Protecting the Most Vulnerable in Greater Portland
Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808 Our thanks for donated layout by Davis Digital, printing by Premier Press and photography by David Payne
In 60 minutes she could be pregnant. In 60 days they could abort their baby. In 60 seconds you could change these lives forever. This most volatile issue of our time affects everyone in our community. Yet, simple acts of love and compassion, combined with Truth, are creating amazing results for our and for eternity. By working together in the power of God, we can move people off the path of destruction and onto the path of life.
Protecting Hundreds of Thousands in Greater Portland
Women hearing the Good News when they most need it, and thousands coming to faith in Jesus Christ
or more than 20 years, Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC) has quietly worked to protect and save the most vulnerable in Greater Portland. By collaborating with hundreds of churches, and thousands of individuals--by leaving the political arena to others and compassionately serving those in need--the results have been stunning for hundreds of thousands in our community:
Youth introduced to abstinence until marriage as a positive lifestyle choice and encouraged to save themselves for their future spouse, protect themselves from the epidemic of STDs, and to avoid the emotional and relational consequences of premarital sex.
Women and men recovered from post abortion stress and empowered to expose the dark truth of abortion, and the amazing light of Jesus Christ, by sharing their story with others.
F °
Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
Women facing unplanned pregnancies given a safe place to hear the complete truth about their options
Babies born in our community who would otherwise have perished
Women and girls helped to avoid choosing abortion and its damaging consequences
Youth, women, and men are being empowered every day to make positive choices, including saving the lives of voiceless, pre-born babies. By confronting volatile issues—one life at a time— by meeting spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those facing difficult circumstances and incredible pressures, we can build a life-affirming culture in Greater Portland, while protecting the most vulnerable in our community, together.
Imagine our community ¢ When every baby has a chance to be born. ¢ When every baby is seen and heard by its mother and father before they make a choice about life vs. abortion. ¢ When every mom and dad hear and see the complete truth, in a compassionate, no pressure setting, before they make a choice about life vs. abortion. ¢ When every youth hears the complete truth about sexuality, relationships, STDS, and abstinence until marriage. ¢ When every father in an unplanned pregnancy hears the truth about life, about protecting and supporting the mother and baby, and the benefits of doing so. ¢ When every post-abortive person has an opportunity to experience healing and grace. ¢ When every believer is equipped to share with anyone, in a kind and effective manner, their
See this Vision emerging in our midst ‹
Moving people off the Path of Destruction and onto the Path of Life… PRC employs four primary methods Prevention Intervention & Support Reconciliation & Empowerment Collaborating & Equipping
Children Born Out of Wedlock Couples Cohabitating, Abortion & Divorces 1960 & 2004 (millions) 6 1960
4 3 2 1 Children Couples Born out Cohabitating of Wedlock
Abortions (1960 est.)
US Centers for Disease Control, 2005. UNC Chapel Hill Study, 2005. (Alcorn, Pro Life Answers To Pro Choice Arguments)
Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
Turning the Tide of Sexual Irresponsibility, Epidemic Disease, Unplanned Pregnancies, Broken Relationships
overnment surveys show that nearly half of High School Seniors are sexually active. One-fourth of the young people you know will have an sexually transmitted disease (STD) by age 25. Worse yet, 81 million Americans with an STD have no cure in sight. Since “safe sex” training in public schools began, STD rates, unplanned pregnancies, and abortions have skyrocketed. One third of young women will have a pregnancy by age 21. Meanwhile, abstinence until marriage continues to be the only certain way to reduce disease and improve marriages. During the past 40 years, people who were virgins when married were 50-75% less likely to divorce than non-virgins
Encouraging teens to embrace the benefits of sexual abstinence until marriage is the first step in reducing abortions (and divorces) in our community.
