Heartconnections New Hope :
on mission to the world Co Lead Pastor
id you know that the moment you became a believer, the second you stepped across the line of faith and gave your life to Jesus Christ, God gave you an assign-
people the Good News about God’s grace.” Once we become followers of Christ, a major part of our life’s mission is to invite people into God’s family. In John 20:21 Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, so am I sending you.”
ment? In Acts 20:24 the Bible says… “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell
w w w . n e w h o p e c o m m u n i t y c h u r c h . o r g
Fall 2008
Brent Deffenbacher
This summer New Hope has geared up for an unprecedented season of outreach to not only our community,
Serving and Giving Back In the City Fest Season of Service Pat Wilhelm
ew Hope Church will continue to participate in four Luis Palau Season of Service events prior to the big City Fest being held at Portland’s Water Front Park August 22 – 23. New Hope joined with Union Gospel Mission for our first Season of Service at Compassion SE. It went great for a first try at a health fair. Over 100 patients were seen and meals were served to over 400 guests.There were over 300 volunteers. New Hope Church’s second Season of Service event was 4 Daze of Fun on July 21st - 24th The outreach was a roaring success with over 100 volunteers, 150 or more kids, and many parents, relatives and neighbors coming together for fun, food, games, and friendly competition. Each evening was topped off with entertainment from New Hope’s talented staff doing hilarious skits with great music that emphasized the theme of Endurance. The last night was the grand finale celebrated with BBQ burgers for all and Wacky Olympics where
Into The World - page 2
the parents joined the competition with their kids in ridiculous challenges! The 3rd Season of Service event will be New Hope’s Big Service Day, happening August 16th. Show up at New Hope in gloves and boots at 8am and an attitude to serve. This is a Johnson Creek Cleanup day.
Our 4th Service opportunity will be August 23rd for a Community Care Day with Lents Elementary School. This will be early in the morning and will not conflict with
“City Fest” since those events don’t start until 2:00 in the afternoon. Live music and Luis Palau begin at 5:00pm.❥
"There I the midst of you"— Jesus Christ
“Here Am I, Lord, Send Me”
Six Life-Changing Weeks with Open Arms Kenya
I was privileged to be there at this specific time in their history, and was able to welcome the first 20 kids to the new Open Arms Village! Then I got to walk the kids one mile to their first day of school. These kids had just arrived there in late May, and I got to see
Open Arms - page 2
Top Left: Jacqui Reilly: “This will let kids know you can have fun as a Christian” Cheryl Cripps: “Introducing children to the fact that it’s fun being a Christian” Top Middle: Ron and Carolyn Began, Ramon Mata, Kevin Mclean “We’re ready to serve the BBQ hot dogs to everyone!” Pastor Carolyn Mata: “Would like to see this launch kids on a spiritual journey and encourage them to want to pursue their relationship with Jesus. Top right: “Keri Wilborn (started coming to New Hope a couple of years ago after driving by the church several times): “I would like to see the kids learn team work and build friendship.” Marih Wilborn: “My favorite thing was jumping the hurdles since I did it earlier at church camp!” Middle left: Kevin Janisse: “It’s been hard convincing some of the boys to be on the pink team and wear a pink T-shirt in fact - I’m getting a ribbing from Rob and Dennis myself for leading the PINK team but I can take it and so can the boys on my team – we’re real men – comfortable in our own skin!” Middle center: Travis Dupell: “Wouldn’t bother me to be on the Pink team but I got an Orange shirt so I’m on the Orange team” “Some-
times I’m on and sometimes I’m off. I hope I’m on tonight so my team wins! “We’re going to win!” Middle Center: Emilie Murray and sons Josh and David “ I’m going to run my small sons around the track since they’re too small for the events. Hopefully it will wear them out before it does me.” middle Right: Erin & Eric Weir: “This should be a positive influence on the community.”
Steve Thomas “God is good! He blessed my wife Jean and me with retirement in June He provided us with a wonderful camping vacation in California, and visits with our children and grandchildren. And He opened up opportunities for us to share His Word with people on our trip as well.”
Ching Lee Chang “Well, the Lord has been helping me find a balance in my life. Even though there are many things to do—work, serving here at church, spending time with friends, and taking care of responsibilities—He’s been helping me keep my priorities straight, and it all works out.”
Erin Weir “God has been providing for my needs, and also for the funds for me to go on the Young Adults mission trip to Mexico this summer. I’ve been learning to trust God for all my provisions.”
Barb Precechtil Right now what the Lord has been showing me is that He is present with us ALL the time. His Spirit is walking along right with us, watching over us, providing for us. Even in times of recession He is providing and blessing us.
11731 SE Stevens Road Portland, Oregon 97086
How Has God Been Working In Your Life Recently?
New Hope Community Church
Interviews By Laura Davis
Bottom Left: Claire Jaqua, holding her Orange T-shirt she just received, “No idea what’s going to happen but I’m excited” Bottom Center: Pastor Ray Cotton I can’t believe how many people volunteered and came out to be a part of this. It’s very encouraging!” Bottom Right: Pastor Brent Deffenbacher: “It’s exciting to see we can gather as community beyond the 4 walls of the church...I hope the kids learn that you finish what you start even if things get
portland or permit no 996
...the kids started calling the Open Arms staff “Mommy” and “Daddy.”
them clothed, fed, and have their severe medical needs met. Over the six weeks I was there, the kids started calling the Open Arms staff “Mommy” and “Daddy”— little ones ages two through nine, who until this spring were children of the street. One little boy, Ian, was five—but he looked like a two-year-old, malnourished, with a fully distended belly due to worms. At first, he was literally just weeks away from death. He got treatment—but then he got malaria—but by the sixth week he’d gone from death’s door to a healthy boy, laughing and playing soccer. That’s what Open Arms is all about.
ew Hope member and local businessman Rob Humphrey recently returned from volunteering for six weeks at the Open Arms Village, a new orphanage near Eldoret, Kenya. “Heart Connections” sat down for a visit with Rob to learn about his lifechanging experience. Q: Rob, how did you become involved with Open Arms in Kenya? A: Well I am now the Chairman of the board of Open Arms, which has projects in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Mozambique and India. I was first involved with Open Arms mission trips to Uganda and to Bulgaria in 2004, and met the founders, David and Rachel Gallagher. This visit was my first trip to Kenya and my second trip to Africa. I own a business here in Portland that expedites permits, so I went over to help them obtain govern-
ment approvals for various property improvement needs on site at the Open Arms Village, including roads, power, water, environmental approvals, land use approvals, and building permits. Also I worked with the Open Arms Kenya staff to review and streamline their systems and procedures. We got the government to approve this as an official orphanage.
