Portfolio Teaching Practicum IV Professor: Gabriela Dominguez Student: Jimena Rinaldi
REGLAMENTO de PRÁCTICAS INTEGRADO PAUTAS PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DE LA PRÁCTICA DOCENTE I. FUNCIÓN DE LOS PROFESORES DE LA PRÁCTICA El/los docente/s de Prácticas deberá/n: a) Convocar a los alumnos inscriptos para informarles sobre las actividades que deberán realizar. b) Proponer al Equipo Directivo los establecimientos escolares y cursos que se han seleccionado para la observación y realización de la Práctica Docente. c) Designar a los alumnos un establecimiento y curso determinados. d) Guiar a los alumnos practicantes en la elaboración de la propuesta metodológica a desarrollar en un curso determinado. e) Orientar a los alumnos acerca del modo de acceder a las distintas instancias de la Práctica; cómo realizar las observaciones, organizar los contenidos curriculares y contextualizar las experiencias educativas. f)
Observar a los alumnos en la instancia del rol docente y registrar por escrito las observaciones de clase en su cuaderno de actuación.
g) Realizar reuniones de grupos de reflexión: a) Con sus pares (para proyectar actividades, realizar ajustes y resignificar los procesos concretados). b) Con los alumnos (para analizar las experiencias y realizar un meta-análisis de las mismas). h) Dar a conocer al inicio del desarrollo el programa, las diferentes instancias de la Práctica Docente y los criterios de evaluación que permitirán la acreditación y calificación del alumno. i)
Realizar reuniones con el equipo de cátedra para aunar criterios sobre los motivos de la prolongación y/o suspensión de la Práctica Docente.
Informar al alumno sobre la prolongación y/o suspensión del período previsto y fundamentar la decisión adoptada. Ésta se comunicará al Equipo Directivo y al Consejo Académico del ISFD N’55
k) Orientar a los practicantes para la realización del informe final que contenga la autoevaluación del proyecto implementado. l)
Participar en el proceso de evaluación y acreditación de los practicantes.
m) Agregar en legajo de los alumnos, copia del informe final de práctica de cada año.
II. COMPROMISOS DEL ALUMNO Dentro del encuadre general pre-establecido los alumnos asumen los compromisos de: a) Asistir a los encuentros en la Institución Formadora o en la sede que se asigne y cumpliendo con los requisitos de asistencia y trabajos prácticos que estipule el proyecto de Cátedra. b) No tomar compromisos laborales en el turno asignado para la realización de las prácticas profesionales. c) Cuidar la presentación personal, teniendo en cuenta la prolijidad, sobriedad y discreción, adecuando la vestimenta al contexto y a las normativas de este instituto formador y de los establecimientos asociados. d) Cumplir con los horarios asignados y con el 80 % de asistencia a las actividades previstas. En todos los casos las inasistencias deberán ser informadas al docente de Práctica previo al horario de la misma. Las mismas serán justificadas siempre y cuando se cumpla con informar el motivo de su causa, acreditando certificación que acredite la misma. Para quienes ya se desempeñan en el sistema público y habiendo tomado licencia psiquiátrica o de algún otro tipo que exceda la ordinaria, deberán informarlo al profesor de Prácticas, ya que no podrá comenzar las prácticas hasta el finalizar su licencia, extendiendo de ese modo el período de cursada. e) Constituir una carpeta de Prácticas, en la que se incorporarán todos los trabajos requeridos, además de los planes y/o proyectos de intervención docente que se vayan realizando a lo largo del ciclo lectivo. La misma deberá llevarse todos los días de asistencia a las escuelas asociadas. f) Realizar tareas de observación y diagnóstico de grupo cuyo informe deberá incluirse en citada carpeta. g) Realizar las prácticas docentes según las normas que establecen los profesores de las cátedras de Práctica Docente de las diferentes carreras. h) Permanecer frente al grupo de alumnos, siempre acompañado por el docente orientador o algún otro personal docente del establecimiento, y cuando este/os no se encuentre/n en el salón, el/ los practicante/s y/o residente/s, no podrán ingresar al curso hasta tanto se haga presente uno de ellos que pueda permanecer en el aula durante el periodo de práctica/residencia. i)
Establecer con los alumnos un trato respetuoso, en un clima calmo de trabajo. Por ningún concepto se elevará la voz más de lo necesario.
Respetar los acuerdos realizados entre directivos de la Institución formadora y profesores del Espacio de la Práctica. Éstos podrán ser ajustados, siempre que medie el consenso de todos los actores involucrados.
k) Manifestar una actitud abierta y de aprendizaje, adoptando y valorando las sugerencias, orientaciones y/ o correcciones que realizarán tanto los docentes orientadores como los profesores del Campo de la Práctica Docente. l)
Concurrir siempre con el “Cuaderno de Actuación del Practicante”. Este consiste en un cuaderno sin espiral, foliado, con portada identificatoria en el que se registrarán las observaciones de las prácticas realizadas. Cada clase debe contar con el correspondiente informe realizado por el observante de turno: profesor del espacio o maestro orientador.
m) Asistir al 80% de las actividades realizadas en la Institución Destino durante el período de Residencia o Práctica Intensiva. Sólo podrán ser justificadas las inasistencias por motivos graves. a.
Se considera motivo grave: enfermedad/accidente/duelo por familiar directo (en todos los casos deberá certificar esta causa)
b. Tiene la obligación, en caso de inasistir a la Escuela Destino, de comunicarlo a: i. la Institución Destino ii. la Institución Formadora iii. la / las profesoras de práctica iv. Nota: Teniendo en cuenta la reglamentación vigente para los docentes de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y con el objetivo de formarlos en conductas de responsabilidad, se exigirá que el certificado médico o él que corresponda deberá entregarlo al docente del Espacio o a la Preceptora del curso en un plazo que no excederá las 48 horas. c. En caso de que el ausentismo del alumno superarse el 20 %, se acordará con el profesor un periodo compensatorio, previa consulta al CAI, cuyos integrantes deberán evaluar cada situación en particular, permitiendo dar continuidad o no en el ciclo lectivo en curso, para lo cual se presentará un informe del alumno. d. Aquel alumno que abandonase las prácticas, deberá realizarlo a través de una nota, dirigida a docente de Práctica. El abandono de la misma provocará que en la cursada siguiente elija turno o escuela en último lugar. n) Cumplir con los requisitos de asistencia del 80% al Taller Inicial siempre que la propuesta de la cursada cuenta con el mismo, y de aprobación de los trabajos solicitados mediante su presentación en tiempo y forma.