Students Speak Up After Reality Unlimited Workshops “The Reality Unlimited presentation was different from other ‘sex-ed’ courses I had taken in the past. Not only did this course introduce new topics I’d never gone over before, but the presentation [approach] was new.” “I’ve decided to wait until I get married. I learned a lot from you and I would just like to say thanks for coming and teaching in our class about why we should wait.”
The Power of Prevention
eality Unlimited is a full-time education program countering the epidemic of teen pregnancies and STDs by speaking in health classes and youth groups across Greater Portland. By sharing candid facts and engaging in dialog with students, the Reality Unlimited team brings an upbeat, informative, honest look at the powerful benefits of waiting for intimacy until marriage, and the unfortunate risks of being sexually active before marriage. Reality Unlimited speaks on a year-round basis to teens in public and private schools, as well as church and community groups. More than 15,000 students participate annually. Reality Unlimited exposes the illusion of “safe sex” and challenges each boy, girl or young adult to seriously consider their future. There are also parent presentations that equip parents with the tools to effectively communicate abstinence, and the topic of sex, with their son or daughter.
“Before the presentation, I didn’t think about all the things he said about love and life. He really proved a point by putting his story into the presentation and making the information real to us. I liked that he was honest and serious about his decision. Now that I’ve seen the presentation, my views and morals have changed.” “Before I thought: ‘just whenever I am ready’; and now I have a goal not to have sex until I’m married.”
Intervention and Support Decisions Rushed, Misguided or Coerced, Lives Ended, Lives Devastated
very abortion results in an ended life...a unique and valuable person that someone would cherish.
There are more than 9,600 abortions each year in Tri-county Portland. That’s 26 daily…more than one every What Women say About Their Decision to Abort hour. Nearly 1/3 of the current generation was Didn't Want 85% aborted...just look to Abort at the empty seats Felt Coerced in our school 64% Into Aborting buildings. Suffered Trauma After Abortion
65% 0
(D. Reardon, Women Who Abort! Their Reflections on the Unborn; 1996 Elliot Institute)
Suicide - Relative Rates Comparison 12-Months Following Abortion 20000
Abortions in Oregon
4 3
2 5000
1 0
Gave Birth Accidental Miscarriage (Finland’s National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health; Dec. 2005, study of medical records of ALL women who died in Finland from 1987-1994).
Elective Abortion
Hundreds of thousands of women and men in Greater Portland have had, or been a partner in, a past abortion. The majority of women who have had an abortion say they felt coerced by at least one party. Post-abortive women’s risk of suicide, substance abuse, breast and cervical cancer, divorce, depression, child abuse, infertility, etc. is higher than for those who are not post-abortive.
Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
Making a difference among those being misled and pressured to abort. Hope, Health and Healing... Intervention and Support with Complete Truth
With six locations in Greater Portland, PRC offers an “Open House” where women facing life-and-death decisions find open hearts and open arms to provide the care and resources, and the whole truth they need, to choose the very best for themselves and their babies. We treat every person who enters our centers—born and unborn—with the dignity and love that we all long for. All services are complimentary.
Over and over again, we find that when women are given the WHOLE truth, in an environment of grace and compassion, many of them find the humility and courage to choose hope and life for themselves and their babies.
So God created man in his own image...male and female he created them – Gen. 1:27
Stories like these are multiplied everyday throughout our city. Nicole’s Story
provocatively dressed fourteen year old girl named Nicole came into PRC for a pregnancy test. Her current boyfriend was her 12th sexual partner. To her relief, the test was negative. Seeing that Nicole was headed down a perilous path of destruction, Susan, her peer-counselor, compassionately shared with Nicole the risks of exposing herself to dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, such as HPV. “Don’t say that word!” The teen shouted. “I have HPV. I’ve already had two surgeries because of it!” Hoping to deliver her from a future more devastating, Susan presented Nicole with the benefits of remaining sexually abstinent until marriage. Unless she chooses abstinence, Nicole will most likely find herself pregnant in the near future.