Non Profit org Us postage
Laura Davis
tough and that what we put into something is what we get out of it. If you don’t give up you receive the reward as the Bible says...It’s important to be a shining light on the hill.”
Meeting the Challenges, Facing the Volcano
What is CityFest
New Hope Latino Missions Team Rises to the Challenge in Ecuador Earle Hoover
hat does it take to be a missionary? The requirements are not secret, but few people fully contemplate this unless they are considering such an undertaking. First of all, it takes a calling. You could try to do it in your own strength, but you may not be willing to deal with the conditions and inconveniences: unfamiliar foods and potable water, sleeping, bathing, and toilet facilities—and then there are the temperatures, bugs, animals, and other things that go "bump" in the night. All of these become bearable through God's grace.
We represent you every bit as much as we represent Christ. Next is the burning desire to serve others with physical misfortunes so you can reach them for the much greater need, the salvation of their souls. All of
these are personal requirements, just between you and God. At least two more prerequisites must involve the corporate body. No one can be sent out without the prayer support of the "home body." What is done "in the field" is just an extension of the heartfelt desires of the send-
ing congregation. We represent you every bit as much as we represent Christ. Finally, but by no means least of all, there is the financial sup-
pat Wilhelm
port. Unless you have "really deep pockets," or lots of friends and family to sponsor you, you need to get very creative about fundraising. This is
Fresh Passion Revealed Bound for Baja: Young Adults Bring Hope & Love
what the Latino Ministry has had to do. Besides the dinners, tamale sales, and garage sales to raise money to aid the Ecuadorian people, the youth have held car washes and "pop can" drives to earn their own support. (Each one of us pays our own way.) It is to this
y the time you read this, a crew of young adults will have just returned from a town called Vicente Guerrero on Mexico’s Baja peninsula. But at press time, I am
Q: What are your impressions of the need at Open Arms Village? A: Just for more people who will say, “Yes, Lord, I will go. I will participate.”
them in their efforts. But my story starts with doubt. I had built in my head a stigma of superficiality toward youth mission trips to Mexico, simply because they were just so typical. I’d convinced myself
they were too generic for • Katie Boxeth • Jacob George • Camille me, too preMcInerny • Tim Boxeth • Nathan Ingram dictable. More• Marcie • Zach Briant • Jared Keys over, it seemed Millenbach they were the • Ching Chang • Ryan Kirkpatrick kind of thing • Becky Moore • Kyron • Mike Magura high-school• Charissa Pauls Christman • Brittany Mann ers—certain• Jonathan Cotton • Noelle Mann • Janelle Pauls ly not 25-yearolds!—did as they figured out their life and sitting on my bed, watching the clock near midnight on the eve wrestled with God about the of our departure. It will be my big stuff. Surely I was past that, second trip to Casa Hogar Bi- I thought. Of course, my plan does not envenidos, where missionaries Steve and Jackie Scott run Wel- always jive with my Father’s come Home Outreach, a child- plan for me. So when I realized care ministry for the families that I was making it about me, of migrant workers in the San instead of God, I finally grasped the meaning of my mission. It Quintin Valley. It is quite clear Steve and took some time to find the deJackie have built this ministry sires of my heart and unbury my upon a foundation of love and intentions, but I finally changed servitude. And I am so blessed my mind, and I went. I can’t say to have had the chance to join I had a major aha! moment with
2008 Team Members:
H e a rt C o n n e c t i o n s
God, or that my life was changed forevermore. But I learned that when I let God use me, I am filled with an intense, childlike joy that is unmatched to anything else I’ve ever known. It left a mark—and not just on me. With my stepmother, it was a memory that lived on. She shared her own mission experience with me, recounting the stories in great detail, as if they had happened 30 days prior, instead of 30 years prior. I saw in her a revival of passion, just as I saw in my friends a new curiosity.They asked me tough questions and challenged me. Today, I stand amazed at God’s strength and humbled by His grace. This group of college, post-college and nearing 30-year-olds have become my mentors and my motivators, my sheep and my shepherds. These are my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are many, but when united, we are one. And that has made all the difference. ❥ Into the World- page 1
but our world. Throughout the course of the summer months we have commissioned and sent out international missions teams and organized local ministry teams. In June we sent out our first international missions team to Kenya… ‘on mission’ to partner with Opens Arms International. During the months of July
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end that we wish to extend a sincere "Thank You" to all of you for your support in the past. Likewise, we hope you will be mindful of us in the future, as the cost of everything goes up. As with the gas prices, so goes the cost of everything else. What it cost us to go two years ago has almost doubled—an increase of
nearly $1000. Also, we were able to take clothing down with us the last two trips, while this year, each of us must pay dearly just to check a second bag. So, again we say, "Thank You All," for helping us bring hope to those who, since 1999, have suffered the ravages of the Mt. Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador. ❥
The Kimelis and Kibets each have their own three kids, plus seven orphans each! They had expected a big challenge, but have seen that, when you are called, God has prepared you. They have a genuine passion to be Mom and Dad to kids who don’t have one. I watched a little boy, Johnny, as he progressed from calling the local refugee camp home, to
and August, New Hope sent out multiple teams to partner with Pastor David Caburnay and his calling to physically feed and spiritually restore the hurts of those living in the Philippines. Whether it is feeding programs and Vacation Bible School to hundreds in Ecuador, a dental clinic to a village in Mexico, or an outreach to the Wolf Point Indian Reservation in Montana . . . New Hope is committed to
calling Open Arms Village home, to his housemother, “Mommy, Mommy.”
Q: How can we be more involved? A: “Ears—unlike eyes— don’t have lids, but how easily our ears are closed. Mainly, just LISTEN TO GOD. He will prompt us individually. Take some responsibility.
going ‘on mission’ for Jesus this summer and sharing the Good News about God’s grace. Your faithful giving back to God through the ministries of New Hope is providing the necessary resources for these and other teams to literally fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT) Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
❥ w w w. N e w H o p e C o m m u n i t y C h u r ch . o r g
Lauderdale, Florida (300,000), Nashville, Tennessee (90,000), Houston, Texas (225,000), Manchester, England (55,000), Lima, Peru (650,000) and Buenos Aires, Argentina (850,000).
