rise Up! Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Senior Pastor Maranatha Church


ission is at the heart of God! People need to hear the Gospel message and as Paul states, “… how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15). “Unless they are sent?” We have been sent and commissioned by Jesus who said, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.” (John 20:21) Understanding the mission of saving souls for the kingdom of God and our commission from Jesus, do you hear the challenge to respond? The African-American Church has a unique historical foundation in

missions beginning in the 18th century, more likely before, and continuing today. In spite of social issues and societal mores, some African-American churches are making significant contributions in missions, the need is still great. My challenge to our African-American churches is to build upon our historical mission foundation, accept the call to missions and respond with positive action. “The AfricanAmerican church must walk in obedience to the Biblical mandate to fulfill the Great Commission”, states Vaughn Walston. In spite of the societal ills of today, the African-American church must once again rise to the challenge of being “gospelizers.” Dr. Walter A. McCray defines this as “God-sent messengers whose holistic witness brings the good news of Christ’s

presence and redeeming mission to humanity.” The need is one of urgency and an urgent need compels one to immediate action, attention or response. The need is urgent because: People are dying needing a Savior People are sending us a Macedonian call People are waiting for us to be, to do, and not just to say It is our calling and purpose For all of these reasons and more – African-American churches, rise up and once again take your place in the sphere of missions – you are vitally needed. Will you accept the challenge? Come to Mission Fest Northwest and be charged – be challenged – be changed – be sent! Remember, whatever it takes.

The Flame Still Burns Gilbert Gleason Pastor, Grace Bible Fellowship


ifty years ago the flame of missions was ignited for an entire generation as people responded to the news of five missionaries who sacrificed their lives to take the gospel to an unreached tribe in the jungle of Ecuador. When Grace Bible Fellowship of Portland sent Jim Elliot out as a missionary in 1952, they had no idea the impact his life and death would have on the Christian/evangelical community/world. They were simply being obedient to God’s command for the church to send workers to a field that was ripe for harvest. This one event ignited a flame that still burns bright today.

Missions Fest Northwest celebrates how God used the martyrdom of those five young men to bring many into His kingdom. Three years before sending Jim to Ecuador, Grace Bible Fellowship commissioned his older brother and sister-in-law, Bert and Colleen Elliot, to serve the Lord in Peru. For the past fifty-six years, they have left an indelible imprint for Christ on the Peruvians. Beginning in the jungle and then expanding their ministry to the high Andes and now on the coast, they have seen more than 120 churches begun as an outgrowth of their ministry. Today, there is a network of churches across Peru who have a passion for evangelism and starting new churches. Last year’s Missions Fest Northwest spurred our church to send another team to minister

with Bert and Colleen and their co-workers in Peru this past summer, presenting dramas in the town square, tutoring English in their Christian school, giving testimonies at a drug rehab house and women’s prison, and working alongside Peruvian believers. Missions Fest Northwest helped to motivate our team and gave us practical insights in putting this trip together. We are delighted that Bert and Colleen Elliot will be special guests at Missions Fest Northwest, having just participated in a time of remembrance at “Palm Beach”, the site on the Curaray River in Ecuador where the missionaries were killed. Come and meet these humble servants of God.

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Marketplace Sensitive Organizations (MSO9000)


arketplace Sensitive Organizations (MSO9000) is a new pilot project introduced by Missions Fest Northwest to identify those ministry organizations which have a practice of receiving innovative and entrepreneurial ideas from business owners and workplace leaders. In order for an organization to meet this MSO9000 standard, the following two mobilization/recruitment practices must be part of the organization's normal operating procedure: • A full time contact person who is experienced in working with marketplace leaders. This person provides both evaluation, coaching and follow-through on new initiatives.

• A short term missions visitation program which can be customized to the interests/proposals of the marketplace leader. Overall, the MSO9000 standard means that a ministry organization has an established pattern of being receptive to innovative projects/programs from marketplace leaders and has the capability of mobilizing its organizational leaders to consider and follow through with those proposals which appear appropriate for its mission and purpose. To identify those organizations which comply with the standard, please look for agencies displaying the big, red banner:

For additional information concerning whether a ministry or organization fits the parameters set out by the "MSO9000" designation, please attend the "Marketplace Business Sensitive Organizations for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs" Workshop, Session I, Friday, 5:30-6:30pm; Room #113 led by John Bradley. Further information can be gleaned by stopping by the Finishers Project, Booth Exhibit #20.


Marketplace Sensitive Organizations

Leadership Training Intensive An all day dynamic workshop to give church mission leaders new ideas to make their church more effective for missions


issions Fest Northwest is more than an annual event. One of the key goals of the organization is to resource missions leadership in the local church throughout the year. As an organization networked to key mission educators and specialists, we have the opportunity to ignite and resource the mission passion of Northwest churches through those who serve their churches in missions. One such opportunity will be held at New Hope Community Church on Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:00am to 4:00pm, just before the doors open for Missions Fest that evening. The Mission Leadership Intensive is designed especially for mission leaders and activists to lead their church-

Missions Strategy Your Next Step Towards



January 20, 2006

New Hope Community Church in Clackamas, OR.

All Day s e d u l c In unch L , p o h s Work ials & Mater

A day of training to enable you to take the next step in your mission strategy or get started on the road to missions effectiveness. Workshop Conducted by:

Register online today at

es in strategic and effective mission efforts. The key facilitator for this Intensive will be Bruce Camp, nationally known missions pastor, educator, mission strategist and president of DualReach. Joining Bruce will be a number of local missions facilitators including Rick Calenberg, Northwest Regional Director of SIM, Orin Kidd, missions pastor at Grace Bible Church of Tangent, OR, Doug Hazen, Church Connections Director for WorldVenture (formerly CBInternational), and Tim Feaver and David Bilby of ACMC (Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment). In a dynamic and interactive workshop, Bruce and his team will be addressing a number of issues relevant to a local church's involvement in missions. Topics include a Biblical basis for missions, key elements of vision and strategy for the local church, the role of the church in mobilization, missionary care, and financing missions in the local church. A significant part of the workshop will be breakouts to discuss application of the material into one's individual context. Registration information is on the Missions Fest website ( under training signup, or you can contact Doug Hazen at Cost is $50 per person and a box lunch is provided. Registration is limited to 50 people. Participants will leave with new ideas for how their church can be effective for missions as well as network resources for follow up.

Space is limited to the first 50 registrations. Page 6

Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to


Over 125 Informative Worshops! With over 125 Worshops, you better believe we have something for everyone! Whether you are 11 or 111, a pastor or layperson, man or woman....there is at least one Session God has for you. Track Name Finishers Room #117

Workshop I

Workshop II

Workshop III

Workshop IV

Workshop V

FRIDAY 5:30-6:30 PM


SATURDAY 12:30-1:30PM

SATURDAY 4:00-5:00 PM

SATURDAY 5:30-6:30 PM

Using Your Secular Training in Missions – Do I have the needed skills? (BRAD BEN-

From Here to There (DON &

Range of Opportunities in Missions Panel (NELSON MALWITZ) Your skills and talents offered to Jesus can be used in missions.

Finishers Room #115

Business as Mission Room #113

Giving Room #116

SON) Wondering how you use your skills to serve in missions? Find out how your life experience and work skills might fit.

My Significance As A Female Finisher: For Married and Single Women

Finding Your Calling — Your Optimum Role for Service (JOHN BRADLEY): How

(ELE PARROTT) How has God been preparing me? What do I have to offer?

do we determine God’s calling without the bias of our current occupation? Make a significant impact with our life

Marketplace Sensitive Organizations for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

7 Models For Using Real Business Activity To Build the Kingdom (JOHN

(JOHN BRADLEY): Opportunities in the for-profit commuinty

WARTON): Different ways believers with different skills and resources are getting involved in missions through business

Missions and Money: How Then Should We Give?

How a Christian Foundation can help you Give (TODD NEWELL) Explore

(JONATHAN MARTIN): A missionary and now pastor offers advice for the lay-person desirous to honor God with finances.

options a private community foundation gives a donor who wants to give wisely from legal, financial, as well as spiritual perspectives.

ELE PARROTT): This workshop will answer your questions and clarify the process of becoming involved in a missions ministry.

Half Time Process (NELSON MALWITZ): The journey from career success to a significant kingdom assignment.

Businessmen Reaching Businessmen — A Model For Missions In Corporate Asia (DRAKE SNODGRASS):

Overcoming Obstacles to Missions Involvement (RICK

God’s Ministry Call for the Family (LEN DAVIS) Steps to

& KATHY HICKS) Learn to get past obstacles and take the next steps towards missions.

help you determine the Lord’s direction for you and your family.

Developing a Ministry Support Team (LEN & IRMA

Preparation for CrossCultural Work (IKE AGAWIN):

DAVIS) Discover why you should have a support team and consider who should be on it.

This seminar explores the reasons why many cross-cultural workers leave the field prematurely and the best way to prepare for an effective ministry across cultures.

Creative Ideas For TaxAdvantage Giving

Starting a Business Development Group in Your Church (JOHN WARTON

(PAT GREEN): A lawyer’s perspectives on 30 years in Philanthropy.

How to set up and lead a short term mission experience that places American business leaders in front of Asia’s future business leaders.

A Panel of Experts Discuss Smart Stewardship (TODD NEWELL, PAT GREEN & JIM WHITE) Come for the type of advice you’d normally have to pay thousands for!

Essential Funding: Principles and Practices for Missions in the Local Church (TOM HORN) How can

& COLIN HART): A very practical method of engaging church members in business directly into missions.

How Does Finance Affect the Growth of the Church? (BRIAN THORSVIK) Case Studies From a Muslim Context

our church fund missions? A practical, down-to-earth workshop to teach you how to do it.

Integrating missions in the entire church (TOM HORN)

Connecting to the Field Requires (MIKE MCCLURE) Acts

Sister Church Partnership in Russia (JOHN BRUNTON)

How large churches mobilize members for Missions?

Raising Funds for Ministry — A Career Option (RON

Ever wish your church showed more interest in missions? You can help your church integrate missions into everything they do.

1:8 is revisited in light of today’s Church and today’s world.

Case Studies of American churches mobilizing through partnerships with Russian congregations will be discussed by a veteran leader.

(MONTE SCHMIDT) Ways churches with a variety of active ministries navigate through the challenges of engaging the body for missions.

FREY) Learn how God can use your talents to further God’s kingdom through a career in donor development.

Mobilizing Your Church

Festival of Hope: A New Model for Missions Weekends (SHARI MONSON)

Cultural Competency For Working With Hispanics Both Here and Abroad

Mobilizing for Missions Through Drama (JERRY LONG)

A Vision for Simple Church Planting Among Hispanics Here and Abroad (JORGE

Room #112

Learn what can happen when a church tries a new approach to doing missions - led by the creative director of the novel approach!

(DONNA OSORIO) What do you have to be good at if you want to succeed in reaching Hispanics for Christ - anywhere in the world?