Aya’s Story Aya came to PRC when there ‘just happened’ to be a peercounselor, who spoke her native language. Surprised to see her positive pregnancy test, Aya explained that the baby’s father was no longer around. She had no close friends. She lived with her brothers and was afraid to tell them that she was pregnant –they would not be sympathetic. Without support from others, she felt abortion was her only option. At her Ultrasound appointment, Aya smiled as she watched her fully-formed baby move around on the screen. She openly discussed the pros and cons of her decision but still wanted to abort. Aya understood that abortion was against God’s will. She had not attended church locally but was open to being introduced to a local pastor, who was very excited to meet with Aya. He considered it “God’s work” to help out PRC clients. Aya bonded with her new pastor and his wife. Aya had medical concerns
that only a doctor could answer so PRC set up an appointment with one of its referral doctors. Aya’s new pastor and his wife agreed to provide the support she needed. Aya was delighted to have found such love and encouragement in God’s servants. With her medical concerns addressed and a new support system in place, Aya chose to carry her baby to term. Under the watchful eyes of our sovereign Lord, Aya received the gentle aid of a compassionate doctor, a loving minister and his wife (and their church), and caring friends at the Pregnancy Resource Centers. With the Lord in control and faithful partners in our community, all things are possible. Quote from client after Ultrasound – “Pretty much everything she showed and talked to me about was new information to me...I’m going to keep the baby.”
PRC Center Services * * * * * * * * * *
Peer Counseling Pregnancy Tests Limited Ultrasounds Abortion Facts Post-abortion Information Adoption Facts and Referrals Parenting Classes Pre-natal Classes Maternity and Baby Clothes Referrals for housing, medical, education, legal, adoption, churches
Reconciliation and Empowerment Supporting those bearing the secret wounds of past abortions...paving the way to reconciliation and freedom ...unleashing their voices to share the truth
Tri County Metro: Current resident women who were of Child-Bearing Age from1970-2000, and Number Who Have Had Abortions 500000
Women of Child Bearing Age: 19702000
400000 300000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
180,000 100000
PRC provides post-abortion bible study support groups for women and men suffering from a past abortion(s). These are called HEART (Healing Encouragement for Abortion Related Trauma) and Healing a Father’s Heart. These groups are led by trained facilitators and offer help in dealing with postabortion symptoms such as denial, anger, fear, and regret. Through these studies women and men experience God’s forgiveness and grace. People can call our confidential voice mail at (503) 22 HEART to learn more. Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
Those Who Have Had One Or More Abortions
Collaborating and Equipping Photos of church service, youth group?>>
Transforming our Community, Protecting the Vulnerable, Beginning in the Church
oday, 70% of women having abortions call themselves “Christian”; 18% profess to be Evangelical Christians. That means someone you know from church has lived through the upheaval of abortion and its aftermath. Others at your church will soon face an unplanned pregnancy. Youth in your church are making decisions about sexuality right now. Numerous church leaders in our community have stepped up and are convinced that transforming the culture of our city must begin in the church. The church is in the most strategic position to demonstrate love, truth, purity and forgiveness that lead to hope.
Yet-we must ask, “Are we prepared to compassionately meet the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies...equipping and supporting them as they choose life? Are we willing and able to walk alongside those suffering from past abortions...renewing their hope? Have all the youth in our churches had opportunity to truly wrestle with their choice regarding sexuality? Is everyone prepared to interact with people intelligently and graciously regarding their pro-life beliefs?” We can answer “Yes” to these questions. PRC is uniquely positioned to serve the church by equipping, supporting, encouraging and mobilizing believers to be agents of life-affirming change in our community.
Expanding the Ministry of Truth, Love and Life: More Life Portland
Just four more full-time nurses would mean coverage that would increase our Ultrasound capacity nearly ten-fold…resulting in many more fully-informed decisions, including thousands more decisions for life.
Making Women’s FIRST Choice their Best Choice -- PRC More Life Portland Client Service Expansion Opportunity 30000 Advertising is Key 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0
Current Client Qty.