Palau festivals have forever set a new standard in mass evangelism.
Through the festival, community service projects, and other related events, many thousands have recommitted their lives to Jesus Christ or given their hearts to Him for the first time. Positively impacting individuals, communities, key church and civic leadership, and entire regions, Palau festivals have forever set a new standard in mass evangelism.
Excerpts from Philippines Team Blog – July 2008 Tami~ Hello everyone! What an amazing week we have had! We have seen more and experienced more than we could have ever imagined! We drove down to Legazpi at the base of the Mayon Volcano, a 9 hour drive on narrow, curvy roads. What a beautiful trip, and wonderful friendly people. We each will describe our perspective of the past few days . . . Stefanie~ It was such an amazing experience . . . We arrived on Saturday night and found out that we were going to be a part of the church ser-
Q: Please describe the project. A: At my arrival, I sensed the impact of all the efforts of all those who’d been there before me. Clearing land, installing bathrooms, and oth-
er huge efforts of preparation work. This time next year there will be many more homes built due to all the hard work of all the people who came before. For every nail you hammer, and every rock you move, you are paving the way for a real child to have a real life—to live and not die.
nvision the biggest party you’ve ever attended. Multiply attendance by 100 or even 1,000. Now add two full days of live concerts by popular musicians, a children’s area, a community care area, a skate park featuring professional, world-class skateboarding, BMX and FMX demos, and opportunities to see your friends and family come to Jesus Christ.That, my friend, is a Luis Palau festival.Add in a season of service leading up to the festival, and a strategy for continuing, long-term community impact, and you begin to see the whole picture. These free, family-friendly events have drawn more than 6 million people since 1999 in such diverse locations as Ft.
The next Luis Palau City Fest is scheduled right here in down town Portland at the Water Front starting Friday August 22nd and continuing through Saturday August 23rd. Family Fun areas will be open from 2:00 pm – 6:00pm. The Sport Events will take place at that same time. From 5:00pm – 10:00pm the Live Music and Luis Palau will be on the main stage. For more details on the family fun events go to family_fun_zone . You’ll find more information about the sports events at action_sports or for just general information about the festival the main web site is ❥
New Hope Delivers Joy on “Smoky Mountain”
Open Arms - page 1
Q: Tell us about the house parents at the orphanage. A: Peter and Stella Kimeli and Peter and Caroline Libet (Kenyans) are the first houseparents to serve at Open Arms Village, located 12 km from Eldoret.
Becky Moore
Connecting at the heart level in our worship, in our friendships, in our relationships and in our service to God!
Q: How can we pray? A: For ongoing health of the orphans that are there. For strength and energy for the houseparents. For David and Rachel who have huge decisions on a daily basis with the construction project. For continued favor with the Kenyan government and the local tribes. Q: Will you go again? A: “Absolutely—date unknown. My 6 week relationship with kids of Open Arms Village makes that a guarantee. To love them and be loved by them was an amazing life experience.” Q: Their greatest needs this year? A: Hands-on construction! Experienced or NOT! For every nail you hammer, every rock you move, you are paving the way for a real child to have a real life, and to live and not die.” ❥
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Together we are making a kingdom impact in the world! ❥
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vice the next day! My mom found out she was going to have to preach the main message. Jordan, Kelsey and I did our "testimonies" on callings, then we played the song "I Am Free" at the end. They loved it! After church we went to Smoky Mountain—that was really sad! I watched the people pretty much attack a garbage truck to get what they wanted first. Then we went to the villages by Smoky Mountain to give a service for the kids. When we got there the only thing I wanted to do was cry because these kids had NOTHING, yet they were happy and had no problem with how they were living cuz they didn't know any different! When I looked around at their faces they had only smiles...such an amazing experience.
...these kids had NOTHING, yet they were happy Kelsey ~ On Sunday, our worship team was to sing a special number, and everyone decided that I was supposed to give my testimony. I started to have a panic attack and said no. About 20 minutes before the service
we decided that all of us were going to share. The whole service went really well and left us wanting to do it again. That afternoon we went to Smoky Mountain. We were able to go to the room they have church in. There were a bunch of children there and we did improv for about 30 minutes. We taught them songs (Silly Little Song, etc.) and told them the story of Jonah. They did the motions with us and tried to sing— so cute. Then we went to another part and did it again. That was my favorite part of the trip.
I shouldn’t have worried so much. On Monday Mercy took us to the market. That was so much fun. She bargained for us and got
the prices down. We found lots of things to bring home and had a bunch of fun. Tami- well as you can imagine, my perspective is a bit different than the girls. Words cannot describe this experience. It is
overwhelming in every way! The hearts of the Filipino people are so big and filled with love. They have so little by our standards, yet they are so happy and love to laugh! I was told that I was to speak on Sunday with night before notice—of course I was panicked, but a long time ago the Lord was brewing a word in my heart about our identity in Christ. The girls then shared testimonies and songs. I was so
proud of them! They did so well! We met with some of the GAP pastors in the Bicol region on Monday. They were such warm friendly people. We all shared again and Pastor David shared about attitude.
We then were able to visit two of the churches that New Hope has helped to rebuild. EvSmoky Mountain - Page 8
Sharing the American Dream . . . and God’s Love The Martens Street Build Begins in Early 2009 Kevin Felts
s a child, I had the rare privilege to help build the home I grew up in. My mother and father worked more than two years to build our house—an eternity to an 8 year old. It took teamwork and sacri-
H e a rt C o n n e c t i o n s
fice, and lots of sweat for Mom and Dad to realize their dream. That’s one reason New Hope’s Habitat for Humanity Breakfast at the Aerie in June meant so
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much to me.As a member of the New Hope Habitat Build Team, it was a wonderful opportunity to help New Hope raise the funds for the Martens Street Build in Lents.We received nearly $7,000 from the breakfast and silent auction. The food was good, the message was great, and the fellowship was awesome. When Martens Street is fin-
ished in early 2009, seven hard working families will have homes of their own, built with their own labor, plus volunteer labor, and a “hand up” from Habitat for Humanity and New Hope Community Church. By helping our neighbors achieve the American Dream, we’re demonstrating the love of Jesus through an effort that truly can change lives
❥ w w w. N e w H o p e C o m m u n i t y C h u r ch . o r g
forever. Habitat and New Hope still need your help. Volunteering or financially contributing to the Martens Street fund will help bless our ministry and the families that we serve. Please visit, to learn more, or contact New Hope Community Church. ❥
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Multiplication—God’s IDEA
Good-bye, Cannon Beach – HELLO, Welches!