III . CARPETA DIDÁCTICA La carpeta podrá estar escrita a mano o en computadora, pero siempre en forma clara, legible y prolija. Al asistir a la escuela asociada, deben hacerlo con la carpeta didáctica y el cuaderno de actuación, sin excepción ya que la misma será solicitada por la profesora de práctica. Orden en que deben ser presentados los documentos: o
En primer lugar, se colocará el presente reglamento firmado por los alumnos. En el caso que existiese taller inicial, los trabajos correspondientes a este periodo.
Luego se colocará el diagnóstico del año asignado, el mismo se elaborará de acuerdo a las especificaciones dadas por las profesoras y deberá estar completo antes de comenzar a dar las prácticas de ensayo. Finalizadas las mismas, será actualizado.
A continuación, se incluirán las propuestas de enseñanza, como también, las autoevaluaciones y los informes de su compañero, de acuerdo a los requerimientos de cada cátedra. Estos informes deben estar prolijos y al día, ya que la carpeta puede ser solicitada en cualquier momento para su corrección.
Finalmente, se escribirá una reflexión general sobre la experiencia de la práctica.
La carpeta didáctica, entonces, deberá constar de los elementos que cada cátedra considere necesarios, a modo de ejemplo enumeramos los siguientes: 1. Reglamento de práctica 2. Taller Inicial (cuando correspondiera) 3. Diagnóstico de grupo 4. Los planes del proyecto que se vayan realizando a lo largo del ciclo lectivo 5. Los informes que contengan las autoevaluaciones y las del par pedagógico para cada clase de práctica. 6. Reflexión final 7. Cuaderno de actuación
La asistencia de los alumnos a las escuelas quedará registrada en un cuaderno que habrá en la institución y que el practicante/residente deberá firmar al ingresar a la escuela o en una planilla registro que cada practicante lleve, según indicaciones de la cátedra. Si alguna asistencia no fuera registrada debidamente en el cuaderno o planilla, el profesor de la práctica la considerará como inasistencia. Las ausencias, feriados o cualquier otro motivo de suspensión de clase, deberá ser asentado en el cuaderno. V. PLANIFICACIONES Se presentarán por duplicado: completas, prolijas, organizadas y legibles, con la debida anticipación, quedando una copia en poder del docente orientador. Las realizaciones “en borrador” no serán consideradas como válidas; tampoco podrán ser aprobadas en el momento previo a la clase. En cada plan de clase, debe especificarse: Nº de clase, área, tema, objetivos, contenidos, actividades, estrategias metodológicas, recursos materiales, evaluación, bibliografía consultada, de acuerdo a las indicaciones del profesor a cargo. En el caso del proyecto, se deberán completar los ítems enumerados en la ficha de cátedra indicada. Cada plan para ser aprobado debe dar cuenta de la apropiación clara de los contenidos a enseñar por parte del practicante. Las planificaciones deberán estar aprobadas por el profesor de prácticas o por el docente orientador 48 horas antes de su implementación. Caso contrario, el alumnos no podrán dar sus prácticas. El profesor de seguimiento suspenderá la intervención didáctica del alumno si comprueba la falta de la firma de la docente, pues interpretará que ella desconoce o no está de acuerdo con lo planificado por el alumno. Todo practicante deberá preparar el material didáctico que considere pertinente, fuera del contexto del aula donde realizará la práctica. El material se adecuará a los objetivos establecidos en el proyecto y al Diseño Curricular vigente. Se sugiere que a los efectos de ser evaluada su pertinencia y adecuación, sea presentada al docente orientador una muestra del mismo para su aprobación. El material didáctico debe ser claro, suficiente en cantidad y en el caso de contener textos, éstos deben poder leerse desde los últimos bancos del aula. Si algún informe, o plan de clase debiera re-hacerse, deberán entregarse el que fue corregido por la profesora de la práctica, y la copia original con sus indicaciones o correcciones. Las planificaciones no serán aprobadas, si presentan errores ortográficos, gramaticales o de contenido.
Las actividades deben seleccionarse de acuerdo con los objetivos fijados en cada planificación.
VI. CONSIDERACIONES A TENER EN CUENTA PARA LAS PRÁCTICAS 1. Si hubiere algún inconveniente en las instituciones en que se realicen las prácticas (falta de docente, paro, falta generalizada de alumnos u otras situaciones impredecibles) el alumno deberá informar a las profesoras de la práctica antes de tomar cualquier decisión. Cada docente de Práctica establecerá medios de comunicación con los residentes para que ellos puedan cumplir con estos requisitos. 2. Para que la práctica se lleve a cabo, debe estar presente entre el 50 y el 65 % del curso, acordando esto con el profesor orientador debido a las características propias de los cursos. 3. Los días de lluvia, los alumnos deberán concurrir a sus observaciones/ prácticas, sin excepciones, salvo que las inclemencias del día así lo justifiquen. 4.
No se permite comer / beber / hacer uso del celular en las aulas.
5. El alumno podrá comunicarse con el profesor orientador sólo en la forma que este se lo indique, en el caso que este solicite que solo sea en la escuela de destino. No se permitirá llamar al docente orientador por teléfono celular. Y en todo caso, será el docente quien eventualmente se comunicará con los alumnos. 6. Antes de comenzar con las observaciones y/o prácticas la institución de destino podrá solicitar a los alumnos que concurran a una entrevista con la dirección del nivel/ departamento de la escuela destino o una instancia de presentación que permitirá establecer vínculos entre las escuelas asociadas y todos los actores involucrados en el proceso de Práctica y/o Residencia. 7. Sólo pueden ingresar a las aulas los alumnos que previamente se hayan inscripto como observadores o practicantes. 8. No se permite ingresar a las aulas una vez comenzada la clase, por lo que deben presentarse 10 minutos antes del inicio de la misma.
Una vez leído el presente documento, me notificaré completando los datos que figuran debajo de la línea, que luego cortaré y entregaré al docente de Prácticas como certificación de la Reglamentación existente para esta cursada. _____________________________________________________________________________
Declaro conocer y aceptar las indicaciones contenidas por el presente documento para la cursada regular de ___________________________________________ del Profesorado en ______________________________________________________ del año 20___.