Current Maximum Maximum With (9) Capacity Centers
More Life Portland Ultrasound Capacity Expansion Opportunity 15000 Nurse Staffing Is Key 12000
y God’s grace, PRC has become a pacesetter for engaging our community with the compassion and transforming truth embodied in the people of Christ. Stepping out in faith, PRC’s board recently approved a plan to multiply our impact in Greater Portland. We call it “More Life Portland”. More Life Portland calls for maximizing current capacity so that thousands more will be served and the vulnerable protected. According to one survey, nine out of ten women who had an abortion say they would have chosen differently had positive alternatives been available. These alternatives are our responsibility and our privilege. God has established the knowledge, organizational depth, and physical capacity to do much more...
More Life Portland
Current Full Nurse Capacity Staffing (6)
Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
Three More Centers (9)
Maximizing Ultrasound -- More than 70% of abortion-minded women who have an Ultrasound chose life! PRC is blessed to have Ultrasound machines in all of its six locations. However, like a car without fuel, Ultrasounds have no value unless we have qualified staff operating them! PRC could dramatically increase its capacity - to more than 5,000 annually – IF every center had nurses during each hour of operation. Currently, PRC simply lacks the funding. When PRC cannot operate Ultrasounds due to staffing, most clients must schedule a return appointment. Roughly 40% of those clients fail to show up.
is thankful that it can serve more than 10,000 new clients annually in six centers. Yet, there are tens of thousands more youth, women, men, and pre-born babies we can’t yet help. Planned Parenthood alone sees more than triple the number of clients we see at PRC. Why? PRC has had virtually no funding to advertise, and limited access to youth in public schools. The good news? -- PRC has the physical capacity to handle an additional 7,500 new clients each year! God has prepared us to reach thousands more if PRC can become the first resource women think about when facing an unplanned pregnancy, instead of abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. That is why PRC is launching a targeted advertising campaign called “FIRST Choice™” Client Outreach - Making PRC the First Choice for Abortion-Vulnerable Women. 97% of abortions are performed on women who have had no contact with a PRC. If we could advertise effectively so girls and women know that PRC is available, then we could use the extra capacity we have in our six centers to serve more than 17,500 annually. All we lack is sustainable funding, i.e., PRC needs more ministry partners to fulfill its calling to reach all those who need the truth, love and support we offer. As funds allow, we also need to open three more centers to adequately serve the Portland Metro area. Ultimately, we need to serve at least 25,000 clients annually to meet the needs of our community. To accomplish this, PRC will need many new Partners for Life who will participate financially, fueling this God-honoring work.
It takes just 60 seconds... start making a difference for the most vulnerable in our community. that abortion is the only way out when unplanned pregnancy results—will prove too influential for many to overcome, including many who claim the name of Christ. You can be part of moving people off the path of destruction and onto the path of life...lowering the number of abortions each year. You can bring the truth to our youth, provide help to those facing lifeand-death decisions, and provide hope and healing to post-abortive people. Let’s serve and love them together, by the Grace of God.
ife and death decisions are being made daily in Greater Portland. Christians can be present and equipped to serve the youth, women, men and pre-born babies in our midst. If not, the deception from popular culture and secular media—that premarital sex is more valuable than good health or good relationships, and
Together, we can bring life-affirming ministry to tens of thousands more in our community. I look forward to hearing from you! In Christ’s Service,
Larry Gadbaugh, CEO, Pregnancy Resource Centers of Greater Portland.