The Real Secret to Success in Raising Funds for Your Mission or Personal Support (RON FREY) Learn

Mobilizing Your Church Room #114

A team-led interactive drama clinic with practical ideas on how to promote missions in the local church through theatre.

how to overcome the fear of asking, and who and how to ask.

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OSORIO AND GEOFF HARTT) Do you have a vision to reach Hispanics for Christ? Come find out how to turn vision into beginning.

Page 9

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Partner SM

Workshops Track Name Window on the World Room #111

Continued from page 9

Workshop I

Workshop II

Workshop III

Workshop IV

Workshop V

FRIDAY 5:30-6:30 PM


SATURDAY 12:30-1:30PM

SATURDAY 4:00-5:00 PM

SATURDAY 5:30-6:30 PM

Understanding Islam — How to Share Your Faith (BRIAN THORSVIK) Looking for a challenge? Learn how to present the gospel in a world where giving the 4 Spiritual Laws just won’t cut it!

Muslims of China

Introduction to Islam

(JONATHAN & JANIE MARTIN) Veteran missionaries to unreached peoples in China explain the unique challeges, opportunties, and enrichment this part of the world and its people offers.

(SAMUEL HAKIM) Essential background information on the basics of Islam - will focus on the formation, differences and development of Shia and Sunni Islamic doctrines, culture, Islam and Christianity.

Breakthroughs in Reaching Muslims in West Africa

The Challenge of Western Europe’s Mission Field

(RICK CALENBERG) Focuses on three unreached tribes in three countries of West Africa detailing effective methods of outreach and featuring field reports by a veteran missionary in West Africa.

(PETER MEAD) The continent that fills Christian history is hurting, but there is hope!

China and You in the 21st Century (ENOCH WAN) : The

Keep Your Eye on Central Asia (KEVIN & KELLY

Intentional Living in Ecuador (SHELLY VOLKHARDT)

Needs in France and Across Europe (TIM BOETTCHER) Riots

Window on the World

Diaspora Missiology: Case Studies of Jews, Chinese and Filipinos (ENOCH WAN)

Room #108

Facts, challenges, and opportunities in reaching diaspora Jews, Chinese, and Filipinos

Least You Can Do When Challenged By The Largest Mission Field of the World is consider these Practical ways to face the challenge of China as a mission field.

WILLIAMSON) Peer through the window to a part of the world few people get to visit - as seen through the eyes of veteran missionaries.

Veteran missionary and author of Holy Habits - a Woman’s Guide to Intentional Living shares spiritual principals drawn from her 20 years pf experince ministering in Ecuador with her husband.

in France. Uneasiness across Europe. This continent marked by Christianity for 2 centuries is now the new Dark Continent. Come hear how the church is growing in a hostile environment.

Window on the World

All For the Disection of Animism (NADIA CHANDLER)

Window on the World — Latvia (CHUCK KELLY) Of the

The Challenge of Western Europe’s Mission Field

Keys to Reaching Somalis in Africa and in America

Room #106

Come disect Animism, the worldview that shapes the lives of those who claim Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.

three Baltic State countries, what makes Latvia so unique - spiritually and otherwise? Come hear more from a real ethnic-background Latvian!

(PETER MEAD) The continent that fills Christian history is hurting, but there is hope!

(DOUG PERSON) Discover the common elements needed to reach these needy people, here or in their homeland.

Buddhism in Asia (JIM MORRIS) An overview of Buddhism will be given in the context of how to pray for and witness to Buddhists, here, or there..

Church Leadership

The Local Church As Sender (BOB WAGAR) Learn

Connecting the Local – Global Missons (ROGER

Church-Based Training for Mission (MIKEL NEUMANN)

Room #105

how a local church can take bitesize steps to take care of the total package - inspiring training, strategizing, sending, and overseeing the mission.

TRAUTMANN & JOHN BRANNER) Cultivating a both-and relationship in a missional church in the face of an either-or mentality. Discover natural and practical ways of developing a missional church.

How can a church best prepare their people - and their future missionaries - for effective service?

How to Make Your Ministry Culturally Relevant (MIKEL NEUMANN)

Setting Budget Priorities and Surviving the Transition Toward Them

Come hear how understanding your audience is as important as understanding your message…maybe MORE!

(DAN LARSEN & JOHN JORDAN) Come hear from veteran mission pastors of large churches, how to establish and implement a budget that reflects a purpose-driven mission ministry.

Church Leadership

Missions Fest Northwest Distinctives (BILL MAC LEOD)

Jump-Starting Your Global Outreach Ministry (BRUCE

Trend$ in Mission$ Happening Right Now

MAP-ping Your Church’s Missions Future! (TIM

Room #107

What gives the Pacific Northwest such fertile soil to help local churches impact the world? Are there growing conditions here that exist nowhere else?

CAMP) Come discover how to launch or re-launch your missions ministry.

(BRUCE CAMP) Come hear what churches are doing today when it comes to missions finances.

Planting 100+ Russian Churches with the Black Soil Project (MIKE HILDEN-


BRAND) What would it take to mobilize an army of churches, organizations, professionals, and volunteers to impact the Bread Basket of Russia with the gospel?

FEAVER & TOM HORN) Focus will be given to the Missions Assessment Profile - a simple and practical tool to enable your church to move to the next level of effective missions activity.




Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to



“More Than 125 Workshops, 75 Missions Speakers and 60 Agencies” Workshops Track Name

Children and Missions Room #104

Continued from page 10

Workshop I

Workshop II

Workshop III

Workshop IV

Workshop V

FRIDAY 5:30-6:30 PM


SATURDAY 12:30-1:30PM

SATURDAY 4:00-5:00 PM

SATURDAY 5:30-6:30 PM

Great Missions Education Resources for Children (LEANNA DORAN & KIM MALEY) Learn about great resources to assist you in the process of training up the next generation of world Christians.

Workshops Why Eating Beans and for Kids Bugs Will Change Your Life Room #103

(SHON TENKLEY) In this workshop we’ll have lots of fun discussing how eating beans and bugs will change your life. You won’t be asked to swallow anything you can’t stomach…at least not yet!

Youth on Mission

Missional Discipleship: Locally and Globally (LOUIE

Room #138

INKS) Your life can affect 2,000,000 others for Christ. Discover the equation here.

Missionary Care

The Necessity of Educating Missionary Kids (TIM

Room #109

BOETTCHER) Educating of missionary’s kids are one of the main priorities faced when a missionary couple goes to the field with a family.

Missionary Care

Carcinogens From Cyberspace (EARL & SANDY

Room #110

WILSON) How do you help your missionary who stays away from the nude beaches of their host culture…but is trapped in their home on the computer?

Short-Term Short-Term Missions As Part of Your Church’s Missions Room #122 Missions Strategy (ASHER

Mission Strategies Room #151

Creative Ideas (KAREN NEUMANN) Wonderfully easy, thought-provoking, use-anywhere teaching ideas to communicate missions concepts to children!

Great Giving Projects for Children (LEANNA DORAN) Empower students to use a variet of resources for global impact. Learn the10 basic components to consider when choosing an excellent giving project or in creating your own.

Do Missions Now (LEANNA DORAN & KIM MALEY) Kids do make a difference in missions. Learn what you can do right now!

Kids Missions Camp (DOUG

Cultivating Your Call (RON

Equipping High School Students to Reach Other Cultures Through Sports

MARRS) Discover resources available for students interested in keeping a call to mission alive.

HAZEN & KAREN NEUMANN) Bring your parents and experience what God’s place is for you in missions. You’ll meet kids who have been to Kids Missions Camp already and hear why they keep coming back year after year.

(RYAN MOFFAT) Looking for a competitive edge in sharing Christ? Come consider this high energy alternative to short-term missions.

The Big Picture (RUTH JORDAN) Looking for help in developing a missions strategy for your children’s ministry whether your teach a single Sunday School class or run the entire program? This workshop is for you!

Missions Celebrations and Vacation Bible School

Welcome to Turkey! For Kids (DEANNE THORSVIK)

Kids Missions Camp (DOUG

What do Muslim teens think about YOU? Come for a quick visit to Turkey and find out!

(RUTH JORDAN) Learn how to creatively and effectively teach lessons built around themes that will impact your children for a lifetime.

HAZEN & KAREN NEUMANN) Bring your parents and experience what God’s place is for you in missions. You’ll meet kids who have been to Kids Missions Camp already and hear why they keep coming back year after year.

What Stifles Your Serve?

On Your Mark, Get Set…

(SARA PHILLIPS) Great intentions, no follow through. How can you change that?

(KIRK PETERSEN) Come hear from a youth ministry veteran…How to Prepare Your Students to Run Their *Best* ShortTerm Mission Trip ever!

Singles In Missions (NADIA CHANDLER) Advantages, challenges, and ways to thrive as an unmarried missionary. How you can better support singles in mission.

What’s The Big Deal? They’re Just Coming Home

Raising a Family on the Mission Field (CAROL CALEN-

Kitchen Table Counseling For Our Missionaries

(NEAL PIROLO) Re-entry will be discussed and how we can help missionaries through this most difficult time of transition.

BERG) Firsthand stories and insight from a Missionary Mom who raised four children in Nigeria.

(MURIEL COOK) Veteran missionary of 29 years shares biblical principals in counseling, both culturally and interculturally, done infomally at the best room in the home!

Supporting Missionaries Ministering In a Sexually Explicit Culture (EARL &

Preparing Yourself To Steer Clear of Internet Pornography (EARL & SANDY

Surviving and Thriving Cross-Culturally (RAKEL

Team Building to Win

SANDY WILSON) Come face the reality of how Internet Pornography affects our Missionaries overseas and our missionary care efforts here at home.

WILSON) Come hear from a veteran of moral failure, how anyone, can take the steps necessary to avoid the mistakes made and find forgiveness and restoration again.

Short-Term Missions Maximum ParticipationMaximum Impact (JOSEPH

How To Train Successful Short-Term Teams (STEVE

SARJENT) Come hear how your church can utilize the short-term mission to help the whole church become effective and strategic in missions overall.

ANFUSO) Come hear how your investment in short-term missions can impact your entire church for good!

Evangelism and Discipleship in the Context of Bible Translation (NEIL &

Using Native American Art to Reach Unreached Peoples (RICHARD TWISS)

CAROL ANDERSON) Veteran missionaries address the subject of cross-cultural discipleship in the context of biblical literacy and translation.

Theological Perspective on The Mission God as a Trinitarian Theology of Mission - the view of mission in the West for effective mission to occur in the postmodern era.

OVERBY) It’s one thing to hear about far-away places and exotic missions experiences but quite another to actually get there and back safely with your own stories to tell!

Preparing Story Packets for Teaching ESL (CARMEN BRYANT) Attendees will be taught a coordinated system for making their own ESL materials.

THURMAN) Can you successfully live in a cross cultural setting? Drawing from her own experience, a veteran missionary will walk through the various issues met as cultures are crossed.