Reach out, share life and multiply, so more people will have an opportunity to become part of a Community Group.
Marriage Retreat to gather at The Resort at the Mountain in Welches, Oregon Pat Wilhelm
Pat Wilhelm
s it possible that when God said in Genesis to be fruitful and multiply he was referring to more than just procreation? In Matthew 25, in the parable of the 10 talents (a large sum of money), two of the servants multiplied the talents they’d been given to watch over and were told, “Well done good and faithful servants; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord.” However, the servant with only one talent did nothing with the portion he was instructed to watch over, except to bury it. The master was very disappointed that he had not put forth any effort to multiply his amount. We can look at Community (Home) Groups the same way.
Like churches and Christians in a church, God doesn’t want us to keep our faith private and buried. We’re meant to reach out, share life and multiply, so more people will have an opportunity to become part of a Community Group. It can’t be expected of a new Christian or even people new to the church to start
Find Your Place in the Story!
Starting Point Orientation Pat Wilhelm
everal months ago we heard a lot about “THE DOOR.”There is another door at New Hope that could actually change your life! It is that big, beautiful dark brown mahogany door
we broke for the summer we explained we would not be having a home group in our home the following year. Consequently that group multiplied into four groups, led by those who had been leading throughout the year. Since 8 –12 members should be all that make up a Community Group, our group of 10 – 24 became four groups that now total over 40 members. In 18 to 24 months, if those four groups have leaders step up and become 4 groups each, with a minimum of 8 – 10 individuals, we would be looking at the possibility of having room for over 150 new people who would have a home group to attend. We don’t ever want to force
their own Community Groups, for many have never been in one before and have no frame of reference as to what they are.
We’re meant to reach out, share life and multiply, so more people will have an opportunity to become part of a Community Group. New Hope has had Community Groups for more than 25 years, but this past year we finally got the courage to multiply. During that year we began to have those who felt comfortable take turns leading the group. Before
by the coffee cart as you come out of the sanctuary. It’s actually the door to Pastor Ray’s office, but on Sunday mornings, after both services, that door opens up and becomes a safe place. You will be welcomed if you are just curious about God, not sure what you believe about God and the Bible, or want to learn how to experience more of Christ, the Bible and Christianity. Or you may be someone who has had some church experience, but have been away for a while. This is where you can come and get plugged back in. The facilitators are there to answer your questions on how to take the next step in “finding your place in the story” that God is writing. In August of 2007 Donna Cancio starting coming to New Hope Church. She wondered, “Now that I have made a decision to grow in my relationship with the Lord, where do I go from here?” As fate would have it, Starting Point had just been formed in September, and they greeted her enthusiastically at the door when she enquired for more information. “The facilitators in the room were so friendly, relaxed and down to earth,” Donna said,“that I felt comfortable right away.”
A safe conversational environment. The Starting Point groups referred to above begin each month, last for 10 weeks, and take place during first and second services on Sundays. These groups are designed to be a safe conversational environment. Anyone is welcome to explore faith and experience community in a non-threatening atmosphere where your opinions and beliefs will be valued. For more information about Starting Point contact Al Landis at 503-659-5683 or email him at “Find your place in the story!” ❥
H e a rt C o n n e c t i o n s
chips are down, and also to help you celebrate victories in your life. This summer we had a potluck picnic with those who were in our original group and now have groups of their own. These leaders were encouraged to bring the new people who have joined their groups.We saw the beauty of multiplication and our circles of friends grew even wider. It was great fun to catch up and renew our old friendships and meet new friends. We plan to do more of these get-togethers, and who knows—eventually we may have to rent a hall somewhere. But what fun to have so many good friends! For more information on Community Groups call Pastor Dennis Deardorff at the church, or e-mail him at . ❥
Providing Continuity, Encouragement, Direction and Grounding
“Update” Series:
She spent about 20 minutes in the room and received refreshments and information on the Starting Point program. Donna was given the opportunity to enroll in the first Starting Point group, which would meet for 10 weeks. “It gave me something to really look forward to every Sunday,” Dona explained. “I was encouraged to express my thoughts just as much as the facilitators did; in fact, they made us feel that our input was just as important as what they were saying. I got all my questions answered and went on to connect with Women of the Word and have developed many friendships, all as a result of going to Starting Point.”
anyone to lead a group unless they feel called or led to do so. That would be like a father telling his son he has to be a pastor. That would not accomplish what the Lord has in mind. We do realize that not everyone is called or feels comfortable being a leader, making it all the more important for those who feel a nudging to respond, step forward and offer their time to serve. There are some who feel led to be a host home or just want to attend a group. In this case, if one does not already have a Community Group or wants to start a Community Group or host one, they can come to Group Link, which is scheduled again August 24th at the church. There, they’ll be matched with others in their local areas. If you’re not in a Community Group, you’re missing an opportunity to develop lifelong friendships with quality people who will be there for you when the
New Hope 2008 Teaching Themes ince the beginning of 2008 our New Hope pastors were inspired to teach on several foundational themes. The following topics were covered for several weeks each, with breaks for special holidays. Pastors Ray Cotton and Brent Def-
Pastor Al Landis welcomes visitors to Starting Points.
Connecting at the heart level in our worship, in our friendships, in our relationships and in our service to God!
Spiritual Update, Relational Update, Financial Update, Physical Update “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27 NIV). Are you experiencing instability, frequent glitches, and/or the occasional crash? If so, when was your last update? Maybe it’s time to reboot, check your operating system for critical updates, and make sure your software is optimized.