Notificada/o:_____________________________________________ (Firma)
Aclaración: _____________________________________________ (Nombre y apellido completo) DNI: _______________________________________
Carlos Maschwitz Group Diagnosis: STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Johanna Rebuffo STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Jimena Rinaldi INSTITUTION: Maschwitz English School COOPERATING TEACHER: Natalia COURSE: 2nd Year Secondary School 2nd Year – Maschwitz English School Students Diagnosis Report The group is made up of 27 students, 17 boys and 10 girls, who are between the ages of 14 to 15. These students are very friendly and somewhat competitive. They have a broad understanding of the language, though some students sometimes need some intervention in Spanish. The students in this class are quite talkative so the teacher has to ask for them to work quietly repeatedly throughout the period. There are a few boys who are rather disruptive. Students work during class using their students’ books and workbooks. Once they complete an activity, they usually correct it all together orally and taking turns to come to the board. There are a few students who seem to have acquired a deeper understanding and use of the language, as they always know what is being asked for them to do and are eager to participate orally in class as well. The teacher communicates with her students mostly in English, translating certain content into Spanish. Instructions are always given in English.
The classroom The classroom is big enough for all the students’ desks and chairs to fit comfortably in. These are arranged in three rows facing forward, where the board and the teacher’s desk are located. The classroom has large windows with curtains facing the street, and without any curtains facing the playground. There is only one poster on the wall next to the door, which are in Spanish. There is also a clock above the board.
UNIT PLAN STUDENT TEACHERS’ NAMES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS JOHANNA REBUFFO 11-3851-1578 JIMENA RINALDI 348-433-2217 INSTITUTION ASSIGNED: Maschwitz English School COOPERATING TEACHER: Natalia COURSE: 2 Year Secondary School PERIODS PLANNED: 12 TIMETABLE: Tuesdays, 13:30hs. – 16:30hs. SUBMISSION DATE: May 30 PROJECT PRESENTATION DATE: June 7 DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP (Presented on separate document) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OVERALL THEME PLANNED: Renewable Energy Sources nd
THE LANGUAGE OF LEARNING (Content- related Vocabulary and structures)
THE LANGUAGE FOR LEARNING Lang. for communicating the content
THE LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING Lang. that could emerge from the learning (our guess)
Energy Power supply Renewable Solar energy Wind energy Water energy Biomass Electricity Pollution/Contamination Recycling Non-renewable Fossil fuels Coal Oil Gas Nuclear
When we… You can/could use… It is created from/comes from… Wh- questions Comparing/Contrasting Dis-/Advantages Comparatives/Superlatives
Ecological footprint Global warming Climate changes Environment Resources Turbine Imperatives Cause/Effect
COMMUNICATION: language will be used for students to understand the topic at hand as well as for them to be able to express themselves. We will interact orally through discussions and topic presentations using vocabulary related to energy. Student participation will be highly encouraged. CULTURE: context will be taken into account so as to involve every single student throughout every lesson, encouraging participation, and raising student awareness about the role they play in the daily use of energy. COGNITION: students will actively participate during each class, using real-to-life activities to evaluate situations and make informed decisions through different critical thinking skills.
CONTENT: material will be especially made for the tasks and topics dealt with during the lessons, taking into consideration student needs and interests. The aim of these tasks will be to make a distinction between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and acquire knowledge of the different sources of renewable energy sources, focusing on two of these sources. The importance of avoiding energy wasting habits will be highlighted. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Present Continuous; Present Simple; phrasal verbs; adverbs of time. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the unit, students will: · Develop their oral skills through students’ interaction. · Gain new vocabulary related to renewable resources. · Improve their oral skills. . Understand what energy is, that it appears in different forms, and can move (be transferred) and change (be transformed). . Recognize and understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity, and how they can affect the world. . Explore how energy is converted. . Investigate renewable technologies: wind, water, biomass, solar. TASKS/ OUTCOMES: Real-to-life products that integrate the learning that has taken place up to a certain moment along the unit. There should be several instances of outcomes. These instances should be used to assess students along the learning process. They should prevail in our classes. Matching activities are placed in quadrant 1. EVALUATION: Apart from the assessment stemming from the outcomes, students will be evaluated by means of a formal test in agreement with the cooperating teacher. CROSS-CURRICULAR RELATIONS: · Science · Ecology MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Every class, the student-teacher will include one of the following in the plan. · Video · Activity involving the use of Netbook · Poster / Realia · Presentations · Audio · Prop to contextualize settings BIBLIOGRAPHY: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Education Programs State Energy Conservation Office http://www.teachingengineering.org http://www.dosomething.org https://www.tvakids.com/teachers/resources.htm
http://www.ashden.org/schools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEeH4EniM3E http://www.eschooltoday.com/energy/renewable-energy/what-is-renewable-energy.html
Wind Energy
Simple Present
Power Energy
Comparative and Superlative
Simple Past
Pollution Wind Energy
Vocabulary about Wind Energy Wh- questions Comparatives/Superlatives
PresentPerfect Vocabulary of Renewable sources.
Renewable Energy
Environment: Global warming / Climate changes
Electricity Environment
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OR LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the class, the students will:
● ● ● ●
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy Understand how wind power works Understand new vocabulary through context Discuss about the importance of the wind power
MACROSKILLS: reading, listening, speaking, writing. AUTHENTIC MATERIAL: Video Introducing the Topic. PROCEDURE/ DEVELOPMENT : 1. DECODIFICATION/CLASS DISCUSSION Revision: (10 minutes) The teacher will ask them if they remember what they saw with Miss Johana. The teacher will write on the board the words that students will say (ENERGY/RENEWABLE/NON-RENEWABLE/ SOLAR ENERGY) and she will ask them which energies were Renewable (wind/water/solar) and which Non Renewable. Activity 1: (20 minutes) Then the teacher will tell them that they will have to guess the topic by decoding words. The teacher will show them a code of numbers and explain them how it works. Then she will give them a photocopy with the code and the words that they have to decode. In pairs, they will have to write down the words and try to guess the topic. A =7 – B =5 –C =3 –D=25 –E= 23 - F= 10 - G= 4 - H= 2- I=6 –J=8 – K= 11- L= 1512-N= 16 –O=18 –P=20-Q-R=19-S=13 –T=9-U=24-V=14-W=17-X=21-Y=1-Z=22 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
23-15-23-3-9-19-6-3-6-9-1= (Electricity) 23-16-23-19-4-1= (Energy) 23-16-14-6-19-18-16-12-23-16-9= (Environment) 9-24-19-5-6-16-23= (Turbine) 17-6-16-25= (Wind)
Once the students guessed the Topic, the teacher will ask them the following questions: Have you ever felt a strong wind? What could you do with a steady, strong wind? (Possible answers: Fly a kite, sail a boat, dry laundry on a line, turn a windmill, open the window to cool or air out your house, etc.) When we get wind to do something for us, we are making it work. Who remembers the definition of energy? (Answer: Energy is when something does work.) Is wind an energy source? 2. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (MAIN FOCUS ON THE CONTENT) Activity 2: 15 minutes Students will have to read the meanings and place the words they decoded in the right definitions. Match the words with the meaning:
1-air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity alongthe earth's surface 2-The collection of physical effects related to the force and motion ofelectrically charged particles, typically electrons, through or acrossmatter and space. 3-any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades,driven by the air 4-the capacity for vigorous activity; available power 5-Ecology. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors The teacher will check the answers orally. Activity 3: 20 minutes The teacher will show a video to introduce students how wind energy work. And will tell them to pay attention because after that they will have to do an activity about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpbTTGe_gk After watching the video, the teacher will ask them what was the video about and we will make a Web map about it on the board. They will copy it in their binders. Then, the teacher will give them a chart in which students will have to classify the words in advantages or disadvantages of wind energy. We will check it orally.