Short-Term Missions that Sets Your Church Ablaze for the World! (WADE MITCHELL & JOHN BRUNTON) Come learn how to create a passion for the world in your congregation through short-term missions.

Strategies for ChurchBased English Language Ministries (DON EDIC) Participants will consider how to effectively equip church volunteers to use English as a teaching tool for evangelism and discipleship worldwide.

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(DEANNE THORSVIK) Are you a Planter? Shaper? Or maybe a Resource Investigator? Wherever you are, teamwork can make or break your ministry.

Making Your First ShortTerm Team a Home Run (BOB MADDOX) A Short-Term Mission Coach gives examples from traning camp on how to score like a pro when it’s your turn at bat!

Behind the Scenes of The Tip of the Spear (MARC HARPER & BRAD BURNETT) Start people on a missions journey by using the new movies about the famous Waodani tribe in Ecuador.

Page 11

“More Than 100 Workshops, 75 Missions Speakers and 60 Agencies” Workshops

Continued from page 11

Track Name

Workshop I

Workshop II

Workshop III

Workshop IV

Workshop V

FRIDAY 5:30-6:30 PM


SATURDAY 12:30-1:30PM

SATURDAY 4:00-5:00 PM

SATURDAY 5:30-6:30 PM

Mission Strategies

Partnerships: God’s Plan for Missions (CHRIS OLSON) Come find out why the two are better than one philosophy is for missions today as much as it was when Jesus said it 2000 years ago.

Sports and Missions NORM COOK: Jesus’ admonition to ‘make disciples’ includes sports because no matter where you go you find athletic contests and pioneer evangelism. Learn why hundreds of teams use this method for international outreach.

Innovative Evangelism At Home & Abroad (BRAD

Room #152

One Shall Chase A Thousand: Teaching ESL English Camps in Thailand and China (MARY WAN) We

Escape the Cycle of Latin American Poverty by Land Ownership (HOLLEY CLOUGH

Prayer Room #136

Daring to Pray God’s Dream (BRIAN SMITH) When we dare to pray greatly, God plants His dream in our hearts.

teach more than English when we take the opportunity to share our faith.

Prayer Walking: Making a Difference In Your Community and Around the World (JEAN KRAUSE) Taking prayer to the streets, at home and around the world.

Emerging Generation

Invisible Children Project Part 1 (JUSTIN WHEELER &

Invisible Children Project Part 2 (JUSTIN WHEELER &

Room #123

MATT PROVO) Seminar will focus on how Invisible Children got launched, and why it was so important that we acted when we did.

MATT PROVO) Seminar will focus on how Invisible Children continued, and how those who see the film can respond with compassion today.

Persecution Persecuted but not Forsaken (BILL & SAMARA GIBof the SON): Learning about and coming Church

Helping Women Facing Challenges in Muslim Countries (SAMARA GIBSON)

Room #156

alongside Christians who are suffering for the Name of Jesus in China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and around the world.

Looks at the oppresion women live under in Islamic cultures.

History of Missions

History of Missions in Rwanda and Central Africa

Finishing Well (BERT &

Room #155

Pressing Issues in Missions Room #153

Pressing Issues in Missions Room #154

How to Pray for Missionaries (CAROL CALENBERG) Practical help for a more effective ministry of intercession for missionaries with some amazing examples.

Total Abandon (GARY WITHERALL) When Evil explodes your world and you are forced to leave…from the author of the latest book with the same title. Opportunities for The Emerging

Persevering in Persecution (SHOKHRAT): A Central Asian Muslim believer shares his journey of how he came to know Christ, and imprisoned and persecuted by former KGB for his beliefs.

12 Dynamics of Prayer (PHILLIP NELSON) How you can strengthen the prayer lives of God’s people - focusing on one purpose, three responsibilities, four imperatives, and four privileges of prayer. Time will be spent in actual application of the dynamics introduced.

& DOUG HALEY) Restoration of the broken is the wholistic goal and sustainable model for restoring the rural poor.

God’s Heart for the Nations (RAKEL THURMAN) Together we will look at prayer and how we can co-labor with the God of the universe in bringing men and women to Himself. We will also spend a good time in prayer for the nations.

Generation to Serve Around the World (HELENA

A Philosophy for Missions and the Emerging Church

WITHERALL) There are people and places who are aching to hear the Name of Jesus spoken from the lips of those in their 20’s and 30’s.

(STEVE PATTY) The Emerging Church dresses the wounds of a hurting world with compassion and care, while licking its own.

Persecuted but not Forsaken (BILL & SAMARA

Persevering in Persecution

GIBSON): Learning about and coming alongside Christians who are suffering for the Name of Jesus in China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and around the world.

(SHOKHRAT): A Central Asian Muslim believer shares his journey of how he came to know Christ, and imprisoned and persecuted by former KGB for his beliefs.

Picking a Missions Mentor from History (DON WESTER-

What We Learn from What They Did (DR MARY WILDER)

WILDER) Women in mission – people like Mary Slessor, Ida Scudder, Dr. Chesnut, Lilias Trotter, etc. how and what they did

BERG) Link to to those who have pioneered and walked the path of World Missions before us, who are yet speaking through their diaries, biographies, and descendants.

Some timeless Principles of mission will be shared touching on contextualiztion, indigenization, perseverance, prayer, etc.

Interested in Missions Keeping the Flame Alive

Orphans in Africa: What Can Be Done? (EMMANUEL

What If I Run Into A Demon? (GERRY BRESHEARS)

TEUSINK) Strategic Initiatives Addressing the AIDS Crisis in Africa will be addressed.

(PETER MEAD) How to keep a passion for missions and move towards only God-knows where! Practical ways to maintain passion for missions before you finally get to the field will be given.

SITAKI) Children without parents are the consequences of the chaos of disease and famine in Africa…what can be done?

How do we successfully confront demonic issues to the glory of Jesus?

Missions and Spiritual Warfare: Practical Lessons Learned in the Heat of Battle (ORIN KIDD) Actual testi-

Refugees — The World at Our Doorstep (SAM & DIANE

Translate the Bible into Their Culture - Not Yours!

Pressing Mission Issues

WALKER) The least of these comprise the fourth world. Reaching these dispossessed with the Gospel is part of true religion.

(NEIL & CAROL ANDERSON) How the Bible is translated and the Gospel is brought to a People and the Culture left intact will be discussed.

Culture Schmulture: The Limits of Cultural Sensitivity in Missionary Work (GARY BRUMBELOW)

(EMMANUEL SITAKI) Rwanda’s history can teach us much about God’s love for Central Africa from the perspective of one who knows personally.

COLLEEN ELLIOT): Hear about he lessons learned from 56 years of service in Peru from this veteran missionary couple. Discover what it takes to finish well both on the field and in the Christian life.

It’s Time We Slay the AIDS in Africa Goliath (TIM


What in the World were Women Doing, for Heaven’s sake? (DR MARY

BUTCHER) Members Luis Palau’s Next Generation Alliance will share innovative ways even you can use to reach more people including Saturation Evangelism from a postmodern perspective.

(DAVID STOCKAMP) Want a framework for understanding today’s challenges, opportunities, and complexities while highlighting opportunities for local churches to advance God’s kingdom in unprecedented ways?



Challenging the Goliath of anthropological correctness in cross-cultural missionary work.


mony of spiritual conflict and the lessons learned that set a tribe free from bondage and fear.

Culture: The Two Way View (DAVID BEINE) This workshop will apply anthropology to missions. It focuses on ethnocentrism, worldview, culture stress and journaling — all issues which affect short and long term missionaries.



Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to

Workshop Speaker Bios Ike Agawin Gateway Missionary Training Centre Ike has served as a missionary to Asia and South America. He has also served with Operation Mobilization and Action International Ministries. Ike has been the Field Director of OM in the Philippines and is currently the Director of Gateway Missionary Training Centre where he and his wife are involved in training missionary candidates for cross-cultural effectiveness. Workshop V – Rm.

Brad Butcher Next Generation Alliance Graduated from Multnomah Biblical Seminary in 2001 with a MA degree in Evangelism. Brad has shared the gospel worldwide in schools, refugee camps, prisons, hospitals, festivals and wherever possible. Assistant Director of the Next Generation Alliance with the Palau Team, Brad says, "Our passion is to give the world the real Jesus, whatever it takes, He'll take care of the rest!"


Workshop IV – Rm. 152

Neil & Carol Anderson Wycliffe Bible

Rick Calenberg Serving In Missions Rick is the NW Regional Director for SIM (Serving in Mission). He previously served 10 years in Nigeria in educating leadership for the African church, evangelism and administration. A career teacher, he taught for 16 years at Moody Bible Institute and is an adjunct faculty member in several schools. Workshop IV – Rm.


Joined Wycliffe in 1970 and have served in Papaua New Guinea since 1972. This year, Neil and Carol completed the translation of the Folopa New Testament to be dedicated in January 2007. Neil co-authored “In Search of the Source” and Carol authored “Do You Know What You are Doing Lord?” Workshop I – Rm. 151; Workshop II – Rm. 154

Joseph Anfuso Forward Edge International Joseph Anfuso is the founding director of Forward Edge, a transdenominational ministry dedicated to mobilizing North American Christians to spread the gospel and serve the poor through shortterm missionary service and emergency relief work in the US and overseas. Joseph is an author, husband to Karin and father of three children. Workshop II – Rm. 122 David Beine Wycliffe Dr. Beine holds a PhD in anthropology and is the Director of the Oregon Summer Institute of Linguistics. He serves as anthropology coordinator of Wycliffe's South Asia Group and has recently written a book about cultural models of HIV/AIDS in Nepal. Dave and Kimberly live in Spokane, Washington, with their four boys. Workshop V – Rm. 154

Brad Benson Wycliffe Bible Translators Brad began serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in 2004, and moved into his current role, Director of Regional Mobilization for Wycliffe’s regional offices in 2005. Brad earned his MSEE and MBA and spent 30 years in the computing industry, most recently at Intel Corp., before joining Wycliffe. It was during Missions Fest Northwest 2003 that the Lord helped Brad discover his new vocation. Workshop II – Rm. 117 Tim Boettcher Black Forest Academy Growing up in Manila, Philippines, Tim graduated from Faith Academy. After college and seminary he went to France in 1988, where he ministered in local churches for 14 years. Presently, Tim teaches French at Black Forest Academy where he has been for the past three years. Workshop V – Rm. 108; Workshop I – Rm. 109

John Bradley IDAK Group John is the president and founder of the IDAK Group and has specialized in mid-career advancement counseling for over 25 years. His focus is assisting business owners, managers, pastors and ministry leaders to bring God's wisdom to their work by discovering their God-given strengths for optimum service. IDAK has assisted over 20,000 individuals throughout the US and Canada. Workshop II – Rm. 115; Workshop I – Rm. 113

John Branner Western Seminary As Asia Ministries Director for CBInternational (now WorldVenture), John Branner oversaw 175 missionaries from Mongolia to the Middle East. He and his wife began planting churches in Taiwan in 1971. John’s other ministry experience includes; teaching seminary and serving as chairman for the Department of Cross-cultural Studies. Currently, he is Co-Chair of the Intercultural Ministry Department at Western Seminary. Workshop II – Rm. 105

Gerry Breshears Grace Community Church Gerry is a professor of theology at Western Seminary. He is an elder and a member of the preaching team at Grace Community Church of Gresham, Oregon. He served three years with WorldVenture (formerly CBInternational) in the Philippines and now teaches one month a year in seminaries around the world.