“Authentic Worship” Series:
fenbacher continue to bring fresh truth and encouragement every week. If you missed any of the messages, here is an overview through the month of August.
hat’s right! Next year on April 3rd and 4th our Marriage Retreat will gather at The Resort at the Mountain in beautiful Welches, Oregon. Meeting at The Resort at the Mountain will make it easier for more people to attend. Being so much closer—and considering gas prices— it will be easier on our budgets as well. We won’t have to worry about bringing food on Friday night or fixing any meals while we are there. Friday night we can either eat at home before we come, eat on the way up, or enjoy dinner upon arrival in one of two fine restaurants at the Resort. “Married Life Refresh 09,” will include two meals and a one-night stay in the package price (TBD, but we are looking at approximately $250).
20 years we needed to find something closer— not only for conserving fuel, but many had a hard time making a commitment for 2 nights away from home. Those who wish to can stay over on Saturday night.There will be a discounted, optional second night available. More information will be announced closer to the dates. If you have questions or need more information now, e-mail ❥ These photos were taken at this years retreat at Cannon Beach. If you are curious as to what all these people are doing, ask one of them.
Hiking on spectacular trails with gorgeous views is always popular. The Resort has a lot to offer, including a year round whirlpool spa, and new this winter, a full service fitness center.There are fireplaces in most rooms, and room service is available. Weather permitting: a 27 hole golf course; the only regulation croquet court and lawn bowling greens in the Northwest; a sand volleyball court; 4 tennis courts; and even badminton is available. Hiking on spectacular trails with gorgeous views is always popular. The Resort is currently going through a full and complete remodel. Our couples will be some of the first to experience this new decor, including new king size beds and bedding in all rooms. We have included some of last year’s retreat pictures since it was our last one at Cannon Beach (at least for now). After
All month we celebrated The Door to a new life that Jesus came for the world to experience. When it comes to life, there are doors that we consciously choose to open and close as well. These doors can have a significant impact on our lives, depending on what choice we make.
“Free” Series: A study of Galatians "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law" (Galatians 5:1 NLT). This 10-week series explained how life in God’s Spirit, through His grace, is His plan for freedom in Christ Jesus. Galatians expresses Paul’s concern for the spiritual well being of the early church. In an intentional attempt to salvage the truth and integrity of the gospel, Paul wrote Galatians, a book that would encourage hundreds of generations of Christians to remain devoted in their faith.
With blankets, picnic baskets, volleyballs, maybe a neighbor or a friend, New Hopers gathered at Happy Valley Park July 6th. Everybody ate together potluck or picnic style. Around 7pm the Chris Loid Band began to play. It was relaxing to hang out and honor our troops (both past and present).
“Remember: A modern interpretation of Ancient Traditions” Private Worship, Public Worship, Corporate Worship, Relational Worship, Radical Worship, Supernatural Worship “Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.This is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1 NIV). When we think of worship, we typically think of songs offered to God in sincere praise and adoration. But scripture tells us that true worship begins when we offer ourselves as living sacrifices. From then on, every facet of our existence, both public and private, and every crucial relationship, becomes radically transformed.
“The Door” Series: Opening the Door of Life, Unlocking the Door of Significance, Closing the Door of Doubt Part I & II, Slamming the Door of Anger “Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends" (Revelation. 3:20 NLT).
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Communion, Prayer, Meditation & Fasting, Community Groups, Baptism Do ancient practices have any significance for us today? The pastors helped us dig deeper to discover where these traditions came from and why they are still important in our lives.
“Disciple: What it means to be a Disciple” No Christians Allowed, A Disciple...Washes Feet, A Disciple...Breaks Bread, A Disciple...Goes Out What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. Relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow.This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you? ❥
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Creative In His Image . . . Everywhere
Last March Pastor Ray and Pastor Brent introduced “The Door” as a theme of New Hope. The next class assignment was to paint doors. Each member chose a door to paint, then titled their painting and selected a Scripture to go with it.
Creative in His Image Retreat —2008
Stella Funk Butler
reative In His Image holds devotions and art classes led by one of our own church members, and an amazing artist, Beth Gray. Overseen by the Compassionate Care Ministry of Pastor Bev Skinner, also a volunteer of New Hope Community Church, the class meets nearly every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in room 109-110. Lesson plans are made by Beth each year in January, but God actually leads our colorful group. Last March Pastor Ray and Pastor Brent introduced “The Door” as a theme of New Hope.At the same time, the next class assignment was to paint doors—an inspiration from Revelation 3:19-22. Each member chose a door to paint, then titled their painting and selected a Scripture to go with it. Check the Alcove for the latest display of God’s infinite leading. The class, begun in October 2000 by a group of self labeled misfits, came up with a
name for their art group that first meeting: “Creative In His Image.” They wanted to be creative, to be about healing, to be sanctified, to explore and experience God’s given artistic gifts, and to move away from all the negative messages that told them they weren’t very good artists. Today they have a mission and vision.
...the next class assignment was to paint doors—an inspiration from Revelation 3:19-22. Since that night, the group has evolved and grown immensely. They try to have two annual retreats, in the Spring on the Oregon Coast painting outdoors, and one in the Fall at Camp Emerald Forest. All the cooking there is done from scratch by owner Flor-
ence Bauder, in a rustic lodge hand built by a Florence, her late husband, and son Jim. Their dream was to build a Christian Retreat facility.
Reaching Beyond the Walls of New Hope The art class participates in Ministry Fairs at New Hope at every opportunity, sometimes in art shows in the community, and they have a ministry at Somerset Assisted Living at the first of each month. Class members have donated their art work to fundraisers for domestic violence and to team members going to Kenya to build an orphanage village with Open Arms International. Several years ago the class
New Hope Fishermen Get Creative with Friendly Encounter back the boat into the water, and struggle going back and forth between the console and the motor to get it started. I helped by untying the boat from the dock, so he wouldn’t need to get out of the boat himself. The man thanked me and asked if I wanted to go fishing in the boat. After some hesitation, David and I finally gathered our fishing gear and snacks and climbed into the boat.