PROS (Advantages)
CONS (Disadvantages)
Renewable energy source/ Noisy/ Hazardous to birds/ No pollution/ Will not run out/ Wind is only available at certain times/ Free energy/ Safer and cleaner air/ Its location
Activity 4: 30 minutes The teacher will show them a conversation of two friends about Global warming. Students will read it aloud. Then the teacher will explain to students that in pairs, they will have to create a Dialogue between two friends talking about Wind Energy by using the wind facts and the vocabulary that we already worked with. Sarah: Hello! How are you? Dr. Herbert: I am fine and what about you? Sarah: I am fine too. But why do you look so worried, my dear friend? Dr. Herbert: No, I am not worried at all. I am just thinking about the causes of global warming and its harmful effect. Sarah: Oh, I see. It is really a much talked issue in the present world. But I do not know much about it. What is global warming? Dr. Herbert: Oh, yes! Global warming is the gradual increase of world's temperature. The greenhouse effect is the gradual warming of the air around the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution. It is predicted that by midway through the next century world temperatures may rise by as much as 4á´źc. Sarah: What will happen then if temperature rises by as much as 4á´źc? Dr. Herbert: This will greatly reduce mankind's ability to grow food and damage wildlife and wilderness.
Sarah: Oh, my God! I see a horrible situation is waiting for us due to global warming. Dr. Herbert: Yes, indeed! Besides, due to global warming, the ice in the Polar Regions will melt. This will naturally raise the sea level of water and flood coastal areas. Sarah: Really global warming is a great threat for our existence in this world. We must work to stop this global warming. How can we stop global warming? Dr. Herbert: We have to work to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and plant trees more and more to stop this global warming.
Then we will share some of the productions. 3. CLOSURE: Activity 5: 30 minutes The teacher will show students different ways of catching others’ attentions and communicate important messages. A brochure:
A poster:
After that, the teacher will separate students in groups and will ask them to discuss and think how they can transmit what they know about wind energy to the other students of the school. (the teacher will suggest examples such as a Brochure or a poster) The teacher will provide them the materials needed. Once they finished, each group will come to the front and share what they did. Activity 6: 10 minutes The teacher will tell the students to write a brief paragraph (50-80 words) about how they felt doing the activity. EXTRA ACTIVITIES: The teacher will give them a Searchword Puzzle with the words of the new vocabulary.
Create your own Searchword Puzzle!!
EVALUATION CRITERIA ● The student can define wind energy. ● The student can identify advantages and disadvantages of the different energy sources. ● The student can explain and talk about the topic.
Simple Present
Present Continuous
Wind Turbine
Comparative and Superlative
Simple Past
Vocabulary about wind energy
High and Low – speed shaft Generator Anemometer Yaw drive Brake SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OR LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the class, the students will: ● ● ● ●
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy Understand how windmills work Use new vocabulary through context Understand and explain how wind energy works
MACROSKILLS: reading, listening, speaking, writing. AUTHENTIC MATERIAL: Video PROCEDURE/ DEVELOPMENT :
Activity 1: (15 minutes) SPIN WHEEL GAME: The teacher will ask to students if they remember what they saw last class. After that, the teacher will divide the class into two big groups. And she will explain that they are going to play a Question Game. The group that answers more questions wins. The following link shows how the Spin Wheel works and the questions: http://wheeldecide.com/index.php?
c1=Mention+2+Disadvanatges+of+Wind+Power&c2=What+is+a+Turbine %3F&c3=Mention+2+Advantages+of+Wind+Power&c4=Mention+2+NonRenewable+energies&c5=What+is+Wind %3F&c6=Mention+2+Renewable+energies&t=Wind+Power&time=5
Activity 2: (15 minutes) The teacher will give the students a photocopy with a Reading Comprehension. Students will have to read it aloud.The teacher will give a photocopy with the following questions about the reading and in pairs, students will have to answer them: 1. Where does the wind come from? 2. What kind of energy is wind energy? 3. Which areas have more wind? 4. How do wind turbines work? 5. What is a wind farm? 6. Do we use wind energy for electricity
We will check it on the board all together. Activity 3: 20 minutes The teacher will give students a photocopy of how wind turbines work and she will project the same image on the board. The teacher and the students will read it all together and discuss it.
In pairs, students will have to complete the sentences of how Wind Turbines work. The teacher will explain to students that this will help them for the Final Project of building a Windmill.
Activity 4: 15 minutes FILL IN THE BLANK Choose a word from the list above that accurately completes the sentences below. Word list /wind turbines / highspeed shaft / blades / electricity / renewable energy/ sun/ generator 1. Modern windmills found on wind farms today are called __________ _______________. 2. The power of the wind is an example of ________________________ _______________. 3. Wind farms make ________________ for homes and businesses. 4. The wind blows through the _____________ of a wind turbine. 5. The _____________ produces electricity using the turning motion of the ___________ ____________ 6. The winds will keep blowing as long as the ______ shines on the earth.
We will check it all together on the board.