Carol Calenberg Serving In Missions Serves with her husband, Rick, as NW Regional Director for SIM (Serving in Mission). They previously served 10 years as missionaries in Nigeria where she raised four daughters and was involved in teaching and discipling. She has an active ministry of counseling and discipling women. Workshop IV – Rm. 109;

We have 75 missions speakers representing over 60 agencies with global experience to present key insights on missions today. Choose from a wide spectrum of subjects taught by individuals fresh from the field. You will walk away knowing that God has a whole host of opportunities for you to serve Him in missions. Before joining WorldVenture, Len worked as a sales representative with Prudential for 25 years and served for 16 years as Treasurer of LAC Township in Salem, New Jersey. In May 1999 Len joined the office staff of WorldVenture. and currently holds the position of Finisher mobilizer/developer for WorldVenture. Sesson V- Rm. 117; Workshop IV – Rm. 115

Leanna Doran Wycliffe Bible Translators Began serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1995. As a certified school teacher, she taught for a Christian school in Corvallis, Oregon, before spending 5 years educating missionaries’ children in Africa. Currently, Leanna is serving with the Wycliffe Bible Translators Children's Resources team, as well as teaching primary literacy for a public school in Salem, Oregon. Workshop I – Rm. 104; Workshop III – Rm. 104; Workshop II Rm. 103

Don Edic English Language Ministry for Literacy & Evangelism International Don directs the English Language Ministry for Literacy & Evangelism International and has helped construct several ESL books for volunteer tutors in churches. He has directed this ministry for 16 years, traveling extensively throughout North America and overseas. Workshop IV – Rm. 151

Workshop III – Rm. 136

Bert and Colleen Elliot Christian Missions in

Bruce Camp Capistrano Valley Church/



6 years as missions pastor under Charles Swindoll; 13 years as a church missions consultant for the Evangelical Free Church Mission where he launched/edited two EFCM publications. Currently, he is global outreach pastor for Capistrano Valley Church, as well as president/CEO of DualReach training dozens of mission agency personnel. Bruce is a published author of numerous mission articles. Workshop II – Rm. 107; Workshop III – Rm. 107

Nadia Chandler InterAct Growing up in an animistic/atheistic family in Japan, Nadia came to Christ as a college student in the U.S. Serving with InterAct since 1995, her ministry includes church-planting among the Natives of Siberia, community development and missionary training. She speaks four languages and has lived in four countries. She is married with a son. Workshop I – Rm. 106; Workshop II – Rm. 109

Holly Clough Agros International Holly is currently pursuing Master of Arts in Pastoral Care to Women from Western Seminary. For over 20 years, she has ministered with children, youth, women and cross-cultural groups. Currently, Holly is working with her husband and church to plant villages in Central America with Agros International. She is married with 2 children, and employed at George Fox University Health & Counseling Center. Workshop V – Rm. 152

Norm Cook Overseas Crusades Norm has served 29 years with Overseas Crusades in Asia, and 23 years teaching Intercultural Studies at Multnomah Bible College. Presently the newest, not the youngest, missionaries to re-join Overseas Crusades, as a senior mentor to new recruits. Married to his wife Muriel for 55 years. Workshop III – Rm. 152 Muriel Cook Overseas Crusades Born in China to missionary parents, Muriel ministered in Taiwan with her husband, Norman. More recently, Muriel has been a Biblical Counselor at Multnomah Bible College for 23 years, an international speaker to women’s groups and has recently published a new book entitled “Kitchen Table Counseling” published by NavPress. Workshop V – Rm. 109 Len Davis WorldVenture Since June 1994, Len Davis began a second career at WorldVenture ministries in Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine.

With 56 years of missionary experience, Bert and Colleen use medical/dental skills and preaching to reach many isolated jungle villages along the tributaries of the Amazon River to plant small churches and disciple believers. Eventually, their work expanded to the Andes and the coast where they now minister in a local church, a Christian school, prisons, drug rehab facilities, encouraging national believers across Peru. Workshop II – Rm. 155 Tim Feaver Wycliffe Bible Translators Tim joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1974 as a helicopter pilot. Over the past 30 years he served Wycliffe and Helimission. Currently, Tim is the Oregon Area Director with ACMC. His focus with ACMC is helping churches "do missions well" thru consulting and networking. His newest venture, GO Connect, networks local churches and mission agency leaders to accomplish their missions vision. Workshop V – Rm. 107 Ron Frey McConkey-Johnston Ron is a veteran fundraising executive with 22 years of leadership experience in raising funds for missions and ministries. He currently serves with McConkey-Johnston, a consulting firm that helps ministries become more effective in the areas of fundraising and donor relations, stewardship, marketing, leadership, and organizational change. Workshop V – Rm. 114; Workshop IV – Rm. 112

Bill Gibson The Voice of the Martyrs Bill is a representative for The Voice of the Martyrs, sharing truth about persecution that Christians face in many countries. He has “A passion for the supremacy of God in all things and for the joy of all peoples.” A finish carpenter in five states, Bill lives with his wife, Bryna, and three daughters in Portland, Or. Workshop I – Rm. 156; Workshop IV – Rm. 156

Samara Gibson The Voice of the Martyrs The Voice of the Martyrs is devoted to remembering those in chains. Samara Gibson has a passion for sharing their stories, and challenges every Christian to become a part of the worldwide body of Christ through prayer and assistance on behalf of those who give up everything to follow Christ. Workshop I – Rm. 156; Workshop II – Rm. 156; Workshop IV – Rm. 156

Gilbert Gleason Grace Bible Fellowship Gilbert has been the pastor/teacher at Grace Bible Fellowship for 24 years, the home church of Bert and Colleen Elliot. He has made three trips to Peru where he observed first-hand their ministry and the passion they have for the people of Peru. Gilbert is married to Susan, the niece of Bert and Jim Elliot; they have 4 chil-

dren and reside in the Elliot homestead on Mt. Tabor.


II – Rm. 155

Pat Green Davis, Wright, Tremaine, LLP A partner and past co-chair: Tax and Trusts and Estates Departments for Davis Wright Tremaine, Pat practices business succession and strategic wealth planning. A member of Oregon State and American Bar Associations; Member of the Estate Planning Council of Portland; Fellow in both the American Colleges of Tax and Trusts and Estates Counsel. Workshop IV – Rm. 113

Samuel Hakim Light for All Nations Samuel was born into a nominal Christian family in Cairo, Egypt and accepted Christ at 14. He is the United States director for Light for All Nations Ministries an Arabic Media Ministry to the Arabicspeaking world. LFAN broadcasts throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Canada, and the USA. Their vision is to “reach the un-reached with the gospel message.” Workshop III – Rm. 111

Doug Haley Agros International Active in his home church as a shuttle bus driver, Christmas Dessert Theater leader and out door ministries leader, Doug has worked with Agros International as a Resource Development Associate. For the past nine years, Doug has led a YMCA branch’s annual fundraiser and is married with five children and ten grandchildren. Workshop V – Rm. 152 Marc Harper Bearing Fruit Communications As Bearing Fruit Communications Director of Marketing, Marc has connected people to ministries for over 12 years through churches and faith-based media projects. He began serving in full time ministry as a youth pastor at First Methodist in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Currently, Marc is Marketing Director for the theatrical release End of the Spear. Workshop V – Rm. 151 Geoff Hartt North Community Church Geoff serves as the pastor of an inner city church in North Portland. This year they planted one Hispanic congregation meeting there and assisted in the launching of another Hispanic congregation meeting in another Portland church. Geoff also coaches pastors in a church planting movement in Quintana Roo, Mexico. He is a graduate of Western Seminary, M.Div. Workshop V – Rm. 112

Colin Hart Financial Analyst, NIKE Since coming to the U.S. from England, Colin provides financial services to large international corporations. His international experience prepared him to see opportunity to build the local church overseas where unemployment has weakened both church and family structures. He serves on the board of International Assistance Program and established a Business Development Group at his church in Lake Oswego, OR. Workshop V – Rm. 113

Doug Hazen WorldVenture A Northwest pastor prior to going to the Congo with his family, God used his pastoral and missions ministries to shape him for his present position, Church Connections Director, with WorldVenture. In this role he regularly consults with churches and works with missionaries in the Northwest region. He has a special passion for seeing kids become activated for missions. Workshop III – Rm. 103; Workshop V – Rm. 103

Rick and Kathy Hicks Operation Mobilization Serving with Operation Mobilization - he, as President of OM USA and she, as the Customized Short Term Trip Coordinator. Kathy is also on the Leadership Team of the Finishers Project. Before joining OM, Rick was Associate Director for Program Ministries at Forest Home Christian Conference Center and Dean of Student Life at Biola University. Both are published authors. Workshop

Mike Hildenbrand Integrated Services For over 35 years Mike served in many capacities at Greater Portland Bible Church. Mike led 3 mission teams to Russia and assisted as Sister Church Coordinator between GPBC and a Russian church plant for 4 years. Currently, Mike directs the Global Outreach effort at Sunset Presbyterian Church whose goal is to plant 100 cross denominational churches in Russia in the next 5 to 10 years. Workshop IV – Rm. 107 Tom Horn ACMC Executive VP responsible for field staff supervision, recruitment & training. He previously served as a missionary in Asia for seven years; a missions agency executive, and a missions pastor. Tom has earned ThM and PhD degrees in Education and Leadership and also serves as an elder in his church; an internal consultant with Caleb Project, and as adjunct faculty at Denver Seminary. Workshop IV – Rm. 116; Workshop I – Rm. 114; Workshop V – Rm. 107

Louie Inks Reign Ministries, Inc A youth pastor for 24 years, Louie founded Reign in 1982 with the vision to expose students to the world’s need for a Savior, equip them to meet that need through discipleship, and send them home to impact their worlds for Christ. Louie lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife Peggy. They've been serving students together for over 48 years. Workshop I – Rm. 138 John Jordan Village Baptist Church Serving as Pastor of World Missions at Village Baptist Church in Beaverton, OR, John oversees the care of 39 missionary families as well as 22 adults preparing for long-term service. John trains and sends over 50 people a year on short-term mission trips to restricted access countries. John is a missions instructor at Western Seminary and prepares students for pastoral ministry. Workshop V – Rm. 105

Ruth Jordan Village Baptist Church For 20 years Ruth has taught children, conducted workshops, and provided children’s missions consultation for churches. She currently chairs the committee for the NW Children’s Expo, a regional missions education conference for children’s workers, and is a member of Village Baptist Church in Beaverton, Oregon where her husband is the Missions Pastor. Workshop IV – Rm. 104; Workshop V – Rm. 104