Allen Butler
It soon turned into an event on a boat with a Muslim from Iran. The day started out on the dock with fishing gear and snacks. It soon turned into an event on a boat with a Muslim from Iran. When Aseem drove up in his Jeep Wrangler pulling a wooden power boat with an old Evinrude outboard, he struggled getting the motor started. We watched the man
The day was spent with a friendly, polite man originally from Iran. He’d come to America to attend the Baptist University in Arkansas in the late 60’s and 70’s.When the Iran Revolution broke out and the capture of the American Embassy occurred, the government froze Iranian assets, including his financial resources to attend school. He feared returning to Iran. Instead, he dropped out of college and became homeless. After the hostage situation was over he was able to access his financial resources and re-
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At the end of the day Aseem had not caught any fish, but David and I had caught six trout and gave them to Aseem. We had a good time fishing and listening to Aseem talk about his life experiences, fishing, his job, his faith, and how he had worked to repair the boat we were fishing in. Aseem extended an open invitation to us to call him anytime we were going to be in Lincoln City, and he would meet us at the lake to go fishing. Meeting Aseem was a blessed gift from God. Who knows what God will do with the time we spent with Aseem. We pray that something profound and life changing happened, other than just a chance meeting with a man who doesn’t like to fish alone. ❥
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Interactive Faith Sharing Challenges Youth Sr. High Summer Camp ’08 Peter Johnsen
Student Community Pastor
nergy, anticipation and friendship described the atmosphere surrounding Sr. High Summer Camp ’08. With great memories of last year’s summer camp, our High School community jumped in the bus for the three hour drive to Camp Davidson at Suttle Lake near Sisters, Oregon. From June 30 to July 3, the 38 students and 13 adults would enjoy four days and three nights of mountain living and lakeside fun. The bus was greeted by an energized and accommodating Camp Davidson staff, ready to serve. Each day campers enjoyed some of the best camp food ever. Camp activities included a high ropes course, high zip-line, giant swing, and indoor rock climbing wall. In the afternoon, the lake was open for swimming, canoe races and water fights. For one special day, our high school students challenged each other in combat on the camp’s paintball field. Nothing can match the adrenaline rush of ducking behind trees and running through the woods while paintballs are flying through the air!
...interactive “faith-sharing” provided students a new way to introduce their friends to a journey of following Jesus Christ.
Each morning and evening, the high school students and staff would gather for worship and an interactive learning experience. The Student Community worship leader,
derstand God’s story, open up about their own personal story, and then listen to the stories of others. This process of interactive “faith-sharing” provided students a new way to in-
Justin Fish, led students in times of passionate worship and prayer. Next, Pastor Peter Johnsen taught and facilitated the process of “3Story”. Students were encouraged to un-
troduce their friends to a journey of following Jesus Christ. God worked powerfully as everyone at camp was confronted with their need for Jesus and their common connection as God’s children. ❥
Reaching New Heights on Mt. Hood Jr. High Summer Camp
Peeking into the Box of Chocolates WOW Summertime Bible Study
turn to school. He still has family in Iran, but will not visit for fear they will not let him return to America. Aseem did not understand why the different faiths of the world cannot get along. “If we all believe in a supreme God, and it is the same God, why do the different religions or denominations disagree on so many issues?” he asked. We did not talk about politics or the wars—no one wanted to bring up those subjects.Aseem expressed his desire to have someone to talk to during the day, as he did not really enjoy fishing alone.
We had a good time fishing and listening to Aseem talk about his life...
aturday morning David Lee and I started out on a day of trout fishing from a boat dock with rainbow power bait and snacks in hand. Our wives, Colleen and Stella, were intent on being creative with watercolor. We had other ways of being creative with water.
was approached to paint the walls for the Children’s Ministry that would be there for three years. For many of them it was their first time using acrylics or painting a mural. We are currently looking for some new blank walls to paint and are looking forward to the new building with great anticipation. To learn about our ever-growing class visit the New Hope website and look for fine arts. Our art gallery is at http:// Watch every month and you will see changing art work in the alcove in the lobby, just to the right of the stairs by the outdoor patio. ❥
Connecting at the heart level in our worship, in our friendships, in our relationships and in our service to God!
Peter Johnsen
Student Community Pastor
Maureen Kirk
hat tempts you? How about a box of chocolates? All you have to do is lift the lid and let those creamy centers and truffles or caramels with nuts bid your indulgence. Perhaps you’ve been losing weight, but one night you find yourself staring into the freezer at that almost forgotten half-gallon of ice cream. (You rationalize it’s too expensive to waste.) Does it matter what others think about you, so you rarely speak of your faith? Is someone of the opposite sex paying more attention to you than your spouse does? Are you tempted to give up on someone because you’re not seeing any real heart changes? 1 Corinthians 10:13 starts out, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to
man.” We Christians live in common with nonChristians in our culture of daily temptations.This is exactly why 95 women devoted their time to either AM or PM WOW Summer Bible Study with an average weekly attendance of over 50 throughout June and July.
Small group discussions provided the support needed for open, honest sharing of experiences mixed with insights. The Navpress book, Peeking into a Box of Chocolates, challenged our women to lift the lid off their temptations. Small group discussions provided the support needed for open, honest sharing of experiences mixed with insights. Finding something to work on chapter after chapter proved how pervasive temptation is and how quickly it can seize us. Even so, the scripture assures us,“God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also
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provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” God is our best way out of our attractions to evil, our self-focused interests, and impulses. In front of the whole morning class, Kathleen Fellows shared how temptation seized her to the point of attempted suicide. “Before I was saved I would give up, but God never gave up on me. He would pull me back to Him, keeping me afloat until I was ready to hang on by myself. Now that I have Jesus as my Savior, I can see the blessings through the clouds of pain and sorrow. I realize that I may not be worthy of Christ’s love, but because He loves me I am worth a lot.” Remember, we are the objects and focus of Christ’s love. Self and temptation will still be lurking and waiting for the opportunity to seize us, but the indwelling Holy Spirit wants to distinguish Himself in and through us, so the world may know Jesus is worth everything. To order Peeking into a Box of Chocolates go to ❥
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week after school was out, and before the boredom of summer began, 27 students and 14 adults packed their bags, jumped on a bus and headed for four days and three nights on Mt. Hood. Camp Arrah Wanna brought New Hope 6th and 7th graders together with an all-star cast of talented camp counselors June 25-28.
Camp was the grand finale to T-Minus, a four week rite of passage and confirmation of faith. Geared to help early adolescents understand and embrace the life of a Christ follower, T-Minus resulted in dozens of students committing to repentance, discipleship, baptism and church membership. In Judson Lodge they enjoyed a sense of community and friendship. Program Direc-
Carolyn Walker Nursery Director
What is it?