Activity 4: (35 minutes) PROJECT: The teacher will show a video in which a Windmill is built, but she will not give the procedures. In groups, students will have to take down notes from what they see on the video and they will have to think how the turbine spins. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jEhW6xFv49k
Materials: ● A pair of scissors ● Cardboard ● Glue ● Plastic cups ● Wood sticks ● Scotch tape
● Thread While they build it, they will complete the following chart:
Questions ●
How does a wind
● ●
turbine make energy from wind? What does a wind turbine need to have to spin? Why is a demonstration of work (hauling a weight) the same thing as generating electricity?
Once they finish building the windmill, each group will write their experiences (what went wrong, how they solved any problem that appeared) and explain how the windmill works. Then they will share it with the other groups orally. 3. CLOSURE: Activity 5: 10 minutes The teacher will give them a Crossword Puzzle with the new vocabulary from solar and wind energy. TRUE OR FALSE Do you know which of these statements are true and which are not? Fill in the blank with (T) for correct statements and (F) for incorrect ones. 1. Wind is a safe and clean way to make electricity. ____ 2. The sun cools the surface of the earth. ____ 3. A wind turbine works like a giant fan. ____ 4. People can grow crops on a wind farm. ____ 5. Wind turbines burn fuel like coal, oil or gas. ____ 6. Wind turbines produce electricity all the time. ____ 8. People have used the power of the wind for thousands of years. ____ 9. Flat lands are good places to catch wind. ____ 10. Renewable power is the fastest-growing kind of energy in the world. ____ 11. Turbine blades make a gentle whooshing sound. ____ EXTRA ACITIVITY
The student can explain how wind energy works. The student can identify what a windmill is and how it works The student can think how to build a windmill
● to make it work. ● The student can explain and talk about the topic.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student’s teacher: Jimena Rinaldi Final Reflection of my classes (Carlos Maschwitz)
On the observation classes I felt nervous because I thought that being in front of a class of those secondary school children would be difficult. Apart from that, I never worked in a Secondary school and I did not know how I was going to deliver my lessons. When I delivered my lessons, the students worked very well with the activities and they engaged with every lesson. But there was a group of boys that misbehaved and that did not let the lesson flow as I expected. There was an interruption of the lesson because they did not stop bothering. I believe I could have tried in another way instead of waiting that the other teachers help me. Of course, I did the best I could and besides these boys had serious problems of behavior in the school. Apart from that inconvenient, I felt relaxed and I enjoyed every moment of my practice. I realized that in one of the Planning there was too much reading and less engaging activities, I hope not to make that mistake again in the following planning.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student: Jimena Rinaldi Feedback Johanna Rebuffo’s Class 1
Carlos Maschwitz Johanna Rebuffo started the lesson with a video about the natural resources. The teacher elicited information from the students to check comprehension. The n Johanna asked the following questions: Were you aware of the different types of energy sources before watching this video? What types of energy sources could you see in the video? Can you explain the main difference between the two? Where do we get energy from? Can you name the type of energy we are using in this classroom? Then the teacher and the class brainstormed on ideas and definitions for renewable and non-renewable energy sources as the teacher wrote them down on the board. The teacher then handed out a worksheet for them to complete. On it, they had to define renewable and non-renewable energy using the information from the video and the terms on the board. The students were really engaged. To show students the impact of non-renewable energy sources, the teacher used the Popcorn Activity: The students were really engaged with this activity because it was original and fun. They had a very good time and the the teacher showed. As a close-up to the Popcorn Activity, the teacher and students discussed how the students acted in “using” the resource; any waste that occurred (popcorn dropped on the floor); whether any thought was given to students coming afterwards; the degraded quality of popcorn towards the end showed in a graphic way how resources are wasted. The activities were suitable for the students’ level and they were participating in every activity. The activities were explained in a proper way and when Johanna spoke, all the students were listening. The students seemed very interested in the natural resource project that the teacher presented. They understood all the explanations. It was a very nice lesson.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student: Jimena Rinaldi
Feedback Johanna Rebuffo’s Class 2 Carlos Maschwitz The teacher began the lesson using a PowerPoint presentation to engage students through a Visible Thinking Routine: Zoom-in. Johanna displayed a section of an image and asked students questions such as: what do you see? What do you think is going on here? Can you make any connections? Have you noticed‌? Then, other sections of the image were gradually displayed until the entire image is displayed. The students were encouraged by the teacher to discuss what they observed. The students showed interest in this activity and Johanna elicited information from them in a different way. After that, the teacher a video introducing solar energy and used the information students remembered from the video to brainstorm on pros and cons of solar energy on the board. The teacher discussed the information and the students participated. Then the teacher explained the procedure they would have to follow in order to build their own solar ovens by a PowerPoint presentation. The students worked in groups and the teacher provided all the materials needed. Besides, she monitored and helped students with their doubts. As a close-up to the Solar Oven Activity, the teacher elicited information from students regarding energy, heat and storage. The students seemed interested and focused on the activity. The following lesson, some of them showed a picture of a food they cooked to the teacher and they showed themselves satisfied with the results.
E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz Group Diagnosis:
STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Johanna Rebuffo STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Jimena Rinaldi INSTITUTION: E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz COOPERATING TEACHER: Valeria Acevedo COURSE: 4 Year Secondary School th
4th Year – Escuela de Enseñanaza Secundaria N°4 Students Diagnosis Report The group is made up of 27 students, 19 girls and 9 boys, who are between the ages of 13 to 15. These students are respectful and friendly. They lack deep understanding of the language; therefore, they need constant intervention in Spanish. The students in this class are quite talkative so the teacher has to ask for them to work quietly repeatedly throughout the period. There are a few students who do not show interest toward the subject at all and prefer to chat among themselves. Most of the students are engaged in the activities during the lesson though they remain quiet with the exception of just a couple who willingly speak up and participate orally. Due to their limited understanding of the English language, the teacher continually uses Spanish to give directions, translate the text and relate the topic to their lives and context. Students work during class using their students’ booklets and bilingual dictionaries, though these are quite inadequate. Once they complete an activity, they usually correct it all together orally and taking turns. Sometimes, students do not work during class because they take this time to prepare to sit for their pending exams. The teacher communicates with her students mostly in Spanish, as translation plays an important role during the lesson. Instructions are always given in English and Spanish.
The classroom The classroom is very large and comfortable with more than enough room for all the students’ desks and chairs to fit comfortably in, even allowing for additional free space in the front of the classroom. The desks are arranged in four rows facing forward, where the board and the teacher’s desk are located. The classroom has large windows facing the street, as well as windows facing the hallway indoors. There are several posters on the walls, both in Spanish and in English. There is also a projector fixed to the ceiling and a white wall for it to project on. In addition, there are also speakers available.