Chuck Kelley Bridge Builders international Born in a Latvian home to a family with strong spiritual roots, Charles was greatly influenced by his grandfather, a refugee pastor. In 1994 he and another couple founded Bridge Builders International an organization committed to connecting people and organizations for joint ministry mobilizing networks of Christians to use their talents to spread the Gospel. Workshop II – Rm. 106 Orin Kidd Grace Bible Fellowship Orin is currently the Pastor of World Missions at Grace Bible Fellowship. He was a missionary with World Team for 30 years. 22 years he spent in West Papua, Indonesia, working with the Kimyal tribe. Orin and his wife, Rosa, continue their involvement with the Kimyals through yearly visits translating the New Testament and working with the Kimyal church leadership. Workshop V – Rm. 153

Jean Krause Jefferson Baptist Church Jean is secretary to Pastor Dee F. Duke at Jefferson Baptist Church, in Jefferson, OR., and has had opportunity to prayer walk on numerous trips to Asia, Africa, the Middle East and closer to home in Mexico and Canada. She has also taught the basics of Prayer Walking at churches and seminars around the Northwest. Workshop II – Rm. 136

IV; Room 117

Workshop IV – Rm. 153

Gary Brumbelow InterAct Ministries Serving as the general director of InterAct Ministries, a missionary sending organization, whose goal is to see a culturally relevant church transforming every community in the North Pacific Crescent. He is a graduate of Grace University and Wheaton College. He and his wife, Valerie, served as church planters in First Nations communities of western Canada for eight years. Workshop IV – Rm. 154

John Brunton East-West Ministries International John is the Director of East-West Ministries International's Portland, Or. satellite office as well as NW Church Partnership Coordinator. He is responsible for recruiting, training and leading mission teams to Russia and for seeking American churches to become Sister Church Partners. John has been married to his wife, Dodie, for 23 years and they have two children. Workshop III – Rm. 114; Workshop V – Rm. 122

Carmen Bryant FOCUS/Multnomah Bible College After earning her Th.M. from Western Seminary, Carmen, a former Bible translator in Indonesia, has been teaching ESL to international students at Portland State University since 1997. She also directs the ESL program for FOCUS (Friends of Overseas Citizens and University Students) and teaches writing at Multnomah Bible College. Workshop III – Rm. 151 Brad Burnett I-Tec Brad serves as President of I-Tec (Technology and Education for Indigenous Peoples). GA graduate of Baptist Bible College with a B.A. in Music and Theology, he attended Columbia Seminary and earned an M.A. in Intercultural Studies. Also has done work towards an MBA from Drury University. He has had over 20 years of ministry experience and missions work around the World.

The shaded areas are workshop classrooms

Workshop V – Rm. 151

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Page 13


Workshop Speaker Bios Dan Larsen Cedar Mill Bible Church As the Pastor of World and Local Outreach at Cedar Mill Bible Church, Dan’s responsibilities include missionary care/training, missions education, short-term missions, oversight of focused efforts on 3 specific people groups, developing vision for outreach, training for personal evangelism, and community impact efforts. Workshop V – Rm. 105

Jerry Long Wycliffe Bible Translators Jerry is the director of Wycliffe Dinner Theatre and His Touring Drama Team. Wycliffe Dinner Theatre started in Canada and has been touring the continent for eight years, mobilizing recruits, volunteers, prayer warriors, and financial support for missions outreach. The Wycliffe Dinner Theatre team is from all parts of the country, but currently in Portland to rehearse their Spring tour. Workshop III – Rm. 112

Bill MacLeod Greater Portland Bible Church Missions Pastor at GPBC since 1992; has served on staff with Luis Palau and Promise Keepers; providing leadership for regional and national events for over two decades. As an instructor for the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course has a vision to see the Church of this region wholesale the missionary enterprise to a new generation. Founder/Chairman of Missions Fest Northwest. Workshop I – Rm. 107 Bob Maddox Good Shepherd Community Church

As Pastor of Leadership Development at Good Shepherd Community Church, Bob began the short-term missions program in 1990. He still works closely with these important teams and is active in helping start new teams. Workshop V – Rm. 122 Kim Maley Wycliffe Bible Translators Kim and husband Bart’s first assignment with Wycliffe involved community development work in Papua New Guinea, where Kim also home schooled their daughters. Currently, Kim provides educational tours of the Wycliffe Northwest office. She continues to put her love of education to work as a teacher in her church and a local preschool. Workshop I – Rm. 104; Workshop II – Rm. 103

Nelson Malwitz Wycliffe Bible Translators With a career as a Chemical Engineer in research and development for 33 years and formal training in methods of Creative Problem Solving, Nelson was a founding elder at Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel, CT in 1982. In 1998 Nelson founded the Finishers Project, a national ministry of WHCC, with more than 90 partners. Workshop I – Rm. 117; Workshop III – Rm. 115

Ron Marrs Western Seminary Ron is TruthQuest Program Director and Assistant Professor of Youth and Pastoral Ministries at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He directs Veritas Summer Seminary and includes high school students interested in missions. A youth pastor for 21 years at Westwood Baptist Church in Olympia, WA, he has been married to Becky for 28 years and has three adult children and a grandson. Workshop II – Rm. 138

Continued from page 13

Wade Mitchell East West Ministries International

Wade has spent the last 12 years with East West Ministries International and is predominantly involved in ministry in Russia. He has taken over 50 short term mission teams with him to Russia for the purpose of church planting and evangelism. He leads 4-6 campaigns each year, and also heads up the music ministry for East West Ministries International. Workshop IV – Rm. 122

Ryan Moffat Good Shepherd Community Church Ryan is a high school pastor at Good Shepherd Community Church where he has attended since he was 11. He has a passion to see high school students connect to Christ and evangelize the lost. He attended Multnomah Bible College and has been married to Michelle for 4 years they have one daughter and are expecting their next child in May. Workshop III – Rm. 138 Shari Monson Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church Shari Monson, Director of Missions at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church (since 2000) also serves as the Interim Director of Adult Education. Currently a student at Fuller NW MDiv/Cross Cultural Studies program, Shari is the founder of Festival of HOPE concept. Workshop I – Rm. 112


Janie spent 10 years in Asia, living among the largest Muslim people groups in China. They've had the privilege of seeing many come to faith in Jesus. Janie serves with her husband, Jonathan, who is the Pastor of Global Outreach at Good Shepherd Community Church and desires to see many new laborers raised up for this part of the world. Workshop II – Rm. 111 Jonathan Martin Good Shepherd Community Church

Jonathan spent 10 years in Asia, living among the largest Muslim people groups in China. They've had the privilege of seeing many come to faith in Jesus. Jonathan is now serving as Pastor of Global Outreach with Good Shepherd Community Church and desires to see many new laborers raised up for this part of the world. Workshop I – Rm. 116; Workshop II – Rm. 111

Mike McClure Monroe Community Chapel Mike and Judy have been married since 1962. Mike retired from Boeing to join the staff at the Chapel in 2001. Having visited nineteen countries, Mike’s passion for missions has grown into an outstanding Global Outreach Team that not only supports missionaries in other countries, but also sends teams and individuals around the world for short and long term ministries. Workshop II – Rm. 114

Peter Mead Operation Mobilization Peter is originally from England. Peter graduated from Multnomah Biblical Seminary and now works with Operation Mobilization, based in London, England. His ministry of Bible teaching, preaching and ministry training has seen him teaching in Bible schools and churches from Kenya to Serbia, Holland to Italy. Peter and Melanie have three girls, Hannah, Aliyah and Mariah. Workshop V – Rm. 111; Workshop III – Rm. 106; Workshop II – Rm. 153

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Don Parrott Paraclete and Finishers Project Currently the CEO of Paraclete and Finishers Project, Don previously pastored in the Seattle area while his wife, Ele, worked in Children’s Ministries. Don and Ele then served with OC International in Argentina and Guatemala before moving to Colorado to serve at OCI Headquarters. In 2003 they began serving in their present roles with Paraclete. Workshop III; Room 117

Ele Parrott Paraclete and Finishers Project Currently the Director of Member Care for Paraclete. Previously pastored with husband for 13 years and involved in Children’s Ministries. Don & Ele then served with OC International in Argentina and Guatemala before moving to serve at OCI Headquarters. Ele recently initiated Grandparenting Great to provide resources for today’s grandparents. Workshop III – Rm. 117; Workshop I – Rm. 115

Emanuel Sitaki Workshop I – Rm. 155; Workshop III – Rm. 153

Brian Smith Best-Selling Author Brian has coauthored books with Pastor Dee Duke (Prayer Quest: Breaking Through to Your God-Given Dreams and Destiny), Bruce Wilkinson (Beyond Jabez: Expanding Your Borders), and Oliver North (True Freedom: The Liberating Power of Prayer, 2004 National Day of Prayer theme book). He has fifteen years pastoring experience and is now a freelance writer and editor. Workshop I – Rm. 136

Drake Snodgrass Drakes 7 Dees Garden Center and Landscaping

Founder and Current CEO/President of Drakes, Drake has traveled to China three times in past five years teaching Chinese graduate students and business leaders. Presentations focus on ethics and Drake uses this as a tool for sharing the Gospel. Married to Lynn for 31 years; two married daughters, and three grandchildren. Workshop III – Rm. 113

David Stockcamp WorldView Center Dr. David Stockamp is the Executive Director of both the Institute for International Christian Communication and WorldView Center located in Portland, Oregon. David has served as a missionary to Congo, a missions pastor, and coordinator of church relations for the Covenant Church. Workshop III – Rm. 154

Jim Morris Overseas Missionary Fellowship Jim & Louise planted churches among the Pwo Karen people in Northern Thailand for 33 years. They served as the OMF North Thailand Field Superintendent 1986-1990 and as Director for OMF Field Ministries1990-1996. Jim is the US Strategy Coordinator for OMF US. Jim & Louise have 3 children and 12 grandchildren.

Steve Patty The world in which we live is fascinating, populated by all kinds of people at all different stages of life in all kinds of cultural contexts. The world in which we live is also fractured, hurting, lost, and in deep need of the saving grace of God through Christ.

Workshop V – Rm. 106

Workshop V- Rm. 123

Phillip Nelson Serving In Mission God has allowed Rev. Nelson to preach the riches of His grace for 39 years. His evangelism and missions ministries have taken him to many parts of the world. For 5 years, he has taught courses at Portland Bible College. Through ministry with SIM, he mobilizes many African-American churches, and others, for missions involvement. Workshop IV – Rm. 136

Doug Person

Shon Tenkley Central Bible Church As the Youth Pastor at Central Bible Church, Shon has led youth mission trips to Montana, Idaho, Washington, California, and two trips to Mexico. His favorite thing about mission trips is seeing students have their heart broken for lost people, eating new foods, meeting new people, and long van rides (with lot’s of singing!).