Partial List of Churches that Participate with PRC Abundant Life Christian Church Aloha Church of God Apostolic Christian Church Apostolic Lutheran Church Ascension Lutheran Church Athey Creek Christian Fellowship Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Beaverton 7th Day Adventist Beaverton Christian Church Beaverton First Baptist Church Beaverton Foursquare Church Berean Baptist Church Bethany Baptist Church Bethany Bible Church Bible Church of Dilley Boones Ferry Community Church Calvary Chapel Southeast Calvary Chapel Gresham Cedar Mill Bible Church Central Bible Church Central Christian Church Central Church of Christ Christ Community Church - Tualatin Christ Reformed Episcopal Church Christ the Vine Lutheran Church City Bible Church Clackamas Bible Church Clackamas Park Evangelical Friends Church Clear Creek Community Church Columbia Community Bible Church
Connection Ministries Corbett Community Church Cornerstone Church Damascus Community Church Eastridge Church Eastside Foursquare Church Evergreen Christian Center Evergreen Presbyterian Church Faith Community Church Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Baptist Community Church First Baptist Church of Gladstone First Baptist Church of Gresham First Orthodox Presbyterian Church Forest Grove Assembly of God Forest Grove First Baptist Church Gateway Baptist Church Gladstone Christian Church Good News Foursquare Church Good Shepherd Community Church Grace Bible Church Grace Community Church, Gresham Grace Community Church, Tualatin Grace Covenant Fellowship Church Grace Foursquare Church Greater Portland Bible Church Harvest Community Church Helvetia Community Church Heritage Baptist Church, Gresham Highland Community Church Hillside Christian Fellowship Church
Hinson Baptist Church Holgate Baptist Church Hope Community Church Household of Faith Community Church Immanuel Christian Fellowship Immanuel Lutheran Church Imago Dei Community Church Lake Bible Church Lake Grove Christian Church Lents Baptist Church Lents Gilbert Church of God Lighthouse Community Church Living Hope Baptist Church Lynwood Friends Church Maranatha Baptist Church Maranatha Church of God Meadow Springs Community Church Milwaukie Christian Church Milwaukie First Baptist Church Montavilla Baptist Church Mountain Park Church Mountain View Christian Church Mt Olivet Baptist Church Mt Scott Church of God Neighborhood Church New Beginnings Christian Center New Heights Community Church New Hope Community Church New Life Christian Center New Life River Falls Oak Grove Church
Oak Hills Presbyterian Church Oregon City Church of the Nazarene Oregon City Evangelical Church Oregon City Foursquare Gospel Church Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Peninsula Baptist Church Peninsula Open Bible Church Peoples Bible Church Portland Christian Center Portland First Church of the Nazarene Portland Vineyard Church Powellhurst Baptist Church Redeemer Lutheran Church Reformation Covenant Church Richmond Community Church River of Life Lutheran Church River West Church Rockwood Church of God Rolling Hills Community Church Rose City Nazarene Sellwood Baptist Church Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church Somerset Christian Church Sonrise Baptist Church South Lake Foursquare Church Southwest Bible Church St Mark Baptist Church St Paul Lutheran Church Sunnyside Church of the Nazarene Sunnyside Foursquare Church Sunset Presbyterian Church
Temple Baptist Church The Chapel The Table: A Christian Community Tigard Assembly of God Church Tigard Christian Church Tigard Church of God Tigard Covenant Church Tigard First Baptist Church Tigard Friends Church Tremont Evangelical Church Tri-City Baptist Temple Trinity Evangelical Church Trinity Fellowship Church Trinity Lutheran Church Tualatin Foursquare Church Valley View Evangelical Church Village Baptist Church Waterfront Foursquare West Hills Baptist Church West Hills Covenant Church Westgate Baptist Church Westwood Community Fellowship Wichita Avenue Evangelical Church Willamette Christian Church Wood Village Baptist Church
We believe this document presents God’s heart for Greater Portland. We hope you will join us in fulfilling this vision; and that you will pass this on to a like-minded friend.
After 1 5 years of living in shame, God...