COURSE: 4 Year Secondary School PERIODS PLANNED: 8 TIMETABLE: Fridays, 13:00hs. – 15:00hs. SUBMISSION DATE: PROJECT PRESENTATION DATE: DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP (Presented on separate document) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. OVERALL THEME PLANNED: GLUED TO THE SCREEN AND SOCIAL NETWORKING th
THE LANGUAGE OF LEARNING THE LANGUAGE FOR (Content- related Vocabulary and LEARNING structures) Lang. for communicating the content
THE LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING Lang. that could emerge from the learning (our guess)
Media Energy Electricity Technology Newspaper Radio Television Computer Cell phone Screen Internet World Wide Web Social networks Google Facebook
Technological changes Technological advances Progress Context Sources Imperatives Cause/Effect
Back in the day we used to… When we… We used to get our news from… Now we can/could… What if…? Wh- questions Comparing/Contrasting Dis-/Advantages Comparatives/Superlatives
Media literacy Influence Consumption
COMMUNICATION: language will be used for students to understand the topic at hand as well as for them to be able to express themselves. We will interact orally through discussions and topic presentations using vocabulary related to media and communication. Student participation will be highly encouraged. CULTURE: context will be taken into account so as to involve every single student throughout every lesson, encouraging participation, and raising student awareness about different types of media and the role media plays in their daily lives. COGNITION: students will actively participate during each class, using real-to-life activities to evaluate situations and make informed decisions through different critical thinking skills.
CONTENT: material will be especially made for the tasks and topics dealt with during the lessons, taking into consideration student competence, needs and interests. The aim of these tasks will be to make a distinction between different types of media, and acquire knowledge regarding how media changed through the 20 Century, focusing on sources available to access the news at different time periods. The role media plays in our day-to-day life will be highlighted. th
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Present Continuous; Present Simple; Past Simple; Comparatives; Superlatives. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the unit, students will: Develop their oral skills through student interaction. Gain new vocabulary related to media. . Compare and contrast different types of media. . Discover the main differences among different types of media. Understand that media exists in different forms. . Explore how media has changed through the 20 Century. . Recognize and understand interrelationships among technology, communication and human activity, and how they can affect the world. Understand how population relates to available media sources. . Evaluate problems related to online media and exposure time. . Investigate types of media: newspaper, radio, television, internet. . Learn strategies to prevent problems related to excessive screen exposure time. . Look at their media consumption and learn to understand it better, tracking down their own media habits by charting their television viewing, reading materials and Internet habits. th
TASKS/ OUTCOMES: Daily Plan #1: Introductory video on media. Defining media, and classifying different types of media. Completing a Three-Circle Venn Diagram. Unit Assignment: What is my Media Consumption? Completing a crossword puzzle using knowledge on types of media. 2. Daily Plan #2: Video: Carousel of Progress. Video: Computers. PowerPoint Presentation: Inventions. Understanding how inventions change our lives. The still-evolving computer as such an invention. 3. Daily Plan #3: Visible Thinking Routine: See, Think, Wonder. Evaluating pros and cons of the use of Smartphones and computers. Learning about problems related to online media and screen exposure time. Unit Assignment: What is my Media Consumption? True/False Worksheet. EVALUATION: Students will receive feedback from the teacher along every lesson, fostering strengths and encouraging improvement. Apart from the assessment stemming from the outcomes, students will be evaluated by means of a formal test in agreement with the cooperating teacher. CROSS-CURRICULAR RELATIONS: Social Studies History
Technology MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Every class, the student-teacher will include one of the following in the plan. Video Activity involving the use of Notebook Poster / Realia Presentations Audio Prop to contextualize settings BIBLIOGRAPHY: https://nationalgeographic.org/activity/glued-screen/ http://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/04/living/feat-screen-free-week-activities/ http://www.brighthubeducation.com/high-school-english-lessons/ http://www.education.vic.gov.au/ http://www.KidsHealth.org/classroom http://www.bbc.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmrSiJTMf7s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smONcs8kF0o http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/code/BuildCrissCross.asp
DAILY PLAN CLASS PLAN # 1 STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Jimena Rinaldi STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Johanna Rebuffo INSTITUTION: E.E.S. N°4, Maschwitz COOPERATING TEACHER: Valeria Acevedo COURSE: 4 Year Secondary School th
THE LANGUAGE OF LEARNING THE LANGUAGE FOR (Content- related Vocabulary and LEARNING structures) Lang. for communicating the content
THE LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING Lang. that could emerge from the learning (our guess)
Media Energy Electricity Technology Computer Cell phone Screen Internet World Wide Web Social networks Google Facebook
Technological changes Technological advances Progress Context Sources Imperatives Cause/Effect
Back in the day we used to… When we… We used to get our news from… Now we can/could… What if…? Wh- questions Comparing/Contrasting Dis-/Advantages Comparatives/Superlatives
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OR LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: Identify and discuss different Social Networks. . Discover the main differences among different social networks. . Compare and contrast different social networks. . Understand how social networks interfere in our social lives. . Understand new vocabulary terms through context. MACROSKILLS: Listening . Speaking . Writing . Reading AUTHENTIC MATERIAL: · Woollen ball Board game Videos . Pictures PROCEDURE/ DEVELOPMENT: OPENING/ENGAGING ACTIVITY: (15 minutes)
The teacher will divide the class into two groups and start the lesson with a board game with questions about what they have seen as far in previous lessons. Every time a student answers a question, he will have to throw a woollen ball to a student from the other group.
When the game finishes a web that connects all the students will be created. The teacher will elicit the connection between that web and the technology through questions. (What does this look like? (a web) what is happening? How can you relate this to technology? Why?) The teacher will write down all the information the students say and will elicit the word Internet. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (MAIN FOCUS ON THE CONTENT): Activity 1 (10 minutes) The teacher will ask students how they think Internet connects us. The teacher will give out an activity to match the beginning with the correct ending of the sentences that the students will listen from the video. The students will watch a video about Internet. The teacher will play it twice if necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5oe63pOhLI Match the beginning of the sentences with the correct ending
1. If you can get two or more computers play together
Internet is a network of
3. 4.