Workshop IV – Rm. 106

Workshop I – Rm. 103

Kirk Petersen Greater Portland Bible Church Kirk serves as Pastor of Student Ministries, Greater Portland Bible Church. A 14-year veteran pastoring youth and students, Kirk has led student teams on annual missions experiences to Tijuana and Baja Mexico, the Navajo reservation, Midwest rural communities, the inner city of Los Angeles, and has a published article with Youthworker Journal. Workshop V – Rm. 138

Tim Teusink

Karen Neumann WorldVenture Karen serves as an International Resource Consultant with WorldVenture. She served as a missionary in Madagascar for 25 years and has ministered in more than 30 countries interacting with children's workers. Her heart is for children to be actively involved with God's heart for all peoples. Workshop II – Rm. 104; Workshop III – Rm. 103; Workshop V – Rm. 103

Mikel Neumann Western Seminary Mikel served as a church planter for 25 years in Madagascar. The past decade he has been teaching at Western Seminary where he directs the MA in Intercultural Studies and overseas the Intercultural Internship program. He loves teaching in Perspectives courses throughout Oregon and Washington. He is married with two children and two grandchildren. Workshop III – Rm. 105; Workshop IV – Rm. 105

Todd Newell Northwest Christian Community Foundation

Janie Martin Good Shepherd Community

Steve Overby Good Shepherd Community Steve is presently the Church Operations Manager at Good Shepherd Community where he has been the director of ShortTerm missions teams and a member of the Global Outreach staff. Steve & his wife Sue were with Campus Crusade for Christ for 21 years before joining the staff at Good Shepherd where he has now served for the past 9 years. Workshop III – Rm. 122

Workshop I – Rm. 153

Brian Thorsvik WEC International Brian has lived with his wife and four sons in Turkey for the past 19 years. He’s been a church planter among Muslims and has experience coaching other church planting teams. Workshop V – Rm. 116; Workshop I – Rm. 111

Sara Phillips Sunset Presbyterian Church As a minister to Students at Sunset, Sara sends nearly 100 students on mission trips yearly and believes that ALL students, regardless of age or spiritual level need to serve God somehow, somewhere. With 10 years of youth ministry experience, Sara currently oversees the youth department of Sunset Presbyterian. She has been married 7 years to Chip, and has 2 children. Workshop IV – Rm. 138

Neal Pirolo Emmaus Road International As Director of Emmaus Road International, Neal and his wife are enjoying a ministry mobilizing the Church, training cross-cultural teams and networking teams with ministries asking for help. His 40-year background in education and missions provides him with a lot of stories and experience from which to draw. He is the author of four missions books. Workshop III – Rm. 109

As Executive Director, Northwest Christian Community Foundation, Todd has 25 years experience in the fields of financial services, and estate and planned giving. Todd has served as the Executive/Senior Director for several programs including George Fox University and Providence Health System. He is active in planting a new church Solid Rock Fellowship, and serves as a deacon. Workshop II – Rm. 116; Workshop III – Rm. 116

Matt Provo Invisible Children Senior, social science major at Biola University. Movement Director for Invisible Children. Spent 3 months on the ground in Uganda and specializes in Ugandan History, specifically the last 20 years. Loves God, people, mostly kids and social justice. Workshop I –

Chris Olson Wycliffe Bible Translators As Church Mobilization Director for Wycliffe Bible Translators, Chris Olson has spearheaded efforts to form innovative partnerships involving local churches in the US, indigenous churches among Bible-less people groups, and national churches of the South and East. Formerly chairman of the trustees of Albuquerque Bible College and lay missions leader for Calvary Chapel Albuquerque. Chris earned a PhD in mathematics. Workshop I – Rm. 152

Asher Sarjent Delta Ministries Serving as Director of Mission Operation Asher oversees the Short-Term Mission Department, coordinates festival and crusade events and assists the Executive Director of DELTA Ministries International. Asher served in a local church for 16 years as youth pastor and over the last 7 years, facilitated many short-term mission teams. Married in 1985, he and wife, Pam, have 2 children, Hilary and Bo. Workshop I – Rm. 122

Jorge Osorio Communidad Christiana Jorge Osorio, a Guatemalan by birth, has been involved in Church planning and leadership development in the Hispanic community for more than twenty-five years. He has served in Peru, Mexico and the USA. He is currently planting Spanish speaking churches in the Portland area. He is a graduate of Western Seminary. Jorge and Donna have three sons. Workshop V – Rm. 112

Monte Schmidt Rolling Hills Community Church A former VP in the business world, Monte works as the Outreach Pastor for Rolling Hills Community Church. Monte leads their Missions Ministry as well as ministry efforts designed to demonstrate Christ’s love in the local community. Monte has been married for 16 years and he and his wife Stephanie have five children.

Donna Osorio Communidad Christiana Donna Osorio has served Spanish speaking communities for more than twenty-five years. She was a missionary for fifteen years in Peru and for the past ten years has helped her husband plant Spanish speaking churches in Oregon. She works full-time as a counselor for Hispanics at a small non-profit organization. She holds a masters degree in counseling from Western Seminary.

Shokhrat People International Shokhrat was raised as a Muslim, but in his heart an atheist, he accepted Jesus because of the witness of his brother-in-law. Persecuted, arrested, and tortured for his faith, he could not stop sharing the Good News with family and friends. He and his family now live in the US and continue their work in Central Asia thru People International. Workshop III – 156; Workshop V –

Workshop II – Rm. 112

Rm. 156

Rm. 123; Workshop II Rm. 123

Workshop IV – Rm. 114

Deanne Thorsvik WEC International From Cathlamet to Tarsus...God had amazing things in store when she said yes to serving Him! Deanne and her husband have enjoyed 19 years in Turkey raising four boys and church planting among Muslims. Workshop IV – Rm. 103; Workshop V –

the dispossessed people. Currently, they minister in Portland among Arab and African Refugees and have helped them to plant a church. Workshop I – Rm. 154 Enoch Wan Western Seminary Currently, Dr. Wan is director of the Doctor of Missiology Program at Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon. He ministers regularly to ethnic groups in Asia, Europe and South America. Workshop I – Rm. 108; Workshop II – Rm. 108

Mary Chan Wan, Western Seminary Currently, Dr. Wan is coordinator of the TESOL program at Western Seminary and is also an ESL instructor at Mt Hood Community College. Mary goes to China and Thailand regularly to train English teachers and conduct English camps. Workshop II – Rm. 152

John Warton Business Professional Network With Masters level training in both business administration and theology, John pastored an Evangelical Free Church and managed Luis Palau Evangelistic Association. Since 1998 he has been international director, and President of the BPN, finding ways to help Christian business people use their resources to build businesses of national entrepreneurs overseas and strengthen the local church. Workshop II – Rm. 113; Workshop V – Rm. 113 Don Westerberg Westside Christian High School

Don grew up in a parsonage in Pennsylvania where his parents entertained missionaries and mission executives. Don has a passion to connect the present day believer with the past. He currently serves as the Chancellor and Campus Pastor at Westside Christian High School in Lake Oswego, Oregon, where he has been for the past 20 years. Workshop IV – Rm. 155 Justin Wheeler Invisible Children Junior, Intercultural Studies major at Biola University. Movement Director for Invisible Children. Has much experience abroad, including Uganda, Ukraine and Swaziland. Justin is easy going, funny and a warrior for God! Desires and fights for global justice. Workshop II – Rm. 123; Workshop I – Rm. 123

Jim White CPA, Partner, Delap, White, Caldwell & Croy; LLP

A Native Oregonian, Jim White has 39 years of experience in public accounting and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants. He has expertise in providing strategic tax and business consulting to the small to medium sized businesses as well as charitable nonprofit organizations. Workshop III – Rm.

Rm. 110


Rakel Thurman Operation Mobilization Having ministered with her husband Pat for over 20 years in the Middle East, they represent Operation Mobilization in the NW region. On staff with Good Shepherd Community Church, they serve as part of the Global Outreach Team in charge of member care for missionaries and coach and support those who are interested in missions. Workshop IV – Rm. 110; Workshop V –

Mary Wilder Western Seminary Appointed as a Conservative Baptist medical missionary in 1966, Dr. Wilder ministered in Shikarpur Christian Hospital in Pakistan from 1968-1984. She came off the field in order to care for her elderly mother who passed away. Recruited by Dr Donald Smith, she has been a professor in the Division of Intercultural Studies at Western Seminary since 1984. Workshop III – Rm. 155;

Rm. 136

Roger Trautmann Multnomah Biblical Seminary Roger serves as an Internship & Career Center Director, is a Faculty Member of both Multnomah Biblical Seminary and International Christian Ministries. Through ICM, Roger trains leaders for ministry in Africa. Workshop II – Rm. 105 Richard Twiss Wiconi International Richard is a member of the Rosebud Lakota/Sioux Tribe. He and his wife Katherine are cofounders of Wiconi International and committed to seeing indigenous people emerge into a powerful place of ministry in reconciliation and world missions. Richard is Vice-Chair of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies and his book “One Church Many Tribes” articulates God’s heart for unity in diversity. Workshop II – Rm. 151 Shelly Volkhardt HCJB – World Radio Missionary Fellowship

Born and raised in Taiwan to missionary parents; served 20 years in Ecuador among “Up and Outers”, Shelly is an international speaker, counselor, and author of two books with a third on the way. She is also married to Glen who is Vice President of HCJB, and they have 2 college-aged sons. Workshop IV – Rm. 108 Bob Wagar City Bible Church Bob grew up in a strong missionary church in Vancouver, Canada that sent out and fully supported more than 60 missionaries. He and his wife Sharon were missionaries in Uganda and Taiwan. He is now World Missions Pastor in his home church, City Bible Church of Portland, Oregon. Workshop I – Rm. 105 Sam & Diane Walker Both mission kids who have ministered in the Middle East since 1989, the Walkers go wherever the Lord places them. Often bringing them into relationships with refugees, and displaced or

Workshop V – Rm. 155

Kevin & Kelly Williamson Good Shepherd Community Church

Kevin and Kelly served overseas as career missionaries with People International for a number of years organizing humanitarian aid relief and development projects and coordinating many medical teams in Central Asia and other parts of the world. They are part of Good Shepherd Community Church in Boring, Oregon. Workshop III – Rm. 108 Earl & Sandy Wilson Tuff Stuff Ministries Founders of Tuff Stuff Ministries, Earl and Sandy have earned doctorates in psychology and counseling. He has authored numerous books. Speaking from personal experiences, Earl serves the church by offering resources to those who seek to avoid the “slippery slope to moral failure.” Workshop I – Rm. 110; Workshop II – Rm. 110; Workshop III – Rm. 110