"Not Your Ordinary Nursery and Preschool”
“Waumba” means “Creator” in Swahili—thus “Waumba Land” is an environment where nursery and preschool children can experience real relationship with our Creator God. In addition to having their basic needs cared for, our little ones will learn three
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day featured team competition in the mud pit, followed by an afternoon swim in the pool. The next day students faced their fears and stretched their faith on the high ropes course. Highlighting the last day, campers thrilled to exciting white water rafting on the Deschutes River, with unforgettable lessons learned along the way.
tor Katie Boxeth strategically planned every day to be exciting and eventful. After morning calisthenics, the students enjoyed brunch, alone time with God, and morning worship, then headed off to a full day of camp activities. The first
foundational and vital truths: God Made Me. God Loves Me. Jesus wants to be my Friend Forever. Through prayer, songs, stories, and interactive play, our children will discover who God is and who He has created them to be.
Who is it for? This Fall, Waumba Land will open in the Nursery: birth through Pre-3’s (those children who turn three years old after September 1st). Later, as we are
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able to successfully make the transition, Waumba Land will expand to encompass the Sunday morning Preschool classes as well, ages 3-4.
When will it start? On September 7, 2008, the Waumba Land Nursery program will launch. On this date also, the children in our church advance to their next grade for Sunday morning classes.
How can I help? While Waumba Land is certainly a program geared for little
Camp was the grand finale to T-Minus, a four week rite of passage and confirmation of faith.
ones, there are plenty of opportunities for adults to get involved. Storytellers, Small Group Leaders (Yes—even for the Two’s and Three’s!), and people who can interact with children and babies and provide a safe, loving environment will be vital to Waumba Land. Unable to serve on a Sunday morning? We will also need help gathering and preparing materials for classes. The opportunities are virtually endless, and we would love to help you find your niche in this exciting ministry. We will have several training
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Powerful worship times were led by our new Student Community worship leader, Justin Fish. Pastor Peter Johnsen’s teaching encouraged students to understand how God desires to use each and every one of us in different ways. When the bus arrived back at New Hope, the excitement and spiritual growth generated at Jr. High Summer Camp overflowed as students headed for home. They can hardly wait till next year! ❥
sessions in August to acquaint people with the program and to make them familiar with the tasks involved. ❥
How do I get involved or get more details? —Carolyn Walker, Nursery Director(503) 659-5683 —Janet Cotton, Children’s Ministry Director (503) 659-5683
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oday, many individuals are expressing a strong need to be a part of a family atmosphere, a community experience, and something bigger than just themselves and their own little world. In a development like the Eagle Landing Lifestyle Center there will be numerous ways people can connect. When people feel they belong to something they are much more motivated to reach out and help others, which builds an even stronger community. Realizing the isolation that was taking place throughout society and the suburbs, and the need for density to accommodate growing populations, it became clear to developers that retailers, surrounded by a community gathering place, could become part of the solution for a meaningful community experience. Research indicates that most people have a need for at least 100 people to know them by name.
The Eagle Landing project can help us succeed in outreach by increasing our visibility and ability to reach and serve. The challenge for developers became more focused in the 1990’s: to develop Mixed-Use Centers where people could come together and congregate in a safe atmosphere with multiple facilities to satisfy diversified interests. One could live, work, meet friends, socialize, play, dine, and attend events, even church, all in one place. With the concerns about fuel and environmental impacts upon us, these ideas make even more sense. Aware of these trends and societal needs, in 1994, Neil Nedelisky purchased the 100-acre TopO-Scott golf course. He began to rezone and develop a mixed-use master plan that would benefit the entire community and introduce a new urban lifestyle to Clackamas County. Since 1994 he has successfully worked his way through zoning and master plan changes to launch the Eagle Landing lifestyle center. Neil’s goal from the start has always been to have New Hope Church as the centerpiece of the Eagle Landing vision—a safe community where people could live, work, play and worship or just come to hang out—to enjoy a sidewalk experience, good clean fun, and socialization with other people. New Hope’s goal is to impact the community for Christ. This goal comes more clearly into focus with a new city at our front door. The Eagle Landing project can help us succeed in outreach by increasing our visibility and
ability to reach and serve. Many of the workers, visitors, diners and shoppers will be coming right to our door.We will have no excuse but to reach out to them. Pastor Cotton explained that we plan to have someone at the chapel most of the day and evening to be available for those who come to pray or to be prayed for. Picture some troubled soul who has just experienced a tragedy, or a crisis, feeling comfortable enough to come to the chapel and find spiritual guidance and closeness to the Lord in their hour of need.
We are taking down the walls to make our Lord more accessible to people who might not ever feel comfortable enough to walk through the door. “Heart Connections” visited downtown Portland at the Pioneer Square and asked different people why they came there and if they felt safe. (By the way, the only facility that’s open to the public for connecting at Pioneer Square is the huge Starbucks on
the corner, and it was packed in the middle of the week,) Some of the answers given by Pioneer Square visitors were as follows: “It’s a place to meet friends after we get off work. Some of us don’t want to go to a bar or club and it's too early to go to a restaurant, so we just hang out here for a while and see who might want to join us for dinner later.” “It’s nice to stop here after we shop and just relax for a while.” “The waterfall drowns out the hustle and bustle of the traffic and the busyness of life. It helps us relax and we can think better here.” “We enjoy people watching and this is a great place for that. See the kids down there standing on their hands and doing some acrobatic tricks, and the lady over there with her cute little dog. We feel we’re a part of something here.” There were even four built-in chess boards on one corner of the Square. Others stood nearby watching, while more were waiting their turn. I don’t know about chessboards, but Eagle Landing Lifestyle Center will enjoy key place-making elements, a town square, and fountains, restaurants, food kiosks and coffee houses. At Pioneer Square, one family was eating an early dinner from a nearby vendor. The four of them sat on the steps, enjoying their food and the sunshine while waiting to catch the MAX train to the airport to leave on vacation.They said they felt very safe and had never had any problems. In fact, everyone I asked said they felt very safe and that
Heartconnections Advisors Pastor Ray Cotton, Pastor Brent Deffenbacher, Pastor David Boots Team Coordinator
Jim Davis
Copy Editor Laura Davis Copy Writers Pastor Brent Deffenbacher, Pastor Peter Johnsen, Laura Davis, Pat Wilhelm, Maureen Kirk, Earle Hoover, Kevin Felts, Stella Funk Buttler, Allen Butler, Carolyn Walker, Becky Moore Photographers Pat Wilhelm, Jeffrey Doering, Maureen Kirk, Rob Humphrey, Jim Davis. Also Courtesy of Hispanic, Marriage, Young Adult, Youth, Creative in His Image, Luis Pulau Ministries Layout
Jim Davis
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they just liked being around other people. We at New Hope have a choice. We can choose to be unhappy about the changes that are taking place, or we can ask God, “How would you have us serve this community?”“How do you want me to fit into this project?” and,“What would you have me do for you?” Are we willing to be Christ’s hands, feet and voice? My prayer is,“Please give me the patience and courage needed to see the Eagle Landing project come together, and the ability to do my part without complaining, all the while remembering that you are in control and opening a door for us to reach the community.”