Every device in the internet If one path is broken
The internet is
We all make
the data takes a different path networks that share each other the Internet happen open, decentralized and totally neutral
has its own unique address you get a network
Activity 2 (20 minutes) 1. Students will watch a video about the evolution of Social Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErhX5Shg8c0 2. The teacher will ask them some questions to check understanding. What is the video about? What kind of communication did you see in the video? Which is new in this video? Do you use Social Networks? Which ones? Then the teacher will show students a picture of different social networks. The teacher will elicit what the picture is about through questions (What does this picture mean? What are they used for? What can we do with them?) The teacher will write the answers on the board. Then the teacher will give out a photocopy and tell the students to write the different characteristics in the right social network. Write the right characteristics in the right Social Network. One characteristic can be used more than once. Add more information if you want to.
Characteristics: It has a common wall to share thoughts / There is a “Like” button You can chat with your friends / You can upload pictures You can use “smilies” to express your feelings / You can have followers You can edit your photos / You can send instant messages and video calls The messages or pictures are temporary / It is more personal You can interact with famous people Activity 3 (15 minutes)
The teacher will show a picture related to Social Networks and she will give 5 minutes to discuss with their partners (in pairs) what they think it is about and why.
The teacher will tell the students to choose in pairs 5 elements of traditional media from the picture and compare or contrast with the social media that is related with. Activity 4 (15 minutes) Then the teacher will tell them to choose three elements from real life and connect it with a Social Network or App like the ones in the picture. We will share their productions orally. Activity 5 (10 minutes) Students will watch a video about the Pros and Cons of the Social Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SAYwQM7OaA Using the above information, the teacher will give students a photocopy in which they will have to place the different sentences in Pros or Cons Write the sentences in the correct list. PRO’S
Cyber bullying / Socializing / Sharing content / Sexual abuse / Improving education / Fake profiles / Increased self-esteem / Advertising The teacher will check it orally on the board
Activity 6 (15 minutes) The teacher will ask students the following question before watching a short film: Are Social Network a real social activity? Why? Why not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXdVPLj_pIk After watching the video the teacher will ask students what the video is trying to transmit and what they think about it. After discussing, in pairs the students will have to think a solution to his problem. The teacher will write an example on the board as a guide. Disadvantage of Social Networks: Anti-social life A symbol or a word to express it: Depression Solution: Activity 7 (10 minutes) The students will choose another Disadvantage of the Social Network from the Pros and Cons chart of the previous activitiy and they will have to do the same: Disadvantage of Social Networks: A symbol or a word to express it: Solution: CLOSURE: (10 minutes) The teacher will give out an activity to put the letters in order to make the words. Put the letters in order to make the words 1. AOKCEFBO: _____________________ 2. ALOCIS ONTKWER: _______________ _________________ 3. TERINETN: ________________________ 4. NAIGRSTAM: ______________________ 5. RPOS ADN NSCO: ___________ ___________ ____________ EVALUATION CRITERIA
Students can define social media. Students can distinguish different types of social networks. Students can identify advantages and disadvantages of the different social networks.
THE LANGUAGE OF LEARNING THE LANGUAGE FOR (Content- related Vocabulary and LEARNING structures) Lang. for communicating the content
THE LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING Lang. that could emerge from the learning (our guess)
Media Anti-social Cyber-bullying Technology Computer Cell phone Screen Internet World Wide Web Social networks Google Facebook
Technological changes Technological advances Progress Context Sources Experiences Imperatives Cause/Effect
When we… Now we can/could… What if…? Wh- questions Comparing/Contrasting Dis-/Advantages Comparatives/Superlatives
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OR LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: Identify Social Networks disadvantages.. Understand inventions can change the way we live. . Acknowledge the importance of the right use of the Internet. . Look at their use of Internet and learn to understand how to use it better . Identify alternatives to screen time. . Understand new vocabulary terms through context. MACROSKILLS: Listening . Speaking . Writing . Reading AUTHENTIC MATERIAL:
PROCEDURE/ DEVELOPMENT: OPENING/ENGAGING ACTIVITY: (10 minutes) Students will watch a video about the danger of meeting friends from social networks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jMhMVEjEQg The teacher will make a discussion about what happens in the video (what happened in the video? Have you ever met someone from a social network? What do you think about it? DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (MAIN FOCUS ON THE CONTENT): Activity 1: (20 minutes) After discussion the teacher will give students a Reflection paper in which they will have to complete with their own experience about social networks. My experience with Social Networks 1- Which Social Network do you use the most? 2- How many virtual friends do you have? 3- How many friend do you have in the real life? 4- Have you ever met a virtual friend? When and where? 5- Do you spend more time in Social Networks or in social activities with your real friends? 6- Do you prefer a face to face conversation or a chat via internet? 7- Do you think your use of Internet is safe? Why? Why not? We will share their productions if they want so. Activity 2 (10 minutes) After that, the teacher will give out a photocopy with pieces of advice on how using Internet in a safe way. We will read it all together and discuss it.
Activity 2 (10 minutes) The students will watch a video about cyberbullying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV5v0m6pEMs
After watching the video the teacher will ask them some questions to check understanding (What is the video about? Why does the kid look as if he were hit by somebody? Have you ever been in this position? What did you do about it? What can we do to stop it?) After discussion the teacher will give out a photocopy with some recommendations about Facebook and the cyber bullying. The students will read it aloud and we will reflect on that.
Activity 3 (20 minutes) In pairs students will have to think 5 pieces of advice for the use of Instagram. They will use the previous information as a guide.
SAFE INSTAGRAM USAGE BE CAREFUL! FOLLOW THESE TIPS: 1 - ___________________________________________________ 2- ___________________________________________________ 3- ___________________________________________________ 4- ___________________________________________________ 5- ____________________________________________________
We will share their productions Activity 4 (25 minutes)
The teacher will ask students if they remember how to make a Venn Diagram. Then she will tell them to choose 3 social networks and to make a Venn Diagram with their pros and cons
We will check it on the board all together. CLOSURE: (10 minutes) True or False Statements
Students can define online media. Students can acknowledge the importance of online media. Students can recognize different uses of the Internet. Students can identify advantages and disadvantages of screen exposure.
THE LANGUAGE OF LEARNING THE LANGUAGE FOR (Content- related Vocabulary and LEARNING structures) Lang. for communicating the content
THE LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNING Lang. that could emerge from the learning (our guess)
Cyber bullying Safe Computer Cell phone Screen Internet World Wide Web Social networks Google Facebook
Technological changes Technological advances Progress Context Sources Imperatives Cause/Effect
Now we can/could… What if…? Wh- questions Comparing/Contrasting Dis-/Advantages Comparatives/Superlatives
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OR LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the class, the students will be able to: Identify safe Internet usage. . Acknowledge the importance of the safe Internet usage. . Evaluate problems related to excessive screen time exposure. . Learn strategies to prevent problems . Identify alternatives to Internet usage. . Understand new vocabulary terms through context.