Gary Witherall Operation Mobilization Gary and his wife, Bonnie, were missionaries in Lebanon when she was killed by a Muslim extremist in November, 2002. Gary spent nearly 10 years on the mission field and continues his speaking ministry with OM, including closing Missions Fest Northwest 2003. Tyndale Press just released Gary's new book Total Abandon, and in 2004, Gary married his new wife, Helena, in Georgia. Workshop IV – Rm. 123 Helena Witherall Operation Mobilization Helena grew up in Germany where her parents served with Greater Europe Mission. She and her husband Gary met at Moody Bible Institute shortly after Gary’s wife Bonnie died, and not long after her own mother had died. Helena is the granddaughter of martyred missionary, Roger Youderian. Workshop IV – Rm. 123

Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to

Over 60 Mission Exhibits and Resources ACMC ACMC, Advancing Churches in Missions

Commitment, exists to help your church accomplish the vision GOD has given you to proclaim HIS glory among ALL peoples. We provide printed resources, individual consultations, seminars and conferences. ACTION INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES Action International Ministries began in 1974 with urgency for spreading the Gospel to the masses of the world. Action is an evangelical, nondenominational missionary sending agency that works in major urban centers of Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. AFRICA INLAND MISSION, INT Africa Inland Mission is a non-denominational Christian missionary sending agency serving primarily in Africa and the islands of the Indian Ocean. AIM exists to declare the glory of God to the peoples of Africa. Our goal is to plant churches among the unreached and to build a maturing church in Africa through evangelism and leadership training. AMERICAN MISSIONARY FELLOWSHIP American Missionary Fellowship is committed to reaching people for Christ in the United States through church planting, bible learning communities, chaplaincy, camps and youth ministry, rural and inner-city missions. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Campus Crusade for Christ is an interdenominational ministry, focused on winning people for Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them out for a lifetime of ministry. The Campus ministry is focused on reaching the 110 million students of the world. CAPERNWRAY HARBOUR BIBLE CENTRE Through Biblical teaching, exemplary living and practical training, we proclaim Jesus Christ, Who by His indwelling Life equips people to serve Him in His Church worldwide; thus being a Living witness to His Resurrection Life in a lost and perishing world. CB INTERNATIONAL (see WORLD VENTURE) CHRISTIANS IN ACTION MISSIONS INT’LAn interdenominational,

evangelical mission agency, CinA ministers in 20 countries. Personal evangelism, discipleship and church planting result in indigenous national churches. Short-term medical, construction, relief and evangelistic teams augment the ingoing field activities. DELTA MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL DELTA Ministries International is an interdenominational evangelical organization specializing in shortterm and mid-term missions. DELTA offers hightouch customized services in the following areas: Locating Field Opportunities, Logistical Support, Customized Training, On-Field Management and Debriefing. DELTA walks each church through the entire process of mobilizing short-term mission teams. Since 1979, DELTA has trained 1000’s of individuals, sent 100’s of teams who have ministered in over 54 countries. EAST ASIA SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY (EAST) East Asia School of Theology (EAST) is a seminary under the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. It offers four master degrees and is distinctly focused on missions in East Asia. EAST COUNTY OUTREACH East County Outreach ministers to immigrants in the greater Portland area using ESL and Friendship Evangelism in Teaching, Serving and Reaching across cultural barriers while involving local churches in world missions at their doorsteps.

long-term opportunities that match their skills, training and interests - at home or abroad. FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY Food for the Hungry is a Christian, international relief and development organization. We seek to walk with churches, leaders and families in overcoming all forms of poverty by living in healthy relationship with God and His creation. FORWARD EDGE INTERNATIONAL Forward Edge International is a transdenominational ministry dedicated to mobilizing ordinary Christians to share God’s love in practical ways through short-term missionary service (one week - two years), disaster response work and self-help projects in the U.S. and around the world. FRONTIERS Frontiers’ passion is to glorify God by planting churches that lead to movements among all Muslim peoples through apostolic teams in partnership with others who share this vision.

EAST WEST MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL East West Ministries International exists to evangelize and equip nationals to establish grace oriented churches. We presently work in 16 different countries, specializing in short-term ministry opportunities and sister church partnerships. ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE / CHINA ELIC was founded in 1980 for the purpose of sending qualified Christians to China to teach English and impact the lives of university students through relationship-building. FINISHERS PROJECT Finishers Project is a free middleware service for Christian adults that provides pathways into ministry assignments from their careers for short-term or

Booth No Organization Booth No. Organization 9 ACMC 34 Navigators (The) 10 Action International Ministries 35 New Tribes Mission 11 Africa Inland Mission 36 North America Indian Mission 12 4* 13 14 2* 15 16 17 18 Foyer 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 8* 29 60 5* 3* 30

American Missionary Fellowship Bearing Fruit Communications Campus Crusade Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre Christians in Action Mission Int’l DELTA Ministries International

37 38 39 40 41 Foyer

East Asia School of Theology East County Outreach East West Ministries International Ediger Media English Language Institute/China Finishers Project Food for the Hungry Forward Edge International Frontier Mission Gleanings for the Hungry Gospel for Asia “IberoAmerican Ministries, “”enlace””” InterAct Ministries International Teams I-TEC Jews of Jesus KPDQ Luis Palau Association Next Generation Alliance

31 M-DAT /

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 6* 49 50 51 52 53 7* 54 55 56 22

OC International OMF International OMS International Open Arms International Operation Mobilization Operation Mobilization - BOOKS Partners International People International Perspectives Pioneers Radio Voice of Christ Reign Ministries SEND International SIM SOAR International Ministries TEAM UIM International Voice of the Martyrs WEC International USA Western Seminary Wiconi International World Relief World Team WorldVenture (CBInternational)

57 WorldView Center Institute for International Christian Communication (IICC)

32 Mission Aviation Fellowship 33 Morning Star Development 21 Multnomah Bible College & Biblical Seminary

1* Worship / Speakers 58 Wycliffe Bible Translators 59 YWAM / Salem

“*Selection for foyer sites based on additional fees paid and first-come, first-served basis.”

w w w. m i s s i o n s f e s t n w. c o m • i n f o @ m i s s i o n s f e s t n w. c o m • 5 0 3 - 9 2 4 - 3 8 2 4

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Become a

Partner SM

Mission Exhibits & Resources GLEANINGS FOR THE HUNGRY Gleanings is a ministry of YWAM, and our mission statement is to help feed the hungry of the world physically and spiritually. We produce dried fruit and a dried soup mix which is given to other Christian ministries to take to the nations. We offer the body of Christ short-term service mission opportunities at our facility in California. GOSPEL FOR ASIA Gospel for Asia plants 10 fellowships daily among the most unreached of Asia. Through GFA, mission-minded Western believers are linking their lives with native missionaries for extremely fruitful ministry in these often hostile unreached regions. IBEROAMERICAN MINISTRIES IberoAmerican Ministries, founded in 1992, serves Spanish-speaking peoples in IberoAmerica. IAM began with a small church in Chile in 1977 to include churches and ministries in Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Spain and the Middle East. Today over 20 families and individuals serve as missionaries and interns. INTERACT MINISTRIES InterAct Ministries wants to see a culturally relevant church in every community of the North Pacific Crescent (Siberia, Alaska and western Canada). We are currently focusing on native and immigrant communities

Continued from 15

INTERNATIONAL TEAMS Every single ONE is highly valued…missions is from, to and in every nation…pushing the postmodern, missional envelope…Brian McLaren is one of us…going long and deep…relationships are greater than numbers. JEWS FOR JESUS Jews for Jesus exists to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide. To that end, we communicate creatively through literature witnessing campaigns, music and drama, secular media outreach, person-to-person ministry and our worldwide website. As an arm of the local church, we help equip Christians to witness more effectively to their Jewish friends and neighbors. LUIS PALAU ASSOCIATION NEXT GENERATION ALLIANCE It is the Palau Association’s goal to equip the local church in outreach through proven friendship evangelism training and our successful festival model. The Palau Association and its network of evangelists have held outreaches on five continents, reaching millions of people worldwide with the Good News of Jesus Christ. M-DAT/SHORTTERMMISSIONS.COM offers a free mission trip search tool, articles and discussion forums. Find trips for groups, individuals or families. Current

details on 1-week to 3-year opportunities from over 60 agencies—a ministry of Mission Data International. MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP Mission Aviation Fellowship is a team of aviation and communication specialists in support of more than 300 Christian and humanitarian organizations around the world. We exist to multiply the effectiveness of the Church using aviation and other strategic technologies that overcome barriers in reaching the world for Christ MORNING STAR DEVELOPMENT Our mission is to bring hope and opportunity to the needy peoples of Afghanistan using sustainable small business development, health care, education and agriculture to empower and transform individuals and communities. MULTNOMAH BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Multnomah’s mission is to educate, equip and enrich Christians for leadership in their church, their community and their world. We develop, through accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs, biblically and professionally competent servant-leaders of Jesus Christ. NAVIGATORS (THE) The Navigators is an international network of people who love God and follow Jesus. Our passion is to fill the nations with lifetime laborers who together will multiply among the lost. NEW TRIBES MISSION New Tribes Mission has 3200+ missionaries serving in nearly 30 countries, reaching unreached people groups around the world, translating the Scriptures, teaching God’s Word chronologically, and planting indigenous tribal churches, for 60+ years ( NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MINISTRIES (NAIM) North America Indian Ministries (NAIM) is a nondenominational faith mission focusing on Native people groups. We work in relationship with North American Natives in evangelization, discipleship and church planting. NAIM desires to be a part of what God is doing among First Nations People. OC INTERNATIONAL OC, an inter-denominational, multi-national sending agency envisions healthy churches influencing their nation and beyond for Christ. We value innovation; minister in teams; prioritize family; multiply ourselves in others; pioneer partnerships and serve church leaders. OMF INTERNATIONAL OMF International builds indigenous, biblical churchplanting movements in East Asia. Over 1,300 career members from 20 nations serve together. Summer teams, missionary interns or 1-year associates, medical and career church planters are welcome.

PERSPECTIVES Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a dynamic course where you’ll discover what God is doing around the world and consider your part in His purposes. Perspectives is offered at 150 extension sites around the world, 6 in the Portland area.

VOICE OF THE MARTYRS (THE) The Voice of the Martyrs is non-profit and interdenominational. Our vision is to aid Christians in nations where they are persecuted for their faith and to inform the world of the atrocities committed against them.

PIONEERS Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached people groups by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches.

WEC INTERNATIONAL WEC International seeks to establish multiplying churches among the most unreached people groups. Our multi-cultural teams are working in 60 countries in a variety of ministries.

RADIO VOICE OF CHRIST Radio Voice of Christ brings God’s Word to Christian believers and unreached Muslims in Iran and other parts of the Persian world through daily radio broadcasts, the Internet and teaching CDs. REIGN MINISTRIES Royal Servants International is a non-denominational, summer missions outreach extending to over 15 countries across the world each summer. RSI is designed for students ages 13 to 19 and adult leaders 20 and older. Training focuses on discipleship and a missional approach to ministry. SEND INTERNATIONAL SEND International is a global, cross-cultural missions agency focused on evangelism, discipleship, church planting and leadership development and serving in areas such as Japan, the Philippines, Europe, Turkey, Far East Russia and Alaska.