...revealed Himself to me through a PRC flyer.
was raised fatherless in an abusive home. During my teen years my mother’s openly sinful lifestyle brought harsh rejection from our church. I grew to resent the church and resent God. As a teen I began a cycle of seeking affirmation through sexual intimacy. When 18, I became pregnant and was told by my boyfriend, friends, and the women’s clinic “counselor” that abortion was the “responsible” thing for a young woman to do. Although I felt incredibly bad about my choice, I buried my shame, fell into sexual addiction, drug use and overdependence on the men I was with. I dropped out of high school, and went on to have two more abortions. Thankfully, the Lord led me to someone who brought me into a church family where I heard the Gospel and accepted Christ. I married and gave birth to a beautiful son. Motherhood was fulfilling, yet I was still tormented by deep shame and the distance I felt from God.
at my church. I knew something was separating me from the grace God offers but I could not define it. I tried being a much disciplined Christian, giving much of my time to my church family. I thought I was doing all the right things but still something was missing in my relationship with God. He was after my heart and, after 15 years of living in shame, God revealed PRC’s HEART ministry to me through a flyer. I called the confidential number and decided to participate. I began sharing my story with my small group, then my pastor and others at my church. To my surprise they all showed me loving grace and prayed for me. It was at HEART that I came to truly understand that I am a precious daughter of God, and my sin is truly covered by the Cross. The 15 years of trauma and shame gave way to freedom in Christ and to experiencing the abundant life Christ has for me. I now rejoice in sharing my story with others in hopes they will see the truth about abortion and the truth about Jesus’ amazing grace. For it is a story of how God can and does bring beauty from ashes.
I feared sharing my abortion story with other believers, terrified they would reject me. And I feared I would have to resign from my administrative position
– as told by Andrea
2006 Board of Directors
Medical Advisory Counsel
Steve Stephens, PhD
David Blessing, MD
Board Chair
Frances Sinnema, RN, ANP, MSN Vice Chair
Gordon Canzler, DO
Barbara Ju, RN, MPH
Drea Olmstead, MD
Mark Landsem
Joan Sage, MD
Stuart Funke, CFP, CSA, CIC
Frances Sinnema, RN, ANP, MSN
Toni Sunseri
Lonnie Smucker, MD Bill Toffler, MD Nancy Vestigo, RN
CENTER LOCATIONS Beaverton Pregnancy Resource Centers 7931 NE Halsey Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97213 503.256.0808
4700 SW Watson Beaverton, OR 97005
Gresham 104 NW 11th Ave. Gresham, OR 97030
Lloyd Center 1626 NE 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97232 503.284.1977
Milwaukie 14419 SW McLoughlin Blvd. Milwaukie, OR 97267
S.E. Portland Tigard 5117 SE Powell Blvd. #3 11507 SW Pacific HwyD Portland, OR 97206 Tigard, OR 97224
Becoming a Becoming a Partner For Life Partner For Life On behalf of the vulnerable and powerless,
On behalf of the vulnerable and powerless,
I want to:
I want to:
o PRAY- Join the PRC Prayer team. My email address is:
o PRAY- Join the PRC Prayer team. My email address is:
o GIVE – ($30/month will sponsor a pre-born baby,
o GIVE – ($30/month will sponsor a pre-born baby,
$12.50/month will sponsor a client in a Center)
$12.50/month will sponsor a client in a Center)
Regular giving: Amount-$_____________________
Regular giving: Amount-$_____________________
o Monthly
o Monthly
o Quarterly o Annually
o Quarterly o Annually
o First Gift of $_ ____________________________
o First Gift of $_ ____________________________
o Check enclosed
o Check enclosed
o Credit Card – Type:_________________________
o Credit Card – Type:_________________________
Security Code:_________Ex.Date:_______________
Security Code:_________Ex.Date:_______________
o SERVE – Please contact me about:
o SERVE – Please contact me about:
o Peer Counseling o Communications
o Peer Counseling o Communications
o Administration o Facilities o Events
o Administration o Facilities o Events
o Other:_ __________________________________
o Other:_ __________________________________
o Being a PRC representative at my church
o Being a PRC representative at my church
My Name:______________________________________
My Name:______________________________________