MACROSKILLS: Listening . Speaking . Writing . Reading AUTHENTIC MATERIAL: Videos . Handouts
PROCEDURE/ DEVELOPMENT: OPENING/ENGAGING ACTIVITY: (10 minutes) The students will watch a video about Safe Web Surfing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrln8nyVBLU While they watch it, they will have to complete sentences from the video Complete the following sentences: 1. Tip # 1: The Internet is _________________ 2. Tip # 2: Don’t put _______________ ________________ online 3. Tip # 3: Don’t forget about __________________ _________________ 4. Change your ___________________ 5. Back up your ___________________ . The teacher will play it twice if necessary. We will check it orally. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (MAIN FOCUS ON THE CONTENT):
Final Project The teacher will show them different pictures of Warning posters about Internet. We will talk about the different characteristics of the posters.
After that, the teacher will separate the class into groups of 4 or 5. They will have to choose one of the reflections they made and make a Warning poster for the other students of the school. Every group will come to the board and explain their posters to their mates. Then the students will stick their productions in the hall so everybody can read it. CLOSURE: (10 minutes) The teacher will give them Searchword Puzzle about social media.
EVALUATION CRITERIA Students can define online safe social media usage Students can acknowledge the importance of safe online social media usage. Students can recognize different uses of the Internet. Students can identify the danger of Internet and help others with the information taught. Students can feel more involved with the school.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student’s teacher: Jimena Rinaldi
Final Reflection of my classes E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz My experience in this Secondary was very enriching and I could fulfill my expectations. At the beginning I was really worried because they were not used to speak in English all the time, they did not like reading aloud because they did not know how to pronounce the words, and of course, they did not speak or understand English easily. There was one boy in particular who worried us because of his attitude. He did not participate and he did not care anything about it. Not only that, he spoke loudly and interrupted all the time. But to my surprise, the group reacted in a very different way. They engaged and tried to understand every lesson. I enjoyed with them every activity and I felt comfortable with them. I was surprised of myself, these teens who do not care about English were paying attention to me and trying to solve the activities. Even the boy who we were so worried about, he participates and read! I felt so proud of them when they started reading, and I strongly believe this happened because I lowered their affective filter. This situation was amazing, I learnt a lot from them and I felt fulfilled.
ISFD NÂş 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student: Jimena Rinaldi
Feedback Johanna Rebuffo’s Class 1 E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz The teacher showed a short introductory YouTube Video presenting the different types of media and after that, she elicited information from the students to check comprehension. After the discussion, the teacher showed another brief YouTube Video illustrating how technology progressed through time: Carousel of Progress. And she asked them: What changes can you see in the video? What changes specifically related to media did you notice? What sources do you use to access the news and to find information about current events? Johanna encouraged them to discuss the following news sources: Twitter, online media and news sites, television news, radio, and newspapers all together. After that, Johana brainstormed on ideas for media and wrote them down on the board in order to arrive at a single definition. The teacher guided students through a brainstorm about similarities and differences between newspapers, radio, and television. She will drew a Three-Circle Venn Diagram on the board, and labeled each circle as either “Newspaper,” “Radio,” or “Television.” Then she asked students to complete their own Three-Circle Venn Diagram. On it, they had to take into account the sources they just reviewed and determine what the similarities and differences between them. Students worked hard and they has very good productions. Johanna could elicit information from them with a new kind of activity and they did it the best they could. They were very motivated. Then the teacher gave each student a handout and explain the Unit Assignment: What is my Media Consumption? For four weeks, students has to use the provided chart and keep track of shows, movies, ads, articles, news stories, anything in the media that they pay attention to regularly, and media items that happened to grab their attention. They will use this log to record their habits and count the amount of hours they spend in front of a screen.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student: Jimena Rinaldi
Feedback Johanna Rebuffo’s Class 2 E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz
The teacher showed a YouTube Video showing how technology has evolved through time. Then Johanna elicited information from the students to check comprehension. She recorded the results on the board. The teacher showed a Power Point Presentation about who invented the computer, Charles Babbage. The information mentioned was recorded on the board. Students also copied it onto their folders. The teacher then showed students an encyclopedia. She read an outdated entry for computer and held a brief discussion of computers back in the day and now. The teacher asked students if they could think of any other inventions that changed the way we work and live. An example might be the sewing machine, which, originally, was mechanical, rather than electric, and had to be operated by a foot pedal. Another might be the phonograph, which evolved into the CD player. She showed a PowerPoint presentation with such inventions. The teacher explained that in pairs, students had to Select a common, non-electric household item that they believed was important. They were engaged. Next, there was a class discussion about how the activity applies to computers and how they evolved and continue to evolve. The students showed interest and they paid attention. Of course they spoke in Spanish when they participated. Then the teacher showed a short video showing them the changes the computer has undergone to reach its current condition. And the teacher asked questions such as What did you see? What changes could you notice? Which do you think was the most dramatic change the computer has gone through? What do we use computers today for? The results were recorded on the board and onto students’ folders. It was surprising how students worked even though they could not understand all the details. They showed how important is to give students the necessary tools to work. They enjoyed it a lot. Johanna changed the project of the Media Consumption and took this decision wisely because the students were not interested about it and they did not bring the information asked.
ISFD Nº 55 Teaching Practicum IV Student: Jimena Rinaldi
Feedback Johanna Rebuffo’s Class 3 E.E.S. N° 4, Maschwitz
The teacher started the lesson from other perspective. The students seemed to be very engaged about it. She showed moving videos to reflect from another point of view the use of the technology in our life. Johanna used a Visible Thinking Routine and made the students think. They had to analyze some pictures and write a word, a feeling and a drawing that characterize it. The students participated and were very motivated. It was an original activity and they noticed it. They loved to express their feelings and they had a very interesting discuss about it. The students’ productions and the atmosphere of the classroom manifested the teacher’s work and analysis because she realized that the final project was not proper for this group and she changed it immediately, making a suitable planning for the group. They felt comfortable and motivated until the end. The teacher’s attitude was suitable for the situation. She made a wise decision at the right moment.