OPERATION MOBILIZATION (OM) Operation Mobilization’s role in the body of Christ is to motivate, develop and equip people for world evangelization, and to strengthen and help plant churches, especially among the unreached in the Middle East, Europe, South and Central Asia. PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL Partners International is a global ministry that works to create and grow communities of Christian volunteers in partnership with God’s people in the least Christian regions of the world.

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WICONI INTERNATIONAL Wiconi International exists to see First Nation people find faith and life in Jesus Christ and fulfill their God-given place in the body of Christ worldwide. WORLD RELIEF World Relief works with, from and for the church to relieve human suffering, poverty and hunger worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ through churchcentered compassion missions. WORLD TEAM Our purpose is to glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focused on the unreached peoples of the world.

SIM (SERVING IN MISSION) SIM serves in Africa, Asia and South America. Our purpose is to glorify God by planting, strengthening and partnering with churches as we evangelize, minister to human needs, disciple believers into churches and equip them to fulfill Christ’s Commission.

WORLD VENTURE (formerly CBInternational)

WorldVenture’s vision is to see people of all nations transformed by Jesus Christ through partnership with His church. WV’s local Northwest office staff focuses its effort on mobilizing local churches and developing individuals in mission involvement

SOAR INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES SOAR International Ministries is a Christian mission dedicated to service and outreach into Russia. SOAR seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Christian ministry teams and needed humanitarian aid - through summer camps, stuff a stocking Christmas project, orphanage outreach and remodel and other outreach to at-risk children.


WorldView is focused on training for cross-cultural disciple-making. We are passionate about increasing effectiveness in short, mid and long-term missions by facilitating intercultural understanding. Internationals and Americans study together at WorldView Center.

TEAM (THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION) TEAM is an evangelical, non-denominational, international mission whose purpose is to help churches send missionaries to establish reproducing churches among the nations to the glory of God. Over 300 TEAM missionaries serve in 39 countries. UIM INTERNATIONAL UIM International exists to plant indigenous churches among First Nations and Hispanic peoples in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. We partner with churches in both direct ministry through the church and also through short-term missions in our camps in all three countries and directly in native villages.

WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS Wycliffe’s mission is to assist the church in making disciples of all nations through Bible translation. Our vision is to see translation in progress among every language group that needs it by 2025. We call it Vision 2025. Wycliffe workers have helped to complete 500 translations, making God’s Word available to more than 35 million people. But now more than ever we want to partner with churches and agencies worldwide to reach the remaining 2737 Bibleless people groups around the world. YWAM (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) YWAM Salem is a multinational community passionately serving Jesus by equipping leaders and pioneering local and international ministries. Our primary focus is on unreached people groups; particularly in China, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan and Azerbaijan.

OMS INTERNATIONAL OMS International, an evangelical faith mission, reaches the nations for Christ through evangelism, theological training, and church planting in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa, and then joins with those churches to reach the rest of the world. OPEN ARMS INTERNATIONAL Open Arms provides relief from emotional and spiritual suffering to people around the world through medical expertise and Christian ministry. Join one of our short-term mission teams to India or Africa in 2006!

WESTERN SEMINARY Western Seminary is a catalyst and resource for spiritual transformation providing advanced training for strategic ministry roles. Our training is biblical in conviction, conservative in theology, spiritual at its core, and intensely missional in focus.









Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to




The Passion of Prayer


here have been many stories of God’s love and protection of His people. Peter was miraculously freed from prison as his friends interceded, Paul was guided by the Holy Spirit after Ananias layed hands on him in prayer, and Christ asked His disciples to pray for Him in the Garden. This great mystery of the necessity of prayer is as critical today as it has been throughout history. For it is the passionate cry of God’s heart to share our lives and minister to the lives of others in our world. Prayer is the unifying truth of the oneness of the Body of Christ.

“For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, And He has set the world upon them. He will guard the feet of His saints‌â€? (HANNAH’S


1SAM 2:8-9)

Missions Fest Northwest is committed and founded on the prayers of the saints. This commitment to prayer has covered the world with intercession for the revelation of Jesus as Christ to the lost and suffering of our world. There are many who do not know how to begin to enter into the mission field. For you, prayer is a way to start! On Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 7:00p.m., Missions Fest Northwest is hosting a prayer rally at New Hope Community Church. Many local pastors and leaders in our community have been invited to join together to intercede for the world and for God’s glory and impact at Missions Fest 2006. There will also be prayer available during the two day conference in Room #125 at New Hope.


As Jesus said, “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believed in Me through their word; that they all may be one‌â€? (John 17:20-21) As God sends workers into the field to share the love of Christ, there is a calling to faithfully pray that the words of their testimonies would enlighten the hearts of those who would believe. As our missionaries “go forthâ€?, let us pray! For it is the passion of prayer that guides and “guard the feet of His saints.â€? Lucienne Sawyer

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Conference Information Pre-Register Today! Go to and register & enter to become eligible to win a free night at the Scamania Lodge. DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION? Visit the Information Center in the main Atrium for answers to your questions and for directions. Light refreshments and beverages will be available to purchase in the GYM from 4PM until closing on Friday and from 8AM until closing on Saturday. Holy Grounds Espresso Bar is located at the entrance to the Fellowship Center and will be open throughout the conference.

Sign up to be on our mailing list and become eligible to WIN A FREE NIGHT AT THE SKAMANIA LODGE if your name is drawn!

Restrooms on the main floor are located to the left and right of the main sanctuary and at the entrance to the Fellowship Center.

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503-623-5700. Atrium





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SM Missions Fest Northwest is an Oregon nonprofit corporation with IRC 501(c)(3) status. Donations to Missions Fest Northwest may be deductible for tax purposes. Consult your tax advisor. The words "Missions Fest Northwest" and the logo design are service marks owned by Missions Fest Northwest.

Pre-register Today for Missions Fest Northwest 2006, Go to



2005 Executive Team Norm Cook Central Bible Church

As a Church Partner of Missions Fest Northwest (MFNW), you can be part of a movement to ignite God’s people for missions in your church and across the Northwest. Church Partners shape the direction of MFNW, have access to key missions resources, and make MFNW available to all who want to attend by covering its costs through annual membership donations. For more information on becoming a Church Partner, pick up a brochure in the display area today or contact us at

Gary Cowles LIVE Ministries


Bill MacLeod Greater Portland Bible Church Jonathan Martin Good Shepherd Community Church Pat Thurman Operation Mobilization Bob Wager City Bible Church

2005 Steering Committee We offer special thanks to the faithful men and women of the 2005 Steering Committee who have given sacrificially of their time, talents and finances. God has used their dedication for His great purposes.

Special thanks to the following people David Bilby Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment John Bradley The IDAK Group Jim Davis Davis Digital Dennis Hayes KPDQ The Fish Dan Hyatt Red.e Media Dean Sandow Farleigh, Wada & Witt






Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre DELTA Ministries East West Ministries Int'l Frontiers International Teams Luis Palau Ass'n Morning Star Development Multnomah Bible College and Seminary OCInternational Perspectives Reign Ministries/Royal Servants International TEAM The Oasis Village Baptist Western Seminary WorldVenture YWAM (Youth With a Mission)


ACMC Action International Ministries Africa Inland Mission American Missionary Fellowship Bearing Fruit Communications Campus Crusade Capernwray Harbour Bible Centre Christians in Action Mission Int'l DELTA Ministries International East Asia School of Theology East County Outreach East West Ministries International English Language Institute/China Finishers Project Food for the Hungry Forward Edge International Frontier Mission Gleanings for the Hungry Gospel for Asia IberoAmerican Ministries, "enlace" InterAct Ministries International Teams I-TEC Jews of Jesus KPDQ Luis Palau Association -Next Generation Alliance M-DAT / Mission Aviation Fellowship Morning Star Development Multnomah Bible College & Biblical Seminary Navigators (The) New Tribes Mission North America Indian Mission OC International OMF International OMS International Open Arms International Operation Mobilization Partners International People International Perspectives Pioneers Radio Voice of Christ Reign Ministries SEND International SIM SOAR International Ministries TEAM UIM International Voice of the Martyrs WEC International USA Western Seminary Wiconi International World Relief World Team WorldVenture (CBInternational) WorldView Center / Institute for International Christian Communication (IICC) Wycliffe Bible Translators YWAM / Salem

PARTNERSHIP CHURCHES Abundant Life Abundant Life Church Beaverton Christian Church Bethany Community Church - Seattle Bible Church Of Dilley Boones Ferry Community Church Brookwood Baptist Church Brush Prairie Baptist Church Burlingame Church Calvary Chapel Corvallis Calvary Community Church Camano Chapel Canyonville Chapel Cascade Bible Chapel Cascade Park Baptist Cedar Mill Bible Church Celebration Christian Church Central Bible Central Church of the Nazarene Child Evangelism Fellowship Chinese Faith Baptist Church Christian Fellowship of Winlock Clear Creek Community Church Columbia River Community Church Cottage Grove Bible Church Countryside Christian Church Dallas Alliance Damascus Community Church Eastridge Church Eastside Foursquare Church Emmanuel Baptist Church Estacada Christian Church Eugene Bible College Evangelical Bible Church Evergreen Bible Church Gateway Baptist Church Global Lampstands Outreach Good Shepherd Community Church Grace Bible Church Grace Bible Fellowship (Portland) Grace Community Fellowship Greater Gresham Baptist Church Greater Portland Bible Church Helvetia Community Church Hockinson Community Church Household of Faith Community Church Household of Faith Community; Gresham, OR Imago Dei Irving Bible Church Jefferson Baptist Journey Community Church Laurel Community Church Laurelwood Baptist Church Lebanon Church of the Nazarene

Life Change Christian Center Living Hope Baptist Church MacArthur Blvd. Christian Church Meadow Springs Community Church Monmouth Christian Church Mtn Park Church New Heights New Heights Church New Hope Community Church New Song Community Church Newberg Friends Church Newberg Gospel Chapel Northlake Baptist Church Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends NW Hills Community Church Oak Grove Church Peace Lutheran Brethren Church Perspectives Classes Pleasant Home Community Church Portland Christian Center Powell Butte Christian Church Powellhurst Baptist Church Prince of Peace Community Proebstel Evangelical Free Church Redeemer's Fellowship Melrose Community Church Refuge of Christ Revolution Ministries River Valley Community Church River West Church Rockwood Church of God Salt Creek Baptist Church Sherwood Bible Fellowship Sherwood Friends Church Shoestring Valley Community Church Silverton Friends Church Southlake Foursquare Church Southwest Bible Church Spring Mountain Bible Church Sudanese Christian Fellowship Sunset Presbyterian Sunset Presbyterian Church Sutherlin Family Church The Duvall Church The Harbour Community Church Tigard Christian Church Timber Valley Bible Church Valley View Evangelical Wapato Valley Church West End Campus Ministry West Side Church Westside Bible Fellowship Wood Village Baptist Church "These lists are at the time of publication and may be incomplete."

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