Even though the unknown can be frightening, we can trust that God only wants what’s best for us and our church.
Here, in the 21st Century, in Clackamas County, we are in a new era. Lifestyles, people and their needs have changed. Change and stretching is hard, but the results can be OH-SOREWARDING! We at New Hope have an opportunity to grow and experience life transformation by providing a safe place for unbelievers to ask questions, express doubts and fears, and come to know Christ. It’s much great-
In a conversation with Pastor Cotton, he pointed out that the Children of Israel must have felt the same way when they were called to leave the comforts of Egypt. They had to step out in faith, and go where God was directing them, with a vision for something much greater. Even though the unknown can be frightening, we can trust that God only wants what’s best for
er than just the new buildings. We are taking down the walls to make our Lord more accessible to people who might not ever feel comfortable enough to walk through the door. We will be providing what people are most hungry for: “COMMUNITY.” SAFE – LOVING – AUTHENTIC “COMMUNITY." God has opened a door for us. Now let’s let Him call the shots. After all, He will anyway, with or without our permission. God really does know what’s best. If he is opening doors, in order to be obedient we must continue to walk through them.
us and our church. Our leaders are in prayer before God daily, seeking direction and wisdom in this matter. They feel this is the direction God is taking the church. As the Bible says, we should respect the decisions of those who have been placed in authority over us. In the meantime, we will have questions and we won’t understand everything He is doing. I believe there will come the day when God will say, “Well done my good and faithful servants. Enter into the joy of the Lord.” ❥
Smoky Mountain - Page 3
eryone knows New Hope here. What a privilege to be a representative of the people at home that have given so generously! We have loved staying with Lhisa and Pastor David. They have been immersing us in the Filipino culture just as we had hoped. The food has been wonderful, especially the coffee! The beauty of this land is incredible and breath-taking. Though my arm looks and feels
not-so-great, I am able to see this is right where I am supposed to be right now!
Everyone knows New Hope here. What a privilege to be a representative of the people at home that have given so generously! Jordan ~ The drive was beautiful. I've never seen so many rice fields in my life. Sunday. Church day. A few hours af-
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Shopping Center History The early 20th century sailed in during the height of the Industrial Revolution in America which changed the way of life for generations. There were few cars in the early Industrial Age, causing families to leave their farms and flock to the cities to be closer to factories and businesses where they found a more lucrative way of making a living than their small farms could provide. During this era downtowns boomed and Company Towns were born to bring community, night life, and entertainment to factory workers and families. By the mid-1940’s, the Post-War Era, affordable automobiles caused a new migration: families left the inner cities to make their homes out in the suburbs. Over the remainder of the century, these folks grew tired of coming into the city to shop and recreate, so suburban, driver-oriented Shopping Centers emerged to satisfy this need.
...families left the inner cities to make their homes out in the suburbs. For Portland this Post-War trend brought us many of the shopping centers we know today. In 1960, the Gateway shopping center became the place to shop in N.E. Portland. My generation delighted in the selection of retailers all in one place.We didn’t pay for parking or deal with
downtown traffic. Shops were close together and we could get our shopping and dining done very quickly.
Now in the 21st century, the social, internet and technological revolutions are again changing a way of life. Lloyd center, East Port Plaza, Washington Square and Clackamas Town Center followed in the Portland metro area along with many other shopping centers. Soon movie theaters, ice rinks and food courts were added and are still popular today. Now in the 21st century, the social, internet and technological revolutions are again changing a way of life. Real estate and retail developers across America realized that shoppers wanted more from their favorite shopping center than a long list of retailers. There emerged a growing need for a sense of community and for a return to the sidewalk experience and the town square. People in the suburbs had begun to feel isolated. The nuclear family was not always close by anymore. And due to job opportunities, transfers, and more grown children settling away from childhood homes, many folks (along with the families they left behind) were finding themselves lonely. Even the breakdown of families through death or divorce played a large part in the feelings of loneliness and a lack of belonging. ❥
ter church we went to Smoky Mountain.That was hard. David made us wear long sleeved shirts (which was crazy, and so hot). We walked into the actual dump. I was carrying a box of bars, like cliff bars and peanut bars. And we walked in and I was speechless. People were living in the garbage. While we were there, a garbage truck came
into the dump, and before it even got into the dump, people were already on the truck, trying to find things to use. The truck stopped and in 5 minutes it was empty and people were walking back to their "houses" with their findings.What was really hard for me was seeing all the children doing this. There were more children than adults digging through the garbage. And since I was holding the box of food, I felt really guilty. I wouldn't have enough for all the people, so I didn’t give any out. I was close
to tears. It was a really moving day. I'm never going to forget those kids' faces.
I was close to tears. It was a really moving day. I'm never going to forget those kids' faces. Monday was a blast. We ended up going to a meeting with the GAP pastors. Pastor David shared a really great word about attitude, and after we went to the market!!! It was so amazing
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the things these people made out of banana leaves and shells and all sorts of things. Then Tuesday we started our trip home, which with David’s driving made it back in 7 hours . . . ha-ha! Pastor David asked us yesterday what did we get out of the trip to Lagespi? What I personally got out of it were relationships, and I think that was the most important thing I could've taken out of this experience. ❥
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